March 2013_web - Kaneohe Yacht Club
March 2013_web - Kaneohe Yacht Club
March 2013 Volume LXXXIX Number 2 Opening Day Boat Blessing I14 Skiff Day KYC Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY March • April 2013 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 March 2013 3 4 5 6 7 CG Aux #14 UD Bulkhead Race 6pm Family BBQ Express Window 5:3-7:00pm 8 SATURDAY 2 Tennis Fleet Potluck 6:30PM Snack Bar 11-4 9 Newcomers Pupu Party 5:30 – 8:30 IRF A-3 Deckhands LH 6:30 GG Aux #17 UD Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 10 Boating Ed UD 6-9 Class Boat D Boating Education LH 6-8pm Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 11 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 17 18 IRF B-1 Boating Education LH 6-8pm 12 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 13 Skiff Day Dockside 9-12 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 14 Bulkhead Race 6pm Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 15 PPLH & UD 4:30pm Mooring UD 6pm Snack Bar 11-4pm 16 ORF Single Handed St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Fleet Ops LH 6:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 19 Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 20 KKids Preschool UD 9-2 F & P UD 6pm Locker 5:30-7-pm Dinner 6-8pm 21 Bulkhead Race 6pm Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 22 Snack Bar 11-4pm 23 PPLH 1- 4:30 Club Ops UD 6:30pm Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 24 PPUD 11am Membership UD 6pm Class Boat E Boating Education LH 6-8pm Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 25 26 Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 27 PPLH 11:30-1:30 Locker 5:30-7-pm Dinner 6-8pm 28 Family BBQ Express Window 5:3-7:00pm 29 Snack Bar 11-4pm 30 Bulkhead Race 6pm Keiki Easter Party LH 10-12 BOD UD 6:30 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10am-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 31 Cribbage and Bridge 6:30 1 Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 2 April 2013 Easter Brunch 9-11am Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 3 CG Aux #14 Locker 5:30-7-pm Dinner 6-8pm 4 5 Snack Bar 11-4pm 6 Bulkhead Race 6pm GG Aux #17 UD Cribbage & Bridge Locker 10am-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 7 Deckhands LH 6:30 8 Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 9 HYRA 6pm Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 10 Bunco LH 7pm PPLH 9:30am Class boat F Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 11 Bulkhead Race 6pm Mooring 6pm Cribbage & Bridge Brunch 9-11am Locker 10am-Noon Fleet Ops 6:30pm Snack Bar 12-4pm 14 IRF B-2 Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 16 Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 17 Club Ops 6:30pm F&P 6pm Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 23 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 21 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon 15 Membership 6pm 22 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 12 KK Preschl Staff Day Whole club 9-4 PPLH 6:30-11 Snack Bar 11-4pm 13 Tennis Fleet LH 6:30 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 19 Snack Bar 11-4pm 20 Bulkhead Race 6pm Ladies Round Robin Tennis 9am PPLH 6-10PM Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 24 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 26 Snack Bar 11-4pm 27 KKids Preschool UD 9-2 KKids BOD UD 6-8 Bulkhead Race 6pm BOD 6:30pm UD Cribbage & Bridge Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm Snack Bar 11-4pm Express Window 5:30-7:00pm Snack Bar 12-4pm Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 18 25 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm Prime Rib Tuesday 5-7 28 Class Boat G Wahine Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm On the cover: Fred Morelli with Rick White and crew weigh their 600+ pound marlin February 9, 2013. Photo: Jesse Andrews 2 Commodore Chuck Cotton We are off and running in the New Year. Haul-out went smoothly again this year. Thanks to Don Brown and his crew of volunteers there were no problems with noise, cleanliness or dust. The haul-out crew sealed that bulkhead area so it’s in good shape for another year. The work on “G” pier was completed with minimal disruption, the cost slightly exceeded budget - there were some unexpected repairs: four new gussets were needed so the total cost was $84,909. Thanks to Dave Nottage and his crew from Construction Associates for a fast and thorough project and to Bill “Noodle” Leary for heading up the project for KYC. Opening Day was a success with four entries in the parade and several VIP guests joining the festivities. An excellent brunch followed the parade and VC Chico Cantu presented the awards. I presented the “Commodore’s Favorite” to SS Malia, skippered by ten year old Malia Johnson who braved rain and choppy seas in her tiny El Toro to pass in review. By the time you read this we will have had a successful Valentine’s Day dinner and the first of our Thursday night bulkhead races. We are working to get more and more items posted on the new website so it can be your “Go To” source for KYC information. The PC has been installed in Ma Shultz's lounge for members to use for KYC web access at the club. I also have requested that the financials be posted on the "Members Only" side of the site. Vice Commodore Chico Cantu Opening Day was a blast; it was a great opportunity to show off our club. I didn’t see Captain Jack Sparrow but there were several other heroes representing our club very well. Thank you all for coming out, joining in and enjoying the festivities. Rules, Rules and more Rules, by a show of hands how many people like rules and regulations? I don’t see anyone raising their hands. Okay, by a show of hands how many people dislike it when they see someone else not following the rules? Oh, now I see a few hands going up. Here is the interesting point, we are all honest and upstanding members or we wouldn’t be here; however, I am sure it gets your goat when you see someone not following the rules. Is it fair? Of course not; our club rules were established for everyone’s safety and so everyone can operate on a fair and equitable playing field. I would like to think that some or our rules are not followed because the member just didn’t know. Let me tell you a short story about me breaking the rules. I use to go bicycle riding a lot and during my route I thought, it sure would be nice to just ride my bike down E-Pier to check up on my boat, so I did, several times. You know what, no one ever told me that was against the rules. It wasn’t until one day I was reading the Rules & Regulations that I saw it for myself. You’re probably thinking, man he is pretty bored to be reading the Rules & Regulations. But the truth is, I personally don’t like someone telling me that I am doing something wrong. I try to be at the top of my game. So, I challenge each and every one of you to visit the office and pick up a copy if you don’t have one, and read it from front to back. I guaranty you will learn something that you didn’t know before and maybe prevent an awkward situation. Next month you might find a different twist to our trivia questions. We still don’t have a chairperson for our Foul Weather Friends, so if someone wants to play it forward for our club please let me know. Looking forward to seeing all of you around the club or in the water, Chico Chico's Trivia Corner: Q – Where is the oldest Yacht Club in the world? A- According to the date of establishment, the Neva Yacht Club, founded in 1718 in Russia, is the oldest yacht club. However, since this Russian Yacht Club was established by a decree of Tsar Peter the Great, it does not fully qualify as a proper club in the modern sense, understood as a voluntary association of members who organize and run the club. Therefore, the Royal Cork Yacht Club founded in Ireland in 1720 is also widely acknowledged as the oldest yacht club in the world, despite having gone through periods of dormancy and undergone name changes in its long history, much in the same manner as the Neva Yacht Club. It was only in 1846 that the first yacht club in Russia to adopt British-style Members Club regulations was established. Using this Western understanding of what a club or society is, the Royal Swedish Yacht Club, KSSS, founded 1830, becomes the oldest European yacht club outside Britain, and the fifth oldest in the world. Q- Where was the first Yacht Club in North America? A- The first yacht club in North America was the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, located on the Northwest Arm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada established in July 1837. Mark Andrade and Dan Ford on Kolohe during the Opening Day Bulkhead race Photo: Kai Andrade Burgee Facts: Members belonging to a yacht club or sailing organization may fly their club's unique flag (usually triangular), called a burgee, both while under way and at anchor (however, not while racing). Traditionally, the burgee was flown from the main masthead; however it may also be flown from a small pole on the bow pulpit, or even the starboard rigging beneath the lowest starboard spreader on a flag halyard. Some traditional clubs have also been granted the right to fly a special yacht ensign at the stern. At traditional clubs the burgee and the ensign is hoisted at 08:00 each morning and lowered each evening at sunset. This ceremony is called colours. Traditionally, the first time a member of one club visits another, there is an exchange of burgees. Exchanged burgees are often displayed on 3 the premises of clubs, such as at their clubhouse or bar. El Toro Clinic January 12-13 Junior Sailing Director Jesse Andrews We are off to a great start this spring with sailing classes well attended and an Intermediate adult sailing class starting on March 2nd. We also have our first HYSA regatta of the year March 2nd at the Pacific Yacht Club on Hickam Air Force Base. We plan to have about 12 KYC kids attending. Our second HYSA of the year will be hosted by the Kaneohe Marine Corps base on March 16th. We will be launching boats for this regatta from KYC and are planning on using the float boat to bring kids to the Marine Corps base afterwards for the barbecue. Lastly we have started high school sailing practices on Monday and Wednesdays from 4 to 6pm. These classes will run through the end of March. Our summer sailing dates are now set. Applications and information are available from the front office. These classes will start the first Monday of June and run every two weeks until the end of July. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the water! Aloha, Jesse ADULT INTERMEDIATE SAILING CLASSES AT KYC We are offering Adult Intermediate Sailing Lessons on KYCʼs newly acquired Cal-20! Lessons will be limited to the first four adults, so sign up now! Classes will be on Saturday morning from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon, starting March 2 and ending on March 23. These intermediate sailing classes and are designed to provide an enjoyable introduction to the sport of sailing. Tuition: $220 for members and $280 for non-members Please come to the office to fill out an application if you are interested. (247-4121) Contact Jesse Andrews 4 Photos: Kai Andrade Port Captain Bob Hurd KYC Club Manager Ken Rakta Aloha, Saturday, March 9th will be our first Newcomers Pupu Party for 2013. Please join us for this fun event and bring a pupu to share as we welcome our new club members. The Deckhands will host the Keiki Easter Party on Saturday, March 30 from 10:00 Am to Noon. There will be many surprises for our keiki as usual. We will have the shave ice truck standing by to delight both keiki and adults. Sunday, March 31 is our Easter Brunch. You’ll find the menu and charges elsewhere in this issue. Manager's Reminder of the Month: Members and Guests, when bringing young children to swim in our pools or visiting the bulkhead and piers, please be sure you are within reach of your children at all times. Kaneohe Yacht Club has a variety of venues to accommodate the special events you are planning. Call the office at (808) 247 4121 for more information and to reserve your date. The areas that had been paved last year are scheduled to be seal-coated in the last part of March, tentatively the 25 thru the 28th. The work area North of the boat ramp to the fence will be done on the 25th and 26th. The area near the El Toro shed and the bulkhead car parking area is scheduled for the 27th and 28th. The affected areas will be blocked to traffic until the coating cures. Both areas will be available that weekend. The wait list for dry mooring has been cleaned up fairly well; however, some folks on the list still have not up-dated their application data. I assigned three dry slips last week and skipped over several applicants who have not given any information about the size of boat they want to keep at the Club. Dry slip boat size is determined by the Length Over All (LOA), and the beam. LOA includes the boat, motor and trailer tongue extending past the bow of the boat. There are hinge kits for trailer tongues available that can reduce the LOA significantly. The beam for a trailer boat includes the width from tire to tire or from rail to rail, whichever is larger. Those who are awaiting wet slips should take heed, as there are some people on the wet list with vague applications, giving LOA only or nothing at all! Check your applications and make any changes now because I will be placing incomplete applications on the Wet and Dry Inactive Wait Lists soon. Summer is approaching, and there will be more demand for spaces to moor boats over the weekend or overnight. Marina regulations specify that "Unassigned mooring facilities (bulkhead, finger piers, end of G- Pier, etc.) shall not be occupied for longer than two (2) hours without prior approval of the Port Captain." This measure helps me provide slips to those who wish to remain in the water overnight. Do not occupy a slip that is vacant at the moment, as there are no vacant slips at KYC. Slip assignees may not re-assign their slips to other boaters for overnight or longer without calling me. Please call me before you decide to keep your boat in the water. A reminder: Personal Water Craft may not be launched at KYC. For those boaters on "G" Pier, the engineer for the pier, Bill Leary, is asking those slip holders to re-configure their lines as shown, so as to put a compression load on the pier, instead of trying to pull the pier planks apart. This applies only to the ends of the finger piers where the lines can be crossed and not present a trip hazard. Finally, I ask those slip holders whose KYC stickers have faded to illegibility to go to the office and obtain replacements for your boat, and trailer if you have one. Stay safe, have fun, and I'll see you on the water. You are invited to the KYC Newcomers Pupu Party Saturday March 9, 2013 Let’s all show our aloha and welcome our new members! 5:30 pm Newcomers check in 6:00 pm Introductions Pupu party to follow Current members please bring a pupu to share 5 Hours: Sunday 10:00 - Noon Thursday 5:30 - 7:00 Wide Brim Hat - $20 Duffel Beach Bag - $33 KYC Tote - $25 Linen Camp Shirt - $35 Driftwood, Midnight Beach Bag - $33 Sarongs - $6 to $15 many prints and solids to choose from Hat Tails Visors - $12 New Colors! Muted Burgee T - $16 white, navy Men’s Polo w/ pocket - $34 Long Sleeve Burgee T -$18 New Color! Jacket - $50 Deckhands Ann Bachmann Hello Everyone! As the calendar moves from the Winter to Spring, we will be having the Newcomers' Pupu Party on Saturday, March 9. Please bring a pupu, to welcome our New Members. Please arrive between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. for introductions at 6:00. The Easter Bunny comes to KYC on Saturday, March 30, from 10:00 a.m.- Noon. There will be Arts and Crafts, a Balloonist, Pony rides, Bunnies and Chicks to pet, and the annual Easter Egg Hunt. All of this fun for our Keiki, the children and grands and the greats of our members, age 10 and under. Please come and check out the Deckhands Locker. We have a steady stream of new arrivals! Our Volunteer of the Month is Sandra Corrigan. Sandra, please stop by and use your discount. Thursday Night Bulkhead Races are back! Welcome New KYC Stand Up Paddle Board Fleet in 2013 For all the enthusiastic paddlers out there please look for upcoming information about our SUP Fleet on the yacht club's bulletin board. Inquires can contact: New Stand Up Paddle Board racks coming soon! Scenes from the Opening Day Bulkhead Race February 10, 2013 Hawaii’s Photos: Kai Andrade Thursday Night Bulkhead Races begin again on February 28 and run every Thursday night at 6 PM through the end of September. KYC's Bulkhead races are the fun and stress-free way to enjoy sailboat racing. We divide the boats into four classes to suit all sizes and skill levels, and handicaps are assigned accordingly. There is no prior registration ever required and there are no dues either. In deference to it being a fun race, protests are not allowed. All you need do is just bring your boat to the bulkhead in time to check in and be ready for a simple "push-off" start. Even if you have no boat and/or no experience you will find our gang welcoming. So please come down to the bulkhead any Thursday evening and look for me. I will check you in, handicap your boat, or do my best to find you a boat if you'd like to give it a try. Aloha, Bill Riddle 386-2455 (FUN-BILL) SOLAR Authority Interested in Going Solar? Call Mike Barker at (808) 554-8984 or e-mail at 7 Tennis Lessons for Adults at KYC Six-Week Spring 2013 Session Scheduled Dates: Starting the week of April 15, 2013 and ending May 24, 2013 Instruction by Kalaheo Tennis Coach, Greg Siok, KYC member Back to Basics group lessons: a review of tennis fundamentals. In this class you will learn core fundamentals of tennis, including: forehand, backhand, volley and service. Goals include introducing the approach shot, lob and overhead strokes, learning to direct shots, vary pace, to improve footwork and to learn basic tennis strategies. We will start out with sign-ups for two six-week “Back to Basics” classes for 4-8 players*. Cost is $120 per person for 6 total hours on Wednesdays 8-9 a.m. or Fridays 4-5 p.m. Beyond Basics group lessons: instruction of tennis mechanics, drills and strategy. Participants should already be playing once a week or more and are fairly serious about the game, able to hit consistent serves, sustain a rally and control the net with volleys and overheads. Goals include covering more advanced playing strategies for tennis, like poaching, learning additional specialty strokes, improving serves and practice in putting spin on the ball. We will start out with sign-ups for two six-week “Beyond Basics” classes for 4-8 players*. Cost is $120 per person for 6 total hours on Wednesdays 9-10 a.m. or Fridays 5-6 p.m. *If there are not 4 enrollments for the six-week group lesson session that you signed up for, the session will be cancelled. You will be offered enrollment in another session or be given a refund. No refunds will be given once the first lesson starts and no transfers to another session. Rain out lessons will be made up at a later date. Private lessons: usually produce the quickest improvement in your tennis game. If you want to improve quickly, focus on a specific area of improvement or address a problem stroke, private lessons are highly recommended. Cost is $70 per hour, $38 per half-hour or $325 for 5 hours, $180 for 5 half hours. Call Greg at 392-4734 to arrange for a time. Semi-private lessons: instruction works best if two or three players are about the same skill level and want to focus on similar areas. Cost is $35 per person for a one-hour lesson or $160 per person for 5 hours . Call Greg at 392-4734 to arrange for a time. Time slots are open Wednesdays from 10 a.m. till noon and Fridays from 2-4 p.m. for private and semi-private lessons. These time slots may be extended based on demand. Contact the KYC office to sign up for lessons (247-4121) 8 Tennis Fleet Donlei Darnell The Tennis Fleet had a beautiful Italian evening with checkered tablecloths, wine bottles with candles and a wonderful, wonderful variety of Italian dishes. The décor was made possible by Gail Hutchinson and BJ Duncan and they transformed the Long House into a "trattoria" with mood music by Clay Hutchinson. The delicious food was courtesy of the fabulous cooks in the fleet. The evening was so enjoyable that members stayed and visited long past the normal time. The tournament for February was a fun round robin handled by Sally Bogert and she did a great job. We had sixteen players. The winner for the Men was Rob Rietow and in second place was visitor Steve Gobert, JoAnn Gobert's son. The winner for the Women was JoAnn Goebert and in second place was just about every other women player there!! A fun afternoon for sure. Next month our potluck will be the always anticipated Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner on Saturday, March 2 in the KYC Long House starting with pupu at 6:30. Starting on April 15, Greg Siok will be offering tennis lessons for six weeks, ending May 24. Look for information in the Telltales and on bulletin boards at the club. You can call Donlei with questions. Call the KYC Office to sign up for lessons. Aaron Phillips, Dew & Bob Babyak, Sherri Phillips BJ & Chuck Schrader, Judy & Bob Thurston .$,0$/,12 0,1,(67$7( .DLPDOLQR PLQLHVWDWH KDV LW DOO JDWHG HQWU\ OHDGV LQWR HOHJDQW UHPRGHOHG KRPH 2SHQ ÁRRU SODQ IHDWXUHV IRUPDO OLYLQJ GLQLQJ URRPV ODUJH IDPLO\ URRP RYHUORRNLQJ EODFN ERWWRP SRRO DQG ZDWHUIDOO JRXUPHW NLWFKHQ XS DQG RQ PDLQ OHYHO /RFDWHG ULJKW DFURVV IURP ´7XUWOH %HDFKµ DFFHVV WR VSHFWDFXODU .DLOXD %D\ /DUJH GULYHZD\ KDV JDWHG HQWUDQFHV 2IIHUHG DW Chris Brigham, Lou Darnell, John Gross and Cathy Brigham 5HÁHFWLQJ ([FHOOHQFH LQ 5HDO (VWDWH &RQQLH &DUYLOO 5HDOWRU &56 *5, ´<RXU :LQGZDUG 2DKX 6SHFLDOLVWµ 1 .DODKHR $YHQXH 6XLWH $ .DLOXD +DZDLL 2IÀFH 7ROO )UHH )D[ ZZZFDUYLOOFRFRP 9 Photos: Donlei Darnell Paul & Sally McCully Fishing Fleet Boat Blessing On February 2, 2013 the Fishing Fleet sponsored the annual KYC Boat Blessing. The ceremony was performed by Paul "Nahoa" Lucas of Kamahameha Schools and it incorporated a Christian /Hawaiian Blessing. At one point in the opening ceremony Nahoa, reading from the book of Mark, spoke of Jesus calming the seas. At the exact moment a swirling gust thrust thru KYC and almost lifts the tent. It appeared to me that for one second, Nahoa awakened a spirit that controlled the wind and sea. His explanation of the ti leaf as an instrument of the blessing invited and encouraged good spirits to gather and soon the winds calmed. Bulkhead vessels were addressed first, followed by vessels on both docks. Crews placed their hands in a manner to receive the blessing conducted with instruments of the purest water, cleanest salt, and the leaf as a means to spread God's consent. After some 30 boats, the entire club was sanctified including the Galley, manager and office staff. Afterwards the traditional pot luck maintained the ritual and all involved appeared to be thankful for a nourishing and enlightening event. Clockwise: Pam Freed; Bob Stephenson and family aboard Crusader; KYC staff Ken Rakta, Jean Liu and Mike Wolper; Lou & Kim Ickler Photos: Victoria Stark Art Nelson Sailmaker Ullman Sails Hawaii 1163 Kona Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 808.593.9958, 808.591.9056 Fax e-mail: Awnings & Canvas • Riggers & Sailmakers by Trade Open Monday thru Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Contact our sailmaker Marc Barra for pick-up and delivery to KYC. OUR PRODUCTS COME WRAPPED IN OUR SAILING EXPERIENCE. Hardware Line Epoxy Rust Protection Antifouling Paint Remember, Ullman Sails, the fastest sails on the planet. Visit Art Nelson Sailmaker for your boating needs. Special order equipment is welcome. KYC Opening Day 2013 - SuperHeroes KYC Director Lou Darnell, HYSA Commodore Kai Andrade and KYC Director Ralph Goto Eldon & Secretary Lucrecia Fry Rear Commodore Tom Pochereva, USCG CDR Glenn Martineau, Commodore Chuck Cotton, Vice Commodore Chico Cantu United States Armed Forces SuperHeroes aboard Ghost USCG CDR Martineau, Rear Commodore Pochereva and Commodore Cotton Dave & Heather Lammers, Ron Dodini and friends Chinese Superheroes Honey & Kimo Corstorphine and crew on Meli Americaʼs Heros Past and Present - the Deckhands 11 Commodoreʼs Favorite Malia Johnson on SS Malia Photos: Kai Andrade & Donlei Darnell International 14 Fleet Elise Leroux A brisk 12-15 knot northerly breeze kicked off the I-14 season on January 20th. Capsizes, penalty turns, and some fun reaches made for exciting sailing for the four boats that turned out. Props to the Alohalani crew, which did a fine job on race committee, even shorthanded and in tricky conditions. They kept us in our harnesses for the last race, setting a course that included a tight reach, an angle typically unstable but fast (and fun!) for an I-14. Tom Pochereva and Brad Cole aced the day with two bullets and a 2nd, Elise Leroux and Doug Gordon were close on their stern only one point behind, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Maureen Bates in 3rd, and Todd Ericksen and Doug White in 4th after missing Race 2 due to a breakdown. February 9th brought ideal I-14 conditions (8-12 knot trades) for classboat regatta B. A northerly shift in the first race provided some good entertainment among the fleet as we watched each other’s exploits rounding the leeward mark. Even without a gybe, the I-14s couldn’t lay the mark and had to douse kites early and climb to the mark. This meant a wrong-sided approach, requiring a two-sail gybe (i.e., main and jib only), which is much less stable than a gybe with a spinnaker, but all boats successfully avoided a capsize. The last leeward rounding of the day saw the I-14s barreling through the Cal 20 fleet to get to the mark, at full speed with kites up, one I-14 coming in from the right, one from the left, and one threading the needle through the middle (before capsizing). Team Bates nabbed first for the day with two bullets and a 2nd, Elise Leroux and Doug Gordon trailed by one point, and Tom Pochereva and Brad Cole finished 3rd but schooled the fleet in knot-tying skills. IRF sailors from Crusader and Joust did a great job on race committee. Learning to trapeze Kaneohe Skiff Day f you think you missed a chance to get out on an I-14, think again! The first I-14 Skiff Day on February 17 saw high winds, so the on-the-water portion of the program was postponed, but an impressive turnout of 16 sailors learned about I-14ing through on-shore drills of trapezing skills and spinnaker hoists and douses. Another Skiff Day is planned for Saturday, March 9th from 9am to noon, and we’ll get out on the water this time if sustained Bay winds are under 15 knots. Don’t miss it! For more information, call I-14 fleet captain Elise Leroux at 386-4764 (no texts, please). Learning about the I14 Dousing the spinnaker 13 Fitting harnesses Photos: Elise Leroux 14 C-20 Fleet Jeff Cruise Aloha from the Cal 20 Fleet, The start of the season has arrived and we already have 2 regattas under our belts. For both regattas, we were able to get 8 boats out on the line for some competitive starts and exciting back-and-forth racing. Bob Henderson and crew on T-2 took the win in Classboat A while fleet newcomer Steve Hochart, sailing his new boat Hotel California, won Classboat B. Congratulations! Top three results in each regatta are as follows: Classboat A Date: 1/20/13 Finish Sailors Boat Score 1st Bob Henderson and Crew T-2 7 2nd Jeff Cruise and Crew Pilikia 7 3rd John Myrdal and Crew Ol' Blue 8 We also had a great time at the post racing BBQ for Classboat A. Thanks to newly appointed Cal 20 Social Chair Katie Cruise for organizing the event. We hope to have a few more occasions like that in the near future. Classboat B Date: 2/9/13 Finish Sailors Boat Score 1st Steve Hochart and Crew Hotel Ca. 5 2nd Ken Kaan and Crew Time Fo' 9 3rd Andrew Meade and Crew Lucky Bucket 9 Eight boats on the line is a great start to the season, but we hope to get a few more out on the race course in the coming weeks. And if anyone not involved is looking to get out on the water and be a part of some really competitive one-design races, don't hesitate to come check out the Cal 20 fleet. Mahalo to all, and see you out on the water. 15 16 MEMBERSHIP REPORT El Toro Fleet First, in 2010 checks were written for shirts purchased during Bullship. They were set aside and never cashed. Over the past month they were unearthed. Our sincerest thanks go out to all of you who were such good sports and re-issued checks to the fleet! The Bulls are coming to town! The El Toro North American Championships will be held at KYC from August 4 - 9. This is an open event, so drag the boat out, clean it up and practice with the fleet on Friday Nights to be ready for your big moment on the water. We expect 20-25 boats from the mainland and will have Junior and Senior Division races. The NOR is on line at KYC's website and Toro, toro, toro! by Rick Villalobos Membership Count as of March 1, 2013 SENIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597 LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 ASSOCIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 INTERMEDIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 LIFE FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 JUNIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . .102 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .873 17 18 Hawaii’s Hawaii’ s ONLY In-Water In-Water Yacht Ya Y acht Brokerage Brokerage The The One-Stop One-Stop Shop Shop For: For: Sales Sales • Maintenance Maintenance • Repairs Repairs Offering Offering Pre-Sale Pre Pr e-Sale Moorage Moorage For For Boats Boats Up Up To To 80’ 8 0’ L ocated iin n Ko’Olina Marina Marina Located (8 08) 256-5206 256-5206 (808) w YOUR FRIENDS AT THE KYC GALLEY HAVE PARTNERED UP WITH THE BEST NEW RESTAURANT IN KAILUA AND WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU THE FOLLOWING FOR A DINING EXPERIENCE AT THE GROVE. 2 ( 03 < ( ( / ( > 0 0º W W W .G R O V E K A I L U A . C O M 33 AULIKE STREET KAILUA, HI 96734 808-262-2898 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads are free to KYC members. Please submit your ad copy by the 15th of the month prior to publication. - 247-4121 Mahalo DISCOUNT OF 10% OFF ANY DINING EXPERIENCE AT THE GROVE (OFFER NOT VALID ON THURSDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER PROMOTIONS) BOATS *PRESENT YOUR GATE CARD FOR PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP UPON ARRIVAL* 12’ INFLATABLE BOAT $1,975 New 8HP Yamaha 4 Stroke, plus Trailer/Anchor/Elec. Pump/Paddle. Perfect fun for Kaneohe Bay. Peter-722-5556 ENJOY SEASONAL MENUS AND SPECIALS TRY THE NEW “SMALL PLATE” MENU FRESH, LOCALLY SOURCED PRODUCE, SEAFOOD, AND MEATS WEEKLY BAR SPECIALS AND MORE. 25’6” SEAFOX Twin 150 Yamaha. V-Berth w/head, Refrig., Sink. Cruise, Fish, Dive, Ski. Low hours, 150 Gal fuel, Top Electronics. Great all around boat. $38,000 - 722-5556 28' SEARAY WEEKENDER 1991 XLNT Condition. MKM slip negotiable. $32,000/OBO. Kit 477-0770, 33’ DONZI Z33 CROSSBOW TWIN 460 COBRA Less than 2 hours on them. Forward berth, head, (2) freshwater sinks, refrig/freezer. Soft ride, tops at 70 mph. Brand new, 2011 Triple Axle Aluminum trailer with 6 disc brakes. $51,500 636-1622 38’ CATALINA / 2000 / $121K / KYC G 62 / contact Don Brown 262-7001 19 Telltales Kaneohe Yacht Club 44-503 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744 Telephone 808-247-4121 Fax 808-235-8180 Email: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED