1/2 OFF - Penny Saver Home
1/2 OFF - Penny Saver Home
Penny Saver FREE Take One The Northeast Georgia June 28, 2012 To Place Your Ad • (706) 377-SAVE (377-7283) Fax: (706) 376-4488 • E-Mail:ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com Volume 7, Issue 42 SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA 4th of July Savings 1/2 OFF 1st Months Lease Payment or up to 2 WEEKS FREE Lease Payments* *Receive 1 Free Week for every week paid. Two week maximum. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Applies to NEW LEASE agreements only. Expires 7/7/2012 getamericanhome.com Celebrating the American Home 4th of July Savings SAMSUNG 43” TV starting at o. • 2 HDMI • 1 USB • SRS Theater Sound • #1 Rated TV 9m 79o9r . $ 2399 wk $ REFRESHING CONTEMPORAY STYLE WITH THE COMFORT YOU NEED LAPTOPS starting at o. 9m 99o9r . $ 2999 wk $ 69 $ 20 $ • 4gb RAM • 350g HD • HDMI • Wifi • Web Camera • Dual Core Processor • Windows 7 Home Premium Operating System 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1411.99 LUXURIOUS CONTEMPORARY BEDROOM starting at 99 mo. or 99 wk. ng at starti mo. 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1129.99 120 LOW PRICE $988.99 LARGE FAMILY DINING ROOM COUNTER HEIGHT 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1058.68 $ 55” LCD FLAT SCREEN TV • Full HD 1080p with 120Hz • 4 HDMI Inputs, PC Input, Audio & Digital Pictures; Pause Live TV with USB Time Shift SRS Tru Surround, 9 mo. 59o9r k. $ 1799 w W $ 120 DAY LO 9 .9 PRICE $506 99 mo. 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1835.99 or 99 wk. 129 $ 38 99 starting at starting at 9 mo. 79o9r . $ 2399 wk $ FRIGIDAIRE/AFFINITY FRONT LOAD LAUNDRY PAIR WITH PEDESTALS starting at ng a 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1411.99 74or . 99 wk $ 22 $ starti 99 99 mot. or $ 29 99 wk. $ 120 DAY LOW PRICE $899.99 SIMPLY BUNK BEDS MATTRESSES INCLUDED starting at o. 9m 89o9r 120 DAY LOW PRICE $1270.99 . $ 2699 wk TRADITIONAL BEDROOMS $ 2 - The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com J’S MARINE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $2 each. Call 706-498-2423 F705 2 antique Wurlizter juke boxes $1500/$2000. 706377-3246 P628 BOATS & ACCESSORIES Elvis DVD-R most famous hits 20 live performances + bonus features $5. Other DVDs only $2 each. 706-498-2423 F705 14 ft. sears Jon boat, green carpet inside, doesn’t leak, 7 1/2 HP motor & trolling motor, has 2 swivel seats $1400 OBO. 706-498-3034 P628 RCA victor antique radio $50 3 ft. high 706-5678707 F705 1988 15 1/2 ft. Bass Boat $1200. Call 706-4363599 TF Song book, Elvis Presley album of juke box favorites No. 1 from 1956 $40. Call 706-498-2423 F705 1993 Kawasaki 750 Jet Ski $1000. 706-4363599 TF Elvis DVD-R “Most Famous Hits”, 20 live performances plus bonus features $5. Other DVDs only Two 1997 Sea Doo GTX’s with trailer $4500 or $4000 without trailer. Call 706-436-3599 TF Spa by Laura FULL SERVICE DAY SPA Offering 6 Differnt Massage Modalities Technologically Advanced Facial Services Spray Tanning Waxing Fabulous Feet Foot Massage Body Contouring Body Wraps & More. Gift Cards Available for all Occasions in all Price Ranges. & CUSTOM CANVAS 1 Mile from Hartwell Marina We do all types of boat tops, covers, enclosures and more. Also boat & camper interiors. If you need it covered - call us today. 864-226-4975 OR 706-376-4045 P712 J’S MARINE & CUSTOM CANVAS We carry a full line of boat accessories, electronics, new & used boat & motor parts. We carry new & used trailers. Service most types of outboards. 864-226-4975 OR 706-376-4045 P712 Marine Service & Repair. Service ~ We Come To You. Boats & PWC. Call 706-436-3599 TF Visit SpabyLaura.com for more info. 864-376-6949 Call For Appointment LUMKIN & CO. ROOFING Need a new Roof? We can help! Fast, Friendly Professional Service! No Long Waiting! References Available! All work Guaranteed! Insurance Claims Welcome! Call today for Free Inspecion and quote! Licensed, Bonded & Insured 864-276-8032 AMBER’S ACCOUNTING Now offering payroll services through our cost-effective payroll processing services, checkbook, credit cards reconciling, profit, loss available monthly with year to date comparatives, balance sheet maintained for accounting, banking, investor review, accounts payable with 30, 60, 90+ day aging for your payment instructions. Call today for more details! 706-436-0622 P712 Heavy brush cutting. Improve real estate marketability and profits.Maintain overgrown properties. Cuts and mulches debris.Eco-friendly.No permits required. Call John 706-961-4164 P719 Discover Spa by Laura! At Stylette Salon, 415 East Johnson St., Hartwell, Ga BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES BUILDING SUPPLIES & TOOLS Advertise your building tools or supplies here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF Green Acres Lawn Care. We will beat any price. Call for a free quote 706-436-4988 A628 Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. Call Billy 706-201-7058 or 706-2457871 ATF We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com Have a job you need done? I have many skills. No job is to big or small. Call 706-371-4452 P628 READING TUTOR GRADES: K-4 City of Hartwell By teacher with 20 years experience. REFERENCES AVAILABLE. 706-371-2156 P825 Paint it with a woman’s touch. WE LOVE TO PAINT! Painted To Perfection We do a perfect job every time. FREE ESTIMATES Please call Sherry 706-567-5824 Canon, GA 24 HOUR TOWING BEST RATES AROUND! Adam Norris 706-498-1821 Glenn Norris 706-308-5089 STM CORNER STORE 440 Almond St., Elberton, GA Old Fashion Country Bacon, Liver Loaf, Sow Meat, Ham Hocks LUNCH SPECIAL ~ 8 Topping Sausage Dog Combo w/ Chips & Drink.....$2.99 Homemade Chili & Hot Fries Everyday Hours: 8 am ~ 6:30 pm WIGS START AT $10 706-283-2137 or 706-567-8285 P628 ARM CONTRACTING Roofing ~ Metal, Shingle Professional Painting, Decks, Remodeling 20 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE FREE ESTIMATE Call Andy 706-410-3139 S & L Fun Center Having a church picnic, family reunion, or birthday party? Come by and see us for all outside amusement & concession needs. We carry a Cotton Candy Machine, Popcorn Machine, Snow Cone Machine, Crayon Bounce Large, Sports Themed Bouncer Medium & Jungle Themed Bouncer Large. Cotton Candy Mix & Snow Cone Items Are Available For Sale. Call For Prices & Availabilty Grass Cutting, Land Clearing, Haul Off Anything, Painting, Clean Houses, Free Pick Up Of Old Appliances 706-567-8285 P628 HARTWELL GUN & SUPPLY STOCKING STORE FRONT DEALER Transfers & Consignments 10% SPECIAL ORDERS 706-376-4867 WNC AUTO PARTS Specializing in Toyota 2WD & 4WD Trucks, Tacomas, 4 Runners, Camry & Avalon. Parts for all years 1979-2002. Auto, Body, Interior & Exterior Parts We Also Buy Toyota Vehicles! Contact Jimmy P712 828-231-5715 Dr. Marshall: Man of Week One of the busiest positions in the entire nation is Dr. Jeffrey Marshall of Gainesville, a leading founder of the Northeast Georgia Heart Center based at the Ronnie Greene Heart Center. The doctor, a cardiologist indeed, has helped establish this amazing place as the top center in Georgia and among the top five percent in the nation. Dr. Marshall’s father was a rocket scientist. Ronnie Greene, whom we met at a little grocery store he co-owned with his parents, donated more than a million dollars upon his death and the center carries his name. Ronnie’s father passed away a short time ago and his proud mother survives. Dr. Marshall has been busy multi-fold this year. He is one of the planners of the sparkling, brand-new Ty Cobb Health System in Lavonia. This modern medical palace has a staff of numerous specialties. WE BEAT ANY PRICES! P719 DEDE 706-426-6341 O’NEAL 706-318-7289 STORE 706-376-8743 NORRIS TOWING & WRECKER SERVICE The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 3 Top experts in their field. Some people in Hartwell and Royston may not be pleased because of losing their facilities, but time will tell the difference. We vividly recall the last interview with Ty Cobb when baseball great Ty Cobb was on his deathbed at the hospital he founded. The late Dr. Stewart Brown of Royston, Mr. Cobb’s doctor and a friend of ours, set us the interview. But Dr. Jeffrey Marshall is beaming and on cloud nine for another reason. He has his first grandchild. Billy Dilworth You may write or call Billy & Joyce Dilworth at: Magnolia Hills Retirement Community, 504 Historic 441 North, Demorest, GA 30535 or 706-754-0203 “Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. The views or opinions expressed in column are not necessarily the views or opinions of The Penny Saver or its staff. COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES 706-245-9494 706-498-2064 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349. ETF EMAIL YOUR CLASSIFIEDS TO NGAPENNYSAVERAD@YAHOO.COM OR CALL THE PENNY SAVER 706-377-7283. 4 - The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 We Have What Buyers Want! NU-ROOM ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE $5 OFF Any services of Pedicure & Manicure, Tanning, Full set or Fill-ins, Waxing, Facial, Solar & Gel Nails www.nailsandsales.com P01032013 THREE SONS Nursing scrubs for sale $2 each. 706-4368319 F628 ********************************** 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 706-377-4410 BILL’S CORNER Large Bag of Girls Name brand Jeans,Shorts,& tops sizes 3 & 5 xlent condition $25 for all. Call 706-886-0125 F705 Licensed & Insured 38 South Forest Avenue, Hartwell Share a laugh with... Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother. The first said, “I built a big house for our mother.” The second said, “I sent her a Mercedes with a driver.” The third smiled and said, “I’ve got you both beat. You remember how mom enjoyed reading the Bible? And you know she can’t see very well. So I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took elders in the church 12 years to teach him. He’s one of a kind. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot recites it.” Soon thereafter, mom sent out her letters of thanks: “Milton,” she wrote one son, “The house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house.” “Gerald,” she wrote to another, “I am too old to travel. I stay most of the time at home, so I rarely use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!” “Dearest Donald,” she wrote to her third son, “You have the good sense to know what your mother likes. The chicken was delicious.” FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES GOLDEN NAILS & TAN 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com Christian man wants to sit with elderly during the daytime. Can drive around, cook, do house work. References upon request. 706-377-3528 leave message if no answer. TF CLOTHING, JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES 5 pair mens new Levis jeans, size 33/34 $10 each. 706-436-5404 F705 THE LONE RANGER & TONTO The Lone Ranger and Tonto walked into a bar one day and sat down to drink a beer. After a few minutes, a big tall cowboy walked in and said, “Who owns the big white horse outside?” The Lone Ranger stood up, hitched his gunbelt, and said, “I do. Why?” The cowboy looked at the Lone Ranger and said, “I just thought you would like to know that your horse is just about dead outside!” The Lone Ranger and Tonto rushed outside and, sure enough, Silver was about dead from heat exhaustion. The Lone Ranger got him some water and soon Silver was starting to feel a little better. The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said, “Tonto, I want you to run around Silver and see if you can create enough of a breeze to make him start to feel better.” Tonto said, “Sure Kemosabe”, and took off running circles around Silver. Not able to do anything else but wait, the Lone Ranger returned to the bar to finish his drink. A few minutes later, another cowboy struts into the bar and announces, “Who owns that big white horse outside?” The Lone Ranger stands again and claims, “I do. What is wrong with him this time?” The cowboy says to him, “Nothing much, I just wanted you to know you left your Injun running...” ********************************** MALL VISIT An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and back together again. The boy asked his father, “What is this, Father?” The father [never having seen an elevator] responded “Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don’t know what it is.” While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheel chair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched small circles of lights with numbers above the walls light up. They continued to watch the circles light up in the reverse direction. The walls opened up again and a beautiful 24-year-old woman stepped out. The father said to his son, “Go get your mother.” We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 5 COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Advertise your electronic items here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF FARM EQUIPMENT & HEAVY MACHINERY Advertise your equipment or machinery here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF FITNESS, SPORTS & HUNTING ~ PRE-OWNED MOTORCYCLES ~ Sportbikes, CRUISERS, harleys, choppers, atvs, dirtbikes, utvs ON SITE SERVICE AVAILABLE parts & accessories APPAREL & ACCESSORIES FINANCING AVAILABLE eASY tERMS Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns. New & Used. We can special order and can sell your gun for you. Call 706-376-7280 P705 Looking for parts for Colteer made by Colt rifle for arc wood piece reasonable price 706-4983034 F705 rock branch archery, hunting supply & 3d range Elbert County ~ PSE DEALER nEXT tOURNAMENT jULY 8TH ‘00 honda cbr 929rr ~ $4995 8 A.M TO 3 P.M. FOR MORE INFO CALL BOBBY 706-318-0610 ROCKBRANCHARCHERY.COM P719 FOOD, FLOWERS & FIREWOOD ‘08 sUZUKI c50 bOULEVARD ~ $4500 The Edgefield Peach truck at old Lakeview Produce, Anderson Hwy. every Thursday only. 8:30 until P714 For sale Bronalaids in bloom, hummingbird vines, gardinias, colias, pink begonias, aloe vera. Call 706-245-5859 F705 Blackberries $3 quart, $10 gallon. Also cucumbers 3 for $1. 706-599-9093 F628 Shelled pecans, mostly halves, $10 per pound plus shipping. 706-376-8968 P628 ‘07 hd dELUXE ~ $14,000 ALL NATURAL GRASS FED ANGUS BEEF NO HORMONES ~ NO ANTIBIOTICS ‘10 Kawasaki zx-14 ~ $9100 NEW LOCATION 918 ELBERT STREET, ELBERTON 706-213-0010 See All Inventory On-Line aanddcycles.net 1/2 BEEF.......$600 1/4 BEEF.......$325 706-499-8008 No calls after 8pm FOR THE HOME Dresser with 9 drawers, solid wood, 2 mirrors $35. 706-376-8472 if no answer leave message F705 Shower chair, brand new, $25. 706-376-8472 F705 3 in 1 crib changing table & toddler bed, tan color, used 3-4 months $90. 678-343-0367 F628 Serta queen size boxsprings & mattress set 706498-5398 or 706-498-7233 F628 Gray bunk bed with 2 mattresses & ladder. $70 Call 706-436-1362 F628 WHOLESALE FURNITURE OUTLET Furnish Your Home For Less MATTRESSES HOME FURNISHINGS DECORATIVE ART 706-245-7300 675 Bowers Street, Royston Open Tue-Sat 10-5 FREEBIES Place your freebies here! Free items equals free ads. Call the Penny Saver now 706-377-7283 ETF Free Kittens, 1 Black and White and 1 Calico. Call 706-283-4191 or text only 1-706-410-6933 F705 BOX ITS ARE A GREAT WAY TO SELL YOUR ITEMS QUICK FOR ONLY $28 FOR 4 WEEKS! CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 Free Beagle loves to run, good with other animals & kids, need to be on a farm. 706-436-6938 ask for Mark F705 Free Kitten 1 black & white. Call 706-283-4191 or text only 1-706-410-6933 F705 Kitten free to good home Hartwell 706-3764114 F628 5 free house trained, very friendly kittens, 7-8 weeks old, eat dry food. 706-498-6885 F628 GARAGE, YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS Having a yard sale? Advertise it in The Penny Saver for only $5 for 20 words or less. 706-377-7283 TF Big 2 family yard sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 28, 29 & 30, 8 a.m. until. Lots of everything 6 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com Ed’s Bobcat & Stump Grinding Service FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years Experience 706-779-7184 or 706-476-8023 record. Drug Free workplace. Apply in person at RV World of Georgia ATF at 4957 Elberton Hwy. P628 Huge Yard Sale at 347 Powell Road, Hartwell on June 29 & 30 at 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. P628 Yard/Moving Sale June 30, 8 a.m. until at the corner of Vanna Road and Goldmine Holly springs Road. 48” oak table with 4 chairs, twin mirror dresser with matching chest of drawers, used dryer, custom wood reptile cage that looks like a bay window. Call after 3:30 706-968-6858 P628 portable DVD player, brass shelves P628 GO CARTS, GOLF CARTS & 4 WHEELERS 2002 Max six wheeler, land or water $2800. Call 706-436-3599 TF HOMES & CASTLES Home loans for Manufactured, Modular and Sitebuilt homes. USDA, FHA, VA and Conventional. Call 706-207-9747 ATF HELP WANTED House & 6 acres with barn, CHA, quiet, Hart County country location. $69,000 cash, some owner financing with down payment. 706-283-8965 P705 Moving: Full bed, chest, boxsprings & mattress $450, Large wooden coffee table, end table $125, Side dining table $125. Call 706-498-4149 P628 Choir Director needed at Providence United Methodist Church. Responsible for 11 am worship service music and choir practice. Call 706-3563342 ETF 3 BR, 1 BA house, CHA, on 1.7 acres, $59,000. Beautiful lot in quiet neighborhood. Some owner financing possible with down payment. Elberton location. Call 706-283-8965 P705 Yard sale Friday & Saturday June 29 & 30, 8 a.m. until at 1282 Old Victron School Rd., Hoschton, Ga. 40” Big Screen TV, kids toys & clothes, CD’s, Now hiring for “Service Technician”. Experience preferred but not necessary. We preform a background check and applicants need a clean driving 5 acres with 28x60 doublewide completely remodeled, new roof, windows, vinyl siding, quiet private property, 3 miles from Hartwell, for sale by owner $85,000 706-377-3246 P705 Why rent when you can own a brand new Horton doublewide land-home package for about the same as rent. 706-376-2244 to get pre qualified for a new COVERED BOAT STORAGE 105 $ FOR 3 MONTHS 1 MILE FROM WALMART IN HARTWELL 706-376-2244 land-home package ETF HOMES FOR SALE (MANUFACTURED) New Horton 16 x 72, 3 BR 2 BA, Glamor Bath, Thermopane Windows, OSB Flooring, Upgrade Insulation. Del., Set Up Only, $28,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF House For Sale By Owner~New Horton doublewide on lot in Bowersville. Completely set up & ready to live in. Heat pump. Utility building on property. 706-424-2928 ETF New Horton Boss, 32x68, loaded with luxury options, delivered, setup with heat pump. House has residential finished sheetrock walls throughout. End of year closeout only $73,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706-376-5579 Monday thru Friday 9 am-5 pm ETF 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com We Have What Buyers Want! New Horton Rose Creek 16 x 76, delivered & set up, heat pump, Save $4000, Now only $33,850 plus tax. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 ATF across from L&J Hardware. $450 per month plus $450 deposit. Call Studio 51 for more information. Call 706-961-4701 P705 New 3 BR 2 BA 56’ Horton DW, many upgrades $42,900, delivery, set up, heat pump. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 or 706-436-2190 ATF 2 & 3 BR mobile homes for rent, CHA, in town location, Elberton. Nice size lots. Prices start at $385-$450 month plus deposit. Walk to Walmart & Ingles. Call 706-283-8965 P705 FHA Financing Available - Low Down Payments On New Double Wide Land Home Packages. Competitive prices. Our land, your land or we will help find you land. Call for appointment. Certain credit & income restrictions apply. 706-376-2244 ETF APARTMENTS FOR RENT Advertise your rental here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments $335-$399 per month plus deposit. Great in town location. Elbert County. 706-283-8965 P705 Nice one room apartment available July 1st. All bills included. Included: power, water, cable, trash, & internet for $575 a month. Please text 706-3714838 for more information P705 Basement apartment for rent. 1 BR w/ small room for child $125 week. New stove, has refrigerator, washing machine & dryer, microwave & dishwasher. $125 deposit. Call 706-245-7689 ATF The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 7 Clemson/Pendleton, SC 3 BR doublewides for rent $350-$450; 2 BR singlewide $350; lots only $125-$175. Big lots with shade trees on cat bus line. Call 706-283-8965 P705 2 & 3 BR singlewides, doublewides & houses, Elbert County. Beautiful country locations with big yards and shade trees, heat & cold AC, close to town. $425-$485 per month plus deposit. Call 706-283-8965 P705 Small house in Anderson SC, 2 BR, 1 BA, with seperate carport, $450 month, $300 deposit, 706371-2982 P705 2 BR, 1 BA Reed Creek area of Hart County $350 month plus deposit. Call Greg 706-436-3774 P705 2 BR, 1 BA mobile home for rent, Hartwell on 1 acre lot, close to town, $200 deposit, $400 month rent. 706-371-2982 P628 HOMES OR BUILDINGS FOR RENT 2 BR, 2 full bath 14x60 mobile home for retn $385 month plus deposit in the Cross Roads area of Hart County. 706-436-8679 P628 3 BR 1 BA house for rent, located in Reed Creek Clean 2 & 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent in Hart County. $325 per month and up plus deposit. Call 706-377-4076 P705 Two & three bedroom mobile homes for rent, $340$400. No deposit for qualified tenant. Hartwell GA. 706-206-5852 P705 Nice 3 or 4 BR house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent, on GA Power, Country living in the city. Hart County. Also 16x80 mobile home in Airline community with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343 P705 VACATION RENTAL Advertise your vacation rentals here by calling the HAL’S AUTOS Three steps to buying a car: 1. Go to www.halsautos.com or call to start information sheet. 2. Fax paystub, references & piece of mail to 678-490-3855. 3. Come pick out a vehicle! GUARANTEED FINANCING FOR EVERYONE! IT’S JUST SO EASY! ALL DOWN PAYMENTS STARTING AT $500! 2003 GMC DENALI XL 2005 NISSAN TITAN RIDING ON 24’S LOADED, SUNROOF 2005 FORD EXPLORER 2004 TOYOTA TACOMA LEATHER, SUNROOF CREDIT DOESN’T MATTER!!! TRUE 4 DOOR CALL HAL TODAY 678-267-5553 DOWN PAYMENT LOANS AVAILABLE! 2004 MERCEDES E320 2004 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB, HEMI 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 2003 JEEP LIBERTY SUNROOF www.halsautos.com Apply & View Complete Inventory! 8 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com GEORGIA BORDER ROAD HOUSE GRILL ~ 770-289-1874 2 1/2 Miles from Hartwell Dam on Hwy. 29, Hartwell #GB3649 NO PROFANITY ~ NO ALCOHOL Auction: Thurs. & Sat. 7 PM • Propane Exchange $16 • Ice 99₵ • Fresh Produce Available Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF LAND & COVES creek on property, well, city water & septic. nice location for mobile home. 678-409-5336 ATF motor, 34” cut, automatic transmission, great condition, $500. Call 706-988-2329 or 706-2831257 P705 Advertise here and find your lost or missing items here. Call the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF LAWN & GARDEN Two lawn mowers, 1 running $50, 1 not $40. 706599-0964 F705 MISCELLANEOUS .67 Acre lot for sale in Iva, South Carolina on Chaffin Road. Has water, sewer, power & driveway already installed. Reduced to $7800. Call 864-2450117 ATF D-R Grader remote control, new lift, battery, $750, 48” aerator, pull behind, water fill, $125. Glenn 706-376-7149 P705 1.92 acres at 2245 Hwy. 106, Carnesville, Ga. Has Simplicity riding mower, rear engine, 16 HP Kohler Snapper lawn mower rear engine riding mower with bagging system 28 inch cut, new industrial 10.5 HP engine 706-567-8707 P705 New mulching kit fits craftsman 42” cut $35. Old snapper tiller or digger not running $25. New deck and drive belts fits LT1000 craftsman 42” cut $40 706-886-0942 F628 THE SALVATION ARMY Christmas in July Sale! R&R LANDSCAPING CALL RICHARD OR REBECCA 706-436-2509 706-283-9779 RCA 25” TV, works good $25, Lincoln Logs (still in box) $20, Bingo Cage (still in box) $10, Graco Coach Rider Stroller excellent condition $25. Call 706-886-0125 F705 BEGINNING JULY 2 Trees, Lights, Holiday Decor, & Everything Christmas will be drastically discounted. New items will be added daily. HARTWELL FAMILY STORE 1087 E. Franklin St., Hartwell, GA (In plaza across from Belks) NEW HOURS ~ Open till 6pm Monday - Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P628 706-376-2112 P719 LOST & FOUND Newly built storage buildings with wood siding, We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 9 Ed’s Bobcat & Stump Grinding Service FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years Experience 706-779-7184 or 706-476-8023 706-245-7689 shingle roof, 10x20 $2000. Also dog houses starting at $35. Call Richard 706-202-4359 P802 1 black mailbox $10. 706-567-8707 F705 Brand new 14 ft. trampoline mat $60. 706-4360207 F705 8x30 mobile office or storage building, wired for electricity. Good condition $2800. 706-4363599 ETF Step 2 red fire engine toddler bed with mattress $50, Kangaroo climber small slide cube $30, Little Tikes water table $15. 706–491–2823 F705 Tree climbing belt with 3 extra belts $50. 706-4985398 or 706-498-7233 F628 Bissell bagless vacuum works well 12 amp $20 706-498-5398 or 706-498-7233 F628 20 ft. aluminum ext. ladder, brand name $90 706498-3034 F628 ‘02 CHEVY IMPALA 700 DOWN $ Downpayments Starting at 400 $ 600 DOWN Rough cut lumber, Pine beams, lengths up to 24’. 1 bys and 2 bys, cut to length. Call for quotes 706436-7031 or 706-376-8968 P712 Brother copier, scanner, photo & fax machine. Like new condition works with computer & camera USB connection, streamline design, light weight, makes great copies in black/white & color $55. (reduced) Call 864-985-0765 evenings or leave a message F628 4 pieces yellow matching luggage, brand new, $15 & under each. Yellow garment bag $99. 706-2457689 ETF Wide dresser with mirror, loaded with drawers, maple $125. 706-245-7689 ETF Tall chest of drawers, 2 big drawers on bottom, 2 small drawers at top with door to side, maple, $100. ‘01 HONDA CIVIC EX 1200 DOWN $ ‘99 HONDA ACCORD EX 800 DOWN $ REED CREEK PAWN & TITLE LOAN 2136 Reed Creek School Rd., Hartwell Jewelry, Tools, Collectibles, Antiques & Consignments “Come on By” 706-377-3339 P830 14x40 utility building, filled with merchandise from variety store. 20x24 & 12x12 buildings with content. All 3 buildings with contents $25,000. 706-4362030 ETF 700 DOWN $ ETF 2 grocer buggies $50 each. 706-436-2030 ETF MISCELLANEOUS CARS & VANS Advertise your auto here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF 1965 Ford Mustang, restorable 706-340-1626 P628 1987 Ford Hi-Top van, 4 like new captain chairs, electric bench bed. Needs engine work $995. 864353-7855 P628 MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS & SUV’s 1999 GMC 3500, 4 door, service bed with ladder rack $3500. Call 706-436-3599 TF Wooden glass top table 2 ft. wide by 3 ft. long with lamp $35 for both. 706-245-7689 ETF ‘97 GRAND MARQUIS Very nice candy rack $50. 706-436-2030 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 4x2, tow pack, air, all power, stereo, twin exhaust, $4500. Call 706-9673154 P705 MOTORCYCLES & DIRT BIKES Advertise your motorcycles or dirt bikes here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF ‘99 CHEVY BLAZER 800 DOWN $ J&S AUTO BROKERS 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL! ‘05 FORD TAURUS $ 100 amp service entrance & 100 amp breaker panel with ground rod and approx. 20 ft. entrance wire $150 obo. 706-795-2927 P628 ETF ‘02 DODGE 1500 1300 DOWN $ BUY HERE! PAY HERE! ‘98 MERCEDES E320 650 DOWN $ ‘98 SATURN LS ‘02 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 800 DOWN $ 400 DOWN $ 706-356-1508 ‘02 FORD MUSTANG CONV. 1300 DOWN $ ‘98 CHEVY LUMINA 400 DOWN $ ‘01 HONDA CIVIC 900 DOWN $ NEW LOCATION 75 Gumlog Rd., Lavonia, GA 10 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1984 Goldwing 1200CC...$3000 1995 Kawasaki 750...$3000 2001 Honda Rebel 250...$2000 2002 Suzuki 250...$2000 2000 Honda Shadow 1100...$3500 2002 Yamaha 650 V-Star...$4000 706-245-6462 2007 RX 70 Dirtbike $800. 706-371-8976 P705 stud service please call and leave number 706-8868215 F705 Y275 dirt bike for sale, runs great, fair condition, $1000 OBO. 910-331-7640 P712 PARTS & ACCESSORIES Advertise your parts & accessories here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF 4 Goodyear Wrangler 265/70/17 on Ram chrome clad wheels $650 or tires only $350. Other sizes also available. Pool rover Jr. like new $175. 706263-2333 P705 Two 15” dougnut spare tires good condition $15 each. 706-567-8707 F705 PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Will the man who called about the lassie collie for NEW VEHICLES ARRIVING DAILY! LOTS OF INVENTORY! 5 speed, New tires, Sporty! ‘04 FORD F150 XLT ‘03 CHEVY S10 ZR2 Ext. Cab, V6, 4x4, New Tires ‘94 FORD MUSTANG GT Crew Cab, One Owner, 90K Miles One Owner, Auto, Good Transportation 678-409-5336 SANDY CROSS AUTO, LLC ‘97 FORD MUSTANG GT ‘90 HONDA ACCORD 2008 Ford F350 Super Duty 4 Dr., Lariat 4x4, Sunroof, navigation system, DVD, Power Mirror, Heated Leather Seats, Power Slide Back Window, Tailgate Step (Bad Turbo) Auto, Convertible ‘00 HONDA ODYSSEY 3rd Row Seat, One Owner 70 HWY. 145, FRANKLIN SPRINGS 706-245-5633 ‘05 FORD EXPLORER XLT One Owner, 3rd Row Seats ‘03 FORD EXPLORER XLT Good Family Car, 3rd Row ‘98 VOLKSWAGON GTI ‘03 GMC CARHAULER 5 Speed, Sunroof Auto, One Ton, Duramax Diesel, New Motor ‘00 CHEVY MALIBU ‘97 FORD F150 Auto, Good Family Car One Owner, V6, Auto, Good Work Truck www.sandycrossauto.com 706-245-4418 706-245-4880 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 11 cat, chicken food. Can send picture only to email address. Call 706-988-9954 F705 Wanted: Full blooded black/tan female chihuahua to breed w/ male. Serious inquires only please. Call Jeremy @ 706-961-3931 or Melanie @ 706-4364609 F705 Want: Hatched Pekin Ducklings, or other duckling eggs to incubate at reasonable price. Call 706-9889954 F705 3 five month old pit bull puppies $30 each. 706436-2098 F705 Pygmy nanny goat baby $75. Have more coming. Ila area. Call 706-789-3277 F705 2 male dogs, two years old, 1/2 chihuahua 1/2 rat terrier, both are tan $40 each. Call 706-356-0727, leave message F705 Pour-in Stor Food Bins, will hold 40 lbs. of dry dog, cat, chicken food. Can send picture only to email address. Call 706-988-9954 F705 Chihuahua puppies $50 each 706-371-6760 P628 Baby guineas starting at $2.50 each Martin, Ga. 706-680-5230 F628 Young roosters for sale, 6 mos. old $5 each OBO. Call William 706-612-0939 F705 1 1/2 old full blooded Border Collie, female, very small, very friendly, loves kids, spayed, $125. 706436-5973 P705 Blue healer, female, all shots, spayed, crate trained $95. 864-437-0412 F705 9 month old male pit bull for sale, sweet, great with kids, $40. 706-599-4802 F628 Two horse trailer for sale $1800. 706-3086270 ATF THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS Baby ducks for sale $3 each. Rhode Island Red & Dominicker chicks $2 706-245-5736 F705 Hartwell Church of God of Prophecy Revival June 25th-29th 7pm nightly. Guest speaker will be Pastor Adam Jones, State Youth Director for GA Church of God of Prophecy. Come join us for this spirit-filled 5 night revival. Church of God of Prophecy is located on 114 Ernest Oliver Dr. Hartwell, GA F705 Pour-in Stor Food Bins, will hold 40lbs. of dry dog, Fashion & Talent Showcase, Saturday July 14 at Chihuahua puppy, female $95. 706-680-1578 F705 GOLDMINE HOMES ‘97 HOMESTEAD 16X80, 3 BR, 2 BA 16,500 $ ‘99 FLEETWOOD 28X80, 5 BR, 3 BA 47,500 $ ‘97 GENERAL 24X44, 3 BR, 2 BA 25,000 $ ‘89 REDMAN 14X60, 2 BR, 1 BA 10,000 ‘02 DYNASTY 42,500 $ ‘97 FLEETWOOD 28X70, 3 BR, 2 BA 37,500 $ ‘00 FLEETWOOD ‘00 HORTON ‘98 FLEETWOOD 32X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 47,500 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 40,000 $ Wanted medium size dog house cheap or free in Hartwell area. 706-207-7379 F705 Wanted 15 ft. or longer tin unused reasonable price 706-498-3034 F705 Want a battery operated infant or baby swing. In good condition at reasonable price. 706-550-7870 F705 Banker’s Title Pawn 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell GA 30643 ‘01 GENERAL 38,500 $ ‘98 GILES FREE $39,000 28X64, 4 BR, 2 BA 1973 Champion RV, 26 ft. hot water heater, air conditioner, generator, new brakes, all new tires $2950. 864-353-7855 P628 Want cheap loading ramp for a riding mower. Can be made from wooden board. 864-348-3518 F705 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA ‘99 GRANDMANOR DELIVERY & SETUP! ‘02 ADRIAN Advertise in the Penny Saver and sell it fast. Call now 706-377-7283 ETF Bicycles wanted! Will buy unwanted bicycles in the Hartwell area in any condition. 706-988-8537 F705 38,000 16X80, 3 BR, 2 BA 30,000 UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS & RV’S Looking for a queen size & twin size mattress & boxsprings, free or cheap. 706-961-4460 F705 $ 24X52, 3 BR, 2 BA $ Holy Calvary M.R.F. Church, Highway 17 S. Lavonia, GA 30553 706-356-2994. VBS, June 25th-29th. Services 7pm nightly! F628 WANTED 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA $ 27X60, 3 BR, 2 BA $ ‘00 CHANDELEUR 5pm at Solid Rock Baptist Church, 50 Crawford Street, Lavonia, GA. For more information call Rachel Gaines 706-436-0349 or Betty Holland 706-371-8817. Sponsored by Youth Empowered For Success F705 18,500 $ 32X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 45,000 $ ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ ‘00 PALM HARBOR 28X64, 3 BR, 2 BA 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) 42,500 $ 706-245-0059 Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees! Pawn Your Title ~ Keep Your Car! No Credit Check 706-376-3001 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 Over 100 Cars In Stock ce Commer 99 OFF $ 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! 2002 NISSAN ALTIMA Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM 2001 DODGE RAM EX CAB DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 7-19-12 1199 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ $ buyherepayherega.com 2003 DODGE STRATUS R/T 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 2001 LESABRE LIMITED DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 2003 MONTE CARLO 2005 CHEVY COBALT 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 1999 DODGE DURANGO SLT 2003 DODGE RAM 599 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 995 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 1799 DRIVEOUT • $89 WEEK $ NEXT TO QUALITY FOODS, COMMERCE WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 1199 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2000 DIAMANTE 2003 RENDEZVOUS 599 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 706-534-0329 706-335-6355 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com Over 100 Cars In Stock Winder 99 OFF $ The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 13 WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! 2002 RENDEZVOUS Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM 2000 GRAND MARQUIS 2002 ISUZU TROOPER DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 7-19-12 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ buyherepayherega.com 2003 FORD ESCAPE 2005 NISSAN QUEST DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2000 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 995 DRIVEOUT • $85 WEEK $ 2003 CHEVY IMPALA 2005 DODGE NEON 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2001 HONDA CIVIC 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2006 MONTANA 1999 CADILLAC ELDORADO 499 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 1998 RANGER 4X4 EX CAB 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ RIGHT ACROSS FROM MEGA MUFFLER & QUICK PANTRY WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 678-900-1168 14 - The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com We Have What Buyers Want! Want Hatched Pekin Ducklings or other duckling eggs to incubate at reasonable price. Call 706-9889954 F705 LEFTY’S B&G 2826 Clay Brown Rd., Hartwell Private Club Now Accepting New Members! 706-376-2011 BEST STEAKS IN TOWN! Live music several nights a month. Every Wed. ~ Chris Iswell Fri., June 15 ~ Derek Dorsey Duo Fri., June 29 ~ Derek Dorsey Band Sat., June 30 ~ Jason White This is where all your friends are Wed., Fri., & Sat. Bar opens at 6 p.m. until. Kitchen 6:30~9:30. Let us host your private party. Look us up on facebook! P628 Wanted Matlock & In the Heat of the Night VHS or DVD, all episodes 864-276-6146 F628 Want a male collie, lassie type only for stud service. Toccoa, Ga. 706-886-8215 F628 Looking for free refrigerator, good working condition and stove. 706-436-6938 F628 Looking for 2 rent to own mobile homes fixer upper ok in Royston or Elberton only, count setting, private lot. 706-436-6938 F628 Wanted silver coins dollars, halfs., silver eagles, etc. 706-384-3954 F628 Want VW car 1960-1970’s restorable condition 706-892-4709 F629 Will tear down, clean out & haul off any junk, fences for free or reasonable price, includes lawn mowers, campers & boats. Will clean yards & houses. 706436-3343 F705 The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 - 15 16 - The Penny Saver • June 28, 2012 We Have What Buyers Want! 2011 FORD 2004 FORD 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to ngapennysaverad@yahoo.com 2010 DODGE 2010 CHRYSLER 2011 HYUNDI BUY HERE - PAY HERE NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! WE CAN HELP!!!! 2010 HONDA 2005 GMC 2006 INFINITI 2005 FORD 2007 FORD NO CREDIT CHECK FINANCING AVAILABLE 2006 JEEP 2011 KIA 2008 DODGE 2006 BMW 2004 ACURA Gainesville 985 EXIT 22 2009 CHEVY 2006 CHEVY 2008 CHRYSLER 2004 CADILLAC 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 888-429-3803 www.usautosales.info UP TO $500 DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE W/THIS AD ONLY 1 PER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE BASED ON STABILITY & INCOME, CAN NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Call for authorization code. us auto sales 129 Athens South Hwy. 85 EXIT 137 North Directions: I985 south to exit 22, 1/4 mile on the right on Hwy. 129/ Athens Hwy.
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