July - City of Abbotsford
July - City of Abbotsford
1 City of Abbotsford PO Box 589, 203 N. First Street, Abbotsford, WI 54405 City Hall (715) 223-3444 Fax (715) 223-8891 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD Tuesday, July 5, 2016 AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE ABBOTSFORD CITY HALL 203 NORTH FIRST STREET, ABBOTSFORD WI All items listed will be brought before the Abbotsford City Council for discussion and possible approval. 1. Call the regular meeting to order a. Roll call b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Comments by the Council President 3. Comments by the Public 4. Minutes from the Council held June 6, 2016 (Page 3-8) a. Waive the reading and approve the minutes 5. Considerations before the Council a. Discuss/approve Resolution 2016-14 Resolution of Appreciation for Marty Schwantes (Page 9) b. Discussion/approve Resolution 2016-15 Resolution of Appreciation for Joanna Mediger (Page 10) c. Discuss/approve Resolution 2016-16 Resolution of Appreciation for Robert Gosse (Page 11) Committee Reports 6. Public Works/Water Sewer (Faber) a. Public Works update (Stuttgen) (Page 12-14) b. Discuss/approve WWTP Change Order #10 - $426.86 (electric service for condensate pump) (Page 15-18) c. Discuss/approve WWTP Change Order #11 – additional paving and base area 7. Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department, Consolidation Committee (Anders) a. Minutes from Fire, May 25, 2016 (Page 19) b. Minutes from Ambulance – June, 2016 - table c. Minutes from Consolidation Committee/Central Fire & EMS, May 18 & 25, 2016 (Page 20-24) 8. Finance and Personnel (Council President Voss) a. Minutes from June 29, 2016 (Page 25-26) b. Discuss/approve pulverizing the cemetery road in 2016 with incorporating the repaving into the 2017 budget (Page 27) c. Discuss/approve Fabick Cat bid for $10,610.29 for generator service support agreement (Page 28-29) d. Discuss/approve Resolution 2016-12 Final 2015 Budget amendment (Page 30-31) e. Discuss/approve Resolution 2016-13 Budget amendment (Page 32) f. Discuss/approve increasing the local purchase order limit from $50 to $100 9. Police Commission (Faber) a. Police Minutes from June 13 and June 29, 2016 (Page 33-34) b. Police bills in amount of $13,340.59 (Page 35-38) c. Discuss/approve hiring of top scoring candidate for full-time police officer position and giving Police Chief Jason Bauer authority to hire the number two scoring candidate for the full time police officer position if the top scoring candidate declines the position 10. Abbotsford Public Library (Grambort) a. Minutes from May 8, 2016 (Page 39) 11. Plan Commission (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from June 24, 2016 (Page 40) b. Discuss/approve hiring MSA to provide a wetland delineation of the Blume Property (approximately 78 acres) (Page 41-45) 1 2 c. Discuss/approve creation of additional TIF districts (Page 46-49) 12. License & Ordinance (Council President Voss) a. Minutes from June 22, 2016 (Page 50-51) b. Discuss/approve no longer allowing any regulated dogs in section 7-1-10 within the City limits; people who currently have these types of dogs have until August 1, 2016 to provide proof of insurance and rabies information and can then obtain a “grandfathered” city license; fines will be enforced after August 1, 2016 (Page 52) c. Discuss/approve adding the language “no kennels” to be listed in each residential zoning district d. Discuss/approve changing the regulation on Farm Animals to only allow Farm Animals as defined in the Ordinance if a property owner has at least 250,000 square feet of contiguous property (Page 54-56) e. Discuss/approve fee structure for building permits (Page 57) f. Discuss/approve Operator Licenses as presented: JAMIE FLEMING ABBOTSFORD TRAVEL STOP 06/21/2016 08/21/2016 15.00 2016-94 JAMIE FLEMING ABBOTSFORD TRAVEL STOP 07/05/2016 06/30/2017 25.00 2016-95 ASHLEY HAGEN HOLIDAY 07/05/2016 06/30/2017 25.00 2016-96 KWIK TRIP 07/05/2016 06/30/2017 25.00 2016-97 NIXDORF CAP OPERATIONS INC 07/05/2016 06/30/2017 25.00 2016-98 CHRISTINE RAU JEFFREY Building Permits issued: ID PERMIT # FIRST NAME LAST NAME BINNING ADDRESS EXPLAINATION COUNTY $3,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 39 2016-11 WITMER FURNITURE 200 S 11TH ST ADDITION 6/14/2016 $600,000.00 MARATHON COMMERCIAL 40 2016-12 TP PRINTING 103 W SPRUCE ENTERANCE 6/15/2016 41 2016-13 ABBYLAND NEW CONSTRUCTION 6/21/2016 42 2016-14 JUAN DECK 6/30/2016 318 N FIFTH ST 6/6/2016 COST GARY RAMIREZ 223 W BUTTERNUT ST REMODEL BATHROOM DATE ISSUED 38 2016-10 $16,142.00 CLARK RESIDENTAL COMMERCIAL MARATHON COMMERCIAL $650.00 MARATHON RESIDENTAL 13. Abbotsford Cemetery (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from May 26, 2016 (Page 58) 14. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce (Lopez) a. Minutes from June 8, 2016 (Page 59-61) b. Next meeting – Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at Abbotsford City Hall 15. Set additional committee meetings on the calendar (Page 62-63) 16. Motion to conven to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1) (g) conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved for the purpose of updatingthe City Council on the mediation process with Short Elliot Hendrickson 17. Motion to convene to open session. 18. Discuss/approve items, if any from closed session. 19. Adjourn 2 3 Minutes from the June 6, 2016 City of Abbotsford Council meeting held in the Council Chambers Council President Voss call the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Council President Voss, Anders, Horacek, Faber, Loren Voss, Grambort, and Kramer (Weideman – absent) Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Water Wastewater manager Medenwaldt, T. Trader – MSA, Rachel Newberry – Abbyland Foods, Chief Apfelbeck, John Austin, Dean Wiese, and K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph The Pledge of Allegiance was heard. Under comments by the Council President, Lori Voss stated she is present as a voting member tonight. Voss congratulated the Fire Department on their improved ISO rating; going from a 5 to a 4 and stated that this will be a cost saving to the residents and businesses in Abbotsford in their insurance premiums. Under comments by the Public, Rachel Newberry is present from Abbyland Foods, Inc. It was stated that Abbyland has received a calculation from the City of Abbotsford for their building permit fee and would like the council to consider reducing the Abbyland building permit fee. Motion Kramer/Horacek to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the Council held May 2, 2016. Motion carried without negative vote. Considerations before the Council Under discuss/update on Fire Department Dissolution Plan, a meeting was held last week and discussion was held regarding what will happen if the deadline of the dissolution would pass without the new District being formed. It was stated that the Plan of Dissolution was signed last Friday. In the event that the new district is not in effect, the City will work with the district for a seamless transition. Council President Voss stated the Fund Raising money is their money; regardless of what happens. Voss reiterated that the fundraising funds will stay with them no matter what. Jon Austin questioned if the insurance coverage could be purchased for an additional amount of time if the district is not ready on January 1, 20177. Lopez stated that after discussion with the insurance company, the policy could be renewed and then cancelled when the new district is in effect. Discussion/approve Committee Appointments has been tabled. Under discuss/approve CSM – City of Abbotsford/Abbyland Foods Inc, motion Kramer/Grambort to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve changing Alley West of First Street from Spruce Street to Birch Street to a One Way Alley, it was stated that Jakel has obtained a fence permit for his property abutting the alley and due to the erection of the fence there is no longer room for two-way traffic. DPW Stuttgen stated there is a tremendous snow plow issue when cars park in this alley. Motion Loren Voss/Horacek to approve changing the alley to a one way street. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Resolution 2016-10 CMAR, annual compliance report, motion Faber/Kramer to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Resolution 2016-11 A Resolution Authorizing the issuance and sale of $7,376,000 sewerage system mortgage revenue bonds of the City of Abbotsford, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, and providing for the payment of the bonds and other details with respect to the bonds, Motion Anders/Horacek to approve Resolution 2016-11 as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. 3 4 Under discuss/approve Street Use Permit – First City Days Friday, August 12, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. – Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., it was stated that this will be the same format as the past 11 years. Friday the street will be closed from 3:00 p.m. – midnight, Saturday morning from 8:00 a.m. – midnight, and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Motion Kramer/Horacek to approve the Street Use Permit as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Committee Reports Public Works/Water Sewer was presented by Faber. Public Works update was presented by Stuttgen. Currently the crew is working on installing the scoreboard at Red Arrow Park. The Force main project will begin tomorrow. The landscaping will begin in the near future as well. Stuttgen stated that he is very happy with his employees and the quality of work that is being performed. Chief Apfelbeck stated the siren by the Fire Station has not been working; an inline fuse was blown; and it is now back in working condition. Water/Wastewater update was presented by Medenwaldt. It was stated the first level of blacktop was laid; along with the first portion of concrete in the Linden Street/7th Street intersection. It was stated that today was the water system DNR inspection. The minutes from May 25, 2016 were reviewed. Under discuss/approve Abbyland Building Permit fee; it was stated that the City has been working well with Abbyland. Abbyland cannot break ground until their air permit is issued, which they expect to be June 24th. It was stated the current ordinance fee structure is based on value of construction. Motion Kramer/ to meeting with License and Ordinance committee to meet with Abbyland to come up with an agreed building permit fee. Motion died to to lack of a second. Motion Faber/Anders to award a TIF cash incentive to Abbyland Foods in the amount of $5,000.00 to offset their building permit fee. Motion carried without negative vote. Loren Voss suggested reviewing the fee structure in the future at the next License and Ordinance committee meeting. Under discuss/approve reconsideration of Truck Route Ordinance, Chief Bauer is suggesting the City adopts the new ordinance allowing local businesses to utilize the local roads. Council President Voss updated Newberry Abbyland Foods, Inc on the history of the truck route ordinance. It was questioned what the citation amount would be for violators. Kramer stated that the extra 40 seconds is not much time to save the wear and tear of the road and the children’s safety. DPW Stuttgen stated that every local business on the west side of town has asked that this road to be kept open as a truck route. Motion Kramer/Loren Voss to continue with the existing Ordinance; Business Hwy 29 West would be used for only local deliveries, not a designated truck route. Roll call: Horacek – yes – Grambort – yes – Lori Voss – yes, Loren Voss – yes, Brent – no, Dennis – yes, Anders - no Motion carried 5:2 Under discuss/approve yard drain – Butternut/Sycamore; Stuttgen stated that in alley between 3rd and 4th Avenue there are severe drainage problems; the solution would be to install a yard drain in the alley. It will be the responsibility of the local property owners to connect to the yard drain and this will cost about $1,000 in materials. Motion Kramer/Horacek to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve tubing hill, DPW Stuttgen stated there will be fill removed from the Abbyland project and the fill will be dumped onto the existing tubing hill at Shorter Park. Motion Faber/Kramer to approve adding the fill on to the tubing hill. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve bidding the material crushing, it was stated the last time the City hired this service it was $4.40/ton to have material crushed; to purchase this material is $11/ton delivered. The City saves about $5/ton. Motion Horacek/Grambort to bid the material crushing. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve proceeding with the Street Vacation of North First Street; it was explained that this is old street right-of-way that never got developed and now creates odd shaped lots that would have no use to the City. It 4 5 was stated that the City is unable to sell a right-of-way. The statute allows for the property to be divided by the two land owners and this would eliminate the cost of mowing/maintaining this area. Motion Horacek/Faber to proceed with the street vacation. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve the addition of street lights on East Elderberry Road, DPW Stuttgen stated he looked into cost of placing 2 additional lights with stating he has cobra heads and two poles available for the project. The cost would be approximately $4,000 - $5,000. The City owns lights on Main Street, business 29 and Hwy 13. A no through traffic sign will be reviewed for the street that stops at the South border of Colby. Motion Faber/Horacek to add two street lights; Motion carried 6:1 (Kramer) Under discuss/approve proceeding with the City Hall lighting; DPW Stuttgen stated that currently there are three lights in every fixture and every section has a 105 wat/fixture. If a change is made to LEDS the amount of WATS used goes down to 36 WATS. Focus on Energy has grants available for $4.00/bulb for this project and the ballast cost is $12-15 with each new bulb at $2.50. Since the building was new, the Public Works Department has replaced about ½ the ballasts in the City Hall. Motion Kramer/Loren Voss to approve as presented. Motion carried. Without negative vote. Under discuss/approve UDC Building Inspector – Robert Christensen, Stuttgen and Lopez met with Mr. Christensen. Motion Faber/Horacek to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Final Pay Request $129,294.33 Steen Construction, DPW Stuttgen stated the project went well with only one change order due to the request of gravel alley. The total project came in under budget by about $6,000. Motion Horacek/Kramer to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department, Consolidation Committee was presented by Anders. Minutes from Fire, April 27, 2016 were presented. The corporation has now agreed to dissolve and John Niehart has been hired on a temporary employment basis as Fire Chief. Niehart has experience in consolidations and the district should be up and running on 1/1/2017. Austin stated that the three fire chiefs and assistants and the EMS Chiefs are meeting with Niehart do discuss the budget along with the paging system. Niehart is being invited to a meet and greet at their paper meeting. Anders thanked Austin for his appreciated efforts with the merger. The minutes from Ambulance – May 9, 2016 were presented. Finance and Personnel was presented by Council President Voss. Minutes from May 24, 2016 were presented. Under discuss/recommend uniform contract, DPW Stuttgen stated that the employees tried on uniforms from both Unifirst and Armark; two bids were received on a total weekly charge. The Unifirst bid had a weekly total of $67.14/week (energy charge included) and Armark presented a total weekly charge of $56.14/week. Motion Kramer/Grambort to approve the Armark bid at a weekly rate of $56.14/week as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend landscape plan it was stated the approximate cost of stone is $2,000, the plant cost is estimated at $1,000 and there would need to be landscape fabric purchased. Motion Kramer/Loren Voss to proceed with project as discussed. Motion carried without negative vote. Police Commission was presented by Faber. Police minutes from May 9, 2016 were presented. Motion Anders/Horacek to approve the Police bills in amount of $21,280.49. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve hiring Jessica Weich as the Administrative Assistant Position at $15.50 per hour with full time benefits/32 hours per week; it was stated that the benefits are on a full time status. Motion Faber/Horacek 5 6 to approve as presented. Motion carried 7:1 (Lori Voss). Abbotsford Public Library was presented by Grambort. Minutes from May 11, 2016 were presented. Kramer questioned the employment probation period and questioned if the Library has researched the available Spanish programing and suggested speaking with the school system on which Spanish program they utilized. Kramer would like to see an annual report comparing area libraries. License and Ordinance was presented by Council President Voss. Minutes from May 31, 2016 was presented. Under discuss/recommend Ordinance pertaining to Alcohol in Municipal Buildings, Stuttgen questioned if there are ever children in the Fire Hall without supervision and questioned if the alcohol in buildings is a real problem. It was stated that this building is used as a storm shelter and it was clarified that special events can still have alcohol; it just cannot be stored there. Motion Anders/Grambort to approve the Ordinance as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Ordinance removing Section -1-3 - Kennel Ordinance, motion Anders/ Horacek to add no kennels to zoning ordinances. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend changes to Ordinance 7-1-16 - striking the allowance of 2 fowl; change language to allow for conditional use permit it was suggested to table this to the June committee meeting for further review of other farm animals. Under discuss/recommend changes, if any, to accessory building ordinance; Kramer read the regulations; and felt we have a good ordinance, but stressed the need to enforce it. It was suggested to advertise the regulations. DPW Stuttgen reminded the Council that the Ordinance clearly states that the landowner must identify the setback. Motion Kramer/Anders to charge according to the fee schedule and issue permits for anyone who adds storage unit/accessory building in yard. Motion carried without negative. Under discuss/recommend changes, if any to Ordinance 7-1-10 Pit Bulls and Other Regulated Dogs and Animals, Anders commented if the insurance companies do not cover these animals why would we wish to license these in our community. It was stated that Neillsville’s ordinance was presented in the packet which allows no pit bulls. Lori Voss questioned why mastiffs were on our list. An updated list of dogs was requested and this was tabled for the next committee meeting. Licenses Under discuss/approve Cigarette licenses, motion Faber/Grambort to approve the licenses as presented: a) b) c) d) e) f) Acker Abbotsford, LLC (Abbotsford Travel Stop) Kramer’s County Market Nivia Castillo (La Tropicana) CAP Operation (Holiday) Dolgencorp, LLC (Dollar General) Kwik Trip Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer – abstained) Motion Faber/Horacek to approve the Class A Beer licenses as presented: a) Acker Abbotsford, LLC (Abbotsford Travel Stop) b) Cap Operations (Holiday) Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer – abstained) Motion Faber/Loren Voss to approve the Class B Beer licenses as presented: a) Abbotsford Baseball Team b) PH, Hospitality Group, LLC (Pizza Hut) 6 7 Motion Loren Voss/Horacek to approve the Class A Retail licenses as presented: a) b) b) c) d) Kramer’s County Market Dolgencorp, LLC (Dollar General) Shopko Holding Company LLC Nivia Castillo (La Tropicana) Kwik Trip Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer abstained) Motion Faber/Loren Voss to approve the Class B Retail licenses as presented: a) b) c) d) e) f) Poehnelt & Leu (Corral Bar) Purdy & Purdy (Dirty Shame) Dwight House Chelt Development LLC La Riveria Medo’s Family Style Restaurant Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer abstained) Motion Faber/Horacek to approve the Original Operator Licenses as presented: a) b) c) d) Amy English-County Market Alissa Irizarry-Abbotsford Travel Stop Renegade Fons-Abbotsford Travel Stop Tammy Beisner-Kramer’s County Market Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer abstained) Motion Loren Voss/Grambort to approve the Operator License – Renewals as presented: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) aa) bb) cc) dd) Carl Miller-Abbotsford Travel Stop Carla Blum-Abbotsford Travel Stop Teresa Egge-Abbotsford Travel Stop Darby Shannon-Abbotsford Travel Stop Rachael Reis-Kwik Trip Lynsie Edblom-Central Fire & EMS Jody Apfelbeck-Central Fire & EMS Dallas Wiese-Central Fire & EMS Jennifer Habermeyer-Kwik Trip Monica Csukker-Holiday Ashley Puphal-Holiday Jessica Dodd-Holiday Connie Freeman-Holiday Amanda Dvorak-Holiday Lynn Giese-Abbotsford Travel Stop Gregory Miklaszewicz-Abbotsford Travel Stop Zaira Navarro-Abbotsford Travel stop Tami Szpara-Kwik Trip Cynthia Reuter-Kwik Trip David Hediger-Kramer’s County Market Ashley Lueddecke-Kramer’s County Market Thomas Springob-Kramer’s County Market Melanie Fetting-Kramer’s County Market David Denzine-Kramer’s County Market Leticia Rodriguez-La Tropicana Kimberely Hederer-Kwik Trip Marcella Hansen-Kwik Trip Elizabeth Stuttgen-Pizza Hut Tanya Altman-Kwik Trip Devon Griepentrog-Kwik Trip 7 8 ee) Toni Kroening-Kwik Trip ff) Sharon Resler-Kwik Trip gg) Allison Grothaus-Pizza Hut hh) Diane Zimmerman-Kwik Trip ii) Patricia Schmid-Medo’s Family Restaurant jj) Lisa Balderas-Medo’s Family Restaurant kk) Rachel Mueller-Kwik Trip ll) Jade Korallus-Kwik Trip mm) Sandra Calhoun-Kwik Trip nn) Maricia Schmitt-Kwik Trip oo) Charlotte Johnson-Kwik Trip pp) Angela Wein-Corral Bar qq) Brenda Spath-Corral Bar rr) Almi Meraz-Abbotsford Travel Stop ss) Jaclyn Schmitt-Dollar General tt) Kayla Breu-Pizza Hut uu) Trishia Fechhelm-Dollar General vv) Holly Wilke-Dollar General ww) Gloria Rueden-Dollar General xx) Amy Pogue-Shopko yy) Dave Kaja-Shopko zz) Nichole Beran-Shopko aaa) Curtiss Erickson-Shopko bbb) Tammy Schmitt-Shopko ccc) Laura Hendrickson-Shopko Motion carried 7:0:1 (Kramer abstained) The following permits were reviewed: Fence Permit a) Paul Jakel Excavation Permit a) Metco b) We Energies Building Permit a) McDonalds – New Drive-Thru b) Diane Horacek – Drive Way $4,500 $108,000 Driveway Permit a) Wiley & Kathleen Sparks b) Juvenal Tzintzun Raze Permit a) Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce was presented by Lopez. The minutes from May 4, 2016 were presented. The next meeting is Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at the Abbotsford City Hall. Additional committee meetings were set on the calendar Motion Horacek/Faber to adjourn at t 8:19 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 8 9 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD RESOLUTION 2016-14 RE: Appreciation of Marty Schwantes WHEREAS, Marty Schwantes has served as the Alderman of Ward 4 since 2012. He has been as a valuable member of the governmental team. WHEREAS, he has served his last term as Alderman of Ward 4 for the City of Abbotsford as of April, 2016; Marty Schwantes has held a leadership role in our Finance and Personnel committee and has been an instrumental leader in the creation of a centralized Fire District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Abbotsford, on behalf of the City of Abbotsford, its employees and residents, formally expresses appreciation to Marty Schwantes for his years of outstanding service and leadership to the City of Abbotsford. RESOLVED THIS 5st DAY OF JULY 2016 ________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Jennifer Lopez, Clerk/Treasurer ________________________ Alderman Lori Voss ___________________________ Alderman Loren Voss ________________________ Alderman Brent Faber ___________________________ Alderman Jessica Grambort ________________________ Alderman Peter Horacek ___________________________ Alderman Roger Weideman ________________________ Alderman Gerry Anders ___________________________ Alderman Dennis Kramer 9 10 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD RESOLUTION 2016-15 RE: Appreciation of Joanna Mediger WHEREAS, Joanna Mediger has served as the Alderman of Ward 2 and 5 since 2009. She has been as a valuable member of the governmental team. WHEREAS, she has served her last term as Alderman of Ward 2 and 5 for the City of Abbotsford as of April, 2016; Joanna Mediger has held a leadership role in our Finance and Personnel committee and has been an instrumental leader in the creation of a centralized Fire District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Abbotsford, on behalf of the City of Abbotsford, its employees and residents, formally expresses appreciation to Joanna Mediger for her years of outstanding service and leadership to the City of Abbotsford. RESOLVED THIS 5st DAY OF JULY 2016 ________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Jennifer Lopez, Clerk/Treasurer ________________________ Alderman Lori Voss ___________________________ Alderman Loren Voss ________________________ Alderman Brent Faber ___________________________ Alderman Jessica Grambort ________________________ Alderman Peter Horacek ___________________________ Alderman Roger Weideman ________________________ Alderman Gerry Anders ___________________________ Alderman Dennis Kramer 10 11 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD RESOLUTION 2016-16 RE: Appreciation of Robert Gosse WHEREAS, Robert Gosse has served as the Alderman of Ward 1 since 2011. He has been as a valuable member of the governmental team. WHEREAS, he has served his last term as Alderman of Ward 1 for the City of Abbotsford as of April, 2016; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Abbotsford, on behalf of the City of Abbotsford, its employees and residents, formally expresses appreciation to Robert Gosse for his years of outstanding service and leadership to the City of Abbotsford. RESOLVED THIS 5st DAY OF JULY 2016 ________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Jennifer Lopez, Clerk/Treasurer ________________________ Alderman Lori Voss ___________________________ Alderman Loren Voss ________________________ Alderman Brent Faber ___________________________ Alderman Jessica Grambort ________________________ Alderman Peter Horacek ___________________________ Alderman Roger Weideman ________________________ Alderman Gerry Anders ___________________________ Alderman Dennis Kramer 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 Change Order No. Date of Issuance: June 20, 2016 City of Abbotsford Owner: Contractor: Miron Construction Co., Inc. Engineer: CBS Squared, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project: 10 Effective Date: Owner's Contract No.: Contractor’s Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: ABBOT 15002 Contract Name: The Contract is modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: Electric Service for Condensate Pump in Electrical Room (PCI0024; CB0018) Attachments: [List documents supporting change]: Change Order Request from Contractor. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES [note changes in Milestones if applicable] Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: June 1, 2016 $ 5,343,600.00 Ready for Final Payment: June 30, 2016 days or dates [Increase] from previously approved Change Orders [Increase] [Decrease] from previously approved Change No. 1 to No. 9 : Orders No. to No. : Substantial Completion: $ 13,123.25 Ready for Final Payment: days Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: $ 5,356,723.25 Ready for Final Payment: days or dates [Increase] of this Change Order: [Increase] [Decrease] of this Change Order: Substantial Completion: $426.86 Ready for Final Payment: days or dates Contract Price incorporating this Change Order: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: June 1, 2016 $ 5,357,150.11 Ready for Final Payment: June 30, 2016 days or dates RECOMMENDED: ACCEPTED: ACCEPTED: By: Title: Date: By: Engineer (if required) Project Manager 06/20/2016 Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable) By: Title: By: Owner (Authorized Signature) Title : Date : Contractor (Authorized Signature) Title : Date : Date: EJCDC® C-941, Change Order. Prepared and published 2013 by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. Page 1 of 1 15 16 -m-Na moor—a Building Excellence CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Date: June 16, 2016 To: Jennifer Lopez City of Abbotsford PO Box 589 Abbotsford, WI 54405 Re: Abbotsford WWTP Abbotsford, WI 54405 Project #150105 State/Federal Job#: Notice of Change - PCI # PCIO024 Rev # 01 Change Description: CB018 Condensate Pump in Electric Room Contractor Accurate Air Solutions LLC Total Electric Service * SUB-TOTAL * Subcontractor Mark-up - 5% * SUB-TOTAL * Bond - 1% ** TOTAL ** Amount $0.00 $402.50 $402.50 $20.13 $422.63 $4.23 $426.86 Impact Working Days: 0 All terms of our agreement apply and preclude Miron Construction Co., Inc. from performing any extra work without approval. Please provide your approval by signing this request. Miron Construction Co., Inc. Aaron Crass, Project Manager 1471 McMahon Drive, Neenah, WI 54956-6305 Date P.O. Box 509, Neenah, WI 54957-0509 M I R ON- CO N STRU CTI O N. CO M PH 920.969.7000 Fx920.969.7396 16 17 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Job # 150105 Building Excel►ence PC[ # PCIO024 Jennifer Lopez Page 2 Owner Directs Contractor: () Approved — Proceed with the change described above. The contract will be adjusted by change order. () Rejected — Do not proceed. Owner Representative This quote expires on: cc: Date (FLPM3110—V.FL3110_PROP_ISSUED_TO_OWNER) Joe Fuller - Miron Construction Co., Inc. 17 18 PROJECT NAME: Abbotsford WWTP Abbotsford, W I Project Modification Proposal Request To: Email Phone / Fax Description: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: PROJECT MOD #: Total Electric Service, Inc PO Box 217 Marshfield, WI 54449 150105 4/19/2016 PCI 0024 doottoCcDtotalelectricinc.com 715-384-3311 CB018 —— ---- Self-Performed Work: 0 0 Schedule Impact: Days: Calendar / Working (Circle one) Subtotal 1 Subcontractor markup ( 0 Total Subcontractor cost with 0 Please review and respond NO LATER THAN the date noted above with any and all changes (add, deduct, or no change) to your contract in terms of dollars and/or schedule impact caused by the above modification. It is recommended to use this form when providing your cost, if not please reference Project Modification Number above to identify this request. Note: if no response is received within the allotted time provided, Miron will proceed with pricing. PM / PC Name Project Manager / Coordinator cc: File PAM. 167 (02/11) 18 19 MINUTES of Abbotsford Fire Department Meeting date: May 25th, 2016 Call to order: A regular meeting of the Abbotsford Fire Department was held on May 25th, 2016. Chief Jody Apfelbeck called the meeting to order at 7:11 pm. Roll Call was taken with twenty members present. Members of the Public in attendance: Kevin O’Brien from the Tribune and Peter Horacek from Abbotsford City Council. Comments: No comments from the public. Approval of minutes/financial reports: Motion was made by Mark Gorke, and seconded by Tonya Dommer to approve the minutes of the April 27th, 2016 meeting and the April financial reports as presented. Motion carried. Unfinished Business: Discussion was held on the corporation consolidation. Costs for forming the district are starting to incur. John Nyhart may be hired as a consultant. Out of the list of requests made by the fire management group; only the fundraising money portion was approved. Anyone interested in an officer position for the new district should get the proper courses taken in order to do so. The interim chief will be responsible for appointing the officers. Hose test will be on June 8th, 2016. Anyone interested in a department jacket or pullover needs to fill out their request on the sign up sheet. New Business: On June 24th, 2016 the cub scouts have requested the fire department to do a presentation for them. Mark Gorke will take lead with Jim Brodhagen, Sean Wiese, and Ray VanLuven to assist. Everyone is asked to bring their pagers to the June paper meeting so John Austin can update the inventory. Proceeds from the $100 raffle fundraiser will be used to purchase additional pagers and radios if needed. The Waterford of Colby will be hosting a dairy breakfast on June 9th, 2016 from 8:30 to 10:30. They have sent a donation request letter to the department. A motion was made by Mark Gorke and seconded by John Austin to donate fifty dollars from the tent account towards the dairy breakfast. Motion Carried. Training/Schooling: Participation numbers need to be on the rise for practices both regular and joint. The joint training in July will be hosted on July 13th, 2016 for the grain bin training at Heartland Co-op. There will be an extrication course hosted in Port Edwards, see Jody if you are interested. Motion to Adjourn: Motion made at 8:04 pm by John Austin; seconded by Ray Esselman. Respectively Submitted, Lynsie Edblom Secretary 19 20 Central Fire & EMS District Meeting Minutes May 18, 2016 – 7:30 p.m. Colby City Hall 1. Call to Order: The May 18, 2016 meeting of the Central Fire & EMS District was called to order by Larry Oehmichen, at 7:30 p.m. 2. Meeting posted per statute. 3. Roll Call: City of Abbotsford, Gerry Anders; City of Colby, Nancy O’Brien; Town of Colby, Larry Oehmichen; Town of Holton, Pat Tischendorf; Town of Hull, Shane Graffunder; Township of Mayville, Todd Weich; Village of Dorchester, Wayne Rau. 4. Public Discussion: Bill Tesmer requested public discussion on agenda item #11; Ross Rannow requested public discussion on agenda item #10. 5. John Neihart was present to discuss with the Board the District expectations/time line to get the District operational along with what the Board would expect from him. Larry Oehmichen stated that in a telephone conversation with Andy Schlagel that Andy would be happy to answer questions that would be presented to him. 6. Approve Committee Appointments: Carol Staab reviewed the committee appointments. Todd Weich stated that there was some confusion in the Town of Mayville meeting minutes, Todd was appointed as the Town representative with James Dukelow as the alternate. Discussion was held on a forming a centralized email for open records requests. Gerry Anders stated that in a discussion with Elizabeth Tesch, Elizabeth would be willing to set this up. A motion was made by Shane Graffunder, second by Gerry Anders to appoint Elizabeth Tesch to the Oversight Committee as a nonvoting member. Motion carried. Gerry Anders stated that he researched a Google account at a cost of $5/person/month. This will be researched further. 7. Firefighter Fund Balances: The Oversight Committee met on May 5, 2016 and discussed the existing fundraiser balances in each department account. Existing fund balances for each department will be their funds to be spent by said department. Any new money raised after 1/1/16 would go into a joint account but earmarked under separate accounts for each station. 8. Present Bid Example for Accounting for Discussion, Possible Approval: The bid example for accounting services was presented by Carol Staab. The bid for accounting will be send to the Tribune Phonograph for 2-week advertising along with the shoppers with a bid deadline of 6/13/16. This bid for accounting will also be sent to the municipal clerks and the existing accountants. Bids will be mailed to Carol Staab. A motion was made by Wayne Rau, second by Pat Tischendorf to approve the bidding process. Motion carried. Nancy O'Brien presented a list of possible questions from Connie Gurtner, City of Colby Clerk: a) Accounts payable-approximately how many vouchers per month will be paid? Currently each department cuts between 6-15 check per month excluding payroll. Colby, Dorchester and Abbotsford Ambulance have monthly payroll, Abbotsford Fire has quarterly payroll. Payroll would be approximately 100+ per month b) 1099 info-preparation 20 21 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) Accounts receivable-deposits and billing Payroll-approximately how many will be on the payroll Quarterly 941, annual 940, WT-6, preparation Annual W-2, collecting W-4 information Preparing and providing monthly financial statement(s) for District meetings Federal and State agency filing. Develop annual District budget a cash flow to ensure sufficient funds Reconcile District checking accountant(s) Public official surety bond How will the treasurer receive invoices to determine if payment should be made? Will the Chief be responsible to get the mail, approve invoices for the treasurer? How many hours for payroll will be reported to the treasurer; will the treasurer be responsible to collect information for payroll or will the Chief compile the information for payment? 9. Discussion and Possible Approval on Operating Structure: Larry Oehmichen stated that the Colby Fire Commission approved a loan in the amount of $100,000 to the District at 1% interest. These funds will be considered an advance payment in monies due on 1/1/17 and will be deducted from the amount due at that time. Discussion was held on the District bank account. A federal employer identification number needs to be applied for from the IRS. When opening the account, the bank would be informed that application for an ID number is being made allowing the account to be opened. A motion was made by Nancy O'Brien, second by Gerry Anders to approve AbbyBank as the depository. Motion carried. Gerry Anders will contact AbbyBank regarding opening the account. The District will be set up as a government entity operating under an Intergovernmental agreement. The District will also file as a non-profit 501(c)3 foundation for tax deductible donations. Abbotsford Fire Department currently has 501(c)3 status; there is a possibility that the District may be able to use this under a name change to the District. 10. Abbotsford Firemen Letter of Understanding, Discussion and Possible Approval: Discussion was held on the Letter of Understanding from the Abbotsford Fire Department. Areas of concern: 1. Fundraising dollars-separate accounts will be set up; money will be earmarked and restricted for the respective departments as old and new money. New money will have a new account number and be earmarked and restricted to said department. Fund raising activities will require membership and District chief approval. 2. Standeven embezzlement funds-money recovered will be split between the 3 funding entities by equalized value as per the 2010 resolution. 3. HazMat-assets need to be worked out through the Clark County Emergency Government. Equipment was funded by state grants and individual funds. John Neihart stated that Abbotsford is a level B team and that the state has reduced the level A team to possibly 3 or 4. John Neihart will contact a level A team to have this equipment transferred to the District. John Neihart stated that the state would most likely not want the equipment back but that the District should maintain the HazMat team. 4. Fire Chief for District be hired from outside the district and enforce a written agreement to that-a job description will be written and open to everyone to apply. The personnel committee will prepare the job description. 5. All members remain for 3 years-members will need to follow a code of conduct for the District, reapply for a position and have one year to obtain and/or bring qualifications to up to date if not met. The District Chief will put a management team in place; reduction in members will happen through attrition and/or retirement or through disciplinary measures. 21 22 6. 7. 8. Equipment concerns-more specifically equipment purchased with grant or fund raising efforts. Per John Neihart, to be covered under the District insurance policy, all equipment must be listed on the Intergovernmental Agreement. If equipment purchased with fund raising proceeds is sold with Board approval, proceeds from said equipment will be deposited into the fund raising account earmarked for the department that purchased it. Members request a seat on the District Board-only elected municipal representatives are allowed to be Board members due to the District being a governmental entity. Members requested a letter of protection for 5 years-this is not allowable due to state statutes and possible change in elected officials. Discussion was held regarding hiring a chief from within and outside of the District. The Chief will be accountable to the Board. Next monthly meeting will be held on June 15, 2016 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Colby Town Hall. 11. Consider motion to convene into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §19.85 (1) (c) for the purpose of considering the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss employment of potential Fire District consultant. A motion was made by Gerry Anders, second by Nancy O'Brien to consider motion to convene into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §19.85 (1) (c) for the purpose of considering the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss employment of potential Fire District consultant. Roll call vote: Gerry Anders-yes; Nancy O'Brien-yes, Larry Oehmichen-yes; Pat Tischendorf-yes; Shane Graffunder-yes; Todd Weich-yes; Wayne Rau-yes. Motion carried 7-0. A motion was made by Gerry Anders, second by Todd Weich to reconvene into open session. Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding the Board's closed session discussion. A meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at the Dorchester Fire Hall beginning at 8:30 p.m. A motion was made by Pat Tischendorf, second by Gerry Anders to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Recording Secretary Minutes pending final approval at the June 15, 2016 Central Fire & EMS Board meeting. 22 23 Central Fire & EMS District Meeting Minutes May 25, 2016 – 8:30 p.m. Dorchester Fire Hall 1. Call to Order: The May 25, 2016 meeting of the Central Fire & EMS District was called to order by Larry Oehmichen, at 8:30 p.m. 2. Meeting posted per statute. 3. Roll Call: City of Abbotsford, Gerry Anders; City of Colby, Nancy O’Brien; Town of Colby, Larry Oehmichen; Town of Holton, Pat Tischendorf; Town of Hull, Shane Graffunder; Township of Mayville, Todd Weich; Village of Dorchester, Randy Cook. 4. Public Discussion: Pat Tischendorf stated that according to the newspaper it was discussed in April hiring a fire chief. Pat also stated that he contacted the Towns Association lawyer who stated that Todd Weich is considered an elected official being that he was appointed to fill a position due to vacancy. It was also noted that there would be no conflict of interest. Randy Cook stated that Wayne Rau would like to the approval of hiring an outside resource/consultant done at the next monthly meeting. Richard Gumz discussed the existing fund raiser accounts. These funds will be earmarked for each department. Larry Oehmichen contacted Attorney Fenner in regard to an appointed official vs. an elected official on the Board. Either satisfies the requirement. He also discussed with Attorney Fenner the posting and hiring of an interim chief. Per Attorney Fenner “I am not aware of any state law that requires the position of an interim chief to be posted, subjected to interview, etc. Section 7.1 provides that the commission shall make provision for the management of the Fire District; and section 7.2 gives to the commission the authority to hire and terminate appropriate personnel. There is nothing in the agreement that would preclude the Commission from hiring the interim chief, without first posting that position.” Larry Oehmichen also stated that he was very much in favor of having a very open policy of people attending these Board meetings. He continued “but it was brought to my attention at the meeting on May 18, 2016 after I was interrupted twice by a party questioning the Board's right to make a decision on its actions. The Fire Board is representatives of a government entity, and as such will and must act within the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The unjustified interruptions were clearly just that as no laws were violated nor anywhere close to that. Our meetings operate under Robert's Rules of Order which clearly gives the Chair the power to remove people or persons who have the intention to disrupt the meeting. I should hope we would never have to come to that, but as Chair I am more than willing to have open discussion under Public Comment, or if you feel you have a vital comment to bring up, raise your hand and ask permission to speak which will be allowed. Any outbursts, from anyone, without the Chair’s acknowledgment will not be tolerated.” 5. Discussion and possible approval on hiring an outside resource/consultant: Larry Oehmichen stated that at the April Board meeting he was instructed to seek out some individuals to assist with the set-up of the Fire District. Larry contacted Andy Schlagel who attended a meeting, but he is unable to assist with the process; he would more than happy to answer any questions the Board may have. Larry contacted John Neihart with the Board having some concerns which would not be asked in open session which is the reason the Board met in closed session. After those concerns were satisfied, a recommendation was made by Larry Oehmichen to hire John Neihart as a paid consultant. Due to the fact that many papers that need to be filed would have to have a title, Larry Oehmichen also 23 24 recommended naming him Interim Chief. Larry Oehmichen continued that with John's knowledge and background, along with the time served as Fire Chief that he would be outstanding to put the District together. Duties include: 1) obtain all required State and Federal licenses and numbers required for the new District. 2) Negotiate a new billing fee discount with LifeQuest Services. 3) Prepare the District's organizational chart. 4) Apply for and obtain a temporary IRS number, FEIN number, and 501c3 nonprofit number for the District. 5) Coordinate the paging protocol between Clark and Marathon Counties. 6) Obtain titles for all equipment that will be registered and title to the District. 7) Assist with the implementation of the District's email implementation and a social media presence. 8) Other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be assigned to the employee. The term of employment is to 12/31/16 with the option to extend until 12/31/17. John Neihart stated that he discussed with the Board the maximum length of employment would be 2 years. John Neihart will be paid an hourly wage of $25/hour. Expected worked hours will be 25-30 hours/week with John Neihart to schedule his own work time. The District will reimburse John Neihart for mileage while traveling between stations within the District at state reimbursement rate. There will be no benefits associated with this position. Start date will be June 6, 2016. A motion was made by Gerry Anders, second by Pat Tischendorf to hire John Neihart under the terms of the Limited Term Employment Agreement. Motion carried without opposition. Next meeting date is June 15, 2016 at the Town of Colby, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Approval of meeting minutes will be posted on the agendas moving forward. Shane Graffunder will contact AbbyBank regarding opening the District checking account with the assistance of Larry Oehmichen. Election of a Board Treasurer will be on the June 15, 2016 agenda. A motion was made by Pat Tischendorf, second by Todd Weich to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Recording Secretary Minutes pending final approval at the June 15, 2016 Central Fire & EMS Board meeting. 24 25 Minutes from the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held June 28, 2016 at the Abbotsford City Hall Alderman Voss called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll call: Voss, Grambort, Kramer, and Chairman Anders via conference call Others present: Clerk Lopez, DWP Stuttgen, John Mueller, Mary Sanders, Liz Stoss and K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph Under comments by the public, John Mueller stated he was there to represent the Cemetery Association and would like to request road repairs be included in the 2017 budget process. Stuttgen stated that cost to pulverize the road and relay the blacktop would be approximately $28,000. Under discuss/recommend financing for the cemetery road improvements, Stuttgen suggested proceeding with the pulverizing of the road with the intent to budget the paving into the 2017 budget. The Cemetery Association has funds to finance ½ of this project. Depending of the pulverization schedule, the pot holes will be handled timely. There were no comments by the Finance Chairman. Under discuss/approve June bills, motion Kramer/Anders to approve the regular expenditures in the amount of $126,937.57. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Anders/Grambort to approve the Waste Water Treatment USDA expenitures in the amount of $89,951.67. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Anders/Kramer to approve the TIF expenditures in the amount of $6,249.00. Motion carried without negative vote. The May receipts and expenditures were reviewed. The year to date Overtime Report was reviewed. The budget comparison was reviewed. Voss stated that the United Communities of Clark County are reviewing a group health insurance option that may benefit the City of Abbotsford. At this time there is one employee enrolled in the group health insurance. The Fire/EMS financials were reviewed. Under incidents/accidents/training it was stated that we have one employee who recently underwent a knee scope surgery on Work Comp. There was no lost time from work besides the doctor appointments and surgery and the employee is doing well. DPW Stuttgen stated that his employees attended a traffic safety class that was sponsored by our insurance company last week. Clerk Lopez reminded the committee that Deputy Clerk Seefluth will be attending the one week UW-Green Bay Clerk’s Institute training in July. Under discuss/recommend low bid for annual City of Abbotsford generator service support agreement – Fabick Cat - $10,610.29 it was stated that this was bid by two companies and presented is the low bid. As this is a 36 month contract it is about $3,000 per year. It was noted that the generators are exercised 25 26 regularly and are on the plan with the power company where they can be utilized during high energy peaks. Motion Anders/Grambort to approve without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Resolution 2016-12 2015 Final Budget amendment, motion Anders/Kramer to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Resolution 2016-13 2016-13 Budget amendment, motion Kramer/Anders to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend increasing the local purchase order limit from $50 to $100, motion Anders/Kramer to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Anders/Grambort to adjourn at 4:57 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 61 RESOLUTION 2016-12 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE 2015 BUDGET WHEREAS, certain authorized expenditures within the adopted 2015 Annual Budget need to be reallocated; and WHEREAS, according to Wisconsin Statutes no appropriations may remain over expended at year end within the annual budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Abbotsford that the 2015 budget be amended as stated: Account Number Short Description 2015 ACTUAL 100-00-48901-000-000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 39,156.06 100-00-48900-000-100 PY ROLL OVERS 100-00-51100-011-000 CITY COUNCIL-WAGES 100-00-51100-012-000 CITY COUNCIL-SUPP & EQUIP 100-00-51200-011-006 JUDICIAL - COURT CLERK WAGES 100-00-51200-011-100 JUDICIAL - FICA/MED 798.88 400.00 398.88 100-00-51200-013-000 JUDICIAL-PLAN, MAINT, & OPER 1,354.46 2,000.00 (645.54) 100-00-51300-000-000 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION-LEGAL 5,358.05 6,000.00 (641.95) 100-00-51350-000-000 GENERAL ADMIN-CODIFICATION 800.00 2,500.00 (1,700.00) 100-00-51400-011-100 CLERK - FICA/MED 1,940.09 2,488.26 (314.37) 100-00-51400-011-110 CLERK - RETIREMENT 2,323.10 2,234.63 88.47 100-00-51401-001-000 CITY CLERK-PRINTING 3,442.16 3,000.00 442.16 100-00-51401-002-000 CITY CLERK-SUPPLIES 5,702.17 5,000.00 702.17 100-00-51401-005-000 CITY CLERK-MEAL/MILE/SCHOOL 1,150.05 3,000.00 (1,849.95) 100-00-51405-011-000 MAYOR-WAGES 6,650.00 6,500.00 150.00 100-00-51405-011-100 MAYOR - FICA/MED 100-00-51410-011-000 ELECTION-WAGES 100-00-51410-012-000 ELECTION-PRINTING NOTICES 100-00-51432-000-000 GENERAL ADMIN-PREM HEALTH 100-00-51432-001-000 GENERAL ADMIN-PHYS/DRUG TESTS 100-00-51500-000-000 GENERAL ADMIN-AUDITOR 7,916.66 7,825.00 91.66 100-00-51510-000-000 GENERAL ADMIN-ASSESSOR 18,016.51 14,000.00 4,016.51 100-00-51600-000-000 CITY -BLDG MAINT 44,686.18 35,000.00 9,686.18 100-00-51600-000-105 CITY HALL-CLEANING - FICA/MED 1,408.44 803.25 605.19 100-00-51610-000-000 CITY HALL-ELECTRICITY 8,733.44 13,500.00 (4,766.56) 100-00-51938-000-000 GENERAL ADMIN-PROP & LIAB INS 56,044.97 52,000.00 4,044.97 100-00-58300-000-000 CONTINGENCY 7,927.91 (7,927.91) 100-00-51400-011-000 CLERK WAGES 19,251.52 30,234.89 (10,983.37) 100-00-53100-810-000 MACH/EQUIP/VEHICLES 74,056.50 51,969.29 22,087.21 100-00-53311-011-000 PUBLIC WORKS-WAGES 241,656.63 135,501.62 106,155.01 100-00-53311-011-100 PUBLIC WORKS - FICA/MED 8,381.19 10,731.67 (2,350.48) 100-00-53311-011-110 PUBLIC WORKS - RETIREMENT 6,715.37 8,801.95 (2,086.58) 100-00-53311-013-000 PUBLIC WORKS-PLAN,MAINT,OPER 46,948.64 68,000.00 (21,051.36) 100-00-53311-013-001 PUBLIC WORKS - UTILITIES 18,283.24 16,000.00 2,283.24 100-00-53311-013-005 PUBLIC WORKS - FUEL 11,344.33 17,000.00 (5,655.67) 100-00-53311-013-006 PUBLIC WORKS - UNIFORMS CLOTHI 3,492.10 2,600.00 892.10 100-00-53311-013-015 PUBLIC WORKS - VEHICLE MNTCE 23,298.72 20,000.00 3,298.72 100-00-53311-013-020 PUBLIC WORKS - BRUSH WAGES 29,592.58 6,364.09 23,228.49 - BUDGET OVER/UNDER 6,000.00 (33,156.06) 38,477.14 (38,477.14) 16,675.00 16,000.00 675.00 19.98 500.00 (480.02) 4,522.67 4,240.00 282.67 526.15 497.25 28.90 1,000.65 3,200.00 (2,199.35) 1,096.45 1,000.00 96.45 27,188.48 36,000.00 (8,811.52) 300.05 200.00 100.05 - (IMMINENT WATER/XCEL REBATE) 61 30 31 62 100-00-53311-013-021 PUBLIC WORKS - BRUSH FICA/MED (87.45) 471.10 (558.55) 100-00-53311-013-022 PUBLIC WORKS - BRUSH RET (68.08) 445.52 (513.60) 100-00-53311-013-025 PUBLIC WORKS - SNOW WAGES (6,633.84) 25,948.08 (32,581.92) 100-00-53311-013-026 PUBLIC WORKS - SNOW FICA/MED 3,201.16 2,173.49 1,027.67 100-00-53311-013-027 PUBLIC WORKS - SNOW RET 3,101.38 2,070.45 1,030.93 100-00-53420-000-000 STREET LIGHTING-UTILITIES 4,077.32 24,000.00 (19,922.68) 100-00-53631-014-000 LANDFILL- SUB TITLE D 8,537.99 7,450.00 1,087.99 100-00-54910-011-000 CEMETERY-WAGES 10,820.45 8,000.00 2,820.45 100-00-54910-013-000 CEMETERY-PLAN,MAINT,OPER 401.30 200.00 201.30 100-00-54910-014-000 CEMETERY-PERPETUAL CARE 265.39 160.00 105.39 100-00-55200-013-000 PARKS/REC-PLAN,MAINT,OPER 22,033.20 18,000.00 4,033.20 100-00-55200-014-000 PARKS AND RECREATION-CAP IMP 75.00 20,354.65 (4,033.20) 785,555.29 746,770.24 (11,046.82) *ROLL TO 2016 MACH/EQUIP/VEHICLES Approved this this 5TH day of July, 2016 __________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor Attest: ____________________ Jennifer Lopez, City Clerk 62 31 32 63 RESOLUTION 2016-13 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE 2016 BUDGET WHEREAS, certain authorized expenditures within the adopted 2016 Annual Budget need to be reallocated; and WHEREAS, according to Wisconsin Statutes no appropriations may remain over expended at year end within the annual budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Abbotsford that the 2016 budget be amended as stated: Account Number Short Description BUDGET CHANGE 100-00-48900-000-100 PY ROLL OVERS 27,927.91 11,046.82 AMMENDED BUDGET 38,974.73 100-00-53100-810-000 MACH/EQUIP/VEHICLES 11,046.82 51,046.82 100-00-53100-810-001 MACH/EQUIP/VEHICLES 20,000.00 SAME AS ABOVE 100-00-53311-013-000 PUBLIC WORKS-PLAN,MAINT,OPER 68,000.00 (20,000.00) 20,000.00 48,000.00 - Approved this this 5TH day of July, 2016 __________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor Attest: ____________________ Jennifer Lopez, City Clerk 63 32 33 Minutes from the Colby Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners meeting held June 13, 2016 at the Colby Abbotsford Police Department President Todd Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: President Todd Schmidt, Dan Hederer, Ken Lynn, Brent Faber, and Loren Voss (Roger Weideman – absent) Others present: Chief Jason Bauer, Colby Mayor Jim Schmidt, Officer Schreiber, Abbotsford Clerk Jeni Lopez, and Julia Wolf – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments from the public. Motion Hederer/Faber to approve the minutes from May 9, 2016 as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Lynn/Voss to approve the expenditures in the amount of $13,340.59. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Hederer/Lynn to accept the resignation from Officer Adam Sazama. It was reported that all equipment was returned to the department. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Hederer/Faber to issue a Chamber gift certificate in the amount of $250 to Sandy Kocian as a retirement gift. Motion carried without negative vote. Under Lexipol Policies, Policy 429-First Amendment Assemblies; Policy 432-Crisis Intervention Incidents; Policy 507-Abandoned Vehicle Violations; Policy 701-Personal Communication Devices; Policy 1004-Anti-Retaliation; Policy 1008-Communicable Diseases; Policy 1009-Smoking and Tobacco Use; Policy 1011-Seat Belts; Policy 1012-Body Armor were reviewed. Motion Hederer/Lynn to approve the policies as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under Chief’s report, Chief Bauer reported that the water pump went out on the Ford Explorer, but was under warranty. After the water pump is replaced, the vehicle will go to the body shop to repair damage from a car/deer accident. Several applicants applied for the open Officer position, testing will be performed on the applicants and the top five will be selected for interviews. At this time there is one part-time Officer, Alex Bohman, assisting the Department. Interviews will be held June 28, 2016 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Chief Bauer stated the Impala now has 100,000 miles and he will begin looking to replace the vehicle. The Interceptor now has 90,000 miles. This is in line with the budget and monies have been allocated for this purchase. The next meeting will be June 28, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. for interviews and the next regular meeting will be July 11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Motion Hederer/Faber to adjourn at 6:43 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 33 34 Minutes from the Colby Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners meeting held June 28, 2016 at the Colby Abbotsford Police Department President Todd Schmidt called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Roll call: President Todd Schmidt, Vice President Dan Hederer, Ken Lynn, Loren Voss and Brent Faber; Roger Weideman absent Others present: Colby Mayor Jim Schmidt, Abbotsford City Council President Lori Voss and Police Chief Jason Bauer Motion Hederer/Lynn to convene to closed session pursuant to State Statutes 19.85 (1) (c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for the purpose of conducting interviews for the full-time police officer position. Roll call: President Schmidt – yes, Hederer – yes, Lynn – yes, Voss – yes, Faber – yes Police Chief Jason Bauer, Mayor Jim Schmidt and Council President Lori Voss were invited to participate in the closed session discussion. Motion Hederer/Faber to approve the hiring of the top scoring candidate for the full-time police officer position and giving Police Chief Jason Bauer the authority to hire the number two scoring candidate for the full-time police officer position if the top scoring candidate declines the position. Hiring request to be submitted to the Abbotsford and Colby city councils at their respective July 5 meetings for approval. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Faber/Hederer to adjourn in closed session at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 Public Library Abbotsford REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING 05/11 Meeting called to order 8 May 2016 / 5:20 PM / Conference Room ATTENDEES Hinrichsen, Giffin, Suttner, Bittner, Braun, Schraufnagel, Jochimsen, Writz, Grambort Members absent: AGENDA Previous minutes read and approved. Public Comment: Grambort inquired about the future purchase of Rosetta Stone for the library and if other language systems had been researched. Jochimsen informed the board that she has not yet purchased Rosetta Stone. She informed the board that before she writes a grant request for the service she wishes to survey the library public to grantee that the service will be used. She also would need to look into where in the library a computer dedicated to the language program would be place. Old Business: The updated Director’s job description is now in the Library’s policy binder. New Business: Director Evaluation: The Board informed Jocimsen they were pleased with her work and that she had passed her 90 probation period. The Board informed Jochimsen that starting on June 21she will be moved from 32 hours a week to 40 hours a week at salary of 22.00 per hour. New Board Member: Jessie Grambort was introduced as the new representative for the City of Abbotsford. Board Volunteers: Giffin will attend Yoga in the Library on June 16th as a library representative and Hinrichsen will be present at the 3D pen lab on the 23rd. Policy Approval: Movie Loan Policy: Writz moved and Giffin seconded that the policy be approved with one correction to library name. Updated Policy attached. Library Assistant Job Description Approval: Schraufnagel moved and Giffin seconded that the job description be approved with the addition of “Hours will vary by applicant.” Treasurer’s Report: 36% of total budget is spent. Circulation Report: May 2016: 2,354 attachments. May 2015: 1995 May 2014: 2438 April 2016: 2,193. For more information see WVLS Report: VCat meeting is scheduled for June 9th. Director Report: There are 50 children, 7teens, and 7 adults signed up for the Summer Reading Program. The School visit on May 27th had 332 children and 5 adult visiting the library. The first Monday craft and activates had 15 children and 5 adults in attendance. Plant a Pizza Garden on June 7th had 25 children and 5 adults in attendance. The first read to rover had 4 children reading. Operating Issues: Update on WiFi is now generating statistics on patron use. Update on Microfiche System: ScanPro 300 can now print. Staffing Issues: Kim Olson official last day will be June 10th. There is currently one application summited. The Board may hold an emergency meeting to discuss wage rates. NOTES • The Board may hold an emergency meeting to discuss wage rates. Jochimsen will run totals to see how a new hire will effect current budget. • Writz provided the Board with information on Memory Cafés and Purple Angle classification. • Jochimsen applied for the Christens Grant for 1,200 to buy audiobooks for the library’s collection. ACTION ITEMS • Jochimsen will start researching Library Friends Groups. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Writz/Giffen 6:15pm NEXT MEETING July 13th at 5:00 PM 39 40 Minutes from the Abbotsford Plan Commission held June 24, 2016 in the Abbotsford City Hall DPW Stuttgen called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Roll call: Welsh, Medenwaldt, and Jakel (Absent Christensen and Weideman) Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Todd Trader – MSA and K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph The Pledge of Allegiance was heard. There were no comment from the public. Under discuss/review appropriate action related to Galvin Property Site meeting, DPW Stuttgen stated that he and Todd Trader met with the Army Core of Engineers and the DNR and the previous wetland delineation report was reviewed. The current road system on the Galvin property are only approved for Agricultural use. If the City would wish to build the roads across the wetlands, a need would have to be present, meaning that the other lots must be sold prior to the DNR granting a crossing for additional development. It was stated that only the parcels on the South side of the property could be serviced by our existing sanitary sewer; the additional lots would require a lift station. Under discuss/review appropriate action relating to Blume Property Planning, DPW Stuttgen stated he met with Henry Blume and their understanding is the property has only storm water issues, no wetland issues. It was stated that Kwik Trip has a proposed road penciled into the property layout on the Eastern side of their property behind the City’s lift station. This road would provide access to the Blume property. MSA suggested their recommendation would be for the City to get the wetlands delineated. It was stated the delineation maps are good for 5 years. After the delineation is complete, the next step would be to design the property layout with the DNR. After reviewing the information the committee consensus was to continue exploration in the Blume property and pass on the proposal from Pat Galvin. Discussion was held on what the procedure would be to annex property from one school district to another district. It was felt that it would be advantageous for the Blume property to be located within the Abbotsford School District if that would be the next area of development. Further review will be done on the possibility of changing districts. Trader suggested the City may want to consider the addition of two TIF districts as that would grant more flexibility. It was stated that the provided proposal would be $1,000 higher to create two districts versus one district. Motion Welsh/Jakel to recommend hiring MSA to provide a wetland delineation of the Blume property (approximately 78 acres). Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/review Christensen property, there was no information available at this time to review. Under discuss/review contract with MSA to create TID #6, motion Welsh/Jakel to recommend to the City Council to create 2 TIF districts to be finalized on or before October 31, 2016. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Medenwaldt/Welsh to adjourn at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 40 41 June 29, 2016 Craig Stuttgen, Director of Public Works City of Abbotsford 203 North First Street Abbotsford, WI 54935 Re: Proposal for Wetland Delineation Services Blume Property (79.01 Acre Site) City of Abbotsford, Marathon County Dear Craig: As per your request, I have prepared the following proposal for wetland delineation services to be performed on the Blume Farms property (79.01 acres) located along Elderberry Road part of CSM 82-91, in the City of Abbotsford, WI. PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES: MSA proposes to provide the following scope of services under a wetland delineation services contract. When OWNER is mentioned herein it should be read to mean City of Abbotsford. It is understood that MSA will be working with the Owner in the performance of the herein described services. 1. WETLAND DELINEATION Complete a wetland delineation of 79.01 acres on the Blume parcel of land (see attached map) to identify the boundary limits of any existing wetland for City planning purposes. This work shall include research, one site visit to perform field work, preparation of a report including findings and data sheets, and submitting the report to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) for concurrence. One onsite review meeting with WDNR for concurrence purposes. Deliverables: One electronic (PDF format) version of the wetland delineation report. 2. FEE SCHEDULE Wisconsin DNR may charge a concurrence fee of $300/20 Acres. As such, a $1,200 fee may be charged by the WDNR to field verify the boundary line of any wetlands that are delineated as part of the project. The $1,200 fee is included in the wetland delineation fee schedule below. Wetland Delineation Fee…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$4,000 Wetland Concurrence Site Visit and Coordination…………………………………………………………………….$ 500 Total……………………….….. $4,500 WDNR Wetland Concurrence Fee (By Owner)...………………………………………………………………………..$1,200 41 42 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: Wetland delineation services (up to and including submitting the report to the WDNR for concurrence) can be completed within six weeks of the Owner’s authorization to proceed and execution of a professional services agreement. It is anticipated that the WDNR will complete their field verification of the delineated wetland boundary and issue a concurrence letter yet this year, prior to the end of the 2016 growing season. ASSUMPTIONS & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: 1. MSA is not responsible for the timeliness or outcome of agency reviews or approvals. 2. Fees charged by agencies for plan review, inspection, or other purposes are the sole responsibility of the Owner including fees for bid advertisement and public notices, if required. 3. Payment is expected in accordance with the "Prices and Terms of Payment" section of our standard contract. In addition to the provisions set forth therein, MSA Professional Services, Inc. reserves the right to stop work any time after balances are more than 30 days past due and all other efforts are exhausted to resolve any conflicts or disputes. 4. If work is requested of MSA that is not included in the above scope of services, or is a change to work in progress, the Owner will be advised of the scope of the additional service and the corresponding fee estimate for approval prior to starting the work. A written contract amendment will be provided for approval. 5. All work will be done in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract. Items not specifically mentioned in the scope of services are not a part of this contract. 6. Meetings not mentioned in the enclosed scope of services will be attended by MSA staff when requested by the Owner on a time and expense basis as additional work. 7. Lump sum costs include the cost of reimbursable expenses such as: fax, telephone, mileage, computers and equipment, photocopying, and plan reproduction. 8. MSA assumes no liability for the parcel’s compliance with local zoning, land use, and shoreland ordinances. Work regarding the parcel’s compliance with local zoning, land use, and shoreland ordinances is not included in this contract unless otherwise stated. No platting, parcel subdividing, or easement description preparation is included in this contract. These items shall be provided by others or provided by MSA as additional services. 42 43 If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please feel free to call me at 715-305-0435 or email at ttrader@msa-ps.com. Sincerely, MSA Professional Services, Inc. Todd Trader, PE Team Leader Enc. 43 44 Professional Services Agreement This AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made today July 5, 2016 by and between CITY OF ABBOTSFORD (OWNER) and MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (MSA), which agree as follows: Project Name: Abbotsford Blume Property Wetland Delineation The scope of the work authorized is: See Attached Letter Proposal Dated June 29, 2016 The schedule to perform the work is: Approximate Start Date: Approximate Completion Date: The lump sum fee for the work is: $4,500 7/5/16 10/15/16 All services shall be performed in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of MSA, which is attached and made part of this Agreement. Any attachments or exhibits referenced in this Agreement are made part of this Agreement. Payment for these services will be on a lump sum basis. Approval: Authorization to proceed is acknowledged by signatures of the parties to this Agreement. CITY OF ABBOTSFORD MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Dale Rachu Mayor Date: July 5, 2016 Todd Trader Team Leader Date: July 5, 2016 Attest: City Clerk Clerk Name: Jennifer Lopez Date: 203 North First Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Phone: 920-887-4600 146 North Central Avenue, Suite 201 Marshfield, WI 5449 Phone: 715-384-2133 44 45 Legend Parcels Land Hooks Section Lines/Numbers Right Of Ways Road Names Named Places Municipalities 2015 Orthos Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 405.91 0 405.91 Feet User_Defined_Lambert_Conformal_Conic DISCLAIMER: The information and depictions herein are for informational purposes and Marathon County-City of Wausau specifically disclaims accuracy in this reproduction and specifically admonishes and advises that if specific and precise accuracy is required, the same should be determined by procurement of certified maps, surveys, plats, Flood Insurance Studies, or other official means. Marathon County-City of Wausau will not be responsible for any damages which result from third party use of the information and depictions herein or for use which ignores this warning. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Notes 45 46 Professional Services Agreement This AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made today July 5, 2016 by and between CITY OF ABBOTSFORD (OWNER) and MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (MSA), which agree as follows: Project Name: City of Abbotsford TID #6 and TID #7 Creation The scope of the work authorized is: Assist the City of Abbotsford with the creation of up to 2 new Tax Increment Districts (TIDs) (See Attachment A). The schedule to perform the work is: approximate start: approximate completion: The lump sum fee for the work is: July 5, 2016 December 31, 2016 $13,500 All services shall be performed in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of MSA, which is attached and made part of this Agreement. Any attachments or exhibits referenced in this Agreement are made part of this Agreement. Payment for these services will be on a lump sum basis. Approval: Authorization to proceed is acknowledged by signatures of the parties to this Agreement. CITY OF ABBOTSFORD MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Dale Rachu Mayor Todd Trader, PE Team Leader Jennifer Lopez City Clerk Date: July 5, 2016 Date: 203 North First Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Phone: (715) 223-3444 146 North Central Avenue, Suite 201 Marshfield, WI 54449 Phone: (715) 384-2133 46 47 SECTION I: BASIC SERVICES MSA agrees to provide planning services for the creation of Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) District #6 and TIF District #7 (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the PROJECT) required under Wisconsin Statutes 66.1105, including but not limited to the following: 1.1 Conduct the required Plan Commission meeting and OWNER's City Council meeting for the OWNER during the formulation and adoption of the TIF Project Plan. 1.2 Assist with the establishment of a Joint Review Board and conduct two meetings with the Joint Review Board. 1.3 Draft and prepare for signature all resolutions, letters, documents and notices required for TIF Project Plan approval. 1.4 Prepare Tax Incremental District (TID) boundary and TIF Project Plan maps. 1.5 Prepare economic feasibility study, projected tax increment shares for inclusion in the TIF Project Plan as required. 1.6 Liaison with the Department of Revenue (TIF - certifying State Agency). 1.7 Submit three TIF Project Plan documents to the OWNER. 1.8 Assist with preparation and submittal of documents required by the Department of Revenue (DOR) for TIF Project Plan certification, including DOR-required "base packet" information. 1.9 Assist in preparing updated tax parcel mapping and/or preparing legal descriptions for purposes of defining TID. SECTION II: ADDITIONAL SERVICES If authorized by the OWNER, MSA shall furnish Additional Services of the following type which are not considered customary Basic Services: 2.1 Maintenance and administrative services to the OWNER in conjunction with the TIF Project Plan after approval by the DOR. 2.2 Surveying and drafting services as requested by OWNER to update or revise the OWNER'S base map and/or prepare a reproducible copy of the base map. 2.3 Prepare preliminary engineering estimates for projects to be included in Project Plan. 2.4 Prepare Developer's Agreement which further defines OWNER's TIF implementation as well as specific expectations of a given private developer. 2.5 Assist OWNER in responding to DOR questions regarding the TID base packet. 47 48 SECTION III: OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Provide a Planning Commission to direct the Plans. 3.2 Assist MSA in the establishment of a Joint Review Board. 3.3 Designate in writing a person to act as the OWNER's representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement; and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define OWNER's policies and decisions with respect to the services. 3.4 Assist MSA with the assemblage of documentation required for determination of blight within the TID(s) (if applicable). 3.5 Provide up-to-date tax parcel map information or documentation (i.e. tax parcel descriptions) for purposes of defining TIF District boundaries, descriptions, and determining property valuations within the District. 3.6 Provide copies of studies, plans and reports that include information on community goals, objectives, needs, and capacities of public facilities (as applicable). 3.7 Advertise for the required public hearings. 3.8 Review, approve and sign all documents and submittals. 3.9 Provide the services of the Attorney, Assessor and Clerk as needed in preparing the TIF Project Plan and/or DOR base packet. 3.10 Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the Project, and such auditing service as the OWNER may require. 3.11 Pay the Department of Revenue $1,000.00 Review Fee for each new TID created. 48 49 SECTION IV: PROPOSED TIMELINE Date Meeting/Action June, 2016 Meet with City Plan Commission to review timetable, discuss potential projects, etc. July 5, 2016 City authorizes MSA to prepare the Project Plan and related documents for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District #6 and #7. August 2, 2016 City notifies taxing entities (school district, county, vocational college, and any special taxing districts) on proposed TIF District #6 and #7 and upcoming meetings. MSA provides the letter for the City’s review and distribution. August 3, 2016 First Notice of Public Hearing is published in the local newspaper (Class 2). MSA prepares the Notice of Public Hearing. August 10, 2016 Second Notice of Public Hearing is published in local newspaper. Joint Review Board public meeting is published. MSA prepares the public meeting notice. August 17, 2016 Joint Review Board - Meeting #1 to include representatives of taxing jurisdictions. A review of the draft Project Plan occurs. August 17, 2016 Plan Commission holds the Public Hearing on the Project Plan and proposed boundaries. Following the Public Hearing, the Plan Commission shall meet and act on a resolution recommending approval to the City Council. MSA attends the Public Hearing and the Plan Commission meeting. September 5, 2016 City Council action on the adoption of Project Plan and creation of TIF District #6 and #7. Approval by resolution contains findings that detail the TID’s consistency with state statutes. MSA attends this meeting. September 14, 2016 Joint Review Board public meeting notice is published. MSA prepares public meeting notice. Week of September 19th, 2016 Upon approval of the City Council, the Joint Review Board holds a second meeting to review the TID and act, by resolution, on the creation of TIF District #6 and #7. The JRB submits its decision to the City no more than 7 days after the vote. MSA attends this meeting. September 26, 2016 Department of Revenue is notified of the creation of TIF District #6 and #7 by the City of Abbotsford and subsequent approval by the Joint Review Board. On or Before October 31, 2016 Submit base packet documentation and Project Plan for Wisconsin Department of Revenue certification. 49 50 Minutes from the License and Ordinance Committee held June 22, 2016 in the Abbotsford Council Chambers Chairman Voss called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Chairman Voss, Kramer, Weideman, and Anders – via conference call Others present: Clerk Lopez, David Rueden, and K. O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph The Pledge of Allegiance was heard Under comments by the public, Lopez informed the Committee that John Swejda came in prior to the meeting and asked her to share the Junk Ordinance with the committee as he felt this ordinance was not enforced uniformly throughout the City. He asked that the committee become familiar with the ordinance and would like to see it uniformly enforced as he felt there were inoperable vehicles throughout the City that were not being sited. Under discuss/recommend Ordinance regarding Pit Bulls and Other Regulated Dogs and Animals the committee felt the Ordinance from the City of Colby that prohibits Pit Bulls entirely would be a better fit for the City of Abbotsford. It was suggested to allow a grandfather period of 30 days after the July 5, 2016 Council meeting to allow any dog currently in the City limits that falls within the Pit Bull definition to obtain the proper insurance and become registered. Any dogs located in the City limits after that time will be subject to the penalties as listed in the Ordinance. Motion Kramer/Anders to no longer allow any regulated dogs in section 7-1-10 with in the City limits; people who currently have these types of dogs have until August 1, 2016 to provide proof of insurance and rabies information and can then obtain a “grandfathered” city license. Motion carried without negative vote. Fines will be enforced after August 1, 2016. Under discuss/recommend adding the language “no Kennels” to be listed in each residential zoning district, Motion Anders/Kramer to add the language “no Kennels” to be listed in each residential zoning district. It was stated that the existing kennel permit in the City is an annual application and would not be renewed with the new ordinance in place. Motion carried 3:1 (Weideman). Under discuss/recommend Ordinance regarding Farm Animals, motion Anders/Kramer to change the regulation on Farm Animals to only allow Farm Animals as defined in the Ordinance if a property owner has at least 250,000 square feet of contiguous property. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend fee structure for building permits discussion was held regarding the difficulties of calculating the total square footage and the cubic square footage of buildings from blue prints. It was stated that the current fee structure has not received any complaints until the Abbyland permit. Discussion was held on the TIF eligibility and it was explained that a table cannot be designed to graph the funds available per project as the TIF applications are reviewed on a case by case situation and a formula is applied based upon the estimated increase in tax value. It was suggested to table this issue and present it again at the July Council meeting. Motion Weideman/Anders to adjourn at 5:53 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 50 51 Sec 7-1-10 Pit bulls and Other Regulated Dogs and Animals STATE FARM INSURANCE - Marshfield will meet all City Insurance requirements with listing the City as an additional insured. 715-384-3660 Eddy Bousum USA (www.PETolog.com) In America there is no Federal law that imposed a ban and restrictions on dangerous breeds of dogs across the country. There is a law that prohibits the conduct of dog fighting, as well as training these dogs for fighting and their movement within the country. There is a prohibition on the housing of large dogs in the cantonments of the U.S.А. army like Pitbulls, Rottweilers and hybrids of these species. Municipal authorities had taken several hundreds of laws banning the ownership of such dogs as: AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER DOGO ARGENTINO TOSA INU CANE CORSO AKITA INU BANDOG DOBERMAN PINCHER KUVASZ MASTINO NEAPOLITANO CHOW CHOW MIXTURE OF WOLVES AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER AMERICAN BULLDOG DOGO CANARIO FILA BRASILEIRO (BRAZILIAN MASIFF) DOGUE DE BORDEAUX BULLMASTIFF CA DE BOU (MAJORCA MASTIFF) GERMAN SHEPERD ROTWEILER JAPANESE MASTIFF HYBRIDS OF ANY OF THESE BREEDS Limitations of ownership in some States include: the age of the owner must be at least 21 years, the amount of liability insurance must be $100 000, prohibition the sale of dangerous dogs, the dog can be given only to relatives, at private homes be sure to hang warning signs. MEDFORD VET CLINIC: The Clinic uses their best judgement to disclose the proper breed of dog; they are held to professional standards and will not provide misleading information on the rabies vaccination documents. 7-1-5 – Penalty for failure to obtain rabies vaccination; owner of animal is responsible for any expenses incurred 7-1-28 - Penalties – not less than $50 not more than $200 first offense; not less than $100 not more than $400 SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE 51 52 2 522 53 3 533 54 Section 7-1-16 Snake, Farm Animals. (b) Farm Animals; Miniature Pigs. Except as provided in Section 7-1-25 regarding miniature pigs and on properties zoned in an agricultural classification, no person shall own, keep, harbor or board any cattle, horses, ponies, swine, goats, sheep, fowl, or rabbits (more than four (4)). Four purposes of this Subsection, the term “swine” shall not include any miniature pigs of either sex weighing less than eighty (80) pounds which are intended for and kept as domestic pets. This Ordinance currently allows for the farm animals to be harbored in Agricultural areas of the City. (Sec 13-1-52 A-1 Agricultural District) 54 55 SPORTSMEN'S CEM SWAMP STH 13 STREET OAK I-2 1 STREET ADD SIXTH 2ND FIFTH BLANCHARD'S ADD 1ST ROAD GALVIN STREET STREET ADDITION STREET FIFTH STREET I-1 or B-3 E. ELM ST. I-1 3 ADDITION B-2 STREET ST. R-1/R-5 SIXTH SEVENTH CHRISTENSEN'S ST. ROAD R-1 ASH FOURTH LANE INDUSTRIAL CHRISTIE 9 2 4 HAWKSKATTRE LINDEN PARK FIRST ADD. FIFTH 8 2ND E.E. DAMON STREET 7 CHRISTENSEN'S STREET ELM 1 2 R-1 OLD HIGHWAY 29 STREET ELM ST. HUGHE'S AVEN UE ADD 3RD CHRISTENSEN'S I-1 6 ADDITION LINDEN ADDITION I-2 B-2 P ADD. SECOND 5 ROTER'S ADDITION 1 ST RE ET 4 AVENUE ST. LANE ASPEN SECOND W. B-2 FIR ST AVE. SO UT H P STREET 3 I-1 B-2 I-2 ? SPRUCE 2 CHRISTENSEN'S FOURTH J 1 STREET 1 29 ADD 2 ADDITION ELM R-1 ET 1ST CUTTER'S ST H ST RE A STREET HAWKS ADDITION SPRUCE H BIRC O BIRCH FOURTH BLANCHARD'S W. AVE THIRD 3 1 B-2 B-1 STREET SECOND BARKER'S OLD HIGHWAY 29 7 6 WOOK'S FOURTH FIFTH AVE W. ADDITION 4 BUTTERNUT 2 PL AT 2ND 3 I STREET ADDITION Red Arrow Park B ET 4 ST RE P B-2 5 WOOK'S 5 BARKER'S 2ND SYCAMORE ELEVENTH STREET 6 R-1/R-5 SUNSHINE MEADOWS ADDITION ADDITION TENNANT'S OAK ST. ET ST RE R-1/R-5 EIGHTH T L C ST. 1 ADDITION E RE ST R-1 HEMLOCK H 5 SE CO ND 2 AVENUE AVENUE STREET ADDITION SUBDIVISION ET HEMLOCK STREET CEDAR ADDITION 2 CEDAR R ST RE P ST. A M ET ST RE CE DA STREET CEDAR Red Arrow Park ST. D 2 1ST 3 G INAL HEIGHTS 4 AVENUE WEST 3 STREET HICKORY STREET HICKORY LARCH ET E D TH IR 4 MAPLE ST RE MA PL OR IG FAITH N F E KARSTEN'S T FIRS WEST STREET H COURT RC LA ADD ABBEY CULVER'S 5 LARCH 7 WEST SCHILLING R-1 Shortner Park South STREET PINE 6 P THIRD SWANSON'S ADD WEST Lawn Refuse Demolition Site SECOND RUN BEAR . T ST FIRS S SON' SWAN ADD THIRD E ADDITION Material Storage STREET WEST D RIV AVENUE PORCUPINE LN K BU C R-1/R-5 A Wood Chippings Cemetery A STREET ASH ADDITION STREET A I-1 B-2 City of Abbotsford Zoning Districts A STH 29 ST H 13 Draft Map 1 December 5, 2012 ELDERBERRY ROAD B-2 City of Abbotsford Zoning Districts A A - Agriculture B-1 - Commercial R-1 - Residential B-2 - Commerical R-1/R-5 - Residential I-1 or B-3 - Industrial or Commercial P - Parks and Recreation I-1 - Industrial CEM - Cemetery City of Colby I-2 - Industrial 0 / 1,000 2,000 4,000 FEET 1 inch = 400 feet Print date: 2012-12-05 Projection: WISC RS Marathon C ounty (ft) By: JA M Map document: P :\A E\A\Abbot\Common\GIS \arcmap\AbbyZoningMap_2010ortho_2012-12-04.mxd This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liable for any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. 55 56 _____________ 56 57 57 58 58 59 Minutes from the Chamber of Commerce Meeting held Wednesday, June 8, 2016 The Meeting was held at the Colby City Hall. President Bryce Kelley called the regular meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was heard Chamber member Introductions were given. A welcome was heard from Health View Eye Care Center. Health View Eye Care Center has two locations, Abbotsford and Medford and has been in the Colby location for the past 17 years. Motion Jakel/Wiese to approve the minutes from May 4, 2016as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Wiese/Brost to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Old Business: 1. Ambassador Program – It was stated that a new shop local campaign has been executed where the ambassadors will “Catch” people shopping locally and reward them with Chamber Bucks’ The first event was successful and two shoppers (Willie Mast from Owen and Mary Lobacz from Unity) were presented with Chamber Buck’s. The Ambassadors will go out again on June 10th. 2. The Hanging baskets for the City of Colby are now all sponsored. New Business: 1 New Members: a. It was stated that membership is down 8 members from last year, due to the loss of some businesses renewing and with some businesses no longer being in business. 2. Ribbon Cuttings – the Hetch’s LLC ribbon cutting very successful; a nice addition to the community 3. Chamber After 5 a. Discussion was held regarding how to increase membership attendance at the “After 5” events, as the last event only had 10 participants. It was stated the business spends too much time and money to not have a solid attendance. Further discussion will be held to determine if business tours or a general chamber event be held sponsored by the chamber versus an individual business. b. Discussion was held to simplify the sponsorship packet as the existing packet is confusing. The Exeuctive committee will review the packet and revise. 4. Committee Reports a. Branding Committee – To be determined 59 60 b. c. d. e. f. Christmas Parade – Next meeting June 13, 2016 at noon at Pizza Hut Colby Dairy Breakfast – June 26, 2016 at the Halopka Farms Cheese Days – Event scheduled July 15-17, 2016, next meeting June 13, 2106 at 7:00 pm Cheese Days/Run for Jameson – July 16, 2016 First City Days – Event held – August 12-14, 2016; next meeting July 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Pizza Hut g. ACC Chamber Golf Committee – Black River Golf Course, Medford, WI August 30, 2016; looking for raffle items h. Fall Festival –– Event scheduled Sept. 9-11, 2016; meetings are the third Monday of each month at Abbotsford City Hall i. Outdoor Craft and Flea –location was changed to the East Town Mall parking lot in Abbotsford; 11 vendors were present and the weather contributed to the low turnout 5. Office Coordinator’s Report a. Website statistics were distributed and it was encouraged for the membership to assure that their website information is current as people are reviewing the information. 6. Room Tax Meeting – July 18, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. 7. Motion K. O’Leary/Jakel to approve the raffle for the Christmas parade with the same format as in the past, with having a 2 night stay at the Kalahari as the grand price and spending $550 in cash prizes. Motion carried without negative vote. The general consensus was to approve the Abby Fall Festival raffle license. 8. Visitor Voucher program – it was felt that all participants must be Chamber members as this is a shop local benefit to the Chamber members. The Office Coordinator will contact the businesses who collect Visitor Vouchers that are not members to encourage membership; if they do not obtain membership they will no longer be reimbursed for the vouchers they collect. The Exeuctive committee will revise the Visitor Voucher information to clarify that you must be a chamber member to participate. 9. Other items – a. A thank you from Hannah Gurtner (scholarship recipient) and Karen Dollman were received. b. Ag Economy – Jakel stated that the FSA has concerns about the Ag economy as it is predicted that the prices will be on a down swing and will not follow the past trends. It was stressed that when the farmers stop spending money it impacts all other local business. c. The Friends of the Colby Library will have their “kick off” fund raising event on October 15, 2016 at the Colby School Theater with a comedy show by Michael Perry. 10. Motion Jakel/Brost to adjourn at 1:15 p.m. A Thank You to Betty Harrell – Health View Eye Care Center was given for sponsoring today’s lunch. Next meeting is the July 6th held at the Abbotsford City Hall – Lunch sponsor – Wiese Repair and Pizza Hut? 60 61 Minutes from the Exeuctive Chamber of Commerce Meeting held Wednesday, June 13, 2016 The Meeting was held at the Colby City Hall. President Bryce Kelley called the regular meeting to order. Roll call: Bryce Kelley, Jenny Jakel, Jeni Lopez, and Kevin Hansen (Connie Gurtner and Kris O’Leary – absent) A resignation letter from Exeuctive Board member, Reed Welsh was reviewed. It was stated a full board vote is required to fill the position with a qualified candidate. The Executive Committee believes that the Board of Directors should not only be diversified in the businesses that we represent, but also in the communities that we represent. Currently 9 of the 12 Board Members represent that Abbotsford community. Bryce will contact a few businesses in the Colby area that the Executive Committee feels may add to the diversity of the Board. A recommendation will be brought before the full board for appointment. The Exeuctive Board will meet at 11:30 a.m. on July 6, 2016 prior to the full membership meeting. Motion Hansen/Jakel to adjourn at 4:09 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 61 62 July 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 11 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSED 10 Wed COUNCIL POLICE 17 18 FINANCE 5:00 MUNI COURT 24 25 26 31 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD 62 63 August 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 COUNCIL 7 8 POLICE 14 15 MUNI COURT 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD 63