From Austria to the World
From Austria to the World
‚ report 08 From Austria to the World 6 A Sought-After Partner 14 Beat‘em all 34 A Global Player 66 A Hot Tip(p) 58 A Stroke of Luck 62 Virtual Reality 64 A WINWIN Situation Contents 4 Editorial 6 The Group A Sought-After Partner 12 14 30 34 Board of Directors Short Biographies of the Executive Management Team Casinos in Austria Beat‘em all The 12 Austrian Casinos Food & Beverage Panem et circenses Casinos Austria International A Global Player 78 In the Spotlight Facts & Figures 58 Austrian Lotteries A Stroke of Luck 74 62 Virtual Reality 76 Employees A Winning Team 64 WINWIN A WINWIN Situation 78 Events In the Spotlight 66 tipp3 A Hot Tip(p) 84 Supervisory Board Supervisory Board Report 68 Responsible Gaming 85 70 Security Security in Mind Financial Statements 2008 Company and Consolidated Financial Statements 92 Sponsoring Big Spender Imprint 11 The Casinos Austria Group at a Glance 16 Guest Ranking 2008 Casino Guests Gross Gaming Revenues 2004–2008 17 Gaming Mix in Austria Gross Gaming Revenues 2008 Major Jackpot Payouts 2008 61 Austrian Lotteries in Figures Total Sales 2008 by Product 77 Employees by Company 86 Financial Statements 2008 – Casinos Austria AG 88 Income Statement for 2008 – Casinos Austria AG 90 Consolidated Income Statement for 2008 91 Consolidated Balance Sheet 2008 30 Panem et circenses report ’08 | Editorial Editorial | report ’08 Editorial Dear Reader, Welcome to report ‘08, the Annual Report for Ca- International Holding on five continents and on sinos Austria AG and its subsidiaries. report ‘08 board 11 cruise liners. provides an overview of our key facts and figures for 2008 and also offers an insight into the exciting In-depth reports on key topics like security, responsi- world of gaming, the broad portfolio of products ble gaming, our staff, our ongoing support for impor- and services offered by the Casinos Austria Group tant social issues and, of course, a comprehensive and other key issues like CSR, responsible gaming, set of financial statements complete the spectrum. sponsoring and security. report ’08 also takes you on a trip to relatively unThe Poker boom that began in 2006 maintained known territory: to the Russian Republic of Bash- its upward momentum in 2008. This enthralling kortostan, where Austrian Lotteries are currently game, where a little bit of luck and a clever bluff developing the Republic’s new national lottery. at the right moment can decide the winner, continues to enjoy tremendous popularity in casinos Last but by no means least, we would also like to around the world. This trend was clearly reflect- extend a very special word of thanks to our staff ed at Casinos Austria not only in the many tour- for their dedication and hard work and, of course, naments hosted by our casinos, but also in the to our guests and customers for their continued launch of a dedicated Pokerroom on our online loyalty and support. gaming platform in February 2008. The only all-Austrian site of its kind, Pokerroom We hope you enjoy reading report ’08. has already built up a loyal fan base. But our casinos offer far more than just Poker. report ‘08 The Casinos Austria Board of Directors. also takes a look behind the scenes at our 12 casinos in Austria, before whisking you off on a Karl Stoss Paul Herzfeld tour of the 63 casinos operated by Casinos Austria Dietmar Hoscher Josef Leutgeb (l. to r.): Paul Herzfeld (Deputy Director General), Karl Stoss (Director General), Dietmar Hoscher (Director), Josef Leutgeb (Director) |4| |5| report ’08 | The Group The Group | report ’08 A Sought-After Partner GROUP COMPANIES At the end of 2007, the Casinos Austria Group implemented a new corporate structure. In 2008, this transformation MEDIAL Beteiligungs GmbH had already borne its first fruits: expansion into new countries and new product segments. UNIQA Vienna Insurance Group Austrian Mint Raiffeisen Group Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera R Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera ussian hasn’t really been one of the lan- erators with international experience and an guages most commonly spoken by staff impeccable reputation. at Casinos Austria throughout the company’s 33.3% Private Shareholders 5.3% 35.4% 26% 40-year history. The Casinos Austria Group has, Their search quickly led them to Vienna. Or, of course, been doing business outside Austria more precisely, to Casinos Austria when it came since the 1970s and, in addition to its 12 do- to the question of who should operate the new mestic casinos, currently operates 63 casinos in casinos. But also to Austrian Lotteries, who are 18 countries on five continents and on board 11 now already well on track with their first proj- cruise liners. We have operations in Western and ect: the market entry in the Republic of Bash- and respect for the special socio-political responsibility that Southeastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, kortostan. goes hand-in-hand with gaming guarantee the trust of guests, North and South America, Asia and Australia. But not in Russia. 68% 50% 50% 100% 56% MISSION STATEMENT Casinos Austria AG and its subsidiaries offer highest quality gaming and entertainment. Reliability, extensive experience customers, investors and, above all, the licensing authorities. Our shared visions and capacity for innovation promote the With a population of four million, the Russian ongoing development of the Group and safeguard the jobs of Republic of Bashkortostan was previously only our employees. We encourage and value active participation But this was about to change: in 2008 the volume really known to a select few in Austria. But the of communication received from representatives Republic has much to offer: rich oil reserves, a of the Russian Federation increased dramatical- flourishing petrochemical industry, a good over- ly. On an almost weekly basis, our main office in all economic situation and plenty of potential. Vienna was contacted by politicians, analysts or At the beginning of 2008, the Bashkortostan Fi- journalists offering or seeking cooperation oppor- nance Minister himself contacted the manage- tunities. What had prompted this political interest ment team at Austrian Lotteries. A few months was a resolution that had come into effect at the later, an agreement had already been reached. start of 2007. Under the terms of this resolution The launch of the “Lucky Hearts” scratch-off to totally restructure the Russian gaming market, lottery at the end of 2008 was a clear initial all existing casinos – including an estimated 2,000 sign. The first draw of Bashkortostan’s new in Moscow alone – will have to close by mid-2009. national lottery is expected to take place mid- In their place, the Russian government plans to 2009. The new lottery will follow the estab- establish four new Las Vegas-style gaming zones. lished formula used for the Austrian Lotto “6 aus Located outside the main urban areas in the Altai, 45”, adapted to suit the size of the population. and constructive input. Krasnodar and Primorye territories and the Kalin100% ingrad region, these new gaming centers should of- With this project, Casinos Austria and Austrian fer everything the heart desires. Lotteries have successfully taken a very important step: linking their extensive know-how in the 100% Organizational Chart (CASAG & Holdings) |6| Needless to say, the provincial governments in lottery business with their international experi- the selected zones were not going to entrust ence in the casino sector. They have also taken an undertaking of this magnitude to just any their first step into the new Russian market. In casino operator. To ensure everything would be times of worldwide economic crisis, looking for done by the book and revenues would be cor- potential in new markets becomes all the more rectly taxed – a key argument for the respective important. There can be no doubting that the Finance Ministers – their political representa- Russian economy is currently being severely tives began looking for appropriate casino op- shaken, perhaps even more severely than West- X |7| report ’08 | The Group The Group | report ’08 BUSINESS UNITS CASINOS AUSTRIA LOTTERIES INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Karl Stoss Bettina Glatz-Kremsner Friedrich Stickler Paul Herzfeld Josef Leutgeb Heads of Division: Andreas Cieslar, Dieter Salzgeber, Christian Schütz, Karl Vybiral Heads of Division: Peter Ulovec, Wolfgang Leitner Heads of Division: Erwin Binder, Richard Hainzl, Stefan Harra BETTING AND SPORTS SKILL GAMES VLT / SLOTS Dietmar Hoscher Heads of Division/Directors: Erwin Binder, Philip Newald Board of Directors Head of Division: Peter Ulovec LEGAL AFFAIRS tion to market developments more difficult. But – as it is also sure to do one day – it will also offer it also serves as both guarantee and proof of the the greatest opportunities for growth – opportuni- particular level of care exercised by all compa- ties that should not be ignored. nies in their individual areas of business. Every casino guest and every online user has to regis- The results for the 2008 business year clear- ter according to the rules and must be at least ly show that the Casinos Austria Group is well 18 years of age. If necessary, casino guests must equipped to stand its ground in difficult times. disclose whether they have sufficient means to Despite strong competition in the gaming mar- support their gaming activities. When it comes to ONLINE GAMING, NEW MEDIA & OTHER SKILL GAMES ket, the introduction of new no-smoking regu- responsible gaming practices, Casinos Austria and lations in a number of European countries and Austrian Lotteries are well known for setting new, Dietmar Hoscher Friedrich Stickler Bettina Glatz-Kremsner noticeable restraint among guests as a result exemplary standards. Heads of Division/Managing Directors: Wolfgang Sperl, Robert Vierziger Heads of Division: Martin Jekl, Wolfgang Leitner increases in a number of key indicators. 22.4 Another strength that results from this special po- million guests worldwide, an increase of 12.6 sition is the Casinos Austria Group’s clear commit- percent year-on-year and 3.803 billion euro in ment to social responsibility. In 2008, the compa- revenues, a rise of nine percent, are the kind nies in the Group contributed a total of over 70 of results that speak for themselves. The up- million euro (including Austrian Lotteries’ contri- ward trend in guest numbers can be credited to butions to the sponsoring of sports) to numerous the 63 Casinos Austria International operations humanitarian and cultural projects, as well as to posting a 14.3 percent rise in guest numbers in popular sports in Austria. In many cases, these 2008. The clear growth in revenues can be at- projects and causes could not have been furthered tributed to a large extent to the strong perfor- without this support. CORPORATE FUNCTIONS CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT ern European economies. But when the crisis ends HUMAN RESOURCES Karl Stoss Head of Division: Stephan Walder INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES FINANCE Josef Leutgeb Head of Division: Wolfgang Sperl CORPORATE PROCUREMENT Dietmar Hoscher Bettina Glatz-Kremsner Josef Leutgeb Head of Division: Peter Erlacher Head of Division: Erich Schuster Head of Division: Alexander Kiss INTERNAL AUDIT CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP CONTROLLING Board of Directors Karl Stoss Josef Leutgeb Head of Division: Erhard Peinthor Head of Division: Martin Himmelbauer Head of Division: Alexander Frisch of the crisis, the Group reported significant mance Austrian Lotteries achieved with its Lotto, Joker, Toto, Bingo, EuroMillions, ToiToiToi, Zahlen- The Casinos Austria Group now employs some lotto, Rubbellos, Brieflos and Klassenlotterie prod- 13,532 staff worldwide, including 2,332 in Austria ucts. Boosted by the first-ever five-time rollover alone. Indeed, employee numbers in Austria even for Lotto “6 aus 45” and a number of EuroMil- show a slight increase year-on-year, not something lions prizewinners in Austria in the double-digit to be taken for granted in the current economic cli- millions, Austrian Lotteries reported an increase mate, and when one large company after another is in sales of 15 percent to 2.378 billion euro in introducing short-time working hours or announcing 2008. Positive developments were also reported major redundancy programs. The fact that many of by the other companies in the Group: WINWIN our staff have been with Casinos Austria for well over increased its number of outlets to 11 and will 10 years – and some of them even for more than 35 complete the dozen in the course of 2009. tipp3 years – offers a clear indication that the chemistry raised its profile as sponsor of the Austrian Foot- must be right. ball Bundesliga and scored a clear win during EURO ’08 with its professional sports betting ser- But it is not only the economic crisis that has vices. exceeded the 400,000 registered made the operating environment more difficult. users mark, while the 12 Austrian casinos defied Competition in the gaming industry is also on the difficult operating conditions, reporting a 1.1 the increase, particularly from the many opera- percent increase in revenues to 280 million euro. tors crowding the legally contested areas of the market. A forthcoming Amendment to the Aus- |8| PUBLIC & EUROPEAN AFFAIRS, CSR SERVICES RESPONSIBLE GAMING, ADVERTISING, SPONSORING Dietmar Hoscher Bettina Glatz-Kremsner Friedrich Stickler Head of Division: Markus Eder Heads of Division: Nathan Bomze, Oskar Berzsenyi, Reinhard Summerer Head of Division: Herbert Beck Gaming in the Austrian domestic market is sub- trian Gaming Act is set to reregulate and unify ject to the explicit approval of the Federal Ministry the market across the whole country. Clear stat- of Finance and the nine federal states (Bundes- utory requirements regarding entry controls and länder) of the Federal Republic. Every new game regulations that will be applicable not just to op- and every change to gaming rules and terms and erations run by Casinos Austria should ensure conditions – no matter how small – must be sub- that all operations comply with regulatory poli- mitted to the Ministry for approval before it is cies and that appropriate measures are in place implemented. Naturally, this makes a quick reac- to protect minors and players. |9| report ’08 | The Group The Group | report ’08 Legal Framework Only the State has the right to operate games of through the repeated confirmation by the Com- chance in Austria. The State has issued licenses missioner for the Internal Market and Services, to operate such games of chance to two compa- Charlie McCreevy, that he sees no grounds to nies: Casinos Austria AG is authorized to operate fundamentally challenge national monopolies. casino games, while Austrian Lotteries holds the license to operate lottery games. As holders of The Austrian Gaming Act, as amended, excludes these licenses, both companies are subject to gaming machines with maximum bets of 50 strict conditions, state control and high taxes. cents and winnings of up to 20 euro. It remains at the discretion of the individual federal states The legitimacy of national gaming monopolies whether they allow such gaming machines or like the one found in Austria has been recently not. Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Vienna upheld by the European Union: both through the permit such gaming machines, the remaining rulings of the European Court of Justice and federal states do not. CASINOS AUSTRIA GROUP AT A GLANCE Revenues (win, registered tips, entrance) in millions EUR 2007 2008 CASAG CAI ÖLG Entertainment Group 277 1,096 1,036 1,080 3,489 280 1,094 1,123 1,305 3,802 +1.1% -0.2% +8.5% +20.8% +9.0% Taxes paid in Austria in millions EUR CASAG ÖLG Group 2007 132 349 481 2008 134 383 517 Casino Guests in millions 2007 2008 Employees CASAG CAI Group 2.44 (+0%) 17.5 (+5.4%) 19.94 2.36 (-3%) 20.0 (+14.3%) 22.36 * CASAG ** CAI ÖLG Entertainment Group 2007 1,721 11,500 462 124 13,807 2008 1,752 11,200 442 138 13,532 Number of Slot Machines CASAG CAI Group 2007 1,814 11,200 13,014 2008 1,846 11,600 13,446 CASAG CAI Group 2007 238 1,000 1,238 2008 236 1,000 1,236 Number of Gaming Tables CAI = Casinos Austria International = 63 casinos in 18 countries on 5 continents or on 11 cruise liners CASAG = Casinos Austria AG = 12 casinos in Austria ÖLG = Österreichische Lotterien GmbH = Austrian Lotteries Annual average full-time equivalents incl. CAGAST, CAST, CCB and CALL * ** The Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries headquarters in Vienna | 10 | | 11 | report ’08 | Board of Directors Board of Directors | report ’08 Board of Directors | 12 | Karl Stoss, Director General Dietmar Hoscher, Director born 26 November 1956 in Dornbirn born 5 June 1962 in Vienna Karl Stoss studied Business Administration at the Board of Generali Holding Vienna AG as a Director After graduating with a Masters Degree in Econom- wetten GmbH (tipp3), where he assumed the po- University of Innsbruck, where he also worked as on 1 October 2004 and took over the role of Chair- ics from the University of Vienna, Dietmar Hoscher sition of Chairman of the Board in June 2008. On a lecturer at the Institute of Industry and Trade man of the Board at the start of 2005. On the managed a research project into progressive con- 1 January 2007, he was appointed Director of while completing his PhD. In 1984, he joined recommendation of his predecessor, Leo Wallner, sumption tax at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Casinos Austria AG. He is Vice President of the Aus- Vorarlberger Landesversicherung, before moving Karl Stoss was appointed to the Board of Casinos Economic Policy Analysis before joining the Öster- trian Bookmakers’ Association and the Vienna Busi- to MZSG Management Zentrum St. Gallen in Swit- Austria AG with effect from 1 January 2007, where reichische Nationalbank (Austrian Central Bank) as ness Circle, a former Member of Parliament and as zerland two years later as Consultant and Partner. he succeeded Leo Wallner as Director General in an Economic Advisor in 1987. Two years later, he was Honorary President and Chairman of the Board of In 1996, he relocated to Vienna, working as a Con- May of the same year. In his free time, the father appointed Economic Policy Advisor to the Austrian Trustees of SK Rapid Wien, naturally also a big fan sultant for Österreichische Postsparkasse for one of three is a keen mountaineer who has completed Parliament, serving in this capacity from 1995 under of the legendary Vienna-based football club. Dietmar year before assuming the role of Deputy Director several climbing tours in the Himalayas with Peter Ministers of Finance Staribacher, Klima and Edlinger. Hoscher is an accomplished author and independent General. He was appointed a Director of Raiffeisen Habeler, the Austrian extreme mountaineer famed In 1998, he joined Casinos Austria, initially as Head music journalist who writes for various Austrian and Zentralbank Österreich AG in 2001, joined the for his ascent of Mount Everest. of Division and Executive Manager. On 4 April 2000, German journals and is a supporter of music festivals he was appointed Director of Österreichische Sport- like the Vienna Blues Spring. Paul Herzfeld, Deputy Director General Josef Leutgeb, Director born 17 August 1955 in Vienna born 27 March 1961 in Eggenburg Paul Herzfeld joined Casinos Austria while study- and Authorized Signatory of Casinos Austria AG, a After completing his Masters Degree in Business Casinos Austria International Ltd. in Australia. On ing for his Masters Degree in Commercial Studies role which saw him responsible for coordination of Administration at Vienna University of Economics 1 January 2005, he was also appointed Director at Vienna University of Economics and Business Ad- the various activities of the Casinos Austria Group and Business Administration in 1987, Josef of Casinos Austria AG by the Supervisory Board. ministration from 1973 to 1979. In the years that on behalf of the Board and for management of the Leutgeb began his professional career as an Audi- Responsible for managing the Group’s financial af- followed, he held a variety of positions ranging from Group’s European business activities. In 1997, he tor and Consultant with the international auditing fairs, he has played a leading role in driving a num- Door Inspector and Front Desk Cashier to Chip Ca- was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and firm BDO Auxilia in Vienna. In this capacity, he ber of key processes, including the turnaround of shier at Casinos Wien, Baden, Bad Gastein and fi- Director of Casinos Austria International Holding worked with several leading Austrian companies, its business in Australia and the restructuring of nally Kitzbühel, where he was appointed Head of Ad- GmbH, where he has since played a defining role including Casinos Austria AG. Impressed by his several other international holdings. A keen traveler, ministration in 1989. In 1990, he returned to Vienna in the Group’s successful international expansion. expertise, Casinos Austria Director General Leo he does not mind the extensive travel that comes to head up the new Organization/Information/IT Paul Herzfeld has been a Director of Casinos Austria Wallner recruited Josef Leutgeb in 1993 to set up with his role, and also likes traveling with his family department established to develop and implement AG since 2001 and is also a Member of the Board a new company-wide Controlling division. In 1997, in his free time. Josef Leutgeb is also an enthusias- a company-wide reporting and information system. of the European Casino Association. His hobbies in- he was appointed to the Board of Casinos Austria tic sportsman, who enjoys a number of different Three years later, he was appointed Secretary General clude travel and golf. International Holding GmbH as Chief Financial Offi- sports – though always in moderation as he is cer (CFO) and also took up the role of Director of quick to point out. | 13 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria Casinos in Austria | report ’08 Beat’em all 2008 was a challenging year for the 12 Austrian casinos. But it also offered them a chance to demonstrate their strengths over other gaming operators. An opportunity that Casinos Austria put to impressive use. T he number surprised even the optimists among casinos all across the country, once again proved us. In November 2008, 1,503 contestants a major trump card. But it didn’t stop there: Poker grabbed the chance to take part in “Beat’em all” – enthusiasts also had the chance to qualify through Europe’s largest live Poker tournament. This major a series of satellite tournaments on, event began simultaneously in ten casinos across our very own online gaming platform. It goes with- Austria, from Bregenz in the west to Baden in the out saying that we will be repeating the tourna- east, with the electrifying final held almost exactly in ment in 2009. the middle of the country in Casino Linz. “Beat’em all” was not just the name of this remarkOf course, it was not just the money – a total prize able live Poker tournament, it also proved to be the pool of 142,785 euro was at stake – that attract- Casinos Austria motto in the battle for supremacy ed such a large number of Poker fans. They also in the gaming industry. Casinos Austria might be came to experience the thrilling atmosphere of a the only Austrian company with a clear mandate live tournament in a casino and with the knowledge and license from the Federal Ministry of Finance to that if they won, they would achieve instant fame in operate casino games in Austria, but competition the Poker world as the – direct or indirect – winner in the casino sector remains fierce nonetheless. among 1,503 contestants. Some 50 casinos just across the country’s borders have been increasingly courting Austrian custom- | 14 | The winning combination of that very special Ca- ers of late, and there is also a great deal of activity sinos Austria’s flair and the possibility to buy-in at in the domestic market. Add to this a major eco- X | 15 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria Casinos in Austria | report ’08 nomic crisis looming on the horizon, and it quickly as those recently awarded in Vienna, Salzburg or becomes clear why companies really have to play Kleinwalsertal) and the direct benefit for the tour- on their strengths to stay in the running. ism and leisure industries (who view a casino as a valuable asset) to supply agreements with local To do so, Casinos Austria hosts far more than just food producers (for whom our casino restaurants superb tournaments like “Beat’em all” or the tra- and F&B services are important and reliable part- ditional Casinos Austria Poker Tour: we also try to ners and customers). In cooperation with the Öster- GAMING MIX IN AUSTRIA 6 French Roulette American Roulette 71 Blackjack/Blackjack Imperial 57 Glücksrad (Wheel of Fortune) 2 5 Punto Banco/Baccara provide our guests with a unique range of entertain- reichischen Hoteliervereinigung (Austrian Hoteliers Poker ment options not available anywhere else. These in- Association) and the key Austrian tourism journal Red Dog clude specials like our popular Ladies Nights, our Tourist Austria International (T.A.I.), Casinos Aus- Seven Eleven extensive choice of dining opportunities or our un- tria also recently launched a new “Konjunkturmotor Tropical Poker rivalled event facilities for unforgettable functions, Tourismus” (Tourism as Economic Driver) initiative. Easy Poker 58 1 1 15 2 18 Easy Hold‘em parties and congresses. Not forgetting, of course, the superb gaming on offer: as of 31 December Networked services, i.e. linking gaming opera- 2008, Casinos Austria’s 12 domestic casinos were tions directly to a central server, are not just a key home to more than 236 gaming tables – with a element in Casinos Austria's security policy, they choice of games ranging from French and Ameri- also open up extended gaming possibilities, such can Roulette, Blackjack and Poker to Punto Banco as the progressive Mega Austria Jackpot, which – and all managed by our excellent team of compa- provides added excitement to slot machine gam- ny-trained, international standard croupiers. ing. One lucky winner hit this jackpot in Casino Total Live Gaming Tables 236 Slot Machines 1,846 Wien at the start of 2009, taking home a prize of With so much entertainment on offer, Casinos Aus- 1.02 million euro! GROSS GAMING REVENUES 2008 tria once again confirmed its position as clear mar- GUEST RANKING 2008 Casino ket leader, welcoming 2.36 million guests in the re- Each in their own special way, the 12 Austrian ca- Gross gaming revenues for the 12 Austrian casinos (in EUR) porting year. Although this figure was down three sinos are extraordinary places. Many of them are Wien 43,656,209 percent year-on-year, it still offers a clear indication located in luxurious palace buildings, and they Bregenz 32,404,212 of who holds the winning hand in Austria. boast a broad range of different interior designs. Innsbruck 25,169,042 Casinos Austria invests a great deal of energy, time Velden 18,190,274 National Guests International Guests Total Wien 205,849 158,314 364,163 Baden 286,854 35,346 322,200 Maintaining this situation is not only in our own in- and money to maintain this status. Our operations Linz 18,069,878 Bregenz 110,495 197,994 308,489 terests, but also in the interests of our individual in Baden, Linz and Innsbruck were totally renovat- Baden 17,118,859 Velden 189,494 62,323 251,817 host regions. Over the last 40 years, our casinos ed and relaunched in 2007, and the idyllic Casino Graz 10,952,308 Innsbruck 135,649 99,162 234,811 have firmly established themselves as major tour- Kleinwalsertal was given a whole new look at the Salzburg 11,483,143 Linz 196,135 28,490 224,625 ist attractions and bring significant added value end of 2008 and beginning of 2009. Further rede- Seefeld 11,428,428 Salzburg 108,826 80,427 189,253 to their host states. This comes in many shapes velopment projects are also already in the pipeline Kitzbühel 5,834,955 Graz 163,970 19,777 183,547 and forms: from redevelopment contracts (such for the coming year. Kleinwalsertal 1,965,499 Seefeld 38,368 100,464 138,832 Kitzbühel 30,699 31,101 61,800 Kleinwalsertal 5,152 54,145 59,297 Bad Gastein 9,435 14,741 24,176 1,480,926 882,084 2,363,010 Total CASINO GUESTS 63% 2005 201.0 -2.0% 882,084 37% 2006 181.7 -9.6% 1,012,196 43% 2007 193.5 +6.5% 391,395 17% 2008 196.9 +1.75% 1,480,926 First-time Guests Mega Austria Jackpot (in EUR) -5.9% National Guests 196,869,610 MAJOR JACKPOT PAYOUTS 2008 205.0 2,363,010 Female Guests Total (in millions EUR, in % compared to previous year) 2004 Total Guests International Guests Percentage of Total 596,803 Bad Gastein GROSS GAMING REVENUES 2004-2008 2008 1,192,255 23.01.2008 Casino Kitzbühel 765,951 21.03.2008 Casino Wien 949,874 15.08.2008 Casino Velden Total 2,908,080 At the turn of the year, Casino Kleinwalsertal was given a whole new look | 16 | | 17 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria IT’S THE WONDERFUL MIX OF STYLES THAT MAKES GRAND CASINO BADEN SO UNIQUE. Edmund Gollubits, Casino Director GRAND CASINO BADEN Casinos in Austria | report ’08 It’s a balmy evening, and the scent of flowers Las Vegas might have a lot to offer, but there’s one hangs in the air. Cocktail in hand, you stand on the thing the casino capital in the desert sure doesn’t terrace of Grand Casino Baden contemplating the have and that’s snow-capped mountains. Winter light sparkling in the dancing fountain. Then you sports paradise Bad Gastein, on the other hand, is step into the casino, hear people chatting and positively surrounded by them and offers visitors a laughing as you quickly become caught up in the very special place to while away the hours after a day OFFERING PERFECT SERVICE IS TOP PRIORITY FOR OUR SMALL TEAM. Michael Leczek, Casino Director magic of the game. “Rien ne va plus. Would you like on the slopes. At an altitude of 1,000 meters above another card? Flush wins.” Time to take a break, sea level, Casino Bad Gastein in the glamorous relax on one of the sumptuous modern sofas and Grand Hotel de l’Europe welcomes guests from liter- cast your eyes around the room. Red leather, exqui- ally all over the world. No matter whether skiers or site rugs, the shiny Do&Co Bar – the charm of the hikers, international visitors never fail to succumb to historic building harmonizes with the contempo- the appeal of the mountains and the charm of the rary interior, creating a very special and exciting Belle Époque villas in this picturesque spa town. CASINO BAD GASTEIN “In 2008, we welcomed guests from over 80 different 5640 Bad Gastein atmosphere all of its own. 2500 Baden Kaiser-Franz-Ring 1 Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Str. 14 “It’s the wonderful mix of styles that makes Grand countries to Casino Bad Gastein. Our international Tel.: +43 /2252/ 444 96 Casino Baden so unique,” explains Casino Director clientele is quite typical for the sport crazy Gastein Fax: +43 /2252/ 444 96-222 Edmund Gollubits, reflecting on a very exciting year: region,” explains Casino Director Michael Leczek. Fax: +43 /6434/ 24 65-222 E-mail: “We were delighted to welcome so many internation- “Offering perfect service is top priority for our small E-mail: al guests during the annual European Poker Champi- team. That way we can make sure our guests enjoy onship in the fall and be able to impress them with an unforgettable casino experience – a perfect combi- our thoroughly professional tournament and event nation of personal service and the unique atmo- services. A further highlight in 2008 was definitely sphere created by our historic setting.” A seasonal Employees: 158 the glamorous Undine Gala, which was attended by operation, Casino Bad Gastein is very much in tune Revenues (in EUR): 17,118,859 numerous national and international celebrities and with holidaying guests, operating from Christmas to stars of stage and screen.” mid-March and from July to mid-September. Im Kurpark FACTS Guests: 322,200 | 18 | Grand Hôtel de l’Europe Tel.: +43 /6434/ 24 65 FACTS Guests: 24,176 Employees: 18 Revenues (in EUR): 596,803 | 19 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria BREGENZ HAS NOW GONE DOWN IN FILM HISTORY AS A JAMES BOND TOWN. Josef Semler, Casino Director Casinos in Austria | report ’08 For many years now, Bregenz and Casinos Aus- Casino Graz, located in the city’s celebrated tria have been inextricably linked by the Arts. The Congress Center, blends in perfectly with the symbiosis of art and gaming is reflected not only Styrian capital’s historic townscape. After all, in the company’s sponsorship of the Bregenz the old city center in Graz is a UNESCO World Festival, but also throughout Casino Bregenz it- Heritage Site, a status that carries its own ob- self. When you stroll into the casino from the Fes- ligations. Any renovations and changes made to tival House next door with the music still ringing the casino and the Congress Center itself are in your ears, you simply can’t help but admire never loud and garish, but always discrete and the impressive fountain created by Styrian sculp- fully in keeping with the style of the building. tor Hans Muhr as you approach the stairway to The arched stained glass windows designed by the live gaming area. Austrian artist Hans Staudacher, for example, WE’VE BEEN ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR VENUES IN STYRIA FOR NEARLY 25 YEARS. Andreas Sauseng, Casino Director form a delightful contrast to the building’s lateClassicist façade. CASINO GRAZ EURO 2008 Football Championship, the German TV “2008 again saw Casino Graz as one of the lead- 8010 Graz channel ZDF broadcast its EM’08 Studio program ing locations for social events in the Styrian capi- Tel.: +43 /5574/ 45 127 direct from the Bregenz Festival’s floating stage. tal. With our special atmosphere, countless cul- Fax: +43 /5574/ 45 127-12222 Then there were the scenes for the 2008 James tural and entertainment events, our unique Piano Fax: +43 /316/ 83 25 78-222 E-mail: Bond movie “Quantum of Solace“ that were filmed Bar with live music and top quality restaurant, E-mail: just next to Casino Bregenz, generating publicity for we’ve been one of the most popular venues in Bregenz all over the world,” explains Casino Director Styria for nearly 25 years,” says Casino Director Josef Semler. “Bregenz has now gone down in film Andreas Sauseng, describing his casino’s special history as a James Bond town. Both these events appeal. “We were particularly pleased with the Employees: 158 and the resultant increase in the level of awareness positive feedback on our tournaments, especially Revenues (in EUR): 32,404,212 of the town have also had a positive impact on guest the Casinos Austria Poker Tour and our ever-pop- numbers and revenues at Casino Bregenz.” ular Preisschnappsen card competition.” CASINO BREGENZ 6900 Bregenz Am Symphonikerplatz 3 FACTS Guests: 308,489 | 20 | “Two exceptional events proved to be particular highlights in 2008. Throughout the entire UEFA Landhausgasse 10 Grazer Congress Tel.: +43 /316/ 83 25 78 FACTS Guests: 183,547 Employees: 118 Revenues (in EUR): 10,952,308 | 21 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria Casinos in Austria | report ’08 OUR NEW TERRACE IS A REAL GEM, AND THE CASINEUM PROVIDES THE IDEAL SETTING FOR THE MANY EVENTS HELD AT THE CASINO. Kurt Steger, Casino Director CASINO INNSBRUCK 6020 Innsbruck Salurner Str. 15 Hotel Hilton The “youngest” of the 12 Austrian casinos of- Casino Kitzbühel is situated in one of the most fers far more than just exciting gaming enter- attractive buildings in town, the Hotel Goldener tainment. Casino Innsbruck first opened in 1992 Greif, a historic family-owned building built in and in the meantime has become a hot tip on 1274. The cosmopolitan Alpine town hits the me- the Tyrolean comedy scene, with a calendar of dia spotlight each year when it hosts the Hahnen- cultural events that reads like a “Who’s Who” of kamm Alpine Ski Race – just one of the many at- Austrian comedians and satirists. The contem- tractions that have made Kitzbühel a destination porary interior of the casino combines exqui- of choice for celebrities and VIPs from all over the site green stone, glass and brass elements with world. The town’s popular casino is the perfect clever lighting effects, including a fully electronic place to get away from it all for a few hours and LED system both on the gaming tables and the enjoy a fun evening of entertainment away from Roulette wheels to effortlessly change the mood. the flashlights. The monumental wall painting by the renowned Tyrolean artist Max Weiler in the main gaming “Both table gaming and slot machine revenues area adds a further vibrant splash of color. at Casino Kitzbühel in 2008 were by far the highest ever achieved in the casino’s 75-year history,” TABLE AND SLOT REVENUES IN 2008 WERE THE HIGHEST IN CASINO KITZBÜHEL’S 75-YEAR HISTORY. Hannes Huter, Casino Director CASINO KITZBÜHEL 6370 Kitzbühel Hinterstadt 24 Tel.: +43 /512/ 58 70 40-0 “In the spring, we successfully completed the in- says Casino Director Hannes Huber delightedly. Fax: +43 /512/ 58 70 40-222 novative redesign of our popular Casineum event “The enormous efforts we have put into establish- Fax: +43 /5356/ 654 66 E-mail: room, giving it a totally new look and equipping ing Casino Kitzbühel as a year-round operation are E-mail: it with the very latest in technology. These chang- proving very successful. Absolute highlights in the es have gone down very well with our guests, who 2008 event calendar were the ‘Racers Night’ par- have clearly taken to our event philosophy,” re- ty organized for the Hahnenkamm Alpine Ski Race ports a delighted Casino Director Kurt Steger. and the gala evenings held during the Triathlon Employees: 141 “We’re also particularly proud of our new terrace, World Cup and the Tour of Germany. Given the suc- Revenues (in EUR): 25,169,042 which is real gem. And we have modernized our cess of these and other events, the casino will be a Jackpot Casino too!” talking point for many years to come.” FACTS Guests: 234,811 | 22 | Tel.: +43 /5356/ 623 00 FACTS Guests: 61,800 Employees: 50 Revenues (in EUR): 5,834,955 | 23 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria AFTER 35 YEARS, THE CASINO HAS BEEN GIVEN A MUCH-NEEDED FACELIFT. IT NOW SHINES IN NEW SPLENDOR. Gerhard Steurer, Casino Director CASINO KLEINWALSERTAL Casinos in Austria | report ’08 Casino Kleinwalsertal in Riezlern is definitely When you enter Casino Linz in the four-star Hotel worth a visit. If only for the fact that Kleinwalser- Schillerpark, you find yourself surrounded by a tal can only be reached by car via Germany! But wonderful combination of color, light and architec- it’s not just the route and its setting that makes ture. Completely renovated in November 2007, the Casino Kleinwalsertal so unique. On the outside, casino is now clearly drawing on the full benefits a modern glass façade sets it apart from the typ- of its fantastic facilities. The long, curved bar, the ical house fronts in this romantic Alpine village. light pillars that bathe the gaming area in constant- And on the inside, the casino boasts a whole new ly changing light and the mosaic-like window frieze look following its renovation in 2008. The crack- by Austrian artist Hans Staudacher all combine per- ling open fire in the gaming area is the sole re- fectly to create a contemporary, stylish whole. The minder of its rustic interior prior to the redesign: 200 square meter Casineum event room offers plen- an extravagant wall of brown leather now sweeps ty of space for large events. whole casino, where soft lounge chairs invite you “One of our goals for 2008 was to introduce our D-87567 Riezlern to linger and relax. guests to our newly redesigned casino, and we are Tel. (Austria): +43 /5517/ 50 23-240 Josef Kneifl, Casino Director CASINO LINZ from a pure white entrance area through the A-6991 Riezlern Walserstraße 31 CASINO LINZ IS NOT JUST A GAMING VENUE, IT’S A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE MEET. immensely proud of the extremely positive feed- 4020 Linz Rainerstraße 2-4 Hotel Schillerpark Tel. (Germany): +49 /8329/ 50 23 “2008 was a real year of change for Casino Klein- back we have had from all our guests,” says Casino Fax: +43 /5517/ 50 23-16222 walsertal. The renovation work began in June, and Director Josef Kneifl. “The great atmosphere per- Fax: +43 /732/ 65 44 87-17222 E-mail: after 35 years it was high time for a facelift. First on fectly supports our efforts to position Casino Linz E-mail: the cards were our multipurpose event facilities. By not just as a gaming venue, but also as a place December, the whole casino was shining in its new where people meet up to enjoy exciting entertain- splendor, and we celebrated our reopening with a ment, great events and upmarket cuisine. Among fantastic party,” explains Casino Director Gerhard the many events we hosted in 2008, two definite Employees: 46 Steurer proudly. “With our new look and our great highlights were the final of the ‘Beat’em all’ Poker Revenues (in EUR): 1,965,499 team, I am very positive about the coming year – de- Tournament – Europe’s largest live Poker competi- spite the turbulent times ahead.” tion – and the European Blackjack Championship.” FACTS Guests: 59,297 | 24 | Tel.: +43 /732/ 65 44 87 FACTS Guests: 224,625 Employees: 127 Revenues (in EUR): 18,069,878 | 25 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria Casinos in Austria | report ’08 THE TERRACE IS USED AS AN UPSCALE LOUNGE IN THE SUMMER MONTHS, CREATING SPACE FOR OUR FIRST-EVER OUTDOOR BLACKJACK TABLE. Kurt Pipal, Casino Director What better place to dream of fantastic winnings The casino in Seefeld has become almost an em- than in a beautiful palace! Set in the magnificent blem of the Tyrolean Alpine town, with its tower- Schloss Klessheim, Casino Salzburg boasts a tru- like Münzturm building literally dominating the ly majestic ambience. Grand staircases, sparkling skyline. Affectionately described as the “Aus- chandeliers and intricate stucco ceilings – you tria's coziest casino”, Casino Seefeld captivates don’t have to be royalty to feel special in such a all aficionados of traditional rustic style. Region- wonderful setting. In 2008, Casino Salzburg be- al baroque and handcrafted rural antiques and gan an extensive redesign program to maintain its artifacts complement the interior wood paneling fitting position on the cutting edge of modern ca- to complete the Alpine look. And as host of the sino gaming. annual Baccara World Championships, Casino THE NEW DESIGN OF THE CASINO BAR CREATES YET ANOTHER FEEL GOOD FACTOR IN AUSTRIA’S COZIEST CASINO. Ernst Hubmann, Casino Director Seefeld becomes the center of attraction for a “We began by redesigning the ground floor area, CASINO SALZBURG large international fan community each year. CASINO SEEFELD and from the middle of the year we had the complete north wing ready for use as a multipurpose “When we ask our guests to describe Casino event area for receptions, gaming related activities Seefeld, they repeatedly emphasize our unique like Poker tournaments and all manner of other ambience, extensive gaming mix, great choice of Tel.: +43 /662/ 85 44 55-0 functions and events,” reports Casino Director Kurt entertainment and excellent customer service,” Fax: +43 /662/ 85 44 55-222 Pipal. “New furniture and heating were installed on says Casino Director Ernst Hubmann, referring Fax: +43 /5212/ 23 40-222 E-mail: the terrace, enabling us to use it as an upscale to the casino’s all-round entertainment concept. E-mail: lounge in the summer months and creating space for A range of different initiatives in all these areas our first-ever outdoor Blackjack table.” In November, also characterized our policy in 2008. “We in- work then began on the new, contemporary look for creased our popular Poker and tournament ac- the reception area. The renovations will continue into tivities, hosted around 2,500 guests at our big- Employees: 120 2009, with the extensive new lighting concept imple- prize club events and created yet another feel Revenues (in EUR): 11,483,143 mented at the end of February adding further sparkle good factor with our newly designed casino bar,” to this glittering casino. explains Hubmann. 5071 Wals-Siezenheim Schloss Klessheim FACTS Guests: 189,253 | 26 | 6100 Seefeld Bahnhofstraße 124 Hotel Karwendelhof Tel.: +43 /5212/ 23 40 FACTS Guests: 138,832 Employees: 103 Revenues (in EUR): 11,428,428 | 27 | report ’08 | Casinos in Austria Casinos in Austria | report ’08 A MIX OF SEEING AND BEING SEEN, HIGH-LEVEL CONVENTIONS, EXQUISITE CUISINE AND AN IMPRESSIVE GAMING AREA. Othmar Resch, Casino Director CASINO VELDEN 9220 Velden Only a privileged few are fortunate enough to have a The oldest building in Vienna’s Kärntner Straße, house on the shores of Lake Wörthersee with breath- Palais Esterházy, is now a mecca for top-class taking views over Austria’s most beautiful lake. Casino gaming in the Austrian capital. With its cen- Velden is one of those lucky few and happily shares its tral location close to both the State Opera and good fortune with all its guests. True connoisseurs like the landmark St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Casino to arrive in style by boat, docking at the casino’s pri- Wien indulges its guests with cutting edge gam- vate landing pier. The most popular spot in the casino ing on three lavish floors – from slot machines is, of course, the terrace, where not only do guests to its very own first-class Poker Lounge. It was enjoy the fantastic view over the lake, they also have the increased demand for Poker that prompt- the chance to try their luck at the open-air gaming ed Casino Director Reinhard Deiring to convert tables. The Casineum provides the casino with its very the second-floor bistro into a dedicated Poker own function center offering a perfect setting for any Lounge in 2008. With the conversion completed event, while the glass façade ensures that the main in a record-breaking three weeks, the new Poker attraction – the lake – always remains center stage. Lounge is styled in contemporary gray and purple flannel, dark wood and leather, features a INTERNATIONAL GAMING AND UNIQUE SERVICE COMBINED WITH THE SHEER ELEGANCE OF A VIENNESE PALACE. Reinhard Deiring, Casino Director CASINO WIEN 1010 Vienna Kärntner Straße 41 “Casino Velden enjoys a unique location overlooking sparkling bar of glass, mirrors and flat screens, Tel.: +43 /4274/ 20 64 the Wörthersee bay and exudes a very special flair and offers guests a choice of five Poker tables. Fax: +43 /4274/ 20 64-222 with its mix of seeing and being seen, high-level con- This conversion, together with the restyling of Fax: +43 /1/ 512 48 36-21222 E-mail: ventions, exquisite cuisine and impressive gaming the impressive Fuchs Room and a complete E-mail: area,” says Casino Director Othmar Resch, praising facelift to the gaming area in the Jackpot Casino Casino Velden’s many attractions. Just some of the have all added to the casino’s attraction. Am Corso 17 FACTS events regularly hosted at the casino include the traditional Fête Blanche celebrations, when over 10,000 “International gaming and unique service com- Employees: 132 party-goers dressed all in white flock to the town, or bined with the sheer elegance of a Viennese pal- Revenues (in EUR): 18,190,274 the CEE Forum attended by leading representatives ace are the best possible ingredients for suc- from the worlds of politics and industry. cess,” says Reinhard Deiring confidently. Guests: 251,817 | 28 | Palais Esterházy Tel.: +43 /1/ 512 48 36 FACTS Guests: 364,163 Employees: 213 Revenues (in EUR): 43,656,209 | 29 | report ’08 | Food & Beverage Food & Beverage | report ’08 Panem et circenses Fine dining is one of the many highlights of a great night out at the casino. Casinos Austria’s restaurants and bistros offer a broad range of mouthwatering culinary delights in some of the most attractive and elegant settings in Austria. M arcel Vanic stands in his shiny stain- and establish our casinos as leading tourist at- less steel kitchen, watching his team of tractions and pillars of society in their host re- chefs with a look of absolute concentration on gions. The restaurants and bars in most of our ca- his face. Ten servings of olive-crusted sea bass sinos are run by partner companies, while teams on a bed of saffron linguine with braised toma- of professional event organizers are on hand to to and fennel are about to be dispatched to the provide support at major events, when thousands restaurant, and every last move must be timed of visitors can represent a huge challenge for the to perfection. One last adjustment on the plate, local infrastructure. a final sprinkling of fennel fronds. Then a procession of waiters sweeps through the electric Casino Innsbruck, for example, works hand-in- doors, and within seconds the plates are gone. hand with the Hilton Hotel just next door. In Linz, Silently, the chefs turn, their attention already the Tourist Office provides the necessary infra- focused on the next order. structure, while in Graz it’s the adjacent Congress House. The situation in Baden is rather unique A typical snapshot of life behind the scenes in – the casino’s proximity to Vienna can mean a the restaurant at Casino Velden. As if its loca- huge difference between weekdays and weekends. tion on the shores of beautiful Lake Wörthersee There are often three times as many guests – in one of Casino Austria’s most impressive build- we’re referring to the restaurant here – on a Satur- ings were not enough, the trend-setting restaurant day as there would be on a typical weekday. Since has also set itself the highest culinary goals. TV Grand Casino Baden is also a regular conference chef Marcel Vanic is the casino’s Food & Beverage venue, not to mention a highly popular location (F&B) Manager, directing not only the award-win- for ball nights in the carnival season, there is re- ning restaurant (praised by the Gault Millau Guide ally only one partner who can handle such strong for its “distinctive style and elegance”), but also fluctuations in demand, confirms F&B Manager four bars, two terraces and a bistro. And there’s Oliver Kitz: “We’ve been working successfully with more: when the Casineum, the casino’s multipur- Do&Co for many years.” pose conference and event center, hosts a really large event, Vanic and his team are naturally also In 2004, Casinos Austria founded a subsidiary on hand to conjure up culinary delights for up to company – Casinos Austria Gastronomiebetriebs 1,000 guests. And when the reputation of such a GmbH (CAGAST) – to operate the restaurants in well-established team whets the appetite of cus- a number of casinos. CAGAST currently runs the tomers far beyond the casino walls, the opportu- Lake Wörthersee F&B emporium, the bar at Casino nity cannot be ignored – so the F&B department Seefeld, as well as the gourmet restaurants at the at Casino Velden now also handles catering in the casinos in Kleinwalsertal, Kitzbühel and Bregenz. VIP area at Klagenfurt football stadium. Over in Kitzbühel, master chef Walter Hiedl is | 30 | Special events and culinary highlights have al- renowned for his love of adding a contemporary ways played a starring role at Casinos Austria. It’s twist to traditional Austrian cuisine. Although the part of our corporate branding strategy to market tastes of the town’s clientele – a mix of more con- a visit to the casino as an all-round experience servative local residents and international visitors X | 31 | report ’08 | Food & Beverage Food & Beverage | report ’08 Our Dinner & Casino package, for example, costs With Austrian cuisine, Austrian hospitality and 57 euro and includes a four-course meal and wel- Austrian wines all so closely linked to the fine come chips to the value of 25 euro, valid at both the dining on offer in our casinos, Casinos Austria tables and the slot machines. This package is also a has a long history of promoting these important very popular gift – a four-course meal in a glamor- aspects of our national culture. We sponsor the ous casino setting is a wonderful experience in itself annual Goldene Traube (“Golden Grape”) award, – whether Lady Luck proves to be on your side or not. which recognizes particularly exceptional wines from the Burgenland region. The Österreichische If you don’t have the time or appetite for four Wein Salon (“Austrian Wine Salon”) also tours all courses, there are also a range of “lighter” op- 12 Austrian casinos each year, with a series of tions to choose from – such as the Surf & Turf events offering guests the opportunity to taste Package (steak, shrimp and welcome chips to the and compare the several dozen prize-winning value of 25 euro) for just 40 euro or Bistro & Ca- wines selected by the Salon’s independent jury sino (a choice of dishes from the Bistro menu and of experts from literally thousands of entries welcome chips to the value of 25 euro) for only 29 from all wine-growing areas in Austria. euro. The Dinner & Roulette Package probably has – can be hard to play to, this particular culinary cally – like exotic fruits, spices and coffee – the approach has proved extremely popular. Austri- casino restaurants are careful to choose Fairtrade an specialties naturally also feature strongly on products wherever possible. the menu at the other casino restaurants, even if they are complemented by the occasional tur- the greatest fun factor and is particularly recom- The most prestigious of the Casinos Austria gour- mended for small groups: after they have finished met awards is undoubtedly the Goldene Roulette their four-course dinner, a portable Roulette table Kugel (“Golden Roulette Ball”). This quite simply is wheeled in, and the guests are given the chance recognizes the best of the best and is presented to play for the price of their meal. The number the each year in cooperation with the leading restau- ball lands on is the price the guest pays, in oth- rant guide Gault Millau. Former prize-winners in- er words between 0 und 36 euro. Winning in this clude many of Austria’s most famous restaurants, kind of fun atmosphere tends to bring on a fit of including Steirereck and Korso in Vienna, Obauer generosity: whenever someone lands on zero, they in Werfen and the Arlberg Hospiz in St. Christoph, almost always choose to celebrate by ordering a with the 2008 award going to Lisl Wagner-Bacher round of drinks. of Landhaus Bacher in Mautern. DINNER & CASINO NIGHT DINNER & CASINO If you want to spoil someone special with an exciting For only 57 euro, why not enjoy our: night out at the casino, an excellent meal and an ex- ` Exclusive four-course Dinner & Casino menu quisite overnight stay, our Dinner & Casino Night pa- ` Welcome chips to the value of 25 euro ckage is the perfect gift: ` A glass of sparkling wine ` 4 Paroli chips (place your Paroli chips on the right An important part of our concept is ensuring that bot or Italian-influenced creation, as Oliver Kitz we offer a high standard of cuisine without trying explains: “The Austrian touch is an important part to overshoot the mark. In our experience, casino of our F&B concept. We cater to many interna- guests tend to be the kind of people who enjoy tional guests, and they would be really disappoint- good food and appreciate quality. But dining is ed if all we offered them was standard, interna- just one element of the casino experience – the tional fare and none of the world-famous Viennese card tables, the Roulette wheel and the slots are dishes.” This is why CAGAST restaurants – and all all equally part of the fun. ` The exclusive four-course Dinner & Casino menu number in three successive spins of the Roulette ` Welcome chips to the value of 25 euro wheel to win 7,777 euro in gold) ` A glass of sparkling wine at the casino bar ` One night’s hotel accommodation with buffet Not available on 24 and 31 December. breakfast for only 129 euro per person sharing a double room (supplement for single occupancy on request) the other casino F&B operations – primarily use | 32 | locally sourced Austrian products. They also work That probably explains why our dining packages closely with the Bund Österreichischer Gastlichkeit are some of our most popular products, offering (“Austrian Hospitality Association”), an organiza- guests the chance to combine an elegant meal with tion set up to promote traditional cooking skills a few hours excitement at the gaming tables at and styles in the restaurant industry. And when it unbeatable prices. In 2008, over 180,000 guests comes to ingredients that cannot be sourced lo- purchased packages from this range. | 33 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 A Global Player T he Casinos Austria Group is renowned throughout the world for its di- International Developments 2008 verse range of top-class casinos. Its international subsidiary, Casinos For Casinos Austria International and for the casino industry in general, 2008 Austria International, was founded in 1977 and is now a leading player in the was a challenging year, characterized by contradictions and regulatory is- global casino industry. With its unique portfolio of casino consulting, devel- sues, in particular the introduction of smoking bans and announcement of opment, management and investment services, Casinos Austria Internation- future increases in gaming taxes in a number of countries. But for Casinos al has successfully realized more casino projects in more jurisdictions than Austria International, it was also a year of new beginnings. any other casino operator worldwide. Service, quality, integrity, responsibility and innovation are the driving forces behind the company's success and are We added a further country to our casino map in July with the opening of Gran reflected in all its business activities. Casino Los Angeles in Chile and consolidated our entry into the Chilean market at the end of August with the award of the concession for a second casino, this Casinos Austria International – Facts and Figures 2008 time for the city of Ovalle in the Coquimbo region. Our local subsidiary in Argen- At the end of 2008, Casinos Austria International operated a total of 63 ca- tina, Entretenimientos y Juegos de Azar (ENJASA), the only company licensed to sinos in 18 countries and on board 11 cruise liners, including new casinos in operate games of chance (casinos, lotteries and slot machines) in the northern Chile and Argentina. Together, these 63 casinos welcomed 20 million guests province of Salta, continued its development program, launching live gaming at and employed 11,200 people in 2008. They offered gaming entertainment at two of its popular slot venues. The new fully-fledged casinos were renamed a total of 1,000 gaming tables and 11,600 slot machines, generating aggre- Casino Oran and Casino Tartagal to reflect their new status. gate revenues (win, registered tips, entrance) of 1.1 billion euro. Particularly strong growth was reported by operations in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Following the successful opening of Queens Casino and Casino Silverstar in Egypt and Switzerland. December 2007, our partner in South Africa, JSE-listed gaming and entertainment company Gold Reef Resorts, marked the opening of all facilities Organizational Changes and New Horizons at Casino Silverstar – which boasts the largest water feature in the Southern Over the past 30+ years, Casinos Austria International has successfully Hemisphere - with an extraordinary launch function in April. achieved its goal of becoming a leading player in the international casino industry. But these are dynamic times for the international gaming industry. In Europe, Grand Casino Beograd in the Serbian capital celebrated its comple- New products are constantly appearing on the market, innovation cycles are tion with a spectacular Gala Weekend in February, an event that will be talked becoming shorter and the regulatory environment is increasingly complex. about in the European casino industry for many years to come. Spielbanken Nie- To address these developments, the Casinos Austria Group underwent a ma- dersachsen, our subsidiary in Germany, consolidated its activities in Osnabrück, jor restructuring process in 2008 – bringing the individual companies in the merging the two existing casinos in the city into a new ultra-modern themed Group closer together and creating the first gaming group in a position to venue. The “new” Hollywood Casino Osnabrück opened in April 2008. offer its clients a complete range of gaming solutions and products from a single source. Naturally, the global economic crisis also had its impact on the casino and gaming industries. This led to two of our smaller casinos in the Czech Republic | 34 | As part of this restructuring process and to support the integration of new – Casino Ceske Budejovice and Casino 777 Teplice – being closed in October. gaming products into our portfolio, the Board of Casinos Austria Interna- Similarly, the casinos on board two luxury cruise yachts, the SeaDream I and tional was extended with effect from 15 July 2008. CEO Paul Herzfeld and SeaDream II, no longer proved economically viable, and we withdrew from these CFO Josef Leutgeb were joined on the Board by Karl Stoss as Chairman and operations in December. Several of our casinos also felt the impact of the in- Dietmar Hoscher as Director. troduction of smoking bans or increases in gaming taxes in their jurisdictions. X | 35 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 At the end of 2008, Casinos Austria International operated 63 casinos in 18 countries and on board 11 cruise liners Outlook 2009 All in all, Casinos Austria International can look back on a positive busi- range of Casinos Austria Group products and services – from casinos ness year in 2008, with its casinos around the world continuing to dem- and lotteries to sports betting, online gaming, video lotteries and slot onstrate their strength and class. This was again recognized by the in- parlors – in the international marketplace. dustry, and we were voted “Best European Casino Operator” for the second year in succession at the Empire Events Gaming Awards in Lon- Casinos Austria International will naturally also continue to draw on its ex- don in January 2009. tensive experience to improve the product and entertainment opportunities on offer at its existing operations around the globe. Our well-established We remain optimistic for the future and see strong potential in our ex- knowledge and best practice exchange programs, annual casino confer- isting casino operations and new strategic growth opportunities estab- ence and international market research activities all contribute greatly lished through our new product portfolio and our ongoing casino devel- to assisting our casinos and local partners to grow successfully in their opment projects. We were awarded an operating license for the United local markets. Kingdom in October 2008 and will be opening our new casino in Ovalle, Chile in early 2011. New casinos are currently under development in Prague, Czech Republic, and in Hanover, Germany, while construction work continues on the permanent location for Grand Casino Brussels in the city’s former Anspach Center. At the end of 2008, we announced our intention to sell our stake in Grand Casino Beograd to Club Hotel Loutraki – where Casinos Austria International is already a shareholder – and intensify our business relationship with our Greek partners through their possible investment in Grand Casino Brussels. We are also evaluating further projects and investment opportunities in other parts of the world. We follow global developments closely and are constantly on the lookout for expansion opportunities. Our new product portfolio is a core element in our expansion strategy, and we intend to use our international market know-how to develop and market the entire The Casinos Austria International Board of Directors with the “Best European Casino Operator” award: (l. to r.) Josef Leutgeb, Paul Herzfeld, Karl Stoss, Dietmar Hoscher | 36 | | 37 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 Europe 1 Belgium Casinos Austria International opened its casino in the Belgian capital in December 2005, celebrating the event with a spectacular Gala Opening in January 2006. Following legislative changes in 1999 and the creation of the Belgian Gaming Commission, the region of Brussels had requested the right to have a casino in its territory to complement the eight existing casinos in the Flanders and Wallonia regions. An international tender was launched, and in June 2004 Brussels City Council voted to award the concession to Casinos Austria International. The result was the elegant yet contemporary Grand Casino Brussels – the ninth and final casino concession in Belgium. Currently located in the beautifully restored Salle de la Madeleine, construction work was ongoing throughout 2008 at the permanent location for Grand Casino Brussels in the city’s former Anspach Center. Czech Republic Casinos Austria International has been active in the Czech Republic since 1989. Our six casinos in the country – Casino Grand in Brno, Casino Palais Savarin in Prague, Casino Savoy in Folmava, City Casino in Pilsen, Pupp Casino Club in Karlovy Vary and Casino 777 Brno – are managed by two subsidiaries: Czech Casinos a.s. and Casinos 777, which will be merged in 2009 to streamline operations. Both companies are represented in the European Casino As- 2 sociation, and Czech Casinos has held the presidency of the Czech Casino Association since 2002. As part of a restructuring process in 2008, we closed two casinos (Casino Ceske Budejovice and Casino 777) in the Czech Republic and began construction work at a new site in Prague. Our casino in the capital will relocate to its new, modern venue in the course of 2009. Casino Grand (2) Casino Grand is located in the Grand Hotel in Brno, the principal city of the province of Moravia, a region famous for its quality white wines. Brno is home to the largest exhibition center in Central Europe, attracting thousands of visitors each year. Casino Grand is one of the leading casinos in Brno, offering a wide range of facilities, including table gaming, slot machines, TouchBet Roulette, extended opening hours and a foreign currency exchange service. Casino Palais Savarin (1) Currently located in Prague’s famous Palais Savarin, Casinos Austria International’s flag- 3 ship casino in the Czech capital will move to a prime new location in a pedestrian zone nearer the city center in mid-2009. The luxurious new Chevalier’s Casino will be situated on the ground floor of a refurbished former bank and will set itself apart from other casinos in the city’s competitive gaming market with its unique hybrid casino lounge bar concept, contemporary design and cutting edge gaming mix. Grand Casino Brussels, Belgium | 38 | Set in the heart of the capital of Europe, Grand Casino Brussels opened in December Casino Savoy (3) 2005. With its contemporary amber and red interiors, the casino offers an exciting First opened in 2001, Casino Savoy is located near the Czech-German border town of Folmava blend of elegant and relaxed gaming and entertainment. Each of its three floors has in the beautiful Sumava and Böhmerwald national park area and attracts visitors from as far its own very unique ambiance: from the ground floor gaming areas with over 20 tables afield as Munich and Regensburg. Casino Savoy is one of our largest operations in the Czech and 200 slot machines to the VIP club, newly refurbished and rebranded 360° steak Republic, offering a choice of table games, slot machines and TouchBet Roulette, as well as a restaurant and Cotton Club multipurpose function room on the upper levels. hotel and a separate Spielstub'n bar with additional slots and Multi-Roulette terminals. | 39 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 1 Casino Munkebjerg Vejle (5) 2 Set in the Munkebjerg Forest in Central Jutland, with superb views of the stunning Vejle April. Construction work also continued throughout the year on SNG’s largest project to date: the development of its new casino in the state capital due to open in early 2010. Fjord, Casino Munkebjerg Vejle shares its facilities with one of Denmark's finest hotels. As part of the Hotel Munkebjerg complex, the casino is linked to the 27-hole Munkebjerg Aquamarin Casino Seevetal (8) Golf Club and offers a range of themed packages like “Golf and Gourmet”, “Dinner and Lower Saxony's first themed casino makes quite a splash on the outskirts of Hamburg, Casino” and “Weekend Breaks”, which perfectly complement its state-of-the-art gaming taking its unique, underwater theme to new depths. Guests at Aquamarin Casino See- mix and dining facilities. vetal try their luck alongside an 8,000 liter aquarium of tropical fish at a choice of over 150 slot machines, at Multi-Roulette or in Germany's first intranet casino, CyberGame. Casino Odense (6) A popular tourist destination with a strong cultural heritage, Odense is the birthplace of The casino is located in Hotel and Restaurant Krohwinkel, where a range of culinary delights awaits. Hans Christian Andersen. Casino Odense is set in the luxurious Radisson SAS H. C. Andersen Hotel, whose Hans Christian restaurant is praised by gourmets around the world for its Casino Bad Zwischenahn (7) fine cuisine. The casino was extensively refurbished in 2008 with the support of local ar- Luck has been in season in Bad Zwischenahn since 1976, when a beautiful half-timbered chitects and artists and successfully combines traditional and modern interior elements building in the lakeside spa town became home to its casino. Casino Bad Zwischenahn with clever lighting features. offers an extensive choice of gaming tables and the latest slot machines and regularly hosts the German Poker Championship. Extraordinary flair and an array of culinary delights are also close at hand in the hotel's gourmet Fischer- and Jägerstuben or award- 3 Casino 777 Brno (1) Germany winning Apicius restaurants. The acquisition of Spielbanken Niedersachsen GmbH (SNG) in 2005 provided Casinos Hollywood Casino Osnabrück (9) Austria International with a major foothold in the German casino market. SNG is the Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and Charlie Chaplin all found their way to Casino Osnabrück in third largest casino operator in Germany and the only company licensed to operate April 2008. With its "Hollywood" theme, the new Casino Osnabrück offers an impressive Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. A convenient location close to casinos in the state of Lower Saxony. In addition to the launch of a corporate reorgani- selection of gaming machines as well as live gaming at a choice of American Roulette, Prague and neighboring Austria and Slovakia makes Brno an active commercial cen- zation process, two major construction projects dominated events at SNG in 2008. In Blackjack and Poker tables. Major sporting events are broadcast live on 14 high tech ter, with its impressive medieval architecture attracting visitors all year round. The Osnabrück, the casino at the railway station site was extensively redeveloped and the screens, and the casino complements its top-class gaming mix with a wide variety of main town square dates back to the 13th century and is now also home to Casino city’s two casinos merged into a stunning new Hollywood-themed casino that opened in events to ensure every guest enjoys a winning night out. 777 Brno, offering guests relaxed gaming in a warm and friendly ambience, as well as a bar service and a satellite TV lounge. City Casino (2) 5 7 6 Pilsen is situated on the main route between Bavaria and Prague and is an important business, industrial and cultural center intrinsically linked with the acclaimed Pilsen Urquel beer. City Casino was opened in 1991 and moved to a prime location on Pilsen's main square in 1998. The lively casino has rejuvenated the city's casino business with its contemporary design, delicate pastel shades, spacious table gaming area and excellent bar and lounge facilities. Pupp Casino Club (3) Pupp Casino Club is located in the Grand Hotel Pupp in Karlovy Vary, a town dating back to 1358 and one of Europe's best known spas. Karlovy Vary was once a popular destination for the European aristocracy and regularly visited by Czar Peter the Great. The cultured atmosphere of the casino, with its broad gaming mix, classic-style interior design and historic ambience makes it a popular meeting point for local guests and the many 4 tourist visitors to the town. 8 Denmark 9 Casinos Austria International opened its first casino in Denmark in 1990 and currently operates three of the country’s six casinos: Casino Copenhagen, Casino Munkebjerg Vejle and Casino Odense. All Danish casinos are represented both on the Danish Casino Association – which is chaired by Casino Copenhagen – as well as on the European Casino Association. The implementation of the nationwide smoking ban that came into effect in all public buildings and private businesses in Denmark in August 2007 continued to impact the gaming industry throughout 2008, and most of the country’s casinos initiated restructuring measures to respond to the changing trading conditions. Table gaming was less affected by the ban, with Poker products in general and Poker tournaments in particular continuing to prove extremely popular with guests. Casino Copenhagen (4) The only casino in the Danish capital is situated in the luxurious Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel, which enjoys an enviable location overlooking the old city ramparts. Casino Copenhagen complements its attractive gaming mix of 23 tables and 150 slot machines with a range of exclusive packages offered in cooperation with the hotel's four world-class restaurants. Opened in 1990, the elegant casino has been a venue for several movies, including Bille August's "Smilla's Sense of Snow". | 40 | | 41 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International 1 Casinos Austria International | report ’08 2 Spielbank Bad Bentheim (1) Nestled at the foot of historic Bad Bentheim's imposing medieval castle lies another winning attraction. Opened in 1976, Spielbank Bad Bentheim offers exciting gaming entertainment with over 100 of the latest Multi-Roulette terminals and slot machines and is always a popular destination with visitors to this romantic spa town near the Dutch-German border. The casino’s gaming operations were updated and extensive renovations to its facilities completed in 2008. Spielbank Bad Harzburg (3) With its enviable location in the Harz National Park, the historic spa town of Bad Harzburg is a popular tourist destination. Its stylish, elegant casino is located in the spa park and offers Roulette and Blackjack tables and a selection of the latest video and slot machines. Spiel- 3 bank Bad Harzburg shares its premises with the spa hotel Michels Kurhotel Vier Jahreszeiten, where guests can enjoy fine dining in the gourmet restaurant after a drink at the bar. Spielbank Bad Pyrmont (2) The neo-classic architecture of the concert hall sets the tone for the casino in the popular spa town of Bad Pyrmont, where traditional and modern elements interplay harmoniously under one roof. First opened in 1975, Spielbank Bad Pyrmont was completely renovated in 2004 and now focuses solely on slot machine gaming, offering a choice of over 100 slot machines and Multi-Roulette terminals, including the Niedersachsen Jackpot that links all casinos in Lower Saxony. Spielbank Borkum (4) Everyone is a winner on the North Sea island of Borkum. This popular holiday destination offers something for all its visitors, and a vacation on Borkum is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience. But no stay would be truly complete without a visit to the island's casino. 4 5 Spielbank Borkum first opened in 1978 and offers guests gaming fun and excitement at an extensive selection of the latest slot machines and Multi-Roulette terminals. Spielbank Hannover (6) Spielbank Hannover, the casino in the heart of Lower Saxony’s capital, has welcomed over six million visitors since it opened in 1975 and offers a choice of Roulette, Blackjack and Poker tables as well as an impressive selection of slot machines and Multi-Roulette terminals. Throughout 2008, work also continued on the development of the new casino in Hanover, which will combine state-of-the-art gaming with extensive entertainment, dining and conference facilities. Spielbank Norderney (5) Miles of beaches, unspoilt sand dunes and fresh sea air: just some of the spectacular outdoor treats to be found on the North Sea vacation island of Norderney. But holidaymakers also find themselves treated to some equally delightful indoor fun at the island's casino. With a choice of modern slot machines and Multi-Roulette terminals, Spielbank Norderney offers so many different ways to win, including the chance to hit the regional Niedersachsen Jackpot. 6 7 Spielbank Wolfsburg (7) Wolfsburg is not only home to Volkswagen, it is also becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination, and visitors are spoilt for choice by the many attractions it has to offer. A visit to the casino complements a tour of the famous Autostadt car city or a seat in the stadium cheering on local soccer heroes VfL Wolfsburg. Spielbank Wolfsburg offers exciting entertainment at an extensive selection of the latest slot machines and Multi-Roulette terminals. Greece | 42 | Casinos Austria International has been active in the Greek gaming market since the Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, Greece 1980s and currently holds a stake in the country’s leading casino, Club Hotel Casino Club Hotel Casino Loutraki opened in 1995 and is integrated in a resort complex that in- Loutraki. Located in a stunning resort complex overlooking the Corinthian Gulf in the cludes a luxurious designer hotel with 255 rooms, 20 suites and a sophisticated, multi- coastal spa town of Loutraki some 70 km south of the capital, Athens, Club Hotel Casino purpose conference center. The resort’s impressive, newly renovated 5,000 square meter Loutraki is not only the top casino in Greece, it is also one of the largest, best-known gaming hall offers 80 gaming tables and 1,000 cutting-edge slot machines and welcomed and most successful casinos in Europe. Procedures for the extension of the geographical almost 1.17 million guests in 2008. The casino’s extensive support for culture and tourism exclusivity of Greek casinos are expected to commence in 2009. confirms its strong reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. | 43 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 1 2 3 4 Hungary Casinos Austria International has long played a pioneering role in the Hungarian casino industry and launched our first casino in Budapest in 1981 – the first casino to open behind the Iron Curtain and be run by an international operator. Over the past 25+ years, we have gone on to launch a total of 15 casinos across the country and continue to operate three of them to this very day: Casino Györ, Casino Kecskemét and Casino Sopron. All of these casinos are members of the Hungarian Casino Association (HCA), which is also represented on the European Casino Association. Com- Casino Sopron (2) Casino Sopron is situated prominently in Sopron's cultural center. The beautifully designed casino prides itself on its high customer service standards and offers one of the most competitive slot mixes in the region. Roulette is the game of choice for most guests in the spacious table gaming area, and state-of-the-art betting terminals are linked directly to one of the Roulette tables. The casino also offers nightly buffets, weekly draws and regular themed party nights. petition in Hungary’s gaming sector remained strong in 2008, with lottery products and slot halls competing with casinos for a share of the action, Poker continuing to grow in popularity and a continued rise in the number of so-called Poker clubs across the country. Romania Casinos Austria International has played an active role in the competitive Romanian casino market for over 17 years and was awarded the first casino license to be issued in the coun- Casino Györ (1) Györ is situated in western Hungary near the borders with Austria and Slovakia, close to both Vienna and Bratislava. A bustling border shopping destination with a celebrated town center, Györ is a melting pot of Hungarian, Austrian and Slovak culture and business. The elegant Casino Györ opened in 1993 in a historic building in the main pedestrian zone and features an extensive selection of table games and slot machines, many of which were updated in 2008. Casino Kecskemét (3) | 44 | try after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Our highly popular casino in the capital, Bucharest, was launched to great acclaim in 1991 as the first casino to open in the new Romania. Inspired by its location in the heart of the city, this stylish, modern casino, with the warm and welcoming appeal of a players’ club, has firmly established its position at the center of Bucharest night life. Casino Bucharest remains the destination of choice for those seeking a great night out and the finest gaming experience in Bucharest, and is dedicated to offering the ultimate entertainment experience to both casual visitors and gaming enthusiasts alike. Casino Bucharest (4) Grand Casino Beograd, Serbia Only a short drive from the capital, Budapest, in the heart of Hungary's puszta plain Located in the heart of the city in the five-star InterContinental Hotel, Casino Bucharest Grand Casino Beograd is a multi-faceted luxury complex offering the largest selection of region, Kecskemét is famous for its culinary specialties, spas, viniculture, equestri- is distinguished by its contemporary elegance, sophisticated ambience and excellence casino games and entertainment in South Eastern Europe. In addition to cutting edge gam- anism and hunting. Casino Kecskemét is situated in the town’s main hotel, offers in guest services. Guests enjoy an enticing selection of popular casino games and the ing, the venue offers gourmet dining in its top-class Diva, Ginger and Chameleon restau- special room rates and dinner for out of town visitors and hosts regular party nights. latest slot machines, all with flexible limits and the most generous game rules in town. rants, function facilities, two bars, retail outlets and a separate VIP gaming area. With 25 In keeping with market trends, a new form of Poker – Texas Hold’Em Bonus Poker – The elegant bar and lounge areas are perfect for relaxing over a drink whilst taking in the tables and 230 slot machines, Grand Casino Beograd presents the very best in casino was introduced in Casino Kecskemét in 2008. exhilarating energy of the casino. gaming and entertainment in a contemporary, yet glamorous setting. | 45 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 Serbia Switzerland Grand Casino Beograd was the first casino to open in Serbia since the introduction of a Casinos Austria International has been active in the Swiss casino market for almost a new Gaming Act in 2004 paved the way for the opening of up to 10 casinos across the decade. Our equity participations in Switzerland are managed by our local holding com- country. A subsequent Government Resolution allowed for the award of one concession pany, Casinos Austria (Swiss) AG, which also acts as know-how provider for our Swiss for Belgrade in 2005 and a further four licenses outside the capital by the end of 2008. cooperation partners and the Swiss Casino Association. Our first casinos in the country In December 2005, the Belgrade concession was awarded to Casinos Austria Interna- – Grand Casino Bern, Grand Casino Luzern, Grand Casino St. Gallen, Casino St. Moritz, tional and its partners, Club Hotel Loutraki of Greece and the State Lottery of Serbia. Casino Schaffhausen and Casino Zürichsee – opened in 2002. In 2007, Casinos Austria Grand Casino Beograd was subsequently completed in record time and began operations (Swiss) AG also successfully acquired a stake in Casinò Lugano, bringing its number of in June 2007. The complex was continuously expanded throughout 2007 and celebrated casinos in Switzerland to seven, the largest portfolio of any operator in terms of number its success with a spectacular Gala Weekend in February 2008. Grand Casino Beograd is of operations. Recent developments in the Swiss gaming market included the introduc- the official representative of the Serbian casino industry in the European Casino Associa- tion of smoking bans in some cantons and the announcement of planned changes to the tion. In December 2008, Casinos Austria International announced its intention to sell its casino licensing and tax system. 4 6 stake in Grand Casino Beograd to Club Hotel Loutraki. Grand Casino Bern (2) 1 Embedded in the Kursaal Bern complex in the heart of the Swiss capital, Grand Casino Bern offers panoramic vistas extending from the historic old town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) to the snow-capped Alps. The casino boasts 15 gaming tables and 266 cashless slot machines with 66 different games. The complex also features the four-star Hotel Allegro, acclaimed Meridiano and Yù restaurants with 17 and 13 Gault Millau points respectively, and extensive congress and banqueting facilities. Grand Casino St. Gallen (1) Located close to the border with Austria, St. Gallen is the largest city in eastern Switzerland. Its elegant casino is ideally situated adjacent to the city's exhibition grounds and the Radisson SAS Hotel St. Gallen and offers a choice of 15 live gaming tables and over 160 of the latest gaming machines, including the Swiss Jackpot, Europe’s largest wide- 5 area progressive jackpot. Grand Casino St. Gallen also offers an American-style lounge bar and extensive parking facilities. Casinò Lugano (3) Set against an Alpine backdrop on the shores of Lake Lugano, Casinò Lugano is more 2 than just a sophisticated gaming venue. Located in a refurbished former theater, its open architecture has been designed to reflect modern gaming culture, yet still fit in perfectly with its host city. With 30 tables and over 350 gaming machines, Casinò Lugano features the largest gaming mix in Switzerland, a top-class panorama restaurant, five bars and extensive banqueting facilities. 3 Casino St. Moritz (6) casino standards with the traditions of its historic setting and landmark building. With its Opened in December 2002 on the “top of the world” in the renowned Alpine resort’s Las Vegas-style interior design, Casino Schaffhausen features a selection of 8 gaming tables, Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains, Casino St. Moritz combines classic elegance with over 120 slot machines, as well as fine dining and banqueting facilities for up to 180 guests. warm Italian flair, featuring 6 gaming tables and a selection of 75 slot machines. Guests can relax over a drink in the stylish Ivory Ball Lounge Bar or enjoy one of the casino's Casino Zürichsee (5) many special events or regular promotions. A seasonal operation, Casino St. Moritz is Casino Zürichsee is located in the 4-star Seedamm Plaza Hotel on the southern shores closed in May and November. of Lake Zurich and has been themed to depict the many famous landmarks in the city of Zurich, including the historic late-baroque Opera House or the famous "Bahnhofstrasse". Casino Schaffhausen (4) | 46 | Casino Zürichsee offers a warm and relaxed atmosphere and features 12 gaming tables Located in the center of the medieval town of Schaffhausen in the north of Switzerland, and a choice of 150 state-of-the-art slot machines. Casino guests also have access to the Casino Schaffhausen opened in 2002 and blends a unique combination of state-of-the-art hotel's extensive parking lot. | 47 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 Africa – Middle East Egypt 1 Casinos Austria International has a long history of success in the buoyant and competitive Egyptian casino gaming market, opening our first casino in the country almost twenty years ago in 1990. Together with our local partners, Casinos Austria International operated two top-class casinos in Egypt in 2008: Casino Semiramis in the capital, Cairo, and Casino Royale in the holiday destination of Sharm El Sheikh. Both these casinos are located in five-star hotels in accordance with the country’s strict gaming laws. Casino Royale (1) Casino Royale enjoys a prime site in the five-star Maritim Jolie Ville Resort in the heart of Naama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh on the southernmost tip of the Sinai Peninsula. With its beautiful surroundings and elegant colonnade, the casino has become a focal point in the city and is its premier gaming venue. Refurbished in early 2009, the interior is classic in design, offering guests a choice of popular table games and slot machines in a relaxed club-like atmosphere. Casino Semiramis (2) Situated in the heart of the Egyptian capital in the five-star Semiramis Inter-Continental Hotel, Casino Semiramis enjoys spectacular views of the River Nile. The casino has been a leader in the Egyptian casino industry since it opened in 1990 and continued this trend-setting role 2 3 in 2008. Known for its hospitality and excellent service, the casino features a comprehensive gaming mix with 13 live gaming tables and a wide selection of the latest slot machines. Palestinian Autonomy Casinos Austria International and its partners began operations in the Palestinian Autonomy in September 1998. While operational, the Oasis Hotel Casino Resort in Jericho was one of the company’s most successful operations worldwide, opening 24 hours a day and featuring 124 tables and 278 slots. However, in July 2000, shortly after completion of the resort’s five-star hotel, increasing political unrest in the region and the closure of the area around Jericho to Israeli citizens and tourist visitors forced the casino to cease operations. Oasis Hotel Casino Resort (3) 4 Although the Oasis Hotel Casino again remained closed throughout 2008, Casinos Austria International closely monitors developments in the region, and the casino itself is kept fully equipped, maintained and ready to reopen as soon as the political situation allows. The hotel itself has always remained open and recently underwent refurbishment to its pool areas and guest rooms. South Africa Casinos Austria International has been active in the South African casino market since the 1990s and holds a 22 percent economic interest in its local partner, Gold Reef Resorts Limited. Listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange, Gold Reef Resorts is a gaming Grand Casino Luzern, Switzerland | 48 | and entertainment company that operates world-class resorts and entertainment complexes With its magnificent setting on the shores of Lake Lucerne, Grand Casino Luzern of- throughout South Africa and currently has interests in seven resorts: Gold Reef City, Garden fers unparalleled, highest quality entertainment and dining. At the heart lie its Grand Route Casino, Golden Horse Casino, Goldfields Casino, Mykonos Casino, Queens Casino Jeu and Jackpot casinos, with 13 gaming tables, 245 slot machines and 16 TouchBet and Silverstar Casino. Each resort offers a diverse choice of entertainment, the highest lev- Roulette machines. Mediterranean cuisine is the order of the day in the acclaimed els of customer service and world-class facilities: from casino gaming, fine dining and hotels, Olivo restaurant with 14 Gault Millau points, while the extensive variety of events in to cultural and outdoor activities. Gold Reef Resorts is committed to offering its shareholders the Casineum ensure its place as a firm fixture in Lucerne’s nightlife. consistent growth and contributing to the country as a responsible corporate citizen. | 49 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 1 Garden Route Casino (4, see page 49) 2 Garden Route Casino opened in 2002 in one of the most beautiful locations in South Africa: the town of Mossel Bay on the Garden Route overlooks the Indian Ocean and boasts 24 km of unspoilt beaches. The thrilling facilities on offer at the casino include 376 slot machines, 16 gaming tables, a Salon Privé, buffet restaurant and sports bar, as well as the award-winning Pinnacle Point golf course, 71 four-star golf lodges, 24 villas and the 43-room Garden Route Hotel and Spa. Golden Horse Casino (2) Golden Horse Casino in Kwazulu-Natal is much more than just a casino. Set in the Pietermaritzburg hillside, the only casino in Africa linked to a racecourse promises a unique gam- 3 ing experience. The casino shares its premises with the Scottsville Racecourse and boasts a 96-room hotel, restaurants, conference facilities and the world’s largest statue of a horse: the 14-meter Pegasus. Its casino floor offers 450 slot machines, 16 tables and the exclusive Rosewood's Room for high rollers. Goldfields Casino (1) Goldfields Casino and Entertainment Centre opened in December 2003 and is located in Goldfields Plaza on Stateway, the main street in the city of Welkom. The contemporary design of this premier destination combines an eclectic mix of style elements, with a clever use of colors and textures creating warm, inviting spaces. The casino boasts 250 slot machines, 9 gaming tables and a Salon Privé, as well as extensive banqueting, dining and bar facilities. Mykonos Casino (3) Mykonos Casino in Langebaan some 120 km north of Cape Town opened in December 2000 and brings great gaming entertainment to a resort already renowned as a water sports mecca. Set in a Greek-styled self-catering and conference resort, the casino boasts an impressive selection of 278 slot machines and 9 table games. The resort’s extensive facilities cater to both 4 5 young and old with its games room, choice of restaurants and bars, crèche service and health and beauty spa. Queens Casino (4) Queens Casino opened its doors to the public in December 2007 in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape Province. Designed with a focal railway theme, the casino features a beautifully restored steam locomotive once used to transport the then Princess Elizabeth during a visit to South Africa. In addition to a choice of 180 slot machines and 6 gaming tables, the new casino also offers a hotel, buffet restaurant, sports bar, games facility and crèche. Gold Reef City Casino, South Africa | 50 | Silverstar Casino (5) Gold Reef City Casino near Johannesburg is a flagship operation in the Casinos Austria Opened in December 2007, Silverstar Casino is Gauteng’s first non-themed casino with International network. Set in a magnificent complex offering a winning combination of its unique, contemporary style and neo-African influences designed to reflect the natural theme park, Apartheid museum and casino gaming, Gold Reef City Casino opened in aesthetics of the area. The casino boasts 756 slot machines, 26 gaming tables and a May 2000 and has a look and feel best described as “Pure Jozi, Pure Gold”. Open 24/7, luxury hotel, whose 38 suites have superb views of the Fountain Spectacular, the biggest the casino features 1,600 slot machines, 50 tables, a Salon Privé for high rollers and water feature in the Southern Hemisphere. It also offers a choice of restaurants, bars and “Barneys” – one of the largest smoking casinos in Southern Africa. conference facilities for up to 500 delegates. | 51 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 The Americas 1 2 Argentina Casinos Austria International’s first casino in Argentina opened in 1987 in the Andean winter sports resort of Valle de Las Leñas. In 2000, we entered a cooperation with Entretenimientos y Juegos de Azar (ENJASA), the only company licensed to operate casinos, lotteries and slot parlors in the province of Salta, and reinforced this long and successful partnership with the acquisition of a majority shareholding in December 2006. In an eventful year, 2008 saw the introduction of table gaming at Casino Oran and Casino Tartagal in the interior of the province and the launch of the new Reno slot hall in the capital, expanding ENJASA’s portfolio to 5 casinos and 15 slot halls. Lottery developments throughout the year included the introduction of new lottery games and the implementation of 500 online point of sale units. Boulevard Casino (1) Opened in 2004, Boulevard Casino is located in Salta's popular Alta NOA center, the region’s main retail mall. The lively casino offers visitors a chance to take a break from their shopping and try their luck at its Blackjack and American Roulette tables or extensive selection of electronic gaming machines. Boulevard Casino was refurbished in 2008, offers a full bar service and can be accessed either directly from Avenida Virrey Toledo or through the mall. Casino Golden Dreams (2) 3 4 The popular Casino Golden Dreams first opened in January 2002 and is located in the downtown pedestrian zone in the provincial capital, Salta City. It offers guests top-class gaming in an expansive gaming area with a selection of more than 350 state-of-the-art electronic gaming and slot machines and live gaming tables for American Roulette, Blackjack, Punto Banco and Caribbean Poker. Casino Golden Dreams also has its own exclusive guest parking facility. Casino Oran (4) Located in San Ramon de la Nueva Oran (known locally simply as "Oran") in the interior of the province about 270 km from the capital, Salta, the lively Casino Oran first opened in December 2000 as a slots-only venue. The modern casino expanded its gaming mix in June 2008 to offer live gaming from Wednesday to Sunday at its American Roulette and Blackjack tables. A popular destination for locals and visitors alike, the casino also offers a complete bar service. Casino Salta (5) Opened in August 2005, Casino Salta is located on the ground floor of Salta City's Shera- 5 ton Salta Hotel only a few blocks from the downtown area in an exceptional location that offers panoramic views of the city, the Lerma Valley and the Andes. The casino offers a choice of American Roulette, Blackjack, Caribbean Poker and Craps tables, as well as a large selection of state-of-the-art slot machines. It also features a VIP Lounge, bar and piano area and valet parking. Great Blue Heron Charity Casino, Canada Casino Tartagal (3) | 52 | Located on reserve land near the town of Port Perry, the Great Blue Heron Charity Located in Tartagal in the north-west of the province of Salta, Casino Tartagal first opened in Casino is one of Ontario’s finest casino properties. Aboriginal themes are depicted December 2002 as a slots-only venue. This lively casino moved to a new location on the city's throughout the building and on the uniforms worn by staff. Open 24/7, the casino main square in September 2008 and expanded its gaming mix to offer American Roulette, boasts an extensive gaming mix with 60 tables and 545 TITO-enabled, latest gene- Blackjack and Poker tables from Wednesday to Sunday. With its proximity to the borders with ration spinning reel and video slot machines. It also features the Waters Edge buffet Bolivia and Paraguay, the casino is popular with both local guests and international visitors. restaurant and Lucky Stone and Heron Bar serving snacks and light meals. | 53 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International 1 Casinos Austria International | report ’08 velopment and advancement opportunities for the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Na- 2 tion. The casino has since evolved into a significant economic driver and one of the largest employers in the region, reaffirming its ongoing commitment to strengthening and enhancing its image as a model corporate citizen. The Great Blue Heron takes its role as a community partner very seriously and has been widely praised for the active support provided by the casino and its charitable foundation to many groups and organizations. Chile Casinos Austria International was awarded the concession to develop and operate our firstever casino in Chile in July 2006. This latest development takes us further south on the map than ever before – to Los Angeles, the capital of Chile’s Bío-Bío Region. Completed in record time, the opening of the new Gran Casino Los Angeles was a highlight for Casinos Austria Casino Las Leñas (1) Set at an altitude of 2,300 meters above sea level, Casino Las Leñas is the highest casino in the world and was the first private casino in Argentina. The casino is located in the five-star Hotel Piscis and offers a choice of live gaming tables and slot machines as well as a VIP gaming room and a lively casino bar. A seasonal operation, the casino is only open in the southern hemisphere's winter season, welcoming guests each year from mid-June to mid-October. International in 2008. Our expansion strategy in Chile was reinforced in August 2008, when the gaming board awarded us the concession for a second operation in the country – the new casino and tourism center in the city of Ovalle in the Coquimbo Region. Casino Gran Ovalle will open in 2011 and combine gaming, tourism and culture in one luxury complex, with a modern casino, a 4-star hotel, restaurants, bars, a conference center, museums, an open-air theater and retail outlets promoting local products and crafts. Gran Casino Los Angeles (2) Opened in July 2008, CAI’s newest casino in the central Chilean city of Los Angeles re- Canada inforces the city’s position as the gateway to the south of the country. Set in the heart Casinos Austria International has been managing the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino – a of the city, Gran Casino Los Angeles boasts a spacious design with striking woodwork gaming complex 100 km northeast of Toronto, Ontario – for over a decade. Operated on be- features, a bar, a restaurant and an unrivalled gaming experience at 12 tables, 200 slot half of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming machines and a 40-seat Bingo room. The complex will also feature a top-class hotel with Corporation, the venue first opened in 1997 with a simple vision of providing economic de- 90 rooms, spa facilities and a conference center, opening in 2009. Australia - Asia 3 Australia Casinos Austria International has a long and successful history of operations in the Australian market and currently operates two casinos in the country: Casino Canberra in the nation’s capital and The Reef Hotel Casino in Cairns, North Queensland. Both casinos are members of the Australian Casino Association (ACA) and play an active role within the organization. Casinos Austria International also holds direct and indirect interests of approximately 42 percent in the Reef Casino Trust, the holding company that owns The Reef Hotel Casino complex in Cairns. The Australian casino industry is competitive, with a total of 13 casinos operating across the country, one in each state capital, as well as a number in other regional locations. Casino gaming is regulated at state level and is subject to stringent standards and gaming rules, as well as high levels of security. Casino Canberra (3) | 54 | The Reef Hotel Casino, Australia Casino Canberra is located on the eastern side of Canberra’s CBD in beautiful Glebe Park Situated in Cairns, the capital of Queensland, The Reef Hotel Casino opened in 1996 and adjacent to the National Convention Centre. The world-class gaming and entertainment is one of Australia's finest boutique casinos. The lavishly appointed casino offers an excit- on offer at the casino includes an extensive selection of popular casino games, three wel- ing range of table games and over 500 state-of-the-art gaming machines. It also features coming bars and the renowned The Grill Brasserie restaurant overlooking the park. The VIP facilities for premium players, two main bars and designated outdoor smoking areas. heart and the soul of the city, Casino Canberra is known for its good corporate citizen- The complex boasts a five-star hotel with 128 luxury suites, 4 restaurants, a nightclub ship and support for the community. and a variety of bars and retail outlets. | 55 | report ’08 | Casinos Austria International Casinos Austria International | report ’08 India 1 Regent Seven Seas Mariner Casinos Austria International has been active in the Indian casino market since 1999 when the western state of Goa amended its Gambling Act to allow the provision of table and slot machine gaming on board offshore vessels in the inland waters off the state. At the time, Casinos Austria International and its local partners were granted the only such license to be awarded, securing their status as the first casino operator on the Indian sub-continent. Due in part to the pioneering work carried out by Casino Goa, acceptance of casino gaming as a form of entertainment has grown enormously in India over the past few years. Recent gaming policy changes in Goa have led to the issue of further offshore licenses, and four additional offshore casinos began operating on the Mandovi River in late 2008, with two more vessels expected to join the market in 2009. Casino Goa (1) Located on the M.V. Caravela, a twin-engine catamaran named after the first Portuguese armada to sail to Goa in the 16th century, Casino Goa opened in February 2001 and was India’s first live gaming offshore casino. The vessel is specially designed to sail the inland waters off Goa and features a wide choice of gaming tables and slot machines in a unique, club-style atmosphere, complemented by live entertainment on the sundeck, in the casino and in the lavish restaurant. Cruising Casinos Shipboard Operations In 2008, Casinos Austria International operated casinos on board the sister all-suite, all- With over 25 years of experience in the cruising casino sector, Casinos Austria International’s balcony Seven Seas Navigator. Regent Seven Seas Cruises offers exclusive, unparal- turnkey solutions range from designing and equipping customized onboard casinos, recruiting staff and managing the casino to developing the operation to ensure maximum returns for the cruise line. We launched our first shipboard casino in 1981 and have since opened casinos on board some of the world’s most prestigious ocean-going vessels. Management of our cruising casinos in 2008 was shared between two subsidiaries: Casinos Austria Maritime Corp. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Shipboard Casino Services in Piraeus, Greece. Together, they operated casinos on board vessels in the following fleets: Discovery Cruise Line, Indian Ocean Cruises, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, SeaDream Yacht Club, Silversea Cruises and Windstar Cruises. The office in Greece was closed in February 2009, when management of its vessels was transferred to Casinos Austria Maritime. balcony, 700-guest Seven Seas Voyager and Seven Seas Mariner and all-suite, 90 percent leled, all-inclusive cruise vacations and consistently ranks as one of the world’s most prestigious cruise lines. The company was voted “Best Large Ship Cruise Line” by Condé Nast Traveler in 2008. SeaDream Yacht Club The SeaDream Yacht Club’s twin, ultra-luxury mega-yachts, SeaDream I and SeaDream II, each cater to only 116 passengers, offering the ultimate in elegant yachting, first-class service and absolute privacy. The SeaDream Yacht Club has received numerous awards and accolades and was recognized with a “World’s Best” in the prestigious Condé Nast Traveler’s January 2007 Gold List. Casinos Austria International closed the casinos on board the SeaDream I and SeaDream II at the end of 2008. Discovery Cruise Line Wind Surf Silver Shadow Casinos Austria Maritime has operated the casino on the 1,400-passenger Discovery Sun Silversea Cruises since 1995. Discovery Sun makes daily trips from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Freeport, In 2008, Casinos Austria International operated casinos on three vessels in the Silversea Grand Bahama, and has been voted “Best Day Cruise” to the Bahamas by the readers of Cruises ultra-luxury, all-inclusive fleet: the 382-guest Millennium Class Silver Shadow, the Porthole Cruise Magazine for eight consecutive years. The casino was remodeled in 2008 to 382-guest all-ocean-view-suite Millennium Class Silver Whisper and the 296-guest capacity incorporate a 10-seat electronic Texas Hold’Em table to complement its existing 8 gaming Silver Wind. Silversea Cruises reflects generations of maritime and travel experience and tables and 117 slot machines. pledges to build and operate the highest quality ships in the ultra-luxury segment. The com- pany is consistently lauded by leading consumer and trade publications and was honored Indian Ocean Cruises with Travel + Leisure’s “World’s Best Award” in 2008 for the seventh time. Skillfully refurbished in 2006, the four-star, 250-passenger Ocean Odyssey offers the distinctive, intimate atmosphere of a sea-going yacht, backed by the excellent service of an experi- Windstar Cruises enced and highly professional crew. Indian Ocean Cruises is the first cruise line to offer cruis- The casinos on board the three vessels in Seattle-based Windstar Cruises unique fleet of es to the untouched tropical Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea, India’s smallest Union exclusive five-star sailing yachts all opened in 2007: the 148-guest multi-sail-yachts Wind Territory. Casinos Austria closed the casino on board the Ocean Odyssey at the end of 2008. Star and Wind Spirit and the 308-guest Wind Surf. A market leader in luxury small ship cruising, Windstar Cruises offers cruise vacationers the chance to see the world in con- Regent Seven Seas Cruises | 56 | temporary luxury from the romantic, intimate setting of an elegant yet informal yacht. Casinos Austria International has a long history of cooperation with Regent Seven Windstar Cruises has an impressive list of awards and was listed on Condé Nast Traveler’s Seas Cruises and extended its concession agreements with the cruise line in 2007. Annual Gold List of “Best Cruise Lines” in 2008. | 57 | report ’08 | Austrian Lotteries A Stroke of Luck Lady Luck was definitely watching over Austrian Lotteries and its customers in 2008. Defying the odds in a not particularly favorable economic climate, the company succeeded in increasing its total sales for the year by 15 percent to 2.378 billion euro. Luck was also on the side of the players, with total winnings hitting an unprecedented 1.7 billion euro. here are some sales factors you can influence, T Toto and Torwette Football Pools such as the timing of special promotions or Three special quarter-million rounds to mark the the introduction of bonus or additional cash prizes. UEFA EURO 2008 along with a six-times and an eight- And there are some events that cannot be influenced: times Extra Toto rollover jackpot boosted the Toto foot- they simply lie in the nature of the game and are ball pool (incl. Extra Toto) in 2008 and resulted in a purely a matter of chance – like rollover jackpots, 2.8 percent increase in sales year-on-year to 11.66 where the prospect of even higher winnings or dream million euro. The Torwette football pool (incl. Extra Tor- of total financial independence and freedom produce wette) posted sales of 1.08 million euro. a significant increase in the number of lottery tickets purchased. Bingo Bingo remained equally attractive to its fans in 2008 At Austrian Lotteries, there were more such chance as it had been in the previous year. Sales for the year events in 2008 than ever before. Its flagship na- amounted to 11.29 million euro, an increase of 1.02 tional Lotto “6 aus 45” (literally “6 from 45”) and percent compared to 2007. EuroMillions lotteries produced a particularly high number of single and rollover jackpots, including EuroMillions the first-ever five-times rollover jackpot in the 22- Ticket sales for the EuroMillions lottery profited great- year history of Lotto “6 aus 45”. A six-times roll- ly from four major jackpot winners in Austria in 2008. over Europot for EuroMillions resulted in total prize Favorable jackpot constellations – longer runs with money of over 100 million euro. larger Europots than in the previous year – also had a positive effect: EuroMillions sales increased by 17.6 There were also a number of impressive wins in percent to 170.88 million euro. the double-digit millions in Austria: one player from Carinthia won 55.6 million euro, another from Vorarl- ToiToiToi Numbers Lottery berg almost 29 million euro and yet another from The ToiToiToi numbers lottery, drawn daily from Mon- Lower Austria more than 28 million euro. 31 other day to Saturday, posted sales of 17.04 million euro lucky players also successfully matched six numbers – a slight decrease of 0.6 percent compared to 2007. to become lottery millionaires. Zahlenlotto 1-90 Numbers Lottery Lotto "6 aus 45" Lottery With three draws each week (on Tuesdays, Thursdays The company’s flagship lottery product recorded and Saturdays), sales for the Zahlenlotto 1-90 num- 555.34 million euro in sales in 2008, a 7.4 percent bers lottery decreased by 3.2 percent in 2008 to 4.51 rise compared to the previous year. The increase can million euro. be attributed both to the large number of jackpots (three additional jackpots and the first-ever five-time Joker rollover jackpot in the lottery’s history more than Following on the heels of Lotto “6 aus 45” and compensated for three fewer triple rollover jackpots EuroMillions, sales for the Joker tote game showed than in 2007) and to the change in price of a Lotto a very positive trend and were further boosted by a ticket to one euro. price adjustment introduced in June 2008. These de- X (l. to. r. ): Karl Stoss (Chairman), Bettina Glatz-Kremsner (Director), Friedrich Stickler (Deputy Director General) | 58 | | 59 | report ’08 | Austrian Lotteries Austrian Lotteries | report ’08 velopments resulted in sales of 162.21 million euro minals outlets, both operated as joint ventures with – a rise of 13.9 percent year-on-year. Casinos Austria, also made an important contribution 68% to the positive results at Austrian Lotteries in 2008. Rubbellos Scratch-Off Tickets Sales at were up by 17 percent year- The new themes for 2008 – “Super Schatztruhe”, on-year, while WINWIN posted an increase in sales of “Golden Goals”, “Gold” and “Poker” – helped boost 36.2 percent for the reporting year. sales of the Rubbellos instant scratch-off ticket lottery by 2.6 percent to 127.38 million euro. 50% Sports Sponsoring 50% Austrian Lotteries is unquestionably one of the Brieflos Break-open Tickets most important sponsors of sports in Austria, and The introduction of the new Mega Brieflos series the company places equal emphasis on supporting (larger format, ticket price of two euro and three top-level professional sports, youth development main prizes of 250,000 euro each) on 17 November and amateur sports. brought a breath of fresh air and increased interest in this break-open ticket lottery. Furthermore, prize In addition to its specific sponsorship of individual payout levels for the original Brieflos product were in- organizations and events, Austrian Lotteries contrib- creased. These developments resulted in a 7.2 per- utes three percent of its gross sales each year to cent increase in sales to 25.85 million euro. the sponsoring of sports, with the majority of these 100% 100% 56% funds going to amateur sporting endeavors. In 2008, Klassenlotterie Austrian Class Lottery this amounted to a total contribution to Austrian Sales for the Österreichische Klassenlotterie (Austrian sports of 62.02 million euro. These funds are man- Class Lottery) reached 36.17 million euro in the aged and distributed by the Austrian Federal Sports reporting year, a decrease of 3.8 percent year-on-year. Organization. Based on sales figures for 2008, Austrian Lotteries expects its contributions to sports for The online gaming platform with its newly the current year to exceed the 70 million euro mark opened Pokerroom and the WINWIN video lottery ter- for the first time in the company’s history. AUSTRIAN LOTTERIES IN FIGURES Sales Total taxes TOTAL SALES 2008 BY PRODUCT 2,378.04 millions EUR 383.49 millions EUR (thereof) game-related duties 161.27 millions EUR (thereof) concession fee 216.75 millions EUR Sports sponsoring 62.02 millions EUR Profit on ordinary activities 39.06 millions EUR Net income after taxes 33.65 millions EUR Balance sheet profit 33.66 millions EUR Employees* Lotto "6 aus 45" Toto and Torwette*) Bingo EuroMillions *) | 60 | Lotto and football pools retail partners 3,889 Scratch-off ticket retail partners 6,783 Break-open ticket retail partners 6,790 as at 31.12.2008 23.35% 12,741,247.40 0.54% 11,295,641.30 0.47% 170,881,731.50 7.19% 0.72% 0.19% Joker 162,212,294.50 6.82% Rubbellos 127,375,639.80 5.36% Brieflos 25,848,123.60 1.09% Klassenlotterie 36,171,782.00 1.52% 945,648,184.36 39.77% - Poker WINWIN Total *) 555,342,870.50 4,510,330.35 Zahlenlotto Sales network Percentage of Total 17,041,865.75 ToiToiToi 472 in EUR 5,049,682.83 0.21% 303,925,312.08 12.78% 2,378,044,705.97 100.00% incl. Extra Toto and Extra Torwette | 61 | report ’08 | Virtual Reality Casino games, themed games, Poker room and virtual Lotto and Toto sales outlet – offers all this and more, with strictest security and the protection of minors and players guaranteed. A Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries when it comes to online Poker sites, and the new joint venture, the internet gaming platform Poker room not only had to comply with all the offers something for every taste: from familiar responsible gaming features classic casino games, specially designed themed – like strict registration procedures and the com- games, Lotto and Toto through to Poker. With the pulsory setting of deposit and playing time lim- launch of its Pokerroom on 7 February 2008 win- its – it also had to guarantee that players are pro- achieved yet another first – the first all- tected from others trying to fix matches or cheat. Austrian online Poker room that not only match- Security and integrity are central to all activities es its international counterparts in every way, at and to any new games added to its but actually outplays them. portfolio. Protection against criminal activities is a WIN2DAY.AT core aspect here, since it is the anonymity offered Gamesroom Codeknacker Keno Pferderennen Spin & Win Eldorado Penalty Portobello Western Saloon Lottery Games by some online gaming platforms that can attract be hard to tell one from the other. And many of people with dishonest intentions and encourage them are sadly lacking in one particular aspect: money laundering and cheating. Thanks to the in- entertainment value. The Pokerroom at built tried and tested cutting edge security soft- is different, and when it comes to entertainment ware and the permanent monitoring of the site by Lotto Toto ToiToiToi Brieflos value, it is quite literally ahead of the pack. All its fully-trained experts, this simply cannot happen at Joker Extra Toto Zahlenlotto Klassenlotterie Hold’em tables are named after Austrian towns, The fact that all players have to regis- EuroMillions Bingo Rubbellos mountains or rivers, and the names of many of ter with the site by name and the personal details its tournaments are Austrian through and through provided are verified before anyone is allowed to – just two of the many features that set it apart. play also adds a further layer of security. Anony- So players can set off on a virtual Poker tour from mous con artists have no chance at Casino Games Roulette: Video Poker: Chicken Slot Schatzinsel American Roulette Draw Poker Cleopatra‘s Gold Schatzkammer French Roulette Jacks or Better Dolphin Star Wild Fruits Cards: Joker and Kings Goldmine Magic Money Black Jack Lucky Joker Jungle Jane Dice: Tropical Stud Poker Double Draw Faces Lucky Monsters Escalero Easy Hold‘em Poker Slots: Pirates Bay European Seven Eleven Red Dog African King Robbie Rich Würfelpoker Omaha Seven Card Stud Pokerroom Texas Hold‘em | 62 | With Poker rooms a dime a dozen nowadays, it can Five Card Draw “Kitzbühel” over the summit of the “Hochkönig” and along the banks of the “Mur” to “Graz”. The All these factors offer clear confirmation of the chat is kept in German, so that Poker fans can also high standards of security in place at win2day. enjoy a bit of Austrian humor along the way. at, and it is these standards that ensure the site continues to grow in popularity. In 2008, win2day. As with all other games, security and at reported sales of 945.55 million euro (2007: responsibility naturally played a key role in every 808 million euro) and a Poker rake of five million stage of the Poker room’s development. Respon- euro. As of 31 December 2008, the site had a total sible gaming aspects are particularly important of 400,000 registered users. | 63 | report ’08 | WINWIN A WINWIN Situation Despite difficult operating conditions in 2008, WINWIN added two further chapters to the VLT outlet success story that began back in 2004. V ideo Lottery Terminals – or VLTs for short know-how and industry expertise of both companies – might be optically similar to classic slot – Casinos Austria with its 75 casinos on five conti- machines, but behind this façade lies a great deal nents and over 40 years experience in casino gam- more. The difference between VLTs and convention- ing and Austrian Lotteries with its wealth of experi- al gaming machines lies in the technology and gam- ence in online gaming. Austrian Lotteries also holds ing mechanism: a complex computer network fully the appropriate electronic lotteries license required equipped with the latest and best security standards to operate VLTs under Section 12a of the Austrian guarantees reliable gaming entertainment of the Gaming Act. highest level. True to their motto, WINWIN outlets really do have With two new outlets opened last year in Landeck, Ty- it all: the trendy 500 to 650 square meter venues rol and Vöcklabruck, Upper Austria, Glücks- und Un- are all home not just to at least 50 gaming termi- terhaltungsspiel Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (“Enter- nals, they also serve a wide selection of good food tainment GmbH”) – better known by the brand name and drinks. The target group is fun-loving, enter- WINWIN – operated a total of 11 outlets across Aus- tainment-minded people, who enjoy rounding off a tria as of 31 December 2008. Each of these outlets pleasant evening in a great setting with a few rounds offers between 50 and 150 such VLTs, all permanent- on the gaming machines. And WINWIN is also proof ly linked to the Austrian Lotteries central computer that good gaming entertainment doesn’t have to be center. While conventional slot machines determine expensive: its VLTs can be played from as little as the outcome of a wager independently using a ran- one cent, with maximum possible winnings of up to dom number generator, this is decided for WINWIN 26,050 euro. Further WINWIN outlets are currently machines by the random number generator on a cen- also in the pipeline. tral computer – based on set odds and payout limits approved by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance. In the 2008 business year, WINWIN posted sales of As a joint subsidiary of Casinos Austria and Austrian 303.92 million euro, an increase of over 35 percent Lotteries, WINWIN perfectly combines the extensive compared to the previous year. THE 11 WINWIN OUTLETS Tyrol: Salzburg: Upper Austria: Lower Austria: | 64 | Am Marienbrunnen 346, 6290 Mayrhofen: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Bozenerplatz 2, 9900 Lienz: 80 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Malserstraße 25, 6500 Landeck: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Seegasse 5, 5700 Zell am See: 63 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Unterer Stadtplatz 3, 4780 Schärding: 81 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Grünmarkt 17, 4400 Steyr: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Kaiser-Josef-Platz 8, 4600 Wels: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Stadtplatz 21, 4840 Vöcklabruck: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Wienergasse 3, 2460 Bruck/Leitha: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge Racinoplatz 1, 2483 Ebreichsdorf: 150 VLTs Hamerlingstraße 5, 3910 Zwettl: 50 VLTs, tipp3 Betting Lounge | 65 | report ’08 | tipp3 A Hot Tip(p) tipp3 (Österreichische Sportwetten GmbH) has been a top scorer in the highly competitive betting sports betting sector for the last nine years – and caused great excitement among fans in 2008 as new lead sponsor of the Austrian Football Bundesliga. I n the words of the stars of the tipp3 advertising cannot make it to their local tipp3 sales outlet dur- campaign – Austrian sports reporters Adi Nieder- ing opening hours or cannot get to a PC with internet korn and Edi Finger Jr. – things looked “guat”, yes access can now place their bets quickly and easily “even very guat” in 2008. Good for tipp3 and for the by text message. Service and fun were also two of Austrian Football Bundesliga. the key factors behind the introduction of the tipp3 QuickTipp. All the customer has to do is pick the level TIPP3 tipp3 was definitely match-ready for the kick-off of of risk – the system at the sales outlet does the rest UEFA EURO 2008 – the football event of the year and suggests the appropriate bet. – and its careful preparations more than proved their worth, with the company recording a double- Also a firm favorite with the 65,000 registered on- digit percentage increase in betting sales during line customers of is the option the championship period. In total, Österreichische with its up-to-date selection of video clips of current 65,000 registered online users Sportwetten GmbH (“Austrian Sports Betting Ltd.”) championship events. 3,700 sales outlets in Austria posted annual sales for 2008 of around 50 million 50 million euro in sales 10 tipp3 Betting Lounges in WINWIN outlets Betting arena on the Goleador site Betting by text message euro. In doing so, the Casinos Austria and Austrian On the subject of championships: the general en- Lotteries joint venture with the Austrian media orga- thusiasm for football following UEFA EURO 2008 nizations Bundesländerverlage and Mediaprint, suc- and the continued rise in interest in sports betting cessfully outperformed average results for the sector. prompted tipp3 to intensify its cooperation activities with the Austrian Football Bundesliga. tipp3 became To remain ahead of the game, tipp3 continually in- a lead sponsor of the Bundesliga at the start of the Main sponsor of the "tipp3-Bundesliga troduces new products and services. As an added 2008/2009 season, with Austria’s top football clubs powered by T-Mobile" convenience to customers, betting by text message kicking off in the new “tipp3-Bundesliga powered by was introduced at the start of 2008. Customers who T-Mobile” since 1 July 2008. (l. to r.): Joachim Burger (T-Mobile), Bundesliga Chairman Georg Pangl and tipp3 Chairman Dietmar Hoscher seal their partnership | 66 | | 67 | report ’08 | Responsible Gaming Responsible Gaming | report ’08 Responsible Gaming The proof of a great night out at the casino is waking up the next morning with the smile still on your face. Casinos Austria ensures that everyone can rest assured – and no one needs to hide under the bedspread. A guest who has enjoyed a great evening’s to protect players from any negative effects of Like all other forms of addiction, this is a social entertainment at the casino should still gambling. Casinos Austria’s fully-trained staff and problem and has to be given wide media attention. be smiling about it the next day. The memories cutting edge security technology and facilities en- To ensure this becomes the case, Casinos Austria of those happy hours should linger on for many sure permanent monitoring of gaming activities. launched a “Responsible Gaming Breakfast” ini- a day to come: the exquisite meal, the glass of Naturally, all this is done with absolute discre- tiative to provide first-hand information to leading sparkling wine, the charm and expertise of the tion so no one ever has the feeling they are being media representatives. The strong interest in this helpful casino staff and – above all – the fun and watched. But as soon as any money is changed, initiative confirmed the clear information deficit on excitement of watching the Roulette ball spin this information is recorded. If the frequency of the subject of gambling addiction and the strong around the wheel, trying to read the expressions these transactions, the amounts involved or even a demand for Casinos Austria’s know-how and ex- on the faces of the other players around the Pok- combination of the two indicate there might be a pertise in this field. This applies both to the facts er table or waiting for the symbols on the slot cause for concern, a qualified member of staff will and figures produced by the company itself as well machines to finally come to a halt. initially broach the matter with the guest and work as to latest research results. Once a year, Casinos with them to find a solution. Whether this ultimate- Austria and Austrian Lotteries also organize a “Re- Yet for Casinos Austria, perfect customer service ly results in a ban, the setting of betting limits or a sponsible Gaming Academy”, whose seminars and extends far beyond the actual visit to the casino. restriction in the number of permitted casino vis- workshops provide a forum for the presentation of Our exemplary player protection measures ensure its, together we find a way. The company’s Respon- the latest insights and research and in-depth dis- gaming remains the fun experience it is intended to sible Gaming department ensures that the latest cussions with independent experts on gambling be, and begin the moment a guest enters the foyer information material, including flyers on gambling addiction and associated fields. with our strict registration procedures. Player pro- addiction, is always available and prominently on tection and responsible gaming are not just clear display in all 12 Austrian casinos. All these efforts ensure that our staff go to work with a totally clear conscience, while our guests can rest requirements laid down by the national regulatory authorities, they are also an integral part of corpo- Casinos Austria has always sought to draw greater assured that their next visit to the casino will be just rate culture at Casinos Austria and are firmly root- public attention to the topic of gambling addiction. as safe and just as much fun as the last. ed in the company’s traditions. The vast majority of people who enjoy gaming do so responsibly, reasonably and within their means. But there are a few exceptions to this rule. To address this, Casinos Austria provides regular and thorough training for staff, ensuring they are able to recognize the signs of a potential gambling problem. The company is fully aware that gambling can be a problem for some people and can have negative consequences in some cases. But at Casinos Austria, responsible gaming is not just a byword, it’s a guiding principle. Tight access controls are in place to protect minors from gaming itself and prevent this particularly vulnerable group from even coming in the vicinity of gaming premises. In addition to access restrictions, there are a whole range of further measures in place | 68 | | 69 | report ’08 | Security Security | report ’08 Security in Mind Central surveillance is the new hot topic when it comes to Responsible Gaming at Casinos Austria. Our responsible approach to this topic has earned us a reputation for excellence that extends far beyond our national borders. T he technical finesse of the systems in the for example, for unevenness, ball track, elasticity unobtrusive room is not immediately ap- of dividing bars and number slot dimensions. At parent to the uninitiated. Surrounded by moni- Casinos Austria, these audits are an integral part tors, a member of the surveillance team sits at of our comprehensive security package. his desk with a special keyboard and joystick to hand. Anyone who might assume he was play- The security solutions developed by Casinos Austria ing the latest computer game would be serious- regularly set new standards for the entire gaming ly mistaken. He uses these devices to rapidly industry. Our national experts are linked to all key switch from one casino to the next and with a few players in the market through the “International clicks of the mouse can cover a distance of sev- Association of Casino Security”, where they can dis- eral hundred kilometers almost instantaneously. cuss latest developments and best practices and Central surveillance is the latest addition to the promote their own know-how. Casinos Austria security system and a further example of the company’s pioneering role in the Protection against Criminal Activities gaming industry. The fact that money laundering and organized crime are not associated with casino gaming in There are several aspects to security at Casinos Austria can be attributed in no small way to the Austria. Naturally, we place utmost importance country’s strict provider monopoly. The existence on providing the guests at our 12 casinos across of a single, known, reliable and trustworthy pro- Austria with a safe and secure environment in vider who conducts gaming operations in accor- which to enjoy a few hours of fun and entertain- dance with all regulatory policy maxims, makes ment. But we also focus on the safety and secu- it easier for the authorities and the general pub- rity of society as a whole. For example, when it lic to rule out the likelihood of criminal activities. comes to protection against organized crime and Money laundering in casinos can be prevented by money laundering, two areas that in some coun- clear statutory regulations and strict checks and tries are unfortunately all too often associated balances – from guest identity, transparency of with casino gaming. payouts, recording of casino revenues to the integrity of the operator. At Casinos Austria, security is viewed as a ser- | 70 | vice that is constantly changing, just like the An external review of these endeavors by the Aus- demands and expectations of casino guests. trian Federal Ministries of Finance and the Inte- Critically assessing and auditing the standards rior (Bundeskriminalamt, “Federal Criminal Intel- already in place is a key challenge. Such so-called ligence Service, Department for the Prevention Security Audits apply as much to alarm systems of Organized Crime”) was very positive: all securi- as they do to Roulette wheels, which are checked, ty measures in place in our domestic casinos far X | 71 | report ’08 | Security Security | report ’08 exceed typical levels of control. These include ing activities. Data protection issues take highest identity verification procedures prior to entry, priority in the planning and development of any transaction monitoring and targeted staff train- software tools. A comprehensive access rights ing. Payouts are monitored and recorded: all system is in place for all guest-related applica- cash desk transactions are captured on video. tions to ensure such data can only be accessed The stored video data is subject to the statutory by authorized members of staff. duty of confidentiality. Zero Tolerance for Cheating But security issues in a casino environment ex- At Casinos Austria, our guests naturally take tend beyond these important regulatory require- center stage in all such considerations and en- ments – also covering the safety and security deavors. Our guarantee to provide fair gaming of operations, staff and guests in the individu- entertainment without unwanted side effects is al casinos. At Casinos Austria, each casino has one of our major success factors, and our com- its own security department and a highly trained pany has a long history of success in upholding team of security experts with international ex- this guarantee. perience. These departments provide an extensive range of security services: from first aid to Casinos Austria staff are trained to the highest building evacuation in the case of a fire. Emer- international standards. Strict internal checks gency procedures and scenarios are regularly and balances ensure that all statutory and regu- rehearsed, with top priority given to prevention latory provisions are adhered to and guarantee rather than reaction. maximum integrity and reliability. Our staff are strictly forbidden to accept personal financial | 72 | Data Protection gifts or payments from guests or to participate State-of-the-art alarm systems, entry checks, in any gaming activities themselves. Guests are video surveillance, smoke detectors, motion de- not permitted to use any technical aids. Casino tectors and direct links to the Police and Fire inventory and equipment is locked and secured Departments have long been standard in every outside gaming hours. Attempts to manipulate Casinos Austria AG casino. The clear focus of gaming activities are prevented using motion de- their use lies in protecting our customers and tectors and alarm systems. Mobile inventory and their privacy: the Austrian Gaming Act specifi- equipment (e.g. cards and dice) are also stored cally binds Casinos Austria to a duty of absolute in a secure location and carefully checked at regular confidentiality regarding guests and their gam- intervals. | 73 | report ’08 | Sponsoring Sponsoring | report ’08 Big Spender Casinos Austria, Austrian Lotteries and tipp3 have been active sponsors of social, cultural and sporting activities for decades. In 2008 alone, they contributed over 70 million euro to good causes. A few things were a little different about the sors like Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries,” Vienna Opera Ball this year. Above all the says Dagmar Schratter, Director of Schönbrunn Zoo expectations of the media and the general pub- in Vienna. The Casinos Austria Group’s deep com- lic. There were even some who dared to suggest mitment to social causes stretches back over 40 that it might be time for this grand society event years. It has supported the ORF children’s charity to take its final bow. But they were mistaken. The initiative Licht ins Dunkel since 1990, the Bregenzer 2009 Opera Ball again attracted a great deal of Festspiele (“Bregenz Festival”) since 1980 and the interest, and this year’s guests were again treated Wiener Festwochen (“Vienna Festival”) since 1968, Albertina Museum – “Monet to Picasso: The Batliner Collection" to a whole host of musical, culinary and enter- i.e. for 41 years. “I really value our strong and fair Arnold Schönberg Center tainment delights. partnership with Casinos Austria,” confirms Festi- Austrian Mountain Rescue Service val Director Luc Bondy, emphasizing in particular Austrian National Library the company’s “immense sense of loyalty”. David era Ball Casino” either, one of the permanent fea- Pountney, Director of the Bregenz Festival, is also tures of a successful ball night. In the magnificent quick to praise: “Casinos Austria’s long-term com- setting of the Schwindfoyer – a beautiful hall hung mitment has been instrumental in the success of with oil paintings after sketches by Austrian art- the Bregenz Festival.” Over the years, Casinos Aus- Burgtheater Vienna ist Moritz von Schwind – Casinos Austria offered tria’s “Casino on Tour” events have also helped to Cancer Research Initiative ball-goers an exciting introduction to our extensive raise money for numerous charities. In 2008 alone, Cardinal König Prize for Visual Arts gaming mix. But something was different about this mobile casino raised 107,502 euro for chari- the casino this year too. Whereas in previous years table organizations at 389 events across the whole Caritas – Haus Immanuel for Mothers and Children in Need guests had played for money, this year’s casino of Austria. Austrian Red Cross Boltzmann Institute – European Research Fellowship Bregenz Festival Bruno Kreisky Prize European Forum Alpbach Figl Stiftung were fantastic non-cash prizes – including a trip In 2008, the Group’s contributions to good causes for two to Australia – with all donations to the pro- (including its sponsorship of sports) totaled over ceedings going to charity. 70 million euro, contributions which cannot be Gala “Nacht des Sports” (“Night of Sport”) Helene Partik-Pablé Project to Help the Disabled Jazz Fest Wien (“Vienna Jazz Festival”) Licht ins Dunkel calculated in strictly tangible terms alone, e.g. re- “Living with Cancer” Initiative In these times of economic doom and gloom, the turn on investment. So while good fortune is the Nestroy Theater Prize company decided to take this opportunity to set a focus of our business activities, the Group also Schönbrunn Zoo Vienna good example. puts great effort into helping the less fortunate SOS Children’s Villages Charity Gala in society, contributing to public health and sup- Spanish Riding School Vienna Both Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries em- porting the Arts to ensure that as broad an audi- Tag des Sports (“Austrian Day of Sport”) brace the goal of providing help to those causes ence as possible has access to works of art and tipp3-Bundesliga that will put the money to best use – causes that will cultural events. Vienna Economic Forum Vienna Festival benefit society as a whole. They provide extensive | 74 | Austrian Olympic Committee And nobody had to do without the popular “Op- was run entirely for a good cause. Up for grabs Karl Stoss with Wolfgang Kopetzky – Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross SELECTED PROJECTS Vienna State Opera support, for example, to public organizations which The companies in the Casinos Austria Group take rely on sponsorship funding to continue their good their social responsibility and their role as good Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration work. “We put a lot of effort into projects like the corporate citizens very seriously and willingly ac- Volkstheater Vienna Giant Panda Project, which help protect endangered cept and embrace their moral duty to help others. Workers Samaritan Federation Austria species. Many of these projects would not be pos- The accompanying PR benefits, while not irrele- WWF sible without the long-term support of loyal spon- vant, definitely take second place. Cooperation with the Burgtheater in Vienna – “Row 13 for 13 euro” | 75 | report ’08 | Employees Employees | report ’08 A Winning Team Qualified personnel is one of the most valuable assets a service provider can have. The Casinos Austria Group has a winning team of 13,532 highly qualified employees, who make a huge contribution to its success. F or the staff in the Casinos Austria Group, 2008 online gaming segments – which would otherwise was a year of change. The introduction of a have necessitated the recruitment of additional new streamlined organizational structure meant staff – could thus be predominantly covered using many of them found themselves in new or slightly existing internal resources. altered roles and facing new challenges. The Casinos Austria Group employed on average Casinos Austria naturally made every possible a total of 13,532 people in 2008, 2,332 of them effort to ensure employees received the support in Austria. they needed during this change process – through a specially designed Change Management Pro- All our employees have access to – and make gram and a series of workshops initiated and run active use of – our comprehensive range of in- by our Human Resources department in collabo- house and external training and further educa- ration with external experts. tion programs. There was much speculation in the press that People like working for the Casinos Austria Group. the streamlining of processes within the Group The average length of service currently stands at EMPLOYEES BY COMPANY * might lead to a wave of redundancies. But this around ten years, and Casinos Austria even has a Casinos Austria** was never the intention behind the strategy and, large number of employees who have been with Casinos Austria International of course, never happened. New projects like the the company for 30 years or more. Each and every Austrian Lotteries 442 Austrian Lotteries market launch in the Russian one of them has a wealth of experience and know- Entertainment GmbH 138 Republic of Bashkortostan and the expansion of how, and this is unquestionably a winning factor in our business activities in the sports betting and our corporate success. 1,752 Group Total 11,200 13,532 Annual average full-time equivalents incl. CAGAST, CAST, CCB and CALL * ** | 76 | | 77 | report ’08 | Events Events | report ’08 In the Spotlight Bond Fever hits Bregenz Several scenes from the latest James Bond movie “Quantum of Solace” Casinos Austria also enjoys a long-standing reputation as a leading event organizer. Our were filmed on location in Bregenz. The film’s release saw the town once casinos host literally hundreds of events every year – from art exhibitions, fashion shows, again transformed into a film set, with Casino Bregenz playing a starring role in the main 007 party. Five gaming tables added to the excitement and cabaret performances and concerts through to conferences and charity galas. Our range flair of the event with guests enjoying a round of Roulette, Blackjack or of exciting gaming tournaments also proved immensely popular with national and interna- Poker along with a well-mixed drink – naturally shaken not stirred. tional guests alike in 2008, while “Casino on Tour”, our mobile casino, traveled to around 400 events around the country to help raise funds for good causes. 1 Undine Awards Gala at Grand Casino Baden 1 2 2 3 1. Klaus Maria Brandauer and István Szabó; 2. Cosma Shiva Hagen and Klaus Eberhartinger; 3. Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Harald Krassnitzer, Governor of Lower Austria Erwin Pröll and Karl Merkatz The highly-prized Undine Awards were presented to young, talented actors and actresses for the fifth year in succession at a glamorous, high-profile 3 1. Croupier Andreas Haider at the Blackjack table; 2. Croupier Belinda Bischofsberger at the Poker table; 3. 007 lights up the Festival Hall Casino Graz at the Opera Redoute gala ceremony in Grand Casino Baden on 25 October 2008. Numerous film and TV stars attended the prestigious event, paying tribute to the achievements of the award-winning young actors as they presented the coveted awards. The atmosphere evokes memories of the glory days of the Austrian monarchy – ladies elegant in their glamorous evening gowns and gentlemen suitably attired in tuxedos or tailcoats. For the last ten years, the Opera House in Graz glitters with all the pomp and cir- “Casino Ladies’ Night” at WTA Tennis Tournament The second annual “Gastein Ladies” WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) tennis tournament cumstance of this bygone age when it becomes host to the annual Opera Redoute. In the midst of all this glamour, the Casino Graz Champagne Lounge and French Roulette table became the place to be seen at the 2008 event and a welcome spot for friends of the casino to gather and enjoy their good fortune until the early hours. with prize monies of $175,000 was held in July 2008 in Bad Gastein. The world-class starting field, including two Top 20 players, Agnes Szavay and Alize Cornet, generated huge media interest. On day three of the tournament, Casino Bad Gastein invited players, VIPs and sponsors to a “Casino Ladies’ Night”. After stocking up on those all-important carbohydrates at a special 1 2 1. ( l. to r.): Ex-Davis Cup player Markus Hipfl, Tournament Director Sandra Reichel, Tournament Spokesperson Judith Wiesner-Floimair, Casino Director Michael Leczek and Felix Gottwald; 2. Blackjack Tournament at Casino Bad Gastein. Casino Director Michael Leczek with Austrian tennis players Melanie Klaffner, Patricia Mayr and Yvonne Meusburger (l. to r.) | 78 | “Pasta Party”, the tennis ladies were treated to some great gaming entertainment: with aces of a rather different kind calling the shots in a fun Blackjack Tournament. 1 2 1. & 2. Guests at the Opera Redoute in Graz enjoyed trying their luck at the Roulette table | 79 | report ’08 | Events Events | report ’08 Football Legends at Casino Innsbruck Big Changes in Kleinwalsertal Casino Kleinwalsertal celebrated its successful interior redesign with There were lots of famous faces to a glittering reopening party on 12 December 2008. Warm materials, be seen at Casino Innsbruck in the soft leather, exquisite fabrics and sweeping forms define the new look weeks before and during the UEFA and give the casino a real lounge-like atmosphere. A further addition EURO Football to the look is the casino’s new multipurpose event room – the per- Championship. Pictures speak lou- fect venue for all manner of events: from seminars to cabaret shows. der than words ... The “old” restaurant gave way to a spacious, modern Casineum event 2008 European room. The blazing log fire in the gaming area is the sole reminder of the former rustic interior. 1 3 14 1 2 5 1. Carina Mauthner and TV presenter Michael Kriess with ex-national team players Gischi Westerthaler and Werner Kriess and two casino guests; 2. World Cup 1998 goalkeeping hero Davor Suker was also a welcome guest at Casino Innsbruck; 3. Tyrolean midfielder Clemens Walch, who transferred to VfB Stuttgart prior to the European Championship, with Casino Director Kurt Steger and his new team jersey; 4. Tyrol and Innsbruck UEFA EURO 2008 ambassador Hansi Müller with Kurt Steger on the “Tyrol:08 pitch” in front of the casino; 5. Klaus Lindenberger (Austrian Football Association goalkeeping trainer), Michael Rummenigge and Kurt Steger enjoy a VIP table football match 2 3 1. (l. to r.): Mayor Werner Strohmaier, Casino Director Gerhard Steurer and Casinos Austria Director General Karl Stoss at the opening ceremony; 2. Music by “harry and the nicknames”; 3.The new-look Casino Kleinwalsertal First Among 1,503 Players One of the gaming highlights of 2008 at Casinos Austria was un- The Prettiest Girl in Tyrol doubtedly “Beat’em all” – Europe’s largest live Poker tournament. A total of 1,503 contestants battled it out in the electrifying final on In 2008, the final of the Miss Tyrol beauty pageant 30 November in Casino Linz, with Eduard Farkashazy from Vienna was again held at Casino Kitzbühel. In a whole se- ultimately emerging the victor over the other eight finalists to take ries of heats from the Ötztal Valley to East Tyrol, home the lion’s share of the 142,785 euro pot. By popular demand, candidates from across the state gave their best the highly successful “Beat’em all” tournament will definitely be as they endeavored to qualify for the Grand Final. back in 2009. Having taken to the catwalk to show off their curves in the evening wear and swimwear sections, the young ladies later revealed their inner values in the ever-popular “Personality Show”. The celebrity jury finally reached a unanimous decision: Marina Schneider was officially named the prettiest girl in Tyrol. And as if this wasn’t enough, she then headed off east to pick up the Miss Austria title as well at the Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf. Miss Tyrol and Miss Austria 2008, Marina Schneider, with runners-up | 80 | 1 2 1. Casino Director Josef Kneifl with tournament winner Eduard Farkashazy and Poker Manager Edgar Stuchly; 2. This photo was taken before Farkashazy (r.) secured his victory | 81 | report ’08 | Events Events | report ’08 Fête Blanche in Velden Charity Fashion Event in Salzburg Fête Blanche – the summer party at Lake Wörthersee – once again attracted thousands of party-goers to Carinthia. True to its motto, Casino Velden On 30 September 2008, seven well-known fema- hosted a spectacular “All in White” party in the Casineum with live music le entrepreneurs hosted a Charity Fashion Cocktail and an exquisite gala dinner. event in the historic Salzburg Residenz in aid of the “Salzburg Breast Cancer Initiative”. A regular supporter of “Pink Ribbon” events, Casino Salzburg also provided them with a Roulette table for the evening. In addition to the stunning fashion show, good food and excellent entertainment, more than 300 guests were also invited to “Faites vos jeux”, 1 to boost the total amount raised by the evening’s festivities. Anton Graf (President of the Salzburg Cancer Aid Association), Karin Pilz (Marketing & Sales), Kurt Pipal (Casino Director) 2 Seefeld Crowns the Baccara World Champion 3 1. Thousands kept to the white dress code at the Fête Blanche; 2. Casino Director Othmar Resch with Chef de Cuisine Marcel Vanic and staff; 3. The Fête Blanche Party on the square in front of the casino From 3 to 5 October 2008, Casino Seefeld hosted the Baccara World Championship for the 10th time. Top players from around the world flocked to the casino to battle it out once again for the title of “Baccara World Champion”. In addition to the coveted title, the winner of this year’s event was also presented with the new “Ring of the Master” top prize, a stunning ring worth over 10,000 1 Poker in a Noble Setting euro, specially created for the Baccara World Championship by local jewelry designer Armbruster from the Tiroler Schmuckkastl. Casino Wien has a new attraction. On 19 November 2008, Austria’s 1 busiest casino opened its very own Poker Lounge. Architect Michael Manzenreiter – of Vienna Opera Ball fame – and his team had just three weeks to transform the former 2nd floor bistro into an exquisite, professional and welcoming Poker room. The results clearly speak for themselves. The fun opening event was attended by colleagues, friends of the casino, Poker fans and numerous journalists. 2 3 1. The “Ring of the Master” worth over 10,000 euro has already become a cult object; 2. (l. to r.): Casino Director Ernst Hubmann, World Champion 2008 Giuseppe Cascetta with the Casino Seefeld Baccara Team: Marco Peer, Erwin Serloth, Ronald Bösch; 3. Competitors enjoy some local customs | 82 | 2 3 4 1. The new Poker lounge; 2. Cool, yet still cozy; 3. The Poker Lounge Dream Team (l. to r.): Casino Director Reinhard Deiring, Casinos Austria Poker Manager Edgar Stuchly, Architect Michael Manzenreiter and Construction Contractor Markus Spiegelfeld; 4. Heinz Dobcak (Croupier Casino Baden) with Ines Benisch (Marketing Service & Sponsoring) | 83 | report ’08 | Supervisory Board Financial Statements 2008 | report ’08 Supervisory Board Report In its meetings, the Supervisory Board continued to perform the functions incumbent upon it pursuant to statutory provisions and the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors provided regular reports on the current business situation. The Casinos Austria AG annual financial statements and management report were audited by the official auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting on 4 April 2008, BDO Auxilia Treuhand Gesellschaft m.b.H. and KPMG Austria Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m.b.H. This audit raised no grounds for objection. The auditors have therefore confirmed that the Casinos Austria AG annual financial statements and management report comply with statutory provisions. The Supervisory Board confirms that it concurs with the Board of Directors’ management report and the proposed distribution of profits and that it formally approves the Casinos Austria AG annual financial statements, which are hereby adopted pursuant to Section 125 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board recommends that said audit firms, BDO Auxilia Treuhand Gesellschaft m.b.H. and KPMG Austria Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m.b.H., also be appointed auditors for the Company and Consolidated Financial Statements 2008 2009 business year at the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board Walter Rothensteiner (Chairman) Vienna, 27 March 2009 SUPERVISORY BOARD | 84 | Walter Rothensteiner President, Director General (Chairman) Dietmar Spranz Vice President, Director General (1st Deputy Chairman) until April 2008 Kurt Meyer Vice President, Director General (1st Deputy Chairman) from April 2008 Günter Geyer Vice President, Director General (2nd Deputy Chairman) Maria Theresia Bablik Vice President (3rd Deputy Chairman) Leo Wallner Vice President (4th Deputy Chairman) State Commissioners Director General, Helmut Jonas Representatives of the Central Works Council Under-Secretary Alfred Lejsek Director General, Konstantin Klien Jürgen Nachbaur (Works Council Chairman), Alfred Katterl Director, Gerald Neuber Dieter Löw, Christian Holz, Peter Löb (until April Franz Philipp Sutter Attorney-at-Law, Thomas Schröfl 2008), Manfred Schönbauer, Maciej Turkiewicz Members of the Supervisory Board President (ret.), Adolf Wala (until April 2008), Christian Hampejs (from April Vice Governor, Wolfgang Duchatczek Director Peter Zöllner 2008), Werner Lieber (from April 2008) | 85 | report ’08 | Financial Statements 2008 Financial Statements 2008 | report ’08 Financial Statements as at 31 December 2008 - Casinos Austria AG FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2008 ASSETS A. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2008 EUR EUR 2007 in TEUR Long Term Assets A. I. Intangible assets 1. Concessions and other rights 2. Advance payments LIABILITIES AND EQUITY EUR 7,684 351,360.00 0 6,426,835.11 1. Legal reserves 2. Other reserves (voluntary reserves) III. Balance sheet profit, thereof profit brought forward from previous year EUR 2,828,825.44 (31.12.2007: TEUR 223) 8,010 2. Other equipment, fixtures, furniture and office equipment 37,619,910.29 39,690 520,034.50 542 3. Advance payments and construction in progress 50,620,622.86 48,242 III. Financial assets 1. Investments in affiliated companies 2. Investments in other companies 3. Long-term securities 4. Other loans B. 456,722,601.72 492,592 255,222.23 211 9,765,242.83 10,911 581,995.92 680 4,000,000.00 4,000 23,250 3. Other receivables and assets II. Cash on hand and in banks, checks C. | 86 | Prepaid Expenses 27,250 5,638,402.26 8,429 80,238,402.26 75,679 Provisions 1. Provision for severance payments 17,588,002.00 15,325 2. Provision for pensions 16,120,700.00 16,535 3. Other provisions 18,049,475.84 21,707 51,758,177.84 C. 53,567 Liabilities 1. Bonds 150,000,000.00 0 169,580,052.08 171,980 504,394 2. Bank loans and overdrafts 524,372,520.67 560,320 3. Accounts payable – trade 10,230,942.05 9,064 4. Accounts payable – affiliated companies 60,280,326.15 57,615 952,248.35 1,317 76,064,962.70 223,844 5. Accounts payable – associated companies I. Receivables and other current assets 2. Accounts receivable – affiliated companies B. 34,600,000.00 467,325,062.70 Current Assets 1. Accounts receivable – trade 40,000 30,600,000.00 II. Tangible assets 12,480,678.07 40,000,000.00 II. Reserves from retained earnings 7,684 1. Property, coincident rights and buildings, including buildings on third party property, thereof property EUR 7,036,803.41 (31.12.2007; TEUR 2,322) 2007 in TEUR Equity I. Capital stock 6,075,475.11 EUR 795,050.43 2,133 7,106,305.13 1,832 44,650,598.72 6. Other payables, thereof taxes EUR 18,144,768.99 (31.12.2007: TEUR 18,099), thereof social security EUR 3,279,389.82 (31.12.2007: TEUR 3,087) 2,680 52,551,954.28 6,645 22,845,625.56 26,364 75,397,579.84 33,009 2,433,080.14 3,008 602,203,180.65 596,337 D. Deferred Income Contingent liabilities 467,108,531.33 463,820 3,098,069.22 3,271 602,203,180.65 596,337 61,836.97 63 | 87 | report ’08 | Financial Statements 2008 Financial Statements 2008 | report ’08 Income Statement for 2008 - Casinos Austria AG INCOME STATEMENT FOR 2008 INCOME STATEMENT FOR 2008 EUR 1. Gross gaming revenues 2. Gaming taxes and other gaming related taxes 3. Net gaming revenues 4. Other operating income EUR 2007 in TEUR 281,100,040.15 277,201 -108,735,338.56 -107,547 172,364,701.59 169,654 10,976,169.98 11,936 -7,059,783.39 -6,895 -70,960,763.04 -71,824 -3,485,921.99 -2,027 d) Expenses for pensions -12,789,947.63 -10,367 e) Social security costs and payroll-related taxes -20,598,121.74 -19,695 -1,248,674.25 -1,144 b) Salaries c) Expenses for severance payments f) Other expenses for employee benefits -116,143,212.04 6. Depreciation, amortization -11,583,843.44 -111,952 -10,717 b) Other expenses 8. Operating result = sub-total items 1 to 7 | 88 | 33,133,587.79 22,437 10. Interest income of long term investments and loans 703,197.08 751 11. Other interest income and similar income 701,561,41 455 81,303.08 0 -2,894,590.40 -2,722 -18,775,038.37 -1,596 12,950,020.59 19,325 4,627,856.82 14,328 0.00 -9,795 9. Income from investments, thereof affiliated companies EUR 33,099,269.78 (2007: TEUR 22,308) 13. Expenses from financial assets a) Depreciation of financial assets EUR 1,146,000.00 (2007: TEUR 484) b) Other expenses – financial assets and temporary investments EUR 1,748,590.40 (2007: TEUR 2,237) 14. Interest and similar charges, thereof affiliated companies EUR 4,083,435.08 (2007: TEUR 1,518) 15. Financial result = sub-total items 9 to 14 16. Profit on ordinary activities 17. Extraordinary result 18. Income taxes 7. Other operating expenses a) Taxes not included in items 2 and 18 2007 in TEUR 12. Income from the disposal and write-up of financial assets 5. Personnel expenses a) Wages EUR EUR -201,173.21 -155 -63,734,806.65 -63,763 -63,935,979.86 -63,918 -8,322,163.77 -4,997 19. Net income after taxes 5,531,720.00 3,673 10,159,576.82 8,206 -7,350,000.00 0 2,809,576.82 8,206 20. Allocation to reserves from retained earnings other reserves (voluntary reserves) 21. Annual income 22. Profit brought forward from previous year 2,828,825.44 223 23. Balance sheet profit 5,638,402.26 8,429 | 89 | report ’08 | Financial Statements 2008 Financial Statements 2008 | report ’08 Consolidated Income Statement for 2008 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR 2008 Sales Lottery and sports betting payouts Gross gaming revenues Gaming taxes and other taxes Net gaming revenues Other operating income Personnel expenses Depreciation and amortization Other operating expenses CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2008 2008 in EUR 2007 in TEUR 2,960,054,734.60 2,642,825 -1,774,207,947.28 -1,511,489 1,185,846,787.32 1,131,336 -576,983,254.21 -552,917 608,863,533.11 578,419 69,367,809.25 47,445 -273,635,479.40 -256,654 -50,880,772.35 -44,043 ASSETS Cash assets Financial assets 31.12.2007 in TEUR 172,403,533.58 150,628 12,775,726.22 47,460 Receivables and other assets 120,461,452.10 63,060 Total Current Assets 305,640,711.90 261,148 Tangible assets 282,703,769.30 315,449 25,400,000.00 0 283,964,736.12 281,450 46,875,529.20 66,767 Investment property Goodwill Other intangible assets -316,178,525.79 -301,621 Investments in associated companies 156,204,974.27 163,614 Income from associated companies 24,172,816.98 33,093 Other financial assets 184,426,240.25 192,021 Operating result before restructuring expenses 61,709,381.80 56,639 Deferred tax assets 16,434,904.21 13,957 -4,000,000.00 -6,990 3,117,009.24 4,992 57,709,381.80 49,649 999,127,162.59 1,038,250 1,304,767,874.49 1,299,398 86,560,884.87 53,709 Restructuring expenses Operating result Financial income 15,591,686.52 14,781 Financial expenses -42,188,806.03 -23,598 Financial result -26,597,119.51 -8,817 31,112,262.29 40,832 3,821,895.31 519 Net income 34,934,157.60 41,351 Attributable to equity holders of the parent 20,260,193.92 26,809 Attributable to minority interest 14,673,963.68 14,542 34,934,157.60 41,351 Profit before taxes Income taxes Other long-term assets Total Non-Current Assets Total ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Short-term loans Trade payables 22,189,649.78 22,733 Provisions 68,095,179.85 68,053 Tax liabilities 56,793,832.37 61,004 Other current liabilities 148,921,490.74 276,223 Total Current Liabilities 382,561,037.61 481,722 Long-term loans 611,747,879.51 498,518 Provisions for employee entitlements 58,922,973.00 54,356 Provisions for deferred taxes 10,892,402.03 11,195 Other long-term provisions 3,547,935.80 2,148 39,916,374.52 41,502 725,027,564.86 607,719 Share capital 40,000,000.00 40,000 Other reserves and retained earnings 89,943,743.64 73,036 Revaluation reserves 16,853,350.16 0 -1,276,500.00 0 Other long-term liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities Unrealized losses on financial instruments Foreign currency translation adjustment Minority interest Total Equity Total LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 90 | 31.12.2008 in EUR -27,964,227.32 -8,611 117,556,366.48 104,425 79,622,905.54 105,532 197,179,272.02 209,957 1,304,767,874.49 1,299,398 | 91 | Imprint Casinos Austria AG Corporate Communications Rennweg 44 | 1038 Vienna | Austria Tel.: +43 (01) 534 40-321 | Fax: +43 (01) 534 40-319 E-mail: | | Publisher: Casinos Austria AG | Martin Himmelbauer Casinos Austria International | Hermann Pamminger Design & Layout: communico Advertising GmbH | 1010 Vienna | Austria Translation: Angela Dickinson | Sarah Hecht Print: Ueberreuter Print GmbH | 2100 Korneuburg | Austria Photos: Casinos Austria Photo Archive | Austrian Lotteries Photo Archive | Achim Biniek | GEPA pictures | Philipp Horak | Katsey | August Lechner | Prof. Ludwig Rusch Lucky13