Newsletter Nº 23
Newsletter Nº 23
QJjUAYLLAY* samusocialPerú Samusocial Peru´s gossip N° 23 / January – March 2011 Francisco de Zela, 2526 Lince - Lima - Perú +51 1 441 22 50 THE DENGUE FEVER: HOW DOES IT AFFECT US AND HOW TO AVOID IT? 2011 Dengue fever Promotion, Prevention and Control Campaign The dengue fever is an infection caused by a virus and it produces asymptomatic infection, fever, and severe illness which can lead to death. This disease is characterized by fever that can come with headaches, muscular and articulation pain, nausea, vomiting and intense tiredness; spots can also appear on the skin, accompanied by irritations. The mosquito Aedes Aegypti is the transmitter of the dengue virus which is transmitted to the human being through the bite of infected female mosquitoes. It is an endless chain as it is impossible to know if a mosquito carries or not the dengue virus, but an infected mosquito transmits the virus when it bites and the infected human beings become themselves transmitters of the virus, as they serve as a source of virus for the mosquitoes that are not infected yet. The transmission of the dengue does not occur by direct contact with an infected person or its secretions, nor through water or food. The bad hygiene conditions and the deficient nutrition make that the dengue is an illness linked to poverty. In Peru, the living conditions and their environment, as well as the forms of water supply through domestic storage in tanks or inadequate recipients, and the lack of elimination of solid residues, turn the homes themselves in INDEX breeding grounds for the mosquito, helping its quick reproduction. Editorial 1 Institutional Partners and strategic alliances 3 Ongoing activities 3 Some figures 7 The mosquito attacks men, women, children and adults without any difference. However, the women who spend more hours at home and work from home are the most vulnerable; as the mosquito Aedes Aegypti is a predominantly urban species that lives near the shantytowns, inside the houses, developing domestic habits, biting in the day during the hours of low sunlight intensity, and hiding in darkness. THE SAMUSOCIAL PERU The Samusocial Peru is a Peruvian nonprofit organization created the 23rd of March 2004, to implement a pilot project for the improvement of the access to basic medico psycho-social services for vulnerable children and teenagers, and women victims of violence in the high zones of Huaycan, a community located in the Ate district, Lima. No hay tratamiento ni medicamento específico para tratar la infección del to dengue, a pesar de The project has twoun main operative components: two mobile teams that patrol in Huaycan´s streets meet theymost vulnerable people and provide an emergency intervention andtodavía orientation, a refuge center ninguna where these peoplepara will be able to benefit haber logrado algunos progresos no and se ha aprobado vacuna prevenirlo. Se from advice as well as medicalmantener and psycho-social consultations. It alsoedevelops actions of awareness and information. recomienda al paciente en reposo hidratado, debiendo evitarse la utilización de los . analgésicos o antiinflamatorios como la aspirina o el ibuprofeno. *Getting closer (in quechua) At the moment, the only way to control or prevent the transmission of the dengue virus consists in the fight against mosquitoes, identifying and destroying the places where they put their eggs, principally the containers produced by men themselves, such as obsolete containers that accumulate water, flowerpots, cans, bottles, used pneumatics, plastic food containers, among 1 others. “Peru has presented a strain of the Asian American dengue, which requires a special treatment because it has a major mortality rate that is very specific, which is why the Peruvian government 2 intervenes quickly in the zone as if it was an epidemic to delimit it quickly”. At the beginning of the year, having detected the presence of the dengue mosquito in five zones of Huaycan, and the existence of disease cases; the Health Authority IV East Lima and Ate´s municipality, launched the “2011 Campaign of Strengthening of the actions for the Promotion Prevention and Control of the dengue” This is why the Samusocial Peru was present at the launching ceremony of this campaign, in which awareness was raised among Huaycan´s population on the transmission risks and their prevention. Our teams took part by proposing educative games that enabled to spread information about illness detection as well as about the preventive measures to take in order to prevent it. In the same way, since its beginning until now, in a conjoint effort with Huaycan´s hospital, we have actively taken part in the brigades and informative fairs, having the main objective to promote the improvement of the water storage techniques among Huaycan´s population, covering and constantly washing tanks, swapping the water in vases for humid sand as well as the adequate elimination of the solid waste and the destruction of the obsolete recipients. Then, we work to educate and orientate the community towards the necessary information that enable them to apply the prevention measures against the dengue mosquito; in a perspective in which the cleaning up of the environment and the informative campaigns, being the most direct person to person diffusion mode, become fundamental factors to control the propagation of the dengue. “…In the country, efforts exist, that have conceived the community action as a conjoint and concerted effort… Health is understood as a right and a co-responsibility between distinct actors that are members of the community as a whole. Thus, we all have something to do… It is not only about the doctors leaving the hospitals and meeting the community, it is also about other 3 professionals contributing to the health field…” 1 Bibliography: i) WTO, Descriptive note Nº 117, March 2009 ii) Health Minister, Campaigns and specials : The Dengue iii) Health Minister, Press report 0081-11 (28/01/2011) iv) RPP News, Health, Article about a new dengue menace in Peru (01/02/2011) 2 Declarations for RPP news by the Dr. Mauricio Bustamante, Director of International Health Consulting Group of Colombia, during the International Health Forum organized by Lima´s commerce chamber 3 Dr. Edwin Peñaherrera, August 2008, in his conference given about “Promotion of health, principles and central concepts”, during the Academic Days about Social and Health Risks. Quayllay N°23 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES THE SAMUSOCIAL PERU SIGNS A COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH SANTA ROSA´S MUNICIPALITY Santa Rosa, district municipality of Lima´s north cones, known as a seaside resort, has seen its population grow through the last 5 years, with the apparition of groups of houses and shanty towns in the sandy hills near the resort, growing from 7000 to 27000 inhabitants. Preoccupied by the extreme vulnerability situation in which the new inhabitants live, and facing the absence of public assistance services in the municipality, Santa Rosa´s mayor asked for the Samusocial Peru´s help to implement a system of sanitary and social risk prevention and of medico psycho-social assistance. This is how, the 27th of March, Catherine Louviot, director of the Samusocial Peru and M. Pablo Chegni Melgargio, mayor of Santa Rosa, signed an official cooperation agreement, which considers the implementation of a Samusocial system in Santa Rosa, following three steps : • First step: Elaboration of a diagnostic in order to evaluate the population’s needs regarding the medico psycho-social help and the feasibility of the implementation of a Samusocial system in Santa Rosa´s district. • Second step: Implementation of a Samusocial system in Santa Rosa. • Third step: Administration of the system by Santa Rosa´s municipality with the support of the Samusocial Peru. The signing of this new agreement underlines the necessity to develop complete assistance systems in the urban marginal zones and the acknowledgement of the pilot dispositive that was implemented in 2005 in Huaycán in the Ate-Vitarte district, and which since its opening helps on average 4000 inhabitants in Huaycán high zones each year. ONGOING ACTIVITIES The 100th anniversary of Women´s International Day was very enthusiastically celebrated by the women of the zones K and M in Huaycan “It was one of these historical days when the world´s eyes turn towards a single determinant event, when the lies disappear under the weight of the facts, when it becomes impossible to ignore the injustices.” (anonymous) Women´s international day comes from the labor movement and was celebrated for the first time in March 1911 in Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, with meetings in which over a million of women and men took place. Added to the right to vote and attend public posts, they demanded the right to work, to professional formation and to non discrimination in the workplace. Although the historians do not agree on the event to which the 8th of March refers – death, in 1908, of 146 women workers in the Cotton textile fabric of New York in a fire provoked by incendiary bombs threw at them because they refused to stop the strike they were doing because of their low salaries and bad working conditions; or death, in March 1911, of 147 young women workers, mostly immigrants, in the tragic fire of the Triangle fabric of New York due to the absence of security measures – what is sure is that on this day the fight of women is commemorated for their participation, on an equal foot with men, to society and to their personal development as an individual. Quayllay N°23 In Huaycán, on the occasion of the celebration of Women´s international day, the members of the Coordination roundtable for family violence prevention and assistance in Huaycán, of which the Samusocial Peru is member, broadcasted programs in Huaycan´s Radio Enmanuel for a week, with the purpose of keeping informed Huaycan´s population about women´s rights, and spread the word about the actions developed by the various organizations in favor of violence prevention and equality promotion. But the main event this year has been the fair organized by the Samusocial Peru, in a communitarian field of the K zone, targeting women of Huaycan´s high zones. In the workshop “the tree of rights”, awareness was raised among over 50 women who were able to communicate about the topic in small groups, assisted in their reflection by an educator from the mobile teams, the social worker from the Social Risk Prevention Center as well as the social worker of San Andres church, who came to reinforce our team for this event. The Women´s Rights are also a men concern, and a male nurse from our mobile teams joined his coworkers to accompany this reflection work. Then the women were able to enjoy games such as “on the way of self-esteem” in which generations competed in a friendly way. In order to allow the mothers to fully enjoy this afternoon dedicated to women, educative activities were offered to kids. In “the small house of wishes”, they expressed themselves on the woman image and they were informed about Women´s Right in the “Happiness Kiwi”. They all met to attend a theatre show, which through daily life working and familial scenes enabled to denounce the abuses of which women are victims, and to claim of a single voice, all united, public as well as actors, their rights. The fair ended with the distribution of certificates to the leaders of the zones K and M in acknowledgement of their continuous effort in favor of the women of Huaycan´s high zones. We want to thank L´Oreal Peru and the organization Editorial Bruño for their donations which enabled to reward the participants with beauty products and educative books. Quayllay N°23 Quayllay N°23 Women quotations Workshop “the tree of Rights” We have the right to live… “We have the right to live without discrimination, to live without violence, to live with a lot of happiness, to have insurance and to be assisted for our health, to be assisted in the police station; we have the right to live without abuse…” We have the right to be heard… “We have the right to express ourselves, to be listened to about domestic violence, any authority has to listen to our queries, any woman deserves love and esteem…” The women have the right to have the same rights as the men… “We have the right to justice, the right to work, the right to insurance in order to assist us, the right to study even if we are adult, the right to take our own decisions just like the men do, the right to be the owners of our thoughts and feelings like everybody, the right to have a DNi because it is very important to get a job, study and be identified, the right to be valorized, that everyone respect us and the right not to be humiliated, the right to non violence as we shouldn´t be mistreated because we are the equal of men…” Quayllay N°23 SOME FIGURES: Most outstanding results of 2011´s first trimester During this trimester, the Samusocial Peru carried out 1723 medico psycho-social interventions towards the persons most excluded from the traditional assistance schemes in Huaycan´s community. Our mobile teams carried out 108 patrols, achieving 1297 domiciliary visits offering assistance, counseling and orientation to women, children and teenagers in high vulnerability situations. Likewise, the Samusocial Peru´s Social Risk Prevention Center in Huaycan offered 426 medical, psychological and social interventions to the beneficiaries. About 41% of the cases detected and treated by the Samusocial Peru´s professionals were directly or indirectly related to physical, psychological or sexual violence or by omission and negligence. On the other hand, the Samusocial Peru´s temporary refuge welcomed 17 women and children victims of domestic violence, oriented by the mobile teams, the local authorities and the community. The welcomed persons benefited from a complete assistance focused on the strengthening of their resilience capacities and on their reinsertion. Finally, in order to reinforce the Samusocial Peru´s work, 15 educative workshops were realized in the intervention zones of the mobile teams, directed towards 281 people. They treated topics such as: self-esteem, rights and obligations of the women and children, family communication, nutrition and hygiene habits, preventive measures to remain healthy, among others. SAMUSOCIAL PERU´S LIFE During the month of March, the Samusocial Peru´s team had the pleasure to welcome its coordinator. The whole team is happy to welcome Grissel. To support us, please contact our office in Lima: Francisco de Zela 2526 - Lince Telefax: 51.1. 441 2250 our partner in New York 340 East 64th Street, Suite 2G - New York, NY 10065 Telephone: 1-917-215-1977 The samusocialPerú receives the support of the following partners: CHILDREN OF PERÚ FOUNDATION BRAILLARD FONDATION MACIF FONDATION PERUVIAN HEALTH MINISTER AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT particulars … SAMUSOCIAL INTERNATIONAL PEUGEOT SANOFI-AVENTIS AVENTIS GROUP RAJA PERUVIAN MINISTRY M OF WOMEN ATE’S URBAN DISTRICT And generous