July 2015 - The Checkerboardflyer


July 2015 - The Checkerboardflyer
Newsletter Editor: Paul Park
June Birthdays
I missed the meeting, Happy
Birthday to anyone who had
one in June!
8/22/201 5 -- Dupo, IL (E)
SWAP MEET. Site: Sugar Loaf
Comm Center. Charles Fannin
CD PH: 61 8.401 .2451 Email:
7/1 8/201 5 -- Granite City, IL (C)
BIRD. Site: Granite City.
Richard Mowery CD PH: 61 8670-6828 Email:
7/30/201 5 -- Wheaton, IL (D) R
ANNIVERSARY. Site: Cantigny
Park 1 s1 51 S Winfield. James
Thompson CD PH: 847-2599020 Email:
July 201 5
8/1 /201 5 -- Roscoe, IL (C)
FLOAT FLY. Site: Chickery
Ridge Lake. Orv Steinmetz CD
PH: 81 5.885.11 61 Email:
8/9/201 5 -- Palos Park, IL (C)
FLY. Site: Club Field At Morel
Meadow. Joseph Gavenda CD
PH: 630-257-7008 Email:
aerojoe1 @aol.com
Show and Tell
Mark K picked up a p40 at a
swap. It has a 70 K&B 2
stroke, retracts, 7 lbs, should
be fast. Mark's been looking
for a p40 for a while.
8/9/201 5 -- Rolling Meadows,
Ned Brown Forest Preserve.
Dana Berry CD PH: 847-7725642 Email:
8/1 3/201 5 -- Westmont, IL (D)
CAR SHOW. Site: 221 N Cass
Ave. Dennis Miendersma CD
PH: Email:
8/1 5/201 5 -- Rockford, IL (C)
FLY IN. Site: Rockford Park
Dist Rc Field. Timothy Scott
CD PH: 81 5-239-21 86 Email:
The Checkerboard Flyer
Club News
Here is some news related to
the new field, cribbed from
notes forwarded by Bill:
John reported on the recent
meeting with the Forest
Preserve District. Bill and
Anthony attended the meeting
with John. R/C clubs from our
area were invited to FPD
Headquarters on Lake Street
to discuss; permits and fees,
grand openings of new
facilities, partnerships, special
events, and capital
requests. “At this time,
operation of model aircraft
does not require a permit, but
does require AMA certification.”
That is from one of the
At the meeting John spoke
about the need for a liaison to
gather information from the
R/C clubs, then present it to
the FPD. This person would be
able to explain technical
concepts to the FPD personnel
and also relay club special
needs or requests. Then John
volunteered to do the work.
Daniel Betts, who is head of
Recreation, Volunteer
Resources, & Permits,
accepted. Now John has a new
At the June club meeting John
said that he reached out to the
clubs via email to begin his role
as liaison, but has only heard
back from two of them. At the
club meeting Anthony talked
about the need for signage
related to: engine run-up, pilots
only beyond this point, and
helicopter only. The signage
needs to meet FPD standards.
John, Anthony, and Bill will be
meeting with FPD officials
again June 24th to discuss our
particular needs for our new
location at Miller Meadow.
End of notes.
I did happen to see a bobcat
moving dirt around at the new
field location. Looks like it's
actually happening.
This month's happenings at the
The Checkerboard Flyer
Bomb Drop Fun Fly
These items are for sale. The
list was too much for the
normal FlyMarket space at the
We had our Bomb Drop in
June and the results were as
30% Extra 230 RC Extras with
Brisson 2.4 CDI. Hitec Radio
gear Minor damage, wing bags
1 st: Ed Lipka
2nd: Matt Goethe
3rd: Hal Parenti
Thanks John Eggum for
running the fun fly and Bill and
Howie for the photos
1 /4 scale Bud Nosen Howard
DGA-6 Mr. Mulligan, Zenoah
G62 with spring start, Hitec
radio gear $550.00
Brisson 4.2 CDI. $250.00
Zenoah G62, B&B cup mount,
spring starter $300.00
B&B isolation mounts $20.00
Great Planes Trainer 40 with
Gms 2000 .46 glow needs
some work $50.00
Profi .61 engine complete with
box & extra Royal carb $50.00
2 Robart incidence meters with
extension bars $20.00/ea.
Contact Roman H. 708-2893624
The Checkerboard Flyer
Camera on planes
If you've ever wanted to attach
a camera to your plane for
whatever reason, be it fpv,
getting a shot of a flight against
a beautiful sky, or using a
camera to track down an issue,
there were few options to
choose from. A few years ago
you basically had two main
choices which boiled down to
size vs quality. There was the
gopro and the keychain
camera. The gopro was $400
and the keychain camera was
about $80. The keychain
camera was relatively
inexpensive but the quality of
the video left a lot to be
desired. Also it shot in
1 280x720 at 30 frames per
second. The strange keyfoblike shape of the camera made
it difficult to mount on an
aircraft. The gopro has ever
increased its options and
included resolutions beyond
standard hd. However no one
wants to put a $400 camera on
a plane and risk damaging or
losing it.
Just about 2 years ago, the
möbius cam entered the fray.
Shooting at 1 080/30fps or
720/60fps it was a good
alternative for $78. The quality
was still not close to a gopro
but it was good enough where
you didn't mind risking the loss.
The other disadvantages were
lack of waterproof options. I
believe some made a custom
waterproof housing but it's not
easily found and of course
removes the weight advantage.
The square shape of the
möbius made it easy to mount
on planes and anything else
that flies.
Today there is a 4th option. It's
not-easily pronounceable
name is the xiaomi yi. It costs
$68 whenever online sites
have sales. It can shoot
1 080/60fps which is the go-to
standard for fpv flyers, is a hair
larger than a gopro in size, and
quality is almost on par with a
hero 3. There are factory
made waterproof options
available as well. Keep in
mind for the low price you only
get the camera and a battery.
No cases, no mounts, just the
There is no screen so all
commands are done with 2
buttons and listening to the
sounds and looking at the color
of the front indication LED. To
change resolution you must
connect to it over wifi with a
phone, either Android or Apple,
and you can view or change
settings as well as delete files.
It does have a photo mode and
the firmware has been
upgraded several times so they
are continually improving the
features and functions.
It weights about the same as a
gopro so not nearly as light as
a keychain cam or möbius but
the quality is worth the extra
weight. In fact it also uses a
an Amberella processing chip,
albeit a slightly different
version than Gopro uses.
Accessories are reasonably
priced and the battery lasts
about an hour and change non
stop. If you wanted the highest
quality video today I would
recommend the hero 4 black.
But you'd have to fork over
The Checkerboard Flyer
If you were looking for a used
hero3 you could get two Yis
and have 90% the image
If you wanted a smaller lighter
option by about 20-30 grams
the möbius is still a viable
choice but the quality when
compared to the Yi or GoPro
will leave you wanting more.
The Yi is good enough to take
on a vacation or get the
optional waterproof case and
take it underwater. Batteries
and chargers are only a few
dollars extra and are well worth
it. You could even put it
INSIDE a plane and watch the
servos at work!
Above I have a silicone case
and a lens protector. Total for
both accessories about $1 2. I
used servo tape on the
protector to make sure it
doesn't eject if I hit a tree.
The camera can be purchased
online at geek-buying.com or
banggood.com and a few other
choices. Shipping will take
about 1 0 days to 2 weeks and
is no additional cost.
I can easily recommend this
option over a pricier GoPro. If
you want the best image
available the GoPro is still the
top choice but you will pay for
Following are some screen
captures of the menus from a
The Checkerboard Flyer
Cook County Forest Preserve Fly Market
See page 3 for all of John's
District Note:
items for sale.
January 1 5
From the Cook County Forest
February 1 9
Preserve District:
March 1 9
“The flying of any form of model
April 1 6
aircraft within the Forest
May 21
Preserve District shall be
June 1 8
prohibited except in such areas
July 1 6
which have been designated as
August 20
“Model Airplane Flying Fields”.
September 1 7
September 1 9 Family Picnic – The areas will be posted by the
District and other signs will not Club Contact / Web Site
be permitted. Each area shall
October 1 5
be available for the flying of all
November 1 9
Checkerboard Field R/C Club
November 22 Chili Fly – Noon types of model aircraft by any
P.O. Box 61 78
and all individuals on a firstDecember TBA
Broadview, IL 601 55
come, first-served basis.”
Meetings begin @ 7:00 PM.
Club Web Site:
Visitors are welcome. The times “Model Airplane Flying Fields
will be maintained by the
and dates for Fun Flys will be
District on a par with picnic and Email:
announced before the April
similar use areas. Refined
I nterference Problem
groups is permitted”
We have continuing
Board Members
interference on channels 1 6,
1 7, 24, 25, 26, & 35 at the field.
President John Ferentz
If you are using any of these
Vice Pres. Mark Kanzia
frequencies, change to a
Treasurer Gary Parenti
different one ASAP. Or switch
Field Mrshl. Kim Kraft
over to a 2.4 GHz system.
Event Calendar 201 5
The Checkerboard Flyer
P.O. Box 61 78
Broadview, IL 601 55