Electric Baseload Basics (Hands-On)
Electric Baseload Basics (Hands-On)
Electric Baseload Basics Hands On (TPM 05) Affordable Comfort Conference May 16-21, 2005 Presented by: A. Tamasin Sterner Pure Energy tsterner@redrose.net Table of Contents Page Electric Baseload Introduction How to Do a Baseload Audit Electric Bill Analysis Electric Energy Terms Basic Tools Typical Cost per Use Sample PPL Bill Useful Energy Related Websites white Water Heaters pink Refrigerators yellow Lighting green Clothes Dryers orange Computers, Monitors and Printers beige Consumer Electronics blue Other lavender 1 3 4 7 8 10 15 19 Dehumidifiers Waterbed Heaters Pumps Filters Thanks to the following people for sharing their research and knowledge: Rana Belshe Larry Kinney John Krigger Michael Blasnik Alan Meier 2 Electric Baseload Savings Introduction What does Baseload mean? Baseload is the base electric load – the portion of a customer’s electricity use that is pretty constant all year. Air conditioning and heating are not considered baseload. Water heating is part of baseload, although some weatherization programs keep water heating measures separated from baseload measures. Baseload does show some variation throughout the year. Lights and water heaters are on more in the winter months, and refrigerators, well pumps and dehumidifiers use more in the summer months. Baseload is usually figured by looking at the previous 12 months electricity use, taking the lowest three months, calculating the average monthly use for that period and multiplying it by 12 months to get the annual baseload use. Why do we look at Baseload? The greater the use, the greater the savings potential. If the baseload use is low, the savings potential for reducing baseload use is low. If the baseload use is high, the savings potential for reducing baseload use is high. Baseload use is affected by the number of people in the household, the size and efficiency of the lighting and appliances and strongly by the habits of the people using the lighting and appliances. Some people use more electricity for their lighting and appliances than they do for their heating and air conditioning. Occupant education is a key to a successful Baseload program. Putting costs on behaviors is very important. What is the savings potential for Baseload work? Each household needs to be addressed specifically because lighting and appliance use is so site specific. If a household of four without an electric water heater uses more than 600 kWh a month, there is a good chance the baseload can be reduced. If a household of four with an electric water heater uses more than 1,000 kWh a month, there is a good chance the baseload can be reduced. 1 Baseload Program Savings Results PA Statewide Baseload Savings for 2000 (the latest available) was 7.5% with an annual electric bill reduction of $76. PPL, 1999 through 2001: 9% average savings. Met-Ed and Penelec, 1999 through 2002: Low electricity users saved about 4%, middle users saved about 5% and higher users saved about 12%. Higher users save more because savings follows waste. NJ Comfort Partners: 787 kWh/yr average per program participant. Ohio’s EPP had 12% to 18% for their Baseload program through 2003. Early baseload programs (1992, 1993), like Duquesne Light’s, had very high savings, between 27% and 37%. This is probably due to the very high numbers of old refrigerators that were still in homes during that time. How do we focus our efforts to reduce electric Baseload use? Savings follows use. People have appliances and lighting that use electricity all year round. Some families use these things very little and some families use them a lot. Familiarity with low, mid and high use ranges helps focus efforts. Annual End Use Consumption Ranges (kWh) End Use Domestic hot water Refrigerator Clothes dryer Indoor lighting Air conditioning Cooking Clothes washer Television / VCR / DVD Outdoor lighting Space heating motors Miscellaneous Dishwasher Stereo, other electronics Hair dryer / curling iron Subtotals Low 1200 500 400 300 300 200 125 150 50 50 100 100 75 25 3,600 Mid 3500 900 900 900 500 400 300 350 250 250 200 200 200 50 9,000 High 6000 1500 1200 1200 750 750 700 600 500 500 400 350 300 75 15,000 A good “cost per use” chart can help the weatherization contractor assign costs on appliance behaviors. If the contractor knows the wattage of an appliance, and also knows how long or how often an appliance is used, she/he can calculate the approximate cost to use the appliance. 2 HOW TO DO A BASELOAD AUDIT Before the visit, review electrical billing information. Is the history complete? How do the daily, monthly and annual averages compare? What is the pattern? When in the home, start with what the occupant knows about their home, and energy use. Can they tell you what they think are the major energy uses? Can they describe changes to occupancy or equipment? The biggest energy users offer the greatest savings opportunities. Identify 5 major electricity uses—quickly. 50 to 60% of usage often occurs in only 5 end uses. Analyze electric use. What size is the load? Is this a low, mid or high use home? Notice all appliances. Pay attention to the big users. How much do they run? Are there control or operations issues (like the refrigerator being too cold or the dryer timer is bad)? Determine occupancy and usage patterns. Construct a monthly baseload. Estimate seasonal uses. Compare annual estimates to actual. Check monthly use. Keep looking if necessary. REMEMBER: The number of occupants noticeably impacts electric energy use. Buildings, people, and related energy flows are interconnected and often surprising. Personal standards of comfort and convenience vary. We don’t know what we don’t know. Sometimes the best we can do is guesstimate. 3 ELECTRIC BILL ANALYSIS The monthly cost of operating lights and some appliances can be calculated by multiplying: Watts x hours used per month x .001 kiloWatts per Watt. Then, take kilowatts per Watt x electricity cost per kiloWatt hour (kWh) = cost per month for that appliance. Example: Three one hundred watt light bulbs that are on for an average of five hours per day will cost: 300W x 5 hr/day x 30 days/month x .001 kW/W x $.085 /kWh = $3.83 per month Another way to look at this same thing is: Wattage of the appliance x hours per month used x .001 = kWh per month for that appliance. kWh per month x the cost per kWh = cost per month to use that appliance. Example: Three one hundred watt light bulbs that are on for an average of five hours per day will cost: 300W x 5 hrs/day x 30 days /month x .001 = 45 kWh per month. 45 x .085 = $3.83 per month. If the appliance label is missing the wattage information but lists the amps and volts, the watts can be calculated this way: Watts = Amps x Volts (110 or 220) 4 More on Electric Bill Analysis In most cases, the energy charged for on the bill can be accounted for by identifying (and measuring with a device such as the Brultech, when necessary) the size of the loads and multiplying them by the time they are on over a month. Bill analysis (disaggregation) is the process of figuring out the relative share of the monthly use of each appliance. Example: Household has 3 occupants, electric hot water, does cold water laundry. Main Appliances Refrigerator Hot water Clothes dryer Well pump TV Miscellaneous Estimated KWh /month Use Details Auto defrost; 14-16 cu ft 100 kWh/tank; 300/occupant 5 loads/week @2.6 kWh (200W; 3 hr/day; 30 days) lights, clocks, coffee maker, VCR Estimated Monthly Total Actual Monthly Bill Est. monthly cost @ $.085/kWh 150 400 56 20 18 75 $12.75 $34.00 $ 4.76 $ 1.70 $ 1.53 $ 6.38 719 $61.12 770 $61.60 Some loads are so small--electric clocks, four Watt night lights-- that even if they are connected 24 hours a day, the effect on the bill is quite small. On the other hand, an electric welder with a demand of 30-40 kW may also have a trivial impact on the electric bill if it is not used but a few minutes per month. Medium and large loads that are connected all the time are the ones that usually make the largest difference. In most dwellings, refrigerators and hot water heaters account for a large percentage of the load. Air conditioners in the summer and forced air furnace fans, space heaters, and electric heat in the winter account for extra consumption whose magnitudes can be estimated by studying the billing history. The principle points of interest on the bill are: Monthly electric use (in kWh) Number of days in the billing period Estimated or actual meter reading Cost per kWh Energy use summaries and comparisons: daily, monthly or annual Weather and energy use comparisons Of course there will be times when the usage on the bill and the appliances in the house just don’t match. The following list is a series of prompts to aid in investigating, problemsolving and understanding unexplained high use. 5 Possible Reasons for High Electric Use Major hot water leaks (any water leakage, if a water pump is present) Extra lighting, perhaps outside, perhaps for growing plants, and all lighting that is left on continuously Freezers as well as refrigerators (there may be more than one) Medical equipment, perhaps being used to sustain life Portable appliances that might not be in the house all of the time Broken appliances that run for 24 hours a day; people that leave stereos or other appliances on 24 hours/day Heavy-duty battery chargers Ventilation equipment with lots of operating time Seasonal loads for heating--electric blankets, bathrooms, entries, porches, crawlspaces, pump houses, out-buildings, heat tape, stock tank/chicken coop, block heater… Seasonal loads for cooling--swimming pool heater & pumps, dehumidifier, fans, extra refrigerator, sump pump Damaged waterbed heaters Failing motors Dehumidifiers operating to over dry Heaters in crawl spaces Ovens or stove tops used for space heating Ice makers running but no water hooked up to them Washers that always use hot water because cold water is not supplied 6 ELECTRIC ENERGY TERMS A MINI-GLOSSARY Btu – British thermal unit is the energy needed to raise a pound of water 1 degree F. There are 3,412 Btu in a kWh of electricity. 1 Btu is about equal to the energy given off as a wooden kitchen match burns. Million Btu’s – roughly the energy equivalent of a person year of labor; or one billionth of a quadrillion (Quad) A Quad is 106 * 109 = 1015 Btu, or a million billion Btu. Watt (W) – a unit of electrical power developed in a circuit by a current of one ampere flowing through a potential difference of one volt; also used to express the rate of demand of a light or appliance, for example the heater in a refrigerator that operates during a defrost cycle typically demands between 200 and 400 Watts. MegaWatt (MW) – a million watts; power plants are sized by the number of megawatts they produce. Wattage – the amount of watts required to operate a given electrical device and displayed on rating plates Watt hour (Wh) – the unit of electrical energy, or work, equal to one watt acting for one hour Watts = amps x volts kiloWatt (kW) = 1000 watts; a unit of instantaneous demand or power. For example: An electric space heater rated at 1,500 watts (1.5 kW), operated for 1 hour (hr) has a demand of 1.5 kW and consumes 1.5 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electrical energy (1.5 kW x 1 hour = 1.5 kWh) kiloWatt hour (kWh) – the unit of electrical energy displayed on bills and household electric meters, equal to one thousand watts acting for one hour, or 3,412 British thermal units (Btu). If the heater mentioned above were to be on for 120 hours a month (about 4 hrs per day) it would still have a demand of 1.5 kW, but the energy consumed would increase to 180 kWh (1.5 kW x 120 hrs = 180 kWh) Meters such as the BrulTechTM or Line LoggerTM can display instantaneous watts and voltage, as well as recording kiloWatt hours used in the metering period. volt – the unit of electromotive force or difference in potential between two points in an electric field. Electric utilities typically provide 120/240 volt service to residential circuits. Heavy duty equipment and appliances (baseboard heaters, central air conditioning, water heaters, clothes dryers, kitchen range and some shop equipment) need 240 volts. An average of 117 volts of alternating current (117Vac) is supplied to the “120” line serving outlets. Low voltage (around 105 Vac) can harm motors and compressors. ampere (amp) – the unit for measuring the strength of an electric current; describes the rate of flow of the charge 7 Basic Tools for Assessing Residential Electric Energy Use In addition to information gleaned from the household, worksheets and handouts, some tools and materials are needed to do Baseload/ Electric Audits. Here is a beginning list: 1. Clipboard for customer to use during house tour. 2. Flashlight (for looking at refrigerator coils, into furnaces, AC units, water heater/equipment labels and other murky places) 3. Extra batteries for flashlights 4. Ladder (for reaching overhead light fixtures and attic installed central AC units) 5. Vacuum cleaner with a long hose and a brush (for coil cleaning and cleaning up any mess made while looking around. Small wet/dry is good) 6. Refrigerator coil cleaning brush (available at appliance stores) 7. Measuring tape (to size appliances and doorways for refrigerator or water heater replacement) 8. Room Thermometer (for checking refrigerator and kitchen room temperatures) 9. High temperature thermometer (for testing water temperature) 10. Microweir® or container and watch with a second hand or timer (for measuring water flow of showerheads and faucets) 11. Drip gauge for measuring water leaks 12. KiloWatt hour (kWh) monitors for checking refrigerator and other appliance usage 13. SureTest® Circuit Analyzer (Like a stress test EKG; Puts a 15 amp load on a circuit to see how it performs. If voltage drops more than 5%, there’s a problem between the circuit breaker box and the plug) 14. 3 prong adapters (for appliances or receptacles with only 2 prongs) 15. Kitchen timer (for timing exactly one hour for the kWh meter and for timing unplug time depending on local protocol) 16. Inspection mirror (to see under refrigerators, up walls, inside ducts and air handlers) 17. Razor knife or scissors (to cut the filter material) 18. Hand wipes or Purell antibacterial hand cleaner 19. Screw drivers (for removing filter, water heater covers), pliers, or a multipurpose tool like a Leatherman® 20. Cardboard, carpet sample or towel to kneel on when checking appliances 21. Small slippery rug to aid in sliding refrigerator out 22. Appliance electrical cord (in case the refrigerator cord is hard to get to more than once) 23. Extension cord(s) for vacuum cleaner &/or easy access with kWh meter 24. Gloves (filter material is very hard on the hands & bulbs can be hot) 25. Ear plugs (while vacuuming) 26. Face masks (some old filters hold harmful deposits that should not be breathed) 27. Tool box (to carry some of the above) MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Many CFL’s of all sorts, wattages and sizes Tall lamp shade harps (to accommodate larger CFL’s) Socket extenders (to extend CFL’s where the globe or shade restricts use) Threaded extenders (to lengthen distance from sockets to diffuser for ceiling fixtures) Showerheads, aerators and Teflon tape Waterbed mattress replacement sample Waterbed mattress pad (or a picture of one) Roll of 1" by 25", 1/2" by 25", and foam air conditioner type washable filter material (available at HVAC supply stores) 9. Water heater & pipe insulation, tape & straps 8 Electrical Appliance Metering Equipment This is a list of Watt meters that can be used to meter refrigerators and other appliances and electrical equipment. Watts Up? Pro www.professionalequipment.com Kill A Watt www.p3international.com ECM-1200 www.brultech.com EML 2000 www.electricitymetering.com Plug Logger www.dentinstruments.com Watt Stopper www.wattstopper.com 8a What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print 9 Typical Cost per Use Based on $.085 per kWh Use Time, Quantity or Cycle Cost Shower Shower Bath Per minute, 6 gallons per min. head Per minute, 2.5 gpm head Per inch (equals 5 gals) 8 cents 3 cents 5 cents Hair dryer, 1500 watts Curling iron Per hour Per hour 13 cents Less than 1 cent Laundry, hot wash and rinse Laundry, warm wash and rinse Laundry, cold wash and rinse Laundry, hot wash, cold rinse Laundry, warm wash, cold rinse Dryer, 1 load Per load Per load Per load Per load Per load 45 minutes 72 cents 54 cents 4 cents 40 cents 31 cents 23 cents Dishes Dishwasher Dripping hot water faucet By hand, water running Each load 1 drop per second 36 cents 27 cents 80 cents a day Waterbed heater per day, average 43 cents Drip coffee maker Drip coffee maker Crock pot Toaster oven Microwave Range, stove top Range, oven one pot, brew cycle one pot, warmer, each hour 3 hours 40 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour, 350 degrees 2 cents 1 cents 6 cents 9 cents 2 cents 4 cents 18 cents Window air conditioner Window air conditioner Box window fan Ceiling fan, no lights Attic fan 8,000 BTU, 4 hours 24,000 BTU, 4 hours 7 hours 7 hours 7 hours 17 cents 68 cents 14 cents 4 cents 34 cents 100 watt incandescent bulb 100 watt incandescent bulb 27 watt fluorescent bulb (equals 100) 27 watt fluorescent bulb (equals 100) 10 hours 100 hours 10 hours 100 hours 9 cents 85 cents 2 cents 21 cents Space heater, 1500 watt Space heater, 1500 watt Dehumidifier Furnace blower motor/fan, 1/2 H.P. Furnace blower motor/fan, 1/3 H.P. Furnace blower motor/fan, 1/4 H.P. Furnace burner motor Hot water circulating pump 1 hour 8 hours 24 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours per day per day 14 cents* $1.02* 45 cents 33 cents 29 cents 26 cents 19 cents 10 cents Water pump, shallow well Water pump, deep well per day per day 8 cents 15 cents Computer Printer (wattage varies from 3 - 300 watts) Fax machine (wattage varies form 15 to 500.) TV, color Fish tank, 50 gals, with light filter and heater 1 hour 3 cents Varies Cost is low 13 cents 16 cents 6 hours per day * Each degree the heater thermostat is setback saves 1% of the heating cost. If it is a turndown due to a more comfortable home, each degree the thermostat is turned down saves 3% of the heat costs. 10 Source: Niagara Mohawk. “Home Energy Tips: Cost of Operating Home Appliances.” 11 12 Source: John Krigger and Chris Dorsi 2004.. “Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings”. Saturn Resource Management, Inc. Helena, MT. 13 14 Sample PPL Bill This is an example of a current PPL Electric bill. Please note that the cost per kWh changes as the usage increases. (The bill sample on PPL’s website, www.pplelectric.com, does not use the current kWh charges, so it cannot be used as an example) At 200 kWh, PPL’s price is about 9.27 cents ($.0927) per kWh. At 800 kWh, the price goes down a bit. Someone using 2,000 kWh pays about 8 cents ($.08) per kWh. The average use per kWh used in for this presentation and handouts is 8.5 cents ($.085) per kWh (customer charge not included). 15 16 17 Typical Wattages for End Uses End Use Typical Wattage Air conditioner, central Air conditioner, room Air filter Appliance timer 3,000 to 4,500 850 - 2,000 60 2 Aquarium heater Bathroom fan, high efficiency Bathroom fan, standard Battery charger Blender Block heater Box fan Bread maker Can opener CD player Ceiling fan Circular saw Circulator pump Clock radio Clothes dryer 100 15 75 100 380 600 - 1,500 75 600 100 12 150 1,150 105 4 4,500 – 5,500 Clothes washer, cold water Coffee maker Computer and monitor Computer, laptop CPAP Crock pot Curling iron Dehumidifier Digital satellite system Dishwasher DVD player Electric blanket Electric space heater Fax machine Food dehydrator Food processor Freezer Furnace fan 360 1,500 brew, 50 warm 200 – 250 each 54 12 100 40 250 – 400 14 450 – 1,200 14 175 1,500 500 875 690 330 - 600 190 – 375 End Use Garage door opener Garbage disposal Halogen torchiere Hot tub, heater and pump Humidifier, no heater Iron Juicer Microwave oven Mixer Oil burner Oxygen concentrator Pressure cooker Printer, desk jet Printer, laser jet Radon fan Range stove top Range, oven Refrigerator Refrigerator ice maker heater Roof and gutter cable Sander Scanner Security light, HPS Security light, mercury Sump pump Table saw Toaster Toaster oven TV, big screen, 48” TV, solid state TV, tube type Vacuum cleaner Video games Water heater Waterbed heater Well pump Whole house fan Typical Wattage 230 420 300 5,560 120 1,000 – 1,600 90 1450 120 450 420 – 575 1,300 48 300 15 to 150 1,600 – 2,100 3,500 450 – 625 700 7 watts / foot 290 100 70 175 200 1,380 1,150 1,200 250 100 210 350 80 4,500 150 - 300 1,000 500 18 Useful Energy Related Websites Page Name Web Address Affordable Comfort www.affordablecomfort.org Alliance to Save Energy www.ase.org American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy www.aceee.org American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers American Solar Energy Society www.ashrae.org Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers www.aham.org Brultech Research Inc. www.brultech.com Builder's Best www.buildersbest.com Building Performance Contractors Association www.home-performance.org California Energy Commission Appliance Information www.energy.ca.gov/efficiency/appliances California Energy Commission Consumer Energy Center Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology Center for Resource Solutions www.consumerenergycenter.org Center for Resourceful Building Technology www.crbt.org Clean Air Council www.cleanair.org Consumer Federation of America Foundation www.buyenergyefficient.org Consumer Product Safety Commission www.cpsc.gov Consumer Reports Online www.consumerreports.org Ecobuild.com www.ecobuild.com Energy Coordinating Agency of Philadelphia, Inc. www.ecasavesenergy.org Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) Energy Federation Incorporated www.eren.doe.gov Energy Information Administration www.eia.doe.gov Energy Star Program www.energystar.gov ENERGYguide.com www.energyguide.com Environmental Building News www.buildinggreen.com Environmental Protection Agency www.epa.gov Florida Solar Energy Center www.fsec.ucf.edu Green Mountain Energy www.greenmountain.com Home Energy Magazine www.homeenergy.org HowStuffWorks www.howstuffworks.com James Dulley www.dulley.com www.ases.org www.crest.org www.green-e.org www.energyfederation.org 19 Useful Energy Related Websites, Continued Page Name Web Address Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory www.lbl.gov National Center for Photovoltaics www.nrel.gov/ncpv National Wind Coordinating Committee www.nationalwind.org Natural Resources Defense Council www.nrdc.org New York State Energy & Research Development Corp. www.nyserda.org North Carolina Solar Center www.ncsc.ncsu.edu/ Northeast Sustainable Energy Association www.nesea.org PennFuture www.pennfuture.org Pennsylvania Housing Research Center www.engr.psu.edu/phrc Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission puc.paonline.com Pennsylvania Weatherization Training Center www.pct.edu/wtc Philadelphia Million Solar Roofs www.phillysolar.org Popular Mechanics www.popularmechanics.com PPL Energy Depot audit.pplweb.com/energyaudit/index.asp Preston's Guide www.prestonguide.com PrimeNet www.ariprimenet.org Professional Equipment www.professionalequipment.com Pure Energy www.amberwaves.com/pure/energy Real Goods www.realgoods.com Repair Clinic www.repairclinic.com Rocky Mountain Institute www.rmi.org Sandia National Laboratory www.sandia.gov Solar Energy International www.solarenergy.org Terry Brennan www.camroden.com The Energy Cooperative www.theenergycoop.com The Solar Energy Industries Association www.seia.org The Sustainable Buildings Institute www.sbicouncil.org/home/index.html The Warm Company www.warmcompany.com U.S. Environmental Protection Agency www.epa.gov Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center www.waptac.org 20 Water Heaters What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Water Heaters 1 Electric Water Heaters How electric water heaters work Electric water heaters are usually wired for 240 volts and have one or two electric elements, each with its own thermostat. If the water heater has two elements, the one on the bottom is the standby element that maintains the minimum setting on its thermostat. The element at the top of the tank is the demand element that heats water to provide quick recovery of usable hot water when a lot of hot water is being used. The elements are wired so they can’t work at the same time. Water heaters use energy in three ways: demand, standby and distribution. • Demand means energy is used to bring the cold incoming water up to temperature in the water heater. Demand energy depends on water heater efficiency, occupant behavior and consumption of fixtures like showerheads, clothes washers and dishwasher. Water Heaters 2 • Standby energy is the heat lost through the water heater’s walls. Standby losses amount to 20% to 60% of the total water heating energy. • Distribution losses consist of heat escaping though the pipes and fixtures. Pipes near the water heater lose heat even when hot water isn’t being used as hot water rises out of the water heater, cools and falls back into the tank. Hot water use in the U.S. The average household uses around 3,500 kWh annually to heat water. The energy used to heat water varies widely according to the number of occupants, water heater capacity, water heater energy factor (EF) and climate. U.S. citizens use 15 to 40 gallons of hot water per day per person. ________________________________ Water Heaters 3 How to save electricity with an existing water heater Energy efficient retrofits to existing water heating systems follow three strategies: 1. Reduce the use or waste of hot water by fixing leaks, use pressure reducing valves, install water saving showerheads and faucet aerators 2. Reduce standby losses from the tank and pipes by insulating the tank and pipes, install heat traps, water heater timers and lowering the water temperature 3. Reduce distribution losses through pipes and fittings by minimizing the length and diameter of piping Water Leak 1 Drop per second = 1/2 cup per minute = Almost 2 gallons/hour = 45 gallons/day = 16,425 gallons/year Heated from 50º to 150º F @ 9¢ kWh, this costs $277/year. W.H setback of 5º yields 3% savings. Supply water may be 10º colder in winter. ________________________________ Cost of a Load of Laundry * Wash/Rinse Settings kWh used Avg. Cost per Load (cents) Water Heater Thermostat Set at 140º F Hot / Hot Hot / Warm Hot / Cold Warm / Warm Warm / Cold Cold / Cold 8.3 6.3 4.3 4.3 2.3 0.4 66 50 34 34 18 3 Water Heater Thermostat Set at 120º F Hot / Hot Hot / Warm Hot / Cold Warm / Warm Warm / Cold Cold / Cold 6.5 4.9 4.3 3.4 1.9 0.4 52 39 27 27 15 3 * Assumes 8¢ per kWh. Water Heaters 4 Approximate Savings: Hot-Water Retrofits Electricity (kWh) Gas (Therms) Reduce tank temperature 100 - 200 4–8 Exterior insulation blanket 150 - 450 4 – 16 Water-saving shower head 200 - 400 8 – 14 Heat traps 100 - 250 4 – 10 Retrofit Source: Home Energy Magazine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and others. ________________________________ Source: UGI ________________________________ Buying a new water heater If the water heater leaks, it should be replaced immediately. There are three types of efficiencies used to rate new water heating systems: • The energy factor, or EF • The recovery efficiency • Overall system efficiency Energy Factor: When buying a new water heater, choose one with an Energy Factor (EF) of at least .90. The Energy Factor assumes that residents use 64 gallons per day and accounts for energy losses during the water heating process and through the tank. Water Heaters 5 The numerical value of the EF describes the fraction of the water heater’s energy input that actually remains in the water leaving the storage tank. In 2004, the current required minimum EF is .90 for electric water heaters. Recovery efficiency accounts for just the losses during the water heating process. Overall system efficiency includes all the losses and measures the efficiency of the water heater and its distribution system in providing heated water to points of use. Water heaters are not Energy Star rated but Energy Guide labels are posted. The EF is on the water heater label. ________________________________ Gama Water Heater Sizing Tool Peak Hourly Hot Water Demand Avg. Gallons Times Used Gal. Used Hot Water in Hour in Hour Per Usage _______________________________________________________________________ Showering 20 x _________ = _________ Bathing 20 x _________ = _________ Shaving 2 x _________ = _________ Washing hands and face 2 x _________ = _________ Shampooing hair 4 x _________ = _________ Hand dishwashing 4 x _________ = _________ Automatic dishwashing 12 x _________ = _________ Preparing food 5 x _________ = _________ Automatic clothes washing 32 x _________ = _________ For example, if your family’s expected greatest hot water use is in the morning, the total might be: 3 showers 1 shave Hand-wash dishes 20 2 4 x x x 3 1 1 = = = 60 gallons/hr. 2 gallons/hr. 4 gallons/hr. Peak hour demand = 66 gallons/hr. _____________________________________________________________________ Source: Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association and ACEEE estimates. _____________________________________________________________________ Source: D&R International, Ltd. 2003. Incorporating Water Heater Replacement into the Weatherization Assistance Program: Information Tool Kit. Water Heaters 6 Water Heater Dating Chart Manufacturer Trade Names American ACE, American, American Hardware, America's Best, Apex, Aqua Temp, AquaTherm, Aquamatic, Best, Best Deluxe, Champion, Craftmaster, DeLimer, Deluxe, Eagle, The Earl's Energy Conservation Water Heater, The Earl's Energy Saver Plus, Envirotemp, Four Most, Hotmaster, Hotstream, KingKleen, King-Line, Master Plumber, Nationaline, Neptune, Penquin, Premier Plus, Premier Plus Self Cleaning Prestige, ProLine and ProLine Plus, Quaker, Quick-Flo, Raywall, Revere, Riveria, Sands, Sentinal, Servi-Star, Shamrock, Special Deluxe, Standard, Super Eagle, Super-Flo, Supreme, Sure-Fire, ThoroClean, Tru-Test, Tru Value, U.S. Supply, XCL Energy Saver Apollo Comfort Products Apollo Bradford-White Bradford White, JetGlas Crispaire E-tech GSW Water Heating John Wood, GSW, Moffat, Superflue, Medal Heat Transfer Products Heat Transfer Lochinvar Energy Saver, Golden Knight, Knight Marathon Marathon Maytag Maytag Rheem Aqua Therm, General Electric, Hotpoint, Professional, Rheem, Vanguard, Western Auto Where to Look How to Decode Example Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st 2 digits = year 2nd 2 digits= week 8906xxx = made in the 6th week of the year 1989 Serial # – 1st 2 letters 1st letter = year starting with A as 1984, 2nd letter = month with January (A) through December (M) JMxxx = made in the year 1992 (J) in the month of December (M) Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd number = year, 3rd & 4th number = month 8901xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month, 3rd & 4th digit = year 0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month, 3rd & 4th digit = year 0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January Water Heaters 7 Manufacturer Trade Names Where to Look How to Decode st nd Example Richmond Richmond Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1 & 2 digit = month, 3rd & 4th digit = year 0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January Ruud Professional, Ruud Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month, 3rd & 4th digit = year 0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January Sears Kenmore A.O. Smith Water Products National, A.O. Smith, Glascote, Perma-Glas Serial # – 2nd, 3rd, 4th characters 2nd position (letter) = month (A being January through M being December) 3rd & 4th position (numbers) = year AJ89xxx = made in October (J) of 1989 State Industries State Serial # – 1st 3 characters first letter = month (A being January through M, being December), 2nd and 3rd position (numbers) = year J89xxx = made in October of 1989 Summit Manufacturing Mortex Sun Therm U.S. Craftsmaster Water Heaters Ace, American Hardware, America's Best, Apex, Aqua Temp, Aqua Therm, Aquamatic, Best, Best Deluxe, Craftmaster, De-Limer, Deluxe, Eagle, The Earl's Energy Conservation Water Heater, The Earl's Energy Saver Plus, Envirotemp, Four Most, Hotmaster, Hotstream, King-Kleen, King-Line, Master Plumber, Nationaline, Neptune, Penquin, Prestige, Pro-Line, Pro-Line Plus, Quaker, Quick-Flo, Raywall, Revere, Riviera, Sands, Sentinal, Servistar, Shamrock, Special Deluxe, Standard, Supereagle, Super-Flo, Supreme, Sure-Fire, ThoroClean, True-Test, Tru Value, U.S. Craftmaster, U.S. Supply, XCL Energy Saver Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st 2 digits = year 2nd 2 digits= week 8924xxx = made in the 24th week of the year 1989 Vaugn Manufacturing Corp. Sepco, Hydrohot, D.W. Whitehead Source: D&R International, Ltd. 2003. Incorporating Water Heater Replacement into the Weatherization Assistance Program: Information Tool Kit. Water Heaters 8 You can make your water heater last far longer than what is typical today. All you need is some knowledge and some parts and we supply both. We have solutions to your water heater problems. Save money and have peace of mind. The principles are the same, whether for a 40gallon water heater in your house, a hundred such tanks in apartments, or commercial water heaters that service many units. Water heater maintenance is an idea whose time has come. • • • • • • • • • • • Solve a problem Anodes Sediment Not enough hot water Smelly water Choosing a new heater Servicing an old one Commercial heaters Products for long life Safety Fun stuff Choosing a water heater | Preventive maintenance | Common Issues | Troubleshooting | Products | The Tank Commercial water heaters | About us | Contact us | Privacy policy | Resources | Site map ©Copyright 1995-2005 by Randy Schuyler • La traducción español • La traduction française Source: http://www.waterheaterrescue.com/ Water Heaters 9 Here's What We Have For You! BOOKS Bricks Cool Stuff HeatingHelp Happenings Seminars at Your Leisure Super Deals! back to products The Water Heater Workbook, by Larry and Suzanne Weingarten Price: $20.00 each Sku #: 200 Quantity: 1 (Click the orange button to read 13 pages of this book.) I once visited my friends Larry and Suzanne Weingarten in their home in beautiful Monterey, California. Larry and Suzanne and I write articles for some of the same magazines, but their specialty is water heaters. Larry is also a collector of old books (and a rebuilder of antique water heaters!) so we had plenty to talk about that day. At one point, Larry went into his office and came out with a box filled with the small remnants of several dozen water heaters. He picked up and examined each part, and then explained to me exactly what had happened to that particular water heater and how the owner might have avoided the problem. He did this with the skill of a forensic pathologist and he had the sort of gleam in his eye that you only see in people who truly love what they do. This guy knows his stuff! He's into water heaters like I'm into steam and hydronics. He spends his days working on them and his nights researching them. It's a passion for him. Suzanne Weingarten is an educator who enjoys teaching about water heating. She and Larry co-authored The Water Heater Workbook - A HandsOn Guide to Water Heaters. This book is the very best I have ever found on water heating. It's packed with information and the illustrations are terrific, plus there's a great appendix listing sources of supply for materials, and water heater accessories. All in all, it's one of the most useful, hands-on books I've seen. Don't miss it! Dan Holohan Water Heaters 10 Update Bulletin No. 568 www.dulley.com T you for your interest in writing to me about high efficiency electric water heaters. On the following pages, I have listed the electric water heaters that I feel are the Jim Dulley best units to buy. Prices vary by size and design with the “neverleak,” all-plastic models being the most expensive. Select the models from my list that you are most interested in and then check on the installed prices with local plumbers. ing elements in all electric waters heater are 100% efficient. The differences in overall efficiency and cost to operate are basically dependent on the heat loss from the tank. The level of tank insulation is the primary factor affecting this. The standard “energy factor” (EF) is a comparison of overall operating costs. The EF (higher is better) should be listed on all electric water heaters. You can use the chart on page 4 to compare operating costs. When plumbers or salespeople talk to you about electric water heaters, keep in mind that, unlike gas water heaters, the heat- If you plan to stay in your Series12 house for ten years or more, by Maytag consider lifetime warranty plastic models hank Average Gallons of Hot Water per Usage Shower 20 x Times Used During One Hour ____________ Bath 20 x ____________ = ____________ Shaving 2 x ____________ = ____________ Hands & Face Washing 4 x ____________ = ____________ Hair Shampoo 4 x ____________ = ____________ Hand Dishwashing 4 x ____________ = ____________ Automatic Dishwasher 14 x ____________ = ____________ Food Preparation 5 x ____________ = ____________ Clothes Washer 32 x ____________ = ____________ Peak Hour Demand ____________ TOTAL = Gallons Used in One Hour ____________ To use this chart: Determine during what time of day (morning, noon, evening) the most hot water is usually used in your home, keeping in mind the number of people that live in your home. Using the table, determine what your maximum usage of hot water in one hour could be; this is your peak hour demand. The right size water heater for your needs will be within one to two gallons of your peak hour demand. NOTE: This table does not estimate total daily hot water usage. As an example, an average of 4 gallons of hot water is used each time dishes are washed by hand. On average dishes washed by hand are done three times a day. The average daily hot water usage for hand dishwashing, 12 gallons, is about the same as the average hot water usage for an automatic dishwasher, used once a day. Example: Your household uses the most hot water in the morning. In the busiest one hour period of the morning, the uses are: 3 showers/20x3=60, 1 shave/2x1=2, 1 shampoo/4x1=4, handwashing of dishes/4x1=4, Total Peak Hour Demand = 70 gallons. (Rheem/Ruud). Maytag offers an optional built-in setback clock thermostat that allows you to set up to four different periods and temperatures per day. A.O. Smith also offers an electronic efficiency/safety control with four settings (see page 2). For sizing your new water heater, use the worksheet below to determine the maximum amount of hot water Marathon you will need in one hour. by Rheem Then select a water heater from my recommended list that has a larger first hour rating. Marathon by Rheem/Ruud Worksheet to Estimate Peak Hour Domestic Hot Water Demand Use ©2001 James Dulley energy saving pipe wrap kit reduces heat loss temperature and pressure relief valve water tight grommets, keeps out moisture and condensation seamless molded nonmetallic inner tank upper element fused to protect tank against dry fire high-temperature fill (dip) tube polyethylene outer tank resists dents and scratches energy saving foam, made without CFC’s and HCFC’s low-watt stainless steel heating element fiberglassreinforced tank recessed drain valve Helpful Checklist for Electric Water Heater Problems If your water heater fails to work right, make the following easy checks. Often, you will find what's wrong yourself and you won't have to call and wait for service and hot water. If you do not find what's wrong when making the checks, call for service. Not enough or no hot water — Used more hot water than the water heater holds, or faster than the water heater can heat the water. • Hot water wasted through leaking or partially open faucet. • If the water heater is newly installed, check the installation steps to be sure it's installed correctly. • Make sure the electrical supply is turned on and that the cold water supply valve is fully open. • Check for a blown fuse or popped circuit breaker (circuit breakers weaken with age and may not handle the rated load). • During winter months, the colder supply water takes longer to heat. • The temperature limit switch may have opened the circuit if water temperature reached the maximum limit. • Temperature controls for the heating elements set too low. • Possible burned out element(s). Water too hot — Temperature controls for the heating elements set too high. • Temperature control thermostat not working. Water leaks — Always check for condensation first as the source of the leak. Wipe all wet sur- faces dry and check again. Also, the temperature and pressure relief valve may have opened to vent high pressure or temperature. Points to check on water heater for possible leaks are as follows — inlet and outlet water fittings, temperature and pressure relief valve connection or the valve itself, drain valve, or drain valve threads to tank, and gaskets around heating element(s). Note: Improperly installed heat traps could cause reduced or restricted water flow. Caution: TURN OFF ELECTRICAL POWER. Before repairing a leak, turn off the water supply and drain the tank. Update Bulletin No. 568 www.dulley.com page 2 Selected Efficient Electric Water Heaters Company Address Telephone No. Web Site A.O. Smith 600 E. John Carpenter Fwy. #200 Irving, TX 75038 (800) 527-1953 www.hotwater.com Model Conservationist 90 Gallon Capacity First Hour Rating Energy Factor 30 gallons 42 gallons .93 40 gallons 50 gallons .92 50 gallons 58 gallons .87 66 gallons 72 gallons .84 80 gallons 81 gallons .86 120 gallons 115 gallons .83 Tank Warranty Parts Warranty Insulation Type 10 years 10 years 2"- 2 1/2" foam Features - Four control setting options include normal, scald-resistent, energy saver, and vacation/cabin. On the normal setting the user selects the temperature. On scald-resistant mode the control automatically adjusts to a water temperature to prevent scalding. Heat cycles are monitored and automatically modified to provide the lowest water temperature to best suit the users water-use patterns during the energy saver mode. On vacation/cabin setting the temperature automatically adjusts to 50° F to prevent freezing. Glass lined tank fused to steel provides corrosion protection. Factory installed Thermotrap fittings inside the tank help reduce heat loss. American Water Heaters PO Box 1597 Johnson City, TN 37605 (800) 999-9515 www.americanwaterheater.com ProLine Plus 40 gallons 50 gallons .91 50 gallons 58 gallons .93 66 gallons 73 gallons .91 80 gallons 89 gallons .91 12 years 12 years 3" foam Features - Ceramic-lined tank, fused to the tank's interior surfaces provide a corrosion-resistant lining. T&P relief valve is located on the side of tank, also available with top T&P opening. Top-mounted anode rod for longer tank life. Brass drain valve. Built-in electric junction box on top of water heater. Combination thermostat and high limit control allows adjustment of water temperature while preventing overheat protection. Screw-in style, dual 4500 watt incoloy heating elements. Delimer dip tube carries cold water into tank to minimize temperature dilution of hot water and sediment and lime build-up. Bradford White 725 Talamore Dr. Amble, PA 19002 (800) 538-2020 www.bradfordwhite.com Optimizer 40 gallons 61 gallons .93 50 gallons 71 gallons .92 65 gallons 71 gallons .91 80 gallons 90 gallons .91 10 years 10 years 3" foam Features - Equipped with two factory installed heat traps. Factory installed nipple. Surface mount thermostat for automatic temperature control. Energy cut-off prevents heat override. Heavy gauge steel tank with Vitraglas® lining — protects against rust and corrosion. Hydrojet® delivery tube has a series of concentric jet ports that creates turbulent action inside the tank — the system cleans the tank of harmful deposits every time there's a call for hot water prolonging tank life. Protective magnesium anode rod anchored in the hot water outlet fitting. Solid brass drain valve. Screw-in style dual 4500 watt incoloy heating elements. T&P relief valve on top of tank. Top-mounted electrical junction box. GSW Water Heating Co. 601 Lake Avenue Racine, WI 53403 (888) 479-8324 www.gsw-wh.com Series 6 50 gallons 70 gallons .93 6 years 1 year 1" foam Features - Double coating of glass on the side seam for extra protection. Self-cleaning Turbulator® creates turbulance in the bottom of the tank to keep lime particles in suspension and allows them to be flushed out of the tank. Tanksaver® impedes corrosion by bridging the burn back area with stainless steel so that metal is no longer exposed — extends tank life. Brass drain valve. Dual low density stainless steel heating element. Automatic elements and controls. Special heat retention base. Double anode rod. Maytag PO Box 2481 Newport News, VA 23609 (800) 360-8807 www.maytag.com 40 gallons 50 gallons .92 50 gallons 61 gallons .93 50 gallons 60 gallons .91 80 gallons 86 gallons .91 Series 12 12 years 12 years 3" foam Features - The Jetforce™ cold water inlet tube creates turbulence to keep sediment from settling to the bottom of the tank. Factory-installed T&P relief valve. Steel tank with polymer lining. The lower element can be wired for 3800 or 5500 watts Hinged front panel for easy access to adjustable upper and lower thermostats. Drain valve cannot rust, covered to help prevent accidental damage. Special energy-saving fittings on cold inlet and hot outlet. Models available with programmable control module that lets you program the water heater to deliver hot water at the temperature you select during demand periods. Adjustable between 70° and 160° F allows for manual override during unexpected demand hours. Display panel shows hot water temperature at all times and displays "scald warning" when water is too hot. The control module can be installed next to the homes thermostat or another loaction away from the water heater. Reliance 500 Lindahl Pkwy Ashland City, TN 37015 (800) 807-7014 Sta-Kleen Lifetime 40 gallons 53 gallons .89 50 gallons 61 gallons .92 82 gallons 81 gallons .89 lifetime lifetime 2-1/2" foam Features - 40 and 50 gallon models come in tall, medium or lowboy, 82 gallon only in tall. Above first hour ratings are for tall models. Two heating elements have wattage of 3800 or 5500 and are individually contolled. Reliance Sta-Kleen models are self-cleaning to automatically reduce sediment and lime build-up. Steel tank with polymer lining. Update Bulletin No. 568 www.dulley.com page 3 Selected Efficient Electric Water Heaters Company Address Telephone No. Web Site Model Marathon Rheem/Rudd 2600 Gunter Park Dr. E. Montgomery, AL 36109 (800) 621-5622 www.rheem.com Standard - Rheem Pacemaker - Ruud Gallon Capacity First Hour Rating Energy Factor 40 gallons 52 gallons .94 50 gallons 61 gallons .94 85 gallons 91 gallons .92 105 gallons 104 gallons .91 30 gallons 45 gallons .90 40 gallons 56 gallons .91 50 gallons 61 gallons .92 65 gallons 71 gallons .91 80 gallons 88 gallons .90 Tank Warranty Parts Warranty Insulation Type lifetime 5 years 3" foam 10 years 6 years 2-1/2" foam Features - Marathon tank combines seamless plastic inner tank reinforced with a filament wound fiberglass outer tank. Will not rust or corrode. Will not leak. Outer jacket of polyethylene. Plastic tank elminates need for anode rod. Heat traps reduce conductive heat loss. Bowl-shaped bottom allows more complete sediment draining. Recessed brass drain valve. Pipe wrap energy kit is included to reduce heat loss from plumbing lines. The Standard and Pacemaker moedls are furnished with 4500 watt upper and lower heat elements. There are a limited number of special wiring options available. Models come with an automatic thermostat to keep water at desired temeperature. The electric junction box is located over the heat elements for easy installation. The isolated tank design of the Standard and Pacemaker models reduces conductive heat loss. Sears 3333 Beverly Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 (800) 549-4505 www.sears.com Power Miser 12 30 gallons 44 gallons .93 40 gallons 52 gallons .93 50 gallons 61 gallons .92 66 gallons 75 gallons .91 80 gallons 86 gallons .91 12 years 12 years 3" foam Features - Power Miser 12 has an indicator light that shows when the upper element is on, limited or no hot water available. Self-cleaning cold water inlet tube, with a 90-degree bend and half circle on the end creates a swirling action to minimize mineral build-up in tank. External temperature adjustment knob. Factory installed heat traps and T&P relief valve. The first hour ratings listed above are for 3800-watt elements. Optional 5500-watt elements provide about 4 to 5 more gallons. State Industries 500 Lindahl Pkwy. Ashland City, TN 37015 (800) 365-0024 www.stateind.com Select 30 gallons 45 gallons .89 40 gallons 52 gallons .88 50 gallons 62 gallons .90 66 gallons 76 gallons .84 80 gallons 87 gallons .83 6 years 6 years 2-1/2" foam Features - Patented self-cleaning dip tube features multiple jet ports that automatically create self-cleaning turbulence, particularly in the bottom of the tank. This reduces sediment build-up and prolongs tank life. Screw-in style 4500 watt heating elements — maximum output. Exterior adjustable control knob. Polymer composite lining is bonded to steel tank. Cold water inlet tubes (dip tube) made from Everlast Blue™ cross link polyethylene polymer that can withstand temperatures up to 400°F. All models have male inlet and outlet connections on the side. Energy-saving heat traps on inlet and outlet. Everlast Blue™ PEX T&P valve discharge pipe included with 3/4" threaded coupling, trims with utility knife. Screws easily into T&P valve, eliminates need for cutting copper, sweating connection. Nylon drain valve. Warranty extension kits available that allow purchaser to extend tank warranty. 10-year kits contain a secondary anode assembly and cold water nipple with Silencer heat traps. State offers tall, medium, lowboy and tabletop models. US Craftmaster (AWH) 1100 E. Fairview Ave. Johnson City, TN 37605 (800) 937-1037 10-Year Self-Cleaning 40 gallons 50 gallons .91 50 gallons 55 gallons .90 65 gallons 73 gallons .87 80 gallons 89 gallons .91 10 years 10 years 2" foam Features - Mineral particles receive a magnetic charge as they pass through the LimeFighter™ magnets. Once charged, the particles tend to stay suspended instead of settling into sediment. Ceramic-lined tank, fused to the tank's interior to provide a corrosion-resistant lining. Adjustable temperature controls. Screw-in style incoloy heating elements. Vaughn Mfg. Co. PO Box 5431 Salisbury, MA 01952 (800) 282-8446 (978) 462-6683 www.vaughncorp.com Hydrastone Plus Foam 30 gallons 40 gallons .92 40 gallons 54 gallons .91 50 gallons 61 gallons .92 60 gallons 68 gallons .89 70 gallons 76 gallons .88 80 gallons 82 gallons .90 10 years 10 years 2" foam Features - Heavy gauge steel with seamless one half inch thick hydrastone lining, prevents tank failure due to corrosion. Plastic outer jacket is rust free. Cold water inlet diffuser introduces cold water at bottom of tank, prevents turbulent mixing with heated water. Large 4-inch gasketed hand hole cleanout option, easy access to clean out mineral build-up available in 40 gallon and above. Heat trap placed within the foam insulation, prevents heat loss. Bronze fittings at all water openings eliminates corrosion, due to dissimilar metals. No dielectric unions or anode rod required. Low watt (4500-watt) density, copper flanged heating elements for reduced mineral build-up. Adjustable thermostats with built-in high temperature protection. Update Bulletin No. 568 www.dulley.com How an Electric Water Heater Works from Reliance 3 Estimated Annual Operating Costs (in $) for Electric Water Heaters Energy Factor Fuel Cost (¢ per kWh) page 4 When needed, hot water leaves the water heater through the hot water outlet and cold water enters through the cold water inlet. Most electric water heaters have one heating element extending into the tank. Two-element models have a second upper element. Each element is controlled by its own thermostat. When the lower thermostat senses water temperature dropping, it heats the water until the thermostat registers the desired temperature. The lower heating element handles most of the water heating load. The upper element operates only when water in the top of the tank cools, and needs a temperature boost. The drain valve at the bottom of the tank opens manually when needed for periodic maintenance. 2 1 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 .90 .92 .94 .96 .98 3.5¢ 192 187 183 179 175 171 167 163 160 157 4.0¢ 220 214 209 204 200 195 191 187 183 179 4.5¢ 247 241 235 230 225 220 215 210 206 202 5.0¢ 274 268 261 255 249 244 239 234 229 224 5.5¢ 302 295 288 281 274 268 263 257 252 246 6.0¢ 329 321 314 306 299 293 286 280 274 269 6.5¢ 357 348 340 332 324 317 310 304 297 291 7.0¢ 384 375 366 357 349 342 334 327 320 314 7.5¢ 412 402 392 383 374 366 358 350 343 336 8.0¢ 439 428 418 408 399 390 382 374 366 358 8.5¢ 467 455 444 434 424 415 406 397 389 381 Components and Construction 9.0¢ 494 482 470 460 449 439 430 420 412 403 9.5¢ 521 509 497 485 474 463 453 444 435 426 10.0¢ 549 535 523 511 499 488 477 467 457 448 10.5¢ 576 562 549 536 524 512 501 490 480 470 11.0¢ 604 589 575 562 549 537 525 514 503 493 11.5¢ 631 616 601 587 574 561 549 537 526 515 12.0¢ 659 643 627 613 599 585 573 561 549 538 12.5¢ 686 669 653 638 624 610 597 584 572 560 13.0¢ 714 696 680 664 649 634 620 607 595 582 1) Cold Water Inlet — Opening through which cold water enters. 2) Hot Water Outlet — Opening through which hot water leaves. 3) Heat Traps — Available as an option, prevents heat loss. 4) Safety Valve — If temperature or pressure exceeds safe levels, valve opens, allowing water to escape until heater can be serviced. 5) Upper Element & Thermostat — Element is surrounded by water, operates as needed to give water a quick boost. Upper thermostat preset at factory to hot setting to deliver 120°F water. 6) Drainpipe — Should be attached to safety valve to direct escaping water to floor drain. 7) Rust Protector Rod — Flakes of the anode rod break off, and are electrolytically drawn to and patch pinholes in the glass lining. 8) Energy-saving Insulation — Layer of polyurethane foam insulation around tank. Helps keep heat from radiating out. Keeps water hot longer and helps keep water heating costs lower. 9) Lower Heating Element & Thermostat — Element is surrounded by water and handles most of water heating load. Adjustable thermostat is preset to deliver 120°F water. 10) Cold Water Inlet Tube — Directs cold water to bottom of tank so thermostat can accurately sense dropping water temperature. How to Determine the Payback Period Determining the payback period will help you decide what model water heater is economically suited for you. The table above illustrates that the higher the energy factor, the lower the annual operating cost. However, a more efficient water heater generally has a higher purchase price. Therefore, there is a period of time before the savings of the lower operating cost, more efficient water heater make up for the increased price compared to a less efficient water heater; this is the payback period. It is only after the payback period that you obtain a net savings with the more efficient water heater. Accordingly, the shorter the payback period, the better. EXAMPLE: Assume you are intending to buy an electric water heater and your local electric cost is 8.0¢ per kWh. You are comparing two water heaters, Model A and Model B, which both have the same first hour rating. Price of Water Heater Energy Factor Est. Annual Cost/Operation Model A $300 0.84 $413 Model B $400 0.94 $370 Additional Cost of More Efficient Model B $400 - $300 = $100 Estimated Annual Savings in Operating Cost for Model B $418 - $374 = $44 Payback Period $100/$44 per year = 2.3 year Note: As fuel prices increase, the greater the savings obtained from a more efficient water heater and the shorter the payback period becomes. 5 8 4 6 7 10 9 Hydrojet System by Bradford White Bradford’s Hydrojet System delivery tube has a series of concentric jet ports that create turbulent action inside the tank. Prolonging tank life, the system clears the tank of harmful deposits every time there is a call for hot water. Water flowing into the tank encounters up to 30 flow altering jet ports. The upper jet ports direct the water flow outward to begin the mixing action. The lower jet ports direct the flow inward to increase the pressure and turbulence. The result is a highly agitated outflow that puts sediment into suspension by providing optimum turbulent action. Unlike a dip tube where water exits with a weak diffusing action, water exiting a Hydrojet System is in complete turbulence. The action dissolves solids such as lime and other materials. Whenever water is drawn, particles are prevented from settling to the bottom of the tank or on the interior surface sides. The Hydrojet is standard on most Bradford White top connect water heaters. The system was first introduced in 1993 and then the Hydrojet Part II for commercial use was introduced in 1997. For a free Topics List of 200 Update Bulletins (including a description of each), send a self-addressed stamped businesssize envelope to: Jim Dulley, List, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 or read on the Internet - www.dulley.com Water Heaters 15 Water Heaters 16 Refrigerators What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Refrigerators 1 Refrigerator History and Facts Newer refrigerators can account for 6% of a household’s energy use. If the refrigerator is older, it can account for 9% to 15% of the household’s energy use. Older refrigerators used an average of 1250 kWh/year and cost about $106 to operate for the year. Newer refrigerators use an average of 480 kWh/year and cost about $41 to operate for the year. The TYPICAL existing refrigerator that conservation and weatherization programs are testing is a 20 year old, 18 cubic foot top freezer model located in a kitchen, using 1383 kWh/yr. These units are typically using more electricity than what is indicated on their labels.* *From Michael Blasnik’s Measurement and Verification of Residential Refrigerator Energy Use, 2004 Source: John Krigger and Chris Dorsi 2004.. “Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings”. Saturn Resource Management, Inc. Helena, MT. Refrigerators 2 Here is a photo recently shown to a group of Energy Auditors: About one half said they would test this unit and about one half said they wouldn’t bother because it was so new. This is a photo of the name plate for that unit showing a manufacturing date of July, 1997. Note: Since the refrigerator is older than 5 years, it should be tested. Refrigerators 3 n/a Serial # - 2nd letter (pre 1989) Serial # - 7th digit (pre 1989) Serial # - last letter White, Westinghouse Tappan, O’Keefe & Merritt S = 59, 85 R = 58, 84 T = 60, 74, 86 C = 46, 67 K = 53 U = 61, V = 62, W = 63, X = 64, Y = 65, Z = 66, A = 67, B = 68 B = 45, 66 J = 52 A = 44, 65, 77, 89 H = 51, 81, 93 Source: http://www.waptac.org Hotpoint Exceptions: GE Decoder Chart: V = 61, 75, 87 D = 47, 68, 78, 90 L = 54, 70, 82, 94 Same as GE with some exceptions. See GE and Hotpoint exceptions chart below W = 62 E = 48, 69 M = 55, 71, 83 See chart below Hotpoint n/a X = 63 Y = 64 F = 49, 79, 91 N = 56, 72 Refrigerators 3a Z = 76, 88 G = 50, 80, 92 P = 57, 73 xGxxx = 1950 or 1980 xxxxxxD = 1953 or 1977 xx xxx-x8xx = 1968 or 78 or 88 Add “196, 197, or 198” to it A=1950 or 1974 (+14 yrs) B=1951 or 1975, etc. xLxxx = 1988 74 is the oldest year xx3xx = 1963 or 73 or 83 3xxBxx = 1973 or 1983 Hxxxx = 1966 or 1976 61 is the oldest ABCxxx = pre 1982 x2xxx = 1982 xx.6x2xxx = 1962 56xxxxx = 1965 Example A,V,W=78, B=79, C=80 etc. pre-1978, R=74, U=77 etc. Add “196, 197, or 198” to it Serial # - 2nd letter Serials without letters n/a Add “196, 197, or 198” to the 1st digit. The letter in the 4th space is a month code used only on older models. BLACKHORSE B=1, L=2 No need as 1st two digits Add “198 ” to it Combine the digits Reverse the digits How to decode General Electric (GE) Admiral, Crosley, Norge, Magic Chef, Jenn Air n/a Serial # - 3rd digit (pre 1989) Gibson, Kelvinator Serials with no letter in the 4th space Serial # - 1st & 4th digit (pre 1989) Frigidaire n/a Serials with letters Serial # - 1st digit (pre 1986) Model # - 1st 3 letters (pre 1982) Serial # - 2nd digit (post 1982) n/a n/a Serial # - 1st two digits Model # - 1st & 3rd digits after (.) What to avoid What to look for Amana Whirlpool Sears, Kenmore, Coldspot Montgomery Wards, Signature (2000) Brand(s) Refrigerators are listed by brand name, followed by the coding system. If several manufacturers used the same system, they are listed together. Some rules of thumb for easy identification are: (1) Refrigerators that are any color of green, brown, yellow, pink, or blue (actually KitchenAid makes a new unit in cobalt blue); have mechanical handles; have doors held shut with magnetic strips; have rounded shoulders; have a chromed handle; or have exposed “house door” type hinges are at least 10 years old, and (2) the following brands have only been manufactured since around 1984 - Roper, Estate, KitchenAid, Caloric, Modern Maid, and Maytag. REFRIGERATOR DATING CHART Tips for Accurate and Safe Refrigerator Testing 1. Follow the metering instructions that come with your kWh meter. For example, when using a Brultech kWh meter, be sure the sticker color on the back of the Monitor matches the sticker color on the back of the 12V AC Adaptor. Be sure the current clip cable is not cut and the wire loop insulation is in good shape. 2. Test units with manufacturing dates of 5 years old or older. The manufacturing date can be on the unit label or name plate, sometimes hidden in the serial number. 3. For refrigerators in kitchens, one hour tests are OK but two hour tests are better. For refrigerators in basements, garages and other semi-conditioned spaces, one hour tests are OK. If you can’t test, you can multiply the appliance energy label wattage rating by 111% to get an estimate of current use. Or, use the AHAM manual for DOE test results. 4. The “safe and efficient zone” for the fresh food compartment of a refrigerator temperature is between 36 degrees and 40 degrees. The freezer should be between 0 and 5 degrees. These settings are safe for food and are the most energy efficient settings. 5. The difference in temperature between ambient air and the inside of the refrigerator is strongly correlated with energy use, averaging 2.5 percent per degree F. Therefore, a refrigerator cooling to 35 degrees in a 75 degree kitchen uses 31% more electricity than a refrigerator cooling to 40 degrees in a 68 degree kitchen. 6. If the refrigerator is not running, the kW reading on the Brultech kWh meter should be 0. If the refrigerator is not running and the kW reading is between 0.010 and 0.040 (meaning 10 to 40 Watts), the refrigerator has an anti-sweat heater to prevent moisture condensing on the rubber gasket to avoid mold. 7. If the door is open, the light is on and the refrigerator is not running, the kW reading is between 0.010 and 0.040 (meaning 10 to 40 Watts). If the kW reading doesn’t increase when you open the door and the light is on, then the light switch is broken and the light stays on when the door is closed. This heats up the inside of the refrigerator and causes the refrigerator to run just about all the time. 8. When the refrigerator kicks on, the kW reading will start high and slowly drop to its normal running value. The usual range for a refrigerator is .100 kW to .400 kW (100 to 400 Watts). Newer refrigerators draw about 150 Watts. 9. Watch the meter for defrost periods. If the wattage jumps to around 400, a defrost cycle is happening. Your metering results will not be accurate unless you leave the meter on for about a day. 10. If you unplug the refrigerator or freezer when the compressor is running, wait Refrigerators 4 about 8 minutes before plugging it back in to avoid ruining the safety switch for the compressor. 11. Unplug the refrigerator if you are going to clean coils. Moving the controls to “off” stops the cooling, but does not shut off power to the refrigerator. It is generally only necessary to clean the coils once a year, but follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Cleaning coils more often generally does not increase the efficiency. 12. When taking the temperature of a refrigerator, place the thermometer in the center of the fresh food compartment and the center of the freezer compartment. 13. Once you have the kWh/hr reading at one hour, you can figure cost to run the unit for the year. Follow this procedure: ____ kWh/hr (your reading from the Brultech at one hour) x 8760 hrs/yr = ____ kWh/yr ____ kWh/yr x .085 cents per kWh = cost to operate the unit for one year Refrigerators 5 HOW TO FIGURE KWH USE WHEN THE MONITOR WAS ON THE REFRIGERATOR FOR MORE THAN ONE HOUR In order to be sure the refrigerator KWH monitoring is fairly accurate, the kWh monitor must be hooked up to the refrigerator for a minimum of one hour. If it is exactly on for one hour, it is easy to figure eligibility. However, unless the person monitoring the refrigerator uses a timer to indicate when one hour has passed, it is likely that the KWH monitor will be hooked up for longer than one hour. Therefore, the following monitoring math is being provided to help you factor your monitor reading back to one hour. Minutes the monitor has been hooked up = Decimal Hours 60 kWh total (from the monitor) = kWh per hour (the test result to compare to the Decimal Hours replacement guidelines) To make this even easier use the chart below: Time Monitor was Hooked Up Multiply this # times (Minutes) the total kWh’s 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 (2 hours) 125 130 135 140 145 .9231 .8571 .80 .7502 .71 .6667 .6316 .60 .5714 .5455 .5217 .50 .48 .4615 .4444 .4286 .4138 Another method of figuring out if the refrigerator is eligible for replacement is to figure out how much energy the old refrigerator uses per minute and then multiply this number by 60 minutes to figure out the KWH use per hour. This is the formula for this method: Total kWh used during the monitoring time Time the monitor was hooked up in minutes = kWh used per min. KWH used per minute X 60 minutes = Total KWH used per hour (the test result to compare to the replacement guidelines) Refrigerators 6 Refrigerators 7 0.922 0.934 0.94 0.969 0.993 0.952 1.03 1.033 1.039 1.064 1.091 1.113 1.062 1.12 1.108 1.082 1.06 1.045 1.022 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00:00 Source: John Proctor, HE May/June 2000 5 deg F hotter than average average 5 deg F cooler than average Source: New Jersey Comfort Partners Program. 0.975 0.952 0.929 0.912 0.897 0.882 0.89 Fraction 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 Hour Table A. Time of Sources: 2. Ambient air temperature immediately surrounding the refrigerator 1. Time of monitoring 8AM -12N 12N - 6PM 0.83 0.93 0.95 1.06 1.07 1.19 2. Ambient air temperature immediately surrounding the refrigerator: 5 degrees hotter than average or average or 5 degrees cooler than average 1. Time of monitoring: 8AM - 12 N or 12N - 6PM Source: Larry Kinney HE September/October 2000 Figure 1. Control settings have a very powerful effect on energy consumption that needs to be taken into account in refrigerator program execution and consumer education. Rational control settings can save lots of energy. 3. Measure--or estimate as well as possible--the annual ambient temperature immediately adjacent to the refrigerator. If the average ambient temperature during the period of measurement is substantially different from the average expected over a year, I use a correction factor of 2.5% per °F (see Figure 1). 2. Measure the consumption of the unit (or similar units) under a range of ambient temperatures, holding other variables as constant as possible. 1. Measure the ambient temperature during the period of the short-term test. Ambient temperature strongly affects monitoring results, and even relatively long-term tests of less duration than a year cannot account for this factor completely. To correct for temperature, the best strategy is to: Metered usage factors Refrigerator Monitoring Field Reference Factors Refrigerator Purchasing Tips 1. Compare the Energy Guide labels of different models when purchasing a new refrigerator or freezer. 2. Appliances with the Energy Star rating have better-than-average energy efficiency. Most use 10% to 20% less energy than non-Energy Star rated appliances. 3. The most efficient standard refrigerators use less than 500 kWh annually (this costs less than $43 a year at 8.5 cents/kWh). Units that use much less energy can be special ordered. 4. Be sure to measure the space available so the new one will fit. 5. An 18 cubic foot refrigerator means the entire space inside (the fresh food compartment and the freezer space combined) measures 18 cubic feet. Be sure to compare the cubic footage of the new fresh food compartment with the cubic footage of the old fresh food compartment so as to avoid surprises. Often, new refrigerators take space from the freezer to make more space in the fresh food compartment as compared to older units. 6. Manual defrost units cost less to use than automatic defrost units. 7. Side-by-side units often use more energy than units with the freezers on the top or bottom. 8. Through-the-door cold water dispensers and ice makers cause the energy use to increase 10% to 20%. 9. Operating two refrigerators uses far more energy than one larger unit. 10. Usually, the larger the unit the more energy is uses. However, sometimes, an 18 cubic foot model will use less than a 15 cubic foot model. Be sure to check the Energy Guide label. 11. Allow at least 1” space all around the new unit to help with air circulation. 12. Don’t put a new refrigerator or freezer in a space that can drop below 50 degrees as the oil gets too cold and the refrigerant will not work properly. 13. Set the unit so the refrigerator cools to 36 – 40 degrees and the freezer cools to 0 – 5 degrees. Over cooling by 10 degrees can double the energy use. Refrigerators 8 Trade Section News Contact Us Home THAT "DIFFERENT" SOUND IN YOUR KITCHEN If you bought a new refrigerator within the past few years, you've probably noticed that it sounds "different." Here's why. New refrigerators use only half as much electricity as older models. In fact, a new, 20.6 cubic foot refrigerator with top freezer uses no more electricity than a 75-watt light bulb. Most new refrigerators are significantly larger and have such added conveniences as automatic defrost systems, icemakers and perhaps even a "built in" look. These features can cause changes in the sounds commonly associated with refrigeration operation, including: A high-pitched whine -- from energy-efficient compressors that have smaller, higher speed motors; ©1996-2005 Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Suite 402 1111 19th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 (202)872-5955 (202)872-9354 (fax) Please read our disclaimer and privacy policy. A soft hum -- from the evaporator fan in the freezer and/or condenser fan under the refrigerator; Clicks -- from the automatic defrost timer's switching on and off, the thermostat's turning the refrigerator on and off, or the water valve's refilling the icemaker; Boiling or gurgling/trickling water -- from the refrigerant circulating in the sealed system or the trickling of defrost water into the drain pan when the refrigerator shuts off; or Running water and thuds -- from the filling of the ice cube tray and ice cubes' falling into the storage bin. To help reduce these new sounds, make sure the refrigerator is level and the defrost water collection pan is in position (usually reachable behind the bottom front "toe plate"). Put carpet or sound-absorbing ceiling tile on the wall behind the refrigerator, and allow enough space between the back of the refrigerator and the wall, unless the refrigerator is designed to be built in. Check your Use and Care book for the needed space. To reduce compressor run time, vacuum the compressor coils twice a year, more often if you have Refrigerators 9 pets; and keep your freezer at least three-fourths full, filling empty space with jugs of water. Some consumers report their refrigerators are "louder" than an identical model in a friend or relative's home. This may be due to the number of people in the house, as well as different furnishings and room arrangements. Carpeting, draperies, upholstered furniture and wall coverings help muffle refrigerator sounds, which are most noticeable in quiet surroundings. Consumers with hearing aids are especially sensitive to the sounds. Source: http://www.aham.org/experts/refsound.cfm Refrigerators 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the New Refrigerators 1. The freezer door pops open on my top mount refrigerator. 2. It is not unusual for the freezer door top pop open when the bottom door is closed. All two-door refrigerators are connected with channels that allow air to pass from the freezer to the refrigerator. The bottom door is designed to close on its own when left at a 45 degree angle. If it does not close on its own, the front legs need to be raised. The front legs are supposed to be higher than the back legs. My refrigerator never shuts off, it runs too much. Modern refrigerators are designed to run 80-90% of the time. This makes them more energy efficient because the most energy is used when the compressor first comes on. Make sure that both the freezer and the refrigerator are 3/4 full in order to maintain the proper temperature and run time. Air alone does not retain coldness, so an empty food compartment will run longer to try to maintain the proper temperature. Source: Sears website (www.sears.com) and the GE website (www.geappliances.com) Refrigerators 11 Trade Section News Contact Us Home OPERATE REFRIGERATOR IN ROOM WARMER THAN 60° Food may not remain fresh in an automatic defrost refrigerator/freezer or freezer placed in a room cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerators and freezers with automatic defrost systems are sensitive to the temperature of the air surrounding them. As the air temperature rises, the refrigerator's compressor wastes energy by running more than necessary to maintain the storage temperature. When room air temperatures fall, the compressor may not run often enough to maintain a cold enough interior to store food safely. As room temperature becomes colder and falls below 38 degrees, the refrigerator's compressor may not run at all. The freezer compartment temperature will increase to match the room's air temperature, and the frozen food will thaw. ©1996-2005 Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Suite 402 1111 19th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 (202)872-5955 (202)872-9354 (fax) Please read our disclaimer and privacy policy. Unless specifically designed to operate in low surrounding temperatures, refrigerators and freezers should not be placed in unheated locations such as garages or porches, where air temperatures are likely to fall below 60 degrees. Check the manufacturer's Use and Care manual for the lowest surrounding temperatures in which your specific unit will provide safe storage of food. If you expect the temperature to fall below 60°F, empty the freezer section of the refrigerator to prevent the food from defrosting and spoiling. Consider emptying out the entire unit, turning it off, and, if you plan to be away for a long time, propping the door open.* Keeping the door open will prevent mold and odor. While manual defrost freezers can generally be operated in an unheated garage or porch without affecting the unit or frozen food, check your Use and Care manual to determine whether your unit requires special care. Source: http://www.aham.org/experts/oprefrig.cfm Refrigerators 12 Refrigerators 13 Refrigerator and Freezer Energy Use Size kWh per Month Operating Cost at $0.085 per kWh Top Freezer Models – Automatic Defrost 14 - 16 cu. ft. 17 - 18 cu. ft. 19 - 21 cu. ft. 110 118 120 $ 9.34 $ 10.02 $ 10.19 Top Freezer Models – Automatic Defrost / High Efficiency 14 - 16 cu. ft. 17 - 18 cu. ft. 19 - 21 cu. ft. 22 - 24 cu. ft. 43 46 48 51 $ 3.65 $ 3.91 $ 4.08 $ 4.33 Side-By-Side Models – Automatic Defrost 19 - 20 cu. ft. 21 - 22 cu. ft. 23 and up cu. ft. 125 140 150 $ 10.63 $ 11.90 $ 12.75 Side-By-Side Models – Automatic Defrost / High Efficiency 19 - 22 cu. ft. 23 and up cu. ft. 60 65 $ 5.10 $ 5.53 Chest Freezers – Manual Defrost / High Efficiency 15 - 20 cu. ft. 40 $ 3.34 Chest Freezers – Manual Defrost 15 - 20 cu. ft. 23 - 15 cu. ft. 60 70 $ 5.10 $ 5.95 Upright Freezers – Automatic Defrost 15 - 16 cu. ft. 12 - 21 cu. ft. 110 100 $ 9.35 $ 8.50 Upright Freezers – Manual Defrost 15 - 16 cu. ft. 18 - 21 cu. ft. 70 74 $ 5.95 $ 6.29 Upright Freezers – Manual Defrost / High Efficiency 15 – 20 cu. ft. 46 $ 3.91 Source: Modified from First Energy. “Making cents of electricity.” Refrigerators 14 Lighting What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Lighting 1 LIGHTING Since 7% of the total residential energy use is for lighting, or easily 15% of the average electric bill, it is an important energy savings opportunity. The savings primarily comes from replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact or subcompact fluorescent light bulbs. Fixtures can also be replaced with Energy Star fluorescent fixtures, such as halogen torchiere lamps. Compact fluorescent light bulbs typically use 1/4 to 1/3 the energy of an incandescent light bulb for the same amount of light. Incandescent bulbs are small heating units. 90% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb goes to create heat. A 60 Watt incandescent bulb easily heats to 230 degrees. In the summer, this added heat increases the air conditioning load. Halogen light bulbs have been known to heat to 700 degrees. These bulbs can cause fires if they are close to combustible materials like curtains. Compact fluorescent bulbs are much cooler. A 15 Watt CFL with the same lumens as a 60 Watt incandescent only heats to about 70 degrees. In the summer, this cooler lighting helps reduce the air conditioning load. People usually underestimate the number of light bulbs in their homes. A survey recently taken reported most families said they had 29 light bulbs when they had almost twice that many, or 58. Source: Alex Wilson, Jennifer Thorne, and John Morrill. 2003. “Consumer Guide to Home Energy th Savings.” 8 Ed. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. Washington, D.C. Lighting 2 Tips for Choosing the Right CFL 1. Effective May, 2005, all light bulb manufactures had to redesign their product labels to comply with a Federal Trade Commission rule. The labels must now include: The bulb’s rated lumens The bulb’s watts The bulb’s lifetime in hours 2. Pick a CFL that has the highest lumens for the lowest wattage. 3. Install CFL’s in fixtures that are used, on the average, 2 or more hours per day. If a light is used one hour a day in the summer but 3 hours a day in the winter, it should be considered for replacement. 4. Choose Energy Star listed bulbs with the highest lifetime hours as possible. For example, there are 8,760 hours in a year. If a 6,000 hour bulb is installed in a fixture that is used 24 hours a day, the bulb will burn out before one year has passed. An 8,000 hour bulb will last almost the entire year and a 10,000 bulb will last longer than the year. 5. Carry a variety of CFL bulbs, including: Mini’s or sub-compact bulbs that are the same length as an incandescent 3-ways Outdoors, including floods and porch light Dimmables Spot and reflector replacements, including light reflectors Mini based bulbs Candle shape with regular size bases and mini bases Replacements for 40, 60, 75 and 100 watt incandescent bulbs Lighting 3 Halogen torchiere replacements 6. In addition to a variety of bulbs, installers should carry: Tall lamp harps Socket extenders Harp base extenders 7. When reading a maximum Wattage label in a fixture, Wattage means Wattage, not lumens. For example, if the fixture label says “60 Watt Max.”, you can install a light bulb that uses 60 Watts or less. This means, you can install a CFL that uses up to 60 Watts. This would be a very bright bulb, but you could install a bulb with that Wattage. It does not mean that you have to install a 15 Watt CFL. You could install a 20 Watt CFL with higher lumens than the incandescent you are replacing if that would suit the customer better. Don’t get lumens and Wattage mixed up. 8. Be sure to read the CFL boxes to check that the CFL will work properly in the fixture. For example: Install dimmable CFL’s in fixtures controlled by dimmer switches. The fixture and the switch can be damaged if the CFL is not a dimmable CFL. Not all CFL’s work in fixtures that are controlled by photocells or motion detectors. Some CFL’s are made for outdoor applications. Some CFL’s are made for recessed or other down light fixtures. 9. Common reasons for customer dissatisfaction with CFL’s are: The light is not bright enough (higher lumens should be installed). The light bulb sticks out from the fixture (a smaller CFL with the same lumens should be installed). The bulb takes too long to get bright (many newer CFL models are very quick to warm up). The bulb looks weird (CFL’s are now available to look like most incandescents, including candle shaped, round globes for bathroom mirror lights, flood and reflector types). The bulb was installed without customer participation or buy-in (many customers need time to understand why the programs want to install the bulbs and how it will assist them). Too few were installed (install in fixtures used 2 or more hours a day on the average). Lighting 4 Holiday Lighting Lighting use is typically much higher in December when many people decorate for the holidays. Home Energy Magazine reported that December can have 27% more lighting than November. Holiday Light Energy Consumption Small clear or colored bulbs, indoor or outdoor, .4 Watts per bulb, 100 bulbs = 40 Watts Large 10W bulbs, outdoor, 50 bulbs = 500 Watts Icicle lights, outdoor, 150 bulbs at 1.9 Watts each = 285 Watts Inflatable, lighted Grinch, snowmen, Santa and so on, fan is 75 Watt and the bulb is 10 Watts or so = 85 Watts Window candles = 7 Watts each House spot light = 150 Watts each Rope lights use 3 Watts per foot LED holiday lights are available and are run by batteries. Outdoor timers can be used to turn holiday lighting off or on. Lighting 5 Home > Products > Lighting > CFLs Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs If every household in the U.S. replaced one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), it would prevent enough pollution to equal removing one million cars from the road. CFLs provide high-quality light, smart technology, and design, requiring less while lasting longer than typical incandescent bulbs. Earning the ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs use 66% less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing a 100-watt incandescent with a 32-watt CFL can save you at least $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb. ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs operate at less than 100F, they are also safer than typical halogen bulbs, which are frequently used in floor lamps or torchieres and burn at 1,000F. Due to their high heat output, halogens can cause burns and fires. CFLs are cool to the touch. Remember, saving energy prevents pollution. ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs provide the same amount of light (lumens) as standard incandescent bulbs, but have lower wattage ratings. This means they use less energy and cause less pollution. If you are unfamiliar with the best CFL wattage to use for your lighting needs, always refer to the lumen, or light output on the product packaging as your guide. For example, most 60-watt incandescents provide around 800 lumens, so look for ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs that provide 800 lumens or more. Use the table below to become familiar with the lumen or light output range for the most popular residential incandescent bulbs. A-shaped Incandescent Bulb (Watts) Typical Lumens (Measure of Light Output) 40 > 450 60 > 800 75 > 1,100 100 > 1,600 150 > 2,600 Lighting Buyers Guide Take the ENERGY STAR Quiz For Consumers Basic Product Search | Advanced Purchasing Tips Manufacturer List For Business Savings Calculator (160 KB, Excel) Purchasing & Procurement For Partners Key Product Criteria Product Specifications QPI Form Products in Development Partner Resources Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=cfls.pr_cfls&layout=print Lighting 6 Home > Products > Lighting > CFLs > Purchasing Tips Purchasing Tips 1. Place ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs in the fixtures you use most frequently. CFLs are most efficient when they operate for several hours at a time (2 hours or more). 2. Certain CFLs are designed to work in dimmable, 3-way fixtures, as well as torchieres. Check the package to be sure you are buying the correct bulb. 3. Use ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs in the fixtures that are hard to reach such as ceiling fans, other ceiling fixtures, and enclosed outdoor fixtures. Because CFLs last longer, you enjoy the convenience of buying and changing bulbs less frequently. 4. ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs come in a multitude of shapes and sizes. Select the best shape and size to fit your needs: o Bare, Mini-spirals, Spirals o Bare, Double, Triple, and Quadruple tubes o Circle-line o Covered A-line o Covered Globe o Covered Bullet or Torpedo 5. Smaller sizes mean greater compatibility with your fixtures. Today's ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs are designed to be smaller and thinner than earlier models, so you can install them in a wider variety of fixtures, such as wall sconces, ceiling-mounted fixtures, and ceiling fans. 6. Qualified CFLs are available in a range of color temperatures: o Warm, white light: Look for a color temperature of 2,700-3,000K. o Cooler, white light: Look for a color temperature of 4,500-6,000K. For information about recycling CFLs, contact your local household toxic waste disposal program. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=cfls.pr_tips_cfls&layout=print Lighting 7 Lighting 8 Lighting 9 Lighting 10 Clothes Dryers What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Clothes Dryers 1 Electric Clothes Dryers Unlike most other appliances, clothes dryers don’t vary much in the amount of energy used from model to model if they are installed correctly and are working correctly. That is why clothes dryers are not required to display EnergyGuide labels or are not listed in the Energy Star’s database. The cost of using a clothes dryer is determined by the operator. She/he can set the dryer on timed dry and possibly over dry the clothes, adding to the cost of drying clothes, or the operator can set the dryer to the moisture sensor setting (if there is one) and avoid over drying clothes, and therefore save money. Dryers used to be controlled simply by setting a timer. The operator guessed how long the load of clothes would take to dry and set the timer for a particular number of minutes such as 45, 60 or 75 minutes. If the clothes came out dry, the operator usually stuck to that number of minutes for each load. However, some types of clothing dry much more quickly than others. Over drying can reduce the life of clothes. A significant amount of energy can be saved by buying a model that senses dryness and automatically shuts off. Most of the better quality dryers today include this feature. The best new dryers have moisture sensors in the drum for sensing dryness, while most new dryers only infer dryness by sensing the temperature of the exhaust air. The lower cost thermostat-controlled models may over dry some types of clothes, but even these are much better than the timed-dry machines. Compared with timed drying, about 10% of the cost of drying a load can be saved by using a temperature-sensing control and about 15% can be saved by using a moisture-sensing control. Clothes Dryer Facts Most dryers work the same way – they tumble clothes through heated air to remove moisture. The electric fan distributes the heated air. Electric dryers use heating coils to supply the heat. Dryer elements use about 4,500 to 5,500 watts. The average life of a dryer is 18 years. One gallon of water per hour can be dried out of clothing in a dryer. A normal mixed load of clothing should take less than 60 minutes to dry in an electric dryer. This can use about 6 kWh. The dryer costs about 1 cent a minute to use. Clothes Dryers 2 If the load takes longer than 60 minutes, the dryer may need work, the washer is not spinning out enough water, or more likely, the dryer venting needs work. Here are ways to reduce drying time and therefore reduce drying costs: Locate the dryer in a heated space. Make sure the dryer is vented properly. Most clothes dryer warranties are void if the dryer venting material is longer than 6 feet or is vinyl. Clean out the outside dryer exhaust vent cover and replace if it does not close when the dryer is off. Clean the lint filter inside the dryer after every load to improve air circulation and reduce the chance of fire. Dry full loads but don’t overfill the dryer. Separate clothes into like weight and type – for example, don’t dry lightweight synthetics and bath towels together. Dry two or more loads in a row to take advantage of the dryer’s retained heat. Make sure the dryer has an adequate air supply. Dryer Venting Unvented dryers Some people do not vent their dryers. This can cause problems in three ways: 1. The dryer lint and moisture that should be vented to the outside can cause health problems for the people living in the home with the unvented dryer by irritating lungs from the lint and the mold that can grow on wet surfaces. 2. The moist air that should be vented to the outside will cause a dehumidifier near a dryer to run more and this will contribute to higher electric bills. 3. The dryer is continuously trying to dry clothes with moist air vented from the dryer. 4. Chemicals in softeners or dryer sheets contribute to indoor air pollution. Chlorine added to the air this way has been known to damage heat exchangers of furnaces near unvented dryers. 5. Vented dryers can use 227 to 455 fewer kWh annually than unvented dryers. Bottom Line: Dryers should be vented outside. Clothes Dryers 3 Vented dryers If the vented dryer is taking longer than 60 minutes to dry a load, it may have a faulty element, a faulty moisture sensor, or the timer is off. These items can usually be repaired in a dryer. However, what occurs more often in homes is that the dryer venting needs work. All national and local building codes require metal ducting for dryers. The International Mechanical Code stipulates the requirements for clothes dryer ducts. In brief, the maximum length of duct permitted is 25 feet. The maximum length should be reduced by 2.5 feet for each 45 degree bend, and reduced by 5 feet for each 90 degree bend. Dryer warranties usually require the dryer to be vented directly outside, with a straight, rigid metal vent of 6 feet maximum length. This requirement is often difficult to meet as dryers are seldom located within 6 feet of an outside wall or access to the outside in a basement. This works in some homes but often the shortest route from the dryer to the outside can easily exceed 12 feet and may even include two or more elbows. Flex duct, either vinyl or foil, is usually used by homeowners due to its ease of installation and low cost. This is not a good thing. Flexible hoses create air turbulence which is resistance to efficient air flow. Moisture collects on the pleats of the flex ducting material and lint can easily stick to the moist surfaces and build up. Flex duct can be pinched easily and air flow can be restricted totally. Every year in the U.S., about 13,000 fires are reported that start in or at a clothes dryer and lint buildup is usually the culprit. There are other potential problems with long dryer exhaust vent lines. The longer the venting material, the longer the dryer will probably have to work to get rid of the moist air. If the venting material is twisted or has elbows, the moist air is slowed down and the dryer fan must work longer to vent the moist air. This can result in longer drying time which results in higher electric bills. Rigid, straight metal duct material resists lint build up and must be used with the pieces of duct material being taped and clamped together. Screws can cause lint to catch on the inside of the venting material and cause a build up that can slow drying time and possibly contribute to fires. Weatherization Program contractors are encouraged to assess electric dryer use and drying time to determine if it is cost effective to address the customer’s dryer. Clothes Dryers 4 Clothes Dryer Venting Guidelines: For dryers not vented to the outside: If the dryer is electric, check to see if it is vented to the outside. If it is not vented to the outside, and if the customer does 5 or more dryer loads per week, and the drying time exceeds 60 minutes per load, consider venting the dryer to the outside following the venting guidelines below. If the dryer is electric and is not vented to the outside and it is determined that there are health and safety reasons to vent the dryer, the contractor may vent the dryer to the outside, being sure to indicate the reasons for venting. For dryers already vented to the outside: If the electric dryer is vented to the outside but the drying time exceeds 60 minutes per load and the customer does 5 or more dryer loads per week, check the venting material and the outside vent cover for lint blocks. Remove the blocks and/or replace the venting material using the material and guidelines below. If the dryer is being vented follow these guidelines: 1. Vent the dryer to the outside using the shortest and straightest route possible. This may mean that the dryer will have to be moved. Minimize 90 degree turns as sharp turns cause more back pressure and create resistance to air flow. Two 45 degree bends are more efficient than one 90 degree elbow. 2. Use rigid smooth metal for the venting material. Pieces of venting material must be held together with one of these methods: a. Butyl backed tape and clamps for locations at least 10 feet from the dryer. b. For locations within 10 feet of the dryer, use clamps alone because butyl backed tape has been known to melt when close to a dryer. Or, c. A snap lock punch, used by siding and duct installers may be used to punch a very few notches into the duct material to hold the sections together. This allows for the pieces of material to be put together and then rotated and locked together until someone wants to unlock the pieces for exhaust line cleaning. Use aluminum tape over the joints but not butyl backed tape. d. Other venting methods can be considered with approval. 3. Secure hanging duct work with straps. 4. The exterior vent covers should have a hood or dampers that keep out the weather and pests. The positive closure type that vents upwards and closes well is a good choice. Installing a larger vent hood is the equivalent of shortening the total duct run by about 6 feet. 5. Educate the customer about safe and efficient dryer use. Clothes Dryers 5 Venting Products In addition to the products mentioned earlier, there are specialty products available. These include: periscope vents for use when vent outlets overlap or are offset and provides 2 ½ inches of clearance between the back of the dryer and the wall; elongated 90 degree, close wall elbows that turns within 4 ½ inches of the wall; vent brushes for cleaning out dryer venting material; Dryerbox, which allows dryers to be installed against a wall. These websites are good sources for dryer information. www.dryerbox.com www.repairclinic.com www.howstuffworks.com www.eren.doe.gov www.cpsc.gov www.appliparts.com www.aham.org www.popularmechanics.com www.buildersbest.com Clothes Dryers 6 Computers, Monitors and Printers What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Computers, Monitors and Printers 1 Computers, Monitors and Printers In 1990, only 16% of U.S. households had personal computers. By 2001, 56% had them. Currently, more than 60% have personal computers. Low income consumers tend to have older equipment, which uses more electricity than newer equipment. Many weatherization contractors have heard customers ask them, “Is it better to leave my computer on all the time or turn it off when I am done using it?” This is a tricky question because of the word “better”. Computers and printers use energy when they are on. They do not use energy when they are off. When they are first turned on, they use more Watts as they “warm up”. Then, they reach a use level that stays fairly level. Equipment in sleep mode still uses some electricity so equipment should always be turned off when not being used for extended periods of time. Screen savers are not an energy efficient feature so monitors should be set to display the screen saver for a pre-determined period of time and then enter sleep mode or be turned off. Printer use ranges from 10 Watts in power down mode to up to 300 Watts when working. Computer use ranges from 15 Watts in the low-power mode to 200 Watts when working. Monitors from 8 Watts after 60 minutes of inactivity, 15 Watts after 30 minutes of inactivity to 20 Watts when working. Newer LCD monitors use less power than CRT monitors. Computers do not suffer from being turned on and off thousands of times. In fact, turning computers off when they’re not being used lowers the amount of dust buildup inside which helps them last longer. And, when they are off, they are not using electricity. Also, Energy Star labeled computers and printers generate less heat than non-Energy Star labeled equipment so work areas stay cooler and air conditioning loads are reduced. Educating customers about efficient computer and printer use can reduce electricity use and cost. Advise the customer to purchase an Energy Star qualified computer. When left inactive, an Energy Star qualified computer enters a low-power mode and uses up to 70% less electricity, in sleep mode, than a computer without the sleep mode control. In sleep mode, the computer uses 90% less electricity than when it is in full-power mode. An Energy Star qualified printer will also go to “sleep” and will use 60% less electricity than a non-Energy Star printer. So, the answer to the first question is: Turn the computer, monitor and printer off when it won’t be used for 4 hours or more, especially if the system is not Energy Star equipment. And, remember, ‘sleep’ is not the same as ‘off’. Computers, Monitors and Printers 2 Consumer Electronics What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Consumer Electronics 1 Consumer Electronics TV’s VCR’s, DVD’s and Sound Systems The size of a TV is not a good indicator of operating costs. The design of the TV (CRT, LCD, Plasma, Rear projection [CRT and LCD] ) is more important. Modern TV wattages range from about 100 to about 250. For example, a big screen (48”, 65”) TV typical wattage is 250. Energy Star qualified TV’s use about 25% less energy than standard units. A surround sound home theater system that uses 200 Watts will cost about 2 cents per hour to use. The Wattage rating on the packaging for a home theater system is the sum of the sound output from the speakers. A system that has six 100 Watts speakers will be listed as a 600 Watt system. But the main power supply specs may say that it actually draws 200 Watts to make the sound. A powered subwoofer speaker will use a little more. Consumer Electronics and Standby Power Many types of electronic equipment used in the home continuously use small amounts of power, even when they are turned off. Examples include TV’s, VCR’s, DVD’s, microwave ovens and many rechargeable products such as cell phone battery chargers, answering machine adaptors, cordless drill, flashlight, toothbrush and sweeper chargers. These all use electricity and are often plugged into a receptacle 24 hours a day. Individually, these devices don’t use much energy – somewhere between 1 Watt and 15 Watts when on standby. But together, they can amount to a significant amount of base load use. And, in the cases of devices that are on just in case they will be used, as in the example of a TV with a memory of stations and a faster start up, this energy is truly wasted. In fact, in the average home, 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is used while the products are turned off! This “standby” power use amounts to about 5% of electricity use in a typical home. There is governmental movement toward requiring equipment to have a standby energy use of 1 Watt or less. This may happen in 2007. Until then, buying Energy Star rated electronics can save as much as 50% of the standby energy these products use. Consumer Electronics 2 Energy and Consumer Bill Savings for the Top Ten Standby Power Consumers You can see from the chart above that the average appliance uses 5.2 Watts in standby mode. Once the new federal regulations take place, these same 10 appliances will only use an average of 1.3 Watts in standby mode. The average electric bill will be reduced by 30 kWh for each of these 10 appliances for a savings of an average of $2.40 each month for each of these appliances. Until these new standards are in place, one way to save this energy is to plug the device into a power strip that can be turned off on the power strip. For example, kitchens often have multiple clocks – a clock in the coffee maker, a clock in the microwave and a clock in the range. The coffee maker and microwave could be plugged into a power strip and the power strip can be turned on when someone wants to use the microwave or coffee maker. This way, the clock is only on when the appliance is being used. A microwave digital clock uses about 2 Watts of energy even when it is not being used! Or, unplug the device at the electrical receptacle. Consumer Electronics 3 Standby Power FAQ What is standby power? Standby power is the power consumed by an appliance during the lowest possible electricity consuming mode. Our Standby Power Definition page provides a more detailed definition. Why isn't it called leaking electricity anymore? The term "leaking electricity" was technically incorrect. We used it because no "proper" term had been agreed upon. After much discussion, however, industry, government, and research organizations all agreed that they could live with the term "standby power" instead. The term "leaking electricity" first appeared (as far as we know) in a paper presented by Eje Sandberg at a European conference in 1993. (Sandberg, Eje. 1993. "Electronic Home Equipment - Leaking Electricity." In The Energy Efficiency Challenge for Europe. Rungstedgard, Denmark: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.) For comparison, the literal translation of the Japanese term for standby power is "waiting appliance electricity", while the translation of the French is "electricity used while an appliance is sleeping at its post". Which appliances consume standby power and how much? Anything with an external power supply (wallpack), remote control, or clock display require standby electricity. Some of the most common products are TVs, VCRs, cable boxes, stereo systems, and telephone answering machines. Our Data page presents measured standby power use of these and other domestic appliances. In most countries, TVs and VCRs have the greatest total standby energy consumption. If you inspect your home and tally up the appliances, you may be surprised how many appliances use electricity all the time. And the appliances we focus on represent only a small fraction of those that exist. From remote control dog doors to automatic plant feeders, the opportunities for using standby power are nearly limitless. To get an idea of just how many appliances with standby power use are currently manufactured, check out some of the products featured at Smarthome.com. How do I measure standby power? To measure standby power accurately, you will need a suitable power meter. Unfortunately, few meters have sufficient resolution to measure standby power accurately. In addition, appropriate meters are not cheap. If you are still interested in buying a safe and accurate meter, try looking at a few of these vendors. For those of you that can't afford an expensive meter, here are two simple ways to measure standby power use in your home. Feel free to peruse our Measuring Standby Losses page for more information on how we measure standby power at LBL. Is standby power use necessary? Although appliances require some electricity for standby functions, most standby power is consumed by inefficient power supplies and unnecessarily energized components. This is mainly because appliance manufacturers have no reason to design their products with efficiency in mind -- after all, they don't pay Consumer Electronics 4 your electricity bill! Some important appliance functions that do require small amounts of electricity include: Maintaining signal reception capability (for remote control, telephone or network signal) Monitoring temperature or other conditions (such as in a refrigerator) Powering an internal clock Battery charging Continuous display From a hardware point of view, there are only two common contributors to standby power use: lowvoltage power supplies and DC circuitry (including sensors and displays). For more information about appliance components and their relationship to standby power use, see our Technologies to Reduce Standby Power Consumption page. How much power is used for standby in the US?...Worldwide? Nobody knows for sure, but here is a table of national standby power estimates for several countries. Current estimates indicate that standby power use in the U.S. accounts for about 5% of residential electricity use, implying that residential consumers in the U.S. spend over 4 billion dollars on standby power every year. In Japan, Germany and the Netherlands, standby power comprises 10 to 15 percent of total residential electricity use. Is standby growing or shrinking? In spite of highly successful voluntary programs directed mainly at TVs and VCRs, overall standby use is probably still growing. The number of new appliances with electronic controls continues to grow rapidly. Based on international trends, we expect electronic controls to be incorporated into many "white goods" -such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and air conditioners -- within the next ten years. Can standby power consumption be reduced? We estimate that a 75% reduction is possible in new equipment. The savings can be achieved through improvements in (1) hardware, such as power supplies, IC chips and I/O components, and (2) software, with the implementation of more efficient power management. In an effort to help manufacturers reduce standby power consumption in their products, we've compiled a list of technologies presently available on our design help page. We believe that nearly all domestic appliances can be designed to serve standby functions using no more than one quarter of what they presantly use. For additional information about the Standby Power project at LBNL, please contact: Alan Meier Berkeley Lab (LBNL), Building 90-2000 Berkeley, California 94720 USA Tel. +1 (510) 486-4740 Fax +1 (510) 486-4673 e-mail: AKMeier@LBL.gov Updated April 21, 1999 Source: http://standby.lbl.gov/faq.html Consumer Electronics 5 Consumer Electronics 6 Measured Appliance Standby Loads Source: J.P. Ross and Alan Meier. 2000. Whole-House Measurements of Standby Power Consumption. Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances, Naples (Italy), September 2000. Also published as LBNL-45967. Consumer Electronics 7 The Christian Science Monitor USA economy section from the October 28, 2004 edition Snazzier houses bring energy crisis home to middle class By Ron Scherer | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor NEW YORK – In Ossining, N.Y., a "For Sale" sign hangs on a seven-bedroom home with six fireplaces, an indoor pool with a waterfall, and a steam room. In Wayland, Mass., a 6,500-squarefoot home on the market features a master suite with two baths. And in Washington Township, N.J., a five-bedroom, seven-bath home includes a 150-gallon fish tank and a game room with its own hot tub. These examples may be extreme, but they're indicative of the "SUVing," as some people call it, of the American home. And they show one reason why utility bills, even before the first inflated one this winter, are going up. The old homestead - and not just the kind with seven baths - is increasingly filled with multiple refrigerators, plasma TV sets, and lap pools. The result is that this year's energy woes, more than ever, are hitting the American middle class and upper middle class as well as the poor. "I recently toured a $1.2 million home which had a $28,000 high-definition television that uses as much electricity as the furnace does," says Neal Elliott, industrial program director of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). Home heating-oil prices are 60 percent higher than a year ago. Propane, often used by rural and lower-income families, is 30 percent higher. Natural gas, currently about 11 percent higher than last year, is expected to rise in price once winter begins. In fact on Tuesday, natural-gas prices hit their highest prewinter level ever on the futures market. For the average family, these higher prices may be a wake-up call. In 2000, ACEEE estimated the average home budget for energy was about $6,000, split evenly between fueling the family car and heating the hearth. Now, that number is estimated to be between $8,000 and $9,000, Mr. Elliott says. "All of a sudden this is a big chunk, particularly for the lower-income and fixed-income households," he says. Moreover, it's not just mega-appliances that have raised energy consumption. The increased use of "plug-ins" is also making an impact. For example, a cellphone charger, if left plugged in, continues to consume a few watts of energy. The same is true for the microwave, VCR, stereo, and home computer. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham calls them "energy vampires" because they are constantly sucking a little bit of wattage out of the wall. "After a while they all add up to be as big a load factor as the refrigerator," says Elliott. Consumer Electronics 8 Energy expenses are rising even though many houses have better insulation and efficient "Energy Star" windows. New standards have also made appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners more efficient. This lowers the cost of heating on a per-square-foot basis. But at the same time, the nation's abodes, just like the size of the average car, are getting larger and more complicated. According to the National Association of Home Builders, the average new house was 2,230 square feet in 2003, compared with 1,500 square feet in 1970. And it's not unusual to see something much larger. Last year, the NAHB showcase home in Las Vegas was more than 5,000 square feet. This year's home in Orlando, Fla., is more than 8,000 square feet. "More and more people are seeing their home as their sanctuary, and they want every possible amenity," says Paul Lopez, director of media relations at NAHB. These amenities often involve water - especially hot water. For example, one of the hottest new fads is multiple-head shower systems. In an ad, plumbing company Grohe, whose headquarters are in Germany, writes that its Aquatower "Relaxa Plus Top 4" shower head has four spray patterns: "an effervescent champagne stream; a pulsator massage spray; a wide soft regular spray and wide hard regular spray." All that hot water, of course, is coming from the hot-water heater. According to the homeimprovement website "On the House With the Carey Brothers," each shower head could shoot three gallons of water per minute, which means four heads could drain a 40-gallon tank in less than 3-1/2 minutes. "For true luxury and long, hot steamy showers, plan on beefing up your hot water supply, too," say the brothers on their website. Unfortunately for most households, boosting the hot-water supply means using more energy. According to the National Oilheat Research Alliance, 40 percent of a home's heating oil is used for hot water. "People have multiple dishwashers, washing machines, Jacuzzis, his-and-her showers. We use a ton of hot water," says John Huber, president of the alliance. What's more, Americans are adding refrigerators so they don't have to travel far for a cold drink. "We're seeing that second, third, or fourth refrigerator in a home," says Elliott. "People want a small one upstairs, one in the basement, maybe one in the garage." Decorative natural-gas fireplaces retrofitted in a traditional chimney are also big energy consumers, says Mr. Huber. "When they are installed, a steel wedge is inserted by the damper to make sure they are never closed. So they are always sucking heat out of the room and right up the chimney." This winter's high cost of maintaining all these amenities may start to slow the trend. In 2001, both New York and California faced electricity crises. This prompted a return to conservation, says Elliott. The reduced demand helped lower natural-gas prices. "We know we can affect behavior if we commit to it," he says. "But so far we haven't seen any leadership on the state and national level saying we have to do something." Consumer Electronics 9 Other What does my energy bill pay for? * "Other" represents an array of household products, including stoves, ovens, microwaves, and small appliances. Individually, these products account for no more than about 2% of a household's energy bills. Source: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_pie&layout=print Other 1 Dehumidifiers The level of humidity in a room is often talked about in terms of Relative Humidity (RH). The RH of a room is the amount of water vapor present in the air compared to how much water vapor the air could hold at that same temperature. Relative humidity of a room should be somewhere between 30% and 60%. If RH is higher than 60%, bacteria and mold can grow and cause health problems. A dehumidifier is designed to bring room humidity level down to a comfortable and healthy level. Dehumidifiers use refrigeration coils, compressors and fans to remove moisture. The water vapor is removed from the air by refrigerating the air, thus forcing it to give up some of its water vapor. This drying process removes heat from the air. Then, the dehumidifier reheats the air making it somewhat like a space heater. Some dehumidifiers use more energy than others to operate. How to Use a Dehumidifier the Most Energy Efficient Way Possible Use the right size dehumidifier for the space. Dehumidifiers are sold by capacity, in pints, of water that they will need to remove. Using the incorrect size dehumidifier can cause the compressor to cycle on and off inefficiently. Use a dehumidifier with a humidistat. This control will turn the dehumidifier compressor off when the level of desired humidity is reached and back on when the humidity level rises. Be sure to set the humidistat at the proper RH so the dehumidifier does not work longer to reach a lower RH than necessary. Be sure to empty the bucket before it is full so the water does not spill on the floor and have to be dehumidified again. Consider draining the bucket by connecting a hose to a sump pump or drain. Keep sources of water away from the dehumidifier so it does not have to work as much. In other words, be sure the dryer is vented, plants are removed and water leaks are fixed. Close windows and doors to the space with the dehumidifier. It the outside is humid and the doors and windows are open, the dehumidifier will try to dehumidify the outdoors. Locate the dehumidifier away from walls and furniture so the air can move around it freely. If it has a top mounted air discharge, it can be located against a wall. Don’t use a dehumidifier with air conditioning. Both work to remove moisture but the air conditioner cools the air while the dehumidifier warms the air. Other 2 If the air temperature drops below 65 degrees, dehumidifier coils can frost up causing the dehumidifier to cycle on and off repeatedly and not reduce moisture level. Turn the dehumidifier off and allow it to defrost. Check moisture level with a humidity gauge (hygrometer) and determine if dehumidification is still necessary. Shopping for a new dehumidifier Buy an Energy Star dehumidifier with the necessary capacity and with a humidistat. Energy Star qualified dehumidifiers can save consumers about $20 a year as compared to a non Energy Star dehumidifier. These units have more efficient coils, compressors and fans. Be sure to buy the right sized unit for the space that needs dehumidification. See the chart below for sizing (in pints). Area (Sq. Feet) Condition without Dehumidification 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Moderately Damp (space feels damp and has musty odor only in humid weather) 10 14 18 22 26 Very Damp (space always feels damp and has musty odor. Damp spots show on walls and floor.) 12 17 22 27 32 Wet (space feels and smells wet. Walls or floor sweat, or seepage is present.) 14 20 26 32 38 Extremely Wet (laundry drying, wet floor, high load conditions.) 16 23 30 37 44 Source: Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM). Other 3 Other 4 Waterbed Heaters Most waterbed heaters use between 150 and 300 Watts. Soft sided waterbeds only require the lower Wattage heaters, while hard sided waterbeds require the higher Wattage heaters. Soft sided waterbeds account for about half of the waterbed sales these days, while hard sided waterbeds account for the other half. Waterbed History Waterbed sales began in the 1960’s and peaked in 1988. Sales have declined annually. In the mid 1990’s, 15% to 20% of U.S. households had at least one waterbed. Lower income families account for about 25% of waterbed sales because of the lower upfront cost. However, the waterbed heater adds to the monthly electric bill, making the long term cost of owning a waterbed higher than a regular bed. Waterbed heaters used to be available in one type only – a mercury-type, thermostatically controlled heater using up to 380 Watts. These older models kept the waterbed mattress within three degrees of the thermostat setting. Waterbed heaters have changed in the last 7 or 8 years. Now, solid state waterbed heaters are available, containing a circuit board that makes it much more accurate. They keep the waterbed temperature within 1/2 degree of the setting. This accuracy helps with efficiency because the sleeper is not tempted to turn the heat up and down. Waterbed Heater Energy Use Many variables affect waterbed energy consumption: the temperature in the room; the user’s comfort level; the size and type of the bed; the use mattress pads; and the user’s bed-making habits. For example, keeping the bed covered costs half of what it costs when the bed is uncovered. Most waterbed heaters use between 150 and 300 Watts. The average older waterbed heater uses 125 kWh per month which costs almost $11 a month. The average newer waterbed heater uses 80 kWh per month which costs almost $7 a month. Weatherization programs that have monitored savings due to replacing waterbeds with foam mattresses or installing foam mattress pads have found the following: 1,300 kWh annually ($111) was saved when the waterbed mattress was removed and replaced with a new foam mattress that fit into the waterbed frame. 800 kWh annually ($68) was saved when the existing waterbed was covered with a foam mattress pad. Replacing a waterbed with a foam mattress is a cost effective measure. Covering a waterbed with a mattress pad is a cost effective measure. The next two pages show pictures of waterbed heaters, controls and mattress covers. Other 5 Waterbed Heater for Hardside or Wood Frame Waterbeds Waterbed Heater certified to the standards of the Underwriter's Labratories for Waterbed Heaters #1445 18 Guage power cord 32-guage Nickle/Copper flexible curcuitry Larger Pad with 24-guage Thermal Fused Duraflex® Vinyl Standard Black Control Base Control Holds Temperature to + or - 2 1/2 Degrees of set point Lighted Dial 300 watts Dial marked from 70 to 100 degrees Pad is 13" X 35.5" Waterbed Heater Pad Internals: 300 Watt energy saver design Solid state for more precise temperature control 300 Watt energy sentry design Sources: http://www.abcwaterbed.com, http://www.e-waterbeds.com Other 6 Fitted Style Thermal Mattress Pad Thermal Mattress Pad with Anchor Bands Sources: http://www.abcwaterbed.com, http://www.e-waterbeds.com Other 7 Sump Pumps, Water Pumps, Well Pumps, Pool Pumps, Pressure Tanks Water pumping devices use electricity. They should use electricity intermittently – that is, when needed. Sump pumps should pump when there is water to remove from the house and well pumps should pump when water is being called for in the house. However, sometimes these pumps pump longer than they should because of a leak or other problem. Pump energy consumption varies based on pump size, household water use, pump operating pressure and the depth of the water table. Proper maintenance and service of the well, plumbing and pump saves both water and energy. Leaky faucets, showers and hoses can increase demand on a well pump by 2 to 3 gallons per minute. Weatherization contractors should interview customers about pump use. Most sump pumps can be seen or heard from the house and if they are running too often, the cause of the flooding should be stopped and/or the pump check valve may need to be replaced. Contractors should also check the customer’s electricity use records to see if there are signs of unexplained use. Maybe the well pump is running longer than it should. If you can hear a pump kick on and off in quick succession, a storage tank, or pressure tank, can be “water logged”, which means it contains too much water. If it contains too much water, the pressure sensor that controls the pump is over activated, causing the pump to work too long. Because the start up phase of the pumping cycle requires the most energy, well pump energy consumption greatly increases. The system is using a large quantity of electricity causing wear and tear on the pump motor, possibly overheating it and causing a hazard. To remedy the situation, the contractor will need to find the leaks in the system and repair them. Then, the tank will need to be partially drained and air pumped back into it. A plumber may need to be called. Also, pump sizing should not be ignored. Many ¾ horsepower pumps are installed in wells that require only a ½ horsepower pump. Proper sizing can save the customer about 100 kWh annually, or $8.50, as well as saving on the cost of the pump. Pool pumps energy consumption varies based on the volume and depth of the pool, the size of the pump and the length of time the pump operates. The easiest way to reduce pool pump energy consumption is to make sure the pump is sized correctly and runs no longer than necessary. Also, timers can be installed to control the pumping cycle. For each hour the pumping time is reduced, 150 kWh annually (almost $13) can be saved. Some pools only need to be filtered for about 3 hours a day. Other 8 Installing a timer on a pool pump will reduce energy use by about $1 a month for each hour a day that the pump is not running. If the customer used to run the pump for 12 hours a day and the timer allows the pump to run for only 3 hours a day, the bill will be reduced by about $9 a month. New energy efficient pumps can save 36% of the operating cost for pumping water as compared to older pumps. Source: John Krigger and Chris Dorsi 2004.. “Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings”. Saturn Resource Management, Inc. Helena, MT. Other 9 Other 10 Filter Cleaning and Replacement Electric and combustion furnace filters, heat pump filters, central air conditioning filters, and room air conditioner filters may be cleaned and/or replaced as part of weatherization programs. The reason this is an eligible measure is that dirty filters allow dirt to pass through them and the dirt make motors dirty which make them work harder which uses more electricity. The amount of energy saved by replacing a filter is difficult to determine and no known studies have been done to determine these savings. Clean heat pump filters are paramount to efficient operation of the heat pump. Filters should be checked. If the filter is dirty, a new, re-usable filter may be installed. The customer must be educated about regular filter care and cleaning. When the weatherization contractor checks the filter(s) in a heat pump or cooling system air handler, she/he can often see the inside evaporative coil. If the coil is dirty, it should be cleaned. The contractor may clean the coil or an HVAC contractor may be called in to do an entire system clean and tune. Heat pump and central air conditioning systems must be cleaned when the system can be turned on, so winter “clean and tunes” are not possible. Other 11