23% -13% 8%


23% -13% 8%
summer 2015
the in-house magazine of sofidel group
CO2 emissions
Sofidel reinforces its commitment
to the Climate Savers programme.
New objectives for 2015-2020.
Sofidel rafforza il suo impegno
come membro del programma
wwf Climate Savers pag 3
in this
The in-house magazine
of Sofidel Group
Lorenzo Azzi
Elena Freschi,
Anna Borrelli
Sofidel SpA
Via di Lucia, 23
55016 Porcari (Lu) ITA
Tel. +39 0583 2681
Sofidel reinforces its commitment to WWF’s Climate Savers programme
page 3
Sofidel and WWF’s Climate Savers programme:
the origins of cooperation and new objectives
page 4
Great expectations for the climate conference in Paris
page 6
“I’ll take care of you”, off to a good start!
page 8
New converting plant in Sweden commissioned page 9
Sofidel & Friends 2015: fourth edition of the annual meeting with our clients
page 10
Rotoloni Regina endless even in space
page 12
Sofidel’s humour again spot on target
page 14
Sofidel Benelux team again best sales team in Belgium
page 14
Nalys and Moltonel brands rewarded in Belgium
page 14
REGINA ALOE VERA wins German hearts
page 15
DELITISSUE rewarded by CARREFOUR in Poland page 15
Best buy award for Regina in Albania and Volare in Romania page 15
Nouvelle supports Woodland Trust
page 16
Regina blitz on roads in Britain and Ireland
page 16
Paper wins for hand hygiene
page 17
Paper tissue: situation of the Italian market
page 18
Focus on the European paper tissue market (CEPI area)
page 18
“ULISSE” lands in Sofidel
page 20
Turning fifty: ever true to its belief
page 21
Integrated report for 2014 and group portrait published
page 22
The paper production process in 10 easy stages
page 22
Corporate campaign for 2015
page 23
Sofidel Communication Materials
page 23
Happy birthday YouTube
page 24
Sofidel and the Giuseppe Lazzareschi Foundation
together to promote healthier eating habits
page 24
Soffass scores goal for charity
page 24
Early 2000: Sofidel grows in Italy
page 25
Proprietor: Sofidel SpA
Registered in Lucca
n. 925 in 6-4-2011
Follow us on:
Sofidel S.p.A.
summer 2015
Sofidel reinforces its
commitment to WWF’s
Climate Savers programme
Sofidel has renewed
and reinforced its
commitment as a member of WWF’s Climate
This is confirmation
and, indeed, the relaunch of the choice it
made in 2008 when,
as the first Italian
company and the first
company worldwide in
the paper tissue sector,
it decided to sign up to
the WWF programme
to reduce greenhouse
gases on a voluntary
basis. This looked like
a risky decision.
This was an important
choice for many reasons.
Not only did it make the
outside world more aware
of Sofidel’s commitment,
it also helped to reinforce
awareness of the group regarding the importance of
protecting environmental
resources and reducing
waste. It has also helped
Sofidel to better understand the times that we
are living in and what it
is and would like to be:
i.e., a responsible, innovative company. Between
2008 and 2012, we reduced absolute emissions
by 11.1% (186 Thousand
tonnes of co2 : more or
less the equivalent of
the amount of emissions
from 150,000 families of
4 in Italy in one year for
power consumption). At
the same time, thanks to
the new acquisitions in
Europe and America, we
have seen our production capacity go up by
over 45%. These results
clearly confirm something we really believe
in; i.e., that sustainability and economic growth
can go hand in hand. It
also proves that integrating sustainability into
the company’s processes
helps increase the awareness and skills required
to make the company
more competitive.
On this basis, as a member
of wwf’s Climate Savers
programme, Sofidel has
set itself new, challenging
goals. As the world is facing a scarcity of natural
resources and becoming
more sensitive to consumption waste and to its
environmental and social
impact, the aim is to implement processes that
require lower amounts
of natural resources and
products which, through
more efficiency and innovative performance, encourage more responsible
Luigi Lazzareschi ceo
summer 2015
Sofidel and wwf’s Clim
the origins of cooperation
Sofidel considers sustainability to be a strategic factor for innovation
and growth and that it is
destined to produce new
business opportunities in
the medium to long term.
The Group’s sustainability policy led it to focus
initially on environmental
sustainability. Its objectives include promoting
a more environmentally
friendly economy, awareness through, for example
and its own supply chain
and industrial sector. Because of its background,
international profile and
Sofidel saw WWF in 2007
as an authoritative partner.
Its relationship with the
WWF led it to believe that
FOR 2020
reaching reduction objectives are being set out. In
addition to cutting specific
emissions, indirect emissions and the use of renewSofidel is renewing its com- able energy are also being
mitment to WWF’s interna- targeted.
tional Climate Savers programme.
Direct emissions
Due in part to major Regarding the reduction of
changes that have taken direct emissions from the
place within the group from use of fossil fuels, the con2008 to 2012 (increase in sumption of electric energy
production capacity by over and other energy sources,
45%), further and more far Sofidel is committed to
2008 2012
Between 2008 and 2012, Sofidel has
been able to reduce absolute emissions by 11.1% (186 thousand tonnes
of CO2 : approximately the equivalent of what is emitted in Italy by
150,000 families of 4 in one year for
power consumption), investing over
25 million Euros.
to analysing only greenhouse gases generated from
its own business, Sofidel
has also identified ways
of reducing third party
emissions along its value
chain. By 2020, greenhouse gases from suppliers, packaging, transportation of raw materials
and the end product, will
be reduced by 13% compared to levels in 2010, per
Indirect Emissions
tonne of paper produced.
Far from limiting itself To achieve this goal, we
reducing emissions – per
tonne of paper produced by 23% compared to 2009,
which was chosen as the
reference year for the initiative. For comparison,
this corresponds to cutting
tonnes of CO2 , or emissions from a fleet of 10,000
trucks doing 10,000 km
annually for 10 years.
achievements so far
25million €
invested in 5 years
summer 2015
ate Savers programme:
and new objectives
are involving our main sup- such as the paper making
pliers and carefully ana- industry.
lysing emissions related
to materials and services AGENTS FOR
that will have to be either CHANGE
replaced or improved. To be responsible both for
the society and the environment, you have to create
By the end of 2020, 8% of networks of relationships
fuel consumed annually is and cooperation to share
expected to come from re- knowledge and experiences
newable sources, a signi- and to develop efficient
ficant part of which will be actions together. Therefrom companies in the high fore, Sofidel is committed
energy consumption sector, to promoting awareness
the Climate Savers programme was an initiative
that they could cooperate
on. It is a partnership that
has flourished also because
of their shared conviction
that commitment to sustainable development is
only possible through a
network of cooperation.
This is why in November
2008, Sofidel, the first
Italian company and first
company worldwide in the
paper tissue sector, decided to sign up to the Climate Savers programme.
Objectives set for the first
five years have been met
and today, Sofidel’s commitment is going from
strength to strength and
aiming at even more ambitious objectives.
and the Green Economy
both within its own supply chain and in its sector
(paper tissue production).
This means having to act
both at national and international level in cooperation with institutions and
associations involved in the
sector and continuing to
involve our own suppliers.
Over the next few years and
in cooperation with WWF,
Sofidel will champion climate and sustainability
initiatives in order to make
leaders and policy-makers
more aware of these issues.
It will also be continuing
its environmental awareness and educational programmes with employees,
clients and consumers.
new objectives in between
reduction in Direct emissions
Compared to 2009 for every tonne of
paper, i.e., approximately 900,000
tonnes of CO2 emissions or the amount
of emissions of a fleet of 10,000 trucks
covering 10,000 km annually for 10
reduction in inDirect
2015 2020
Compared to 2010 (emissions by
third parties, along its own value
chain) for every tonne of paper.
Of annual fuel consumption.
summer 2015
Great expectations for the clim
From 30 November to 11 December Paris will be hosting the twenty-first attendees will finally be able to secure a global binding agreement.
From 30 November to 11
December Paris will be
hosting COP 21, the Conference of Parties of the
UN framework Convention on climate change.
could prove to be a turning point because for the
first time in more than
twenty years of negotiations, it looks as though
a global agreement may
be secured (between both
industrialised and developing countries). The
binding agreement will
focus on fighting climate
change and strengthening the transition towards
a low CO2 emission economies and societies. To
achieve this, the agreement will have to focus
COP 21?
the environment and development held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.
Held annually, the first
conference took place in
Berlin in 1995.
This is why the one in of US President Barack
Paris is now called num- Obama, who had spoken
a lot about environmental
ber 21.
issues during his electoral
campaign, a lot was exHISTORY:
pected from COP 15, held
1995 – 2015
in Copenhagen in 2009.
The first COP was held However, it was a flop:
in Berlin in 1995. One the new global agreement
of the most notable ones to extend or replace the
was COP 3, held in Kyoto, Kyoto protocol, which was
Japan, in 1997. That con- due to expire in 2012,
ference coined the hom- did not materialise. Since
onymous protocol, i.e., the then, expectations from
first agreement binding these conferences, as
industrialised countries well as media interest,
to reduce their green- have dwindled. After the
house gas emissions.
conferences in Cancun,
Following the election Durban, Doha, Warsaw
COP 21 is the twenty-first
Conference of Parties, the
organ of the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC).
The negotiations brings
together the 196 countries involved in the Conference Convention on
and Lima, all eyes are on
Paris to deliver the goods.
This year’s edition is of
nature. On the one hand,
Europe is keen to set limits on emissions; on the
other hand, many large
countries, including the
United States, are refusing to commit to binding
agreements commitments
because they are deemed
to be an extra hurdle to
summer 2015
ate conference in paris
UN Conference on climate change. It is hoped that this time
on mitigation, i.e., on
efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and decrease
global warming to below
2°C. It will also have to
look at how to adapt societies to current changes
in the climate. One of the
main objectives will be to
raise 100 billion dollars
annually from public and
private funds to help de-
overcome, especially in
these years of recession.
China and India have
also, up till now, seen
any imposition of limits
on CO2 emissions as an
unjust burden on their development, an extra burden that Western countries during their years
of growth just after the
Second World War did not
have to worry about.
ment leaders confirmed
in their closing statement
that “urgent and concrete action is needed to
tackle climate change”.
They also committed to
maintaining the rise in
global temperature within
2 degrees compared to
preindustrial levels. The
objective also includes a
reduction of 40% to 70%
of emissions compared to
2010 by 2050.
G7 countries promised to
COMMITMENTS “do their part in bringTHAT BRING
ing about a global ecoA GLIMMER
nomy, which in the long
run does not consume too
At the last G7 meeting much carbon”.
held in mid-June (Canada,
France, Germany, Japan, ENVIRONMENTAL
Italy, United Kingdom ENCYCLICAL OF
and United States) in Ger- POPE FRANCIS
many, the seven govern- Another “sign” of the
a global commitment
against climate change
and in favour of sustainable development came
from the Encyclical of
Pope Francis, “Laudato
sì, on care for our common home”, presented at
the Vatican in mid-June.
This was a significant
document written by a religious leader but aimed
both at believers and
non-believers all over the
world, with quotes from
a diversity of cultures,
including the 19th century Muslim mystic, Ali
al-Khawwas and the Patriarch of Constantinople,
Bartholomew I. It is not
by chance that it was published just a few months
before the Conference in
veloping countries fight
climate change and promote fair and sustainable
Paris, as the Encyclical
calls for awareness and
full responsibility – environmental, human and
social – in rethinking
models of production and
consumption that are endangering the natural
balance of the planet and
contributing to inequality
and suffering.
summer 2015
The launch year of the educational programme
conducted in cooperation with WWF ended
successfully: over 1,000 teachers signed up
to the initiative, involving 52,000 students.
“We really enjoyed lessons
today!” That comment by
a class of pupils that participated in the programme
is indicative of the good
result obtained in the first
of this three-year initiative
called, “I’ll take care of
you”. According to WWF
Italy’s report, over 1000
teachers downloaded and
used digital material prepared in cooperation with
Sofidel. Over 52000 students tackled the project
on water, in which they had
to reflect on this environmental resource together
with their families. This
is undoubtedly a positive
result that has rewarded
Sofidel’s investment in environmental education for
the youth. At the end of the
year, 20 classes received
prizes for getting the best
scores in the online challenge. At the Buzzati School
in Milan, we met one of the
winning classes. Repres-
enting WWF was Maria
Antonietta Quadrelli, from
the Education office and
representing Sofidel was
Erika Franchini, Marketing
Assistant – Brand. The students were given WWF and
Regina branded gadgets
and a supply of toilet rolls
and tissues. A video documenting the day, which will
be out soon, will be used
for promoting the new year,
which is dedicated to climate.
from the
“This is an enjoyable
and involving way to reflect on our ecological
footprint! Thanks”.
“It is very interesting
and useful to reflect on
fundamentally important
issues together with the
students. Thanks”.
“We integrated the online lesson into our geography lesson on the
environment. It was
very useful”. The best
comment came from the
students who said: “We
really enjoyed lessons
Next year, all eyes on... Climate
Before the end of the academic year, schools were informed that the second
year of the programme would focus on the Climate. This is an inter-disciplinary subject that can lead to a multitude of educational tasks, especially as it
will be happening in a year in which world public opinion will be even more
aware about issues relating to climate change. Indeed, the twenty-first UN
Conference on Climate change (COP 21) will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015.
from the companies
summer 2015
in sweden commissioned
Two product lines of the Group’s most automated site will
help strengthen our position in Nordic countries with the
production of Private Label and Lycke products.
The new and innovative
converting plant of Swedish
Tissue became operational
on time. Works on the plant,
which started in January
2014, concluded, as expected, in June, when the first
deliveries were made, after
initial tests. This project
was particularly difficult
because it involved diverting
approximately 300 metres
of the Kisa River. This was
followed by the erection of
masonry structures, completion of plant works and the
assembly of two new Perini
machines; one for toilet rolls
(already operational) and
the other for kitchen rolls
(about to become operational). This was a splendid
performance by colleagues
and suppliers alike.
Constructed in partnership
with Elettric 80, the plant
features some very innovative ideas, especially regarding the automation of
the production process. By
adapting processes hitherto
used mainly in the food &
beverages sector, for the first
time in Sofidel, this plant
has an automatic system for
transferring rolls between
the paper mill and the converting plant and management of the end product has
also been completely automated: from the end of the
line to loading bays, via the
warehouse. By going down
this route, we have been able
to save approximately 40%
of space. Technicians are
now in the process of making
the entire system fully operational and meanwhile, 25
new resources have already
been recruited. Regarding
production, the plant will
make Private Label and
Lycke products to rein-
force our position in Nordic
markets, in particular,
Sweden, Denmark, Finland
and Norway.
summer 2015
annual meeting WITH OUR
Sofidel & Friends 2015,
our annual meeting with
clients, was held this year
on a farm in a quiet area
of the Dutch countryside,
not far from Amsterdam.
The low-key affair once
again gave our partners
the opportunity to get to
know the company better
and to have an overview
of our results, objects
and projects.
Apart from Edilio and
Nicolò Stefani representing the proprietor,
Working with clients and cons
added value throughout the pro
Sofidel CEO, Luigi Lazzareschi, has often reiterated that he wants Sofidel
to be a company that make
sustainability and innovation incentives for growth
and that he considers
the growing concern for
the environment and the
social consequences of
manufacturing not as limits but as opportunities.
In full agreement with
this strategic line, Mario
Matteucci brought these
concepts with him to Amsterdam as he outlined
– by reviving Sofidel’s
three fundamental growth
drivers (organisation, innovation and sustainability) – the meaning of the
Group’s work.
“For years, paper has
been considered a commodity”, said Matteucci.
People focused mainly on
production and quantity
GIOVANNI ALLEVI: the musician
that moves us with his “simple” notes
Why did we invite Giovanni Allevi? Because
this artist creates music
with linear melodic modules that rely on simplicity and reach out to his
audience. Indeed, his music has much in common
with our philosophy of
“Less is more”. His style
of cultured, emotional music has found favour more
with young audiences than
with the establishment.
Allevi defines his style as
“contemporary classical
music”; music that reflects
his own joyful and play-
ful personality. His is inspired by the musical minimalism of artists such as
Michael Nyman and Keith
summer 2015
: fourth edition of the
also present to welcome
guests were those in
charge of the various
sales channels and the
Chief Marketing & Sales
Matteucci, who gave the official welcome address.
This was followed by a
concert by the pianist
and composer, Giovanni
courage less and more
target consumption. We
aim to achieve this whilst
remaining a trustworthy
and authoritative partner,
one who can create relationships based on shared
values and objectives.
The Chief Marketing &
Sales Officer concluded
his speech by saying
that this has always been
part of our DNA, since
we were founded almost
50 years ago, indeed our
anniversary will be next
year in 2016. I thank you
all for being here this
evening and look forward
to welcoming you to next
year’s edition of Sofidel
& Friends and our fiftieth
umers to create
duction chain
and less so on quality and
the response to specific
needs. This is no longer
the case. The markets are
more complex and unpredictable.
Consumers and clients
are now on centre stage
and have more fragmented needs.
This is why Sofidel is
products and services;
identifying new growth
areas; proposing new,
additional features in
terms of convenience,
hygiene and practicality
throughout the value creation chain. As our CEO
said, the aim is to create
products that use fewer
natural resources and
which, thanks to their
high functional quality
and innovative features,
can respond to more specific needs and yet en-
summer 2015
Rotoloni regina endle
“Space Mission” is the title
of the Italian TV commercial of Rotoloni Regina. It
was created under the creative direction of Saatchi
& Saatchi and is a first
for Sofidel because for the
first time, a TV commercial was shown in Italy in
3D. The 45 second ad was
first screened in cinemas
at the launch of the Marvel
The commercial
All appears to be going well until one of the astronauts
opens a module in the orbiting station and realises that
there is a problem and so desperately contacts base for help.
At base, a team of engineers immediately designs and
About astronauts
The airing of the Rotoloni Regina ad came during the period
of the Futura mission, in which
the Italian astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti, along with
other astronauts, remained
in space for 199 days and 7
hours. Captain Cristoforetti accomplished a series of records: not only was she the
first Italian woman in space, she was the woman to
spend the longest time ever in space worldwide. During the Futura mission, intense research was carried
out, the results of which will become useful in the
fields of medicine, science and technology.
launches a rocket into space taking the astronauts a fundamental spare part.
That fundamental spare part is… Rotolone Regina!
As the astronaut reaches out to get it, a meteorite crashes
new site and
page for
In addition to its YouTube channel, Rotoloni Regina is
also present on the net with its Facebook page and its
new website, www.rotoloniregina.it.
The graphical outlay echoes the setting of its latest ad,
space. However, the site’s contents have maintained its
historical claim of “Never ending”: Rotoloni Regina
summer 2015
ss even in space
“Avengers: Age of Ultron”
film and was also broadcast on the Sky 3D chan-
nel. After its launch at the
cinema, 30” and 45’’ 2D
versions were then shown
into the futuristic contraption carrying the roll and sends it
flying into outer space.
At the point, the astronaut realises that he, too, has to venture into outer space to retrieve the roll…
never ends providing … surprises, advice,
information and entertainment. The cute
little aliens, “Rotonauts”, featured in one of
the ads animate Rotoloni’s online presence
and provide surfers with useful, interesting
on the main national and
satellite networks and on
the internet. The ad was
set in the Cassandra station orbiting the earth…
You can
view the ad onina
the Rotoloni R nel
summer 2015
sofidel’s humor
again spot on target
Sopalin wins “Grand Prix Stratégies de la Publicité 2015” in France.
Our Sopalin brand won the
prize for best advertising
strategy 2015 in France
in the family products
category, thanks to the
TV commercial, “Oh! My
Lord”. The “Grand Prix
Stratégies de la Publicité 2015” organised by
Stratégie, and important
information and marketing
journal, award Sopalin the
prize for its particularly ef-
fective use of television. In the return of the Sopalin after a 30-year absence.
“Oh! My Lord”, a woman is brand to TV commercials
“forced” to use all her imagination to make her husband get off the sofa and
wipe a coffee stain. With
the new catchphrase, “The
power is in your hands”,
ad jokes about the lack of
cooperation by men to do
housework. The commercial, conceived and created
by Leo Burnett, marked
Sofidel Benelux team again
best sales team in Belgium
For the second year running, Sofidel Benelux’s sales
team is voted “Best Sales
Team” in the paper category.
The acknowledgement was
made by the magazine,
“StoreCheck Trade”, during
the tenth edition of “Sales
Team Champion Awards”.
90 buyers from most of the use of Category Managemain retailers in Belgium ment and good knowledge of
rewarded suppliers that the product.
offered clients added value
in the various categories of In the photo from left to right:
product. There were 6 cri- Key Account Manager Benteria, including offering per- jamin Cretens, Key Account
Manager Greet Decoster,
sonalised, creative services, Sales Manager Jean-François
honouring agreements, good De L’Arbre.
Nalys and Moltonel brands
rewarded in Belgium
Nalys won the prize for “Best innovation of the year” in
the tissue category. Moltonel won “Best Humanitarian
Social Action”.
Our new brand, Nalys,
won the prize for “Best
innovation of the year” in
the tissue category, with
its product, Nalys Expert.
The award was given by
Gondola, the most important Belgian retail journal.
Moltonel also won a prestigious prize, thanks to its
cooperation with the NGO,
“SOS Village d’Enfants”.
The brand was given the
award for “Best Humanitarian Social Action” by
the trade journal, “DistriIn the photo Tanguy Herssens,
bution d’Aujourd’hui”.
Product Manager Sofidel Benelux Kitchen Towels
summer 2015
wins german hearths
Regina Aloe Vera, wins the “Product of the
year 2015” award in Germany.
The new
Aloe Vera
toilet roll
won the
of the year 2015” award in
Germany in the tissue category. The prestigious prize
was given by the journal,
“Lebensmittel Praxis”, who
awarded the gold prize to
the new toilet
roll, Regina
Aloe Vera, based on a survey of consumers, who were
asked to choose the best
products in 40 different cat-
egories. German consumers
said that the Regina roll was
“very practical and useful
for everyday use”.
delitissue rewarded
by Carrefour in Poland
Delitissue wins the “Self-assessment and
Sustainable Development” prize in Poland.
Delitissue was rewarded by
Carrefour Poland in a competition comparing Private
Label suppliers. 188 suppliers Carrefour participated
in the “Self-assessment and
Sustainable Development”
prize, only 8 of which received awards. Selecting the
winners and awarding the
prize, created by Carrefour
in cooperation with WWF
and ADEME (Environment
and Energy Management
Agency founded in 1991),
was spread over two stages.
In the first stage, each company was asked to perform
a self-assessment. The companies were assessed on
including human
working conditions, environment, loy- auditor, checked the results
alty schemes, and relation- and declared the winners.
ships with consumers and In the photo, from left, Presidlocal development. In the ent of Carrefour Poland, Guillaume de Colonges, and Counsecond stage, Carrefour it- try Sales Manager – No Brand,
self, assisted by an external Jacek Pasternak.
Best Buy Award
for regina in Albania
and volare
in Romania
In the photo, from left to right:
Tom Moons, Head of Partnerships at SOS Children’s Villages
Belgium, Caroline Delhaye, Marketing Manager Sofidel Benelux,
Aurélie Emond, Product Manager
Sofidel Benelux Toilet Tissue.
Important acknowledgements for the Regina
brand in Albania and the
Volare brand in Romania.
Both brands won first prize
in the “Best Buy Award”
competition, in the toilet
roll category. The prize is
awarded to products that
satisfy rigorous standards
and yet remain within a
reasonable price bracket.
summer 2015
nouvelle supports
Woodland Trust
Nouvelle has also started
a partnership with Woodland Trust, the organisation
committed to protecting and
restoring the countryside in
the United Kingdom, with
whom our Group has also
been working with for several years with the Nicky
brand. The partnership focuses on schools and aims to
educate children to become
more aware of nature by
involving them in planting
trees. Indeed,
Nouvelle toilet
rolls, consumers
will be helping
to sustain days
set aside for
the project in
some British schools. The
product’s packaging has
also been updated in support of the initiative and it
now bears the words, “Helping Children Grow”, advertising has been boosted on
the www.nouvellesoft.com
website and on social networks and the advertising
campaign, “From little
acorns… grow great oaks!”
has been created.
on social
Team from
involved in planting
new trees
Nouvelle Soft
Regina Blitz
on roads in
Great Britain and Ireland
Residents in Great Britain
and Ireland may unexpectedly see a yellow flash of
light go by on their roads.
It will be the symbol of Regina Blitz, which is being
featured on trucks on British and Irish roads. This is
a street marketing strategy
that the Sofidel Group has
introduced in support of
its Regina Blitz kitchen
towels, which are already
experiencing great success in these markets. The
product’s catchphrase, “A
clean home. Faster.” Also
featured on the trucks im-
mediately reminds you of
just how effective Blitz is,
as its maxi-format sheets
clean up everything so
brilliantly “in a flash”.
summer 2015
paper wins
for hands hygiene
Results from a new research by the University
of Westminster commissioned by ets.
Sofidel is evermore committed to
bringing comfort and hygiene to clients and consumers on a daily basis.
A new research by the University of
Westminster, commissioned by ETS
(European Tissue Symposium), reinforces the philosophy that disposable
paper towels are the most hygienic
way to dry your hands in public
places. Data from the research shows
that, despite the burgeoning switch to
electronic hand dryers, traditional,
disposable paper towels are much
more hygienic compared to other
methods because they disperse fewer
microbes into the air. The study, conducted by the microbiologist, Keith
Redway, analysed the probability of
airborne microbiological contamination when drying the hand-drying
process, especially when your hands
had not been washed correctly. The
research compared three different
ways of hand-drying. The results
of the research show that the most
notorious way to spread microbes
is by using air blade dryers, with
59.5 colonies of microbes dispersed.
This is followed by hot air hand-dryers, with 41.5 colonies. Drying your
hands with disposable paper towels,
on the other hand, only dispersed
2.2 colonies of microbes. Overall,
the research reinforces just how
useful our products are in people’s
everyday life.
Source: University of Westminster
The results of the research are summarised in this video:
tissue market
summer 2015
PAPER TISSUE: situation of
“In 2014 Italy confirmed
its position as 4th largest
paper and cardboard
manufacturer in Europe,
after Germany, Finland
and Sweden, with 45%
of exports. This production level equals figures
for 2013 with 8.6 million
tonnes and a turnover of
6.7 billion Euros”, stated
the President of Assocarta,
Paolo Culicchi, during the
Public Meeting held on 25
June in Rome. The results
even gave an overview of
the situation of the Italian
paper market in 2014. The
macro-sectors show varying trends. Paper used in
publishing (-1.1%) show
the effects of a drastic
reduction in advertising
investments on paper, as
companies switch to digital. Paper used for hygienic and health reasons, on the other hand,
remain stable (-0.8%),
which accounts for 20%
of European production
and packaging stands at
(+0.4%), including paper
and paperboard for corrugated cardboard. Results
relating to the production
of other types of paper and
paperboard remain positive (+5.9%). Following is
an extract of the report by
the President of Tissue Assocarta, Mario Matteucci,
relating to the micro-sector
of paper used for hygiene
and health purposes.
In 2014 Italy remained one
of the leaders of production in Europe, alongside
Germany. In this analysis
by ISTAT (Italy’s National
Institute of Statistics) by
2014, the figures again
show us that, compared
to the previous year, there
was a further drop of 0.8%
of overall production to
1,385,933 tonnes. […]
Turnover showed a reduction of 5.4% compared to
2013, which reflects the
reduction in consumption in 2014 compared to
2013. […] Data relating to
the export market remains
positive in the paper tissue
sector. Indeed, compared
to the 12.4% increase in
imports, equal to +8,000
tons (between 2012 and
2013, the increase was
12,700 tons) exports for
the same period showed
an increase of 5.5% or
+40,700 tons). […] Regarding effective consumption of the end product, the
macro-economic context
of the Italian market, also
in 2014, was marked by a
lack of trust and continued
contraction of the buying
power. Within this scenario, even the trend in the
overall tissue sector recorded a drop of 1.4% compared to the previous year
(source: Nielsen 2014),
i.e., slightly worse than
the previous year (-1.3%).
In detail, the market for
the four product segments
changed slightly compared
to 2013 and is now as follows: toilet roll 48.5%, kitchen towels 25.7%, paper
napkins 14.0% and tissues
Focus on european tissue
CEPI, Confederation of
European Paper Industries, has published a summary of the data relating
to the performance of the
European paper industry.
In 2014, the production
of paper and cardboard in
the area was 91.1 million
tonnes (-0.2% compared
to figures for 2013), thus
confirming the negative
trend in performance since
2010, with a reduction in
volumes of 4.2% compared
to that year and almost
11% compared to the 2007
record. There was a slight
rise in demand in the area
(apparent consumption*
+0.9%) which resulted in
an increase of 7.9% of the
limited volumes imported
and a fall of 2.5% of exports. Regarding the first
quarter of 2015, paper
and cardboard volumes
for all the member countries of the Confederation
were little over 22.9 million tonnes, -0.6% compared to the same quarter
in 2014. Country detail:
Germany -2%, Sweden
-3%, Spain -2.7%, United
Kingdom -4.1%, Italy
-0.7%, Finland +1.4%,
+7.2%. Analysis per sector highlights a new fall in
the quality of paper used
for publishing (-4.1%).
Paper used for all other
purposes, however, recor-
tissue market
summer 2015
the italian market
11.8%. In 2014 a common
feature of all the segments
was the constant growth
of Private Labels. For example, the two product
sectors that account for
over 80% of the market,
i.e., toilet rolls and kitchen
towels, attained levels of
approximately 39.7% and
46.6% respectively. This
growth process inevitably
continued to eat away from
branded products in 2014.
Once again, it must be raemembered and highlighted
that an increasing number
of consumers pay more attention to sustainability
issues. 70% of consumers
buy products from socially
responsible companies and
42% still shun products by
companies that are not socially responsible. Therefore, value also has to be
created with a social and
in mind that also reaches
that segment of the market, which is already mature and will continue to
pay even more attention
to such issues. Regarding
costs, after a somewhat
stable situation in the first
two quarters of 2014, the
second half of the year
recorded a depreciation
in the value of the Euro
against the US dollar. This
significantly affected the
cost of raw cellulose fibre
in that the value per tonne
of long cellulose fibre went
up in Euros by 12.7%
(against 3.2% in US $) and
by 23% (compared to 5.6%
in US $) for short cellulose
fibre. This situation put a
significant burden on procurement costs, especially
in a country like Italy that
imports almost its entire
supply of cellulose requirements. To this rise in the
costs of raw materials must
be added the higher cost
of energy resources, which
averaged over 30% compared to its European competitors. Italian companies
have to compete in Europe
with a disadvantage com-
pared to local competitors.
If we take into consideration on the one hand the
scenario of the above costs,
with a situation of both national and foreign markets
remaining more or less
stable or likely to reduce
in terms of pricing due to
the issue of demand and
supply in the various countries, (overcapacity, plant
use), it is clear that Italian
companies in the main,
but also foreign companies, really have to increase
the prices of finished
products to compensate for
the higher costs sustained.
This makes for yet another
difficult year in 2015.
(Source: Assocarta The Italian paper industry
in 2014)
market (cepi area)
ded a rise, especially in
paper used for packaging
(+2.4%). Paper production
for hygienic and sanitary
use were very close to figures for 2014 (-0.1%), with
Italy and Germany, leaders in Europe with similar
volumes, showing variations of -0.3%. There was
a rise in volumes for paper
and paperboard used in
packaging (+2.2%), due
mainly to the growth in paper and paperboard used
for corrugated cardboard
(+3.1%) and other specialities (+1.6%).
*production + import - export
(Source: CEPI - Annual Statistics 2014 and Production Statistics 1st quarter 2015).
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom.
corporate communication
summer 2015
ULISSE” lands in Sofidel
The programme by the Italian broadcaster, Rai (Italian state radio and TV)
has chosen Sofidel to “tell the story” of tissue paper.
The scientific programme,
“Ulisse – the pleasure of
discovery” conducted by
the palaeontologist, journalist and writer, Alberto
Angela, has chosen Sofidel
to “tell the story” of tissue
paper during the episode
dedicated to the world of
Some footage was recorded in Delicarta Cartiera
and Soffass Converting in
Porcari. The programme,
aired in May, attracted
over one million viewers,
a high number for a scientific programme. In the
episode, paper was looked
at from a historical and scientific point of view, starting from the first sheets of
paper made by the Chinese
using mulberry and bamboo to recent innovations
in the sector. The part of
the programme dedicated
to the production of tissue
paper started with Sofidel’s
TV commercial, “Emma”,
an ironic way to get people
to reflect on how indispensable disposable paper
is to our everyday hygiene
and comfort. For a company that is constantly
striving to provide consumers with products that
make their life better, Sofi-
del takes pride in being
chosen by an educational
scientific programme.
See the episode of the programme at this link
a bit of history
The first documented use of toilet paper dates as far back as the 6th century in China. However, several centuries were to pass before the Western world was to start using paper. It was all thanks to the invention of
a certain American, Joseph Gayetty (see photo on the side), who started
selling paper in the mid-18th century, claiming that his “Medical Paper”
had miraculous medical effects. However, in Europe, the toilet roll was
considered a luxury until late 19th century. Regarding the format, Gayetty
sold his product in rectangular sheets imbued with aloe, but the rolls as
we know them today, i.e., rolled around a cardboard core, were first sold in
1879 by the Scott Paper Company of Philadelphia.
corporate communication
summer 2015
Turning fifty:
ever true to its belief
In 2016 Sofidel will turn 50.
What does turning 50 mean to us?
It means looking back into
our history so that we can
better understand it and,
perhaps, put it into perspective; understanding its
various phases and contexts;
understanding – through
facts and results obtained
– who we really are. This is
probably the most intimate
part of the anniversary; the
company history. It’s a bit
like when you celebrate a
family event; it’s a chance
to get together, spend time
with each other, strengthen
ties and to feel part of a
group; to know where we’re
coming from and where we
are going. And then there
are the parties; one inhouse and one for stake-
holders, because sharing is
integral to our philosophy;
our DNA. Sofidel is always
in search of well-being,
dialogue and cooperation.
And then, as always, you
have to face the facts; to set
new objectives even on this
So this 50th anniversary know us more and better,
will be yet another oppor- even in a corporate contunity for others to get to text. Indeed, Sofidel is the
profound identity of who we
are. Even when we speak
about factories, production
processes, products, we all
think and act as members of
the same Group. We share
the same work philosophy
and values. More than ever,
our partners have to see
Sofidel as the gateway into
our world; a global brand
that we have to help them
develop a trusting and reliable relationship with.
Understand and make others understand our history
Create moments to share things
both within and outside the company
Promote Sofidel’s popularity and brand
corporate communication
summer 2015
Integrated Report for 2014 and
new Group Portrait published
for 2014 and the
Group’s portrait
are now available in Italian
and English. The
former is Sofidel’s
integrated report
and includes Key
Performance In-
dicators (KPI) relative to the
economic, social and environmental dimension of the
business and the economic/
financial prospects included
in its consolidated financial
statement. The Group portrait is a brief overview of
the company and provides
essential data to help readers understand the com-
pany and its philosophy.
Both document, which are
also available online in the
“Publications” section of
the website, www.sofidel.
it., are a precious source of
information for all those,
both within and outside the
Sofidel world, who want an
easy, up-to-date view of the
Apart from providing information about Sofidel,
the INTEGRATED REPORT for 2014 and the
Group Portrait have something else in common:
their cover. On their cover, many words have been
placed in such a way as to form the shape of a human head. The words chosen reflect
Sofidel’s choices and the guidelines of the Group. Less is more, sustainability, comfort,
hygiene, health and safety, brands, private label, transparency, dialogue, just to mention a
few. These are the words that “populate the mind” of those who work for and with Sofidel.
The paper production process
in 10 easy stages
From today, it will
be easier to teach
new recruits and
students visiting
Sofidel’s plants the
tissue production
2.70 m
2 to 4 plies
process. A leaflet
has been written
explaining the tissue production process in 10 stages,
from raw material
to end product.
The entire process, “converting” stages, is de- plants and pictures that help
divided into the scribed in a simple way and you understand each phase
“paper mill” and has photographs taken at our of the process.
- Paper Mill
- Paper Mill
The production
The production
After wrapping and labelling, the reels are stored in
this warehouse ready for subsequent processing.
As the PM produces one ply only, the task of this
machine is to bond 2 to 4 plies according to the customer’s requirements. The paper is also cut at the
centre to reduce the height of the reels to 2.70 m.
corporate communication
summer 2015
corporate CAMPaign in 2015
This year, the corporate campaign,
translated into all the languages used
within the Group and initially created
to provide in-house information, is
dedicated to the Broken Windows
The theory helps us to understand how in all areas,
to make a difference, it is
important to respect things
and people; that preventing degradation and promoting a collaborative and
accountability and setting a
good example are key allies.
The image chosen for the
campaign aptly describes
the contents of the theory.
Against the backdrop of a
sunset can be seen in the
foreground a large window.
Half of the panes of glass
are intact and the other half
are damaged. Focusing the
So many documents in one place
To facilitate access to
corporate information, a
space has been created on
the company’s intranet. It
is a public folder called
Materials. A link has been
placed on the desktop
of every PC or it can be
accessed via the path,
The box at the top contains
documents that are continually updated with new
and additional content.
eye on the broken panes of
glass, one feels a sense of
degradation and negligence.
However, the other part of
the window transmits positive emotions and a sense of
order. The campaign aims
to make us reflect on the
importance of our everyday
behaviour, the need to take
care of one’s own workspace
and to pay due attention to
small things and details, because it is true that “Respect
begins with us” and that
within every community, it is
the quality and commitment
of its members that make a
contents of the folder
Sofidel Communication Materials
•Broken Windows Theory •Presentations
•Code Of Ethics
•Sofidel & WWF Climate
•Company Profile
Savers Programme
•Corporate Advertising
•Sofidel & WWF
Mi curo di te
•Suppliers Guidelines
•Integrated Report
•Sustainability Charter
•Logos and Letterheads
Colleagues in charge
•Sustainability Decalogue
•Mission - Poster to be printed •Videos
(Upgraded as of 15 July 2015)
summer 2015
Happy birthday YOUTUBE
10 years of videos for one of the most visited social networks worldwide.
Who remembers the internet before YouTube was
born? The biggest video
container in the world has
just turned 10 a few months
ago. Launched in May 2005,
YouTube is the ultimate social network to watch and
share videos. In 2006 it became the property of Google
Inc., who bought it from its
three young founders for the
astronomical figure of 1.65
billion dollars. It is now the
most visited website in the
world, after the search engine, Google and Facebook.
YouTube gives you access
to videos on a lot of subjects
– music clips, tutorials, documentaries – you can even
create your very own channel that can be viewed by
millions of people. Traffic
statistics are impressive:
over 1 billion users, over 300
hours of video clips uploaded
every minute, site available
in 61 local languages, 75
countries involved (Source:
YouTube/Statistics). Users
can create playlists of their
favourite videos, subscribe
to channels to receive updates and upload original
material. YouTube is con-
tinuously being updated.
The latest novelty is the
possibility of creating and
uploading 360° video clips
that allow the viewer to
move around within the
clip and change their viewing angle by simply moving
their mouse or smartphone.
Its Live Streaming function
is currently being updated
to allow for live videos.
Sofidel is on YouTube!
Visit our channel at youtube.com/Sofidel
Sofidel and the Giuseppe
Lazzareschi Foundation together to
There are many ways to keep
fit. One way is maintaining
a healthy diet. People all
over the world are becoming
more and more concerned
about what they eat. Thanks
to an initiative by the Lazzareschi Foundation, Sofidel, who has always paid
attention to hygiene, has
decided to distribute a leaflet entitled, “Keeping fit at
the table.” Written by Nicola De Bortoli, a specialist
in Gastroenterology and researcher fellow at the University of Pisa, the publication aims to provide useful
information on nutrition,
with particular focus on
the Mediterranean diet and
sports. It will be available
in all languages used in
the Group and will become
part of Sofidel’s Workplace
Health Promotion (WHP)
project, which aims to promote healthy habits among
its workers.
soffass scores
goal for charity
A game and dinner to raise
money for Misericordia di
Montecarlo (Lucca). The
main players are employees of Soffass Converting in
cooperation with Sofidel’s
CRAL (Liguria Employees Club). It was a success
with over 300 participants
attending the dinner and Emi Stefani and its CEO, destined for buying medthe special presence of Luigi Lazzareschi.
ical supplies for ambuthe Group’s President, Approximately 3000 Euros lances was collected.
summer 2015
Early 2000: Sofidel
grows in Italy
In addition to the three significant Greenfield investments in Spain,
Britain and Germany, the new millennium saw the Group grow also
in Italy through acquisition of two plants in Lucca: the Fibrocellulosa
paper mill and the Imbalpaper plant.
The first few years of the
new millennium saw Sofidel export its work method,
through the creation of new
facilities. But this was not
the only area of growth. Indeed, in the same period,
the Group also acquired new
properties also in Italy. In
June 2000, the paper mill,
Fibrocellulosa, became part
of Sofidel. It is now known
as Delicarta Val Fegana. In
July 2003 Imbalpaper, today
Delicarta Valdottavo, also
joined the fold.
sector from the 90s. Indeed, it was a supplier
of ours. Owned at
the time by the
Florentine family,
Stenta, it was preparing to make
investments in order
to ensure continuity, quality
and work safety.
Sofidel seized
the opportun-
ity to become a member of
the company’s management
board and so in June, we
acquired a 51% stake in
the company. There followed a series of works and
in September 2001, Sofidel
took over 100% of the company.”
What was the atmosphere amongst staff
at the company and
what choices did Sofidel
“The prevailing atmosphere
was positive; its existing 30
employees came on board
immediately with the Sofidel team. This greatly facilitated the intense technical
and production improvements that were required,
as well as works relating to
safety and the environment.
This enabled us to achieve
certification in these areas.
These improvements also
made production more ef-
Let’s talk about Fibrocellulosa with Pierluigi Berti,
the then Legal Representative and Chairman of the
Board of Directors until
April 2014.
What were the reasons
behind the company’s
decision to buy the paper mill?
“The Group was looking to
expand also in Italy and
it needed to increase production capacity to supply
its Soffass and Delicarta
converting plants. Fibrocellulosa had already been
active in the tissue paper
summer 2015
ficient and reduced energy
How would you say
the paper mill is doing
“The company is planning
a new, more modern waste
water facility and a new
methane cogeneration plant
for producing its own power.
This will sit alongside the
existing, efficient water turbine plant”.
There was recently
flooding in that area in
October 2013. What do
you remember of the
“Half the area in front of the
rolls warehouse was washed
completely away by the
floods. Sofidel approached
the various boards to seek
authorisation to restore the
retaining walls but they
were refused. It is only
when we threatened to move
the company away from the
area that we obtained the
necessary planning permissions”.
Looking back at the 15
years that Sofidel has
been there, what is your
overall opinion about
the experience?
“The paper mill has attained the same technical
and performance levels of
the rest of the Group. In-
deed, I am proud to say
that over the years, production has all but doubled.
CO2 emissions are down
and we have obtained all
the necessary Health and
Safety certifications. I owe
it to everyone who has made
this possible, starting from
Piero Buchignani, the then
and current Corporate Tax
Controller; and Massimo Da
Valle, the current Building
Officer and all the technical
support staff”.
Events at the Imbalpaper
plant in Valdottavo went
somewhat differently. Companies change, production
requirements change and
Imbalpaper is a positive
example of such changes
within the Group. Let’s reconstruct this page in history with Massimo Tocchini,
now Sofidel Paper Mill Operations Manager – Italy.
How did the Imbalpaper
operation begin?
“The company belonged to
the Perini family and its proprietors, Pierluigi and Tommaso Perini, were already
known to Emi Stefani and
Luigi Lazzareschi. Imbalpaper started off as a paper mill and then changed
to an integrated plant –
our first in Italy. It was ex-
periencing a financial crisis
at the time and its proprietors were looking for a buyer.
Sofidel decided to seize this
opportunity for two reasons.
Firstly, the company specialised in making products
for the AFH market, mainly
for the export market and
we were weak in this market segment. Secondly, most
of the company’s machines
were relatively new and in
good condition”.
What was your main
role during the takeover
“At the time, I was involved
in Management Control together with Angelo Della
Maggiora, who is now Corporate Finance & IT Director. Luigi Lazzareschi
asked me to manage the
takeover of Imbalpaper, of
which I became General
Manager. I have an anecdote relating to this fact;
I contacted the company
before its acquisition, officiously as an intern in
charge of monitoring due
diligence (analysing information relative to a company subject to a takeover,
so as to determine it’s value
and verify its conditions).
Whereas, I was really there
to test the terrain and see
the company from within.
To be honest, however, the
strategy didn’t really work.
My cover didn’t really work
and most people just assumed that I wasn’t really
an intern”.
What was it like within
and outside the company?
“Those working for the
company loved it and really
got involved. On the outside, however, there were
problems. Valdottavo residents had started a petition
against the noise coming
from the paper mill and the
company had to take certain
measures so as to come to
an agreement with ARPAT
(the Regional Environmental Protection Agency
of Tuscany)”.
What production and
sales choices did the
company first make
after the takeover?
“The first decision was to
decommission two old converting machines that were
still producing products in
crepe paper; any leftover
stocks were sold off and this
line of products ceased. The
first real sales choice we
had to make was to dedicate
the AFH converting line to
exports, whilst production
for Italian clients was transferred to the Papernet plant
in Porcari (now Delicarta
Porcari Converting AFH)”.
Can you summarise the
events of the following
“At the end of 2003, the
Yankee cylinder on Machine
1 suffered a serious breakdown. The Yankee cylinder
was a write-off and so had to
be changed. This happened
at a time of over production
of paper in Italy. Therefore,
we decided not to replace
the part. Those who had
been working with the machine were very understanding and accepted to move
to Fibrocellulosa, in Bagni
di Lucca and Delicarta
Cartiera, in Porcari. Oddly
enough, Machine 1 was sold
and repaired and put into
service in… Lebanon and it
is still going strong in Egypt
today. Sometime later, we
had to sell a converting line,
which had become obsolete.
summer 2015
At this point, there was only
one paper machine and two
converting machines left.
Until, in 2009, for logistical reasons, we decided to
move one of the two converting machines to Delipapier
Buxeuil, France. In 2013,
when the last converting
machine was moved to Romania, Imbalpaper returned
to being simply a paper mill,
just as it had started off.
Today, the machine specialises in paper for extra soft
paper tissues aimed both at
branded and Private Labels
in Italy and abroad”.
Would you like to say
thank you to anyone you
have met in this chapter
of Sofidel’s history?
“First of all, I would like to
remember Carol Amadei,
who passed away prematurely. She was very attached to the company and
handled sales with dedication and competence. At
the takeover, Alessandro,
Gianluca and Marco Perini,
the children of the original
proprietors of the company,
were already working at the
plant. They still work today
for Sofidel as Converting
Manager, Corporate Business Planning Manager
and Shipping Office Assistant, respectively. I would
like to thank Alessandro,
in particular. He was the
first Plant Manager, a role
he already covered before
acquisition up until 2007,
when he was replaced by
the current Plant Manager,
Fabio Franceschi, who had
been Head of Maintenance.
I also have fond memories of
Piera Bolognesi, Accounts
Manager, now retired”.