
'L4 *rL€ #?+EK.4f ++r{
By Rev. T.C. NGA
This n !briclhistory olrhe Sekohh Men.ng$Jcnis KebaDsraan (S M J K) Nm
Hwr, Snirwao. Irs Fcd..csor Nas lhe Nrn Her High School, Silia*an, which wb
fouddedin l9:16. mdiupponcdby rcchiresconfrlnny Inen. h l96Lthe !tulaysim
sch.oh 1n rhe
C.vcmmsm announced ns pohly ol tccoding Srmr in rid ro
rcVinisrryofEdu.xrion Th.l.adcs
\rli.D and bnne,ie thcm under rlrc dncrLnri
olthc Nan Hwa Hilb School. Si(iavm, convcd.d dlcncfal meetine oLLs sltNne( ar
$. ch,s. of 1961. rod decidcd t. xccepr lho ollir.Illnancinl aid i..'der o le\sn the
burdua ol lhc srudenlJ lrrtnrs Thus, dr. S M J K Nm Hsa, Siriawan. wa b.rn The \rxn
H$! High Scho!1. (Inden.dd.m )Snia*an,conrInlcd ro IirnclioD in rheslmep'emises
A( rccnd.1Augrl. 198.1.nvtsrul.calcdLolhunc*lycomplctdprenisesinSungri
w!n!i. rlong rl'c Sni$ m Ayer Trrn R.ad In prcNntng thc histo, r- of S N1 J ( Nr
HLra,Snir*n. rcc.gnni.f rvould ht r.rord.d 1o (hosc *h. had contibutcd ro rhc
foundir!.f rhislomuti.D Alliudenf !hohddoxss.drhroughiL\f.mhshouldlccl
and r.lvns rlL o!.r Sourh .d Asil In th. Dndnrls Si!i3*M ALca.nos kno$D ar rre
Mrntsie Disuic(. rhDr scn mor rhan 1en lrivat Chin.se s.ho.ls wh.t lowcr and
uppertrnnrq classs *.rcc.ndutrcd locart. hrdr leenin! ofChincs.langDaecsilh
onc subjeLr,nEn-sthh. Amone th.m. LrkDih Pamit sch.ol. Kok Min Pnmary school.
classcs.ln erch olrhdn, drcnunrbor!I{ud.Dts in theseclrscs $as small.ll*15I gr.ar
n ln or no.ncial dd NsoDncl..souto.s HcDc.. lhe iddrolhrmcsing and
a\lildblc Nsources o tuLdd trJunior & High Schoolwas pronolmdcd lhr
upon by mos olfiecomnunn! lcadcrs. pih.10als xnd mursrmcDrcommilr.cs oflhc
Schools.onc.med. HoLrcv-. thc ciannish \prn.auscd I delal in lindine I conmon
renuc to ser u! thc ptuposed innitulion.
M.rn*hilc.in.hehle 1930s,dtSino Jrnr.sc\af hrdprc!.m.dmtn!sludcnls
lrom going hack to Chinr ro lunhcr rheir srdi.s As such. rhen.cd oltr.viding in
alrmatirc innirurion lor hi:her l. ine of Chinesc hccme ru{. Hos.vcr. lhc
rn issu. {har could n.t hc scrLled amicdbly
lonunltely,achineeedurnuonhr$uNIr,,visitcdSilia*an L\clarcrpanol
lgl5.Ameeung wasrnarged for hm tordd ssrhc lerders olr lc* Chincscp'imrry
s.holls o Sniarao Th. n.clin-e sas h.ld iD lhc K.k Min Pimary S.h.ol Hrll. rnd
chdircd bv {hc Prilciprl of dt s.ho.l. \'lf U T.ik CLroon Aft.r this meehng . clods
!v.it i ensil,.d r.look fr ! neuttl v.nue. inncrd ofusing any ol th. sohools lhrlhad
condL.r.d rhc lunrtr lvllddlc c iss$. h ian this n.* irsriru!on
tointd our her.lhrlrh. nim.. tr\,\N llWA erschoscD !o Nmind
xll$ud.nlsol thenbr.bea$wh!diSur.dlromCh,nablncinS.urh.trstAsla nE
ch.i.c sN madc by thoso.onnuDiry lcld.6 who rve.e r.rv olor.lv r$ocirtd Lvirh
drolhcr eduotion.r inslirurion in Sniawan,de Angl. Chinese S.hool IL indicrtd an
English sohool for Chinc* iudenls Thcy aSleed 1o nm. rhis new ihnnuion iorhrghor
leari,n8. NAN llWA. in ordcr r. Derperlarc the lim ol frolidinS th. ludens in
r*anyang,i.e Soud ca! Asia. 1o ludh.r rieir srud,.s iD Chincsc Wh.n $e nmc
Ir should he
Anelo-Chinese Sch..land rhenahc oINan Hwr High School $ntn nrChine*, rh'v
rcscdbl.d a pan oi r*ins of erhnic Chin.s. t[cr_ ptulidcd opporlunirv lnr mrnv
nuden6in Siri!*dtolcrn Englishinrhemomine and Chinese ih dt rluDoon dl.ing
schootrems Todat, nan] billngual schoLrsntm 1][ vrniun! Disticl rr! ind'hLd
HWAHICH SCIIOOL SITII\\AN. hrd ! v.r! hrmhleb.g,nrirgr
a shoph.Ls. ar No.5'J. KNr0un! (oh. [Ia$ Road. (n.l h d. p(scm sitia*rn suF
leryJ. Therc. dE communr! l.ad.rs mcL
,n the la$ qurrcr of 1915, ro *ork our
plms br dr. condu.l ofJunior MiJdlc &
High Scho.l clnsscs in.any 1936.NilanNhilc, resislrltion of sudcns *8 can ied
.ur,. rn rnEd tcnscs. ln l!nur.y.
1936 an atrrp roored shcd wilh 3 loot
$oodcn plank Raus trom thc 8rornd was
eddy r. hold lbur classcsjLDior Middl.
On€. Ts.. Thrc. and ! Nom Classfor
t .ra t!in,n! Thc lcmpordy bulld
in! ws clrctcd ar th. back ponion.llh.
c.nlrotrnd ol Mr Dnrg Lcons Hoans
rcsidcnce al.ng dreKumpldg Koh Main
Nad, (pEs.nt rddess: N 1:6 KrnfuDg
Koh RoM, Sniaea.) ]\b.ur 150 Stu
dcnrs Nere !n rhc rcgi$cr but less rhan
80'' oi rhcm auended clNscs regulrrly
ADorher ex(tin-q (oodcn housc rn rbe
samc conrpound *N renkd and uscd as
livinSquanc$ by $e Principrl. MrLn's
and a
On! S.ok K,m
ch!i. the ncwly oryani$d s.hool
lvlrnrgcmcnl !omm'trc
leadc6hip of rhe
carly tionc.rs.
Principah. IvIr LingChu Jcn,
l,i,+f).Mr HuaneJckUoo.
+). I'IL Chcn choon
Enr. (aF-+), rnd rh.
!hdrrmcn oi rhc schooL
Manrlencnt Comm c, Mr.
(,rgS.ok Kin. (1rrt). RD!
Tai Poh Th-!. (t'*t). Re!
Nli. Din! Ln,n8 Di, (fiir')xndlvlf C Y Fdg, (i*;r)-Nan
HwtrHiSh Schoolsrs ablc noroDly osurvivc huta|! r. lFwfromstcn-eIhtostenlrh
durid! de posl Slunp Etu wh.n lunds *cru hdd ro come bv 1.r suppoiing xny prblic
l\lu(\i. \hJrc\.r mont\ J\r' Jhle rhLn \$
Dciencc Fuhd CommitLc rorSino rdprncsc
ot Gov.moG xnd PdDcjp!]sl
Appcndi\ A rorchdmen Bolrd
Surcl). lhe lrnh and thc daurlcss spinl ol rheearlv pioncctr oI Nh Hwr HlCh
schooi,sir,awan,ve'erdmimblcmd.onmcndrble lnspneoilll.dds rhcvdidE$'
lhe nccdcd supnon ro purchasc rhe land rvhcd Pi.s.ntS lvl J K. Nan Hwr, Sniawan.
sknds. and also Loc.mple!e dePhascOncbuild,ne pr!jeclo Cr.vid0accomod iontor
lhc n*dEd classoom\. r room tur rerching naII- rn tl1lcc lbr adminnmrion l,arcr.*1{lr
rsdbstanirldonarionliomrhcHaNParBdhcrssoliciLcdbyMr OngS.okKim,aschool
hrll was erecled r. bc namcd aficr rhc d!no$
ln acknowledg|rg rhecontlhlrionsmadcind serices tnd.rcd bv Mr ongseok
Kim b rheNrn Hwa High school. Si!i!wd, rscholrrshlpfud wrs innirtdtopcTefu aic
h$ ran. iorthc bcnciitols.mc deserving ludcn6 ol $c Sohool Rcccrdv r\lEcial
(X) lxd bv on'
Comnntc wrs sel uI) {o lais the targct ol lhe srid Fund r. RM I 0O0 0ll0
olhns,ns, ML. alnglkshrw.rhcComninccexpr$cdconliden" olreaching thc raryct
b]ficendol July.1994 Accordingr.thcEle$olublished in thc Nrnldng sixne Pru
b lunh.r lhcn nudies lnhoul l,.in! afttctDdbv tinan.i hand'lal
Only a couple.l ycaLs afler movine liom rhe altal s.lcd shed .o ln. ncrvlv
complctcd prem ises in $e .anpus wheE lhe trcs.nt S M J K Nrn Hwa, Sniiwan sbnds
borh 6e rca.hlng iafiandthestddenrswereshockcd r.ltaLrhc 0c\. ah.utoutbreakoi
lhe Pacilio wft Soon dtlr the bomhins olHo.8 Korg, Pcxrl lldbour. Nlm r md
SingapoEbylhc Jrpancsc wdplanesonDecemberT. 1941. dc Lrpcdal AdvorJapm
madederrtacLsonaUBrirish dcfcncc lines in lvlalrya Thdy adran.cd liom the N_onh
MdEdtorihoM ayPeninsulabdlbLccdthedelendcf rorerEal|olncsourh Bvthe
bcginnins ofFebdary, 19,12. the Malay Pcninsula and Can.l
Silg4ort IslDd scrc
underrhe.ortololhplneseTroo!s LnnedialclyAftcrrh.F!llotSirgrp.Ie.mopping
up operations w.rc crried.ur by fic hploese K.Inpcttri ro Em.!. dl anri Japanes€
In Sniawan.lhc san. proc.sswrstrfticd oul on N{aRh 15.l9ll AmonSth.s.
who werc iakcn awlybyrh. Japanc* Kemleui s.Le Mr Din! L,on! Di.lv! C YFrng,
Mr ConC DiodS Chde and Mr PhxnS Coh Wo! Thet hcvcr rerumcd. Orh.r.onnunltv
Icadc$, school tca.hers, Md nudens or ND Hsa High Scho.l, Sniawu hrd to eo
undergrornd nro er10es.aFtlre atocilics of r][JrpmeseKenNrai. Thus. N& Hwa
HiEh School rnd o$crschools w.rc closcd du.in-{ rh. Jap ese O.cnlarion.
When |ne.ueom'house and 0:kolnorasc lfks wcrc blo$n up in Lumur bt
ordcr of$c Bitsh Dsdcr Ollicer,loorin8 ofpublic buildnss beclme ramlM( Nrn
Hwa High School, Snir*an, was not sprad Be b $itud lin.ng rnd rcn gdr.s wcrc
disnMded Md ral.nawly lorsrlcidoo$rnd hl,ldfer wcrc !0m d.sn and iunnure
mdequ,tn.mwcrercmoved bl $c lo.rers Only rlcw dals bcforc rhcoutbleak ol the
Pacnic War. lhe rea.h.s ed studedls.l N Hwr H,gh School lvct s..n budrns
about. wi$ rhc oulbplk ofthc wrr. ir b0oane a dcscned pla.c Occasionallv. son.
cartle vele seen lrazins jn th. .lcrsnwn comtouDd !f Nln Hwr Hi-sh school.
Tne roasoD lbrpeopl., esp.ciallyChin.s. toudrs. !o ruy awav frcm Nan H*a
Hish Slhool, SniawaD, dunne rhc.raplnes Occutaiion ar( '
haDntd pl.ce. but radu bccause rne Jap ese soldi.6 $crcliceprnS *arch over the
aea. The Japrncse KemFEtt rcgsdcd Nan HwrHigh School. Silirwm- as a nun! ne
centd ror c.mmunislinsu4.hrs lhe much publicned communistlcad.r. Chin P'n8.
was acrally a iudent,lnris School. in Junior Middle Onc class i. 1936 hshould be
poinFd our hcr rhat man, Nan lhva H,gh School studenLs s.E inspned bv rhcir
pa€n$ plLrioric spidtin helling ro taise monct for dre Chinr D'f'nt' Fund S'mcoi
them pariicipaFd rn plays depictine re killin! ofchinesc childrcn d rapihg of
Chinese women bylhelapdcsc soldie6 in rhecirier lh.l had conquer.d tnd occup'ed
When the Japanese Kenpchi wcrc inr.mcd oasulh r.lvnics unden*cn bl-. the Nrn
Hwa High scho.l$udenrs, Lhcy nnrurally €ntloled alllh. nuxn
who werc cauehr Hence. lifd drdne the IrFncsc Occupdhon was precm'us and
ness ofJrtanese surcndq*rs rccciv.d wnh -!Eat ioy. hu! hs rnd.rder
\!r\ lound wrdLins Thc Anti Jrp.nese Amy want.d haDese soldiers o hlod olcr
rhen lrms and ldminnkldon 10 thcm Bclorc rhc advrl ol the Bntsh milirary
F$onnel !o mrrhnr law and ordr.. thcE s.rc a lcw sknmishes be'*een Lplnosc
soldiers bd rh. Anlj Japmesc Armr- r Sirlrwan Dislrict. Mrny pE *r se.ondary
nuden$ $hosc $ud,.s {.E disropled by th. Jattnos. Occuparion of throe md hrlf
y.rrs aound ildilicnl ro relum o th.classroom imm.dirtely. Mejn$hrle, thr s.hool
premises $h,.h wcr hadly drmdged atrd nc8lccrcd durins lhc e!r. rcquncd naj.r
a.d rcnovalion 1o p(v,d. rhc ncccssary iccommodalon tur rhc c.nducr.l
chsser and -ecn.ral adminishLion Thc rask was 8r-s&!c then
whilc BairiD! Ior Lhe dmvt olrhc ]litish miliu.t personn.l r. rccclvc rh. rims
Ii.m rhc sud.ndcr.d Japanese sold,.n rhd assumc r. rdmi.istriuvr
Rsnoosihil,ri.s, riclory ccl.b.a!.N wcE orlrnired h) th.
AnLi .Iltan.sc Aany in lhe .ontDdtrd of Nxn Htra Hish
Sch.ol. Srlrqxn. lb pchncs et c.nrpouDd *eF.ledcd
Iorlhc s.drg np ofr l.nn.fu)'.l1cc n)r rh. AnriJaplncs.
,\fry md 1.r some pubhc nllrcs. Larcr. Chung Hwr ,\s.'
ciarioo prdrtcs wcrc used b' lnc AnlJlpin.eAmy [) rcr
ut rsh.adq0iders In thcnidsrolthcrhcn prcvrhnS.ha.ric
rturnrn, Rrmccommunny Lddc6lcd bt VrOng S.!k Kin
vnitd th.
Hw! HiSh School. *jlh ih. nl{osc
.f r
rhc lnsrirulion lo. cll
siblc MrChfi Nun!SlangqNipptua.h.dMdrtPoi .d
Hcrd.l Nrn H*r High s.hool. Silii*an. *id nnmcdiarc eiae.t H. soon elrhctd a
lis rcNhins Nrsornclb(ork on rhd.crumption ofclasscs in crill1946
rc lrSritcd lvlanucmeni Connnr.c ol NrD H*r Hilh School. Sniawrn,
u.de'lhc.haimanship oiI'lrOdg Sc.l Kim litmlly lcftn. i.ncrntumeJ in 3n rlhn
ro tuise rh. nc.dcd lind 10.!tdratrd L.n.varc rheexln,ng Frniscs and rso Lo build
rddilioml .lrssroons t! mcEl (hc lr{ lrorving s$drdr Npul ion 3fte. thr Wd Bv
19J7,lun(trNllddl.classcs in bo rAnslDdScientcwfcconductcd.Prrti.alS.1.n.c
fe.s $eru collcotd hy $cs.hool adni iraiion hur no sci.noe labo'ahncs wnh prpc'
equiFmcnleis providcd tu ext.rincD6. Ijence, ! sdk. $rs sraccd by the {ud.ns ot
Juni.' Middlc lhrce in 19,17 Thc! rnmcd.o Lher.lasrooms aftrr r *cck of sclf
lellaEd va.atior on rhe assurmcc gilcn by rhe School Mda-!.mcnt C.nmntc thrt
tfieyv.uld Dot be punish.d dd ncidrcf*!uld ant adrcrFremrrks bc wlnt.n nr thetr
s.ni..r iqirldle class.s il b.d Scion.e and
Ais, fic School. in c. ..t'.rdion wnh lhc th.h EdtrcarioD Depdrncnr d$ conduct.d
sinfliiiedTeache6 Trainins Course ro. rhos. who deitd (. rrrc up terhing as rheir
v.udon h slrould h. to,ntcd ou!heru thx( Nmtl*rHi3h Scho.l Siiusan. Foduc.d
mant reaohe^ tu lhc chincsc \.hook in Mihy!.
In ihc initial y€ds, ccfrilicales of\ Hwa High Sthool. Sitia{an jvddcdro rcsuu
cessful cdndldarcs ol Junnn m,ddlc ThEe rnd tho* ol dcTexch.rs Tnnrins C!us.
wcEe.dos.d by rhe Ove^crs Chincsc Afians Bdrcau ilChungk !. China
I St? sahplr onthe nz\t P.8. )
In addnion
l! eiducrins h'nir
? itlL
fi' X{ 4'
iit tn
\'€- is
?t .? +
B-'* + ia
t* i ,t,tr fr.A
\lhen M. Chcw Choo Sens succecded Mr Chin Nen: Siang xs H.ad.I Ndr
H*aHlehSchool Snia{an, hccmbafkcd oD nising lhenmdrrd ol Enllish rldprra
blc to thar otChun8 Ling High Scho.l, Pcndg. with theconcuncnc. an'l $rppon ltum
rhc $en Chlnnan ol rhe Sch!.I lvlanalcncnr Comitree, Mr wong Bing Hea
M.B.E..OB.E., he inroduccd rhe chanse or rcrt books lrom Chinese t. Enghh tot
CcoSmphy, History drd Mathem.lics Hc .xFli€nced slon8 opposirion lrom mDv oI
his rercheA qho *crc not efte.livelt hi.lingual Compla,nls liom maov studenls Dd
detrtarcn6 nriucDc.d d'c School Mrnxgement Conmnlcc undcr (hc ncwChaimanMr LinE Sru Pi. J.P. to lermiharc any rttempl of letring Nan Hwa High Scho.l,
SiriaNan. to al)e Chuns Lins Hieh School. Penug PcltioDs lfom prenls 10 rc_
infoduccthc rx. bools lnChinese IlrG.ogr+h]. His!o,r- rid Madcmarics Eceilcd
due altenhon by d. School Manrgemen! Comnntc unde. lhe Chanmmship ol Mr
Sa* Ch.o* Hwr. M' Sing Chce Dions. a lotucr CcDetrl Se.retdy ot fie Chinese
Young Men s Chrisrirn Association, Sinlrpoc, wds afPr.ached and appoinred
P.incinal .l r*an Hsa H18h School, Sihrean h early 195?. h. assumed the
principlhhip bur rclinquished it ar rire end of$. same I'eir
MrChin RChhrooloverlhc hclnolNau F$rHIeh School Sitilwh, r earlv
1158. and h.ld ir unril rh€.nd ol 1960. Duide ths p.riod. N{r Yon. lvoo Ming *$
choscn !o lerd nn' School MdagemeDl Cohnnd. There *as an uryent nccd to
providc noEamenri.s and facili{i.sro meer de.!cr in.Lcasing t!pul&on.ln0dents
j. de Dindin8s Siirwan Arca.
While NM Hea HiEh School ws tacing a lisis of te ershiP in lctding the
Insliruton ro gElErh.i.sht. an inviurion sas scnl ro lvlr Chin Ncng Sranl ro icd irs
hrlm: d hc rcspoid.d tosirilel) ln cdly i961, MrChin
Neng Sirng rssumcd thc hcxdshit ol Lhe School. Eadrer rn
late 195(h, Dr Lin! Sing Hrng wN appoach.d ro l.ad rhe
School Mamgcn.m Commiie r. complet lnc ncw cxrer'
sion troiec! in.luding dre buildin8 .l re Nan H$r High
SchoolAuditonum loaflaccthe old Haw PrHall DrL,ng
Sing Hlng strongly believcd h F moting bi_linFud coinpc
Mc. nrChiD.se rnd EnClish. H. nadccqualconrribuli.ns ro
Nan Hwa High s.ho.l xnd lhc Anglo Chinese S.h.ol, n
Siir*ln oncc. hc puthn hmds in rhc lloush $crc srsno
lLrniDE hack (n him. tl. hls heen hcrding thc ManiEcmcnl
Commiltee of Nan Ilwa HiSh sohool. (lrlcr SNIJK. Nxn rlwr, Siria*rn) sincc late
195(X. and al$ th! olAngl. Chincse S!h!ol. !ria$an. sin.e l96l ln recoennlon of
his con{dhurions and sc$iccs to rhe public. panicularlv lo' dc.ause oieducarion. lnc
Sul|a. of Pcmt clnr.red on hin lhc Dabship and lh. Covernment dul] honluod him
widr rhe ltle oa JLNice of rh. Peace.
Mr Chin Neng Siang, lhe den Pnncipal ol Nan Hwa HiSh Scho.l
full gruttotri!&schook. He madespecial dlnns ro dudy
its implicalion and errc.i.n the Chines Eediun scho.ls
Underhisadvice Md e0idmcc. a m€etins of all mrjoi sut'
poncrs olthcschoolwN.onv€hcd io delibe8E on lncCov
emncnts ollcr ro absod private schools which would agEe
to change {her sratus to ihat ol Sekolah McncnCah Jenis
Having carefully consideed rhc pros and cons ol rh.
issue. rhc neeting votcd in ravour ol accepting the
Covcmmenls oftir Thus, rhe SMJK. Nan Hwa, sniavan,
Fs born Mcanwhile, anoder decision was nadg Lo run m_
oder hve Hwa Hish School,0ndctenden, b calli lor th. nccds oI rhose *ho friehr
nor bc able to makc rhc -qradc nr the SMJK Systm b*ausc of |nc chm8c olcnphdis in
the mcdia ol insrruclion lron Mmddin to BahNa M aysir and English The ne*lv
bon SMJK,Nan Hrv!. Sni.wan. dd de Nm Hwd lhd+.ndenl School. run.tioned ir
lhesanecrdpusolftelormerNoHwaHiShSchool.Siriawrn.tr.m l962,dlltheend
olAugus!, 1984, whcn $c hlerw$ clNdred ar ns ncwlycomplecd lrcniscs i. rhe
Sun-r.i Wlnei Cam!us, ,lons the SitilwD-Aycr TaBu Rord. The Boed ofGovcmors
ofde SMJ( Nan Esa Sniawe, urdcr de chandlnshif of Dato Dr LinA Sing Han8,
wid the co olenlion and support oateehc^ and iud.nls lcd b) rhc PdnciFal, Mr Su
l.e Hor. helped r. raisc somc RM 250.0(D.00 for d. BLild,nS Fund of Nm Hrv!
5iJr. rl r ',pr1e o m"l. p' F , I io -nd \..rJ r" .
bi h !r rhe SMJK, NrD Hwr- Siru*d. aDd r. Nan Hwa
Ird.pendent School. rclinquished his pnnclprkhip in
July,l97l NlrYu ChengSun, B.A. ilons. tookove'rhcr.lc
iroh Auaun, 197i, rill Deccmbcr. 197:. He fu her dade
impovenenrsiolheschool.lnJa. l97l.hc$rstansledcd
rs Piincipal ol SM.IK Tsun-! Wah, Kunh Kangsar' Mcan
vhile, drercwas aleatdcdrnd 1br places,n |ne SMJK, Nan
Hwa. Siriawm, h.cruse !i lh. (jovcmm.nfs tull erdr to
nc.r r[c cxpcndilurc of the School, rhrs, lcssenlng the
rinancial buden ornany poorpreDls. As such, rhere was o
urg.nl nccd for the peniss to be exrend.d ro trovdc rh.
necessary anennies a.d lacilni6 ror$c.!d incrcrsing populalion 0rstud.ns ThcE
wa a plan tor derclopnenr bur ir sould equne r caFahle and suirablt_qualificd
admnistarivc pnncil,l t Impl.ment [.
ft was lbnunate thd dcSMJK. Nan H*a. Snirwan. hanag.d t. sccuE Mr Su
Hor, B
Hons, to leld |no ln$nution. MrSu was a lo0ll
seU:made person.
lrrd in rdminishtun Undcrhis principrlship and vith
rheco opendon of hn Ea.hing dd adninistarire iafi ud Scncrous $rppon lron rhc
Ministry.l Education. his nud.nls and then tffcnE as rvcll rs thc g.ncralpubli., rhc
an cxpericn ced cd ucarion
N& ll$r. Snlx+xn. \vrs rhle ru inrpl.mcm rhc olan ro pnid. rhe k.ded
rn.nnrs ,nd ld.il1h.s tn, rh. clndult ol uppcr sccondll rl$sus ln honr Atu and
Scnrco.. The rdininilrarivc sc(.u! o 1l! s.holl $as up:rxded r. koct pr.e sith rc
.rcr advrncnr-q modc,n tcchd.l.Sy .f p.oducrivirt rnd
clii!ienc] Ilis cnco0rag,n! leadership inspircd h.rh rh!
t.ach.( rnd
rlwats eriv. lo' rh. hrn. Since h.
i$Lmed rlt principalship ol S\UK Nrn tl\r. Siursrn. in
janurry. lrll. hc had h.ltdd no! onl] ro mftuye the
plrysicd xpn.rar.c !r rhc lniiruron b0r rt$ rnorivred his
!udonrs Lo pul rn -!rr{0r 0llnr,i rh.,. ntrdies As tr r0sulr,
rbdr!. onn .0 D tli. ttrhlic.\xmrnrtions $rs iDdic ive
Dldr h.rlthy )nd qholc{nn. -!.o\{h of rlr! INr!u!!o
llurtri! hr r.nu. olt,,nonalship. i\'lr S0 Jcollo. had
rso cnrphxsi^d tliD nnponrnlo ol phyrcrl rdu.rh.n rod
Drnr ofhis rudcns abrxNd r.f pn/A r ihu llcLd ol Sp0ns rDd Cm.s
S,nc. 197.1. S\,1JKN{n HNrSirir$rD.und.rIliSLJ.. H!.\n|nclprkhrp.hrs
sludenrs io
it hN nnnc ll1J0 {trLl.fls LS|J
Tncrc en,r rcnevem.i[.lrhrslud0tr1s.M
lr. \$n in !hc App$dixcsC&D
I-ed b) h,s dtDrnn. rn! insfirng l.rd.rshiD. rlr SIIJK Nrn flNr. Siirwnn, hx\
d.v.1.p0dandlfoqDrorst'.srnrlrrdintposilionindr.Sl]lKStsrninPcr* Surely.
lU' SuJicH.' hr\don.Lh.schoolpro0diddrll*h.r.rsi!iIBd$irhlhirlninuron
r,r0,.udol h,m Hr*illsoof itr.hr.tu0mdr1rg.hO.hhi. i99.l.Tre$itcr woltd
hkc r. phcconrc.ord. on h0lrrl1.l rllconcemed. Ll,e lnlL!ringribN.
i.tvf Sl,l.lK, lt'drH\n,Sitn^ h.l! hnur.\tl
Jr. Hot tarhit u .a..ttut( llIt, tt n1hthh1| h btiU rr ttrit t)rtnrr.h b nho n it
ut !l)z hr
ItLrrsnoFond.rrhllk"Jshr'r)u'rdsnhLh.rirlc0 rMODLLTEACHERro
lrc Nldrilng D{irl. in ll9l ThrS\{JKNrolhr. Snirlvrr.ridrrst..d.tsso.. Nan
Hwr Hilh S.h.ol. Sr,r!u. hld $nrih ed nNch ri lr0 crls..I.du.&i! Lhr vorn!.
especially rhtuush rhc Chhcsc m.dir. o| iNtu.h.n. ,n \trLvsir lr trN 0uhhcly
xcknowlcdg.d itr drprssrhrlSr,r*ant'nJuccd o!. nBnber olr.r.h.$ l nicrllt
s0.akng. this l.siulnn,. dough ll!. liom rit
iEious iDdtrcnc.. hrd pniduccd r
silnillunL numbc. of Church niDislrr Md tcrd0,s Altrr 1l,r r. !.udu.e fL rhc
N1.lhod,{ Churh.s in N{xlry5ir & S,nrlFore iir dre lrrl)s. rhc lfr Bsh.t.1(hd
\'I.rh.d,sl Chu(hes in lvlalrlsia. rhe Rev Fu-g Chuf! Nrn. atrd rhc lirn Bsh.t.I {hc
lUerh!diNChurohin Snr!Jnor.. rhcRc! KmJihChuni. s.'e h.$ ntrmer{ud.nIoitLr.
Nrn llwr Hiih S.ho.l. SihNvm Cuiienrly. rhr PEsnl.nr ol rh. Chincsc AnDUal
Conlcrncc.llhc l\Jcrhod$r Churhes,n l\'Ixlrysir. |he R.v Ko.Tion! I-in!. ind rh.
Prcsid.nr.Ilhe Ch,nese Annurl C!rlccnce olth. McrhodisrChuirh $ S$lapor.. rhr
Rev wong Kiar Thau, lre also ex students of this bstnuiion. Fnn Ihe schol E.oijs,
hundrldsolvr u pr0t.ssi.nih*orkiDg iD lvlalrrsitr. SdgrNfu. hd olhDrFlJcui. are
Foducls ol th,s.cspccubl! Suh0ol.
Nobody knoqs Nhar de lulurc Nill hold lor anv cstdblishncnt o nnnu'on
Ho*e$r.from a bierinreilierpirh $e incumbentChairmanoft h. Board oiGovemo*,
to st€ngth in the yeds L come. lt is their lision tnal S M J K NAN llWA SitiaFln. would
becone the forc-runnerorwhar rhe MinnLa ofEducdti.n in Nlalavsia ha prcposed to
sel up in lnc near fulut, thar is.luniorCollcges in lheNdion. tuprodistn8 sudcnb to
prcpare thenslv.s lor universny educauon.
Reseaichodconpilationwork*,sdoncbvtheRcvT C Ns!(NgaTicnsChienS
alias Nsa Choon Goon) bbed on rhe orrl his'orv !i!en bl the followine tcsons:
Principal or Kok Min P.ihary School od Fcrime
reacher ol Chinesc Lncraturd oI r*d IIwa Hi8h
School. Sr,awd. in thc.arly yelrs
R.&cd Minis@r.lllreM€lhodkrChuEhandChtur
nan orlhc MMlg€ncnrCommin.e, Nan HwaHigh
School. siriaNan, in 1938.
C.mmunny badcr iD Sria$ andChaimo ollhe
Mrag.mcnr ComnnE, Nrn Hwa Hish School,
Communny lcadsinDindings
ol lhc
Manag.ncnt Conmnree. Nm Ilwa Hi-!h School.
Snirwan, iir 1136 & 1946 47
Communny lcrder in Sinawan lnd PdnciDal orS R
J K (c)Uk In8 (bmeny known as tjlr Ing Primary
School) Sitixwtn. in 19,17 76
An cr{rudenr of Nan Hwr Hlgh School, md senror
Nd llqa, snlawd
incumbonlPincipal oide s M J K. Nan Hva
Ddo DrLing SioB HD-e Dtd!
Snlawan. sincc l9?1. and rn ex studcntolthe den
Nan H$r Hi-sh S.h.ol. Sniawan.
Connrniry leader in Sitia*an rndChaimm orlhe
Mdagemem Connncc. Nan Hwa llish School
Sirirwan, (laiers IvI J K. NanHwa. Sir,awan) and aho
ChdnmatrolAnslo Chincs. School. sniawan. s'ncc
Elirois of Scho.l md Souvcnn magtines oi Nan Hwa High School,
g'ven m
S M IK. Nm H$a. Sibawor, iorfacs. figures, and inilmation
Mi Ong
1936 38
r9t9 40
Kin D.evr
Mr DinB Lions Di
1919 56
1948 54
1955 56
4tuf *,L
195ri 60
Mr Yu Cbc.E Sun.B!H.* Augu$,19?l-72