stalowa wola


stalowa wola
made inmanufacturing
capability index 2016
made in stalowa wola manufacturing capability index 2016
Axtone HSW ATI ZKM Forging Alwi Thoni Alutec ABL-Technic Antonio and Stanley-Kłosowski Bagpak BiRem Codogni CMM Sigma Contica Solutions CHIP Domostal Enesta GAB Cerkamed Cellfast Cyfrowe Sieci Multimedialne Chemeco Investment Eurometal S.A. Halmar Huta Stali Jakościowych S.A. HSW S.A. HSW
Kuźnia HSW Lorresta HSW OINS HSW Odlewnia IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola Intermech Informatyka Inkubator Technologiczny Iwamet Koczwara Stolarka
Aluminiowa Lokomotiv Liugong Dressta Marani Machinery Laboratorium Międzyuczelniane Jennmar Merol MCS Metal Cleaning Service Metal-Odlew MetalSystem Mista Patentus Strefa PBMH PiA-ZAP Poltra Polimex Energetyka S.A. Rakoczy Stal Remet S.A. REM-WAR Renopiec Seron Solo Slovrur SE CNC Stalmost Stalprzem Stalrem Tryumf Tasta Termosystem TSA Tauron Wtór Steel Wytwarzanie S.A. Witmach Wobi-Stal Uniwheels Production Wp-Transfer ZPC ZZN
Municipality of Stalowa Wola 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Traditions of COP (the Central Industrial District)
Stalowa Wola belongs to the few modern cities in the
world, which haven’t developed for centuries, but had
been planned and built in full in a short time in the
twentieth century. It is the youngest town of the Second Republic, it was built from scratch in the years
1937-1939 within the framework of the Central Industrial District, the biggest economic undertaking
of pre-war Poland.
In Stalowa Wola, high-tech factories producing quality steel and artillery equipment were built and power
plant of 40 MW, the fourth largest in Poland power
plant as well as the housing estate for four thousand
The pace of construction of the flagship investment
of the COP was so great that it attracted the attention
You need to realize that without Stalowa Wola
and halo which surrounded its creation would
not be the idea of COP
(Polska Gospodarcza, no 46/1938 r.)
Made in Stalowa Wola
of the whole Poland. Southern plants and housing
estate were built at a rapid pace: exactly within
26 months and 26 days. The creator of Stalowa Wola
and the idea of the COP was a prewar Deputy Prime
Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer Eugeniusz
Stalowa Wola was designed with modern, wide for
those days roads with public address system called
PA. A characteristic element of urban planning of the
city there are buildings in the modernist style with elements of art deco. Entire Stalowa Wola was built in this
style. Today, it is the largest such a complex in Poland.
made in stalowa wola
manufacturing capability index 2016
company index
Axtone HSW Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ATI ZKM Forging Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Alwi Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Thoni Alutec Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ABL-Technic Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Antonio and Stanley-Kłosowski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bagpak.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
BiRem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cerkamed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cellfast Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Codogni Sp. j.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
CMM Sigma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Contica Solutions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Zakład Elektrtoniki i Automatyki CHIP. . . . . . . . . . 20
Cyfrowe Sieci Multimedialne Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . 21
Chemeco Investment Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Domostal S.c... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Eurometal S.A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Enesta Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
GAB.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Halmar Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Huta Stali Jakościowych S.A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
HSW S.A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
HSW OINS Sp. z o.o. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Copex Foundry Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
HSW Zakład Powłok Galwanicznych.. . . . . . . . . . . . 32
HSW Kuźnia Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
HSW Lorresta Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Informatyka Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Inkubator Technologiczny.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Intermech Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Iwamet Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Koczwara Stolarka Aluminiowa Sp.j.. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Jennmar Merol Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Liugong Dressta Machinery Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . 42
Laboratorium Międzyuczelniane.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Lokomotiv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Mista Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Marani. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Metal-Odlew Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Metal-System Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
MCS Metal Cleaning Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Patentus Strefa S.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
PBMH.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
PiA-ZAP” Sp.z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Polimex Energetyka S.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Poltra Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Renopiec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Remet S.A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Rakoczy Stal Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
REM-WAR Spółka z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
SE CNC Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Solo PPHU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Seron Sp.j... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Stalmost Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Slovrur Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Stalrem Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Tasta Sp. z o.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Tryumf Sp. z o. o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
TSA Sp.j.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Termosystem.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Wobi-Stal Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Wp-Transfer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Wtór Steel Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Witmach S.c... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Uniwheels Production Sp. z o.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Zakład Powłok Cynkowych.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
ZZN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Municipality of Stalowa Wola 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Dear Sir or Madam,
The publication you are holding in your hands is a glance on the economy and industry of Stalowa Wola. The industry triggered a rise of
our very young city and it was the impetus for great strength and dynamics, mainly related to the establishment of the Central Industrial
District (COP) and its center - Stalowa Wola Southern Works. After the
turmoil of the Nazi occupation and the search for its place on the economic map of Poland in the days of the domination principles of centralized economy in the era of socialism – it was difficult moment for
the Stalowa Wola industry, associated with systemic transformation. For a large part of the
Polish industry the years 1990-2005 proved to be an insurmountable barrier. A similar fate
was predicted for Stalowa Wola and its companies: Huta Stalowa Wola and businesses created around in restructuring processes. Today we can say with satisfaction that these omens
and reckoning completely did not come true.
Thanks to the activities of employees and managers of local companies, local selfgovernment efforts and support from the local government today Stalowa Wola again raises
the recognition of all those who want and are able to objectively look at the modern economy. This is one of the few industrial centers in the country, which not only successfully survived the transformation, but also created here over the San, in Podkarpacie -new industrial
and economic value. Preserving the industry traditions of the COP and the Southern Works
related to metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, metal processing and production of armaments very interesting economic structure was built in Stalowa Wola. It consists of companies from various sectors, large, modern and boldly reaching for new technologies. This directory, documents and presents this new quality to some extent.
My personal and the government authorities Stalowa Wola intention is to maintain and boost the trends of modern development of Stalowa Wola industry. Stalowa Wola industry has
its leadership - focused on the production of modern weapons- Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. - but
it also has affiliates with the leaders participating cooperatively or independently and with
considerable success in the global trade. Enterprises producing finished products and components for machines in other industries. More than 100 Stalowa Wola companies manufacture added value so important for the city, region and country and frequently do so on the
basis of its own, Polish engineering thought. We are proud of these companies, and we will
support them in further development. The already existing infrastructure in Stalowa Wola
supporting entrepreneurship, development and innovation (Universities, Technological Incubator, Inter-University Laboratory, the Regional Chamber of Commerce) is considerable asset in our plans and ambitions.
Handing over this catalog I invite you to contact herein mentioned, as well as other Stalowa
companies. Our companies, business environment institutions, universities and city officials
are open to each contact, conversation, collaboration.
Yours sincerely,
Lucjusz Nadbereżny
Mayor of the City of Stalowa Wola
Stalowa Wola March 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Potential of universities in Stalowa Wola for the development of cooperation on the level of science and business
Stalowa Wola has a meaningful, in terms of the size of this
city, diversified scientific potential allowing for intensification
of cooperation of the academic environment with the business. This potential is created by the universities which enable the access to the qualified scientific and research staff,
which is necessary to accomplish the cooperation of this
type. These universities also offer diversified education that
allows to prepare the young people living in Stalowa Wola
and in the vicinity to work for the needs of the local economy
without having to leave the city and head for the distant academic centres. They influence the general social and economic climate, as well as the positive perception of the city by
the potential investors, who, in turn, are more willing to locate their businesses where they can count on the qualified
staff and a possible academic support.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Stalowa Wola
Pearl of the Central Industrial District
Nearly 75 years ago Stalowa Wola was the largest Central Industrial District investment in the country. Today it is
a thriving, modern economic center attracting considerable attention and capital investors from the country and the
world. It successfully develops automotive industry and production of construction machinery. This is due to the specifics of the region and good facilities in the form of experienced personnel, research and development base and technical infrastructure. Stalowa Wola is a leading manufacturer of construction and military equipment. It has been one
of Europe’s largest centers for processing light metals in recent years.
In 2015 the largest gas and steam unit with a capacity of
400 MWe started in Poland. It is the most expensive energy investment in the country (about two billion zlotys) is implemented by PGNiG and Ta Polska Energia. The new installation produces electricity and heat, and modern technology
will triplies reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas by several dozen percent.
Stalowa Wola economic potential is increasingly being noticed by Polish and foreign investors who value a good relationship with the town and favorable conditions for the
launch of new businesses. Since 1998, when Stalowa Wola
was acquired by Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone „Euro-Park WISŁOSAN”, m any companies both with domestic
and foreign capital benefited from the investment offered
by the city. Friendly environment, with a good infrastructure and tax credit system has contributed to their economic
success. There are among others global manufacturers of
aluminum wheels, metal products, casting of aluminum and
magnesium alloy and precisely manufactured parts for the
aviation industry.
Axtone HSW ATI ZKM Forging Alwi Thoni Alutec ABL-Technic Antonio and Stanley-Kłosowski Bagpak BiRem Codogni CMM Sigma Contica Solutions CHIP Domostal Enesta GAB Cerkamed Cellfast Cyfrowe Sieci Multimedialne Chemeco Investment Eurometal S.A. Halmar Huta Stali Jakościowych S.A. HSW S.A. HSW
Kuźnia HSW Lorresta HSW OINS HSW Odlewnia IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola Intermech Informatyka Inkubator Technologiczny Iwamet Koczwara Stolarka Aluminiowa Lokomotiv Liugong Dressta Marani Machinery Laboratorium Międzyuczelniane Jennmar Merol MCS Metal Cleaning Service Metal-Odlew Metal-System Mista Patentus Strefa PBMH PiA-ZAP Poltra Polimex Energetyka S.A. Rakoczy Stal Remet S.A. REM-WAR Renopiec Seron Solo Slovrur SE CNC Stalmost
Stalprzem Stalrem Tryumf Tasta Termosystem TSA Tauron Wtór Steel Wytwarzanie S.A. Witmach Wobi-Stal Uniwheels Production Wp-Transfer ZPC ZZN
made in stalowa wola
Made in Stalowa Wola
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Stalowa Wola has gained a rank of
a major industrial center recently. Friendly environment for entrepreneurs contributed to the fact the investors from distant continents saw advantages and incentives of the city. These include American manufacturer of forgings for aerospace customers and the American company which produces equipment for mining.
This variety of industries and considerable focus on production for the aviation
industry have made Stalowa Wola a part
of important centers of the Aviation Valley.
Its main objective is to transform the south-eastern Poland to one of Europe’s leading aviation region, which will be able to
provide services and products for demanding customers.
Lately Stalowa Wola has became the witness of Poland’s largest capital investment by the Chinese, represented by LiuGong Machinery Co. Ltd. a world leader in
the production and development of construction machinery
Stalowa Wola was designed with modern, wide for those days roads with public
address system called PA. A characteristic elements of urban planning of the city
are buildings in the modernist style with elements of art deco. Entire Stalowa Wola
was built in this style. Today, it is the largest such a complex in Poland
art déco
Stalowa Wola
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
AXTONE HSW Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 54 82, e-mail:,
About Us
HSW AXTONE Sp. z o.o. (formerly HSW Department - Sprężynownia Sp. z o.o., that is Spring Department) is a company belonging to the AXTONE Group.
AXTONE Group is an expert in technology of impact’s energy
absorption and springs of all types of vehicles with more than
90-year tradition.
After the purchase in 2012, the company Langen & Sondermann, and the company HSW in 2014 - Department Sprężynownia Sp. z o.o.- leading manufacturers of springs for rail vehicles, AXTONE activities have taken on a new dimension. By
widening the product range and combination of experience of
both companies, the Group has become an even better partner for its customers.
Continuous improvement, quality awareness and our total customer orientation are the most important components of our
company philosophy and allow us to maintain the leading position in the market.
In Axton HSW Sp. z o.o. coil springs are made using rods having a diameter from 2 mm to 80 mm and length of 12 000
mm, the produced springs have a maximum overall diameter
of 450 mm.
Left-handed or right-handed, cylindrical or sanded, linear or
progressive - all versions are possible.
Industries Served
Railway industry, mining industry, construction equipment,
energy industry, agricultural machinery, vibration damper
playground equipment.
Made in Stalowa Wola
High-quality products can only be produced using modern machines and equipment.
We have the state-of-the-art and technologically advanced
machines for production and quality control.
For long-term, trouble-free operation of our springs, as important as a suitable quality of materials, their design and dimensions, is also the precision of our production. The use of
CNC production machines provides high repetitiveness of accuracy and flexibility, which allows the production of even the
small batch. The standard procedure in our company are controls which are performed by specialized machine carried out
at every stage of the production process until its completion,
when the finished product is subjected to the final control. But
even the best machines are only as good as the people operating them. Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals guarantees the reliability and the highest quality
Quality Standards
To ensure consistent quality and reliability, we repeat regularly strength tests using our own hydro-pulse testing machines.
This is especially important during the work on a new product.
The quality of our products and our organization has been confirmed by many certificates.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
ATI ZKM Forging Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 54, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 54 51, e-mail:,
About Us
ATI ZKM Forging is one of Central European main suppliers
of forgings for strategic markets. Customers around the world
rely on ATI ZKM Forging for the durable, highly precise and
technologically advanced parts they use for wide range of demanding industrial applications.
Products: Close Die Forgings
Weight: 0.5 – 350 kg
Length: up to 2 000 mm
Diamteter: up to 700 mm
Services: Machining, MPI, UT, FPI, Etch Inspection,
Materials Testing
Industries Served
Our competitive advantage is a fully integrated facility that allows us to conduct all production steps in-house, beginning
with die designing and manufacturing through forging, heat
treatment and rough machining. With this ability we support
our customers on optimizing their value chain and costs by offering products and related added-value services.
• serving critical markets
• technological advancement
• engineering and technical expertise
• reliable, secure supply chain
• continuous improvement approach.
Quality Standards
AS 9100
SO 9001
ISO/TS 16949
and NADCAP accreditation for:
Materials Testing
NonDestructive Testing
Heat Treating
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Alwi Sp. z o.o.
Al. Jana Pawła II 25a, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 53 11, e-mail:,
About Us
ALWI company, established in 2009, is located in Stalowa
Wola, Poland. Our company engages in import, processing,
trading and distributing a wide range of steel products. We
are a wholesale distributor of rolled and forged products
which are made from:carbon, alloy and high alloy steel.
Our steel products meet the international technical standards,
such as: EN, DIN, ASTM, WNR, BS. Additionally, we provide
machining, heat treating and cutting services according to
customers requirements.
Our aim is to distribute the highest quality products, short leadtime delivery and provide qualified staff. We also specialize in
selling overseas.
Open-die forgings, bars, rings, flanges, shafts, steel balls,
steel sheets.
Industries Served
Elements and components of the company are used in
following sectors: mining, automotives industry, railtraction,
petrochemicals, extractive industriy, energy industry,
machinery industry.
Made in Stalowa Wola
The ALWI company offers open die forgings (bars, rings,
slices, cubes, shafts etc.) in grades 40HM, 40H, 35HGS, 45,
S355J2G3, 18H2N2, 17HNM. Conditions are agreed with the
client individually.
Steel balls (forged or rolled) with diameters: 40mm, 60mm,
80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 120mm, hardness 50-62 HRC.
Forged and machined neck pipe flanges for pipe connections
according to DIN Standards and EN Standards. The neck pipe
flanges are suitable for pressures of 10,16,25 and 40 Atm.
Hot-rolled steel sheets in market dimensions or according to
customer’s drawings. Thickness range 5-200mm.
Alloy steel bars.
Steel grit and shot.
The ALWI company focuses on understanding and responding
to customer’s needs by providing high-quality products. Our
company has over 6 years’ experience in distribution of steel
products. Resourced staff has useful knowledge about the
steel market.
Following several years of strong performance, Alwi’s company
presents us as a solid, reliable and competent partner for
your company.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Thoni Alutec Sp. z o.o.
Przyszowska 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 814 98 00, e-mail:,
About Us
Modern Aluminium Foundry and Diverse Metal machining facilities with 1500 employees based in Stalowa Wola/Poland.
Experience gathered over decades combined with continuous
expansion in our vertical range of manufacture and training of
highly skilled staff, have made Thoni-Alutec one of the most
competent jobbing foundries in this segment worldwide.
Diversification of our activity gives our customers the complete supply chain related to Aluminium castings. Our customers
are individually supplied with castings according to various international standards and thus receiving a complete solution
tailored to their requirements. The integration of all processes
in-house, provides shortest delivery time and a very high level of quality.
Aluminium castings with machining and surface treatment:
• SF6 enclosures / gastight enclosures
• Engine blocks
• Gearbox Housings (trucks, trains, aircrafts)
• Various automotive parts (suspension, engine mounting,
torque tubes, windscreens, transmission case, oil sumps)
• Ventilators, wind blades
• Vacuum chambers, oil pumps housings,
• Healthcare MRI Scanners parts
• C-Arm machine parts
• Welding and assembly robots parts
Casting co-design
Pattern making
Aluminium Castings:
• Gravity and Low Pressure in Sand
• Gravity and Low Pressure in Die/Permanent Mould
Fettling shop
Heat treatment
CNC machining
Comprehensive inspection facilities (FPI/Penetrant
Testing, X-Ray, UT, CMM, Laser Tracker)
Painting / Surface treatment
Quality Standards
AS/EN 9100:2003
ISO 9001:2008
Deutsche Bahn
SVTI 704
DIN-EN 15085-2
DIN EN 473:2000-UT2; VT2
Industries Served
Medical, Energy, Railway, Robotics, Green Energy, Aerospace,
Automotive, Defense & Marine, Mechanical engineering etc.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
ABL-TECHNIC Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 43 66, e-mail:,
About Us
ABL Technic with the seat in Stalowa Wola. Thermal removing
the lacquer.
Thermal removing lacquer layers are made in furnaces with direct and indirect heating.
After cooling the parts to the ambient temperature, the rests
of ash are washed away with the method of spraying under
high temperature. Thanks to this, metalic clean surface is obtained and parts can be immediately brought back to the paint-shop.
Thermal removing the lacquer
Industries Served
The range of services.
Alloy wheels: Uniwheels Production (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
Tickets, hooks, bicycle frames, paint elements used in production process, ventilation grilles and other painted elements or
very strongly oily elements: Uniwheels Production (Poland), Armatoora Kraków, Husqvarna Mielec.
Defectively painted parts (over melting point of 650°C with
max dimensions: 6 000 x 1 200 x 1 200)
Made in Stalowa Wola
The process consists of burning paints off along with rubbing
in sand (so called fluid bed) which works in temperature depending on the bit and lacquer that is being removed. The
component is placed in a chamber – according to the kind of
lacquer, time and set temperature.
Depending on the demands of the customer and the kind of
the cover, ABL Technic Company makes passivation – additional hand-made chemical cleaning. Thanks to the use of thermal method of removing lacquer layers, all the elements are
processed and can be reused, that is lacquered or varnished.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Antonio & Stanley - Kłosowski
Posanie 11, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 642 11 19, e-mail:,
About Us
The Antonio & Stanley - Kłosowski company was established in
1989. Antoni Kłosowski is its only owner.
Our long-standing presence on the market allows us to show
ourselves as the reliable manufacturer of steel constructions
and products of non-ferrous metals. We offer comprehensive
service of the every investment. Our engineering facility and
experience is the warranty of reliable and just-in-time realization. The individual approach to every issue makes possible
to elaborate optimal solutions in order to meet clients expectation.
The „Antonio & Stanley - Kłosowski” company is localized on
own plot, it possesses own shop floors, transport measures,
the specialist crane, welding and treatment equipment, foundry furnaces, specialist equipment for wood and aluminium
We are the partner who realize small and big, typical and nontypical, low-series and individual orders. During our execution
we warranty the fulfilment of all requirements made by Customers in respect of the accuracy, quality and timeliness.
To the production we use materials with the certifications fulfilling European standards.
Industries Served
Metal industry
Construction industry
Quality Standards
The ISO 9001:2008 Certificate (the range of certification:
the execution and assembly of steel structures).
The certificate of visual testing of 2 grade (VT-2).
The MT certificate, magnetic-powder testing.
We specialize mainly in the construction of shop floors, the
manufacture of products made of the heat-resistant and high-alloy steel, roof constructions, construction connectors
of pavilions, storage bins, steel pallets to the transportation
of heavy materials, baskets to the treatment of aluminium
rims, acid-proof frames, bathes to melting furnaces, platforms,
guard rails, etc.
We realize welding services in every range, services of sheet
cutting, services of the mounting and dismounting of floors,
pavilions, etc.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
The Industrial Development Agency Joint Stock Company
Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN
Zakładowa 30, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg, tel: 15 822 99 99, e-mail:,
Three strategy pillars of the IDA JSC
Established in 1991, the Industrial Development Agency JSC
is a strategic state-owned company, which has responded to
the most important needs of the Polish economy. Today the
IDA is a dynamic company, whose strategy and range of activities are based on three pillars.
The Agency supports innovations in the Polish industry. To this
end, it has created an Ecosystem of tools addressed to large enterprises and companies from the SME sector. It includes both financial instruments and the linking of business and
scientific environments. In other words: thanks to the IDA, ideas meet industry.
The Agency has extensive experience in financing restructuring, investments and other development-oriented business
activities of Polish enterprises. Its substantial portfolio of loan
projects, coupled with its expertise and experience, make the
IDA an ideal partner for companies looking to grow their business.
The IDA builds the value of portfolio companies and manages
the Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK MIELEC and Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN, which
are both among the most effective ones in Poland.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Since the beginning of its operation in the TSEZ EURO-PARK
WISŁOSAN over 307 permits to operate in the zone have been
issued, more than 25 000 people have been employed and
companies have invested over 8 billion zlotys. 130 companies
operate here actively. They represent various industries, but
the leading ones are: aluminium processing, pharmaceutical
industry, household glass production, electronics, production
of construction materials, furniture and printing industry. The
zone covers an area of over 1 700 ha and over 70% of the capital is foreign.
Stalowa Wola investment area – 287,41 ha
Results of the region:
Declared investment expenditure – PLN 1.6 billion
Incurred investment expenditure– PLN 1.4 billion
Created job places – 2317 people
New job places – 5727 people
Number of licenses – 47
Number of companies - 24
The largest in Stalowa Wola:
• Uniwheels Production Poland Sp. z o.o. – Production of aluminum wheels
• Bagpak Polska Sp. z o.o. – Production of metal packaging
•Thoni Alutec Sp. z o.o. – Production of aluminum products
• IKEA Industry Poland Sp. z o.o.– manufacturer of wood products
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Bagpak Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 70 98, e-mail:,
About us
The origins of the company dates back to 2007, when the Company BAGPAK Poland was brought to life in order to have in Poland beverage can plant. Based on the Permit to operate in
the Special Economic Zone granted in September 2007, preparations began for the construction of a production plant located in the SEZ Tarnobrzeg.
After obtaining permission to operate in the SEZ, the Company has become a buyer of an integrated production system for
the steel beverage can type MicroflexTM III. As a result of project management methodology in September 2008 the first
phase of production line’s construction was completed and
at the beginning of December commercial production was
The plant has two production lines:
• the production of two-piece steel cans (DWL)
• the production of aluminum lids with full technological facilities.
All production processes are fully automated.
The guarantee of the highest quality products BAGPAK is:
• the use of the world’s best manufacturers of machinery
• the current production line speed is 1200 cans/min
• production capacity allows us to produce 400 million cans
and lids per year.
By constantly monitoring the production process and implementing the latest quality systems the company can respond
flexibly to market demand. The years 2008-2011 was a period
of systematic and planned development of the company based on developed technologies.
The company’s products BAGPAK Poland before marketing are
subjected to thorough quality control carried out by professional staff.
The main products offered by the Company are cans the type
of steel beverage cans and lids 202 SOT & LOE.
The company is the only one in the Special Economic Zone
which represents the metal packaging industry. The diversification of production activities within the zone will be maintained thanks to the start of new investment.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
COP 12, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 65 74, e-mail:,
About us
The founder of Manufacturing and Service Company BIRemhas been working in the repair industry for over 30 years, has
been running his own business since 2005.
The company provides repair services for a broad cross-section performance with the possibility to prepare documentation, duplicating parts for machines and their repair through
more individual orders for non-standard parts and equipment.
The company is located near HSW S.A. working closely with
the Heat Treatment & Electroplating Department and Metal
Forming Department which have a positive impact on the rapid implementation of their projects and results in competitive prices.
We are open to new challenges, we focus on reliability and quality of service based on a wide range of machinery and companionate and qualified team.
We offer machining parts made of steel, non-ferrous metals,
cast iron and plastic in terms of turning, slotting, milling, grinding and planing.
We provide services as follows: welding, heat treatment, electroplating, locksmith, performing parts for construction machinery, manufacturing, overhaul of machine tools, belt and gear
transmission, water pumps and hydraulic systems.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Industries Served
We work with many industrial companies operating among
others in the metal industry, engineering, construction and
The work is performed according to construction documentation supplied by the customer or prepared by our company.
For the purposes of maintenance and emergency repair we
also work based on damaged or destroyed items provided to us.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
PPH Cerkamed
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 35 85, e-mail:,
About Us
CERKAMED Company has operated on the Polish dental market since 1993. Protective dental visors were our first products
that have been widely appreciated by dentists in hospitals and
dental clinics.
To meet customer expectations, we have developed the first
dental chemistry formulation - BLUE ETCH etchant. Currently,
it is considered by the dentists to be the best Polish etchant.
We have had followed this path till today. Our recent endodontic formulations compete in terms of quality with the products
of the world’s best brands, however, our price is the lowest on
the market. Such policy has resulted in a rapid growth of the
company. CERKAMED brand is better and better known and
recognized on the Polish market. We are present on every national dental exhibition and our stands are visited by numerous customers.
Thanks to our participation in the world’s dental trade fairs,
among others IDS in Cologne, we acquire business partners in
various countries all over the world and the Polish product becomes increasingly valued and sought.
Both domestic and foreign customers expect the highest quality of services and products at affordable competitive price.
Products’ prices depend on size of the order. The customer’s status enables us to determine the price level that is satisfactory to customers and simultaneously brings the company income. Another essential argument for the customer is
shelf life and warranty period of the offered products. To meet
customer expectations, CERKAMED implemented an innovative technological line that resulted in longer life of the products while raising their technical and qualitative values. The
long-term strategic goal of the company is to continue strengthening systematically the competitive position of PPH CERKAMED on the domestic and foreign markets.
Quality Standards
The enterprise has introduced and applied a Quality Management System in accordance with standards EN ISO 9001 and
EN ISO 13485 in the area of design, production and delivery
of medicinal products to be used in dentistry.
We produce dental materials to be used in conservative and
endodontic dentistry.
Industries Served
Our offer contains nearly 200 top quality products, primarily
for dental offices.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Cellfast Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 31, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 13 432 10 31, e-mail:,
About Us
Cellfast was founded in 1990 in Krosno. It started as a small
facility manufacturing garden hoses. Thanks to perseverance,
commitment and consistency in business, after a few years,
we became one of the most important manufacturers of hoses
in this part of Europe. In order to meet increasing production
needs in 2001 we launched a new production facility in Stalowa Wola. This was a turning point for the continued dynamic
development of the company. The increased production capacity enabled the expansion of exports, broadening of the product range and the start off a new branch of manufacture. In
2004 the manufacture of gutter systems began.
Today, Cellfast is one of the leading manufacturers in the industry in Europe. We are a strong leader on the domestic market
and an important exporter to many countries in Europe and
the world. Highly specialised personnel, the highest quality of
production proofed by certificates and fast and professional
service meet the needs and preferences of our clients. This is
confirmed by numerous distinctions awarded by consumers as
well as prizes in many important design competitions.
Production areas:
• garden hoses
• technical hoses
• gutter systems
• garden accessories
• technical accessories
Industries Served
PVC processing
Made in Stalowa Wola
Our chief assets:
• new technologies
• broad product offer
• competitive prices
• fast and professional service
• state-of-the-art production management system
Quality Standards
Quality Management System Certification ISO 9001:2009 for
production and selling plastic items
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Firma Codogni Sp. j.
Topolowa 100, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 04 92, e-mail:,
About us
Codogni Company General Partnership was established in
1990. In the initial period the company functioned as a trading company in the metal industry. In the following years it
has specialized in the trading of grinding media for milling
processes to eventually move to production and sales’ phase. Currently, it is one of the few leading grinding media production plants.
The company has production lines for forged and rolled balls.
The company sells its products to numerous plants in Poland
and exports to customers from the European Union.
Production of forged steel balls in closed dies with diameters
ranging from 60 mm to 100 mm.
Production of forged and rolled balls with diameters from 30
mm to 80 mm.
Cooperation in the supply of homogeneous steel scrap, type
N6 and W3.
Quality Standards
The company issues quality certificates.
It has a Certificate of Business Credibility.
A three-time winner of the title ”Business Gazelles”.
The plant also offers a wide range of forged steel balls and
ones made of steel rods by forged and rolled method.
The by-product is steel scrap successfully sold to steel mills
and foundries.
Industries served
Mining industry of copper, zinc and lead
Power engineering
Mineral industry
The cement industry
Grinding plant having mills.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Center of Mathematical Modeling Sigma Andrzej Chmielowiec
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 692 624 408, e-mail:,
About us
CMM Sigma has been in the IT business since 2006. Its founder and owner is Andrzej Chmielowiec, a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw (MIM UW), and a holder of a PhD from the
Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).
Our main area of expertise is the provision of solutions to complex business problems, using advanced mathematical knowledge. In particular, we excel in rendering services related to
information protection and secure communication protocols.
Apart from tailor-made products developed to suit individual
needs of our clients, we also offer our own original products
under the sToken brand. These include solutions dedicated
especially to small and medium-sized enterprises interested
in creating a secure remote work environment. Moreover, sToken has been successfully applied in public administrative bodies and in the healthcare sector, being highly demanding as
far as sensitivity of information is concerned.
sToken software and devices for the configuration of secure,
encrypted connections and virtual private networks (VPN).
Software and devices for both user and device authentication.
LightCrypt cryptographic libraries for encryption and authentication devices.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Industries served
sToken solutions are supplied mainly to public administrative
bodies and small and medium-sized enterprises. Our clients
include: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office for Foreigners, Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych Inc. (Polish
Security Printing Works), Enigma Information Security Systems
Ltd., Oncology Centre in Warsaw, numerous town and community councils, as well as bookkeeping and accounting firms.
Cryptographic software is used mainly by companies from the
electronics and telecommunications sector. It was integrated into the end products of companies such as Baltech Inc.,
Comp Inc., and Cryptomind Inc.
Thanks to our long-standing experience we successfully implement and configure secure data transfer and user authentication solutions.
Our expert knowledge has proved to be the key contributor to
many projects implemented by large electronics and telecommunications groups.
We are highly competent:
• in implementing well-known solutions for the protection of
information and authentication
• in developing IT security solutions matching the individual
requirements of our clients.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
CONTICA Solutions
Kwiatkowskiego 9, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 819 32 01, e-mail:,
About us
CONTICA Solutions is an authorized distributor of professional
IT equipment. In 2011 the company started cooperation with
a leading German manufacturer of WLAN and LAN solutions.
Currently, CONTICA Solutions offers products of three manufacturers of IT equipment.
LANCOM Systems - WLAN (controllers, access points) and LAN
(switches, routers, 4G, VPN)
Barracuda Networks - network security (UTM, firewall, web
filtering, spam firewalling, etc.), backup (archiving data and
email, optimization of network access)
Ekahau, Inc. - Technologically advanced software for measuring and designing wifi network
Services related to offered products
Clients are offered support at every stage of the design and
planning of the network infrastructure, from the definition of
requirements and conceptualization of the project to technical support the implementation of solutions. The competitive advantage of our company potential is the experience in
implementing network infrastructure, knowledge of functioning character of clients in different sectors, direct support of
vendors and excellent partner channel, having the technical
expertise offered solutions.
Cooperation with customers includes audit at the customer’s
infrastructure, technical training, network design, wireless,
wifi signal simulation, development and implementation of
network security policies and data backup policy.
Industries served
Public administration
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Zakład Elektroniki i Automatyki CHIP
Przemysłowa 13, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 85 69, e-mail:,
About us
ZEiA CHIP was established in 1994, since then we have
been gathering experience and developing new products and
Currently most of our services are linked with industrial automatization and production of electronic devices.
We design and build industrial machines.
We sell and implement industrial robots.
We design and produce electronic devices.
We are distributor of industrial automatic’s parts mostly Mitsubishi.
As a distributor of SCADA Promotic system we are organizing
courses, sell software licenses and implement solutions based on that system.
We are producer of well-known controlling system for paper
cutting machines.
Industries served
Printing industry
Metal industry
Production industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Industrial machines built by our company are designed to
meet individual needs of our clients. We have experience in
building: semiautomatic and fully automatic producing machines, counting machines, goniometers, jig grinders, programmable feeders.
We sell and implement solution for industry based on Fanuc
and Mitsubishi robots. Since 2015 we have had welding robots in our offer.
We design and produce electronic devices marked with our
brand and as subcontractor. We have automatic SMT assembly line which allows us to produce small and middle series of
devices. We have an experience in designing smart machines,
remote controlled devices controlled with radio signal, GSM or
Bluetooth, controlling modules.
Quality Standards
We are currently implementing quality system based on ISO
9001 and we are planning to undergo certification process
in 2016.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Cyfrowe Sieci Multimedialne Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 56 56, e-mail:,
About Us
The company Digital Network Multimedia Sp. z o.o. is a provider of comprehensive IT solutions for Polish and foreign companies, as well as public institutions, government and the private sector. Our offer includes solutions that meet the high
demands of today’s customers - ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to large corporate companies. Currently, company is actively strengthening its position in the market.
Thanks to extensive experience and position in the market for
information and communication technologies, choosing Digital Network Multimedia sp. z o.o. you make a good choice and
you can be sure that we will be ready to help you ensuring
a high standard of services we offer.
Designing telecommunication networks.
Wireless Network.
Designing and manufacturing ducts.
Construction lines and fiber-optic networks.
Construction of access networks.
Construction of copper main networks, distribution grids and
subscriber’s lines.
Reconstruction of copper telecommunication network.
The intrusion detection(SSWIN).
Access Control System (KD).
CCTV system - usable - surveillance (CCTV).
Fire alarm signaling system (SAP).
Audible warning system (DSO).
Industries served
All industries
Our mission is to provide comprehensive technical services
and energy at the highest level of quality. Our tasks are performed in a professional and timely manner. We always act in
an ethical manner and in accordance with applicable law. Our
main goal is to meet the requirements and expectations of
customers. These objectives we achieved through: good organization and communication within the company, continuous
upgrading of workers skills in new technologies, implementation of the current trends in the ICT sector and energy, providing a sense of security for the systems users. Our employees
identifying with the company guarantee the achievement of
the objectives and the highest quality of work.
What makes us different
• experienced engineering and management staff, providing
constant supervision over the implementation of the service
• permanent and selected suppliers and subcontractors facilities
• certificates and permits in accordance with the requirements of the law
• experience in servicing demanding customers from many
industries and markets.
Quality Standards
Permission for the designing and implementation of structural cabling. Building qualifications for designing and managing construction works in the telecommunication and energy speciality.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Chemeco Investment Sp. z o.o.
Zakład Oprzyrządowania HO1 w Stalowej Woli, Grabskiego 54, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 52 75, 32 231 22 52, e-mail:,
About Us
The company’s activity has started since 2007 when the company Chemeco - Investment Sp. z o.o acquired from Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. organized part of the company Huta H01 Department engaged in production tooling for the steel industry,
heavy industry jigs for plastic forming and mechanical working,
tooling and for the broadly defined field of machining.
Chemeco - Investment is a diversified business entity.
Our offer includes:
• Manufacture of tooling for heavy industry
• Production of equipment for plastic forming and mechanical working
• Services in the field of machining: turning with a centre lathe, milling, planing, drilling boring and grinding
• Merchandise: graphite electrodes, springs, castings, flocc
lants for water treatment.
Industries Served
Metal Industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Effective implementation of actions and plans will allow our
company to expand both domestically and abroad, including
the European Union markets and Eastern and Asian markets.
Tooling: stamping dies for cold forming drawpiece in the
range of sheet with thicknesses from 1 mm to 8 mm,
dies for forming drawpiece hot, punches and dies for
press brakes, punching dies with highly complex shapes,
drilling, turning, milling, grinding, boring tooling.
Steelmaking tooling: crystallizers for continuous steel
casting line, renovation and repair of continuous casters.
Forging Tooling: tools for forging and trimming, rolling
tooling, drawing tooling, foundry tooling.
Welding Accessories.
Springs and tooling for their production.
Cast and forged push-plate conveyor chain.
Quality Standards
Chemeco - Investment has established and applied a quality
management system for the following scope: production and
renovation of steelmaking, forging and drawing tooling.
The company is certified No. QMS-82GL. An audit conducted
by GL showed that the quality management system meets the
requirements of ISO 9001: 2008
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
PPHU Domostal S.C. Janusz Domka, Adam Moskal
Przyszowska 3, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 77 88, email:,
About us
The Domostal company has been on the market since 2001.
Our activities are focused on the metal and plastic treatment.
We have staff with years of experience in the industry.
We have full machinery that we modernize continuously. Our
skilled staff can handle any task. Cutting, turning, drilling, milling, boring, grinding are the core of our business.
Our products are of the highest quality. We are professional,
reliable and punctual. We export our products to Germany,
Great Britain, Ireland and France.
Quality Standards
We have a Quality Management Certificate ISO 9001: 2008
We specialize in the production of parts for machinery and
equipment. We produce individual parts, components and assemble the whole device based on given specifications.
Industries Served
We fulfill our orders in the construction, rail, road, air and energy sector.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Eurometal S.A.
Mościckiego 8, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 642 60 22, e-mail:,
About Us
Eurometal S.A. is one of three production facilities known as
Eko- Świat Group. The Eko- Świat Group specializes in the processing of aluminium, manufacturing a wide range of aluminium products: from primary alloys in billets and ingots to profiles of different shapes, sheets and stripes. Eurometal S.A. located in Stalowa Wola consists of a casthouse, extrusion plant
and machining department, which allow to obtain the final product of desired properties in one, complete process.
Aluminium billets
Profiles of standard shapes and dimensions
Profiles of special shapes
Components on the basis of aluminium profiles, adjusted
to customers’ requirements.
Industries Served
Transport systems
Made in Stalowa Wola
Eurometal S.A.’s casthouse generates billets to aluminium profiles production thanks to the state-of-the-art horizontal continuous casting line. Extrusion plant has two hydraulic presses
at its disposal. Billets are extruded and aluminium takes the
shape defined by the die. Thanks to it, the process is very flexible and allows to produce a large variety of shapes. Eurometal
S.A. produces profiles of standard shapes and dimensions but
it is also able to produce profiles of special shapes according
to customers’ individual requirements. By using the technology based on experience and knowledge, it is possible to provide profile’s best quality and required properties. Thanks to the
well-equipped Machining Department, Eurometal S.A. offers
components based on manufactured profiles.
Range of machining operations includes cutting, milling and
drilling. Eurometal S.A. products are considered as high quality
products by customers from many European countries.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001
ISO/TS 16949
ISO 14001
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
ENESTA Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 50 50, e-mail:,
About Us
ENESTA Sp. z o.o. is an industrial energy undertaking operating within a Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone „“EURO-PARK
WISŁOSAN” in Stalowa Wola, on industrial sites coming from
arising in the period 1937-1939 Central Industrial District
(COP). The company was established in October 1999, taking
over the energy activities of the Department of Energy - Huta
Stalowa Wola S.A. along with energy infrastructure located in
the industrial area in the western part of Stalowa Wola.
ENESTA is a company operating within the structure of the Polish Energy Group (PGE) - the largest electricity producer in Poland.
ENESTA Sp. z o.o. under a license issued by the President of
the Energy Regulatory Office provides:
• distribution of electricity, methane-rich natural gas and
heat in the industrial area covering over 1 000 hectares in
the municipality of Stalowa Wola
• sale of electricity and natural gas in the Republic of Poland,
• sale of heat in the heating water in the area covered heat
transmission networks.
In terms of business of electricity and natural gas distribution
ENESTA gained the status of the Distribution System Operator
ensuring connection their own systems with nationwide distribution systems Polish transmission networks (electricity) and
Gas Transmission Operator Gas System (natural gas).
ENESTA Sp. z o.o. is a modern company and rapidly modernizing energy infrastructure in order to increase supply reliability in energy carriers and the flexibility to adapt to the needs of
their customers and ensure high quality requirements.
Gas transmission and distribution of electricity are carried out
through transmission and distribution systems with voltages of
110 kV, 30 kV, 6 kV and 0.4 kW. The total capacity is 130 MW.
Transmission services and distribution of natural gas are carried out through transmission and distribution systems for
pressures of 0. 002 kPa to 300 kPa. The total capacity is
40 000 Nm³/h.
Services of transmission and distribution of heat in water heating energy are carried out by transmission networks and distribution grids with a capacity of max. 2,500 t/h at a supply
pressure to 0.65 MPa.
Quality Standards
Energy supply is realized with the principles and quality standards set by the Energy Law (Journal of Laws 2012, item 1059,
as amended) and the regulations under that Act.
Continuously since 2006, the company has been certified
with ”Fair Play” awarded by the National Chamber of Commerce and the Institute for Research on Democracy and Business
The company also performs additional services related to the
basic profile, for example construction work in the range of power lines and pipelines, electrical, gas, thermal and steam installation
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
PPH GAB Jan Czokało
Przemysłowa 43, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 01 10, e-mail:,
About us
The company GAB has existed since 1981, it specializes in the
production of accessories for lift trucks. Decades of experience and technical facilities which include two plants with production halls with a total area of over 3 000 square meters, diversified machinery, equipment for cold and heat processing,
heat treatment. All of these allow for a work meeting the requirements of domestic and foreign markets.
The guarantee of our products’ good quality is:
• perfectly chosen and experienced staff
• the use of high quality materials
• full control of the manufacturing process and finished products.
Generating palette covers a wide range of forks and fixtures
for forklifts.
We solve problems of handling in each company.
We expand gradually our product range.
Industries Served
Equipment for vertical and horizontal handling.
Technical Services
Quality standards
ISO: 9001:2009
Made in Stalowa Wola
Forks for lift
Fork extensions
Plows for snow removal
Plows chargers
Hydraulic shovels
Mechanical shovels
Tilting closed containers
Containers with hinged bottom
Claws for barrels
Handles with a hook
Booms with a hook
Clamping claws
Boom and traverses
Cargo clamps
Sliding carriage
Spurs and mandrels
Working platforms
Grapples for waste paper
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Halmar Sp. z o.o.
Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego 2, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 843 28 10, e-mail:,
About Us
Halmar is an importer and distributor of furniture from the Far
East, mainly from China. Some offers are domestic products
produced by Polish manufacturers on our order. Among the
wholesale customers we have about 1 000 national actors
and tens of foreign customers.
• attractive prices
• attractive design
• distribution network covering within the whole Polish territory
• efficient after-sales service.
Halmar has existed on the market since 1989, it has the necessary knowledge, experience and logistics base of over
14 000 square meters, in part as a computerized high-bay
Glass and MDF top tables, MFC top tables, dining sets, solid wood top tables, kitchens, coffee tables, children furniture, bedroom furniture, leisure furniture, hall furniture, hangers,
bar tables, shelving, newspaper stands, TV stands, bar and
restaurant, furniture, garden and terrace furniture, office desks, executive office chairs, office chairs, children chairs, metal chairs, wooden chairs.
Industries Served
Furniture stores
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Huta Stali Jakościowych S.A.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 510 223 527, e-mail:,
About Us
Huta Stali Jakościowych S.A. was established In 1938 as part
of the Central Industrial District as a major supplier of quality
steel for the nascent defence industry. HSJ S.A. offers a wide
range of production and supply of quality steel, armour sheets
and services in scope of sheets prefabrication.
Armour steel ARMSTAL
Structural and constructional steel
Abrasion resistant plates HARDSTAL
Plates of stainless steel, heat resistant steel, creep
resisting steel
High – strength, quenched and tempered plates
Peeled bars
CC billets and slabs
Industries Served
Automotive industry
Machinery industry
Mining industry
Energy industry
Railway industry
Defense industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Our mission is to build a stable position HSJ S.A. as a leader in
the steel industry. Providing our customers with the products
of the highest quality allows to consistently build trust in our
products and services. We are constantly striving to implement innovation in our technologies. All these factors make us
a reliable partner for our customers, employees and suppliers
in the business.
Quality Standards
RINA – ISO 9001:2008
TS 16949:2009
Certificate Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Certificate TÜV Nord 97/23/WE
Certificate TÜV NORD AD 2000 (AD 2000-Merkblatt WO)
Certificate TÜV NORD-DIN EN 10025-1:2005
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
VPAM 2007 (PM) 2007, NIJ 0108.01, MIL-DTL-46100E
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 42 65, e-mai:,
About Us
HSW S.A. specializes in designing, manufacturing and sales of
the following types of military equipment:
• ARTILLERY EQUIPMENT: Self-propelled, hauled or mounted
on other objects. Fully autonomic and / or automated. Integrated with battlefield digital command systems.
• SPECIAL ARMORED CARRIERS: Wheeled and tracked chassis. Multipurpose or specialist. Amphibious.
HSW S.A. worked out its own strategy of offering newly designed and modernized products by delivering them composed
into complete Military Units. Making the best of our know-how
we offer cooperative services too: we produce ready-made products and supply technical services – based both on our own
as well as client’s documentation.
• ARTILLERY: 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer KRAB, 120mm
Self-Propelled Mortars RAK (wheeled/tracked chassis),
Langusta WR-40 Rocket Launcher, Repair and Ammunition
Resupply Vehicles, 98/120mm Towed Mortars, 35mm Automatic Cannon
(wheeled/tracked), Command-Staff Vehicle
• ENGINEERING: Scattered Mine Laying Platform BAOBAB,
Scattered Mine Laying Vehicle KROTON, Backhoe Loader
9,50, Loader-Dozer SL-34.
Technical services:
Plastic working: shear cutting, bending on press brakes
presing and blanking of metal plates.
Machining: turning of shafts, sleeves and rings, boring
drilling, milling, grinding of holes and planes.
Welding: constructional steel, stainless steel, armoured
steel and aluminium welding with use of MIG, MAG and
TIG methods.
Shot blasting: manual and automatic.
Surface treatment: spray hydrodynamic painting
(manual and in line), with automatic phosphate washing,
thermochemical treatment: manganese phosphatizing.
Heat treatment: annealing.
Assembly of machines and equipments production of
welded and machined assemblies: frames, extension arms,
sidev members of a frame, buckets, blades, platforms.
Angle & Length Measurement Laboratory Services.
Non-Destructive Test Laboratory Services.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001-2008
AQAP 2110-2009
ISO 14001:2004
Certificate of Management System, Internal Compliance Program
Industries Served
Construction on defence and security
esearch and Development
Technical services
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
HSW OINS Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 47 85, e-mail:,
About Us
Tooling Plant was established in 1938 as a part of Industrial
Complex Huta Stalowa Wola. In 1996 the plant was separated
from the HSW. In 2011 it was converted into HSW Oprzyrządowanie i Narzędzia Specjalne Sp. z o.o. (HSW OINS). Today our
plant is one of well known Polish manufacturer.
The plants offers:
• tools for production of gears, wormgears,
sprockets and splines: hobbing cutters,
shaving cutters, broach tools etc.
• manufacturing fixtures for milling, drilling, boring, as well
as welding and assembling fixtures
• spare parts
• test stands
• mechanical units for intermal transport
• machining operations per customer specification
• heat treatment
• galvanic processes.
Industries Served
Railway industry
Metallurgical systems
Military products
Paper industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Machines possessed by the plant make possible various production starting from simple parts to very difficult construction and mechanical units. The plant specializes in production
of special tools and fixtures for construction equipment automotive and aviation. Tooling plant is also the manufacturer of
the other tools and fixtures made according to requirements
and technical specification of customers which are well world
known companies.
Quality Standards
We offer our products manufactured according to company
standards, PN, ASTM, EN, DIN and others
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 63 96, e-mail:,
About Us
KOPEX FOUNDRY is a part of KOPEX GROUP, a Polish Capital Group. The Company includes two foundries: the Foundry
in Stalowa Wola and the Foundry in Tarnowskie Góry. The traditions of the company go back to 1938, and since 2007, the
company has been taken over by the Kopex Capital Group. In
2015, the company has purchased the foundry in Tarnowskie
Góry and started business under the brand KOPEX FOUNDRY.
We manufacture castings in the following grades:
• Carbon cast steel
• Alloy cast steel
• Heat-resistant and high-temperature cast steel
• Wear-resistant cast steel
• Hadfield cast steel
• Spheroidal cast iron
• Grey cast iron
• Alloy cast iron.
We provide services:
• Comprehensive advice in material selection
• Model making
• Heat treatment
• Cleaning of metal products.
We manufacture single and short-series castings with a mass
between 30 and 5000 kg, in raw condition or machined. We
are a manufacturer of cast steel and cast iron castings according to PN/EN, DIN, ASTM, GOST, BS, or on the basis of individual customer requirements. We offer comprehensive services with regard to advice in material selection, model-making,
heat treatment and mechanical castings.
As a part of the KOPEX Group, we are a fully trustworthy company with a stable market position. We are able to offer the
customers new products made of the most technically advanced materials in order to meet their current and future requirements.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
License for production and turnover of military and police purpose products, as well as for turnover in technologies in this
area, issued by the Minister of the Interior.
Industries Served
We manufacture castings for the following industries: mining,
construction equipment, energy, extraction of mineral, resources, lifting technology, cement, steel, shipbuilding, railway, automotive, defense.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
HSW Zakład Powłok
Galwanicznych Sp. z o.o.
HSW Zakład Powłok Galwanicznych Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 690 894 916, e-mail:,
About us
HSW Department of Galvanic Coatings Sp. z o.o. is a company specializing in the field of galvanic coatings. Many years of
experience in the industry and qualified staff provide support
at global level.
We provide services in the galvanization.
Technical chrome plating
White and yellow galvanizing
Zinc phosphating
Manganese phosphating
Oxidation (blackening)
Decorative chrome plating
Tempering and thermal improvement
Surface preparation
Made in Stalowa Wola
Department of Galvanic Coatings provides services in the field
of coating on metals to prevent corrosion, decoration or increasing dimensions.
We specialize in coatings of chromium, nickel, zinc with a different chromating colour (passivation), phosphate.
We also do service of steel browning (oxidation).
Industries Served
All industries
Private customers
Quality Standards
PN- EN ISO 9001:2009 in galvanic coatings
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
HSW Kuźnia Stalowa Wola Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 54 14, e-mail:,
About Us
HSW — Kuźnia Stalowa Wola Sp. z o.o. is a leading producer of
open-die forgings. A wide assortment of products is manufactured with the hydraulic presses with 1 000 or 2 500 tons offorging pressure and with forging hammers with 2 000, 1 500,
1 000, 750 kg of impact force. This equipment works simultaneously with forging manipulators.
Forgings are produced from ingots and billets rolled from constructional carbon and alloy steel produced in electric-arc furnaces with the extra-furnace treatment including vacuum degassing of steel.
Forgings are heat treated: annealed, normalized, stress relief
annealed, queriched and tempered, solution heattreated. The
surface of forgings may be either rough (after a forging process)or machined (turning, milling, shaping, boring).
We carry out mechanical properties testing, ultrasonic, penetration and magnetic-particle testing and others, as stated in
purchase order. HSW-Kużnia Stalowa Wola Sp. z o.o. manufactures open¬die forgings within the weight range of 10 kg
to 14 Mg for energy, shipbuilding, mining and military industry.
Industries Served
Our customers are also companies from drilling, machine-building, various types of transport industry and other.
We offer:
• rolls, transmission shafts
• flanged shafts
• turbine and rotor shafts
• planet wheels, pinions
• low and high speed shafts
• hubs, planet shafts, bearing bushes
• rudder stock, hydraulic nuts
• tube sheets, flanges
• gas heads, bolts
• bars: round, fIat, square
• rings, sleeves, disks, blocks, plates.
We offer products with the highest technological and quality
parameters, with short date of delivery and on favourable trade conditions.
Quality Standards
HSW - Kuźnia Stalowa Wola Sp. z o.o. has ISO 9001:2000 certificate concerning:
• manufacturing of bars and open-die forgings
• heat and machine treatment of metallurgical products
We produce forgings from constructional carbon and alloy steel according to the EN, PN, ASTM, BS and other standards, as
weli according to the requirements of TÜV, DNV, BV, UDT, PRS,
GL, LRS, CARGO qualification societes.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
HSW Lorresta Sp. z o.o.
Ludwika Tołwińskiego 10, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 44 10, e-mail:,
About Us
HSW Lorresta Company was established in January 1999.
At the beginning, the company had majority of foreign capital,
nowadays 100% shares are held by Polish capital.
HSW Lorresta Company has been using international technical thought and years of experience, offer top class aggregates produced from metallurgical slag for building industry and
road construction. Simultaneously rewarding for our company
is the fact that in processing metallurgical slag and other wastes we protect mineral sources and environment.
Since August 2014 HSW-Lorresta has had required permits
for processing wastes in vehicle disassembly station.
Aggregates produced from metallurgical slag of grain size:
0-10 mm, 0-31.5 mm, 0-60 mm, 31.5-63 mm and 31.5-150
Industries Served
Building Industry
Vehicles Recycling
Made in Stalowa Wola
Main scope of activities is production and sale ecological aggregates based on metallurgical slag
and other wastes. Aggregates produced by our company are
meeting with environmental and quality standard for materials destined to building roads, motorways, embankments, levees and loss of land.
The company is engaged with vehicle disassembly and provides recovery, recycling and dispose of wastes from vehicles.
HSW-Lorresta provides transport services and construction
equipment services.
Quality Standards
Certificate and research of aggregates quality made according
norm PN-EN 13242+A1:2010.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Informatyka Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 66 66, e-mail:,
About us
Computer Sp. z o.o. is the result of the privatization of the IT
Office Huta Stalowa Wola. As an own entity commenced operations in April 2007. Experience of IT Office in the structures
of HSW dating back to 1974.
Today, the company continues the more than 40-year history of developing and operating companies. We work with the
best. Our company as the IFS Business Partner deals with selling and implementing IFS Applications- ERP system based on
component architecture and SOA technology.
Our motto is:“Every customer is important to us”. Implementing projects based on the motto, together with IFS, we combine all our competences and activities in order to take advantage of the gained experience in the sales process, the creation
and functioning of IFS Applications in the realities of the changing market. We offer a complete ERP system that meets all
the needs of business customers.
The Company’s offer is complex. This includes consulting, application development, application deployment, internal and
external integration system, training services, operation and
maintenance of own applications and IFS Applications. These services also implement a dedicated outsourcing model for
the customer.
Computer Sp. z o.o. is primarily a team of professionals who
understand the market needs of our customers. The comprehensive implementation requires competence not only in
terms of applications, but also a variety of hardware and software platforms. Our employees in an excellent manner cope
with solving important problems at the interface between the
hardware-software technology.
We tailor applications to specific customer requirements. The
flexibility of our systems allows services to companies employing several thousand workers.
IFS Applications ERP- delivery and implementation;
IFS Applications ERP- implementation in outsourcing;
The database Oracle- supply and installation;
The database ADABAS- supply and installation;
Supply and installation of computer equipment of IBM, Lenovo, HP, Oracle.
Industries Served
Industry, energy, furniture industry, chemical industry, ceramics, windows, doors, metallurgy, trade, logistics.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
IKEA Industry
Stalowa Wola
IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola
Grabskiego 43, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 840 01 07, e-mail:,
About Us
IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola is part of IKEA Industry. IKEA Industry Group was founded in 1991 and is the industrial part
of the IKEA Group. IKEA Industry role is to secure production
capacities for growth in strategically important categories with
the aim to create outstanding customer value in terms of quality and price.
Industry IKEA Group employs approximately 20 000 employees in 44 manufacturing units located in 11 different countries
Sawn pine timber.
By-products; Wood chips and wood saw dust.
Industries Served
IKEA Industry Furniture factories
Industrial wood companies
Chip board producer
Pellet producer
Energy plant
Made in Stalowa Wola
IKEA Industry Stalowa Wola is a modern and efficient sawmill
which includes log yard area, cross cut line, sawing line, sorting lines, drying kilns and an environmentally-friendly boiler
which uses recycled bark from the logs for fuel. The sawmill
is located on a 25-hectare plot and is the largest owned by
IKEA Industry in Poland, with an annual production capacity of
400 000 m3 of pine logs.
From the start safety has been an integrated part throughout
the design and construction of the sawmill. The sawmill gained
FSC® Chain Of Custody certification in June 2014 and most
of the wood processed at the sawmill is also FSC®-certified,
meaning that the forests, from which the timber is sourced,
are responsibly managed. Other sustainable solutions include
a safe, efficient log-watering system using recycled rainwater.
Quality Standards
FSC chain of custody certificate (Forest Stewardship council)
IWAY (IKEA way of production)
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Inkubator Technologiczny
Kwiatkowskiego 9, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 814 91 91, e-mail:,
About Us
The idea of creating a Technological Incubator in Stalowa Wola
was based on the following premises:
• the creation of an attractive and effective business environment and innovation centre focusing on Stalowa Wola and
the region
• enabling a support system for micro, small and medium sized enterprises with far reaching forms of assistance and
consultancy for them – for the purposes of decreasing
unemployment, the better use of local resources and increasing economic, technological and attractiveness along
with the tourist and image attractiveness of the city, region
and the companies themselves.
Technological Incubator features a modern base of facilities
and devices:
• technologically advanced machinery and devices of our
own Processing Centre and Metal Science Laboratory – to
be used both by the incubator’s tenants, its partners, and
also external clients
• premises of diversified surface area designed for rent to
incubated and pre-incubated companies as well as to socalled strategic tenants.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001
Metal cutting, welding and processing services.
CNC double-spindle lathes.
Vertical and horizontal CNC vertical centre.
Lathe and machine milling centre.
Water stream cutting machines.
Electron beam welding devices.
Industries Served
Our services are dedicated for the following sectors:
aviation, automotive, construction, railway, energy
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
PPUH Intermech Sp. z o.o.
Przemysłowa 9B, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 36 71, e-mail:,
About Us
PPUH INTERMECH Ltd. is a medium size production company
operating in metal industry. The company was established in
1995 with the 100% Polish capital. The company’s assets are:
production halls, machines, offices with the equipment and
the intellectual property items like drawings, technical documentation and patents. Intermech is a member of Cluster “Hefajstos” and “Klastal”.
INTERMECH specializes in production of the hydraulic steering
gears for the marine industry, mainly in machining and assembling of elements. Intermech is a producer of parts and sets
for the railway industry which are for building the carriages’ rail
boogies and the suspension’s elements for the passenger vehicles such as trams, railcars and locomotives. Intermech produces also parts and sets of the hydraulics, coupling sets used
in the machines for deep drilling.
The aim of the company is to be active in the main areas which
are the machining on the specialized machines and the production of the welded construction and making parts by plastic processing, welding and machining. The production program is connected not only with single elements and components but also assembling of complete sets according to the
given by the clients or our own documentation.
Industries Served
Our company cooperates and fulfills orders for the building
companies, machine, metallurgical, mining, energetic, shipbuilding and railway industry in Poland and many other countries
such as Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Finland.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Cutting (Band–saw-cutting of bar from ø10 to ø600 mm
CNC steered oxygen cut-off machine – cut out the parts from
the steel sheets with thickness 8-100 mm and dimensions
2000 x 6000 mm.
Drilling. Turning (Conventional lathes and CNC lathes; face lathe, center lathe, carousel lathe – turning the diameter Ø max
2 800mm and L max=1 500 mm
Milling. (Vertical milling machines, horizontal milling machines, planner milling machine, milling and boring machines,
CNC steered milling and boring machines, machining centers
Plastic processing. Modern line for the hot bending of header
bars for bogie frame type Y25. Rolling of rings from sheet with
thickness from 12 to 45 mm, rings with dimension Ø min.
500 mm, max 3 000 mm and length up to 1 600 mm.
Bending and stamping- bending of stinger and traverse to frame of boogie on hydraulic presses with pressing force 25 T.
Quality Standards
Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 approved by
Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited from day of 201203-23.
Quality System of Welding acc. to ISO 3834 and admission of
the Company acc. DIN 18800-7
Certificate DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) for production Hydraulic Steering Gears used for different types of ocean vessels.
Additionally P.P.U.H. INTERMECH has been granted the concession for production and sales of products and technologies
with police and military purpose.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Iwamet Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 28, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 60 55, e-mail:,
About Us
We belong to the leading global producers of precise aluminium castings and components produced by CNC machining.
Our high position on the market was achieved thanks to consistently pursued development policy, the responsibility of our
high skilled staff, modern equipment and design, production
and technology research.
We specialize in the production of aluminum castings made
in the Low Pressure Die Casting, Low Pressure Sand Casting,
Gravity in Permanent Mould and in Sand Casting Technology.
Castings are made from aluminum alloys according to the general standards and according to special customer requirements. We have low-pressure machines that allow us to produce castings to weights up to 100 kg. Gravity sand castings
- cold-box technology - currently produced from 0.1 kg up to
700 kg per part.
In order to increase the mechanical properties of castings we
use heat treatment according to customer requirements, and
IWAMET know-how provides the company up to 200% increase.
Industries Served
Our products are dedicated for the following sectors: Aviation,
Defense, Automotive, Rail, Energy, Medical and others.
Aluminium castings
Precision machining
Tools shop
Quality Standards
AS/EN 9100:2003
Deutsche Bahn
SVTI 704
DIN-EN 15085-2
DIN-EN 473:2000-UT2; -VT2
Developed by well experienced team, casting mould design and
construction allow us to deliver the highest quality products.
Quality of the castings are confirmed by quality control using
Dimensional control (CMM, 3D Scanning), X-ray, Penetration
testing (FPI) and other tests. Our Technical Department supports customers in the casting design and casting processes
in order to obtain optimized solutions. Addi-tionally, casting
process can be supported by simulation software 3D Flow.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Koczwara Stolarka Aluminiowa Sp.j.
Brandwicka 2, 37-403 Pysznica
Tel: 15 844 03 08, e-mail: biuro@koczwara,,
About Us
Family owned company founded in 1982 and has operated on
the market since then. We specialise in design, manufacturing
and fitting of aluminium and PVC doors and windows.
We export our products to many European countries such as
Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Holland.
Our products are manufactured to the best aluminium systems like Aluprof from Poland and Schueco from Germany.
The glass we use in our products is sourced from leading suppliers in this field like AGC and Pilkington.
Aluminium facade
Conservatory, ( winter gardens )
Doors and windows
Office walls
Window blinds and shutters
Industries Served
Building industry
Individual customers
Made in Stalowa Wola
• individual projects
• cooperation with architects and designers
• visualisations
• budget pricing
• delivery to all European countries
• automated solutions available with automated systems from
leading manufacturers (GEZE DORMA).
Quality Standards
Our products meets requirments of EN 14351-1 standard.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Jennmar Merol Sp. z o.o.
Przemysłowa 30, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 50 08, e-mail:,
About Us
JENNMAR MEROL™ is a manufacturing enterprise founded
in 1986. In 2011 it became part of the international Jennmar
Corporation which leads the way in ground control technology for the mining, tunneling and civil construction industries.
Ground control products and Rock reinforcement (Anchor bolt
systems, Strand and Cable bolts, Conventional bolts, Headed
rebar bolts, Self-drilling hollow bars).
Standing support (Lattice girders, Steel sets and Tunnel Rings,
Mesh, Mats, Channels).
Surface support and Mining Accessories (Plates, Hangers, Drill
Bits, Expansion shells).
Machinery and devices for the mining industry (Hydraulic power supply, Drilling Devices).
Industries Served
Mining - Coal and Hard Rock
Civil Construction - ground control products
Jennmar Merol consists of a modern manufacturing plant
(2 000 m2) housing a variety of manufacturing equipment and
machine tools, along with a qualified technical staff. The plant
also has its own Design, Research & Implementation Engineering Team with specialists who are responsible for product
design and new technological approaches to manufactured
Jennmar Merol’s manufacturing plant is capable of producing
the following products and services:
• production of roof bolting components, machinery and
devices or the mining industry
• production of welded pressure vessels
• production and steel tanks and structures
• machining in the range of boring
• production of spare parts on order
Quality Standards
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
LiuGong Dressta Machinery Sp. z o. o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 47 83, e-mail:,
About Us
Dressta is responsible for the worldwide sales, marketing and
service of DRESSTA branded construction equipment manufactured at the plant of our owner – Liugong Dressta Machinery Sp. z o. o. We are dedicated to being a worldwide supplier
of quality products that meet and exceed the performance
and productivity of the products produced by the leading manufacturer of construction equipment. Our machines are produced to quality standards which are equal to those of the leading construction equipment manufacturers. What is more,
they are offered at very competitive prices.
Liugong Dressta Machinery offers:
• crawler dozers with power ranging from 74 to 515 hp
• pipe layers with a capacity of 33.1 to 100.0 tons
• wheel loaders with engine power from 227 to 427 hp
• backhoe loaders with engine power 95 hp
• wheel compactors with engine power 227 hp
• crawler compactors with a power from 190 to 330 hp
• and special applications versions based on standard
Industries Served
Earth moving
Road construction
Forestry industries
Waste deposit
And public works sector
Made in Stalowa Wola
Customer satisfaction has always been our top priority, which
explains why here at Dressta, we treat our customers and business partners with the utmost respect, attentiveness and
We are dedicated to efficient supply of our products worldwide through a well-established independent distribution network, while simultaneously providing the best customer care
through the product support teams located at our distributors.
In order to fulfill every customer’s demand, Dressta offers
specially tailored attachments for machines that are produced at our factory in Stalowa Wola, based on the engineering
documentation worked out by local engineers.
By customizing a machine to various working conditions here
on the spot, Dressta offers clients a personalized machine
which makes the build process shorter and simplifies the machine ordering process.
Thanks to this, Dressta has an enlarged offer to the market,
increased chances of selling due to ‘tailoring’ the specs to customer needs and is able to offer the dealer and customer the
whole package from one source – the customer receives a ready machine straight from supplier.
Quality Standards
Certificate ISO 9001:2008 – The Quality Management System is applicable to: “Design, manufacture and servicing o
building machineries, assemblies and parts for them and provision of services within used technologies”.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Laboratorium Międzyuczelniane
Kwiatkowskiego 9, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 814 91 91, e-mail:,
About Us
The inter-university laboratory will host two scientific laboratories, located at Technological Incubator’s building:
Laboratory of Advanced Laser Technology, equipped with robotic laser welding stand, laser stand for micro-welding with
equipment, set for measuring parameters of the surface, magnetic instrument for the Phased Array Method tests, set for
creating 3D models, helium leak detector
Diversified scientific potential allows intensification of cooperation of the academic environment with the business. This
potential is created by the universities which enable the access to the qualified scientific and research staff, which is necessary to accomplish the cooperation of this type.
Laboratory of Highly Advanced Materials and Composite Structures equipped with scanning electron microscope
with EDS attachment, FT-Raman spectrometer, with integrated FT-IR attachment and infra-red microscope, confocal Raman spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer with micro option, photo-electron spectrometer, two optical microscopes, X-ray tomograph with software and computer system, AFM microscope,
ICP MS and OES spectrometer with laser ablation, X-ray micro-analysis
Sharing of the laboratories and apparatus as a part of the
commonly conducted research and implemented research
Industries Served
Our services are dedicated for the following sectors:
aviation, automotive, construction, railway, energy
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
P.H.U. „Lokomotiv” Bronisław Plata
Oddział Hala Napraw, Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 18 445 94 03, 15 813 68 19, e-mail:,
About Us
The P.H.U “Locomotiv” Bronisław Plata company was founded
in 1990, with a headquarters in the district of Nowy Sącz, the
Podegrodzie town. The company supplies parts and components for all types of diesel locomotives.
In 2009 Bronisław Plata bought facilities adapted to repairs of
the rolling stock from Huta Stalowa Wola S.A., and in 2011 he
took over the business from the HSW – Department of Transport and began leasing of HSW railway siding, and providing
transport services.
Parts and components for diesel locomotives:
• SM42
• 401Da
• 409Da
• SM03
• SM30
• SM31
• TEM 2
Our services include:
• repair, lease and operation of rail traction vehicles
• operating railway sidings
Industries Served
Rail transport
Energy industry
Chemical industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Specialization of our company is associated with sizeable rolling stock of rail traction vehicles, which we lease. We also
specialize in providing complex repair services for diesel locomotives of all types. We guarantee both: warranty and post
warranty services.
We also have considerable experience in operating the railway sidings.
Quality Standards
The P.H.U. ”Lokomotiv” Bronisław Plata company has been
certified by the Polish Academy of Quality Cert Sp. z o. o., for
the use of occupational health and safety management system according to PN-N-18001: 2004.
We also have Siding Safety Certificate, which attests of meeting the requirements for the proper maintenance of railway
siding, safe railway traffic operation and safety of railway vehicles exploitation.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Mista Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 36, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 03 52, e-mail:,
MISTA LTD is a private company which was established in
1991. Since the beginning, the company has been dealing
with construction and road building equipment, working as a
dealer of other brands.
In 1996 Mista’s engineers started to work for their own design of the motor grader, and the company launched its first
unit called RD 165 very quickly. While working on that project, Mista started good and long-term cooperation with such
well-known global producers as Cummins, ZF, NAF, BoschRexroth, Sauer-Danfoss, Poclain Hydraulics. All machines produced by Mista comply EU machinery directives for CE declaration of conformity to their users to use them throughout the
European Union.
In 2013, completing its long -time effort, MISTA became a part
of exclusive society of producers and suppliers of equipment
for military purposes and launched production of Armored Personal Carrier.
Motorgraders MISTA 130-190 HP, 12.5-13.3 T, 6x6, 6x4 drive.
Devices, steelwork, components and parts for offshore and
marine, mining industry, oil&gas like winches, booms, frames,
columns according to the purchaser documentation.
Industries Served
Civil Engineering Contractors
Construction and Mining Equipment Industry
Offshore and Marine Industry
• Production of complete devices, equipment or its components, including assembling and test
• Large size welded structure, welding - alloys steel, carbon
steel, stainless steel with MIG, MAG methods - steelworks
of large and small dimension – weight up to 20 000 kg
• Welded and machining parts for offshore and marine, mining industry, oil&gas like winches, booms, frames, columns
• Machining processing for casting, forging, up to 6 000 mm
length and up to 4 000 mm: planing, drilling, milling, tuning, boring, grinding
• Gear processing of plain, oblique and cone toothing. Worms
and worm wheels processing; surface grinding of plane - dimension 1 200 x 1 100; shafts - dimension 480 mm, lenght 4 000 mm; holes dimension 400 mm lenght 300 mm
While handling a production/purchase order of the customer
we offer:
• project management
• preparation of processing documentation
• manufacturing of a steelwork
• machining of elements
• surface protection
• mechanical, hydraulic and electric assembly of machines
and devices
• tests.
Quality Standards
Quality Management System Standards ISO 9001:2009 and
WKS Certificate.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Marani Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 601 983 189, e-mail:,
About us
We are a technical integrator in the field of compressed air
and nitrogen based on our own production equipment and leading companies in the world. We offer solutions at the highest level. Together with a research and development center of components and pneumatics systems in Kielce we offer
comprehensive solutions for factory automation based on our
own pneumatics. Our offer in the field of compressed air, based on years of experience and competence allows us to obtain optimal economic effect by using the latest engineering solutions without the involvement of clients’ investment funds.
Our range includes functional and practical air compressors.
We provide these facilities in many types of Series T and H.
Varied range allows our customers the choice of equipment
according to their needs and expectations. Presented rotary
screw compressors are characterized by high level of productivity and they are cost-effective devices available at very attractive price.
Industries Served
Marani brand compressors supply with compressed air plants
of the mining industry, steel mills, foundries, forges, rolling
mills, food production plants, pharmaceutical plants and hospitals.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Outsourcing. With this service, we provide a constant supply of
compressed air and nitrogen of guaranteed quantity and quality at the agreed price to the customer receivers with their
own power sources located at the customer.
Implementation of investment projects in the form of outsourcing is based on the BOO principles (Build-Operate-Own) or
contracting (Build-Operate-Transfer). Such a supply model of
compressed air has following advantages:
• relieving customer budget by preserving own investment
• obtaining low, fixed price of supply
• reduction of maintenance costs
• guaranteed professional service.
We provide service of compressors and compressed air devices of leading manufacturers. We offer a full range of services, maintenance and repair in the field of devices and systems that are in our offer.
Quality Standards
We are a reliable supplier of compressed air and nitrogen. The
guarantee of service and reputation quality that Marani Sp. z
o.o. has, it is the fact that we work with more than 120 large industrial enterprises, manage and service more than 900
compressors and blowers. Marani Sp. z o.o. has compressed
air stations located in Poland, German and the Czech Republic. Our contractors are among others: Tauron, JSW S.A., KHW
S.A., Coal Company S.A., Kopex Group, Boryszew Group, Kronospan, Valeo. Marani brand compressors supply compressed air to plants of the mining industry, steel mills, foundries,
forges, rolling mills, food production plants, pharmaceutical
plants and hospitals.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Metal-Odlew Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 44 60, e-mail:,
About Us
Our company consists of two foundries located in Stalowa Wola
and Nowa Sarzyna, Poland. Realization of orders with highest
quality and fulfilling of international standards is our main goal.
Well-qualified staff fully prove it in all aspects. Our employees
have worked for many years in the foundry industry, also in
Huta Stalowa Wola, and proved their knowledge and professionalism many times. We take care of high quality management
and our efforts are confirmed by satisfaction of clients.
Gray cast iron acc. to Standard PN-EN 1561
EN-GJL 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350
Ductile castings acc. to Standard PN-EN 1563
EN-GJS 350-22, 400-15, 400-18, 400-18LT
EN-GJS, 450-10, 500-7, 600-3, 700-2, 800-2
Alloy cast iron acc. to Standard PN-88/H-83144 heat-resisting: ZlCrO,8; ZlCr1,5; ZlCr2,5: ZISi5Cr; ZsSi5;
ZbCr28; ZbCr32; ZlNi20Si5Cr3
corrosion-proof: ZlSi15; ZlNi15Cu6Cr2; ZsNi22; ZsNi20Cr3;
ZsNi30Cr3; ZbCr28; ZbCr32; ZlNi20Si5Cr3
abrasion-resisting: ZlCr; ZlNi; ZlNi1,0; ZlNi1,4; ZlNi1,8;
ZsNi2,0; lNiCr; ZlNiCrC; ZlNi1,2Cr0,8; ZlNi1,8Cr; ZbNi4,2Cr2;
ZbNi2,2Cr2,1Cu2,4; ZsNi0,8CuCr; ZlCu; ZlCu1,0; ZsCu1,0;
ZlCu1,6; ZlCu1,6Ni; ZlCu1,2Cr; ZlCu1,8Cr; ZlCuCrNi; ZlP1,4.
Applied technologies:
Melting – inductive furnaces Calamari 3 tons and four furnaces PIT-1,5 ton.
Moulding – manual, in loose self-hardened masses.
Weight of castings:
10 - 1 500 kg for gray cast iron and ductile castings.
0 - 1 200 kg for alloy cast iron.
We supply our castings depending on requirements after
heat treatment:
• stress relief annealing
• graphitizing
• normalizing
• quenching and tempering.
as well as
• raw castings without machining
• castings after machining
Size of batch: small-series depending on size of castings,
from 5 pcs. to 100 pcs in one batch.
Quality of our products is confirmed by certificates of mechanical properties, microstructure, chemical composition, non-destructive testing.
Quality Standards
Certificate ISO 9001:2008
Industries Served
We produce the castings for chemical, forestry and mining industry, power engineering, machine-building industry.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Metal-System Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 8134114, e-mail:,
About Us
Metal-System is a private company, 100% held by Lesław Kwitkowski. The company was settled in 2002 and it is a continuation of activity of Z.U.P. Met-Bud settled in 1997. It still exists
but its main field of activity is Research and Development. Our
headquarter is located in Stalowa Wola, in the area of Huta Stalowa Wola. We also have own branches in Zbydniów and Wrocław. We employ our own marketing, supplies, technological
and quality control services. We work with 2D and 3D documentation and use programs: EDGE CAM, SOLID EDGE and CATIA.
Metal-System specialization is machining. We are able to machine materials provided by the customer or our own suppliers.
We specialize in manufacturing and regeneration of forms and
casting dies. Our offer targets also production of aluminium
wheels. The branch in Zbydniów is devoted to production of
steel filters for aluminium foundries.
Industries Served
Main sectors of our activity are following:
Made in Stalowa Wola
• conventional machines (max DN x max length):
Ø1 200 x 300 and Ø800 x 5 000
• numerical machines (max DN x max length):
Ø1 200 x 300 and Ø800 x 3000
• conventional machines (max length x max width
x max height): 1 150 x 60 x 600
• numerical machines 3-axis (max length x max
width x max height): 1 250 x 700 x600
• numerical machines 4-5-axis (max length x max
width x max height): 1 250 x 2 200 x 1 250
• shafts Ø250 x 1 000
• holes Ø200 x 200
Quality Standards
Since 2006 Metal-System has a quality certificate ISO 9001
issued by Polski Rejestr Statków (Polish Register of Shipping)
which covers machining, production of steel filters, regeneration and machining of casting forms. We currently have certificate ISO 9001:2008 valid until March 2017.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
MCS Metal Cleaning Service Sp. z o.o.
Mościckiego 12, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 642 62 58, e-mail:
About Us
MCS Sp. z.o.o was established in 2000. The company originally belonged to the German group NiRoVe, but in June 2008
the company was bought out by one of its shareholders and
now belongs to Renata and Uwe Prietzel, changing its name
to the present.
Company MCS Sp. z o.o is located in the Special Economic
Zone in Stalowa Wola.
We primarily service the car industry, as well as for customer
who want to have their products coated, covered with powder
or other layers or coatings. The varnish is removed from the paint hangers, metal parts, grill mesh, wheels made of light metal, heat exchangers. All of these procedures make sterling materials reincorporated into circulation and processing. Thanks
to our excellent devices and modern technology, we can offer
our customers the optimal process for their manufacture of removing varnish depending on the material they choose.
Our years of experience in the market has allowed us to show
up as a reliable and timely entrepreneur. Focusing our work
on satisfaction of our client we service 100% as a comprehensive company.
The highest requirements of customers in the automotive industry require the best solutions for environmental and quality standards. Each of our products must meet customers satisfaction.
The company MCS Sp. z o.o also places special emphasis on
the protection of the environment acting on the basis of the
relevant licenses saving energy, water and waste, granted by
certified recycling companies.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001: 2008
The Quality Management System includes:
etching of aluminum wheels and other metal elements
The main pillars of our range of services include:
Chemical removal of varnish
The high pressure removal of varnish (up to 2 500 bar)
Mechanical cleaning
Cleaning CO2- dry ice
Upon request we offer transportation services, such as delivery and ”just in time” return for products requiring removal of
varnish or cleaning.
Industries Served
Automotive Industry
Metal Industry
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Patentus Strefa S.A.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 40 03 (10) (14), e-mail:,
About Us
PATENTUS STREFA S.A. belongs to Patentus Capital Group
listed on the Polish Stock Exchange.
At our Company, we give our best to keep clients satisfied by
meeting all their expectations. Our efforts are focused on meeting all the requirements and individual demands of our customers. We have an extremely talented and highly educated
team of workers, who is always striving to give their best.
We specialize in management of engineering projects, including preparation of technical documentation, fabrication, testing and logistics.
Our offer: At PATENTUS STREFA S.A. we are committed to delivering complete engineering and manufacturing for our clients,
along with technological products and process solutions.
Our services includes project management, permanent engineering supervision, manufacturing structural steel, surface
protection, mechanical, hydraulic and electric assembly, testing and FAT acceptance.
Manufacturing of large size steel structures
Manufacturing of machinery parts
Manufacturing of lifting equipment (cranes and winches
for the ship)
Manufacturing of industrial structures with equipment assembly
Manufacturing of subsea equipment
Industries Served
Oil and Gas Industry, Energy Sector
Offshore, Industrial Engineering
Civil Engineering, Mining Industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
Fabrication of steel structures: full procurement service,project
coordination, manufacturing, corrosion protection,assembly
(equipment installation, trial assembly of constructions), quality support (dimensional inspection, non-destructive testing).
Professional welding workshop. Welding of large structures
made of steel (including stainless steel). Certified welding coordination personnel - IWE, IWI-C, IWT, welding supervisors - IWS,
IWP. Experienced team of certified welders (methods: MIG/
MAG, TIG). Welding procedures qualified by GSI SLV, DNV•GL.
NDT inspectors (full-employment) - VT2, PT2, MT2, UT2.
Corrosion protection. Full support for the application of anticorrosion systems according to customer requirements. Qualification of corrosion protection process in accordance with the
requirements of EN 1090-1 / EN 1090-2 (certified by SLV GSI).
The process of anti-corrosion coatings application is supervised by certified (TÜV) specialists.
Quality Assurance. Management System conform to ISO
9001:2008 standard (certified by DNV• GL). Approval for manufacturing of structural components and kits for steel structures to EXC3 according to EN 1090-1 in conjunction with EN
1090-2 (issued by DVS ZERT). Welding Quality Assurance certified according to EN ISO 3834 -2 (by SLV GSI). Bureau Veritas recognition for welded steel constructions fabrication.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 3834-2
EN 1090-1 / EN 1090-2
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
PBMH Construction Company Alfred Kłosowski
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 60 06, e-mail:,
About us
PBMH Construction Company was established in 1983 as a
deputy of Zespół Budowy no 4 – Construction and Assembly
Metallurgy Plant in Kraków, which since 1982 has been active
in Stalowa Wola, mainly for Huta Stalowa Wola.
Our headquarters is located in HSW. We have our own facilities and production base, and employ highly qualified and
experienced staff.
Currently, our offer includes comprehensive execution of the
renovation, construction and assembly, manufacture and installation of steel structures.
We offer our services in the field of construction work. The scope of our services includes among others concrete work, masonry and plastering works, roofing, interior, insulation of buildings, ceilings, construction and installation of steel structures, fences, balconies, terraces (renovation) work acid and
chemical resistant work, thin-film industrial flooring, other
specialist work based on the latest technologies
Industries Served
Services of general construction for companies and institutions, among others:
PKP Polish Railway Lines
PKP Power station
PST Gorzyce
Federal Mogul Gorzyce
Stalowa Wola Town Hall
Offices of Commons: Zaleszany, Zaklików, Radomyśl n/Sanem, Pysznica, Jarocin
Comprehensive implementation of the renovation and construction of a building
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Przedsiębiorstwo Pomiarów i Automatyki PiA-ZAP Sp. z o.o.
Zespół Usług Elektrycznych, Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 57 05, e-mail:,
About Us
The company Measurement and Automation PiA-ZAP Sp. z o.o.
in Puławy has been leading Polish systems integrator of implementing automation services for industry since 1993. We specialize in implementing solutions in the automation of technological processes and production. We provide control and
automation systems, and devices and solutions for physicochemical measurements. We provide services for modernization and maintenance of automation and electrical installation, maintenance services and service 24/7.
Expanding existing operations we have created the Union of
Electrical Services in Stalowa Wola offering services in following fields:
• monitoring energy consumption
• control of cranes
• repairs electric motors and transformers.
• assembly and installation of electrical equipment
• performance LED lighting system
• execution of lightning protection systems
• electrical measurement and test (thermography).
Industries Served
Chemical industry
Energy industry
Steel industry
Water and Wastewater Industry
Food industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
We deliver innovative solutions without compromise in quality.
We offer a comprehensive, based on modern technology specialized services in the field of industrial automation and electrical installations
Quality Standards
ISO 9001
BN- EN -18001
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Polimex Energetyka Sp. z o.o. Oddział Stalowa Wola
Al. Jana Pawła II 25 A, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 62 22, e-mail:,
About Us
Polimex Energetyka offers comprehensive energy projects,
both as a general contractor and in consortia with other entities, including technology providers.
The portfolio of projects includes contracts for the largest Polish companies operating in this area.
Polimex Energetyka offers comprehensive services for commercial, industrial and municipal power industry within:
• ”turnkey” construction of energy facilities
• design services
• repairs and modernization
• maintenance services for power facilities and industrial
• environmental protection
• diagnostics and technical research
• erection of boilers
• erection of turbine sets
• erection of specialized steel structures
• supply and installation of steel structures.
Industries Served
The executed projects are technically supported by engineering staff guaranteeing the top quality.
Polimex Energetyka is also supported by the Capital Group of
Polimex-Mostostal and therefore is able to complete the biggest and most complex investment tasks both in Poland and
Polimex Energetyka offers the realization of ”turnkey” energy projects in Poland and the EU in particular for: CHPs, power plants, heating plants, coking plants, distributed energy
In the environment sector, Polimex Energetyka performs complete flue gas desulphurization plants, installations for reduction of nitrogen oxides, as well as the modernization and
expansion of these facilities.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 18001
ISO 3834-2
EN 1090-1
EN 1090-2
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Poltra Sp. z o.o.
Przemysłowa 29, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 601 168 121, e-mail:,
About Us
POLTRA was established in 1991.
Since the beginning we have focused on developing metal cutting technology.
Nowadays our company provides solid carbide special tools
and produces metal parts on high-tech 3,4,5 axis CNC machines.
Our 24-year-long experience on the market and many satisfied
customers make us a professional and skilled partner.
We are open to develop new relations in long-term cooperation.
Manufacturing metal parts
Solid carbide cutting tools
Developing special tools
Industries Served
General engineering
Made in Stalowa Wola
5 axis grinding machines
5 axis vertical milling machines
4 axis vertical milling machines
3 axis vertical milling machines
Turrning machines with Y axis and power tools
Turning machines 2 axis
Surface grinding machines
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
PPUH Renopiec Sp. z o.o.
37-450 Stalowa Wola ul. Energetyków 13
Tel: 15 844 30 55, e-mail:,
About us
The Service and Trade company RENOPIEC Sp. z o.o. was established in 1993 as a result of the liquidation of the Production Department Stalowa Wola-an organized part of the Building and Installation Energy Department in Radom. Our headquarters is located in Stalowa Wola at premises of the Power Station Stalowa Wola.
We provide high quality services to Stalowa Wola Power Plant
and other customers throughout Poland.
Performed services
The main business of the company is manufacturing of refractory vaults, linings and insulation and armor power equipment,
furnaces and metallurgical equipment, in particular furnaces
for heat treatment.
In addition, we execute orders on services of general repair, corrosion protection equipment and steel structures, sheet
metal work and related industries.
Industries Served
The companies which contract our services are mainly power
plants, heating plants, steel mills and other renowned industrial plants spread throughout the country.
We employ dozens of professionals with extensive experience
and appropriate qualifications.
We are competitive, because we have employees who are highly qualified in the works with a high degree of specialization.
We mastered the technology of the refractory vaults, linings,
mineral wool insulation with armor plate boilers, de-dusting
installation in thermal energy plants spread throughout the
Our capabilities could be proved by the fact that we have done
business for over 20 years and we are gaining more and more
orders to carry out the service.
Quality Standards
Our services are of high quality and meet the technical conditions for execution and acceptance. The quality of the work is
not only controlled after its completion, but also during the implementation. As a result, we have almost no complaints from
the recipients of our services.
We have certificates, diplomas, awards and prizes which include:
• Certificate ”Transparent Company”
• Certificate ”Credibility of business”
• Diploma ”Podkarpacka Economic Award”
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Remet S.A.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 816 61 61, e-mail:,
About Us
The main activity of the Company is the manufacture and installation of steel structures and equipment for the offshore
and subsea industry (extraction of oil from the bottom of the
seas and oceans), as well as for the power, metallurgy and
machinery industry.
Our clients are both Polish companies and foreign companies
from Great Britain, Norway, Germany, the United States, Brazil,
Singapore and other countries. We provide machining using
numerically controlled machines and conventional ones, welding in accordance with the requirements of ISO 3834-2, anti-corrosion coating, assembly and FAT test services.
Thanks to great location we have good access to production
materials and services related to full range of laboratory tests
and NDT. We employ experienced technology staff, designers,
certified welders and NDT inspectors and we have complex
machinery, so that we can produce high-tech products according to customer’s documentation as well as our own.
Steel structures devices and complete systems used to produce oil and gas from the seabed.
Equipment for oil rigs.
Winches, lifting equipment components.
Bulky welded structures, pressure vessels, conveyors housing,
cranes and other unusual welded structures.
Industries Served
Offshore Oil and Gas
Shipbuilding, machinery, energy, metallurgy industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
OSN lathes (max weight of the workpiece - 9 000 kg.
Lathes max workpiece weight - 20 000 kg
Drilling and milling OSN, max weight of the workpiece - 80T
Drill-milling machines, max workpiece weight - 32 000 kg.
GRINDERS, max weight of the workpiece - 7 200 kg.
Press brake, pressure 400T, L - 4 000 mm
We also offer:
Welding of steel structures following methods: 111, 121,
131/135 138, 136, 141, 15 (more than 110 recognized welding technology).
Welding Inconel alloy 625, Duplex, steel connections „black”
with Duplex and Super Duplex.
Blasting to Sa 3 according to ISO 8501-1 (cabin 4,4 m x 4 m
x 12 m).
Spray painting cabin 9,5 x 9,5 m (Norsok M-501, the group of
standards EN-ISO 8501, NS 476, NACE RP0188).
Installation of equipment and tests – we carry out stress tests
in accordance with the design guidelines DNV 2.7.1 and 2.7.3.
Heating and annealing of welds by heating mats.
NDT in accordance with ISO 9712
Quality Standards
Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 integrated with
standard welding ISO 3834-2
Safety Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Rakoczy Stal Sp. z o.o.
Kazimierza Mireckiego 5, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 69 69, e-mail:,
About Us
For nearly 45 years Rakoczy Stal has produced the highest quality boilers for solid fuels, providing users with reliable and durable products at the lowest cost of heating.
The Rakoczy company is a family business, which is strongly associated with Podkarpacie and has completely Polish capital.
Our products today include:
• Steel boilers for solid fuels (natural draught and fan
assisted models)
• Wood gasification boilers
• Biomass (pellet) boilers.
Rakoczy Sp. z o.o. established its own sales, distribution, and
after-sales service network in Poland and in more than 10 countries around Europe. Our present production capabilities
are over 1 000 boilers per month.
Quality Standards
All of our products are CE approved, manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000 standards and to meet or exceed European Community Directives and relevant harmonized
standards for each category.
Industries Served
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
REM-WAR Sp. z o.o.
Energetyków 13, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 642 65 66, e-mail: pl,
About Us
The company REM-WAR Sp. z o.o. has been on the market since January 1999 with two Stalowa Wola Power Departments,
such as:
• Department of Energy and Maintenance Equipment
• Mechanical Engineering Department
Until September 2011 majority owner of the company was Power Station Stalowa Wola S.A. After entering the Power Station
to TAURON Group’s majority shareholder
REM-WAR became Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A. In 2013 Tauron
Wytwarzanie S.A. decided to sell the whole package of their
shares. In October 2013 the new majority shareholder of the
company became ENREM - Połaniec Sp. z o.o.
Our company deals with:
• repair of power equipment in Power Plants
• repairs to the steel industry, machine and chemical industries
• repair of gas turbines
• construction of tanks and pressure chamber
• regeneration and production of spare parts
• repair of construction machinery
• repair of transport equipment
• repair of lifting equipment.
Industries Served
Power engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry and transport.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Specialized services:
Measurements of the material thickness by ultrasound.
Measurements of material hardness.
Workshop dynamic balancing of components.
Laser alignment (centering) of machines.
Annealing of welded joints.
Rinse and regeneration of plain bearings.
Flaw detection of welds.
Pressure testing and adjustment of industrial fittings.
Infrared measurements.
Services: cranes and aerial platforms.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
OHSAS 1800:2007
ISO 1401:2004
The permission for repairing: boilers, tanks, pipelines Decision
No UC-22-45-N / 3-11 of 26th July, 2011.
The permission for modernizing: boilers, tanks, pipelines Decision No UC-22-45-P/2-11 of 26th July, 2011.
The permission for production of parts and pressure equipment Decision No UC-22-45-E/2-11 of 26th July, 2011.
The permission for repairing: overhead cranes, hoists, mobile
cranes, stationary cranes. Decision No. UD-22-58-N/1-06 of
31st October, 2006.
The permission for modernizing: overhead cranes, hoists, mobile cranes, stationary cranes. Decision No. UD-22-58-P/1-06
of 31st October, 2006.
Certificate of Recognition to perform laboratory tests. No. LB142/22 of 4th November 2014.
The quality system in welding according to PN-EN ISO 3834-2:
2007 of 2nd February, 2010.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
SE CNC POLSKA Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 9, 37–450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 814 91 60, e-mail:,
About us
SE CNC Poland Sp. z o.o. We are part of the Service Engineering CNC Ltd.
Service Engineering CNC Ltd. since 1989, has been focused
on preventative maintenance, support and service of CNC machine tools with FANUC control systems.
The company’s mission is to provide solutions to meet all the
needs of our customers in the field of industrial automation.
We work with manufacturers and importers of industrial automation in the field of maintenance of equipment, as well as
the departments of maintenance, as a subcontractor.
All the parts that we offer both new and used, have been tested by expert engineers. We have a modern warehouse, we
provide high quality of spare parts at competitive prices and
prompt delivery.
Industries Served
Spare parts of leading manufacturers:
We offer a wide range of products: PLC systems, HMI and operator panels, inverters and servo systems, CNC, motors, encoders, electronic parts and many others.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Broniewskiego 33, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 601 168 121, e-mail:,
About Us
Grupa Solo is one of the biggest distributor of fenestration joinery in the southeastern part of Poland. The company is proud of
presenting an offer of windows made of woodwork PVC on Salamander system and aluminum system Aliplast. We distribute
the products to the several hundred of wholesale merchants
in Poland. Moreover, we lead exports especially to Germany.
The company is pleased to offer the products of the biggest
and the most important manufacturers of woodwork in Poland: Wiśniowski, Porta, Pol-Skone, Invado, Centurion, Dre, Agmar, Interdoor, Gerda, Kmt, Came, Intenso
The offered products are delivered to our distribution network
providing systematic cyclic transport.
In addition to the distribution of goods belonged to the brands
mentioned above, the company also offers the range of items
that produces on its own. These are windows and doors PVC
on Salamander system and aluminum system Aliplast.
What is more, we also started to produce external blinds on
Alukon components, mosquito nets and panel tracks.
Such a wide range of products enables us to meet the expectations and reach many customers.
Industries Served
Grupa Solo is an actively working distributor and has a network
of hundreds of regular customers. Delivered products relate to
industry for windows, doors, ironwork fence, automatics, garage doors and industrial fences. Manufactured products are
mainly window frames -door with PVC and aluminum windows
and panel tracks.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Modern Machinery Park - the company uses and works on modern machinery, IT system to design, visualization and ordering window frames -door with PVC and aluminum windows.
Thanks to that we cooperate only with the best providers and
we are able to produce the products from the most value materials.
We use a common computerized system used to operate the
distribution network, logistics and invoicing.
Lean Management has been implemented at each level of our
We make continuous efforts to streamline processes and eliminate errors in all areas.
Staff constantly upgrade their own skills, they are aware of
the purpose the company follows. The staff is respectively motivated.
We provide staff with regular internal and external training, organized for wholesale customers.
Quality Standards
The company is guided by the philosophy of lean.
2015 Quality of the year - an award in the competition that
brings together entrepreneurs from various industries.
2014 The leaders of the region - to one of the best we have
been shortlisted in the category of Construction, PVC and aluminum joinery, implementation of innovative technologies.
2012 - The Safest windows as standard, and the 1st place of
the competition Podkarpacki Building Portal.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Seron Kołodziejczyk Sp. j.
Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego 18, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 814 24 02, e-mail:,
About Us
Seron company has been on the market since 2007. Our CNC
machines are commonly used in construction, timber and advertising industry. They can be used also to plastics and metals machining. We have developed a stable, fast and very modern solutions. The main idea of our company is looking for individual solutions. Each machine must be adapted to the diverse needs of customers. We hope the near future will give
us a possibility to build even more ambitious models of numerically controlled machines for our customers. We wish to our
offer reaching the needs of small businesses and large industrial plants.
CNC Milling Plotters
Plasma Plotters
Laser Plotters
Marking Machines/Laser Engravings
CNC accessories
Heat transfer press
In our offer we have also laser plotters, cutting plotters, laminators, welding and heat presses. We have developed
a stable, fast and very modern solutions. The modular design
allows for easy adjustment of the machine in the production
process. We are a constantly developing company. We also
provide professional counseling and servicing of machines.
At the beginning of 2015 we expanded our production in new
location-Tarnobrzeg Economic Zone. There is a modern machine park with offices and social service. Due to the fast growth
of the company there is a plan to increase employment.
Stem of our new production is a machining center with weight
120 ton of Cincinnati company known for its high precision
machines. The same devices are used in Belgian factory dealing with aircraft parts for Boeing. Powerful device has been
already installed in our new factory. Huge possibilities of the
machine we want to turn into the benefit for our customers.
Seron is well-known for its machine tools reliability. Soon, the
company will offer a new machines.
Industries Served
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Stalmost Sp. z o.o.
1 Sierpnia 12, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 06 52, e-mail:,
About Us
P. B. Stalmost Sp. z o.o. is a small dynamic company, operating
since 1990. Since the beginning Stalmost has been engaged
in the performance of tasks in podkarpackie voivodedship for
road administrations of various levels, from the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, through the Directorate of Regional and Urban Roads, to smaller local government
units. We specialize in bridge construction. Our activity in this
area includes the construction, repair, strengthening and ongoing maintenance of bridges, viaducts, culverts, overpasses
for pedestrians and drivers and footbridges with the approach
roads to the aforementioned objects. We also do work associated with the regulation of watercourses within bridges, securing the banks of watercourses, road bodies security (retaining
walls), strengthening of embankments, as well as earthworks.
The great advantage of the company is qualified and experienced engineers, having building qualifications for building roads
and bridges, construction and foremen and workers who have
many years of work experience on construction sites.
We guarantee good quality and timeliness of performed work,
meeting the requirements related to the execution of bridge
Construction, renovation, strengthening and ongoing maintenance of bridges, viaducts, culverts, overpasses for pedestrians and drivers, footbridges with approach roads to the
aforementioned objects. Diving of sheet piling, driving profiles and steel pipes, bored piling, shotcreting, scratch injection.
Made in Stalowa Wola
”Building of road and bridges 2007 in the province Podkarpackie” - award for „The Bridge over brook Sanoczek in Markowce”
”Building of road and bridge 2009 in the province Podkarpackie” - award the second degree for „bridge over the brook Zgórski in Zgórsko”.
”Building of road, bridge and railway” 2010 in the province
Podkarpackie” - award the second degree for ”Reconstruction
of the bridge over the creek Gnojnica on the district road Gnojnica - Broniszów”.
”Building of the communication object in Podkarpacie 2011
(roads, bridges, railways, airports)” - the main prize for the
”Construction of the railway viaduct in Rzeszow on the section
of railway line no. 106”.
”Building of the communication object in Podkarpacie 2013
(roads, bridges, railways, airports)” - award the second degree
for ”Building of a bridge in the village Kuryłówka”.
Industries Served
Services of road, bridge and railway construction for:
• The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways
• PKP Polish Railway Lines
• Boards of Regional Roads
• District Roads Boards
• Boards of Municipal and Urban Roads.
Quality Standards
Certificate of Business Credibility.
Business Gazelle.
Certificate of Reliable Company.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Slovrur Sp. z o.o.
ul. Brandwicka 138, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 80 95, e-mail:,
About Us
Slovrur Ltd, is a company based in Stalowa Wola. It belongs to
the Slovak capital group - Żeleziarne Podbrezova.
Slrovrur was registered as a joint venture in 1997 and itis the
only representative of Żeleziarne Podbrezova Group on the Polish market. Consequently, Slovrur offers products manufactured by Železiarne Podbrezov: rolled seamless pipes, lined
pipes, gas pipes, cold drawn precision tubes, galvanized pipes, tubes for hydraulic cylinders, short smooth bends, reduction and steel blocks. Since 2008 the company has included
also a drawing mill in Spain - Transformaciones Metalurgicas
– that manufactures precision cold drawn tubes and tubular
sections in carbon or low alloy steel.
Hot rolled seamless tubes (diameters from 21,3 to 139,7
mm): seamless steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes, tubes for gas and fammable liquids systems, tubes for oil industry, structural tubes, boiler tubes.
Cold drawn seamless tubes: structural tubes (diameters from
4 to 120 mm), for hydraulic circuits (diameters from 6 to 80
mm), boiler tubes (diameters from 6 to 120 mm).
Steel tubes, galvanized with special surface: galvanized with
polyester and PCV coating (for distributions of gas in cars with
the CNG drive), for hydraulic circuits (diam. from 4 to 100 mm).
Tubes for hydraulic cylinders.
Steel blooms made of a square or circular cross section.
Our customers are both wholesalers and manufacturers that
operate in various industries such as construction, electricity,
gas, heating, automotive, shipbuilding and food. Our products
are directly delivered from Slovakia by road or rail as well as
through a network of consignment warehouses.
Slovrur Ltd. plays significant role in selling products and in networking with all members of Podbrezova Group.
Our company also offers rolled seamless tubes and profiles
produced by other manufacturers
Quality Standards
Since 2004 the company has implemented ISO 9001 quality
management system.
What is more, tubes produced by us have been recognized by
GL, LR, DNV, BV, TUV ISO, VDA, mark B.
Industries Served
Building industry, power enginering, automotive industry, oil
industry, shipbuilding industry, food industry, enginering industry
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Stalrem Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 40 87, e-mail:,
About Us
The company is based on maintenance facility Huta Stalowa
Wola S.A. We have an experienced staff that is able to respond to any task associated with renovation and emergency
repairs of machines and devices.
We have an easy and comprehensive access to the material
base for our products:
•steel in a wide range of species and assortments
•plates, rods, flats polygons, etc.
•drope stampings and wrought free.
Steel constructions
Machine components
Repair services
Modernization services
Cutting and processing services
Industries Served
The techniques and technologies developed at the STALREM
can be applied across a wide range of industries.
Core sectore includes:
Mining industry
Machine industry
Made in Stalowa Wola
We offer machinability: milling, roll out lathe, drilling.
We repair (SERVICE): metallurgical machinery and equipment
overhead traveling cranes, presses, hammers, shears, others.
We offer: equipment for piling machines JUNNTAN, components and parts of machines and equipment, welded constructions, screw machined forgings and castings, installation and
adjustment machines and equipment We guarantee: quality
according to PN, EN, timeliness, competitive prices
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
EN 10204:2004
PN EN 1090-1
PN EN ISO 3834-2
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o.
Spacerowa 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 09 51, e-mail:,
About Us
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. company was established in 1990 as a
result of organizational changes of Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy
Elektrowni i Przemysłu Energoprzem Kraków (Power Plant and
Industry Construction Company Energoprzem Cracow), with a
branch in Stalowa Wola, which had a solid position among the
largest construction companies in the country. Energoprzem
company empolyed a total of 4 000 people - after a period of
economic transition in Poland, it was dedicated to restructure. In place of Stalowa Wola branch a new company was formed: Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. At the time of forming company it
didn’t have any equipment base, thus for its first profits company acquired new equipment purchasing a concrete mixing
plant, concrete transport trucks and concrete pumps.
With experienced technical staff Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. conducts
works as a general contractor, and also produces concrete of
high classes.
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. produces ready-mixed concrete using the
largest computer controlled concrete mixing plant according to
the European Standard EN 206/1.
Ready-mixed concrete: standard concrete from C8/10 to
Special concrete: road concrete, bridge concrete, flooring concrete, hydro-technical concrete, contractor concrete, stabilizations, mortars
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. has its own laboratory, which conducts
regular supervision and tests of raw materials and ready-mixed concrete.
The company acquires gradually more modern equipment. As
an example, a constantly upgraded computerized concrete mixing plant, that can produce 90 cubic meters of concrete per
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. also has two new concrete pumps, one
with a range of 26 meters, other with a range of 36 meters.
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. supplies the largest concrete construction
works in the region, including bridges and roads.
The latest investment of Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. is a specialized
heating system, which enables the production of concrete at
very low temperatures and fast delivery to construction site.
We possess a necessary equipment to perform various works:
wheel loaders, backhoe loaders, excavators, concrete transport trucks, concrete pumps, concrete mixing plants, stretcher
formworks, systemic formwork, tower cranes, storage facilities
and hardware.
Range of services: technical consultancy, civil works, industrial constructions, engineering works.
Quality Standards
Stalprzem Sp. z o.o. produces ready-mixed concrete according
to the European Standard EN 206-1.
Industries Served
Construction industry
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
TASTA Armatura Sp. z o.o.
Władysława Grabskiego 38, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 18 18, e-mail,
About us
Company TASTA Armatura provides complex support of investments connected with construction of steel pipelines. It is
known on the market since 1994 as a manufacturer and distributor of fittings and pipe couplings. The effort put in permanent development of the company has increased its importance not only in the region but throughout the country as well
as abroad. In order to meet requirements of our customers,
we strive to provide the best timely and cost-effective delivery of piping components of various media and technical parameters. Changing market’s demands are mobilizing to constant improve of product’s quality, increase the range of manufactured diameters and species diversity of materials from
which they are made.
• Seamless elbows in the range of diameters of DN 15 to DN
600 and welded above DN 600 diameter
• Pipe bends with different radius of bending, cold bended
from pipes with diameters DN25 ÷ DN100 and induction
heated in a range of diameters DN 125 ÷ DN 600
• Seamless steel concentric and excentric reducers with diameters DN 20 ÷ DN 500 and rolled of sheet above the diameter of DN 350
• Equal and reducing tees made of pipes and forged in the
diameter range of DN 15 ÷ DN 300
• Steel ellipsoidal caps with diameters DN 20 ÷ DN 600
• Various types of steel flanges according to PN, PN-EN, DIN
and ANSI with diameter range of DN15 ÷ DN 2 600.
Industries Served
Power engineering, chemical industry, oil and gas industry,
construction. metallographic - macroscopic and microscopic.
Made in Stalowa Wola
The modern production line opened last year production of
different types of forgings with weight up to 500 kg, forged in
closed dies on hydraulic presses. Forgings are made of following materials: carbon steel (alloy), alloy steel; high-alloy steels. Grades according to standards: EN 10272, EN 10273,
EN 10222-2, EN 10222-3, EN 10222-4, EN 10222-5, as well
as equivalents acc. to the standards of other countries, for
example ASME.
Forgings are delivered in condition:
• raw
• heat treated - A, N, NT, QT AT - in an electric furnace with
full visualization, recording and control of running of heat
treatment process
• partially or completely mechanically machined
• surface of forgings: raw after forging or blasted.
Forgings are delivered with tests: mechanical properties at ambient, elevated, lowered temperature, hardness, ultrasonic, magnetic powder and penetration, metallographic - macroscopic
and microscopic.
There is the possibility to check the chemical composition.
Quality Standards
Guarantor of meeting quality requirements is possessed by
our Company.
Certificate of Quality Management System according to
ISO 9001: 2000.
Certificate of compliance with requirements of Directive
97/23 / EC.
Permissions of Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (UDT) for the fabrication of pressure and nonpressure equipments.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Tryumf Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 8, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 878 17 00, e-mail:,
About Us
TRYUMF company is a family business that was established
over 20 years ago and is an undisputed market leader insports
trophies giving an employment to more than 160 people.
Original and modern design is something that stands TRYUMF
out. This factor together with our competitive prices make us
one of the leader on the sports trophies market in Europe.
Our logo symbolizes a fresh look on the product. Every day we
do our best to provide our clients the best possible service. We
are constantly striving to develop our products and service as
well as ourselves. Everything is done by us to be a reliable partner in business.
Modern machinery, the best technology, the highest quality
equipment and materials - this is our daily reality. For us, practically nothing is impossible. The customer is always satisfied
and receives what is expected on time – these are our goals.
Medals, ribbons and emblems
Glass trophies
Cristal glass 3D
Wooden trophies
Resin figures
Plastic figures
Engraving diplomas
Engraving service:
• laser CO2
• laser 3D
• laser RMI
• Luxorjet
We are able to perform different services on our productsby
combining techniques such as Luxorjet long-lasting color printing, laser engraving, 3D laser engraving inside of glasses and
sandblasting. The engraved field can be also filled in with a
paint which makes engraving in glasses very interesting and
We have a high-bay warehouse with over 4 000 pallet spaces. The warehouse is supported by modern electronic system that allows quick and error-free handling and packing of
goods. The company uses the ERP system which gives a full
control over all processes occurring in all of our departments.
We also provide a possibility of producing trophies for an individual and special order.
Industries Served
Sports Clubs
Sports Shops
Advertising Agencies
Trophy Shops
Corporate Client
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
TSA M.Górski, S.Rutkowski Sp.j.
Przemysłowa 41, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 668 176 383, e-mail:,
About Us
We have been on the market since 1995. Since its inception,
we are closely associated with the welding industry.
In the nearly 20-year period of our existence, the company
has gained a wealth of experience that has allowed us to specialize in the provision of services such as:
• welding processes
• preventive protection of surface by welding methods, preventing excessive wear, friction, temperature, cavitation,
corrosion and erosion
• regeneration of parts and accessories for a wide cross-section of manufacturing
• regeneration of spare parts for machines and non-standard
• machinery repair.
We are the exclusive representative in Poland of German company Capilla - offering professional products in welding, for
example welding materials based on cobalt, nickel and iron,
tungsten carbide and special alloys.
Made in Stalowa Wola
We serve small and large companies across Poland, as well as
abroad. We are known for our reliability and high quality of service that we do with great attention to timeliness of assignments and price competitiveness. Thanks to our close association with the Metal Forming (stamping, forging, steel processing), foundries and machining we can offer higher than average rate of the realization of the projects.
What’s more, we are able to meet orders for unusual parts
or equipment, we can realize a constant supply or individual work. We will help you in choosing the appropriate technology of the repair so that we will increase the life of parts and
equipment, and provide you with maximum savings associated with the cessation of production. We cooperate with the
chief engineer, designers, maintenance departments in many
Industries Served
We are committed to building close relationships with our customers and we establish permanent cooperation with a number of industries as a provider of comprehensive and professional solutions:
Steel industry
Energy industry
Rail industry
Agricultural industry
Forging industry
Refractories industry
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
TERMOSYSTEM Leszek Koczwara
Rynek 14, 37-464 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 842 70 82, e-mail:,
About us
Registered trademark of TERMOSYSTEM is a satisfied and
professionally handled customer. Our clients are surrounded
by professional care, helping them solving problems related
to the selection and purchase of equipment for the installation of heating, gas and sanitation. We are committed to our
client to be fully satisfied with our services - both from consultancy, performance and operation of the installations.
We follow the emerging technical innovations and apply them
in our installations. Our fitters in addition to many years of
experience in the hydraulic and high qualifications - still participate in many training courses in order to fulfill better given tasks.
The company TERMOSYSTEM- Leszek Koczwara is based on a
stable base and technical facilities.
Heating and sanitary, central heating.
Solars and solar systems.
Gas and gas connections.
Industrial installation (gas, oxygen, nitrogen, compressed air).
Installation of boiler rooms: gas or fuel oil - companies Buderus, Viessmann Vailant, Junkers and others.
Boilers for wood - working in the system of gassing of wood.
Coal and fine coal boilers with a coal feeder.
The central vacuuming.
Air conditioning.
Quality Standards
Gas and energy permissions, and the rights of Technical Supervision to perform welding work.
Our crew consists of specialized people and familiar with the
work they do. With full commitment we take orders entrusted
to us. We tried to make the work we had done our best trademark.
Comprehensive services in the field of industrial, heating, gas
and sanitation installations. Installation of boiler, solar, heat
pumps, central vacuum system, air conditioning, etc.
Industries Served
Our services are directed to industry, public buildings and individual clients.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A.
Energetyków 13, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 877 61 02, e-mail:
About Us
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Stalowa Wola Power
Plant is a part of TAURON Group. Its construction was commenced in 1938 within the framework of Central Industrial region. French company Als-Thom Belfort supplied and put into
operation 4 stoker-fired boilers and two turbine sets, 20 MW
each. First electrical energy was fed into the grid in May, 1939.
Stalowa Wola Power Plant is classified as an utility power plant
and consists of a CHP and a power plant.
Recently the power plant has considerably increased the share of electrical energy generated from renewable energy sources firing ecological fuel, namely biomass, which contributes to the reduction of green-house gases emission. Completed investments projects have resulted in considerable environmental effects.
Stalowa Wola Power Plant is a well-organized company with an
integrated management system which is verified on yearly basis by an authorized certifying body regarding compliance with
ISO standards.
Industries Served
All industries
Made in Stalowa Wola
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.–Division Elektrownia Stalowa Wola
owns and develops gas-fired heat generating installations.
450 MWe/225 MWt combined-cycle gas and steam unit will
be soon put into operation.
Stalowa Wola Power Plant generates electrical energy which
is directly fed to the national power system. It is the only heat
generator for the municipality of Stalowa Wola and partly for
the City of Nisko where district heat is supplied. Additionally,
the plant supplies heat to industrial companies located in the
Economic Zone situated on the premises of former Huta Stalowa Wola.
Quality Standards
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Stalowa Wola is certified
by the Certification Bureau of the Polish Register of Shipping
confirming that the company operates in compliance with
ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and PN-N-18001:2004
standards regarding generation of electrical energy and heat.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Wobi-Stal Sp. z o.o.
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 41 07, e-mail:,
About Us
WOBI-STAL Ltd. was established in 2004 as a private company and since beginning it has been engaged in steel branch.
In 2012 the new workshop fully equipped with machines, including CNC was opened what allowed us to increase the production capacity with a wide range of steel constructions produced mainly for the foreign clients with offshore branches
such as railways, power, mining industry and others.
The WOBI-STAL company assures the customers of complete satisfaction due to many year experience in steel branch,
the full knowledge of the market and high qualifications of the
staff and personnel. Our several-year presence on the steel
market made possible for us to present ourselves as a reliable partner. Both knowledge and growing production potential
still allow us to develop our possibilities and search the new
business partners.
We produce a wide range of complete steel constructions for
the foreign and domestic clients based on transferred drawing
documentation and related requirements.
Besides, we perform the following services:
metal burn cutting, full welding performance, machining process, shoot blasting process, spray painting process, assembly works
Industries Served
Offshore industry, Power industry
Railway industry, Building machine industry,
Paper industry
Metal cutting: Gas cutting: thickness to 250 mm, Plasma cutting: thickness to 25 mm
Welding methods: 135, 136, 138, 131, 141, 111.
Non destructive testing (NDT): VT, PT, MT, UT.
Machining: Turning: range Øto 900 mm L=300, Ø420 mm,
L=4 000
Turning and boring - lathe LV5225A/1: max diameter: 2 250
mm, max workpiece weight: 20 T, rolling height: 3 200 mm
Milling: range X = 1 400, Y = 600, Z = 600
Drilling: body drills, holes with Øto 60 mm.
Boring machines (CNC machining center) WHQ 13: Range of
boring: X=5 000, Y = 3 000, Z=2 200, Rotating table: 3 000
x 2 000.
Maximum load: to 18 M
Bending press DMP CNC 1 000-700, DENER MAKINA: pressure: 1 000 T, max. pressure for 1 m – 250 T.
Annealing Furnace: dimension: 2 x 2 x4 m
Maximum temperature: 650 ºC.
Device for stabilizing (by vibration)
Shot blasting cabine: 16 m x 5 m x 6 m
Spray painting cabine: 16 m x 5 m x 6 m
Assembly works: we perform assembly works and move testing basing on client’s requirements and documentation.
Quality Standards
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 3834-2:2007
EN 15085-2:2007 CL1
OHSAS 18001:2007
ISO 14001:2005
DIN 15018
DIN 18800-7 class E
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
WP-Transfer Witold Puskarczyk
Grabskiego 44, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 60 22, e-mail:
About us
The company was founded in 1997 as a one-man private property. From the beginning, we have focused on quality and customer satisfaction.
Our company specializes in making machinery parts and special tools. The advantage is to have our own foundry with a
small, efficient induction furnaces which allows for the production of unique alloys, for example steel acid-resistant.
We offer ready-made parts and components, ensuring the quality of the material as well as mechanical and heat treatment.
We also specialize in fast start-ups of new products based on
Parts of machinery based on gray cast iron, ductile iron, cast
steel, copper alloys.
Special tools (pullers, lifts, wrenches, fixtures, equipment installation and repair kits).
Centrifugal friction clutches, brake components.
Unusual hydraulic elements fittings (elbows, splitters, filters).
Unusual slings.
Industries Served
Construction machinery.
Power engineering.
Railway industry.
Mining industry.
Cement industry.
Made in Stalowa Wola
Cast iron: EN-GJL-100, EN-GJL-150, EN-GJL-200, EN-GJL-250,
EN-GJL-300 acc. to PN- EN 1561, EN-GJS-400-15, ENGJS-400-18, EN-GJS-500-7, EN-GJS-600-3, EN-GJS-700-2,
EN-GJS-800-2 acc. to PN-EN 1563 weighing up to 30 kg.
Steel castings: 200-400W, 230-450W, 270-480W, 340-550W
according to ISO 3755 weighing up to 30 kg, 1.4408, 1.4462,
1.4501 weighing up to 15 kg.
Casting from copper alloys: MA58, BK331, B101 acc. to PN-H87026, weighing up to 15 kg.
Thermal treatment: stress relief annealing, normalizing, graphitizing annealing, supersaturation.
Machining: turning, milling, drilling, boring.
Quality Standards
We implement quality management system ISO 9001
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Wtór–Steel Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 12, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 57 39, e-mail:,
About us
WTÓR- STEEL Sp. z o.o. has focuses on the treatment of waste since 2005. It is the field, which today is a branch of industry that uses sophisticated technological solutions, based on
knowledge and experience of many fields of research.
Since its inception, we always put emphasis on implementation of modern technologies of waste processing and on compliance with the standards and regulations on environmental
protection and occupational safety.
One of our paramount goals is to optimize the management
of waste streams derived from our customers through the promotion of comprehensive waste management.
Thanks to our actions we largely fit into the regional system
of waste recovery and recycling of metal, as well as flammable waste.
Steel scrap grade W18, W7, W5, W6.
Scrap of steel alloys.
Scrap of non-ferrous metals: aluminum, copper, brass, zinc.
Alternative fuel.
Services in the field of waste reception including industrial waste, bulky and from the treatment of municipal waste.
Hazardous waste collection.
Destroying documents.
Reception of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
We have special machines for the processing of steel scrap
and waste. We have to scrap shredder with a capacity of 25
We produce alternative fuels from waste on the line Lindner
with capacity of 16 tons/hour. According to the Law on waste we process in accordance with the management method
R12. Our company for customer needs keep archiving, flow of
waste, quarterly transmit DPO and DPR documents, prepares
annual reports and others.
Out of concern about the quality of service we have extensive
logistics base, which includes specialized self loading trailers
vehicles, abrollers, tractors, bathtub and walking floor bulktipping semi-trailer with a capacity of 50 m³ to 93 m³, more
than 400 containers with a capacity of 34 m³ and 23 m³ and
ironing-containers, mobile cranes and many other devices.
We are licensed by Marshal of Podkarpackie to collect and
transport more than 300 waste according to the catalog of
Industries Served
All industries
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
WITMACH s.c. Witold Sudoł Mirosław Machulak
Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 502 413 673, email:,
About us
The company Witmach, based in Stalowa Wola, since 2013, it
has been a rapidly growing welding company. We have gained
our wealth of experience over many years working in the country and abroad, in companies with a world reputation. We
provide welding services, small and large-size steel structures,
which are characterized by the highest quality and reliability.
We manufacture welded structures for construction equipment, booms and winches for the shipbuilding industry. By
using our experience and expertise we are able to perform
even the most difficult job, with full acceptance of our welding.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality.
Industries Served
Transport industry
Regeneration of forging and steel appliances.
Made in Stalowa Wola
We have a hall with an area of 1 000 m2 and a crane 20 T.
Our staff is highly qualified with extensive experience of assembly and welding.
• Welding of black steel
• Stainless steel
• Aluminum
Welding methods 111, 135, 136, 138, 141,
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
UNIWHEELS Production (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
Ignacego Mościckiego 2, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 878 25 02, e-mail:,
About Us
UNIWHEELS is the leading manufacturer of alloy wheels in
the European aftermarket (Accessory Division) and one of the
world´s largest wheel suppliers to the automotive industry (Automotive Division). UNIWHEELS also equips professional motorsport racing vehicle series with high-tech wheels.
The production of all wheels is with low-pressure die casting
technology. The castings are 100% tested by fully automatic
Yxlon X-Ray machines. For additional tempering UNIWHEELS
uses fully automatic heat treatment machines.
For more than 40 years, the company has been producing high-quality aluminium wheels mainly using the low-pressure casting technique. Further manufacturing techniques used are
flow forming, Lightforming® (advanced pressure rolling) and
forging for ultra-light high-tech wheels.
All the machining of the wheels is done on the latest CNC-machinery of IMT and Chiron. For continuous testing of the dimensions and quality there are fully automatic and also manual checks. All wheels are 100% checked for balancing. To
assure best preparation for the later varnishing we use fully
automatic degreasing machineries right after machining.
Industries Served
With the global brands of ATS, RIAL, ALUTEC and ANZIO, UNIWHEELS possesses comprehensive knowledge in the accessories market and technical expertise as an original equipment
manufacturer in the automotive industry. Furthermore, with its
wide range of brands, the UNIWHEELS Group offers wheels for
all target groups, from premium to economy.
Varnishing and painting
For varnishing and painting we use fully automatic painting
plants from Eisenmann. Preparation of the wheels before varnishing is done “chromfree” and with 13 zones. There is only
use of dilution free finishes which are water-based. Clear coat
finishing is done in Acryl-Powder technology.
Quality Standards
UNIWHEELS produces all its wheels according to the highest
automotive industry standards. The test criteria according to
the KBA/TÜV/VDA certification bodies are met without fail.
ATS, RIAL, ALUTEC and ANZIO are certified in accordance with
ISO 9001 and TS 16949.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Zakład Powłok Cynkowych
Przemysłowa 15, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 844 47 55, e-mail:,
About us
Hot-dip galvanizing is the most effective method of corrosion
protection of steel.
Department of Zinc Coatings currently is focused on the application of zinc coating in hot-dip galvanizing process.
In the process of hot-dip galvanizing particles enter into diffusion with iron forming homogeneous structure which provides
a reliable and secure isolation of galvanized elements from
weather conditions.
We galvanize bolts and nuts to assemble threaded connections. We supply galvanized nuts with oversized thread.
Department of Zinc Coatings has been on the market since
1991. We provide services for hot-dip galvanizing of small
parts with centrifugation.
Components before galvanizing are subjected to a chemical treatment process. Knowledge, practice and experienced
staff, give assurance of getting the highest quality zinc coating.
We galvanize:
• Fasteners :screws, washers, nuts
• Cast iron
• Gray cast iron
• Inoculated cast-iron
• Forgings
• Small pieces of welded structures.
After galvanizing components are subjected to centrifugation.
Industries Served
Manufacturers and wholesalers of screws
Power engineering
Made in Stalowa Wola
We galvanize precisely components with small dimensions without leaving annoying sewage and burrs, which allow comfortable and inoffensive assembly.
Quality Standards
Galvanizing process runs according to the following standards:
BS EN ISO 1461
BS EN ISO 10684
We certify the quality of the gained coating.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Zakład Zespołów Napędowych
Grabskiego 23, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Tel: 15 813 58 45, e-mail:,
About Us
ZZN is a world leading manufacturer of gears, toothed parts,
drivelines and transmissions for global OEMs. We combine modern technology, expert consultation, and in-house production
with top numerical quality control.
• 40 years in operation
• International accreditation and standards
• Over 20 global industries served.
All ZZN products are manufactured according to our customers specific requirements, whether specialized or industrystandard. We provide the key products offers shown below
and much more.
Transmissions, powertrain components and housing for combine harvesters, dozers, crawler tractors, wheel loaders.
Assemblies and parts for agricultural tractors, automotive
and railway industries. All varieties of milling, grinding, drilling, boring, threading, washing, painting and heat treatment
are available.
Spline and teeth hobbing, spline grinding, long hole drilling,
multiple-spindle drilling. We also offer clutch separator plates-milling, grinding and lapping capabilities.
Quality Standards
We manufacture everything in house ZZN facilities to ensure
premium quality. Our experienced professionals operate state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment.
The Quality Management System of the Company has been
approved by Lloyd`s Register Quality Assurance as conformable to ISO 9001 International Standards.
Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced machinery allows us
to offer comprehensive solutions for gears, parts and driveline
Hobbing, grinding, hole drilling, multiple-spindle drilling, milling,
lapping, teeth cutting, heat treatment, carburizing, quenching,
broaching, finishing, nitriding, induction hardening.
Powertrain capabilities:
Transmissions for wheel loaders:
Horsepower 100 _ 390
Input Torque 50 _ 490 kGm
Torque 3 150 _ 3 700 Nm
Transmissions for crawler dozers:
Horsepower 70 _ 600
Input Torque 40 _ 430 kGm
Final drives for crawler dozers:
gear ratios from 5.66 to 28.10
Steering drives for crawler dozers:
gear ratios from 3.12 to 7.4
Industries Served
We provide long-term, full service support and availability at
every stage of production. We assist customers at every stage of manufacturing – from concept to product delivery. ZZN is
a world-class provider of driveline and gear components to:
• Construction Equipment
• Locomotive
• Railway Industry
• Agriculture
• Energy and Power Industry
• Industry & Manufacturing.
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Made in Stalowa Wola
Stalowa Wola is one of the youngest Polish cities and the third largest city in the Podkarpackie Province with more than
63.7 thousand inhabitants. It is an attractive and friendly place for investors, local community and visitors. Stalowa Wola is
a modern industrial centre with a long tradition related to creating the Central Industrial District and the regional centre of
education and culture. The main advantages of the city are connected with the economic attractiveness, modern urban solutions in spatial planning, quality environment and the activities of its inhabitants. In 2014 Stalowa Wola took the third place in the ”Podkarpackie Communes Ranking 2014”.
Attractive location in the Eastern Poland, near the borders with Ukraine and Belarus
Excellent communication with the most important centres in the region and country (roads, railways - 3 railway
lines, railway junction in Stalowa Wola - Rozwadów, LHS broad-gauge railway with a distance gauge of 1520 mm)
Airport Rzeszow-Jasionka serving domestic and international connections, located approximately 60 km from Stalowa Wola
Favourable population structure - more than 65% of inhabitants are in the working-age
Easy access to qualified personnel, including engineering and technical staff
High, potential investment attractiveness of Stalowa Wola, according to the Polish Information and Foreign
Investment Agency SA Report of 2014
24.27 ha fully armed investment areas, waiting for investors
Very well developed technical infrastructure
Long industrial traditions connected with creating the Central Industrial District in 1936-1939
Significant potential of large companies and rapidly growing market of small and medium-sized enterprise - more
than 6.2 thousand business entities operate in the commune
Local authorities give support for investors
Competitive salary requirements, rate of property tax and costs of renting and buying a property
Stalowa Wola Subzone of Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK WISŁOSAN with an area of 283.03
hectares, offering businesses tax credits, investment areas, mostly armed, buildings and technical infrastructure
in an attractive location, as well as access to highly qualified staff and support of development and educational
Technology Incubator - the centre of innovation in the region, which provides services for companies. It is equipped
with modern machinery park, enabling precise steel, aluminium or plastic treatment, as well as measurement and laboratory equipment
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Stalowa Wola, offering support for the development of entrepreneurship, the
integration of the business environment, the implementation of a local economic policy and financing for companies
development through one of the largest in the Podkarpackie Province Regional Loan Fund
Support for the business sector offered by KLASTAL - Welding Cluster of the Podkarpackie Province and HEFAJSTOS
- Polish Cluster of Innovative Forge Technologies
Aviation Valley Association, operating on the Stalowa Wola area for the development of the aviation industry and related
Customs Department in Stalowa Wola
Labour Office in Stalowa Wola, offering support for the business sector in the field of increasing professional qualifications and staff recruitment
Location in Stalowa Wola 3 higher education institutions: Off-Campus Didactic Centre of the Ignacy Lukasiewicz
Rzeszow University of Technology, Off-Campus Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the John Paul II Catholic
University of Lublin, Economics College in Stalowa Wola, leading different fields of studies, like for example:
engineering, mechanics and machines building, economic and social-humanistic directions
Inter-university Laboratory in Stalowa Wola, consisting of the Laboratory of Advanced Laser Technology and Laboratory of Highly Advanced Materials and Composite Structures, which improve the quality of practical aspects of education and enlarge the science-research offer of universities in Stalowa Wola
Active cooperation of science and business, especially in the frames of the Business Council
Made in Stalowa Wola
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Municipality of Stalowa Wola
Wolnosci 7 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 643 35 65
Professional Education Centre
Kwiatkowskiego 1 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 813 58 54
Off-Campus Didactic Centre of the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology
Kwiatkowskiego 4 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 844 89 12
Off-Campus Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Ofiar Katynia 6a Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 642 25 33
Economics College in Stalowa Wola
Energetykow 11A Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 844 54 88
Inter-university Laboratory in Stalowa Wola
Kwiatkowskiego 9 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: 15 814 91 90
Zakladowa 30 Street, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg
phone: +48 15 822 99 99
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Stalowa Wola
1-go Sierpnia 26b Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 844 03 57
Technological Incubator
Kwiatkowskiego 9 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 814 91 90
The Guild of Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs
Okulickiego 83 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 842 17 65
Aviation Valley Association
Szopena 51 Street, 35-959 Rzeszow
phone: +48 17 850 19 357
Customs Department in Stalowa Wola
Kwiatkowskiego 1 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 813 78 50
KLASTAL - Welding Cluster of the Podkarpackie Province
1-go Sierpnia 26B Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 844 03 57
Labour Office in Stalowa Wola
Dmowskiego 8 Street, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: +48 15 643 37 80
Manufacturing Capability Index 2016
Municipality of Stalowa Wola
Idea Lucjusz Nadbereżny Mayor of the City of Stalowa Wola
Piotr Hasny Technological Incubator in Stalowa Wola
Jan Złotek Municipality of Stalowa Wola
John Donnelly CNC Engineering
Directory editor, DTP Jan Złotek Municipality of Stalowa Wola
Cooperation editorial dr inż. Ryszard Sęczyk Municipality of Stalowa Wola
Proofreading Marta Paterek
Publisher Municipality of Stalowa Wola