WMOS_Booklet_2015 - Waltham Mills Open Studios
WMOS_Booklet_2015 - Waltham Mills Open Studios
Visit Art Where It’s Made! WALTHAM MILLS OPEN STUDIOS November 7 & 8, 2015 144 & 289 Moody St., Waltham, MA Saturday & Sunday 12pm–6pm www.walthammillsopenstudios.com 144 Moody St., Building 4, 1st Floor Kelley Harwood Painting, Drawing kelleyharwood.com Mimi Jigarjian Painting mimijigarjian.com Andrea Tishman Painting, Printmaking, Works on Paper andreatishman.com Carl West Prospect Hill Forge Sculpture, Drawing, Ironwork prospecthillforge.com Kelley Harwood First Floor Studios 144 Moody St., Building 4, 1st Floor C.B. Miller Metals ShingJewels Jewelry c.b.millermetals.com Jewelry shingjewels.com Julia Crapo Sylvia’s Design Jewelry Jewelry jwcrapo@mac.com Jewelry sylviasdesignjewelry.com Denise M. Fenoglio Kelly Tzannes Jewelry toastanddragon.com Jewelry Kelly@tzannes.net jihwangjewelry Wendy Jo New Metal Designs Jewelry jihwangjewelry.com Sharon Stafford Metals Sculpture, Jewelry, Fine Craft sharonstaffordmetals.com Metalwerx Artists Jewelry, Other Metal Designs wjnmetaldesigns.com Susan Warren Jewelry walthammillsopenstudios.com Sharon Stafford Metals 144 Moody St., Building 4, 2nd Floor Artists West Association Lyn Christiansen Suzanne Hodes Kathleen McCue Kumihimo Braiding, Mosaic dellaluxa.com Painting, Printmaking, Works on Paper suzannehodes.com Painting walthammillsopenstudios.com Eleanor Goud Marta Kaemmer Ann Miller Painting eleanorgoud.com Printmaking, Sculpture, Fabric mkaemmer.com Printmaking, Works on Paper, Collage zannmiller.com Tanya Harsch Pat Mattina Jeanette O’Connor Painting tanyaharsch.com Painting, Works on Paper, Collage patmattina.com Sculpture, Works on Paper, Collage jeanetteoconnorart.com Tanya Harsch Janet Shapero 144 Moody St., Building 4, 2nd Floor Artists West Association Janet Shapero Painting, Printmaking, Installation janetshapero.com Dina Shaposhnikova Collage dinachapeau.blogspot.com Meg Turner Works on Paper, Mixed Media, Collage walthammillsopenstudios.com Michele Vitti Works on Paper mvitti.com Michael Wilson Painting, Sculpture, Drawing michaelbwilson.com Barbara Zeles Sculpture, Drawing walthammillsopenstudios.com Barbara Zeles 144 Moody St., Building 4, 3rd 1st Floor Floor Clare Asch Roberta Nigro Hall Painting, Drawing, Works on Paper clare-asch.com Painting, Drawing robertanigrohall.com Joan Baldwin Arthur Hardigg Painting, Works on Paper joanbaldwin.com Painting, Printmaking, Drawing theturtlegallery.com John Biebel Wendy Jean Hyde Painting johnbiebel.com Painting, Photography, Jewelry wendyjeanhyde.com Liza Bingham Helen Jacobson Painting lizabingham.com Painting helenjacobson25@gmail.com Betty Canick Elizabeth Michelman Painting, Works on Paper, Mixed Media walthammillsopenstudios.com Installation, Multimedia, Flat-work elizabethmichelman.com Whitney Davis Painting laurenmiddleton.com Mixed Media walthammillsopenstudios.com Lauren Middleton River Street Artists Elizabeth Michelman 144144 Moody St,St., Building 4, 4, 3rd Floor Moody Building 1st 3rd Floor Floor Sophia C Mone Bobby Vilinsky Painting, Printmaking, Works on Paper sophiacmoneartworks.com Sculpture, Drawing, Works on Paper bobbyvilinsky.com Gretchen Morse Karen Walter Painting gretchenmorse.net Works on Paper walthammillsopenstudios.com Sue Post Martha Winston Painting susanpost.com Painting, Mixed Media marthawinston.com Mary Palmer Ruth Antoinette M Winters Painting, Drawing marypalmerruth.com Drawing amwinters.com Ellen Solari Wendy Wolf Sculptural Baskets ellensolari.com Painting, Jewelry, Installation thewendywolf.com Barbara Trachtenberg Margaret Zaleski Painting, Photography, Works on Paper barbaratrachtenberg.com Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture margaretzaleski17@gmail.com River Street Artists Ellen Solari 144 Moody St., Building 4, 4th Floor Kelly Carmody Painting kellycarmody.com Kelly Carmody Waltham Studios Building 4, 4th Floor Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra Performances on Saturday at 3pm and on Sunday at 3:30pm Members of the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra will play chamber music from the Baroque and Classical eras, setting a musically artistic mood. The WPO is the Waltham place to play and to hear great classical music, providing opportunities for area musicians with a range of ages and abilities to perform together. The WPO builds a community tradition by reaching out to young people, nurturing local talent, and providing fun, inspiring musical events for the whole family. There are four concerts throughout the season, including one that features the winner of the annual Student Concerto Competition, which provides opportunities for young musicians to perform solo works with the WPO. Annual concerts have included summer Concerts on the Common and the very popular Holiday Pops. For more information on our concerts or how to get involved, please visit www.wphil.org, or call the Ticket Line: 857-919-1385. 144 Moody St., Building 18 AgX Film Collective Carrie Nixon Film balaganfilms.com/agx Painting, Drawing carrienixon.com Todd Cahill / Steamachine Sculpture Myk Ostrowski Steamachine Sculpture, Drawing walthammillsopenstudios.com Joe Carpineto Sculpture jcarpinetosculpture.com Imagavision Creative Works Film myspace.com/imagavisionfilms Sarah Leon Painting, Sculpture, Drawing artofsarahleon.com Painting, Photography walthammillsopenstudios.com Joshua Winer Painting, Mosaics joshuawiner.com Moody Station Studios Todd Cahill Lincoln Studios 289 Moody St. Elli Crocker Painting, Drawing ellicrocker.com Robert Freeman Painting robertfreemanart.com Kirk Goetchius Painting, Printmaking, Drawing kirkgoetchius.com Michele McDonald Photography, Mixed Media michelemcdonald.com Carol McMahon Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery Jewelry, Ceramics, Wearable Fiber moniquerancourt.com Sallie Strand Painting, Works on Paper salliestrand.com John Thompson Painting, Printmaking johnthompsonart.com Linda Wisnewski Photography Painting, Sculpture, Works on Paper carolmcmahon.net Carla Munsat Painting, Works on Paper, Altered Books carlamunsat.com Carol McMahon Special Events in Waltham, November 7–8, 2015 Rosebud 683 Main St. Thurs. 1pm–4pm Fri. 5pm–8pm Sat. 10am–1pm 11/7–11/8 12pm–6pm Announcing Rosebud: a new satellite gallery featuring works from the Rose Art Museum’s collection of video art. Rosebud aims to activate public engagement with contemporary art through curated exhibitions and programs that revive underutilized properties in the city of Waltham. The project supports the city’s long-term goals for economic growth and cultural vibrancy by attracting new visitors to the neighborhood and inspiring opportunities for partnerships with local businesses and arts-related organizations. In addition to increasing off-campus awareness of the Rose and expanding our audience, our goal is for Rosebud to serve as a hub from which new ideas might radiate and benefit the people of this community. Rose curatorial interns and the Student Committee of the Rose Art Museum (SCRAM) will be offered the opportunity to design complementary programs and activities for their fellow students and the public. Rosebud is made possible through the generous support of the Sun Hill Foundation, NY. LAP Gallery 289 Moody St., Street Level 11/7–11/8 12pm–6pm The Spaces in Between 289 Moody St., 1st Floor Heavily influenced by their surroundings, Chelsea Revelle and Kate Benson explore concepts of space and memory through a series of interior box constructions and exterior sculptures, seemingly reminiscent of a childhood dollhouse. These environments encourage curiosity, leaving viewers to discover their own narrative with each piece. chelsearevelle.com katebensonstudio.com Alloy 289 Moody St., Lower Level Brie Flora Emma Levitz David Fricke Paul Watson Alloy is a show of students from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Each artist works in a variety of metals, both ferrous and nonferrous. The artwork includes raised and formed brass vessels as well as large-scale and cast iron sculptures. Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery 289 Moody St., Street Level 11/7–11/8 12pm–6pm Local jewelry artist Monique Rancourt debuts her new artisan gallery during Waltham Mills Open Studios. She will be offering a curated collection of contemporary handcrafted jewelry, ceramics, and textiles from a variety of talented artists and craftsmen across the U.S. Check website for regular hours mrancourtartisangallery.com monique@moniquerancourt.com Artists by Medium Collage 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 2nd Floor AgX Collective Film Screening and Fundraiser Party 144 Moody St., Building 18, 11/7 6:30 pm Agx, the new artist-run film collective and lab will hold a film screening and fundraiser-launch party on Saturday at 6:30pm. Come watch AgX members’ films, tour the space and enjoy food, drink and festivities while learning about our big Indiegogo campaign launch! Meet the filmmakers in person and be the first to scoop up amazing rewards! This is all happening in the space we share with Handcranked and Imagavision on the 2nd Floor of Building 18. balaganfilms.com/agx Jeanette O’Connor Pat Mattina Ann Miller Dina Shaposhnikova Meg Turner 3rd Floor Wendy Jean Hyde Drawing 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor Kelley Harwood Prospect Hill Forge 2nd Floor Michael Wilson Barbara Zeles 3rd Floor Clare Asch Roberta Nigro Hall Arthur Hardigg Mary Palmer Ruth Bobby Vilinsky Antoinette M Winters 144 Moody Street, Building 18 Todd Cahill Sarah Leon Carrie Nixon 289 Moody Street Elli Crocker Kirk Goetchius Jewelry 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor C.B.Miller Metals Julia Crapo Denise M. Fenoglio jihwangjewelry Sharon Stafford ShingJewels Sylvia’s Design Jewelry Kelly Tzannes Susan Warren Wendy Jo New Metal Designs 3rd Floor Wendy Jean Hyde Wendy Wolf 289 Moody Street Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery Mixed Media 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 2nd Floor Suzanne Hodes Meg Turner 3rd Floor Betty Canick Whitney Davis Martha Winston 289 Moody Street Michele McDonald Painting 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor Kelley Harwood Mimi Jigarjian Andrea Tishman 2nd Floor Eleanor Goud Tanya Harsch Suzanne Hodes Pat Mattina Kathleen McCue Janet Shapero Michael Wilson 3rd Floor Clare Asch Joan Baldwin John Biebel Liza Bingham Betty Canick Arthur Hardigg Wendy Jean Hyde Helen Jacobson Lauren Middleton Roberta Nigro Hall Sophia C Mone Gretchen Morse Mary Palmer Ruth Sue Post Barbara Trachtenberg Martha Winston Wendy Wolf Margaret Zaleski 4th Floor Kelly Carmody 144 Moody Street, Building 18 Sarah Leon Carrie Nixon Myk Ostrowski Joshua Winer Artists by Medium Painting (Cont’d) 2nd Floor 289 Moody Street Suzanne Hodes Elli Crocker Robert Freeman Kirk Goetchius Carla Munsat Sallie Strand John Thompson Ann Miller Janet Shapero Photography 289 Moody Street 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 3rd Floor Wendy Jean Hyde Barbara Trachtenberg 144 Moody Street, Building 18 Myk Ostrowski 289 Moody Street Michele McDonald Linda Wisnewski Printmaking 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor Andrea Tishman Prospect Hill Forge 3rd Floor Arthur Hardigg Sophia C Mone Margaret Zaleski 144 Moody Street, Building 18 Todd Cahill Joe Carpineto Sarah Leon 289 Moody Street Carol McMahon Works on Paper Kirk Goetchius John Thompson 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor Sculpture Andrea Tishman 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor 2nd Floor Chris Taylor 2nd Floor Marta Kaemmer Jeanette O’Connor Michael Wilson Barbara Zeles 3rd Floor Elizabeth Michelman Bobby Vilinsky Margaret Zaleski Suzanne Hodes Pat Mattina Ann Miller Jeanette O’Connor Meg Turner Michele Vitti 3rd Floor Clare Asch Joan Baldwin Betty Canick Sophia C Mone Bobby Vilinsky Karen Walter 289 Moody Street Carol McMahon Carla Munsat Sallie Strand Other 144 Moody Street, Building 4, 1st Floor Wendy Jo New Metal Designs (Other Metal Designs) Prospect Hill Forge (Ironwork) Sharon Stafford Metals (Sculpture, Fine Craft) 2nd Floor Lyn Christiansen (Kumihimo Braiding, Mosaic) Marta Kaemmer (Fabric) Janet Shapero (Installation) 3rd Floor Elizabeth Michelman (Multimedia, Flat-work) Ellen Solari (Sculptural Baskets) Wendy Wolf (Installation) 144 Moody Street, Building 18 AgX Film Collective (Film) Todd Cahill (Steamachine Sculpture) Imagavision Creative Works (Film) Joshua Winer (Mosaics) 289 Moody Street Carla Munsat (Altered Books) Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery (Ceramics, Wearable Fiber) Artists by Location 144 Moody St Building 4 1st Floor Studios: Kelley Harwood Mimi Jigarjian Andrea Tishman Prospect Hill Forge 1st Floor, Metalwerx: C.B. Miller Metals Julia Crapo Denise M Fenoglio jihwangjewelry Sharon Stafford Metals ShingJewels Sylvia’s Design Jewelry Kelly Tzannes Susan Warren Wendy Jo New Metal Designs 2nd Floor, Artists West: Lyn Christiansen Eleanor Goud Tanya Harsch Suzanne Hodes Marta Kaemmer Pat Mattina Kathleen McCue Ann Miller Jeanette O’Connor Janet Shapero Dina Shaposhnikova Meg Turner Michele Vitti Michael Wilson Barbara Zeles Martha Winston Antoinette M Winters Wendy Wolf Margaret Zaleski 3rd Floor, River Street Artists: Building 18 Clare Asch Joan Baldwin John Biebel Liza Bingham Betty Canick Whitney Davis Roberta Nigro Hall Arthur Hardigg Wendy Jean Hyde Helen Jacobson Elizabeth Michelman Lauren Middleton Sophia C Mone Gretchen Morse Sue Post Mary Palmer Ruth Ellen Solari Barbara Trachtenberg Bobby Vilinsky Karen Walter 4th Floor, Waltham Studios: Kelly Carmody Moody Station Studios: AgX Film Collective Todd Cahill/Steamachine Sculpture Joe Carpineto Imagavision Creative Works Sarah Leon Carrie Nixon Myk Ostrowski 289 Moody St Lincoln Studios Elli Crocker Robert Freeman Kirk Goetchius Michele McDonald Carol McMahon Carla Munsat Monique Rancourt Sallie Strand John Thompson Martha Winston Rosebud 683 Main St. t. Elm S FREE PARKING for Open Studios weekend is available in the nearby RTN Credit Union Lot at the corner of Main and Elm Streets, across from Waltham Common. FREE PARKING is available on Sunday in the lot behind Lincoln Studios and all meters in Waltham are free on Sunday. Handicap parking is available at 144 Moody St. PUBLIC PARKING is available in many lots within a quick walk of all locations (see orange sections on map). Meters are in effect on Saturday and most lots have all day parking for $2. Charles St. Waltham Commons Felton r St. St. PARKING Carte T 144 Moody St. Building #4 T PARKING HANDICAP PARKING WALKING Waltham Mills (144 Moody St.) is a short 5 minute walk to Lincoln Studios (289 Moody St.) VIA MBTA FREE PARKING Waltham City Hall St. Moody Directions RTN Credit Union Main St. Building #18 CHARLES RIVER Buses 70 and 70 A (Cambridge, Watertown); Buses 553 and 554 (Boston, Newton Corner); Moody St. Charles River Museum of Industry HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY 144 Moody St., Building 4 is ramp accessible with an elevator to all floors. Building 18 is only accessible by stairs. Free handicap parking is available next to Building 4. Lincoln Studios (289 Moody St.) has an elevator to all floors through the Lincoln Arts Project Gallery entrance. .2 mile walk (5 min) Foot Bridge PARKING Crescent St. Mov ie T 289 Moody St. hea ter Pine PARKING Whitney Ave. Gord on S t. St. Mimi Jigarjian Waltham Mills Open Studios Would Like to Thank All of Our Generous Sponsors and Supporters: Bronze Sponsors Contributors Long Life Auto Repair Waltham Embroidery and Screenprinting Cur.io Vintage Lizzy’s Homemade Ice Cream Moody’s Delicatessen & Provisions Nickerson & Hills Painting Supply FELTON STREET STUDIOS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL www.feltonstreetstudios.com 718-894-5090 Non-profit School for Jewelry/Metal Arts • Community Studio Call 781-891-3854 or visit www.Metalwerx.com Mention this ad when you call to register for your first class and receive 10% off. (Offer cannot be combined with any other discount offers.) Community Supporters Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation Rose Art Museum The Center for Digital Arts Cambridge School of Weston Edward Holley Photography Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery Lincoln Arts Project Gallery If you would like to sponsor Waltham Mills Open Studios please contact us at wmaaopenstudios@gmail.com Waltham Mills Open Studios Would Like to Thank Our SILVER Sponsors for Their Generous Support: Waltham Mills Open Studios Would Like to Thank Our GOLD Sponsors for Their Generous Support: Waltham Cultural Council WCC Waltham Cultural Council Waltham WCC Waltham Cultural Council Cultural Council Wendy Wolf • thewendywolf@gmail.com Waltham Cultural Council Logo Round 2 LEISMAN Insurance Agency, Inc. Established 1972 All Photos by Edward Holley © 2015 Design by Wendy Wolf Front cover artwork/studio: Marta Kaemmer