5 de enero al 17 de marzo de 2016
5 de enero al 17 de marzo de 2016
Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá Ave. Samuel Lewis, Torre Banistmo (al lado del Santuario Nacional), Piso 10, Ciudad de Panamá Tel: 264-0851/223-3424 Fax: 269-8757 Website: www.taiwanembassy.org/pa International Higher Education Scholarship Programs 2016 Patrocinador: Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá Objetivos: El Fondo para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Internacional (TaiwanICDF) de la República de China (Taiwán), ofrece a los estudiantes y profesionales panameños un programa para cursar estudios de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado en Taiwán, con el propósito de capacitar y especializar el recurso humano para el mayor progreso social y económico, fortaleciendo de esta manera los lazos de amistad, la cooperación y el intercambio cultural entre la República de China (Taiwán) y la República de Panamá. Inicio y Cierre del Concurso: 5 de enero al 17 de marzo de 2016 Anuncio del resultado: 1 de julio de 2016 Duración: La Beca “International Higher Education Scholarship Programs 2016” ofrece 30 carreras en idioma inglés: Licenciatura: Cuatro (4) años Maestría: Dos (2) años Doctorado: Cuatro (4) años 1 Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá Ave. Samuel Lewis, Torre Banistmo (al lado del Santuario Nacional), Piso 10, Ciudad de Panamá Tel: 264-0851/223-3424 Fax: 269-8757 Website: www.taiwanembassy.org/pa BENEFICIOS DE LA BECA: 30 carreras universitarias a elegir (ver anexo 1°). El TaiwanICDF proporcionará a los becarios un subsidio mensual de NT$12,000 (equivalente a US$364.00, aproximadamente) para licenciatura; NT$15,000 (equivalente a US$455.00, aproximadamente) para maestría y NT$17,000 (equivalente a US$515.00, aproximadamente) para doctorado, con el fin de cubrir los gastos personales de los becarios, mientras que el boleto aéreo en clase económica de ida y vuelta Panamá-Taiwán, alojamiento (dormitorio en la universidad), seguro médico y de accidentes, matrícula, libros de texto, serán cubiertos por el TaiwánICDF. Documentos Requeridos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Formulario impreso de aplicación debidamente completado con su firma (visite la página web http://www.icdf.org.tw/TSP/WelcomeStart.aspx) Certificado de buena salud de los últimos 3 meses (ver anexo 2°) Copia del pasaporte o de la cédula de identidad de Panamá Copia del diploma y créditos Tener un alto nivel del idioma inglés (Presentar el resultado del TOEFL o IELTS, o el diploma en el cual conste que haya estudiado una carrera en inglés) Dos (2) cartas de recomendación Paz y Salvo (se solicita en el IFARHU) 2 Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá Ave. Samuel Lewis, Torre Banistmo (al lado del Santuario Nacional), Piso 10, Ciudad de Panamá Tel: 264-0851/223-3424 Fax: 269-8757 Website: www.taiwanembassy.org/pa Procedimiento de la solicitud: 1. Presentar todos los documentos antes mencionados a la Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá. Los aplicantes sólo pueden elegir una (1) carrera. Una vez se entregan los documentos no se devuelven los mismos. 2. Enviar otros documentos a las universidades, de acuerdo a lo solicitado, antes de la fecha límite indicada por las mismas (ver anexo 3°). 3. La carta de admisión de las universidades no garantiza la obtención de la beca. Los ganadores de la beca serán formalmente informados por la Embajada y a través de una “Letter of Acceptance” (Carta de Aceptación) emitida por el TaiwanICDF. Siguientes pasos sólo para los seleccionados finales 1. Solicitar visas, y participar en las reuniones informativas: julio de 2016 2. Fecha aproximada de salida de Panamá: finales de agosto de 2016 3. Inicio de clases: septiembre, 2016. 3 ”Beca Diplomática de la República de China (Taiwán) ” 2016 Patrocinador: Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en Panamá Colaborador: Instituto para la Formación y Aprovechamiento de los Recursos Humanos (IFARHU) de la República de Panamá Inicio y Cierre del Concurso: 11 de enero al 17 de marzo de 2016 Entrevista: 31 de marzo y 1 de abril de 2016 (se anunciará una semana antes a través de la página web de la Embajada a los participantes que irán a la entrevista) Anuncio del resultado: 1 de julio de 2016 Duración: La “Beca Diplomática de la República de China (Taiwán) ” ofrece estudios para las siguientes carreras: Licenciatura: Un (1) año de aprendizaje del idioma chino-mandarín y los siguientes cuatro (4) años para estudio de la carrera Maestría: Un (1) año de aprendizaje del idioma chino-mandarín y los siguientes dos (2) años para estudio de la carrera Doctorado: Un (1) año de aprendizaje del idioma chino-mandarín y los siguientes cuatro (4) años para estudio de la carrera BENEFICIOS DE LA BECA: Carreras universitarias a elegir: Todas las carreras con excepción de medicina y turismo. 4 El Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) ofrece el boleto aéreo Panamá-Taipei-Panamá, en clase económica, un subsidio mensual de 25,000.00 Dólares Taiwaneses (equivalente a US$758.00, aproximadamente) para el primer año de estudio del mandarín, y un subsidio mensual de 30,000.00 Dólares Taiwaneses (equivalente a US$910.00, aproximadamente) para los siguientes años. Con este apoyo económico los becarios cubrirán sus gastos tales como: matrícula, libros de texto, hospedaje, transporte, alimentación, seguro médico, etc. LIMITACIÓN: Los aplicantes no pueden haber sido beneficiados con ninguna beca ofrecida por el Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) Documentos Requeridos: (Una vez se entreguen los documentos, no se devolverán los mismos) Formulario de aplicación “Beca Diplomática de la República de China (Taiwán)” (anexo 1°) 2 Certificado de buena salud de los últimos 3 meses (anexo 2°). 3 Fotografías tipo carnet, fondo blanco, tomadas en los últimos 6 meses y pegadas en los formularios de aplicación y certificado de buena salud 4 Copia del pasaporte o de la cédula de identidad de Panamá 5 Copia del Diploma de Bachillerato autenticada por el IFARHU 6 Copia de los Créditos Escolares autenticada por el IFARHU (Puntaje Mínimo 4 para Licenciatura, Puntaje Mínimo 2 para Maestría y Doctorado). 7 Dos cartas de recomendación 8 Paz y Salvo (se solicita en el IFARHU) 9 Un ensayo sobre sus motivos de estudiar en Taiwán. (una página de tamaño carta solamente) 10 Certificado del examen TOCFL (Huayu-Top) (opcional) 1 5 Siguientes pasos sólo para los seleccionados finales 1. Solicitar Carta de Admisión de un centro de idioma chino-mandarín de Taiwán para los cursos que empiezan el septiembre de 2016. (anexo 3°) 2. Autenticar los documentos y solicitar las visas 3. Reuniones informativas en la Embajada: 15 de julio 4. Fecha aproximada de salida de Panamá: finales de agosto 5. Inicio de clases: septiembre Listado de los Centros del idioma chino-mandarín de Taiwán (anexo 3°) Listados de las Universidades de Taiwán (anexo 4°) 6 附件一 外交部臺灣獎學金申請表(範例) APPLICATION FORM FOR THE MOFA TAIWAN SCHOLARSHIP Applicants should fill out this application form clearly and accurately. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. 本表請申請人詳實工整填寫,慎勿遺漏,以利配合作業,如有需要,申請人可自行以同款紙張加 頁說明. Please check: 請選以下選項 Which type of scholarship are you applying for? □Undergraduate Scholarship 大學獎學金 □Master Scholarship 碩士獎學金 □Doctoral Scholarship 博士獎學金 Do you need to attend a Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (this must be undertaken during the first year) (是否先修華語?華語課程必須在抵臺第一年研修)? □ Yes □ No If Yes, please fill in the name of the language center in part 6 on page 4 1. Personal information 個人基本資料 a. Name 姓名 Title 稱謂: Mr./Mrs./Ms. Please attach a recent photograph (taken within the last 3 months). Surname (Last name)姓: Given Name(s) 名: 最近三個月相片 b. City and country of birth 出生.城市及國別 c. Nationality 國籍 d. Parents 家長資料 *Note: If one or both of your parents was an ROC national at the time of your birth, you are also an ROC national and therefore not eligible to apply. Father 父 Mother 母 Name 姓名: Name 姓名: Nationality 國籍: Nationality 國籍: Place of birth 出生地: Place of birth 出生地: 7 e. Contact information Permanent address 永久地址: 聯絡地址、電話、電子 郵件 Mailing address (if different from above)郵寄地址: Telephone 電話: Email 電子郵件: Cell phone 手機: f. Sex 性別 □ Male 男 g. Marital status 婚姻狀況 □ Single 單身 h. Date of birth 生日 (Day 日/Month 月/Year 年): i. Have you ever resided in Taiwan? □ Female 女 □ Married 已婚 □Never 否; □Yes, from (dd/mm/yr) to Reason for residence 居住事由: 居住臺灣 j. Have you received a □No 無; □Yes, from (dd/mm/yr) to Taiwan Scholarship or Huayu Enrichment Type(s) of Scholarship: Scholarship before?臺 灣獎學金/華語文獎學 金受獎紀錄 k. Health condition 健康狀況 □ Excellent l. Chronic diseases 慢性病 □ None 無 (dd/mm/yr).是,起迄日期 (dd/mm/yr);是,起迄日期 □ Good □ Fair □ Yes 有 Please specify 請指明: m. Contact person in case of emergency 緊急事件聯絡人 Name 姓名: Relationship 關係: Address 地址: Telephone 電話: Email 電子郵件: Cell phone 手機: 8 2. Language proficiency 語言能力 Language proficiency 語言能力 Comprehension 聽 Excellent 優 Good 良 Fair 可 Reading 讀 Excellent 優 Good 良 Writing 寫 Fair 可 Excellent 優 Good 良 Speaking 說 Fair 可 Excellent 優 Good 良 Fair 可 Chinese English (Other, please state) 3. Education and training 教育背景 School name 學校名稱 Subject 研修領域 Note: Highest diploma only Qualification (Certificate/Diploma/ Degree) 資格 Country and place 地點 Year obtained 取得證書時間 4. References 推薦單位 (人) 資料 Name 姓名 Position 職務 Telephone, email or mailing address 電話及電郵地址 5. Employment/Job experience (use one row for each position) 工作經歷 Position 職務 Company/Organization 機構名稱 Period of employment 服務期間 9 Responsibilities 工作說明 6. Language center and/or university/department which you plan to attend in Taiwan 擬就讀之語文中心 或∕及大學校院系所 University affiliated language center: University/college and department: 10 7. RECOMMENDATIONS OF LOCAL AUTHORITY OR ORGANIZATION (e.g. Government Agency, Educational Institute, Think Tank, International Organization, Non-governmental Organization) 駐地推薦單位,如駐在國政府機關、教育或研究機構、智庫或非政府組織 Comments on applicant: Responsible official: Title_______________________ Signature:__________________ Name:_____________________ Date:_____________________ 11 8. Please briefly state your study plan while in Taiwan 請簡述在臺讀書計畫 12 9. DECLARATION: I hereby declare that: □The information I have provided in this document is true and accurate. I understand that any false information will disqualify me from the program, even if it is already in progress. □I am not suffering from any serious disease and am not hindered by any illness or disability. □I am neither an ROC national, nor an overseas compatriot of the ROC. □I am not currently undertaking studies in Taiwan at the same educational level as the scholarship type for which I am applying. □I am not applying for this scholarship as an exchange student through an agreement signed between an educational institution in Taiwan and an educational institution outside of Taiwan. □I consent to the information provided in this application form being made available to ROC government agencies for scholarship-related matters once I become a Taiwan Scholarship recipient. Applicant’s signature Date _____ /_____ /_____ Day 日/Month 月/Year 年 13 Listing of Chinese Language Centers National Taipei University Chinese Language Education of Education Tel: +886-2-27321104 ext.2025, 3331 Center Room 700C, No.134, Sec. 2, Fax: +886-2-27325950 Heping E. Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan(R.O.C.) Mail: clec@tea.ntue.edu.tw National Taiwan Normal University National Sun Yat-Sen University Mandarin Training Center No.162 Hoping East Road , Sec.1 Taipei,Taiwan 106 Chinese Language Center No. 70 , Lian-hai Rd. , Kaohsiung , 80424Taiwan Tel: +886-2-77345130 Fax: +886-2-23418431 Mail: mtc@mtc.ntnu.edu.tw Tel: +886-7-5252000 ext. 3030~3031 Fax: +886-7-5253039 Mail: alfc@mail.nsysu.edu.tw National Taipei University Chinese Language Training of Technology Center 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei 10608 Taiwan, R.O.C. 14 Tel:+886-2-2771-2171 ext 1742 、1704、1703、1746 Fax:+886-2-2752-4269 Mail: cltc@ntut.edu.tw List of Universities & Colleges SY 2015-2016 Code School Name Address Telephone Website 0001 National Chengchi University NO.64,Sec.2,ZhiNan Rd.,Wenshan District,Taipei City 11605,Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)29393091 http://www.nccu.edu.tw 0002 National Tsing Hua University No.101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R.O.C. (03)5715131 http://www.nthu.edu.tw 0003 National Taiwan University No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan R.O.C. 162,HePing East Road Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan, R.O.C. 145 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, ROC No.300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)33663366 http://www.ntu.edu.tw (02)77341111 http://www.ntnu.edu.tw (06)2757575 http://www.ncku.edu.tw (04)22873181 http://www.nchu.edu.tw (03)5712121 http://www.nctu.edu.tw (03)4227151 http://www.ncu.edu.tw 0004 National Taiwan Normal University 0005 National Cheng Kung University 0006 National Chung Hsing University 0007 0008 0009 National Chiao Tung University National Central University National Sun Yat-sen University National Taiwan Ocean University No. 70, Lienhai Rd., Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan, R.O.C. No.2, Beining Rd., Jhongjheng District, Keelung City 202, Taiwan (R.O.C) (07)5252000 http://www.nsysu.edu.tw 0012 (02)24622192 http://www.ntou.edu.tw 0013 National Chung Cheng University No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Min-Hsiung Township, Chia-yi County 621, Taiwan R.O.C. (05)2720411 http://www.ccu.edu.tw 0014 National Kaohsiung Normal University No.116, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City (07)7172930 802, Taiwan, R.O.C. http://www.nknu.edu.tw No.1, Jin-De Road, Changhua 500, Taiwan, R.O.C. (04)7232105 http://www.ncue.edu.tw No.155, Sec.2, Linong Street, Taipei, 112 Taiwan, R.O.C. 151, University Rd., San Shia District, New Taipei City, 23741 Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28267000 http://www.ym.edu.tw (02)86741111 http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/chinese/ 0015 National Changhua University of Education 0016 National Yang-Ming University 0017 National Taipei University 0018 National Chiayi University National University of Kaohsiung No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, R.O.C. 700, Kaohsiung University Rd., Nanzih District, 81148. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (05)2717000 http://www.ncyu.edu.tw 0019 (07)5919000 http://www.nuk.edu.tw 0020 National Dong Hwa University No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd. Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C. (03)8635000 http://www.ndhu.edu.tw 0021 National Chi Nan University No.1, University Rd, Puli, Nantou County,54561 Taiwan, R.O.C. (049)2910960#2996 http://www.ncnu.edu.tw 15 0022 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology No.43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei 106, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)27333141 http://www.ntust.edu.tw 0023 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 123 University Road, Section 3, Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, R.O.C. (05)5342601 http://www.yuntech.edu.tw 0024 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 1, Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912, Taiwan, R.O.C. (08)7703202 http://www.npust.edu.tw 0025 National Taipei University of Technology (02)27712171 http://www.ntut.edu.tw 0026 National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei 10608 Taiwan, R.O.C. No.1, University Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City, 824, Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)6011000 http://www.nkfust.edu.tw 0027 National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences No.415, Jiangong Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)3814526 http://www.kuas.edu.tw 0028 Taipei National University of the Arts (02)28961000 http://www.tnua.edu.tw 0029 National Taiwan University of Arts 1 Hsueh-Yuan Rd., Peitou District, Taipei 11201, Taiwan, R.O.C 59,Sec. 1, Daguan Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 22058, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)22722181 http://www.ntua.edu.tw 0030 National Taitung University National Ilan University 369, Sec. 2, Shikang Rd., Taitung, Taiwan, R.O.C No.1, Sec. 1, Shennong Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 26047,Taiwan, R.O.C. (089)318855 http://www.nttu.edu.tw (03)9357400 http://www.niu.edu.tw National United University National Formosa University 1, Lienda, Miaoli 36003, Taiwan, R.O.C. No.64, Wunhua Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632, Taiwan, R.O.C. (037)381000 http://www.nuu.edu.tw 0033 (05)6315000 http://www.nfu.edu.tw/main.php 0034 National Kaohsiung Marine University No.142, Haijhuan Rd., Nanzih Dist., Kaohsiung City 81157, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)3617141 http://www.nkmu.edu.tw 0035 Tainan National University of the Arts No.66,Daci Village,Guantian District,Tainan City,72045 Taiwan, R.O.C. (06)6930100 http://www.tnnua.edu.tw 0036 National University of Tainan National Taipei University of Education 33, Sec. 2, Shu-Lin St.,Tainan 700, Taiwan, R.O.C. No.134, Sec. 2, Heping E. Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan, R.O.C. (06)2133111 http://web.nutn.edu.tw/ (02)27321104 http://www.ntue.edu.tw/ National Hsinchu University of Education No.521, Nan-Da Rd., Hsinchu City 30014 ,Taiwan, R.O.C. 0039 National Taichung University of No.140, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City Education 40306, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)5213132 http://www.nhcue.edu.tw/ (04)22183199 http://www.ntcu.edu.tw 0042 National Penghu University of Science and Technology No.300, Liuhe Rd., Magong city, Penghu County 880, Taiwan,R.O.C. (06)9264115 http://www.npu.edu.tw 0043 National Chin-Yi University of Technology No.57, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung 41170, Taiwan R.O.C. (04)23924505 http://www.ncut.edu.tw 0044 National Taiwan Sport University No.250, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan, Taoyuan 33301, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)3283201 http://www.ntsu.edu.tw 0046 National Taipei University of Nursing and No.365,Ming-te Road,Peitou District,Taipei Health Science City,Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28227101 http://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/bin/home.php 0031 0032 0037 0038 16 0047 National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism 81271 No.1, Songhe Rd., Xiaogang Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (07)8060505 http://www.nkuht.edu.tw 0048 National Quemoy University No. 1, University Rd., Jinning Township, Kinmen County 892, Taiwan R.O.C (082)313300 http://www.nqu.edu.tw/cht/index.php 0049 National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport NO. 16, SECTION 1, SHUANG-SHIH ROAD TAICHUNG, TAIWAN, 404 R. O. C. (04)22213108 http://www.ntupes.edu.tw 0050 National Taichung University of Science and Technology No.129,Sec.3,Sanmin Rd,North Dist.,Taichung City 404, (04)22195678 Taiwan R.O.C. http://www.nutc.edu.tw/bin/home.php 0051 National Taipei University of Business No.321, Sec. 1, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)33222777 http://www.ntub.edu.tw/bin/home.php 0052 National Pingtung University No.4-18 Minsheng Rd., Pingtung City, Pingtung County (08)7663800 90003, Taiwan R.O.C. 1001 Tunghai University No.1727, Sec.4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung 40704, Taiwan R.O.C. (04)23590121 http://www.thu.edu.tw 1002 Fu Jen Catholic University 510, Zhongzheng Rd.,Xinzhuang Dist, New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)29052000 http://www.fju.edu.tw 1003 Soochow University Chung Yuan Christian University 70, Linshi Rd., Shihlin,Taipei, Taiwan 111, R.O.C. 200 Chung Pei Road, Chung Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 32023, R.O.C. (02)28819471 http://www.scu.edu.tw 1004 (03)2659999 http://www.cycu.edu.tw 1005 Tamkang University No.151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)26215656 http://www.tku.edu.tw 1006 Chinese Culture University 55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan, Taipei , Taiwan 11114, R. O. C. (02)28610511 http://www.pccu.edu.tw 1007 Feng Chia University (04)24517250#2258 http://www.fcu.edu.tw 1008 Providence University No. 100 Wenhwa Rd., Seatwen, Taichung, Taiwan 40724, R.O.C. 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu Dist., Taichung City 43301 Taiwan ,R.O.C. (04)26328001 http://www.pu.edu.tw 1009 Chang Gung University No.259, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33302, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)2118800 http://www.cgu.edu.tw 135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li, Taiwan 32003, R.O.C. 707, Sec.2, WuFu Rd., HsinChu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. No.168, University Rd., Dacun, Changhua 51591, Taiwan R.O.C. No. 1, Huafan Rd. Shihding Dist., New Taipei City 223, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)4638800 http://www.yzu.edu.tw (03)5374281 http://www.chu.edu.tw (04)8511888 http://www.dyu.edu.tw (02)26632102 http://www.hfu.edu.tw 1010 Yuan Ze University 1011 Chung Hua University 1012 Dayeh University http://www.nptu.edu.tw 1013 Huafan University 1014 I-Shou University No.1, Sec. 1, Syuecheng Rd., Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84001,Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)6577711 http://www.isu.edu.tw 1015 Shih Hsin University Ming Chuan University 1, Lane 17, Sec. 1, Mu-Cha Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan, R.O.C. 250 Zhong Shan N. Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei 111, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)22368225 http://www.shu.edu.tw (02)28824564 http://www.mcu.edu.tw 1016 17 1017 Shih Chien University No.70, Dazhi St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)25381111 http://www.usc.edu.tw 1018 Chaoyang University of Technology 168, Jifeng E. Rd., Wufeng District, Taichung, 41349 Taiwan, R.O.C. (04)23323000 http://www.cyut.edu.tw 1019 Kaohsiung Medical University (07)3121101 http://www2.kmu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml 1020 Nanhua University 100,Shih-Chuan 1st Road,Kaohsiung,80708,Taiwan , R.O.C. No. 55, Sec. 1, Nanhua Rd., Dalin Township, Chiayi County 62249, Taiwan , R.O.C. (05)2721001 http://www.nhu.edu.tw 1021 Aletheia University No.32, Zhenli St., Danshui Dist., New Taipei City 25103, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)26212121 http://www.au.edu.tw 1022 Tatung University No.40, Sec. 3,Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City 104, Taiwan, R.O.C (02)21822928 http://www.ttu.edu.tw 1023 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan R.O.C. (06)2533131 http://www.stust.edu.tw 1024 Kun Shan University No.195, Kunda Rd., YongKang Dist., Tainan City 71003, Taiwan, R.O.C. (06)2727175 http://www.ksu.edu.tw 1025 Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science No.60, Sec. 1, Erren Rd., Rende Dist., Tainan City 71710, Taiwan , R.O.C. (06)2664911 http://www.chna.edu.tw 1026 Shu-Te University 59, Hengshan Rd., Yanchao Dist. ,Kaohsiung City,82445 (07)6158000 Taiwan, R.O.C. http://www.stu.edu.tw 1027 Tzu Chi University (03)8565301 http://www.tcu.edu.tw 1028 Taipei Medical University Chung Shan Medical University No.701, Sec. 3, Zhongyang Rd. Hualien 97004, Taiwan , R.O.C. 250 Wuxing Street, Taipei City, TAIWAN 110, R.O.C. No.110,Sec.1,Jianguo N.Rd.,Taichung City 40201,Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)27361661 http://www.tmu.edu.tw (04)24730022 http://www.csmu.edu.tw 1029 1030 Lunghwa University of Science and Technology No.300,Sec.1,Wanshou Rd.,Guishan District,Taoyuan City, 33306,Taiwan R.O.C. (02)82093211 http://www.lhu.edu.tw/ 1031 Fooyin University 151 Jinxue Rd., Daliao Dist., Kaohsiung City 83102 , Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)7811151 http://www.fy.edu.tw 1032 Minghsin University of Science and Technology No.1, Xinxing Rd., Xinfeng Hsinchu 30401, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)5593142 http://www.must.edu.tw 1033 Chang Jung Christian University No.1,Changda Rd.,Gueiren District, Tainan City 71101, Taiwan R.O.C. (06)2785123 http://www.cjcu.edu.tw 1034 Hungkuang University No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City 43302, Taiwan R.O.C. (04)26318652 http://www.hk.edu.tw 1035 China Medical University (04)22053366 http://www.cmu.edu.tw 1036 Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology No.91 Hsueh-Shih Road,Taichung, Taiwan 40402, R.O.C. No.229, Jianxing Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32097, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)4581196 http://www.uch.edu.tw 1037 Cheng Shiu University No.840, Chengcing Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City 83347, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)7358800 http://www.csu.edu.tw/main.php 18 1038 Vanung University No.1, Wanneng Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 32061, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)4515811 http://www.vnu.edu.tw/ 1039 Hsuan Chuang University (03)5302255 http://www.hcu.edu.tw 1040 Chienkuo Technology University 48, Hsuan Chuang Road, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300 , R.O.C. No.1,Chiehshou North Road, Changhua City 500, Taiwan, R.O.C. (04)7111111 http://www.ctu.edu.tw 1041 Ming Chi University of Technology 84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan Dist. New Taipei City 24301, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)29089899 http://www.mcut.edu.tw/ 1042 Kao Yuan University No.1821, Jhongshon Rd., Lujhu Dist., Kaohsiung City 82151, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)6077777 http://www.kyu.edu.tw/kyunew3/index3.html 1043 Tajen University No.20, Weixin Rd., Yanpu Township, Pingtung County 90741, Taiwan R.O.C. (08)7623924 http://www.tajen.edu.tw 1044 St. John's University 499, Sec. 4, Tam King Road,Tamsui District, New Taipei City, 25135 Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28013131 http://www.sju.edu.tw/ 1045 Ling Tung University China University of Technology 1, Ling tung Rd., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. No. 56, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan R.O.C. (04)23892088 http://www.ltu.edu.tw (02)29313416 http://www.cute.edu.tw/ 1047 Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology No.666, Buzih Rd., Beitun District, Taichung City 40601, Taiwan, R.O.C. (04)22391647 http://www.ctust.edu.tw 1048 Asia University http://www.asia.edu.tw 1049 Kainan University 500, Lioufeng Rd., Wufeng, Taichung 41354, Taiwan R. (04)23323456 O. C. (03)3412500 No.1 Kainan Road, Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 33857, Taiwan, R.O.C 1050 Fo Guang University 1051 Tainan University of Technology 1052 Far East University 1046 http://www.knu.edu.tw No.160, Linwei Rd., Jiaosi , Yilan County 26247, Taiwan R.O.C. No.529, Zhongzheng Rd., Yongkang District, Tainan City 71002, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)9871000 http://www.fgu.edu.tw (06)2532106 http://www.tut.edu.tw/ No.49, Zhonghua Rd., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City 74448, Taiwan , R.O.C. (06)5979566 http://www.feu.edu.tw Yuanpei University of Medical Technology 1054 Jinwen University of Science and Technology No.306, Yuanpei St., HsinChu, Taiwan 30015, R.O.C (03)5381183 http://epage.ypu.edu.tw/bin/home.php No.99, Anzhong Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 23154, Taiwan ,R.O.C. (02)82122000 http://www.just.edu.tw/ 1055 Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology No.89, Wenhwa 1st St., Rende Shiang, Tainan County 717, Taiwan R.O.C. (06)2674567 http://www.hwai.edu.tw 1056 Tungnan University No.152, Sec. 3, Beishen Rd., Shenkeng Dist., New Taipei City 222, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)86625900 http://www.tnu.edu.tw/ 1057 Takming University of Science and Technology No.56, Sec.1, Huanshan Rd., Neihu District,Taipei City, Taiwan 11451, R.O.C. (02)26585801 http://www.takming.edu.tw 1058 Mingdao University No.369, Wen-Hua Rd.,Pettow, ChangHua 52345 ,Taiwan ,R.O.C (04)8876660 http://www.mdu.edu.tw 1053 19 1060 Nan Kai University of Technology No.568, Zhongzheng Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County 54243, Taiwan R.O.C. (049)2563489 http://www.nkut.edu.tw 1061 China University of Science and Technology No.245, Academia Rd. Sec. 3, Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)27821862 http://www.cust.edu.tw/www/cust.html 1062 Overseas Chinese University Yu Da University of Science and Technology 100,Chiao Kwang Rd., Taichung 40721, Taiwan, R.O.C. No. 168, Hsueh-fu Rd., Tanwen Village, Chaochiao Township, Miaoli County, 361 Taiwan, R.O.C (04)27016855 http://www.ocu.edu.tw (037)651188 http://www.ydu.edu.tw Meiho University Wufeng University 23, Pingguang Rd., Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 117, Sec 2, Chiankuo Rd, Minhsiung, Chiayi County 62153, Taiwan, R.O.C. (08)7799821 http://www.meiho.edu.tw 1065 (05)2267125 http://www.wfu.edu.tw/wufeng/ 1066 TransWorld University No.1221, Zhennan Rd., Douliu City, Yunlin County 640, (05)5370988 Taiwan R.O.C. http://www.twu.edu.tw/ 1067 Taiwan Shoufu University (06)5718888 http://www.tsu.edu.tw/ 1068 Chung Chou University of Science and Technology No.168,Nanshi Li,Madou Dist.,Tainan City,Taiwan, R.O.C. No. 6, Lane 2, Sec. 3, Shanjiao Rd., Yuanlin City, Changhua County 510, Taiwan, R.O.C. (04)8359000 http://www.ccut.edu.tw 1069 Hsiuping University of Science and Technology No.11 Gongye Rd, Dali Dist., Taichung City 41280,Taiwan,R.O.C. (04)24961100 http://www.hust.edu.tw/ 1070 Chang Gung University of Science and Technology No.261, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33303, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)2118999 http://new.cgust.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml 1071 Taipei City University of Science and Technology No. 2, Xueyuan Rd., Beitou, 112 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28927154 http://www.tpcu.edu.tw 1072 Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology No.1, Dahua Rd., Qionglin Shiang, Hsinchu County 307, (03)5927700 Taiwan, R.O.C. 1073 Hsing Wu University of Science and Technology No. 101, Sec.1, Fenliao Rd., LinKou District, New Taipei City 244, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)26015310 http://www.hwu.edu.tw 1074 Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology No.178, Chaoqin Rd., Yanshui Dist., Tainan City 73746, Taiwan R.O.C. (06)6523111 http://www.nju.edu.tw Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 1076 Hwa Hsia University of Technology 900 Mintsu 1st Road Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)3426031 http://www.wzu.edu.tw No.111, Gongzhuan Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)89415100 http://www.hwh.edu.tw 1077 Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology 880,Sec.2,Chien-kuo Rd.Hualien City ,Taiwan 970,R.O.C. (03)8572158 http://www.tccn.edu.tw 1078 Chihlee University of Technology 313, Sec. 1, Wunhua Rd., Banciao District, New Taipei City, 22050 Taiwan, R.O.C (02)2257-6167 or (02)2257-6168 http://www.chihlee.edu.tw 1079 University of Kang Ning No.137, Lane 75, Sec. 3, Kangning Rd., Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)26328744 http://www.ukn.edu.tw/ukn/index.html 3002 University of Taipei National Taiwan College of Performing Arts No.1,Ai-Guo West Road,Taipei,10048 Taiwan R.O.C. 177, Sec. 2, Neihu Rd.,Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)23113040 http://www.uTaipei.edu.tw (02)27962666 http://www.tcpa.edu.tw/bin/home.php 1063 1064 1075 0144 20 http://www.tust.edu.tw 1125 CTBC Financial Management College No.600, Sec. 3, Taijiang Blvd., Annan District, Tainan, Taiwan 709,R.O.C. (06)2873335 http://www.ctbc.edu.tw/ 1148 Dahan Institute of Technology No.1, Shuren St., Dahan Village, Xincheng Township, Hualien County 97145, Taiwan , R.O.C. (03)8210888 http://www.dahan.edu.tw 1159 Fortune Institute of Technology No.288, chihshiue Rd., Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 831, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)7889888 http://www.fotech.edu.tw 1166 Oriental Institute of Technology 58, Sihchuan Rd. Sec.2, Pan-Chiao District, New Taipei City 22061,Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)77388000 http://www.oit.edu.tw 1168 Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology NO.414,Sec.3, Jhongshan E. Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32091 Taiwan, R.O.C. (03)4361070 http://www.tiit.edu.tw/home.aspx 1176 Toko University No.51, Sec. 2, Xuefu Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61363, Taiwan, R.O.C. (05)3622889 http://www.toko.edu.tw 1179 De Lin Institute of Technology No.1, Ln. 380, Qingyun Rd., Tucheng Dist, New Taipei City 236, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)22733567 http://www.dlit.edu.tw 1182 Lan Yang Institute of Technology No.79, Fushin Rd., Touchen Town, Yilan County 26141, (03)9771997 Taiwan, R.O.C. http://www.fit.edu.tw 1183 Lee-Ming Institute of Technology No.22, Sec. 3, Tailin Rd., Taishan Dist., New Taipei City (02)29097811 243, Taiwan , R.O.C. http://www.lit.edu.tw 1184 Tung Fang Design of University No.110, Dongfang Rd., Hunei District, Kaohsiung City 82941, Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)6932011 http://www.tf.edu.tw 1185 Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health No.336, Fu Hsin Rd.,Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)24372093 http://www.cku.edu.tw 1187 Chungyu Institute of Technology No.40, Yi 7th Rd., Xinyi Dist., Keelung City 20103, Taiwan , R.O.C. (02)24237785 http://www.cit.edu.tw/ Tatung Institute of Technology Asia - Pacific Institute of Creativity 1192 Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College 253 Mi-Tuo Road, Chiayi City, Taiwan R.O.C. No.110, XueFu Rd. Toufen, Miaoli 351, Taiwan R.O.C No.268, Zhongxing St., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan R.O.C. (05)2223124 http://www.ttc.edu.tw (037)605500 http://w2.apic.edu.tw/ (03)8653906 http://www.tht.edu.tw 1195 Mackay Medical College No.46, Sec. 3, Zhongzheng Rd., Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan , R.O.C. (02)26360303 http://www.mmc.edu.tw 1196 Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts No. 700, Fagu Rd., Jinshan Dist. New Taipei City 20842, (02) 24980707 Taiwan, R.O.C. 1197 Taipei College of Maritime Technology No.150, Sec. 3, Binhai Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 25172, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)28052088 or (02)28102292 http://www.tcmt.edu.tw 0221 National Tainan Institute of Nursing National Taitung Junior College 78, Sec. 2, Minzu Rd., Tainan City 700, Taiwan, R.O.C. No.889, Jhengci N. Rd., Taitung, 95045 Taiwan, R.O.C. (06)2110600 http://www.ntin.edu.tw (089)226389#6000 http://www.ntc.edu.tw 1282 Mackay Junior College of Medicine , Nursing and Management No.92, Shengjing Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28584180 http://www.mkc.edu.tw 1283 Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management NO,79-9 Sha-Luen Hu Xi-Zhou Li Hou-Loung Town, Miaoli County, R.O.C. (037)728855 http://www.jente.edu.tw 1188 1189 0222 21 http://www.dila.edu.tw/ 1284 Shu-Zen Junior College of Medicine and Management No.452, Huanqiu Rd., Luzhu Dist.,Kaohsiung City 82144, Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)6979333 http://www.szmc.edu.tw 1285 Tzu Hui Institute of Technology No.367, Sanmin Rd. Nanjhou Hsian, Pingtung County, 926, Taiwan R.O.C. (08)8647367 http://www.tzuhui.edu.tw 1286 Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare & Management No. 112, Minzu Road, Sindian District. New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)22191131 http://www.ctcn.edu.tw 1287 Min-Hwei Junior College of Health Care Management No.1116, Sec. 2, Zhongshan E. Rd., Liuying Township, Tainan County 736, Taiwan R.O.C. (06)6226111 http://www.mhchcm.edu.tw/ 1288 KaoMei Junior College of Health Care & Management No.309, Chenggong Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung city 843,Taiwan R.O.C. (07)6812148 http://www.kmvs.khc.edu.tw/ 1289 Yuh-Ing Junior College of Health Care & Management No.15 Lane 420 Dachang 2nd Rd. Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807 Taiwan, R.O.C. (07)3811765 1290 Chung-Jen Junior College of Nursing, Health Sciences and Management No 217, Hung-Mao-Pi, Chia-Yi City, Taiwan 60077, ROC. (05)2773932 http://www.cjc.edu.tw 1291 St. Mary's Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management College No.100, Ln. 265, Sec. 2, Sanxing Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 266, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)9897396 http://www.smc.edu.tw/ 1292 Hsin Sheng Junior College of Medical Care and Management No.418,Gaoping Sec., Jhongfong Rd., Longtan District, Taoyuan City 32544, Taiwan R.O.C. (03)4117578 http://www.web.hsc.edu.tw/bin/home.php 1R02 Taiwan Baptist Christian Seminary (02) 27239500 http://www.tbts.edu.tw/ 1R03 Christ's College Taipei No. 1 Lane 394 Wu Xing Street, 110 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. No.51, Ziqiang Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 25162, Taiwan, R.O.C. (02)28097661 http://www.cct.edu.tw/ 1R04 I-Kuan Tao College No.81, Sanmin Rd. Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City 84442, Taiwan R.O.C. (07)-6872139 http://www.iktc.edu.tw 0A01 National Open University No.172, Zhongzheng Rd., Luzhou Dist., Xinbei City 247, Taiwan R.O.C. (02)22829355 http://www.nou.edu.tw 3A01 Open University of Kaohsiung No. 436, Daye North Rd., Siaogang Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan R. O. C. (07)8012008 http://www.ouk.edu.tw 22 健康檢查證明應檢查項目表(乙表) 醫院標誌 Hospital’s Logo 檢查日期 ____/____/____ (醫院名稱、地址、電話、傳真機) ITEMS REQUIRED FOR HEALTH CERTIFICATE (Form B) (Hospital’s Name, Address, Tel, FAX) 基 本 姓 名 : Name _________________ 身份證字號 : _________________ ID No. 出生年月日 Date of Birth : 年齡 Age : _________________ 實 / ––– 驗 ––– 室 / 檢 ––– 資 料 (年) (月) (日) ____/____/____ (M) (D) (Y) Date of Examination ( BASIC DATA) 性別 : □男 Male □女 Female Sex 護照號碼 : _________________ Passport No. 國籍 Nationality : _________________ 照片 Photo 聯絡電話 Phone No. : _________________ 查 (LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS) A. HIV 抗體檢查(Serological Test for HIV Antibody) : □陽性(Positive) □陰性(Negative) a.篩檢(Screening Test): □EIA □PA □未確定(Indeterminate) □其他(Others)______________ b.確認(Confirmatory Test) :□Western Blot □其他(Others)______________ □兒童 15 歲以下免驗 (Not required for children under 15 years of age) B. 胸部 X 光檢查肺結核(Chest X-Ray for Tuberculosis) : X 光發現(Findings): 判定(Results): □合格(Passed) □疑似肺結核(TB Suspect) □無法確認診斷( Pending) □不合格(Failed) (經臺灣健檢醫院判定為疑似肺結核或無法確認診斷者,得至指定機構複驗;但所在縣市無指定機 構者,得至鄰近醫院之胸腔科門診複檢。) (Those who are determined to be TB suspects or have a pending diagnosis by the designated hospital in Taiwan must visit the referred institution for further evaluation.) □孕婦或兒童 12 歲以下免驗 (Not required for pregnant women or children under 12 years of age) C.腸內寄生蟲(含痢疾阿米巴等原蟲)糞便檢查(採用離心濃縮法檢查) (Stool examination for parasites includes Entameba histolytica etc.)(centrifugal concentration method): □陽性,種名( Positive, Species ) ______________________ □陰性(Negative) □其他可不予治療之腸內寄生蟲(Other parasites that do not require treatment) ____________________ □兒童 6 歲以下或來自特定地區者免驗 (Not required for children under 6 years of age or applicants from designated areas as described in Note 6) D.梅毒血清檢查(Serological Test for Syphilis) : 檢驗(Tests):a.□RPR 或□VDRL ______________ b.□TPHA/TPPA _______________ c.□其它(Other)___________ 判定(Results):□合格(Passed) □不合格(Failed) □兒童 15 歲以下免驗 (Not required for children under 15 years of age) E.麻疹及德國麻疹之抗體陽性檢驗報告或預防接種證明(proof of positive measles and rubella antibody titers or measles and rubella vaccination certificates) : a.抗體檢查(Antibody test ) 麻疹抗體 measles antibody titers □陽性 Positive □陰性 Negative □未確定(Equivocal) 德國麻疹抗體 rubella antibody titers □陽性 Positive □陰性 Negative □未確定(Equivocal) b.預防接種證明 Vaccination Certificates (含接種日期、接種院所及疫苗批號;接種日期與出國日期應至少相隔兩週。) (The Certificate should include the date of vaccination, the name of administering hospital or clinic and the batch no. of vaccine; the date of vaccination should be at least two weeks prior to going abroad) □麻疹預防接種證明 Vaccination Certificates of Measles □德國麻疹預防接種證明 Vaccination Certificates of Rubella c. □經醫師評估,有接種禁忌者,暫不適宜接種。(Having contraindications, not suitable for vaccination) 漢 生 病 檢 查(EXAMINATION FOR HANSEN’S DISEASE) 全身皮膚視診結果(Skin Examination) □正常 Normal □異常 Abnormal:○非漢生病 (not related to Hansen’s disease): ○漢生病(疑似個案須進一步檢查)(Hansen’s disease suspect needs further exam) a.病理切片(Skin Biopsy): b.皮膚抹片(Skin Smear):○陽性 ( Finding bacilli in affected skin smears ) ○陰性(Negative) c.皮膚病灶合併感覺喪失或神經腫大( Skin lesions combined with sensory loss or enlargement of peripheral nerves ) ○有(Yes) ○無(No) 判定(Results):□合格(Passed) □不合格(Failed) □來自特定地區者免驗 (Not required for applicants from designated areas as described in Note 6) 備註(Note): 一、本表供外籍人士、無戶籍國民、大陸地區人民及香港澳門居民申請在臺灣居留或定居時使用。This form is for residence application. 二、兒童 6 歲以下免辦理健康檢查,但須檢具預防接種證明備查(年滿 1 歲以上者,至少接種 1 劑麻疹、德國麻疹疫 苗)。 A child under 6 years old is not necessary to have laboratory examination, but the certificate of vaccination is necessary. Child age one and above should get at least one dose of measles and rubella vaccines. 三、懷孕婦女及兒童 12 歲以下免接受「胸部X光檢查」;懷孕婦女於產後仍應補照胸部 X 光。 Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age are exempted from chest X-ray examination. Pregnant women should undergo chest X-ray after the child’s birth. 四、申請免除胸部 X 光檢查之適用對象:申請人限來自結核病盛行率低於十萬分之三十的國家,並檢具由精神科醫 師出具申請人在心理上不適合進行胸部 X 光檢查之診斷證明書,經行政院衛生署疾病管制局審核通過者,始得 免除此項檢測。 五、兒童 15 歲以下免接受「HIV 抗體檢查」及「梅毒血清檢查」 。 A child under 15 years old is not necessary to have Serological Test for HIV or Syphilis. 六、居住於美國、加拿大、歐洲、紐西蘭、澳洲、日本、南韓、香港、澳門、新加坡及以色列等地區或國家之申請 者,得免驗腸內寄生蟲糞便檢查及漢生病檢查。 Applicants living in USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore or Israel are not required to undergo a stool examination for parasites or an examination for Hansen’s disease. 七、漢生病檢查為全身皮膚檢查,受檢者可穿著內衣內褲,並由親友或女性醫護人員陪同受檢。檢查時逐步分部位 受檢,避免一次脫光全身衣物,維護受檢者隱私。 Hansen’s disease examination refers to careful examination of the entire body surface, which should be done with courtesy and respect to the applicant’s privacy. During the examination, the applicant is allowed to wear underwear and be accompanied by a friend or female medical personnel. Hospitals or clinics have the responsibilities to protect the privacy of the applicant and the examination should be done step by step. Hence, taking off all clothes at the same time should be avoided. 八、根據以上對 先生/女士/小姐之檢查結果為 □合格 □不合格 □須進一步檢查 Result:According to the above medical report of Mr./Mrs./Ms. , he/she □has passed the examination □has failed the examination □needs further examination. 負 責 醫 檢 師 簽 章 : (Chief Medical Technologist) 負 責 醫 師 簽 ( Chief Physician ) 章 (Name & Signature) : (Name & Signature) 醫 院 負 責 人 簽 章 : ( Superintendent ) (Name & Signature) 日期(Date): / / 本證明三個月內有效(Valid for Three Months) 附錄:健康檢查證明不合格之認定原則 檢查項目 不合格之認定原則 人類免疫缺乏病 一、人類免疫缺乏病毒抗體檢驗經初步測試,連續二次呈陽性反應者,應以西方墨點法(WB)作確 毒抗體檢查 認試驗。 二、連續二次(採血時間需間隔三個月)西方墨點法結果皆為未確定者,視為合格。 胸部X光檢查 一、活動性肺結核(包括結核性肋膜炎)視為「不合格」 。 二、非活動性肺結核視為「合格」 ,包括下列診斷情形:纖維化(鈣化)肺結核、纖維化(鈣化)病灶及 肋膜增厚。 腸內寄生蟲糞便 一、經顯微鏡檢查結果為腸道蠕蟲蟲卵或其他原蟲類如:痢疾阿米巴原蟲(Entamoeba histolytica)、 檢查 鞭毛原蟲類,纖毛原蟲類及孢子蟲類者為不合格。 二、經顯微鏡檢查結果為人芽囊原蟲及阿米巴原蟲類,如:哈氏阿米巴(Entamoeba hartmanni)、 大腸阿米巴(Entamoeba coli)、微小阿米巴(Endolimax nana)、嗜碘阿米巴(Iodamoeba butschlii)、雙核阿米巴(Dientamoeba fragilis)、唇形鞭毛蟲(Chilomastix mesnili)等,可不予治 療,視為「合格」 。 三、妊娠孕婦如為寄生蟲檢查陽性者,視為合格;請於分娩後,進行治療。 梅毒血清檢查 一、以 RPR 或 VDRL 其中一種加上 TPHA(TPPA)之檢驗,如檢驗結果有下列情形任一者,為「不 合格」: (一)活性梅毒:同時符合條件(一)及(二)、或僅符合條件(三)者。 (二)非活性梅毒:僅符合條件(二)者。 二、條件: (一)臨床症狀出現硬下疳或全身性梅毒紅疹等臨床症狀。 (二)未曾接受梅毒治療或病史不清楚者,RPR(+)或 VDRL(+),且 TPHA (TPPA)=1:320 以上(含 320) 。 (三)曾經接受梅毒治療者,VDRL 價數上升四倍。 三、梅毒血清檢查陽性者,檢具治療證明,視為合格。 麻疹、德國麻疹 麻疹、德國麻疹抗體檢查結果為陰性(或未確定者),且未檢具於抗體檢查後之麻疹、德國麻疹預防 接種證明者,視為不合格。但經醫師評估有麻疹、德國麻疹疫苗接種禁忌者,視為合格。 Appendix: Principles in determining the health status failed Test Item Principles on the determination of failed items Serological Test 1. If the preliminary testing of the serological test for HIV antibody is positive for two consecutive times, for HIV confirmation testing by WB is required. Antibody 2. When findings of two consecutive WB testing (blood specimens collected at an interval of three months) are indeterminate, this item is considered qualified. Chest X-ray 1. Active pulmonary tuberculosis (including tuberculous pleurisy) is unqualified. 2. Non-active pulmonary tuberculosis including calcified pulmonary tuberculosis, calcified foci and enlargement of pleura, is considered qualified. Stool 1. By microscope examination, cases are determined unqualified if intestinal helminthes eggs or other Examination for protozoa such as Entamoeba histolytica, flagellates, ciliates and sporozoans are detected. Parasites 2. Blastocystis hominis and Amoeba protozoa such as Entamoeba hartmanni, Entaboeba coli, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba butschlii, Dientamoeba fragilis, Chilomastix mesnili found through microscope examination are considered qualified and no treatment is required. 3. Pregnant women who have positive result for parasites examination are considered qualified and please have medical treatment after the child’s birth. Serological Test 1. After testing by either RPR or VDRL together with TPHA(TPPA), if cases meet one of the following for Syphilis situations are considered failing the examination. (1)Active syphilis: must fit the criterion (1) + (2) or only the criterion (3). (2)Inactive syphilis: only fit the criterion (2). 2. Criterion: (1)Clinical symptoms with genital ulcers (chancres) or syphilis rash all over the body. (2)No past diagnosis of syphilis, a reactive nontreponemal test (i.e., VDRL or RPR), and TPHA(TPPA)=1:320↑(including 1:320) (3)A past history of syphilis therapy and a current nontreponemal test titer demonstrating fourfold or greater increase from the last nontreponemal test titer. 3. Those that have failed the serological test for syphilis but have submitted a medical treatment certificate are considered passing the examination. Measles, The item is considered unqualified if measles or rubella antibody is negative (or equivocal) and no Rubella measles, rubella vaccination certificate issued after the antibody test is provided. Those who having contraindications, not suitable for vaccinations are considered qualified. 03/06/2012