Jan 4, 2016
Jan 4, 2016
City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Meeting Agenda Monday, January 4, 2016 6:30 PM Council Chambers Mayor and Council Mayor Bucky Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare Councilmember Craig Newton Councilmember David McLeroy Councilmember Andrew Hixson Councilmember Pierre Levy Mayor and Council A. Meeting Agenda January 4, 2016 Call to order by Mayor Bucky Johnson PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES B. Prayer C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America D. Roll Call (recorded) E. Presentation of previous meetings minutes for acceptanceand acceptance of the agenda as presented for scheduled meeting. 15-4267 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Attachments: CC - Minutes - 12-07-2015 - Regular Mtg CC - Minutes - 12-21-2015 - Policy 15-4275 F. Acceptance of the Agenda Ceremonial Presentations, Recognitions, and Swearing In Ceremonies 15-4273 Recognition of Councilmember Charlie Riehm Attachments: 15-4269 Inauguration of Mayor Bucky Johnson Attachments: 15-4271 Oath of Office - Newton2016 Inauguration of Council Member Pierre Levy Attachments: G. Oath of Office - Mayor Inauguration of Councilmember Craig Newton Attachments: 15-4270 Charlie Riehm Proclamation Oath of Office - Levy Floor Open to Citizens Desiring to Address the Governing Authority a. The floor is open to citizens desiring to address the governing authority b. Comments by Council City of Norcross Page 2 Printed on 1/1/2016 Mayor and Council Meeting Agenda January 4, 2016 b. Comments by Council H. Public Hearings PH. 15-4251 SUP2015-0005, 125 Lawrenceville Street Attachments: I. Staff Report SUP2015-0005 12-09-2015 updated Reports of the Mayor and Council Members a. General Announcements *****January Events***** JANUARY 8 - First Friday Concert – John Burke and Lindsay Drake, 7 - 9 p.m., Norcross Community Center JANUARY 11- Movie Monday, Ricki and the Flash, 1:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m., Norcross Community Center JANUARY 11- FEBRUARY 3 – Women's Strength and Balance Class, Monday and Wednesdays, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., Norcross Community Center JANUARY 18 – City Hall Closed for Martin Luther King Holiday JANUARY 19- Policy Work Session, 6:30 p.m., City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room JANUARY 21, LCI Beaver Ruin Greenway Public Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Norcross Community Center JANUARY 22 - Art Show Opening Reception, Peter McIntosh Photography, 6:30 p.m., The Rectory JANUARY 25- Movie Monday, Tomorrowland, 1:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m., Norcross Community Center JANUARY 26, Farmers Market Public Meeting, 6:30 p.m., The Greenhouse, 19 Holcomb Bridge Road J. Board Appointments 15-4276 Board Appointments K. Consent Agenda 1. 15-4246 Discuss Use of New Park Property Located at 205 Lawrenceville Street Attachments: City of Norcross Memo - Community Garden Recommendation Page 3 Printed on 12/30/2015 Mayor and Council 2. 15-4262 Meeting Agenda Resolution to Permit Alcohol Consumption at Various Special Events Attachments: 3. 15-4260 15-4243 Memo and 2016 Alcohol Permits Results of Application for CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2016, and next steps Attachments: 4. January 4, 2016 Memo - CDBG Application Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion Attachments: HBR Railroad Crossing Intersection Study appendix c Gwinnett Co. Response re Holcomb Bridge Rd 5. 15-4264 Municipal Competitive Trust Signature Authority Resolution Attachments: 6. 15-4272 K. Items for Discussion L. Adjourn in memory of Resolution - Authorized Officials001 Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem for 2016 Signed by _________________________________Mayor Bucky Johnson Attest: _______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross Page 4 Printed on 1/1/2016 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4267 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/22/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date 1. CC - Minutes - 12-07-2015 - Regular Mtg, 2. CC - Minutes - 12-21-2015 - Policy Ver. Action By Action Result Title Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Motion A motion to Approve the December 7th Regular Council Meeting, and Executive Session, the December 21st Policy Work Session and Executive Session. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Meeting Minutes - Draft Monday, December 7, 2015 6:30 PM Council Chambers Mayor and Council Mayor Bucky Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare Councilmember David McLeroy Councilmember Craig Newton Councilmember Charlie Riehm Councilmember Andrew Hixson Mayor and Council A. Meeting Minutes - Draft December 7, 2015 Call to order by Mayor Bucky Johnson PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES B. Prayer C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America D. Roll Call (recorded) Present E. 6 - Mayor Bucky Johnson, Council Member Craig Newton, Council Member Charlie Riehm, Council Member Andrew Hixson, Council Member David McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare Presentation of previous meetings minutes for acceptanceand acceptance of the agenda as presented for scheduled meeting. 15-4248 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Attachments: CC - Minutes - 11-02-2015 - Regular Mtg CC - Minutes - 11-16-2015 - Policy CC - Minutes - 11-18-2015 - Special Called A motion was made by Council Member David McLeroy, seconded by Council Member Charlie Riehm, to Approve the November 2nd Regular Council Meeting, and Executive Session, the November 16th Policy Work Session and Executive Session and the November 18th Special Called Meeting. The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: 15-4249 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Acceptance of the Agenda A motion was made by Council Member Craig Newton, seconded by Council Member Charlie Riehm, to Accept the Agenda as Presented with the following items being moved to discussion: 3. 15-4233 ARC Call for Applications for LCI Studies 4. 15-4239 Parks Master Plan Update 6. 15-4243 Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion 10. 15-4241 Proposed Regularly Scheduled Meetings with Boards, Authorities and Commissions to meet with Council 13. 15-4195 Livestock Discussion The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: City of Norcross 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare Page 1 Printed on 12/11/2015 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - Draft Abstain: F. December 7, 2015 0 Ceremonial Presentations, Recognitions, and Swearing In Ceremonies 15-4253 Norcross Police Department's Good Citizenship Award Presentation Citizen Service Award Presented to Maria Arguello Rodriguez Who went above and beyond to assist law enforcement in protecting our community. and Citizen Service Award Presented to Rodney Kellum Who went above and beyond to assist law enforcement in protecting our community. G. Floor Open to Citizens Desiring to Address the Governing Authority a. The floor is open to citizens desiring to address the governing authority b. Comments by Council H. Public Hearings I. Reports of the Mayor and Council Members a. General Announcements J. Board Appointments City of Norcross Page 2 Printed on 12/11/2015 Mayor and Council 15-4250 Meeting Minutes - Draft December 7, 2015 Board Appointments A motion was made by Council Member Charlie Riehm, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, to Approve the Appointments of the following board members and term expiration as presented: Norcross Public Arts Commission Alex Villasana 10/5/2020 Sean Casey 11/2/2020 The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 A motion was made by Council Member Andrew Hixson, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, to Approve the Re-Appointment of the following board member and term expiration as presented: Planning & Zoning BOA David Butsko 11/2/2019 The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, seconded by Council Member Charlie Riehm, to Approve the Appointment and Re-Appointment of the following board members and term expiration as presented: Sustainable Norcross Greg Cothran 12/7/2017 Bea Grossman 12/7/2019 Carol Jordan 12/7/2019 The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: K. 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Consent Agenda Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bare, seconded by Council Member Hixson, to Approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: City of Norcross Page 3 Printed on 12/11/2015 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - Draft Aye: Abstain: 1. 15-4237 5- December 7, 2015 Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Discovery Garden Park Board Attachments: DGP Packet and By-Laws The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 2. 15-4233 ARC 2016 Call for Applications for LCI Studies Attachments: davis_MEMO_15-11-30 resolution lci implementation T-13 The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 5. 15-4223 Agreement with VOIANCE for Over the Phone Language Interpretation Attachments: Agenda Item - VOIANCE 091815 VOIANCE Service Agreement Change Order No 1 Voiance Service Agreement The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 7. 15-4244 Request to Surplus Items - Police Department Attachments: Memo - Surplus Auction The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 8. 15-4245 Approval of Contract with Stewart Brothers, Inc. for Street Resurfacing and Repairs Attachments: Memo - Streets Resurfacing SPLOST Contractor Agreement - Streets Resurfacing SPLOST The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 9. 15-4236 Transfer of Code Enforcement from Community Development to the Police Department Attachments: ORDINANCE 08-2015 Change Code Enforcement from Comunity Developmnent to Police D The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. City of Norcross Page 4 Printed on 12/11/2015 Mayor and Council 11. 15-4242 Meeting Minutes - Draft December 7, 2015 Request for Approval of Janitorial Services Contract Attachments: Memo - Janitorial Services Contract Janitorial Services Contract The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. 12. 15-4240 Selection of Primary and Alternate Delegate for ECG Board Attachments: Voting Delegate Resolution The Agenda Item was Approved by consent vote. L. Items for Discussion 3. 15-4238 Summerour Park Change Order Attachments: Memo - Summerour Park Change Order A motion was made by Council Member Craig Newton, seconded by Council Member David McLeroy, Approve the attached Change Order and Budget Amendment for the purchase of Concession Equipment and Stamped Engineer Drawings in the amount of $17,789.00 funded by SPLOST Recreation. The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: 4. 15-4239 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Parks Master Plan Update Attachments: Memo - Parks Master Plan A motion was made by Council Member Andrew Hixson, seconded by Council Member Craig Newton,Approve the selection of Lose & Associates, Inc. to conduct the Parks Master Plan Update in the amount of $49,090.00 funded by SPLOST - Recreation Fund. The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: Abstain: 6. 15-4243 5- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion Attachments: HBR Railroad Crossing Intersection Study appendix c A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, seconded by Council Member Charlie Riehm, that this agenda item be Tabled to the December 21, 2015, Policy Work Session The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: City of Norcross Page 5 Printed on 12/11/2015 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - Draft Aye: Abstain: 10. 15-4241 5- December 7, 2015 Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson, Council Member McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Bare 0 Proposed Regularly Scheduled Meetings with Boards, Authorities and Commissions to meet with Council Attachments: Memo - Scheduled Meetings with Boards This matter was discussed and referred to the City Manager for review and implementation. 13. 15-4195 Livestock Discussion Attachments: ORDINANCE 09-2015 Keeping of Chickens A motion was made by Council Member Andrew Hixson, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, to amend Article I of Chapter 115 by deleting the definitions for “livestock” and “livestock quarters” in section 115-5 in their entirety and substituting new definitions in lieu thereof, and amend Article III of Chapter 115 by deleting paragraph (b)(8) of Section 115-78 and inserting the following in lieu thereof inserting a new paragraph (b)(8) of Section 115-78 with the following enacting clause: The Mayor and City Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia, hereby ordains that the adopted Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as more particularly set forth below. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Council, and it is hereby ordained that the following provisions shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Norcross, and the Sections in the Code in the Ordinance be renumbered to accomplish that intention. The motion was APPROVED by the following vote: Aye: 4- Council Member Newton, Council Member Riehm, Council Member Hixson and Mayor Pro Tem Bare Opposed: 1- Council Member McLeroy Abstain: M. 0 Adjourn in memory of Signed by _________________________________Mayor Bucky Johnson Attest: _______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross Page 6 Printed on 12/11/2015 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Meeting Minutes - Draft Monday, December 21, 2015 6:30 PM 2nd Floor Conference Room Policy Work Session Mayor Bucky Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare Council Member Craig Newton Council Member Andrew Hixson Council Member David McLeroy Council Member Charlie Riehm Policy Work Session Meeting Minutes - Draft December 21, 2015 ROLL CALL Present 5 - Mayor Bucky Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem Josh Bare, Council Member Craig Newton, Mayor Pro Tem David McLeroy and Mayor Pro Tem Andrew Hixson Absent 1 - Council Member Charles Riehm Citizen Input General Updates Board Appointments Council - General Discussion PH. 15-4251 SUP2015-0005, 125 Lawrenceville Street Attachments: Staff Report SUP2015-0005 12-09-2015 updated This matter was Referred to the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016 1. 15-4246 Discuss Use of New Park Property Located at 205 Lawrenceville Street This matter was Referred to the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016 2. 15-4262 Resolution to Permit Alcohol Consumption at Various Special Events Attachments: Memo - 2016 Alcohol Permits This matter was Referred to the by the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016 3. 15-4260 Results of Application for CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2016, and next steps Attachments: Memo - CDBG Application This matter was Referred to the by the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016 4. 15-4243 Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion Attachments: HBR Railroad Crossing Intersection Study appendix c Gwinnett Co. Response re Holcomb Bridge Rd This matter was Referred to the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016. City of Norcross Page 1 Printed on 12/22/2015 Policy Work Session 5. 15-4264 Meeting Minutes - Draft December 21, 2015 Municipal Competitive Trust Signature Authority Resolution Attachments: Resolution - Authorized Officials001 This matter was Moved to the Mayor and Council, due back on 1/4/2016 6. 15-4263 National Citizen Survey Attachments: National Citizen Survey Reference This matter was Referred to the Retreat, due back on 1/25/2016 Adjourn to Executive Session for Personnel, Real Estate or Legal Signed by: ___________________________________ Mayor Bucky Johnson Attest: _________________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross Page 2 Printed on 12/22/2015 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4275 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/29/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Acceptance of the Agenda Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Ver. Action By Action Result Title Acceptance of the Agenda Motion Motion to Accept the Agenda as Presented with the following items being moved to discussion: City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4273 Version: 1 Type: Recognition Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/29/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Recognition of Councilmember Charlie Riehm Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date 1. Charlie Riehm Proclamation Ver. Action By Action Result Title Recognition of Councilmember Charlie Riehm City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross Proclamation for Councilmember Charlie Riehm WHEREAS, Councilmember Charlie Riehm is a two-decade resident of the City of Norcross; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has been an activist and visionary who has been a critical contributor to the successful and sustained revitalization of Norcross for the past fifteen years; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has utilized his skills in assembling many talented, dedicated, and creative Norcross citizens to serve on boards, teams, and organizations which have, in turn, been instrumental in the successful revitalization of Norcross; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has served the Norcross community in various ways, which have greatly contributed to the thoughtful growth and success of the town. His service includes but has not been limited to the following: o Liquor by the Drink initiative o Treasurer of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) o Founding member of the Progressive Development Committee (PDC) o PDC Chair for several terms o Preservation of the Historic Methodist Church and Rectory (now the Norcross Cultural Arts and Community Center) o Summer Concerts in the Park o Permanent home for Kudzu Arts Zone o Establishment of the Norcross Welcome Center o Committee Member, Art Splash o President, Norcross Arts Alliance o Co-Founder, Norcross Arts Commission o Champion for the Tree Board o Champion for the Nature Trail behind Johnson Dean Park o Champion for Revitalization of the City’s Parks to include Thrasher Park, Rossie Brundage Park, Lillian Webb Park, the new Johnson Dean Park, the new Pinnacle Point Park, and the forthcoming Community Garden; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has also built a successful record of accomplishment in Gwinnett County, being recognized by the County as a Champion of the Arts, as a graduate of Senior Leadership Gwinnett, and most critically as a founding member of the Southwest Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has garnered the support of city staff who respect him, his judgement, contributions, and his integrity, which has been evident in his commitment to the City and its employees; and WHEREAS, Councilmember Riehm has earned the respect of colleagues and many residents for his honesty, integrity, excellent work ethic, and his dedication to always doing what is BEST for Norcross; and WHEREAS, Charlie Riehm is a good and trusted friend, neighbor, colleague, husband, father, and grandfather who is living an exemplary life of civic involvement in this community; and WHEREAS Mayor and Council do hereby recognize and honor Charlie Riehm for his dedicated and devoted service to Norcross and its citizens and hereby express appreciation for the contributions he has willingly made to our community with the utmost integrity and the highest of ethics. Charlie Riehm’s experience, presence, vision, influence, and guidance on the Norcross City Council will be sorely missed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT in order to thank and recognize Charlie Riehm for his untiring and outstanding service in a meaningful and long lasting way, Mayor and Council hereby bestow upon him the lifelong title of “Councilmember Emeritus.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed. This fourth day of January 2016. _____________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor City of Norcross City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4269 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/28/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Inauguration of Mayor Bucky Johnson Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date 1. Oath of Office - Mayor Ver. Action By Action Result Title Inauguration of Mayor Bucky Johnson City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross Oath of Office Mayor Bucky Johnson “I, Bucky Johnson, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform the duties of Mayor of the City of Norcross, Georgia, and that I will support and defend the Charter and Code thereof as well as the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States of America.” “I, Bucky Johnson, swear (or affirm) that I am not incumbent in any office of trust under the government of the United States, any other state, or any foreign state which by the laws of the State of Georgia, I am prohibited from holding and should I seek such, my resignation from office shall be instanter;” I, further swear (or affirm) that I am not the holder of any unaccounted for public money due this or any other State or political subdivision or authority thereof;” I, further swear (or affirm) I am qualified to hold the office for which I have been elected, and for so long as I am serving as Mayor of the City of Norcross, Georgia, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, and I will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of my elected office, conscientiously and without malice or partiality, to the best of my ability;” So Help Me God. January 4, 2016 Pamela D. South, Chief Judge Attest: Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4271 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/28/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Inauguration of Councilmember Craig Newton Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date 1. Oath of Office - Newton2016 Ver. Action By Action Result Title Inauguration of Councilmember Craig Newton City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross Oath of Office Council Member Craig Newton “I, Craig Newton, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform the duties of Council Member of the City of Norcross, Georgia, and that I will support and defend the Charter and Code thereof as well as the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States of America.” “I, Craig Newton, swear (or affirm) that I am not incumbent in any office of trust under the government of the United States, any other state, or any foreign state which by the laws of the State of Georgia, I am prohibited from holding and should I seek such, my resignation from office shall be instanter;” I, further swear (or affirm) that I am not the holder of any unaccounted for public money due this or any other State or political subdivision or authority thereof;” I, further swear (or affirm) I am qualified to hold the office for which I have been elected, and for so long as I am serving as a Council Member of the City of Norcross, Georgia, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, and I will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of my elected office, conscientiously and without malice or partiality, to the best of my ability;” So Help Me God. January 4, 2016 Pamela D. South, Chief Judge Attest: Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4270 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/28/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Inauguration of Council Member Pierre Levy Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date 1. Oath of Office - Levy Ver. Action By Action Result Title Inauguration of Council Member Pierre Levy City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross Oath of Office Council Member Pierre Levy “I, Pierre Levy, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform the duties of Council Member of the City of Norcross, Georgia, and that I will support and defend the Charter and Code thereof as well as the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia and of the United States of America.” “I, Pierre Levy, swear (or affirm) that I am not incumbent in any office of trust under the government of the United States, any other state, or any foreign state which by the laws of the State of Georgia, I am prohibited from holding and should I seek such, my resignation from office shall be instanter;” I, further swear (or affirm) that I am not the holder of any unaccounted for public money due this or any other State or political subdivision or authority thereof;” I, further swear (or affirm) I am qualified to hold the office for which I have been elected, and for so long as I am serving as a Council Member of the City of Norcross, Georgia, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, and I will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of my elected office, conscientiously and without malice or partiality, to the best of my ability;” So Help Me God. January 4, 2016 Pamela D. South, Chief Judge Attest: Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4251 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/20/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: SUP2015-0005, 125 Lawrenceville Street Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. Staff Report SUP2015-0005 12-09-2015 updated Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session 12/9/2015 1 Planning and Zoning Action Result Recommended for Approval Pass Title SUP2015-0005, 125 Lawrenceville Street Drafter Jon Davis Motion A motion to Approve Permit SUP2015-0005 to allow the use of the building as a mixed use development with commercial, office and residential uses and applying the following condition: 1. The Special Use Permit is allowed to run with the property. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ SUP2015-0005 Action Special Use Permit Property Location 125 Lawrenceville St. Norcross, GA 30071 Petitioner City of Norcross DDA 65 Lawrenceville St. Petitioner’s Request SUP to continue to allow the use of the building as a mixed use development with commercial, office and residential uses. Vicinity Map The subject parcel is located at 125 Lawrenceville St., Norcross, GA 30071 and is a property of the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Norcross. The property is known as The Cotton Gin and has been utilized as a mixed use building with commercial, office and residential uses included in it since it was purchased by the DDA. An existing Special Use Permit which allowed the inclusion of a residential apartment in the building was linked to the original tenet in the apartment unit. City of Norcross Planning & Zoning December 2, 2015. Page 1 Analysis The Cotton Gin has been used as a mixed use building for several years and is an excellent example of the mixed use concept which is fully supported by the long term land use plans, comprehensive plans and livable center initiative studies. The DDA wishes to continue that use pattern in the building and is requesting a new special use permit which will allow, indefinitely the presence of rental residential apartments in the structure. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that this application for a Special Use Permit be allowed for the following reasons: 1- The site is within the downtown area of the city and has a successful history of mixed use activities. 2- The use of the building as mixed use in in complete agreement with the long term land use plans of the city. If the Planning & Zoning Board wishes to approve this Special Use Permit Application for the proposed use the following conditions should be applied: 1. The Special Use Permit is allowed to run with the property. Update from P&Z 12/9/2015 The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the request at the 12/9/2015 public hearing. At that time the Board voted 3-0 to approve the Special Use Permit as requested. City of Norcross Planning & Zoning December 2, 2015. Page 2 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4276 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/29/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Board Appointments Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Ver. Action By Action Result Title Board Appointments Drafter Mayor & Council Motion A motion to Approve the Appointment of the following board member and term as presented: Architectural Board John Blackwelder City of Norcross 1/4/2016 - 1/3/2019 Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4246 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/10/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Discuss Use of New Park Property Located at 205 Lawrenceville Street Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. Memo - Community Garden Recommendation Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session 11/16/2015 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Referred to the Title Discuss Use of New Park Property Located at 205 Lawrenceville Street Drafter Councilmember Bare Motion A motion to retain Sean Murphy with B+C Studio Inc. to prepare a concept plan for the additional property to extend the community garden at Lawrenceville Street. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ PUBLIC WORKS, UTILTIES & PARKS __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Rudolph Smith/City Manager DATE: January 4, 2016 SUBJECT: Addendum to the Community Garden Contract CC: Rudolph Smith, City Manager Presented By: Rudolph Smith/City Manager Project Description I recommend that the city retain Sean Murphy with b+c Studio Inc. to prepare a concept plan for the additional property to extend the community garden at Lawrenceville Street. Mr. Murphy is also the vendor who prepared the initial concept plan for the Community Garden. Staff Recommendation: Funding Source: Project Cost: 345 LIVELY AVENUE, NORCROSS, GEORGIA 30071 (678) 421-2069 FAX (770) 255-2335 http://www.norcrossga.net City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4262 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/16/2015 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Resolution to Permit Alcohol Consumption at Various Special Events Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. Memo - 2016 Alcohol Permits Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Title Resolution to Permit Alcohol Consumption at Various Special Events Drafter Mary Beth Bender Motion A motion to Approve the attached Resolution to Permit the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol at Various Special Events in the City as Presented. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ RESOLUTION TO PERMIT THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN TO-GO CUPS, TO PERMIT SIDEWALK SALES BY LICENSED LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN DOWNTON HISTORIC NORCROSS, AND TO PERMIT OPEN CONTAINERS DURING THE 2016 CONCERT SERIES AND MUSIC EVENTS WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Norcross and the surrounding communities attended the Concert Series and Music Events of 2015 held at Thrasher Park, Lillian Webb Park, S. Peachtree Street & Skin Alley; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Division of the City of Norcross Department of Public Works, Utilities and Parks has scheduled the Concert Series and Music Events of 2016 (hereinafter the “2016 Summer Concert Series”), beginning on May 27, 2016 and continuing through October 8, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by granting an exception for the Summer Concert Series permitting the public consumption of alcoholic beverages during the 2016 Summer Concert Series at the designated location of each of said events and during the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that one or more public streets of Downtown Historic Norcross will be closed for each of the 2016 Summer Concert Series events and that it is in the public interest to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the designated hours for each of the 2016 Summer Concert Series events pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by permitting any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the designated hours for each of the 2016 Summer Concert Series events pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances Chapter 4, Section 4-6; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served granting an exception for the 2016 Summer Concert Series permitting the open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages by the public in the Historic Downtown Norcross District during the -1alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) designated hours for each of the 2016 Summer Concert Series events, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia as follows: I. Exception Granted for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises: An exception for the 2016 Summer Concert Series, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. (the “designated hours”) during the Concert Series and Music Events of 2016 (hereinafter the “2016 Summer Concert Series”) at each of the following locations as is specifically set forth below:, May 27 – Thrasher Park June 10 – Thrasher Park June 24 – Thrasher Park July 8 – Thrasher Park July 16 - Skin Alley/Betty Mauldin Park July 22 – Thrasher Park August 5 – Thrasher Park August 13 – Skin Alley/Betty Mauldin Park August 19 – Thrasher Park September 2 – Thrasher Park September 24 – Skin Alley/Betty Mauldin Park October 8 – Skin Alley/Betty Mauldin Park II. Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits for Sidewalk Sales of Alcoholic Beverages during the 2016 Summer Concert Series. Any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage may apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the 2016 Summer Concert Series during the designated hours on the days designated for each such event pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 and the following conditions, as follows: (1) Said temporary bar must be located on the sidewalk immediately adjacent to or in front of said establishment; or -2alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) III. (2) Said temporary bar must be located on a public or private parking lot immediately adjacent to said establishment; provided however; (3) No temporary bar may be permitted on any public street or in any designated parking area on any public street; (4) The location, size and configuration of said temporary bar must be approved by the City Manager or his designee and must be properly zoned and approved by the Community Development Director. (5) The establishment applying for the temporary outdoor sales permit shall pay the fees as adopted by city council in the schedule of fees and kept on file in the City Clerk's office. (6) Any establishment that is granted a temporary outdoor sales permit shall be required to comply with all general ordinances and the licensing and regulations for a consumption on the premises establishment. (7) All employees of the temporary outdoor sales permittee working the establishment's temporary bar dispensing, selling, serving, taking orders or mixing alcoholic beverages shall be required to have a pouring permit. (8) As a condition on the issuance of the temporary outdoor sales permit, the permittee shall indemnify and hold the city harmless from claims, demand or cause of action which may arise from activities associated with the event and/or the operation of the temporary bar. (9) The City Manager or his designee may immediately revoke any or all temporary outdoor sales permits issued for an event if it is determined that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. (10) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a vested right for any establishment to be issued a temporary outdoor permit. (11) Prior to the issuance of each Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit for the 2016 Summer Concert Series, the location and configuration of each such temporary bar must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. Exception Granted for Personal Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by the Public: An exception for the 2016 Summer Concert Series, a city sponsored series of events, is hereby granted to permit open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in paper or plastic cups only in the designated locations for each such event, the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to -3- alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) the Historic Downtown Norcross District (as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police) during the designated hours, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. IV. Area Covered by Exceptions: The Exceptions shall apply only in the designated locations for each such event, the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District, as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police (hereinafter the “designated areas”). V. Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on City Property are permitted during the Event. The provisions of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Sections 4-1, 4-3 and 4-4 shall not apply during the designated hours or in the designated areas for each event in the 2016 Summer Concert Series. VI. Restrictions on Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 4-5 (b) (1) through (3) shall control the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises by any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink, and the personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the public during the designated hours and in the designated areas for each event in the 2016 Summer Concert Series, namely: 1. One drink limit. Any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink is authorized to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass; provided, however, any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall not dispense to any person more than one such alcoholic beverage at a time, and no person shall remove at one time more than one such alcoholic beverage from the premises of any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink. 2. Size limited to 16 fluid ounces. No container in which an alcoholic beverage is dispensed and removed from any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. No person shall hold in his possession on the streets and sidewalks, or in other public places within or immediately adjacent to The Historic Downtown Norcross District, or in the designated areas for each event in the 2016 Summer Concert Series any open alcoholic beverage container which exceeds 16 fluid ounces in size; and -4alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) 3. Drinking from can, bottle, or glass prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink or attempt to drink any alcoholic beverage from a can, bottle, or glass or to possess in an open can, bottle, or glass any alcoholic beverage on the streets and sidewalks, rights of way, and parking lots, whether public or private including, but not limited to the designated area for the 2016 Summer Concert Series. VII. Approval by Chief of Police: Prior to the issuance of any Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit, a crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan proving for the orderly movement of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic during the 2016 Summer Concert Series must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (f). VIII. Revocation of Exception for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Exception for the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Removal from the Premises, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (c). IX. Revocation of Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke any or all Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all such establishments shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages from such temporary outdoor bars and close and dismantle such temporary outdoor bars. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (g). X. Cancellation of Event. In the event that the 2016 Summer Concert Series is cancelled, the Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits and these Exceptions shall also be revoked. XI. Compliance with Laws. All establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall at all times comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. -5alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) ADOPTED this ____ day of _______, 2016. ______________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -6alcohol resolution 2016 summer concert series (revised by JEU) (3) RESOLUTION TO PERMIT OPEN CONTAINERS DURING THE ANNANDALE’S JAZZY THING EVENT ON APRIL 30, 2016 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by granting an exception for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event on April 30, 2016 permitting the public consumption of alcoholic beverages for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event in Lillian Webb Park between the hours of 5:45 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on April 30, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia as follows: I. Exception Granted for Personal Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by the Public: An exception for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in paper or plastic cups only in Lillian Webb Park between the hours of 5:45 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on April 30, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. II. Area Covered by Exceptions: The Exceptions shall apply only in Lillian Webb Park (hereinafter the “designate area”). III. Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on City Property are permitted during the Event. The provisions of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Sections 4-1, 4-3 and 4-4 shall not apply during the designated hours or in the designated areas for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event. IV. Restrictions on Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 45 (b) (2) through (3) shall control the personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the public during the designated hours and in the designated areas for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event, namely: 1. Size limited to 16 fluid ounces. No container in which an alcoholic beverage is dispensed and removed from any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. No person shall hold in his possession on the streets and sidewalks, or in other public places within or immediately adjacent to The Historic Downtown Norcross District, or in the designated areas for the -1- alcohol resolution annandale jazzy thing event 2016 (revision 2 by JEU ) Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event any open alcoholic beverage container which exceeds 16 fluid ounces in size; and 2. Drinking from can, bottle, or glass prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink or attempt to drink any alcoholic beverage from a can, bottle, or glass or to possess in an open can, bottle, or glass any alcoholic beverage on the streets and sidewalks, rights of way, and parking lots, whether public or private including, but not limited to the designated area for the Annandale’s Jazzy Thing Special Event. V. Revocation of Exception for Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Exception for open consumption, open container and possession of alcoholic beverages, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued open consumption, open container and possession of alcoholic beverages may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. VI. Cancellation of Event. In the event that the 2016 Art Splash is cancelled, these Exceptions shall also be revoked. VII. Compliance with Laws. All establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall at all times comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ADOPTED this ____ day of _______, 2016. ______________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -2- RESOLUTION TO PERMIT THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN TO-GO CUPS, TO PERMIT SIDEWALK SALES BY LICENSED LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN DOWNTON HISTORIC NORCROSS, AND TO PERMIT OPEN CONTAINERS DURING THE JUNE 18, 2016 BLUESBERRY MUSIC FEST WHEREAS, the City of Norcross has scheduled the BluesBerry Music Fest on June 18, 2016 (the “BluesBerry Music Fest”); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by granting an exception for the BluesBerry Music Fest permitting the public consumption of alcoholic beverages for the BluesBerry Music Fest at Betty Mauldin Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District and during the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on June 18, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Iron Horse Tavern (Dunwoody Restaurant Group, Inc.) has requested that the City of Norcross, Georgia (hereinafter, the “City”) issue a temporary outdoor sales permit to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages during the designated hours in the private parking lot of Iron Horse Tavern; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that one or more public streets of Downtown Historic Norcross will be closed during the BluesBerry Music Fest and that it is in the public interest to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the designated hours during the BluesBerry Music Fest pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by permitting any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the designated hours during the BluesBerry Music Fest pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances Chapter 4, Section 4-6; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served granting an exception for the BluesBerry Music Fest permitting the open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages by the public in the Historic Downtown Norcross District during the designated hours during the BluesBerry Music Fest, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia as follows: -1alcohol resolution bluesberry 2016 (revised by JEU) (3) I. Exception Granted for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises: An exception for the BluesBerry Music Fest on June 18, 2016 (the “BluesBerry Music Fest”), a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the BluesBerry Music Fest at Betty Mauldin Park and the Downtown Historic Norcross and during the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on June 18, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. II. Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits for Sidewalk Sales of Alcoholic Beverages during the BluesBerry Music Fest. Any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage may apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the BluesBerry Music Fest during the designated hours pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 and the following conditions, as follows: (1) Said temporary bar must be located on the sidewalk immediately adjacent to or in front of said establishment; or (2) Said temporary bar must be located on a public or private parking lot immediately adjacent to said establishment; provided however; (3) No temporary bar may be permitted on any public street or in any designated parking area on any public street; (4) The location, size and configuration of said temporary bar must be approved by the City Manager or his designee and must be properly zoned and approved by the Community Development Director. (5) The establishment applying for the temporary outdoor sales permit shall pay the fees as adopted by city council in the schedule of fees and kept on file in the City Clerk's office. (6) Any establishment that is granted a temporary outdoor sales permit shall be required to comply with all general ordinances and the licensing and regulations for a consumption on the premises establishment. -2alcohol resolution bluesberry 2016 (revised by JEU) (3) (7) All employees of the temporary outdoor sales permittee working the establishment's temporary bar dispensing, selling, serving, taking orders or mixing alcoholic beverages shall be required to have a pouring permit. (8) As a condition on the issuance of the temporary outdoor sales permit, the permittee shall indemnify and hold the city harmless from claims, demand or cause of action which may arise from activities associated with the event and/or the operation of the temporary bar. (9) The City Manager or his designee may immediately revoke any or all temporary outdoor sales permits issued for an event if it is determined that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. (10) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a vested right for any establishment to be issued a temporary outdoor permit. (11) Prior to the issuance of each Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit for the BluesBerry Music Fest, the location and configuration of each such temporary bar must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. III. Exception Granted for Personal Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by the Public: An exception for the BluesBerry Music Fest, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in paper or plastic cups only in Betty Mauldin Park , the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District (as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police) during the designated hours, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. IV. Area Covered by Exceptions: The Exceptions shall apply only in Betty Mauldin Park, the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District, as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police (hereinafter the “designated areas”). V. Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on City Property are permitted during the Event. The provisions of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Sections 4-1, 4-3 and 4-4 shall not apply during the designated hours or in the designated areas for the BluesBerry Music Fest. VI. Restrictions on Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 4-5 (b) (1) through (3) shall control the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises by any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink, and the -3- alcohol resolution bluesberry 2016 (revised by JEU) (3) personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the public during the designated hours and in the designated areas for the BluesBerry Music Fest, namely: 1. One drink limit. Any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink is authorized to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass; provided, however, that any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall not dispense to any person more than one such alcoholic beverage at a time, and no person shall remove at one time more than one such alcoholic beverage from the premises of any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink. 2. Size limited to 16 fluid ounces. No container in which an alcoholic beverage is dispensed and removed from any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. No person shall hold in his possession on the streets and sidewalks, or in other public places within or immediately adjacent to The Historic Downtown Norcross District, or in the designated areas for the BluesBerry Music Fest any open alcoholic beverage container which exceeds 16 fluid ounces in size; and 3. Drinking from can, bottle, or glass prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink or attempt to drink any alcoholic beverage from a can, bottle, or glass or to possess in an open can, bottle, or glass any alcoholic beverage on the streets and sidewalks, rights of way, and parking lots, whether public or private including, but not limited to the designated area for the BluesBerry Music Fest. VII. Approval by Chief of Police: Prior to the issuance of any Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit, a crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan proving for the orderly movement of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic during the BluesBerry Music Fest must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (e) (1). VIII. Revocation of Exception for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Exception for the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Removal from the Premises, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (f). IX. Revocation of Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke any or all Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all such establishments shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages -4- alcohol resolution bluesberry 2016 (revised by JEU) (3) from such temporary outdoor bars and close and dismantle such temporary outdoor bars. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (g). X. Cancellation of Event. In the event that the BluesBerry Music Fest is cancelled, all Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits and these Exceptions shall also be revoked. XI. Compliance with Laws. All establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall at all times comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ADOPTED this ___________day of __________, 2016. ____________________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -5alcohol resolution bluesberry 2016 (revised by JEU) (3) RESOLUTION TO PERMIT THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN TO-GO CUPS SALES BY LICENSED LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN DOWNTON HISTORIC NORCROSS AND TO PERMIT OPEN CONTAINERS DURING THE ANNUAL NORCROSS ART SPLASH 2016 WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Norcross and the surrounding communities attended the Annual Norcross Art Splash in 2015 held in Thrasher Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District; and WHEREAS, Splash Festivals, Inc. has scheduled the Annual Norcross Art Splash (the “2016 Art Splash”) for October 1, 2016 and 2, 2016 in Thrasher Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by granting an exception for the 2016 Art Splash permitting the public consumption of alcoholic beverages for the 2016 Art Splash in Thrasher Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District and between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2016 and 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 2, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that one or more public streets of Downtown Historic Norcross will be closed during the 2016 Art Splash and that it is in the public interest to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the designated hours during the 2016 Art Splash pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia as follows: I. Exception Granted for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises: An exception for the Annual Norcross Art Splash (the “2016 Art Splash”) for October 1, 2016 and 2, 2016, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the 2016 Art Splash in the Historic Downtown Norcross District and between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2016 and 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 2, 2016 (the “designated hours”), subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. -1art splash 2016 alcohol resolution final (revision 2 by JEU) II. Exception Granted for Personal Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by the Public: An exception for the 2016 Art Splash, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in paper or plastic cups only in Thrasher Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District (as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police) during the designated hours, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. III. Area Covered by Exceptions: The Exceptions shall apply only in Thrasher Park and the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District, as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police (hereinafter the “designated areas”). IV. Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on City Property are permitted during the Event. The provisions of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Sections 4-1, 4-3 and 4-4 shall not apply during the designated hours or in the designated areas for the 2016 Art Splash. V. Restrictions on Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 4-5 (b) (1) through (3) shall control the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises by any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink, and the personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the public during the designated hours and in the designated areas for the 2016 Art Splash, namely: 1. One drink limit. Any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink is authorized to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass; provided, however, that any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall not dispense to any person more than one such alcoholic beverage at a time, and no person shall remove at one time more than one such alcoholic beverage from the premises of any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink. 2. Size limited to 16 fluid ounces. No container in which an alcoholic beverage is dispensed and removed from any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. No person shall hold in his possession on the streets and sidewalks, or in other public places within or immediately adjacent to The Historic Downtown Norcross District, or in the designated areas for the 2016 Art Splash any open alcoholic beverage container which exceeds 16 fluid ounces in size; and -2art splash 2016 alcohol resolution final (revision 2 by JEU) 3. Drinking from can, bottle, or glass prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink or attempt to drink any alcoholic beverage from a can, bottle, or glass or to possess in an open can, bottle, or glass any alcoholic beverage on the streets and sidewalks, rights of way, and parking lots, whether public or private including, but not limited to the designated area for the 2016 Art Splash. VI. Approval by Chief of Police: Prior to the 2016 Art Splash, a crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan proving for the orderly movement of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic during the 2016 Art Splash must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (e) (1). VII. Revocation of Exception for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Exception for the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Removal from the Premises, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (c). VIII. Cancellation of Event. In the event that the 2016 Art Splash is cancelled, these Exceptions shall also be revoked. IX. Compliance with Laws. All establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall at all times comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ADOPTED this ____ day of _______, 2016. ______________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -3art splash 2016 alcohol resolution final (revision 2 by JEU) RESOLUTION TO ISSUE A SPECIAL ALCOHOL PERMIT, TO PERMIT THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN TO-GO CUPS, TO PERMIT SIDEWALK SALES BY LICENSED LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN DOWNTON HISTORIC NORCROSS, AND TO PERMIT OPEN CONTAINERS DURING THE JULY 3, 2016 SUMMER CONCERT WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Division of the City of Norcross Department of Public Works, Utilities and Parks has scheduled the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert to be held at Lillian Webb Park; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert is a special event associated with and benefits the cause of a charitable or civic organization for which a temporary license to sell alcohol may be issued, subject to the requirements of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53; and WHEREAS, Chastain Concessions, LLC (D/B/A “Premier Events”) has requested that the City of Norcross, Georgia (hereinafter, the “City”) issue a special alcohol permit to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on July 3, 2016 at two locations in Lillian Webb Park; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Norcross (the “DDACN”) has requested that the City issue a resolution excepting the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert to authorize any establishment in the Historic Downtown District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup subject to the requirements of Norcross Code of Ordinances Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia have determined that the public interest will be served by issuing a Special Alcohol Permit for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert permitting the sale of malt alcoholic beverages at two locations in Lillian Webb Park by Chastain Concessions, LLC (D/B/A “Premier Events”) between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. (hereinafter, the “designated hours”) on July 3, 2016 pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that one or more public streets of Downtown Historic Norcross will be closed for the duration of the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert and that it is in the public interest to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises during the designated hours for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; and -1july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) WHEREAS, the City has determined that the public interest will be served by permitting any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the designated hours for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances Chapter 4, Section 4-6; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the public interest will be served by granting an exception for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert permitting the open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages by the public in the Historic Downtown Norcross District during the designated hours for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia as follows: I. Special Alcohol Permit for Licensed Vendor to Sell Malt Beverages: Chastain Concessions, LLC (D/B/A “Premier Events”), a state and county licensed beer vendor, whose principal business address is P.O. Box 52997, Atlanta, Georgia 30355 (hereinafter, the “Vendor”) upon satisfying the following conditions, shall be issued a Special Alcohol Permit and a temporary license to allow the sale of malt alcohol beverages by said Vendor between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on July 3, 2016 at two locations in Lillian Webb Park pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53, and the following conditions, as follows: (1) Prior to the issuance of said Special Alcohol Permit, the Vendor must complete all applications and pay the required fees required by the City; (2) Prior to the issuance of said Special Alcohol Permit, said Vendor shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 and shall name the City, its elected officials and employees as additional insureds under the terms of the policy. (3) The Vendor shall be required to comply with all the general ordinances and licensing regulations for a “consumption on the premises” establishment with the exception of the full-service kitchen requirement. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (a). (4) Any employee of the Vendor working with the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert in any position dispensing, selling, serving, taking orders or pouring alcoholic beverages shall not be required to obtain a pouring permit for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (b). -- 2 -- july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) (5) Prior to the issuance of said Special Alcohol Permit, said Vendor shall provide the City with satisfactory proof that each of them agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials and employees harmless from any and all claims, demands or other causes of action arising from any of the activities associated with the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (d). (6) Prior to the issuance of said Special Alcohol Permit, the two locations within Lillian Webb Park where it will set up its alcohol vending operations locations must be approved by the City Manager or his designee and each location must be properly zoned and approved by the Community Development Director. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (e) (2). II. Exception Granted for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises: An exception for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass, for removal from the premises between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on July 3, 2016 (hereinafter, the “designated hours”) pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5; III. Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits for Sidewalk Sales of Alcoholic Beverages during the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert. Any establishment located in the Historic Downtown Norcross District that is licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises to dispense an alcoholic beverage may apply for a Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit to set up a temporary booth, stand, kiosk or tent for the sale of alcoholic beverages (a "temporary bar") immediately adjacent to said establishment during the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert during the designated hours pursuant to Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 and the following conditions, as follows: (1) Said temporary bar must be located on the sidewalk immediately adjacent to or in front of said establishment; or (2) Said temporary bar must be located on a public or private parking lot immediately adjacent to said establishment; provided however; (3) No temporary bar may be permitted on any public street or in any designated parking area on any public street; -- 3 -july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) (4) The location, size and configuration of said temporary bar must be approved by the City Manager or his designee and must be properly zoned and approved by the Community Development Director. (5) The establishment applying for the temporary outdoor sales permit shall pay the fees as adopted by city council in the schedule of fees and kept on file in the City Clerk's office. (6) Any establishment that is granted a temporary outdoor sales permit shall be required to comply with all general ordinances and the licensing and regulations for a consumption on the premises establishment. (7) All employees of the temporary outdoor sales permittee working the establishment's temporary bar dispensing, selling, serving, taking orders or mixing alcoholic beverages shall be required to have a pouring permit. (8) As a condition on the issuance of the temporary outdoor sales permit, the permittee shall indemnify and hold the city harmless from claims, demand or cause of action which may arise from activities associated with the event and/or the operation of the temporary bar. (9) The City Manager or his designee may immediately revoke any or all temporary outdoor sales permits issued for an event if it is determined that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. (10) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a vested right for any establishment to be issued a temporary outdoor permit. (11) Prior to the issuance of each Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, the location and configuration of each such temporary bar must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. IV. Exception Granted for Personal Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by the Public: An exception for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, a city sponsored event, is hereby granted to permit open consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in paper or plastic cups only in Lillian Webb Park, the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District (as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police) during the designated hours, subject to the requirements of the Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-5. V. Area Covered by Special Alcohol Permit and Exceptions: The Special Alcohol Permit and the Exceptions shall apply only to the area of Lillian Webb -- 4 -- july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) Park, the Historic Downtown Norcross District and the streets and sidewalks and other public places within or immediately adjacent to the Historic Downtown Norcross District, as may be more specifically described in the crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan approved by the Chief of Police (hereinafter the “designated areas”). VI. Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on City Property are permitted during the Event. The provisions of Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Sections 4-1, 4-3 and 4-4 shall not apply during the designated hours or in the designated areas for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert. VII. Restrictions on Open Consumption, Open Container and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages during the Event. The provisions of Chapter 4, Sections 45 (b) (1) through (3) shall control the distribution and sale of malt alcohol beverages by the Vendor and the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises by any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink, and the personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the public during the designated hours and in the designated areas for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, namely: 1. One drink limit. The Vendor and any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink is authorized to dispense an alcoholic beverage in a paper or plastic cup, or other container other than a can, bottle, or glass; provided, however, that neither the Vendor nor any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall dispense to any person more than one such alcoholic beverage at a time, and no person shall remove at one time more than one such alcoholic beverage from the Vendor or from the premises of any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink. 2. Size limited to 16 fluid ounces. No container in which an alcoholic beverage is dispensed and removed from the Vendor or from any establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. No person shall hold in his possession on the streets and sidewalks, or in other public places within or immediately adjacent to The Historic Downtown Norcross District or Lillian Webb Park any open alcoholic beverage container which exceeds 16 fluid ounces in size; and 3. Drinking from can, bottle, or glass prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink or attempt to drink any alcoholic beverage from a can, bottle, or glass or to possess in an open can, bottle, or glass any alcoholic beverage on the streets and sidewalks, rights of way, and -- 5 -july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) parking lots, whether public or private including, but not limited to the designated area for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert. VII. Approval by Chief of Police: Prior to the issuance of said Special Alcohol Permit or any Temporary Outdoor Sales Permit, a crowd control, road closure and traffic control plan proving for the orderly movement of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic during the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert must be approved by the Chief of Police for crowd control, traffic control measures and security measures. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (f). VIII. Revocation of Special Alcohol Permit. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Special Alcohol Permit for the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, the Vendor shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages, and the Vendor shall take such steps as are deemed reasonable and prudent by the City Manager to secure and/or remove all alcoholic beverages from the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert premises. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (c). IX. Revocation of Exception for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages For Removal from the Premises. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke the Exception for the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Removal from the Premises, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages for removal from the premises. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-53 (c). X. Revocation of Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits. The City Manager or his designee shall immediately revoke any or all Temporary Outdoor Sales Permits, without notice, if he or the Chief of Police determines that continued alcohol sales may endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public. Upon such revocation, all such establishments shall immediately cease the sale of alcoholic beverages from such temporary outdoor bars and close and dismantle such temporary outdoor bars. Norcross Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Section 4-6 (g). XI. Cancellation of Event. In the event that the July 3, 2016 Summer Concert is cancelled, this Special Alcohol Permit and these Exceptions shall also be revoked. XII. Compliance with Laws. The Vendor and all establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages by the drink shall at all times comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. -- 6 -july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) ADOPTED this ____ day of _______, 2016. ______________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -- 7 -july 3 2016 resolution special alcohol permit sales and consumption (revised by JEU) (3) City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4260 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/14/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Results of Application for CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2016, and next steps Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. Memo - CDBG Application Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Title Results of Application for CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2016, and next steps Drafter Jeff Mueller Motion A motion to Approve Supplemental Funding for the following projects in the amount of $128,846.00 funded by____________: 1.Goodwick Way, north side from Newbury Road to Huddersfield Way, 450 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $33,000. 2. Newbury Road, west side from the Newbury Road cul-de-sac to Goodwick Way, 2,600 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $191,000. 3. West Peachtree Street, north side from Langford Drive to Hunter Street, 560 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $42,000. 4. Garner Street, south side from Mitchell Road to the end, 480 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $34,000. OR City of Norcross Page 1 of 2 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ File #: 15-4260, Version: 1 A motion to Approve Supplemental Funding for the following projects in the amount of $52,846.00 funded by ______________: 1.Goodwick Way, north side from Newbury Road to Huddersfield Way, 450 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $33,000. 2. Newbury Road, west side from the Newbury Road cul-de-sac to Goodwick Way, 2,600 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $191,000. City of Norcross Page 2 of 2 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ CITY OF NORCROSS Community Development Department TO: Mayor and City Council FM: Jeff Mueller, City Engineer DATE: December 22, 2015 RE: Agenda Item ~ Results of Application for CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2016, and next steps. Mayor and City Council, The Gwinnett County Community Development Department has awarded the city of Norcross $171, 154.00 for fiscal year 2016 projects. This award can be used for the following projects: 1. Goodwick Way, north side from Newbury Road to Huddersfield Way, 450 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $33,000. 2. Newbury Road, west side from the Newbury Road cul‐de‐sac to Goodwick Way, 2,600 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $191,000. 3. West Peachtree Street, north side from Langford Drive to Hunter Street, 560 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $42,000. 4. Garner Street, south side from Mitchell Road to the end, 480 linear feet, estimated cost, including design and construction: $34,000. The requested amount in the application was $300,000. This amount was intended to cover both design and construction for the four locations. This memo is sent to request local funding to meet the short fall, or receive direction on cutting the scope of the four projects to meet either the grant award only or a combination of the grant award and a smaller local funding amount. At the Policy Work Session on December 21, 2015, staff was directed to present two options for consideration for additional funding: 1. Fund all four projects at a cost of $128,846; 2. Fund only Goodwick Way and Newbury Road at a cost of $52,846. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4243 Version: 2 Type: Agenda Item Status: Tabled in Council File created: 11/9/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. HBR Railroad Crossing Intersection Study, 2. appendix c, 3. Gwinnett Co. Response re Holcomb Bridge Rd . Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session 12/7/2015 1 Mayor and Council 11/16/2015 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Referred to the Title Holcomb Bridge Road Railway Crossing Discussion Drafter Chief Summers City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement Traffic Study Existing Conditions, Findings, Alternatives and Recommendations January 8, 2014 Prepared For: City of Norcross, Georgia Prepared By: Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc. Contact Information Karla Poshedly Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc. 2211 Beaver Ruin Road, Suite 190 Norcross, Georgia 30071 770-263-5945 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................ 1 1.1 1.2 Purpose of this report ............................................................................... 1 Overview of the report............................................................................. 1 2.0 Existing Conditions ................................................................. 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Background Information ......................................................................... 3 Traffic Counts ............................................................................................ 3 Pedestrian Traffic ...................................................................................... 3 Crash Data ................................................................................................ 3 Identification of Traffic Problems and Objectives ................................. 7 3.0 Public Involvement ................................................................ 7 4.0 Description of Alternatives .................................................... 8 4.1 4.2 Alternatives Considered .......................................................................... 8 Traffic Control Alternatives ...................................................................... 9 5.0 Summary of Public Survey................................................... 13 6.0 Conclusions .......................................................................... 14 Appendix A - Traffic Counts, Truck Percentages and Collision Diagram at Holcomb Bridge Rd at Thrasher St..................................................... A Appendix B – Summary of Public Meetings .......................................... B Appendix C – Cost Estimates ................................................................. C Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this report The purpose of this report is to document the findings of a traffic engineering study of the Holcomb Bridge Road railroad crossing. The study identifies the traffic and safety problems of the at-grade railroad crossing and provides options for its relocation and/or reconstruction. See Figure 1: Project Location Map. 1.2 Overview of the report This report is separated into five primary chapters: Existing Conditions, Public Involvement, Description of Traffic Control Alternatives, Results of the Public Survey and Conclusions. The Existing Conditions chapter (2) presents information on traffic counts, pedestrian traffic and crash statistics. The existing conditions section presents traffic and pedestrian patterns in the Central Business District (CBD). Crash statistics were obtained from Georgia Department of Transportation and are discussed in detailed. The last section of the Existing Conditions chapter identifies the traffic problems relating to the reported information contained in the previous sections. Chapter 3 of the report describes the public involvement process used in determining the most supported solution to the traffic problems identified. Chapter 4 of the report describes the traffic control alternatives that were considered. Chapter 5 provides the results of the public survey taken to determine how much public support is there for different alternatives. The last chapter (Chapter 6) of the report contains the conclusions and summarizes the key traffic findings and the proposed preferred alternative. 1 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Figure 1: Project Location Map 2 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Background Information This project evolved from two previous studies conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). The ARC’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) study completed in August 2012 and the 2013 Norcross Town Center LCI Supplemental Study identified three possible options to improving the railroad crossings in Norcross. ARC has also funded this supplemental study with the main emphasis on the improvement of the Holcomb Bridge Road railroad crossing. 2.2 Traffic Counts Bi-directional daily traffic volumes and intersection turning movements were collected in September 2013 in the CBD of Norcross. Truck classification counts were also collected to determine the truck percentages in the CBD area. Currently, trucks are prohibited in the City and in particular, prohibited from the use of the Holcomb Bridge Road railroad crossing. The truck percentage on Holcomb Bridge Road was measured as being 4% with 3% singleunit trucks and 1% heavy trucks. The percent trucks on roadways in the study area are contained in Appendix A. Figure 2 displays the daily two-way traffic volumes in the CBD. Figure 3 displays the AM and PM peak hour traffic patterns that were identified from the intersection turning movements. All of the traffic counts are contained in Appendix A. 2.3 Pedestrian Traffic The pedestrian traffic was counted at all of the CBD intersections. Figure 4 displays the major pedestrian travel patterns that were identified from the pedestrian counts taken. 2.4 Crash Data The most recent available crash data was obtained from the GDOT for the intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street. The intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street had four crashes in 2012. These four crashes are shown in a collision diagram in Appendix A. Three of the angle collisions were between a northbound vehicle on Thrasher Street and an eastbound vehicle on Holcomb Bridge Road. The fourth collision was a sideswipe of a parked vehicle on southbound Thrasher Street. One factor that could be contributing to the angle collisions at the intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street is the restricted sight distance for vehicles looking left on northbound Thrasher Street created by the elevated railroad crossing. Northbound vehicles on Thrasher Street that are focused on the limited visual gaps in traffic traveling over the railroad track, fail to yield to the vehicles on Holcomb Bridge Road eastbound. Another factor that could contribute to the angle collisions is the traffic control. Three-way stop controlled intersections can create confusion relating to which vehicle has the right-ofway. 3 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Figure 2: Daily Traffic Volumes 4 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Figure 3: AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Patterns 5 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Figure 4: Major Pedestrian Travel Patterns 6 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study There were no vehicular-train crashes in 2012; however on November 26, 2013, a large truck was hung on the railroad track at the Holcomb Bridge Road crossing. Notification to Norfolk-Southern was made but it was not in time to stop a train from colliding with the truck. A train derailment occurred and the crash resulted in a considerable amount of property damage to the train, vehicles and surrounding property. The City of Norcross police have reported several incidents where heavy trucks that are prohibited from using the crossing, attempt to cross and are hung on the track because of the vertical grade. 2.5 Identification of Traffic Problems and Objectives Observations, discussions with stakeholders and the City resulted in the identification of traffic and safety problems. 1. The steep grade at the railroad crossing causes trucks to become hung up on the railroad tracks potentially resulting in train-truck crashes. 2. The railroad crossing grade creates a restricted sight distance for vehicles on Thrasher Street, which is a contributing factor to angle collisions on Holcomb Bridge Road. 3. The railroad crossing grade creates a restricted sight distance for pedestrians trying to cross Holcomb Bridge Road. 4. The railroad crossing surface makes it difficult for pedestrians with strollers or wheelchairs to cross the track. 5. There are no pedestrian sidewalks along Holcomb Bridge Road connecting Thrasher Street to South Peachtree Street. 6. Traffic flow is slowed by the vertical grade and surface of the railroad crossing track. 7. The scenic view of the CBD is obstructed from eastbound approaching traffic on Holcomb Bridge Road by the steep grade of the railroad crossing. 3.0 Public Involvement The Holcomb Bridge Road railroad crossing is an integral part of the CBD of Norcross. Changes to this crossing can impact businesses and residences of Norcross. Therefore, public involvement is an important part of this study. An outline of the public involvement process was established during the kick-off meeting held on August 29, 2013 at the City of Norcross (see minutes of the meeting in Appendix B). A stakeholders group of nine civic and business leaders was established from the list below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Norfolk-Southern Representative Downtown Development Authority Merchants of Downtown Councilman representative City of Norcross Homebuilders Representative Norcross Police RockTenn Bike & Pedestrian Interest 7 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study The first of two stakeholder meetings was held on September 26, 2013 (see minutes of meeting in Appendix B). The stakeholders discussed the objectives of the study, as shown below: Pedestrian safety Holcomb Bridge Road as gateway to downtown Improve traffic flow Solution should not be a bypass to downtown; it is not good for the economy of CBD Solution cannot incorporate a 4-way stop to keep the railroad crossing clear of vehicles at all times. Reduce traffic congestion Bike and pedestrian accommodations The stakeholders were presented with the three LCI options and three other alternatives that varied from relocation of the railroad crossing to reconstruction of the existing crossing. The stakeholders decided that only two alternatives would be viable alternatives: the no-build alternative and the “build” alternative that would include the raising of the road elevation on Holcomb Bridge Road west of the railroad crossing and both approaches of Thrasher Street. The stakeholders decided that different types of traffic control could be proposed to the public that would each include the build alternative to determine if the public would support a change in traffic operations at the intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street. These alternatives are described in detail in the next chapter. A public meeting was held on October 29, 2013 (see minutes of the meeting in Appendix B). A public survey of the alternatives was administered at the public meeting and placed on the Norcross website until November 12, 2014. The survey was used to gauge support for the build or no-build alternatives and to determine if there is public support for a change in traffic control. The results of the survey are summarized in Chapter 5. A second stakeholders meeting was held on November 20, 2013 (see minutes of the meeting in Appendix B). The results of the public survey and additional information concerning the property impacts of the build alternative were presented at the meeting. Project cost estimates of the preferred alternative were also provided. 4.0 Description of Alternatives 4.1 Alternatives Considered One build alternative was considered to address the identified traffic problems at the Holcomb Bridge Road railroad crossing. This alternative would raise the elevation of Holcomb Bridge Road and Thrasher Street to match the elevation of the railroad crossing. The alternative would also include construction of a sidewalk along Holcomb Bridge Road from Thrasher Street to South Peachtree Street. This build alternative was compared to the no-build alternative. Six traffic control alternatives were considered with the build alternative as graphically shown in the following section. 8 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 4.2 Traffic Control Alternatives Alternatives to Traffic Control Changes at Holcomb Bridge Road and Thrasher Street with the Build Alternative. 1. No changes – Existing 3-way Stop Control 2. Place 4-foot median on Holcomb Bridge Road and convert Thrasher Street on both sides of Holcomb Bridge Road to right-out and right-in only. 9 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 3. Prohibit left-turns from Holcomb Bridge Road westbound onto Thrasher Street through posting of no left-turn signs. 4. Make intersection a two-way stop condition. Remove eastbound Holcomb Bridge Road Stop Sign. 10 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 5. Signalize intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street. Set timing for 4way stop dwell. The signal would operate similar to a 4-way stop but would improve traffic flow and would be preempted by passing trains so that no vehicles would get trapped on the railroad tracks. 11 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Alternatives to Traffic Control Changes at Holcomb Bridge Road at South Peachtree Street with Build Alternative 6. Signalize intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road at South Peachtree Street. Set timing for 4-way stop dwell. The signal would operate similar to a 4-way stop but would improve traffic flow and would be preempted by passing trains so that no vehicles would get trapped on the railroad tracks. 12 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 5.0 Summary of Public Survey The public survey results indicated that 59% of the public is supportive of the build alternative to raise the grade of Holcomb Bridge Road and Thrasher Street. Figure 5 below charts the results of the survey. (See Appendix B for the complete results.) Figure 5: Are you in support of the Build Alternative? 59% 17% 17% 7% Yes No Conditional Uncommitted The survey allowed respondents to explain their level of support. Seventeen percent (17%) responded “No” with explanations that the project would adversely affect the residential property owners at the intersection, the project would be too drastic a change and that oversize vehicles would be able to use the crossing. The conditional respondents (17%) were also concerned with property owner impacts, oversize trucks using the crossing and would support it if it would not harm the charm of the area from an aesthetic point of view. Uncommitted respondents were not sure of the impact to the area and property owners. With regard to the traffic control alternatives, the only alternative that was supported by over half of the survey respondents (52%) was Alternative 1 that would maintain the existing 3way stop control. Some respondents commented that if the existing 3-way stop control delays traffic too much after the improvement is made, then the City should consider a traffic signal Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street and/or South Peachtree Street (Alternatives 5 and 6). 13 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study 6.0 Conclusions Based upon the public support, the preferred alternative is to raise the elevation of Holcomb Bridge Road and Thrasher Street to match the railroad crossing and provide sidewalks along Holcomb Bridge Road from Thrasher Street to South Peachtree Street. Because of the public concern for the property impacts of the project, the proposed concept was adjusted away from the home at the southwest corner of the intersection so as to reduce the impacts and eliminate the originally proposed retaining wall in front of the home (see Figure 6). It should be noted that the concept for the preferred alternative was drawn using GIS data from Gwinnett County. Only actual survey can identify conclusively the impacts of the project on the property owners. Also, features such as trees located on the property landscape would have to be survey-located and evaluated by an arborist to determine the future viability of a tree and solutions to protect the survival of a tree during and after construction. Cost estimates of the preferred alternative were determined to be approximately $500,000. See Appendix C for a detailed cost estimate. The estimate includes right-of-way, utility relocation and construction costs of the project. The cost estimate does not include replacement of the railroad gates and bells. If the railroad equipment needs to be replaced it could cost an additional $350,000. Additionally, because railroad coordination is an expensive and time-consuming process, it is recommended that the City submit all sidewalk and railroad surface improvements that are needed at the other railroad crossing in the City. A cost estimate and description of these additional improvements are contained in Appendix C. The recommended improvements at other crossings are estimated to cost $38,000. 14 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Figure 6: The Preferred Alternative 15 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Before and after photos of the implementation of the project from the view perspective of the home on the southwest corner are shown in Figures 7 and 8. Figure 7: Before Photo Figure 8: After Photo 16 Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing Intersection Improvement – Traffic Study Appendix C – Cost Estimates C SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street Improvement City of Norcross, Georgia NON-CONSTRUCTION COSTS A. RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING EASEMENTS B. REIMBURSABLE UTILITIES NON-CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS C. GRADING & DRAINAGE D. BASE AND PAVING E. CONCRETE ITEMS F. SIGNING AND STRIPING H. TRAFFIC CONTROL & MISC. I. EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $41,200 $5,000 $46,200 $91,210 $110,169 $139,295 $4,021 $46,193 $15,080 $405,967 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION $40,597 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $446,564 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $492,764 DETAIL COST ESTIMATE Holcomb Bridge Road at Thrasher Street Improvement CITY OF NORCROSS, GEORGIA A. RIGHT-OF-WAY INCL EASEMENTS B. REIMBURSABLE UTILITIES C. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 210-0100 550-1180 550-1240 550-4224 603-2180 603-7000 668-1100 GRADING COMPLETE - PROJECT 13508 STORM DRAIN PIPE, 18 IN, H 1-10 STORM DRAIN PIPE, 24 IN, H 1-10 FLARED END SECTION 24 IN, STORM DRAIN STN DUMPED RIP RAP, TP 3, 12" PLASTIC FILTER FABRIC CATCH BASIN, GP 1 $41,200 $5,000 LS LF LF EA SY SY EA 1 200 480 1 15 15 9 $ $ $ $ $ $ $44,500.00 31.40 42.84 614.18 32.65 2.80 2,080.06 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL D. BASE & PAVING 318-3000 310-1101 402-3113 413-1000 AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE GR AGGR BASE CRS, INCL MATL RECYCLED ASPH CONC 12.5 MM SUPERPAVE, GP 1 or 2, INCL BITUM MATL & H LIME RECYCLED ASPH CONC 25 MM SUPERPAVE, GP 1 OR 2, INCL BITUM MATL & H LIME RECYCLED ASPH CONC 19 MM SUPERPAVE, GP 1 OR 2,INCL BITUM MATL & H LIME BITUM TACK COAT E. CONCRETE ITEMS 441-0016 441-0018 441-0104 441-0303 441-4020 441-4030 441-6216 500-3115 DRIVEWAY CONCRETE, 6 IN TK DRIVEWAY CONCRETE, 8 IN TK CONC SIDEWALK, 4 IN CONC SPILLWAY, TP 3 CONC VALLEY GUTTER, 6 IN CONC VALLEY GUTTER, 8 IN CONC CURB & GUTTER, 8 IN X 24 IN, TP 2 CLASS A CONC, TP P2, RETAINIJNG WALL 402-3121 402-3190 $91,209.67 TN TN 220 1800 $ $17.77 $ 16.88 $ 3,909.40 30,384.00 TN 220 $ 75.45 $ 16,599.00 TN 600 $ 62.61 $ 37,566.00 TN GL 300 190 $ 71.90 $ $ 0.74 $ SUBTOTAL 21,570.00 140.60 $110,169.00 SY SY SY EA SY SY LF LF 600 90 550 2 100 30 2150 150 $32.90 $41.15 $24.20 $1,538.30 34.00 41.40 12.15 $458.00 19,740.00 3,703.50 13,310.00 3,076.60 3,400.00 1,242.00 26,122.50 68,700.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL F. SIGNING AND STRIPING 636-1033 636-2080 653-1501 653-1502 653-1704 653-1801 HIGHWAY SIGNS, TP 1 MATL, REFL SHEETING, TP 9 GALV STEEL POSTS, TP 8 THERMOPLASTIC SOLID TRAF STRIPE, 5 IN, WHITE THERMOPLASTIC SOLID TRAF STRIPE, 5 IN, YELLOW THERMOPLASTIC SOLID TRAF STRIPE, 24 IN, WHITE THERMOPLASTIC SOLID TRAF STRIPE, 8 IN, WHITE SF LF LF LF LF LF 20 60 2100 2000 40 260 $ $ $ $ $ $ 18.32 8.72 0.57 0.61 5.12 1.96 $139,294.60 $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL G. TRAFFIC CONTROL & MISCELLANEOUS 150-1000 634-1200 TRAFFIC CONTROL RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKERS RAILROAD CROSSING- SIDEWALK XXX-XXXX 44,500.00 6,280.00 20,563.20 614.18 489.75 42.00 18,720.54 LS EA LS 1 2 1 366.40 523.20 1,197.00 1,220.00 204.80 509.60 $4,021.00 $ 38,000.00 $ $ 96.64 $ $8,000.00 $ 38,000.00 193.28 8,000.00 SUBTOTAL $46,193.28 H. EROSION CONTROL 163-0232 163-0240 163-0300 163-0520 163-0550 165-0010 165-0030 165-0101 165-0105 167-1000 167-1500 171-0010 171-0030 643-8200 700-6910 700-7000 700-8000 700-8100 TEMPORARY GRASSING MULCH CONSTRUCTION EXIT CONSTR AND REMOVE TEMP PIPE SLOPE DRAIN CONS & REM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, TP A MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, TP C MAINTENANCE OF CONSTRUCTION EXIT MAINT OF INLET SEDIMENT TRAP WATER QUALITY MONITORING AND SAMPLING WATER QUALITY INSPECTIONS TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, TYPE A TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, TYPE C BARRIER (ORANGE), 4 FT PERMANENT GRASSING AGRICULTURAL LIME FERTILIZER MIXED GRADE FERTILIZER NITROGEN CONTENT AC TN EA LF EA LF LF EA EA EA MO LF LF LF AC TN TN LB 1.0 6 2 100 9 850 200 2 9 1 4 1,700 400 200 1.0 3.0 1.00 50 $ 36.11 $ 207.48 $ 1,009.79 $ 12.35 $ 117.53 $ 0.50 $ 0.74 $ 445.76 $ 40.65 $ 260.42 $ 393.96 $ 1.75 $ 2.68 $ 1.37 $ 775.47 $ 64.65 $ 431.01 $ 1.97 SUBTOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36.11 1,244.88 2,019.58 1,235.00 1,057.77 425.00 148.00 891.52 365.85 260.42 1,575.84 2,975.00 1,072.00 274.00 775.47 193.95 431.01 98.50 $15,079.90 To: Cc: Karla Poshedly L.N. Manchi From: Dave Bearse 16 December 2013 Re: Norcross Grade Crossings It was suggested to the City of Norcross that the City consider making relatively nominal pedestrian or other improvements at other grade crossings in conjunction with Holcomb Bridge Road crossing improvement. There is significant bureaucracy and associated administrative expense for railroad coordination in obtaining railroad approval of the design and execution of Railroad Force Account Estimates and Agreements (FAE, FAA) for even small projects. The economy of scale in executing other small project concurrent with the Holcomb Bridge Road project also applies to construction costs and well as railroad coordination cost.1 Below is a table of various generally small improvements (all but one being sidewalk improvements) at grade crossings that the City may want to consider constructing concurrent with Holcomb Bridge Road crossing construction. The estimated cost in the table are planning-type costs prepared to assist in evaluating if the improvements should be pursued in combination with the Holcomb Bridge Road project. A more detailed explanation of the improvements and other comments follow the table. Crossing Improvement Langford Road 717851F Southside sidewalk Northside sidewalk Quiet Zone 3 Southside sidewalk 3 Southside sidewalk 3 Southside sidewalk Jones St 717852M Autry St 717855H Rowan St 717857W Total Estimated Cost $ 4,000 $ 12,000 2 $130,000 $ 7,000 $ 13,000 $ 14,000 $180,000 1 Recommended Yes Yes Yes Yes $ 38,000 1 Planning type cost estimates assume the project is included with a significant Holcomb Bridge Road improvement project that provides economy of scale. 2 Estimated cost of sidewalks on the north side of Jones, Autry and Rowan Sts is similar or more expensive. 3 See subsequent discussion. Cost may vary significantly. 1 Bureaucratic and administrative expenses alone can easily exceed basic design and construction cost. Mutliple small projects may share the same FAE and railroad flagmen expense. Construction requires only nominally more railroad-city contractor construction coordination. There is at most only nominal additional expense associated with contractor insurance expense. -1- Norcross Crossings Improvements for Consideration Concurrent with Holcomb Bridge Road Improvement (1) Langford Road 717851F (a) There are gaps in the existing 4-foot wide sidewalk located along the south side of Langford Rd at the crossing. The gap in the southeast quadrant of the crossing is approximately 25 feet in length, and the gap in the southwest quadrant is approximately 50 feet in length. Proposed Improvement: Construct approximately 75 LF of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk to connect the ends of sidewalks on either side of the crossing to the existing crossing surface. (The existing asphalt and rubber crossing surface is sufficiently wide to allow the new sidewalk to be configured such that the crossing surface is not required to be widened.) Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense: $4,000. ($1,500 design, $2,000 construction, $500 in NS FAA expense) (b) Improvement for consideration: Install 5-foot wide concrete (210 LF) sidewalk on north side of Langford Rd crossing in anticipation of a future sidewalk along the north side of Langford Rd. Logical termini is that sidewalk connect private drive south of the crossing to private drive north of the crossing. Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense (when added to proposed sidewalk on south side of crossing): $12,000. ($2,000 design, $4,500 construction, $5,500 in NS FAA expense including 10-foot extension of asphalt and rubber crossing surface) (c) Improvement for consideration: Consider pursuit of a Quiet Zone (QZ) that would exempt the crossing from FRA regulation that the locomotive horn be sounded in approach to the crossing. A QZ is suggested for consideration at Langford Rd because the expense of implementation at the Langford Rd crossing would be significantly less than QZ implementation at other Norcross crossings. The expense would be less because the crossing is already equipped with a QZ Supplemental Safety Measure (SSM), a raised median adjacent to the crossing.2 Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense: $130,000. ($3,000 consultant, $127,000 NS FAA expense to improve control equipment) 3 (2) Jones Street 717852M – The sidewalk along the south side of Jones St ends adjacent to the east side of the crossing. Proposed Improvement: Extend sidewalk on south side of Jones St from end on east side of track to Thrasher St, and install Thrasher St cross walk. Extend existing 8-foot wide asphalt sidewalk from its end on the east side of crossing to 9 feet west of track center line (including 10-foot extension of asphalt and rubber crossing 2 3 The other common SSM is four-quadrant gates. SSMs are generally required at at least one-half the crossings within a QZ. The existing type of control equipment is unknown to MA. There is a small chance the existing control equipment may be the constant warning time (CWT) type equipment required by FRA regulation at crossings located within QZs, in which case the estimate may be much less. Conversely UG cable requirements and other unknowns may increase expense. -2- Norcross Crossings Improvements for Consideration Concurrent with Holcomb Bridge Road Improvement surface), then begin 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk angled southwest to a location 13 feet from track center line with center line of sidewalk located 14 feet from the line of the edge of Jones St pavement, then continue 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk parallel to Jones St to Thrasher St. (Approximately 45 LF of 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk.) The purpose of the angling is to avoid costly relocation of the southwest quadrant crossing signal. (Nearly adjoins work on Thrasher St for Holcomb Bridge Road.) Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense: $7,000 ($1,000 design, $1,000 construction, $5,000 NS Force Account including 10 foot extension of asphalt and rubber crossing surface) (3) Autry Street 717855H – No sidewalks on either side of Autry St connecting Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St. Proposed Improvement: Construct sidewalk on south side of crossing between Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St, and install Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St crosswalks. (The sidewalk proposed on south side of the crossing because it appears there would be less conflict with utilities.) Construct approximately 125 LF of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk, including 10 LF on east side of S. Peachtree St (to connect to existing sidewalk on the east side of S. Peachtree St), and install 8-foot wide concrete panel crossing surface. Offset the center line of the new sidewalk approximately 14 feet from the line of the edge of Autry St pavement (so as to avoid conflict with southwest quadrant crossing signal). Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense: $13,000 ($2,000 design, $2,500 construction, and including $8,500 NS Force Account including the cost of a new 8-foot concrete panel crossing surface) (4) Rowan Street 717857W – No sidewalks on either side of Rowan St connecting Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St. Proposed Improvement: Construct sidewalk on south side of crossing between Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St, and install Thrasher St and S. Peachtree St crosswalks. (The new sidewalk is proposed to be located on south side of the crossing to avoid conflict with Rock Tenn sign in northwest corner of Rowan St-S. Peachtree St intersection.) Construct approximately 160 LF of 5 foo wide concrete sidewalk, including 10 LF on east side of S. Peachtree St requiring culvert or extension of existing driveway culvert, and install 8 foot wide concrete panel crossing surface. The center line of the new sidewalk would be offset approximately 14 foot from line of edge of Rowan St pavement (so as to maintain low juniper hedge buffer between sidewalk and Rowan St on east side of crossing, or farther than 14 feet from edge of pavement for maintenance of juniper hedge buffer). Planning type cost estimate of additional design and construction expense: $14,000 ($2,000 design, $3,500 construction, and including $8,500 NS Force Account [principally the cost of new 8 foot concrete panel crossing surface]) -3- Norcross Crossings Improvements for Consideration Concurrent with Holcomb Bridge Road Improvement Comments on south side only sidewalks at Rowan and Autry Streets, and Holcomb Bridge Rd: Sidewalks on both sides of these streets would at least double sidewalk cost. Two sidewalks however would provide relatively little more convenience or safety enhancement. The T-intersections at S. Peachtree St on the east side of the Autry and Rowan Streets crossings would require pedestrians walking along the north side of those street use only one additional crosswalk (instead of two if those streets continued east of S. Peachtree St) if only a south side sidewalk is provided. Pedestrians may be expected to be most likely to be traveling to or from the city center. A pedestrian walking east along the north side of Autry St toward downtown for example could walk along the west side of Thrasher St and use the Holcomb Bridge Rd crossing. There likely are more vehicular turning movements between Autry and Rowan Streets, and S. Peachtree St to the north, than between those streets and S. Peachtree St to the south. Pedestrians using crosswalks on the south side of the intersections would not be in conflict with turning movements between S. Peachtree St to the north. More people using one S. Peachtree St crosswalk, instead of pedestrian traffic being split between two crosswalks, makes the one crosswalk nominally more prominent to vehicular traffic. Brief discussion on sidewalk locations relative to crossing signals with gate: Generally speaking, it is preferable to locate a sidewalk on the side opposite the street from a crossing signal with gate. This location is preferable because crossing gate design is based on highway vehicles, and not pedestrians. A highway vehicle traveling only 15 miles per hour is traveling 22 feet per second (fps). Pedestrians walk at only a few feet per second. Locating the sidewalk between the signal and street may cause a descending gate to tend to trap or impeded pedestrian movement from the crossing. Consider a person located approximately 10 feet from track center line pushing a stroller toward the track (i.e. the front wheels of the stroller are approximately at the near rail) with the crossing signal is located on the far side of the track when an approaching train is detected, and crossing signals begin to flash. Standard practice is that the gate begin to descend 3-5 seconds after the lights begin to flash.4 Walking travel time at 3 fps situates the front of the stroller at the gate 7 second after the lights begin to flash, thus the gate has begun to descend in front of the person pushing the stroller.5 A sidewalk on the side opposite the signal eliminates pedestrians from having to rush to complete crossing once they observe the gate beginning to descend (or perhaps much worse, decide to turn back and re-cross the track). 6 There is no minimum numerical standard distance required between sidewalks and gates. Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc at typical gate installations generally recommends 3 feet from edge of sidewalk to signal when sidewalk is located between street and signal.7 Installing a sidewalk between the street and crossing signal may require costly crossing signal relocation. 4 5 6 7 FRA regulation is that the gate not begin to descend until at least three seconds after lights begin to flash, and that the gate be horizontal at least five seconds before the arrival of a train at the crossing. This is a single track example. In event of two tracks, the gate will be approaching horizontal when the person at the near rail of the first track reaches the signal at the far side of the second track. The conditions where cost or other considerations such as existing geometry support location of sidewalk between the gate signal and street do not lend themselves to brief description. MA typically recommends a minimum 4 feet between signal and nearest edge of sidewalk when sidewalk is located on side opposite signal from the street -4- From: Jones, C. Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 5:33 PM To: O'Brien, J. Patrick Subject: FW: Holcomb Bridge Rd C. Elizabeth Jones, Esq. Thompson | O'Brien (770) 925-0111 (phone) EJones@tokn.com From: Cindy.Simpkins@gwinnettcounty.com [mailto:Cindy.Simpkins@gwinnettcounty.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 8:08 AM To: Jones, C. Elizabeth Subject: FW: Holcomb Bridge Rd Please accept this correspondence in response to your inquiry concerning Holcomb Bridge Road. Our records indicate that Holcomb Bridge Rd between Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and South Peachtree Street is a County maintained roadway. Holcomb Bridge Road between South Peachtree Street and Buford Hwy is maintained by the City of Norcross. If you have any additional questions please contact Gwinnett County Department of Transportation at 770-822-7400. This message originates from the law firm of Thompson, O'Brien, Kemp & Nasuti, P.C. This e-mail message and all attachments may contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should immediately stop reading this message and delete it from your system. Any unauthorized reading, distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. All personal messages express solely the sender's views and not those of Thompson, O'Brien, Kemp & Nasuti, P.C. This message may not be copied or distributed without this disclaimer. If you received this message in error, please notify us immediately at pdb@tokn.com. This email has been scanned for email related threats and delivered safely by Mimecast. For more information please visit http://www.mimecast.com City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4264 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/17/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Municipal Competitive Trust Signature Authority Resolution Version: 1 Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: 1. Resolution - Authorized Officials Date Ver. Action By 12/21/2015 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Title Municipal Competitive Trust Signature Authority Resolution Drafter Rudolph Smith Motion A motion to Approve the attached Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to act as Authorized Officials to Communicate City Decisions concerning the Trust. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 15-4272 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 12/29/2015 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 1/4/2016 Final action: Title: Appointment of Mayor Sponsors: Pro Tem for 2016 Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Ver. Action By Action Result Title Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem for 2016 Motion A Motion to Appoint ________________ as Mayor Pro Tem for 2016. City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/30/2015 powered by Legistar™