Retail - Centropolis


Retail - Centropolis
Tenant Handbook / Retail
Centropolis is owned and operated by FPI Cominar.
Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust is one of the largest diversified real estate investment
trusts in Canada and the largest commercial property owner and manager in the province of
Quebec. The real estate portfolio includes 566 office, retail, and industrial properties in the
provinces of Quebec and Ontario, in the Atlantic Provinces and in Western Canada and
represents more than $8.2 billion in assets.
Cominar’s main goals are to provide unitholders with growing cash distribution, sustainable on
the long-term and payable monthly, and to increase and maximise unit value through
integrated management and the sustainable growth of its real estate portfolio.
For more information, please visit Cominar’s website at
Dear Retail Tenant:
We are pleased to have you as a member of the Centropolis community. Your satisfaction is an
ongoing priority for us. This handbook has been developed to help you and your staffs
familiarize yourselves with the policies and procedures of our urban lifestyle centre and answer
any questions you might have about Centropolis’s operations.
Over the years, our reputation for quality and innovation has grown and flourished. Our one-ofa-kind retail offering boasts a number of sought-after destinations. Centropolis is much more
than a mall: it is a dynamic hub of activity, with an exciting array of establishments devoted to
upscale dining, entertainment, shopping and professional services. The central skating rink in
winter, the illuminated water fountain and vegetable garden in summer, and the abundance of
pedestrian-friendly facilities throughout the property help create a decidedly urban look and
feel that caters to our customers’ varied lifestyles. Drawing its inspiration from the public
squares found in large European cities, Centropolis is designed to accommodate a wide range
of activities and events for people of all ages.
You are an integral part of this lifestyle experience. As such, we remind you of the importance
of adhering to the rules in place for operating your establishment. Everything you do has an
impact not only on your image and reputation, but ours as well. Working together is the secret
to maintaining our standards at the highest level.
This handbook contains important information on the operating procedures at Centropolis,
which are designed to protect your safety and security and facilitate the day-to-day
management of the complex. We invite you to review the contents regularly and make the
handbook available to all your staff members to promote clear, consistent communication and
a harmonious business relationship.
If you require any additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact the
Centropolis Administration. We are here for you!
Yours truly,
Your Administrative Team
Administrative team
Centropolis Administration business hours & Important addresses
Useful phone numbers
Act Respecting Hours and Days of Admission to Commercial Establishments
Prohibited activities
Documents required by the Administration
Service calls
Special requests
Shipping and receiving of merchandise
Tobacco use
Waste management
Sustainable development
PIIA (Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program)
Construction and renovation work
Patios (terraces)
Public transit
Bicycle racks
Snow removal
Power outages
Gas leaks
First aid
Robbery and vandalism
Fraud and counterfeit
Wireless Internet
Outdoor parking
Role of security guards
Role of the Tenant
General safety and security guidelines
Bomb threats
The Centropolis brand
Employee privilege program
Gift cards
Outdoor display stands
Wireless Internet
Activities and events
Trade area
Customer traffic
Use of the Centropolis logo
Centropolis retailers
Centropolis services/offices
3D map of Centropolis
Administrative Team
Hélène Veilleux
General Manager
450-681-4811, extension 222
Jean Bédard
Operations Manager
450-681-4811, extension 223
Karine Rodrigue
Marketing Director - interim
450-681-4811, extension 228
Lorraine Da Costa
Property Manager
450-681-4811, extension 225
Danielle Léveillé
Accounts Administrator
450-681-4811, extension 227
Jean-Daniel Campeau
Operations Supervisor
450-681-4811, extension 226
Jennifer Lussier
Marketing Coordinator
450-681-4811, extension 229
Geneviève Chartier-Gabelier
Administrative Assistant
450-681-4811, extension 230
Linda Thérien
Receptionist | Administrative Assistant
450-681-4811, extension 221
Thin Le
Building Services Technician
450-681-4811, extension 253
Rachid Benzaid
Building Services Technician
450-681-4811, extension 254
Centropolis Administration Business Hours
You can reach the Administration at 450-681-4811 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Any calls
outside of our regular hours will automatically be forwarded to the Tigertel answering service.
An off-site operator will fax your message to the office for processing the next business day.
For evening or weekend emergencies, please use the same number to direct your call to the
right person. To ensure a prompt and effective response, please attempt to be as clear and
accurate as possible when describing the reason for your call. For example, if you already know
you need to speak with on-site security staff, please let the Tigertel representative know
immediately and your call will be transferred.
Important Addresses
Centropolis Administration
Cominar REIT Head Office
1799 Piere-Péladeau Avenue
Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Complexe Jules-Dallaire – T3
2820 Laurier Boulevard, suite 850
Québec, Québec, G1V 0C1
Useful phone numbers
Centropolis Administration
Bell Canada
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval (CCIL)
City of Laval administration
CLSC/Info-Santé health hotline
Consumer protection
Courrier Laval – local weekly newspaper
Écho de Laval – local weekly newspaper
Environmental emergencies
Gaz Métro – suspected gas leaks
Hospital – Cité-de-la-Santé
Hydro-Québec – power outages
Laval Technopole
MD Centropolis – medical clinic
Information on smoking legislation
Information on business hours for commercial establishments
Polyclinique Saint-Martin – medical clinic
Poison control centre
Public transit (STL)
Public works, City of Laval
Régie du bâtiment du Québec
Tourisme Laval
911 or 1-800-361-8003
The following is a list of suppliers you can call in the event of a breakdown or malfunction. We
deal with these businesses on a regular basis, and they all have considerable experience in their
respective fields. Please note, however, that we cannot be held responsible for the quality of
the service provided or for any work performed in your establishment. For any other referrals,
please contact the Administration reception.
Serrurier Brisson
Round-the-clock service
Door Repairs
Porta Service
Round-the-clock service
Glass Repairs
Round-the-clock service
Vitrerie Lessard
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)
Les Entreprises de Réfrigération LS
Round-the-clock service
Electrical Servicing
Ion Technologies
Round-the-clock service
Goupil et Fils
Round-the-clock service
Plumbing, Gas leaks, Repairs
Plomberie Daniel Côté
450-973-2545 or 514-334-1538
Round-the-clock service
Decorative Elements
Act Respecting Hours and Days of Admission to Commercial
Retail tenants must comply with the Act Respecting Hours and Days of Admission to
Commercial Establishments at all times. Please note however that, under this law, restaurants
may operate during designated statutory holidays. For more information on this topic, please
contact the MDEIE (Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de
l'Exportation) at 514-499-2176 or visit the website of the Conseil québécois du commerce de
For maximum clarity and convenience, we suggest that you keep your business hours posted in
a visible location at all times.
Holiday guidelines for most retail establishments:
New Year’s Day, January 1
Day after New Year’s Day, January 2
Easter Sunday, variable date
National Patriots’ Day, Monday before May 25
Fête nationale du Québec, June 24
Canada Day, July 1
Labour Day, 1st Monday of September
Thanksgiving, 2nd Monday of October
Christmas, December 25
Boxing Day, December 26
Open as of 1 p.m.
Prohibited Activities
Formal restrictions apply to a number of activities on the premises or in the vicinity of a
commercial establishment at Centropolis, namely:
The sale of used merchandise not specified in your lease, as well as the sale of
surplus items, overstock items, fire sale items or bankruptcy sale items;
The sale of fireworks or any other pyrotechnical products;
Auctions or any type of sale that may undermine the image of Centropolis;
Any transaction that involves misleading or unethical advertising or sales practices;
Catalogue sales;
The closing of the establishment during regular business hours, as specified in the
lease, except as stipulated in applicable laws and regulations on business hours or as
approved in advance in writing by the Administration;
The use of audiovisual devices or equipment that can be seen from outside the
establishment, unless approved in advance in writing by the Administration;
Unnecessary disturbances or inconveniences for customers and/or other tenants;
The placing of advertising material (postcards, flyers, leaflets, etc.) on vehicles in any
of the parking areas within the complex;
The interruption or obstruction of traffic in and around the complex;
Any action or practice that is apt to cause damage to the common areas within the
complex or the complex itself or that is potentially harmful to any individual within
the complex;
The playing of any music containing violent, racist or otherwise offensive lyrics;
The playing of any music at excessively loud volumes;
The playing of any music, other than the ambient music channel provided by
Centropolis, outside an establishment or in the vicinity of a patio;
Any outdoor signage that has not been authorized by the Centropolis
Documents Required by the Administration
Some documents must be sent to the Administration at predetermined intervals. Please note
that any documents that are to be remitted on an annual basis are due on the same date every
year, unless alternative instructions are given.
Sales reports
As indicated in your lease, you are required to send a written report to the Administration by
the 15th of every month containing your gross sales figures (before taxes) for the preceding
Rent payments
Rent is due on the 1st of every month. Please make cheques payable to “Cominar Real Estate
Investment Trust” and forward to:
Centropolis – Administration
1799 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue
Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
If we have not received your rent payment by the 10th of the month, a written reminder will be
Our tax registration numbers
872969795 RT 0001
1021137916 TQ 0001
As specified in your lease, you are required to provide confirmation of adequate civil liability,
property, machinery breakdown and all-risk insurance on an annual basis.
HVAC maintenance contract
As specified in your lease, you are required to produce copies of all preventive maintenance
and repair records for any work performed on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
on an annual basis.
Waste removal
You are required to provide a copy of your contract with a waste management company. The
contract must indicate how often waste is to be picked up.
You are required to provide a copy of any contracts you have with an extermination company.
Fire alarm control panel inspection and maintenance
As specified in Appendix C of your lease, you must provide a copy of the inspection and
maintenance contract for your fire alarm control panel on an annual basis. For new tenants,
this contract must indicate the date as of which your establishment will be connected to the
alarm provider’s central station.
Sprinkler systems and fire alarm panels
As specified in Appendix C of your lease, you must provide a copy of the certificate of
compliance for your sprinkler system as well as a fire alarm panel inspection certificate
(Simplex) on an annual basis.
Range hood inspection certificate
If you operate a kitchen, you must provide a valid copy of the range hood inspection certificate.
Elevator maintenance contract
As applicable, you must provide a copy of your elevator maintenance contract on an annual
Grease trap maintenance contract
As applicable, you must provide a copy of your grease trap maintenance and cleaning contract
on an annual basis.
Emergency contact list
You are responsible for keeping an up-to-date list of key individuals in your organization and
their respective telephone numbers. It is very important that you inform the Administration of
any changes in this list in a timely manner. Please contact us by phone at 450-681-4811,
extension 221, by fax at 450-681-8599 or by email at
(reception) with any such updates.
Service Calls
For any service calls related to a construction defect or issues that are outside the scope of your
responsibilities, as specified in the terms of your lease, please contact the Administration at
450-681-4811, extension 221. We will rectify the situation as soon as possible. Any such
requests should also be sent to the Administration reception, either by email at or by fax at 450-681-8599. In the event you are
responsible for assuming the corresponding costs, you will be notified beforehand. No work will
be undertaken without your approval.
Special Requests
Any requests that do not qualify as a standard service call, such as enquiries about organizing
an event involving an outdoor tent or renting a unit, a common area (indoor or outdoor) or an
indoor parking stall, should be directed to the Administration reception at 450-681-4811,
extension 221, or Please include as much information as
possible so we can reply promptly and efficiently to your request.
Shipping and Receiving of Merchandise
All merchandise must be loaded and unloaded from the street closest to your service entrance.
If a delivery vehicle does not leave the premises immediately after it has finished loading or
unloading, it is your responsibility to instruct the driver to clear the area and park in an
appropriate spot. It is strictly forbidden to obstruct sidewalks or otherwise impede the normal
flow of traffic or damage the property in any way.
We strongly recommend that you arrange to have all your deliveries made outside of regular
business hours to ensure optimal customer service for everyone.
Tobacco Use
Centropolis is proud to provide tenants with a smoke-free environment. Smoking inside any
Centropolis building is therefore strictly prohibited and has been since the Tobacco Act came
into effect in Quebec in 1998.
Waste Management
Your waste bins must be put outside only on the pickup days indicated by your service provider.
Receptacles will not be tolerated outside your establishment at any other time.
Under the terms of the Go Green program and in accordance with BOMA BESt certification
requirements, the Administration has undertaken a number of environmental initiatives related
to the recycling of paper, boxboard, plastic, glass and metal. Two recycling compactors have
been set up on site for this purpose. Considering that waste management fees are bound to go
up in the coming years, we strongly recommend that you make use of these compactors if you
do not already do so. To obtain the appropriate recipients for your paper/boxboard and/or
plastic/glass/metal, please contact the Administration. Our outdoor maintenance team will pick
up your recyclables on a daily basis, from 2:30 p.m. onward. If an additional pickup is required,
please contact the Administration reception. It is your responsibility to ensure your bins are
brought back inside your establishment as soon as possible after pickup. Recycling bins that
remain outside for an extended period will not be tolerated.
 Newsprint
 Cardboard/paperboard
 Corrugated boxboard
 Shredded paper
 Milk/juice cartons
 Books, flyers, booklets,
 Tissue paper
 Copy/printer paper
 Aluminum plates/trays
 Tin cans
 Aluminum cans
 Glass bottles (wine,
liquor, coolers)
 Plastic bottles
 Water bottles (still or
 Bubble wrap
 Glass jars
Plastic-, foil- or foam-lined
Waxed or plastic-coated
Photo paper
Paper plates and cups
Facial tissues
Waxed paperboard/boxboard
Soiled paper or paperboard
(oil, blood, etc.)
Food packaging
Soiled boxboard (paint, etc.)
Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
Disposable cups and glasses
Leftover food
In keeping with our commitment to the continuous improvement of our eco-friendly practices,
a composting program will soon be available to all Centropolis restaurants. In the meantime,
please familiarize yourself with the following list of items that will and will not be included in
the program:
Most food waste
Fruits and vegetables (cut up, whole,
peelings, etc.)
Coffee grounds/filters, tea bags
Dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc.)
Soiled paper and paperboard products
(paper towels, pizza boxes, etc.)
Meat, fish, seafood, poultry and bones
Bread, pasta and pastries
Frozen foods
Chips and candy
Spices, salad dressing, condiments
Flour, cake mix, baking soda
Pet litter
Packaging material
Non-biodegradable items
Materials accepted in the recycling
program (glass, plastic, metal, paper,
paperboard, boxboard)
Diapers and sanitary napkins
Laundry detergent, dish detergent, allpurpose soap
Hot ashes, cigarettes and other items that
may ignite
Construction materials (lumber, etc.)
Meat, bread, pastries, fruit and vegetables
that could be donated to a soup kitchen
or other charity
Grease, mineral oil, paint, solvents,
batteries and any other hazardous waste
Sustainable Development
Centropolis is a staunch supporter of sustainable development and responsible property
management. We recognize the importance of adopting environmentally friendly behaviours at
Centropolis and are committed to integrating these principles into our management and
procurement practices. Following are a few examples of our achievements in this regard:
1. Energy savings (HVAC timers, outdoor lighting fixtures of varying intensity, LED lighting
for the water fountain, etc.);
2. Water savings (computer-assisted grass/plant watering system, low-flow toilets and
urinals, waterless hand-sanitizing stations);
3. Construction waste management (we strive to do business with reputed contractors
that endeavour to reduce waste wherever possible);
4. Recycling (we purchase paper made of 30% recycled materials, recycle office paper,
recycle printer toners, encourage two-sided printing, etc.);
5. Careful management of hazardous products (e.g., use of eco-friendly, biodegradable
cleaning products);
6. Use of environmentally sound materials (we promote the purchase and use of green,
low-VOC products);
7. Maintenance of HVAC systems (we have installed rooftop HVAC units on several
buildings that are programmed to meet the specific needs of tenants and must be
inspected regularly as part of a preventive maintenance program);
8. Recovery of ozone-depleting substances by the maintenance contractor in order to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We strongly encourage you to be as green as possible in your day-to-day operations.
PIIA (Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program)
The City of Laval’s Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (PIIA) is designed to
promote the development and preservation of quality architectural and landscaping design in
commercially zoned areas, such as the Centropolis complex, and to ensure the seamless
integration of new and existing elements. The clear, concise criteria set forth in the PIIA serve
to guide residents and businesses planning to undertake a project that will alter the visual
appearance of their property. Therefore, any initiative that will result in a change to the look of
the complex, whether it is carried out by the owner or a tenant, must be approved by the
appropriate city authorities to ensure it complies with the PIIA.
Construction and Renovation Work
Prior consent from Centropolis is required if you wish to do any construction or renovation
work within your unit. Kindly contact the Administration reception to arrange an appointment
with the Operations Manager. Please note that you must submit all architectural drawings and
specifications (mechanical and electrical schematics, etc.) associated with your project. Once
your plans are approved, you must also ensure you comply with the requirements and
procedures outlined in the Tenant Construction Guidelines dated June 2014. In addition, you are
required to apply for a building permit from the appropriate municipal authorities.
Patios (terraces)
Any patio furniture or object placed outside your establishment must be approved in advance
by the Administration and meet all PIIA-related criteria set forth by the City of Laval. A guide to
patio-related requirements is available through the Centropolis Administration (“Guide de
l’aménagement des terrasses extérieures” – in French only). Please note that any such furniture
must be removed from your patio and stored elsewhere, at your expense, during the winter
Mail is delivered directly to your establishment every day. Two Canada Post mailboxes are
available for outgoing correspondence: one outside the TD bank and one in front of the office
building at 225, Promenade du Centropolis.
Public Transit
Centropolis is easy to get to via public transit. Two buses (#61 and #70) leaving from the
Montmorency metro station (the last stop on the orange line) travel to Centropolis (PierrePéladeau Avenue) in a matter of minutes. A third (#42) stops at the corner of Saint-Martin
Boulevard and Daniel-Johnson Boulevard.
Bicycle Racks
Bicycle racks are available at various locations throughout the complex to accommodate
employees and customers who travel by bike to Centropolis. Given that ample parking facilities
are provided, please note that bicycles are not allowed inside any of the establishments.
Snow Removal
With its abundance of outdoor space (1,949,530 square feet of parking space and
235,236 square feet of sidewalks) and lifestyle centre layout, Centropolis must deal with a
number of unique considerations with regard to snow removal. When a snow storm hits, there
are more than 200 entrances to clear as quickly as possible. Obviously, they cannot all be done
at the same time. However, our snow removal crew strives to ensure timely and consistent
service to all of our tenants. The crew consists of shovellers and operators for the various
machines used to clear the snow.
Power Outages
In the event of a power outage, please notify Hydro-Québec immediately at 1-800-790-2424:
 If the outage is limited to your establishment, you may have to contact an electrician to
check your power supply;
 If the outage is widespread, please refer to Hydro-Québec for more information and an
estimated timeframe for restoring power.
Make sure that any wood or gas stoves are turned off during a power outage. For your safety,
we suggest that you have a number of working flashlights handy for use by your employees
should the power be out for a prolonged period of time.
Gas Leaks
If you experience a gas leak within your establishment, immediately shut off the gas supply and
call Gaz Métro at 911 or 1-800-361-8003, and then advise the Centropolis Administration. Do
not touch anything else. Do not light any matches or lighters or use any device that may
cause sparks.
First Aid
Several of our outdoor maintenance and security staff members have been trained in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and two automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are
available on-site. Our outdoor maintenance and security employees and Centropolis
administrative staff have been instructed on how to use AEDs to respond to cardiac or
respiratory arrest. If you encounter an emergency situation of this nature, call 911
immediately. While you are waiting, we encourage you to contact the Administration, who will
dispatch an appropriately qualified individual to your establishment as quickly as possible.
When placing the call, please make sure you provide complete, accurate information about the
situation and the location of the emergency. Remember that, in such incidents, every second
counts. It is therefore crucial that you stay calm and act quickly and decisively.
Robbery and Vandalism
If you witness a robbery or an act of vandalism at the complex, call the police and then notify
the Administration. A camera surveillance system has been in place to monitor the outdoor
parking areas since 2008. Deterrent signage is also posted at various locations around the
Fraud and Counterfeit
If an act of fraud (use of counterfeit money, etc.) is committed at your establishment, please
notify the police and the Administration as soon as possible.
Wireless Internet
When you connect to the Internet, please note that you can choose between one of two
providers: Videotron or Bell.
If you choose not to renew your lease, there are several provisions in your lease agreement
that you must abide by when vacating the premises, including the following:
All heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, sprinkler, plumbing and electrical devices and
systems as well as all fixtures and fittings must be left in place;
All signs must be removed and any damage incurred as a result must be repaired;
The premises must be returned in good condition, with nothing missing;
All cooking and refrigeration appliances and devices left on site must be cleaned and
sanitized, including grease traps and deep fryers. All water cooling or chilling units must
be unplugged;
If we observe that any of the above items are broken, damaged or missing, we will
arrange for the necessary repairs or replacements, and the corresponding expense will be
charged to you;
Terminate your contract with your central alarm provider to ensure the monitoring
system is no longer operational once you are gone;
Terminate your Hydro-Québec service contract, in conjunction with the Centropolis
Operations Manager. A document confirming the date that the power will be
disconnected in your establishment must be completed and signed by both parties.
(Please note that a form specifying your last meter reading will also be submitted to you
to sign on the day of your departure.);
Terminate your service contract with Gaz Métro, in conjunction the Centropolis
Operations Manager. A document confirming the date the gas supply in the establishment
will be shut off must be prepared and signed by both parties;
Have any stand-alone ATMs removed no later than your day of departure;
Plan your last garbage pick-up to ensure that no waste is left inside or in the vicinity of
your establishment. Please have your waste disposal contractor retrieve your garbage
bins, as applicable, before you vacate the premises.
Outdoor Parking
Parking for disabled patrons
Several parking spaces near the main entrances have been reserved for disabled patrons. The
Laval police force will issue tickets to any unauthorized vehicles parked in these spots.
Reserved parking: One-hour, two-hour and family parking
Reserved parking spaces near certain retail establishments must be used as instructed to
maintain a superior level of service. Violating vehicles will be towed, at the owners’ expense.
Parking adjacent to buildings
Vehicles may not be parked at any time alongside the sidewalks adjacent to the various
buildings. These areas are designed to serve as a fire buffer. This is a city by-law, and violators
will be ticketed by the Laval police force.
Motorcycle parking
Motorcycles may not be parked on the sidewalk at any time. There are several specially
indicated spaces for motorcycles in the parking lot.
Tenant and employee parking
Customer service etiquette dictates that we set aside the best parking spots for our patrons.
Unless otherwise specified, tenants and their employees must park their vehicles in specially
designated areas farther away from the main entrances. Tenants are responsible for letting all
full- and part-time employees know about this policy.
If you foresee leaving your vehicle in the parking lot for a prolonged period of time (e.g.,
overnight), please notify the Administration to avoid having it towed away.
Employee parking for each building
Role of Security Guards
1. Security guards are not law enforcement officers;
2. Security guards may apprehend an individual only if they witness an incident of
wrongdoing first-hand;
3. Security guards may not apprehend an individual based purely on information provided
by a third party;
4. Security guards, as representatives of the Administration, may take action as permitted
in the corresponding legislation on private property rights;
5. Security guards may not intervene within a tenant’s establishment unless authorized by
the tenant to do so;
6. Security guards may come to the assistance of a tenant only if they witness an incident
of wrongdoing first-hand;
7. Security guards may not intervene unless a tenant has already made a first attempt to
apprehend an individual or remove an individual from the premises.
Role of the Tenant
If you find yourself in a troubling or threatening situation, contact Centropolis security. Make
sure to provide as much information as possible about the nature of your suspicions, your
current situation, the condition of your establishment and any other potentially useful details.
The security team will attempt to determine the location of the suspicious individuals in a
timely manner and provide an appropriate response, based on the severity of the emergency.
Please note that a person is considered to have committed an act of theft only when unpaid
merchandise is physically removed from the premises. Technically, therefore, until they leave
the establishment, they are not guilty of any wrongdoing.
General Safety and Security Guidelines
Each and every individual working at your establishment must adhere to the following
guidelines for their own safety as well as the safety of the entire Centropolis community. Any
violation in this regard constitutes a breach in the terms of your lease, in which case the
Administration reserves the right to rectify the situation, at your expense.
1) Fire prevention systems must be maintained in proper working order and inspected
regularly. Portable fire extinguishers must be installed in a highly visible and accessible
2) All potential fire hazards must be inspected on a regular basis;
3) Any accessory or decorative feature that is not fire-resistant must be removed;
4) All exits must be free of any merchandise at all times;
5) Nothing (banners, decorations, etc.) must be hung from or otherwise attached to a
sprinkler head. A minimum sprinkler head clearance of 18” (46 cm) must be maintained
at all times. It is strictly prohibited to store any items in the roof space;
6) Emergency exit lights and signs must be illuminated at all times;
7) Emergency exits must remain unobstructed at all times;
8) There must be a minimum of 36” (92 cm) of clearance in front of and around all
electrical panels and transformers;
9) Where applicable, fans, exhaust fans and grease traps must be cleaned monthly;
10) A sprinkler system certificate of compliance is required for each individual
Furthermore, you must ensure the following:
1) All of your employees must be familiar with the location of portable fire extinguishers
and their operating instructions;
2) Any unnecessary openings in the ceiling (missing ceiling tiles, punctures in the drywall,
etc.) must be closed up to prevent smoke from spreading in the event of a fire;
3) All emergency exits must be clearly marked by an illuminated sign;
4) All emergency exits must be unlocked and accessible whenever the premises are
In a fire, it is essential to take decisive action to avoid becoming trapped by flames or overcome
by smoke, fumes or heat. Your safety and the safety of the people around you depend on your
ability to act quickly.
1) If you see or smell smoke or detect a fire or incipient fire, immediately evacuate the
affected room;
2) Call the fire department (911) right away, followed by the Centropolis Administration
(450-681-4811). Make sure you indicate the precise location of the fire;
3) Pull the closest manual fire alarm;
4) Evacuate the premises as quickly as possible. Close (but do not lock) all doors behind
5) Never yell “Fire!” Proceed calmly, and do not run;
6) As soon as the fire alarm is sounded, all occupants, without exception, must leave the
premises immediately;
7) Evacuate via the closest exit. Do not waste time trying to gather your personal
8) Once outside, stay clear of the building and head toward the designated meeting spot.
Do not take your car, as this may impede fire and other emergency vehicles. Do not go
back into the building or allow anyone else to do so;
9) All employees and customers must remain outside, at the designated meeting spot,
until they are expressly allowed to return to the premises by the appropriate
authorities. In such a scenario, the fire chief is the top person in charge.
Emergency phone number: 911
Bomb threats
The following scenarios qualify as a bomb threat:
1) A letter threatening an attack using explosives;
2) A phone call indicating that a bomb has been left on the premises;
3) A package, briefcase, suitcase, backpack, box or other item that looks suspicious and/or
is emitting a sound (e.g., a ticking noise) that indicates the potential presence of
a bomb.
If you receive a bomb threat by phone, stay calm and maintain your composure. Do not cut off
or hang up on the caller. Try to get a co-worker’s attention and impress upon them the nature
and urgency of the situation, and have them contact the police, the Administration and/or Bell
Canada so the call can be traced.
In a bomb threat situation, try to obtain accurate and detailed information about the following:
1) The date and time the bomb is scheduled to go off;
2) The exact location of the bomb;
3) The type and power of bomb or explosive device and a description of its appearance
and/or that of its container (shape, size, colour, materials);
4) Motive for the attack: political affiliation, personal revenge, protest against the
establishment or social conditions;
5) Language, accent, gender and age of the caller; listen for background noises, the type of
language used and the caller’s demeanour and tone of voice.
If you discover a suspicious package:
1) Do not touch, move or remove it;
2) Instruct people in the vicinity to stay clear of the package;
3) Notify the police;
4) Inform the Administration and have them contact the appropriate authorities.
1) Stay calm. Do not panic;
2) Remain indoors. Do not proceed outdoors where you may be struck by falling debris or
flying glass;
3) Take cover under a desk or table. Use your arms to shield your face and head;
4) Stay at least 20’ (6 m) away from all windows to avoid injury if they shatter;
5) If the order to evacuate is given by the appropriate authorities (the Administration,
police or firefighters), proceed outdoors, taking care to avoid falling and fallen debris,
power lines, shattered or flying glass and other hazardous objects;
6) Do not re-enter the building until the appropriate authorities (the Administration, police
or firefighters) give you the permission to do so;
7) If you happen to be outside when the tremors start, move away from all buildings to
avoid the risk of being injured or trapped by collapsing walls and falling debris;
8) Stay clear of downed power lines;
9) If you are in a vehicle when an earthquake strikes, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and
stay inside your vehicle. Avoid parking near a building or other structure that may
The Centropolis Brand
Centropolis is a vibrant lifestyle centre brimming with culinary delights, exciting entertainment
and superb shopping. Whether you are looking for a fun family adventure, an afternoon out
with the girls, a business luncheon or a romantic evening for two, Centropolis is the place to live
it up. Treat your taste buds, primp and pamper yourself, indulge in a little retail therapy or trip
the light fantastic until the wee hours… Centropolis brings you all this, and more!
Come discover our bustling, energetic community, home to a melting pot of cultures, shared
experiences and exclusive discoveries galore.
Centropolis’s decidedly urban vibe is matched only by its irrepressible joie de vivre. It is the
ideal place to celebrate life’s pleasures. Come celebrate with us!
Employee Privilege Program
The VIVA CENTROPOLIS employee privilege program has been up and running since
August 2011.
With VIVA CENTROPOLIS, people working at Centropolis have access to a range of special
discounts and privileges at various establishments within the Centropolis complex. Through this
program, we hope to bring our “family” even closer together and encourage you to find out
more about the exceptional lineup of shops and services that make our lifestyle centre unique.
Your VIVA CENTROPOLIS card is renewable annually. Please present it with proof of identity at
participating retailers. Get yours from the Administration today and start enjoying a wide range
of exclusive benefits right away!
The website is constantly being updated to be as dynamic and user-friendly
as possible. In addition to containing a wide range of useful information, the site puts even
greater focus on the Centropolis community, with special attention to the various activities,
promotions and events of our retail and office tenants. And a “Jobs” section has been
developed to announce the career opportunities available in your company.
The website is therefore an excellent visibility and promotional tool. We encourage you to talk
to our marketing team to find out more about the benefits of posting your information on the
Centropolis website.
It is essential that the Centropolis brand remain strong and consistent. Tenants must therefore
strive to maintain the property’s image in the various channels of communication they use to
reach out to their customers. All signs or posters appearing in your front window or your indoor
displays must therefore be professionally produced. Any hand-printed or hand-drawn material
is unacceptable as this can undermine the image of your establishment and the complex as a
In addition we would like to remind you that, under the terms of your lease, you may not post
any signs about auctions, going out of business, closing, bankruptcy or sales for any other
similar purposes that fall outside the scope of your normal operations. Similarly, you may not
post any signs indicating that you have moved to another location.
Please remember that Centropolis must adhere to the signage criteria set forth in the City of
Laval’s Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (PIIA). Any actions that would lead
to a change in the visual appearance of the complex taken by either the Administration or a
tenant must therefore be approved by the designated city authorities to ensure compliance
with the PIIA.
Gift Cards
Centropolis gift cards can be purchased from the Administration on weekdays between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. Payment may be made by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Interac, certified
cheque or cash. When applied toward a purchase at a Centropolis retail establishment, gift
cards are processed like a standard credit card.
Gift cards can be programmed for any amount between $5 and $500. There are no issuing fees,
but please note that an amount of $2.50 will be deducted from the card every month starting
on the 16th month following the date of activation. To get your gift cards, contact Jennifer
Outdoor Display Stands
In total, there are 17 outdoor display stands located throughout the complex to support you in
your promotional initiatives. We invite you to take advantage of this excellent visibility tool. The
installation costs will be absorbed by the Centropolis Administration. Please note that the
length of time your material will remain posted may vary, depending on the number of
requests we receive from our tenants. In addition, you will be required to meet certain graphic
standards to ensure overall visual consistency.
To book your space or find out more about our graphic standards, call Jennifer Lussier,
Marketing Coordinator, at 450-681-4811, extension 228, or email her at Incidentally, all new tenants are strongly encouraged to touch
base with the Centropolis marketing department. Together, we can go over the various
avenues open to you in terms of drawing attention to your brand in conjunction with our
marketing efforts.
Wireless Internet
Since 2008, Centropolis has offered free wireless Internet access at all outdoor locations
throughout the complex. As a result, visitors, tenants and employees can stay connected at all
times when outside. If you are having any troubles with the system, please contact the
Activities and Events
For news and information on current and upcoming events at Centropolis, log on regularly to and to follow us on the Facebook page of Centropolis. In addition, be sure
to read your copy of “L’ExpressO”, featuring the latest updates and details on special
promotions and activities. If you wish to receive these communications by email only, please
contact Jennifer Lussier, Marketing Coordinator, at 450-681-4811, extension 229, or
Trade Area
Located alongside Highway 15 and at the corner of two of Laval’s busiest commercial
thoroughfares (Saint-Martin Boulevard and Daniel-Johnson Boulevard), Centropolis boasts an
exceptional level of visibility, with roughly 249,000 motorists driving past it every day.
In addition, more than 50,000 employees work in the vicinity of the complex, with the Laval city
hall and court house, several office towers and a school board administrative centre close by.
There are also more than 90 tenants established at Centropolis with a combined workforce of
2,000 employees. Here are some statistics from a market survey conducted on behalf of
Centropolis in 2012.
Target clientele
- Mostly women (55%);
- Mostly French-speaking (86%);
- High level of education (50% university-educated);
- 62% fall within the 25–54 age range;
- Higher-than-average household income.
Size of the trade area
Centropolis’s trade area encompasses close to 1 million people. Population growth is strongest
in the area alongside the Laurentian Autoroute (Highway 15).
Primary trade area
This zone includes 55% of Centropolis’s customer base, or 455,765 people. The municipalities in
the primary trade area are Laval, Rosemère, Sainte-Thérèse and Lorraine.
Secondary trade areas A and B
The secondary trade area A includes 324,205 people, or 13% of the clientele, reaching people
located mostly north of Blainville, to the east (Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines and Terrebonne) and to
the west up to Saint-Placide. The secondary trade area B includes 200,765 people, or 6% of the
clientele, and is composed of the Montreal boroughs of Saint-Laurent and Ahuntsic.
Customer Traffic
Altus Group was commissioned in the summer of 2013 to quantify the customer traffic at
All incoming passenger vehicles (cars, buses, etc.), pedestrians and cyclists were counted at the
various entrances to the property. In the case of buses, the number of passengers who got off
at the various stops on the site was recorded.
It was observed that the busiest days are Tuesdays (because of the special deals at the movie
theatre) and Fridays. Traffic tends to dip slightly on Sundays compared with the other days of
the week. Also, lunch hours (between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.) during the week and dinner hours
(between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.) during the weekends are the busiest parts of the day.
Annual customer traffic: 7.6 million.
Use of the Centropolis logo
Centropolis is more than a name and a logo.
The simple, modern style used reflects the brand’s personality. The red circle in the centre
depicts the Place Centrale in the heart of Centropolis as well as the property’s core values of
community, usability and integrity. It emphasizes the unifying aspect of the place itself and its
mission. Its shape expresses a spirit of openness and creativity and its colour, an all-embracing
passion for life.
We encourage all of our tenants to use the Centropolis logo in their advertising material. Not
only does this help people find your establishment quickly and easily, it has a positive impact on
the visibility and reputation of the entire Centropolis community.
Here are a few important things to keep in mind when using the Centropolis logo:
Official colour
The official colour of the letters in the logo is black, with the exception of the first “O” which is
red (Pantone 485 C).
Single-colour printing
If your material is to be printed in black and white, you may use the black-only version of the
Centropolis logo.
CYMK equivalent
Cyan: 0
Magenta: 97
Yellow: 100
Black: 0
The logo must always stand out from the background. It is therefore necessary to make sure
the area around it is free of any typographical or graphical elements. The size of the buffer
around the logo must be equal to or greater than the inner diameter of the red “O.”
Minimum size
The width of the logo should never be less than 19.05 mm / 0.75 inches / 54 pixels. A graphic
standards guide on the use of Centropolis logo has been developed and is available upon
request through Jennifer Lussier, Marketing Coordinator, at 450-681-4811, ext. 229, or
42.2 Course.Marche
120 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-682-1223
This store specializes in selling high end clothing, footwear and accessories dedicated to running.
Indeed, you will find a multitude of specialized products of renowned brands such as Asics,
Saucony, New Balance, Adidas and Brooks. 42.2 will certainly become a must for any walking or
running enthusiast.
Allô! Mon Coco
100 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-934-8989
Allô! Mon Coco stands out by combining all the ingredients to make a breakfast restaurant THE
destination. Either by offering its customers the ULTIMATE breakfast experience with beautiful
plates bursting of great tasting products in a warm and most unique atmosphere.
Bistro L’Aromate
2981 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y8
Phone: 450-686-9005
Well-liked chef-owner Jean-François Plante offers you a simple and inspired cuisine that draws
its influences from French cooking, with an emphasis on fresh local produce. Tartar, sautéed
shrimp, salads or risotto, the cuisine at L’Aromate is an aromatic feast for the senses every time.
Bleu cuisine libanaise moderne
520 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-934-9797
Bleu restaurant offers you a modern style Lebanese cuisine in a simple yet elegant decor. The
selection of fresh and good quality ingredients, combined with unique recipes will make your
culinary experience memorable. Whether for a romantic evening for two or a get -together with
friends and family, rest assured you will be fulfilled.
Boston Pizza
450 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-688-2229
Boston Pizza boasts a casual atmosphere with over 100 menu items including gourmet handmade pizzas, tasty pasta and a wide variety of appetizers, salads, main courses and desserts. It’s
the perfect restaurant for families, sports teams and groups of all ages. Plus, the bar’s largescreen TVs are great for watching your favorite sporting events.
2940 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-680-1656
Le Calvi invites you to experience fine dining in a typical waterfront-style Mediterranean
restaurant. For a romantic dinner in their grandiose dining room or on their superb terrace, it’s a
great place to discover a charming ambiance, succulent Italian cuisine and fresh fish and
seafood. Plus, the selection in their wine cellar will satisfy even the most discerning wine lover.
Carlos & Pepe’s
170 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: Coming soon
A festive atmosphere awaits you at Carlos & Pepe's. An ideal place to enjoy good food and
amazing drinks at great prices. Whether you want to relax after a long day or to kick off the
weekend with a bang, Carlos & Pepe's is the perfect place to create unforgettable memories!
1955 Daniel-Johnson Boulevard, Laval, Québec, H7T 1H8
Phone: 450-682-6660
For over 40 years, Clement specializes in the retail sale of clothing for babies and children, and
offers a selection of exclusive products in a range of sizes, suitable for infants up to 6 years. In
addition, the store offers a wide range of furnishings and practical accessories such as strollers,
car seats, parks, high chairs and many more.
Cinéma Cinéplex
2800 du Cosmodôme Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7V 2X1
Phone: 450-978-0212
Watch the latest films in one of the 18 rooms of the cinema Cineplex Laval, one of the most
important theaters in the region. The Cineplex is one of the few Canadian theaters to take
advantage of the new UltraAVXMC technology for images with greater accuracy and a clearer
EB Games
1745 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Phone: 450-973-1626
EB Games is the destination for gamers. They have a huge selection of new and used games at
fantastic prices. You'll find all the latest games, including Xbox 360, PS3 titles, software Wii, DS
cartridges and 3DS, games and PC games consoles, accessories and more.
1795 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Phone: 450-687-6877
Enjoy a colorful rendezvous with a menu that blends Asian, Creole, Latin and North American
specialties with more than 100 menu items inspired from the four corners of the world. Elixor is
known throughout Laval for both the choice and quality of its cheesecakes.
Énergie Cardio
2955 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y8
Phone: 450-686-4313
The largest network of fitness centers in Quebec for training, aerobics, weight loss, strength
training and more. A friendly, unpretentious environment, where guests are always welcomed
and supported whatever their age, physical condition or their goals.
Escalade Clip ’n Climb
2929 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y8
Phone: 450-934-9493
Clip’n climb is a stunning action-packed activity with over thirty themed climbing activities that
provide healthy challenging fun for everyone! Using automatic belay devices which take in the
slack as you climb and then lower you gently down to the ground, indoor climbing has never
been easier, safer or more exciting.
Fruiterie 440 & Le Marché Gourmand
2888 du Cosmodôme Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2X1
Phone: 450-973-9138
Founded more than 25 years ago, Fruiterie 440 has become the largest retailer of fresh fruits
and vegetables in Quebec. Early each morning, Fruiterie 440’s teams of professionals unearth
some of the very best fruits and vegetables available in the market with just one goal in mind: to
pick out the freshest products at the best prices, thanks to their excellent purchasing power.
Henri Vézina
1825 Daniel-Johnson Boulevard, Laval, Québec, H7T 1H8
Phone: 450-686-6800
One of the most exclusive boutiques in Canada, Henri Vézina offers the very best in men's
fashion with brands such as Hugo Boss, Canali, and Versace. This shop attracts a clientele of
businessmen and executives as well as fans of European fashion. Henri Vézina offers everything
under one roof, from head to toe, jeans to tuxedo.
Houston Avenue Bar & Grill
1731 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Phone: 450-978-9077
A lively restaurant-bar during happy hour or on any evening. On the menu: impeccable
grilled meats, refined flavors, a fantastic atmosphere and interesting people— all in a
trendy and cutting-edge setting. In short, it’s a rendezvous with casual elegance and a
dinner filled with unforgettable moments.
1760 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Phone: 450-687-1313
Idolem is a yoga studio that offers courses, but also a range of high quality beautifying clothing
combining style and comfort, which put the body in value by concealing imperfections through
revolutionary fabrics. Idolem is a family owned business that aims for the development of each
client through sport by providing excellence in workout, fitness, pilates and yoga clothes.
1775 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Phone: 450-681-1911
Iris is the largest network of optometrists, opticians and ophthalmologists in Canada. Iris stores
are known for the quality of their care, quality of their products and the quality of their services.
In addition, Iris offers finest fashion frames from top designers and high technology lenses.
Jack Astor’s Bar & Grill
1820 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Phone: 450-681-6683
Jack Astor's is renowned for its winning combination of an energetic atmosphere, delicious
menu and fantastic beverages. Their chefs go to great lengths to perfect their mouthwatering
masterpieces. At Jack Astor's, there's never a dull moment! Come on in and be amazed!
Jenny Craig
560 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C3
Phone: 450-686-8932
Jenny Craig is a comprehensive program based on three key elements to lose weight: diet, body
and spirit. Whether you're a new mom, a professional with a busy schedule or a person who
travels a lot, whether old or young, etc., your advisor will develop a customized program
tailored to your needs and your lifestyle to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Joaillerie Signature
1885 Daniel-Johnson Boulevard, Laval, Québec, H7T 1H8
Phone: 450-688-7911
Signature Diamants Élinor is the most modern and luxurious boutique of diamond jewelry,
watches and accessories in the region. Indeed, this boutique will make you dream with several
famous brands, such as Gucci, Hermes, Valentino, Versace, Ferragamo, etc. A total of twenty
brands are proposed, not to mention the Diamants Élinor creations, the famous house made
Juliette & Chocolat
525 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-934-9484
In a word, Juliette & Chocolat is chocolate in all its states: as gooey brownies, pastries, intense
shots, bite-size pralines, fondues decorated with fresh fruit, and of course on crepes. Thin,
golden crepes spread with chocolate, or, if you’d like, smothered in maple syrup, caramel,
praline, ice cream, and every combination of chocolate, nuts, fruits and whipped cream
Kiyomi tapas coréennes
145 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-688-3152
A Korean fusion tapas bar where originality and innovation are waiting for you! What do we get
when you mix foods from two different cultures? The best of both worlds’. At Kiyomi, it is in a
funky, casual, colorful and bright atmosphere that you will find Korean classics, as well as
American and Mexican classics, in a new light, like you never tasted before.
La Belle et La Bœuf Burger Bar
510 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-934-8777
A bar-lounge type restaurant offering a wide variety of gourmet burgers, made with beef,
chicken, fish or vegetarian style, a wide selection of beers and other alcoholic beverages, all in a
warm and cozy atmosphere.
1730 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Phone: 450-988-1015
L’Académie restaurant invites you to experience the fusion of Italian and French cuisine at
affordable prices in an elegant bring-your-own-wine atmosphere. The most popular dishes
include duck breast, rack of lamb, generous portions of mussels and fries as well as several
choices of pasta and fresh sauces.
590 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-681-2055
Lace is a Canadian company, manufacturing ready-to-wear clothing for ladies. Lace stands out
for its exclusive designs. The focus is largely comfortable fabrics that are easy to wear, all in
vibrant colors. Lace clothes are created to meet the needs of the modern woman who wants to
stand out.
La Cordée
2777 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y7
Phone: 514-524-1106
La Cordée, the first outdoor retailer in Quebec. They offer a wide selection of outdoor gear for
your favorite activities at great prices. La Cordée is a local company that evolves and grows
while always keeping their core priorities of what defines its essence: the passion for the
practice of outdoor activities. With over fifty years of history, La Cordée helped shape the
landscape of the outdoors in Quebec.
Le Balthazar bières québécoises
195 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-682-2007
The Balthazar is renowned for its wide range of beers from Quebec microbreweries and for its
inviting atmosphere. It’s always a good choice for happy hour, an enjoyable evening out, or a
fun-filled Friday night. Whatever the occasion, people of all ages gather here in a friendly
atmosphere. Plus, it offers a delicious table d’hôte featuring products made with hops – perfect
with a glass of your favorite beer.
Le Tire-Bouchon Bistro Parisien
2930 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-681-1228
All the classics of French bistro cuisine await you in the friendly atmosphere at the Le TireBouchon — traditional flank, tartar, snails in garlic butter, foie gras and authentic cassoulet
Toulousain. Not forgetting a wine list that wine lovers will simply adore!
Les Enfants Terribles
200 Promenades du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-934-9828
French brasserie offering a menu of traditional dishes, as well as gourmet dishes. All in a setting
where nostalgia and innovation intertwine with finesse.
Les 3 Brasseurs
2900 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-988-4848
Both a microbrewery and a restaurant, Les 3 Brasseurs is a unique concept based on generations
of brewing tradition. The extensive menu consists of bistro dishes and popular local dishes, all at
competitive prices. The unique atmosphere features beautiful authentic micro brewing
equipment and a European décor that complement its distinctly local feel.
Maeva Surf
2005 Daniel-Johnson Boulevard, Laval, Québec, H7T 1H8
Phone: 450-934-6238
Flow boarding is at Centropolis. Come ride the wave of the Flow Rider® and discover this new
sport, a perfect blend of surf, skateboard and snowboard. In addition to an internal wave in the
comfort of a huge room, you will find a clothing store bringing together the largest surf brands
in the world, such as Oxbow, O’Neill and Rip Curl.
1749 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Y5
Phone: 450-988-4444
The Médicus Orthopedic Laboratory wants to contribute to the well-being and quality of life for
all their customers by providing products and high-level advice tailored to their needs. Médicus
has the knowledge in biomechanics and in strength of materials to give a good expertise in the
manufacturing of orthopedic equipment with functional quality. Orthotics and prosthetics are
unique and specifically designed for each individual based on their needs.
125 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-688-7353
Menchie's emphasises on quality, variety and innovation to produce the best frozen yogurt
there is and their team works diligently to find fun and exciting flavors while using natural
flavors, including real cake, cookies, spices or fruits and nuts.
Mikasa Sushi Bar
175 Promenade de Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-681-3338
Unquestionably the best sushi in Laval, in an Asian setting as authentic as its menu with more
than a dozen choices of makis, sashimis and rolls prepared with ingredients as fresh as
exemplary cooks thoroughly familiar with today’s Asian cuisine.
Moomba Theater
1780 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Phone: 450-973-7787
In an elegant setting, with sleek and voluptuous forms, Moomba will seduce you with its bold
design and its varied menu of fish, seafood, pasta and grilled meats, all made from quality
ingredients bursting with flavour. Moomba also surprises with its impressive list of martinis and
cocktails. Moomba is more than dinner, it's an event!
Mozza Pizzeria Moderna
505 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-973-3400
A contemporary restaurant true to old traditions. For an evening with family and friends, or for a
romantic dinner with a loved one, Enoteca Mozza is the place to be. With a menu featuring
classic Italian and contemporary favourites, an exquisite dining room and wine bar, as well as
the best wood-fired pizza in town, you’ll soon become a regular and feel like part of the family.
Nuvä Beauté et Spa
1750 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Téléphone : 450-682-3900
Site web :
Nüva Beauty & Spa offers a complete array of professional services all in one elegant setting.
Services include hair care, makeup, esthetics, body care, massotherapy, laser hair removal,
medical esthetics and more.
Presse Café
1794 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z1
Phone: 450-978-2233
Presse Café will seduce you with a refreshing, pleasant and authentic experience in a quiet and
comfortable setting. From morning to night, espressos, lattes, muffins, colourful wraps, delicious
sandwiches and salads are served up quickly and efficiently. To unwind, eat and drink, Presse
Café is the perfect place to stop in morning, noon or night and always worth a return visit.
Putting Edge
105 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-681-3334
A recreation center unique and fun for all ages, where you will find an 18-hole glow in the dark
mini golf. In addition to this extraordinary experience, a wide range of arcade games are waiting
for you. Putting Edge is the place for birthday celebrations!
SAQ Sélection
250 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-978-3189
SAQ Selection, a prestigious banner offering a range of selective products and exclusive services
tailored to match your passion as well as events rich in discoveries that allow you to explore,
discover and enjoy.
SkyVenture Montréal
2700 du Cosmodôme Avenue, Laval, Québec, H7V 2X1
Phone: 514-524-4000
The first and only recirculating vertical wind tunnel in Canada is at Centropolis. Take place inside
and enjoy the sensations experienced by paratroopers during the free-fall portion of their
jumps, which is generally between 13 500 and 3 500 feet at a speed of 200 km per hour. All this,
in an environment safe enough for children four and up.
Souvlaki Bar
190 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 1Z6
Phone: 450-934-1631
Souvlaki Bar invites you to enjoy with their wide variety of Greek specialty dishes such as Greek
appetizers, Greek salad, souvlaki, gyros, moussaka, pastitsio and delicious desserts like baklavas
and loukoumades, all in typical Greek décor.
Sterlings Steakhouse
165 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-682-4800
A plush and warm atmosphere, a famous wine list and most importantly, high-end grills raising
the standard of the traditional steak house into a Mecca of North American cuisine. Among the
specialties to look for: filet mignon, Chilean sea bass and the unforgettable giant crabs from
Sukho Thaï
145 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-688-3033
An exotic visit in the heart of Laval offering fine fragrances and unique flavor pairings of Thai
cuisine, all prepared by a chef trained at Thailand’s Royal Kitchen School. Among the house
specialties: curries, tamarind duck, basil shrimp and giant scallops.
205 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-688-6588
Sun, palm trees and warm sand… that’s the inspiration behind everything that awaits you at
Tango Cocktails. Make a date with adventure—not to mention the exotic—and enjoy the
rhythms of the latest world music. Pancakes, salads bursting with freshness, world-unique fruit
cocktails and a memorable homemade gelato.
Vin & Passion
110 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 2Z6
Phone: 450-781-8467
Vin & Passion is a must for the purchase of your cellar and your wine accessories. Indeed, they
have a great selection of accessories, whether wine cellars, glasses, decanters, wine cases, wine
racks, wine conditioners, thermometers, hygrometers, coffee machines, knives, lemonade
maker, corkscrews, wine aerators, antique bottle openers, bar items, etc.
245 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-973-2552
Trendy decor, people to meet, a fantastic atmosphere: Zibo is the dream place to treat yourself
to a gourmet pizza, perfectly cook meats, original salad or an extraordinary sandwich. With two
other locations in Rosemère and the DIX30, Zibo Centropolis has quickly become the venue of
choice with urban trendsetters.
Assurances Invessa Senay
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 215, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-688-6226
Invessa is an insurance and financial services brokerage firm with more than 150 years of
expertise. It offers professional advice on a wide range of quality products and services that
meet the insurance and financial needs of its customers.
Banque TD Canada Trust
2105 Daniel Johnson Boulevard, Laval, Québec, H7T 1H8
Phone: 450-973-5400
TD Canada Trust offers a full range of products and financial services to individuals and small
businesses. Leader in customer service, TD Canada Trust offers anywhere, anytime, banking
solutions by phone, Internet, ATM’s or through its network of branches in the country.
Beaudoin Hurens
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 120, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-681-1242
Consulting firm Beaudoin Hurens has been in the engineering sector for more than 40 years and
provides comprehensive, specialized professional services in building engineering, electrical
engineering, civil engineering and environmental engineering.
Centre Dentaire Smiile Dre Caroline Tabi
570 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-688-2533
The mission of Centre Dentaire Smiile, is to provide top quality dental care in a modern, calm
and relaxed environment. Their team is distinguished not only by their soft approach, but also
by their friendliness to ensure an enjoyable and unique VIP dental experience.
Clinique de chirurgie maxillo-faciale Inc.
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 205, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-681-5500
Dental clinic, oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Communications Sun International
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 207, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-973-6600
Communications Sun International provides strategic services for investor relations and
corporate communications. Its team has extensive experience in investor relations, debt and
equity financing, public relations, production and marketing.
Construction Michel Bourdon
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 450, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-973-3883
Website: N/A
General construction contractor.
Desjardins, Gestion du patrimoine Valeurs Mobilières
3055 St-Martin Boulevard West, suite 440, Laval, Québec, H7T 0J3
Phone: 450-682-5858
Known for their professionalism and their dedication, Desjardins Securities investment advisors
use their expertise to serve investors seeking personalized advice. After clearly determining your
financial situation and your long-term objectives, their advisors will recommend investment
products and customized solutions that will fully respond to your wants and needs.
Dunton Rainville, Avocats
3055 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, suite 610, Laval, Québec, H7T 0J3
Phone: 450-686-8683
Dunton Rainville’s professionals are qualified to act in any corporate, administrative, public or
private context where legal services are required, whether preventatively or in litigation. They
represent their clients before civil courts and administrative tribunals, including arbitration
tribunals, boards and commissions, as well as during mediation or negotiations or before
parliamentary committees (briefs, proposed legislation, etc.).
Ekitas, avocats & fiscalistes Inc.
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 410, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-973-3883
Law firm offering fiscal planning, business law, corporate law as well as tax and civil litigation.
Financière S_Entiel
3055 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, Suite 620, Laval, Québec H7T 0J3
Phone: 450-973-8080
Financière S_entiel is one of the pioneers of independent insurance brokerage & financial
services in Quebec. With its 30 years’ experience, the company is constantly evolving to meet
the changing needs of the industry and the advisors.
225 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 220, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-781-6561
Invessa is a brokerage firm in insurance and financial services that has more than 150 years of
expertise. They offer professional advice on a range of products and quality services that meet
the needs of their customers in terms of insurance and financial services.
Les Logiciels InCycle Inc.
545 Promenade du Centropolis, Suite 220, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-682-4777
InCycle Software is a leading Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) consultant for
Microsoft.NET development teams. InCycle is known for its expertise in process management as
well as specialized tools and training that ensure optimal end results for integrated ALM
Levine & DLC
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 210, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-902-0861
Website: N/A
Accounting firm.
Maman pour la Inc. & Un Zeste de génie Inc.
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 138, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-686-2878
Launched in April 2004, is a resource for current and future parents that
deal with everything surrounding pregnancy, motherhood and family life. Thousands of
reference articles are available at all times as well as many features allowing mothers to
MD Centropolis, Clinique médicale privée
655 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 514-316-1357
The MD Centropolis private medical clinic offers a full range of health services and provides
assistance for booking appointments to consult with a doctor, or other medical specialists
quickly. The clinic takes a proactive and personal approach to patient care.
MLC Associés Inc.
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 400, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-687-7077
MLC offers a full range of engineering consulting services: development of work programs,
energy efficiency studies, design studies, plans and estimates, construction work follow-ups,
commissioning, and monitoring throughout the warranty period. Whether in the field of
building construction, urban infrastructures or road engineering, MLC Associés Inc. is recognized
for its global vision of integrated engineering and its vast service offer in numerous specialties.
Neptune Technologies et Bioressources Inc.
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 100, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 450-687-2262
Neptune Technologies & Bioressources Inc. extracts, scientifically validates and promotes
natural health products. Neptune actively carries out the research, development and marketing
of its proprietary bioactive products, which offer superior value and clinically proven health
Notaire Dufresne
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 210, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-973-1188
Website: N/A
Notary office.
OKIOK Data Ltée
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 230, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-681-1681
Global pioneer and Canadian information security leader, OKIOK offers a full range of services
and products, including secure data transfer, encryption and identity management. Its
diversified services include consulting, outsourced security management, made-to-measure
solutions and training.
Partenaire-Conseils Groupe Financer Inc.
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 215, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-973-2424
Partenaire-Conseils boasts a team of seasoned consultants at the forefront of the latest market
trends. Their combined expertise allows customers to benefit from a wide range of services.
More than just financial planners, Partenaire-Conseils handles all aspects of financial, taxation
and legal planning.
Princess Auto
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 224, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-978-2769
Princess Auto Ltd. (PAL) is a Canadian company with the Head Office located in Winnipeg,
Manitoba. They aim to provide you with quality products, solutions and exceptional Royal
Service, plus their Princess Auto Guarantee, while practicing PAL's traditional values.
RBC Dominion Valeurs Mobilières
545 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 200, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-686-3434
For more than a century, RBC Dominion Securities Inc. has helped individuals, families,
businesses, charities and other organizations to build and protect wealth through sound
financial planning, reliable investment advice and unrivaled wealth management solutions.
3055 Saint-Martin Boulevard West, suite 500, Laval, Québec, H7T 0J3
Phone: 450-902-4800
Regus is the world’s largest provider of flexible workspace, able to meet the needs of large
corporates and small businesses alike. Its strapline “Work your way” reflects Regus’s enduring
determination to provide whatever support its customers require so that they can work as
efficiently and effectively as possible wherever they may be.
Société Immobilière Trillion
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 225, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-973-1737
In business for over twenty years, Trillion stands apart in the Quebec market with high-quality
services tailored to the unique needs of each company or individual investor, both in the field of
management and brokerage. Trillion has become a major player in the field of management and
real estate brokerage in Quebec thanks to an outstanding team, integrated services, and a
business approach based on listening to what customers want.
225 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 200, Laval, Québec, H7T 0B3
Phone: 514-273-0008
Since 1987, Softvoyage delivers innovative and robust IT solutions for the travel industry.
Softvoyage solutions enable the management and the distribution of travel services for
hundreds of North-American & European Travel Agencies, Tour Operators and Consolidators,
and the various Travel Suppliers.
Studio d’entraînement Évolution
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 223, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-686-4132
Studio Évolution is dedicated exclusively to private physical fitness training. It offers high-end
services to an exclusive clientele in a prestigious environment. At the cutting edge of physical
fitness training, Studio Évolution specializes in evaluating and creating personalized fitness
programs as well as muscle rehabilitation programs. Visit by appointment only.
TD Assurance
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 200, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 1-866-454-8910
Agence Directe TD Assurance Inc. is the leading provider of group home and auto insurance (via
direct marketing) in Canada. Agence Directe TD Assurance Inc. offers insurance advice and
assistance for home, auto, travel and small business needs.
TD Groupe Financier
2990 Pierre-Péladeau Avenue, suite 205, Laval, Québec, H7T 3B3
Phone: 450-973-5400
The Real Estate Group at TD Securities provides a full range of investment services including
advice and assistance on capital markets, strategic advice on mergers and acquisitions, and
advice on large commercial real estate portfolio sales.
TD Services Financiers
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 205, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-686-6041
TD Services Financiers offers a complete range of financial products and services for individuals
and small businesses. A leader in customer service, TD Canada Trust offers anywhere-anytime
telephone, online and ATM banking solutions, as well as a network of branches located
throughout the country.
TD Waterhouse
655 Promenade du Centropolis, suite 220, Laval, Québec, H7T 0A3
Phone: 450-681-1580
On a global scale, TD Waterhouse offers investors and advisors a full range of investment and
wealth management services including integrated brokerage, mutual funds, banking and other
financial products for consumers.
Tourisme Laval
480 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec, H7T 3C2
Phone: 450-682-5522
Tourist information centre for local attractions, cultural and outdoor activities, festivals, hotels,
convention and meeting venues, packages and more. Tourisme Laval takes a leadership role in
terms of hospitality and promotion of local attractions and contributes to the development of
Laval as a tourist destination. It acts as a unifying agent among its members and partners and
promotes a sustainable development approach to local tourism.