FUEL ECONOMY & HIGH SPEED CRAFT Vol.7 ISSUE 36 2008 the MAGAZINE US NAVY’S MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND Charter 061 ISSUE 36/OCT2008 ITM INCAT the MAGAZINE 5 Editor’s Page EDITOR: Kim Clifford - 6-7 Clifford’s Column 9 World News EDITORIAL: Justin Merrigan, Mike Jackson The Right Berth for the Job 10 - 11 ADVERTISING: A Smoother, Cleaner Bottom 12 - 13 Kim Clifford, Karyn Anderson Building Aluminium High Performance Ships for the World 14 - 15 DESIGN: Abbey Doggett - Graphic Artist Coregas & WTIA Tradesperson of the Year award 16 VESSEL MODELS: Is Slowing Down always the Answer? 17 Gordon Stewart New Engine Targets Power, Economy and Ecology 18 - 20 Fuel Economy at SpeedFerries 22 - 23 Bettina Bomford - Senior Designer CONTACT: AUSTRALIA Incat the Magazine 18 Bender Drive Hobart, Tasmania 7009, Australia Tel: +61 3 6271 1333 Fax: +61 3 6273 0932 Email: EUROPE Incat Europe ApS Dr. Tvaergade 30,3 DK1302 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel: +45 3314 5075 Fax: +45 3314 5079 Email: AMERICA Bollinger / Incat USA P O Box 250 8365 Highway 308 South Lockport LA 70374 USA Tel: Fax: +1 985 532 2554 +1 985 532 7225 PRINTER: Print Applied Technology Pty Ltd 25 Economy with a Capital E The Vital Role of Ports 26 - 27 Fuel Consumption in Context 28 - 31 Where Are They Now - Hull 051 32 Ships In Service 34 INSIDEITM A Smoother, Cleaner Bottom Fuel Consumption in Context New Engine Benefits BALEARIC ISLANDS Incat the Magazine, first published in 1999, is produced by Incat Australia Pty Ltd. Incat high speed catamarans, the world’s fastest vehicle and passenger ferries are constructed at Prince of Wales Bay, Hobart and are crewed and maintained in service by over 5000 personnel around the world. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 3 4 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 EDITOR’S LETTER Kim Clifford Think a litre of petrol is expensive? Let’s put it into perspective. These examples do NOT imply petrol is cheap; it simply illustrates how outrageous some prices are. Can of Energy Drink, 250ml, $2.95 - $11.80 per litre! Robitussin Cough Mixture, 200ml, $9.95 - $49.75 per litre! L’Oreal Revitalift Day Cream, 50ml, $29.95 - $599.00 per litre! Bundy Rum, 1250ml, $51.00 - $40.80 per litre! Visene Eye Drops, 15ml, $5.69 - $379.00 per litre! Britney Spears Fantasy Perfume,50ml, $29.00 - $580.00 per litre! And this is the REAL KICKER... Evian water, 375ml, $2.95 - $7.86 per litre! $7.86 for a litre of WATER!! and the buyers don’t even know the source (Evian spelled backwards is NAIVE!!) Ever wonder why computer printers are so cheap? So they can hook you for the ink!! Someone calculated the cost of the ink, you won’t believe it but it’s true; “$1040.00 A LITRE!!!” So, the next time you’re at the pump, be glad your car doesn’t run on water, Red Bull, Robitussin, L’Oreal or, God forbid, Printer Ink!!!!! Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 5 Robert CLIFFORD Incat Chairman C L IF FO RD’ S O SPEED v PAYLOAD v FUEL L It has come to pass that shipping If the lightweight ship is not required to sail speeds have slowed down in response faster the option of installing less power is to increased fuel cost. attractive. Smaller engines burn less fuel and save even further weight that can 28 knot container ships in many cases U M N knots. Even slower speeds are likely as Consider also the heavy steel ship slowing this trend continues. down to make less revenue sailings per day, But, how slow is too slow? There comes a point where more ships are required to serve the required schedule. More ships burn more fuel and increase capital costs. Nevertheless, continuous changes to the status quo are expected and will have wide ranging consequences. Fast ships can often burn more fuel than slower ships, but this is not always so. The real test is the weight of the ship that must be propelled through the water at a given speed. That is, a ship that is built of lightweight materials may displace less than half the water of a conventional steel ship. The lighter displacement allows the operator to either sail faster or install less power. We assume both styles of ship deliver the same payload per 24 hour day. Just making the ship lighter may be enough to achieve a higher speed without any increase in power. This on some routes will allow more revenue sailings per 24 hour day. 6 Incat further increase the payload. are now scheduled to sail at only 22 THE Magazine Issue 36 perhaps five sailings instead of six on a short sea route. The lightweight ship also has the option of sailing more slowly, perhaps ten sailings per day may be reduced to eight sailings; still three more sailings than the heavy steel ship can manage. There are endless permutations possible to save fuel and the fast versus slow, and the heavy versus light arguments must be analysed and considered carefully in each specific service situation. There is no simple answer, for example to slow down too much will result in either more ships being required to provide a satisfactory service, or cause the demand to be unsatisfied. Why Aluminium? Why do we build our ships in Aluminium? Why are 747s built of Aluminium? Why are dinghies built of Aluminium? The same answers apply to all - Imagine the power required to fly a jumbo made of steel, or rowing a steel dinghy! In all the above examples weight is the most important other routes are rapidly moving away consideration. To the high speed ship low weight makes from pushing heavy steel. Pushing heavy possible low fuel consumption and high speed. steel through the water takes a lot of energy and fuel. A conventional steel ship needing to service a 5000 pax per day market on a 70 mile journey will be able Just as the airlines are trimming weight from to make four crossings; 2 return trips, per day. The steel their aircraft so too are ship owners advised ship will displace about 10,000 tonnes of water - that is to leave ashore all that is not needed. Not moving 10,000 tonnes of water aside as it progresses its only spare parts, stores, water, fuel, oil, etc journey. being trimmed to just enough to complete the journey in safety, even crew facilities are An aluminium ship can deliver the same 5000 pax per best provided on the dock. They should take day to their destination faster on the same 70 mile their breaks during turnarounds rather than journey and offer a greater choice of departure times disappear to cabins through the journey. with six crossings even though it could carry even more passengers by making eight crossings in the 24 hours On the question of crew, fast ships leave available. The more frequent sailings also lessening the off-watch ashore so that only the queuing and road congestion by spreading traffic load working crew are carried. This means that across three or four arrival times rather than just two. accommodation for crew is not required on the ship, just the minimum crew facilities, like On shorter routes the advantages of the lightweight on an aircraft. are even more pronounced and that is why operators in the Canary Islands, Straits of Gibraltar and many Catering is therefore much less in demand as only the passengers and working crew have to be fed. The shorter the journey, the less the catering demand. All these points lower the weight of the ship still further, and lower the kilowatts required to drive the ship at the required speed. Fast turnarounds and good shore facilities are required to save fuel. Every minute saved in berthing and turning around the ship is a minute available at lower power on the crossing. On the other hand slow turnarounds have to be made up by higher passage speeds at greater fuel burn. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 7 Fast Ferry Benefits Slow + Extra = Loss In the deep sea sector, reductions in vessel speeds to cope with increases in oil prices have become a way of life. A wise move, or is it? In many cases speed has been reduced so much that in order to hold schedules in prime markets, carriers have added tonnage to their services. Any saving in fuel dollars is rapidly consumed by the additional costs of introducing extra ships to compensate for their slow running fleetmates. 8 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 WORLD NEWS SOUTHERN REFIT FOR HSV 2 SWIFT Incat 050 in drydock at Portsmouth © Gary Davies Martime Photographic BURGESS MARINE TO SUPPORT NINE INCAT VESSELS DURING THE COMING REFIT SEASON Britain’s Burgess Marine has secured work on no fewer than nine Incat vessels during the coming refit season. The business will be directly managing six major refits in UK, one in France, and supporting a further two overseas work programs; one in the United States the other in the Middle East. Burgess Marine Director Nicholas Warren comments: “It’s been a very exciting 12 months for the team. I’m delighted to add the major overhaul of Incat 050, on behalf of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co, to our portfolio of work, and I’m especially pleased to welcome back Brittany Ferries. The Condor Ferries fleet (hull’s 030, 042 and 044), SpeedFerries (hull 045), and Steam Packet’s (hull 050) will be refitted with the full support of BVT in Portsmouth. HD Ferries (hull NF08) will be refitted alongside in Newhaven and docked down at a later date. Whilst Brittany Ferries Normandie Express (hull 057) will dock-down on the Syncrolift in Cherbourg. Simultaneously Burgess Marine is supporting Bay Ferries and The Maritime Co. for Navigation during their respective work programs in the States and Saudi. Sealift Inc’s civilian crew for HSV 2 Swift complete HSC training at Morgan City. Despite the frustrations of Hurricane Gustav, HSV 2 Swift has completed a major refit at the Bollinger repair yard in Morgan City, Louisiana, prior to returning to service with the US Navy. Sealift Inc. of New York was recently awarded the charter of the vessel for up to 59 months by the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command. The privately owned, New York-based company is chartering the craft from its US Owner, Bollinger/Incat. Many of the modifications carried out relate to a reflag of the vessel to a US commercial flag and the first time we have had one of our vessels fully flagged by US Coast Guard, said Graham Perkins, Technical Manager at Incat. Full HSC training for the vessel’s new civilian crew was undertaken in Morgan City by Incat’s Captain Mike Jackson. The vessel left the repair yard in mid October, sailing to Norfolk, Virginia, where her military detachment readied the craft for its first deployment to Central and South America. The Swift will be operated worldwide in support of US Fleet Forces Command and the war on terrorism. The vessel will also be used for emerging operational concepts such as seabasing and the Global Fleet Station. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 9 Improvements in berthing arrangements can result in quicker docking times and therefore improve the in-port turnaround time. This would allow the craft to sail on time (or even early) the voyage. Some improvements to linkspan or stern ramp arrangements to increase traffic flow might be possible and these would come at a cost. If berths are rented or leased then there may be some understandable reluctance for operators to improve someone else’s infrastructure unless the owner comes to the party. Like all things the costs involved need to be weighed against benefit and efficiency savings. Some minor improvements in the berth and loading arrangements can often be made at minimal cost. More often than not things are done the same old way as a matter of habit and procedures are seldom reviewed. A review of procedures might indicate for example that a change in the car park layout or the order of vehicle loading might shorten turnaround times. • Are all the bollards in the optimum position for the expeditious securing of the craft? • Would the installation of an additional bollard in a more advantageous position be warranted? • Are the bollards conspicuously numbered or painted in order to assist in ready recognition by the shore staff? • Are fixed lines attached to bollards that can be easily passed to the craft? The above are measures generally adopted by a lot of operators, however the Incat experience is that not all have implemented such measures. Automatic docking aids come in various shapes and sizes and of course expense. They are worth investigating however and their cost compared to any cost saving measures that may result. Indeed many ships use such devices and can berth/ unberth without the requirement for crew attendance/shore staff attendance and berthing lines. In the end, like all of the issues in this article, the final decision will be a commercially based deliberation. This should not however detract from review of procedures and the investigation of efficiency saving measures. All avenues should be explored. 10 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 The Right Berth for the Job and therefore be in a position to exercise fuel savings during Captain Mike Jackson Some minor improvements in the berth and loading arrangements can often be made at minimal cost. More often than not things are done the same old way as a matter of habit and procedures are seldom reviewed. © Andrew Cooke Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 11 A Smoother, Cleaner Bottom! Captain Mike Jackson The value of having a clean ship’s bottom would This experience demonstrates the need to keep the be known to most people involved in maritime hull clean but perhaps also the need to use anti operations. A fouled bottom increases hull resistance fouling appropriate to the nature of the operations it is and generally results in a loss of speed. Where this undertaking. Anti fouling is anti fouling I hear you say, happens it will either involve an increase in power but is it? and therefore fuel consumption or increased passage times and the inability to maintain schedules. Or a combination of both. An examination of different manufacturer’s specifications indicates a varied number of different anti fouling schemes for different applications and also Recent experience with one Incat vessel where the different hull materials. They are all Tributyl Tin (TBT) free operator reported an unexplained loss of speed of course, but they include different properties from resulted in much head scratching at Incat Head silicone to self-polishing, conventional and long life. Office and in the end a team was sent to investigate. The craft in question was operating for long periods in tropical waters including extended periods alongside. The craft was experiencing a speed loss of five knots and was unable to attain maximum engine RPM. When the investigating team boarded the craft the first thing they noted was quite a luxuriant growth of weed on the underwater surfaces. They also determined that Given that craft only have to complete in water bottom surveys every two years, then the opportunity to renew and/or repair anti fouling coatings also comes along once every two years. If the scheme is damaged or unable to last this distance for some reason then the possibility for hull growth is increased and with it the spectre of increased fuel costs. At the first opportunity divers performed a complete What can be done? If operators are happy with their anti fouling schemes but find the craft is suffering hull growth between dockings, then hull cleaning by divers may seem to be the appropriate solution to the problem. Regular cleaning by divers may prove more effective than an expensive change of antifouling schemes, but of course that is up to the hull clean and the craft’s speed was reinstated. operator. there was a problem with the engine control system. The engine control system was quickly resolved and once corrected allowed for an immediate two knot increase in speed. Thus it was estimated that the hull growth was slowing the craft by up to three knots. 12 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 A Smoother, Cleaner Bottom! When using divers - don’t forget to check the waterjets; you never know what you might find! Just as a conventional ship operator is interested not only in a clean hull, but smooth propellers too, so too the fast ship owner needs to look beyond the hull to the impellers. Out of sight, out of mind does not apply and just because they are housed within the jet ducts does not mean they can be overlooked. Impellers are particularly vulnerable to marine fouling since it is an unpainted surface that must remain clean and shiny for proper operation. Just like a The value of having a clean ship’s bottom would be known to most people involved in maritime operations. A fouled bottom increases hull resistance and generally results in a loss of speed. propeller, an impellor, despite its small surface area, can generate energy losses amounting to half that of the hull itself, so maintaining a clean surface is critical. A routine polish to reduce friction ensures the impeller operates at optimum efficiency. Even with routine maintenance, surface roughness can occur as a result of erosion, corrosion, or from tubeworm tracings. This roughness alone can significantly increase fuel consumption, but can be prevented simply through effective polishing by divers. Basically, a clean bottom and shiny impeller will save money. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 13 Building Aluminium High Performance Ships for the World Justin Merrigan lightweight aluminium construction, streamlined hull shapes and constant attention to research and development is what sets Incat’s range of Wave Piercing Catamarans apart from the rest. Dramatically increased payloads are available as the size of vessels have grown and greater scales of economy delivered as new techniques result in lighter ships, carrying more passengers, more often, at greater speeds and all at lower fuel consumptions. Structural weight Aluminium is one third the weight of steel. After application of design factors and using design loads that provide the same strength as steel, the actual weight of an aluminium vessel will be approximately half that for steel. The fuel saving alone can represent an appreciable return on the original cost of the boat during its useful life. Alternatively, the operator can enjoy increased speed in the aluminium ship without Aluminium has its part to play in this success using more fuel than would be used by a heavier steel and enjoys pride of place in the high speed design at a lower speed. ferry industry which, like the aerospace sector, calls for high performance technologies and materials. The principal advantages of aluminium over steel are: • lightweight without sacrificing strength • exceptional dent resistance and toughness that contribute to seaworthiness and safety • reduced maintenance and Aluminium is resilient and tough, with excellent dent resistance. Aluminium will deflect further than steel when battered by slam action of waves etc. The impact energy is dissipated more gradually than it is in a less ductile material like steel. The ability of aluminium to absorb impact loads was verified unintentionally by Incat when Condor 11 ran up onto Black Jack Rock near the mouth of the Derwent River during speed trials in 1994. The vessel decelerated from 35 knots to zero in less than 300 feet distance. The damage to the vessel was confined to hull plating below the chines as she rode up and over overhaul expense due to high the reef. In only a matter of weeks she was rebuilt from corrosion resistance the chine down and still enjoys a career in commercial shipping. 14 ALUMINIUM often heard at Incat! Why? Because it is fact; STEEL Think fast - think light, that well known philosophy Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 Fire Resistance Welding with Aluminium Aluminium does not burn. There is some loss of strength at The welding of aluminium structures is not new and has elevated temperatures, where aluminium ranks second been under constant development for over a century. only to steel. However, the majority of shipboard fires are Today it is well understood and used by specialised localised. Because of the high thermal conductivity of shipbuilders and equipment manufacturers around the aluminium, a local, brisk fire can occur adjacent to the world. Welding procedures have been developed to hull plating without much increase of metal temperature suit very thin materials less than 2 mm thick through to and consequent loss of strength. For superstructures, materials up to 200mm thick. This is not the limit, and which are further away from the cooling effects of the we are sure there will be a need to weld even greater water, fire resistance can be increased by selection of fire thicknesses as the size of lightweight ships increase. rated materials and floor coverings. The system of pre-fabricating modules and transporting them to a main ship assembly hall is common shipbuilding Corrosion practice but when working with aluminium, particular Marine grade aluminium alloys are highly resistant to corrosion. attention is needed to allow for distortion and to minimise the residual stresses in the Unlike steel, there is no final vessel structure. Prefabrication requirement to paint also improves worker comfort and the surfaces inside or safety with welders able to work out to protect from upright and at ground level, rather salt water, apart, of course, from underwater antifouling. There is no dark oxide “bleeding” through pin holes or cracks in the paintwork. The 5000 and 6000 series alloys have shown negligible pitting and loss of strength after than having to work above their heads or be suspended from harnesses or platforms many metres in the air. Incat pre-fabrication staff and research and design teams also develop and build jigs which increase efficiency enormously. seven year- long immersion tests in salt water. Operation of the original Incat vessels, now nearing thirty years old, are also testament to the corrosion resistance of aluminium vessels. After consideration of the design factors mentioned above, it becomes easier to understand why aluminium high speed vessels are maintaining their position as the most fuel efficient and safe vessels to service both the commercial and military markets worldwide. Postscript: Aluminium and the Falklands Task Force Of the 100 ships in the British Naval Task Force, nine were sunk. Of these nine, only three, the frigates HMS Antelope, HMS Ardent and the support ship Sir Galahad had aluminium superstructures. All three vessels had steel hulls and in each case the damage inflicted suggested these vessels would have sunk regardless of the material used in the superstructure. In no case did aluminium burn. HMS Sheffield, the first British destroyer sunk and which was widely reported to have an aluminium superstructure was an all steel ship with both a steel hull and a steel superstructure. “There is no evidence that it (aluminium) has contributed to the loss of any vessel.” As quoted in the Falklands Defence White Paper 14/12/82. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 15 Coregas & WTIA Tradesperson of the Year award May 2008 saw Coregas celebrate its 22nd year of supporting the joint Welding Technology Institute of Australia & Coregas Tradesperson of the Year award.What motivates a company, such as Coregas to invest a significant amount of time and money into a scheme such as the Tradesperson of the Year Award over such a period? This motivation is summed up into one sentence ‘support of young people and their talents’. Coregas has maintained this commitment in collaboration with the WTIA, allowing many young people to benefit from the experience of visiting industrial and research organizations in Europe, and next year in both Singapore and Malaysia to study Sean Coffey, winner of the Coregas/WTIA Tradesperson of the Year 2007 being congratulated by Tim Whiteside, General Manager, Coregas. The scholarship is intended to educate and welding, cutting and associated metal fabrication techniques. update the winner on current global trends in The award is open to Australian citizens or residents, under the techniques as well as providing exposure to new age of 25 at 31 December 2008, who meet the following criteria: •Haveatleastthreeconsecutiveyearsapproved practical experience in an industry using welding and are currently actively involved in the industry; •andabletoshowevidenceofhavingmade significant progress in their welding-related career. The competition involves two selection stages; the first stage is a submission of application and support material and selected applicants are then asked to submit a 1,000 word written paper. welding/cutting and associated metal fabrication technology at a leading research establishment. The award aims to heighten the respect for skills in the welding industry and to encourage young people to pursue a career in the industry. The Coregas/ WTIA Young Tradesperson of the Year Award will be presented at the official WTIA Awards Dinner to be held Wednesday 13 May 2009 in Melbourne, Victoria during the National Manufacturing Week. Application forms are available by calling WTIA on 029748 4443 or email 16 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 © Reprinted with the authorisation of Marin Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 17 New Engine Targets Power, Economy and Ecology INCAT was recently a “launch customer” for the first of MAN Diesel’s new high power density engine, the type 28/33D. In this way, the 28/33D takes over seamlessly from an illustrious predecessor: the MAN Diesel Ruston RK270 had been the engine of choice in INCAT fast multi-hull ferries ever since the Hoverspeed Great Britain took the Blue Riband (Hales Trophy) for the fastest Atlantic Crossing by a passenger ship on its maiden voyage in 1990. As well as increased power output - the 28/33D is offered in 12V, 16V and 20V versions in a power range from 5400 to 9000 kW – the new engine also features improved specific fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. The improvements are based on the latest engine technology, including state-of-the-art combustion chamber and porting geometry and an electronically controlled fuel injection system. THE NEXT STEP IN ELECTRONIC ENGINE MANAGEMENT FROM MAN DIESEL, “SaCoSone” THE ACRONYM STANDS Always strongly interrelated, fuel consumption and emissions are ever more inextricably linked. Legal limits on the harmful emissions from combustion engines have been in force for many years and, more recently, were joined FOR “SAFETY AND CONTROL SYSTEM” AND THE SUFFIX FOR “ON ENGINE, - THE SYSTEM IS VERY COMPACT AND WILL BE MOUNTED ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE 28/33D. GRAPH OF THE EVOLUTION OF TYPICAL FUEL CONSUMPTION LEVELS FOR LARGE HIGH POWER DENSITY DIESEL ENGINES. YEAR ON YEAR IMPROVEMENTS MEAN THE DIESEL ENGINE HAS NEVER BEEN OVERTAKEN AS THE MOST FUEL EFFICIENT MARINE PRIME MOVER. ACCORDINGLY, THE 28/33D FEATURES A 5 TO 7% REDUCTION IN SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION AT UNCHANGED NOX EMISSIONS COMPARED WITH ITS IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR. THE NEXT HURDLE FOR MARINE ENGINE EMISSIONS – “IMO TIER II” 18 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 NO RESTING ON LAURELS: MAN DIESEL IS ALREADY DEVELOPING THE TECHNOLOGIES WHICH WILL BUILD ON THE FAVOURABLE CONSUMPTION AND EMISSIONS OF THE 28/33D HIGH POWER DENSITY ENGINE. by obligations to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Since CO2 emissions are directly proportional to fuel consumption, the engine developer’s challenge is now to reduce harmful emissions without increasing fuel consumption or, in the best case, reduce both simultaneously. “A major challenge is emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are always a special focus of legislation affecting large marine diesel engine emissions”, notes Dr. Franz Koch, Vice President, Diesel Engines at MAN Diesel in Augsburg, Germany, where the 28/33D is built. Nitrogen makes up 4/5 of the air around us but is very unreactive at ambient temperatures. However, it combines readily with oxygen – the other 1/5 of the atmosphere - at the temperatures and pressures reached in a diesel combustion chamber. Outside the combustion the NOx formed and emitted is instrumental in the formation of low level ozone, acid rain and the overfertilising the land and the sea. “The immediate target for engine builders is IMO Tier 2, the latest directive from International Maritime Organisation which comes into force in 2011 and specifies a considerable NOx reduction vis-à-vis Tier 1,” Koch confirms. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 19 Improving exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Together with the 28/33D’s fuel injection system with involves the engine builder’s grasp of combustion solenoid valve controlled injectors, SaCoSone will allow and thus goes to the very heart of the matter. very precise “shaping” of the rate and timing of fuel “Combustion is obviously the central science of injection and hence greater control over combustion. combustion engines and MAN Diesel has special “This technology will be an important aspect in advantages,” he continues. “Unique among undercutting IMO Tier 2 NOx emissions limits,” Koch builders of medium speed engines, as well as states. designing, developing and producing the engine itself we have a great fund of knowledge and experience with strategic components and systems like turbochargers, fuel injection equipment, electronic hardware and engine control software. Using this expertise, we were able to reduce the specific fuel consumption of the 28/33D by some 5 to 7% without affecting NOx emissions, compared with its immediate predecessor, the RK 270.” Early Closing for Miller Light Further plans to reduce NOx emissions and fuel consumption on the 28/33D include a package of modifications to enable the so-called “Miller” process. Named after its inventor, the Miller process involves closing the inlet valve early so that air entering the cylinder expands and cools to reduce combustion The reference to electronics is important since temperature peaks. In fact, over 90% of NOx is formed advanced digital engine management is the due to temperature peaks during combustion and enabling technology of increasingly accurate and an elegant way to eliminate the peaks is to cool flexible control of parameters affecting combustion. the combustion air entering the cylinders. “One well “Fuel injection, turbocharging, valve timing and established method is the charge air cooler (a.k.a. thermal engine management are the primary intercooler or aftercooler), another the Miller process,” measures we use to enhance fuel efficiency and Koch observes. “On the 28/33D we achieve a “light” lower exhaust emissions ’at source’ i.e. in the Miller process using a revised inlet cam profile to close combustion chamber,” Koch states. “The electronic the inlet valve slightly earlier. Plans call for this to be hardware and software we use on the 28/33D complemented by a turbocharger that delivers air will continue to give us scope for improvements. to the cylinders at higher pressure. This ensures we With all our in-house expertise in the key engine still get the same amount of air into the cylinders in technologies at MAN Diesel, the software we write spite of shorter valve opening, to the benefit of both ourselves includes very accurate mathematical performance and fuel consumption. models of engine processes and thus gives very precise control.” No Smoking Continuous Development Concluding, Koch notes that the sum of all these steps The 28/33D already offers market leading values leading fuel consumption values and achieve emissions for emissions and fuel consumption, but technical levels decisively below the limits of IMO Tier 2 - ahead milestones which will bring further improvements are of its implementation. pre-programmed into the MAN Diesel continuous development process. Already under preparation, and due for introduction later in 2008, for example, is the next step in electronic engine management, MAN Diesel’s advanced “SaCoSone” system. The acronym stands for “Safety and Control System” and the suffix for “on engine, since the system is very compact and mounted entirely on the structure of the 28/33D. 20 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 will help the 28/33D diesel engine maintain its market Finally, he points to a very vital aspect for INCAT. “On passenger vessels it is especially important to achieve visibly clean combustion with minimal fouling. The measures we aim to introduce on the 28/33D will promote smoke-free exhaust gases under all the operating conditions the 28/33D engine will meet on an INCAT catamaran.” Fuel Economy at SpeedFerries © SpeedFerries SpeedOne © Andrew Cooke Weight and Trim: Hopefully the days of rocketing oil prices A lighter boat normally means a faster boat for the same amount are behind us. A barrel of oil will still of thrust and therefore less fuel per mile. Weight reduction can be set you back significantly more than it would have done a few years ago and will almost certainly continue to do so. Fuel economy is now a hot topic when it comes to making big budget savings for any HSC operator. achieved by: • Minimising bunkers carried. Decide on a minimum safe level and bunker little and often, preferably at each port. SpeedOne normally carries 22m³ on departure and bunkers at both Dover and Boulogne. • Minimise dry and wet stores to those actually required for the voyage. Saving money on fuel costs can be • Distribute the vehicles to achieve the best trim with a part load. achieved by both the company and by Distribute the heavier/lighter vehicles to best help trim on a full the crew of the vessel themselves. The load. In practise biasing the weight of vehicles carried to the company can of course look at hedging forward end of the SpeedOne is considered most beneficial, bunker prices or careful scheduling etc. particularly if operating on three engines. For the crew however, achieving the best fuel efficiency is somewhat of an art. • Keep your bilges dry and have good housekeeping routines for all your spaces. On the vessel there are several ways to go • Use the correct settings of the ride control to assist with achieving about achieving the best fuel efficiency. optimum trim for the particular depth of water. Minimise the In simplistic terms SpeedFerries crews use/settings of active ride control when the weather conditions have taken steps to achieve savings in permit. On SpeedOne the optimum trim tab setting has been the following manner: found to be around 52% for a full load. 22 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 Water Resistance: After pushing through hump speed engine Keeping your underwater hull coating in good condition will decrease resistance through the water. This can be achieved by correct application and maintenance of the coating at dry dock and also by removal of any underwater growth from time to time by using underwater scrubbing machines. SpeedOne was recently scrubbed mid season by Burgess Engineering Divers during a night layover and power can then be reduced to the minimum required to maintain the speed and this is further adjusted to allow for the positive and negative effects of different depths of water. In general, shallow water, provided it is entered at above 28 knots, will have a positive effect on SpeedOne’s water speed and deep water will also help when at lower craft speeds. Careful monitoring and regular adjustment is of course required. gained circa 1 knot in speed. Shall we call Note that a fantastic by-product of running at that a 3% fuel saving between a dirty and a reduced power is of course reduced engine clean hull? wear/stress, in itself a saving. Routing: Finally, in rough weather, particularly with a Correct routing can achieve fuel savings by: quarter or following sea, manual steering is far more efficient for directional stability than • Routing through the optimum depth of the autopilot system, which tends to overwork, water. Shallow water is generally faster for chasing the yawing of the vessel caused by an HSC and the extra speed gained may the following seas. In these situations, careful more than offset a slightly longer route. application of manual helm ultimately results • Avoiding or taking advantage of local tidal streams or areas of greater flow rates. Change your route to one appropriate for the tide. in fuel savings, by achieving a straighter course and less application of helm reducing drag. Adding all of the above together, savings of 10% have recently been achieved at SpeedFerries • Otherwise, taking the most direct safe route. Save an average of half a mile on a 50 mile route and that’s a 1% fuel saving. from consumption in 2005. Potential savings could also be achieved by additional investment in fitting a better autopilot such as an adaptive type and / or fitting fuel Engine Power: consumption meters to give the Master a real- Depending on schedule constraints the time readout of economy. Previously these optimum speed for fuel economy has been were cost prohibitive but may now be worth the found to be just above normal hump speed. investment. Fast Ferry Benefits How Fast Ferries Rank: Shipping produces fewer greenhouse gases per tonne-mile than other forms of transport, as ships need relatively little energy to push huge loads through the water that supports them. Some large ships are more responsible than others for a significant percentage of worldwide emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, sulphur, air toxics and greenhouse gases. These ships are increasing in number and size, while the residual heavy fuel oil they use is degrading in quality. High speed ships, currently burning significantly cleaner Marine Gas Oil, are already part of the solution in the task of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 23 Fast Ferry Benefits Lower Fuel Consumption Route planning, reduction in ballast intake and sensible cargo distribution help lower the vessel’s displacement. The lower the displacement, the lower its fuel consumption. Why would you fly when you can sail? It makes sense to sail: the planet benefits thanks to greater operational efficiency, but so do passengers. There’s no need to check in an hour before departure, no need to shed belts and shoes for airport security and passengers can take as many bags as they like! They can move around the vessel, do some shopping, and not be squashed into small seat spaces for long periods of time. ‘Green’ is a buzzword in the travel trade and ferry travel is rising in popularity as a result. Travelling by high speed ferry is relaxing and kinder to the environment, not to mention blood pressure levels! 24 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 Economy with a Capital E! Justin Merrigan Over the past year soaring oil prices have Irish Sea, one of Europe’s most competitive forced ship owners to scrutinise their operating stretches of water, the range of services profiles in search of ways to lessen the fuel cost varies across a range of Ropax and high impact. speed vessels. The largest high speed craft on the 58 nautical miles central corridor, the High speed ferries have traditionally had large HSS, is capable of offering up to five round power packages to provide fast transit speeds. trips a day – a frequency it did indeed offer However, as high speed vessels have grown in when first introduced in 1996. size and technologies advance, so too has an increase in the flexibility a fast ferry offers. As the graph illustrates, the Incat 112 metre Incat’s passenger and freight carrying high craft compares favourably over a 24 hour speed ferries are a good example of this as period with all other vessels, transporting demonstrated in the graph below. On the passengers and cars swiftly and efficiently. Operation over a 24hr period Example service: Holyhead to Dublin Bay - 2008 14068 15000 15000 High Speed Car Ferry Incat 112m Superferry HSS 0.009 0.006 0.012 Pax 5670 2000 4170 3000 3750 Crew 32 46 180 92 6000 7500 8000 0.0168 Fuel tonnes per seat N/A Cars Truck Lane Metres *Figures are approximate and based on potential operation over a 24hr period. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 25 The Vital Role of © Andrew Cooke Justin Merrigan Ports Before the advent of high-speed car-carrying catamarans Can during the early ‘90s the vast majority of ferry ports turned the turnaround be reduced by average passenger/car ferry around in a little less than three say between 15 and 30 hours. Today, such a time allocation is unthinkable for all but the minutes? very largest conventional RoPax and cruise ferries. the answer is yes. The need for faster turnarounds became an issue during the Given the nature of a fast late ‘70s and early ‘80s, particularly with the appearance of ferry schedule, punctuality new generation double deck passenger car ferries disgorging is all the more important vehicle deck loads of trucks, coaches and cars onto terminal as a delayed sailing early compounds all over Europe. Large ports such as Dover where morning often carries right slot times on berths were, and still are, at a premium, invested through heavily in new linkspans and multiple check-in points to meet of the day. On occasion the requirements of these larger ferries; coping not only with these delays occur in port, increased truck capacities but also meeting the demand to some being attributable to speed up turnarounds. shore staff and some to the If drive through double deck ferries brought the necessity for faster turnarounds, then for operators, the high speed vessels of the 90s turned that necessity into a burning passion. Once again turnaround times were slashed, as most ports moved to provide a customer service model based on airline operations. Today, as ferry companies look to run their operations in the most efficient manner, ports once again have an important part to play. On some routes we are seeing crossing times extended slightly in order to save fuel, but in many cases this has had little effect on schedules as port turnaround times have been refined and improved. 26 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 that one hour In many cases the remainder craft crew. In busy ports this can mean a vessel losing its departure “slot” and being delayed even further by having to go to the back of the queue. If we look at the terminal side first, perhaps the greatest Looking at the ship side of the equation, what causes a key to a smooth and efficient fast craft terminal craft to be late? operation is the way in which traffic marshalling is handled. Efficient ground control is vital. A late departure from the opposite port, weather delays, traffic queues, technical problems or it could Working in unison with the terminal duty manager, the be that time is being lost berthing and securing the craft’s loading officer must have access to vehicles of craft. Obviously some issues are unavoidable but some the correct size as and when required. As the size of can be dealt with through effective training and good fast craft has grown to accommodate freight traffic communication. in increasing numbers this ability is not so much a luxury but an absolute necessity. The layout of vehicle space in the terminal must allow for easy traffic flow from the ship to the exit gate while at the same time avoiding traffic awaiting shipment on the return sailing. Nothing should be allowed to hinder the smooth flow of traffic from the vehicle deck. Should traffic become bottlenecked in the terminal then the flow breaks down and while loading operations could be getting underway the whole show grinds to a halt. Vehicle segregation is also important where a terminal may be handling more than one operator and destination so crossing of traffic needs to be avoided at all costs. One way to discover where any bottlenecks are is to simply observe the different parts of the operation and then seek the views and ideas of the people doing the job - they are usually in the best position to know. If it seems a craft might get into position very quickly, but then time is lost securing lines and lowering the linkspan/stern ramp and foot passenger gangway, then it is most likely training improvements can be made that will save time and ease the pressure. Whilst there is no substitute for experience, people need to be properly trained in the first instance and it is often the case when time is tight and the pressure is on that training is the first casualty. Time spent in proper and meaningful training will almost always be rewarded in practice. Time must be allocated for training and the training must be meaningful and relevant, it’s as simple as that. There are so many ways in which areas for improvement can be identified and implemented and we at Incat don’t claim to have all the answers. However, in our experience looking at global ferry operations, a crossing at an economical speed does not always have to mean a loss of frequency or overall round trip time. © Andrew Cooke Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 27 Fuel Consumption in Context Justin Merrigan Nothing in the ferry industry draws debate more Across the industry, further savings have than mention in the same breath of fuel economy been realised through improved engine and high speed craft. There is no question, world tuning, and more efficient loading. oil prices are a major concern for the industry and All this, combined with slower speeds, many committed operators have taken steps to can contribute to significant reductions in improve operational efficiency, in some cases by fuel use. sailing slightly slower to reduce fuel consumption while still maintaining a fast service and generally improving how their vessels are operated. 28 On the Irish Sea, Stena Line has already taken steps to run their HSS vessels more efficiently. The published schedule for Slower, in this regard, can mean 34 - 35 knots, rather the 58 nautical miles crossing between than 38 - 40 knots. For off peak sailings a much Holyhead, more substantial reduction to below ‘hump speed’ Laoghaire on Dublin Bay, has risen from 99 can be made, say 22 - 23 knots. minutes to 115. Further north the passage Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 North Wales, and Dun from Belfast to Stranraer now takes 119 impressive 9,000 litres less than the speed restricted HSS. minutes, an increase of up to 14 minutes Reduce the engine RPM on the 112 metre vessel to on previous schedules depending on the a more normal 80% MCR and the consumption for a time of day. berth-to-berth crossing at around 34 – 35 knots drops However, both HSS’s are driven by powerful to approximately 10,500 litres, or around 8.75 litres. gas turbines with a fuel bill far in excess of We do not mean to say the HSS concept is flawed, Incat’s largest diesel craft – the 112 metre far from it! However these vessels were designed Wave Piercing Catamaran. in the 1990’s when oil was a fraction of current The reduction in HSS speed has seen consumption drop from approximately 30,000 litres per crossing to around 22,000 litres per crossing from Holyhead - a saving of 8,000 litres per crossing. However, if prices and were built to operate until at least 2022. They use more than twice as much fuel as a conventional ferry, consuming a Marine Gas Oil similar to kerosene used in jet aircraft and double the price of standard marine fuel. we look at the Incat 112 metre running But some still claim that diesel high speed ferries at 100% power, which nobody does, we are too costly to run in today’s economic climate. see that she will burn around 13,000 litres We think a look at the diesel high speed craft in for the berth-to-berth crossing – that’s an historical context is warranted. This graph shows comparisons in fuel consumption per nautical mile between typical vessels. All vessels have what is known as hump spped. n RO RO LIMIT To n n e s p e r n a u t i c a l m i l e Large ships must operate best above hump speed. By operating Incat’s 112m vessels above hump speed, operators will benefit from the most efficient fuel consumption figures. og TS FAS o zone S HIP BEST SPEED 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Speed (knots) Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 29 Stena Sea Lynx © Gary Davies Maritime Photographic When commissioned, fuel consumption on the Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire route, 802 deadweight tonne mailships Hibernia and Cambria averaged about 6,000 litres per trip on Holyhead Ferry 1 St Columba the 58 nautical miles service (BTC Registry of Ships). This was improved during refits in 1964, burning class B Marine Diesel Oil, a consumption rate of 5,400 © Justin Merrigan Collection litres (4.5 tonnes) per trip being © Justin Merrigan Collection achieved at a reduced rating Hibernia (The Motor Ship). By comparison, the ships they replaced in 1949 consumed about 70 tonnes of coal per round trip (The Motor Ship). © Glynne Pritchard Graphs have been based on single 58 nautical mile crossings Hibernia (1949) Holyhead Ferry 1(1965) St Columba (1977) Passengers 500 2250 450 Capable speed 40 knots 22500 20000 30 300 25 17500 15000 1250 250 1000 200 750 150 500 100 250 50 5 2500 0 0 0 0 30 Incat Hibernia (1949) Issue 36 Holyhead Ferry 1(1965) THE Magazine 20 15 10 12500 10000 7500 5000 Economical speed 35 knots Economical speed 35 knots 350 Economical speed 35 knots 35 1500 FUEL (Litres) Economical speed 35 knots 400 1750 Incat 112 (2008) 25000 40 2000 HSS (1996) Speed (knots) Cars 2500 Stena Sea Lynx (1993) In 1965, the route received litres a crossing, times were halved and with capacity for 450 passengers and 88 its cars the craft operated with a crew of just 20, a fraction of that carried by the first car ferry, the 867 deadweight tonnes Holyhead Ferry 1. Powered by oil-fired steam turbines she consumed 12,600 litres of fuel per crossing. Capacity was 1000 passengers conventional ships. In 2009, a 1000-1450 deadweight tonnes 112 metre with capacity for 1200 passengers and 417 cars can comfortably offer up to four round trips per day, with scope to offer five round trips if required, burning around 10,500 tonnes of fuel per crossing at speeds of around 35 knots. and 150 cars. But what about the large medium speed Ro-pax vessels we hear you say! On In 1977 the larger 1945 deadweight tonnes St Columba came along, her diesels burning the same route a modern Ro-pax burns around 18,000 litres per crossing. Well yes, they can carry 3,500 metres of freight in addition to passengers, but that is, after all, a very different market. around 9,600 litres of fuel per crossing at a speed of 19.5 So, as the above clearly demonstrates, efficient Incat high speed Wave Piercing knots. Intensive running with four Catamarans are not the so called ‘gas guzzlers’ many would claim them to be. sailings per day were offered, the ship having capacity for 2400 passengers and 335 cars. 58 nautical miles Irish Sea crossing HSS Incat 112m her debut. Burning around 6,000 Up to 1500 passengers: approximately 10,500 8 crossings possible. litres of fuel per crossing, at 80% MCR. 200 deadweight tonnes Incat 74 metre Stena Sea Lynx made 8 crossings possible. litres of fuel per crossing. In 1993, the route’s first High Speed ferry, the first generation Up to 1500 passengers: 22,000* - 30,000 Ro-pax Up to 1500 passengers: 18,000 litres of fuel 4 crossings possible. per crossing, at 20 knots. Fast Ferry Benefits Weather Routing Careful attention to passage planning, taking into account the effect of wind, tide, current and wave on the craft can make a huge difference to the amount of fuel used on any given crossing. Over the course of a year, this can make for cost savings in the millions as well as helping the environment. Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 31 Bonanza Express © Andrew Cooke The Bonanza Express was Incat’s second 96 metre vessel being delivered in May 1999 to Fred. Olsen S.A. for service in the Canary Islands, the Spanish province 100 kilometres off the north-west coast of Africa. Serving the 35 nautical miles route between the ports of Santa Cruz in Tenerife and Agaete in Gran Canaria, the ferry slashed previous travel times between the two ports from two hours and 15 where are they now? The Bonanza Express minutes to just one hour. The introduction of this vessel by the Fred. Olsen Company was a major step forward in maritime transport in the Canary Islands, being the first high speed ferry to operate in the entire archipelago. Discussions between Fred. Olsen and Incat had been going on for several years, but it was only with the introduction of the 96 metre class that the operator really sat up and took notice. With this design the customer was satisfied with the craft’s ability to carry high volumes of passengers and cars as well as heavy freight vehicles, offering the Justin Merrigan HULL 051 metres required for maximum car loading, as well as the requisite headroom for commercial vehicles. As built, the vessel was designed to carry a total of 755 passengers and 235 cars or alternatively 105 cars and 25 heavy goods vehicles. On trials The Bonanza Express achieved speeds of 48 knots in lightship condition and 42.85 knots at 630 tonnes deadweight. flexibility to meet seasonal and market fluctuations. Today The Bonanza Express offers a daily two hour A maximum deadweight of 775 tonnes underpinned the service between the islands of El Hierro and Tenerife, freight intake capacity while the provision of moveable as well as daily connections between Los Cristianos mezzanine vehicle decks allowed the necessary lane (Tenerife) and San Sebastián de La Gomera. 32 Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 &/(*/&&3*/("6453"-*" Custom made solutions from the primary stage of design to site installation. Colpro Engineering (Australia) Pty Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of high performance silencers, acoustic and exhaust systems and thermal exhaust insulation blankets predominantly for the marine, mining and transport industries. Colpro provides total custom made solutions from the primary stage of design to the final stage of site installation Colpro are proud to supply Exhaust and Acoustic System for INCAT Fast Ferries, Royal Australian Navy, Anzac Frigates and Minehunters, Luxury Yachts and Commmercial Shipping. ZF Technology – the intelligent choice. Because it is important to get you there safely, and on time. XXXDPMQSPDPNBV #VOHBSFF3PBE1FOEMF)JMM/481IPOF 'BY Colpro Engineering (Australia) Pty Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of high performance silencers, acoustic and exhaust systems and thermal exhaust insulation blankets predominantly for the marine, mining and transport industries. Colpro provides total custom made solutions from the primary stage of design to the final stage of site installation Colpro are proud to supply Exhaust and Acoustic System for INCAT Fast Ferries, Royal Australian Navy, Anzac Frigates and Minehunters, Luxury Yachts and Commmercial Shipping. Fleet operators as well as ship owners want efficient vessels with high availability and reliability. This means installed equipment must be easy to maintain, have low through-life costs and perform around the clock in the most demanding conditions and meet Classification Society rules. ZF Marine provides complete systems comprising gearboxes, shafts, bearings, propellers and control systems to satisfy these requirements and has a worldwide aftersales and service network on call at all times. We help you run a profitable business! Please see our comprehensive product portfolio, dealers’ addresses and much more, at Driveline and Chassis Technology Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 33 SHIPS in Service UPDATES SINCE LAST ISSUE HULL 066 065 064 063 062 061 060 059 058 057 056 055 054 053 052 051 050 NF08 049 048 047 046 045 044 TYPE 112m WPC 112 m WPC 112 m WPC 17 m Liveaboard 98 m WPC 98 m WPC 98 m WPC 98 m WPC 98 m WPC 98 m WPC 96 m WPC 96 m WPC Wing 96 m WPC 96 m WPC 96 m WPC 96 m WPC 80 m K50 91 m WPC 91 m WPC 91 m WPC 91 m WPC 86 m WPC 86 m WPC TRADING NAME Hull 066 Natchan World Natchan Rera Sixty Three Milenium Tres HSV 2 Swift T&T Spirit The Cat Milenium Dos Normandie Express Milenium Bentago Express R & D Craft Bencomo Express Alboran Bonanza Express Incat 050 HD 1 Fjord Cat Max Mols Express T&T Express SpeedOne Condor Vitesse 043 042 041 040 039 038 037 036 035 034 033 032 031 030 029 028 027 026 025 024 023 86 m 86 m 81 m 81 m Solar 81 m 78 m 70 m 78 m 78 m 78 m 74 m 74 m 74 m WPC WPC WPC WPC 74 74 74 74 74 74 WPC WPC WPC WPC WPC WPC Tarifa Jet Condor Express Jaume III Stena Lynx III R & D Craft Jaume II Sun Flower Juan Patricio Mega Jet Elanora Jaume I Atlantic III Mandarin Condor 10 R & D Craft Al Huda 1 Pescara Jet Snaefell Sea Runner Patricia Olivia Emeraude France m m m m m m WPC K50 K55 WPC WPC WPC WPC WPC WPC OPERATOR ROUTE/LOCATION MGC Chartering Under Construction Higashi Nihon Ferry Hakodate - Aomori Higashi Nihon Ferry Hakodate - Aomori 17m Projects Pty Ltd Hobart Acciona Trasmediterránea S.A Melilla – Malaga / Almeria US Navy Global Port Authority of Trinidad & Tobago / Bay Ferries Port of Spain - Scarborough Bay Ferries Yarmouth – Bar Harbor/Portland Acciona Trasmediterránea S.A Barcelona – Palma de Mallorca - Ibiza Brittany Ferries Cherbourg / Caen - Portsmouth Acciona Trasmediterránea S.A Valencia – Ibiza – Palma de Mallorca/Barcelona Fred. Olsen, S.A. Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Agaete (Gran Canaria) Hobart Fred. Olsen, S.A. Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Agaete (Gran Canaria) Acciona Trasmediterránea S.A Algeciras – Ceuta Fred. Olsen, S.A. Los Cristianos de Tenerife - San Sebastian – El Hierro Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Portsmouth, refitting HD Ferries Channel Islands – Saint Malo Fjord Line Kristiansand – Hanstholm Mols Linien Aps Aarhus - Odden P&O Ferries Larne – Cairnryan / Troon Port Authority of Trinidad & Tobago / Bay Ferries Port of Spain - Scarborough SpeedFerries Dover - Boulogne Brittany Ferries Poole - Cherbourg Condor Ferries Ltd Weymouth / Poole - Channel Islands – St Malo Ferrys Rapidos del Sur Tarifa - Tanger Condor Ferries Ltd Weymouth / Poole - Channel Islands – St Malo Baleària Algerciras – Ceuta Stena Line Fishguard - Rosslare Baleària Dae A Gosok, Korea Buquebus Aliscafos Sea Jets Maritime Company for Navigation Baleària Ferrylineas S.A. Société de Développement de Moorea Condor Ferries Ltd Algerciras – Ceuta Pohang - Ulung Island Buenos Aires – Colonia - Montevideo Crete – Santorini - Sifnos - Piraeus Gizan to Farasan Island Algerciras – Tanger Buenos Aires – Colonia – Montevideo Refitting Guernsey / Jersey – St Malo Sea Hawk SNAV Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Golden Princess Baleària Maritime Charter Sales Ltd Safaga - Dhuba Pescara - Split Douglas – Dublin / Belfast Crete - Santorini - Paros - Mykonos Algeciras – Ceuta Tilbury, UK The above information included Incat vehicle/passenger ferries only and is correct to the best of the editor’s knowledge. Please let us know of changes so that we can keep our readers up to date. EARLIER VESSELS 34 HULL ORIGINAL NAME HULL ORIGINAL NAME HULL ORIGINAL NAME 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 Jeremiah Ryan James Kelly A.K Ward Fitzroy Tangalooma Amaroo II Green Islander Quicksilver 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 Spirit of Roylen Trojan Keppel Cat I Thunderbird (Bull’s Marine) Little Devil Pybus Rutherglen punt Margaret Rintoul IV Spirit of Victoria 017 018 019 020 021 022 Tassie Devil 2001 Starship Genesis 2000 Our Lady Patricia Our Lady Pamela Sea Flight Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 w w w. a m i s a l e s . c o m . a u The w w w. a m i s a l e s . c o m . a u Incat THE Magazine Issue 36 35
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