HS - St. Theresa`s College Cebu


HS - St. Theresa`s College Cebu
Issue: May-August 2012
To my co-Alumnae and Chronicler readers,
The second issue of the year is always a pleasure to prepare . This is when we
feature the July Homecoming Celebration Week -- so much material available
to work with, mostly pictures making the newsletter largely a pictorial. But the
pictures of happy faces, depictions of enjoyment tell their own story making for
not much need for words..
The coverage of the Institutional Welcome on Friday takes on more pages as
it gains a more significant role in the re-igniting of the Theresian Spirit. A week before, the
Silver Jubilarians led the Alumnae outreach actiivity. Then came the traditional components
- the Eucharistic Celebration, the evening programme of dances. the dinner. And underlying all
the activities was the warm camaraderie of friends who shared the Theresian upbringing.
Loyalty for the school was re-awakened by a brouhaha and a legal battle the school got
embroiled in this year -- this loyalty theme we hope to have depicted well in this issue’s cover.
We thank Tonette Pañares for her valuable input on the background and meaning of various
Homecoming activities, We also thank all who sent in enjoyable stories and pictures of minireunions -- in this issue, from as far as Belgium, New Zealand, and Hollywood!
Enjoy the issue!
Editorial page...............................................................
Homecoming Week Activities:
Institutional Welcome
Welcome Address & Programme.............................
Alumae Response ...............................................
Group Pictures ...................................................
Tree-Planting, Campus Tour...................................
Art Exhibit and Cocktails ......................................
Outreach Activity.......................................................
Career Development Talk ..........................................
Eucharistic Celebration..............................................
STAA Financial Report ..............................................
Jubilarian Pages by class............................................
Dinner ....................................................................
Mini-Reunions .............................................................
Theresian Wedding .......................................................
Alumnae News ............................................................
Ingrid’s Concert ..........................................................
We Remember in Prayer ...............................................
Peggy Perez-Vera
Editorial Consultant
Alice Canonoy Morada
Editorial Support
Norma Rosauro
Technical Support
Milkfish Studio
For the next issue of
the Chronicler:
Send us your materials, photos
(with captions please) articles,
news items, notices, letters.
Send materials to Norma at:
Welcome Homecoming
2 0 1 2
tarted 5 years ago, this Welcomefor-Jubilarians day has evolved into
something alumnae look forward to as
much as the main program the next day.
It is meant to showcase the strength
of being a Theresian, re-instilling in
their hearts and minds, the STC guiding
principles of Scientia, Artibus, Virtute -that Science, Art, and Virtue flourish.
There’s nothing like coming home...
with Sr. Pupe herself setting the mood
of warmth, the welcome STC
buttons from young students,
the joy of meeting old school
friends, then a parade of colors,
the doxology and the miniSinulog and dance performance
--- all contributed to nostalgic
joy of
 Sr, Celeste Ma.
Purisima Pe ICM, more
fondly called Sr, Pupe,
STC-Cebu Directress
welcoming the alumnae.
 Programme by all student levels:
 “Big-sister”
welcome from Alice
Morada, President of
the STAA Board
 Parade of Colors by college students
 Mini-sinulog by high school students
 Grade school students placed
ribboned buttons on all alumnae
shown in next page.
Welcome Homecoming
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Grade School students did the honor of giving
STC buttons to the Jubilarians “I Love STC”
and “Proud to be a Theresian”
Sr. Pupe welcomed each one warmly with her signature endearing smile.
 STC is extremely proud
of her, Agnes Almendras
Magpale,HS’57 --- the
current Vice Governor
of the province of Cebu
-- a public servant with an
unsullied reputation.
An Emerald Jubilarian
this year she delivered the
response on behalf of the
Welcome Homecoming
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Group Pictures,
every time, any time
Perhaps the HS’57
class started it
because they
were also proud
that Agnes, the
Vice-Gov, was
their classmate
-- but a flurry of
group picture
taking ensued
-- so typical of
HS ’57
HS ’62
HS ’67
HS ’92
HS ’87
HS ’77
HS ’72
Welcome Homecoming
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Campus and
Garden Tour
The blessing:
Before the garden
and campus tour, a
blessing from the Lord
is sought -- FR. GERRY
MATRIANO, CSSR leads the
prayer and blesses the
HS ’72
Agnes Ocaya Eduave, Nora Abesamis-Redulla, and
Estrellita Suarez-Tiongko
HS ’57
Sonia Abella-Cal, Agnes Almendras-Magpale, Emma Paloma,
Titas Gonzalez-Gayoso, Flocerfina Rafols-Pedero, and
Marlein Falcon-Cimafranca
HS ’67
Elizabeth Bowler-Chiongbian, Daisy Perez-Moro,
Christine Ybanez, and Gloria Zosa-Seno
The campus tour: Nine trained
docents led the Jubilarians on a walk through
the campus, rediscovering what’s new and
what’s old in STC.
... and its greening: Led by
Socorro Atega HS’69, a distinguished
landscape architect and an advocate of
the environment, the greening project had
each of the nine jubilarian classes planting
nine native trees in the campus. Students
had been taught to thereafter nurture the
Welcome Homecoming
2 0 1 2
Art Exhibit and
Artist Abigail Malate, daughter of Ma.
Theresa Solatan-Malate, HS ‘72 ,
exhibited her collection of lithographs,
serigraft, social realist and figurative
paintings. The exhibit was located at the
College Lounge highlighting it as a future
venue for exhibits and forums.
Guests of honor cutting the entry ribbon
were Jubilarians Teresing Mendezona
(diamond), Agnes Magpale (emerald),
Vilma Hermosisima Monteclaro (golden),
Theresa Solatan Malate (ruby), and Ma
Theresa Fong Tio (silver).
 The artist, Abigail, at extreme right, talks to
Mr. and Mrs. Dumdum (Mila is Col.’67)
 Abigail poses with her mom, Theresa, her
aunt Tonette Solatan, and Agnes Magpale.
The day fittingly ends with a shared meal together -- the Institutional Welcome succeeding in
enhancing the unity and the collaborative effort of the whole school.
Program HS’87Jubilarians
Homecoming Week
started with -- reaching
out at the Antonia de
Oviedo Center a facility
set up for the care,
protection and healing
of victims of sexual
exploitation. Silver
Jubilarians spearheaded
the activity.
It was not enough to bring them
a check -- spending time and
interacting with them was more
meaningful and fulfilling,,,
► The end
of the day -still joyful.
Every year the STAA sponsors career planning sessions for the graduating
high school students, inviting guests from several professions as resource
persons. Two mornings on July 23 and 24, the students got to ask and
learn more about the careers of their choice. Speakers were:
Mrs. Junette Briones-Galindez – Accountancy, HS’87
Mrs. Catherine Camungol-Jakosalem – HRM, HS’87
Mrs. Carmel Margallo-Tejano – IT/ Computer Science, HS’87
Mussolini Sotto-Yap,
Mrs. Julia Rica Gonzalez – Education, HS’87
Chef Sean McSavaney – Culinary - Guest
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ma. Earla Caracut-Arnibal - Law, HS’87
Dr. Barbra Charina V. Cavan - Medical, HS’87
Dr. Mary Ann Wagas Emcee
2 0 1 2
The celebration of the Holy Mass is central to all STC major activities -- made specially meaningful
by being presided by the Chairman of the STC Board, Fr. Ernesto Javier, S.J. Also that it is in this
beautiful chapel (viewed below from front and back) so familiar to all who’ve studied in STC-Cebu.
of each Jubilarian
class participated as
offerors or lectors.
A FIRST: At the start of the Homecoming programme, before the musical
presentations, the STAA President, Alice Canonoy Morada spoke about the
“new” STAA and its plans and programs. This was followed by a detailed
financial report presented by Grace Marie Jimenez, STAA’s Treasurer. Both were
well received by the assembly as this was the first time such reports were
rendered to the alumnae. The financial reports are summarized below.
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
Total Revenues
Total Expenses
Net Surplus
12 mos ended
6 mos ended
Grace Marie Jimenez
Detail of Revenues
Membership Dues
Jubilarian Donations
Fund-Raising Activities
Fun Run - Gross
Carolling -Net
Others (Rummage, ID, souvenirs)
Total Revenues
Detail of Expenses
Project Expenses
Fun Run
Charity Bingo
Total project expenses
Administrative Expenses
Salaries & Wages
Meeting Expenses
Office Supplies
Cost of souvenir items
Total administrative expenses
Total Expenses
Net Surplus
Alice Canonoy Morada
Cash in Bank, Dec 31, 2011
In Philippine Pesos
Unionbank - for Operations Usage
Unionbank (U-Share Account) **
BDO Dollar Savings (US$743.86)
Petty Cash Fund
** Funding for this account partially came from Fund
Raising Activities in 2010 specifically the Bingo Project
sponsored by STAA in coordination with PAGCOR
Funds as of June 30, 2012
In Philippine Pesos
Total Cash in Bank
(in Operations Account)
Less: Earmarked Funds
Scholarship Fund*
Unionbank U-Share Account
For Silver Jubilarians
for Homecoming
Total Earmarked Funds
Net Funds Available for Operations
* 60% from Life Membership
collections separately deposited
Diamond Jubilarians
Back row:
Leonila Lim Du,
Grace Go Yu,
Teresita Pajares Jover,
Helen Ting,
Elena Go Chua
Front row:
Arlene Go Alinsonorin,
Rosario Velez Climaco,
Aurora Estanislao
Teresita Adad Mendezona,
Angie Mathieu
Emerald Jubilarians
First row: Expedita Revilles-Yap,
Marlein Falcon-Cimafranca,
Floracion Rafols-Pedero,
Aurora Rallon-Garcia,
Agnes Almendras-Magpale,
Sr. Emma Paloma,
Melba Logarta-Limbaco
Second row: Carmen Gallegos-Bugash,
Emeline Panares-Agruda,
Rosie Go-Tio, Ethel
Gallegos-dela Rosa,
Teresa Moraza-Rotaeche,
Corazon Tonelete-Buban,
Nora Leyson-Jabines
Third row: Ma. Della Perez-Vera,
Angeles Bocanegra-Rabor,
Angustias Gonzalez-Gayoso,
Carmen Adad-Campbell,
Corazon Borromeo-Escario,
Sonia Abella-Cal,
Milagros Antunez-Wales,
Edeltrudes Abad-Pido
Emerald Jubilarians
Fun and Camaraderie
Golden Jubilarians
Class Picture Above:
Front row:
Mildred Zambo Simolde
Vilma Hermosisima Monteclaro
Renee Yeto Reyes
Natividad Lozada Salcedo
Perla Pilapil Capangpangan
Maribel Kokseng Kratz
Araceli Ceballos
Leonida Arzadon Sinio
Agnes Dizon Allego
Back row:
Carmencita Alo Studdart
Concepcion Martinez Narvios
Cecilia Nazareno Gasendo
Lourdes Javier Crystal
Pacita Unchuan Toledo
Marietta Lavilles de Egurrola
Alice Canonoy Morada
Carlota Abad Pimentel
Dymphna Urgello Ybañez
Dolores Aliño
Golden Jubilarians
 Golden Girls performing and enjoying it.
 Golden Girls lunching with their teachers
Below, sitting 4th and 3rd from right, are Ms. Marcia
de la Rosa (English), Ms. Luz Ortiz (Math).
Golden Jubilarians
Golden Girls at the farm: Invited to spend the day
Mark Cancio’s farm in Barangay Adlaon
 Golden girls being treated to dinner by Maribel KoksengKratz at The Hukad Restaurant, The Terraces, Ayala
 Golden girls having merienda at Pacita UnchuanToledo’s house
HS ‘67 class representatives:
Gloria Zosa-Ceno,
Elizabeth Bowler-Chiongbian and
Daisy Perez-Moro.
In the STC chapel, prior to the mass are
Betsy, Gloria and Daisy.
During the Institutional welcome, L to
R: Gloria Zosa-Seno, Christine Ybanez.
Daisy Perez Moro, and Elizabeth BowlerChiongbian. They are joined by Gingging
Dumdum, College 67.
Ruby Jubilarians
Front row: Faith Manuel Hugo, Ma. Antonia Tan,
Isabel Echevarria, Eva Almendras Olympia,
Pilar Mendezona Yen, Josie Angbetic
Yu, Estrellita Suarez Tiongko, Leah Ruiz
Demecillo, Jina Dumon Woodhouse, Zenaida
Jabines Ochon, Letecia Alix Abangan,
Teodora Frias Padilla, Socorro Mercado
Second row: Mary Anne Ricardo Del Prado, Alma
Santiago Ratcliffe, Cheryl Barba Cortes,
Roxanne Lucas Aquino, Jennifer Paul De
Santos, Nora Abesamis Redulla, Grace Cruz
Velarde, Karen Villarica, Marissa Escudero
Third row : Elma Cortes Sanchez, Concepcion
Briones Kuhn, Carmeli Garcia, Evelina
Lastrilla Patiño, Maribel Du, Judith Lopez
Fourth row : Angeles Muertegui Antigua, Carmen
Hortelano Yap, Jocelyn Pimentel Kimseng,
Marianette Medalla Cheu, Lourdes Olaes
Araneta, Ruth Relampagos Kintanar, Joy San
Jose Camahort, Camille Borromeo Suarez
Top row: Priscilla Gener Lee, Juliana Atillo
Schlotterbeck, Susan Montenegro Sala,
Ligaya Canoy Quisumbing, Annie Tio, Agnes
Ocaya Eduave
Coral Jubilarians
Front row:
Second row:
Chona Cabahug,
Trinidad S. Rallos,
Jane C. Paredes,
Ma. Luisa A. Arambulo,
Sandra S. Ruckdaschel,
Alma A. Goodwin,
Imelda Acebedo,
Maribel M. Benson,
Bernice S. Montenegro,
Mariles P. del Solo,
Cristy C. Hermosisima
Litlit B. Pocheit
Pearl Jubilarians
First row : Lucille Guangko-Calubaquib, Pauline MockonEspiritu, Erla Bontoyan, Gigi Calderon-Wells,
Ida Magallon, Mona Aliño-Cimafranca, Concepcion
Conejero-Crystal, Eileen Fernan-Aleonar,
Teresa Cinco-Pangan, Helen Montemayor-Ventura,
Aileen Silva-Mayol
Second row: Fe Warque-Caranto, Evelyn Gacayan, Luz
Gonzales-Cubillo, Consuelo Bugash-Abadingo,
Janet Gaffney-Baybay, Deidre Fernandez, Mona FernanQuioge, Jo Ann Amigo, Adora Galeos-Prado, Michelle
Third row : Geraldine Villegas-Buenaventura, Angelica DakayIsaguirre, Jo Ann Javelosa-Sadaya, Rowena Lim-Ong,
Therese Francia-Tan, Irene Tan-Tan, Annabel Libi,
Cynthia Climaco-Castañeda, Therese Yeto-Lee
Fourth row: Polly Antigua, Cristy Gucor-Lapradez, Stephanie
Merida-Franco, Ma. Victoria Base-Archival,
Sarah Veloso-Pickell
Fifth row: Lourdes Luab-Mapa, Meluz Suson, Jo Ann RubinLarrazabal, Emmeline Borromeo-Yu
Not in Photo: Techie Zosa-Tan, Ma. Cristina Borromeo-Gaston,
Ma. CelesteAsuncion-Wong, Adoracion Suarez-Leaño
Silver Jubilarians
1st Row - Theresa Fong-Tio, Xandra Joan Xosa-Yap, Agnes Arceo-Ruiz, Emmarie Ouano-Dizon,
Josephine Montenegro, Junette Briones-Galindez, Remme Ann Villanueva-Ordoñez,
Malu Dingal-Blanco
2nd Row - Anna Liza Vergara-Yu, Ana Marie Yapha, Janice Garganera-Dacaldacal, Liesl Torrefranca,
Christina Marie Hernaez-Gomos, Carmel Margallo-Tejana, Jouzl Carabio-Roña,
Elka Cañete, Charrie Herrera-Manlangit
3rd Row - Marietta Besavilla, Abigail Nepomuceno,
eno, Reina AranasAbu, Gemma Laurente-De Voldre, Christine
tine InocencioPerez, Margarita Saenz-Resurreccion, Mae Cora LlenosMinerva
4th Row - Cardelyn Therese Tecson-Pastrana, Christine
Legaspi-Lee, Viola Varela-Solis, Clydell AmargaVilloso, Catherine Camungol-Jakosalem,
Barbra Cavan,
5th Row -Catherine Lacson-Mccabe, Jinky LopezezPeñalosa, Gen-Joan Lechido Escaño,
Charity Padillo-Hills, Josefina Martina
Padilla-Makar, Fe Sacris-Orcullo, Thyrza
Monsanto-Wells, Ethel Dosado-Tan, Rica
Gonzales-Ouano, Mary Ann Wagas,
Judith Gay Sanchez
Silver Jubilarians
Whatever HS’87 does,
they do with gusto!
Silver Jubilarians
Party --
♥ joy of greeting longtime-no-see friends.
♥ crazy hats
♥ games
♥ prizes
♥ great food
♥ and bonding,
bonding, bonding!
Seated: Nancy Yam-Ylanan, Yvette Yntig-Dapat, Rosamonne
Juan-Lao, Michelle Fernandez, Xelah BaoDurangparang, Elaine Bordas- Santander, Rachel
First row : Beverly Guy-Palang, Odessa Ortiz-Chan, Shelley
Anne Mercado-Labajo, Marielle Domingo-Etol, Clarisse
Jean Menina-Ocañada,Maita Go, Larisa Habin-Polinar,
Carmela Cruz, Jaimie Lucero-Cabahug, Niña JavaAcojedo, Maureen Ouano-Librando
Second row : Ching-ching Tan, Ma. Socorro Cotelo, Frances
Grace Martinez, Cherie Ann Leung-Lim, Marichu AtilloAlega, Norianne Manal-Enoveso, Cathy MontecilloAngel, Aileen Therese Bernadas-Cabalda, Arabella
Rovillos-Barz, Antoinette Panopio, Shauna Tiu
Third row : Grace Lao, Rhonalie Capili-Lacierda, Ma.
Riza Salgado-Del Mar, April Sabangan, Annilee
Cortes-Noval, Ma. Teresa Artajo-Revilles, Shamane
Montecillo-Cabahug, Milagros RodriguezBolongan,Rowena Obenza, Monaliza Salonoy-Caliao,
Cheryl Cabutihan, Angeles Luab-Plopenio, Mynah
Marish Ybañez-Concepcion, Ayn-Lin Logarta-Fabiosa
Golden Jubilarians
From left:
Norma Songfo-Borromeo,
Mina Yu [HS’58],
Teresita Cabatingan-Zosa,
Cherrie Famador-Tupaz,
Nelia Garcia-Neri,
Belen Guerrero-Gardella,
Fructuosa Jovellenos-Perez [HS’58/
Coral Jubilarians
First row:
Marina Ceballos Maderazo,
Evelyn Suzara Carlos,
Myra Magsaysay Sun
Second row:
Joyvic Gengos Onglatco,
Olga Antigua,
Casilda Martinez
2 0 1 2
Live music, great food, and the
company of great friends -- what more
can one ask -- to end a memorable
Homecoming week?
Braving the rain to man the registration table are: STAA scholars
Sarah Enopia, Col.’10 and Mary Dexan Traya, Col.’10, STAA staffer
Norma Rosauro and Emma Tenebro-Gunhuran, Col.’79, Parents
Council Secretary
At Belgium With Sr. Mary Jane or Sr.
Candida, as we knew her.
Florencia Gaona, Col.’71: I came from New York. My classmate
Estrella “Tata” Atega, Col.’71 came from London -- and we met
up in Belgium at the ICM Retirment Home. We took Sr. Candida to
lunch in Leuven (about 20 minutes away from Brussels). She is now 83
years old and walks with a cane. We had a wonderful time reminiscing
about her stay in STC. I showed her pictures of several reunions. She
gave permission to pass along her email address and would love to
hear from old friends, if not be visited by them. Send her greetings at
 Home from Norway - Tessa
Yrastorza-Tuestad, HS ‘69/Col.’73 was in Cebu
on a holiday from Norway and met up with
classmates as well as her sisters, Patsy
Yrastorza-Montilla, HS ‘59; Col.’63 and Veronica
Yrastorza-Liim, HS ‘71.
From left: Patsy, Tessa, and Vera.
 Birthday Get-together
for Concepcion Villa-Arenas
and Jenara Regis Newman
with HS ‘55 classmates:
L to R: Thelma Duterte-Boone,
Asuncion Quijano-Mendoza,
Carmencita Saa-Atega,
Concepcion Villa-Arenas,
Jenara Regis-Newman,
Delia Aliño-Villacastin,
Araceli Agruda-Pilapil, and
Josefa Arriola-Bacaltos
Hollywood Rendezvous
of HS Class 1990
In front, from left:
Joan Camasura-Converse
Trisha Motong in black - CA
Laileen Minoza - Washington
Clarice Momongan - Minnesota
Toreend Enecio - Illinois
Cristina Benaldo-Ponce de Leon -CA
Getty Gonzalez-Gulmatico CA
Melinda Alivio Northern CA
Aimee Batayola-Canton Northern CA
In back, from left
Claudette Carlos in black - CA
Sheila Canton in pink - Texas
Vanessa Macaraya-Hall - London
Joanne Marcelino - CA
Araceli Maye in gray - CA
Joan Camasura-Converse’s outstanding feat: gathering 14 of her classmates for a
Hollywood tour: 10 were already in California (two from the Northern part of the state),
one from Minnesota, one from Illinois, one from Washington State, and one all the way
from London, England.
“It was a memorable time for us here in LA,” says Joan. “I loved every
minute of putting it together so the ladies would have the time of their
lives. And we all did! As much as we’d like to see each other more
often and as busy as we are (no maids here! LOL), this rare rendezvous
together was off the charts! Just a total blast. Great memories and
laughter we’ll cherish forever. -- As usual, we Theresians were very
quiet! NOT!”
Hollywood Walk of Fame 
More from the girls getting some L.A. fun....
Hollywood Rendezvous
of HS Class 1990
New Zealand Adventure
by Ma Consuelo Bugash-Abadingo, HS ‘82
In the middle of New Zealand winter, tourists from tropical countries
seldom brave the weather to be where we are. Yet Lucille GuangkoCalubaquib (who her daughter describes as a crazy human) came to
visit. She jumped off the Auckland Harbour bridge suspended by latex
rubber as soon as she arrived and took a plane to Queenstown to
cavort with the dolphins.
She is definitely a fire cracker, our Lucille, quite the opposite of her
hubby Eri who is softspoken and calm. We invited the Calubaquibs
for dinner at a Japanese restaurant which was a walk away from their
hotel. The night was an extension of the STC homecoming. Lucille
surely brought with her the excitement and the stories and the feeling
that one gets when reunited with a dear classmate. There are no
pauses with Lucille. You have to be ready with answers. She always
engages you with questions, and interrogates you because that is
just how she is - passionate and inquisitive. Oh and she brought with
her lots and lots of funny stories. Makatakud kaayo iyang laughter complete with the dimples and all. And she remains to be as pretty, a
trademark of the Guangko ageless genes. Us Auckland girls do hope
her son, Luke, will come back to Auckland after his Geotechnical
Engineering studies at UBC,Vancouver so she gets to visit us more
often. We always enjoy hosting her and others like her.
Girls of HS ‘82
From left:
Rita Sagardillos-Balazo,
Edna Estrada-Arriola,
Lucille Guangko-Calubaquib,
Janet de Lira and
Ma. Consuelo Abadingo
during dinner at the Kushi
Japanese Kitchen and Bar,
Durham West St., Auckland CBD
We wish them safe travels as they return to Manila where home is for
the Calubaquibs.
Theresian marries Theresian’s son
Groom: Charles Andrew Limtong Neri
Date: August 18, 2012
Church: Redemptorist Church, Cebu City
With groom’s parents: Emily Anne Limtong-Neri, HS’70
with husband Gabriel Neri
Bikini Brouhah Update:
STC Scores:
Book Exchange:
STC wins one as the Regional
Trial Court dismisses the petition to
compel STC to produce the photos
posted in Facebook of five bikini-clad
students. The posting of these photos
was the basis of the school’s banning
the five girls from participating in
their graduation ceremonies.
The RTC judge junked the
habeas data petition, citing
insufficient evidence. The petitioners
alleged that STC violated the
students’ privacy when it accessed
their Facebook accounts and
downloaded the photos. The judge
however ruled that the five students
could not expect “reasonable privacy”
when they posted their photos on
Four of the five girls sued the
school. Two of them later dropped the
case. 
To give Theresian
alumnae a venue
to acquire books
at a minimum
cost and to give
them a cheap way of continuing the
reading habit they have acquired from
studying in St. Theresa’s College,
STAA will set up a book exchange
facility at the STAA offices.
For a minimal fee of two pesos per
transaction, a paperback book could
be exchanged for another paperback,
a hard cover book for another hard
cover book, or two paperbacks for
one hard cover, and vice versa.
While there is an initial stock of
books from previous donations, new
ones from alumnae will be welcome.
So, Alumnae, support this project -start looking at your stack of books to
determine what you can donate! 
STC Students & Alumnae
display their school loyalty.
Perhaps in reaction to
the attacks on their
school as a result of
the Bikini Brouhaha,
or not -- but a
proliferation of
insignia, buttons and
T-shirts proclaiming
school loyalty sprouted
-- declaring:
“I Love STC”
“Theresian 24/7” and “Proud to be a
At Homecoming celebration, jubilarians
were welcomed with these buttons.
Nothing like an attack to awaken the STC spirit.
T-shirts and buttons are available at the STAA offices. 
Supporting the
Varsity Teams:
During the Board meeting
last Sept. 6, 2012, the Board
unanimously approved the
P10,000 donation for high school
athletes’ uniforms for soccer
varsity players (21), volleyball
varsity (15); Our varsity teams
have consistently brought
honor and goodwill for the
school and instilled pride and
good sportsmanship among our
students. 
Absentee Voting:
In order to allow more people
to participate in the choice of
STAA Board
of Trustees,
votes from
alumnae who
do not or
cannot come
to STC on
election day (Homecoming) will
now be accepted by virtue of
the newly approved absentee
voting policy.
By January, a Nominations
Committee will accept
candidate names. By March,
the list of nominees will be
disseminated to all alumnae via
their class representatives.
Ballots dated on or before
Election Day (the last
Saturday of July) will be valid.
These absentee voting will
be open to Gold Life members
living outside the island of
Cebu. Those in Cebu are
encouraged to come to attend
the Homecoming. A minimal
annual fee of P100 will be
required for this absentee
voting privilege.
Rules and procedures
will be further detailed and
published. 
50 years as a concert pianist:
From 1951 to 2012 A recital in Cebu to the 50th
anniversary concert, also in
STC takes pride
Ingrid Sala Santamaria is a Theresian! A high
school graduate in the year 1956, she was, during
STC Diamond Jubilee, given the St. Therese of Avila
award, the highest recognition given by the STC. She
was recognized for spirited commitment in bringing
classical music to the masses and elevating Cebu’s
cultural standing through the putting together of its own
philharmonic orchestra.
On her 50th anniversary concert, once again STC,
through STAA, cites her for the time, talent, and resources
she has used to develop the Cebu Youth Symphony
Orchestrra, Peace Philharmonic Philippines and the
promotion of classical music to all levels of society through
the Romantic Piano Concerto Journey Tours throughout
the Philippines and Southeast Asia.
Ingrid will celebrate her 50th
anniversary as a concert pianist with two
important musical events.
The first will be in Cebu on Sept. 7,
8 p.m., presented by the Marco Polo Plaza
Hotel at its ballroom for the benefit of Peace
Philharmonic in cooperation with the Arts
Council, of which her parents were founding
members in 1960. Lyric Piano and Organ
Corp., through its president Joy Cristobal, is
shipping a handcrafted special Shigeru parlor
grand from Manila for Ingrid to play on this
The orchestral accompaniment will be
rendered by the Peace Philharmonic’s chamber
quintet. This chamber music accompaniment
has been specially commissioned by Ingrid.
Ingrid considers this unique genre, that
of a piano concerto soloist being accompanied
by varied chamber group combinations, as her
“golden” contribution to her musical niche. The
usual concerto collaborations have been with
orchestra or a second piano.
“It is an extraordinary genre and I’m
quite excited about it,” says Ingrid. “I find great
satisfaction in promoting it.”
Excerpts from an article in the Philippine Daily
Inquirer written by Jaime Picornell
Dr. Jera Marie S. Oporto, STAA Vice President reads
the citation presented to Ingrid by Alice Morada,
STAA president.
We remember
in prayer...
 Gerardo Rodriguez – uncle of Celeste
Departed Alumnae..
 Maria Josefina Rodriguez
Sablad, HS’56/Col.’57 – sister
of Melva Rodriguez-Java, HS’57/Col.’58,
Cornelia Rodriguez-Noval, HS’59/Col.’61
 Milagros Reynes, HS’68 – sister of
Atty. Marcelina Reynes-Amameo, HS’61/
Col.’65, Fe Reynes, HS’65/Col.’69
 Marie
arie Antoinette Veloso, HS ‘79 sister of Marijean Veloso, HS ‘86
and their loved ones...
 Edilberto F. Alcantara – father of
Irene Marie Alcantara, HS’97, Maria
Yasmin Alcantara, HS’95; grandfather of
Anna Keziah Alcantara, HS’08
 Arch’t. Artemio S. Alcoseba –
father of Arlien Marie Fe Alcoseba,
HS’91; uncle of Dinah Lil Alcoseba,
Col.’89, Ma. Stineli Alcoseba, Col.’84,
Lida Grace Fernandez Alcoseba
-Bathan, HS’86/Col.’90, Lissa Gina
Fernandez Alcoseba-Baño, HS’85/
Col.’89, Lyra Gay Fernandez Alcoseba,
 Marle M. Alegrado – mother of June
Christie Alegrado-Ugarte, HS’83
 Esperanza Alesna – mother of
Elizabeth Alesna-Leonida, HS’83, Evelyn
Alesna, HS’82
 Albert Bagsit – husband of Geraldine
Guillen-Bagsit, HS’66
 Jaime Java – husband of Melva
Rodriguez-Java, HS’57/Col.’58
 Mary Chris Labiste – sister of Mirza
Lea Labiste, HS’04/Col.’08
 Consorcia C. Ouano – mother of
Annabelle Ouano-Senerpida, Col.’63
 Marlon Raymond Murillo – son of
Fe Asuncion Muaña-Murillo, HS’50
 Noel Maninang – brother of
Marie Rodriguez, HS’05, Marie Antuanette
Rodriguez-Hernandez, HS’89
 Concepcion Fruto-Ricamora. sister
of Adelina Fruto-Kelly HS’56/Col ‘60, Julita
Fruto-Cabigting, HS’61/Col.’65 [+]
 Mary Ruiz – mother of Marietta Celeste
Ruiz-Baudat, HS’55/Col.59, Enid Gemma
Ruiz-Ansselin, HS’64
 Purita Causin-Selma – mother of
Norma Selma-Gullas, Col.’52, Linda
Selma-Enad, Col.’51, Nancy SelmaBeduya, HS’59; grandmother of Selina
Marie Selma-Rumualdez, HS’97,
Shirley Marie Selma, HS’90, Stella Marie
Selma, HS’84, Deborah Enad-de Guzman,
HS’74, Elizabeth Anne Enad-Ebol, HS’73,
Leah Patricia Enad, HS’77, Ma. Linda
Enad, HS’87, Barbara Ann Beduya, HS’93,
Bernadette Maria Lourdes Beduya-de
Paula, HS’85, Bernice Rosarie Beduya Lin,
HS’86, Beverly Beduya, HS’95, BrigidMarie
Beduya, HS’88, Britta Marie Beduya,HS’89;
mother-in-law of Evely Dira-Selma, HS’73
 Teofila Susara – mother of Ma. Socorro
Susara-Muntuerto, HS’70/Col.’75;
grandmother of Adele Marie Muntuerto,
HS’96, Anne Marie Muntuerto, HS’99
 Atty. Jesus Sybico – father of Josie Fe
Sybico-Espiritu, HS’83, Conin Sybico-Tan,
HS’80; grandfather of Amanda Bianca
Sybico, HS’05
Concepcion Meleniza ManinangPatrimonio, HS’81/Col.’85
 Ramon Igaña, Jr. – husband of
Humildad Asumpta Julieta Melgar-Igaña,
HS’84; brother-in-law of Fe
Encarnacion Juanita Melgar-Rafael,
HS’80, Esperanza Transfiguracion
Melgar, HS’81, Caridad Estrella Melania
Melgar-dela Cerna, HS’83, Charlotte
Mag-uyon-Melgar, HS’82; uncle of Erika  Dr. Mirope Antonietta P. Ong
Margaret Mag-uyon Melgar, HS’07
Vaño – sister of Josephine Ong VañoSievert, HS’54; aunt of Anna
 Concesa M. Padilla – mother of
Catalina Ong Vaño, HS’99, Angela Marie
Merle Padilla-Cunanan, HS’59, Aida
Ong Vaño, HS’01, Amanda May
Marie Padilla, HS’66/Col.’70, Carmelita
Ong Vaño, HS’04, April Mae Ong Vaño,
Padilla-Roa, HS’67/Col.’71, Jane PadillaHS’06, Ma. Consuelo Sievert-Ranudo,
Aya-ay, HS’75, Marietta Padilla-Malinao,
HS’80, Ma. Frances Theresa Sievert-Yu,
HS’63/Col.’67, Mercedita Padilla, HS’68,
Milagros Padilla-Yu, HS’72, Rosario
Padilla-Ceniza, HS’56; Ernesto Padilla,  Susana M. Varga – mother of Dinah
GS1949-50; Archbishop Osbaldo Padilla,
Varga-Dorotheo, HS’76/Col.’80, Susan
Papal Nuncio in Korea, GS1950-51,
Varga-Valdes, HS’77/Col.’81, Bella VargaChristino Padilla, GS1953-54; Archbishop
Montenegro, HS’79
Francisco Padilla, Papal Nuncio in
 Dr. Jose R. Ybañez – father of Raquel
Tanzania, GS 1961-62, Lorenzo Padilla,
Ybañez-Coyle, HS’76
GS 1964-65
 Engr. Norma Zafra – mother of Maria
 Gerardo Quisumbing – husband
Odette Zafra-Blanco, HS’84
of Annabelle Fernandez-Quisumbing,