NEW - SAM Outillage
NEW - SAM Outillage
INDISPENSAM For us, today is already tomorrow! DISCOVER OUR CONNECTED TOOLS SINCE D E P U1921 I S 19 0 6 T O O L S I N V E N T O R www TODAY IS ALREADY TOMORROW! SAMtech’, a special programme to design and develop the tools of tomorrow. SAMtech’ also includes the management and development of tools for customers working in highly sensitive environments (military, nuclear…). The funds recovered all go towards its research programme. French know-how Creator of tools Expert knowledge of the raw materials. To date, over 500 million tools forged since the company began. 2 patents filed per month. Welcome to SAM! Since 1921, the SAM brand has been an ambassador for French know-how in the tooling field. Our great-grandfather François Blanc made quality his life’s work. Our ancestors were always determined to provide our customers with technical solutions. A brand at the heart of your preoccupations Safety Our head in the stars Traceability Optimisation of your workstations The nuts inside of many space launchers are tightened with SAM torque wrenches. Image. Our first decision was that SAM should become a family firm once again in order to recreate the company spirit. SO NOW YOU KNOW WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE SAM? We are ensuring that spirit lives on by seeking to constantly develop our products and prepare SAM for its 4.0 revolution through enormous investments in R&D. CYLLENE In 2015, SAM reinforced its product launch process by integrating a PLM tool called Cyllène. In the beginning was the tool Today the FSH group includes the brands RODAC, PTS, MDS, SAM OUTILLAGE… To be validated, every new product in this catalogue has to be approved on 22 different points (compliance with standards, quality tests …) Read the complete article on François Blanc. Creation of the Forges Stéphanoises by François Blanc. 2 Creation of the SAM brand. The first catalogue… SAM created its lifetime warranty concept. 1953 1933 I N N O V A T I O N 1921 O F 1906 9 4 Y E A R S Félicien Blanc. Manufacturing of the world’s first hollow offset socket wrench. INDISPENSAM Pierre Blanc. International development and delivery of a turnkey factory to Chili. The revolution in the way we buy choose and goods is underway. More than just a product, you want a dedicated solution, choice and a service. The IndispenSAM 2015, the digest of our product offering, meets those requirements: DEDICATED SOLUTIONS s#USTOMISEDPURCHASESCHOICEOFROLLERCABINETCOLOURSCUSTOMISEDFOAMINSERTSLOGOx s0OOLEDPURCHASESINTELLIGENTROLLERCABINETSiBUNDLESwOFTIGHTENINGPRODUCTS s3OLUTIONPURCHASESOUR2OLLER#ABINETAND2ATCHETPROGRAMMESFORAGLOBALSOLUTION YOUR CHOICE 3TARTINGFROMTHETASKTOBEDONEWHETHERSIMPLEORCOMPLEX3!-PROPOSESTHEAPPROPRIATE TOOLATTHEMARKETPRICE SERVICE 3!-ADAPTSTOYOURBUDGETWITHOUROFFERSSETSOFPRODUCTSSINGLEPRODUCTSAND NOWFORTHElRSTTIMEiBUNDLESwOFTIGHTENINGPRODUCTSINTHEMOSTCOMMONLY USEDSIZES 1983 1963 Imagine that thanks to this innovation you can do every operation with the correct tool, according to the protocol defined and in total safety. It is a new mobile technology, unique in hand tools, that SAM will be offering every user in the future. FOR SAM, CHOICE IS A RIGHT Michel Blanc. Opening of the SAM TOOLS Belgium subsidiary. In 1986 our SAM HERRAMIENTAS subsidiary opened in Spain. Frédéric Champavère and Olivier Blanc launched the Cap 4.i plan and bought out RODAC International, PTS and SOVA2i. 2013 Imagine your workshop equipped with all these permanently connected tools, with the certainty that none of them is missing and that they are all in their place. And if you are missing one, SAM will find it for you. RFID KEY 2011 TOMORROW In December 2014, the 1st connection tools congress named SAM Outillage world leader in connected hand tools. SAM was awarded the EQUIP AUTO silver trophy. See the «Chassons l’obscurité» (Chase away the darkness) lighting programme on page 70. 3 YOUR ASSOCIATED SERVICES SAM SAM 4.0 In order to accompany the development of SAM connected tools, SPECIALPROGRAMMESCONlGURATIONTRAININGDEVELOPEDBY3!- are at your disposal. TAILOR-MADE ADVICE Whatever your specific need may be, our dedicated service will provide you with a solution. s#USTOMISATION s2OLLERCABINETSWITHAWIDECHOICEOFCOLOURS custom-made storage foam… MADE IN FRANCE From its two production sites in Saint-Etienne and Montpellier and with its long-standing network of subcontractors, all of them French, SAM designs, develops and makes 60% of the products it sells in France, thereby contributing to the brand’s international reputation and its image as a socially responsible company. SAM IN FRANCE This label refers to the SAM-branded products that meet the APPROVALPOINTS INOUR#YLLENEPROCESS. These products meet specifications drawn up at our headquarters in Saint-Etienne and submitted to industrial players recognised for their know-how. They are designed and then assembled in our factories. s4OOLSMADETOYOURDRAWINGSi/30wSERVICE CLOSE PROTECTION Every tool in the range benefits from the SAM warranty. A SERVICE THAT REASSURES sEXPERTDEPARTMENTSWORKONADAILY basis to repair and maintain your hand and power tools. NUMBERS TO CONTACT US Customer Service Department / Technical Department : +33 (0)4 77 921 323. s$OYOUHAVETECHNICALQUESTION/UR TECHNICALEXPERTSANDENGINEERSAREHERETO help you in your research. CUSTOMER RELATIONS 4HE#USTOMER3ERVICEDEPARTMENTISHERETOHELPYOUFROM -ONDAYTO&RIDAYFROMAMTOPM s7EHAVEADEDICATEDDEPARTMENTTHATISABLETOANSWERTHEMOST common questions immediately. 4 s)FYOURQUESTIONNEEDSALITTLEMORERESEARCHYOUWILLRECEIVE an answer within 48 hours. 5% OF OUR TURNOVER IS SPENT ON R&D s)FYOUWISHTOACCESSYOURDATADIRECTLYTHE3!-,/' platform is just a click away. For the last three years, SAM has invested more than 5% of its turnover in an ambitious R&D programme named SAMTech in order to improve the productivity, safety and comfort of our customers. INDISPENSAM 6 17 26 38 46 48 52 STORAGE TOOLS SET SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES WRENCHES PLIERS SCREWDRIVERS CUTTERS 54 60 61 62 66 70 73 TORQUE CONTROL PRECISION TOOLS MEASUREMENT METAL REMOVAL / WORKING STRIKING TOOLS LIGHTING MEASUREMENT AND TESTING DEVICES 74 76 82 84 86 88 89 ELECTRICIAN DROP PREVENTION CONSTRUCTION PLUMBING WORK ON WOOD AND PLASTER-BASES MATERIALS PNEUMATIC WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT CONTENTS IndispenSAM 2015, digest of skills Dear Customers, we wanted our 2015 edition to be closer to consumers with a carefully though-out, targeted and distinctive presentation. It is indispensable that our catalogue provide customers with the right information on the products. s3ELECTIONGUIDESPROVIDEVERYPRECISEINFORMATIONONTHE ADVANTAGESOFEACHTOOL s$ISCOVERTHEPROGRESSIVENESSOFOURRANGES 5 STORAGE SERVI-530 RV5Z THE ECONOMICAL SOLUTION PRACTICALITY FO R SAMS, C H O I C E I! A RI G HT SERVI-640L LARGE VOLUMES 440FAZ AUTONOMY WHEREVER YOU GO 6 INDISPENSAM STORAGE REACHES THE SUMMIT SERVI-640 CUSTOMISED PURCHASES 415HZ VERSATILITY (Choice of colours, customised foam inserts...) SERVANTE FME ULTRA VISIBLE 415-SAFZ ANTI-THEFT SOLUTIONS 540-IZ BE CONNECTED 7 ROLLER CABINETS NEW GENERATION 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET NEW GENERATION 6-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET 415HZ 416HZ Drawers: 1 x 64 mm, 2 x 104 mm, 1 x 152 mm, 1 x 254 mm. Drawers: 2 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 254 mm. NEW GENERATION 7-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET 417HZ Drawers: 3 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 194 mm. 1 stainless steel tray. Roller cabinet compatible with existing SAM modules (page 24-25). New workstation height for more comfortable working! Height: 1000 mm. Width: 834 mm. Depth: 510 mm. WITH «TOP» SYSTEM (PARTIALLY OPENING DRAWERS). To avoid any risk of the cabinet tipping over, the 415HZ, 416HZ and 417HZ models are fitted with a single drawer opening system. As soon as one drawer is open, the anti-tipping system is active. + 20% MORE STORAGE SPACE THAN OUR STANDARD ROLLER CABINET! PRACTICAL: 1 integrated screwdriver storage system, 2 3-litre side storage trays. COMFORTABLE: Integrated handle. Key concealed in secure housing. Protective bumpers. MODULAR 2 extra storage racks on the sides. NE W CLEVER: Comes with 10 label holders. AVAILABLE: APRIL 4 wheels (Ø 125 mm) for easy movement. 8 INDISPENSAM NEW GENERATION 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITHEFT SYSTEM 415-SAFZ Drawers: 1 x 64 mm, 2 x 104 mm, 1 x 152 mm, 1 x 254 mm. NEW-GENERATION 6-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITHEFT SYSTEM NEW-GENERATION 7-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITHEFT SYSTEM 416-SAFZ 417-SAFZ Drawers: 2 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 254 mm. Drawers: 3 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 194 mm. SECURITY: Features the anti-theft bar: lock all your drawers in one go. l IGN DES by E hir Bac RI BAK BOU AVAILABLE: APRIL NEW GENERATION 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITIPPING SYSTEM 415SZ NEW GENERATION 6-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITIPPING SYSTEM 416SZ Drawers: 1 x 64 mm, 2 x 104 mm, 1 x 152 mm, 1 x 254 mm. Drawers: 2 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 254 mm. NEW GENERATION 7-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH ANTITIPPING SYSTEM 417SZ Drawers: 3 x 64 mm, 3 x 104 mm, 1 x 194 mm. SAFETY: The 415SZ, 416SZ and 417SZ roller cabinets are fitted with the SAB safety system (anti-tipping). No more risk of them tipping over as this system prevents more than one drawer being open at a time. 9 ROLLER CABINETS 4-DRAWER STANDALONE, POWERED ROLLER CABINET 440FAZ Dimensions: Height: 1000 mm. Width: 1101 mm. Depth: 500 mm. 4 drawer: 2 x 66 mm, 1 x 106 mm, 1 x 133 mm. Wheels: Ø 125 mm, width 50 mm. Laminated beechwood worktop. 2 swivel casters with lock/brake, 2 fixed casters. Cabinet features: - 1 autonomous power supply (mains rechargeable battery: 1 x 12V 75 Ah battery) + 2 sockets + 1 on/off switch, 1 x 600 Watt 12V to 230V power inverter . -1 position to place a PEA pack to be ordered separately (see page 92 of the IndispenSAM 2015) for a standalone pneumatic power supply. - 2 Focal® speakers (bluetooth connection). - 1 x 2 m extension lead for recharging the battery. SECURITY AVAILABLE: PLEASE ENQUIRE Comes with an anti-theft bar. With the anti-theft bar, lock all your drawers in one go. SAFETY With «TOP» system (partially opening drawers). To avoid any risk of the cabinet tipping over, this roller cabinet is fitted with a single drawer opening system. This intelligent roller cabinet includes the Connected APS technology designed by SAM’s engineers. INTELLIGENT 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH INTEGRATED RFID SYSTEM CONTACT YOU WILL BE OFFERED A WORKSTATION AUDIT IN ORDER TO CALCULATE THE SAVINGS GENERATED BY THIS NEW GENERATION OF ROLLER CABINETS. 540IZ 6 drawers: 2 x 60 mm, 3 x 100 mm, 1 x 220 mm. Height: 1050 mm. Width: 705 mm. Depth: 500 mm. + POINTS: -Access control to the different drawers in the cabinet. -Integrated tool traceability during production and maintenance operations. -Tools are secured: no more lost tools. -Possibility of tool sharing in a pre-defined working area. -Security alerts sent to your smartphone. -Analysis and optimisation of the workstation. -Permanent inventory of the tools in the cabinet. ADVANTAGES Integration of your industrial processes (displaying of stage in the maintenance or manufacturing process). Reality application (integration of a tutorial). 10 AVAILABLE: PLEASE ENQUIRE Z 540I INDISPENSAM 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET PRICE SERVI-540 DOWN Drawers: - 1 = 60 mm. - 2 = 100 mm. - 1 = 150 mm. - 1 = 220 mm. Height: 940 mm. Width: 770 mm. Depth: 480 80 mm. 7 DRAWERS LARGE ROLLER CABINET STOP MODEL + STORAGE CABINET 6 DRAWERS LARGE ROLLER CABINET STOP MODEL + SERVI-640L SERVI-740L Drawers: - 3 = 60 mm, - 3 =100 mm, - 1 =150 mm. L 1036 x P 460 x H 950 mm. Drawers: - 2 = 60 mm, - 3 =100 mm, - 1 =210 mm. L 1036 x P 460 x H 950 mm. 6 DRAWERS PRICE SERVI-640 DOWN Drawers: - 2= 60 mm - 3=100 mm - 1=220 mm 7 DRAWERS PRICE SERVI-740 DOWN Drawers: - 2= 60 mm - 3=100 mm - 1=220 mm 6 DRAWERS EXTRA-LARGE ROLLER CABINET MODEL STOP + STAINLESS STEEL TRAY SERVI-640AXLZ Stainless steel tray. Load resistance: 1 ton. Payload drawer: up to 60 kg. Drawers dimensions: - 2 = 60 mm - 3 = 100 mm - 1 = 1 200 mm Dimensiones : L 1036 x P 460 x H 950 mm. 6 DRAWERS EXTRA-LARGE ROLLER CABINET MODEL STOP + WOODEN TRAY SERVI-640BXLZ Wooden tray. CONVENIENT MORE ROOM: 1/3 MORESTORAGE THAN A STANDARD ROLLER CABINET SECURITY IAL Large Diameter 125 mm C PE S ION CT ELE S WITH «TOP» SYSTEM (PARTIALLY OPENING DRAWERS). TO AVOID ANY RISK OF THE CABINET TIPPING OVER, THE ROLLER CABINETS IN THE 40 SERIES ARE FITTED WITH A SINGLE DRAWER OPENING SYSTEM. STRONG ABS top reinforced with a hydrocarbon-resistant plate. Easy to clean. Withstands a 950 kg load when static. Load per drawer: 30 kg. CUSTOMISE YOUR CABINET WITH YOUR COMPANY COLOURS (from 2 units purchased). For more information on the RAL colours AVAILABLE:, contact us on 04 77 92 25 81. SECURE Central locking of all the drawers at the same time. Lock with folding key (supplied with 2 numbered security keys). 11 ROLLER CABINETS Height: 940 mm. Width: 680 mm. Depth: 475 mm. WORKSHOP ROLLING CABINET SERVI-R40Z Allows the transformation of the chest (SERVIR40) in mobile chest. The kit consists of a handle and 4 wheels Ø 125 mm. 2 fixed, 2 castors, one with brake. SECURITY Drawers with automatic locking system. 5 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET T WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY SERVI-530 Weight: 52 kg. 5 drawers: 1 x 50 mm, 2 x 100 mm, 1 x 150 mm and 1 x 200 mm. 6 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY SERVI-630 Weight 55 kg. 6 drawers: 2 x 50 mm, 3 x 100 mm, 1 x 200 mm. PRICE DOWN PRICE DOWN TWO-SIDED ROLLER CABINET TROLLEY FOR STORING CONSUMABLES RV5Z CMRC-1Z Height: 760 mm. Width: 640 mm. Depth: 440 mm Drawers open from both sides for greater accessibility. 5 drawers. Key locking. Weight: 41.2 kg. Height: 1045 mm. Width: 1025 mm. Depth: 520 mm For your jerry cans, rags, spray bottles, … W E N 12 W E N STORAGE INDISPENSAM WORKBENCH 2000-PM COMPACT WALL STORAGE CABINET* L: 2000 mm Two lengths of tray: 2000 mm (2000-PM). Height: 870 mm. 2664 Width 60.5 cm Depth 23 cm Height 90 cm Panel perforation 10 x 10 mm Lockable Delivered without tools METAL CABINET WITH CURTAIN 1.50 M LONG* METAL CABINET WITH CURTAIN 2 M LONG* 2615 RESISTANCE 6 DRAWERS WORKBENCH 2006-PM L: The plate is in Beech wood laminate tray. 2000 mm Two lengths of tray: 2000 mm. 6 drawers block (SERVI-B6). The feet can be attached to the ground for stability of the workbench. Height: 870 mm. PRICE DOWN 2620 Width 1.5 m Depth 17 cm Height 90 cm Panel perforation 10 x 10 mm Lockable Delivered without tools. Width 2 m. Depth 17 cm Height 90 cm Panel perforation 10 x 10 mm Lockable Delivered without tools. CONVENIENT USABLE ON WORKBENCH L CIA E SP ION CT ELE S CONVENIENT Cabinet base. Capacity: 15 modules. See page 24/25. 12 DRAWERS WORKBENCH METAL CABINET WITH CURTAIN* 2012-PMA VERTICAL MAGNETIC BOWL 2990V Magnetic bowl to allow to store the removed parts during intervention. L: CONVENIENT Cabinet base. Capacity: 30 modules. See page 24/25. 2000 mm Worktop: 2000 mm. 2 blocks of 6 drawers (Use B6). Sold as a kit ready to assemble. The worktop is predrilled for easy mounting. Wortop is beech wood laminate made with a thickness of 40 mm and a depth of 700 mm. Seamless multi-layer worktop, not deformable, varnishes water resistant. Height: 870 mm. MAGNETIC STORAGE TRAY 2993Z Maximum load: 3.5 kg. Dimensions: 310 x 75 x 50 mm. Hole diameter: 70mm. CONVENIENT Can also be screwed on or sticks to metal surfaces. * HOOKS ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. 13 MOBILE STORAGE S TOOL BAG BAG-1 SE PECI LE AL CT IO TOOL BAG BAG-2 N Dimensions : 420 x 250 x 270 mm. Dimensions : 550 x 250 x 300. CONVENIENT SUPPLIED WITH 2 PLASTIC STORAGE BOXES FOR SMALL PARTS. SMART YOU CAN FIND SOME SETS IN PAGE 19. TOOLS HOLDER BELT LEATHER TOOL HOLDER 422-T 422-C Reinforced padded belt for comfort. To carry your tools with you everywhere. Sturdy canvas: 600 denier. Compartments for different size tools: hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches ... Large pockets Dimensions: 24 x 27.5 cm. 1 box and 4 compartment Joint by reinforced galvanized links which enable a maximal opening. Folding carrying handles. Closing by padlock (non-delivered). TEXTILE BAG WITH TROLLEY BAG-3 Equipped with 2 tool holders panels Large pocket on the front with zipper. Extendable handle. Trolley: height 970 mm. Overall dimensions of the bag: 440 x 380 x 140 mm. BACKPACK BAG-5 Adjustable straps and belt. 2 side pockets, one with closure. 1 large front pocket with zipper and internal storage (pens, etc ...). Possibility to fix three tools holders panels. 1 mobile phone pocket. WATERPROOF Sturdy canvas: 600 denier TEXTILE BAG WITH TROLLEY WATERPROOF Sturdy canvas: 600 denier BAG-7 Allows to transport tools and a laptop. Equipped with two tool holders panels 1 large pocket and several small internal pockets. 1 large pocket. The two large pockets feature a zipper pocket for storage of the laptop. 2 side pockets. Extendable handle. Trolley: height 970 mm. THE IDEAL COMPROMISE to store your tools and personal belongings. 14 INDISPENSAM 26" TOOLBOX ORGANISER STORAGE BOX FOR SMALL HARDWARE OF VARIOUS ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: APRIL BAOPRO-2Z Length: 67 mm. Width: 31 mm. Height: 26 mm. 2 storage boxes in 1! On the top, an entirely detachable 24 inch storage box that can be used as a standalone unit with removable dividers or that can be locked onto the lower part. CAOPRO-26Z MARCH PVC toolbox with 3 compartments in the lid for small items. Reinforced polypropylene shell. Removable tray. Padlockable metal fasteners. Metal wire hinges. Length: 547 mm. Width 271 mm. Height: 278 mm. W NE ROBUST Metal wire hinges. LONG SERVICE LIFE Protective bumpers at the corners W E N 12" TOOLBOX SET OF 3 PVC TOOLBOXES 16" TOOLBOX AVAILABLE: CAO-12Z MARCH COMFORTABLE Ergonomic aluminium handle. AVAILABLE: MARCH CAO-16Z CAO-PACKZ AVAILABLE: PVC toolbox with storage compartments in the lid for small items. Removable tray. Length: 312 mm. Width 167 mm. Height: 130 mm. MARCH 19" TOOLBOX AVAILABLE: CAO-19Z MARCH PVC toolbox with storage compartments in the lid for small items. Removable tray. Strong metal fasteners. Length: 493 mm. Width: 256 mm. Height: 248 mm. NE W Buy 2, get the 3rd free. CAO-16Z = CAO-12Z FREE + CAO-19Z W E N W NE 15 MOBILE STORAGE POLYPROPYLENE BAG WITH TROLLEY TVR-T Reinforced shell resistant up to a pressure of 90 kg. Opening with stops at 90 °. Reinforced hinges. Reinforced handle. Double lock. Label holder included. STORAGE BOX ABS TRANSPORTABLE 117 MM STORAGE BOX FOR SMALL PARTS BOX-3XZ BR-1Z 17 compartments removable. Reinforced lid unbreakable. Safety closure preventing the opening of the compartments during transportation Strap for transport. Overall Dimensions: H 350 mm x W 300 mm x D 145 mm. REINFORCED LID UNBREAKABLE Dimensions : L 442 x H 357 x D 117 mm. Capacity: 18 L. STORAGE BOX ABS TRANSPORTABLE 151 MM PRACTICAL BOX-4XZ Dimensions : L 442 x H 357 x D 151 mm. Capacity: 23 L. MODULAR AT WILL Easily adapted and fitted to other boxes thanks to side clips. STORAGE BOX ABS TRANSPORTABLE 253 MM BOX-5XZ Dimensions : L 442 x H 357 x D 253mm. Capacity: 40 L. SITE CHEST SAM-517-PCV Reinforced structure Carrying handles Removable tray : 650 x 335 x 350 mm Possible closure by padlock (nonsupplied) Dimensions : 800 x 350 x 350 mm. ROBUST Lid can withstand a load of up to 100 kg. Load capacity per box: up to 25 kg. 5-TRAY METAL TOOL BOX SAM-590-PBVZ SEALED BOX-5XZ Strength steel plate. 1 box and 4 compartment. Joint by reinforced galvanized links which enable a maximal opening. Folding carrying handles. Closing by padlock (non-delivered). BOX-4XZ BOX-3XZ BIMATERIAL TOOL BOX Folding Handles. Closed by padlocks (not supplied). Nylon covers. 4 plastic feet. Dimensions : 540 x 100 x 200 mm. 2 small boxes : 540 x 50 x 100 mm. Supports 30 / 40 kgs. BOX-1Z SHORT SERIES 5 TRAY TOOLBOX BOX-2Z RESISTANCE Fiberglass cover with a rib structure for high strength and impact resistance. COMFORTABLE The corners are protected with pads to avoid scratching delicate work plans. STRONG Ribbed galvanized rods to increase the lifetime of the box in response to repeated opening and closing. Dimensions: 470 x 200 x 200. L CIA E SP 16 ION S CT ELE TOOL SETS INDISPENSAM 145 TOOLS “SEDUCTION“ CASE CONVENIENT Contains sam’s best sellers. CP-146Z 2 combination wrenches: 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -15 - 16 17 - 18 - 19 mm - 13 screwdrivers : Slotted blade, Phillips®,Pozidriv®, Torx® - 4 micro-mechanical screwdrivers - 30 bits : Slotted blade, Phillips®, Pozidriv®, hexagonal, Torx®, Résistorx® - 4 pliers - 1 metal saw - 9 hexagonal head keys - 1 level gauge - 1 rule - 1 penlight - 1 cutter - 1 testing screwdriver - 19 metal drilling bits - 1 adjustable wrench - 1 nippers - 17 sockets and accessories 1/2” : 10 to 24 mm - 23 sockets and accessories 1/4” : 3.2 to 14 mm - 1 hammer and 4 punching tools - 1 short tape measure. 120 tooth ratchet ALUMINIUM CASE TVJ-1Z L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE 80 TOOLS WITH STORAGE BOX 69 TOOLS SEDUCTION CASE CP-80BOXZ CP-74Z 9 combination wrenches: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 22 mm - 11 sockets (1/4): 3,2 - 4 - 5 - 5,5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 mm - 1 extension with dual material handle (1/4”) - 150 mm 1/4” extension - 1 bimaterial ratchet (1/4”) - 1 bit holder socket - 10 1/2” sockets: 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 mm - 1 extension 1/2”: S-219 mm - 1 bimaterial ratchet (1/2”) ”PUSH” - 1 bimaterial multigrip pliers - 1 bimaterial universal pliers - 1 hammer - 30 bits: Slotted blade, Phillips®, Pozidriv®, 6 points, Torx®, Résistorx® 9 extra thin combination wrenches: 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 22 mm. - 11 x 1/4” sockets: 3,2 - 4 - 5 - 5,5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 13 mm. - 1 x 1/4” bimaterial drive spinner. - 1 x 1/4” extension of 50 mm. - 1 x 1/4” bimaterial ratchet. - 1 x 1/4” bit-holder socket. - 10 x 1/2” sockets: 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 21 -22 -23 -24 mm. - 1 x 1/2” extension: 125 mm. - 1 x 1/2” bimaterial push ratchet, 120 teeth. - 1 bimaterial multigrip pliers. -1 bimaterial universal pliers with spring. 1 SAMSOPLUS® hammer. - 30 bits: slotted, Phillips®, Pozidriv®, 6 hex, Torx®, Résistorx®. - 1 x 8’’ adjustable wrench. - 1 rack of 9 male hex keys. - 1 short tape measure of 3 m. 120 tooth ratchet 120 tooth ratchet 17 TOOL SETS BI-MATERIAL TOOLBOX 103 TOOLS FOR ELECTRICIANS 26" TOOLBOX WITH 60 TOOLS AVAILABLE: CP-103BOXZ -6 open wrenches. -9 hex keys with spherical heads from 1.5 to 10 mm. -1 chrome-plated adjustable wrench. -7 pairs of pliers: multigrip, halfround straight nose, universal, flat nose, cutting, bent half-round nose, diagonal cutting. -1 x large jaw lock grip pliers 1 x wire strippers. -2 SAMSOPLUS® hammers, 3 short drift punches, 1 centre punch, 1 flat chisel, 1 constant profile chisel. -1 notched cable cutter. -1 set of 9 combination wrenches from 8 to 19 mm. -1 SAMSOCUT lever tensioned hacksaw. -50 HSS bi-metal OPTICUT hacksaw blades. -1 universal tester, 1 flexible rule 200 mm, 1 vernier caliper 1/50 mm, 1 flexible claw pick up tool. CP-CAOPROZ -1 electrician’s sheath stripper, 1 x electrician’s scissors. -1 short tape measure, 1 soldering iron 30 to 55 W, 1 tri-metal weld reel. -1 x crimping pliers, car maintenance model,1 cable stripper. -8 insulated screwdrivers 1000 V: 4 x electrician’s slotted: 3.5x100 4x100 - 5.5x125 - 6.5x150. -2 x Pozidriv®: 1x125 - 2x150. -2 x Phillips®: 1x125 - 2x150. -1 screwholding screwdriver for Phillips® tip. -1 offset screwdriver for slotted screws. -1 square tip -1 set of 26 1/4" 26 tools (mm). -1 bi-material toolbox BOX-1Z BI-MATERIAL TOOLBOX WITH 50 TOOLS 18 -1 x multigrip pliers, 1 x spring loaded universal pliers, 1 x spring loaded diagonal cutting pliers. -1 hammer, 2 centre punches, 2 drift punches. -14 combination wrenches from 6 to 24 mm, 1 hacksaw, 1 tape measure. -3 electrician’s slotted screwdrivers: 3.5 x 75 - 4 x 100 - 5.5 x 100. -2 mechanic’s slotted screwdrivers: 6.5 x 100 - 8 x 200. -3 Phillips® screwdrivers: No. 0 x 75 - 1 x 100 - 2 x 100. -1 insulated slotted screwdriver 4 x 100. -1 set of 27 1/2» sockets and accessories -1 26’’ toolbox CAOPRO-26Z. 120 tooth ratchet BASIC TOOL BOX CP-50BOZ Combination wrenches from 7 to 19, 1 set of 4 pliers, 1 SAMSOPLUS hammer, 4 slotted screwdrivers, 4 Phillips screwdrivers, 1 rack with hexagonal keys and Torx keys, 1 measure 3 meters, sockets 1/2’’ from 10 to 24mm, 1 extension 125 mm, 1 drive sliding tee, 1 universal joint 1/2’’, 1 ratchet 1/2”, 1 cutter, 1 general-purpose shears, 1 metallic brush, 1 bi-material toolbox. MARCH CP-40Z 120 tooth ratchet W E N Details: -1 short tape measure 3 m. -3 electrician’s slotted blade screwdrivers: 4X100 - 5.5X100 - 6.5X100, 2 Phillips® screwdrivers N°1 - N°2. - 1 rack of 9 male wrenches. - 1 multigrip pliers, 1 universal pliers, 1 cutting pliers. - 6 combination wrenches: 8-1011-13-17-19 mm. - 5 offset tubular socket wrenches: 8-10-11-13-17mm. - 1 riveting hammer 32 mm, 1 chisel, 1 set of 5 drift punches. - 1 adjustable wrench, 1 mechanic’s end cutting nippers, 1 hacksaw frame, 1 cutter. INDISPENSAM 66 TOOLS TROLLEY BAG 33 TOOLS SET CP-66BAZ CP-33BAZ Combination wrenches: 7-8-9-10-1112-13-16-17-18-19 1 multigrip pliers, clamp a straight beak, 1 flat nose pliers, 1 diagonal cutters, 1 tri-material hammer, 5 slotted screwdrivers, 4 Phillips screwdrivers, 1 set of hexagonal keys swith spherical head, 1 set of Tork keys, 1 cutter, 1 general-purpose shears, 1 rule, 1 textile storage box. 1 multigrip pliers, 1 universal pliers with spring, 1 diagonal cutting pliers with spring. - 8 extra thin combination wrenches: 8 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19. - 1 SAMSOPLUS hammer, 30 mm. - 1 x 8’’ adjustable wrench. - 1 rack of 9 male keys with spherical head. - 1 short tape measure, 3 m. - 2 slotted screwdrivers, 2 Phillips® screwdrivers. - 1 box of 39 tools with built-in LED light 73-R39Z (see close-up in page 27). CONVENIENT THE IDEAL COMPROMISE to store your tools and personal belongings (laptop, tablet and other office accessories).). IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S TEXTILE TROLLEY CASE WITH 145 TOOLS 1 CP-145BAZ Combination wrenches from 8 to 19, 1 saw, 2 drive sliding tee 1/2’’and 1’’, 2 extensions, 1 extensinon, 2 universal joints, 1 ratchet 1/4’’and 1/2’’, 1/4” sockets from 3.2 to 14 and 1/2” sockets from 10 to 21mm, 1 adjustable wrench, 1 scribe, 1 level, 1 set of hexagonal keys, 1 set of 4 pliers, 5 slotted screwdrivers, 5 Torx® screwdrivers, 3 Phillips screwdriver, 1 screwdriver tester, 4 precision screwdrivers, 2 chisels, 2 drift punches, 1 measurement 2 meters, 120 1 rule, 1 light pen, 1 cutter, 1 hammer, 1 bit holder, 3 sets of bits, 19 metal drills, 1 mechanic end nippers tooth ratchet 2 3 4 19 TOOL SETS PRACTICAL + 30% extra storage space! 14 MODULE SET WITH EXTRA-WIDE 6-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET 202 TOOLS in ABS modules CPP-XL 3 COMPLETE DRAWERS C O M P O S I T I O N - Extra-wide 6-drawer roller cabinet with «TOP» system (partia (partially opening drawers) SERVI-640BXLZ 1 - 45 hex keys on a rack. - 1 automatic cutter, 1 padlock, 1 short tape measure 3 m. - 1 box of 5 spiral screw extractors, 1 pen torch. - 1 x 1/2“- 1/4” adapter, 1 x10” adjustable wrench. 2 - 1 hacksaw, 10 saw blades, 1 tape measure 3 m. - 1 scriber, 1 x ruler 300 mm 3 -7 insulated screwdrivers 1000 V, slotted and Phillips®. 4 - 7 slotted and Phillips®. screwdrivers 5 - 7 Torx® screwdrivers, from T10 to T40. 6 - 6 socket spanners from 21 to 30 mm. 7 - 1 extra flat chisel, 1 centre punch, 1 precision cape chisel. 1 SAMSOPLUS® hammer 32 mm, 1 mallet with 2 tips. 5 drift punches: ø 2.4 to 8.9 mm. 8 - 4 pairs of circlip pliers. 9 - 4 pairs of pliers. 10 - 10 box wrenches from 8 to 19 mm. 11 - 6 extra-thin combination wrenches from 22 to 32 mm. SAFE 125 mm wheels for easier movement. With «TOP» system (partially opening drawers). To avoid any risk of the cabinet tipping over, the roller cabinet is fitted with a single drawer opening system. As soon as one drawer is open, the antitipping system is active. 2 5 1 9 4 12 - 12 extra-thin combination wrenches from 7 to 19 mm. 13 - 1 1/4” bit-holder socket, 1 1/2” ratchet, 1 1/4’’ screwdriver bit holder, bit holder, 1 ratchet 1/2”, 2 1/2” extensions , 1 1/2” universal joint, 22 six point sockets 1/2” six point sockets: 8 to 32 mm. 14 20 - 1 1/4”push ratchet, 1 drive spinner handle, 1 1/4” universal joint, 1 1/4” sliding T-handle, 2 1/4” extensions, 10 1/4» sockets from 5.5 to 14 mm, 7 screwdriver bits Phillips®, 1 rack with 9 hex keys from 1.5 to 10 mm. 14 8 3 7 13 6 12 11 10 INDISPENSAM AVAILABLE: APRIL SET OF 135 TOOLS WITH NEW GENERATION 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH FOAM INSERTS 415-135MZ 415 5-drawer roller cabinet + 135 tools in 3 tool trays with foam inserts: 5 slotted screwdrivers, 2 Phillips® screwdrivers, 7 Torx® screwdrivers, 1 flat chisel, 1 centre punch, 1 cape chisel, 1 SAMSOPLUS® hammer, 1 mallet, 5 drift punches from ø 2.4 to 8.9 mm, 10 hollow offset socket wrenches from 8 to 19 mm, 1 x lock grip pliers, 1 x multigrip pliers, 1 x universal pliers, 1 x cutting pliers. - 1 1/2” pass through ratchet, 1 1/2" extension 75 mm, 2 adapters 1/2" and 3/8", 10 1/2” pass through sockets from 10 to 19 mm, 1 1/4" pass through ratchet, 1 1/4” extension, 1 1/4” adapter, 10 1/4" pass through sockets from 4 to 13 mm, 1 1/4” adapter, set of 30 Phillips®, hex, Pozidriv®, Torx®, Resistorx® bits, set of 18 extra-thin combination wrenches from 7 to 32 mm, 1 short tape measure 2 m, 1 rack of 9 hex keys with spherical heads, 1 10" adjustable wrench , 1 vernier caliper 1/20, 1 bimaterial cutter with retractable blade, 1 padlock, 1 set of feeler gauges, 1 scriber, 1 flexible rule 200 mm, 1 rack of 10 screwdriver bits + 1 bit holder. SET OF 200 TOOLS WITH NEW GENERATION 5-DRAWER ROLLER CABINET WITH FOAM INSERTS W E N 415-200MZ 415 5-drawer roller cabinet + 200 tools in 4 trays with form inserts: 45 hex, Torx®, Resistorx® keys on a rack, 1 self-retracting cutter, 1 padlock, 1 short tape measure, 1 box of 5 spiral screw extractors, 1 electrician’s knife, 1 pen torch, 7 Torx® screwdrivers, 1 box of screwdrivers: 4 slotted/Phillips® reversible blades (8 tips) + 1 bi-material handle, 1 1/4’’bit-holder socket, set of 10 socket spanners from 8 to 19 mm, 18 extra-thin combination wrenches from 7 to 32 mm, 4 x circlip pliers, set of 5 pairs of pliers: lock grip, spring loaded universal, spring loaded cutting, multigrip, spring loaded half-round straight nose, 1 centre punch, 1 1/2” ratchet, 1 1/2” extension 75 mm, 1 adapter for 1/4" and 3/8" socket. - 10 1/2" pass through sockets from 10 to 19 mm, 1 1/4” ratchet, 1 1/4" extension 75 mm, 1 1/4" ratchet extension, 1 drive spinner handle, 1 radio screwdriver bit holder, 12 1/4" pass through sockets from 4 to 13 mm, set of Phillips®, hex, Pozidriv®, Torx®, Resitorx® bits, set of 5 drift punches from ø 2.4 to 8.9 mm, 1 adjustable wrench: 10", set of 7 slotted and Phillips® screwdrivers, 2 SAMSOPLUS® hammers, 1 mallet, 1 flat chisel, 1 precision cape chisel. 21 TOOL SETS 6 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY + 200 TOOLS IN MODULES CPP-200MZ SERVI-640 7 drawers roller cabinet CPP-200M1 9 hexagonal keys set from from 1.5 to 10mm + 9 Torx® Key from 8 to 40 + 9 hexagonal keys with spherical head keys + 9 long hexagonal keys from 1.5 to 10mm, 1 cutter with auto retractable blade, padlock, 3m short measure, 1 puller set, electrician’s knife, pen light, adjustable wrench, 7 Torx® screwdrivers, 1 set of 4 screwdriver blades with handle. CPP-200M2 10 socket wrenches set: 8-10-11-1213 -14-16-17-18-19, 18 combination wrenches set: 7-8-10-11-12-13-14-15- 22 PRICE DOWN 16-17-18-19-2224-27-29-30-32, 4 circlip pliers set CPP-200M3 4 pliers set: Lock grip pliers, multigrip pliers, combination pliers, cutting pliers, 1 punch, 1/2” pass trough sockets set and accessories: 1/2 ratchet , 1/2” extension 75mm, 1/2” ratchet adapter, 1/2” pass trough sockets : 10-11-12-13 - 14-15-16-1718-19, 1/4” pass through sockets and accessories: 1/4” ratchet, 1/4” extension 75mm, 1/4” ratchet adapter, drive spinner, 1/4” screwdriver sockets, 1/4” pass trough sockets: 4-5-5,5-6-7 - 8-9-10-1112-13, Phillips® bits set, hexagon, Pozidriv®, Torx®, Resitorx®, 5 drift punches set. CPP-200M4 7 screwdrivers set, 2 trimaterial hammers, 1 hammer, 1 flat chisel, a precision cape chisel. 5 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY + 135 TOOLS IN MODULES CPP-135MZ SERVI-540 5 drawers roller cabinet CPP-135M1 7 slot screwdriver, 7 Torx® screwdriver, 1 flat chisel, a punch, a cape chisel, a trimaterial hammer, 1 mallet, 5 drift punches. CPP-135M2 10 socket wrenches: 8-10-11-12-1314-16-17-18-19, 1 lock grip pliers, multigrip pliers, combination pliers, cutting pliers, 1/2” pass through ratchet, 1/2” 75mm extension 1/2” and 3/8” adapter, 1/2” pass trough sockets: 10-11-12-13-14 - 15-1617-18-19, 1/4” pass through ratchet, 1/4” 75mm extension 1/4” adapter, 1/4” pass through sockets 1/4” sleeper: 4-5-5,5-6-7-8-9 - 10-1112-13, 1/4” bits adapter, Phillips® bits set, hexagon, Pozidriv”, Torx”, resitorx”, 1/4” screwdriver bits CONVENIENT WASHABLE With the bi-colour foams and precision cutting to the shape of the tool, you can check all your tools are there at a glimpse. Foam washable at 60°C. PRICE DOWN CPP-135M3 : Combination wrenches set : 7-8-1011-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-2224-27-29-30-32, 2m short measure, hexagonal keys with spherical head, 1 adjustable wrench, 1/20th vernier caliper, bimaterial cutter with retractable blade, padlock, feeler gauge, carbide scriber, rule. INDISPENSAM 6 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY + 200 TOOLS IN MODULES PRICE DOWN CPP-200SV 1 roller cabinet SERVI-630 3 electrician’s Slotted screwdrivers : C O M P O S I T I O N 3 7 3 x 100 -4 x 100 - 5,5 x 150 2 mechanic’s Slotted screwdrivers : 6,5 x 150 -8 x 150 2 Phillips® screwdrivers : N°1 - N°2 7 Torx® screwdrivers : 10 x 80 - 15 x 80 - 20 x 100 25 x 100 - 27 x 115 - 30 x 115 - 40 x 130 10 hollow offset tubular socket 1 wrenches 8 to 19 mm 12 combination wrenches : 7 to 19 mm 6 combination wrenches : 22 to 32 mm 9 hexagonal keys set :1,5 to 10 mm 9 hexagonal keys set : 8 to 40 mm 1 rack with 9 spherical hexagonal keys male wrenches : 1,5 mm to 10 mm 1 rack with 9 offset male Resistorx® wrenches : 8 to 40 mm 9 long hexagonal keys: 1,5 to 10 mm 1 self-retracting blade cutter 1 padlock 1x3m short tape measure 1 set of 15 bits + 1x 1/4” bit holder 1 set of 5 helical pullers 1 pen light 1 adaptator 1/4” - 1/4” 1 monkey wrench. L = 238 mm 1 high capacity lock grip plier. L = 220 mm 1 bimaterial multigrip plier. L = 250 mm 1 universal plier. L = 165 mm 1 diagonal cutting plier. L = 165 mm 1 electrician straight half-round nose. L = 160 mm 1 chisel 1 punch : ø 3 mm 6 11 2 10 5 9 4 8 PRICE DOWN 5 DRAWERS ROLLER CABINET WITH ALUMINIUM TRAY + 135 TOOLS IN MODULES CPP-135SV 1 roller cabinet SERVI-530 - 3 electrician’s Slotted screwdrivers C 3 6 2 5 8 1 O M P O S I T I O N 3x100 – 4x100 – 5,5x150 - 2 mechanic’s Slotted screwdrivers S1:6,5 x 150 – 8 x 150 - 2 Phillips® screwdrivers S1: N°1 – N°2 - 7 Torx® screwdrivers : 10x80 - 15x80 - 20x100 25x100 - 27x115 - 30x115 - 40x130 - 10 hollow offset tubular socket wrenches: 8 to 19 mm - 12 combination wrenches : 7 to 19 mm - 6 combination wrenches : 22 to 32 mm - 1 lock grip pliers L = 220 mm - 1 bimaterial multigrip pliers. L = 250 mm - 1 universal pliers L = 165 mm - 1 diagonal cutter pliers 180 mm - 1 chisel, 1 punch : ø 3 mm - 1 precision cape chisels - 1 x 2-bit soft-face hammer, - 1 riveting hammer Samsoplus® : 32 mm - 5 drift punches : ø 2,4 - 3,4 - 4,9 - 6,9 - 8,9 mm - 2 x ratchets : 1/2” - 1/4” - 2 extensions : 1/2” - 1/4” - 3 ratchet adapters 1/4” - 11 pass through sockets for smallsize ratchet : 4 to 13 mm - 10 pass through sockets for largesize ratchet : 10 to 19 mm - 1 adapter 1/4” - 1 extension 1/4” with end-piece 9 holder socket - Bits : slotted blade, Phillips®, Torx®, 6 point, Pozidriv®, Résistorx® - 1x3m short tape measure, - 9 long hexagonal keys with spherical head : 1,5 mm to 10 mm, - 1 adjustable wrench, - 1 vernier gauge 1/20ème, - 1 retractable knif, - 1 padlock, - 1 feeler gauge, - 1 scriber, - 1 flexible rule. 4 7 23 TOOL MODULES SAM MODULES WITH FOAM INSERTS: 7 SCREWDRIVER MODULE WITH FOAM INSERT T-PZJ7MMZ 34 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES MODULE 1/4” 73-R34MMZ 12 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES IN FOAM MODULE 50C-J12MMZ SEE WHICH TOOLS ARE MISSING AT A GLANCE THANKS TO THE TWOCOLOURED FOAM. 3x100 - 4x150 - 5,5x150. 6,5x150 - 8x150. 1x100 - 2x125. 7 SLOT AND PHILLIPS® SCREWDRIVERS MODULE 4 PLIERS MODULE P21-J4MZ T-PJ7MMZ 1 ratchet 1/4”, 6-point sockets 1/4” from 5.5 to 14, 3 extensions, 1 sliding handle, 1 universal joint 1 hafted handle, 1 socket screwdriver 9 hexagonal keys, 7 screwdriver Phillips, Pozi, slotted bits. 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-16-17-1819 mm. 12 COMBINATION WRENCHES IN FOAM MODULE 4 CIRCLIP PLIERS IN FOAM MODULE 50N-J12MMZ 190-J4MMZ ERGONOMIC Lock grip pliers Multigrip pliers Combination pliers Cutting pliers 7 SCREWDRIVERS TORX® MODULE T-XJ7MMZ 3x100 4x150 5,5x150. 6,5x150 8x150. 1x100 2x125. 27 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES MODULE 1/2” 75-SH27MMZ 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-16-17-19-2122 mm. 190-17A Internal circlip pliers 19-60, 191-17A Angled circlip pliers 19-60, 195-17A Circlip pliers 19-60, 196-17A Circlip pliers 19-60, Foam module. 10 ANGLED OPEN -SOCKET WRENCHES MODULE 10 STRIKKING TOOLS IN FOAM MODULE 94-SJ10MMZ M1-10MMZ 120 tooth ratchet 10x80 - 15x80 - 20x100 - 25x100 27x115 - 30x115 - 40x130 . 24 1/2” ratchet , 2 extensions 125 and 250 mm, 1/2” universal joint 6 point sockets: 8-9-10-11-12-13-1415-16-17-18-19-21-22-23-24-25-2729-30-32. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 21 mm. Extra flat chisel, punch, precision cape chisel, trimaterial hammer 2 tips hammer, 5 drift punches. INDISPENSAM 7 SCREW DRIVERS MODULE T-1MZ 3-4-5.5-6.5-8 mm. n°1, n°2. 12 COMBINATION WRENCHES IN FOAM MODULE 50N-J12MZ 7 TORX® SCREWDRIVERS MODULE T-3MZ T10-T15-T20-T25-T27-T30-T40. 6 WRENCHES IN ABS MODULE 50N-J6MZ 6 BIG DIMENSION ANGLED OPENSOCKET WRENCHES MODULE 94-SJ6MZ 21-22-23-24-27-30 mm. 12 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES MODULE 50C-J12MZ 10 ANGLED OPEN -SOCKET WRENCHES MODULE 94-SJ10MZ 8-10-11-12-13-14-16-17-18-19 mm. IMPACT SCEWDRIVERS MODULE 270A-J20MZ 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 22 24 27 29 30 32. 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-16-17-1819 mm. 2-3 Straight bits. 2-3 Pozidriv® bits. 2-3 Phillips® bits. 5-6-8-10 Hexagon bits. 20-25-27-30-40-45-50-55 Torx® bits. IMPACT SOCKETS MODULE 1/4” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES MODULE 1/2” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES MODULE 1/2” AND 1/4” PASS TROUGH SOCKETS + ACCESSORIES MODULE NSJ-15MZ Extension 125mm + sockets 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-1718-19-21-22-23-24. 10 IMPACT TOOLS MODULE M1-10MZ Extra flat chisel, punch, precision cape chisel, trimaterial hammer 2 tips hammer, 5 drift punches. 73-R1MZ 75-SH1MZ 1/4” push ratchet, Drive spinner, 1/4” universal joint, 1/4” drive sliding tee, 1 short and long extension. 1/4” sockets: 5,5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 Slotted screwdriver bits 4.5 - 6.5 8mm. Phillips® screwdriver bits No. 1-2. Pozidriv® screwdriver bits No. 1-2. 9 hexagonal keys set from 1.5 to 10mm. 1/4 bit sockets RD-1. 1/2” ratchet , 2 extensions 125 and 250mm, 1/2” universal joint 6 point sockets: 8-9-10-11-12-13-1415-16-17-18-19-21-22-23-24-25-2729-30-32. 5 FILES MODULE 4 PLIERS MODULE LPJ-1MZ Flat. Half-round. Square. Three-square. Round 120 tooth ratchet P13-J4MZ Lock grip pliers Multigrip pliers Combination pliers Cutting pliers M-61Z 1/2” bimaterial pass through ratchet - Extension 1 / 2 75 mm. Ratchet adapter 1/2” and 3/8”. 6 point sockets 1 / 2 : 10-11-12-13-14-15 -16-17-1819. 1/4” pass through ratchet with 1/4 extension. Adapter for ratchet 1/4”. 6 point 1/4” socket : 4-5-5.5-6-7-8-910-11-12-13mm. 1/4” screwdriver bit adapter. 1/4” bits set slotted Torx® - Phillips® drive spinner. 1/4” screwdriver sockets. 4 CIRCLIP PLIERS MODULE 190-J4MZ Circlip pliers for inside circlip 19-60 Circlip pliers for inside circlip 90° tip 19-60 Circlip pliers for outside circlip 19-60 Circlip pliers for outside Circlip 90° tip 19-60. 25 TOOL MODULES Choose the specific tool to every job. SQUARE DRIVE SIZE PRODUCT REFERENCE PAGE STANDARD USE 6 POINTS / 12 POINTS 1/4” SQUARE DRIVE 73-R45Z 73-R39Z 73-R33Z 73-R17Z 33 32 33 33 1/2” SQUARE DRIVE { 75-RS1Z 75-RS2Z 36 36 98 98 98 98 98 98 35 35 35 28 28 29 28 28 29 29 37 37 29 37 1/4 et 1/2 DOUCHOTORXZ DOUCHORTORXZ CP-NSCJ CP-NSTJ 72-NS19 1/2 et 3/8 74NJ-J10 CP-16Z CP-61Z CP-77Z 75-SH32Z 75-SH28Z 75-S29Z 75-SAH27Z 75-SH23Z 75-SH21Z SC-J9BOXZ SC-J8R STJ-8R CD-STX1Z STX-J7R 3/4” SQUARE DRIVE 26 78-CH16Z 36 COMPACT ACCESSIBILITY PASS THROUGH SOCKETS POWERED TIGHTENING IMPACT SOCKETS SOCKETS SCREWDRIVERSTORX/HEX TORX / 6 POINTS INDISPENSAM RATCHETS With SAM, choose the right product for every job. RFID RATCHET SQUARE DRIVE SIZE PRODUCT REFERENCE PAGE RFID RATCHET 31 1/4” SQUARE DRIVE R-150BZ RA-151BZ R-157BZ R-152BZ COMPOCLIC-1Z 34 34 47 35 34 3/8” SQUARE DRIVE J-150AZ J-159AZ COMPOCLIC-2Z 37 37 37 1/2” SQUARE DRIVE S-159Z SA-160AZ S-158P S-157B S-155BZ S-156BZ S-154Z CLICZEROZ COMPOCLIC-3Z 30 30 30 83 35 35 30 31 31 3/4” SQUARE DRIVE C-150Z C-152Z 36 36 STANDARD USE LIGHTWEIGHT STRONG PRODUCTIVITY ACCESSIBILITY CONNECTED 27 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES -3 2 mm 1/2” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET – 23 TOOLS 32 m m 8 8 SET OF 1/2" SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES - 27 TOOLS 75-SAH27Z - 75-SH23Z -22 6 point sockets from 8 to 32 mm. -1 1/2” ratchet with central reversing. -2 1/2” straight extensions 210 and 215 mm. -1 1/2” sliding T-handle. -1 1/2” universal joint . Satin finish. Construction ratchet square 1/2”, 1 extension 1/2” 125 mm 1 extension 1/2” 250 mm, 1 unirversal joint 1/2”, 19 sockets 1/2” : 8-9-10-11-12-13-1415-16-17-18-19-21-22-23-2427-30-32. L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE SET OF 1/2" SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES - 32 TOOLS mm 1 -3 2 75-SH28Z Ratchet 1/2” Sockets 1 / 2 of 8-9-10-11-12-13-1415-16-17-18-19-21-22-23-24-26-2728-29-30-32. 2 extensions. 120 tooth ratchet 28 75-SH32Z ACCESSIBILITY 120 tooth ratchet, 3° swing to facilitate access in confined spaces. -21 6 point sockets from 10 to 32 mm. -1 1/2” ratchet with central reversing. -2 1/2” straight extensions 210 et 215 mm. -1 1/2” sliding T-bar. -1 1/2” universal joint . -1 1/2” bit-holder socket . -5 5/16” hex bits. 32 m 0- m 8 1/2” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET INDISPENSAM -3 m SET OF 6 POINT SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES AND 1/2” ACCESSORIES - 21 TOOLS 2m 8 8 SET OF 1/2" SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES 29 TOOLS 12 POINT 4m 75-S29Z AVAILABLE: - 23 1/2” sockets from 8 to 34 mm. - 2 extensions 130 mm - 250 mm. 1 sliding T-handle. - 1 brace - 1 universal joint. - 1 1/2” ratchet. APRIL -3 m 75-SH21Z AVAILABLE: -17 1/2” sockets from 8 to 32 mm. -1 1/2” universal joint, 2 extension 130 - 250 mm, 1 1/2” ratchet. APRIL W E N EW N SET OF 9 1/2"TORX® BIT SOCKETS mm SC-J9BOXZ CDSTX-1Z Dimensions: 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 17- 19 mm. 2 -1 9 60 m 0- m 5 SET OF 9 1/2” 6 POINT SCREWDRIVER BIT SOCKETS Details: 20-25-27-30-40-45-50-55-60 mm. AVAILABLE: APRIL NE W NE W 29 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES PUSH RATCHET 1/2” WITH REVERSING LEVER ACCESSIBILITY 120 tooth ratchet, 3° swing to facilitate access in confined spaces. S-158P Bright polished chrome finish. Forged chrome vanadium steel. 120 teeth, 3 ° increment Bi-material handle. PUSH system: locking and unlocking of the socket. SECURITY PERFORMANCE IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S 1/2” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING 1/2” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING SA-160AZ NF ISO DIN DIN 3122 3120 S-154Z S-159Z The twist reversing knob quick reversing with no need for a ratchet movement. 1174-1 1/2” HINGED RATCHET 5° 72 tooth ratchet The twist reversing knob quick reversing with no need for a ratchet movement. NF ISO DIN DIN 1174-1 3122 3120 5° 72 tooth ratchet Central reversing. Flex head to reach nuts that are difficult to access. NF ISO DIN DIN 1174-1 3122 3120 W E N 30 5° 72 tooth ratchet INDISPENSAM RFID RATCHET 1/2” RATCHET WITH 0° RETURN ANGLE SAM allows you to tack you tools thanks to a tool locating system. If you are interested in this offer, contact us on +33 (0)4 77 921 335. 120 tooth ratchet AVAILABLE: CLICZEROZ CLIC-RFID 0° return angle Recommended for places that are difficult to access. APRIL 0° NE 5° W SILENT AVAILABLE: PLEASE ENQUIRE CONSTRUCTION 1/2” RATCHET S-157B 1/2” COMPOSITE RATCHET COMPOCLIC-3Z Does not scratch other materials. 72 tooth ratchet 5° PRACTICAL Reversing lever for changing the direction of rotation with one hand. 72 tooth ratchet 5° LIGHTWEIGHT Composite body, 15% lighter than a conventional ratchet. RESISTANT Protection of ratchet from water and sand intrusion 31 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES COMPACT Easy to carry in a pocket or toolbox. POCKET LIGHT SET 1/4” 39 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES INGENIOUS INTEGRATION of an LED lamp (rechargeable battery) in the box. -1 4 mm elle 1 ch :1 E 5 73-R39Z CONVENIENT Support belt clip. C O M P O S I T I O - 1 ratchet 1/4’’ - 1 fitted extension 1/4’’ - 1 extension 1/4’’ 50 mm - 1 extension 100 mm - 11 sockets 1/4’’: 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 mm 32 N - 1 universal Joint 1/4” - 1 sliding handle 1/4’’ - 1 bit holder socket 1/4’’ - 3 bits for slotted haed 4.5-6.5 - 8 mm - 3 bits for Phillips® head PH 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 bits for Pozidriv® head PZ 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 tips 6 Point 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 mm - 7 bits for Resistorx® head 10-15 - 20 - 25-27 - 30 - 40 Package dimension: 148 x 89.5 x 46.7 mm. INDISPENSAM m 5, -1 73-R17Z 5- 73-R33Z - 12 sockets, 6 hex: 4-5-5.5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 mm. - 1 bimaterial ratchet - 1 bimaterial jointed extension - 2 extensions: 50 and 150 mm. - 1 universal joint. 1/4” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET 45 TOOLS 14 3, m m 2- 73-R45Z SET OF 1/4” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES 33 TOOLS 14 m m 4 1/4” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET 17 TOOLS 4m 12 sockets, 6 hex: 3.2 - 4 - 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 mm. - 1 bimaterial ratchet - 1 jointed extension COMPACT - 3 extensions: 50, 100 and 150 mm. COMPACT BOX: - 1 joint Easy storage in top - 1 sliding handle compartments of SAM tool boxes. - 1 bit-holder socket Dimensions of box: 1/4” = 295 x 80 x 48 mm. - 7 bits 6 hex: 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 mm. ® 5 - 7 Résistorx bits: 10-1 -20-25-27-30-40 - 4 slotted bits: 4.5-5.5-6.5-8 mm. - 3 Phillips® bits: 1-2-3 - 3 Pozidriv® bits: 1-2-3 -10 6 point sockets from 5.5 to 14 mm. -1 ratchet with central reversing. -2 straight extensions 50 and 150 mm. -1 sliding T-handle. -1 drive spinner handle. -1 universal joint. -1 bit-holder socket -16 hex, Phillips®, slotted and Torx® screwdriver bits. POCKET LIGHT SET OF 39 X 1/4” TOOLS, SITE RATCHET VERSION 73-RC39Z 3x Slotted 4,5 - 6,5 - 8 mm. - 3 x n°1 - 2 - 3. - 3 x n°1 - 2 - 3. - 5 x 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 mm. - 7 x 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 27 - 30 - 40. - 1 construction ratchet 1/4” - 1 fitted extension 1/4” - 1 extension 1/4” 50 mm - 1 extension 100 mm - 11 sockets 1/4” : 5 - 5,5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 12 - 13 - 14 mm. - 1 universal Joint 1/4” - 1 sliding handle 1/4” - 1 bit holder socket 1/4” - Package dimension: 148 x 89.5 x 46.7 mm. PRACTICE: - Integration of an LED lamp (rechargeable battery) in the box. RESISTANT protection of ratchet from water and sand intrusion IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S 333 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES CONSTRUCTION 1/4” RATCHET 1/4” COMPOSITE RATCHET COMPOCLIC-1Z R-157BZ Does not scratch other materials. 72 tooth ratchet 5° LIGHTWEIGHT PRACTICAL RESISTANT Composite body, 15% lighter than a conventional ratchet. Reversing lever for changing the direction of rotation with one hand. Protection of ratchet from water and sand intrusion 1/4” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING R-150BZ 1/4” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING RA-151BZ The twist reversing knob allows you to change direction of rotation with one hand. Satin finish. NF ISO 1174-1 NF ISO 1174-1 72 tooth ratchet 72 tooth ratchet 5° 1/4” BIT-HOLDER SOCKET” EMB-1Z Length 25 mm. AVAILABLE: MARCH 34 5° INDISPENSAM PASS THROUGH RATCHETS AND SOCKETS SET CP-77Z 1/2” ratchet with pass through extension. Square adapter - Sockets : 21 to 32 - 2 bimaterial ratchets - 3 ratchet adapters (1/4” and 3/8”) - 30 bits:slotted head, Phillips®, Pozidriv®, Torx®,Résistorx®, 6 point - 11 sockets for smallsize ratchet: 4 to 13 mm - 10 sockets for large-size ratchet: 10 to 19 mm - 2 extensions - 1 hafted extension 1/4” with socket bit holder 1 /4” IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S PASS THROUGH RATCHETS AND SOCKETS SET PASS THROUGH SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES WITH 1/2” RATCHET CP-16Z CP-61Z 1/2” ratchet with pass through extension Square adapter Sockets : 21-22-23-24-25-2627-28-29-30-32. 21 RATCHET FOR 1/2” PASS THROUGH SOCKETS Can be used with ordinary sockets with adapters. 1/4 S-156BZ Can be used with ordinary sockets with adapters. 72 tooth ratchet 5° Can be used with ordinary sockets with adapters. - 19 m 72 tooth ratchet - 32 m m 5° S-155BZ m 72 RATCHET FOR 1/2” PASS THROUGH SOCKETS 21 R-152BZ 10 4 m - 19 m RATCHET FOR 1/4” PASS THROUGH SOCKETS tooth ratchet - 32 m m 2 bimaterial ratchets - 3 ratchet adapters (1/4 and 3/8) - 30 bits:Slotted head, Phillips®, Pozidriv®, Torx®, Résistorx®, 6 point - 11 sockets for small-size ratchet: 4-5-5,5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13 mm - 10 sockets for large-size ratchet: 10-11-12 -13-14-15-16-17-18-19 mm - 2 extensions (75 mm) - 1 hafted extension 1/4” with socket bit holder 1/4”. 5° 35 SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET OF 1/4” AND 1/2” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES - 51 TOOLS 5 5, APRIL AVAILABLE: - 24 m 75-RS2Z m 32 m m 75-RS1Z SET OF 1/4” AND 1/2” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES - 29 TOOLS AVAILABLE: 5- APRIL 10 1/4” sockets from 5 to 13 mm, 13 1/2” sockets 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 21 - 22 - 24 mm, 1 1/4” extension 100 mm, 1 1/4” drive spinner handle, 1 1/4” ratchet, 2 1/2” extensions 125 and 250 mm. 1 1/2” universal joint. 10 1/4” sockets from 5.5 to 14 mm, 15 1/2” sockets from 10 to 32 mm, 19 1/4” ø 25 mm Phillips®, Pozidriv®, hex, Resistorx® bits, 2 1/4” extensions 55 and 100 mm, 1 1/4” universal joint, 1 1/4” bit-holder socket, 1 1/4” drive spinner handle, 1 1/4” ratchet, 1 1/2” extension 125 mm. W E N W E N 3/4” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING 9- m 1 3/4” SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET 17 TOOLS 50 m 78-CH16Z C-150Z Can be used with extension bar or sliding T-handle. 12 sockets: 19-21-22-24-27-30-32-36-38-41-46-50 mm - 1 slide handle - 1 handle - 1 reducer: 3/4” --> 1/2” - 1 ratchet - 1 extension: 400 mm. 60 tooth ratchet 6° W E N 3/4” HINGED TELESCOPIC RATCHET, 24 TEETH C-152Z Telescopic handle. Dimensions: 610-915mm. 24 tooth ratchet 36 15° AVAILABLE: MAY W E N INDISPENSAM IAL 3/8” COMPOSITE POUSH RATCHET C PE S ION CT ELE S COMPOCLIC-2Z Does not scratch other materials. 72 tooth ratchet 5° LIGHTWEIGHT Composite body, 15% lighter than a conventional ratchet. 3/8” RATCHET WITH REVERSING LEVER 3/8” RATCHET WITH CENTRAL REVERSING J-150-AZ J-159-AZ Reversing lever to change the direction of rotation with one hand. 72 tooth ratchet Twist reversing knob to change the direction of rotation with one hand. 72 5° 8 DRIVE METRIC HEXAGONAL BIT SOCKETS SC-J8R Detail: 6x55, 7x55, 8x55, 10x55, 12x55, 14x55, 17x55, 19x55mm. tooth ratchet 7 TORX 1/2” SOCKETS SET STX-J7R Detail : 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24. 5° 8 SCREWDRIVER 1/2” SOCKETS TORX® SET STJ-8R Detail : 20x55, 25x55, 27x55, 30x55, 40x55, 45x55, 50x55, 55x55. PRICE DOWN 37 WRENCHES How to choose the wrench that meets your needs? PRODUCT REFERENCE 38 PAGE 50N-LT1Z / 50N-LT2Z 50N-J12Z / 50N-J8Z 35-TR14Z 50-C-...Z / 50C-J8Z 50-FAJ6Z / 50-FA...Z 50-HJ9Z 50-CFJ12Z / 50-CF...Z 50-CTJ12Z / 50-CT...Z 50-CDJ12Z / 50-CD...Z 105-D-...Z 106C-...Z / 106C-J6Z 106CP-J4Z / 106CP-...Z CP-12Z 114-60Z 115Z 94-SDJ12Z / 94-SDJ8Z / 94-SD...Z 54-GA...Z 54-CLZ 91-Z / 92-Z / 93-Z 39 39 43 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 HEX KEYS 59-R8ALZ / 59-R9A / 60-PTJ8 / 62-CTJ5Z / 62-R9A / 63-R9A / 66-R8ALZ / 66-R9A / 66-TR12Z / 67-AR9A 45 PRODUCTIVITY ACCESSIBILITY OPTIMISED STORAGE MULTI-PURPOSE ERGONOMIC SPECIFIC JOBS WRENCHES INDISPENSAM W E N SET OF 9 EXTRA-THIN COMBINATION WRENCHES 14 50N-LT1Z 50N-LT2Z - 19 m m - 13 m m 8 SET OF 9 EXTRA-THIN COMBINATION WRENCHES Details: 3 x 8- 3 x 10 - 3 x 13 mm. Details: 3 x 14- 3 x 17 - 3 x 19 mm. ALLOWS YOU TO POOL YOUR PURCHASES! FOR SAM, CHOICE IS A RIGHT ... Set of 3 x the 3 most commonly used wrenches so that you always have the one you need! 12 COMBINATION WRENCHES RACK 50N-J12Z Detail: 7-8-10-11-12-13-16-17-18-19-22-24. ISO ISO 3318 1711-11 SPEED 100% effective storage. Quickidentification of the desiredsize. FINENESS Tapered fork andthinne ring : accessto the nuts easier 8 COMBINATION WRENCHES RACK 50N-J8Z Detail: 8-10-11-13-16-17-18-19. ISO ISO 3318 1711-11 COMFORT Expanded handle in center. L CIA E SP ION S CT ELE 39 WRENCHES SET OF 9 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES SET OF 9 MULTI-NUT COMBINATION WRENCHES W E N 50H-J9Z 50C-LT1Z For loosening all types of new and used nuts of different shapes: Details: 3 x 8- 3 x 10 - 3 x 13 mm. Details: 3 x 14- 3 x 17 - 3 x 19 mm. mm 1 8 -1 3 50C-LT2Z 19 m 4- m Dimensions: 10 -11 - 12 -13 - 14 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 mm. - 19 m m 10 At SAM, choice is a right: Set of 3 x the 3 most commonly used wrenches so that you always have the one you need! 72 8 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES SET 8 50C-J8Z tooth ratchet -1 9 5° mm 8 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 mm. - Chrome-plated polished. AVAILABLE: APRIL 8 SET OF 6 SHORT RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES 50-FAJ6Z m -14 m Details: : 8 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 mm. TIME SAVING SAFETY For operation of approach and fast loosening. No risk of accidental reversal,reversing mechanism built into body. RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES IN MM Now available in large sizes. 50-C-27Z 27 mm 50-C-30Z SHORT RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES 40 50-FA8Z 50-FA12Z 50-FA10Z 50-FA13Z 50-FA11Z 50-FA14Z 30 mm 50-C-32Z 32 mm COMPACT ACCESSIBILITY 40% shorter than a conventional wrench:ideal for cluttered areas. 5° swing. SAFETY Reversing mechanism built into wrench. AVAILABLE: APRIL INDISPENSAM SHORT HINGED RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES 50-CT14Z 50-CT9Z 50-CT15Z 50-CT10Z 50-CT16Z 50-CT11Z 50-CT17Z 50-CT12Z 50-CT18Z 50-CT13Z 50-CT19Z 8 50-CT8Z 12 HINGED RATCHET COMBINAISON WRENCHES SET -1 9 PRICE mm 72 50-CTJ12Z tooth ratchet DOWN 5° 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 mm. Chrome-plated polished. 120-TOOTH RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES 50-CD14Z 50-CD9Z 50-CD15Z 50-CD10Z 50-CD16Z 50-CD11Z 50-CD17Z 50-CD12Z 50-CD18Z 50-CD13Z 50-CD19Z 12 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES SET -1 9 50-CFJ12Z RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES + RATCHET EFFECT FORK HEAD 50-CF8Z 50-CF14Z 50-CF9Z 50-CF15Z 50-CF10Z 50-CF16Z 50-CF11Z 50-CF17Z 50-CF12Z 50-CF18Z 50-CF13Z 50-CF19Z mm 72 tooth ratchet 5° Bright polished finish. Detail: 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 mm. Ring 12 point : Speed of execution thanks to the 72 teeth ratchet and it’s recovery angle of 5°. 12 RATCHET COMBINATION WRENCHES 120 TEETH SET tooth ratchet 8 PERFORMANCE 120 50-CDJ12Z Bright polished chrome finish. 180 ° hinged ratchet. HANDLING 8 50-CD8Z 3° m -1 9 m OPTIMIZED RECOVERYANGLE TO FACILITATE WORK IN LIMITEDSPACES AND INTERVENE WHERE OTHERWRENCHES CANNOT GO ! PRICE DOWN HANDLING FORK WITH RATCHET EFFECTAVOIDING PUT OUT CONSTANTLYDURING TIGHTENING. L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE Bright polished chrome finish. 180 ° hinged ratchet 120 teeth, recovery angle of 3 ° Detail: 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 mm. Surface drive profile to preserve nuts. PRICE DOWN 41 WRENCHES IAL SET OF 4 RATCHET RING WRENCHES, 4 IN 1 8 Wrench n° 1: 8 / 10 / 12 / 13. Wrench n° 2: 9 / 11 / 14 / 15. Wrench n° 3: 16 / 17 / 18 / 19. Wrench n° 4: 20 / 21 / 22 / 24. -2 4 S ON TI LEC 6 RATCHET RING WRENCHES SET SE PRICE 106C-J6Z 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x18, 17x19 mm. Chrome plated polished. DOWN 8 106CP-J4Z C PE -1 9 mm 72 tooth ratchet PRICE 5° mm 72 tooth ratchet 5° NF ISO NF ISO 691 1711-1 DOWN ACCESSIBILITY 5° swing, ideal forconfined spaces. RING RATCHET WRENCHES NF ISO NF ISO 691 1711-1 AVAILABLE: 6 X 7 MM APRIL 106C-6X7Z 17 X 19 MM 106C-17X19Z AVAILABLE: 21 X 23 MM 10 X 11 MM APRIL SAFE CONVENIENT 4 dimensions in 1 wrench. IDEAL FOR TRAVELLING MAINTENANCE. 4 reversing mechanismsin body of wrench to prevent anyaccidental reversing. 106C-10X11Z 106C-21X23Z AVAILABLE: 12 X 13 MM 4-IN-1 RATCHET RING WRENCHES 106CP-1Z 106CP-3Z 106CP-2Z 106CP-4Z 22 X 24 MM 106C-12X13Z 106C-22X24Z BOX OF 12 RATCHET WRENCHES CP-12Z 105-D-11X13Z SPACE SAVING Details: 1 ratchet wrench + sockets: 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 17 - 19 mm. 8 STRAIGHT RATCHET RING WRENCHES 105-D-16X18Z 105-D-17X19Z 12 DIMENSIONS IN 1 WRENCH 42 -1 9 mm Ideal for the itinerant maintenance APRIL INDISPENSAM FOR SAM, CHOICE IS A RIGHT... Set of 3 x the 3 most commonly used wrenches so that you always have the one you need! 35-TR16Z - 19 m PRICE Details: 3.2 - 4 - 5 - 5,5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 mm. Ideal for precision engineering work. 2- 3, 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 18 19 mm - Chrome-plated polished - 6x6 point m DOWN 14 SET OF 16 ELECTROSAM® MICROMECHANICS WRENCHES IN A POUCH 17 m m - 19 m m 7 8 HOLLOW ANGLED SOCKET WRENCHES SET 94-SDJ8Z 7 - 8 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 22 - 24 mm. - Chrome-plated polished p - 6 point. PRICE Details: 3 x 14 - 3 x 17 - 3 x19 mm. 10 94-SDJ12Z - 19 m m 94-SDL2Z Details: 3 x 8 - 3 x 10 - 3 x 13 mm. 12 HOLLOW ANGLED SOCKET WRENCHES SET SET OF 9 HOLLOW OFFSET SOCKET WRENCHES, 6 OR 12 POINT - 13 m m 94-SDL1Z 8 SET OF 9 HOLLOW OFFSET SOCKET WRENCHES, 6 OR 12 POINT DOWN AVAILABLE: APRIL HINGED HOOK WRENCH FOR NOTCHED NUTS 114-60Z Length: 175 mm. Capacity 35 - 60 mm. EXPANDABLE PIN WRENCH FOR 13” NOTCHED NUTS 115Z For blocking all notched or slotted nuts. Capacity: 50 to 140 mm. 43 WRENCHES UNIVERSAL KEY COMPACT UNIVERSAL KEY 91-Z 92-Z Universal key for cabinets and control boxes, gas shut-off system, technical installations: air conditioning, ventilation, etc. Details: Recesses: 6-7-8 mm, 7-8 mm y 3-5 mm. 1 adapter for bits and reversible bit 7 mm - n° 2) on chain. Universal key for locking systems in electrical engineering and technical installations: air conditioning and ventilation, gas and water supply, locking of sites. Details: 5, 6 , 7-8 y 9-10 mm, 7 , 8-9, 10-11 mm, 3-5 mm, 6 mm, 5 mm to drain radiators. UNIVERSAL KEY PEN-STYLE WITH VOLTAGE AND MAGNETIC FIELD DETECTOR CONVENIENT 93-Z Access to 4 key profiles by swivelling the mechanism. Universal key for cabinets and control boxes, gas shut-off system, technical installations Details: : 6 – 8. 9. 3-5. Reversible bit / MULTIPURPOSE 8 tools in 1 ! VERSATILE For all common locks onthe market . 6” SHEATHED ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 54-GAE6Z 54-GAE8Z 10” SHEATHED ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 54-GAE10Z SET OF 3 ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES 8” SHEATHED ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 12” SHEATHED ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 54-GAE12Z Bi-material handle with non-slip grip Thin jaws. COMFORTABLE 54-CLZ Details: 6’’ 8’’ 10’’. AVAILABLE: Bi-material handle with non-slip grip, pleasant to handle MARCH W E N PRECISION Thin head angled at 15°. STRENGTH Handle hydrocarbon, impact and UV-resistant and can withstand high temperatures. THIN JAWS. NON-PROTRUDING JAW RACK. 44 W NE INDISPENSAM 6 L-HANDLE HEXAGON KEYS SET 60-PTJ8 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 mm. 9 RESISTORX® KEYS RACK 9 SHORT HEX KEYS RACK 59-R9A 62-R9A 8 - 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 27 - 30 40 mm. 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 10 mm. 9 TORX® KEYS RACK 66-R9A 8 - 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 25 - 27 - 30 - 40 mm. PRICE DOWN 9 LONG HEX WITH SPHERICAL HEAD KEYS 67-AR9A 8 LONG RESISTORX® KEYS WITH SPHERICAL HEAD 59-R8ALZ 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 10 mm. 9-10-15-20-25-27-30-40 mm. 9 LONG HEX KEYS RACK 63-R9A 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 10 mm. 8 LONG TORX® KEYS WITH SPHERICAL HEAD 66-R8ALZ 9-10-15-20-25-27-30-40 mm. ACCESSIBILITY Provides access to the screwwith an angle up to 30°. 30° PRACTICAL Immediate location of dimensions on the rack. 12 ANGLED MALE TORX® KEYS IN A POUCH 5 ASSYMETRIC “T” HEXAGON KEYS SET 62-CTJ5Z 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8. 66-TR12Z Details: 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 27 - 30 - 40 - 45 - 50. ACCESSIBILITY For a powerful clamping in zones difficult to access. L CIA E SP ION S CT ELE W E N 45 PLIERS PRATICAL Adjustable clamping power by wheel. LOCK GRIP PLIERS HIGH CAPACITY 50 MM 212-22Z 212-25Z 50 mm 50 mm 85 mm 45 mm HIGH CAPACITY LOCK GRIP PLIERS 217-25Z 140 mm Designed for servicing welding torches. Sharp edges to clean gas nozzles Bimaterial grip. 220 mm long 50 mm 80 mm 50 mm 50 mm L : 250 mm. 60 mm 130 mm 130 mm 252-R22GZ 80 mm LOCK GRIP PLIERS MOBILE JAWS L : 250 mm. UNIVERSAL MULTIFUNCTION WELDING PLIERS 80 mm L : 250 mm. 50 mm 212-30Z Prevents from the distorsion of the cage in the effort. LOCK GRIP PLIERS L : 220 mm. 46 PATENT SAM COMFORT Unlocking one hand RIVET CLAMP 359-3Z With adjustment screw - 2 interchangeable jaws and drop retainer - Drop retainer - Opening capacity: 80 mm - maxi. 225 mm - Rivet maximum capacity - Alu : 5 mm - Steel : 5 mm - Stainless : 4 mm - Copper : 4.8 mm Aluminuim : 5 mm RIVET PLIERS WITH TWO ARMS 359-15Z With recovery tank. Ø maxi mm : steel (5), alu (6) 45 mm INDISPENSAM DIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERS WITH SPRING, POLISHED CHROME, 160 MM 232-R16GZ MULTIGRIP PLIERS WITH PUSHBUTTON 201-25Z Forged chrome vanadium steel. Cutting capacity for piano wires: 1.6 mm. Pliers with automatic opening system. UNIVERSAL PLIERS WITH SPRING, POLISHED CHROME, 185 MM 204-R18GZ L : 250 mm. Capacity : Ø 60 mm. - 9 positions. - Push button locking - Bimaterial sheath. Universal pliers with spring, polished chrome, 185 mm Serrated nose to increase hold on tightening. Cutting capacity for hard steel wire: 2.5 mm. Pliers with automatic opening system. COMFORT Pliers with spring. SECURITY Pushbutton locking. SET OF 4 CIRCLIP PLIERS 3 BIMATERIAL PLIERS SET 191-J4Z 209-J3Z SET OF 4 PAIRS BI-MATERIAL PLIERS 209-J4Z 1 pliers for internal circlips with straight nose, mat chrome: 190-17A - 1 pliers for internal circlips with bent nose 90°, mat chrome: 191-17A - 1 pliers for external circlips with straight nose, mat chrome: 195-17A - 1 pliers for external circlips with bent nose 90°, mat chrome: 196-17A Universal pliers 160 mm Cutting pliers 180 mm Multigrip pliers - 1 x multigrip pliers. - 1 x spring loaded diagonal cutting pliers - 1 x spring loaded half-round nose pliers. - 1 x spring loaded universal pliers. COMFORT Pliers with spring. POWER hardness: 62.5 hrc 19,60 mm 19,60 mm W E N 47 SCREWDRIVERS FOR SAM, CHOICE IS A RIGHT Phillips® Pozidriv® Do you know the difference between a Phillips® and a Pozidriv® screw drive? Phillips®: Simple cross with 4 slots Pozidriv®: Double cross, with 8 slots. Using the right screwdriver for your screw means: Undamaged screws, longer tool life, no risk of tools slipping. 6 colours to identify the right screw drive Slotted Pozidriv® Phillips® Torx® Resistorx® 6 points PRODUCT REFERENCE PAGE SET OF SCREWDRIVERS 49 T-J1-Z / T-J2-Z T-J0-Z / T-J13-Z T-J3-Z / T-J4-Z T-J5-Z / T-J6-Z T-J8-Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVERS 50 T-ACEP-…Z T-ACEPZ-…Z T-ACEF-…Z ACETPZ / ACETPHZ 48 266-J10Z 51 CP-36Z 51 EMB-23CXZ 51 EMB-31CZ 51 ZTB-J6Z 74 ZTB-PJ7Z 74 DIFFICULT UNSCREWING ACCESSIBILITY ERGONOMIC LIVE WORKING EASY TO CLEAN MULTI-PURPOSE INDISPENSAM ® SET OF 6 SLOTTED AND PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVERS T-J1Z 3X 1X 2X IAL EC SP ON TI LEC 6 SLOTTED HEAD AND POZIDRIV® SCREWDRIVERS SET SE T-J2Z 3X 1X 2X 4 x 100 - 5.5 x 100 - 6.5 x 150. 8 x 150. 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. 5 TORX® SCREWDRIVERS SET : 4 x 100 - 5,5 x 100 - 6,5 x 150. : 8 x 150. : 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. T-J3Z 10 x 80 - 20 x 100 - 25 x 100 - 30 x 115 - 40 x 130. High precision HEAT TREATMENT. C 5 RESISTORX® SCREWDRIVERS SET ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY SUPPLIED IN A REUSABLE FABRIC CASE with an integrated removable panel. 5 SLOTTED HEAD AND PHILLIPS® SCREWDRIVERS SET EXTRA SHORT BLADE AND HANDLE T-J4Z ERGONOMIC 3 rounded zones for quick , precise rotation of the screwdriver. 4 flat bearing zones for powerful, comfortable tightening. PRACTICAL T-J5Z 10 x 80 - 20 x 100 - 25 x 100 - 30 x 115 - 40 x 130. 3X 2X : 2,5 x 50 - 4 x 25 - 5,5 x 35. : 1 x 25 - 2 x 35. SCREWDRIVER SET FOR CARPENTER 8 X SLOTTED HEAD, PHILLIPS® AND POZIDRIV® SCREWDRIVER SET 4 flat zones, will not roll. SET OF 10 SLOTTED, PHILLIPS® AND POZIDRIV® SCREWDRIVERS T-J10Z W E N Electrician’s : 3.5 x 75 – 4 x 100 – 5.5 x 150. Mechanic’s : 6.5 x 150 – 8 x 200 – 10 x 200 1 x 100 – 2 x 125. 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. SET OF 13 SLOTTED, PHILLIPS® AND POZIDRIV® SCREWDRIVERS T-J13Z Electrician’s : 4 x 25 – 6.5 x 35 - 3.5 x 75 – 4 x 100 – 5.5 x 100. Mechanic’s : 6.5 x 150 – 8 x 150 – 10 x 175 2 x 35 - 1 x 100 – 2 x 125. 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. T-J6Z 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. 10 x 80 - 15 x 80 - 25 x 100 - 30 x 115 - 40 x 130. T-J8Z Electrician’s : 4 x 100 - 5,5 x 100 6,5 x 150 Mechanic’s : 8 x 150. 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. 1 x 100 - 2 x 125. 49 SCREWDRIVERS Since for SAM, choice is a right, all our acetate screwdrivers are available individually. POWERFUL Metal striking surface at the back of the handle in case of «frozen» screws. SET OF 6 IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVERS WITH ACETATE HANDLES, SLOTTED AND PHILLIPS® T-CETPHZ 4 x 100 - 6,5 x 100 - 8 x 175. 1 x 100 - 2 x 100 - 3 x 100. PRACTICAL Easy to clean. SET OF 6 IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVERS WITH ACETATE HANDLES, SLOTTED AND POZIDRIV® ERGONOMIC Pleasant to handle. . T-CETPZZ 4 x 100 - 6,5 x 100 - 8 x 175. 1 x 100 - 2 x 100 - 3 x 100. IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE PHILLIPS® NO. 1 X 100 T-CEP-1X100Z T-CEPZ-1X100Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE PHILLIPS® NO. 2 X 100 T-CEP-2X100Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE POZIDRIV® NO. 2 X 100 T-CEPZ-2X100Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE PHILLIPS® NO. 3 X 100 T-CEP-3X100Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE POZIDRIV® NO. 1 X 100 IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE POZIDRIV® NO. 3 X 100 T-CEPZ-3X100Z IMPACT-RESISTANT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE, SLOTTED 4 X 100 T-CEF-4X100Z IMPACT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE, SLOTTED 5.5 X 100 T-CEF-55X100Z IMPACT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE, SLOTTED 6.5 X 150 T-CEF-65X150Z IMPACT SCREWDRIVER WITH ACETATE HANDLE, SLOTTED 8 X 175 T-CEF-8X175Z Safety note: For your safety, wear protective goggles and gloves. 50 W E N INDISPENSAM 23-PIECE TORX PLUS® INSERT BIT SET AND CASE EMB-23CXZ 31-PIECE SCREWDRIVER BIT SET AND CASE AVAILABLE: EMB-31CZ MARCH 30 colour ring screwdriver bits No. 1 - 3 x No. 2 - 2 x No. 3. No. 1 - 3 x No. 2 - 2 x No. 3. 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 40. 3 - 4 - 4.5 - 5 - 5.5 - 6,5 + 1 bit holder. -1 1/4” adapter for electric drills. -1 1/4” adapter. -1 1/2” - 3/8” adapter. - 10 bits with bore hole: 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60. - 10 without bore hole: 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60. W E N CASE WITH RATCHET SCREWDRIVER AND LONG SHAFT SOCKETS - 10 TOOLS 266-J10Z 1 large bi-material ratchet screwdriver. 1 small bi-material ratchet screwdriver. 8 long shaft sockets for ratchet screwdriver. AVAILABLE: MARCH COMPACT Will fit easily into your pocket or toolbox. W NE MULTI-PURPOSE Thanks to the interchangeable accessories and different lengths possible, you will be able to access screws and nuts in all circumstances. SET OF 36 BITS RATCHET SYSTEM 1 x 1/4” ratchet, 1 x 1/4” bit holder, 1 x 100 mm extension, 1 long magnetic bit holder + 32 bits L 25 with coloured rings. 10-15-20-25-27-30-40. 6-7-8-9. 1,5-2-2,5-3-4-5-6-7-8 mm. n° 1-2-3. n° 1-2-3 . 3- 4-5,5 mm. 1-2-3. CP-36Z 3 positions: tightening, loosening and fixed position. IAL C PE S 3 GOOD REASONS TO BUY THIS PRODUCT COMPACT Easy to carry in a pocket or toolbox. INGENIOUS Built-in LED light (rechargeable battery + charger). COLOUR Quick identification of profile. ION S CT ELE 51 CUTTERS LIGHT ALLOY KNIFE WITH RETRACTABLE BLADE RECOMMENDED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEES! 378-7Z* ULTRA-STRONG! BIMATERIAL CUTTER WITH 18 MM BLADE 378-9Z* Shock-resistant Zamak® body. Trapezoidal blades. Inside the cutter body: 1 assembled blade + 2 spare blades. Ridged push-button to avoid slipping. AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: MARCH W W NE BI-MATERIAL CUTTER 18 MM BLADE NE CUTTER 378-30Z* SELF-RETRACTING BLADE CUTTER 378-27* Bi-material body to avoid any sliding. Autoblocking blade assembled with a divisible blade of 18mm. Reserve of two blades possible in the body of the cutter. Length : 160 mm 378-40* Safety knife. - Blade automatically retracts after use. - Zamak body. 25mm SECURITY Bi-material body to avoid any sliding. SECURITY Blade automatically retracts after use. *Blades sold on page 403 of our catalog SF-4. BOX OF 100 EXTRA BLADES FOR RETRACTABLE KNIVES AND CUTTERS 379-70Z 8 breakable elements. Box of 100 blades. Width of blade: 18mm Compatible blades with the model 378-30. 52 MARCH Shock-resistant Zamak® body. Stainless steel blade channel. Blade locked by push brake. Inside the cutter body: 1 assembled blade + 2 spare blades. CUTTER BLADE 379-25 10 blades box INDISPENSAM KNIFE FOR ELECTRICIAN 2 BLADES SAFETY LOCK STEEL BOLSTER AND GRIP POCKET KNIFE 371Z Equipped with 2 blades whitch one is billhook of 70 mm Lenght: 170mm Weight: 110g 372Z Polished blade stainless steel System for locking the blade in the open position HACKSAW FRAME 791 CUTTING HEIGHT : 109 MM PRICE ELECTRICIAN’S SCISSORS 376Z Scissors made entirely of forged steel. Blade with wire cutting notch. L: 150 mm. CURVED SHEET METAL SHEARS 334-27Z For precise cutting of complex outlines. Length: 270 mm. GENERAL PURPOSE SHEARS 331-16 To cut aluminium, leather, rubber, plastic, linoleum, strip iron, nylon… Thick and sharp blades. Stainlless treated steel. ABS sheathed handle. Length: 165 mm. Allow to crimp Bloc king system in position close COMFORT DOWN ALLOW TO CRIMP HSS BI-METAL OPTICUT METAL SAW BLADES 691-E10AZ COMFORT To better guided the saw, metallic headbanc coated with elastomer. Blade for steel and aluminum Length : 142 mm Weight: 20g FUNCTIONAL Adjustable tension by swivelling handle. VERSATILITY Directional blade. 2 possibles positions : vertical, 45°. Slope of handle's base to free the axis of sawing. 53 TORQUE CONTROL 40 years after it brought out its first electronic torque wrench, SAM has revolutionised torque control with the 1st Hybrid torque wrench… Maxime recommends Torque products engineer at SAM HOW TO CHOOSE A TORQUE WRENCH? MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIRS PRODUCTION, REPETITIVE TIGHTENING RESEARCH, INSPECTION, PRECISION TIGHTENING Mechanical torque wrenches are used by quality and inspection departments, in industrial maintenance, the automotive sector and construction. They enable tightening to different torques with the same tool. All you need to do is set the desired torque directly on the tool. Pre-set release or click torque wrenches are used in industrial production, the automotive sector and construction. These tools allow repeated tightening to a preset torque with no risk of loss of adjustment. Electronic torque wrenches enable you to design, calculate, inspect and tighten with great accuracy and to save the data. DYTC-...-Z MC-...-RC DYTFZ-... 222-89+120Z DYT-...Z 54 DYG-...Z TORQUE INDISPENSAM CONTROL CLICK TYPE TORQUE WRENCH WITH RELEASE AND FIXED RATCHET SAFE FEATURES -Mechanical activation. - Release system to prevent the tightening torque from being exceeded. - Fixed ratchet - Adjustment not accessible by operator. - Product identification by serial number and certificate. - Wrenches supplied in plastic tubes. Torque set on a calibration bench (Page 143-144 catalogue SF-4). Avoids loss of setting of tightening torque by operator COMFORTABLE Ergonomic bimaterial handle, hydrocarbon resistant. LIGHTWEIGHT All aluminium design with metal protection of handle. +/-4% 2 - 125 Nm Capacity Nm Ratchet L mm with ratchet MC-10-RC 2-10 1/4 180 MC-25-RC 3-25 1/4 238 MC-50-RC 15-55 3/8 330 MC-125-RC 40-125 1/2 500 COMPACT PRESET ANGLED TORQUE WRENCH,.120 NM 222-89+120Z 1/2’’ square drive. For use mainly in the automotive industry. This wrench guarantees perfect tightening of wheel nuts. W E N 55 TORQUE CONTROL TORQUER WRENCH DYNATECH® FOR ROUND ENDS +/-3% 1 - 1000 Nm FEATURES 1. 72 teeth ratchet, 5° increment. Resistance test conducted in a teasting laboratory according to ISO 3315 standard: results above standard. 2. Quick change of socket by simply pressing the red button. DYT-1000-Z Capacity Nm Capacity Nm 200-1000 4 Ratchet Ref. Ratchet ratchet Attachment L mm wrench only L mm with ratchet 3/4" TC-2-3/4 30 1300 1410 NF EN NF ISO ISO 6789 3315 Wrench sold with reversible ratchet 19 mm. 3. Direction of use indicated by an arrow 4. Product Identification: + Reference ID number. DYNATECH® RANGE MODEL WITH INTERCHANGEABLE END 5. Easy and precise adjustement of the tightening torque. Durability of marking on the graduated scale and sliding gauge. Satin background for easy reading. Very precise resolution of the scale. 6. Ergonomic handle. Efficient and comfortable grip. Resistance to hydrocarbons, solvents, brake fluid, oil. Ref. Ratchet PRECISION Precision guaranteed to +/- 3 % up to 5,000 cycles (except models with capacity of 1-5 Nm: +/- 6%); Resolution Nm Capacity Nm Ratchet ratchet Attachment L mm NF EN NF ISO ISO 6789 3315 NF EN NF ISO ISO 6789 3315 L mm with ratchet DYTC-5-Z DTC-0-R 1-5 0,05 1/4" 9x12 190 222 DYTC-25-Z DTC-0-R 5-25 0,20 1/4" 9x12 215 245 9x12 340 370 DYTC-50-Z DTC-0-R-J 10-50 0,50 3/8" DYTC-100-Z DTC-0-S 20-100 0,50 1/2" 9x12 425 470 DYTC-200-Z DTC-S 40-200 1 1/2" 14x18 474 520 DYTC-350-Z DTC-S 70-350 1 1/2" 14x18 540 587 DYTC-600-Z DTC-C 120-600 2 3/4" 14x18 940 1020 Wrench sold with reversible ratchet push. ROBUST Overload tests performed in test laboratory: results superior to standard. Chock-resistance of wrench. Metal protection of handle. All steel design. DYNATECH® RANGE MODEL WITH FIXED RATCHET ERGONOMIC Bimaterial handle. Efficient and comfortable grip. Materials resistant to hydrocarbons, solvents, brake fluid and oil. Fixed ratchet. Capacity Nm 56 Resolution Nm Ratchet L mm 198 DYTFZ-5 1-5 0,05 1/4" DYTFZ-25 5-25 0,20 1/4" 223 DYTFZ-50 10-50 0,50 3/8" 360 DYTFZ-100 20-100 0,50 1/2" 470 DYTFZ-200 40-200 1 1/2" 489 DYTFZ-350 70-350 1 1/2" 550 INDISPENSAM ELECTRONIC TORQUE WRENCH DYNALIGHT C FOR RECTENGULAR ENDS FEATURES - Type 1 - Class C. - Up to 340 Nm depending on model. - Video and audio triggering. - Tightening and loosening: accuracy + / - 2%. - Rectangular attachment 9x12 and 14x18 mm depending on model. - Units Torque: Nm,,, - Use of data with the software DYCA Sat. - Connectivity with mini USB cable. - Bi-material ergonomic handle resistant to hydrocarbons. - Memory capacity: 999 values. - Method of measurement: peak. Complies with European directives 2004/108/EC and 2002/95/EC. NF EN NF ISO ISO 6789 3315 3-340 Nm +/- 2% Capacity Nm Capacité Ratchet Ref. Ratchet ratchet Attachment L mm with ratchet L mm wrench only DYG-30Z 3 - 30 2,2 - 22 1/4 DTC0-R 9 x 12 410 442 DYG-135Z 13,5 - 135 9,9 - 99,6 3/8 DTC0-J 9 x 12 410 450 DYG-200Z 20 - 200 14,8 - 148 1/2 DTC-S 14 x 18 470 515 DYG-340Z 34 - 340 25,1 - 251 1/2 DTC-S 14 x 18 623 670 PRECISION CONNECTIVITY COMFORTABLE Mini USB cable. SAM DYCA SOFTWARE Data processed with software. Data can be saved on computer. Traceability software, tool and measurements supplied with wrench. Bimaterial handle for excellent grip. Handling and settings facilitated with keyboard. Wide screen with display of values set. Wrench supplied with certificate. Complies with ISO 6789 standard. L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE Maxime’s tips TRACEABILITY A torque gauge is designed to control your torque wrenches. Memory: 999 values in peak mode. Connectivity: USB. Data processing with SAM DYCA software. HOW TO CHOOSE A TORQUE GAUGE ? FOR PERIODICAL LABORATORY INSPECTIONS ON CALIBRATION BENCH ELECTRONIC TORQUE GAUGE FOR WORKSHOP FEATURES Allows for periodical inspection of torque wrenches. Display of torques measured on readout. PC Link with SAM-CMU software (software on a USB key). Traceability (all the torques are saved). Supplied with socket, mains adaptor and fasteners. Units: N.m,,, FEATURES Allows for daily inspection of torque wrenches Supplied with socket, mains adaptor and fasteners. Units: N.m,,, NF EN ISO 6789 Capacity Nm Dimension hex +/- 1 % NF EN 3,5-1000 Nm ISO 6789 Capacity Nm +/- 1 % 3,5-1000 Nm Dimension hex CMU-70 3,5-70 19 mm CMU-70 CM-70 3,5-70 19 mm CMU-400 20-400 19 mm CMU-400 CM-400 20-400 19 mm CMU-1000 50-1000 36 mm CMU-1000 CM-1000 50-1000 36 mm 57 TORQUE CONTROL DYNA-HYBRIDE: SAM HYBRID HYBRID TORQUE WRENCH DYNA-HYBRIDE 40 years after it brought out its first electronic torque wrench, SAM has revolutionised torque control with the 1st Hybrid torque wrench. It took no less than 24 months of research to get this wrench ready for its official launch at the Le Bourget 2015 air show. «Hybrid wrench» because it has all the advantages of a mechanical and an electronic torque wrench whilst offering total security when tightening the part. • Torque reading and release • 4 measuring modes: - torque, - angle of rotation, - torque with angle of rotation - angle of rotation with torque as a control variable • Tightening data saved • Measurement of the tightening angle • Embedded software • Clockwise and anti-clockwise tightening • Includes the SAM OPENTECH programme, modules supplied as open source Stresses: m xx = Mfz Igz .y • Open communications protocol • Independent of hand-hold Mfz = bending moment / Igz = second moment of area / Y = length in relation to the mean fibre / Torque: C = length X Force DYNA-RFID: RFID TORQUE WRENCH DYNA-RFID DYNA-RFID Your torque wrench can be equipped with RFID: just ask! Dedicated phone line: + 33 (0) 4 77 921 335. SAM ENABLES YOU TO TRACK YOUR TOOLS THANKS TO A TOOL LOCATING SYSTEM. 58 INDISPENSAM 1/4’’ PRECISION TORQUE SCREWDRIVER 0.5 - 2.5 NM TORQUE SCREWDRIVER WITH 1/4’’ VERNIER ADJUSTMENT 2-10 NM T-41Z T-42J1Z T-42Z One-way screwdriver, for clockwise tightening 1/4’’ male hexagon drive. Comes with 1 hex torque adjustment key One-way screwdriver, clockwise tightening. Female hex drive for use with 1/4’’ bits. Comes with 1 Comes with 1 hex torque adjustment key. AVAILABLE: 1/4 APRIL 1/4 NE NE W Specially for maintenance! SET WITH 1/4’’ PRECISION TORQUE SCREWDRIVER + SCREWDRIVER BITS Set includes: - 1 torque screwdriver T-42Z Class II type D. - 1 3/8’’ ratchet, 1 male adjusting key. - 3 slotted bits: 4.5 - 6.5 - 8 mm. - 3 hex bits: 3 - 4 - 5 mm. - 3 Pozidriv bits: no. 1 - 2 - 3. -1 Torx® bit: 20. - 1 1/4’’ bit holder. 1 1/4’’ extension 100 mm. AVAILABLE: W AVAILABLE: APRIL NE APRIL W SAFE Operator cannot accidentally alter the torque setting. DYNAMOVIS TORQUE SCREWDRIVER Coloured ring to identify torque range: DYNAMOVIS-1Z 0.6 Nm to 1.5 Nm: green ring DYNAMOVIS-2Z 1.5 Nm to 3.0 Nm: blue ring DYNAMOVIS-3Z 3.0 Nm to 5.4 Nm: red ring ISO 6789 +/-6% MODULAR Comes with one 1 6 mm male key. Blades sold singly, interchangeable. Blades available for all types of use. Mechanical release and audible signal. ERGONOMIC Supplied with calibration certificate. Pleasant to handle. Dimensions 105 x 32 mm. CHOOSE THE BLADE TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS! [L] Nm max DLF-3X0,5Z DLF-3,5X0,6Z DLF-4X0,8Z [L] Nm max DLPZ-0Z DLPZ-1Z 170 1/4'' DLF-5,5X1Z DLT-6Z DLH-1,5Z DLT-7Z DLH-2Z 170 1/4’’ 170 1/4’’ DLPZ-2Z DLT-8Z DLH-2,5Z 170 1/4’’ DLT-9Z DLH-3Z DLT-10Z DLH-4Z DLT-15Z DLPH-0Z DLT-20Z DLPH-1Z 170 1/4’’ DLT-25Z DLPH-2Z PRACTICAL Easy torque adjustment using the male key at the end of the hand. W E N 59 PRECISION TOOLS 6 PRECISION SCREWDRIVERS SET 276-J6Z 3X 3X : 1,5 - 2 - 2,5. : 0 - 00 - 1. SET OF 6 MICRO SCREWDRIVERS FOR SLOTTED AND PHILLIPS® SCREWS 269-BJ6-1Z 1,4 1,9 2,3 3 mm. N°0 - N°1. 180 TO 720 MM TELESCOPIC MAGNET 344-4Z FLEXIBLE MIRROR 1395-F1Z Maximum charge raised 2.5 kg. 180 ° pivoting head. Ergonomic handle with pocket clip on type « pen » Weight : 80 g. Plastic handle. Oval mirror 25 x 50 mm. Deployed length: 560 mm. RESISTANT Maximum charge raised 2.5 kg. 13 PRECISION TOOLS BOX 276-J13Z 13 tools for electrician : 1 cutting pliers 1 half round nose pliers 6 precision screwdriver: 1,5 / 2 / 2,5. n° 0 / 00 / 1. 1 telescopic mirror 1 penlight 1 spring hook 1 Magnetic Finger 1 tweezers PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION KIT WITH INTERCHANGEABLE TOOLS 1395-JZ Kit comprising: a telescopic handle, a round mirror diameter 60mm, a rectangular mirror, lamp LED, magnet capacity 4 kg. Lamp emitting a light extremely white and clear with a brightness up to 22 000mcd for a life duration up to100000hours. The lamp head is equipped with a rotary switch on / off and battery L1154 3. Interchangeable accessories. Kit for inspection in confined spaces. POWER Scope : 15 m. 10 PRECISION MEASUREMENT AND MARKING OUT TOOLS SET 710-J13 1 caliper 1/50 2 micrometers 25 mm and 50 mm 1 depth gauge, 2 squares, 1 centre punch, 1 compass, 1 carbide tip, 1 rule. 60 SET OF 8 PRECISION SCREWDRIVERS 276-J8Z 4x 2x 2x : 1,5 – 2 – 2,5 - 3. : 0 – 00. : 0 – 1. W E N MEASUREMENT MEDIAFLEX® ABS CASE INDISPENSAM VIDEOFLEX With locking system. Compact and ultra-light casing. Automatic tape reverse. UV-313Z 3 metre tape • Locking and rewinding systems • ABS casing 2 METERS UD-216-N 2 m x 16 mm. 3 METERS UD-316-N 3 m x 16 mm. BIMATERIAL SHORT TAPE MEASURE SAMFLEX® ZAMAK CASE HANG BELT. READABLE: Blade lock Ultra-resistant and ergonomic case 2 METERS Lm l mm A mm B mm e mm UB-216 2 16 59 62 26 UB-316 3 16 59 62 16 UB-519 5 19 68 75 31 UB-825 8 25 87 44 37 UB-1025 10 25 87 44 37 U-109AZ The matt tape makes ideal readingwhatever the light conditions or reflection. This directiveapplies to dimensional measuring instruments (MI-008) ERGONOMIC The housing provides a perfect grip. Possibility to use the measure placed on a countertop. 2 m x 16 mm. LEVELS WITH MAGNETIC BOTTOM 3 METERS U-210AZ 3 m x 16 mm. 5 METERS U-519AZ L 5 m x 16 mm. COMFORT Ergonomic case. L IA EC SP N TIO 168-40MNZ 400 168-50MNZ 500 168-60MNZ 600 168-80MNZ 800 CONVENIENT To read verticality regardless of your position. Front reading. Internal mirror at 45° Side reading. IAL C PE C ELE S S ION CT ELE S All the SAM’s short measures are in accordance wih the European directive MID 2004 / 22/CE. 61 METAL REMOVAL/WORKING PUNCHES 4 MM RETRACTABLE CARBIDE SCRIBER 8N-4AZ 665-13 Knurled, burnished body For scribing on hard materials. Length: 150 mm. Tip diameter: 0.15 mm. 6 FILES SET SCRIBER LPJ-1Z 665Z Heat-treated carbon steel needle point. Ø 4 mm. Length 190 mm. NE 2 flats - 1 half round - 1 round - 1 square - 1 triangular Bimaterial handle W MULTIPURPOSE The essential selection for all your applications. DEBURRING TOOL WITH FIXED BLADE 673-E6 Blade for steel and aluminum Length : 142 mm Weight: 20g NON-REBOUND MALLET, 38 MM 322-38Z Light alloy body and handle specially recommended for delicate assemblies. The impact surfaces do not mark the parts hammered. Interchangeable inserts. Supplied with two hard inserts FALSE SQUARE 250 MM E9-250 Solid construction, suitable for mechanical work Made from special steel chrome. Wind nut for fixing galvanized steel blade Dimensions: L250XW25xH2,5mm POWER The head of the mallet is loaded with metal microballs. These microballs cause inertia on impact eliminating rebound. You recover more 30% strike force SAFE The steel balls limit the risk of metal parts exploding. COMFORT The surfaces of strike do not mark the hammered parts. 62 INDISPENSAM SET OF 32 TWIST DRILLS FOR RIVETING AND TAPPING 1-10.5 MM TAP AND DIE SET CTF-45Z F1-C20Z COMPLETE SET UP TO M 20! - 10 sets of 3 taps in mm (taper tap, semi-bottoming tap, bottoming tap) ranging from M 3 to M20 HSSE: M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 or 30 tools. - 10 dies, 5 tool holders 1 large tap wrench, 1 small tap wrench. Set of 32 twist drills for riveting and steel up to 800 MPA, stainless steel, grey cast iron, aluminium alloy. 20 drills from Ø 1 to 10.5mm (steps of 0.5 mm). 12 drills Ø 1.9 - 2.1 - 2.6 - 2.9 - 3.2 - 3.3 - 3.8 - 4.2 - 5.1 - 6.8 - 7.9- 10.2 mm. AVAILABLE: MARCH NEW HSSE W E N AVAILABLE: MARCH 31-PIECE SET OF TAPS AND DIES SET OF 3 STEPPED DOUBLE-EDGE BITS CTF-31 FEL-3J 7 sets of 3 taps in mm : M 3 4 5 6 8 10 and 12 (draft, half finishing, finishing) one left turn size 1 1/2”. 7 dies with cage (M 3 4 5 6 8 10 12). 1 die holder 25 x 9 mm. 1 screwdriver. Metal enclosure: 265 x 120 x 85 mm. Box composed of 3 HSS step drills with helicoidals flute in sizes 0,9, 1, 2 (FEL-1, FEL-2 et FEL-3). Weight: 630g HSS SET OF 21 COBALT TAPS CTF-22Z 7 sets in sizes M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12. Each size includes: 3 taps (taper tap, semi-bottoming tap, bottoming tap). DOUBLE-EDGED STEPPED DRILLS FEL-7 The problems of jamming and clogging of the chips are removed. The chamfer facilitates removal of the drill when drilling a through hole. Angle Floor: 90 °. Dimensions 6-37. HSSE AVAILABLE: MARCH NEW AVAILABLE: FEL-8Z MARCH Ø 6 - 38mm. AVAILABLE: FEL-9Z MARCH Ø 6.5 - 40.5 mm. 63 METAL REMOVAL/WORKING BOX OF 25 DRILL BITS HSS TIN DRILL BITS BOX OF 19 DRILL BITS HSS TIN DRILL BITS F2-C19Z F2-C25Z Material: Titanium nitride. Right han cutting tolerance h8. Sharpening of point: taper. Angle: 30°. Point angle: 118°. Applications: Twist drill for drilling the majority of common materials. For alloy and non-alloy steels, cast irons, brass and aluminium low alloy Wood and HSS TiN plastic materials Ø from 1.0 to 10.0 mm x 0.5mm. Material: Titanium nitride. Right han cutting tolerance h8. Sharpening of point: taper. Angle: 30°. Point angle: 118°. Applications: Twist drill for drilling the majority of common materials. For alloy and non-alloy steels, cast irons, brass and aluminium low alloy Wood and plastic materials Ø from 1.0 to HSS TiN 13.0 mm x 0.5mm. Typ N 338 DIN Typ N 338 H8 30° H8 30° 118° DIN 118° HSS + TIN MULTI-STEP DRILL FELTIN-2Z FELTIN-1Z HSS drill + TiN with spiral flute = better penetration and longer tool life. Shank with 3 flat sides = better chuck grip. Capacity: 30 (4-6-8-10-12-14-16-1820-22-24-26-28-30). Capacity 32.5 (5-7.5-9.7-12.715.2-16.2-18.6-20.4-22.5-25.428.3-30.5-32.5). HSS TiN FELTIN-3Z Capacity 38 (6-9-13-16-19-2123-26-29-32-35-38). AVAILABLE: MARCH W NE PULLER WITH 2/3 INTERCHANGEABLE LEGS DIFFENTIAL THREAD SCREW 485-1J3 761-C-5Z Inside and outside grip Convertible in 2 or 3 jaws Delivered with 2 sets of 3 inside and outside legs - Capacity : Inside : 180 mm max, Outside: 220 mm max - Grip power: 6 T Power and resistance 1 Fixed screw 2 Rotation of the screw Fast approach 64 SET OF 5 HELIX PULLERS 3 Approching screw for opening Is used after drilling of a hole in the center of screws broken to extract. Use for turn of the screw to the right. Can be used with turns left FTG or chuck with pawl 380-1. Composition : 5 pullers : 761-4/5/6/8/11. Diameter : 3 to 18 mm. Weight: 125g INDISPENSAM 2 O 3-CLAW INSIDE OR OUTSIDE UNIVERSAL BEARING PULLER W NE AVAILABLE: APRIL Can be used for most of your applications! SECURITY Safety nut to avoid the claws being turned round. Safety shear pint. Safe instant claw locking. Self-centering. The EX-007-140Z and EX-007-180Z pullers come with 3 internal claws and 3 external claws. PRECISION Thin claws: Easy grasping of bearings. EASY TO USE Controlled force. Easily interchangeable claws. Change over outside/inside. Quick claw release. 2 or 3 claws. Force T C mm inside C mm outside H mm EX-007-140Z 3 130 145 145 EX-007-180Z 4 170 195 195 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: -Before each use, check the condition of the tool, that it is not worn or modified and ensure it is the right one for the application in question. -Do not use impact wrenches. -Work safely: stand to one side, not in the axis of the device. -Check the puller is locked and positioned correctly. -Apply force progressively and continuously to the puller screw. -Use a 3-claw puller whenever possible. -Wear goggles and gloves. 65 STRIKING TOOLS COMFORT: Overmoulding provides an ergonomic shape for ideal grip. SAFETY Head to handle link is secured with composite epoxy resin. Pulling force : twice the norm comparing to a wood handle. Driving force : 4 times the norm COMPOSITION 1/ Fiber glass - shapped bone perfect rigidity. No risk breaking handle. 2/ Polypropylene - less vibration 3/ Overmoulded with SEBS - gives the handle all its ergonomics HICKORY RIVETING HAMMER POWERFUL Hickory handle for greater solidity and strength. RIVETING HAMMER 310-TMZ NF E71.014 ISO 15601 H mm C mm L mm g 310-30TMZ 93,5 30,5 303,5 565 310-32TMZ 100 32,5 305,5 665 310-36TMZ 106 35,5 308,5 795 310-40TMZ 110 40,5 333,5 310-42TMZ 115,5 42,5 335,5 310-45TMZ 128 45,5 310-50TMZ 138 310-55TMZ 310-60TMZ H mm C mm L mm g 310-30NZ 95,5 30 297 557 1010 310-32NZ 100 32 300 647 1210 310-36NZ 105 35 308 768 338,5 1460 310-40NZ 115 40 335 1062 50,5 366,5 1890 310-50NZ 135 50 376 1943 144 55,5 371,5 2290 149 60 376 2920 ROUND FACE DINGING HAMMER, HICKORY HANDLE JOINER’S HAMMER 307-TMZ NF E71.011 ISO 15601 314-28NZ 314-32NZ 307-30TMZ 314-36NZ H mm C mm L mm g 119,3 29,6 302,6 665 314-40NZ POWERFUL Hickory handle for greater solidity and strength. ELECTRICIAN’S HAMMER 312-TMZ NF E71.012 66 PRECISION ISO 15601 Metal wedge assembly. H mm C mm L mm 312-16TMZ 2 16 59 170 312-18TMZ 3 18 59 295 g FOR YOUR SAFETY, USE PROTECTIVE INDISPENSAM 7 SHORT ONE-PIECE DRIFT PUNCHES IN A POUCH 7-CTR7AZ AVAILABLE: MARCH AUTOMATIC PUNCH 88Z Regular pointing by simple pressure. Power adjustment of penetration by screwing and unscrewing the head. Presentation: burnished Tip diameter: 6 mm Length : 150 mm Can be used without hammer. Ø 1,9 - 2,9 - 3,9 - 4,9 - 5,9 - 7,9 - 9,9 mm. NEW L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE CHISEL FOR CAR BODY REPAIRER 5 LONG DRIFT PUNCHES SET 1-BZ 7-TR5AZ Length : 235 mm. Weight: 26 mm Ø 2.5 - 3.5 - 5 - 7 - 9 mm. CHISELS 5 DRIFT PUNCHES SET OCTOGONAL SHANK 3-200-GZ 7B-J5Z “AIR-GRIP®” handle. 200 mm. Drift punches in burnished chrome vanadium steel with ergonomic handle on wall display. Size: 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 mm. Comfort: Good grip thanks to the handle. Shock absorption. COMFORT Good grip thanks to the handle. Shock absorption. 5 DRIFTS SET CP-JETZ 7 LONG STANDARD DRIFT PUNCHES IN A POUCH 8-TR7AZ Long drift punches with inserted shanks made of natural finish chrome vanadium steel, zinc plated handle. Ø 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 mm. The set comprise: 1 sheathed handle, 2 polyamide, tips 25 mm and 30 mm, 2 brass tips 25 mm and 30mm. The softer tip of polyamide, brass harder it possible to adapt to the different uses. To position, eject or adjust fragile parts that you do not want to deteriorate in precision engineering, automotive, aerospace. NEW 67 STRIKING TOOLS AVAILABLE: W E N MARCH MALLETS WITH CELLULOSE ACETATE TIPS MALLETS WITH NYLON TIPS MALLETS WITH CELLULOSE ACETATE/ NYLON TIPS Ash handle. Tips interchangeable when worn. 25 MM 323-25Z MALLETS WITH INTERCHANGEABLE TIPS 32 MM 30 MM 323-30Z 40 MM 320-32DZ Specially recommended for delicate assemblies. Chrome steel head. Varnished ash handle. The indentation in the head prevents the release of the faces during use. The impact surfaces do not mark hammered pieces. Delivered with two rubber ferrules and hardwood equivalent Length : 275 mm Head diameter : 32 mm Weight: 400 g 323-40Z 50 MM 323-50Z 324-25Z 326-30ABZ 40 MM 326-40ABZ NON-REBOUND MALLET, 38 MM 325-25Z 30 MM 30 MM 324-30Z 325-30Z 40 MM 40 MM 324-40Z 325-40Z 50 MM 50 MM 324-50Z MALLETS WITH MALLEABLE CAST IRON HEAD AND WOODEN HANDLE 30 MM 25 MM 25 MM 30 MM 325-50Z AVAILABLE: APRIL 326-30BCZ 40 MM 326-40BCZ 1 composite rubber tip (soft/ medium hard). 1 TPE tip (soft). 1 composite rubber tip (soft/medium hard). 1 plastic tip (medium hard/hard). 30 MM 30 MM 322-38Z Light alloy body and handle specially recommended for delicate assemblies. The impact surfaces do not mark the parts hammered. Interchangeable inserts. Supplied with two hard inserts 326-30ADZ 40 MM 326-40ADZ 1 super plastic tip (soft/medium hard). 1 TPE tip (soft). 68 326-30BDZ 40 MM 326-40BDZ 1 composite rubber tip (soft/ medium hard). 1 super plastic tip (medium hard/ hard). 30 MM 326-30BEZ 40 MM 326-40BEZ 1 composite rubber tip (soft/ medium hard). 1 nylon tip (medium hard/hard). INDISPENSAM W E N We can help you to choose the striking tools you need… 323-…Z 324-…Z 325-…Z 326-…ABZ 326-…ADZ 326-…BCZ 326-…BDZ O O 326-…BEZ APPLICATIONS BUILDING INDUSTRY / CONSTRUCTION PAVING O TILING / LAYING SLABS O O LAYING COPING LAYING CHALK SANDSTONE SLABS O SCAFFOLDING CONSTRUCTION O TENT/SHED CONSTRUCTION O O O O O O O O GARDENING/LANDSCAPING O DRY CONSTRUCTION METALWORKING INDUSTRY AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY/REPAIR WORK O O O O O O O POSITIONING PARTS FOR MACHINING IN VICE O POSITIONING PARTS FOR MACHINING REPAIR/MAINTENANCE WORK O O O BODYWORK O O O SHEET METALWORK O O O BODY WORK REPAIRS O O O HOUSING ASSEMBLY O O CONSTRUCTION OF MOULDS O O FITTING PARTS IN MACHINING JIGS O O O O O O O WOODWORKING INDUSTRY FURNITURE MAKING O WINDOW/DOOR CONSTRUCTION O O CONSTRUCTION OF PREFABRICATED HOUSES O JOINERY O CARPENTRY AGRICULTURE/FORESTRY CONSTRUCTION OF FENCING O PLACING WEDGES O REPAIR/MAINTENANCE WORK ON AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY O O O O For your safety: Wear safety goggles 69 In spite of the lack of light, some men have lit up their era. ngs differently. At SAM, we plan to enable you to see thi In spite of the lack of light, some men have lit up their era. Lighting today means a family of products used in all sectors of activity. At SAM, we are aware of this and have decided to develop this range in 2015. You will find different products to meet your different applications: inspection lamps, headlamps, floodlights… I N N O V A T O R S B Y T R A D I T I O N ! DEPUIS 1921 70 INDISPENSAM 30 LEDS INSPECTION LAMP STIP LED INSPECTION LAMP BAL-19 BAL-29 1 Auto 65 13 Leds Lume ns 3 Lume ns 5 Le d s 30 38 my HANG IT ANYWHERE! W E N Lume ns 30 LED INSPECTION LAMP BAL-25 le 1 ° no ab 15 + 3 LEDs in the end of the lamp. Magnetic base Charger with Li-on battery: 3.7 V 1300 mAh. 3h s en Lu m omy 80 2953RZ Easy to hang up. Coloured charging indicator. 70 LEDs. 380 lumen. Impact resistant to 1m. Rechargeable battery (4200 mAH). Comes with 220V and 12V mains charger. 10 metre cable. Waterproof. Ingenious hanging system. on 5h BAL-23Z 18 LED 180° MAGNETIC INSPECTION LAMP omy Pli MARCH on Aut AVAILABLE: 70 LED INSPECTION LAMP WITH EEC 24 V PLUG 0 Lu m 36 0 3h Aut omy 6h 14 on s en Lu m s en 0 New technology ” Strip LED” allows more powerful lighting than LED technology. IP65 protection. IK 07 Swivel hook. 3 hours battery autonomy Charging time 2.5 h Aut IP 65 Brightness more than 1500 Lux Temperature <30 ° C Charging time : 2,5 h for 6 hours operation. Hanging hook Shock and corrosion resisitant DISPLAY OF 10 BAL-25 BAL-25J10 7 LEDs + 1 on the top. Required 3AAA batteries included Provides a wide and direct light. Pocket clip + magnet on the back to work with free hands. Ultra-compact light source. Length: 15.5 cm 71 LIGHTING 3 LED HEADLAMP Suitable for all uses. FRONT-1Z AVAILABLE: APRIL Different lighting modes: high intensity, low intensity, red LED for night vision. Direction adjustable. Charge status indicator. Comes with batteries. 3 LEDs. PELI technology. W E N PRACTICAL 3 lighting modes 1m 4 20 h Aut 19 11 Lu m s en omy on IP 54 3 LED HEADLAMP AVAILABLE: APRIL FRONT-2Z Resists all difficult weather conditions thanks to its solid polymer protective casing. Up 21 hours’ use in low intensity mode. Swivels 45°. PELI technology. Comes with batteries. 66 h Aut 21 IP 54 Lume ns 22 m omy on W E N 360° PORTABLE BATTERY FLOODLIGHT ZOOM LED HEADLAMP FRONT-6Z AVAILABLE: Adjustable headlamp, high power, adjustable beam with elastic strap. Battery housing at the back. Comes without batteries. 14 Aut 5 Lu m s en 17 0 m h IP 44 75 omy on MARCH MOBILIGHT-1Z PORTABLE Height adjustable up to 152 mm. Comes with 2 Lithium ion rechargeable batteries. Charge status indicator. 58° beam distribution angle, 2 LEDs per head. PELI technology. Supplied with carry case. omy 4h Aut on COMPACT Weight with battery: 3.80 kg. 500 EW N 72 PRACTICAL Opens in 5 seconds! W NE ens e t 1 0 00 l u m MEASURING AND TESTING DEVICES 600 A CURRENT CLAMP FL-13 AC/DC current and voltage until 600 A/V Resistance, temperature Diode test. Spark plug and alternator control Resolution : 1A or 1000mA, 1mV, 0,1Ohm, 0,1pF 1°C or 1°F INDISPENSAM MULTIMETER FL-2010 Electric protection ...................................................EN 610101 Insulation : ....................................... Class 2 double insulation Overvoltage category : ............................................ Cat II 100 V V / AC : ...............................................................................700 V V / DC : ............................................................................1000 V mA DC/AC : ................................................................... 400 mA A DC/AC :............................................................................ 20 A Frequency, resistance, capacity, diode test, continuity :...........................................250 V DC/AC 2000W HOT AIR GUN DT-20Z Heat and hot air controls with backlit LCD screen. Air flow rate: 200 to 500 L/min. Temperature: 50°C to 650°C + cold air. 230/240 V AC. Comes with 2 attachments: reducer nozzle and welding nozzle. EN 61010 L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE MULTIMETER 1000V 1000 °C INFRARED THERMOMETER FL-11 Especially designed for automotive applications - DC voltage from 3,2V to 1000V, AC voltage from 3,2V to 750V - DC Current from 32mA to 10A, AC from 32mA to 300mA -Resistance from 320 to 32 kHz - Frequency from 0,01 to 32 kHz - Diode controller - Tachometer from 0 to 12 000 rpm - Thermometer from -20°C to +1370°C or from 0°F to 2000°F shock-proof, Accessories included : cable probe, temperature probes, induction clamp. FL-3 Dual laser sighting. From -50 °C to 1000°C. Adjustable emissivity from from 0,1 to 1,0. Automatic storage of data +/-% accuracy PRICE DOWN +/-1% 73 ELECTRICIAN 1000V INSULATED BIMATERIAL SCREWDRIVERS SET MULTI-FUNCTION ERGONOMIC PLIERS INSULATED 1000 V PRICE 250-18TIZ DOWN Allows cutting, stripping and crimping. Crimp terminal: 1.5 to 2.5 mm2. Stripping wire 1.5 to 2.5 mm2. Length 180 mm. Inclined shape: Save your joints and muscles. Polished varnished finish. Forged chrome vanadium steel. Hardness: HRC 60 Meets NF ISO 5749 and IEC 60900 standards. VERSATILE ZTB-J6Z 4 x 3 x 100 - 3.5 x 100 - 4 x 100 5.5 x 125 2 x N° 1 x 125 - N° 2 x 150. Complies with NF ISO 5749 and CEI 60900 standard. Allows cutting, stripping and crimping. 1000V INSULATED BIMATERIAL PLIERS SET ZTB-PJ7Z IAL Complies with NF ISO 5749 and CEI 60900 standard. C PE S E SEL ERGONOMICS DIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERS INSULATED 1000 V ON CTI PRICE 251-18TIZ Diagonal cutting pliers handles with bi-material. Length: 180 mm. Polished varnished finish. Forged chrome vanadium steel. Tapered head for greater cutting precision. COMFORT 4 PLIERS 1000 V SET Complies with NF ISO 5749 and IEC 60900 standards. DOWN Inclined shape : Save your joints and muscles. Complies with NF ISO 5749 and CEI 60900 standard. 1 cutting plier - 1 cable sheath strippers - 1 multigrip pliers 3 screwdrivers 1 screwdriver INSULATING MAT Z-420 To isolate the operator from conducting elements (floors, walls). Molded rubber 3 mm. Dimensions: 1000 x 600 mm. PUNCH KIT 201-J4TIZ Multigrip pliers, straight nose pliers, cutting pliers,combination pliers. 694-C-32-N Package includes: 1 ergonomic handle to absorb the vibrations 29 punches from 2 to 50. 1 centering tip. 1 chuck diameter from 2 to 50 mm. COMFORT AND SAFETY 8 SCREW HOLLOW PUNCHES (IN SET) Ergonomic comfort handle to absorb vibrations transmitted to hand by shocks. Hands are thereby distanced from the strike area. EMP-11JZ 6 hollow punches Ø 15.2 18.6 20.4 22.5 28.3 32 mm. • Boring drill. • Lubricating paste. • 3 ball-bearing screws: M10(2), M12(1) 74 L CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE INDISPENSAM CABLE SHEATH STRIPPERS 220-28 AUTOMATIC STRIPPING PLIER 241-15 AUTOMATIC WIRE STRIPPERS 240-20A To strip all electrical PVC or rubber cables. Setting the cutting depth with the screw on the back. Equipped with an auto rotating blade knife Equipped with a hook blade to strip flat cables. Dimension : 8-28. For stripping and cutting of electrical conductors of monofilaments and multifilament of 0.2 to 6 mm2. Automatic adaptation to the wire diameter. Provided with a incorporated wire cutter For cutting and stripping electrical conductors. Bi-material handle. Automatic adjustment of the blades according to the thickness of the insulation. Open automatically after stripping. Light and durable: Polyamide body reinforced with steel parts. Depth adjustment stripping. Adjustment of the stripping force according to the diameter of cable. Capacity of the cable cutter: - Stranded: 6 mm2, - Single strand: 4 mm2. CRIMPING PLIERS CRIMPING PLIERS L FOR PRE-INSULATED TERMINALS CRIMPING PLIERS FOR PROTECTIVE TIPS 241-42Z 241-35 2 Capacity: 0.75 to 6 mm • Burnished metal sheet. Crimping pliers for insulated terminals with section from 0.5 to 6 mm2. Ergonomic handle to prevent slippage during use. The trigger system of the safety catch ensures the reliability of the pliers TUBE CUTTING PLIER PLIER FOR PLASTIC COLLARS CLAMP 618-P-42 For plastic materials and PVC. Blade magnesium alloy for a clean cut Locking and anti-opening system during cutting. Automatic opening of the blade Ergonomic anti finger pinch. Instantaneous change of the blade without tools Interchangeable blade Length : 230 mm Cutting capacity : 42 mm 241-37 For crimping face without adjustment, the protective tips on flexible cable from 0.14 to 16 mm2. Automatic unlocking limit switch. Brown body hardened steel made. Equipped with ergonomic handles for a non-slip grip. Length: 250 mm. 220-10Z Enables the quick removal of plastic collars around cables and threads - For collars 2.4 to 9 mm in width. - Manual cutting of the tail of the collar - Equipped with a system of reduction of the effort - Interchangeable knife and spring. 75 D RO P PREVENTI O N DROPPED OBJECT NEED A SYSTEM TO ENSURE TOOLS ARE PREVENTION NOT DROPPED WHEN YOU ARE WORKING AT HEIGHT … SYSTEM … ON SCAFFOLDING, BRIDGES, TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS, CRANES, LADDERS, POWER LINES, WIND TURBINES… 76 D RO P PREVENTI O N INDISPENSAM SAM STRAP 1 offers 3 solutions to prevent objects being dropped while you are working at height. Wrist tool lanyard DRG-1-FME (PAGE 78). 3 TO O L BELT CLI PS 2 Tool belt PACK-FME. (PAGE 78). Clips CLIP-…-FME + LEACH-FME. (PAGE 78). 77 D RO P PREVENTI O N WHAT IS FME (FOREIGN MATERIAL EXCLUSION) EXACTLY? : An FME policy is based on prevention and aims to reduce as far as possible the risk of foreign objects getting into installations and equipment. CLIP-…-FME CLIP-…-FME BAG OF 5 FME TOOL HOLDER CLIPS SAM PROPOSES YOU A UNIVERSAL ANTI-FALL SYSTEM FOR YOUR TOOLS THE SAM ANTI-FALL SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO PREVENT OBJECTS FROM FALLING DURING WORK AT A HEIGHT. IT COMPLIES WITH THE FME POLICY. TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLIP, MEASURE THE TOOL TO BE FITTED OUT AND REFER TO THE DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS. FME PACK WITH SET OF 10 TOOLS. Ideal kit for working in total safety and avoiding dropping tools. Includes an FME PACK + 10 stainless steel FME tool retaining clips + 10 indispensable tools = - 3 combination wrenches 10 - 13 - 17 mm - 2 mechanic’s slotted screwdrivers 4 x 100 - 6.5 x 150. 1 Phillips® No. 2 screwdriver. - 1 x push button multigrip pliers, 1 x spring loaded diagonal cutting pliers, 1 x spring loaded universal pliers, 1 hammer 40 mm. Contains: 1 belt + 2 tool pouches + 1 ring holder + 10 tool holder cords with snap-hook + 1 lanyard. COMFORTABLE VERSATILE Renforced padded belt Compartments and pockets for tools of different sizes: hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. LEACH-FME FME TOOL LANYARD FME TOOL LANYARD WITH SNAP-HOOK SECURED Fitted with fastening hooks to prevent tools from falling when the operator is at work. DOWN TOOL HOLDER BELT PACK DRG-1-FME 78 PRICE PACK-FME PACK-FME-10Z INDISPENSAM Trade reference Visual Dimensional drawing in mm Description of compatible products CLIP-1-FME Keys with Ø5mm holes (male, hex, handles, feeler gauges, cutters, etc)» CLIP-2-FME Combination wrenches, ring wrenches, etc CLIP-3-FME Combination wrenches, ring wrenches, open end wrenches, pliers, etc. CLIP-4-FME Open end wrenches, combination wrenches 8 to 19mm, 1/2» ratchets, etc. CLIP-5-FME Combination wrenches, ring wrenches, 1/2» ratchets CLIP-6-FME CLIP-7-FME Combination wrenches 13-21 mm screwdrivers, needle files with handle mounted, etc. Male hex keys with I handle, bimaterial screwdrivers, nut spinners mounted on handle, extensions with handle, bimaterial handles for reversible blades, lock grip pliers, etc. CLIP-8-FME Chisels, etc CLIP-9-FME Hammers and massets with non-drilled handles, etc. CLIP-10-FME Tubular socket wrenches, etc. CLIP-11-FME Tubular socket wrenches, etc CLIP-12-FME Combination wrenches 34 to 38, etc. CLIP-13-FME Special sockets 8 to 14, etc. CLIP-14-FME Special sockets 15 to 32, etc CLIP-15-FME 1/2” extensions, etc CLIP-16-FME Tubular socket wrenches 21 to 26 mm, etc. CLIP-17-FME Nail and drift punches, etc. CLIP-18-FME Circlip pliers, etc CLIP-19-FME Screwdrivers, etc. CLIP-20-FME Pliers, etc. CLIP-21-FME Special sockets, etc 79 DROP PREVENTION SAM: THE SPECIALIST IN DROP PREVENTION THE 145 MOST COMMONLY USED DROP PREVENTION ITEMS / BUY YOUR TOOL READY EQUIPPED WITH CLIPS Sales reference NS-8-FMEZ NS-9-FMEZ NS-10-FMEZ NS-11-FMEZ NS-12-FMEZ NS-13-FMEZ NS-14-FMEZ NS-15-FMEZ NS-16-FMEZ NS-17-FMEZ NS-18-FMEZ NS-19-FMEZ NS-21-FMEZ NS-22-FMEZ NS-23-FMEZ NS-24-FMEZ NS-27-FMEZ NS-29-FMEZ NS-30-FMEZ NS-32-FMEZ S-120-FMEZ S-158P-FMEZ S-210-FMEZ S-215-FMEZ T-4E100-FMEZ T-55E125-FMEZ T-65E150-FMEZ T-8M150-FMEZ T-1P100-FMEZ T-2P125-FMEZ 1B-FMEZ 4-150-A-FMEZ 7-C19A-FMEZ 7-C29A-FMEZ 7-C39A-FMEZ 7-F-25-FMEZ 10-6X7N-FMEZ 10-8X9N-FMEZ 10-10X11N-FMEZ 10-12X13N-FMEZ 10-14X15N-FMEZ 10-16X17N-FMEZ Description 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 8 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 9 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 10 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 11 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 12 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 13 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 14 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 15 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 16 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 17 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 18 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 19 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 21 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 22 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 23 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 24 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 27 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 29 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 30 MM 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET 32 MM 1/2” SLIDING T-HANDLE DRIVE 280 MM 120-TOOTH 1/2” PUSH RATCHET WITH REVERSING LEVER 1/2” EXTENSION BAR 125 MM 1/2” EXTENSION BAR 250 MM ELECTRICIAN’S BI-MATERIAL SLOTTED SCREWDRIVER 4X100 ELECTRICIAN’S BI-MATERIAL SLOTTED SCREWDRIVER 5.5X125 ELECTRICIAN’S BI-MATERIAL SLOTTED SCREWDRIVER 6.5X150 ELECTRICIAN’S BI-MATERIAL SLOTTED SCREWDRIVER 8X150 BI-MATERIAL SCREWDRIVER S1 PH No. 1 5X100 BI-MATERIAL SCREWDRIVER S1 PH No. 2 6 X125 EXTRA FLAT CHISEL PRECISION CAPE CHISEL SHORT DRIFT PUNCH 1.9 MM SHORT DRIFT PUNCH 2.9 MM SHORT DRIFT PUNCH 3.9 MM NAIL PUNCH 2.5 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 6X7 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 8X9 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 10X11 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 12X13 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 14X15 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 16X17 MM Price € 12,80 12,80 12,80 12,80 12,80 12,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 14,10 14,10 14,10 14,50 14,50 15,10 15,10 16,10 19,50 19,50 19,50 16,10 38,50 12,90 14,10 9,70 10,40 10,90 12,50 10,60 11,40 14,40 13,60 11,10 11,15 11,20 10,10 9,40 9,50 9,60 9,80 10,50 10,60 Sales reference 10-18X19N-FMEZ 10-20X22N-FMEZ 10-21X23N-FMEZ 10-24X27N-FMEZ 10-25X28N-FMEZ 10-30X32N-FMEZ 50N-8-FMEZ 50N-9-FMEZ 50N-10-FMEZ 50N-11-FMEZ 50N-12-FMEZ 50N-13-FMEZ 50N-14-FMEZ 50N-15-FMEZ 50N-16-FMEZ 50N-17-FMEZ 50N-18-FMEZ 50N-19-FMEZ 50N-20-FMEZ 50N-21-FMEZ 50N-22-FMEZ 50N-23-FMEZ 50N-24-FMEZ 50N-25-FMEZ 50N-26-FMEZ 50N-27-FMEZ 50N-28-FMEZ 50N-29-FMEZ 50N-30-FMEZ 50N-32-FMEZ 50N-34-FMEZ 50N-35-FMEZ 50N-36-FMEZ 50N-38-FMEZ 54-8-FMEZ 67-PT2-FMEZ 67-PT2,5-FMEZ 67-PT3-FMEZ 67-PT4-FMEZ 67-PT5-FMEZ 67-PT6-FMEZ 67-PT8-FMEZ 67-PT10-FMEZ 94-SD8-FMEZ 94-SD9-FMEZ Description OPEN-END WRENCH 18X19 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 20X22 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 21X23 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 24X27 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 25X28 MM OPEN-END WRENCH 30X32 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 8 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 9 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 10 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 11 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 12 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 13 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 14 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 15 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 16 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 17 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 18 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 19 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 20 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 21 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 22 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 23 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 24 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 25 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 26 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 27 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 28 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 29 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 30 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 32 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 34 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 35 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 36 MM COMBINATION WRENCH 38 MM ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 8” SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 2 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 2.5 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 3 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 4 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 5 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 6 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 8 MM SPHERICAL HEAD HEX KEY HANDLE L 10 MM 6 POIN T PASS THROUGHSOCKET WRENCH 8 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 9 MM Price € 11,20 11,80 11,80 13,50 13,70 16,50 11,05 11,10 11,20 11,40 11,50 11,80 11,90 12,60 12,90 13,50 13,90 14,20 15,00 15,20 15,40 15,90 16,70 17,30 17,90 18,40 18,90 19,40 20,30 20,70 28,70 30,60 31,00 33,10 19,70 10,70 10,80 10,90 10,80 11,20 11,60 12,30 13,60 11,50 11,60 SELECTION OF TOOLS SOLD WITH CLIPS T-4E100-FMEZ 310-…TM-FMEZ T-1P100-FMEZ 204-R18G-FMEZ 201-25B-FMEZ 80 50N-…-FMEZ 232-R16G-FMEZ Sales reference 94-SD10-FMEZ 94-SD11-FMEZ 94-SD12-FMEZ 94-SD13-FMEZ 94-SD14-FMEZ 94-SD15-FMEZ 94-SD16-FMEZ 94-SD17-FMEZ 94-SD18-FMEZ 94-SD19-FMEZ 94-SD20-FMEZ 94-SD21-FMEZ 94-SD22-FMEZ 94-SD23-FMEZ 94-SD24-FMEZ 94-SD25-FMEZ 94-SD26-FMEZ 105-6X7-FMEZ 105-8X9-FMEZ 105-10X11-FMEZ 105-12X13-FMEZ 105-14X15-FMEZ 105-16X17-FMEZ 105-18X19-FMEZ 105-20X22-FMEZ 105-21X23-FMEZ 201-25B-FMEZ Description 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 10 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 11 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 12 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 13 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 14 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 15 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 16 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 17 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 18 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 19 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 20 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 21 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 22 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 23 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 24 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 25 MM 6 POINT PASS THROUGH SOCKET WRENCH 26 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 6X7 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 8X9 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 10X11 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 12X13 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 14X15 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 16X17 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 18X19 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 20X22 MM DOUBLE BEND RING WRENCH 21X23 MM BI-MATERIALPUSH BUTTON MULTIGRIP PLIERS BI-MATERIAL SPRING LOADED UNIVERSAL 204-R18G-FMEZ PLIERS 185 MM LARGE JAW LOCK GRIP PLIERS 250 MM 212-25-FMEZ BI-MATERIAL SPRING LOADED DIAGONAL CUTTING 232-R16G-FMEZ PLIERS 165 MM BI-MATERIAL HALF ROUND NOSE PLIERS 160 MM 237-16G-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 5.5 MM 292P-5,5-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 6 MM 292P-6-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 7 MM 292P-7-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 8 MM 292P-8-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 9 MM 292P-9-FMEZ NUT DRIVER 10 MM 292P-10-FMEZ 310-36TM-FMEZ SAMSOPLUS RIVETING HAMMER 310-42TM-FMEZ SAMSOPLUS RIVETING HAMMER MALLET WITH VARNISHED ASH HANDLE 32 MM 320-32D-FMEZ STRAIGHT CUTTINGMETAL SHEARS 327-25-FMEZ LONG FEELER GAUGE 770-L-FMEZ 310-32TM-FMEZ SAMSOPLUS RIVETING HAMMER DEAD BLOW MALLET 38 MM 322-38-FMEZ PRECISION CAPE CHISEL 4-200-A-FMEZ CENTRE PUNCH 6 MM 8N-6A-FMEZ SAMSOCUT BI-MATERIAL HACKSAW 791-FMEZ HACKSAW FRAME 794-FMEZ BIMATERIAL TAPE MEASURE 3M X 16 MM UB-316-FMEZ BIMATERIAL TAPE MEASURE 5M X 19 MM UB-519-FMEZ BIMATERIAL TAPE MEASURE 8M X 25 MM UB-825-FMEZ BIMATERIAL TAPE MEASURE 10M X 25 MM UB-1025-FMEZ LONG SEMI-RIGID STAINLESS STEEL RULER, 781-40R-FMEZ 1-SIDED BI-MATERIAL SELF-RETRACTING KNIFE ZAMAC 378-40-FMEZ BODY, TRAPEZOIDAL BLADES. 90° TRY SQUARE 150X100 MM E4-150-FMEZ ROUND SMOOTH-CUT FILE WITH HANDLE 150 MM LR-15-DE-FMEZ SEMI-SMOOTH-CUT FILE WITH HANDLE LPM-15-ME-FMEZ FLAT 150 MM TRIANGULAR SEMI-SMOOTH-CUT FILE WITH LT-15-ME-FMEZ HANDLE 150 MM Price € 11,80 12,00 12,50 12,60 13,50 13,90 14,30 14,60 16,10 16,30 17,00 18,60 19,40 20,00 20,50 21,50 22,90 12,90 13,30 13,70 14,00 15,20 15,55 16,40 16,90 17,70 25,80 18,90 36,80 22,00 20,50 14,60 14,60 15,60 16,50 16,90 17,80 19,20 22,90 23,80 42,40 28,20 18,10 47,40 15,10 10,00 25,00 18,00 12,30 15,80 18,90 20,30 183,50 16,10 132,10 13,95 13,60 13,90 INDISPENSAM NE W WASHABLE Foam washable at 60°C. EXAMPLE OF COMPLETE ROLLER CABINET DESIGNED FOR THE MAJOR ENERGY STAKEHOLDERS IN FRANCE. FACILITY The stepped machining of the foam means you can remove the tool by just pressing on one of its ends. SAFETY CPP-125-FMEZ ROLLER CABINET + 125 TOOLS IN MODULES IF YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC REQUEST? WE CAN PROPOSE YOU A FULLY BESPOKE EQUIPPED ROLLER CABINET AS WELL AS OTHER BESPOKE SERVICES. FIND OUT MORE BY CONTACTING OUR TAILOR MADE TOOL DEPARTMENT: 0(/.%s%-!),/30 3!-%5 With the bi-color foam and precision cutting to the shape of the tool, you can check all your tools are there at a glimpse. CONVENIENT The tools fitted with the FME clip fit snugly into the foams and are immediately ready to be fitted to the belt, cord or lanyard developed by SAM SAM SERVICE: if you wish to receive your tool fitted with the FME clip, SAM offers you a paid service for the assembly in our factory. 81 CONSTRUCTION PATE NT SAM SAMTITAN BOLT CUTTER CB-2-AT STANDARD BOLT CUTTER TUBE ARMS L-95-2 ROBUSTNESS Fully forged arms to resist construction site extreme conditions. Possible straightening possible in case of accidental torsion. COMFORT : Sheathed handes. AXIAL CUTTING Cutting angle designed to penetrate and set cut steel up to 140 kg / mm2. Réf. C1 60 Kg/mm2 C2 80 Kg/mm2 C3 110 Kg/mm2 12 11 9 L-95-2 IAL EC MECHANIC’S END NIPPERS 250 MM ION CT ELE SP S CB-2-AT e mm L mm 8 102 155 750 30” 3,6 CB-2-AL 8 102 155 760 30" 4,1 CB-2-AL L" Weight Kg Blades 605-R Cutting capacity for hard steel thread : 3 mm Length : 250 mm Weight: 320g Swivel hinge. Folding handles. Padlock closure (not supplied, available in page 454 of catalogue SF4). Dimensions: 440 x 200 x 200 mm. 7 HEXAGON KEYS 59-MP8Z 62-MP7Z : 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 27 - 30 - 40 mm. : 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 mm. PRACTICAL « PUSH BUTTON » TO AUTOMATICALLY EXIT THE KEYS 82 E mm 5 TRAY TOOL BOX 229-25Z 8 RESISTORX® KEYS C4 140 Kg/mm2 8 TORX® KEYS 66-MP8Z : 9 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 27 - 30 40 mm. INDISPENSAM DOUBLE BACK SPIRIT LEVEL, GROUND BACK VISIBILITY 3 vials: horizontal, vertical and 45°. L mm 165-40Z 400 165-50Z 500 165-60Z 600 165-80Z 800 165-100Z 1000 165-150Z 1500 165-200Z 2000 PRECISION To read verticality regardless of your position. Internal mirror at 45°. 0,5 mm / m. Front reading. Side reading. CONVENIENT Grip for firm hold. Carrying and vertical levelling made easy. IAL ION C PE CT ELE S S CONSTRUCTION 1/2” RATCHET CONSTRUCTION 1/4” RATCHET 72 R-157BZ POCKET LIGHT SET OF 39 X 1/4” TOOLS, SITE RATCHET VERSION 5 S-157B 5° -1 4 PRICE DOWN mm 73-RC39Z RESISTANT Protection of ratchet from water and sand intrusion PRACTICAL Reversing lever for changing the direction of rotation with one hand. - 1 bit holder socket 1/4” - Package dimension: 148 x 89.5 x 46.7 mm. PRACTICE: - Integration of an LED lamp (rechargeable battery) in the box. - 32 m m 8 1/2’’ SOCKETS AND ACCESSORIES SET WITH CONSTRUCTION RATCHE 3x Slotted 4,5 - 6,5 - 8 mm. - 3 x n°1 - 2 - 3. - 3 x n°1 - 2 - 3. - 5 x 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 mm. - 7 x 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 27 - 30 - 40. - 1 construction ratchet 1/4” - 1 fitted extension 1/4” - 1 extension 1/4” 50 mm - 1 extension 100 mm - 11 sockets 1/4” : 5 - 5,5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 12 - 13 - 14 mm. - 1 universal Joint 1/4” - 1 sliding handle 1/4” 75-SHC23Z 1 x 1/2” construction ratchet - 2 x 1/2” extension 125 mm / 250 mm / standard universal joint - Hex sockets: 8-9-10-11-1213-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-2223-24-2730-32 RESISTANT protection of ratchet from water and sand intrusion RESISTANT 1 construction ratchet IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S 83 PLUMBING MINI COPPER AUTOMATIC PIPE CUTTER 620-10Z 622-AZ With two grooved-rollers. • With deburring punch. • Effective with small footprint. With automatic roller return. • With four grooved-rollers. • In aluminium. • With locking system. SLIDE -TYPE PIPE CUTTER CONVENIENT 620-11 For copper tube and aluminum. Capacity: 3 to 30 mm. PIPE CUTTER 620-12 For copper tube and aluminum. Capacity: 3 to 30 mm. PIPE CUTTER, 26 MM 618-P-26 For plastic materials and PVC. Clean cut. CONVENIENT Rotary deburrer COMFORT STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CUTTER 3 TO 35 MM Anti finger pinching pliers. AVAILABLE: 620-13Z With 4 grooved rollers to guide the pipe and cut flush with the t. Entirely removable deburrer. Spare cutter wheel inside the handle. MARCH PIPE WRENCH THIS VICE CAN BE FIXED ON A WORKBENCH OR A TABLE FITTER. STILLSON MODEL 632-18 Length : 440 mm. Opening : 60 mm. PRACTICAL Instant changing of cutter wheel, no tools required. W E N 84 INDISPENSAM 4.9 MM VIDEOSCOPE WITH ANGLE DRIVE 344-24 Easy inspection at any time, in all circumstances. Detachable cable (IP67). LE D with dimmer light sources (0-275Lux/4cm) extra-large 3.5” TFT screen. Quick save of videos and snapshots 1.5x zoom. Innovative function « vertical symmetry » (reverse image). 1GB Memory Card can hold more than 25 000 photos or videos. 5.5 MM VIDEOSCOPE 344-23 VIDEOSCOPE WITH 22 M INSPECTION CABLE 344-30Z LP68 quality camera (28mm) with 8 LED Semi-rigid cable 22m (6mm diameter / IP65) Depth of field: 10mm to infinity Angle of view: 150 ° Can penetrate up to two consecutive 90°elbows Applications: building construction, air conditioning and heating, aerospace, water pipes, plumbing, welding, general equipment (tanks, steel pipes), armaments industry ... Delivered with SD card, video cable, USB cable. Easy inspection at any time, in all circumstances. Detachable cable (IP67). LED with dimmer light sources (0-275Lux/4cm) extra-large 3.5’’ TFT screen. Quick save of videos and snapshots 1.5x zoom. Innovative function «vertical symmetry» (reverse image). 2GB Memory Card can hold more than 25 000 photos or videos. Power battery (4 hours of autonomy). Motherboard connector and grommet for cord improved. FOLDING TABLE FOR PLUMBER L TM-1Z Dimensions: 1080 x 640 x 35 mm. WOODEN tray with metal frame Transport simple : flange to hold the legs folded STABILITY THANKS TO LARGE BASE CIA ON TI LEC E SP SE TAP NUT WRENCH + 7 SOCKETS BOX PB-8Z Details: 1 tap nut wrench + 7 sockets: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 mm. Hollow socket for hex nuts of 13 mm. RESISTANCE 800 kg ACCESSIBILITY Compact size to access nuts that are hard to access. HINGED VICES 399-T3 CONVENIENT Sockets and hollow arm so as not to be hindered by threaded rods. Hinged vices For the tubes screwing of diameter from 10 to 89 mm. This vice can be fixed on a workbench or a table fitter. 85 WORK ON WOOD AND PLASTER-BASED MATERIALS ONE HANDED AUTOMATIC CLAMP COMFORT 150 mm. Protection provided by soft clamping jaw to parts to be clamped. Comfortable handle. The non-slip pads do not mark surfaces. 455-150Z 300 mm. 455-300Z CONVENIENT Used with one hand. 450 mm. 455-450Z 600 mm. 455-600Z 915 mm. 455-915Z SAFETY Lock/release button. Robust build for increased service life. IAL C PE S S HANDSAW FOR PLASTER BOARDS SPECIAL KEYHOLE SAW FOR PLASTER BOARDS B-747Z B-748Z 7 teeth per inch specially for plaster boards. Treated teeth. Treated blade. Screwed bimaterial handle for left and right hand cutting. Handle allows for marking at 45° and 90°. Length: 550 mm. 7 teeth per inch specially for plaster boards. Treated teeth. Pointed tip and pad at end to facilitate penetration of blade into plaster boards. Bimaterial handle. Length: 310 mm 7 teeth / inch 7 teeth / inch THIN CUT HANDSAW 11 teeth per inch. Swedish quality steel blade, 0.85 mm thick. High performance teeth: hardened for very long-lasting sharpness. Screwed bimaterial handle for left and right hand cutting. Handle allows for marking at 45° and 90°. 400 mm. B-741-4Z 450 mm. B-741-45Z 500 mm. B-741-5Z 86 ION CT ELE 11 teeth / inch INDISPENSAM JOINER’S END NIPPERS 250 MM 245-25Z Forged chrome vanadium steel. Lacquered finish Sharpened edge Cutting capacity for thread rope piano: 2 mm Length : 250 mm Weight: 449g PLANE WITH CAST IRON BASE B-303-T Plastic handle. Length: 240 mm. Weigth: 56mm CONVENIENT Adjustment of cutter depth by wheel. SCULPTOR’S CHISEL SET KNIFE FOR ELECTRICIAN 370-1Z Plastic handle. Length: 170 mm. Weight: 110g B-607-C6 Set of 6 sculptor’s chisel wood handel B-607-6 B-607-10 B-60712 B-607-15 B-607-20 B-607-25. TRY SQUARE, STEEL BLADE 300 MM 774-A-30 Black engraved square. 3 RASPS WITH HANDLE SET BR-3JZ FALSE SQUARE 1 flat rasp 250 mm, 1 round rasp 250 mm, 1 half-round rasp 250 mm. Bi-material handle 775-1Z For the deferral of angles with locking wing screw Steel blade, wooden heel Width of the handle : 17mm Dimensions: L260xW17xH27mm 87 SELF-CONTAINED ENERGY & POWER MULTI-TRADE INNOVATION AM TS PATE N LONGER OPERATING TIMES The PEA system is designed to offer the best operating times. The high pressure of the air in the cylinder, combined with a low-consumption machine will guarantee you the best working times. SUITABLE FOR USE IN ANY CLIMATE From -20°C to +60°C, come rain , snow or shine, and even in hostile environments, the PEA will always provide your air tools with the same amount of power.* ALREADY 300 CYLINDERS SOLD! * Take into account the air tool’s operating temperature range. 88 INDISPENSAM Air tools Hose with anti-whiplash system 6.5 bar outlet pressure Quick coupling 300 bar cylinder TE R T IN E IV OPERATION FL A LOOS E N The PEA is the solution that will provide you with power for all your pneumatic applications. The PEA system is simple to set up and consists of three parts: - A cylinder of compressed air at 300 bar. - A regulator providing an outlet pressure of 6.5 bar; - A flexible hose with a quick coupling. Simply connect your pneumatic device and you can begin work, with the freedom to move around as you wish. MOBILITY GUARANTEED Go anywhere. Whatever the terrain, the largewheeled PEA will carry your 9 litre cylinder wherever you want to go. d An PEA TROLLEY so m uc hm ore … NAI L/ STAPLE PORTABILITY GUARANTEED PEA roller cabinet Ideal for moving around your workshop. No more hoses trailing across the floor. With two 9 litre cylinders to hand, you will have enough power in reserve to complete any job anywhere. PEA holster PEA backpack Enables you to carry a 2 litre PEA cylinder so that you can use your air tools in a confined space or spot where access is difficult. Designed to carry a 9 litre cylinder, the backpack gives you a longer working time away from other energy sources, in isolated areas or hostile environments. 89 SELF-CONTAINED ENERGY & POWER The power of the PTS range À 300 Nm À 600 Nm 0 40 PNEUMATIC IMPACT WRENCH (1148) 200 25 500 240 IMPACT WRENCH WITH LITHIUM BATTERY À 900 Nm NUMBER OF LOOSENING OPERATIONS Advantages of PEA POWER SOURCE. FREES you from 900 Nm 1 0 The benefit of your own reliance on fixed air networks or electricity. MAXIMAL TORQUE REACHED AT -20°C LONGER OPERATION COMFORT Work in greater undisturbed by a noisy compressor. 3 STORAGE over an unlimited period. With the cylinder valve closed, there is no loss of pressure or power. 4 WIDE RANGE OF AIR TOOLS thanks to the universal hose Access a connector. 5 EASY MOBILITY Enjoy thanks to an optimised size/weight ratio and a wide range of transport options. 90 +10 or +70 +500 +1100 +1500 CAR TYRES COMPLETELY INFLATED 0.3 BAR TOP-UPS LOOSENINGS OF NUTS TIGHTENED TO 300 NM or 25 complete vehicles. 70 MM NAILS HAMMERED IN 360 m_ of batten** fixed. RIVETS SET or 750 vehicle number plates fixed. * Results obtained in a laboratory under normal conditions of use using tools from the range ** Battens: small-section wooden battens used mainly by roofers to fix tiles or slates. 2 INDISPENSAM BETTER PRODUCTIVITY And it’s you that says so! With a 2 litre and a 9 litre cylinder to choose from, I can choose what suits my application best, whilst also taking into account the amount of space taken up by my equipment. With the PEA, my team are having a lot less time off work! My workers no longer complain about the noise, weight and handling of their old tools. AUTONOMY SAFETY The air consumption of pneumatic tools is optimised with the PEA system thanks to the use of hoses adapted to the air flow of the tools. By carefully combining your hoses and tools, you can increase your working time with your PEA air cylinder up to double. Using the PEA can reduce MSDs* linked to the use of heavy and noisy machinery. As the PEA system generates 0 dB, only the weight and noise of the pneumatic machine itself need to be taken into consideration. The system’s tailored regulator adapts to all air tools operating with a supply pressure of 6.5 bars. In addition, with a transportable cylinder, the number of hoses or cables trailing on the ground is reduced, limiting the risk of tripping and falling. With the PEA I can use the power of all my air tools with the same cylinder thanks to the universal hose connector. And the trolley makes the whole system extremely easy to transport: I can even lie With the PEA, I’ve been able to save up to an hour and a half a day per worker! The PEA system can be started almost instantly, compared to the time it takes to set up a compressor, what’s more often only for one application. down on the ground and work with the bottle laid flat to get underneath my vehicles. FASTER INTERVENTIONS USE The PEA system can be compared to a global solution enabling you to optimise your productivity. With the limited time it takes to set up and easy operation, you can get to work on your jobsite more quickly and optimise your productivity. The PEA system is easy to handle and transport thanks to its optimised size and weight, making the operator more efficient in his work. He can work just about anywhere with the right accessories (holster, backpack, trolley, roller cabinet …). * MSDs: Musculoskeletal disorders 91 SELF-CONTAINED ENERGY & POWER CREATE YOUR OWN APPL REGULATOR AND HOSES TOTAL FREEDOM WITH PEA! Fill your own cylinders with the PEA compressor! PEA-DET1 REGULATOR NEW The essential item in the PEA system. This pressure-reducing regulator provides the outlet pressure of 6.5 bars, required by most air tools, with a regulated flow rate ranging between 400 and 500 l/min (from 300 to 40 bars) with no pressure drops. Meets standard EN ISO 2503. OPTIMISE Your air consumption! PEA-COMP1Z PEA ELECTRIC CYLINDER FILLING COMPRESSOR 300 BAR 92 SERVI-PEA PEA-FLEX12 PEA-FLEX14 100L/MIN Ideal for nailer, stapler or rivet gun. Perfect for pneumatic tools fitted with cylinder actuator. PEA-FLEX1XZ PEA MULTI-FLUX HOSE PEA 3-in-1 hose: 100, 200 and 400 l/min flow rates possible with a single hose. Select the flow rate by turning the ring on the quick coupling. This high pressure air compressor is the indispensable tool that will make you totally self-sufficient. It can be used to fill both 2 and 9 litre bottles. Its handles and compact size make it easy to transport. It also includes an automatic purge and stop system, making it completely self-contained. Air flow rate: 100 l/min - 6 m_/h. Working pressure: 300 bar. Power supply: 230V / 50Hz – Single phase - Electric motor: 2.2 KW - Working temperature: -5°C to +45°C. Length - 580 mm. Width - 410 mm. Height - 410 mm. Weight: 42.5 kg. PEA-CHAR1 PEA-FLEX11 PEA-BAG2L AVAILABLE: APRIL PEA-BAG9L PEA TROLLLEY* PEA ROLLER CABINET* PEA HOLSTER PEA BACKPACK* Trolley equipped with: 1 handle. 2 large transport wheels ø 200mm. 2 casters for use in in horizontal position, diam. 50mm. 1 cylinder retaining strap. Width 420 mm. Depth: 360 mm. Height: 905 mm. Weight: 8 kg. 40 SERIES roller cabinet with anti-tipping system Withstands a 950 kg load when static. Load per drawer: 30 kg. Fastens on the left or right leg. Abdominal belt. Bottle retaining system. Quick connect fastening system. Weight when full: 4 kg. Suitable for a left-handed or a righthanded user. Polycarbonate protective shell. Flexible fastening clip. Adjustable abdominal and back straps. Aerated back. Weight when full: 12.5 kg. *Supplied without cylinders. INDISPENSAM CATION SAM PROVIDES A 10-YEAR WARRANTY 9 L CYLINDER PEA TROLLEY SERVICE PACK 9L CYLINDER PEA BACKPACK SERVICE PACK PEA-PACK1-9L PEA-PACK1-2L PEA-PACK1-2L 1170€ PEA-PACK2-9L 1 full 9L cylinder supplied (PEA-BOUT93) with 10 year WARRANTY PACK - 1 pressure reducing valve (PEA-DET1) - 1 hose (PEA-FLEX…) 2 L CYLINDER PEA HOLSTER SERVICE PACK 1 full 9L cylinder supplied (PEA-BOUT93) with 10 year WARRANTY Pack - 1 pressure reducing valve (PEA-DET1) - 1 hose (PEA-FLEX…) 1 full 2L cylinder supplied (PEA-BOUT23) 10 year WARRANTY PACK - 1 holster (PEA-BAG2L) - 1 pressure reducing valve (D161PEA-DET1) - 1 hose (PEA-FLEX…) ADDITIONAL BOTTLES PER UNIT FOR PACK SERVICE. Different offers for cylinders. provides a SAM 10-year warranty: sstandard exchange of empty cylinders for full ones at all approved SAM dealers. sfree maintenance of cylinders. sPeriodic inspection of cylinders. 2 L CYLINDER 10-YEAR WARRANTY PACK PEA-BOUT23 PEA-BOUT93 Decompressed volume: 538 litres. (including 1st fill of gas). - outside diameter: 101 mm. - Length without valve: 386 mm. -Weight with empty 1,5 kg - Service life: 15 years. - Type 3 cylinder. -Weight when full 3kg ANNUAL RENTAL DURATION: 1 YEAR PEA-LOC231 DURATION: 3 YEARS PEA-LOC233 2 L CYLINDER REFILL / YEAR DURATION: 3 YEARS / YEAR DURATION: 5 YEARS PEA-LOC235 PEA-LOC931 PEA-LOC933 PEA-LOC935 PEA-REC23 9 L CYLINDER REFILL / YEAR DURATION: 5 YEARS / YEAR Decompressed volume: 2462 litres. (including 1st fill of gas). - outside diameter: 173 mm. - Length without valve: 386 mm. -Weigth when empty: 4,8kg - Service life: 15 years. - Type 3 cylinder. -Weight when full 9,5 kg REFILL YOUR PEA CYLINDERS. DURATION: 1 YEAR / YEAR 9 L CYLINDER 10-YEAR WARRANTY PACK / YEAR PEA-REC93 To refill your PEA cylinders, simply take your empty cylinder to your PEA distributordealer and swap it for a full one. 93 PNEUMATIC 1’’ LONG SHANK IMPACT WRENCH RECOMMENDED TOOLS ULTRA-COMPACT 1/2’’ IMPACT WRENCH 1/2’’ IMPACT WRENCH 1148 1148M 1181S-200 3/4’’ IMPACT WRENCH 1163 Ultra-compact, lightweight and ergonomic impact wrench. Enables you to work in difficultto-access places in assembly and maintenance. The bi-material housing makes this a comfortable wrench to use, much appreciated by users. Easy-to-use forward/reverse push button and torque control. Wrench with an exceptional weight/power/consumption ratio. Excellent ergonomics, suitable for repetitive use in medium duty mechanical jobs. Ideal with a 200l/min hose. Ideal with a 200l/min hose. Ideal with a 400 l/min hose. Lightweight, compact and powerful impact wrench, perfect for working on HGV and construction machinery. Side exhaust with axial air supply to avoid catching the hose. Ideal with a 400l/min hose. 1181S-200 Ref. 1’’ LONG SHANK IMPACT WRENCH Title of item PRICE PRICE DOWN DOWN Title of item Max torque (Nm) Working consumption (l/min) Number of nuts loosened at 300 Nm (with 9L cylinder) Weight (kg) 1148M ULTRA-COMPACT 1/2’’ IMPACT RENCH 500 130 300 1,350 1148 1/2’’ IMPACT WRENCH 1100 170 500 2,030 1163 3/4’’ IMPACT WRENCH 1200 210 520 2,60 Ref. Tightening/ Loosening IAL S Nailing NAILER 45-90 MM 1844 Latest generation, easy to handle nailer, single shot or rapid fire operation. Magazine holds up to 300 nails. 1842 Aluminium body. Strip loading. Bump firing. Powerful and economical. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min Ref. Title of item 1842 NAILER 15 - 50 MM Consumption (l/stroke) 2,16 0,79 9L estimated number of nails 1000 2550 2L estimated number of nails 250 570 2,000 1,485 Weight (kg) 94 1844 NAILER 45-90 MM MACHINES RECOMMENDED FOR PEA RESULT OBTAINED IN A LABORATORY SETTING WITH THE PEA SYSTEM AND A 400 L/ MIN HOSE, IN NORMAL CONDITIONS OF USE. THESE PERFORMANCES DO NOT APPLY TO OTHER ITEMS IN THE SAM GROUP OR OTHER BRANDS’ RANGES. 330 Number of nuts loosened at 1500 Nm (with 9L cylinder) 40 7,400 1/2’’ RATCHET WRENCH 1044 ION CT ELE S 1/4” - 3/8” MINI PASS THROUGH RATCHET IN MULTIFUNCTIONAL BOX 1020-91Z 10 x 1/4“ sockets (5.5-6-7-8-9-1011-12-13-14), 1 x 1/4“ reversible manual ratchet, 1 extension 100mm, 1 universal joint 1 x 1/4“ handle, 1 1/4“ adapter, Resistorx® sockets (T10-T15-T20-T25-T27-T30-T40, 4 hex socket (H3-H4-H6-H7), 2 Phillips® sockets n°1-n°2, 3 Pozidriv® socket n°1-n°2-n°3 4 slotted sockets 4-5.5-6.5-8, 1 pneumatic pass through ratchet, 1/4“-3/8’’. Ideal with hose of 100l/min Ideal with a 100 l/min hose. 1500 Working consumption (l/min) Weight (kg) C PE NAILER 15 - 50 MM Max torque (Nm) Impact ratchet wrench with reactionless double pin impact mechanism. Ergonomic grip. Silenced rear exhaust. Digital torque/ speed control. The size of a standard ratchet wrench and capable of tightening components with difficult access. Ensures appreciable time saving with optimum comfort of use. The must-have tool when up against modern mechanical techniques and profitability requirements. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min Ref. Title of item 1044 1020-91Z 1/2’’ RATCHET WRENCH 1/4” - 3/8” MINI PASS THROUGH RATCHET IN MULTIFUNCTIONAL BOX Max torque (Nm) 110 40 Working consumption (l/min) 230 290 Consumption at no load (l/min) 235 315 Unscrewing speed (mm/s) 20 13,3 Screwing speed (mm/s) Weight (kg) 20 20 1,280 0,520 FREE FREE SET OF 8 X 1/4“IMPACT SOCKETS,6 TO 13MM INDISPENSAM Stapler Air gun STAPLER AIR GUN 1840 1852 Aluminium body. Strip loading. Bump firing. Ultra efficient with the PEA. Low air consumption. Ergonomic. Ideal for fitting packing, insulation, fabric and lots of other products. Standardsized staples. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min Ref. Short nose air gun, 130mm. Ergonomic and robust air gun. Lightweight and compact air gun to help you in all your work. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min 1840 Title of item STAPLER Consumption (l/stroke) 0,396 9L staple consumption 5050 Ref. 1852 Title of item AIR GUN 20 Distance of use (cm) 100 23 Max speed (m/s) 12L staple consumption 1130 Working consumption (l/mn) Weight (kg) 0,900 Weight (kg) 6,5 295 - 305 0,140 Drill 10MM DRILL WITH AUTOMATIC CHUCK FREE 1700-1Z FREE SET OF 13 HSSDRILL BITS Aluminium housing. Ergonomic grip. Directable bottom exhaust. Variable speed trigger to adapt to all types of drilling up to 10mm. Ref. Ideal with a hose for 400l/min Rivet gun RIVET GUN 1845 1700-1Z Ref. 1845 Title of item RIVET GUN Consumption (l/stroke) 1,25 9L estimated number of rivets 1600 12L estimated number of rivets 360 Weight (kg) Title of item Consumption (l/stroke) Total drilling length with 9LCYL (m) Weight (kg) 10MM DRILL WITH AUTOMATIC CHUCK 265 820 1,075 Screwing AJUSTABLE, REVERSIBLE SCREW GUN 1800 RPM 1750G 1,450 Ref. Title of item 1750G AJUSTABLE, REVERSIBLE SCREW GUN 1800 RPM Working consumption (l/mn) 266 Consumption at no load (l/mn) 285 9L screw consumption nbr of screws 128 Weight (kg) Ergonomic aluminium body. Air/ hydraulic cylinder. Bump firing. Supplied with nose pieces for 2.4 - 3.2 - 4 - 4.8 rivets. Efficient. The model with case allows for organised storage of accessories and maintenance parts. des accessoires et des pièces de maintenance. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min Extrusion gun 2-IN-1 EXTRUSION GUN 1860-2 Aluminium body. Variable speed trigger. Decompression on stop position. For cartridges and bags of 310/400 ml / 215x50. Length: 325 mm. Air piston. Weight: 1,3 g 1/4” coupling. 1,545 External ring torque control. One-handed start and reverse control. Bottom collectable exhaust, with silencer. Pressure sensitive clutch. Ideal with a 200l/min hose. UNIVERSAL EXTRUSION GUN 1861 Aluminium/steel body. Variable speed trigger. Stroke control. Quick pressure regulator. For all types of cartridges and bags of 310/400 ml / 215x50. Length: 320 mm / Height: 220 mm. Air piston. Weight: 1,125g 1/4” coupling. Ideal with a hose for 100l/min 95 PNEUMATIC 1/2’’ IMPACT WRENCH in DOWN Universal wrench for service and maintenance workshops. Composite e motor housing. Steel impact mechanism housing. Twin hammer mechanism. Torque control. fo in fo COMPLEMENTARY SAM PNEUMATIC TOOLS OFFER PRICE 1142Z 1142Z FREE 800 7000 183 1,9 2,9 83 6,5 250 1/4” SET OF 8 X 1/2’’ LONG IMPACT SOCKETS FROM 13 TO 24 MM 1/2’’ ALUMINIUM IMPACT WRENCH 1144SZ Very powerful universal wrench for service and maintenance workshops. s.. Structure aluminium body with sheathed grip. Steel impact mechanism housing. Twin hammer mechanism. 3-position rotary reversing switch with h torque controlled tightening. 1/2” 2,9 1200 83 8000 6,5 185 250 DOWN FREE 2,7 1/4” PN-238 fo in fo in Impact wrench with twin hammer system. 3-position torque control for controlled tightening. PN-238 SET WITH 1/2’’ IMPACT WRENCH AND SOCKETS 1/2” 999 9000 204 2,1 13,18 95 6,5 310 1/4” PN-203-K PN-251Z fo in SAFETY AIR BLOW GUN fo in PN203-K PRACTICAL 1/2” 540 9000 190 2,7 4,57 98 6,5 140 1/4” L CIA SE 96 ON TI LEC E SP fo in 1144SZ PRICE SET OF 3 X 1/2’’ SOCKETS WITH PROTECTIVE PLASTIC SLEEVES FOR 17/19/21 MM WHEEL NUTS 1/2’’ COMPOSITE IMPACT WRENCH Impact wrench with torque control. Case contains: 10 6 point impact sockets: 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24 and 27. Extension bar, male key, bits, oil can, oiler. in 1/2” fo See our PTS range of air tools in our catalogue or on the website: Nickel-plated steel air blow gun. Integrated safety system with air screen to protect the user. With 90 mm angled nozzle. Air consumption: 300 l/min. Recommended working pressure: 6.2 bar. Air inlet thread: 1/4’’. Weight: 0.150 kg. INDISPENSAM 150 MM COMPOSITE ORBITAL SANDER WITH SUCTION MULTI TECHNICAL GRINDER COLLET 6 MM 1441SZ 1610GZ in PRICE in DOWN FREE 1/2” 800 7000 183 1,9 2,9 83 6,5 250 1/4” 3 ou 6 <2,5 20000 188 0,60 80 6,5 160 1/4” PN-2103Z 1/2’’ zamac body, metal reservoir Supplied with pressure gauge. Oil mist lubrication, but it is also possible to deliver non-lubricated air. Flow rate: 1550 l/min. Filtration: 25 microns. Recommended working pressure: 0-18 bars. Operating temperature: 0-60 °C. Pressure gauge diameter: 50 mm. Oil recommended: Engler viscosity at 50°C: 1.95, aniline point: 100. Weight: 2.5 kg. Zamac body, metal reservoir. Supplied with pressure gauge. Oil mist lubrication. The reservoir is filled automatically by negative pressure, integrated level indicator on the reservoir. Flow rate: 1160 l/min. Filtration: 25 microns. Recommended working pressure: 0-18 bars. Operating temperature: 0-60 °C. Pressure gauge diameter: 50 mm. Oil recommended: Engler viscosity at 50°C: 1.95, aniline point: 100. Weight: 2.1 kg. Magnetic support for impact wrench, sockets, wheel screws, torque wrench… 430 PRESSURE GAUGE FILTERREGULATOR-LUBRICATOR WITH SPACER PN-2101Z RC-200 FREE FREEDISC HOLDER+ 3 CUTTING DISCS 1/4” FILTER REGULATOR 3/8’’ PRESSURE GAUGE FILTER-REGULATORLUBRICATOR MAGNETIC TOOL HOLDER fo Comfortable covered housing. Directable rear exhaust silencer. Digital control system. Excellent grip. Controller with two-finger control. Sound level reduced to a minimum. Power 430 watt. Speed: 20,000 rpm. - in fo Weight : 0,6 kg 1610GZ Sound power level: 80 dB. fo Ultra light composite body with antivibration belt. Speed control. Rear exhaust controller. Direct and rotary connection of dust cuff Ø 28 mm. Sander made of ultra light composite material for optimum ergonomics. Well balance and ergonomic allowing for non-stop use. Power 200 watt. Speed: 12,000 rpm. fo in Weight 0,8kg Sound power level: 84 dB. 1441SZ POLYURETHANE SPIRAL HOSE 19015-100Z Spiral hose , length 0.35 to 6 metres (extended). Inside diameter: 8 mm. Outside diameter: 12 mm. Equipped with 2 protected 1/4» male swivel fittings PU 98 SHA 97 IMPACT SOCKETS SET OF IMPACT SOCKETS WITH RESISTORX PLUS® HEADS W E N DOUCHORTORXZ Contains 6 sockets in sizes T55, T60, T70, T80, T90 and T100. 1/2’’ square drive. Length: 40 mm. For all uses requiring power and strength. AVAILABLE: MARCH SET OF IMPACT SOCKETS WITH TORX PLUS® HEADS DOUCHOTORXZ Contains 6 sockets in sizes T55, T60, T70, T80, T90 and T100. 1/2’’ square drive. Length: 40 mm. For all uses requiring power and strength. AVAILABLE: MARCH TO USE WITH A RATCHET OR COMPACT WRENCH WITH A LIMITED TORQUE 1/2” LONG IMPACT SCREWDRIVER SOCKETS HEX SET CP-NSCJ 9 male hex bits Length 80mm : 5-6-7-8-9-10-12-1417-19 to use with a ratchet or compact wrench with a limited torque. 98 1/2” LONG IMPACT SCREWDRIVER SOCKETS TORX® SET CP-NSTJ PRICE DOWN 9 impact male Torx® bits Length from 80 to 100mm : T20-25-3040-45-50-55-60-70 SET OF 19 1/2” IMPACT SOCKET TOOLS IN MM 72-NS19 PRICE DOWN Pack Dimensions: 515x170x95 mm. Weight 2,7 kg 1 extension piece 125 mm 1 cardan joint 17 sockets : 9 - 10 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 27 - 30 - 32 mm. SOCKETS 1/2” AND 3/8” FOR ROUNDED NUTS AND PINS SET 74NJ-J10 PRICE DOWN Sockets 1/2” et 3/8” : 6 - 8 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 21 - 24 - 27. WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT INDISPENSAM ACCESSORIES FOR HYDRAULIC PRESS HYDRAULIC PRESS 15T Welded frame. Adjustable work table. Manual pump. Pressure gauge with damper. Delivered with two straightening V and base for floor fixing. Quick and smooth approach. PRICE DOWN HP-ADD COMPLIANCE WITH NF EN 1494 + A1 STANDARD AND 2006/42/CE DIRECTIVE Hydraulic press 30 and 50 T set. Diam: 30,25,22,20,18,16,12 HP-ADE Ref. HP-15A HP-30-A HP-30-AN HP-50-A HP-50-AN Capacity 15T 30T 30T with PEDAL 50T 50T with PEDAL A mm 600 880 880 880 880 B mm 650 650 650 650 650 C mm 1765 1890 1890 1920 1920 D mm 120 145 145 145 145 E mm 500 710 710 710 710 G1 min 150 150 150 155 155 G2 maxi 660 700 700 720 720 R1 hydraulic 150 120 120 120 120 R2 extension 75 75 75 75 75 R 225 195 195 195 195 250 250 250 250 195 195 229 229 Lateral stroke Weight (kg) 81 Hydraulic press 15T set : Diam: 30, 25, 22, 20, 18, 16, 12 mm. Price IAL C PE S ION CT ELE S FOLDING CRANE - BENDING CRANE Ref. CG-5A CG-10A Designation CG-20A FOLDING CRANE CG-5-PA BENDING CRANE Capacity 500 KG 1T 2T 500 KG length mm 1280 mm 1500 mm 1870 mm 1540 mm width en mm 900 mm 1020 mm 820 mm 885 mm height of hook max 2400 mm 2750 mm 2470 mm 2070 mm height of hook mini 520 mm 620 mm 620 mm 330 mm Levage 1 500 kg 1000 kg 2000 kg 500 kg Levage 2 400 kg 800 kg 1750 kg 400 kg Levage 3 250 kg 500 kg 1650 kg 350 kg Levage 4 150 kg 300 kg 250 kg HYDRAULIC PRESS GUARD KIT HP-PROTECTZ Fits presses HP-15A, HP-30-A and HP-50-A. Sliding polycarbonate front guard, several positions. REMOVAL PLATE FOR 30T PRESS HP-SUP Designed to be used on HP presses PRICE AVAILABLE: DOWN MARCH Price COMPLIANCE WITHNF EN 1494+ A1 STANDARD AND 2006/42/ CEDIRECTIVE SECURITY Automatic shutdown of the crane’s descent when the user loses control. CONVENIENT Designed to offer an adjustable and stable bearing base for vehicle hubs and other complex parts in order to remove the bearings. Supplied with 4 steel columns, length can be adjusted with removable corner spacers. 99 WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT FLOOR JACK CRIC HYDROPNEUMATIQUE SECURITY COMFORT Dead man system with safety valve Intervention control in case of air supply failure. The handle can locked in 4 different positions (45, vertical, horizontal or folded). Sécurité en cas de coupure d’arrivée d’air. Hauteur de tête réduite pour faciliter le passage sous les carrosseries. Poignée de contrôle ergonomique. Poignée de maintien et d’approche pouvant se bloquer dans 4 positions (45°, verticale, horizontale, ou repliée). Système homme mort avec soupape de sécurité et soupape anti-dépassement. COMPLIANCE WITH NF EN 1494 + A1 STANDARD AND 2006/42/CE DIRECTIVE. COMPLIANCE WITH NF EN 1494 + A1 STANDARD AND 2006/42/CE DIRECTIVE. Ref. CR-15-B Capacity 1,5T CR-20-B 2T CR-20-BP CR-30-B 2T ROLLING JACK 3T 48 140 A 110 75 B 665 390 455 C 165 135 135 CR-60-B CR-100-B 6T 10T CR-120-B 12T CR-200-B 20T 170 170 190 200 385 410 435 390 415 185 220 270 270 310 D 775 465 520 525 580 605 580 615 E 1250 880 920 1150 1310 1600 1550 1777 F 2180 1810 1850 2080 2215 2530 2480 2707 G 360 360 360 360 414 414 414 415 H 360 260 260 260 336 386 386 302 weight (kg) 60,5 32 43 46 81 123 120,5 234,5 Ref. CRH-30 CRH-65 Capacity 15-30T 20-35-65T A 518 1055 B 300 235 C 400 515 D 154 210 E 253 327 Weight (kg) 31 74,5 Price BOTTLE JACK Safety valve and hydaulic stroke restricter Price PIT JACK Dead man safety. Ascent and descent pedal to work frree hands. Hydraulic limiter. Ref. 300 KG COMPLIANCE WITH NF EN 1494 + A1 STANDARD AND 2006/42/CE DIRECTIVE. HF-2A Height mini : 1 120mm Height maxi : 1 920mm Stroke : 800mm. Ref. 1200 KG HF-7A 100 HCB-3 HCB-3B HCB-5 Capacity 2T 3T 3T 5T A mm 160 168 210 212 B mm 100 105 150 150 C mm 50 65 65 75 D mm 310 338 425 437 Weight (kg) 3,6 3,9 4,2 5 Price 750 KG Capacity: 750 kg. Minimum height of 1138 mm and maximum of 1958 mm. Stroke 820 mm. HCB-2 HF-12A PRICE DOWN Capacity : 1 200kg Height mini : 900cm, Height maxi : 1 900cm. PRICE DOWN HCB-8 HCB-10 HCB-12 HCB-20 HCB-30 Capacity 8T 10T 12T 20T 30T A mm 219 219 226 234 242 150 B mm 150 150 150 150 C mm 75 75 75 75 75 D mm 444 444 451 459 467 Weight (kg) 5,9 6,5 8 12,1 15,5 Price INDISPENSAM PRICE ADJUSTABLE OIL - FILTER WRENCHES LV AND HGV 628-J2 HGV SELF -GRIP - PING G DOWN OIL -FILTER WRENCH 628-6 PRICE LV SELF - GRIP - PING DOWN OIL - FILTER WRENCH 628-3 931 Steel frame with durable PVC coating. 6 rotating wheels. Adjustable head cushion Dimensions = 945 x 430 x 85 mm. Resistant to 120 kg Delivered with a free HGV strap. Capacity from 65 to 155mm. Self-tightening. Square drive 1/2” Opening from 90 to 170mm. Self-tightening. Square drive 3/8” Opening from 62 to 96mm AIR HOSE REEL 10 MM SAFETY TAPE WINDER, 8 M CABLE REEL 50 METRES ENR-A10Z Housing made of breakable plastic. Swivel wall mount. Supplied with hose stop device every 50 cm Unwound hose length: 15 m + 1 m Hose type: Polyurethane. Hose inside diam.: 10 mm Max. pressure: 15 bar. Outlet fitting: 3/8’’ M. 2863Z Winder to mark out provisional areas or to secure a hazardous area: e.g. garage pit. Built-in metal fastening hook. Red and White tape to mark out obstacles or hazards. INSPECTION CREEPER UK-50-FZ Thermal cut-out. Cable section: 3 x 1.5 mm2. SET OF 5 T-HANDLE SOCKET WRENCHES 63-BT-J5 Dimensions: 8-10-12-13-14 mm. ACCESSIBILITY Extra long for access wells. STEEL OIL CAN 675-30Z Steel sheet. Comes with 1 rigid spout and 1 flexible spout Operates by pressing handle. Capacity: 30 cm3 START YOUR VEHICLES SAFELY POWER: Clips, cables, fuse all 100% copper for perfect conducting of the charging energy. ELECTRONIC SECURITY: 1st protection: Reverse polarity protection with buzzer avoids damaging the vehicle computer. Second protection: Signal operates even when the SAM BOOSTER is off. ROBUST: Reinforced ABS housing to withstand day-to-day knocks in the workshop. Fuse encased in ceramic and placed in an accessible compartment to avoid having to open the booster (comes with 2 fuses including one spare). Protection system on the on/off button. EXTRA FUNCTION: Saves the vehicle’s electronic data when the battery is removed. Can be used to power any option 12V device. GREASE GUN 680Z 12V/1450A BST-12B 12V/1150A BST-12A Hose with coupler. Fitting with coupler. Hydraulic coupler. LEAD FOR CIGAR LIGHTER SOCKET SUPPLIED 12V/2300A - 24V/1450A BST-12-24A L CIA E SP ION S CT ELE 101 Art is beautiful when the hand, the head and the heart work together! th the tool. wi ip sh ion lat re ur yo ise ion lut vo re to ing go e At SAM, we ar Sébastien Haller plastic artist/sculptor 102 INDISPENSAM CONNECTED TOOLS Our connected tools are the fruit of the SAMTECH development programme. The new SAM products herald the programme known as SAM IWS (Intelligent Work Station). IZ 540- 2 products are available in 2015, the case of connected tools and the IS intelligent roller cabinet. The use of different technologies (Connected APS, CORTEX-M3 32 bits…) means we can offer you solutions for a fixed or mobile work area. Voir page 10. Advantages of the SAM IWS technology You are faced with ever more demanding requirements: safety, cost reductions, traceability, optimisation of the workstation. The SAM IWS has taken on board all these factors, by the following process: Intervention - Tools - Demands (standards, It also enables you: - To meet the demands for efficiency made on you and to cope with the need to perform ever more complex tasks... because it optimises the workstation and integrates your tutorials - To provide concrete answers to your customers’ demands on the use of the products… because it includes complete traceability (use log, etc.) - To innovate… because it gives you a real competitive advantage over your competitors - To make economies of scale on the use of the tools… because it allows pooling and the rationalisation of your range of tools Our specialists will offer you an expert inventory of your needs and cost the SAM IWS solution that will meet them, as well as the savings it will generate through the locating of tools and improvement of the tool purchase budget by pooling and sharing tools … specifications) Traceability A W OR LD FI RS T: RP RO OF TO OL S PE M TA 20 OF SE CA t 1s E TH TS EN ES SA M PR ENTER THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE SAM enables you to keep control of your tools, whilst offering safety and security in the use of your SAM hand and power tools through: Access to a technology that enables you to meet specifications and current standards. A solution for locating your tools. A new type of economic approach that makes pooling and sharing tools possible. 20-PIECE INTELLIGENT TOOLCASE TVR-20ISZ Polypropylene case with trolley Reinforced shell (withstands pressure of 90 kg) - L 465 x W 352 x H 255 mm Contains: screwdrivers, pliers, hammers… For information about SAM connected tools, contact us on +33(0) 4 77 921 335 103 INDISPENSAM Connection made, VP15ANG M5 nut tightened by Eric on 8/10/2015 at 15.24 using a SAM No. D415 Hybrid wrench. Maintenance programme transmitted. SAM INTERNATIONAL 60 Boulevard Thiers - CS 10528 42007 Saint-Etienne Cedex 1 - FRANCE Customer department: T. +33 (0)4 77 92 13 23 E-mail : RCS SAINT-ETIENNE N°338 002 231 N°TVA FR 36 338 002 231 SINCE 1921 DEPUIS DEPU IS S 192 1 1921 1 C R E A T O R O F Q U A L I T Y T O O L S Offer valid until 31/12/2015 in territories part of the European Union, within the limit of stocks available. Rollersam®, Samsodrive®, Samsocut®3AMSOmEX®, Samsoforce®, Servisam®, Dynaprod®$YNAmASH®, Dynasam®, Dynatech® are registered trademarks belonging to SAM. Phillips®, Pozidriv®, Torx®, Resistorx®, Araldite®, Clic® are registered trademarks belonging to companies other than SAM. Non contractual photos and texts.
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