Spring 2015 - City of South Pasadena, FL


Spring 2015 - City of South Pasadena, FL
7047 Sunset Drive South
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Quarterly Newsletter
March 2015
Commissioner Bruce Howry
Thank you for your service.
Bruce Howry has served on the City Commission since
2006. He began as Commissioner of the Community
Improvement Department and over the years has also
served as Commissioner of Public Works, Public Safety
and the Finance Department. He was also appointed
Vice Mayor in 2007 and 2011. Due to term limits, he
was unable to run for office in 2015.
We wish him well and thank him for his valuable
contributions and dedicated service to the city.
(Pictured above from L-R)
Commissioner Max Elson, Finance
Commissioner Lari Johnson, Public Works
Mayor Dan Calabria, Administration
Commissioner Gail Neidinger, Community Improvement
Vice Mayor Arthur Penny, Public Safety
As only two residents qualified for the two open
commission seats, the March 10, 2015 general election
was cancelled. At the March 10, 2015 Regular
Commission Meeting, Lari Johnson and Gail Neidinger
were sworn in to serve three year terms. Department
assignments were also designated at that meeting.
Commissioner of
Public Works
The City will be hosting the 29th Annual Artspring
Exhibition and a Block Party the last weekend of
Turn to Pages 4 and 5 for all the details!
Commissioner of
Community Improvement
Page 2
Employee "Spotlight" Article - Al Clark
South Pasadena Community Improvement Department
If you ever needed a permit or inspection for work done on your property, chances are that
you already know Al Clark. Al is our building inspector for the City of South Pasadena.
Al has always been involved in buildings and architecture. In high school he was selected
as one student out of ten by a top engineering company to apprentice at structural
detailing. His career included work for several structural engineering firms where he
performed many commercial inspections from Punta Gorda to Jacksonville, FL as well as
in Pinellas County. Some of the buildings inspected by Al during construction were
Tropicana Field, the Park Shore Building in St. Petersburg, the Raymond James Tower,
the Bright House building & parking garages in Carillon, the new St. Petersburg High
School campus, and Harbourside buildings 9 through 12. He worked as building inspector
from 1994 to 2001 in Treasure Island and came to South Pasadena in 2005 where he has
worked for the past nine years. He is State licensed for all trades including electrical,
plumbing, mechanical and building.
Al also served as a Sergeant in the auxiliary reserves for the Florida Highway Patrol for 22 years. This is a volunteer program where Al
worked with the State Troopers investigating traffic accidents and spent his last five years in homicide investigations. Al's son was 10
years old when he joined the FHP and he was so inspired by his dad that he is now a Detective with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s
Department. Al retired from the FHP in 2008.
Al has been married to his wife, Jean, for 43 years and has three children. In addition to his detective son, his other son received his
degree in transportation management and drives a semi for an Ohio company. His daughter attended the Pinellas County Center for the
Arts as a flautist and is now the Chief Operations Officer and Chief Compliance Officer for Ruggie Wealth Management. Al and Jean
have three grandchildren (ages 12, 5 and 2 months).
In his spare time, Al likes to fool around with his computer and home projects. He has no plans for immediate retirement, even though
the family would like to have him home more where he can babysit for the youngest grandkids.
In 2013 Al was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently surgery removed his larynx (voice box). He is however, able to speak as a result
of the surgical insertion of a special valve.
So, as you see Al around and about, say hello and thank him for his years of service for our city.
The City of South Pasadena will soon be
offering its annual $2,000 scholarship
award this year. Applications will be
available mid-April.
For more information call City Hall at
347-4171. You may also visit the City’s
website or watch the City’s government
channel 643 for more details.
You could be this year’s winner!
Awards will be given in the following categories:
 Single dwelling
 Multiple dwelling
 Commercial
All categories must be able to be viewed by the
public. Judging is done of multi dwelling &
commercial entryways.
The Beautification Committee members will be
looking for winners and runner ups on March 28-29,
2015 in your neighborhood.
The winners will receive a certificate and a sign for
their property and the runner ups will receive a
certificate. Awards will be given at the Regular
Commission Meeting on April 14, 2015.
Page 3
Mayor Dan Calabria
Greetings everyone,
Spring is approaching and it won’t be
long before we are blessed with some of
the best weather in the world - Enjoy!
Following is a brief report to bring you up
to date on current goings on in the
City. As always, we invite you to attend
our Regular Commission Meetings held
on the second Tuesday of the month at 7
PM at City Hall.
By this time I hope everyone has received our new “South
Pasadena Business and Professional Guide.” It’s a
comprehensive list of businesses that are located in the
City as well as others which have been serving the City for
many years. It’s not only a convenient reference source
that lists business alphabetically, but also by
category. Whenever possible I encourage you to support
our business partners and tell them you saw their listing in
the Business and Professional Guide.
Welcome Taco Bell!
We were very pleased to welcome Taco Bell as one of our
newest business partners and it appears that City residents
and visitors have also welcomed them. I hope you take the
time to visit them and get an idea of the diversity of foods
they offer for your convenience and eating pleasure.
Looking ahead, Pet Supermarket has begun renovations
at the former Blockbuster location and I know it will be a
real convenience for all pet lovers. Stay alert for their
grand opening announcement in the near future.
Another new tenant expected at the Pasadena Shopping
Center will be Anytime Fitness. With your membership,
you can work out when it’s best for you—day or night! The
club will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
days a year and is protected by a state-of-the-art security
system that is available to members with full use of
strength training and cardio equipment.
Finally, it appears that an oriental restaurant is in the early
stages of considering the former Gigi’s location, another
addition to the diversity of restaurants in the City.
As you know it’s been a long slog, but it appears that
South Pasadena is being recognized as a City that
welcomes new businesses based on its convenient
location and the market it serves. As we move forward I
expect that other businesses will become aware of the
opportunity that is available to any number of enterprises
that are seeking a convenient location with real potential
for success.
As always, if you are a member of a local group,
condominium association, etc., and would like me to
speak to your Members or Board, please be sure to let
me know.
Mayor Dan Calabria
Free Outdoor Concert
by South Pasadena
Community Band
SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015
4:00 P.M.
Galatea Garden Band Shell
7015 Sunset Drive South
Coming attractions…
Ace Hardware has plans to open in one of the available
spaces at the Pasadena Shopping Center. This will be a
welcome addition to the available services to residents and
our neighbors. I expect I’ll be a regular customer from day
Bring Your Own Chairs & Blankets!
Band Sponsored by the City of South Pasadena
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Vice Mayor’s Page
Arthur Penny, Vice Mayor
& Public Safety Commissioner
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Thank you for your comments and acknowledgments
concerning my article last quarter on bicycling and
pedestrian safety. It is great to know that our
residents really care about these issues.
My article this quarter is about what to do when you
hear a siren while driving. Whether the siren is from
an ambulance, fire truck or a police car how you react
may make a difference in the outcome of the
Emergency Vehicles - How to React
Emergency Vehicles
We've all experienced an ambulance, police car, or
fire truck quickly approaching behind us with their
lights and sirens on. And it's important to remember
exactly what you should do - what the emergency
driver expects you to do.
Pull Over
When an emergency vehicle including police cars, fire
trucks, ambulances, other law enforcement, and tow
trucks approaches, you are expected to pull over to the
closest edge of the roadway and stop until the
emergency vehicle has passed. The intent is for you
to make way for the emergency vehicle - so it can
quickly move through traffic. Never block an
intersection. This applies to pedestrians as well as
Parked Emergency Vehicles
When you approach an emergency vehicle, you are
required to move over and slow down.
Move Over
When you are driving on interstate highways or other
highways with two or more lanes in the same
direction as emergency vehicles, you are required to
leave the lane closest to the emergency vehicle as
soon as it is safe.
Pay Attention
When you are driving, it's important to stay focused.
Anything that takes your mind off driving can also
cause you not to recognize emergency vehicles
approaching. This creates a very dangerous traffic
situation that at the least slows down emergency
responders. Even worse distracted drivers can cause
emergency vehicles to get into an accident. There
are a variety of distractions that cause accidents listed
Driving Distractions to Avoid
 Loud Music
 Talking on Your Cell Phone
 Eating
 Reading
 Adjusting your Radio
 Putting on Makeup
Protecting “Our Place in the Sun”,
Public Safety Commissioner and
Vice Mayor Arthur Penny
NEWS . . .
We will have our new aerial fire truck at
the Block Party on March 28 located at
Bay View Park, 7054 Sunset Drive S. Stop
by for a look at the truck and try your hand
at using a fire hose or riding in the
platform bucket. We’ll also have some fire
safety tips to share with you when you
come by.
Page 7
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a
Federal program enabling property owners in participating
communities (the City of South Pasadena is a participating
community) to purchase insurance protection against losses
from flooding. Participation in the NFIP is based on an
agreement between local communities and the Federal
Government that states if a community will adopt and enforce a
floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood risks
to new construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas, the Federal
Government will make flood insurance available within the
community as a financial protection against flood losses. The
NFIP has three interrelated components.
Floodplain Management — By law, FEMA is prohibited
from providing flood insurance to property owners unless
the community adopts and enforces floodplain
management criteria, which are established in the NFIP
regulations. The City of South Pasadena has complied
with regulation.
Flood Hazard Mapping — Communities must be
mapped and have flood risk zones established. The results
of Flood Insurance Study (FIS) are presented on a map,
referred to as a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
Be sure to only hire licensed contractors when
having work done at your house, condo unit or
business. No permit is necessary for painting or
installation of carpet, but most other items DO
require a permit.
All contractors must REGISTER with the City of
South Pasadena at the Community Improvement
Department before they can work in the City or be
issued a permit in the City. This is done to ensure
that only qualified licensed and insured
contractors are doing work for the residents of our
Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure
that a permit has been obtained and posted prior
to work being started. If there are any questions
as to whether or not a permit is necessary, please
do not hesitate to contact the Community
Improvement Department at 343-4192 between
the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Rev. 03/08
Flood Hazard Maps are the risk assessment tools
vital for floodplain management and for establishing flood
insurance rates.
Flood Insurance — Through
partnerships with
communities, such as the City of South Pasadena, the
insurance industry and the lending industry, the NFIP
helps to reduce flood damage by almost $1 billion a year.
Furthermore, buildings constructed in compliance with
NFIP building standards suffer approximately 80% less
damage annually than those not built in compliance.
Specific prohibitions. Any discharge to the
stormwater system containing sewage, oil, or
petroleum products, grass clippings, fertilizers, paints
or paint solvents, industrial waste or other waste
materials or containing any materials in violation of
federal, state, county or municipal laws, rules,
regulations, orders or permits is prohibited.
Stormwater 24-Hour Watchline
Chip Heintz, cheintz@pinellascounty.org
Bill Sova, wsova@pinellascounty.org
Rev. 05/11
The Community Improvement Department
maintains the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), and
the responsibility to provide flood zone and
associated information to those who make such
requests. We will also provide you with a copy of
your elevation certificate if we have it on file. The
information may be obtained by visiting us at 6940
Hibiscus Ave. S. or by calling the department at
(727) 343-4192.
If you experience flooding due to drainage or
sewer backup problems, you should contact
the city's Public Works Department at
(727) 384-0701. This department administers the
drainage system maintenance program to ensure
proper operation and to minimize flooding. Upon
request, a representative from either of the two
departments will visit the property to review the
flood problem and explain possible ways to
prevent future flooding and damage.
Page 8
A Clean Environment Is Important To All Of Us!
In Pinellas County, storm drains flow directly into our creeks, lakes, Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico without
treatment. In recent years, sources of water pollution, like industrial wastes from factories, have been greatly
reduced. However, the majority of water pollution now occurs from things like cars leaking oil, wash water from
restaurants, fertilizers from lawns and gardens, failing septic tanks, residential car washing and pet waste
washing into the storm drains and into waterways. All these sources add up to a pollution problem! But each of us
can do small things to help clean up our water too - and that adds up to a pollution solution! The City and the
County are committed to improving water quality and reducing the amount of pollutants that enter our precious
Pollution Prevention Is Up To You!
Did you know that storm drains are NOT connected to sanitary sewer systems or treatment plants? The primary
purpose of storm drains is to carry rainwater away from developed areas to prevent flooding. Untreated
pollutants such as concrete, mortar, fertilizer in the grass clippings and many more flow directly into creeks,
rivers, lakes and the ocean and are toxic to fish and other wildlife. Disposing of these materials into the storm
drains causes serious ecological problems - and is PROHIBITED by law.
Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices, or BMP’s, are procedures that help to prevent pollutants such as chemicals, concrete,
mortar, pesticides, waste, paint and other hazardous materials from entering our storm drains. All of these
sources add up to a pollution problem. But each of us can do our part to keep storm water clean. The efforts add
up to a pollution solution!
What Can You Do?
Never sweep or blow grass/lawn clippings into driveways, sidewalks, streets, gutters or storm drains.
Always store both dry and wet materials under cover, protected from rainfall and runoff and away from
storm drains and waterways.
Keep all construction debris away from the street, gutter and storm drains.
Never dispose of washout into the street, storm drains, landscape drains, drainage ditches or
Look for and clean up material that may have traveled away from your property after each days work.
If you or your contractor keep a dumpster at your site, be sure it is securely covered with a lid or tarp
when not in use.
Protect dry materials from the wind. Don’t allow dry products to blow into driveways, sidewalks, streets,
gutters or storm drains.
Don’t place fill material, soil or compost piles on the sidewalk or street.
During cleanups, check the street and gutters for sediment, refuse or debris. Look around the corner or
down the street and clean up any materials that may have already traveled away from your property.
Community Improvement Department
(727) 343-4192
Rev. 12/12/08
Page 9
When you need something done it can be very tempting to hire the 'handyman' who your friend recommends.
However, if this handyman were as qualified as he thinks he is, why doesn't he get a license? More importantly, if
something goes wrong with the job, you have little to no recourse to make the job 'right'.
If you need work done such as a new air conditioner, water heater, kitchen or bath remodel, windows, sliding glass
doors, etc, the Community Improvement Department can provide a list of licensed contractors that regularly do work
in our community. We cannot recommend any one contractor but we will give you a short list and provide you with
an internet link to the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board where you can investigate all the licensed
contractors in Pinellas County.
The best method to employ when considering your project is to speak to as many contractors as your personal
tolerance will allow. Make sure you get competitive prices that compare the SAME (or at least functionally
equivalent) products. Even better- make a list of what you want or expect to be done and use your list when you speak
to contractors. When you speak to these contractors, don't be bashful. Ask ALL the questions you have in your mind.
Remember, the only foolish question is the one you do not ask! If the contractor is annoyed by or dismissive of your
questions, consider removing them from your list. Also, make an effort to get bids from at least three contractors.
Bids/estimates should be within a few dollars. If one is too low, beware! If one is too high, beware!
Lastly, and very important, DO NOT pay in full until the city’s Building Inspector has approved and signed the
permit. Money can be very motivational if there is something about your project that is not completed to your
Please know that the City of South Pasadena is here for YOU! We don't represent the contractor, we represent YOU. It
is our job to make sure that whoever you hire does the job in compliance with the Building Code.
Feel free to call us or stop by to discuss your project and ask any questions you may have. The Building Official and
Building Inspector both have many years of construction experience and hold numerous state licenses. Staff will
strive to answer your questions on the spot and if we can't we will get you an answer!
Community Improvement Department (Building Department)
(727) 343-4192
Neal Schwartz, Al Clark, Ashley Dochinez & Kayleigh Sloman
The City is looking for a volunteer
to serve on the Planning & Zoning
Board. Applications are available in
the City Clerk’s office. For more
information call 727-347-4171.
The following employees are celebrating
milestone anniversaries with the city:
Lt. Nick Rasmussen - 15 years
Public Safety Dept., Firefighter/Paramedic
January 24
George Ottley - 35 years
Public Safety Dept., Firefighter/Paramedic
March 16
Mike Gregg - 35 years
Public Safety Dept., Firefighter/EMT
March 31
Thank You for Your Service!
Page 10
Flood Hazard Area
Your property may be vulnerable to floods from heavy storms. To find out what flood zone
your property is in, call the Community Improvement Department at 343-4192. The 100year floodplain is an area that will on the average be flooded once every 100 years.
Flood Warning
South Pasadena participates in Pinellas County’s warning system. Warnings will be given on television and radio. Turn to
these media for instructions during times of possible flooding. The hurricane tabloid which lists evacuation areas and
shelters is available at City Hall and the Fire Station.
Flood Safety
Being aware of steps to take to minimize loss prior to a flood is the first step to safety. The following steps can help:
 Tune to Radio Stations WYNF (FM 94.9); WRBQ (FM 104.7 and AM 1380); or WFLA (AM 970) or your
local Bay News 9, ABC, CBS, or NBC affiliate on television for flood warnings.
 Heed warnings from officials; evacuate when orders are given.
 Don’t wait for the last minute. Make plans now. If you can make plans to evacuate to a friend’s house on
high ground, it may be a little more comfortable than a shelter.
 Have a small bag with essentials prepared. Remember to include any medications.
 Be cautious at night.
 Have battery operated flashlights, radios, and televisions in working condition. Keep fresh batteries on
 Do not panic.
Flood Insurance
For most families, a home and its contents are their greatest investments. Homeowner insurance does not cover losses from
flooding. South Pasadena participates in the National Flood Insurance Program which makes flood insurance available to
everyone in the City. We strongly urge you to consider buying flood insurance to protect yourself from a devastating loss.
Property owners can insure their buildings and contents, and renters can insure their possessions. Get information from
your agent now. Remember, there is a waiting period before any flood insurance takes effect. Even if you’ve never been
flooded in the past that doesn’t mean you can’t be flooded in the future. Call your insurance agent now to be prepared for
future events. Do not wait for a disaster to devastate your family.
Property Protection
A way to minimize loss prior to floods occurring is to retrofit your building. Retrofitting involves building flood walls,
elevating a structure, etc. The City of South Pasadena's Building Official can assist property owners in how to accomplish
these techniques.
Grant money for some mitigation projects is available from the following sources:
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, www.FLASH.org
Community Development Department, www.pinellascounty.org/
State of Florida, www.mysafeflorida.com
For more information contact:
Community Improvement Department
Rev. 09/14
Page 11
Household Electronics & Chemical Collection Center (HEC3)
2855 109th Avenue North (off 28th St. N.), St. Petersburg
Monday - Friday
Closed on all county observed holidays.
6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
For more information including what items to bring and what not to bring,
call (727) 464-7500 or visit www.pinellascounty.org/utilities (A-Z Guide)
Most auto part retailers accept an old vehicle battery for no charge even if new battery is not purchased.
County Sanitation
5601 Haines Rd. N.
St. Petersburg, FL
(727) 522-5794
Electro Battery
3138 23rd Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL
(727) 323-4848
St. Pete Battery World
2705 54th Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL
(727) 526-2200
GREASE (household):
Advance Auto Parts
4901 Gulfport Blvd.
(727) 323-2971
Accepts up to 5 gallons.
Waste Services Inc.
(727) 572-6800
(call first)
No freon accepted.
Put in paper towels to absorb
grease, place in bag and dispose in
regular trash.
(diesel, gasoline, heating oil, boat fuel, kerosene,
mixed fuels (clean/contaminated))
(water-based latex, vinyl or acrylic paint in spray or
HEC3 Facility
2855 109th Avenue North
Only empty/dry paint cans can be disposed in regular
trash - take lid off container and place outside to dry.
 Transport in approved fuel container
HEC3 will accept unopened/partially used cans.
(not returned)
 Do not smoke while transporting fuel
 If fuel exceeds 15 gallons call first
(727) 464-7500
Donate leftover paint to:
Habitat for Humanity (727) 209-2199
City of St. Petersburg (727) 893-7373 - repainting
elderly/low-income residents.
Small Tanks (up to 1 lb.)
(Ex: camping stove tank)
HEC3 Facility
2900 110th Avenue North
Medium Tanks
(2-20 lbs.)
(Ex: gas grill or turkey
fryer tank)
Reuse by refilling tank
*If tank’s wheel is round/
star shaped,
it cannot be refilled*
20 lb. Tank
Over 20 lbs.
Blue Rhino Propane
Tank Exchange
Contact propane distributor
(on tank decal or stamp)
Rev. 7/13
Page 12
City Hall will be closed on the following
Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday
(City Hall Closes at 12 Noon)
Monday, May 25, 2015
Memorial Day
Brochures and pamphlets are available on
environmentally friendly
landscaping from the Public
Works Department at
7 9.00 a.m.
Agenda Meeting followed by
Administrative Workshop Meeting
7:00 p.m. *Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
Apr. 14 7:00 p.m.
Regular Commission Meeting
Apr. 21 9:00 a.m.
Administrative Workshop Meeting
5 9:00 a.m.
Agenda Meeting followed by
Administrative Workshop Meeting
7:00 p.m. *Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
May 12 7:00 p.m.
Regular Commission Meeting
May 19 9:00 a.m.
Administrative Workshop Meeting
2 9:00 a.m.
Agenda Meeting followed by
Administrative Workshop Meeting
7:00 p.m. *Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
9 7:00 p.m.
Regular Commission Meeting
16 9:00 a.m.
Administrative Workshop Meeting
23 9:00 a.m.
Agenda Meeting
South Pasadena City Commission Meetings
are broadcast live on Bright House Channel
643 and rebroadcast the following
Wednesday and Monday at 11:00 a.m.
1 9:00 a.m.
Regular Commission Meeting
Budget workshops will be scheduled during the
month of June.
7047 Sunset Drive South
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Mayor, Commission,
Finance & Administration
Phone: 727-347-4171
Fax: 727-345-0518
911 Oleander Way S.
Public Safety Department
Phone: 727-344-1666
Pinellas County Sheriff
Phone: 727-582-6200
6940 Hibiscus Avenue South
Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Community Improvement
Phone: 727-343-4192
Public Works
Phone: 727-384-0701