Capturing the Gold
Capturing the Gold
D e c e m b e r 2 011 A Publication for the Staff of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center produced by the Department of Human Resources MSKCC received CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ accreditation in September, acknowledging its efforts to reduce cancer risk for our employees and their dependents. A Publication for the Staff of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center produced by the Department of Human Resources Capturing the Gold Benefits and Wellness Programs Earn Key Distinction for MSKCC P a g e s 2–3 Fe ature d insi de 4 – 5 Wellness 6 – 7 GSK Program Testimonials Staff Supports Grad School 8 Kudos! 9 Corporate Challenge Team Excels 1 0 – 1 6 Anniversaries 17 MSKCC 2012 Calendar Benefits and Wellness Programs Earn Key Distinction for MSKCC Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has a history of commitment to the health and wellbeing of its employees and their covered dependents. From comprehensive benefits packages to a multifaceted Employee Wellness Program, the Center has shown in numerous ways its dedication to its outstanding staff, which provides the patient care, research, and educational programs for which we are world-renowned. T hat commitment was formally recoginto our culture,” added Dr. Arthur Brown, nized in September, when MSKCC Chief and Medical Director of Employee received CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ Health & Wellness Services. “CEO Cancer accreditation. The acknowledgment highlights Gold Standard -accredited organizations are the Center’s efforts to reduce cancer risk by unique in their dedication to embracing promoting healthy lifestyle choices, encouragemployee wellness.” ing early detection through cancer screenings, and ensuring access to quality treatment for About the employees and their covered family members, CEO Cancer Gold Standard as well as our patients. The CEO Cancer Gold Standard calls for The health and well-being of our employees employers to evaluate their health benefits and their dependents are supported by the and corporate culture and take extensive, MSKCC Employee Wellness Program, which concrete actions in five key areas (“pillars”) offers convenient access to nutritional of health and wellness to fight cancer in the guidance, exercise and fitness counseling, workplace. To earn Gold Standard accreditatobacco-cessation counseling, weight-managetion, an employer must establish programs to ment programs, stress reduction and counselreduce cancer risk by discouraging tobacco The accreditation highlights ing, integrative medicine, cancer screening use; promoting healthy diet and nutrition; tests, work/life balance programs, and much MSKCC’s progr ams aimed at encouraging physical activity; detecting more. In addition, the Center’s benefits cancer at its earliest stages; and providing lowering the risk of cancer by programs include insurance coverage for access to quality care, including participamedical services and those promoting healthy tion in clinical trials. (See page 3 for more promoting he althy lifest yle behaviors, such as cancer screenings and about the five pillars.) choices, encour aging e arly tobacco-cessation support. “Memorial Sloan-Kettering has been “The CEO Cancer Gold Standard has been a known as a leader in cancer care around de tec tion, and ensuring access goal of the Employee Wellness Program ever the world for well over a century,” explained since its inception,” noted Theresa Frostto qualit y cancer tre atment. Dr. Craig Thompson, MSKCC President. Goodrich, Employee Wellness Program “The Gold Standard accreditation recogCoordinator. “This designation fits hand-innizes that we are as committed to reducing the risk of cancer among hand with our goal to be the leader in cancer care. It sets the standard those who work within our walls as we are to helping people with for the corporate world and for the hospital world with regard to how cancer around the world.” we take care of our employees.” Nearly a quarter of the Center’s staff The Gold Standard was created by a group called the CEO has completed the Employee Wellness Program’s confidential online Roundtable on Cancer, in collaboration with the National Cancer Health Risk Assessment (HRA), the results of which can be used to Institute. The Roundtable is a nonprofit organization of cancer-fightpersonalize a plan of wellness for each employee. ing CEOs and is chaired by Christopher A. Viehbacher, President “We sought CEO Cancer Gold Standard accreditation because and CEO of Genzyme Corporation. The Roundtable was founded in MSKCC is a prime example of an organization committed to CEO Cancer Gold Standard (Continued on page 3) incorporating prevention and wellness opportunities for employees M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 2 CEO Cancer Gold Standard (Continued from page 2) 2001, when former President George H. W. Bush challenged a group of executives to do something “bold and venturesome” about cancer within their own corporate families. (For more information, visit “The health and wellness opportunities we offer to our employees directly support the objectives outlined by the CEO Cancer Gold Standard,” concluded Dennis Dowdell, Jr., Vice President of Human Resources. “We are proud to join the distinguished organizations which have also received this honor and share our commitment to helping employees and their family members achieve and maintain good health.” Have you taken the Health Risk Assessment (HR A) yet? Located within MyActiveHealth, the HR A is part of your ActiveHealth Personal Health Record, but not a part of your personnel file or your Employee Health or MSKCC medical record. To get started, go to The Five Pillars of the CEO Cancer Gold Standard Organizations that receive Gold Standard accreditation offer programs, services, and policies that adhere to the requirements outlined in the following pillars: Pi ll ar #1: Pillar #2: Pillar #3: Pillar #4: Pillar #5: Tobacco Use Nutrition Physical Ac tivit y Requirements: Have a tobacco-free workplace, provide coverage for tobaccocessation treatment, and sponsor tobacco-cessation programming. Requirements: Sustain a culture that supports healthy food choices, and provide programming to help employees achieve a healthy weight and follow a healthy diet. Requirements: Sustain a culture that supports and provides opportunities for physical activity. Pre vention, Screening, and E arly De tec tion Access to Qualit y Tre atment and Clinical Trial s Requirements: Sustain a culture that supports cancer prevention and screening efforts to detect cancer in its earliest, most curable stages; include benefits coverage of screening for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancers as well as vaccines that prevent the disease (such as those targeting the human papillomavirus). Requirements: Ensure that employees have access to high-quality treatment options and opportunities to enroll in clinical trials. What MSKCC offers: MSKCC is a tobacco-free campus. Insurance coverage is available for prescription tobaccocessation medications. Free one-on-one counseling and group support are also available, as well as telephone support from lifestyle coaches through ActiveHealth Management. Accessing services: Ready to quit smoking? Contact MSKQuits! at or call the Employee Wellness Program at 646-888-WELL (9355) for more information. What MSKCC offers: MSKCC promotes healthy eating through nutritious food recommendations. Free one-on-one nutritional counseling is available, as are discounts to Weight Watchers®. Fruit and vegetable “challenges” and periodic lectures on nutrition topics round out the offerings. Telephone and online support from lifestyle coaches with ActiveHealth Management is also provided. Accessing services: Contact the Employee Wellness Program at 646-888-WELL (9355) or e-mail to set up a one-on-one consultation or obtain more information. What MSKCC offers: Employees can meet with an exercise physiologist free of charge to tailor a plan of physical activity that they can incorporate into their daily routines. Weekly yoga classes and discounts and passes to gyms and fitness centers are also available, as is telephone support from lifestyle coaches through ActiveHealth Management. Accessing services: Call the Employee Wellness Program at 646-888-WELL (9355) or e-mail for more information. What MSKCC offers: All benefits plans cover cancer screening and approved cancer prevention vaccines. Employees are regularly educated about the importance of screening for breast, colorectal, prostate, and cervical cancers. Mammograms are available for employees and covered dependents at no out-ofpocket cost at MSKCC’s Guttman Diagnostic Center. What MSKCC Offers: MSKCC’s patient care services are available to all employees and covered by all benefits plans. Employees are educated about the importance of clinical trials, and opportunities for enrollment in open studies at MSKCC are publicized on the external website. Benefits plans include coverage for treatments available through clinical trials. Accessing services: For more information, contact the Employee Wellness Program at 646-888-WELL (9355). For questions about benefits, call HR Services at 646-227-3456. Accessing services: Contact the Guttman Diagnostic Center at 212-463-8733 for breast cancer screening tests, or the Employee Wellness Program at 646-888-WELL (9355) for more information. M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 3 Testimonials confirm Value of Employee Wellness Program The MSKCC Employee Wellness Program is now in its third year. We asked some employees who have used its services how it has enhanced their lives. A Comple te Turnaround Patricia Neary had recently been diagnosed with lupus when she first found out about the Employee Wellness Program. “I needed to drop weight and exercise to keep my joints moving,” said Ms. Neary, Office Manager and Facilities Coordinator for the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “I thought the Wellness Program sounded like the greatest thing since sliced bread!” She began meeting with Wellness Nutritionist Michele Sandone, MS, RD, and also enrolled in Weight Watchers. Her nemesis: carbohydrates. “Michele taught me simple tools for portion control and gave me tips on how to minimize carbs in my diet,” said Ms. Neary. She also enrolled in ActiveHealth’s personal health coaching, initially receiving guidance from a nurse who served as her Disease Management coach about how to manage her lupus and also prevent the onset of diabetes, since her blood sugar had been climbing. Ms. Neary began exercising at a gym with a trainer. Now, a Lifestyle coach checks in with her every three months to help her stay on track. “They have kept me on an even keel to keep my strength up and my weight down,” she explained. After she had shoulder surgery last June, Ms. Neary consulted Employee Wellness Exercise Specialist Carly Mastroianni for guidance on how to stay active while she recovered with her arm in a sling for four weeks. She learned that, while watching television, she should get up and walk in place during commercial breaks, step up and down off an exercise stepper, or do squats before sitting on the couch…exercises she still does to this day. Today, at age 47 and two years after enrolling in the Employee Wellness Program, Ms. Neary has lost 34 pounds. Along the way, a coworker suggested she become a Wellness Champion, which she did — regularly sharing health tips with her colleagues and keeping them up to date on what the program has to Patricia Neary learned how to eat a healthier diet and incorporate exercise into her life through services offered by the MSKCC Employee Wellness Program. offer. The coworker who recommended that she become a Champion actually became one himself, as did a third colleague. “This program has turned my health around 180 degrees. I feel great!” concluded Ms. Neary. “I recommend it for anyone. You can choose which services you want and tailor them to fit your lifestyle.” Ge t ting a Handle on Nescetta Fuller has dropped more Food and Fitness than 40 pounds and two dress sizes since she began receiving nutritional Nescetta Fuller can sum up her and exercise guidance. yo-yo weight and dieting problems in two words: “portion distortion.” She had a hard time estimating how much she should be eating. “I was struggling to lose weight and keep it off. I decided to see a nutritionist,” said Ms. Fuller, 47, an Audit Group Leader in the Physician Billing Department. “So I was very happy when MSKCC included a nutritionist on the Employee Wellness Program staff. When I learned the service was free, I could not pass up the opportunity.” A little over a year after her first meeting with Michele Sandone, Ms. Fuller’s weight is down by 40 pounds, and she’s dropped two dress sizes. Ms. Fuller worked with Ms. Sandone to learn how to estimate portion sizes easily. As a vegetarian who liked to work out, Ms. Fuller also found out she was not getting enough protein in her diet, so Ms. Sandone advised her to incorporate more beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products into a balanced 1,200-calorie daily regimen. She also needed guidance on how to modify her workout to tone her upper arms. In September, she began meeting with Carly Mastroianni, who helped her learn exercises targeting that area. After viewing photos of herself in a sleeveless outfit at a recent formal event, Ms. Fuller was pleased with the results. “I feel fantastic,” she noted. “I love the services of the Employee Wellness Program. The staff works closely with you to tailor the program to suit your needs.” She was so delighted with her experience that she became a Wellness Champion for her department. “I wanted to help other staff members who were also trying to lose weight, and the best Wellness Testimonials (Continued on page 5) M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 4 Wellness Testimonials (Continued from page 4) way was to lead by example. So I decided to become a Wellness Champion, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Ms. Fuller continues to see Ms. Sandone every four to six weeks and checks in with Ms. Mastroianni each month. She encourages employees who have not yet discovered the Wellness Program to give it a try. “They see me doing it and they see the difference it makes, and then they ask me about it,” Ms. Fuller concluded. “I tell them just try it. It keeps you on track and mindful of what you can do to stay healthy.” A Virtual Global Fitness Tour Ruben Herrera is trying to run around the world without ever having to leave New York. How does he do it? He is part of the Employee Wellness Program’s Around the World Fitness Tour, in which participants log one mile for every 15 minutes of exercise they complete. After five weeks, they’ll see how far they’ve “travelled” as a group. At the beginning of each week, participants receive workout tips and healthy recipes. “The point is to challenge ourselves to complete as many miles as we can as individuals, and to add to the total goal to move us as far as possible as a group,” said Mr. Herrera, 32, a Floater Physician Office Assistant in the Department of Surgery. “This program has challenged me to up my workout regimen — to think not just of my own personal goal, but to think of the collective goal as well.” To get there, he engages in many different athletic training programs, including calisthenics, body resistance workouts, resistance chord workouts, weight lifting, plyometrics, and step aerobics. Mr. Herrera has participated in other exercise challenges offered through the Employee Wellness Program to help him lose weight. “I’ve learned to manage stress at work a little better, and I’ve also lost weight,” said Mr. Herrera. Over the last three years, he has dropped 71 pounds, thanks to the Wellness Program as well as two personal trainers and his own workout regimen. He has also benefited from the services of the Employee Assistance Program Consortium — a confidential, short-term counseling and referral service that is available free of charge to employees. Mr. Herrera recommends the Employee Wellness Program for MSKCC employees and their families. “If you are serious about becoming healthier, but feel you don’t have the time to do it because of your work and life schedule, you should definitely give the Wellness Program a chance,” he concluded. “It might just help you Ruben Herrera is trying to travel around the globe as part of the Employee Wellness Program’s Around the World Fitness Tour. find the balance that you need.” Did you know…? New Benefit! When you think about the value of your MSKCC employment, you may consider your salary and healthcare benefits alone. However, they are only part of MSKCC’s Total Rewards, Advance…the rewards of caring, a comprehensive package of programs and services in four categories: Health, Money, Growth, and Life & More. Total Rewards is the way MSKCC thanks employees for investing their time, talent, and skills at the Center. Get to know Total Rewards, and you may find new ways to advance your well-being, financial security, career growth, and quality of life. Weight Watchers® at a Discount! For starters, did you know that Total Rewards offers: ÎÎ A Health Risk Assessment (HRA): More than 4,000 MSKCC employees have taken the ActiveHealth Health Risk Assessment (HRA) since 2009. Available to employees and their dependents, the ActiveHealth HRA is a free, confidential online questionnaire that generates a personalized health report suggesting easy ways to improve your health. Visit MSKCC’s ActiveHealth website to participate. ÎÎ LifeCare Work/Life Resources: MSKCC staff contacted LifeCare, MSKCC’s Work/Life referral service, 2,000 times in the second quarter of 2011 alone for information on child care, prenatal care, legal assistance, adult care, academics, and moving/relocating. That’s more than twice as many contacts as last year! See the LifeCare page on the MSKCC Work/Life website for details. In the fall of 2011, MSKCC launched a partnership with Weight Watchers. Through this partnership, the MSKCC Employee Wellness Program absorbs 50 percent of the cost of Weight Watchers for employees, and discounts the price for dependents. To sign up for the program, employees and their dependents can call the dedicated MSKCC toll free number: 866-883-0947. (Please note that in accordance with IRS regulations, the 50 percent subsidy must be considered taxable income.) ÎÎ Total Rewards Seminars: Hundreds of employees attended Total Rewards Seminars on Social Security and Medicare this year. To view either seminar, click here for Social Security and here for Medicare. An equally big turnout is expected for the Elder Issues Seminar before year-end. See the Total Rewards page on the MSKCC Work/Life website for details about past and upcoming seminars. M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 5 Service with a Smile and Skills: GSK Staff Supports Needs of School and Students It was 11:30 PM on a night a few months before Moriah Nissan would enroll in the Gerstner Sloan-Kettering (GSK) Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and something had sent her into a panic. I “ remember going through some paperwork, and I found an error. I called the GSK office expecting to leave a message for them to get the next morning, but someone picked up the phone and took care of it right then,” recalled Ms. Nissan, a graduate of the University of Rochester who enrolled in GSK in 2008, and who now works in the laboratory of Dr. David Solit, studying signaling pathways involved in melanoma. “The staff will go to any length to help you with absolutely anything you need. No matter what you ask of them, the answer is always, ‘Done.’” Linda Burnley joined the Gerstner Sloan-Kettering (GSK) Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences last July as Associate Dean. That level of attention and service is part of the day-to-day operation of the GSK office, which attends to all of the nuts and bolts of running a world-class graduate science program. Recruiting, admissions, registration, student affairs, staffing, and curriculum planning all come under the umbrella of the GSK office. GSK staff members use a customized student information system to manage student records. They coordinate interview days and return visits for the most competitive applicants, and also manage housing and funding for the students. Those tasks apply not only to the graduate school, but also to the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) — a highly competitive initiative that brings in exceptional college students who may also represent excellent future candidates for GSK. GSK enrolled its first class of students in July 2006, and will officially graduate its first PhD recipients in the spring of 2012. Now in its sixth year, the school’s reputation continues to grow as an institution offering a well-rounded scientific education, in a smaller, more personal environment, at a renowned medical center. “MSKCC is now becoming better associated with graduate student training,” said Dr. Kenneth Marians, Dean of GSK and Chair of the Molecular Biology Program at the Sloan-Kettering Institute. “Our next step is for our graduates to go out there and create a second wave of recognition for what is happening here.” That growing reputation is what attracted Linda Burnley to become Associate Dean of the school — a position she assumed in July 2011. She held a leadership role as executive director of the MD-PhD Program at Harvard University for more than three decades. “At this stage in my career, I had a desire for change within the scientific training environment,” she said. “I liked the reputation of Sloan-Kettering and was intrigued by the opportunity to be part of a new graduate school with an innovative curriculum focusing on cancer research. It felt like a positive step and a natural fit.” Dr. Marians had the opportunity to see how efficiently and skillfully the office staff works when he stepped in to lead the staff during the six-month period before Ms. Burnley’s arrival. “I was so impressed with how well they knew what to do and how to do it. There’s a lot of work involved in “It’s an environment that welcomes creativity and innovation.” M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER — Linda Burnley, Associate Dean processing the applications for the ten graduate student spots we have each year, as well as the summer program,” he recalled. “The staff is so devoted. They really know the students, and the students know them.” Recruiting new students is a key focus of the office. Ms. Burnley and GSK office staff, including office manager and admissions coordinator Maria Torres, frequently travel to undergraduate universities with strong science programs to inform students about the strengths and opportunities of the GSK graduate school. They also represent the school at career fairs, such as those at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Ms. Torres has witnessed increasing recognition of the graduate school, having been part of its planning since 2004. “No one knew who we were back then, although people recognized the name Sloan-Kettering,” she said. “To see the GSK Staff (Continued on page 7) D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 6 GSK Staff (Continued from page 6) school growing and getting more recognition has been great.” Current students are also invited to represent the school at recruiting events. Isabel Lam, a graduate of New York University who began studying at GSK in 2008, was invited to speak with prospective students at past NIH and ABRCMS conferences. “I’m sure that the chance of being selected to attend these events would be much smaller at a larger graduate school,” noted Ms. Lam, who is studying the molecular mechanisms of meiosis in Dr. Scott Keeney’s laboratory. There are now 52 students enrolled, whereas other graduate programs may have two or three times that number. The GSK office staff shares several strengths that are key to their success. They appreciate what it takes to pursue a PhD, and offer the services that students need to achieve that goal. “Ensuring that students are appropriately mentored and nurtured is an important aspect of the environment we aim to create to support their training,” explained Linda Stevenson, Director of SKI Administration. “It’s an environment that welcomes creativity and innovation,” added Ms. Burnley. “We encourage people to bring in new ideas.” It’s not unusual for students to flock to the GSK office just to hang out, enjoying lively social interaction and camaraderie with the staff. GSK staff members are also flexible, organized, and professional. These skills do not go unnoticed by the students, who see the office as a haven in which to address issues ranging from payroll to benefits to personal relationships. It’s not unusual for students to flock there just to hang out, enjoying lively social interaction and camaraderie with the staff. Other members of the GSK staff include Ivan Gerena, administrative assistant for the past five years. He is the creative organizer behind all student events. Adriane Schneider, administrative assistant, tracks and assists approximately 200 other PhD students from Weill Cornell Medical College who are training year-round in laboratories at SKI. She also makes sure the school has a presence in social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter, in addition to coordinating updates to GSK’s web pages and scheduling photo shoots. Iwona Abramek, curriculum coordinator, ensures the integrity of the program curriculum with respect to course data, scheduling, and maintenance. As students approach the end of their GSK academic careers, she coordinates their doctoral defenses, including publishing of their final dissertations. “I think that what makes GSK unique is the close-knit environment that we share, and the office is really at the heart of that relationship,” said Yvonne Gruber, a Wellesley College graduate who came to GSK in 2007. She now works on stem cell biology in the laboratory of Dr. Lorenz Studer. Ask anyone in the office why it runs so smoothly, and they are likely to tell you it happens because they all get along so well. “Everyone here loves what they do,” said Ms. Torres. “We have a sense of humor and want the students to feel comfortable coming to us. It’s nice to know they appreciate the day-to-day things we can do for them.” Meet Maria Torres M aria Torres was an administrative assistant in the Department of Urology when her position was eliminated in 2003. When she was offered an administrative position with the graduate school, she liked the idea of working on something from the ground up. As office manager and admissions coordinator for the Gerstner SloanKettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she wears many hats. In addition to recruiting and processing admissions, she is a liaison with students who may have issues with payroll, benefits, housing, or other practical matters. The planning of graduation festivities for the first class of students is bittersweet for Ms. Torres. “I feel like a proud mama, watching her babies leave the nest!” she exclaimed. “Seeing the entire process unfold from its inception, watching our students graduate, and knowing that I have been a part of that is an amazing feeling.” “Maria has been great helping us organize events for a women’s group that my classmates and I have started: GSK Women in Science,” said student Isabel Lam. “It’s a lot easier when you have someone you can trust to get things done, like making room reservations, arranging catering services, generating mailing lists, and so forth.” “My background is in business, but I’ve always worked in the medical field. This job has been fulfilling in more ways than I expected,” concluded Ms. Torres. “I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about working in education and research, but it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.” M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER Maria Torres, GSK’s office manager and admissions coordinator, has been with the school since its inception. Today she assists students with a wide range of practical matters and other issues as they arise. D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 7 KUDOS! Celebrating the accomplishments of MSKCC and its staff As 2011 draws to a close, we wanted to mention a few MSKCC staff members and initiatives that we plan to keep our eyes on in 2012: Today the Bronx, tomorrow — who knows? Ngande Ambroise, Network Analyst 1, was recently appointed to the Community Board One Council by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. Prior to that, Mr. Ambroise served on the Borough President’s African Advisory Council for two years, where he advised Mr. Diaz on issues affecting African immigrants in the Bronx — home to the largest African immigrant community in New York City. As a representative of Community Board One, Mr. Ambroise expects to work with various committees within the council, such as Planning and Safety, to improve the lives of everyone living in the area. Although this position is one to which he was appointed and did not require a campaign or an election, when asked if he would consider running for public office in the future, Mr. Ambroise would only say, “Tomorrow is a new day, with new plans and new ambitions.” Hmmm…Do we hear the birth of a campaign slogan? Tune in on Monday, January 2, 2012 (it’s a holiday!) to the 123rd Tournament of Roses Parade. Our own Mary Wu, Client Services Representative at MSKCC Sleepy Hollow (who was profiled in the June 2011 issue of MSKLife ), will be smiling and waving from the Donate Life float as it winds its flowery way through Pasadena. Like the 27 other riders of the float, Ms. Wu has been personally touched by organ donation or transplantation: As a child, she received two kidney transplants for a congenital kidney disorder, and she now advocates nationally for the cause of organ donation. She’ll ride the Donate Life float as a representative of the University Kidney Research Organization (UKRO), a California-based nonprofit that supports medical research related to the prevention, treatment, and eradication of all forms of kidney disease. Would you like to support Ms. Wu? Go to www. and register to become an organ donor. Dr. Craig Thompson (center), shown here with Dr. Lewis Kempel, Attending Physician, Genitourinary Oncology Service, Department of Medicine, and Talma Morales, Pharmacokinetic Technician, spoke at MSKCC’s first annual Veteran’s Recognition Breakfast on November 4, which honored those employees who, like Dr. Thompson, served in the military. The event launched a new campaign designed to retain and recruit veterans to MSKCC, and was attended by numerous vets from all over MSKCC. Who’s behind all this fun? It started with ice skating in Bryant Park, and was followed by performances of the Big Apple Circus. Now, Human Resources’ Employee Affairs Department is working on more festivities for the coming year. These events for MSKCC employees and their families are organized by MSKCC Work/ Life Initiatives and sponsored by the Frederick Henry Prince IV Family Hospital Morale Program. Ideas for 2012 range from an MSKCC Field Day to a cruise on the Hudson River! Check the HR website regularly for details on upcoming events, or contact Barbara Edouard, Employee Recognition Specialist, at Physician Assistants rule! Especially during National Physician Assistant Week, recognized annually October 6 – 12. MSKCC’s M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER growing number of PAs work in the operating room, on inpatient floors, and in outpatient clinics. To thank them for their critical work, MSKCC honored our PAs with the MSKCC PA Week Appreciation Breakfast on October 11, at which two PAs — Janine Gehshan, RPA-C, and Grace Liu, RPA-C — delivered lectures on pertinent topics. MSKCC employees just keep on giving: We are very excited to let you know that the 2011 United Way campaign raised more than $73,000, compared to 2010’s total of $52,894! Wow! The generosity of MSKCC employees continues to impress us. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Do you know anyone at MSKCC who has amazed you? Tell us about it at D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 8 Corporate Challenge Team Achieves Exceptional Finish M SKCC employees participated in the 2011 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Corporate Challenge® race in Central Park last June 15, finishing with one of the best showings ever. The co-ed team placed first — its second victory in three years — and the women’s team came in second. In addition, Lindsay Van Alstine, a Research Assistant in the Department of Medicine, was the third-fastest woman in the race — the team’s highest individual finish in recent history. A record 162 runners from MSKCC signed up for this year’s race — a 25 percent increase over years past, fueled largely by publicity driven by the MSKCC Employee Wellness Program. “The support we received from Theresa Frost-Goodrich (Employee Wellness Program Coordinator) and her colleagues was fantastic, and we very much appreciated the Wellness Program renting a picnic area and providing refreshments for the runners,” said team co-captain Dr. Derek Tan. Other team co-captains include Dr. Mark Robson, Piera Robson, RN, and Dr. Ross Levine. As in past years, the Office of Physician-in-Chief Dr. Robert Wittes donated the team’s T-shirts. The four-member co-ed team finished with a combined time of 1:22:10 over the 3.5-mile course, coming in more than four minutes ahead of the second-place team. Ms. Van Alstine ran as part of the winning co-ed P e r f o r m a n c e MEA S U REMEN T MSKCC’s Patient Satisfaction Survey Scores Patient satisfaction surveys help Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center identify its strengths and weaknesses from our patients’ perspective. The results from the survey are used to enhance patient care. For more information and for detailed quarterly survey results, visit the Patient Satisfaction Survey section on MSKCC’s Intranet. “Getting to know my coworkers better definitely has a positive impact on my job,” added Ms. Van Alstine, who works on research related to germ cell tumors. “We become more than just coworkers — we are teammates working together toward a common goal. This level of respect and common interest carries over to the workplace as well.” MSKCC’s co-ed team placed first in the race — its second victory in three years. From left: Erin Maloney, Joel Schrock, Lindsay Van Alstine, and William Walkowicz. team. “This was my first year. It’s such a fun event — I’d encourage everyone to come out and join at least once!” she said. The co-ed team will now represent all of New York City at the International JPMorgan Chase & Co. Corporate Challenge Championship Race in 2012, at a city to be announced. Many members report that running on the team enables them to meet other employees at MSKCC with whom they may not normally work. “It gives us a sense of camaraderie, and it’s a great way to meet people who work in different areas,” explained Meghan Newcomer, who has been on the team since 2007 and is a Coordinator in Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Survivorship Initiative. She led this year’s four-member women’s team. To learn more about the MSKCC Corporate Challenge team, visit their page on Inside MSKCC. Lindsay Van Alstine was the third-fastest woman in the June 15 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Corporate Challenge race. Patient Satisfaction Survey, Third Quarter 2011 Number of Patient Responses (%) Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good 7 (0.3%) 8 (0.4%) 8 (0.4%) 7 (0.3%) 38 (1.8%) 35 (1.7%) 273 (13.1%) 1,753 (84.3%) 227 (10.9%) 1,809 (86.7%) 1 (0.1%) 6 (0.3%) 8 (0.4%) 6 (0.3%) 31 (1.6%) 12 (0.6%) 252 (13.4%) 1,590 (84.5%) 169 (9.0%) 1,678 (89.7%) Inpatient Report: Overall Rating of Care Given Likelihood of Recommending Hospital Outpatient Report: Overall Rating of Care and Services Likelihood of Recommending Facility M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 9 MSKAnniversaries Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. 5 Years Scott Bassis James Cantalupo Amanda Cortez Dennis Dowdell, Jr. Kristen Evelyn Battiato Vanessa Lynn Capacio Herminio Cortez Moira Downes Emerica Abeid-Thomas Mary Ellen Beitel Randall Caporale Kim A. Costella Vilia Dragovoy Sanjeewa Abeytunge Cheryl A. Belardo Meredith A. Caprio Erin E. Coull Marija Drobnjak Linda R. Aboody Amy Belonick Jason Anthony Caraballo Robert W. Coull Marina Drutman Mundakal M. Abraham Miriam Benezra Elizabeth R. Cardona Thomas Coulter Hong Duan Bonnie L. Abrams Jamai K. Bent Doreen Carranza Amy M. Coward Katherine N. DuHamel Annamay Abrera Alexandra Berk Jorge Carrasquillo Trenton Cox Nicole K. Dunlap Juana Abreu Sandra Bernard Kerry Eileen Carroll Gregory Craigg Ingrid Edwards Ellen Ackerstaff Teresa J. Bernard Shary Casanas George Cranmer Micardo Andre Edwards Farah Acosta Robert L. Berninger Fernando L. Castillo Stacy Crawford Imke Ehlers Ronald Adams Denise Bing Michael G. Cebisch Martha E. Cristian Patricia Eidenback Edwin A. Adon Anthony Biondo Abdoulie Ceesay Jon G. Croce Kevin Eleby Roberto Adsuar Jacqueline Birrittella Roberto Centeno Barbara C. Cruz Maria Eleftheriou Kathleen Agustin Vassiliki C. Bitas Jihan S. Ceyhan Catherine Custodio Cruz Bianca M. Ellis James Kwame Agyei-Kanabo Maria A. Blanco Sydney Alison Chaikin Karen A. Cummins Inga Ellis-Job Tim A. Ahles Emily A. Blumenthal Kathryn E. Chamberlin Sanasha Amina Currency Abraham Encarnacion William Alago Kita L. Bogatch Amelia Chan Lauren Cutrone Diane Engler Minerva Alers Dmitry Bogomolny Christine Sing Yee Chang Carl Cyrus Roderick T. Esguerra Ronald V. Alexis Mary A. Bolton Jose Chang Michael N. Daley Eliot Espinal Emma Casey Allen Sataish P. Boodhoo Christopher Chao Anthony Daniels Glenda Espinosa Monica M. Allison Kenitra S. Boone Lorraine P. Charles Sreenivasa Datla Francis Estanislao Gregoire Altan-Bonnet Manpreet Boparai Sylvester A. Chase Marco Luis Davila Connie L. Estes Albert Alvarez Tracy K. Borden Roseline Chea Morie Davis Justin Evans Reena Amin Karen Esther Borofsky Koashy Cherian Paulette Davis Nancy A. Evans Amanda Jean Amodio Michelle S. Boyar Daniel J. Chiappetta Sherice Bernadette Davis Jacqueline Lucinda Evelyn Christine Anderson Amanda A. Bracken Hung Ching Tahesha E. Davis James A. Fagin Maria G. Andorno Coral Branch Rachel Choi Winston L. Davis XiangWei Fang Jessica Anenberg Kelly M. Brannan Yuting Chou Euleta Daley Dawkins Azeez Farooki Stacy Angarola Rene A. Brathwaite Pamela Chung Duwayne Dawson Richard Farrell Christophe Antczak Catherine Brennan Nicholas J. Cicolini Swati De-Das Isabelle Fasanella Millicent Pepra Antwi Samantha Erin Brennan John F. Cintron Jennifer DeFazio Michelle Maria Faver Amanda R. Aponte Danielle A. Bridges Annette Clark Desiree Diana De Freitas Zullyvette Feliciano Jennifer Grace Aquino Jay N. Brown Andrea C. Clarke Marichris T. Dela Cruz Juan B. Feliz Eira M. Chan Aragon Lindsay Brown Harry D. Clarke Terri E. Delese Sarah Elizabeth Fellhauer Luis Arce Lionel O. Brown Deopra Clayton Lauren Mary DeMasters Matthew Filardi Jonathan Arcila Marilyn Brown Jennifer Coan Marissa Stella De Medeiros Catherine S. Finlayson Andres Arias Vanessa Josee Bruneau-Antoine Jonathan Coleman Hildred Demmons Megan Harlan Fleischut Soledad Arias Stephane Bruno Kara B. Colevas Jennifer M. Dennehy Stephen E. Fleming Charlotte Eielson Ariyan Edyta Barbara Brzostowski Nancy Collado Earl Dennis Idania Flete-Olmeda Kristy Armstrong Dhanbir Buchoon Pedro Collado Vladimir Deriel Sulay Flores Thomas Asamoah Zorayda Buitrago Emmanuel H. Collins McNeil J. Desir Keisha H. Foley Pauline Ashman-Lebert Emily R. Bullen Tracy A. Collins Elisa DeStanchina Matthew Forde Jessenia Atilano Joyce Burkett Joseph M. Colombo Ramalane Diallo Shane Formica Edward Kenneth Avila Rhonda N. Burrowes Denise Como William Diaz Elizabeth Ann Forster Jonathan Aviles Crystal M. Burt Christian M. Companione James Dickerson Josef J. Fox Robert Awadallah Evita Butler Eileen B. Conklin Mark Andrew Dickson Marquise Frazier Jennifer Ayala Sean T. Butler Elizabeth Connor Racquel Tracy Dillon Megan Lee Freeland Ruben Bacares Naveel Butt Fatima Conteh Jason N. Di Toro Elizabeth Frias Pamela E. Baird Shani Bynum Mary Coogan Emily K. Dolezal Arthur Fruauff Mary Ann Balk Luis A. Cabrera Sarah Beth Cook Keith Doll Dymond Fryson Gloria J. Barbera Nyree Cabrera-Lugo Elise C. Cooke Nadege Dolphin Eva Jolanta Fryt Christopher Barker Michelle A. Caesar Dwayne Cooper Armicoel Lourdes Domingo Francisco Fuentes Greg Barker Richard Calcano Ketha Copes Gregory Donaldson Kirsten N. Fuller Afsar Barlas Roy Cambria Erleen Corbin-Gilkes Patricia Michele Donoghue Juanita Gaines Meredith J. Barnhart Nedrick Campbell Carolynne Corigliano Rashida N. Dorant Joseph Galgano Mary Barrett Margaret Mary Canjura Olga Corona David Dottin Susan Gall Tarsha L. Barton Megan L. Canny Miriam Correa Karen M. Doviak Andres V. Garcia M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 1 0 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Josefina Garcia Karen K. Hartman Virginia Ju Helen Leung Vince R. G. Matthews Paula L. Garcia James J. Harvey Joseph R. Junas Danielle Mary Levasseur Heather Lynn McArthur Kareen B. Garner Brandee Hasko Davina K. Kahlon Irene Lew Susan J. McCall Daniel H. Garson Jennifer Haug John Kaminsky Wayne Adika Lewis Raymond McClain Stephanie M. Garvey Rebecca M. Hawke Kimberly M. Kane Elina Leyderman Stephanie McEneaney Diana Geary Tanya S. Henry Laura Kauffmann Inez E. Leyro Nancy McEntee Dean Casey Gebhardt Jennifer D. Herlihy Stacey L. Kaufman Ashley C. Linington Kristen Leigh Ambrosio McGarry Paola A. Gerena Danny Hernandez Julia A. Kearney Hui Liu Donna L. McGuffy Uma Ghosh Lisa Hernandez Lisa A. Keller Jidong Liu Meaghan McGuire Joseph Giacalone Marisol Hernandez Diane C. Kellom Michelle Kim Logozzo Michael R. McNamara Jessica Gilhooly Marlenys Hernandez Tonisha Q. Kennedy Johnny Lopez Dominic M. Mcnaught Athanasios Glekas Monica Hernandez Katarzyna H. Kent Keely E. Lopez Genevieve V. McNeill Leah Glenn Jannien E. Herron Marina Kerpelev Marta G. Lopez-Kenney Margaret McPartland Danielle Eden Goldblatt Nathan A. Hill Malini Khalian Melvin Lopez Khadijah Mcqueen Michael Gomes Brenda J. Hodges Kamal Kumar Khushwani Sarina Lopez Lisa Medina-Rivera Anne Marie R. Gonzales Keisha Sapphire Holgate Tara B. Kilkenny Joanne Fu-Lou Chou James T. Melville Camille Gonzalez Jessie Cameron Holland Maureen Killackey Princess Louden Amy Gomez Mendoza Miguelina Carmen Gonzalez Susan M. Holland Gayzel Kilong-Kilong Lisa Ann Lubrano Rosetta J. Mendoza Denise Ann Goodman Samantha A. Horan Sae Hee Kim Nadine Lugo Jessica M. Menzel Patricia M. Gordon James Hosey Wonkyu Kim Danuta Lukuc Susan Marie Miale Sameer Goyal Patricia A. Howard Tumeka King-George Ralph Magalong Cortney N. Miller Leonard N. Graff Alan Huang Robert J. Klein Christina Maureen Maggiulli Aino Millikan Deena Mary Atieh Graham Raymond Huang Jeffrey A. Knauf Heather Magnan Donna B. Milling Pamela Graham Amanda J. Euesden Hughes Jan Koehler Nicole E. Mahaffey Dahlia F. Mills Margaret A. Grainger Lauren Nicole Hughes James Koerner Kathleen A. Maher John Mills Christina Michele Grant Sharon J. Hughes Tomislav Kolanovic Todd J. Majka Victoria Mills Rupert Grant Kimberly Marie Korduba Hunter Alla Kosovoy Vasiliy N. Makarevich Leila Apostol Miranda Iva H. Greaves Brenda Y. Hurtado Katherine M. Kotkins Vicky Makker Andrea Mock Nicole Greco-Connors Jonathan A. Hyman Dilip Kovuri Gloria Malave Patrice Mockler Audrey Griffin-Gray Salvatore Iacono Jonathan Kram Deonie N. Malcolm Huascar Mojica Jan Grimm Eun-Ju Julia Im Olga Krivitsky Alexandra D. Maldonado Kristian A. Mojica Gregory J. Grohotolski Idara Inyang David E. Krsnak Vincente E. Maloney Ana Maria Luisa Molina Diana M. Guerra Tunc Iyriboz Dennis G. Kulwiec Joanna M. Manansala Rutha M. Monroe Carol E. Gugliotti Chester Jablonowski Christina M. Kulynycz Victoria Manato Randolf I. Montalvo Courtney Guinan-Smith Margaret A. Jablonowski Li Cheng Kuo Martin T. Manion Karen A. Monthie Amitabh Gulati Jodi Foster Jacobi Jaison Kuruvilla Barry Mann Stanley Moonasar Shellie Lisa Gumbs Jacqueline Jacobs Mark Kweens Ruth Danielle Jozef Manna Brendan Nicholas Mooney Ruslan Gurshumov Stefanie S. Jacobs Darline Laguerre Elton Mara Ashley Nicole Moore Jeannelly A. Guzman Catherine Jallow Michael G. Lamothe Jocelyn C. Maragulia Jennifer Ann Morabito Lisa S. Hacker Debra C. James Niyeka S. Lane Nina M. Maresca Nicole Heather Moraco Alexis M. Hadsall Oronde A. James Zhimin Lao Denise Margiotta John P. Moran Mani Hafisov Thandi Omatola James Lawrance Kenneth Laska Vincent Y. Mark Lesly Marcus Moran Mimi Hailemariam Yelena Yuriy Janjigian Cindy Lasso Beth Markowitz Lissette Morel Beth A. Hain Liv L. Jao Alan Lau Diana Marotto Michael E. Morgan Carmen Halbohn Hamlet R. Jaquez Letitia M. Lauro Evelyn Marte Nelly Moronta Alan Hall Rosa M. Jaquez Karen M. Lava DaShawna A. Martin Huon S. Morris Joshua Halpert Joy Jarrett Stephen D. Layne Henry Martinez Michelle V. Morris Siobhan Halpin Olga Jaruczyk Lauren Beth Lebel Kattia D. Martinez Alison Moskowitz Alton J. Hamilton Kara M. Jerla Joanne LeBoeuf Lydia Martinez Marjorie E. Mosley Celeste N. Hamilton Henry Jimenez Heidi S. Ledgister Nativdad Martinez Damali C. Moyo-Lee-Yaw William C. Hammond Debra R. Johnson Jeannie Chin Lee Soraya Martinez Janet Mui Yao Han Donovan W. Johnson Ronald Lee Christine Marie Martinowich Arman Muller Louis Hanna Michelle Nadine Johnson Seatbyul Lee Jennifer Mascarenhas Carlos Munoz Archibald Harding Earl R. Jones Sandee Leklerson Alison G. Massey Jorge E. Munoz Jacqueline C. Mccullum Harrell Debra A. Joseph Genevieve G. Lenhart Megan Masterson Zijada Muratovic Samantha Harrington Edwige Joseph Gerardine Leon-Desrosiers Anu Mathew Robert Murillo Amanda Julia Harris Samuel A. Joseph Michael Joseph Letang Leslie Victoria Matthews Dawn S. Murphy Colin Harry Alexandra L. Joyner Cecilia Leung Monica V. Matthews Thomas Murphy M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T E R I N G C A N C E R C EN T E R D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 11 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Khateja Mustapha Diana Perez Christina Rodriguez Yelena Shub Diana Tam Mary Ellen Naples Efrain Perez Edwin F. Rodriguez Dorothy Silin Wing Hung G. Tam James W. Napolitano Christopher Perito Esteban Rodriguez Jamie M. Silverstein Cecilia Tarraga Krista R. Napolitano Meryl M. Perry Felito Rodriguez Camelia S. Sima Ying Taur Josephine Nappi Jasmattie Persaud Miguel J. Rodriguez Marc Z. Simmons Maria Taveras Christopher Naranjo Lystra Peters Shani A. Rodriguez Saray Simo Clare Taylor Joseph B. Narus Johanna H. Peterson Katherine L. Rolla Barbara Simon Sydnah V. Taylor Irene Linda Naylor Kelly Piersanti Yevgeniy Romin Kenishana Simpson David Tear Mary C. Nellippallil Nagavarakishore Pillarsetty Manuel Rosa Tugba Simsek-James Maria D. Terry Michael A. Newman Ruth M. Pilozo Lydia Rosario Kathleen F. Sinclair-Coke Sandra Terzulli Jeannine Nonaillada Elizabeth Suzanne Pincus Lydia E. Rosario Samantha Singer Stephanie Terzulli Sandra E. Norona Maria Cristina Malabuyoc Pinero Vidal S. Rosario Kamaldeep Singh Sunitha Bai Thakur Sheryl M. Notice Sharon Pipitone Todd LouisRosenblat Kumar Singh Ivy Thomas Regina Obolewicz Amy Pippin Lorien Rosenfeld Uday Singh Jamel Thomas Stephanie M. Ochman Hilary K. Piszko Raymond C. Ross Samantha Dawn Skubish Lorna Verona Thomas Mary Ann P. O’Connor Ludmila Plehanov Maria G. Ruben Ella Smelyanskaya Rachael Salena Thomas Regina O’Connor Evelina Pogoriler Wendy Sophia Rubio Elaine Smith Tiffany D. Thomas Odile Anderson Oddo Evelyn A. Polanco Jimmy Ruiz Michelle N. Smith Eileen M. Timony Ugo Ogbuagu Aleksey Polinskiy William Ruiz Shelly-Ann Smith Shyrelle C. Tindal Shahiba Q. Ogilvie Sean Pomerantz Ignacia Ruiz-Garcia Tamar Nasya Smith Mark J. Tomishima Kelly O’Hare Karen Popkin Jael Russell Tashia V. Smith Nydia Toribio Tomoko Okada Nana Prempeh-KeteKu Tara Russo William J. Smith Luis Carlos Toro Tracey O’Keeffe Wahidah Faye Presume Jean Marie Rutigliano Yat Ling So Rochelle Y. Torrence Michael J. O’Leary Anita P. Price Brenda Ryan Virginia B. Socorro Arlene Torres Sonji Sue Ann Oliver Margaret M. Puglin Dana Lauren Ryan Yat Yee So-Kwan Franklin L. Torres Ronalia Olliver Bilal Qayyum Lauren Teresa Ryan Krysten Nicole Soldan Melissa Leigh Torres Antonio Marcilio Padula Omuro Irina Radionova Mabel M. Ryder Jeanmarie A. Sommer Jean Marie Torrisi Jennifer O’Neill Milind Rajadhyaksha Lina Saab Edwin Soto Jieci Tran Cecilia A. Ongteco Ravi R. Ramautar Savitree Sahadeo-Bankay Jonathan South Michael D. Trapani Ivy Abena Opoku Carey T. Ramirez Natasha L. Samaroo Shanna Spencer Amir Tsekun Carmen Orozco Bianca Lucia Ramos Eladio R. Sanchez Sylvia Sprague Allison Tucker Ericka Ortiz Jizelle A. Ramos Hernando Santamaria Nichole C. Staab Mesruh Turkekul Welby Montalvo Ortiz Jose L. Ramos Luz E. Santamaria Stacy Marie Stabler Joe Ulloa Wilson C. Ortiz Dragos Rancea Zulay Santiago Tamica Staley Yelena Usachenko Christie Paladino Suratprakash Rao Elmer B. Santos Damon Stark Genene Vaccaro Vickie Palag Mohamed A. Rashid Lisa M. Sarmasti Tatiana Starr Piya Vacharasanee Stephen F. Palatucci Cynthia M. Raucher Einid Eden Sarmiento Jacob Stebel Efsevia Vakiani Justin Palermo Geraldine Rawlings Aya Sato-DiLorenzo Jill A. Stefanski Monique Valenzuela Lidia Palmiero Janice L. Reardon Craig Steven Sauter Maryann Steinfeld Christina E. Vallejo Maria Palomo Donna A. Redhead Nandlal Saywack Daniel N. Stephen Jose A. Vargas Paul D. Pan Giselle Regino Wendy Lynn Schaffer Kenneth C. Stevenson Kerri Ann Vaughan Christina Caoibes Pantoja Kevin A. Reid Eric J. Schlauch Sara Stewart Luis Vazquez Carlos A. Pantojas Jennifer M. Reilly Stacey M. Schlereth Yvette Stewart Darren Veach Shvasia O. Parham Nicholas A. Remo James Schmidt Joseph J. Stigliano Ephraim Velazquez Anna Yong Park Samuel J. Reyes Charles Ross Schmidtlein Vanessa St. Louis Tanya Velez-Berkeley Hannah S. Park Inga Reznikov Mark W. Schreyer Dina Stone Ingrid Vernon Meejean Park Alessandro G. C. Ricciarelli Susan Schwartz Ashley Strahlendorff Dana M. Vetrano Mi Jin Park Geraldine M. Rice Dana Scott Daniel A. Suarez Alan Vickers Gina M. Parker Toussaint Richards Ibrahima Seck Jennifer L. Summers Adrienne R. Vigliotta Diana Parkinson-Tripp Zakkiyya Richardson Marie C. Seda Dyana K. Sumner Wilbert Villa Pardeep Parmar Shavon M. Ricketts Grace Seecoomar Karen Surin Hernan Villegas Rodel F. Pascual Jason Ricks Joan Seidman Lystra M. Swift Irina Vinokur Ankur Patel Jeremy Ricks Nancy Sergany Dominique Symonette Christopher D. Vollherbst Sujata Patil Marisol Rico Hanzel Grace P. Sering Robin Szymkiewicz Laszlo Voros Georgette Paulycarpe Linda E. Rimple Yelena Shames Eduardo L. Tabio Kara M. Wade Samantha Peacock Frances Marie Santiago Robillos Eric J. Sherman Comfort Tabiri Tanisha M. Waldron Gaetano Pennasilico Juanita Kim Robinson Song-Hai Shi Jennifer Tafuri Inderani M. Walia Karen Pereira Alberto L. Rodriguez Eugenia Shin Robert Tagliaferro Jane Marie Wallace M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T E R I N G C A N C E R C EN T E R D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 12 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Norman Albert Wallace Sharon Anthony Bella Conars Emily R. Frisch Michael Isberg Mary Beth Walsh Carmen Antillon Steven V. Connolly Phyllis Fristachi Dewanda Jacobs Winston Walters Jennifer Larraine Arias Mark Vincent Conyers Charles Gadsden Gary Jean-Baptiste Jenny R. Waltzer Sandra Arida Jovanna Corley Anne Elinor Galligan Michael Johnson Gregory Wang Margaret T. Augustine Zana Correa Cindy Ganz Susan Johnson Steven Q. Wang Michael Ayerov Marisa Corti Elizabeth D. Garcia Latisha A. Jones Andrew Jay Washburn Melissa Bassis Ann Marie Cosma Jeffrey Gardner Tasina Jones Mark Watson Silvia Bastidas Margaret Courtney Laurel Gardner Tommy Jones Marilyn M. A. Wears Achamma Baumgart Anne Covey Sriram Garimalla Emmanuel Jose Sarah A. Weaver Sharon Joyce Bayuga-Miller Cornelia Anna Cremin Rhode Gedeon Maria Juego-Lee Mario C. Wedderburn Kathryn Beal Edward Crocker Emily Gil Jeralyn Julien Sheena Wells Ebiny Bellamy Anissa R. Crooms Monica Gildore Deepak Kalyan Christine Allison Whalen Jesus Benedicto Martin X. Cuna Jody Gilman Jennifer Kaplan Wayne J. Wieser Micah Best Kerrie D’Aguilar Kenneth J. Ginn Petros Kariolis Abenaa C. Williams Maria Gabriela Billanti-Nishiyama Michelle Daniels Amy Gleason Archana Katupally Sheila L. Williams Maureen Bland Joan M. David Michael Glickman Kristopher Kaufman Winston H. Wilson Adrienne Bloom Shegun David Irina Gold Christine A. Kavountzis Omar Saeed Wilson-Muhammad Glen C. Bloomfield Margery H. Davis Indira M. Gonzalez Nancy Kawesch Dov P. Winkleman Paul Boateng Ginariza De Castro Roberto Gonzalez Dawn M. Kearney Jordan Winsten Joseph Bonetti Cesar Della Biancia Jeanine N. Gordon Eric Kelhoffer Jenni Wong Wendy Bonilla Kleoniki Diamantis Osseh J. Gordon Irene Kelly Kimberly A. Woodberry Leah Bradham Marc Di Edwardo Sharon Gorman Norinne Kelly Adriana L. Woolley Zelina Britt-Sweeney Umberto Dileo Suzanne S. Gornell Deirdre Marie Kiernan Abraham Jing-Ching Wu Erin Brown Linda DiSantis Jennifer Grady Aileen Killen Mary H. Wu Donald Bruce Dinah Doliente Rosalind Granger Tari King Shan-san Wu Kefin G. Bryan Karen Drucker Angela Greco Jason Konner Xiaohong Wu Jennifer Buckley Stephen Dusza Aleeya Victoria Greene Anastasia Koument Angela M. Wust Nadeera Budhu-Nandlall Joseph Dycoco Shelly Andrea Griffith Magda Kovacs Irina Yagudayeva Polina Bukharovich James Eastham Yuting Guan Nicole Kowalewski Eng Yanh Maria Johanna Beronimo Bulos Carlene Edwards Michael G. Guida Alexander Kowalski Xiao Juan Ye Nancy Byer-Russell Lisa Eldred Carmen Octavia Guilamo Miriam Kreytak-Balsamo Jianda Yuan Michael Cambian Judi Ellen Sandra Guiot Gillian Lai-Hing Lora Yusupova Claudine Levy Campbell Susan L. Emanuel Alex Gyau Ana Lajara Ivo N. Zadrima Luis Campodonico Ian Erikson Jennifer Hajjar Miu-Sim R. Lam Talia I. Zaider John Capers Monique Erwin Tobias N. Hall Nicole Lamanna Laura M. B. Zanazzi Melissa A. Carabetta David Evans Karen Hammerle Kristy Marie Lamere Bojana Zezelj Michael Carriel Gleb Evfarestov Mohamed Haniff Jessica Larkin Feng Zhao Jessika Castro Maria Farberov Sara Hanley Michele L. Laureano Xiaolan Zhao Edwin Cepeda Carol Felix Rebecca Hanze-Gonzalez Katherine A. LaVine Jing Zhou Audris Cerda Rusmir Feratovic Gary Hart Donna Lawrence Melissa Remis Zinovoy Monica Chakradeo Celina Fernandez Elzbieta Maria Hartyniuk Rhona Lawrence Catherine Chan Jimmy Fernandez Dawn Henry-Nixon Allen Lee 10 Years Charmaine Chan Giacomo Fernicola Maryann Herklotz Ming Lee Mei Ling Chan Danielle Ferrer Lizandra Hernandez Vivian Lee Gerry Abate Rechee Charles Felix Ferrer Waldemar Hernandez Jason Leggio Karim AbdushShahid David Chase Felix F. Figueroa Edward Herrera Renee A. Leidinger Ghassan Abou-Alfa Angela Chen Rachel Sari Fischer Kathleen Ann Hetsel Merlene Lewis Nadeem Abu-Rustum Zhen Fei Chen Deborah A. Fleischer Paula Hines Michelle Lewis Phyllis Addai Irene Y. Cheung George Fleming Diane Hogan Regina Anne Ley Heather L. Alcorn Ben Chin Mary Everil Fletcher Edward Gary Hoke Chen Li Rhea P. Alcotas Gabriela Chiosis Jennifer A. Flood Eric Holland Juan Li Rose Ali Edward Chua Christine J. Fontana Russell Holmes Catherine Theresa Licitra Katrina Allen Sinda Sinhye Lee Chun Alice M. Ford Andrei Holodny Evelyn Lofaso Corinne Jasmine Amato Rosa MariaCintron Jennifer S. Ford Michael Horsford Carolina A. Lopez Latasha Anderson-Dunkley Rickey Close Keenan Ford Steven M. Horwitz Haydee Lopez Romeo Andulan Glenda L. Collins Natalia Forero Ellen N. Hotez Louis A. Lopez Jen Li Ang Bernadette A. Comia-Banania Sheila Rose Fortunato William Hou Roberto Lopez Dolores Angeles Michelle Commander Heidi Foss Adam Ingram Bernadette Gaffney Lore M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 13 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Michelle Louis-Charles Denise M. O’Rourke Raquel M. Sanchez Adelle S. Vice Ronald Cadet Stacie Lucas Lester Ortiz Ruysdaele Sanon Carmela Voli Shangde Cai Amanda H. Ly Maricela Ortiz Gabrielle Santino Linda Waldstein Laura A. Carpenter Anna-Marie Lynagh Rosemary Ortiz Elizabeth Dolores Saporito Huijun Wang Susan G. Castro Siobhan A. Lynch Shawn O’Toole Paul Scalisi Jen-Wei Wang Christopher Charles Noelia Maamouri Chin Kyu Pak Erin Scansarole Raymond Qingwen Wang Zhuobin Chen Lisa Macana Enrique Pannou David Schadov Tao Wang Selina Chau T. Cheung Elsie Mackey Hugh Parkes Allison Schaible Kenneth Ward Patricia Ann Citrone Eileen M. Maher Sandra Parmanand Robert Schley Mary E. Warren Mary C. Clark Generoso Maiorano Alla Paskovaty Heiko Schoder Gloria D. Wasilewski Anne T. Clear Reginald M. Maitland Gregory Pastrana Alonso Sealey Michael Wawryk Gloria A. Coffey Maria Mankovetski Aneta Pawlowski Eileen Selsky Thomas Wawryk Sara Cohen Rachel Quatromoni Manson Tatanisha Peets Alla Senderovich Nathan Weinstock Julie Anne Corvari Maria Corazon Mariano Samantha Perchick Tricia Natasha Evelyn Senior Marie Therese Weisbrot Rosa L. Delgado Viviane Martin Johanna Perez Beth Sferrazza Thomas Wendt Rosemarie Demma Jenny Matalon Robert Perez Christy L. Shea James Whalen Luis Diaz Geeta Mazzara Xamayta Perez Joelle Aileen Sidial Donovan White Joseph Disa Cheryl McCain Leonard Permell Nicole Simmons David Widmer Charles Disanto Maureen McCray Angelo Perrone Dale Sinclair Hazel M. Wilkins Catherine M. Dobres Connie McKenzie Carrie L. Pfahl Derrick Smith Kenneth Kendell Williams Evin Douglas Melaine P. McKenzie Hai Pham Kris L. Smith Robyn Williams Gary S. Dranch Christopher McKeon Natasha Pinheiro Marcel Smith Stephanie Williams Ronnie A. Elson Melvin McLean Randi Polizzi Victoria Smith Jennifer Willoughby-Haynes Edward A. Espinoza Theresa McLeod Annette Pottinger Maria Sopasis Charlene Windley Thomas E. Faulding Tracie McNair Curtis Powell Kevin Soria Michael Wismer Milagros Fernandez Rosemary McNamara Mary Ann Puglisi Anthony Soto Cara Wolfe Irina Fidel Danielle Y. Meade Susan Puleio Kara Nadine Hee Stemplewicz Avery A. Wood Gita A. Figueiredo James G. Mechalakos Deborah Susan Quoma Magzim A. Stephen-James Karen Woodstock Susan M. Filshie Nick Medley Josephine Rafael Tamara M. Strah Penny Worth Violet Fitzpatrick Sherley Merveille Lissette Ramirez Harry W. Strauss Monika Wroblewski Catherine Flood Keith Miller Norka Ramos Michael Stubblefield Chui Ngor Yang Margarita Flores Anthony Minardo Carole Ramsay Deirdre A. Sullivan YingKui Yu Ernest G. Forde Yan Mirlas Teresa Rasalan Jacqueline Sumanis Viktoriya Zakhaleva Stuart M. Gardos Svetlana Mironov Thomas C. Reynolds Paulette Sutherland Barry Zakrzewski Mary L. Gemignani Ryan Misuro Edlyn Beatrice Rhamdeen Maria A. Sylvester Zhaoshi Zeng Tatyana Gerts Thomas Mitchell Victor Ribaudo Myra Talusan Hui Zhao Arpi Gettings Walter Mitchell Linda Richards Michael C. Tan Tao Zheng Sashi Ghosal Shanu Modi Michael J. Richardson Alexei Teplov Ying Zheng Filippo G. Giancotti Melinda Molina Lamarr Riddick Dharmarao Thapi Donna Molinaro Robin Rieders Jacqueline Thomas-Allen Sonia Moncher Meredith Riffle Elizabeth Thornhill George Monemvasitis Esther Rivera John G. Montefusco Diana M. Godfrey 15 Years Philip H. Gutin Janette Tise Said Abusaidi Cheryl A. Harley Reeshmay Bellaliz Rivers Eileen Marie Topp Kaled M. Alektiar Eileen M. Harrington Patricia Montero Nancy J. Rocker Stephanie Torina Kathryn Anderson Donna B. Harvey Antoinette Moore Gilbert Rodriguez Maria Torres Cristina R. Antonescu Dana L. Haviland Philip Moore Michael Rodriguez Alex Tsirelman Soon Bahng Ruth Hoffman Arnaldo Moral Emilio E. Rojas George Tsividakis Mary K. Baylies Catherine Hydzik Eduardo Moran Federico Roque Yuri Turin Sean O’Neil Bell Arlene Ildefonso Yvette Murillo Robert Rosado Yelena Ustoyev Maria Bisogna-Rendleman Rose-Emris G. Isaac Barbara Murphy Oksana Rosina Stella Vaccariello Cynthia Bisserup Robin Jackson Keven Murray Ronie Routh Sam B. Vaikuntam Faina Bogomolniy William R. Jarnagin Robin L. Nankumar Jonathan Rowe Louis A. Vargas Paul R. Booth William A. Jones Christian Nelson Susan Russ Cathy Vatkin Kim L. Borg Jean Joseph Vanessa Nicholas Joseph Russell Angel Vazquez Oriana A. Borquez-Ojeda Lorraine L. Justiniano Craig Nolan Virgilio Sacchini Howard Venetsky Jay O. Boyle Mohammad Bakhsh Kareem Barbara Occil Pamela Salerno Olga Verdecia Margaret A. Brodman Dorain G. Kennedy Anne O’Malley Dolores Salloum Ilya Vernikov Gary R. Brokowsky Yasmin Khakoo Christian Orellana Maria Sampogna Agnes Viale Klaus J. Busam Polina Khersonskaya M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T E R I N G C A N C E R C EN T E R Jerry L. Halpern D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 14 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Anna Kitsis Fran W. Sobel Linda J. Crew Gloria C. Li David Rodriguez Tatyana Krakovsky Elizabeth Southern Zina Z. Cuffy-Guye Kai-Hsiung Lin Neal Rosen Christopher R. Krol Patricia Spellman Doraci G. Da Silva Selma O. London Jody Pollack Roth Lauren Kushner Celeste M. Springer Tony R. Deblasio Sigifredo Londono Maureen Rowe Susan Anne Massarella Labombardi Frederic G. Stell Leonore S. DeLince Elizabeth Lopez Helen J. Rubic Evelyn M. Sturtevant Milagros Vl Dionela Martha Lucia Lopez Esther M. Ruiz Irena Lantsman Isabel W. Sulimanoff Catherine A. Doyle Melba Lopez Beverley Russell Fritzgerald Lebour Marie Tait Carole J. Dunlop Walter Lopez Valzie Samms Lorna J. Lewis Richard Taylor Janet A. Eagan Wai Lui Laura Samuels Neil S. Lipman Gail L. Terek Lauren A. Ecock Peggy Lynch Raymond C. Sandy Changling L. Liu Eric Thacker Monica Maria Engel Marian Ma Jean T. Santamauro Barbara Ann Livingston Annette Torres Leonid Fayn Bruce Maged Donna Schick Clarence A. Lord Ines Torres Stephen D. Felix Evelyn Maldonado Weiji Shi Iberca A. Matos Robyn S. Walsh Zulay E. Fernandez Lyudmila Malinsky Walter E. Simmons William D. Matwiow Karen Beth Wexler Janice Fisher Dora I. Marcial Charles A. Sklar John C. McClean Donna M. Will Cristy B. Fitzpatrick Edgar D. Marquez Carol A. Slattery Ellen Miller-Sonet Audrey E. Williams Yuman Fong Anne H. Martin Walter J. Smith Nancy E. Mills Miriam Williams Avvi Forcer Rafael Matos Philomina Soby Shakeel Modak Jedd D. Wolchok Marvin A. France Minzsilin N. Mckenzie Bernadette Sorge Mohammed A. Momin David Yee Rodiel Franqui Beverley A. McKnight Patricia A. Soto Kimberly Moore San S. Yi Maria Friedlander Stephen A. Mcnamara Reece J. Spivack Jorge O. Morgan Hao Zhang Claire P. Furey Francia Maritza Mejia Theodore Stewart Maureen Mullaly-Franca Susanne B. Gallagher Luis G. Mendoza Brian Stone Jennifer A. Munoz 20 Years William F. Giacalone Pamela J. Misholy Kathleen A. Sullivan Patricia A. Gonzales Lorraine C. Moore Mario M. Sumergido Dianne Narvaez Andrea F. Abramson Norma E. Graham Kevin B. Morris Kenneth Tate Patricia A. Neary Carlos E. Agosto Corine J. Grandison Lai L. Moy Paul J. Tempst Luis A. Neves Richard L. Allen Margaret E. Greaves Roberto Pollux P. Moya Loving A. Tetteh Dimitar B. Nikolov Michael F. Anaya Ekaterini Grivas Claire J. Murray Mary B. Tham-Pearson Christine M. Nippes Nancy M. Arango Monika Irene Gudsowski Charles Nyman Maria Theodoulou-Haber Gregory Niyazov Valerie J. Baez Jose Guillem Kathleen O’Connor Lillian Tom Gayane Odjourian Joseph C. Balogh Maria Cecilia R. Herrera Irene Orlow Digna Torres Marie Oswald Gargi Banerjee Susanne A. Hershowitz Carolyn Orta Nicholas Vander Els Melody S. Owens Ingrid C. Barclay David M. Hinds Patricia J. Pamponette Fabio A. Velez Maria Pagan Lilith L. Barry Evlyn L. Hinds Helen Papp Winston M. Ward Sam Palmucci Marie Barthelemy Margaret L. Ho Maria D. C. Parris Jay Washington Sandra D. Pezzulli Donna G. Bauer John B. Hospedales Elaine Patoe Michael P. Weber Elaine M. Pottenger Elizabeth Bernard Sau Ling Hui Stacey Penn Robert Webster Pascale M. Presendor Stephen G. Beun Vincent Illuzzi Angela L. Perez Marjorie C. Wiggan Michele Raia Patricia A. Black Dona Lyndhia Isaac Ramon A. Perlas Marcia V. Wilson Vedesh P. Rampersad Leslie H. Blumgart Monique C. Jackson Tatiana Perlov Roger S. Wilson Natasha Ramrup Patrick J. Boland Donna Johnson Marc Pflug Jayne Wiprovnick Judith Rios Clara Broad Youthlyn Jones Anthony Pike Robert Wittes Marta Rivera Hediye Erdjument Bromage Joseph G. Jurcic Sandra L. Ploth Kirk D. Wynter Deyanira Rizzo-Hardy Edward R. Bujnak Nancy R. Karo Muriel A. Powell Jane O. Yee Karen Anne Roberts Dolreen D. Burnett Suzanne Kelson Barbara A. Putz Andrew D. Zelenetz Mark E. Robson Lloyd G. Burnett Bridget F. King Carmen Quinones-Rodriguez Rong Hua Zhang Piera M. Cote Robson Sisme Cabrera Ermine A. King Deonarine Ramnath Marivonnette Rodriguez Wendy W. Chan Maria B. Kirrane Lisa Ramos Nal Sakun Helen H. Choi David S. Klimstra Robin Rawlins-Duell Jane A. Sallustro Kathleen M. Choo Raquel Kough Marilyn D. Resh Catherine Adams Brian J. Salmon Maria Cipollone Rita Krishtul Doris Restrepo Theresa Anderson Judy A. Scharin Roosevelt T. Corbin Ruth Lande Gloreen A. Ricketts Herman L. Ashe Lisa Sclafani Peter G. Cordeiro Dana P. Larrier Albert Rivera Richard Badagliacca Venkatraman Ennapadam Seshan Arsenio Cordero Ethel Beeling P. Law Marilyn Rivera Deohootie Balkaran Claudia Shim Anna Maria Carmela Coronel Tien Lee Lola Riveros Kay F. Baxter Helen L. Sidebotham Bonnie R. Correa Anne-Marie Lesny Jeffrey A. Robb Valerie Beckford Denise A. Smith Alberto Cortez Ferdinand Lewis Richard Rock Farid Boulad Joe Nantwi M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T ER I N G C A N C ER C EN T ER 25 Years D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 1 5 MSKAnniversaries (Continued) Congratulations to MSKCC staff members who, during the fourth quarter of 2010 through 2011, celebrated milestone anniversaries with the Center. Kofi Brifu Lorraine M. Teramura Sandra McKenzie Kerry J. O’Sullivan Patricia Brosnan Alisa C. Thorne Lennox J. Mitchell Wendy Perchick Joletta Bryant Irene Tsalapatanis Cherryl Murray-Marone Mary F. Phillips Edwin J. Cardona Robert A. Veselis Doreen C. Nation Rosario M. Puglionisi Sonia L. Cortez Gemma G. Victorino Wai K. Ng Mary L. Robinson Deborah A. Costa Stephanie Vitolano Lang Ngo Oriel Sanchez Bernadette M. Cuello Patricia Walka Jules Pomerantz Katherine M. Smith Paula D’Agrosa-Manso Margaret A. Wheeler Janice R. Reid Joel H. Tenenbaum Nydia Lassalle Davis Joan M. Zatcky Kathleen Rivera Leslie Tyson Donna De Paolis Juana Jenny Del Valle-Stone Sherry Rodriguez 30 Years Rori Salvaggio Inde Dutton Anthony Aiken Andrea Scelfo Sifawu L. Agbaje Eda J. Dyer-Coote Patricia Alianakian Raquel Semidey Suzanne Carmody Margaret Eliasinski Walter Allen Moshe Shike Elaine Chambers Hilda Figueroa Lucila Teresa Ang Luz D. Silva Nessa M. Coyle Patricia Marie Russ Fischer Frederick Bangs Herlinda D. Singh Ulrich Hammerling Lydia Galloza Arlene B. Bonanno Gerald G. Siraj Rena J. Landa Crystal George Elizabeth P. Boucher Tracy B. Smart-Curley Chester C. Mah Frank George Carmela J. Brady Odetta D. Spruill Aida Manalo Hans Gerdes Murray F. Brennan Aisha Stallings Helen C. Mangraviti Julio E. Gonzalez-Diaz Charlotte G. Brooks Deborah M. Thomas Rayfield Marshall David Gorman Sylvia Brooks Carlton Thurton Nestor Medina Sonja P. Gorowski Adrienne Y. Brown Philomena A. Toby Rosalind Modeste Gloria J. Gunn Melanie J. Carrow Elisabeth M. Wall Patricia Y. Palatoff Elizabeth F. Halton Bert Cedermark Matthew S. Warshaw Carroll Samuel Hanna Hinrichs Irene R. Cibas-Kong Mary A. Weiser Pramod C. Sogani Eva E. Horney Egbert L. Clayton Earl M. Wiggan Nancy K. Stein Margie A. Hunt D. David Dershaw Elizabeth Wilson Bernessa Vassall Marcia Hutchinson Claiborne W. Dickerson Nazilla Mairzadeh Zar Margaret M. Venuto Michele Kayser-Brady Roger Dindyal Theodore D. Kenyon Theresa Edmonds Anne C. Kolker Julius Edwards Jason A. Koutcher Stephen A. Egan Gabriella Brand Richard Lachey Stella Lee Eng Arthur E. Brown Linda Beadnell Arlene R. Langstine Patsy E. Ereku Fran Carbo-Samuels Catherine Burt Christine E. Lantier Carol Fergusson Raju S. K. Chaganti Carlotta Eisen Arthur Laurain Donna T. Fickling Susan Derby Michael Gladstone Audrey S. Lee John Fiorella Diann P. Desantis Jean Lawrence Amabella B. Lindo Carolyn Gilliard Edward G. Feldhamer Angela R. Mahon Barbara Gonzalez Eileen Ficco Michele Ann Mannarino Mary A. Gormley-Dipinto Jane French-Brady Ann M. McCrory-Uray Judy Hagerty-Paglia Bernice M. Glenn Louis A. Norrington Joan E. Mckerrow Myrna L. Hodgson William Graham Rosanne Ribaudo Wendy A. Miller-Patterson Carrie D. Howe Dennis Grossano Darryl Nash Rosa Iamiceli Robert T. Heelan Melissa Fricke O’Dell Reginald Jennings Vera Hinck Dawn M. O’Shaughnessy John Kelly Nancy G. Houlihan Yolanda F. Palache Nancy Kernan Irene P. Joseph Catherine D. Quinn Emily Kistler David P. Kelsen Lottie J. Sanders Carol Ann Koehne Edward L. Kleinert Patricia Schaindlin Ronald A. Kross John Leonardi Mary L. Schumann John J. Maine Beryl McCormick Joel Sheinfeld Kevin J. Marcus Maureen McEvoy Maria Sobrino Cynthia McCollum Marcia McEwan Emily V. Sykes Sandra K. McCollum Alberto Medina Alexander Tanchoco Neal McGann R. Rafael Melendez Linda Tatum Velma E. Mckay Janet E. Mulcare Sharron W. Dixon Florana Sanon 40 Years Carlyle Williams 35 Years 45 Years 50 Years 55 Years Marjorie K. Nicodemus MSKLife Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Managing Editor: Jennifer Pauly Contributing Editor: Rosie Foster Manager, HR Communications: Jean O’Leary Feedback: © 2011 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T E R I N G C A N C E R C EN T E R D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 1 6 MSKCC 2012 CALENDAR J anuary S M T F e b r u a ry W T F S S M T March W T F S S M T April W T F S S M T W T F S 1234567 1234 1 8 567891011 45678910 8 15 161718192021 12 131415161718 11 121314151617 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 232425262728 19 202122232425 18 192021222324 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 3031 26 272829 25 262728293031 2930 9 10 11 12 13 14 M ay S M T J u ne W T F S S M T 23 July W T F S S M T 1234567 9 10 11 12 1314 August W T F S S M T W T F S 12345 12 1234567 1234 6 789101112 3456789 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 567891011 13 141516171819 10 111213141516 15 161718192021 12 131415161718 20 212223242526 17 181920212223 22 232425262728 19 202122232425 27 28293031 24 252627282930 29 3031 26 2728293031 Septem b e r S M T October W T F S S M T November W T F S S M T December W T F S S M T W T F S 1 123456 123 1 2345 678 7 8 9 10111213 4 5678910 2 345678 9 101112131415 14 151617181920 11 121314151617 9 16 171819202122 21 222324252627 18 192021222324 16 171819202122 23 242526272829 28 293031 25 2627282930 23 242526272829 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 3031 CALENDAR K EY: BLUE Start of Pay Period / ORANGE End of Pay Period / G R EEN Pay Dates / Floating Holiday / Legal Holiday Observed KEY NUMB ERS Employee Assistance Program Consortium (EAPC) – 212-746-5890 Employee Emergency Information Line – 646-888-INFO (4636) HR Services – 646-227-3456 Employee Health and Wellness Services – 646-888-4000 Employee Wellness Program – 646-888-WELL (9355) Security – 212-639-7866 Help Desk – 646-227-3337 Voice Directory – 212-639-3333 Research Administrators’ Professional Day January 27 Commencement/Convocation May 11 Materials Management Week October 1 – 7 Volunteer Recognition Week June 3 – 9 Food Services Week October 3 – 9 Patient Safety Awareness Week March 5 – 9 20 Year Club Dinner June 7 National Physician Assistant Week October 6 – 12 Administrative Professionals Week April 22 – 28 Clinical Research Professionals Week June 18 – 22 Pharmacy Week October 14 – 20 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week April 22 – 28 Staff Appreciation Week July 9 – 13 FlexNow Open Enrollment November Compliance and Ethics Week May 6 – 12 National Preparedness Month September Patient Escort Service Week November 4 – 10 Nurses Week May 6 – 12 Environmental Services Week September 9 – 15 Radiologic Technologist Week November 4 – 10 MSKCC Hotline – 866-568-5421 DATES TO REMEM B ER M S K L I F E: A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E S TA F F O F M EM O R I A L S LOA N - K E T T E R I N G C A N C E R C EN T E R D e c e m b e r 2 0 11 / 17
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