Junior Newsletter February 2016 - Oxfordshire Ladies County Golf
Junior Newsletter February 2016 - Oxfordshire Ladies County Golf
Oxfordshire County Girls Winter 2015 Contents . Teddy Oxcalf Cup & Trophy . Gloucestershire Oxfordshire v Girls . Academy Oxfordshire Girls Programme . BB&O Boys v BB&O Girls . Memorial The Nicola Sparks Trophy . Playdays at Kirtlington . Forthcoming Events . Contact Details Page 1 Issue no 29 Feb 2016 Oxcalf Cup and Teddy Trophy 2015 Kirtlington Golf Club - Sunday 13th September 2015 This was held at Kirtlington Golf Club on the Blenheim 9 hole course on Sunday 13th. September. Fortunately the weather was fine, so the girls all performed well and most improved on their on their handicaps. After tea the prizes were presented by the Kirtlington Club Captain. The Teddy Trophy (10 years and under) was won by Elizabeth Ball, who has only recently joined the Oxfordshire girls’ Play Days with a fine score of 25. She beat Olivia Scafnager on count back. Olivia has recently joined the Oxfordshire Girls Academy. Special mention should go to Lucie Feaver who is only 7yrs. and was playing in her first competition and scored 23 points. The Oxcalf Cup was won by Grace Boag-Mathews from North Oxford Golf Club. Grace joined Play Days and Academy this year with a handicap of 54, has played in BB&O Academy competitions and had a handicap of 38 before this competition. With a fine score of 33 she will get a further cut. Runner up Freya Berry scored a fine 23 points. Thanks are due to Kirtlinton Golf Club for their welcome and to the many parents and older girls who assisted. Report by Jenny Ward Oxfordshire County Girls Page 2 Oxcalf Cup and Teddy Trophy 2015 Continued Kirtlington Golf Club - Sunday 13th September 2015 County Junior Match – Oxfordshire v Gloucestershire Cotswold Club, Chipping Norton – Saturday 10th October 2015 This friendly match against Gloucestershire was held on a chilly grey day at the Cotswold Club; a delightfully challenging course with plenty of gradients which was in excellent condition and looked very attractive with the autumn colours. The team in handicap order was Amy Boote, Sally Ayres (vice captain) Victoria Hart, Elisha Gujral, Jessica Ramsay, Isabel Edwards and Mairi Weir. The Gloucestershire junior girls proved to be a very strong team and made good use of all the shots they were given from six of our girls, proving a hard team to beat. Match Result: Gloucestershire 4 ½ - Oxfordshire 2 ½ Our County President Thelma Mawle came to watch the girls play, she has been very supportive of the juniors during her 3 years in office and this was the last match she would be attending as Lady President as she is stepping down at the end of the year. We thank her for all her support. Also thank you to the Cotswold Club for hosting this match, all the girls enjoyed having the opportunity to play on this lovely course. Report by Sue Barguss, Team Manager OXFORDSHIRE IRLS Aand CADEMY PROGRAMME a variety of dariving, pitching, chipping, pGutting throwing (!) tAests for the girls Cwompetition ho had been 20 girls enjoyed lovely autumn morning for our end of season cademy Skills at F SgpEASON SKILLS OMPETITION Studley Wood olf club. he AaEND cademy rofessionals, ndy Charlton nd Dusan had set u grouped in Gteams of m Tixed ges aOnd olfing ability. TAChe girls moved around each Gsavrilovic kills station where TH STUDLEY W OOD GOLF LUB – T 1he 1 team O(!) CTOBER 2015 a variety f dariving, pitching, chipping, putting nd throwing tsests tehe girls ad been the poros nd volunteer helpers recorded the asCcores. core ffor or ach test wwho as htotalled to grouped n toeams f m ixed taeam. ges a Tnd The girls moved each skills station he3 find tihe verall ow inning he gsolfing coring awbility. as very close with only aa round few points separating the twop Page 3 20 girls enjoyed a lovely h autumn orning ftor end oTf he season cademy ompetition at to the pteams. ros and elpers rm ecorded he osur cores. team Ascore for eSkills ach tCest was totalled volunteer Studley Woood Golf club. tTeam. he Academy professionals, ndy w Charlton Dusan Gavrilovic had set top u find the verall winning The scoring was very cAlose ith only aand few points separating the a teams. variety o f driving, pitching, chipping, Girls putting and throwing (!) tests for the girls who had been Oxfordshire Academy Programme grouped in teams of mixed End ages nd golfing The girls moved around each skills station wher ofaseason skillsability. competition the pros and volunteer helpers recorded the sClub cores. The October team score Studley Wood Golf - 11th 2015for each test was totalled to find the overall winning team. The scoring was very close with only a few points separating the top 20 girls enjoyed a lovely autumn morning for our end of season Academy Skills Competition at Studley Wood Golf club. The teams. Academy professionals, Andy Charlton and Dusan Gavrilovic had set up a variety of driving, pitching, chipping, putting and Oxfordshire County Girls throwing (!) tests for the girls who had been grouped in teams of mixed ages and golfing ability. The girls moved around each skills station where the pros and volunteer helpers recorded the scores. The team score for each test was totalled to find the overall winning team. The scoring was very close with only a few points separating the top 3 teams. All the girls received an embroidered bag towel to mark their graduation from the 2015 Oxfordshire All the girls received an embroidered bag towel to mark their graduation from the 2015 Oxfordshir Girls Academy Programme and after lunch in the clubhouse members of the winning Skills Girls Academy Programme and after lunch in the clubhouse members of the winning Skills Competition team were presented with a prize to mark their achievement. Thanks were given to the to t Competition team were presented with a prize to mark their achievement. Thanks were given All theprofessionals girls received an aembroidered towel tothat markhtheir graduation Oxfordshire Girls Academy Pro-made by nd all the bag parents elped on the from day. the A2015 small presentation was also professionals and in all the parents that ofhelped on tSkills he dCompetition ay. A small resentation was also tomade by gramme after lunch the members the winning teampwere presented with prize All the gand irls received aSarah n clubhouse embroidered bprofessionals ag tnd o m ark their gthat raduation from tAhe 2a 015 Oxfordshire County Captain, Arnold to the Janet Ctowel ross aand Jenny Ward, the county’s volunteer organisers of mark their achievement. Thanks were given to all the parents helped on the day. small presentaCounty Captain, Sarah Arnold to Janet Cross and Jenny Ward, the county’s volunteer organisers of tion was also made P byrogramme County Captain, Sarah Arnold to Janet and Jenny Ward, the county’s organisers of the Girls Athe cademy and after lunch in tCross he clubhouse members of volunteer the winning Skills Academy Programme. Academy Programme. the Academy Programme. Competition team were presented with a prize to mark their achievement. Thanks were given to th professionals and all the parents that helped on the day. A small presentation was also made by County Captain, Sarah Arnold to Janet Cross and Jenny Ward, the county’s volunteer organisers of the Academy Programme. Above Right – winning team members Ellysha Franklin, Lucy Hucker, Olivia Steel , Ava Gavrilovic and Isabel Edwards with Above Right – winning team members Elysha Franklin, LLucy teel , ,A Ava va GGavrilovic avrilovic and Above Right – winning team members Elysha Franklin, ucy HHucker, ucker, O Olivia livia SSteel and Studley Wood professional, Dusan Gavrilovic and County Captain, Sarah Arnold. Isabel Edwards with tudley Wood professional, DD usan ounty CCaptain, aptain, SSarah arah Arnol Isabel Edwards wSith Studley Wood professional, usan GGavrilovic avrilovic aand nd C County Arnold. Above Right – winning team members Elysha Franklin, Lucy Hucker, Olivia Steel , Ava Gavrilovic and Isabel Edwards with Studley Wood professional, Dusan Gavrilovic and County Captain, Sarah Arnold Oxfordshire County Girls Page 4 BB&O Boys v BB&O Girls Gerrards Cross Golf Club - Sunday 25th October 2015 The last match of the season was held on a glorious day with not a cloud in the sky, it was hard to believe that this was late October. Our second visit to Gerrards Cross this year; a challenging parkland course in excellent condition with plenty of mature trees which looking stunning in the autumn sunshine. The format was 4 foursomes triangular matches against the under 14 boys and under 16 boys, the boys playing off scratch but giving some shots to the girls. The girls enjoyed playing against the boys and having the opportunity to play foursomes, a format that they don’t usually play which was a very good experience for them all. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, Berks were unable Match result to field a team this year so it was just down to four matches Under 14 Boys - Girls 6 points Boys 2 points instead of the usual six, two pairings from both counties. Under 16 Boys - Boys 6 points Girls 2 points The Bucks teams comprised Charlotte West and Daisy Kennedy - Georgina Bowers and Megan Dennis. The Oxon teams comprised Sally Ayres and Jessica Ramsay - Victoria Hart and Caitlin Shaw. Our thanks go to Gerrards Cross GC for hosting the match and Jan Hubrecht and his team of helpers for organising this very enjoyable day. Report by Sue Barguss, Team Manager Oxfordshire County Girls Page 5 Nicola Sparks Memorial Trophy Burford Golf Club - Thursday 29th October 2015 On Thursday 29th October, 2015, the 8th Nicola Sparks Memorial Trophy was held in honour of Nicola Sparks who died in 2007, Burford Golf Club was her home club and they kindly give us courtesy of the course for this event every year. This year we had 23 girls playing in this event, there were quite a few girls who couldn’t play in this event as they were on holiday, as it was half-term. We had 11 girls in the 18-Hole Stableford, 3 girls in the 9-Hole Stableford and 10 girls in the 6-Hole Shortened course. It was a fairly wet day but that didn’t dampen the girl’s spirits as they teed off. There was a meal and presentation of prizes afterwards; we had Angela Alterton new Lady President at Burford Golf Club to talk a little bit about Nicola Sparks, as Angela remembered her as a player. She then presented the prizes to the players. The results were as following; (18-Hole Competition) 1st-Ellie Philipps (Drayton Park) -42 points 2nd-Izy Edwards (Kirtlington)-39 points 3rd-Victoria Hart (Haddon Hill) -37 points (9-Hole Competition) 1st-Allegra Holtom-(Studley Wood)-16 points C/B (Shortened Course Competition) 1st- Elizabeth Ball (Drayton Park)-Nett 27 2nd-Ellie Mitchell (Kirtlington)-Nett 28 3rd-Freya Berry (Kirtlington) Nett 29 Oxfordshire County Girls Page 6 Nicola Sparks Memorial Trophy Continued Burford Golf Club - Thursday 29th October 2015 We also presented the ‘Boddington Cup’ to Jess Ramsay (Oxford Ladies), this Cup is presented each year by the County to the player we feel has made the most progress throughout the year as well as having contributed to the Junior County section. Jess started the year well in March; she was reserve for team at the Sunningdale BB&O match, coming in with 43 points! She then went on to become the BB&O Champion at Buckingham Golf Club in April. She has played in quite a few our matches this year, her handicap was 20 this time last year, it is now 14. Over the winter months, we run a ‘Winter Knockout’, this gives the girls with congu handicaps the chance to improve their match play skills against other girls across the County as well as the chance to play at other courses absolutely free. The two finalists in this year’s knockout were Brydie Stacey (Burford) and Ellie Philipps (Drayton Park), they played the final at a neutral course to them both, and this was the Green Course at Frilford. It was a good final with Ellie winning, Angela presented her with a £30-00 coaching voucher, courtesy of the County Ladies Committee. The year drew to an end for Junior County Captain, Caitlin Shaw (Burford), she stated how she had enjoyed her year as Captain, especially meeting many of the more junior girls. She presented the Vice–Captains badge to Elisha Gujral (Kirtlington), Sally Ayres (Frilford) who will be the new Junior County Captain 2015-2016, was unable to attend Thursday’s event as she had a work placement. We wish them both every success. As this was the last official event to host for Sue Barguss and myself, the parents and the girls presented us with lovely handmade ‘Thankyou’ cards, which had a collage of photos of the girls at various events throughout the year, a lovely memento to cherish of the many highlights we had with the girls over the past 4 years. Many thanks! Report –Jacqui Shaw CJO Oxfordshire County Girls Page 7 First Play Day 2016 - Kirtlington Golf Club The first Playday of 2016 took place at Kirtlington, many thanks to the club as usual. 10 players came on an overcast day and there were some very willing scorers, without whom this day would be impossible. It was good to have Janet Cross, the Academy organizer with us and a new lady who will be helping called Sandra. Jon Edwards, the Junior Organizer was there and gave out information about “Termly Stablefords” to those who would be able to play18 holes on the course at Kirtlington on their own and have a handicap. 4 girls improved on their scores, they were Arabella, Ava, Olivia and Alison, well done to these players. The next Playday is on Sunday 21st February. More details will follow in about 2 weeks time. Enjoy your golf till then. Carole Oxfordshire County Girls Page 8 FORTHCOMING EVENTS Girls Spring Meeting Wednesday 30th March, Oxford Ladies Golf Club BB&O Girls Championship Monday 4th April, The Berkshire Golf Club Contact Details Heather Slevin County Junior Organiser: slevin.epwell@btinternet.com Carole Lee Play Day Organiser: cleefairways57@yahoo.co.uk Janet Cross BB&O Academy Coordinator: janetcross234@gmail.com Oxford Ladies County Golf Association www.olcga.org.uk