59 - 90th Infantry Division Association
59 - 90th Infantry Division Association
1:r:i :l ;::,:1 '!lli,.:'j 35\99+Tg, fnftered" mllitary 6e!r.',6q'7pp":pt L. Thornas. ?n'f*ffiT6"ua"*iii 10 DecffiGFg4[" ti,.i-'r"r- Ol-ass .Edward" C1a-ss I lienneth E. FelEer. 35537572, Inf,-Enffifd m11.1tary ser- Deceffier*Tg4T" . Prlvate FIrst Class Petet' P. foulkled, antryl 'v1 1._ 13355+22, Inf- on J December 19441-:Entered mi.litary ..s€r ee fronn Pennsylvanla. wound"od. Technlciair $th Grade S" l{oryls, lcal Depa:'tment; wound.ed. on rnl ii ary s ervi- c e I?on're:cas. ecenber 38099990, I,led- 19litt" Entered. l, staff Sergcant_U$@ l|L|.+g7r, rnf- . 'rvouncted gn, ( uecernber 1g++. Entered. mil-ltary seranEry; vice from South Dakota. Pnlvate Tqrsilfu_ Vtta1ettl , . 7}6l-+690, iied.lcat Depart* wouno.eh*6frT!*S6vemGF-1 ment; 9+4. Entered. milltary vl'cb fi:orn Fennsylvania" ser- Prj.vate Flrst Class Emrl4uel J" llusel, j767\l+\q, InfDeeffiFTp[ti antry; .vrounded. vice' from . n;r:*r6"'*iiriiiv on 11 I'owa. ser- .:.t. C?Iporal ${rt4r*y_.1" i+a11*. _ jTlTgZA6, .fnfantry; wound., ecl, on Ip ugogmber a!4,4.. tnt_g-r,ed,.mi.}itaF.y,serr.*s,.e ,:ryom:.,, ' .: i'tr1ssour1.:' ,,:,r.::,;i! : 'Private Fi"rst Cl-ess fuhrpl_e_ R, Buil!=er, 1W*L!L6Z, Infwounded on lJ DecEmbEF-194?f; ffi[ei"eii ririrrt#y ;;;vice from Floflda', ,' antry;l ii'irst Ulase .lgFSlt1_goiba14ltlsr_ "JTO\B1Z1, Inf_ Decemb;}-I9[[-E"1e"-A frrfrt-"*y s€tr* 17 ,antryl_ wounded ?? vlce from Con:recticu.t. Priva'ue -a- n..F d tsi .--It-.rr- D f R"T (over) CTED . i, d@i.. #$3 , Hq ,3$?*h Hf;f;?RTfiTgS T:1ln yU td) J{g-r' f1,,1 Y*.F tnI ,- * -,"*"t 4.'Si i 3 :Je{} l.f, r.* , *1 .++ (r*ontdj ' T:tf*,ntg"y; *e::viee f,rpm p; ".Xn,f **att"y.'fl,l.' En.tered mil-ltary ser* ;'',ifgggST' Sergeant gl{Eeg_B_o_Pe-4t1:9, 3EA*77'5?, : fu*fantry; wound--. e* tn FrInee oFEffiu*T9B;*;;t6red" mi:itn:'y se*,rice fror 4th Sracle .+..',.-..""# fechnician _{e}ri.cL J. . !,i4gq{cr., JS1-OPT14, .,,; :,,:..1,.1-. i.rr.. .:},"{ed&#e1''e;:a"rimcnt;',l'i*unngd"in}Y*nce,nn}}Jeln*]"94l|" Hn*sred rni.lttary s*r"vfee fram l"Iati.r,'11*>ll"c** rr* aw*eq-elr*gtg*es. g*?"1Hs*Hi.Beb$*ffi!ag Sy {*'FEAffiE d*-{lie'Pr:e. l*en"t 'an* auti:or9*y' cr:nt6lnef- ,}"n $& 6Of*+T, ?? $e;:t*mber' 19t+-].0 €rs ar,i*nrJ.*r-'-, Th.* Bronze f:lq"T*Ee.f ff1ugtbb1s.awa.rc.ec|t:refo1].*ioiJ"n6tra:ir**En1isted".l{.*r:l.U..ni*'** ;. State.s ,\nmy, i"n ad*itisn t* The Fr-irplE: licar't previaus-i"y e'rarded, for" ''rou.nd.s ::eccivecl in actlon agalnsi thc encnr in Gcrneny: :,, ; f Sergeant $$$ -E"":JprE&J, - 4ace$7re, Tnfantny; an 3 December--fg4Ll-" Enteree miXitr,ry scrvie* l"rom Nes/ Jorii" Staf r,',rcund.eci W,1.s , fnfantry; Sergeant -+lfrcd E ec- on S De ecnocr 1!Ll.lt-" "&ri zona" vrbund- 33AOLL32, -P-eQ-!lIa, i"riei'ed nilitarT sci'vice from .., Technician 4tir Grede Gabrlelj'-.-- L-qgg:q,- 38:O23a4, lied.ical Dcrrartncnt; lvound.cE-S-Decem6er-l94[-* mterca 1tary,l'stlrvi e e' from liev,r . l,lexlco n5-1- a Sti;r'f Sergeant -T[!]-laro. A- _ Staf ford. , 35292916, Infant:'y; rrround"ed on J 5eE"Affief-T$ml---n[d!iee'-mifitai'y service from Ohi"oo :, T*clrntclan 4th graae $tAplg.y E. Shggloah, 3l-0]gbP0, - Eitlied-ical- Iep6rtment; wounc,ed"*6n*:5*SecenbeF-r9[4. ered. milr-iti.ry service from l-aesachusetts. By orcler of Coi-onel ! aTo AitxxTtaf UI.gJ.Wu;1U, ROy /le *' ,!; fru/ ,t'rf //fri *HCRGS: G. tJOslItH., 1ot 1,t., SSTtYi Infantvf;r Asst. Ad.Jutant. il aOY 'J"; ].{osHf;&ir' ' ', ietg'r: Lt,, 357th Infantry, , L, - Ag FTST sg " ,:,d-lutant. &UfIQN; F1le (2), Ch of':See (tL) , Off gec, FR Sec,.S-1 (e), ,S-], TAG {'l), $G ETO u$A (2), C$ potir .,1v i:) ; c*l gorh Div, Ea EI.,I, Ea Unit, Ila Bn Hq, C0 J57th fnf , lied Det, lrl5 liysom (Z), C1[O l-organ" *( }. RE <ql p . JsEs-! # ,l: ii:
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