Apr, May, Jun 2010 - Saints Sahag and St Mesrob Church


Apr, May, Jun 2010 - Saints Sahag and St Mesrob Church
New Diocesan Website
The Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of
America is proud to launch their exciting new website. A
great deal of planning and many hours have gone into
this project, and we feel the result is a giant leap forward
from what has gone before.
Our objective has been to strengthen the website, as a
platform for the distribution of news and information
about the Eastern Diocese, and as a way to advance the
overall mission of the Armenian Church in America.
The re-designed site incorporates revolving features
and images, strong calls to action, and a reorganized
structure that will make the wealth of information more
easily and intuitively accessible to our users.
It also features expanded functionality, with a
growing online video library, resources from the
Diocesan program departments, and evolving content,
which will reward frequent visits to the site.
You’ll notice that the URL has changed too:
In This Issue
New Diocesan Website…….…….…………………..…… 1
Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin……....…………………..…… 2
Publication Information…….………………………..…… 2
Brotherhood Conference……..……………………..…… 2
Pastor’s Message………..…..………………………..…… 3
100th Anniversary…….………..……………………..…… 3
Parish Council Corner……...………………………..…… 4
Parish Council Treasurer’s Corner………………..…… 4
Church Picnic………………..………………………..…… 4
Cultural Committee Arts Education Program………... 4
Family Night Photos………..………………………..…… 5
108th Diocesan Assembly ……...…………………..…… 6
Church Men's Club…….……………………………..…… 6
Dinner at Four …….…………………………………..…… 7
Sports Scholarship Committee ……..……………..…… 7
Hye Tubrots …….……………………………………..…… 8
Fr Mardiros Chevian Elevated…….………………..…… 9
Sunday School Corner …….………………………..…… 10
Fabulous Summer Evening ……...….……………..…… 11
Where Is That Written In The Bible?…….………..…… 11
Marjorie Martiesian Honored ……..………………..…… 12
Centennial Committee……..………………………..……. 12
World's Oldest Leather Shoe……...………………..…… 12
Buildings and Grounds Corner……..……………..…… 12
"Nazeli" Armenian Dance Group…………………..…… 12
Harold "Hal" Melkonian……………………………..…… 13
Armenian Saints Softball …………………………..…… 13
Jason and Jennifer Martiesian……………………..…… 13
Golf Tournament …….…………………………………..13/14
Junior Choir …….……………………………………..…… 15
Church Picnic………………..………………………..…… 16
Lamb Drive……...……………………………………..…… 17
St. Vartan/Hye Camp.………………………………..…… 18
1913 Society…....……………………………………..…… 18
Easter Youghakin……………………………………..…… 19
Baptisms/Marriages/Funerals/Thanks You..……..…… 19
Dues/Stewardship..…………………………………..…… 20
Newsletter Committee/Administrative Info……….…… 21
Calendar……………………………………………………… 22
Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin
On June 6, the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church
celebrated the Feast of the Universal Holy Church of
Etchmiadzin. Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Mother
Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin by Very Rev. Fr Sasoon
Zumrookhdian, Vicar of the Pontifical Legate of Western
Europe for Spain and Portugal.
Present for the liturgy and celebration were Diocesan
Primates, more than 80 members of the Brotherhood of Holy
Etchmiadzin, and many pilgrims.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Father Sassoon
delivered a sermon entitled "Etchmiadizn is our oath". "The
Only Begotten Son of God descended in two places: first in
Jerusalem, the second in this sanctuary which has become the
Homeland of all Armenians. This Cathedral has become the
center of our faith".
"Let us kneel down and kiss this holy site as the
descendants of our nation, and keep in high esteem the name
of our Pontiff who inherited the throne of St. Gregory the
Illuminator, and support him to lead us into the future", Father
Sassoon stated in part.
His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
of All Armenians, presided over the prayer service dedicated
to the feast of Holy Etchmiadzin. His Holiness bent before the
Holy Altar of Descent, and along with the faithful, offered
prayers to God asking for the steadfastness, welfare and
prosperity of Holy Etchmiadzin.
On June 5, members of the Brotherhood of Holy
Etchmiadzin traveled to the Monastery of Khor Virap to
participate in the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Feast
of St. Gregory the Illuminator's Deliverance from the
Dungeon. The Brotherhood members had gathered together in
Armenia for their 2010 Conference. The celebrant of the
Liturgy was Rev. Fr. Narek Avagian, Abbot of the Church of
Khor Virap. On the occasion of the feast, the reliquary of the
Right Hand of St. Gregory the Illuminator was taken from the
Cathderal of the Mother See to Khor Virap.
Prior to the service, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided over the
closing session of the conference in the Pontifical Residence.
The session opened with the Lord’s Prayer. Very Rev. Fr.
Komitas Hovnanian, Conference Chairman and Rev. Fr.
Oshagan Gulgulian, Conference Vice Chairman presented a
report on the results of the conference. Rev. Fr. Dajad
Tsaturian, a Member of the Organizing Committee, read the
minutes of the meeting.
At the conclusion, the Armenian Pontiff extended his
blessings and appreciation to the members of the Brotherhood.
His Holiness expressed his joy and stated that the meeting
provided the members with an opportunity to unite in the
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and renew their oaths. The
Catholicos of All Armenians noted that the members were
able to discuss issues and problems of the Holy Armenian
Apostolic Church and the nation, in an atmosphere of
friendship and brotherhood. "We stress the importance of
these meetings as a means of strengthening the bonds of
friendship, while discussing, seeking and finding solutions to
current issues". His Holiness expressed his pleasure that
representatives of the hierarchal sees of the Armenian Church
had also attended the conference.
The final agenda item was the election of members of the
planning committee for the next conference. After approval by
the Catholicos of All Armenians, the following members were
elected to the new committee: Rev. Fr. Narek Berberian pastor of St. David Armenian Church of Boca Raton, Florida,
USA; Rev. Fr. Nerseh Khalatian – Deputy Director of the
Museums of the Mother See; Rev. Fr. Mushegh Babayan –
Director of Administrative-Economic Department of the
Mother See; Rev. Fr. Ruben Zargarian – Administrator of the
Publishing Department of the Mother See; and Rev. Fr.
Maghakia Amiryan – Assistant Dean of Gevorgian
Theological Seminary of the Mother See.
Issued June 31st
Published 4 times a year
Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church
70 Jefferson St, Providence, RI 02908-4923
Issue 10-02 - FREE
Brotherhood Conference
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
April/May/June 2010
Pastors Message
Dear Friends,
“And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters
or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake,
will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” (Matthew
Perhaps many of you were curious regarding my recent trip
to Armenia, particularly as I had just returned in January from
a one-year term of duty at the Mother See of Holy
His Holiness KAREKIN II, Catholicos of All Armenians,
convened an assembly of the members of the Brotherhood of
Holy Etchmiadzin, which brought together over 80 clergy,
who serve in nearly every continent of the world. Also
attending were clergy representing the brotherhoods of the
Cilician See (Antelias), of St. James (Jerusalem) and of
The assembly took place from May 30 – June 6, the week
during which the Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates
its divine founding. Outside of the meetings, the Brotherhood
took part in impressive processions and prayerful Divine
Liturgies held on the following feasts: St. Hripsime (May 31),
St. Gayane (June 1), Holy Shoghagat (June 3, Deliverance of
St. Gregory the Enlightener from the Deep Pit - Khor Virab
(June 5) and Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin (June 6).
What made the commemorations even more spiritually
uplifting was the fact that the Divine Liturgies were held in the
respective locations (holy places) of the events, i.e. in
churches built over the places of the martyrdoms of Sts.
Hripsime and Gayane, Khor Virab dungeon and the Cathedral
of Holy Etchmiadzin. The holy relics of the saints were carried
in procession, venerated by the faithful and used to bless the
four corners of the earth (Antasdan).
Without a doubt the most moving of these events was a
Divine Liturgy celebrated at the strike of midnight on the
Altar of Descent (Ichman Soorp Seghan) in the center of the
Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, which ushered in the feast of
the cathedral’s founding. Unlike the other liturgies, this one
was attended only by Brotherhood members and seminarians.
His Holiness asked that this special liturgy be celebrated as a
renewal of the vows, which connect all of the brotherhood
regardless of where they serve with the Mother See and with
one another.
Issues discussed at considerable length during the sessions
included: challenges of globalization, a study of the formerly
practiced rite of the anointing of the sick and its potential
April/May/June 2010
reinstatement, inter-marriage, religious education and youth.
The clergy also sent a letter of condolence to Pope Benedict
the XVI on the assassination of Bishop Bishop Luigi
Padovese, Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia (Turkey). The clergy
also paid visits and offered solemn requiem prayers at
Yerablur, the cemetery of the heroes of Artzakh and
Dzidzernagapert, the monument to the Genocide of 1915.
In his closing message His Holiness the Catholicos
declared that henceforth every two years during the week
leading up to the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin the entire
Brotherhood shall convene at the Mother See.
Reflecting on the significance of this albeit brief time in
Holy Etchmiadzin, it occurred to me that for us Armenians,
this week has obvious spiritual parallels with Holy Week. For
after commemorating the martyrdoms of the virgins and the
passion of St. Gregory the Enlightener, we celebrate his
freedom from the Deep Pit - paralleling Easter, the event of
our Lord Jesus’ freedom from the confinement of the grave.
For us the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin is not only the
spiritual center of our Church, it also is a sign of our truly
living apostolic faith. Our beloved Catholicos stressed that for
us Etchmiadzin defines our faith and for one to be a true
Armenian Christian one must love Etchmiadzin and all it
stands for.
One final note: I was honored to be appointed by His
Holiness to be part of the six member committee which will
plan the next assembly to take place June 3 - 10, 2012.
With prayers,
Hayr Simeon
100th Anniversary
The Parish Council is extending an
invitation to community members to serve on the
Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church
Centennial Committee. This unprecedented
undertaken will require the help, support and
talents of everyone. Please sign up for the
committee by notifying the Church Office.
Drop off bins are located in the Church foyer
and at the elevator entrance.
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Parish Council Corner
As we quickly approach the halfway mark of the year, it
should remind us all of a very important date. That date is
June 30, which is the day all new members must have their
dues paid in order to vote in the 2011 Annual Parish
Assembly. So, if you want to have a voice at the next
assembly meeting, please have your dues paid by June 30.
Also, if you are already a dues paying member and you wish
to run in the upcoming 2011 election, please contact one of
our nominating committee members, Greg Ayrassian, Zita
Butler or Ara Boghigian. Remember, we need you and your
church needs you.
Since the last newsletter came out in April, we have
installed a newly elected Parish Council. And I can honestly
tell you, we are all hard at work to ensure the growth and
prosperity of our church. One of our goals is to bring families
of all ages back to church. With all the different schools,
organizations and events we provide at our church we feel this
is a very obtainable objective. And with the support and
dedication of our parish family we can achieve all our goals
The 108th Diocesan Assembly was held in Chicago, April
29- May 2, in which our parish was well represented by Hayr
Simeon, Nathalie Yaghoobian, Steve Megrdichian, Ann
Ayrassian, and Stephanie Masoian. Also congratulations to
Hayr Simeon being elected Chairman of the Diocesan
nominating committee and to Nathalie Yaghoobian, being
elected to Diocesan nominating committee. It was an honor to
represent our church as chairman at this wonderful event.
Also, all of the church organizations are busy with their
upcoming events, so please show your support to them and
attend as many as you can.
Finally, I would like to thank Joyce Avedisian, Zita Butler
and John Kazarian for all their time and efforts they have
given to our church. You truly are dedicated parishioners.
On behalf of the Parish Council and Diocesan Delegates
we hope you enjoy your summer.
Gary Taraian
Parish Council Chairman
Parish Council Treasurer’s Corner
Did you know that:
To Give or Not to Give:
There are various worthy nonprofit organizations that want
your financial support. So why would you choose to make a
donation to Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church? The
reasons to give, or not to give, are as varied as the individuals
who have walked into our church sanctuary over the years.
Your contributions of any size help ensure a bright future for
the proud tradition that is Saint Sahag and Mesrob Armenian
Church. We simply want to say THANK YOU.
Church Picnic-August 28, 2010
Our church picnic will take on a new look this year, and it
promises to be new and exciting. We are moving it to a
Saturday, 3pm-10pm. It will have the look and feel of a picnic,
the grills will start at 3pm with the usual picnic menu and
some additions. There will be more of an emphasis to be
outside, weather permitting. The tents will be up, there will be
many more tables and chairs outside, an outside food serving
station, and an outside beverage station. The band will began
play a little later in the afternoon and play into the evening
until close. There will be many more childrens activities both
indoors and outdoors. As darkness approaches there will be no
need to go inside, the tents will be lit! With the food still being
served and the band playing under the lights of the tent, the
picnic takes on a kef atmosphere with music and dancing! The
childrens events will continue indoors, there will be a Tavloo
tournament, and for the card players there will be a Texas
Hold'em Tournament. Save the date and look for details in the
coming weeks and months.
The Picnic Committee,
Len Arzoomanian, Hermond Ghazarian, Armen Janigian,
Jason Martesian, Gary Taraian
Cultural Commitee
Arts Education Program
Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Drawing, Sculpture, Music lessons
Nazeli Dance Group – every Friday at 6:00 p.m.
Registration for 2010 - 2011 First Semester (September December) is on Saturday, September 11 , 2010 from 10 a.m.
to 11 a.m. in Egavian Cultural Center .
Programs begin on Saturday, September 25, 2010
For more information or questions about the Arts
Education Program please contact program's Chairperson
Janna Guegamian 401 861-3573
Income from stewardship and dues represents 22% of our
operating budget.
 207 parishioners have already paid their 2010 dues as of
May 24, 2010; please join them.
 Income from parking lot/church rentals represents 21% of
our operating budget.
 Compensation and fringe benefits paid to our loyal and
dedicated group of individuals represent 55% of our
operating budget.
 Diocesan assessment paid to the Diocese for each dues
paying member is $95 per individual and represents 11%
of our operating budget.
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
April/May/June 2010
Family Night Photos
Friday May 21st
The newly formed Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church Men's Club, Family Night, was a great success!
The Men's Club would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on the event. We would like to give special
thanks to the Brian Ansbigian Ensemble of Boston, for providing the music for the night, free of charge.
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
108th Diocesan Assembly
The 108th Diocesan Assembly, hosted by St. James Church
of Evanston, IL convened on April 29-May 1. This year again
the diocese focused on vocations and the need to increase
Armenian priests in America. Assembly chair was Antranig
Garibian, vice-chair Dennis Papazian, secretary Terry
Peterson and assistant secretary Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of
the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), presided over the
meeting of 147 clergy and lay delegates.
The Assembly opened on Thursday, April 29, with a
reading of the message of His Holiness Karekin II, the
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.
Delegates heard reports from the Diocesan organizations,
including the Fund for Armenian Relief, the Armenian Church
Endowment Fund, the Ararat Center, the Legate’s Committee,
St. Nersess Armenian Seminary and the Diocesan Council.
Garnik Nanagoulian, executive director of the Fund for
Armenian Relief, spoke of the 20 year accomplishments of
this organization. In the past two decades FAR has given
$280 million in humanitarian assistance and developed more
than 220 programs in Armenia, including initiatives in
education, infrastructure, and medicine.
Bruce Ballard, treasurer of the Armenian Church
Endowment Fund, spoke of ACEF’s response to the
challenges of the financial difficulties of the past year. In
March of 2010, beneficiaries received $3.5 million from the
Tom Ashbahian, chair of the Ararat Center board of
directors, spoke of the 155 volunteers who have helped save
more that $250,000 in making repairs, clean up at the 65-acre
camping retreat and conference center.
Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian and
Legate’s Committee member Lisa Esayian spoke of efforts to
raise awareness about the Armenian Church among
ecumenical groups and to become involved in various levels
of government to advocate for the Armenian community.
Michael Haratunian, a member of the St Nersess Armenian
Seminary board of directors, gave a history of the past five
decades since the founding of the seminary in 1961 by
Archbishop Tiran Nersoyan. The seminary has graduated 39
clergy and more than 3000 young people have attended the
summer conferences. This May, four students will graduate
from the seminary and prepare to serve as priests in the
Eastern Diocese.
Mr. Haratunian stated that the seminary facility is in need
of major renovations, and that the board of directors is
considering the possibility of selling the current property in
New Rochelle, NY and either sharing facilities with another
seminary, or building a new center on the property of a nearby
Diocesan parish.
Richard Norsigian, chair of the committee to study the
“Guidelines for Diocesan ByLaws of the Armenian Church” a
constitutional framework for all Armenian Church dioceses,
worked out during a meeting of diocesan representatives at
Holy Etchmiadzin, presented the committee’s report to
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Delegates received the committee’s report and accepted its
recommendation to appoint two attorneys to the committee
and to empower the committee to compare the guidelines to
the bylaws of the Eastern Diocese, and to present the review to
the Diocesan Assembly at a later date.
Oscar Tatosian, chair of the Diocesan Council
opened the council’s presentation with a video reviewing the
programs and activities of the past year. Oscar stated that the
Diocese has focused on initiatives for young people and that
the council has launched a process to reduce operating
expenses while maintaining existing programs.
James Kalustian, treasurer of the Diocesan Council
presented the budget for 2011. Mr. Kalustian emphasized that
the Diocese would need to implement “austere discipline” in
the coming years. In 2009 the Diocese faced a deficit of
$376,000 and saw a decline in overall donations. He stated
that the revised 2010 budget and the new 2011 budget were
designed to cut expense and reduce Diocesan borrowing by
$871,000 and to eliminate all borrowing within the next five
Sandra Shahinian Leitner gave an update on the Diocese’s
collection of Arshile Gorky’s artwork. Delegates also voted to
bind all future lenders to note that the artist was an Armenian
Genocide survivor alongside the exhibition of his works.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian was re-elected for his 6th
term as Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
America (Eastern)
Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian (chair pro tem) and
Nathalie Yaghoobian were elected to the Nominating
Zita Yaghoobian Butler was elected to the Women’s Guild
Central Committee (2 year term) and is the new Chairman of
the Women’s Guild Central Committee.
Attending the 108th Diocesan Assembly from Sts Sahag &
Mesrob Armenian Church were Diocesan Delegates: Ann
Ayrassian, Stephen Megrdichian, and Nathalie Yaghoobian,
Alternate, Stephanie Masoian and Parish Council Chair, Gary
Nathalie Yaghoobian, Delegate
Church Men's Club
The word is out! The Sts Sahag and Mesrob
Church Men's Club is back
The first event was their sponsorship of Family
Night on Friday May 21st
Everyone agrees, it was a big success!!!!
The second event was a steak fry and men's
social. After dining on steak, with all the
trimmings, the men played cards and tavloo.
The Men's Club is open to all men 18 and above.
For more info contact:
Call him at 578-5816
April/May/June 2010
Dinner at Four
Sports Scholarship Committee
This year and last, our church and Sunday School
participated in this wonderful out-reach to the local homeless
community through the Mary House at St. Patrick’s church.
What a rewarding experience…..
The line formed on the side of St Patrick’s church exactly
on time for the free dinner from 4-5:15. The homeless, the
battered, the down and out, the runaways, came for food and
fellowship. The slow moving line, with a woman limping
here and a man with a brace and crutches there, was like the
faithful in line to see Jesus for healing and salvation.
We entered the building with the line, but didn’t take the
number that was handed to us for a meal. We followed the
group in line down the stairs to the gymnasium.
dispersed to their seats and waited to be served their meal.
The Mary House provides this free meal every Monday and
the hour is also an opportunity for the people to get
fellowship, religious pamphlets, prayer and camaraderie.
There were only a few little children …a pretty little girl sat so
quietly with sorrow in her big eyes…poverty? Abuse? Fear?
Loneliness? Sadness? Why was she there with her little
brother and mother? We served them first and the mother
ravished her chunk of bread.
The food, served by volunteers from the church was
plentiful ….Like the feeding of the 5000, aluminum pan after
aluminum pan of Shepard’s pie kept appearing. Dinner,
coffee dessert. We served each person individually and took
their meal reservation number. They ate, they prayed, they
socialized, they had warmth, comfort and respect. And just as
they piled into the gymnasium they dissipated and vanished
back to wherever they came from.
Yvette K. Harpootian
41st Annual Sports Banquet
Honoring RI Armenian Athletes of the Year
Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church Sports
Scholarship Committee held their 41st Annual Sports Banquet
on Friday evening, May 7, 2010. Very Rev. Fr. Simeon
Odabashian led us in prayer.
This year the recipients of the Charles Yaghoobian, Jr.
Memorial Award to Rhode Island’s Outstanding Armenian
Athletes of the Year: Timothy Kazanjian, Barrington High
School for Track/Cross Country and Emily Papazian, LaSalle
Academy for Track and Cross Country.
Special Recognition Award, Haig Markarian, Jr.
Past Great Armenian Athlete, William Aznavourian.
Guest Speaker, Thorr Bjorn, Director of Athletics
University of Rhode Island
Outstanding performance in High School Sports to: Daniel
Aharonian, Mt. St. Charles Academy, Basketball; Mackenzie
Avedisian, Prout High School, Soccer; Vanessa Ghazarian,
Bay View Academy, Crew; Greta Janigian, Moses Brown
School, Tennis; John Kalajian, East Greenwich High School,
Baseball; Haig Yaghoobian, The Wheeler School, Tennis;
Talin Yaghoobian, The Wheeler School, Tennis.
To date the Sports Committee has awarded $130,500 in
scholarship and this marks our 30th year in presenting
scholarships to deserving young Armenian students to aid in
their educational pursuits.
Recipients of the Charles Yaghoobian, Jr. Scholarship
Grants are: Susan Chakmakian, Brown University; Dalita
Getzoyan, University of New Hampshire; Emily S. Hanoian,
Providence College; Julia Burakian Martiesian, University of
Vermont; Ani Z. Megerdichian, Quinnipiac College; Robert
Nazarian, College of the Holy Cross; Lusine Ovanesyan,
Rhode Island School of Design; Stephanie F. Surabian,
University of Rhode Island and Talene Taraksian, University
of Rhode Island.
Awarding of the Vaughn Avedisian Memorial Scholarship
to Robert Nazarian, Melissa Megrdichian and Susan
This event is held in memory of 1st Lt. Charles
Yaghoobian, Jr., who was killed in October of 1967 on the
fourth day of his Vietnam tour of duty. He was a graduate of
the University of Rhode Island and had a master’s degree from
the University of Bridgeport.
Mary V. Jaffarian, DMD
Family Dentistry
Accepting Most Insurances
200 Toll Gate Rd. Suite 201
Warwick, RI 02886
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Hye Tubrots
Armenian School Completes Another Successful Tear
May 23, 2010. Early in the morning, before 10 a.m. the
Armenian school students began to arrive. The air in the
Egavian Cultural center was filled with excitement. This was
the day. For weeks the students were preparing for this day. At
10 a.m. the final rehearsal began.
By 11 a.m. they were all very confident that they would be
presenting an excellent program to the parishioners of St.
Sahag and St. Mesrob church. First they had to go upstairs and
receive communion. By 12 p.m. the service was over and
parents, friends and parishioners began to fill the Egavian
At exactly 12:15 p.m. the children went on the stage and
the program began. First they recited the Lord’s Prayer
followed by the singing of the Armenian national anthem. The
auditorium was filled with energy. They recited and sang for
about 40 minutes.
Then one of our adult class students, Maria Kasparian
spoke about the importance of learning Armenian. She said
that during her career she has traveled to several countries
where she served as volunteer and learned several languages.
She always wanted to learn Armenian. And she was very
happy that she got the chance to learn Armenian. She finished
her speech with speaking Armenian. She introduced herself in
Armenian and finished by saying that she was very proud to
be an Armenian and be able to converse in Armenian.
The month being May, the program of the day was
dedicated to all mothers and particularly to the mothers of
Armenian School. Mrs. Marie Ghajanian spoke about the
Armenian mothers, who in the desert of Syria during the
genocide taught their children the Armenian alphabet writing
the letters on the hot sand and how they sang at night to their
children to calm them down, to make them forget about their
hunger and put them to sleep. She then invited the audience to
listen to an Armenian lullaby “Oror” written by Kamar Katiba
and music composed by Parsegh Ganachian. As the song was
heard in the background the girls of the Armenian school
came on the stage one by one with their baby dolls in their
arms, acting the role of the mother putting her child to sleep.
The scene was very touching. There was dead silence in the
audience. Many had tears in their eyes as they listened to the
lullaby and watched the girls.
Then all the children came on the stage and recited the last
4 lines of Silva Gaboudikian’s “Khosq Eem Vortoon”
(Message to my Child).
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
(Listen my child where ever you may be)
(Under this moon wherever you may go)
(Even if you forget your mother)
(Do not forget your mother tongue).
The program concluded with the singing of “Mer
Hayrenik” (the Armenian national anthem). Following the
program, the Armenian School Committee presented the
teachers with gifts of appreciation. Hagop Ghajanian thanked
Hayr Simeon, Der Sahak, and the Parish Council Chairman.
He also said words of appreciation to the members of the
committee, the teachers, the parents and the audience for their
support. Then a light lunch was served by the committee.
This was the end of the second year of the re-organized
Armenian Language School. Last year there were 15 students.
This year the number grew to 19 students. Classes are held
every Tuesday night 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Children learn to read
Armenian and reading and writing Armenian. There is a 15-20
minute break. During that time the children enjoy snacks and
are exposed to different aspects of Armenian culture, history,
music, literature …
We hope that more and more children will attend Armenian
school. Last year we had 3 different levels. This year we had
to expand to 4 levels. Next year we will have 5 levels and in
a few years we hope to have kindergarten and grades 1
through 7.
Deacon Hagop Ghajanian
April/May/June 2010
Fr Mardiros Chevian Elevated to "Avak Kahanah" Title
“We are all responsible for adding links to the long
spiritual chain of the Armenian Church,” said the Rev. Fr.
Mardiros Chevian, during a special banquet in his honor. “It’s
a chain which goes far back, but also must continue to go
The occasion for the remarks was the 25th anniversary of
Fr. Chevian’s ordination to the priesthood, and his elevation to
the rank of avak kahana (high priest).
Well over 300 people—including numerous clergymen,
family, friends, colleagues, and many others who have been
touched by Fr. Chevian’s ministry—gathered in Haik and
Alice Kavookjian Auditorium at the Diocese of the Armenian
Church of America (Eastern) to celebrate this pastoral
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the Diocesan Primate,
presided over the day’s events, which began with the Divine
Liturgy in St. Vartan Cathedral—where Fr. Chevian serves as
dean—and culminated in the celebratory banquet.
Fr. Chevian himself celebrated the Divine Liturgy, in the
course of which the Primate presented an encyclical from His
Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
All Armenians, granting Fr. Chevian the rank of avak kahana.
Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian read the Pontifical Encyclical
to the congregation.
Archbishop Barsamian delivered a sermon focusing on
vocations and God’s calling to serve the church. He cited Fr.
Chevian as an excellent example of someone who heard God’s
call and took up the life of a devoted clergy.
“Let me say that when people ask what it means to be a
servant of Christ, and a pastor of his church, there is no better
answer than to point to Der Mardiros,” the Primate said.
Ministry Beyond One’s Lifetime
Serving as Mistress of Ceremonies for the banquet,
Melanie Dadourian reflected on the first time she met the
honoree, when she attended a summer conference at St.
Nersess Armenian Seminary. Fr. Chevian was the seminary’s
rector at the time, and meeting him helped shape and
strengthen Ms. Dadourian’s own spirituality.
“Fr. Mardiros has a gift for reaching the youth,” she said.
“And his commitment to the church made me want to serve.”
Archbishop Gizirian, the former Primate of Great Britain,
spoke eloquently in Armenian about the importance of the
high rank of dean of the cathedral, and how Fr. Chevian has
fulfilled his duties in the position to the fullest extent and
“In the past seven years, I have been present at the
cathedral’s liturgical services and I have seen organization and
order,” said Archbishop Gizirian. “I’m very happy to join you
at this joyous event, where we honor a priest who knows his
responsibility and recognizes his calling.”
Shedding light on Fr. Chevian as a dedicated father and
husband, his daughters Alexandra and Kristina spoke about
the importance of their father in their life and the special
memories they have created together.
Remarks were also made by Nubar Kupelian and Elise
Antreassian Bayizian on behalf of the Diocesan staff. Both
April/May/June 2010
Kupelian and Bayizian congratulated Fr. Mardiros on his
elevation and on his 25th anniversary as an ordained priest.
They reflected on their first encounters and shared anecdotes
about working alongside Fr. Mardiros at the Diocesan Center
throughout the years.
Reflecting on his 25 years of service to the Armenian
Church, Fr. Chevian said it was a moment for him to think
beyond himself and his ministry and to ensure that the future
ranks of the priesthood of the Armenian Church would be
“Each of us is responsible for finding that person, those
persons, who will follow in our footsteps,” he said. “We
shouldn’t have the audacity to think that our ministry begins
and ends with us. The effect of our ministry and work must go
Fr. Chevian singled out the seminarians present at the
banquet and told them that they would be the ones to follow
the present generation of clergymen. He stressed the
importance of being committed and bold in one’s ministry.
“I want to be sitting out there in 10, 20, 25 years from
now—seeing you up here. Seeing you having left your mark;
you having made a difference; you having assured that there
will be others following you,” said Fr. Chevian. “That is my
dream, and that is my prayer.”
He stressed the important role of both lay people and the
clergy in safeguarding the future growth of the Armenian
“Each one of you is responsible for our church and its
future, and for the future of the priesthood of our church,” said
Fr. Chevian. “Do your part in that.”
A Fulfilled Life as a Pastor
In his message, Archbishop Barsamian said Fr. Mardiros
has served as a wonderful role model for many young
Armenians in the United States for more than two decades.
The Primate spoke about the recent history of the
Armenian Church of America and about Fr. Chevian’s long
involvement in St. Nersess Seminary, which influenced many
young people to become more involved in the Armenian
Church. He noted that many of those young people were now
leaders in the Armenian Church on both a parish and Diocesan
“In his example, others have been able to picture
themselves leading a fulfilled life as a pastor, a deacon, or a
servant of the Armenian Church,” said the Primate. “This
Diocese has received a tremendous benefit from the ministry
of Der Mardiros.”
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Sunday School Corner
As always seems to be the case, another school year has
gone by in the blink of an eye. Our 2009/2010 school year
closed on June 6, 2010 with a graduation service and closing
exercises. This year our Sunday School proudly graduated
two students, Miss Emily Papazian and Miss Christina
The ceremony was conducted by Der Sahak
Kaishian, who was our guest clergy for that day as Hayr Soorp
Odabashian was in Armenia. As part of the service, both
young ladies renewed their baptismal vows and were anointed
with Holy oil. Following the ceremony, both Emily and
Christina spoke beautifully about their years of Sunday School
– reflecting upon their teachers, what they learned and how
they plan to remain involved in our church. We look forward
to their participation in the very near future!
During the closing program, we announced the retirement
of Mrs. Iris Kalian, one of our veteran teachers. However,
immediately following the program, Iris informed me of a
change of heart. As noted during my remarks, Iris has lovingly
taught many students over the years – leading them in their
journey to learn about Jesus and the teachings of our faith.
She has shown great dedication to the Sunday School, and we
are delighted that she will continue to join us on Sunday
mornings, alongside her daughter, Debbie, teaching the 5th
grade class. Also on this day we recognized every one of our
faculty for their outstanding work throughout the year. Our
parish is truly blessed to have such a dedicated group of
teachers – they are constantly hard at work developing
creative and fun lesson plans to keep students excited about
coming to church and learning about God. We also thanked
Maestro Konstantin Petrossian who throughout the year spent
3 Sundays each month teaching the students the sharagans –
over this time he was able to teach the students the entire
Badarak and we are extremely grateful for his involvement in
our program. The program closed with remarks by Der Sahak,
who thanked the entire faculty and staff for their dedication to
our children.
Also during the second half of our school year many other
interesting events took place. At the start of the Lenten
season, our students each received a “take out box” – inside of
which were a couple of treats for the students, and a short note
instructing them on the special purpose of the box. The goal
was to fill the box with loose change, dollar bills, or even
checks, and return it by Easter Sunday. The funds collected
were later sent to the Diocese where it was divided between
two very worthy causes, The Gavar School in Armenia as well
as for the children affected by the earthquake in Haiti.
Through the efforts of our students, and many generous
parishioners, we are pleased to report that our parish collected
a total of $743.00!
Running concurrently with our participation in the
Diocesan Lenten Drive was a Peanut Butter Drive which was
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
initiated by our 6th grade class and their teacher, Mrs. Dorothy
Martiesian. The students independently decided that during
Lent, in addition to helping the children of Armenia and Haiti
that it would also be a great opportunity to provide food for
those less fortunate in our own home state. The class made
signs announcing their Peanut Butter Drive which they posted
in each classroom – at which time they also informed each
class of their project. A large bin was provided where we
collected the many jars of peanut butter. Every week the class
was very excited to count the jars and see how close they were
coming to their goal of collecting 100 jars. By the end of the
Lenten season they collected over 50 jars of peanut butter
which were delivered to the RI Food Bank by Mrs. Martiesian.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this effort and
many thanks to the class itself for developing the idea and
following through with it.
Our Sunday School also continued the tradition of hosting
a Children’s communion breakfast which was held on the
Saturday prior to Easter. Students and their families arrived to
church at 11am for a special children’ communion service, a
delicious hot breakfast and then as a group we viewed a movie
about the Resurrection of Christ. During the communion
service, Hayr Soorp discussed the significance of Easter eggs
and also involved the students in the service itself with Bible
readings and holding the communion cloth.
During the month of May our parish hosted the Sunday
Schools of Sts. Vartanantz as well as the Armenian Euphrates
Evangelical Church for a joint morning of Sunday School.
The day began with a delicious May breakfast that was
enjoyed by the children, their parents as well as our teachers.
This was followed by a group assembly where we all enjoyed
an interactive game of Bible verse scrambles. Everyone was
then dismissed to the classrooms where our teachers prepared
very fun and hands-on activities for all. This was then
followed by a trip to the sanctuary where Hayr Soorp first
welcomed the students, thanked them for visiting with us and
then delivered a sermon specifically for the students. Finally,
the day would not have been such a great success without the
collaborative effort of our faculty and volunteers – many many
thanks to all!
Our school is blessed with intelligent students, a dedicated
faculty, many volunteers (some of whom are parents and also
others who don’t presently have children in the program but
wanted to become involved), and the support of the Pastor and
Parish Council. The collaborative efforts of all these
individuals are what made for such a successful year. Our
sincere thanks to everyone who has supported our program,
we wish you all a safe and happy summer and look forward to
the coming year beginning in September!
Deborah A. Onanian
April/May/June 2010
Fabulous Summer Evening in
The Cultural Committee of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob
Armenian Church presented “Come to the Cabaret” on
Saturday evening June 26, 2010. This performance took place
in the Egavian Cultural Center.
The tables were set with an abundance of delectable
appetizers, lovingly prepared by members of the Cultural
Committee, and wine. The lights were dimmed and a most
varied and fun-filled evening ensued.
coincided well with the messages of her songs. She has the
unique ability to draw in the audience members to be active
listeners of her repertoire. Whether she is singing solo or with
Jim Porcella, the other singer in this program, she exudes a
feeling of strong presence and great ability.
Jim Porcella, another great performer, also sang quite
impressively in the style of scat. He sang alone, in the style of
Mel Torme. His chocolate tones and easy style were winning
attributes. No matter what the style, Jim is a talented
entertainer. He and Sandi sang duets which engaged the
listeners. Jim regaled the audience with many familiar
melodies. He and Sandi had an abundance of enthusiasm, and
the members of the audience seemed to find that quite
There were two surprise performers, Lusine Ovanesyan and
Adam Kroll. They exhibited perfection in partner dancing.
These paired dancers were fluid in their movements and
precise in their technique. They drew quite an appreciation
from the audience as they glided across the floor.
The performers were sprinkled throughout the evening.
There was an intermission during which pastries, fruit and
coffee were served. This evening was unparalleled in its
content, delivery, and over-all success.
By Shirley Ventrone
Where Is That Written In The Bible?
There was a guest appearance by the popular racontuese
Dottie Bengoian. She shared a plethora of her vivid memories
of growing up as an American-Armenian born into an
Armenian family. The nuances of embarrassing and endearing
moments that so many people experienced brought tears of
laughter to the eyes of those in attendance. She connected so
well to members of the audience who share those special,
peculiar, quirky, and endearing stories.
The John Baboian Quartet, including John Baboian on
guitar, Daniel Ian Smith, woodwinds, John Hyde, keyboard,
Bruce Gertz, bass, and Yoran Israel, drums, performed
everything from Armenian folk tunes to Big Band and Swing
eras. Each musician shone as he demonstrated his own
interpretive riff, as well as John’s impressive scat. Yet, they
all came together, with seemingly great ease, to perform as a
quartet. Their true enjoyment of their craft is quite evident.
Sts Sahag and Mesrob Church is proud to announce a new
book written by our own Deacon Gevork Gevorkian
The book shows how to deflate objections to Orthodox
doctrines and practices that have been taught for centuries, and
the true meaning of Bible verses anti-Orthodox twists to attack
the traditional and historical Apostolic Church. The book
gives answers to the most common questions that Christian
cultists and modernizers ask Orthodox believers about the
Church. The book shows how to use those very beliefs to
bring people into or back to the Church.
This book is written in Western Armenian presently but
soon to be published in Eastern Armenian and English. The
publisher is Holy Etchmiadzin.
This book can be found on Amazon soon for $37.00 (s&h
not included). It will also be available at the Church for $30.
Sandi Bedrossian whose warmth and personality comes
through in her performance endeared herself to the audience
quite handily. There is no doubt about her ability to capture
the essence of the mood of the songs. Her dulcet tones
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Marjorie Martiesian Honored at
National Philanthropy Day, 2009
On Tuesday, November 24, 2009, at the Rhode Island
Convention Center, Marjorie Martiesian was one of sixty
people honored by the Rhode Island Chapter of the
Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Marjorie was nominated as a Partner in Philanthropy by the
Community College of Rhode Island Alumni Association.
Marjorie was a member of the first class in 1964 – graduating
in 1966. She is a member of the Alumni Association Board,
and a volunteer and supporter to the college.
Also in June 2009, Marjorie was the recipient of the CarylAnn Miller Nieforth Award which is given by the Friends of
Rochambeau Library Board to acknowledge “Excellence in
Volunteer Service to Rochambeau.”
Marjorie is an active member of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob
Armenian Church. She is presently a member of the Parish
Council, and Treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society.
She taught Sunday School for thirty five years, and has
served on the Women’s Guild Executive Committee, and also
was very active in ACYOA.
She has been a member of the Armenian Students
Association since 1965; a past President of the Providence
Branch of the ASA, served on their Scholarship Committee
for fifteen years and also served on the Central Executive
Committee, the Board of Trustees, and as Chairman of the
Gold Medal Committee.
Marjorie is a retired teacher, a Reading Specialist in the
Providence Public Schools for twenty eight years.
Building and Grounds Corner
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. John
Azarian, President of Zar's Landscaping Co., for all the time
and effort his company has provided our church. He has been
routinely cleaning our parking lot of leaves & sand, weeding
beds and trimming bushes & hedges, and spraying weeds
along the perimeter.
During the next few months we will be working on the
following projects:
1) Exterior framework around the stained glass windows
2) Both parking lots to be cracked filled and re-striped
3) Exterior of the kitchen to be replaced
4) Repairing the chain link fence along the highway
5) Plastering the ceiling between the Egavian & Hanoian halls
6) Attending to the wallpaper in the Egavian & Hanoian halls
7) Ceiling tiles to be cleaned and replaced
If any parishioners wish to help with any of these projects,
know of any individuals who can donate their time, or want to
make a donation to the church to defray the costs, please
contact me anytime.
Gary Taraian
Building and Grounds
Centennial Committee
The newly formed Centennial Committee met on June 10.
Over twenty-five have already signed up. If you would like to
serve on this committee, please notify the church office. Next
meeting is Thursday, July 15 at 7 pm. Please come with ideas
for meaningful commemorative events to honor the 100th
anniversary of the consecration of Saints Sahag & Mesrob
Armenian Church (January 20, 1914).
World's Oldest Leather Shoe
Walking History: Scientists find "World's Oldest Leather
Shoe" in Armenia.
An Irish archeologist had reported finding what may be the
world's oldest leather shoe in a cave in Vayots Dzor province.
The shoe is believed to be more than 5,5000 years old and
was found among many other items that have made the site,
about an hour south of Yerevan, a source of wonder for
archeologists who have been excavating for more than two
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
April/May/June 2010
Armenian Sports
Harold "Hal" Melkonian
86, of Vancouver Ave., Warwick and
Lake Suzy-Arcadia, FL, passed away
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at home in
Florida. He was the beloved husband
of the late Esther A. (Tatewosian)
Melkonian. Born in Providence, he
was the son of the late George and
Mary (Hagopian) Melkonian.
Hal was a physical education
teacher for the Warwick School Department for many years
before retiring. He attended Gorton High and graduated in
1942 where he was co-captain of the division winning baseball
team and also played end on its football team. After serving in
the U.S. Army during WW-II, he graduated from URI where
he was a four year member of the varsity baseball team. In
1949 he was elected captain of the team that advanced to the
NCAA tournament. Hal also played football at URI where he
was a starting guard. For his achievements, he was selected to
the URI Athletic Hall of Fame. After graduation, he played
and coached Cape League baseball and was directly
responsible for the roster of a team that won 47 games and lost
7. In 1950, Hal played at Grand Falls, New Brunswick and
was asked to take over as manager and did. In 1951, he took
his own players to Grand Falls and won the championship. In
1952 he returned and again won the championship with future
major league pitchers, Dave Stenhouse and Ron Perranoski. In
the 1970's, he was the only one in RI to coach two American
Legion teams to the Legion World Series and the only one in
N.E. to coach a number one baseball draft pick in both high
school and American Legion baseball.
Harold was the loving and devoted father of Harold R.
Melkonian, Jr. of Warwick and the late Mary Melkonian; and
dear brother of Albert Melkonian of South Yarmouth, MA,
Irene Zartarian of Warwick and the late Florence Hedison.
Armenian Saints Softball
Results so Far
Game 1
Armenian Saints 7
South Attleboro 10
Game 2
Christian Hill 1 @ Armenian Saints postponed to July
Game 3
Armenian Saints 20
Game 4
Lighthouse 12
Praise Tabernacle 1 13
Armenian Saints 11
Game 5
Community Covenant 9
Game 6
Armenian Saints 13
Game 7
RI Church of Christ 17
Game 8
Armenian Saints 18
Armenian Saints 6
Woonsocket 9
Armenian Saints 15
Faith Tabernacle 3
Game 9
Armenian Saints 14
Christian Life Center 3
Game 10
Armenian Saints 8
Christian Hill 2 7
Game 11
Armenian Saints 14
Calvary 5
Future Games
Praise Tabernacle 2
New Beginnings CC
Full Life
Western Hills Jr High, Cranston
Buttonwoods Masonic, Warwick
Donigan Park, Vally St. Prov.
Buttonwoods Masonic, Warwick
Jason and Jennifer Martiesian
Inducted into the Classical High
School Hall of Fame
On Tuesday, May 25th, 2010, Jason Martiesian, Class of
1990 and Jennifer Martiesian, Class of 2000 were inducted
into the Classical High School, Athletic Hall of Fame. The
event was held at the boy's gym at Classical High School.
Golf Tournament
The team is comprised of Armenian men from both Sts.
Sahag and Mesrob as well as Sts. Vartanantz Armenian
Churches. The team was started by Armen Janigian and is in
its 6th season. The team is in the Christian Softball
Association - a league comprised of 16 teams from all over
the state. The league is in its 35th year and promotes Christian
love and fellowship. The team finished last season at 10-5 in
the regular season and made it to the semi-finals before
bowing in the playoffs.
This year the team added a few new players, David
Bogosian and Ronnie Tateosian, adding youth, power and
speed to its already potent offensive line up.
April/May/June 2010
Save the Date: Monday, September 27th,
2010 for the 3rd Annual Sts. Sahag and
Mesrob Golf Tournament to be held at the
Pawtucket Country Club; 11:30 am
Luncheon; 1:00pm Shotgun Start; 6:30pm
Dinner and Awards. The Golf Committee
is looking for volunteers. If anyone is
interested, please contact Gary Taraian
Pick up registration forms at the church office.
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
January/February/March 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Conducted by
We invite your children and grandchildren!
To Learn:
* How to read music
* Religious hymns
* Popular Armenian songs
* Participate in Divine Liturgy first Sunday of each month
Open for all children ages 6 thru 16!
Rehearsals at the Egavian Cultural Center
For more information call the Church Office at 272-7712
or Maestro Petrossian at 861-3573, e-mail: Petroskon@aol.com
The Junior Choir’s CDs can be found on the following web pages:
 http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/narek
 http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/jcossmac
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Saturday August 28
3:00pm to 10:00pm
Come join us for a summer evening of Armenian food, music and fun!!!!
This will be a true outdoor picnic with food and drink stations outdoors and
your choice of indoor or outdoor dining under the tent.
Kheyma, Shish-Kebob, Losh-Kebob
Tavloo Tournament
Texas Hold-em Tournament
Kids Games, Water Slide
Armenian Music
Come join us after your day at the beach!
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
April/May/June 2010
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
St. Vartan Camp
1913 Society
Dear Friends,
I was blessed to spend the first few days of this week at St.
Vartan Camp with six children from our parish. It was truly a
good experience and I attest to the wholesome Armenian
Christian environment of the camp. I was impressed with the
love and respect demonstrate by both staff and campers alike.
I'd like to share with you two examples: first, thanks to the
generosity of a few parishioners, I was able to send two young
boys, who otherwise would not have been able to attend camp.
The boys were so well received at camp that the camp gave
them full scholarships in order to stay for an additional week.
The second example is what I witnessed at the pool. There
was a camper who did not know how to swim and for this
reason had to stay in the shallow end of the pool. On the
second day of camp I was so moved to see him surrounded by
fellow campers, who were giving of their pool time to instruct
and encourage the camper. I'm convinced that he will return
home "a swimmer."
These are just two examples of acts of kindness that I
One last note, there is still room at the last session of camp
(July 25 - August 7). I highly encourage parents to take
advantage of this excellent Armenian Christian camp. Please
call me if you have any questions, 401-272-7712.
COMING SOON! – The establishment of The 1913
Society – our own Planned Giving Society for Saints Sahag
and Mesrob Armenian Church - To help ensure that our lights
will burn brightly for many years to come, we are asking
parishioners to consider establishing a lasting legacy that will
make a difference in the lives that follow. In 2010 we will
officially form this society named in honor of the year our
Church was established to recognize parishioners and friends
who have made planned gifts to our parish. The most common
examples of a planned gift include bequest intentions through
wills/trusts, and beneficiary designations on retirement plan
assets or life insurance policies. Due to their special tax
advantages, some types of planned gifts allow you to meet
your personal financial objectives today while significantly
benefiting our Church in the future. These gifts may be
directed to a particular need of the church or simply left
unrestricted to give the flexibility to address needs that cannot
be foreseen today. They may also be made in memory or
honor of a loved one.
Many of you may have already made provisions for our
Church in your estate plans and for that we are especially
grateful. We look forward to having you officially recognized
as charter members of the 1913 Society and welcome others to
follow your lead. The 1913 Society will be organized by a
core group of church parishioners that have expertise with
various aspects of financial planning. Should you have an
interest in serving on the committee, please notify Hayr Soorp
or a member of the Parish Council.
With prayers,
Hayr Simeon
2010 Diocesan Summer Camp
for campers ages 8 to 15
Housed at the Ararat Center
Greenville, NY
Staff Training: June 23 – 26
Session A: June 27 - July 10
Session B: July 11 – 24
Session C: July 25 - August 7
for campers ages 9 to 15
Housed at Camp Hickory
Ingleside, IL
Staff Training: August 4 - 7
Camp Session: August 7 - 14
Armenian Language, Heritage & Culture, Religion, Arts & Crafts
Sports & Swimming
Counselor-in-Training program for ages 16 & 17
Staff positions -18 & older as counselors, lifeguards & instructors
Special activities include dances, talent shows, camp Olympics,
campfires, and more!
For more information contact:
Jennifer E. Morris, Youth Outreach Coordinator
jenniferm@armeniandiocese.org, 212-686-0710 ext. 118
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
In August 1913, Archbishop Kevork Utujian was
sent to Providence by the Catholicos to revitalize and
reorganize the parish. After his arrival in Providence,
he formed a new Parish Council and instilled in the
parish a spirit of cooperation which enabled the
people to establish a permanent Church. The
following were the members of the new Parish
Council: Nishan Pashalian, Chairman; Hovhannes
Abajian, Vice Chairman; Toros Vartanian, Secretary;
Eghia Kimatian, Assistant-Secretary; Avedis
Geoljikian, Treasurer; Sumpat Kalunian, Keeper of
Seals; Hampartzoum Sbaroian, Auditor; Manoog
Kazarian and Aharon Demourdjian, Advisors.
April/May/June 2010
Easter Youghakin Donations
Agabian, M/M Merrit
Ananian, Jasper
Angell, Linda
Ararat Association
Avedisian, Ann
Avedisian, Araxy
Avedisian, Joyce
Avedisian, Kachadour
Avjian, John
Ayrassian, Ann & Sue
Ayvazyan, Herman & Silva
Aznavourian, William
Babigian, Peter & Patricia
Barran, Lucy & Sadie
Boghosian, M/M Leon
Boghosian, Mary & Hagop
Boyajian, Anahid
Butler, Zita & Elizabeth
Casparian, Gloria
Chakoian, M/M Daniel
Chakoian, George & Marion
Chateauneuf, Russell & Seta
Chevian, Margaret
Chevian, Tateos M/ M
Der Ananian, Ardashes
Derderian, Hosanna
DerMooshegian,M/M Sarkis
Duffy, Marion
Dulgarian, Sylvia
Eranosian, Edward & Irene
Garabedian, Aram
Gevorkian, Gevork &
Ghajanian, Hagop & Marie
Ghazarian, M/M Hermond
Gray, Grant & Barbara
Griego Family
Griego, David W.
Gulesserian, Boghos
Hagopian, John
Haleblian, George & Cara
Hanoian, Mary
Hanoian, Seta
Hanoian, Virginia
Harootunian, Lisa
Hazian, Deron & Ardemis
Hedison, Kenneth
Hovhanesian, Jeffrey G.
Hovnanian, Margaret
Jamgochian, Martha
Jamgochian, Victoria
Janigian, Robert & Louise
Jeremiah, Faith
Jorjorian, Eleanor
Kalfaian-Ahlijian, Sona
Kasparian, Kaspar & Sosie
Davia Francesa Tapalian , daughter of David Christopher
and Jacinta Marie (Souza) Tapalian, was Baptized on April 17,
2010. The Godparents were Haig Charles Tapalian Jr. and
Lori Bennett.
Isabel Josephine Guerra, daughter of Philip Charles and
Sona (Adamjan) Guerra, was Baptized on May 23, 2010. The
Godparents were Armen Adamjan and Elisa Thibeault.
May these children be raised in the love and care of the Lord.
David Christopher O’Donnell and Ani Grigorian were
crowned in Holy Matrimony on May 24, 2010.
Best wishes and prayers are extended to the couple for a long
and happy life together.
Zabel A. Berg (Died March 31, 2010)
Z. Stephen Kalarian (Died April 20, 1010)
Susan Lewis (Died April 26, 2010)
Harold R. Melkonian (Died April 27, 2010)
Shoushanik Faryan (Died May 2, 2010)
Eugene Samuelian (Died May 5, 2010)
Leo Surmeian (Died May 5, 2010)
Mary J. Hanoian (Died May 25, 2010)
Seda Mikaelian (Died June 5, 2010)
Malcolm A. Kdonian (Died June 5, 2010)
Herepseme Chapkounian (Died June 18, 2010)
Higue Kechijian (Died June 16, 2010)
Ara Yehigian (Died June 26, 2010)
April/May/June 2010
Kazarian, John R.
Kazarian, Michele H.
Kazarian, Sara
Keshishian, Marlin
Ketli, Berc & Takuhi
Killabian, Agnes
Kougasian, Peter
Krikorian, Melanie
Long, Sylvia
Martiesian, Margie
Martin, Julia
Masoian, Rose
Masoian, Stephen &
Massoyan, Pierre
Mazmanian, Ed
Moorachian, M/M George
Mooradian, Mary
Moragemos, M/M George
Mouradjian, Aram & Irene
Mugurdichian, Bertha
Muksian, Robert & Barbara
Muradian, Lucy
Odabashian, Fr. Simeon
Onanian, Edward & Zvart
Onanian, Laurie Ann
Pahigian, Dr. Vahey
Pakradounian, Queenie
Papazian, Dr. Martin &
Pitts, M/M Thomas E. Jr.
Pjojian, Carol & Kenneth
Pjojian, Eugenia
Rendine, M/M Paul
Ricci, Jean & Dino
Robinson, Anna
Semerjian, Skon & Rose
Semonian, Suren & Carole
Sepe, M/M Ronald
Shaghalian, Isabelle
Sherestanian, Rose
Stone, Barbara
Surabian, Diane & Paul
Taraian, Teresa M.
Tashjian, Susan
Toumasian, Harry & Agnes
Trice, Paula
Veitch, Ovsanna Harpootian
Ventrone, Arthur & Shirley
Yaghoobian, Haig M/M
Yaghoobian, Nathalie G.
Yekhtikian, Gregory
Zamanigian, Mary Ann
Zaroogian, Steven & Joanne
Zartarian, Irene
Zartarian, Robert
Expressions of sympathy and prayers are extended to the
families, that their loved ones may be at peace in the care of
the Lord
Thank you
Mr. Kachadour Avedisian for his donation to "Paros"
Christmas Youghakin Donations: M/M Aram Mouradjian
Advertise in "Paros"
"Paros", the Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church Newsletter has
advertising space available.
Full Page
$500/4 Issues
Half Page
$300/4 Issues
Quarter Page
$150/4 Issues
$75/4 Issues
Business Card
 900+ newsletters mailed 4 times a year
 Predominantly Rhode Island addresses
 Predominantly Armenian Subscribers
 Ads accepted on a first come, first serve basis
For more information please call the Church Office
Please note: Promotional material for credit cards,
commercially available insurance and travel arrangements can
not be accepted per US Postal Service Rules
The "PAROS" would like to thank our Senior Citizens for
folding, tabbing, and labeling each issue of the newsletter.
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Membership / Stewardship
Let’s Start Building Our Future! Become a member
and/or a steward of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian
Church of Providence, RI.
It only takes a few minutes to complete the Membership
form and $175.00 ($125.00 for students and senior
citizens) to become dues paying member of Sts. Sahag
and Mesrob Church of Providence.
While many churches of other faiths use the method of
tithing, Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church simply asks a
minimum fixed amount to be a dues paying member of
the church, and that amount is $175.00. That’s only
$3.37 a week! Membership for senior citizens and
students is even less $125.00 a year or $2.40 per week.
Please fill out the form, print it out and mail it, along
with a check (unless you choose to use your credit card),
to the church office:
Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Church
Please mail this completed form and
payment information to the church
70 Jefferson Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02908
Have You Paid Your 2010
If you have not paid your dues for 2010, please
complete the form below and send your
donation to the church office.
Now you can pay your membership and/or
stewardship with your MasterCard or Visa
2010 Membership Application Sts Sahag and
Mesrob Armenian Church of Providence, RI
I/WE would like to be year 2010 dues-paying
member(s) of Sts Sahag and Mesrob Amenian
Church of Providence.
($175.00 per person, seniors/students $125.00)
Members #1 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:
Members #2 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:
City: ______________________ State: ______
Zipcode: _______________________________
Phone: (______) _________________________
Email: _________________________________
Check enclosed
Charge my MasterCard / Visa
Credit Card Number:
_________ _________ _________ _________
Expiration Date: ____/____
(Membership and/or Stewardship donations are tax
For Office Use Only:
Account No(s): ________________________________________
Date Received: ____________ Amount Received: ___________
Check # __________________ Amount: ___________________
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
April/May/June 2010
The Newsletter Committee
Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian
Layout and Design
Leonard J Arzoomanian
The Saints Sahag & Mesrob Church Newsletter is a publication of Saints Sahag & Mesrob Church of 70 Jefferson St., Providence, RI
02908. Submission of news articles, photos, essays, poetry, book reviews, and letters is welcomed and should be sent to the church
office (office@stsahmes.org). All text must be submitted in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word, as a text file or as email. Please note that the editorial board reserves the right to modify and/or reject articles, photos, etc. All materials must be received
no later than the published submission deadlines per issue as published in the church bulletins.
Church Office Hours
The Church Office is open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you would like to meet with the Pastor or submit items for the Sunday Bulletin, please contact the office at 401-272-7712 or
office@stsahmes.org. If you call after hours, please leave your requests on the answering machine, and the administrative assistant
will be happy to process them promptly. For emergencies, please contact Hayr Simeon at 401-369-3514.
Diocesan Delegates
Ann Ayrassian, 401-272-4743
Stephen Megrdichian, 401-464-9004
Edward Onanian, 401-398-1010
Nathalie Yaghoobian, 401-353-2488
Administrative Information
Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian,
Pastor, 401-369-3514
Armenian Language School
Hagop Ghajanian, 401-467-2582
Cultural Committee
Konstantin Petrossian, 401-861-3573
Administrative Assistant
Fran Armstrong, 401-272-7712
Stephen Megrdichian, 401-464-9004
Parish Council
Gary Taraian, 508-761-4600
Arts Education Program
Janna Guegamian, 401-861-357
Memorial Dinner Committee
Sonya Taraian, 508-761-4600
Leonard J Arzoomanian,
Altar Guild
Ann Ayrassian, 401-272-4743
Vice Chairperson
Armen Janigian, 401-353-0351
Jason Martiesian, 401-455-3975
Ladies Aid
Doris Avedisian, 401-353-1039
Bazaar Committee
Call Church Office, 401-272-7712
Assistant Secretary
David Griego, 401-331-8835
Personnel Committee
To Be Announced
Building Rentals
Robert Janigian, 401-944-2218
Steven Zaroogian, 401-885-2253
Assistant Treasurer
Stephen Megrdichian, 401-464-9004
Leonard J Arzoomanian, 401-349-0813
Hermond Ghazarian, 401-821-2549
Melanie Krikorian (401) 353-4519
Marjorie Martiesian, 401-861-5147
Sonya Taraian (508) 761-4600
Investment Committee
Edward Onanian, 401-398-1010
Senior Citizens
Peter Jamgochian, 401-739-3866
Choir & Junior Choir
Konstantin Petrossian, 401-861-3573
Sports Committee
Terrance Martiesian, 401-272-0269
Church Library
Hosanna Derderian
To Be Announced
Sunday School
Debbie Onanian, 401-615-5583
Women’s Guild
Melanie Krikorian, 401-353-4519
Men's Club
Armen Janigian, 401-353-0351
April/May/June 2010
“Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church
Holiday - Office Closed
Senior Citizens, 10 a.m.
Meeting for Name Day Celebration Committee, 7 p.m.
Nazeli Dance Group 6 p.m.
Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Vartavar)
Senior Citizens, 10 a.m.
Church History Class, 7 p.m.
Parish Council, 7:30 p.m.
Centennial Comittee Meeting, 7 p.m.
Nazeli Dance Group 6 p.m.
Senior Citizens, 10 a.m.
Church History Class, 7 p.m.
Nazeli Dance Group 6 p.m.
Nazeli Dance Group and Junior Choir at Ararat Camp
Senior Citizens, 10 a.m.
Church History Class, 7 p.m.
Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God
(Blessing of Grapes)
Parish Council, 7:30 p.m.
Annual Church Picnic - Food, Music, and Activities
Church Picnic – Chicken and Pilaf Dinner after church
Arts Education Program Registrations, 10-11 a.m.
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sunday School Registration/Opening Day
Armenian School Pre-registration
Armenian School Opening Day
Arts Education Programs begin, 10 a.m. – 4 pm
Annual Golf Outing
5, 6, 7
Annual Church Bazaar