ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 134 East Bishop Street BAPTISMS: Bellefonte, PA 16823 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM Daily: See Bulletin By Appointment MARRIAGE: Notify Pastor 9 Months in Advance SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 11:00 AM Rectory Phone: 814) 355-3134 E-mail: CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Call the Rector y. Pastor: Rev. GEORGE I. JAKOPAC, DEACON THOMAS E. BOLDIN School Phone: (814) 355-7859 School Website: St. John was Established in 1828 ST. JOHN CATHOLIC SCHOOL MRS. KRISTINA TICE, School Principal *** WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21ST, 2016 *** Page Two St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church ST. JOHN’S LENTEN CL@SSES-JUBILEE YE@R OF MERCY Saturday, February 20th 5:00 PM Dor othy A. Moser (Tom Bender Family) Sunday, February 21st 8:00 AM Deceased Member s of Melchior r e Family (Helen & Lonnie Lowry) 10:15 AM Deceased Member s of Bar r -Polansky Families (George & Theresa Polansky) Monday, February 22nd 9:00 AM Pauline Auman (The Family) Tuesday, February 23rd 8:00 AM J oseph Kucas (Wife, Mar y Ann Kucas) Wednesday, February 24th 8:00 AM Har r y Keeler (The Family) Thursday, February 25th 8:00 AM Communion Service Friday, February 26th 8:00 AM Souls in Pur gator y (A Fr iend) 1:00 PM School Stations 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 27th 5:00 PM Donald Anspaugh (Anspaugh, Neidigh & Kowalski Families) Sunday, February 28th 8:00 AM Ralph Cappar elle (Mr s. Lar r y Wolfe) 10:15 AM J ohnny Bach (The J acob Hoover Family) LITURGICAL MINISTER/SERVER SCHEDULE: Saturday, 5:00 PM February 27th Servers: Samuel Yangula & Kyle Yangula E.M.s: Antoinette Beigle & Joseph Beigle Lector: Antoinette Beigle Music Ministers: Folk Choir Sunday, 8:00 AM February 28th Servers: Alina Watson & Kir a Watson E.M.s: David Harry & George Callahan Lector: Christopher Ross Music Ministers: Adult Choir Sunday, 10:15 AM February 28th Servers: Logan Ellenber ger & Mackenzie Ellenber ger E.M.s: Janice Provan & Michael Pavone Lector: Pamela Vaiana Music Ministers: J ay Zimmer man & Suzanne Egli PLEASE NOTE: UNTIL THE CHURCH INTERIOR PAINTING IS COMPLETED, THE MONDAY 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASSES ARE HELD IN THE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. Our EMail Address is Our Website: FYI: Our School Website is: RECTORY OFFICE HOURS are as follows: Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Fridays: 8:30 AM—12:30 PM PLEASE NOTE: ST. KATERI’S MASS TIME IS NOON ON SUNDAYS! Since Pope Francis has declared this Jubilee Year to be dedicated to God’s mercy, there will be two opportunities for adult education this Lent. The classes will be covering the topic of “Divine Mercy” and all are invited to attend the following sessions when convenient: Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 PM, School Cafeteria (Moderated by Fr, George) Thursday Afternoons, 2:00 PM, Rectory Basement (Moderated by Don and Sara Nagel) Also, we hope to participate in the Divine Mercy Novena starting on Good Friday and culminating on Divine Mercy Sunday (April 3rd) with a special Holy Hour from 2:00-3:00 PM. FISH FRY DINNER SCHEDULED FOR THIS FRIDAY Our next Fish Fry is this Friday, February 26th. The dinners are served in the St. John School Auditorium from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM. There is a new menu this year: Adult meals are $9.00 each and meals for children (under 12) are $5.00 each. Children 6 and under eat FREE. Check out our great selection and enjoy a great meal prepared and served by our Catholic Daughters of the Americas and our Knights of Columbus members. And Thank You to ALL our volunteers who share your time to assist with these Lenten Fish Fry Dinners! BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS SCHEDULED Our next scheduled Baptism Preparation Class is scheduled for Sunday, March 6th. It will be held in the rectory meeting room from 11:30 AM—12:30 PM. This class is for all parents wanting to have their child baptized at either St. John’s or St. Kateri. The meeting is a requirement of the diocese that all parents and hopefully, godparents, if they are local, will attend. Please call the rectory office (355-3134) with your name and phone number if you would like to attend the class and/or schedule a Baptism. For any questions you can call the rectory or Deacon Tom at 355-4234 or his email: ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL COMMITMENT SUNDAY Our 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal now under way. You should have or will soon be receiving a letter and a pledge envelope from the diocese. This year’s Commitment Sunday is Next Sunday, February 28th and our parish goal for this year is $59,889. Lent is a good time to participate in our Annual Catholic Appeal. Your sacrificial gift allows others to experience Mercy which is Faith working through Love and Action. See today’s bulletin for a flyer from the diocese. It shares information regarding the more than 20 ministries, programs and services that your ACA funding assists. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Lent is a special time to give a sacrificial offering in response to the Corporal Works of Mercy. JJ POWELL CHURCH PROGRAM DONATION RECEIVED St. John’s recently received a donation from JJ Powell for our parishioners who participated in their Fuel Rebate Church Program. Thank you for mentioning our church when ordering your fuel from any area supplier. Page Three Bellefonte, Pennsylvania WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR WEEKEND 02/14/2016 ORDINARY COLLECTION INCOME RECEIVED: Adult Offertory: $ 6,263.00 Loose Offertory: $ 401.10 Children’s Offertory: $ 51.60 Special Monthly: $ 650.00 Votive Candles: $ 52.16 ORDINARY COLLECTION TOTAL: $ 7,417.86 EXTRA ORDINARY INCOME RECEIVED: Maintenance Fund: $ Catholic Register: $ EXTRA ORDINARY COLLECTION: $ 579.00 394.00 973.00 ORDINARY & EXTRA DEPOSIT TOTAL: $ 8,390.86 ************************************************* REGULAR SCHOOL COLLECTION TOTAL: $ 275.00 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: (Diocesan or Others) Bellefonte India Collection: $ 15.00 Black & Indian Mission Collection: $ 177.00 Catholic Relief Collection: $ 30.00 Holy Name of Mary School Fund: $ 665.00 Ash Wednesday Mandeville Appeal: $ 618.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND YOUR GENEROSITY ASH WEDNESDAY MANDEVILLE APPEAL Both of our Ash Wednesday collections were earmarked for the Mandeville Annual Ash Wednesday Appeal. The total collected was $618 which was sent to the diocese to aid our partnership with the Diocese of Mandeville. This annual collection offers assistance to those who struggle to survive everyday. This diocesan collection is another example of how the church is an example of Mercy. 2016 MEN’S RETREAT AT OLV Please save the date of May 13th-15th for the upcoming Men’s Retreat at Our Lady of Victory Parish. This first men’s retreat at OLV has been in the planning for some time. It will be a non-resident weekend retreat with the theme: Courageous—Catholic Men of Action (1Cor. 16:13). There will be a number of interesting speakers, as well as an opportunity for Mass, Reconciliation and Adoration, along with small discussions. Additional details concerning schedule, cost and registration will be forthcoming. For questions, please call Andy Mazzara at 571-2956 or email him at ANNUAL DIOCESAN CATHOLIC SCOUT RETREAT The annual Diocesan Catholic Scout Retreat will be held this year on May 20-22, 2016, at St. Francis University, in Loretto, P A. Please note that this retreat is open to all registered Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in 5th through 12th grades, their leaders, and chaperones. You do not need to be Catholic to attend the retreat with your troop. Scouts may attend the retreat individually; however, they must have a parent attend to comply with BSA/GSUSA guidelines. This year's theme is Divine Mercy to coincide with the Pope's declaration as this being the Year of Mercy. The cost is $45 per scout. Please contact Denise at or Stacey at for questions or to sign up. SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT OUR NEW SEWING GROUP AT ST. JOHN’S The newly formed Sewing Group here at St. John’s now has a name: “ST. JOHN’S IN STITCHES.” They’ve had a great response and are “sew” excited to begin making various projects for the needy in our community. The group is looking for donations of 3 or more skeins of yarn of the same color for baby blankets, although any yarn will be accepted for other projects. They are also accepting any monetary donations to help offset the cost of the materials that will be used. If you enjoy sewing, crocheting, knitting, quilting, etc. , please consider joining. Their next meeting will be held on Monday, February 29th at 3:00 PM in the downstairs rectory meeting room. If you have any questions, you can reach Rosie Wood at 625-2902 by phone or you can email her at the following address: BELLEFONTE K OF C “A KNIGHT AT THE RACES” The Knights of Columbus will once again sponsor “A Knight at the Races.” This year it will be held on April 9th at the Milesburg Community Center. The doors open at 5:30 PM and the post time for the first race is 6:15 PM. The cost of each horse is $15. You must name the horse, the jockey and the stables or farm from which it comes. In each race, we will pay $75 to win (1); $25 to Place (2) & $10 to Show (3) to the owner of the respective horses. At the end of the races, we will have an auction for some of the fine prizes that have been donated. Tickets are $5 and are not included in the cost of the horse. Beverages are free and food will be available. Please contact Sam Brezler at for more information. Please note that these sell out fast, so contact the Knights as soon as possible to purchase your horse. K OF C “ALL YOU CAN EAT” MONTHLY BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus are having their “All-You-CanEat” Breakfast THIS Sunday, February 21st at their Hall on Stoney Batter. This delicious breakfast is prepared by and served by the Knights members from 8:30 AM until Noon. Thank you for supporting this K of C fundraiser. 2016 MARRIAGE PREPARATION SERIES CLASSES Are you newly engaged or planning to be married in the Catholic Church in the near future? The Family Life Office has information for the Pre Cana Classes required for couples preparing for marriage. There are two local Marriage Preparation Series Classes scheduled: One at OLV in State College on Thursday, June 2, 9 & 16 from 7:00—9:30 PM. And one here at St. John’s on Tuesday, October 4, 11 & 18 at 7:00—9:30 PM. The cost is $65 per couple which includes all sessions in a series. Preregistration is required. If you can’t attend these, other sessions are available in other locations in March, April, May and September. Sign up early since some series fill up months in advance. OR you can attend an Engaged Couples Weekend. For more details on the Classes or the Weekends or to register, please contact the Family Life Office at 886-5551 or via email: THE MYSTERY OF MERCY “We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity and peace.” _Pope Francis MEMORIALS & DONATIONS Now that our celebration of National Catholic Schools Week is over, Fr. George, Mrs. Tice and the faculty, staff and students wish to thank the families, alumni, parishioners and friends who helped make our week special. A special thank you to the following for their gift of time, talent and resources: Amy Clark, Natalie Smithmyer, Erin & Stephen St. Amant, Michael Merlino, Leana Topper, Kelly Berkey, Jodie Dello Stritto, Gina Scott, Danan & Jody Sharer, Tina Wendt, Sue Pollick, Brian & Sharon Yangula, Susan Gay, Carol Fisher, Jason Long & Vicki Kellogg, Jennifer Bloom, Dovizia Long, Colleen Cingle, Emily Janoscrat, Hayley & Will Park, Liza & Matt Kelleher, Billie Jo Novosel, Aparna Dave, Tanya Packer, Colleen Stock, Teresa & Ryan Besecker, Stephanie & Tom Culley, Mark & Monique Bohn, Natalie & Curt Stanton, Tom Novitsky & Nicole Carnicella, Elizabeth Soroka, Katey Smoyer & the St. John School Afterschool Students, and Bellefonte Lanes. Thank you especially to M&M Copy Service, Kirby Huntsinger, Tracy Houser of TJ Houser Photography, and Daniel Vaughn Designs for donating their time, talent and items used throughout Catholic Schools Week. Finally, a huge thank you to our teachers, staff, alumni and students for making it a fun and unforgettable week! We are blessed and thankful! We have received donations from the following in support of our students and Catholic education: M/M Fred Gay, Barbara Carver, M/M Benjamin Clark Thank you to all of our benefactors and God bless your generosity to and in support of our school. 125TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE Please come and join us at the Mountainview Country Club on Saturday, April 2, for hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM. Entertainment will be provided by DJ, Eric Gates. RSVP forms are available on the heaters in the rear of the church. Additional information can be found on our website, KINDERGARTEN & PRE-K REGISTRATION FOR 2016-2017 Please call the school office at 355-7859 if you have not registered for our Kindergarten or Pre-K for next year. Limited openings still available. Registration forms can be obtained in the School Office or found online at Children must be five years old before September 1, 2016 to be eligible for Kindergarten. You must bring birth certificate, baptismal certificate, immunization records and a $75 non-refundable registration fee with you to register. Children must be three or four years old before September 1, 2016, to be eligible for the three-year and four-year Pre-K Program, respectively. Students currently enrolled in the three-year-old Pre-K must re-register for the fourContinued……... RELIGIOUS CLASSES ST. JOHNEDUCATION SCHOOL NEWS …...CONTINUED The next scheduled CCD Classes for Kindergarten year-old class. Please be sure to bring birth certificate, immunization $35 non-refundable registration through 10threcords Gradesand are aon Sunday, January 10th at 9:00 fee youschool. to register. AMwith in the Please call Tina in the school office for more information. 11TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CLASS POT O’GOLD ONLINE AUCTION Please next Gradeour Confirmation St. JohnNote: CatholicThe School will11th be hosting 4th Pot o’ Gold Class will be held NEXT will Sunday, 3rd from Online Auction. The auction be liveJanuary Monday, March 7th th at 8:00 AM AM until Monday, 14school at 10:00 PM. If you 11:15 to 12:30 PMMarch in the auditorium. haveany merchandise, collectibles, gift certificates or services For questions or concerns, please call Deacon that you would like to add to our auction, we would Tom or Shirley Boldin at 355-4234 or emaillove for you to be a part of this event to support our school! Please contact or call (814)355-7859. Log on to check out our auction – items are being added ST. CHURCH IN JOHNSTOWN SUPER BOWL/ daily:CLEMENT SUPER CASH SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS FOR SALE ****************************************************************************** Win a trip forEDUCATION 2 to SUPER BOWL 50 in San Francisco, CA, RELIGIOUS CLASSES (winning package includes MANYmorning extras)from plus9:00 $1,500 travel CCD Classes are held every Sunday - 10:00 AM cash. Grand Prize Winner has $10,000 cash option. in our St. John School classrooms. These religious education Donation $10. For morethrough information or tickets, please classes areisfor Kindergarten 10th Grades. contact Dave Pavlik at (814)243-9446 or JARED BOX PROJECT or call Suzie During the Lenten or Nancy at St.season, St. John’sChurch will again be participating Thanks in the Jared Box Project. Clement at (814)255-4422. for participating. The CCD students in grades Kindergarten, First and Seventh grades be putting together theCOACH boxes. NEEDED Items will be GIRLS’will VARSITY VOLLEYBALL collected from any of our parishioners AT ST. JOE’S CATHOLIC ACADEMYand all of our CCD students. Completed boxes will be given to young kids that A need Nittany for the Girls’ Varsity Volleyball areHead seenCoach by theisMount Resource Centre located here Program at St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy. Interested in Bellefonte. These boxes can include crayons, glue sticks, applicants shouldbooks, send an email andbubbles, coachingjournals, resume to stickers, coloring small toys, SJCA Athletic toiletry Director,items, Chadetc. Walsh toothbrushes, Theatfollowing items cannot If you have any questions, be accepted: dolls, candy or any perishable items. please call himare at (814)808-6118. Items being collected through March 13th. 11TH 2016GRADE ADULTCONFIRMATION ENRICHMENTCLASS CLASSES OFFERED Please Note: The 11thwill Grade Confirmation Class will meet Deacon Chip Young be offering the following two THIS Sunday, February 21st at 7:00 PM for the Stations courses, Sacraments and Church History, at Holy of the Cross. All candidates and at least one parent must be Spirit Parish Lock meeting Haven. immediately following the present for a in special The 8 week course Sacraments will scheduled be held this day. stations. There is no morning class Wednesdays from 6:30 — 8:30 PM beginning onTom or For any questions or concerns, please call Deacon JanuaryBoldin 6th. at 355-4234 or email at Shirley The 10 week course, Church History will be held TUNE INTO WJVMfrom 90.3-FM OR WEJO 104.7-FM RADIO Wednesdays 6:30 — 8:30 PM beginning on March The Lenten homilies of Bishop Robert Barron and his fellow bishops are 9th. To register, please contact Marybeth at the Office featured during the “Heralds of Faith” program which airs weekdays at of Adult Enrichment and Lay Ecclesial atare 9:30 a.m. and noon. (Free i-Phone & Android apps Ministries for the station (814)361-2000 or email her at We availablevisit for details.) are now scheduling groups/ families for our March prayer you would like to pray Registration forms areslots. alsoIfavailable online ator receive our new monthly programming e-blasts, contact Sheryl Balkey at (814) 238-6288 or We thank Sara and All are welcome to sign up and attend. Charlotte Getson for their recent recording. Remember, just $100/day keeps our Catholic voice on the air. Our 501(c)3 organization is CHURCH CLEANING/DECORATING THANK YOU! volunteer-run and your tax-deductible donation may be mailed to: Voice Many thanks to the Catholic Daughters and to everyone who of Divine Mercy, PO Box 862, State College, PA 16804-0862. showed up to help clean and decorate our church for the Christmas It looks truly beautiful as always! BETHANYSeason. RETREAT CENTER LENTEN PROGRAMS The Bethany Retreat Center in Frenchville is offering We would also in like to extend our grateful thanks to everyone on Tuesdays Lent: Lenten Evenings of Reflection. and anyone who volunteered in any way this past year to The sessions will be held on February 23, March 1, 8, help our church functions run so smoothly. We are so with and 15. Stations of the Cross begins at 6:30 PM blessed having such a generous and caring parish and thewith Reflection “Open Our Hearts” at 7:00 This here at St. John’s. May God bless you for a Happy New weekly session invites us to deepen our faith and Year! service by linking reflections on scripture to our lives CHARITY If y ou tru ly w ant to h elp th e sou l of y ou r as individuals, family members, parishioners and as neighbor, you should approach God First with all your heart. Ask Catholics, while deepening ourtherelationship God Him simply to fill you with Charity, greatest of allwith virtues; every day of our lives. Call 263-4855 for more info. with it you can accomplish what you desire. —St. Vincent Ferrer 910066 St. John Evangelist Church 134 E. Bishop Street Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-355-3134 Contact: Fr. George Jakopac Software Using: Win 8 Adobe DC Publisher 2013 Transmission Time: Wednesdays, 11:30 am Special Instructions:
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