Bulletin 07.09.2011 - Balak - Yud Beis Tammuz


Bulletin 07.09.2011 - Balak - Yud Beis Tammuz
The Shul
Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Ethel Sirotkin
and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz
A Home of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
May His Merit Shield Us
A House of Torah, Prayer And Acts of Goodness
Shabbos Parshas Balak
Tammuz 6 - 7, 5771
July 8 - 9, 2011
Candle Lighting: 7:58 PM
(See page 5 for full Shabbos schedule)
Yud Beis Tammuz
12 Tammuz - July 14, 2011
Birthday and day of liberation of the
Previous Lubavitch Rebbe,
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson OBM
Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154
Tel: 305.868.1411
Fax: 305.861.2426
Email: info@TheShul.org
Weekly Message
Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
t is in this portion where Bilaam,
a rabid anti-Semite who would
employ every means and strategy
to annihilate the children of Israel, is
forced to not only bless them but to
actually prophesize the inevitable
coming of Moshiach.
It is in the theatre where the bad guys control and where evil
continues to proliferate that we need to restrict its assumed
authority and replace it with G-d’s authority.
Bilaam knew that truth would persevere and G-d’s purpose for
creation would be fulfilled but he would attempt to delay it as long
as possible. Enter the Mideanite women, taught and encouraged by
Bilaam to seduce the Jewish men and divert their attention from
Moshiach to satisfy their temporary animalistic tendencies.
Maimonides in his classic magnum
Opus on Jewish law (Laws of Kings)
quotes the verbatim words of
Bilaam and describes their particular
attribution to the first Moshiach,
King David, and the final Moshiach for whom we desperately and
impatiently wait.
No ideology, philosophy or life system ever provided a decent
alternative to Torah, and never did the children of Israel fall or suffer
due to intellectual or spiritual conclusions.
How do we reconcile the integration of seemingly antagonistic
opposites as Bilaam and Moshiach, actually crediting this
despicable world-class Jew-hater with the messianic prophecy?
Let’s renounce the roadblocks as our future depends on it. The Holy
Land of Israel depends on it and the fulfillment of G-d’s Personal
will and desire depends on it.
The issue is so obvious that there must be a compelling reason for
Hashem and the Torah to give Bilaam’s prophecy such distinction.
Only we can do it and get it done.
The most unfortunate aspect of Moshiach and Redemption is the
inevitable fact that in order to be redeemed you need to be
imprisoned. For Moshiach to lead us out of Galus we must a priori
be in Galus.
Why would our Loving Father, who even after banishing us from His
table and still calls us “His Children”, commit us to the atrocities of
Galus? The only purpose of such a painful exile is in order to reach
an even higher level of Divine connection and growth than when we
do not experience Galus.
To remain loyal and true to Hashem throughout the Galus
experience is a formidable task which requires enormous
commitment and selflessness.
When G-d decided to create our world it was for the express
objective to do whatever was necessary to make this material,
physical, mostly challenging world into a permanent dwelling place
for G-d. This was not to be accomplished by isolating the physical
world and transcending to a more spiritually balanced higher space.
We are charged to engage our coarse world where G-dliness is
obscured and indulgence reigns, and first dominate and control its
natural, self-serving, egotistical tendencies so they have no
negative influence on our behavior and then transform these
powerful forces of darkness and impurity to higher and refined
Our messianic expectation is that all of the world, with all it
inhabitants and everything that is part of this world, will
acknowledge and proclaim G-d’s unity and preeminence. That is
why it is precisely Bilaam who personifies the anti Moshiach and the
anti-Jew who will be forced to recognize that goodness, kindness,
holiness and morality will overcome darkness and negativity.
As long as there is a single space in the world even in the most
remote environment spatially or conceptually where G-dliness is
still hidden, Moshiach is not complete.
It is always the behavioral element in our being that tends to bend
towards answering the fleshpot needs of an animal soul that
becomes the stumbling block in our historical journey towards
Have a good Shabbos and a great week.
Community Nachas
Gimmel Tammuz Ohel Trip
Complete Nachas on Gimmel Tammuz in next weekly edition
The Shul Weekly Magazine
Everything you need for every day of the week
Take a Deeper Look
Special Thank You
Celebr ating Shabbos
Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you
need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience.
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with the Guaranteed Return
A Time to Pray
Check out all the davening schedules and locations
throughout the week.
Communit y Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate.
Inspiration, Insights and Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE.
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events around town.
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life
of the Jewish Woman.
Mr. & Mrs. Nochum & Chaya
Litchkowski & Family
In Loving Memory Of
Esther bas Itzchak ~ 12 Tammuz
“Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray,
those who provide lights for illumination, wine for kiddush and havdalah, food
for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy
themselves faithfully with communal affairs— may the Holy One, blessed be
He, give them their reward, remove them from all sickness, heal their entire
body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their
endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.”
- Shacharis for Shabbos.
Gabayim Corner
Kids Korner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha.
The Shul’s Gaboyim:
Mr. Allen Berry / Mr. David Pollack / Mr. Andrew Roth /
Mr. David Portnoy /Mr. Henry Eichler
Please note that the distribution of Aliyot according to our customs
is in the order of certain Simchot, Yahrtzeits, Birthdays, Guests and
general rotation. We encourage you to participate in the weekday
Davening and Aliyot on Mondays and Thursdays.
Attention members and guests:
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.
The Netw ork
Get Connected! All your advertising needs
in one convenient spot.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how you can get involved.
Dail y Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered
at The Shul.
Communit y Nachas
A peek at recent happenings
Featured Upcomi ng Events
Events you won’t want to miss
Shul Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs.
*National Holidays and Chol Hamoed
Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah
for the month of Tammuz is sponsored by:
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 2 pm
9 am - 2 pm
During the taking out of the Torah for leining, please allow seat
holders to return to their seats before occupying open seating.
Designated seats are for the use of members who dedicated them.
On Shabbos and Yom Tov, dedicated seats may be occupied by
anyone after 10:30 a.m. in the men’s section and 11:00 a.m. in the
women’s section.
Contacts at The Shul 305-868-1411
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Mrs. Fay Garber
Rabbi’s Secretary
Rabbi’s Assistant
Ms. Lydia Hasson
Outreach/Kolel/Websites Rabbi Mendy Levy
JLAC/Adult Ed/Singles/
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Special Events
CYS College / Senior Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet
Mrs. Geri Kelly
Mrs. Janice Barney
Events /Office Manager
Mrs. Pnina Wuensch
Youth Director /Dinner/Lay- Mrs. Devorah Leah
Operations / Maintenance Mr. Shlomie Katan
Reception/Accounts Payable Mrs. Renee Moore
Chana or Shani
Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli
Sephardic Minyan
Mrs. Aurit Katan
Hebrew School/Editor
Mr. Lazer Milstein
Hashkama Minyan
Mr Mordechai Olesky
Please remember to take personal belongings with you when you leave The Shul.
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7345
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7314
Ext. 7333
Ext. 7342
Ext. 7343
Ext. 7341
Ext. 7318
Ext. 7313
Ext. 7328
Ext. 7319
Ext. 0
Ext. 7325
305 790-4634
Celebrating Shabbos With Our Youth
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
Shabbos Schedule
Shabbos with the Teen Boys Minyan
No longer will your children get lost amongst the crowds in Shul on
Shabbos morning. The Shul youth has worked together to organize a
highly educational and fun program for children and teens of all
ages. Each Shabbos morning program involves a mix of Tefilla
(prayer), Parsha (weekly Torah study) and general "Jewishness",
through games, songs, and stories. Taught by our very own Shul
Bochurim and youth girls, each child will experience Shabbos in its
full glory; leaving with a taste of holiness and fun memories that will
keep them coming back from week to week. A Kiddush exclusively
for the children culminates the exciting program.
10:45 - 11:45 a.m.
Malkie’s Tot Shabbat (ages 0 - 4): Montessori Classroom 2
(enter from the Women’s Sanctuary)
Girls: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Yakira Leah's Program for Girls: ages 5-7: Classroom 2
Bashy’s Program for Girls: ages 8-10: Classroom 1
Batsheva’s Program for Tween Girls: ages 11-13: Rabbi Lipskar’s Study
Sarah Malka’s Program for Teen Girls: ages 14 and up: Teen Room
(at the back of the women’s sanctuary)
Boys: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Eli’s Program: Boys ages 5-9: The New Montessori Classroom 3
Yossi’s Program: Boys ages 10-13: Haime Library
Menachem’s Program: Teen Boys 14-18: Montessori Classroom 1
6:45 p.m.
Messibos Shabbos for all Girls (Classroom 1)
6:45 p.m.
Shalosh Seudos for all Boys (Youth Synagogue)
Ever wonder how you can teach your son to follow with a real
Minyan, or even run his own? The Shul youth has created the scene.
Every Shabbos morning, each teen has his own chance to play a
vital role in his own Shul Minyan, lead by one of our very own
Rabbis and Youth leaders. Every week all the boys have a chance to
act as Chazzan, Gabbai or ‘Rabbi’. This hands-on approach gives
each teen the opportunity to experience Shul and prayer to its
fullest, by involving them in every aspect of the Davening.
For Boys Only: ages 14-18
Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Please note: The Teen Minyan is strictly for the Teens. We
would appreciate it if adults would stay in the Main Sanctuary.
For more information: Contact 305 868 1411 ext. 7345
Torah Quiz
When else did Bilam cause harm to the Jews besides what
is written about in our Parsha?
In Parshas Balak, it says that the donkey crushed Balaam's
foot against the wall. Who built this wall originally?
Which special person was Pinchas a Gigul (reincarnation)
For more information on any of our Youth Programming,
please contact Devorah Leah Andrusier at 305 868-1411 ext 7328
Answers for Last Week:
Father & Son will resume in the Fall
when the clocks change again!
Shlomo Hamelech fathomed 3000 reasons and 1005
understandings for each Mitzvah. However, even with all
his great intellect, he still couldn’t figure out how the Red
Heifer purifies the tamei and contaminates the pure.
(Bamadbar Rabah 19:3)
The following 7 Tzadikim made the ashes of the Para
Adumah for their generations: Moshe Rabenu, Ezra
Hasofer, Shimon Hatzadik, Yochanan Kohein Gadol made
two, Eliyahu Einy ben Kuf, Chanamel Hamitri & Yishmael
ben Peyani. (Ramban)
The water flowing from Miriam’s well was so strong, that
the water made large pools around each tribe, and if a
person wanted to visit her their friends in another tribe in the desert - they needed a boat to get there. (Bamadbar
Rabah 19:25)
Shalosh Seudos
For Boys
Every Shabbos evening at 6:45 pm In the Youth Synagogue (upstairs)
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family
Last Week’s Winner
Batya Segal
Messibos Shabbos
For Girls
An exciting program for all Girls: 1st-5th Grade.
Every Shabbos afternoon at 6:45 pm (Afternoon Mincha) In Classroom # 1
Come and Enjoy Tzivos HaShem learning, great food & nosh,
prizes, games and stories.
Children should respect all School & Shul property.
Their Parents will be held responsible for
any damage they may cause.
Celebrating Shabbos
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
The Friday Evening Service and Shabbos Torah Portion
Friday Night
Yedid Nefesh
pg. 151
pgs. 99-101
pg. 101
Shabbos Day
Shabbos Day
(Stone Chumash)
(Gutnick Chumash)
Torah Portions
pgs. 856-874
pg. 1189
Torah Portions
pgs. 180-204
pg. 304
Kiddush This Week
Available for Sponsorship
Friday Evening
Early Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
Candle lighting
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
6:20 p.m.
7:58 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Shabbos Day
Hashkama Minyan
Tanya / Hayom Yom
Shacharis (Morning Services)
Children's Programs
7:15 a.m.
8:50 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
- 12:00 p.m.
+/- 12:00 p.m.
30 Minutes of Tanya: Classroom #1
With Mrs. Vivian Perez (for Women)
After Davening
12:00 p.m.
Messibos Shabbos for Girls
6:45 p.m.
Shalosh Seudos for Boys
6:45 p.m.
Daf Yomi
7:00 p.m.
Pirkei Avot: Chapter 5
7:00 p.m.
Women’s Shiur with Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
7:00 p.m.
Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos
7:45 p.m.
Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah
8:54 p.m.
Weekly Video of The Rebbe
Shalosh Seudos This Week
Available for Sponsorship
Please help us cover the cost of non-sponsored Kiddushim by
becoming a Partner or Patron of our Kiddush Bank.
Kiddushim at The Shul
Please help us continue to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush
and Shalosh Seudos by offering to become a sponsor.
Sponsorship by one or more individuals is encouraged.
The following dates are available for sponsorship:
Sephardic Minyan
Friday Evening
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Ends / Arvit & Havdalah
Next Week:
Candle lighting
7:57 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
July 9, 16, 23, 30
Shalosh Seudos:
July 9, 16, 23. 30
If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Pnina
at 305 868-1411 x 7313 or email: pwuensch@theshul.org
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
7:35 p.m.
Eruv Information
We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals
should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is
operational prior to carrying on Shabbos.
The number is 305- 866-ERUV (3788).
The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to
Candle lighting. Please note that the Eruv in Bal Harbour and
Surfside does not include the path along the beach. The backs of the
buildings form the Eruv in that section. It is forbidden to push
strollers or carry anything on this path or beach area on Shabbos.
The Shul has a “Kiddush Bank” to ensure that there are always
adequate funds to cover the costs of our weekly,
non-sponsored Shabbos Kiddushim and Shalosh Seudos.
There are two levels of participation:
Partner - annual contribution of $770
Patron - annual contribution of $360
Please help make our Kiddushim special.
To participate in this mitzvah call Pnina at (305) 868-1411 x 7313
Or email pwuensch@theshul.org
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with a Guaranteed Return
Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons whose contributions will help us to cover some
of the costs of the un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens in the coming year.
Partners - annual contribution of $770:
Patrons - annual contribution of $360:
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard and Carolyn Baumel
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Bella Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Boruch and Yonit Duchman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence and Roslyn Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory and Veronica Levine
Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schwalbe and Jody Soltanoff
Mr. Abe Stein
Mr. Sheldon David William Taiger
Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh and Pnina Wuensch
Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Amy Benishai
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson and Shelley Berman
Dr. & Mrs. Leonardo and Joni Blachar
The Count Elkaim Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Beryl and Florence Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Susan Packer
Mr. Allan S. Roness
Mr. & Mrs. Harold and Susan Rosenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence and Rhea Rosenzweig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Zohara Weiss
Following is a list of some of the non-sponsored 5771 Kiddushim which our
Kiddush Bank Investors helped provide to our community and visitors during the past year:
Un-Sponsored Events
Sept. 11
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Sept. 25
Sept. 30
Sept. 30
Oct. 1
Oct. 2
Oct. 2
Oct. 30
Nov. 6
Nov. 20
Nov. 21
Jan. 29
Mar. 26
April 16
April 23
May 28
Shabbos Shuvah Farbrengen
Sukkos 1st Day Kiddush
Sukkos 2nd Day Kiddush
Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos Kiddush
Hakafos Kiddush
Hakafos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Paid by Kiddush Bank
The shortfall for 5770 was over $20,800!
(Excluding the expenses for all the non-sponsored Shalosh Seudos meals provided by The Shul)
Your contribution will allow The Shul to continue providing adequate
Kiddushim to our large community and many visitors!
Make a deposit in our Kiddush Bank
Call Pnina
Pnina at
at 305
305 868
868 1411
1411 ext.
ext. 7313
7313 to
to share
share in
in this
this special
special mitzvah.
A Time to Pray
Davening schedules and locations throughout the week
Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul
MORNING SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday
6:15 - 6:50 am
Sichos Kodesh
Parshas Pinchas
R’ Zalman Lipskar
6:50 - 7:15 am
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
R’ Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
Daf Yomi
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
1 Chapter per day
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 am (approx)
Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
10:00 - 10:45 am
Sicha of the Rebbe - Textual
R’ Shea Rubinstein
Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan
EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday - 8:00-10:00 pm
Mon. to Thurs.
8:00 – 9:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
1st Session
Mon. to Thurs.
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
2nd Session
Daily Minyanim at The Shul
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar
6:50 am
No Minyan
R’ Shea Rubinstein
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy R’ Shea Rubinstein
R’ Mendy Levy
7:30 am
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
8:00 am R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
9:00 am R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet
Early Mincha 2:00 pm
No Minyan
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
No Minyan
8:00 pm R’ Sholom Lipskar
10:00 pm
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Shea Rubinstein
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Sholom Lipskar
No Minyan
See Complete
on page 5
Sephardic Minyanim at The Shul
Shimshon Tzubeli
See Complete
Schedule on
page 5
8:00 am
9:00 am
8:00 pm Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Shimshon Tzubeli
The Shul of Downtown
Halachic Times for the Week: Based on times for July 13, 2011
Alot Hashachar / Dawn
Earliest Talit & Tefillin
Netz Hachamah / Sunrise
(Earliest Amidah)
Latest Shema
Zman Tfillah
5:19 am
5:46 am
6:37 am
Shacharis Monday & Thursday only
Monday through Thursday
10:01 am
11:09 am
Rabbi Chaim Lipskar
Chatzot / Midday
Earliest Mincha
Plag HaMincha
Shekiah / Sunset
1:26 pm
2:00 pm
6:49 pm
8:15 pm
48 East Flagler Street, #363 (3rd Floor), Miami
305-373-8303 or 786-368-9040
Email: RCL@ShulofDowntown.com
This is Hashem’s House!
When in the Sanctuary ……...…shh!…...…...
(preferable latest time for Mincha)
Tzeit Hakochavim/Nightfall
8:46 pm
(earliest preferable Ma’ariv)
(Times taken from www.chabad.org.
Please note that during the week the times may vary by a minute or two.)
8:00 am
2:00 pm
If you speak in Shul...then where do you Pray?
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Tammuz 7
Tammuz 8
Tammuz 8
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 12
Tammuz 12
Tammuz 13
Mr. Sergio Zelcer
Ms. Daniela Fiss
Mr. Jeffrey Gassner
Mr. Daniel Phillip Farago
Dr. Samuel Davit
Mr. Morris Esformes
Mr. Asher Perets
Mr. Shimon Laber
Mrs. Chava Fux
Mrs. Joyce Naggar
Ms. Ethelyn Sarah Lieblich
Mr. Marc D. Aiken
Mr. Mitchell Roness
Mrs. Carolena Herz
Mrs. Carolina Goldfarb
Mrs. Tatiana Wertheimer
Mr. Steven Kevelson
Ms. Talia Reboh
Ms. Tatiana Wertheimer
Ms. Melissa Groisman
Mrs. Pamela Behar
Dr. Shoshana Feingold - Studnik
Tammuz 7
Chasha Elke bas Matisyahu obm
Tammuz 7
Chaim Avrohom Yonah obm
Mother of Judge Steven Robinson
Husband of Mrs. Beverley Schottenstein
Tammuz 7
Tzvi ben Rueven & Chanah bas Natan obm
Father & Mother of Mrs. Wendy Anne Hamburger
Tammuz 7
Mordechai ben Yitzchok obm
Tammuz 7
Abraham ben Moshe obm
Tammuz 8
Rochel bas Reb Yisrael Yaacov obm
Father of Mr. Isaac Sredni
Father of Mrs. Sybil Weinstein
Sister of Mr. Abe Stein
Tammuz 8
Dovid ben Yitzchak Hacohen obm
Grandfather of Mr. Andrew Roth
Tammuz 9
Binyomin Aaron ben Yaakov obm
Tammuz 11
Abraham Benarroch ben Simon obm
Tammuz 11
Knoll Family Members who died in the Holocaust obm
Son of Mr. Alex Gross
Our Kids’ Birthdays
Tammuz 7
Tammuz 7
Tammuz 9
Tammuz 9
Tammuz 10
Tammuz 11
Tammuz 12
Tammuz 12
Dr. & Mrs. Michael and Eva Salzhauer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and Monica Sugar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Dana Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Ighal and Sabrina Goldfarb
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso and Shoshana Soued
Father of Mrs. Mercedes Ivcher
Chelsea Sheridan
Alexa Golomb
Rachel Attias
Yehudah Lipskar
Tzvika Yehoshua Hirsch Salzhauer
Adam Ohayon
Daniella Abraham
Kaelah Meyers
Family of Mr. Mendel Knoll
Tammuz 11
Rose Zeitz obm
Mother of Mrs. Laura Shainbaum
Tammuz 12
Esther bas Itzchak obm
Mother of Mr. Nathan Litchkowski
Tammuz 12
Miriam obm
Mother of Mr. Michael Polyakov
Tammuz 13
Yehoshua Mordechai ben MenachemMendel obm
Husband of Mrs. Marta Feigenbaum
Mazal Tov
Tammuz 13
Yacov Aron ben Kosiel obm
Husband of Mrs. Dora Fialkoff
Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Cynthia Hilu on the birth of a son. May
they raise him to Torah, Chupah and Ma’asim Tovim and have much nachas
from him.
Tammuz 13
Chava Raisa bas Moshe Shmuel obm
Mother of Mr. Morton Nyman
Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Allen and Estela Berry on the birth of their
grandson. May they see him raised to Torah, Chupah and Ma’asim Tovim
and have much nachas from him. Mazal Tov to the parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Moises Egozi and Deborah Baker and to Mrs. Diane Baker.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Koslovsky on the birth of their
daughter Nomi Elisheva. May they raise her to Torah, Chupah and Ma’asim
Tovim and have much nachas from her.
Please continue to daven for these Israeli soldiers
still missing in action:
Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Rick and Renee Moore on the engagement of their
daughter Rachel Melody to Hillel Cooperman. May the marriage be in an
auspicious time. May they build a true Jewish home and an eternal edifice
based on Torah and Mitzvos.
Ron Arad
Zvi Feldman
Yehuda Katz
Have you celebrated a special occasion that warrants a Mazal Tov?
PLEASE SHARE YOUR NACHAS WITH US! Please email all info to
Lydia@theshul.org or call 305 868 1411
Zacharia Baumel
Guy Hever
Gilad Shalit
Important Notice re PARKING
We have begun towing unauthorized vehicles.
Only those vehicles registered with The Shul and
possessing a Shul decal are permitted in the garage
and outside North parking lot.
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Special Thank You
Refuah Shleimah
We sincerely thank the following members & supporters of The
Shul for donations received between 06/28/11 and 07/04/11.
We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.
If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would
like to keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered.
Mr. Henry Abramson
Mr. & Mrs. Flavio Alfie
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Ammar
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Barouk
Mr. Ari Baruch
Mr. & Mrs. Oded Ben-Arie
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Benishai
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Boruchin
Mr. Julio J. Brener
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Camhi
Mr. & Mrs. Avremy Chen
Ms. Sophie Dadure Bitton
Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Danzinger
Mr. Sion Dayan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Eichler
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Finkel
Ms. Fay Garber
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gerenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Gilinski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Korf
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Lapidus
Mr. Eddy Levi
Mr. & Mrs. David Lichter
Rabbi & Mrs. Zalman Lipskar
Mr. Morris Mendal
Mr. Ronen Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Musikar
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ohayon
Mrs. Joyce L. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. David Pollack
Mr. & Dr. Albert Pollans
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Polyakov
Ms. Joanna Rudd
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Salver
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmutter
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Jacob Shapiro
Mr. Steven Michael Sher
Mr. David Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Weinschneider
Mrs. Sybil Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weintraub
Mr. Bernard Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. M. Weitzman
Kashrus Korner
Moshe ben Freida
Moshe ben Nomi Shevi
Baruch Moshe ben Sarah Leah
Moshe ben Naomi Tzivia
Nussum Motka ben Tzirel Brina
HaRav Shimon Schreiber
Dan ben Chava
Shlomo ben Esther
David Fishel ben Rachel
Avraham ben Yitzchak
Daniel ben Tova Basha (#5)
Yehonoson ben Malka (Jonathan
Pollard for Refuah and Yeshua)
Yitzchak Arie ben Leah
Sarah Libke bas Bayla
Leah Bracha bas Shoshana Basya
Tziporah bas Mindel
Miriam Chaya bas Yachad
Rochel bas Bracha Sheindel
Chaya Bahiya Zlata bas Sara
Yochevet Bayla Emunah bas
Michal Chaya
Chava bas Mazal
Shifra bas Chaya
Itel Dina bas Shivra
Baili bas Shayna
Devorah Elka bas Eliesheva Batya
Nochum Mordechai ben Chana Zlata
Miriam Hagar bas Chayenah Michlah
Pinchas Rafael ben Yehudis
Noah ben Malka (#9)
Shmuel Nachum ben Sara Raizel
Chaim ben Nechama
Mayer ben Jamie
Eliyahu ben Batiya
Moshe ben Henia
Ariel Leib ben Nechama
Baruch ben Tzipa Faiga
Rachmiel ben Miriam
Beryl ben Miriam
Binyomin ben Chasha Riva
Avraham Yosef ben Sofie
Yishaia ben Celia
Yitzchok ben Chana Rochel
Raphael Moshe ben Sara
(Mr. Moshe Behar)
Perl bas Sarah
Chaya Yael bas Sarah Imanu
Chana bas Frecha
Sara bas Ida
Miriam Gietel bas Hinda (Ilona
Dora bas Sinuru
Fruma bas Chaya Sarah
Pnina bat Hannah
Miriam bas Rivka (Marilyn Kern)
Sandal bas Leah (Sonia Kawa)
Ilana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel
Ruchama Alisa Sara Chana bas
Esther Liba
Chanah Rachel bas Yehudit
Helen Chaya bas Devorah
Chai Sarah Rochel bas Pechka
For a complete list of Kosher Miami certified establishments, please
visit www.koshermiami.org. To sign up for kosher notifications by
email go to www.ou.org, www.koshermiami.org and/or www.stark.org
Important Notice
Hashgacha reinstated for Prime Sushi Sunny Isles Beach and
Prime Sushi Miami Beach - Due to the fact that the issue with the
violations of policies were based on the lack of responsiveness with
the management of Prime Sushi, the owner has agreed to put new
management in place. Kosher Miami has therefore reinstated the
supervision and certification effective Friday, July 1.
In memory of our beloved Gabbay, Mordechai Ben
David (Mauricio Fux) obm, the community has
established a fund for the care of his family. All
contributions should be made to The Shul, specifically
noting “Mauricio Fux fund”, if by check.
Kosher Miami will continue to monitor the situation to ensue that
these new changes will enable us to give a quality Hashgacha.
"Bourekas, Etc." has recently been added to the list
of establishments certified by Kosher Miami, The Vaad
HaKashrus of Miami-Dade. They are located at 18671 West Dixie
Highway in North Miami Beach, selling Cholov Yisroel pastries and
appetizers for parties and catering events. Delivery is available.
Their phone number is 305-503-3838.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
The Shul thanks all our Volunteers for their invaluable help:
Mrs. Ofelia Wiener for assisting the Hashkama Minyan
Mrs Rivkah Saidoff and Marci Lederman for assisting at the Woman’s
Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen
The Orthodox Union does not certify any of the BJ’s bakeries.
Some bags for the freshly baked bagels display an unauthorized
OU. BJ’s Wholesale Club is changing their bags and are removing
the bags with the OU.
Do you need help with going Kosher? For personalized
assistance, call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314
All cell phones should be turned to vibrate
when entering The Shul premises. It is disturbing to those
praying and studying and a disrespect to Hashem.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Yud Beis Tammuz
Jewish life behind; these continued to function and thrive, preserving
and even spreading the teachings of Torah and chassidism to this
very day. When the all-powerful communist regime began to
crumble in the closing years of the '80s, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's
network of children's schools, outreach centers, and supply lines of
kosher food and religious services simply moved out of cellars and
attics into emptied Communist Party buildings.
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950)
6th Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the
sixth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, was
one of the most remarkable Jewish
personalities of the twentieth century. In
his seventy years, he encountered every
conceivable challenge to Jewish life: the
persecutions and pogroms of Czarist
Russia, Communism's war on Judaism,
and melting-pot America's apathy and
scorn toward the Torah and its precepts.
The Rebbe was unique in that he not only
experienced these chapters in Jewish
history -- as did many of his generation -but that, as a leader of his people, he actually faced them down,
often single-handedly, and prevailed.
Upon arriving in New York after his rescue from Nazi-occupied
Warsaw in 1940, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak took on a no less formidable
challenge: the frigid spiritual atmosphere of the western world. There
was no telling Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak that his was a losing battle; from
his wheelchair, he rallied the Jewish young of America under the cry
that "America is no different," that also in this bastion of
materialism the timeless truths of Torah can take root and flourish.
He established yeshivas and day schools, a publishing house for
Jewish books, a social service organization and community support
networks throughout the country. By the time of his passing in 1950
he had laid the foundation for the global renaissance of Torah-true
and chassidic-flavored Jewish life, heralded by his son-in-law and
successor, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak was the only son of Rabbi Sholom DovBer, the
fifth Rebbe of Chabad, whose devotion to the child's education is
lovingly chronicled in Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's voluminous writings.
While still in his teens, the young Yosef Yitzchak he served as the
right hand of his father. As the personal secretary of the Rebbe, Yosef
Yitzchak's responsibilities included administrating the many civic
and communal activities in which the Rebbe was involved. The
young Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, in full-length chassidic garb, was a
familiar figure in the receiving rooms of the government officials,
ministers, and nobles of Moscow and Petersburg. In 5655 (1895) the
young rabbi participated in the great conference of religious and lay
leaders in Kovno, and again in the following year in Vilna. At times
soft-spoken and with words coming from the heart, at times
audacious and threatening, but always fearless and determined, he
demanded the repeal of anti-Jewish decrees, the stopping of
pogroms and the cessation of the government's program of forced
"enlightenment" of traditional Jewish life.
A Boy and a Calf
From the diary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch
At the age of eleven, the young Yosef Yitzchak began to keep a diary
in which he wrote faithfully for his entire lifetime, often for several
hours a day. He recorded his personal experiences as well as the
wealth of chassidic wisdom and lore which he absorbed while
growing up in the White Russian town of Lubavitch, in the home of
his father, the Rebbe, and surrounded by the great chassidim of the
time. The following excerpt was written when he was twelve years
old, and recounts an event which took place one year earlier.
On Elul 13, 5657 (1897), at the age of seventeen, Yosef Yitzchak
married Nechamah Dina, daughter of Rabbi Abraham Schneersohn
and granddaughter of the Tzemach Tzedek, the third Chabad Rebbe.
During the week's celebrations that followed the wedding ceremony,
Rabbi Sholom Dovber announced the founding of Tomchei Tmimim,
the Lubavitch yeshivah, and the following year appointed his son to
be its executive director. It was there, in the hamlet of Lubavitch in
pre-soviet White Russia, that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok trained the army
of the faithful torchbearers who, under the impossible conditions of
the decades to come, would literally give their lives to keep the flame
of Jewish life ablaze throughout the Soviet Union.
ollowing the guidance and instructions of my father, I devoted
my entire fortune—which at the time amounted to some thirty
rubles, received in reward for reviewing mishnayot (Talmudic
passages) by heart—to establish a free loan fund. I provide interestfree loans in small sums of three to five rubles to market people and
to peddlers who make their rounds in the villages with bundles of
flax, pelts, chickens, eggs, onions and the like.
On the advice of my teacher, Rabbi Nissan, I keep accounts. The days
before and after the market day are my business days, in which I
distribute and collect the loans.
Upon his father's passing in 1920 Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak assumed the
leadership of Russian Jewry just as Communism's all-out war on
Jewish life was moving into high gear. His fight to preserve Judaism
was characterized by his all-consuming mesirat nefesh - an
unequivocally selfless devotion to the physical and spiritual needs of
a fellow Jew and unshakable faith in what he stood for. He
dispatched teachers and rabbis to the farthest reaches of the Soviet
Empire, establishing a vast underground network of schools,
mikvaos, and lifelines of material and spiritual support.
Among the “regulars” who frequently make use of my fund is Reb
Dovid the butcher, nicknamed “Buckteeth Dovid.” Reb Dovid is a
man of fifty, heading a family of eight souls, a frightful pauper who
earns a living from the toil of his hands. No work in the world is too
difficult for him—be it in the scorching heat of summer, in a winter
snowstorm, or in the rainy season—as long as he earns a few kopecks
for his toil. Never does he complain about his miserable state and
Stalin's henchmen did everything in their power to stop him. In 1927
he was arrested, beaten, sentenced to death and exiled; but he stood
his ground, and by force of international pressure he was finally
allowed to leave the country. But in leaving the boundaries of the
Soviet Union he left his emissaries and their infrastructure of
A simple man is he, this Reb Dovid: if he studied at cheder during his
childhood, he has already forgotten his learning. Aside from the
prayers—including those of the festivals and the High Holy Days—
and the Psalms, the Passover Haggadah and the Ethics of the
Fathers, he doesn’t know much. But he is a wholesome and honest
man, and every day—save those that he works in the next
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Yud Beis Tammuz
village—he is among the first ten men to make up
the Psalm reciting society and the vatikin quorum
to recite the morning prayers at the crack of dawn.
I love to catch those moments on an afternoon
preceding Shabbat or a festival when Reb Dovid
would head home from the bathhouse, his face
aflame and the edge of his white shirt peeking out,
his four sons surrounding and running after him.
Another hour would find him humming a tune as
walked with his four sons to the large synagogue
where he prays.
My parents were away for a time. I was staying at
the home of my grandmother, the Rebbetzin
Rivkah. My cheder studies were held in the home of
Reb Yeshayahu Kastier on Shileveh Street.
At the time, the Lubavitch police force consisted of
a pristov, an uradnik, and three diesatniks, with
another five diesatniks added on market days to
help keep the peace.
And this is what happened:
It was two o’clock in the afternoon of a day in Av 5651 (August or
September 1891), a market day. I was walking home from cheder for
lunch together with my friend Shimon, the son of Reb Shmuel the
copyist. The market square is jammed; also Shileveh Street, on which
we walk, is filled with carts, horses and peasants.
We met Reb Dovid the butcher carrying a calf on his shoulders and a
small lamb in his arms, and a basket of chickens hanging in front of
him. Noticing me, his face—black as an African’s—lit up, and white
teeth peeking out, he said: “I hope to G‑d that I’ll earn well
today . . .”
Before he finished speaking, the police uradnik suddenly sprang up
beside him and struck him a blow across the face. Blood ran down
his nose. Seeing this, I yelled at the uradnik, “Drunk! Despicable
one!” and I shoved him hard.
The uradnik cast upon me the libel that I had ripped off the brass
badge sewn on his chest and interfered with the carrying out of his
duty, and instructed one of the diesatniks to take me to the police
station. Before I had a chance to utter a sound, a half-drunk peasant
grabbed me with a coarse and powerful hand by my clothing and
volumes of mishnayot, Zeraim and Moed, I began to
review them by heart.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of a drawn-out grunt.
My imagination ran wild, and I trembled in terror. I
strained to focus my thoughts on the words which I
was reciting by rote, and moved away from the
corner from which the grunt and sounds of flailing
came. I concentrated on reviewing the mishnayot.
To this day I remember the thoughts which ran
through my mind at the time concerning the
afternoon prayer of Minchah.
Since I was sitting in the dark and did not know the
hour, I hurried to pray Minchah. I said the Ketoret
and Ashrei; upon reaching the Amidah, I hesitated
as to which version of the prayer I should recite.
Should I include Aneinu, since I was in a state of
distress, and say the confession of Al Chet (most of
which I knew by heart) in repentance, or not? But
before I could finish the thought I decided that no, I
should not say Aneinu, nor Al Chet. In fact, I should not even say
Tachanun (the confession of sins recited in the daily prayers but
omitted on festive occasions); on the contrary, the day on which the
Almighty granted me the privilege to be imprisoned for defending
the honor of a Jew should be a festival for me. With a feeling of joy I
prayed the Amidah with proper concentration, to the best of my
knowledge and understanding.
After the Minchah prayer, as I was reviewing the mishnayot of the
order of Zeraim, I heard the sound of grunting and flailing limbs,
accompanied by a lengthy struggle. My knees were knocking
together in fright, but I remembered that my friend Shimon had
been showing me the box of matches he had bought for his brother
Leib, and that in the great confusion of what happened it had
remained with me. I lit a match and saw a bound calf with a muzzle
on his mouth lying in a corner, and my fear was calmed.
I finished reviewing the order of Zeraim, and proceeded with the
order of Moed. Before I could finish Moed, I heard the sound of steps
approaching the room of my imprisonment. Soon the door opened
and I saw the officer on duty.
The commotion in the market was at its peak, and with great
difficulty we proceeded, pressed together, through the crowd of
people, carts, horses and other livestock. Because of the heavensplitting sounds of the market, no one paid attention to me and my
“Please forgive me,” said the officer, “I did not know that you are the
nephew of Razoh.” (All the townspeople, also the non-Jews, called
my uncle “Razoh,” short for Rabbi Zalman Aharon.) “Now his honor
the pristov has arrived and has commanded to release you . . . Please,
have mercy on me and do not tell them that I hit you and pulled you
by the ear. I didn’t do it in malice—only out of habit—why, no blood
ran from your nose, and none of your teeth fell out, so what’s so
terrible . . .?”
We passed the market square, passed Chachlukeh Street, and arrived
at the station courtyard. The guard opened the gate, and my escort
handed me over to the officer on duty with the notification that I
have been arrested for the aforementioned crimes.
When we entered the pristov’s room, Reb Dovid the butcher—bruised
and beaten—already stood there together with the policeman who
hit him, and the witnesses Reb Yoel the tin man and Shaul the
wagon driver.
The officer on duty received me with a wrathful face, glared at me
with contempt, awarded me a slap across the face, grabbed me by
the lobe of my ear, and led me to one of the cells. He opened the
doors of a dark room, pushed me in, and locked it behind me.
The police officer argued that the calf which Reb Dovid had been
carrying was the calf which Reb Meir the butcher had purchased
from his, the officer’s, brother, and was stolen from Reb Meir by Reb
Dovid. This was why his hands had struck the face of the thief. “And
this youth,” he said, indicating me, “insulted me and ripped off my
And I, a terrible fear descended upon me. I also felt very hungry. But
after a moment the thought flashed through my mind: why, I too—
just like my holy ancestors—am sitting in prison! So I must
occupy myself with words of Torah. As I was already fluent in two 11
The witnesses testified that Reb Dovid the butcher had
purchased the calf he was carrying.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Continued from p. 11
Yud Beis Tammuz
While they were still speaking, Mr. Mordechai Zilberbord—the
servant of my uncle Raza—entered and handed a note to the pristov.
Upon reading it, the police chief said to Zilberbord: “You can take
him. He is free of any punishment.”
This is Education
From the writings & talks of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch
The writings and talks of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson (18801950) contain the most comprehensive, vivid and passionate
description of Chassidic life, from the days of the Baal Shem Tov (b.
1698) to our time. In the following excerpt from a talk delivered in
1945, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak speaks of his father's singular devotion to
his, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's, education:
All my friends were waiting for me outside the station house. We
walked together—I didn’t want to ride in the coach which was sent
from our home—and I told them all that happened to me.
When Mr. Zilberbord heard my story about the calf in the prison cell,
he rushed to find Meir the butcher. Meir rushed to the station, where
he found the pristov still presiding over the case of the police officer
versus Reb Dovid, and said to the pristov, “I was told that a bound
and muzzled calf is lying in the jail of the police station.”
n Rosh Hashanah of 1888, when I was a child of seven and
several months, I visited my grandmother and she treated
me to a melon. I went out to the yard and sat with my
friends on a bench directly opposite my father's window and shared
the melon with my friends.
The pristov, who was in a bad temper—he had been forced to leave
his company and his card game—stood up in a rage and went to
investigate, followed by the station manager and the court clerk.
Also Meir, Dovid and the witnesses trailed after them, to see if it was
true about the calf in the jail cell. How amazed they all were to
discover that it was indeed as Meir says, and that here indeed lies
the calf which Meir had bought from the brother of the beating
My father called me in and said to me: "I noticed that while you
shared the melon with your friends, you did not do so with a whole
heart." He then explained to me at length the concept of a
"generous eye" and "malevolent eye."
I was so deeply affected by my father's words that I was unable to
recover for half an hour. I wept bitterly and brought up what I had
eaten of the melon.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that the policeman and his
brother had conspired to first sell the calf to Meir and then to steal it
from him.
"What do you want from the boy?" asked my mother. "He's only a
Father replied: "It is good this way: now this trait will be ingrained in
his character."
For a week the policeman sat in jail, after which he was brought to
trial. Another wrongdoing of his was discovered, and he was
dismissed from his post.
Concluded Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak: "This is education."
My friends later told me that five hours had gone by until the pristov
was found in the company of Mr. Azmidov and Dr. Yermakov,
engaged in their card game at the doctor’s home.
Halacha of the Week
When my father returned from his trip, my uncle Raza recounted to
him the entire incident of “Buckteeth Dovid,” and praised my
strength of mind. Thanks to me, he said to father, Dovid’s innocence
and the policeman’s guilt had been established, and the calf had
been returned to Meir.
By Rabbi Dov Schochet
Laws of Moshiach
fter Balaam's initial
rebuffing of Balak’s
request to curse the
Jews, he accepts the offer
hoping to find an opportune
moment to curse the Jews.
Despite the many signs G-d
places in his path he insists,
and sets up an array of
sacrifices to win G-d over. At
the crucial moment, instead of cursing the Jewish people, he blesses
them. Some of the most beautiful prophecies and praises ever told
of the Jewish people are told by Balaam in this week’s portion. In
fact, the promise of a Messiah coming to the Jewish people, our
ultimate goal, is first foreseen by Balaam. Maimonides when
looking for scriptural support for a Messianic age, finds it in this
week’s portion in Balaam's blessings.
My father said to me: “You did well to protect the dignity of an
honest Jew. And if for that you suffered for a few hours, so what?
“Now it has also been demonstrated to you,” father continued, “how
good it is that you are fluent in mishnayot by heart. Were it not for
this knowledge, in what way were you any better than—lehavdil—the
calf of Meir the butcher, which also sat in prison? But because you
knew the mishnayot and you reviewed them there, the hours of
imprisonment passed with words of Torah and prayer, in which lie
the advantage of man over beast.”
Father’s words remain engraved on my mind and heart: Love and
esteem every honest Jew, be he rich or poor in Torah. Protect the
dignity of every Jew, even if danger is involved. And always prepare
“provisions for the way”—by learning by heart—in case of any
mishap, so that no time will be wasted without study of Torah.
My father gave me ten rubles to add to my fund, that I might
increase my loan-granting activities.
The Messiah will return the Monarchy of David, build the Temple
and return all the Jews to Israel. Anyone who does not believe this or
await his arrival is not only denying the prophets but the Torah and
Moses. When the Messiah comes he need not perform any miracles
to verify his authenticity, as we find in the times of Rabbi Akiva that
he accepted Bar Kochva as a potential Messiah until he was killed
for his sins. The primary factor is that the Torah and Mitzvot can
never be changed, anyone who adds, decreases or explains Mitzvot
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
referred to as "offspring," because they are brought into being by
intellect. Deep understanding and meditation on the greatness of
G-d spawns love and fear of G-d.
in a non-literal fashion is most certainly wicked.
If one from the house of David who toils in Torah and Mitzvot
according to the Rabbinic tradition, causes others to follow it and
strengthens the Torah he is possibly the Messiah. If they then go
on to vanquish the enemies of the Jewish people, build the Temple
and gather the exiles then they are certainly the Messiah. Even the
progenitors of other religions (which cannot be considered the
Messiah as they didn't strengthen the Torah, rather weakened it)
were placed in the world to bring the concept of one G-d and
Messiah to the entire world, in a way preparing the world for the
More particularly, our conceptual process can be divided into two
thrusts: Chochmah and Binah. Chochmah is the seminal core of
understanding. Therefore it is described with the analogy of a
father. Binah represents the development of a conceptual
framework, and therefore it is referred to with the analogy of a
Our soul powers stem from the supernal Sefiros. And thus a similar
pattern exists with regard to these Sefiros. They are divided into
two fundamental categories which parallel intellect and emotion,
it is the supernal intellect, Chochmah and Binah, which spawn the
supernal emotions. And these emotions bring into being the
spiritual worlds.
The reasons our sages yearned for Messiah is not for physical
bounty or pleasures, rather the peace and tranquility that will be
had in those times will create the perfect environment to study
Torah. Because there will be no envy or jealously nor lack of
sustenance, the people will be great scholars and know the ways of
Hashem as to the extent humanly possible.
More particular, the parallel reflects the workings of Chochmah
and Binah. Chochmah serves as "the father," for it is distant from
the emotions and certainly from the worlds which they bring into
being. Binah is considered "the mother" for it is closer to the
emotions and also to the worlds.
That is was Balaam who foretold of this Utopian time teaches an
important lesson. We frequently are challenged and find ourselves
in situations which seem irremediable. The Torah teaches us that
even from the archenemy Balaam we can find blessings. Similarly,
with the help of Hashem we can transform our greatest challenges
into opportunities.
Because Binah is closer to the worlds, the framework of reference
which characterizes the worlds is significant for it. Therefore, the
influence of Binah in the world, the comprehension of G-dliness,
does not nullify that framework of reference. Instead, it brings
about only bittul hayesh, self-nullification that does not entirely
banish one's conception of self. The person devotes himself to a
higher purpose, but still retains his individual identity.
Fathers and Mothers
(Adapted from the Maamar and Sichos of Yud-Gimmel Tammuz,
Chochmah, by contrast, appreciates that "He alone exists; there is
nothing else" all other existence becomes paled in the light of His
presence. This level of awareness is indeed reflected in the name
Chochmah whose letters can be rearranged to form the words
koach mah-- which reflect complete and utter bittul, bittul
ur Sages interpret the verse: "From the top of boulders, I
see him. I gaze upon him from the hills," as an allegory,
explaining that "the tops of boulders" refers to the
Patriarchs, and "the hills" refer to the Matriarchs.
The significance of this commentary can be understood by
comparing the different relationships which a father and a mother
share with their child. A father's connection is general; it does not
relate to the child's body in a specific way. For it is through the
mother's nurturing of the fetus for nine months that the limbs and
organs that make up a child's body become defined and develop.
Striving for a Purpose
The Patriarchs and the Matriarchs share a connection with every
Jew, endowing every member of people with their spiritual legacy.
Implied is that every Jew possesses two general spiritual thrusts.
The Patriarchs endow him with the quality of Chochmah, the
potential for complete and utter self-nullification, reflecting the
sublime unity, while the Matriarchs endow him with the quality of
Binah, self-nullification that allows a person to retain his identity,
reflecting the lower plane of unity.
For this reason, even after the child is born, his mother shares a
closer relationship with him than his father, for it is she who has
shaped the particulars of his existence. And thus, a child has a
greater love for his mother than for his father, and a greater degree
of awe for his father. For love depends on closeness, and awe
comes about through distance.
The ultimate purpose of existence is that the world be transformed
into a dwelling for G-d. Thus our Divine service should not be
removed from the world, but should focus on making the world a
medium for G-dliness as it exists within its own context. For this
reason, the Matriarchs whose Divine service reflects closer
involvement with the world possess an advantage over the
Patriarchs (despite the fact that Binah, the quality they personify,
merely receives influence from Chochmah, the quality personified
by the Patriarchs). And therefore, Avraham was instructed: "Listen
to everything Sarah tells you."
Similar concepts apply with regard to the Patriarchs and the
Matriarchs of the Jewish people. For this reason, when speaking
about the Patriarchs, the verse uses the expression "I see him,"
which implies gazing from a distance, while with regard to the
Matriarchs, it uses the expression, "I gaze upon him" which implies
closeness. This is indicated by the Targum for the term "I gaze upon
him," sichisa, which is also used as the Targum for the word
vitabeit. Habat, the Hebrew root for the latter term, implies looking
closely with intent and concern.
In the Image of G-d
The conception of a child on the physical plane, as does every other
material entity, stems from its spiritual source. Our emotions are
Both these thrusts, the striving towards the sublime unity and the
lower unity, which come from the Patriarchs and the Matriarchs
(the "tops of the boulders" and the "hills") empower the Jewish
people, enabling them to achieve the state described in the
continuation of the verse: "It is a nation dwelling alone
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
Continued from p. 13
Judaism is growth, constant advance in the realm of the spirit, in
secure, not being counted among the nations."
Torah learning, in development of character. Self-satisfaction,
Even during exile, this prophecy continues to be fulfilled. For the
contentment with past achievements - these lead to stagnation.
identity of the Jews has remained intact; they have not assimilated
among the nations. Indeed, the exile lifts the Jews to a higher level,
Jacob's tents is to be
as indicated by the interpretation of this verse by the Targum as
held up as a goal, an
foreshadowing the Era of the Redemption when: "in the future, this
incentive. In spiritual
nation will take possession of the earth," with the coming of the
affairs (if not necessarily
true and ultimate Redemption, led by Mashiach; may it take place
in material strivings) a
in the immediate future.
goal achieved gives one
A Woman in Her Home
a higher vantage point to see more enticing horizons ahead. The
Every Jewish home is a world of its own in which is manifest all the
higher the attainment the greater the awareness of the task
Ten Sefiros. Just as within the supernal Sefiros and within the
uncompleted, the profounder the appreciation of the challenge still
powers of our soul, there is an advantage to Binah over Chochmah
(despite the fact that Binah receives influence from Chochmah), so
Balaam was telling Israel they were good enough already, no need
too, within the Jewish home, there is a dimension of supremacy to
to be any better. He wished to vitiate Israel's urge to strive, to make
the woman's position.
the Jew content with what he is so that he will never progress. And
And the woman's position in the home reflects the functioning of
the soul, Balaam knew well, never stands still. We are not the same
these Sefiros. The Sefirah of Binah receives influence from
today as yesterday. Either we go up, or we inevitably go down.
Chochmah, and conveys that influence to the emotional attributes.
Balaam wanted Israel to believe they had reached the summit, they
So too, a woman receives direction from her husband, as indicated
may rest; his intentions were that by ceasing to go forward Israel
by our Sages' statement: "Who is a proper wife? One that fulfills her
would fall.
husband's will." Nevertheless, the actual functioning of the home
including the education of the children, hospitality to guests,
generous gifts to tzedakah and the like are all the women's
Yom Yerushalayim 5771
A man is not at home during the major part of the day. He is busy
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
with Torah study and prayer, or earning a livelihood. For his will to
be "fulfilled," manifest in actual life, he must rely on his "proper
Israel is a magic country. Every country has its own character and
unique elements that make it special and outstanding in some
fashion. Some countries have mountains, valleys, plains, prairies,
Moreover, the Hebrew word translated as "fulfilled" oseh also
deserts, oceans, beaches, lakes, rivers, seas, waterfalls, lush gardens,
means "make." At times, a "proper wife" "makes her husband's
islands, and of course historical foundations reaching back
will." For there are times when the pressures and difficulties he
millenniums to early periods that remain incrusted in the stone and
faces drain him, and hinder him from desiring the correct things.
sculptures of many countries. They each have physical elements that
At that time, "his proper wife" should in a gentle and pleasant
can be exciting and people will travel from all over the world to visit
manner mold her husband's will, coaxing to the surface the desire
some of these unique places. They contain tourist attractions, fun
to fulfill G-d's will that lies within the heart of every Jew.
spaces, cultural eating environments and a certain fundamental
uniqueness that is part of each land.
"When a husband and wife are worthy, the Divine Presence rests
among them." When a Jewish home is conducted as "a Sanctuary in
Miraculously, in an area that is smaller than most states in America
microcosm," the Divine Presence rests within. And since the "Divine
and most countries in the world, where you can transverse the
Presence rests within," "no evil will dwell among you." On the
length and breadth of the land by car in a single day, Israel contains
contrary, He will grant only good, overt and apparent good, as
all of the above, combining every aspect of uniqueness that other
manifest in abundant blessings for children, health, and prosperity.
countries have: lush pastures, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, seas
and beaches, historical foundations, tourist attractions, arid deserts,
waterfalls, places like nowhere in the world like the Dead Sea, and
other areas that Biblical and historical giants have admittedly
transversed and have placed their imprint on that special location.
Behind the Blessing
Israel as a land is a gorgeous physical specimen with multiple
qualities that make it outstanding. At the same time, the magic of
Israel is not in its physical existence because that, as we know, has
changed throughout history. Lush pastures have become arid
deserts, and arid deserts have become productive vineyards, lakes
and rivers have been transversed to supply fresh water, as
mountains and valleys have been populated in miraculous fashions.
By Zalman Posner
alak, king of Moab, sees the legions of Israel approach his
borders, and in fright calls upon Balaam to curse and thus
destroy Israel. However, instead of cursing, Balaam praises
Israel with words incorporated into the daily prayers - "How goodly
are your tents O Jacob, your dwelling-places O Israel." What did he
mean, and do we mean the same thing when we repeat his words
in prayers?
The blessing of Balaam can be a curse, because his paeans of
praise may be the antithesis of Israel's spirit. The tone of
There is another quality to the magic of Israel. It is called Neshama –
Soul. Somehow, when one visits any country in the world, and walks
away extremely impressed, whether in Europe, Asia, the Far East,
Australia or the Western Hemisphere, it is exciting –
you have fond memories and more than often pictures recording
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
those fun times and great visits. We stand in
awe at some of G-d’s natural wonders like
Niagra Falls, the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest,
but we walk away being impacted, many times
in our minds, often times with our hearts and of
course in our cultural development.
daily portion in the Torah on Yom
Yerushalayim this year. G-d promises us the
most extraordinary, bountiful blessings that
one could imagine materially and spiritually.
But of course the critical element in all of it is
to love each other like we love ourselves and
to have a unified Jewish People.
Coming to Israel one feels a different level of
connection. Most people that I know who have
come to Israel for the first or the fiftieth time
feel like they have come home. It’s a connection
like nowhere else. The very land you walk on
feels like it belongs to us. Everywhere we step, it feels like our own
land. Somehow, though we do not have the ability to tangibly
identify a concept of holiness, there is a sense of holiness in the
Holy Land. Walking through the streets of Jerusalem, one senses
another dimension that exists between the stones, in the stones and
around the stones. The cobble-stoned streets, the stone littered
hills, and each of the bushes or trees growing in the various areas
represent some element of the Holy Land.
At the end of my Hebrew presentation, I also
had the opportunity to share a few minutes in
English to the thousands of young students
who are in Israel from every part of the world,
dancing and singing outside and waiting to be inspired. From
Merkas Harav, at well passed midnight, we ventured to the Lion’s
Gate where the Jewish paratroopers had initially gone through in
1967 to recapture our Holy places. The Lion’s Gate had generally been
closed by the government preventing people going through there to
the Western Wall, even on Yom Yerushalayim, due to security
concerns. With the special arrangement of a police escort, about 40
of us walked through the Lion’s Gate all the way to the Western Wall
where we had an opportunity to pray to Hashem.
It is clear as you go through the Holy Land of Israel, north, south,
east and west, that this Land belongs to the Jewish People. It is by
every account a Jewish Land. It feels Jewish, it behaves Jewish, it
breaths Jewish, and affects everyone that visits in an impacting
Jewish way. Even non-Jews that visit Israel come back with a sense
of Jewish history, Jewish Eternity and Jewish brilliance. All of this is
on regular days, in regular places visited by regular people, without
any special event that serves as a catalyst to awaken all of these
extraordinary emotions and relationships.
The next day was filled with citywide pride and celebration as Yom
Yerushalayim celebrated the day when Jerusalem was reunited, the
blockade walls were taken down and Jews could once again go to
the Western Wall and pray to Hashem, (though we are still not de
facto owners of the Temple Mount as foreign nations control that
area, and tell us whether or not we can or cannot even see the top of
that Holy place). Marching around the city of Jerusalem on Yom
Yerushalayim and going through the Shechem Gate on the way to
the Western Wall, it was almost impossible to move. The alleyways
were crowded wall to wall with people, all kinds of people, from
those dressed in army uniforms, to those wheeling baby-carriages
through the massive crowds, people that were on canes or in
wheelchairs, and those dancing all the way from the street to the
Wall, and reaching the Wall the massive plaza could not hold the
throngs of people who came to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. It was
an incredible sight, as tens of thousands of people filled the plaza,
from one end to the other, not an empty space in the entire square,
everybody holding flags, dancing and jumping, rejoicing with the
Holy City of Jerusalem, and saying to Hashem, “It is in You that we
When a special event comes along and the heart, mind and soul are
opened, a whole different experience is expressed. That was the case
during Chani’s and my recent visit to the Holy Land for the Yom
Yerushalayim celebration that encompassed a number of extremely
interesting and impacting events. As many of you who have had the
experience know, being in Israel on a trip with the Falic Family is an
outstanding experience. You can take it for granted that being with
them you will interact with Israel’s top leadership, will relate to the
extraordinary brilliance and strategic influence of the IDF, you will
see places that are not on regular tourist maps, areas that have not
yet been opened to the public or are just being discovered, and gain
a general view and relationship with the Holy Land that brings out
the most intense, positive aspects of our Jewish pride and feelings.
We had the great honor of sitting on the dais with the Chief Rabbi of
the Western Wall, Rabbi Rabinowitz, our Kohain Mr. Simon Falic who
publicly blessed the community with the Priestly Blessings, and the
Minister of Education who shared some words of inspiration. It was
a feeling that cannot be expressed in language. One can only know
it when being there and feeling it. There was a palpable volt of
vibrancy, life, holiness, happiness, joy, pride, eternity that surged
through every single person in that crowd, as the dancing and
singing were in absolute unison and the ecstasy on the faces of
these people was something outstanding to behold.
This trip, also orchestrated by Simon and Jana Falic, was different in
its extraordinariness and its powerful influence. Beginning our visit
was an evening in Ir David honoring 3 outstanding Israelis with the
Moscowitz Prize and then a midnight condolence visit to the
Dasberg Family on the tragic loss of the illustrious scholar, Rabbi Uri
OBM followed by a 3:00am dinner. The next day, after a visit to Kever
Shmuel Hanavi in honor of his Hilula, we were honored to be part of
a program at the Yeshivat Merkas Harav where the Yom
Yerushalayim celebration officially begins. Our community and Shul
had the distinct honor of being the first Synagogue outside of Israel
whose Rabbi was invited to address the august group of thousands
of participants, young and old, who were at this exhilarating event.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Knesset House Speaker
Rivlin, to chief Rabbis, heads of Yeshivas and political leaders, each
talked about the extraordinary uniqueness of the Holy Land, and
especially the city of Jerusalem, and how it will always be the capital
of the Jewish people.
My participation in this event was to share some thoughts regarding
the unity of the Jewish People, totally integrated with the unity of
the Holy Land, totally integrated with the unity of G-d and the
unity of Torah, as expressed in the Priestly blessings that were the
A most interesting aspect of this was the fact that there was no
screaming for revenge, killing, terrorizing, murdering or eliminating.
It was a celebration of life, togetherness and holiness. What a
change from what we see and hear everyday in that part of the
world, and how little the world saw of this wonderful experience and
how unfortunately it is not respected in environments that could
desperately use that kind of energy, maybe even in the U.N..
We are on a roll to prepare the world for Moshiach. Let’s get it done
so that L’Shanah Habah B’Yerushalayim.
(See pictures on Page 35)
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Recently in the News
Continued from p. 15
due to stepped-up security checks at Ben-Gurion. But police said
flights were not affected.
More Than 50,000 Stream Through Rebbe’s
Resting Place
The activists are taking part in a Palestinian program known as
“Welcome to Palestine.” Organizers say nearly 600 men, women
and children have accepted their invitation to visit the West Bank
for a week.
They say the purpose of the program is to show that men and
women from all over the world are willing to spend a week of their
time to show solidarity with Palestinians living under Israeli
Israeli authorities, who have been apprised of the program’s
details, “know perfectly well that we are not coming ‘to spread
chaos at Tel Aviv airport,” organizers said in a statement.
Sophia Deeg of Germany, a coordinator for the activists, said “most
of them are families or elderly people who never were in Palestine”
but wanted to draw attention to severe limitations on movement
in and out of Palestinian territories.
Over the course of 24 hours, more than 50,000 people streamed
through a section of the Old Montefiore Cemetery outside New
York City, finding inspiration at the resting place of the Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, on the
occasion of the 17th anniversary of his passing.
Deeg said the activists flying into Israel were not working in
concert with the flotilla activists, who hope to breach a sea
blockade that Israel says is crucial to stopping weapons from
reaching Gaza’s violently anti-Israel Hamas rulers.
Israel - Netanyahu: We Will Bar 'Aerial Flotilla'
Activists from Entering
Greek authorities have blocked the flotilla from sailing from the
Greek ports where they are docked and have arrested four people.
Athens, which has improved ties with Israel in recent years, said it
issued the ban for security reasons, pointing to a similar blockadebusting effort last year that ended in the deaths of nine activists
after Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish ship.
srael - Israeli police said
Wednesday they would
reinforce security at the
country’s already heavily
fortified international airport
before hundreds of proPalestinian activists arrive this
The activists, who said they
did not plan to stir up trouble,
were making last-minute
preparations for their flights
as another group of
Palestinian supporters were
being blocked from sailing toward the Gaza Strip in defiance of
Israel’s long-standing naval blockade of the territory.
Israel has warned it would stop any attempt to try to breach the
After meeting with senior security officials at the airport
Wednesday, Netanyahu issued a statement saying that “every
country has a right to block the entry of provocateurs.” At the same
time, he said, officers were instructed to avoid “unnecessary
9 South Florida Camps Unite
Israeli officials say the activists, due to land on Friday at the BenGurion International Airport, are coming spoiling for a fight. The
protesters accuse Israel of distorting their message, insisting their
activities would be peaceful.
ine camps from South
Florida joined together for
the annual Camp Gan Israel
Unity Day, organized by Rabbi
Shmuly G. of Chabad Youth Network
of Florida.
The Israeli public security minister has called some of them
“hooligans” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a show
of reviewing security agencies’ plans at the airport before flying to
Romania on Wednesday.
An incredible program was planned;
beginning with a beautiful rally
followed by a delicious lunch and an
unforgettable show by Bello the
clown. The camps that participated
were Camp Gan Israels of Parkland,
Neytz, Bal Harbour, Sunrise, Landow
North Miami, Hallandale, Boca
Raton, Weston and Aventura.
Central District police commander Bentzi Sao told Army Radio on
Wednesday the airborne activists were expected to arrive on 50
flights from Europe between Thursday evening and Friday
afternoon. He wouldn’t discuss reports about efforts to block the
activists from leaving Europe.
Sao said Israel would deny entry to suspected troublemakers at
Ben-Gurion. He wouldn’t say if Israel had a list of suspected
provocateurs, but suggested some activists might be deported or
On Wednesday, passengers reported delays in entering the country,
As the CGI buses pulled to a stop in front of the Landow campus,
campers jumped off their buses and headed straight to the main
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Recently in the News
world in particular.
At the farbrengen, Mr. Perry gave a very detailed description of this
meeting. “There was a very pleasant atmosphere all the way
through,” he said. “I told the Rebbe about my life. The Rebbe was
more well-versed in the activities of the GSS than I was. He showed
tremendous expertise in even the small details. The Rebbe didn’t
try to give me any advice. He listened carefully to me throughout
the conversation, and I gave the Rebbe my complete trust.
“The Rebbe showed an interest in cooperation with foreign secret
services, and he analyzed international terror for a long time. The
Rebbe told me that Islam is a religion without borders,
field, anticipating the excitement of the day. Tents were set up for
each camp to sit in the shade and enjoy the rally. The array of
different color camp shirts worn by the campers, all sitting
together was a beautiful sight to behold. Water and ices were
distributed to quench the thirst that the hot Florida sun brings! As
Rabbi Shmuly G introduced each camp they cheered with all their
CGI spirit. Rabbi Mendy Weiss shared a few inspiring thoughts
about Gimmel Tammuz. Tzedaka was distributed and Tehillim was
said. Ices and raffle tickets were given out as campers representing
their camps recited the 12 pesukim. Lively music was played by Ari
Cattan and got everyone cheering once more.
In high spirits, yet ready for some air conditioning, the campers
headed inside for a delicious lunch of pizza, chips, and lots of
refreshing watermelon. Everyone returned to the field, the show
was ready to begin! Bello the clown took center stage and wowed
the crowd with his stunts, jokes, and amusing antics. At the
conclusion of the event amazing prizes were raffled off and mega
balloons were given out to each camper. The feeling of achdus was
in the air and clear for all to see.
Thank you to Rabbi Mendy Weiss, Rabbi Benjy Korf and Landau
Yeshiva for hosting the event on their grounds.
Thank you to all the camps for coming together in achdus.
A special thank you to Shauly Snovsky, Dovi Calabro, Ari Cattan and
to all the dedicated volunteers for making this day the incredible
success it was.
Former GSS Head Remembers the Rebbe
Chabad News
Former head of the GSS (Israel’s secret service) Yaakov Perry, who is
the CEO of Bank Mizrachi-Tefachot today,
attended this year’s main Gimmel
Tammuz farbrengen in Kfar Chabad.
n 1990, Mr. Perry met the Rebbe in the
Rebbe’s home on President Street,
where the Rebbe gave what Mr. Perry
described as a “no less than perfect”
forecast of expected developments in
the world in general and the Arab 17
as expressed by its terrorist actions. The Rebbe also dealt with the
origins of the conflict with the Arabs and why he believed that, in
the end, Islam would continue with its murderous terror.
“At the end of the meeting, the Rebbe told me, ‘Whenever you are
in New York, my home is open to you and Chabad Chassidus is at
your service, just as you and the GSS are at the service of the Jewish
people,” Mr. Perry recalled.
At the farbrengen, Mr. Perry said, “I had the unique and wonderful
privilege to meet someone that I had never encountered before in
my career. And believe me, I have met some of the greatest people
in the world.”
Congregant’s Corner
By Malca Bassan
enerations come, generations go but the world remains
forever, says King Salomon. All through our lives we take
upon ourselves missions to fulfill. Some of them originate
from our souls whereas others come from people who invite us to
do the mitzvah.
Whatever the case may be, we do it because it is Divinely ordained.
However, sometimes we do more than we should. If the mission
requires two details, then why should we add three or four more
details. The mitzvah is done anyways.
A mitzva is the most important mission for us to accomplish.
Once the mitzvah rings the bell, we must answer it. We leave
everything, pick up our things and go! We do it kindly, and also
with love, because one goes along the other. Love of doing
kindness is what we learn from Abraham, our father. Even when he
was sick after his circumcision, he loved to do kindnesses to
people. And this is why year after year we need to do our missions
a little more enthusiastically, a little more happily, a little more
ardouosly.... because the success in doing a mitzvah is in the
details that we add every year.
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Rabbi Lipskar’s
Tuesday Night Class
11:00 am - From Exile to Redemption: Insights on
Moshiach with Rabbi Mendy Levy
12:00 pm - Pirkei Avot: Ethics of our Fathers
with Rabbi Dov Schochet
July 12~ Tammuz 10
Parsha of the Week
11:00 am - Tanya
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
12:00 pm - Chassidic Philosophy of the Rebbe:
Relevant Concepts
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Class to be followed by
a light lunch
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
9:00 pm
11:00 am - The Weekly Parsha
with Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
12:00 pm - Book of Judges
with Rabbi Dov Schochet
The Shul ~ Social Hall
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
You can join these classes at anytime during the course.
All classes are followed by complimentary refreshments.
Call Rabbi Dov Schochet at 305 868 1411 or email
YES! You can
in time for the High Holy Days!
that let's you
Call Shirley Cappell
(305) 866-9398 or
(516) 884-3201
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Come join us for a night of fun and inspiration as we exercise through dance while
moving to the latest modern Jewish music. You will be inspired by our dance teacher who
will tell her story of connecting to her Jewish roots after attending Catholic school and
studying dance.
The Shul Social Hall
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
When: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 @ 8:30pm
Fee: $5
Salads and fruit will be served
Please come dressed in modest work out clothing
A project of The Shul and Mohel Isaac Gorin for Jewish Mothers Connecting
The Shul Member Services
Daily Minyanim
Individual Learning at Shul, Home or Office
Morning Kollel
Evening Kollel
Hebrew School
Tutoring for Boys/Girls
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs
Home Work Help Program
Find out more at
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
50’s Rock
Sphere of Life
If you are 50 years or older married or single, as long as you
want to enjoy each others
company – please come.
On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 7pm
in The Shul’s Social Hall,
you’re invited to share your thoughts with us as we move into a
new year of activities.
We can have it all; social, educational, spiritual,
communal – lectures, dinners, concerts and
theatre – book readings, wellness and exercise,
game nights – we’ll do it.
It’s about sharing moments together while having a good time.
What a better way to get to know each other. Together, we can develop a broader neighborly awareness, connection and fostering of
friendships, while promoting a more active and engaged community.
We look forward to seeing you,
Host Committee
Ted & Polly Kopelman
Estella Berry
Dr. Allen Packer
Terence Speyer
RSVP: email: Shuls50sRock@gmail.com
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life of the Jewish Woman
Weekly Classes
Women’s Mikvah:
Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an
appointment: 305-866-1492 or
Practical Halacha
Women’s Study Group -
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
11:00 - 11:30 am
8:15 - 10:00 pm
Call The Shul for details
Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be PREPAID
Tanya Class in Spanish
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:45 - 2:30 p m
Mrs. Vivian Perez
2:30 - 3:45 pm
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Torah Portion Class in Spanish
The Shul Sisterhood
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Who we are...
The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The
Shul's programming and classes geared
toward women in the community. Our
objective is to bring women of all ages and
backgrounds together to learn, laugh,
experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body
and soul. Meet new friends,
relax and get inspired!
Morning Torah Class
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
10:00 - 11:00 am
The Weekly Portion - Woman’s Perspective
~ Haime Library
Tanya Class in English
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:30 - 3:00 pm
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Kabbalah & Psychology (in French) Rabbi Zalman Gansburg 10:30 - 11:30 am
~ Haime Library
Atelier d’Etude du Sens Cache des Berachot Rabbi Z. Gansburg 11:30 - 12:00 pm
If you would like to be a part of The Shul
Sisterhood, please call 305. 868.1411
Tanya in Spanish for Women
Mrs. Vivian Perez
2:00 - 3:00 pm
~Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
Light your candles and
feel the arrival of a
special soul.
Welcome it
wholeheartedly and
experience a truly
soul-full Shabbat.
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Weekly Parsha For Kids
Balak, king of Moav, was afraid of the Jews after he saw how they
conquered Sichon and Og. He sent messengers to ask Bilaam to
curse the Jews.
Bilaam told the messengers that he needed to ask permission from
Hashem because he was not able to do anything against Hashem’s
will. At first, Hashem did not giver him permission. The second
Three times on the way, Hashem sent an Angel with a sword to
warn Bilaam not to go. He did not see the Angel but his donkey did.
The donkey tried to avoid the Angel, but the third time, there was
no place to go. She crouched down on the road, so Bilaam hit her.
The donkey explained to Bilaam what was happening after which
Hashem allowed Bilaam to see the maalach
Bilaam tried to curse the Jewish people three times, but each time
Hashem forced him to bless them instead. His third blessing
included “Mah Tovu O’halecha Yaakov,” which praised the modesty
of Bnai Yisrael’s homes.
Before leaving, Bilaam advised Balak to have
the daughters of Midian sin with Bnai Yisrael
and worship idols with them. As a result
24000 Jews died in a plague. Pinchas ended
the plague when he killed Zimri, the Nassi of
Shevet Shimon, and Kuzbi, the Midianite
princess who made him sin.
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Mrs. Nancy Poj
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
Parashá de la Semana
Resumen de la Parashá
Números 22:2-25:9
Pero por supuesto que somos marcados, incluso después de que los
hornos de Osweicim se enfriaron. Esas cifras de la ONU no nos
alak, el Rey de Moab, cita al profeta Bilam para maldecir al
Pueblo de Israel. En el camino, Bilam es golpeado por su
asno, que ve el ángel que Di-s envía para detenerlos antes
que Bilam. Tres veces, desde tres diferentes lugares, Bilam
intenta pronunciar sus maldiciones; en cambio, cada una de las
veces, pronuncia bendiciones. Bilam también profetiza sobre el
final de los días y la venida del Mashíaj.
Am levadad yishkon, una nación que a solas mora, yetjasav lo
uvagoyim, y en las naciones no son contados.
Un adivino (antigua palabra que significa editorialista líder) fue
contratado para maldecir a los judíos (maldecir es una palabra
arcaica para denunciar), pero en cambio sus palabras, como es
narrado en la Parashá de esta semana, surgieron como una fuerza
del bien.
El pueblo cae ante la seducción de las hijas de Moab y son
persuadidos a idolatrar al ídolo moabita Peor. Cuando un oficial
Israelita de alto rango públicamente toma una princesa Midianita y
la lleva a su tienda, Pinjás los mata a los dos, deteniendo así la
plaga que se esparcía entre la gente.
La nación mora sola, y esta pequeña nación (más una familia en
proporción con el mundo) dio las civilizaciones del cristianismo y el
Islam —casi tres mil millones de personas —un absurdo numérico
cuando se piensa en él.
Una Nación Solitaria
Pero piensen en esto; si la familia hubiera dejado de ser un pueblo
aparte en su primer milenio de existencia, no habría habido ni el
cristianismo ni el Islam. El curso de la historia se ha puesto en juego
sólo por el particularismo de esta familia.
Por Shimon Posner
Es usted una persona de estadísticas? ¿Recuerda los números
que lee, puede retenerlos y cuando sea necesario
recuperarlos? ¿O es usted más del tipo gráfico que se refiere a
imágenes de pasteles y bloques de colores y líneas en zigzag
para dejar en claro algo? Me gustan las anécdotas, las pequeñas
historias que (como alguien recalcó una vez en forma memorable)
cuando se suman, tiene datos.
El destino es la historia sin retrospectiva. Desde una perspectiva
intemporal, el destino es tan convincente como la historia. Y lo que
es eminentemente claro de la ONU: el mundo nos está mirando.
Históricamente, esto es algo lógico. Pero esto confunde al judío.
"Solos nos sentimos muy comunes", dijo uno después de la guerra
del 67, "sólo un caos de pagos de la hipoteca, cuentas y recados,
pero cuando estamos juntos grande cosas parecen ocurrir a través
nuestro y alrededor nuestro".
No importa, usted ha visto o escuchado algo como esto antes:
Israel es el 0,000001% de la masa terrestre del planeta. Israel (los
judíos) asciende a punto oh-oh-oh-oy vey de la población mundial.
45% de las condenas de las Naciones Unidas en el siglo pasado se
han dirigido a Israel.
Am levadad yishkon, una nación que habita sola. En formas que no
siempre podemos apreciar, ese morar es un beneficio para nosotros
y para el mundo. La historia da fe de que, aun cuando no lo explica.
Que el destino haga eso para nosotros, y hasta entonces que
podamos hacer nuestro trabajo.
Conozco a una mujer que se crió en una casa de activistas sionistas
en los años treinta y cuarenta. Ella cuenta cómo semanalmente, a
veces todas las noches, se realizaban reuniones para la causa que
duraban hasta bien entrada la noche. Ella me dice de cómo su padre
estaba allí el día en que la bandera israelí fue izada por primera vez
en la ONU, y cómo lloraba.
Clases y Eventos
Porción Semanal
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Lunes 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.
Sinagoga Principal
Lecciones practicas para nuestra vida
(Para Mujeres)
Sra. Vivian Perez
Martes 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
198 Park Dr., Bal Harbour
Por favor llamar al 305 213 3202
para confirmar
Esa fue la idea entonces, finalmente "tomamos puesto que nos
corresponde entre la familia de las naciones". ¿Qué pasó?
Estados Unidos ha cambiado un poco, y con él el mundo.
Homogeneidad ya no es el ideal, el particularismo ya no es el paria.
Así que es difícil para nosotros ponernos en su lugar, en ese tiempo,
después de los acontecimientos de esa década.
"Somos diferentes, pero estamos orgullosos de esa diferencia
también". Acabo de parafrasear lo que una joven adolescente
escribió en su diario. En medio del relato de sus peleas con su
hermana mayor y su descubrimiento del joven de al lado,
encantadoramente vaga en lo que significa para ella ser una judía.
Más tarde fue asesinada por ser judía, pero las palabras que Ana
Frank escribió en la clandestinidad iluminan una claridad que fue
dolorosa entonces, y quiso ser ignorada.
La historia del Holocausto (a menudo dos párrafos de un libro de
texto escolar) dice: "Seis millones de judíos fueron asesinados, al
igual que los gitanos, los artistas, los polacos, los comunistas...".
Hubo un consuelo del que no se habla —no sólo nosotros fuimos
Kolel Español
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Domingo 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 7:15 PM - 8:05 p.m.
Haime Library - 2do piso en Shul
Sra. Vivian Perez
Jueves 2:00pm – 3:00 pm
Chabad of Aventura,
21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha
Vivre avec la Paracha
s’éloigner des fausses divinités. Le fait
d’étudier la Torah réveille ce désir profond,
inspirant le Juif à se dévouer à la Torah et à
Adapté des enseignements du Rabbi de nier toutes autres formes de culte.
Loubavitch par Eli Touger
Et « pour la même raison que la Torah
mentionne [un faux dieu] nous avons le droit
Un Sage et sa conduite
de le faire ». Quand un Juif étudie la Torah et
Le Talmud relate :
s’y identifie, il exploite le potentiel divin
Quand Oula arriva [à Babylone, venant d’Erets qu’elle contient. Cela lui donne la force de
Israël]… Rava lui demanda : « Où as-tu passé mentionner un faux dieu pour annihiler son
la nuit ? »
Évoquer ce qui doit être oublié
Le pouvoir de la Torah
[Oula ] lui répondit : « A Kalnebo. »
Une transition spirituelle
[Rava] répondit: « N’est-il pas écrit: “et tu ne Nous pouvons désormais comprendre
mentionneras pas le nom d’autres l’attitude d’Oula. Nos Sages statuent : « Un
Juif vivant en diaspora sert des faux dieux
divinités” ? »
dans la pureté. » Car, en Erets Israël, la
[Oula] répliqua : « Rabbi Yo’hanan enseigne ce Providence Divine est révélée de façon plus
qui suit : “[le nom de] toute fausse divinité ouverte, alors qu’en diaspora, elle est cachée
rappelé dans la Torah peut être mentionné.” » à l’intérieur de l’ordre naturel. Tout comme le
Apparemment, une question se dégage : bien service des idoles implique qu’il faille courber
qu’il soit permis de mentionner le nom d’un la tête devant elles, celui qui vit en diaspora
faux dieu mentionné dans la Torah, il semble doit soumettre sa pensée aux forces qui
néanmoins que ce n’est pas souhaitable. De gouvernent l’ordre de la nature.
plus, nos Sages soulignent l’importance du En quittant la sainteté d’Erets Israël et
raffinement dans le langage, notant pénétrant en Babylonie, Oula perçut la
comment, dans plusieurs passages, la Torah transition spirituelle et ressentit le besoin
ajoute des mots supplémentaires plutôt que d’intensifier la négation des fausses divinités.
d’utiliser le terme taméh (« impur »). Oula Rassemblant la force de la Torah qu’il avait
aurait certainement pu trouver un autre acquise de par son étude en Erets Israël, il
moyen pour répondre à la question de Rava, mentionna le nom de cette idole avec
sans citer le nom de ce faux dieu.
l’intention d’annuler son influence.
La force de la Torah
Annuler et transformer
Cette difficulté peut être résolue en
considérant l’explication de l’enseignement
de Rabbi Yo’hanan proposée par les Yéreïm :
« Puisque la Torah mentionne [le nom d’une
fausse divinité], celle-ci est annihilée. Pour la
même raison que la Torah la mentionne, nous
avons le droit de le faire. »
La déclaration des Yéreïm ne peut se
comprendre au sens simple et littéral. Car il
existe de faux dieux auxquels se réfère la
Torah, par exemple Baal Péor, mentionné à la
conclusion de la Paracha de cette semaine,
dont le culte s’est perpétué longtemps après
sa mention dans la Torah. Il faut donc
comprendre que le fait que la Torah cite un
faux dieu enlève l’importance de ce dieu aux
yeux de la personne étudiant cette partie de la
Torah. Les mots de la Torah lui véhiculeront
l’impression de la futilité du service des idoles
en démontrant que ces divinités ne sont
d’aucun bénéfice pour ceux qui les révèrent et
que, lorsque les Juifs ont erré et les ont
servies, ils en furent sévèrement punis.
Pour aller plus loin, chaque Juif désire
observer la Torah et toutes ses Mitsvot, et
Cette discussion éclaire une question
soulevée par la lecture de la Paracha de cette
semaine : Balak. Balak était un homme
mauvais, un roi immoral qui haïssait le peuple
juif et souhaitait sa destruction. Pourquoi, dès
lors, son nom a-t-il été immortalisé en
devenant le nom d’une Paracha ? Nos Sages
déclarent qu’une personne ne doit pas être
nommée d’après un homme mauvais. Certes
règle est certainement également valable
pour le nom de la Paracha !
Mais la discussion évoquée plus haut éclaircit
cette intention. Appeler une Paracha « Balak »
est un moyen d’annihiler les forces qui lui
sont associées. Comme le relate la Paracha, le
projet de Balak fut complètement déjoué.
Ainsi, le nom Parachat Balak est-il désormais
une éternelle source d’influence positive,
désarmant toute force cherchant à nuire au
Peuple Juif.
Le récit de notre Paracha raconte que non
seulement le plan de Balak échoua, mais que
Bilaam, engagé par Balak pour maudire le
Peuple Juif, prononça de très puissantes
bénédictions qui deviendront manifestes avec
l’avènement de Machia’h. Aussi le nom de
Balak n’évoque-t-il pas seulement à la
négation du mal, mais aussi sa
transformation en une influence positive.
Les fruits
Certaines années, la Parachat Balak est lue
conjointement avec la Parachat ‘Houkat. Car
c’est l’engagement absolu impliqué dans le
nom ‘Houkat, (un ‘Hok étant un statut auquel
nous obéissons inconditionnellement) qui
rend possible la transformation du mal en
bien. Quand une personne révèle l’étincelle de
divinité de son âme et l’exprime par une
dévotion illimitée à la Torah, elle influence
son environnement, annihilant les influences
indésirables et les transformant en bien.
Et, à mesure que ce schéma s’étend à travers
le monde, nous nous approchons de
l’accomplissement des prophéties
mentionnées dans la lecture de la Torah de
cette semaine14 : « Une étoile sortira de
Yaakov et un bâton se lèvera en Israël,
écrasant tous les princes de Moav et
dominant tous les descendants de Cheth. »
Nous avons inaugurés
une librairie française.
Pourriez-vous participer à la
réalisation de ce projet?
Appelez Renee Levine
Cours de Torah en Français
Kabbalah et Psychologie
(pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 10h30 à 11h30
Haime Library
Atelier d’Étude du Sens Caché
des Bérachot (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 11h30 à 12h00
Haime Library
The ABC's of Aleph
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To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553
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It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how You can get involved
In this Week’s Living Torah:
Looking for the Perfect Gift?
A weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's
application of Torah to timely events and issues
Would you like to honor someone’s Anniversary, Wedding,
Yahrtzeit, or any other occasion?
Honor them by making a donation to The Shul in their name.
A card will be sent to each Honoree on your behalf,
from The Shul, acknowledging your meaningful gift.
The amount of the donation will not be disclosed
unless requested.
Jewish Leadership Defined
Timeless Moments
The Ohel
Eye to Eye
Faithful Shepherd
For more information, please call Renee @ 305-868-1411 x 0
My Encounter
Be a man
It Just Clicks!
Enjoy a live video presentation every Saturday
Night at The Shul immediately following Havdalah
To see the video on-line:
The Shul's weekly E-News
Everything you need to know sent straight to your inbox!
Send us your email address to info@theshul.org and let us know your
interests at The Shul and we will keep you in touch.
"Living Torah" Weekly Video Magazine
Featuring the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson obm.
Write a letter to the Ohel
Shabbos Hospitality
Find a picture of yourself with the Rebbe!
If you would like to host or be hosted at a Shabbos meal,
please call The Shul at 305-868-1411
The Living Archive Preservation Project has launched this interactive archive
so that you can locate and request a video of your personal moment with
the Rebbe. http://www.theshul.org/mymoment
Staying Connected
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
in The Shul, at the convenience of your home or office.
The Shul's Staying Connected Program
For College Students
Fill all your Judaica needs
(Books, Tefillin, Mezuzahs, etc) at www.theshul.org/store
The Shul will get commission on every sale!
More & more Jewish college students from different universities
across the country keep joining The Shul's Staying Connected program!
These students are excited about this "cool" program that offers them
the opportunity to "stay connected" to The Shul family while they are
away at school. They enjoy receiving candies, chocolate, matzah, wine,
menorahs, and special CD's from The Shul video-library to celebrate the
Jewish holidays. Staying Connected students also enjoy sharing special
events such as the Winter- Break & Summer Shabbatons at The Shul with
over 150 Jewish college students from 18 universities across the country.
The Shul Video of 'Journey of The Souls' has been one of the
main popular features this year all over Chabad.org.
To view go to:
The New Jewish Marriage Website:
The New Jobs Board
To learn more about Staying Connected, please call Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
at 305.868.1411 ext. 7345 or email stayingconnected@theshul.org.
To enroll in The Shul's Staying Connected program , please mail the
Student’s name, Hebrew name, complete address, telephone & email to:
JNET: The Jewish Learning Network:
Learning one-on-one over the phone:
The Shul - Staying Connected
Attn. Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, FL 33154
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
Older Folks with special needs can call 311 or register at
Stay Connected! Sign up now to receive delicious packages throughout
the year to celebrate our wonderful Jewish Holidays! It's Free!
If you already joined Staying Connected, please remember to send us
your new address if the one you had last semester has changed.
You will find a very informative, factual and - not political, short booklet
about Israel, which was issued by a non partisan organization
"Stand With Us". Your readers around the world will definitely benefit
from the available multiple languages.
Go to this website for the link to the booklet “This Land is My Land”
educational booklet by Eli Hertz.
All the books can be downloaded for free.
Permanent Seating in The Shul
There are a limited number of seat dedications still available
in our Main Sanctuary, with finance options as well.
If you are interested in more information please speak to or
call Lydia Hasson or Penina Wuensch at 305 868 1411
Get connected to The Shul online
at www.theshul.org
Daily Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul
Sichos Kodesh
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
6:15 - 6:50 am
Halacha (Men) (Monday - Friday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
7:00 - 7:25 am
Daf Yomi
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
RamBam (Monday - Thursday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
Sichos - The Rebbe’s insights on the weekly Parsha
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
10:00 - 10:45 am
Community Kollel (Men) Mon - Thurs.
Shul Rabbis and Kolel
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Daf Yomi (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Spanish Kolel - Chassidus (Men)
Mr. Isaac Gorin / Mr. Moshe Lerman
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Weekly Torah Portion (Spanish)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
8:30 - 9:30 pm
Women’s Study Group:
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
8:15 - 10:00pm
Senior Torah Academy:
From Exile to Redemption: Insights on Moshiach
Rabbi Mendy Levy
11:00 - 11:45 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Pirkei Avot: Ethics of our Fathers
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
1:45 - 2:30 pm
Torah Portion Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Class
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
9:00 - 10:15 pm
Parenting Class (Women)
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
Morning Torah Class (Women) - Weekly Parsha
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
10:00 - 11:00 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
11:00 - 11:45 am
Tanya Class in English (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Spanish Kolel
Rabbi Benchimol
Kabbalah & Psychology in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Atelier d’Etude du Sens Cache des Berachot (Women) Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Mitzvos of the Weekly Parsha (Men & Women)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women (Main Sanctuary)
Book of Judges
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:45 am
9:00 am
At the home of: Call The Shul for details
Tanya in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez
(Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd)
Tanya (Men & Women)
Rabbi Uri Cohen
*All classes located at The Shul unless otherwise specified.
12:00 - 12:45 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
11:00 - 11:45 am
12:00 - 12:45 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
8:00 pm
Community Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings
(Article on pg. 12)
Join us for a special
Yud Beis Tammuz
In honor of the birthday of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Obm Shabbos Parshas Pinchas
Tammuz 14 - July16
After the Kiddush
Available for Sponsorship
Contact Penina 305
868--1411 Ext. 7313