- MESA Charter High School


- MESA Charter High School
Charter High School
October 2014
The Collegiate Newsletter
Monthly Newsletter on Colleges, Scholarships, Internships and Other Opportunities
In this issue: a closer look at Some of the colleges we’re visiting,
The Arts In Bushwick Fellowship, and (MS)2.
Barnard College
Barnard’s Gate
An All Women’s College
Barnard College, across the street
from Columbia University, is special because
it’s a Women’s College. Established in 1889 in
New York City, a time when very few women were able to attend college. In fact, at the
time, women’s job opportunity was almost
non-existent due to the lack of women’s access to higher education. One of Barnard’s
focus is to prepare women for the future.
Women at Barnard succeeded in this setting,
which opened the door for more opportuni2
The Collegiate Newsletter
ties. Barnard wanted women to be as successful as men, and to be as self-sufficient, without having to depend on men. Barnard was
named after the 10th president of Columbia
who believed education should be available to
both men and women. Founder of Barnard,
Annie Nathan Meyer, worked with other
University trustees to build the college for the
education of women, which was impressively
done within two years. In fact, she found that
Columbia was unfair and wanted to change
October 2014
that perspective for the benefit of women.
Today, Barnard’s acceptance rate is
fairly low which makes the school a highly selective and competitive college. The college is
part of one of the Ivy League schools, Columbia University in New York City. Students at
Barnard can attend classes at Columbia University which expose them to wide variety of
classes. As a result, students at Barnard can
explore different majors not offered at their
Barnard wanted women to be as successful as men, and to be
as self-sufficient.
Barnard seeks students who show tremendous potential and who have strong academic foundation, which include
but not limited to: good grades and a competitive high school transcipt. Here are some other recommendations to boost your
chances of admission: extra courses, three or more years of math, four years of foreign language, three years of laboratory work
and three years of Global History. Additionally, extra-curricular activities will impress admissions officers who seek students
who show versatility and consistency. In addition to your transcript and extra-curricular activity, Barnard also considers your
SAT score since it’s one indication on students’ college readiness. Lastly, Barnard also look at favorably students who participate
in their community as well.
Barnard brings intellegent women from around the world to encourage them to participate in male-dominated sectors of society. For example, only 20% of Congress is female. An all women’s college hope to encourage each other with the
positive environment to have the confidence to tackle the world. A mindset that will help reassure when in doubt. College
women at Barnard are surrounded by inspiration and motivation from strong female mentors who lead the next generation.
MESA students, do not be shy to ask questions when at Barnard! Now is the time to ask intellegent questions about
all kinds of colleges, and to find out what college is right for you. MESA students, we will soon start applying to colleges and
working hard to get accepted to our dream college. Nothing is given; everything is earned. As Og Mandino once states: “Failure
will never take over me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
Kumarie Baichan
(MS)2 at Andover
Phillips Academy
A Summer Program
This program, offered to current freshmen, is a scholarship summer program opportunity that challenges students to explore Math, Science and colleges alongside
other students of color
If you are a high-achieving freshmen of color who excel at
Math and Science, then apply!
For more information, contact Ms. PG
| (E) lpagereygrey@mesacharter.org
Pre-application and essay are due by
Monday, November 10th
This program is a chance to meet and have fun with
other brilliant young people, become more independent,
build your college resume and increase your chances of
receiving scholarship and the cost is free!
MESA Charter High School
Fashion Institute Technology
FIT Museum
Fashion Institute of Technology is a public institution
founded in 1944 located in New York City. FIT is a nationally recognized institution for design, fashion, art, communications,
and business. In fact, our very own First Lady Michelle Obama
wore a dress to a white house event designed by a FIT student. The
setting of the school is urban yet it has an impressive campus size
of 5 acres; it also boasts its own Museum where students showcase their work. The in-state tuition and fees are $5,105 and the
out-of-state tuition and fees are $13,955, if you live in New York,
then count yourself lucky. FIT is a selective school accepting 45%
of its applicants and accepted students have the option of choosing among the 36 majors FIT offers. The most popular majors are
visual and performing arts, business and marketing, and communications and journalism. The school also offers over 60 student
clubs, which cater to the needs of its diverse student body.
The Collegiate Newsletter
October 2014
FIT has a long line of famous alumni who have attended the institution. Among them are Susan Bauer who is a former fashion director for MTV networks, Francisco Costa who
designed the Calvin Klein’s women collection and the famous Calvin Klein himself who is known for designing men’s clothing wear.
Calvin Klein has shown his continuous support in FIT by recently
giving the school $2 million as a gift. The funds support the college’s annual spring runway show. Another proud alumnus of FIT
is none other than renowned fashion designer Michael Kors. “I
attended FIT in the late 1970s, and the school provided a totally
comprehensive curriculum for fashion design that is unparalleled.
Since my days there it has evolved and become even stronger,” says
Kors. He has also shown his support by recently gifting FIT with
$1 million to establish an endowed scholarship for a fashion design
FIT offers a study abroad program that gives its students
the opportunity to travel to different countries around the world. Paris, London, Hong Kong, Florence, Milan, Australia,
and Shanghai are a few of the countries students can choose to visit. It is an experience that can shape and enhance their
education and life. It not only allows students to view the world in a whole new perspective, but it also allows them to
experience a variety of arts and fashion.
The cost to attend the study abroad program is approximately $21,000. Although this lifetime experience can be
expensive, there are scholarships, loans, grants, and financial aid offered to college students interested in the program. One
of the many scholarships offered is the FIT Global Scholar Award Program, which helps cover costs of the travel abroad
program for Spring, Fall, and Summer semesters. There is a minimum GPA requirement for students who wish to apply
as well as forms to complete. There is also the option of receiving financial aid for those students who qualify.
FIT offers Precollege programs that provide classes to high school students who wish to explore art, design,
business and technology majors. High school students should take advantage of this opportunity to experience what FIT
is all about. Not only that but it can also benefit students by developing their art and design portfolios. FIT’s very own
professors, who will guide the students in the right direction, teach these classes. What better way to find out what you
really want to do than by taking a course or two! If you want to learn more about the program go check out their website
at fitnyc.edu.
Fatemah Hassan
Arts in Bushwick
High School Fellows Program
The Arts in Bushwick (Aib) High School Fellows Program is intended to
develop field-specific skill building and commmunity leadership through
the arts, utilizing a mentoring model.
A group of nominated Bushwick high school students, representing many local schools, are paired with a carefully selected team of AiB
mentors (comprised of artists, art educators, art therapists, community organizers), from October 2014 through June 2015. The AiB School Fellows
will participate in monthly workshops and peer discussion groups with the
AiB mentors and must fulfill a minimum number of volunteer leadership
service hours at AiB events. The fellowship will culminate in a group art
show for the fellows and their mentors during Bushwick Open Studios
festival in June 2015. The AiB Fellows will have the opportunity to curate
and develop their concept for the group show throughout the course of the
fellowship, with guidance from the AiB mentoring team.
Please contact Mr. Bamba if you are interested or have any questions.
Student Writers:
Kumarie Baichan
Fatemah Hassan
Aleah Antigua
For any contributions, questions, comments
and suggestions, please contact:
Mr. Bamba | (E) sbamba@mesacharter.org
or Ms. Smith | (E) esmith@mesacharter.org
MESA Charter High School
The Difference
Liber al arts Colleges and
Research Universities
Liber al Arts Education
Sample Majors in a Liber al Arts
iberal arts colleges are often smaller than universities.
This type of school does not educate their students based on the
profession they want to pursue; instead they are concerned with
teaching students about social skills, adaption, communication,
and problem solving skills. Liberal arts schools emphasize giving
students an exposure to real world settings and provide them information about the wider world as well as an in-depth study of
the interested area. The term “liberal arts” comes from Latin (artes liberales), which means free man; meaning that the students
receive a more flexible knowledge and have the opportunity to
design a personalized curriculum. During the 20th century, liberal arts schools were thought to be an option for the fortunate
and were viewed as non-vocational, or not seen as guidance for a
profession. However, our modern world views liberal education as
a necessity for all students and an opportunity for personal development.
• Art history
• Anthropology
• Medieval and Renaissance studies
• Political sciences
• Sociology
Research Universities
to 30 majors. One difference is that research universities only allow
researchers to teach rather than regular professors because they
seem to understand the field at a higher in depth level. Research
schools offer a full range of academic programs in undergraduate,
masters, and doctoral programs; differing from research universities, liberal arts colleges award undergraduate degrees. A research
school provides high-tech resources to their faculty and students
in order to accomplish their research. Graduate and specialized
schools tend to assume that students coming from research universities are better trained than those who come from smaller schools.
Another great advantage is that researchers have connections with
important individuals in the field and often take their students to
conferences to introduce them to current research practices.
A research university is a category given by the Carne-
gie classification of institutions of higher education, which indicates
that a university performs extensive research. In order to classify
as a research university, a school needs to meet the following standards:
• Offer a full range of baccalaureate programs
• Give high priority to research
• Award 50 or more doctoral degrees each year
• Receive $40 million annually or more in federal support
In contrast with liberal arts schools, research universities
are larger in size and faculty members. A research university offers
about 300 majors, on the other hand, liberal arts colleges offer 25
The Collegiate Newsletter
October 2014
The Benefits of Liber al Arts
• Flexibility and Adaptability
• Balanced knowledge of the sciences, social sciences and humanities
• Ability to speak and write effectively
• Problem solving skills
• Helps students to think independently
Aleah Antigua
MESA Charter High School