Friday Flier - St. Augustine School


Friday Flier - St. Augustine School
St. Augustine School
Friday Flier
St. Augustine School ♦ Come to Learn. Go to Serve ♦ ♦ April 29, 2016
The 12th Annual Race for Education is just one week away! Thanks to this incredible SAS community we
have raised almost $20,000 of our $25,000 goal! There is still plenty of time to make a gift if you or your
family member would like to support this event. The volunteer committee has spent many hours planning
and working hard to make this one of our best Race days ever! RACE DAY PARKING ALERT! The
lower parking lot will be closed on Friday at 7:30am for set up. Please plan to drop off your children rather than parking. If you
will be joining us for the race please be advised that parking will be at a premium. Please try to park off site. Across the
street on Augustine Avenue is one option and up on Leaf Lane. Parking on the school side of Augustine Ave or on
Washington Road is illegal and the police and/or fire company will come and make those cars move or get towed.
HSA Elections will be held at our third general HSA meeting. We need volunteers to fill all positions
(President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Ad hoc positions) If you are interested, please contact
Rhonda Cynkar at prior to the meeting, so your name may be added to the ballot.
Research has shown that schools with a strong parent and school partnership more effectively meet the needs
of their students. SAS is very proud of our strong parent volunteer program and the great support we get
from parents. The Home and School Association is an important vehicle for parent involvement. A dynamic
and effective HSA is dependent on its leadership. We have been blest with many hard working HSA committee members and
we would like to extend an invitation to others to be involved as parent leaders and make a positive difference. If you are
curious or want to get more involved in your child's school, please come to one of our HSA Leadership Inquiry Meetings
this Wednesday, May 4 at either 10 AM or 6 PM.
Saturday, April 30
Monday, May 2
First Holy Communion - Ascension, 10:00 AM
Track Meet at Mount St. Joseph
Motel Box Deadline - Thank you for your generosity
Tuesday, May 3
After School Science Club, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Track Practice, 3:30 PM
Wednesday, May 4
1st Week Lunch Order closes, 11:59 PM
Faculty Meeting, 8:00 AM, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast from Grade 6
Concert Band Rehearsal, 8:00 AM
Band Sectionals, all morning
AOB Spelling Bee, 12:00 PM
Math Counts Team, lunch/recess
Quiz Bowl, 3:30 PM
HSA Leadership Inquiry Meeting, 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Thursday, May 5
Offline lunch payments due 9:00 AM
Chorale Rehearsal, 8:00 AM
Pre K 3 Trike-a-thon
Chorale Rehearsal, 12:15 PM
After School Art Club, 3:25 PM - 5:00
Quiz Bowl, 3:30 PM
Track Practice, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Friday, May 6
Chamber Choir, 8:00 AM
Race for Education Day, 9:00
Field Day, afternoon
Chamber Choir, lunch
Quiz Bowl, NAQT National Tournament, May 6-8
Saturday, May 7
First Holy Communion - St. Augustine Church, 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, & 2:30 PM
Track Meet at Maryvale High
Wednesday, May 25
Mrs. Schratz’s Farewell Ice Cream Social
Our prayers and heartfelt congratulations are extended to our second grade students who are making
their First Holy Communion this weekend and next weekend. The school community will celebrate with
the First Communicants at our school liturgy held on Friday, May 20th, at 9:00 AM. All parents and friends
are invited to worship with us. Following Mass we will honor Our Blessed Mother with a traditional May
Rachel’s Friends and Student Council, along with the parish, are collecting food to help feed our local
homeless. Bring a “Motel Box” item to school by Monday, May 2nd, to support Howard County
Grassroots. Donations will be used to stock food boxes which are provided to homeless families
temporarily housed in local motels when the shelters are full. Please see the attached flier for further
Thank you for all that came out to the Quiz Bowl dinner night out. It was an incredibly successful
fundraiser raising $406.00 towards their trip to the NAQT National Tournament in Atlanta Georgia,
May 6-8. Thanks for supporting the middle school quiz bowl!
As an extension of “An Hour of Code” that students participated in earlier this year as part of Khan
Academy, students in grades K-8 will be visiting to learn the basics of coding (computer
programming) and be challenged and motivated as the coding activities get harder with each step! Students
in several grades began coding this week in computer class, and they loved it!
Launched in 2013, is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science and
increasing participation. The vision of is that every student in every school should have the
opportunity to learn computer science. SAS is pleased to incorporate into its technology
curriculum in order to enhance students’ 21st century learning skills and prepare them for the future.
Thank you to everyone who submitted Box Tops for the Extra Recess and Brownies! Grade 3 was
the winner! That was the last Box Tops competition being run for this school year. Thanks so much for
clipping and turning those box tops in! Continue saving those box tops over the summer!
Do you have photos from a school event or class field trip? We need them for the yearbook! Please
send your photos by email to Thank you so much for your help in completing
the 2015-2016 yearbook!
We are looking for 13 more current families to serve as ambassadors to our new families. Each
ambassador family will contact their one new family to introduce themselves, answer questions, and make
the new family feel welcome and quickly become a part of our very vibrant and warm school community. If
you would like to be an ambassador family and earn service hours, please email
Thanks to all that have already volunteered to help.
As you know, every St. Augustine School family is required to complete 20 volunteer service hours each
school year. The deadline for completion of the 20 hours is June 1. For any hours not completed, families
will be billed at the rate of $20 per hour. Payment of outstanding hours is due by June 6th. If you anticipate
that you will not complete the required 20 hours you can make payment at any time for your outstanding
hours. If you need to verify the status of your family’s completed volunteer hours, please email Mrs. Marc
at We could not do all that we do (and do it so well) without your support!
St. Augustine School Families…
Please Help Our Parish Feed Our Local Homeless!
Sponsored by Rachel’s Friends & Student Council
Bring a “Motel Box” item to school by Monday,
May 2 to support Howard County Grassroots!
 PreK 3&4: Box of Crackers (12-13 ounce Club
crackers or 1 pound box of saltines)
 Grades K,1: Peanut Butter (16 to 18 ounce jars)
 Grades 2,3: Granola Bars—breakfast or energy bars
(at least 8 bars)
 Grades 4,5: One medium to large box of cold cereal
(15 to 24 ounce)
 Grades 6,7,8: Package of 8 to 12 juice boxes or 16 ounce
water bottles
Please bring all items to school by Monday, May 2.
Donations will be used to stock food boxes which are
provided to homeless families temporarily housed in
local motels when the shelters are full.
Questions? Please contact Frank Stanitski at 410-796-4582
Thank you for supporting this critical outreach project!
St. Augustine
Athletic Association 2016 Sports Banquet
Saturday, May 14 at 6:30 - 10 p.m.
St. Augustine Church
Please join our teams as we celebrate the completion of another successful season! Teams
will eat together, and family members and friends are always welcome. The cost of the meal for
all of our players and coaches was included in the registration fee, and the cost for other guests is
explained below.
Our menu, catered by Three Brothers Restaurant includes: Chicken New Orleans, Meat Lasagna
or Bow Tie Pasta with Signature Marinara. Salad, bread, dessert and beverage will also be
Wearing your uniform is optional. This is an end of year celebration with food, music and
friends so your uniform is not required. However, we will be accepting any uniforms that you no
longer need/use at the door. We will recycle these for next season.
We ask that you respond by May 10, so that we may have an adequate food count.
Please note the start time is 6:30 p.m. Plan to celebrate our athletes and have fun!
Family name____________________
Please include number of participants on the line:
_____ Players & Coaches (free)
_____ Under 3 (free)
_____ Children 3-11 ($7.00 each)
_____ Children 12 and over and other adults ($11.00 each)
Please return to school in an envelope marked “basketball” by May 9, along with checks made
payable to St. Augustine Athletic Association.
We also need volunteers to assist with this event. Please help to make this event a success for
our SAS athletes. Please indicate if you are available to:
___help set up [5 - 7 pm]
___help serve at the buffet table [6:00-8:00 p.m.]
___help clean up [8:00 – 10:00 p.m.]
Catholic Community of Ascension & St. Augustine
Vacation Bible School
July 11-15, 2016
9 AM to 12:30 PM St. Augustine Campus
Kindergarten – 6th grade & Summer Midway (7th-8th gr.) (in ’16-17)
Free Preschool & Nursery for children of volunteers
Parent Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ______________________________ Parish: ___________________
Phone: Home __________________ Work ________________ Cell _________________
Child’s Name (as like to be called; incl. last name if
different from parent)
Grade in
Age as of
July ’16
*T-shirt youth sizes: small (6-8) medium (10-12) large (14-16) adult sizes available - please place “A” before size if you are ordering an
adult size shirt for your child.
**Allergy Information (Snacks will be provided! Please be specific about nature of allergy including whether it is ingestion or contact and
severity. Severe allergies may require snack be provided by parent)
Preschoolers will receive a child’s size 6-8 T-shirt and daily snacks
Food and supplies for children in nursery must be supplied and labeled by parents.
Emergency Notification (other than parent listed above)
Name: __________________________________________ Relationship to child _________
Phone number: __________________________________
Fee: Please enclose a check payable to St. Augustine Church for $30 for 1st child and $25 for each additional child (fee may
be waived for financial need)
Please return registration and payment by June 15
St. Augustine Church VBS, 5839 Augustine Ave., Elkridge, MD 21075
We love volunteers and hope you will consider!
Number of children accepted in program is based on number of adult volunteers
Please see the other side for more information and space for
additional comments regarding your child!
VBS Adult Volunteer Registration
(Please check parish website or contact PREP office to request a youth (grades 9-12) volunteer registration form) 410-7968150 or
Also available online at and in back of church
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ Email: _______________________________
STAND certified Yes
Parish/School where certified ______________
(required by Archdiocese of Baltimore and will be offered online before VBS)
T-shirt (circle one) Adult S M L XL
no shirt, please
I am interested in working, if possible (circle one)
Guide Crafts Snack Music Storytelling Games
Science Lab Preschool Nursery
I have no preference
I can help (circle):
All week
I can help before VBS by:
Preparing craft supplies ________
Decorating on July 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (circle available dates)
Other (specify) ___________
Thank you for bringing Jesus’ light to the world at VBS 2016!
Please write below any additional information to help us best
serve your children during VBS.
Invites you to Angels Watchin’ Over Me Paint Night
Date: Saturday May 21st
Time: 6:30 pm — 9:00 PM
Where: Ascension Brewer Hall
Cost : $30 (includes 2 glasses of wine)*
OR $25 (no wine)
To RSVP, by May 9th
* proof of age required upon admission
*includes all supplies for painting, instruction, appetizers,
soda, coffee and tea