January - Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce
January - Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce
Business News January 2011 Forecast Luncheon Will Feature Tom Cox and Panel of Local Experts Tom Cox will be the keynote speaker at the Chamber of Commerce’s annual Economic Forecast Luncheon. The luncheon, which will also include comments from local industry experts, will be held at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 19, at Wing Point Golf & Country Club. Since his youth Tom Cox has been reporting on and analyzing Northwest business. Cox is the host of Investor Radio, which airs in 4 markets, including Los Angeles. He also hosted the popular investment radio program “Sound Investing”, which was named “Best Money Podcast” by Money Magazine. Cox was also host of the PBS financial television program “Serious Money.” Quoted by The Wall Street Journal and others, Mr. Cox has written for numerous publications, including Horizon Air Magazine. Mr. Cox speaks to several thousand people a year in person, giving about 50 lectures per year. Tom is also the managing partner of Vestory, a money management firm Cox will discuss the major trends he sees affecting the Puget Sound regional economy in 2011 and provide some investing insight. Cost of luncheon is $15 for Chamber members and visitors. For reservations, call (206) 842-3700 or sign up online at www. bainbridgechamber.com Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Informative line-up set for Healthy Living Expo, Jan. 29 Dr. Jonathon V. Wright, Medical Director of the Tahoma Clinic in Renton is one of the keynote speakers at the Chamber’s sixth annual Healthy Living Expo slated for Saturday, January 29, 2011 from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. at Woodward Middle School. Dr. Wright has been practicing alternative medicine for more than three decades and is the author and/or co-author of Jonathan Wright Deanna Minich more than 10 books, including “The Natural Pharmacy,” and “Stay Young & Sexy with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement”. Among other topics, Dr.Wright will discuss natural ways to boost your immune system, healthy aging processes, and innovative ways to stay healthy during the winter. To learn more about Dr. Wright, visit: www.tahomaclinic.com Joining Dr. Wright among the day’s presenters will be Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, an internationally-recognized nutrition educator, and author of four cutting-edge books on nutrition, including, “Change Your Eating, Transform Your Life!” Dr. Minich will discuss “Food and Mood: 7 Tips to Feeling Radiant” at the Healthy Living Expo. For more information on her visit, www.foodandspirit.com With an emphasis on healthy living solutions, the Expo is an interactive trade show with exhibitors, presentations and demonstrations. The Expo is produced by the Bainbridge Island Chamber in partnership with sponsors Virginia Mason Clinic, Island Fitness, Zindell Acupuncture, Island Health & Rehab, Dr. Chris Grams Chiropractic, and Martha and Mary. Our media sponsors include the Bainbridge Review and Kitsap Sun. Exhibition space is $200 for a 10 x 10 booth. A 20% discount is being offered to Chamber members who register before January 7, 2011. Last year’s event drew nearly 1,000 attendees and featured more than 60 exhibitors. This year’s theme is “Beating the Winter Blues” and will feature presentations on Vitamin D, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Menopause, and possibly MS (Multiple Sclerosis). The event will also feature physical demonstrations, a bloodmobile, free health screenings and activities for the kids. A complete schedule of Healthy Living Expo speakers and demonstrations, plus exhibitor forms are available on the Chamber web site, www.bainbridgechamber.com. For more information call (206) 842-3700. www.bainbridgechamber.com EAGLE HARBOR CPA, PLLC www.EagleHarborCPA.com | 206.451.4279 | Serving Kitsap County Malinda Wagner, CPA 115 Hall BrotherÕs Loop Suite #107 Bainbridge Island 98110 malinda@eagleharborcpa.com Malinda Wagner has more than 20 years of experience in accounting and individual and business income tax preparation. Prior to having her own practice, she worked for a large international accounting Þrm in both Denver and Seattle, where she acquired substantial experience with federal, state, and local tax return preparation and planning for businesses and individuals. OUR SERVICES SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY ¥ Early planning minimizes your tax burden. ¥ Maintaining organized books lowers accounting costs at tax time. ¥ Meeting Þling requirements and deadlines reduces penalties, interest, and additional professional fees. ¥ Current and accurate Þnancial records give better information to make sound Þnancial decisions. ¥ Letting us do the accounting work frees your time to run your business. ¥ Up to date invoicing means a lower percentage of uncollectible receivables. ¥ Having clean, updated Þnancial records provides better opportunities on loans and for investors. Tax Services ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Tax preparation for businesses and individuals Tax planning Tax estimates Tax compliance IRS representation Offer in compromise E-Þling Other Services ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Personal budgeting Financial organizing Personal check writing Account reconciliations Trust services Litigation support Small Business Services ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Business entity selection Business setup and organizing Accounting system setup State and federal tax requirements Bookkeeping Payroll services Client invoicing Cash ßow Bank deposits Quarterly taxes Month end closing Reports www.bainbridgechamber.com UPCOMING chamber Events January Luncheon Date: Wed. Jan 19. Time: 11:30 a.m. Place: Wing Point Golf & CC. Program: Economic Forecast Luncheon featuring Tom Cox and local experts. Register & info 842-3700 or sign up online at www. bainbridgechamber.com. January after hours Date: Thurs. Jan 27. Time: 5:30-7 p.m. Place: Doc’s Marina Grill at 403 Madison Ave. S, Bainbridge. Doc’s will be celebrating the opening of the new covered area that will expand the space and be available to hold business and non-profit events, entertainment, etc. Public welcome. No reservations necessary. Shelly Stockman, Ted Eisenhardt, and Kellan Eisenhardt Thanks to Bainbridge Athletic Club for hosting our November After Hours. A good time was had by all networking, noshing, and touring the new gym. If you would like a tour of the club’s new facility, visit their website at www. bainbridgeathleticclub.com. Hope you had a chance to see the Chamber’s holiday window with a green twist -- featuring holiday ornaments and recycled CFL bulbs. Ciscoe to Headline Home & Garden Show The unflappable Ciscoe Morris will return to Bainbridge Island as the keynote presenter at the 8th Annual Bainbridge Island Home and Garden Show scheduled for Saturday April 9, 2011 at Woodward Middle School. A companion event – the Bainbridge Island Eco Tour, featuring green and sustainable buildings and winter gardens – is tentatively slated for Saturday April 23, 2011, as part of island Earth Day activities. Exhibitor fees for the H&G Show are $250 for a 10 x 10 space. A 20% discount will be afforded to Chamber members who register before March 11, 2011. The H&G Show is presented by the Chamber in concert with our Premier Sponsor, Puget Sound Energy. Additional sponsors are being sought. An organizing committee for these events will be meeting regularly, and we invite anyone interested to join us. If you are interested in volunteering or participating on these committees, please contact Kevin Dwyer at (206) 842-3700. (360) 621-8548 cell Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Business News January 2011 he brand new McKenna Ryan Art Quilt and Fabric Showroom in beautiful downtown Bainbridge Island, Washington is a destination like no other. With its quilt draped walls, vast selection of fabrics, and endless array of quilt pattern choices, visitors will experience the exciting progression of McKenna’s quilts from her early “Brown Bag Classics” to her latest multi-block quilts. Also featured are McKenna’s exquisite Hoffman screen print and batik fabric lines. As the showroom progresses, look for quilt classes, special McKenna Ryan events, meeting space for guilds, and fabric kits featuring McKenna’s original fabrics. Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-4 Phone: 206.842.2486 187 Ericksen Avenue Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 www.bainbridgechamber.com Spotlight on Business West Sound Workforce Jesse Bainbridge, Poulsbo Branch Manager 18819 Third Avenue, Suite 110 Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-394-1882 Is your business running lean and short handed? At times do you need to staff quickly and staff short-term? West Sound Workforce is a small business but we can help your company in a big way! We have been providing quality temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire employees to companies throughout Kitsap County and the Gig Harbor area since West Sound Workforce was started by Julie Tappero in 1998. As a woman-owned small business, we understand the economic pressures that face the local business community. Our commitment to providing our clients with highly qualified talent to fit their unique staffing needs ensures that our clients can focus on the daily operations of their businesses. As HR professionals ourselves, we bring an expertise and commitment to excellence. Our clients’ satisfaction is our number one concern, and we guarantee that we will always meet, if not exceed, our customers’ expectations. Just like you, we live, work and play here as well. Because of this, we are committed to investing in our community. We are active members of local Chambers of Commerce and serve on many community and civic boards. We give our time, energy and money to efforts that support economic development and workforce development in Kitsap County. Whether you need someone for your production facility, construction company, office, accounting department, law firm, or title company, West Sound Workforce can provide you with the talent you’re seeking! With offices in Poulsbo and Gig Harbor, we cover the Kitsap Peninsula, ensuring that service is quick and efficient. Jesse Bainbridge has been managing our Poulsbo office since it opened, and her dedicated staff is always available for our North Kitsap clients at 360-394-1882. Call us today to discuss how we can help you with your unique staffing needs. We love helping great companies and great people meet in Kitsap County! For human resources info and tips, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Workforce Wisdom. Sign up on our website at www. westsoundworkforce.com. Also, follow us on Twitter @wswhr or fan us on Facebook. Companies are chosen for the Spotlight on Business in a drawing at the Chamber’s Monthly Membership Luncheon The Chamber Thanks its Patron Level Members Ace Hardware Steve & Becky Mikami (206) 842-9901 American National Insurance Linna Callaham (206) 842-1707 Bainbridge Lending Group, LLC Matt Culp (206) 842-1444 www.BLGloans.com Bank of America Home Loans David Boone (206) 201-0010 www.bankofamerica.com Columbia Bank (206) 842-5651 Anne Bopp www.columbiabank.com Carney-Cargill Inc. John Carney & Mackie Cargill (206) 842-8987 www.carneycargill.com Cook Family Funeral Home David Cook 206-842-2642 www.cookfamilyfuneralhome.com Olympic Property Group Shana Smith (360) 297-7251 www.portgamble.com Viking Bank Doug Stephenson 360-394-1701 www.vikingbank.com The Doctors Clinic Melissa Reed (360) 782-3600 www.TheDoctorsClinic.com Pinnacle Real Estate Law Group, LLC Craig Jones (206) 780-4151 www.pinnacle-law.com Wells Fargo Bank Jeff Bilski (206) 842-1860 www.wellsfargo.com Hill Moving Services Steve & Debbie Hill (800) 833-9555 www.hillmoving.com Reliable Storage Merv Richardson 206-842-8781 www.reliablestorage.com Kitsap Bank Claire Chavanu 206-842-6637 www.kitsapbank.com Sterling Savings Bank Ludivina Garvin (206) 842-8676 www.sterlingsavings.com Kitsap Sun Newspaper Mike Stevens (206) 842-5696 www.kitsapsun.com Suquamish Clearwater Casino Bill Nucciarone (360) 598-8700 www.clearwatercasino.com Liberty Bay Auto Center Kevin Hogan (360) 697-4066 www.libertybayauto.com Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Windermere Real Estate Jim Laws 206-842-5626 www.bainbridgerealestate.com Union Bank Ed Kaufman (206) 780-4484 www.frontierbank.com Business News Patron Level Membership: A unique investment opportunity to market your business and support the Chamber of Commerce. January 2011 MY CO MILES YANICK + COMPANY ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING INTERIORS LANDSCAPE DESIGN Remodeling an Older Home and Being Energy Efficient Now is a great time to remodel! Contractors are eager to have work and are willing to give some very good deals on construction costs. It’s possible to do a complete remodel and not only get the space you need but also make your home much more energy efficient. Way Ahead of the Curve The picture to the right shows a 1,500 sq ft two-story addition to an existing 1960’s era, 800 sq ft singlestory home. The addition features R-60 roof and floor insulation and R-30 wall insulation. The addition is solar oriented with large glazing areas. The original home was insulated with R-38 roof insulation and R-19 floor insulation. No new insulation was added to the walls of the existing home. The home also features eco-smart building materials, high efficiency heating and cooling, storm water management techniques, construction waste management, drought tolerant landscaping and environmentally responsible location aspects. “Passive Haus” Super Energy Efficiency The latest energy conservation rating from Europe today is the “Passive Haus” (House) Standard. It requires that the home achieve a maximum use of 10 kilowatt hours per square foot per annum. This home’s energy usage is less than 67% of the Passive Haus Standard. A tabulation of the actual energy usage and the usage-per-square-foot is noted to the right. LEED Rating This home remodel and addition designed by Miles Yanick & Company in the year 2000 and constructed in 2001, was years before the LEED for homes criteria was established and could not technically be certified at that time. Today it would qualify as “Platinum” rated, which is the highest rating achievable. 2009/2010 Energy Usage Month KWH Used Amt. Billed January 2,463 $ 230.62 February 1,830 $ 169.97 March 1,766 $ 163.31 April 1,828 $ 168.83 May 987 $ 67.66 June 1,039 $ 95.74 July 715 $ 64.59 August 638 $ 56.38 September 675 $ 59.84 October 738 $ 66.04 1,054 $ 97.52 1,726 $ 162.02 November December TOTAL 15,459 KWH AREA OF HOUSE = 2,320 SF PASSIVE HAUS STANDARD= 10 KWH per SF OR LESS 15,459 KWH ÷ 2,320 SF = 6.66 KWH PER SF PER YEAR USAGE IS 33.4% LESS THAN PASSIVE HAUS STANDARD $1,403.00 Miles Yanick & Company has joined with Blumenthal Construction Inc. to offer comprehensive Custom Home Design and Build Services. Blumenthal has the following certifications: Certified NW Energy Star Verifier, Certified PTST (analyzing building efficiency), BPI Certified Building Analyst, Certified Mediator for Construction Dispute Resolutions with Washington Mediation Association, HERS/ResNet Certified Rater and has a pending certification as a Built Green Verifier for 4 and 5 star ratings. 600 Winslow Way E. Suite 247 Bainbridge Island WA 98110 Phone: 206-842-6516 Email: office@milesyanick.com Website: www.milesyanick.com www.bainbridgechamber.com Bainbridge Commercial Cleaning PO Box 10223 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-595-1759 circleconsulting@raincity.com The Island Yoga Space Sue Steindorf (206) 436-9388 info@theislandyogasspace.org http://www.theislandyogaspace.com Heather Jaynes announces a new business dedicated to providing Island businesses with extraordinary office, business and commercial cleaning. With 30 years of professional cleaning experience -- including 20 years on Bainbridge Island -- Bainbridge Commercial Cleaning promises timely and efficient cleaning services. Owner, Heather Jaynes is a long time Bainbridge resident and business owner with an exceptional reputation for high quality, dependable and trustworthy service. We are currently seeking both short and long term service contracts to clean Island offices and other commercial spaces. Reasonable rates and your first month free with a 1 year contract. Licensed and bonded. Extensive references available. The Island Yoga Space is a non- profit organization with a mission to provide a sacred space for teaching and building community. We are a collection of welcoming teachers, therapists and students from different backgrounds and traditions who are committed to cultivating a space for healing and joy. We offer classes and workshops in yoga, meditation, chanting and other therapeutic programs. The Island Yoga Space has a wide variety of classes for children and adults of all abilities offered seven days a week and throughout the day. You are invited to come and play, celebrate, teach and learn. There is space here for everyone. We look forward to seeing you! For more information check our schedule at www.theislandyogaspace.org Chamber Visitor Centers Through November 2010 Main Visitor Center Local Phone Calls Non-Local Phone Calls Phone Calls for Staff Total Phone Calls Local Visitors Non-Local Visitors Member Referrals Total Referrals Main VIC Brochures Sept 435 8 118 561 108 397 1,095 1,396 839 YTD 7,048 319 1,685 9,052 1,207 6,805 12,131 21,783 12,963 Studio Hamlet Architects Russell Hamlet AIA, LEED AP, CSBA 10583 Manitou Park Blvd NE Bainbridge Island WA 98110 (206) 842-7355 info@studiohamlet.com www.studiohamlet.com Kiosk Visitor Center Non-local Visitors 664 12,692 Total Non-Local Visitors Total Visitors 1,061 1,169 Studio Hamlet Architects’ mission is to create exceptional architecture through the sensitive study of each project. This means every project that comes into our office and contracts our services gets the attention it deserves. We have a passionate commitment to create inspirational design that suits your needs and fits your budget. 19,497 20,704 With a focus on environmental responsibility, Studio Hamlet works to create the most energy efficient and sustainable building possible given your needs, budget and construction constraints. Among our award winning projects is the first LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certified home in Washington west of Seattle. The Valley Road House on Bainbridge Island is also a Zero Net Energy and 5-Star BuiltGreen home. Russell Hamlet has been certified by the U.S. Green Building Council as a LEED Accredited Professional in both commercial Building Design & Construction & LEED for Homes. In addition, Russell is a certified Sustainable Building Advisor and member of the City of Bainbridge Island Design Review Board. Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Business News January 2011 www.bainbridgechamber.com Renewing Members... The Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce commends these businesses for renewing their membership: Members Years Town & Country Market Bill Barrow Public Utility Dist#1 of Kitsap Bainbridge Arts & Crafts Bainbridge Vision Source Puget Sound Property Management Schmidt’s Home Appliance Our Country Haus Island Country Inn Shaboom, Inc Messenger House Care Center Edward Jones Investments, Lori Morgan Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island San Juan Navigation The Housing Resources Board Crystal Springs Construction Quitslund Beach House Café Nola Consolidated Shippers, Inc Dick & Julie Shryock Carl Alan Sussman, Windermere Patricia Betten 58 38 36 32 31 31 19 18 17 16 15 15 15 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 William B. Moore 8 Hope House, Inc Winslow Arms Apartments 8 Bon Bon Miles Yanick & Co 8 ABSOLUTE Concrete Works, LLC Visual Apex, Inc 8 Tom Whealdon Construction Fabricare Cleaners 8 Micheal Ballou, Realitor Sandy’s Barber Shop 8 Joel Nilsen Decorative Finishes Neff and Company 8 The Sycamore Group, Inc Suquamish Clearwater Casino8 Faces First Skin Care Michael C Berry, CPA, CFP 8 Cynthia Massa, Attorney At Law Blue Heron Design, Inc 7 Arthur Mortell, Caldwell Banker The Madrona Group LLC 7 Brett Gadbois Design & Illustration Steven G Schwager, DDS 7 Athenique Agless Skin Bainbridge Community Foundation 6 Hollyer Design, LLC Bainbridge Community Piano Assoc. 6 Jazzercise on Bainbridge Eagle Harbor Insurance 5 Ann Shepperd-High Point Reality Hillstrom State Farm Insurance 5 Paisley Place Interiors South Point Development Co. 5 Kitsap Humane Society C. M. Williams & Associates 5 Storyville Coffee Company Shima 5 Westwind Enterprises Jane Singer Real Estate Better Healthy Loosers Properties 5 Maslach Art Glass 5 Boldface denotes Patron Member Bainbridge Island BBQ 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Members DHDesign Services Deborah Henderson Bainbridge Is. WA 98110 (206) 788-6513 deb@dhdesignservices.com www.dhdesignservices.com Graphic Design Thrash Associates Jim Thrash 1804 Eagle Harbor Lane Bainbridge Is. WA 98110 (206) 962-9205 (206) 855-9259 Fax jimthrash@comcast.net Consulting to Engineering & Construction The Island Yoga Space Sue Steindorf P.O. Box 11576 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 436-9388 info@theislandyogaspace.org www.theislandyogaspace.org Yoga & Wellness Center Eagle Harbor CPA, PLLC Malinda Wagner 115 Hall Brothers Loop, Suite #107 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 451-4279 (206) 451-4281 Fax malinda@eagleharborcpa.com http://eagleharborcpa.com Accounting / Tax Preparation Comcast Business Robin Ruediger 410 Valley Ave. NW#9 Puyallup WA 98371 robin_ruediger@comcast.net www.businessclass.comcast.net Utilities CrossFit 98110 Salvatore DeRosalia 937 Hildebrand Lane NE ste#102 Bainbridge Is WA 98110 (206) 240-8857 sal@crossfit98110.com www.crossfit98110.com Health / Nutrition / Fitness Geiger Ed Johnson 2502 S. 12th St Tacoma WA 98405 (253) 383-3883 x206 ejohnson@geiger.com Promotional Products New Members Roger Long of Pie In The Sky Melanie Benson Floral Design Melanie Benson 10689 Byron Dr. NE Bainbridge Is WA 98110 (206) 947-7187 mel@melaniebensonfloral.com. www.melaniebensonfloral.com Florist / Floral Design John Pizzo of Pizzo Consulting Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Marcy Stoeven of Bainbridge Concierge Business News January 2011 www.bainbridgechamber.com Where Were You on November 30? Membership Directory to be Mailed Soon That was the afternoon that police cordoned off Winslow Way and Highway 305 for several hours to investigate a suspicious package. All through the emergency, the Chamber passed on updates from the media and police via our Facebook page and Twitter account. Follow us, and you’ll be sure to find out what’s happening next time. Facebook: Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce; Twitter: BainbridgeCof C. The Chamber’s 2011 Membership Directory, which goes by the name “Bainbridge Island Living and Doing Business Guide,” will be mailed 2011 Membership Directory to members in weeks ahead. Besides member business listings, the annual guide will include a slick, four-color cover, Bainbridge demographics and statistics, a calendar of annual events, a map of Bainbridge highlighting island attractions, plus sections on Emergency & Visitor Information, Population and Climate, Schools, Attractions, Parks and Walking Trails, Accommodations and Restaurants, Shopping and other fun facts and features. The Chamber teamed up with the Bainbridge Review to produce the publication, which we hope you will keep on your desktop and use regularly. 8JOTMPX8BZ&BTUr#BJOCSJEHF*TMBOE8"rXXXCBJOCSJEHFDIBNCFSDPN S E R V I N G T H E B A I N B R I D G E I S L A N D B U S I N E S S C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 19 2 7 "(6*%&50-*7*/(%0*/(#64*/&440/#"*/#3*%(&*4-"/% "D D PN NP E BUJPO T t 3 F TU BV SB OUT t 4IPQQJ OH t "DUJW JUJF T t 1B SL T . BQT Your Independent Chamber Member News... Friday Night Lights On! Enjoy late night shopping, live music, art, food, and wine every Friday evening at participating Downtown Winslow merchants, from 6-8 p.m., except for Christmas and New Year’s Eves. Support your friends and neighbors by Thinking Local First! New Map of Bainbridge Island Being Produced McKenna Ryan Art Quilt and Pattern Showroom Opens The Chamber is prepping to produce a new, colorful Street Map of Bainbridge Island. The “unofficial” map includes all the island’s streets, plus special attractions such as parks, schools, churches, points of interests, bus routes. and so forth. The Chamber works with the Bainbridge Island Fire Department to ensure street accuracy. As in years past, the map will include the entire island on one side of the map and a insert of the greater Downtown Winslow area on the other. The Chamber will produce 100,000 copies of the four-color map and distribute it over a two-year period to island residents, on the Washington State Ferries, and to visitors at the Chamber office and at the Ferry Terminal. If you are interested in advertising on the Map, please contact the Chamber at (206) 842-3700. A rate sheet and additional information will be posted on our web site, www.bainbridgechamber.com. Preference will be afforded to previous map advertisers if they wish to retain their same ad positions. Where: 187 Ericksen Ave. NE., downtown Bainbridge. What: a “quilters’ destination” with quilt draped walls, vast selection of fabrics, and endless array of pattern choices. Visitors will experience the exciting progression of McKenna’s quilts from her early “Brown Bag Classics” to her latest multi-block quilts and Hoffman screen print and batik fabric lines. As the showroom progresses, look for quilt classes, special McKenna Ryan events, meeting space for guilds, and fabric kits featuring McKenna’s original fabrics. KIDIMU Free First Thursdays On first Thursday of the month, families are invited to explore KiDiMu! Enjoy a free-admission day, sponsored by Wells Fargo. Have fun with a variety of hands-on exhibits and art activities. All are welcome! 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Free; info: 206-855-4650 or www. kidimu.org. Boy Scout Christmas Tree Recyc ling January 8 - Christmas Tree Recycling - Keep your car clean and the Island green! Boy Scout Troop 1564 is conducting our annual Christmas Tree Pick-up fundraiser on Saturday, January 8. We will pick up and haul away your tree for recycling - $10 tax-deductible donation suggested. Please have all decorations removed and your tree at the curb by 8:30 for pick up. Visit www.TreeRecylce.net to sign up, or phone 780-2722 and leave a message. ‘ CleaningÊ/ÊConsultingÊ/ÊManagingÊ/ÊOrganizing SabineÊStraight www.sabineslifestyle.comÊ. Ê(360)Ê649-3294 info@sabineslifestyle.com . Bonded,ÊLicensedÊ&ÊInsured Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce Business News January 2011 www.bainbridgechamber.com Thanks to Columbia Bank for a great Holiday After Hours Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce 10 Business News January 2011 Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce 395 Winslow Way East Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Prsrt Std US Postage Paid Olympic Presort Printed on Recycled paper Change Service Requested Please check your label and call (206) 842-3700 with address corrections. Subscribe to What’s Happening Bainbridge Online Magazine at www.bainbridgechamber.com Circulate this Newsletter to your staff _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Mission Statement—The Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce is a community of people dedicated to enhancing business opportunities and the quality of life on Bainbridge Island making it a great place to live, work and play. Board of Directors. . . President: Lois Boubong. . . . (206) 841-3593 Vice President: Jeff Waite . . . . . . . . . .842-0969 Treasurer: Els Heyne . . . . . . . . . . 842-9191 Secretary: Michael Rosenthal. . . 842-5720 Directors: Linda Thurrott . . . . . 855-9666 Mike Loudon. . . . . . . 842-1822 John Brubeck . . . . . . . 842-9217 Chris Miller. . .842-1733 ext 124 Arnie Sturham. . . . . . 842-2814 Larry Sears. . . . . . . . . . 842-9091 Howard Block. . . . . . . .842-2813 Barbara Reininger . . . ..780-3091 Marian Holt McLain. . .842-4335 Past President: Rodney Bauch . . . . . . . .357-2020 Chamber Staff. . . Executive Director: Kevin Dwyer Director of Operations & Marketing: Andie Mackin Licensing Manager: Vicki Rauh Licensing Assistant in Training: Kris Rothert Admin. Asst./Newsletter Editor: Betsy Leger Administrative Assistant: Mickey Molnaire Visitor Specialists: Marilyn Bonkowski, Frances Burress, Anita & Bill Crosby, Bill Evans, Dawn Haslanger, Shannon Foti, Sean Gabriel, Dee Herzog, Buff Hungerland, Frank Jacobson, Dudley Jones, Margie McDevitt, Steve Parsons, Kris Rothert, Shannon Sumner, Cristie Thuren Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce 395 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone: 206-842-3700/Fax: 206-842-3713 Email: office@bainbridgechamber.com Website: www.bainbridgechamber.com Printing: Custom Printing ©2010 Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce All rights reserved. Mark Your Calendar for Chamber Events Wed. Jan. 19 Chamber Luncheon 11:30 Wing Point Country Club Thurs. Jan. 27 After Hours at Doc’s Marina Grill Sat Jan 29 Healthy Living Expo Sat Apr. 9 Home And Garden Show 206-842-3700 www.bainbridgechamber.com Newsletter Deadlines: Business News is published monthly by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce and is distributed to its members. Deadlines for February 2011 Business News: For ads, articles and press releases – Tues. Jan. 11 For inserts – Jan 21 Call to reserve space. We will need a PDF copy emailed to us, and payment online or bring in a check by the deadline. Questions? Contact editor Betsy Leger at the Chamber office, 206-842-3700, or betsy@bainbridgechamber.com.
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Business news - Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce
Thanks to American Marine Bank for Hosting the event, and Side By Side for providing music. Photo at left: Ann Bopp, manager;
Lori Gilbreath; and Renzo Lucioni, Interim CEO of American Marine Bank.
Business news - Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce
Host: American Marine Bank, 249
Winslow Way E, Bainbridge. Entertainment by Side by Side. Public welcome. No reservations necessary.