Menu - La Mona Beauty
Menu - La Mona Beauty
menu of services Facial Therapy 2 Essential facials 5 Performance facials 5 Workout facials 6 Skin Revision Treatments 9 Scarring 11 Ageing 11 Pigmentation 11 Acne 11 Sagging skin 11 Cosmetic Skin Procedures 13 IPL 13 Cosmetic Doctor Injectables 13 Beauty Treatments 18 Lashes and Brows 18 Waxing 18 Spray Tanning 20 Makeup 21 facial therapy facial therapy Keep up your Skin Maintenance As we age, the skin degenerates and breaks down. It loses collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, resulting in wrinkles and sagging of the skin. The degenerative effect of aging causes the skin to lose moisture known as trans epidermal water loss this results in an impaired acid mantle and compromised structural integrity of the skin. The decline in natural oil production or sebaceous flow effects skins hydration, thickness and quality of the matrix. Turgidity and firmness. Both outcomes of aging are major influencing factors affecting ones appearance. Physiology of aging and weakening of the skin; t"EFDMJOFJOFO[ZNBUJDBDUJWJUZDFMMEJWJTJPOTMPXTEPXO"HFJOHJTBEFDSFBTFJOGVODUJPOBMJUZ t4PMBSLFSBUPTJTBOEFOWJSPONFOUBMJNQBDUCFDPNFTFWJEFOU t1PPSDJSDVMBUJPOBOEQPPSMZNQIESBJOBHFSFTVMUTJOBMPTTPGTUSVDUVSBMJOUFHSJUZXFBLFOFEGSBHJMF capillaries and decreased skin density t$PMMBHFOQSPEVDUJPOEFDMJOFTEFSNBMTUSVDUVSFTBOETZTUFNTUIBUXPSLJOTZOFSHZEFUFSJPSBUFXSJOLMFT and fine lines form, skin starts to sag t:FBSTPGGBDJBMFYQSFTTJPOTTVOFYQPTVSFBOEPUIFSGBDUPSTTVDIBTTNPLJOHPSQPPSEJFUUIFSFTVMUTDBO include deep lines, creases, folds and age spots. The cell renewal rate also slows down, resulting in a CVJMEVQPGEFBETLJODFMMTBOEEVMMMPPLJOHTLJO Two contributing factors to aging; t*OUSJOTJDHFOFUJDBOJOEJWJEVBMTHFOFUJDNBLFVQ t&YUSJOTJDFOWJSPONFOUBMGSFFSBEJDBMBOEEJFU Most often there can be a combination of both. Even those who have had beautiful skin in their teens and twenties will need to change their skin care regime as they age. What was effective in your youth may no longer work in your thirties or forties and by UIFUJNFZPVSFBDIZPVSmGUJFTBOETJYUJFTFWFSZPOFXJMMSFRVJSFBOJOUFOTJWFNPJTUVSJ[JOHSPVUJOFUPDPNCBU BHFSFMBUFEESZOFTTBOEMPTTPGFMBTUJDJUZ 3 facial therapy Regular Professional skin analysis and facial therapy and the correct home care can help maintain optimal skin health. Essential Facial Series :PVSNJOVUFDVTUPNJTFE&TTFOUJBMTLJOGBDJBMUIFSBQZJTBDPNQSFIFOTJWFTLJOUSFBUNFOUXIJDIBMTP includes an initial consultation, analysis, treatment planning and home care advice. Essential skin facials are equally balancing, repairing and replenishing and ultimately beneficial for all skin types and concerns. Essential Skin Treat Concerns 60 minutes Dermalogica Dermaviduals $90 $110 rebalance Oily, congested, breakout Essential Purifying Derma Clear SFWJWF %VMMMBDLMVTUSFTUSFTTFE &TTFOUJBM3FWJUBMJTJOH %FSNB3FWJWF repair Sensitive, inflamed, weak Essential Calming Derma Calm replenish Dry, dull, weak, impaired Essential moisture Derma Nourish Performance Facial Series Step up the treatment and address skin performance issues with an intensive treatment that is a powerful antidote for concerns such as impaired barrier skin conditions, acne and pigmentation. Performance Skin Treat Concerns 75 – 90 mins Dermalogica Dermaviduals Danne $130 $150 $155 - $185 SFNFEZ "DOFSPTBDFBTFOTJUJWF .FEJCBD %FSNB.FEJ %BOOF#JPHFO$ CBSSJFSEJTPSEFS 6MUSB$BMNJOH %FTUSFTT SFKVWFOBUF "HJOHmOFMJOFTEVMM "HFTNBSU %FSNB"OUJBHF %BOOFo cornified, uneven Power Recovery Micro Derma Hydrocell %VMMVOFWFOUPOF $ISPNBXIJUF %FSNBXIJUF %BOOFo SBEJBODF pigmentation Bihaku 5 Workout Series 5IFPMETBZJOHQSFWFOUJPOJTCFUUFSUIBODVSFSJOHTMPVEFSBOEDMFBSFSUIBOFWFS%BOO¹&O[ZNFUIFSBQZ is the answer to age prevention, as it keeps your skin function optimal to ensure you look the age you are and not older. 3FHVMBS&O[ZNFUIFSBQZUSFBUNFOUTDBOCFTFFOBTiBTLJOXPSLPVUiUPLFFQZPVSTLJOJOTIBQF+VTU MJLFWJTJUJOHBHZNUPLFFQPVSCPEZIFBMUIZBOEMPPLJOHJUTCFTUFO[ZNFUIFSBQZLFFQTZPVSTLJOZPVOH healthy and toned. How do they work? "TQFDJBMFO[ZNFUSBOTGFSBTFDBOTFOENFTTBHFTBDSPTTDFMMNFNCSBOFT6TJOHUIFOFSWFFOEJOHT TFOTPSZSFDFQUPSTBOEHBOHMJBUIFFO[ZNFTBDUBTIPSNPOFMJLFNFTTBHFTUPTUJNVMBUFBOJNNFEJBUF response to a dermal level. #FOFmUTPG&O[ZNF5IFSBQZ t&O[ZNFUIFSBQZJNQSPWFTTLJOGVODUJPOJOH t*UPQFOTVQUIFWBTDVMBSTZTUFNCSJOHJOHOFXPYZHFOUPUIFTLJODFMMTBOEFODPVSBHJOHUIFGPSNBUJPO of new elastin and collagen. t5JHIUFOTUPOFTBOEmSNTUIFTLJO t$POTVNFTEFBEDFMMNBUFSJBM t3FNPWFTEFBEQSPUFJOUPYJOTBOEPUIFSFGnVWJBGSPNUIFFQJEFSNJTVTJOHBQSPDFTTDBMMFESFWFSTF osmosis. Reverse osmosis forces fluids from inside the skin cells out through the cell wall membrane and into the matrix. t$MFBOTPVUEFCSJTJOBOEBSPVOEUIFTLJODFMMTJODMVEJOHUPYJOTPYJEJTFEXBTUFBOEGSFFSBEJDBMT5IJT MFBWFTBDMFBODFMMBOEBDMFBSUPYJOGSFFNBUSJYTVSSPVOEJOHUIFDFMM 6 Workout Series t&OIBODFTMZNQIBUJDESBJOBHFBOEWBTDVMBSDJSDVMBUJPOUPQSPWJEFWJUBMDFMMVMBSOVUSJUJPOBOEPYZHFOBUJPO essential for tissue repair and recovery t4UJNVMBUFOFXDPMMBHFOQSPEVDUJPOBOESFTUPSFJOUFSTUJUJBMnVJEXIJDIJODSFBTFTUIFTLJOTUVSHJEJUZ providing restoration of cellular integrity. t&YFSDJTFGBDJBMNVTDMFTBOEmSNTUIFTLJO Importance of Enzyme therapy t%BOO¹4QFDJBMMZGPSNVMBUFE&O[ZNFTJODSFBTFDJSDVMBUJPOBOEDSFBUFTBMZNQIESBJOBHFBDUJPO5IJTJT GFMUCZUIFDMJFOUBTBUJHIUFOJOHBOEQVMTBUJOHTFOTBUJPOPGUIF&O[ZNFNBTRVF5IJTBDUJPOQSPNPUFTB rush of fresh new oxygenated blood from within the skin, due to dilated capillaries. t0YZHFODBSSJFTOVUSJFOUTBOE0)FNPHMPCJOUPUIFNJUPDIPOESJBPGBMMDFMMT0YZHFOBJETJOUIFSFNPWBM of toxins, waste and other cellular debris. Lack of oxygen leads to malfunction of the mitochondria and to cell death. Oxygen CANNOT effectively be administered to the outside of the skin. Skin cells operate with Anaerobic NOT Aerobic metabolism t1PPSDJSDVMBUJPOMFBETUPXFBLDMPHHFEPSEJMBUFEDBQJMMBSJFTXIJDIBSFUIFDPOEVJUTPGPYZHFOUPTLJO DFMMT&O[ZNBUJDUSFBUNFOUTDBOEJMBUFDBQJMMBSJFTBOEIFMQUPEFMJWFSGSFTIOVUSJFOUTUPMJWJOHDFMMT5IJT DBMMFEi5IF1MBTNBUJD&GGFDUw Treatment Per Skin Revision Package Price &O[ZNF5IFSBQZUSFBUNFOU &O[ZNF4FSJFT .VTDMF#BOEJOH5SFBUNFOU "-JGU *OTUBOU-JGUUSFBUNFOU #JIBLV4LJO#SJHIUFOJOH #JIBLVEBZTFSJFT 7 skin revision skin revision DMK – Danné Montague King %BOO¹.POUBHVF,JOHJTBXPSMESFOPXOFE#FWFSMFZ)JMMT#PUBOJDBM4DJFOUJTUBOETLJOTQFDJBMJTU"XPSMEMFBEFSJO QBSBNFEJDBMTLJOSFWJTJPO%BOO¹.POUBHVF,JOHIBTUSFBUFEDFMFCSJUJFTXPSMEXJEFBOEIBTQSFTFOUFEMFDUVSFTUP BVEJFODFTBSPVOEUIFHMPCF)JTTDJFOUJmDTLJOQSJODJQBMTBSFFOEPSTFEBOEVTFECZEPDUPSTUIFSBQJTUTBOEQMBTUJD surgeons in more than 27 countries including Germany, the US, Russia and Australia. %"//TLJOSFWJTJPOJTBTDJFOUJmDBMMZQSPWFOCPUBOJDBMBMUFSOBUJWFGPSUIPTFXIPQSFGFSBOPOJOWBTJWFBMUFSOBUJWFUPMBTFS treatment and plastic surgery. These treatments produce astonishing results removing aging lines, acne, sun damage, pigmentation, scaring and tightening skin. 8JUINPSFUIBOZFBSTPGFYQFSJFODF%BOO¹.POUBHVF,JOHEPDUPSPGCJPDIFNJTUSZBOEQIBSNBDZIBTEJTUJOHVJTIFE himself as a pioneer in the field of skin treatment. He has achieved worldwide acclaim for his research and ability to NBUDIBOJOEJWJEVBMTCJPDIFNJTUSZXJUIBQQSPQSJBUFTLJOUIFSBQZ*OUIFMBUFIFXBTPOFPGUIFmSTUTDJFOUJTUTUP SFDPHOJTFUIFQPXFSPGFO[ZNFTBOEIBTTJODFHPOFPOUPEJTDPWFSUIFCFOFmUTBOEBQQMJDBUJPOTPGNBOZPUIFSCPUBOJDBM components. %BOO¹.POUBHVF,JOHCFMJFWFTUIBUUPFGGFDUJWFMZSFWJTFBOZTLJODPOEJUJPOXFNVTUBMXBZTUIJOLCFZPOEUIFTVSGBDF The skin is a functional unit where everything must work in synergy with each other. When things over or under activate, harmful negative stresses occur on and within the skin where everything is thrown out of balance. Disharmony results in the manifestation of a skin condition. Everything that presents itself on the surface of the skin is either directly or indirectly related to what is happening on the inside functions and structures. DANNÉ botanical formulations work with the skin rather than merely acting on it. The DANNÉ concept of treating the skin takes a holistic approach regulating the skins functioning and bringing everything back into balance. 9 skin revision The DANNÉ Montague-King Philosophy Imitating nature for natural results /BUVSBMTLJOUSFBUNFOUNFUIPETBOEPSHBOJDIFSCBMDIFNJTUSZIBWFFOUFSFEBiHPMEFOFSBw5PEBZDPTNFUJDSFTFBSDI scientists are rejecting synthetic approaches to skin care and returning to natural concepts that focus on what the skin SFBMMZSFTQPOETUPoXIBUSFBMMZXPSLT*OUIJTi(PMEFO"HFPG4LJO5IFSBQZwPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSZPVUIGVMIFBMUIZTLJOIBWF never been better! This exciting skin care program is based on the principle that cells of the skin respond positively to chemistry the skin recognises the chemistry it manufactures on its own. Duplicating this chemistry and combining it with the Danné Remove, Rebuild, Protect and Maintain system has placed Danné in the forefront of skin revision therapy. Unique programs for all skin types DANNÉ methodology, treatments and products have helped change the face of aesthetics. Unlike animal and petroleum CZQSPEVDUTGPVOEJONBOZPWFSUIFDPVOUFSTLJODBSFQSPHSBNT%"//CPUBOJDBMGPSNVMBUJPOTXPSLXJUIUIFTLJOSBUIFS UIBONFSFMZBDUJOHPOJU"NJOPBDJETPUIFSQSPUFJOTFO[ZNFTBOEGSBDUJPOBUFEPJMTGSPNUIFQMBOUXPSMEBSFVTFEUP create an environment that allows the skin to thrive. 3FNPWFt1SPUFDUt3FCVJMEt.BJOUBJO 5IF%"//3FNPWFt3FCVJMEt1SPUFDUt.BJOUBJO4ZTUFNNBUDIFTJOEJWJEVBMCPEZDIFNJTUSZXJUIJOUIFBQQSPQSJBUF botanical formulations, professional treatments and home prescriptives. Regardless of ethnic background, gender, age or skin condition, DANNÉ offers an effective program for all skin types. How it works...why it works 5IF3FNPWFt3FCVJMEt1SPUFDUt.BJOUBJO4ZTUFNJTBDPNQSFIFOTJWFGPVSTUFQQSPHSBNEFTJHOFEUP Remove %FBETLJODFMMCVJMEVQXIJDIMFBETUPUIFBQQFBSBODFPGESZTLJOmOFMJOFTBOETLJOEJTDPMPSBUJPO Rebuild The remaining living cells by providing protein, other amino acids and nutrients, thus enabling the cells to stay alive longer and perform at their healthiest, youngest level. Protect The skin from sun, free radicals, glycosylation and other environmental factors. Maintain Providing optimal skin functioning with appropriate home prescriptives. Developed with the most pure botanical ingredients with our unique Transdermal delivery to supply the cells and skin with the perfect environment in which it is continuously rejuvenated. 10 skin revision Treatment Per Skin Revision Package Price &O[ZNF5IFSBQZUSFBUNFOU &O[ZNF4FSJFT .VTDMF#BOEJOH5SFBUNFOU "-JGU *OTUBOU-JGUUSFBUNFOU &O[ZNFT #JIBLV4LJO#SJHIUFOJOH #JIBLVEBZTFSJFT Dermaviduals Danne Derma White treatment and home care Bihaku and home care 7 types of concern Concern Therapy Cosmetic pigmentation Revision Facials IPL sagging skin Revision Facials Tissue enhancer fine lines IPL Revision Facials Hydration injectable wrinkles Revision Facials Fillers Muscle relaxant scarring Revision facials tellengectasia rosacea IPL Revision facials A-Lift Series and home care Derma Anti Age and home care &O[ZNF4FSJFT 6 layer peel and home care Enzyme Series Alkaline Wash and home care Enzyme Series Derma Medi and home care Enzyme Series and home care 11 cosmetic skin procedures cosmetic skin procedures Dr Mary Dingley M.B., B.S. (Qld), F.F.M.A.C.C.S received her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB, BS) degree from the University of Queensland in 1984 and after working in the public arena for three years moved to work exclusively in private cosmetic medicine in 1987. Since then she has pioneered the use of proven new techniques and developed training programmes for other doctors interested in using these systems appropriately, while always maintaining a commitment to the highest standard of care for her patients. Dr Dingley is also Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery (FFMACCS). She is frequently invited to speak and demonstrate at conferences both in Australia and internationally, developing a reputation as an enthusiastic, entertaining and effective communicator and teacher as well as a highly reputable practitioner Dr Dingley is the immediate past President of the $PTNFUJD1IZTJDJBOT4PDJFUZPG"VTUSBMBTJBBOEJTBOBEWJTPSUPHPWFSONFOUCPEJFTPOJTTVFTTVDIBT laser safety and training. Dr Peter Bakaric [MB.BS]JTPOFPG"VTUSBMJBTMFBEJOHDPTNFUJDQIZTJDJBOT %S#BLBSJDIBTTQFOUPWFSZFBSTQFSGFDUJOHOPOTVSHJDBMGBDJBMSFKVWFOBUJPO UFDIOJRVFTTJODFFTUBCMJTIJOH"VTUSBMJBTmSTUEFEJDBUFEDPTNFUJDNFEJDJOF practice, the Collagen Face Centre, in Sydney in 1983. Dr Bakaric is also a founding member of the Australian Society of Cosmetic Physicians and is Director of the Skin Cancer Centre. With extensive professional and a reputation for being at the cutting edge of the newest and best medical cosmetic procedures the Dr Bakaric is an example of what the best in cosmetic medicine has to offer. -BUFTUUFDIOPMPHJFTBOEOFXFTUUFDIOJRVFTBMMPXDMJFOUTUPFOKPZUIFCFOFmUTPGTVQFSTPGUBOEOBUVSBM looking lip augmentation, revolumising procedures for plump cheeks, softened lines and wrinkles, and refined and sculpted facial features. 13 cosmetic skin procedures SNB Aesthetics SNB Aesthetics provides high end technology to La Mona Skin and Beauty Clinic clientele. They are market leaders and unique in their operation due to the technology used, standards enforced and the quality of resources. ELOS (electro-optical-synergy) offers the advanced alternative to Laser and standard IPL as it is the first and only technology to combine optical (light) energy and bipolar radio frequency (RF). This combination is safer and gentler than other systems and features a comfort system which monitors the skin and keeps it at a soothing cool temperature during the treatment. ELOS is used to perform permanent hair reduction, skin rejuvenation/colour correction and skin tightening treatments for most hair colours and skin types. Skin rejuvenation improves the appearance of age spots, pigmentation, uneven skin tones, broken capillaries, acne, scars and stretch marks. Skin Tightening reduces fine lines and stimulates collagen resulting in a fresh, younger appearance that is visibly firmer and tighter. Areas treated include face, neck, décolletage and hands. 5IFUSFBUNFOUTBSFOPOJOWBTJWFBOEUIFSFJTOPEPXOUJNF 15 cosmetic skin procedures Types of treatments available: t -JQWPMVNFBOETIBQF t 'BDJBMSFWPMVNJTJOH t $IFFLWPMVNF t $SPXT'FFU t 6OEFS&ZF#BHT t $SFBTFTBOEGPMET t /POTVSHJDBMGBDFMJGUJOH t /POTVSHJDBMSIJOPQMBTUZ/BTPMBCJBMGPMET t 'PSFIFBEXSJOLMFT t -JOFTBOEXSJOLMFT t 4LJOQMVNQJOHBOEmSNJOH t 4LJOUJHIUFOJOH t 1JHNFOUBUJPO t $BQJMMBSJFT t 1FSNBOFOUIBJSSFEVDUJPO 16 beauty treatments beauty treatments Lashes & Brows We are meticulous about eyebrow shaping and tinting. Well shaped and groomed brows can all the difference to your appearance, so we take the time to discuss and correct your individual look. We use safe and gentle products for a perfect result. t&ZFMBTIUJOU t&ZFCSPXUJOU t&ZFCSPXTIBQFUJOUBOEFZFMBTIUJOU t4IBQFBOEUJOU t&ZFCSPXTIBQF Waxing tÜMFH tHCJLJOJ tÜMFHBOECJLJOJ t#SB[JMJBO t'VMMMFH t6OEFSBSN t'VMMMFHBOECJLJOJ tÜBSN t4UBOEBSECJLJOJ t'VMMBSN Packages tÜMFHCJLJOJVOEFSBSNFZFCSPX tGVMMMFH#SB[JMJBO tGVMMMFHHCJLJOJVOEFSBSNFZFCSPX 18 beauty treatments Spray Tanning Utilising the latest spray technology combined with tanning solution made from the finest ingredients, Tuscan Tan™ delivers the most authentic looking, long lasting spray on tan imaginable in any shade desired, from lightly sun kissed through to the darkest of European tans t4JOHMFUBO t%BSLUBO tUIUBO'3&& Electrolysis tNJOVUFT tNJOVUFT tNJOVUFT 20 beauty treatments Makeup La Mona Skin and Beauty is always up to date with the latest in beauty and that certainly includes makeup. DMK Cosmetics, the best coverage incorporated in the sheerest of application you will ever come across. DMK is beyond any conventional or fad makeup, this is simply the best makeup you will ever experience. We also stock BOEVTF+BOF*SFEBMF.JOFSBM.BLFVQGPSUIPTFPGZPVUIBUQSFGFSQVSFMZNJOFSBMCBTFE cosmetics. Analysis/consultation SFEFFNBCMFPONJOJNVNPGNBLFPWFSQVSDIBTF NJOT SFEFFNBCMFPONJOJNVNPGNBLFPWFSQVSDIBTFT NJOT t4QFDJBM0DDBTJPO.BLFVQ t#SJEBM.BLFVQFBDIGPSCSJEBMQBSUZ 21 products products Dermalogica is the skin care system researched and developed by The International Dermal Institute. ,OPXOXPSMEXJEFBTUIFiQSPGFTTJPOBMTDIPJDFw%FSNBMPHJDBJTGPVOEFEPOUIFCFMJFGUIBUHPPETLJODBSF is not about pampering or luxury...any more than brushing your teeth or washing your hair is! $BMMVTOPOPOTFOTFCVUXFCFMJFWFUIBUDPOTVNFSTXBOUSFTVMUTOPUGSJMMZQBDLBHJOHPSPWFSCMPXOIZQF For years, Dermalogica formulas have pioneered new standards for product performance. Using only the mOFTUJOHSFEJFOUTBWBJMBCMFBMM%FSNBMPHJDBQSPEVDUTBSFOPODPNPEFHFOJDBOEDPOUBJOOPPDDMVTJWF mineral oil or lanolin, no irritating artificial colours or fragrance, and no drying S.D. alcohol. 23 products Dermaviduals are skin care products which are freshly prepared right on the spot in clinic. 5IFUFSNi%FSNBWJEVBMTwSFGFSTUPJOEJWJEVBMTLJODBSFQSPEVDUT&BDI%FSNBWJEVBMTQSFTDSJQUJPOJTEFTJHOFE according to the demands of our client and our therapist analysis. #BTFDSFBNTBSFFOSJDIFEXJUITQFDJBMiBEEJUJWFTwBTUIFCBTFDSFBNTBSFWFSZXFMMUPMFSBUFECZUIFTLJOBOE BMSFBEZDPOUBJOUIFFTTFOUJBMDPNQPOFOUTUIFTLJOSFRVJSFT5IFNPTUSFDFOUEFWFMPQNFOUJOUIJTmFMEBSF%.4 base creams (see below) whose composition is similar to the natural components of the skin (DMS = Derma .FNCSBOF4USVDUVSF %.4CBTFDSFBNTBSFQ)OFVUSBMPOUIFTLJOEPOPUDPOUBJODPOWFOUJPOBMFNVMTJmFST and are also free of preservatives, perfumes, dyes, mineral oil components, silicones and amines. Active agents are added to the DMS Base creams. 5IFPVUTUBOEJOHGFBUVSFPG%.4CBTFDSFBNTJTUIFJSDBQBDJUZUPBTTJNJMBUFXBUFSTPMVCMFiBEEJUJWFTwMJLF /.'OBUVSBMNPJTUVSJ[JOHGBDUPS WJUBNJOTBOEWFHFUBCMFFYUSBDUTJODMVEJOHEJTQFSTJPOTPGMJQPTPNFTBOE nanoparticles as well as vegetable oils and waxes by simple manual stirring. This makes them so different from conventional emulsions where a similar procedure is not practicable. "TUIFiBEEJUJWFTwDBOBMTPCFVTFEBTJOEFQFOEFOUQSPEVDUTTJNJMBSUPBNQPVMFTUIFTLJOXJMMOPUCFTUSFTTFE with unnecessary auxiliary compounds. This is an advantage for sensitive skin and skin susceptible for BCOPSNBMJUJFT5IFFGGFDUJWFOFTTPGWJUBNJOTBOEPJMTXJUIFTTFOUJBMGBUUZBDJETSFNBJOTJOUBDU%.4DSFBNT are used for the prevention and treatment of Neurodermatitis due to their composition and also the high content of hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine (PC) in combination with phytosterols, squalane, ceramides and USJHMZDFSJEFT5IF%.4CBTF cream remains effective for skin smoothness, skin hydration and skin firmness for 72h after the last application. 24 products DMS-base creams 5IFCBTJTPG%.4CBTFDSFBNTJTTBUVSBUFEQIPTQIBUJEZMDIPMJOF*/$*IZESPHFOBUFEMFDJUIJO This substance can also be found naturally and has properties similar to the ceramides. Thus phosphatidylcholine is able to combine with lipids and hydrophilic substances. However, in contrast to conventional emulsifiers, stable creams are produced on the basis of a complex QSPDFEVSFJOWPMWJOHIJHIFOFSHZDPOTVNQUJPO4BUVSBUFEQIPTQIBUJEZMDIPMJOFKVTUMJLFUIFDFSBNJEFT strengthens the skin barrier function and stabilises the natural transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Besides QIZUPTUFSPMTTRVBMBOFDFSBNJEFTBOEUSJHMZDFSJEF%.4CBTFDSFBNTDPOUBJOHMZDPMXIJDINPJTUVSJ[FT the skin and also guarantees the microbiological stability of the creams due to its high dosage. %FSNBWJEVBMTÑSFQSFTFOUTBSBOHFPGDVTUPNJ[FETLJODBSFQSPEVDUT5IFZBSFQSFQBSFEBOEBEKVTUFE BDDPSEJOHUPPVSDMJFOUTTQFDJmDTLJODPOEJUJPO5IFJSNPTUJNQPSUBOUDPNQPOFOUJT%.4ÑCBTFDSFBN which stabilises the skins barrier and helps to safely support and nourish the regenerative layers with BDUJWFTBOEOVUSJFOUTCZXBZPGDBSSJFSNPMFDVMFTBOENJDSPQBSUJDMFTPGWJUBNJOTQMBOUFYUSBDUTPJMTBOE further skin care substances. 25 products DMK is the leader of the paramedical skin revision market as it utilises a concept that can offer profound long term results. The DMK brand embraces professional paramedical products and treatment protocols, however the calibre of DMK is best expressed through the results that it delivers. DMK is the brainchild of the conceptually thinking scientist Danné Montague King and is designed to manage the skin systematically with scientific botanic formulas. 6OMJLFUIFTIPSUMJGFDZDMFUIBUUIFUSBEJUJPOBMDPTNFUJDNBSLFUDBOPGGFS%.,TGPSNVMBUJPOTEPOPUDIBOHF They are consistent with the original premise, to rebuild skin and rebuild lives. The latest development in collagen enhancement Skin revision systems for ageing, tired and sagging skin 3FEVDUJPOBOESFNPWBMPGTVOEBNBHFQJHNFOUBUJPOXSJOLMFTBOEmOFMJOFT Treatment for acne rosacea, scarring, open pores and other disorders. 26 products DMK Cosmetics -The very latest makeup technology!! 6UJMJ[JOHUIFQSPWFOCFOFmUTPGCPUBOJDBMQSFTFSWBUJWFDPNQMFYFTTVDIBT#*0$&/$&ÎBSFWPMVUJPOBSZ OFXPSHBOJDDPNQPVOEUIBUQSFWFOUTUIFHSPXUIPGNJDSPPSHBOJTNTPODPOUBDUBOEBIJHIQJHNFOUBUJPO factor of up to 53%, creating the appearance of flawless youthful skin. The DMK Cosmetics Foundation Series is, quite simply, the best foundation money can buy. 5IF%.,$PTNFUJDT'PVOEBUJPO4FSJFTJTQFSGFDUGPSDMJFOUTXJUITLJODPOEJUJPOTQPTUPQFSBUJWFDMJFOUT industry professionals, or anybody looking for a superior foundation makeup. Create a lasting impression with DMK Cosmetics. %.,$'PVOEBUJPOTBUBHMBODF t)JHIMZQJHNFOUFEGPSUIFCFTUDPWFSBHFBOEnBXMFTTZPVUIGVMTLJO t"EWBODFEDBQBCJMJUZUPDBNPVnBHFBOEDPODFBMGBDJBMJNQFSGFDUJPOT t$POUBJOBOUJPYJEBOUTBOECPUBOJDBMFYUSBDUTUPOPVSJTIBOENPJTUVSJ[FUIFTLJO t$PNQBUJCMFXJUIBMM%.,TLJOSFHJNFOT t-POHXFBSJOHGPSHFUUIPTFNVMUJQMFUPVDIVQT t8BUFSSFTJTUBOU t)FBU3FTJTUBOUVQUP××' t7BSJFUZPGTIBEFTUPNBUDIBMMTLJOUPOFTUPBDIJFWFOBUVSBMGBDJBMTLJOUPOFT t&ODBQTVMBUFEQJHNFOUTXJUIOBUVSBMQSFTFSWBUJWFTOPQBSBCFOT t5IFmSTUDPTNFUJDJOUIFXPSMEUPCFGPSNVMBUFEXJUI5IF#JPDFODFÎ#PUBOJDBM$PNQMFY t4NPPUIBOETJMLZEVSJOHBQQMJDBUJPO t0*-'3&&OPIBSTIJOHSFEJFOUTBOEHPPEGPSTFOTJUJWFTLJO t4QFDJBMMZGPSNVMBUFEUPTPGUFOUIFMPPLPGmOFMJOFTBOEDSFBTFTXJUI4PGU7JTJPOÎ 27 products ,OPXOBT5IF4LJO$BSF.BLFVQUIF+BOF*SFEBMFMJOFJTTPTBGFBOECFOFmDJBMUPVTFUIBUJUJT recommended by Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists throughout the world. +BOFTMJOFJTBIJHIMZTPQIJTUJDBUFECMFOEPGNJOFSBMTBOEQJHNFOUTUIBUBSFNJDSPQVMWFSJ[FEVTJOH proprietary technology and processes to form microscopic flat crystals. These crystals overlap each other on the skin to form a filter that allows the skin to breathe and function normally while still protecting it from BJSCPSOFQPMMVUBOUT5IFTUBZJOHQPXFSPGUIFNJOFSBMTJTTPHSFBUUIBUUIFZSBSFMZOFFEBUPVDIVQEVSJOH UIFEBZ"OECFDBVTFUIFTFTJMLZGFFMJOHQPXEFSTBSFXBUFSSFTJTUBOUUIFZXPOUDSFBTFPSTNFBSFWFO EVSJOHUIFNPTUTUSFOVPVTFYFSDJTF5IFTFTUBUFPGUIFBSUNJOFSBMTBSFBWBJMBCMFJOTPNBOZTIBEFTUIBU UIFSFTPOFGPSFWFSZDPNQMFYJPOOPNBUUFSXIBUUIFFUIOJDJUZ+BOF*SFEBMFT4LJO$BSF.BLFVQDPNCJOFT UIFNPTUVQUPEBUFDPMPVSTXJUITLJODBSFCFOFmUTUIBUDPOWFOUJPOBMNBLFVQTDBOPOMZFOWZ t/PODPNPEFHFOJDXJMMOPUCMPDLQPSFT t7JSUVBMMZOPBMMFSHZSJTL"MMQSPEVDUTIBWFCFFOTFOTJUJWJUZUFTUFE t#SPBETQFDUSVN67#BOE67"QSPUFDUJPOVQUP41' t"OUJJOnBNNBUPSZIFMQTUPDBMNBOETPPUIFJSSJUBUFETLJO t7FSZXBUFSSFTJTUBOUSBUJOHCZBOBQQSPWFE'%"MBC t$PNQMFUFDPWFSBHFGPSTLJODPOEJUJPOTMJLFBDOFSPTBDFBBOESFEOFTTGPMMPXJOHUSFBUNFOUTMJLF chemical peels and laser resurfacing. t$POUBJOTOPUBMDPSQBSBCFOT t$PNQPTFEPGJOFSUNJOFSBMTUIBUDBOOPUTVQQPSUCBDUFSJB t&OWJSPONFOUBMMZBXBSF t/PQSPEVDUTIBWFCFFOUFTUFEPOBOJNBMT 28 QI Shop 12, waratah court, mona vale 2103] |
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