Whitepaper_Why direct marketing - (OC) Working Group


Whitepaper_Why direct marketing - (OC) Working Group
Ioannis Stavrakantonakis, Zaenal Akbar, Anna Fensel,
Dieter Fensel, Jose Garcia, Birgit Juen, Nelia Lasierra, Ioan
Toma, Serge Tymnaiuk,
STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck,
Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Semantic Technology Institute Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 21a
A – 6020 Innsbruck
Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 3 4 5 What we measure .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Web 1.0 ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1.2 Web 2.0 ............................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Web 3.0 ............................................................................................................................... 23 2.1.4 Mobile Platforms................................................................................................................. 31 2.1.5 E-Commerce – booking ...................................................................................................... 36 2.1.6 List of Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 38 2.2 Where to measure ....................................................................................................................... 41 2.3 How to measure .......................................................................................................................... 41 2.4 List of Channels .......................................................................................................................... 41 Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................... 50 3.1 Hotels .......................................................................................................................................... 50 3.2 Hotel chains ................................................................................................................................ 58 3.3 Destination sites .......................................................................................................................... 64 3.4 Review channels ......................................................................................................................... 71 3.5 Booking channels ........................................................................................................................ 77 Major findings and recommendations................................................................................................. 85 4.1 Web 1.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 85 4.2 Web 2.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 86 4.3 Web 3.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 91 4.4 Mobile Platforms ........................................................................................................................ 93 4.5 E-Commerce ............................................................................................................................... 95 4.6 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 95 References ........................................................................................................................................... 97 1
The internet is a powerful communication infrastructure enabling easy and smooth interaction beyond
physical boundaries. Originally designed to interlink computers, it has since released its full potential in
connecting people from all over the world. Various application layers such as the web, social media,
semantic web, and mobile technologies provide new means for eCommerce. Using this technology
appropriately is becoming an increasingly imperative challenge for each sector. This technology will
significantly alter the relationship between customers and service providers and therefore may change
established business models drastically. Our study focuses on the take-up of internet technology in the
touristic sector, with a regional bias towards the Austrian and Tyrolean touristic sector. Generally, these
sectors have already perceived significant modifications in the customer/service provider relationship. On
the one hand, established intermediaries have disappeared or lost their importance. More and more,
customers interact and book directly through the internet, bypassing other intermediaries (travelling offices
etc.). On the other hand, new intermediaries have established themselves to mediate the customer-provider
relationship. Therefore, the original expectation that the internet will enable a direct peer-to-peer
relationship between service consumers and providers has only partially fulfilled its expectations. Still,
touristic service providers depend on other agents to help them to connect to their potential customers. One
potential explanation for this could be that the touristic service providers may lack the competence to use
these new technologies (and their steadily changing application layers) properly. Therefore, we empirically
compare the usage of internet technology by hotels, hotel chains, touristic associations, booking and review
channels. Our findings confirm our hypothesis. The use of internet technology is quite cumbersome via
touristic service providers and excellently handled by intermediaries such as booking channels. Obviously,
if one fails to use a technology appropriately, one may depend on other parties that have achieved such a
competency. And one needs to be prepared to share a significant piece of the cake with them.
1 Introduction
The goal of selling services directly to customers by bypassing intermediaries, which often significantly
reduce profit margins, is still a very relevant, yet unfulfilled objective in the tourism domain1. The advance
of internet technologies, and the Web in particular, brought very high expectations of how direct sales could
be achieved through online marketing. For small and medium touristic service providers, online marketing
was seen as a silver bullet enabling massive direct sales. A common belief, especially during the Web1.0
bubble, was that being online (e.g. having a Web site) could significantly improve your online marketing
and in the end, your direct online sales. However, these expectations were never fulfilled as many touristic
service providers, particularly the small and medium ones, are still not visible to their potential customers
and have not increased their profit margins. In contrast, intermediaries (e.g. Booking.com, HRS.de, etc.)
have flourished with a very good online marketing strategy that has resulted in high online visibility and
has consequently increased sales through their portals. This allows them to charge higher fees for each
service sold through their portals (such portals may take up to thirty or more percent of the price of a hotel
room2 in exchange for this service) and in the end, they take a large share of the generated value. For
example, let us look at the case of Austria. According to (Schegg & Fux, 2012)3, in 2011, online booking
(including Global Distribution Systems (GDS) e.g. Amadeus, Internet Distribution System (IDS) - online
booking platforms e.g. HRS, Booking.com, and real-time bookings on hotel website) in the Austrian
hospitality sector generated a turnover of just under 1.3 billion euros. Out of this, 134 million euros in
commission fees went to various online intermediaries with most of the share i.e. 101 million euros going
to Online Travel Agencies / Internet Distribution System e.g. HRS.de, Booking.com, etc.
The main question to be answered is why and how intermediaries (e.g. booking platforms) have succeeded
in online marketing and sales while touristic service providers have failed. The problem becomes even
more complicated when we consider the exponential growth of communication channels that interact with
customers, and therefore fully take advantage of online marketing. Nowadays, it is not enough to have a
website but it is a must to be present on all types of communication channels, including various websites
(e.g. the website of the Tourist Board, Wikipedia, etc.), email, email lists, chat, instant messaging, news,
message boards, internet fora, blogs, microblogs, podcasts, photo and video sharing, collaborative tagging,
social networks, mobile platforms, recommendation sites, booking channels, destination management
websites, search engines and meta-search engines, rich snippets, semantic annotations, etc.
To answer the above main question we perform a rigorous analysis on how touristic service providers on
the one hand and intermediaries on the other, are using communication channels and technologies that are
essential for online marketing. We analyze a representative set of Austrian touristic service providers (more
than 2000)4 ranging from small to large hotels, hotel chains and destinations. We also analyze the most well
know intermediaries e.g. booking platforms. Our analysis shows that intermediaries use online marketing
technologies and channels nearly perfectly. In contrast, most touristic service providers nearly fail to use
them completely, either by not using them at all or by using them only minimally and mostly
http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4029178.html http://www.hrscorporate.com/corporate‐hrs‐for‐hotels.html 3
http://etourism‐monitor.ch/sites/default/files/downloads/distribution_survey_d‐a‐ch_scheggfux_2012_eng.pdf, slide 52 4
A complete list is provided in the Appendix I 2
The application of internet technologies in the tourism domain has been the topic of several scientific studies
which focus specifically on the adoption of classical internet/web technologies by hotels. For example,
(Murphy, Schegg, & Olaru, 2006) evaluates the internet adoption by analysing 200 Swiss hotel websites
and email responses. Automatic techniques based on complementary multivariate and artificial neural
networks help in the evaluation and classification process. (Chan & Law, 2006) focuses on the usability of
websites, effectiveness of interface, amount of information, ease of navigation and user friendliness of a
dozen hotels from Hong Kong. (Schegg, Steiner, Frey, & Murphy, 2002) explore a small slice of the soaring
travel marketplaces, investigating how 125 Swiss hotels use Web-based marketing tools. The study focuses
on classical Web technologies and finds that most hotel websites broadcast static information but provide
limited transactional functions (e.g. rates, offers, etc.). A more recent study coming from the same group
(Schegg, Liebrich, Scaglione, & Ahmad, 2008) analyses the application of Web 2.0 technologies for more
than 3,000 tourism businesses. At the time of the study, the authors concluded that most of the tourism
enterprises were in the early stages of applying Web 2.0 concepts to their businesses. (Scaglione, Schegg,
& Trabichet, 2013) revisit the results of (Schegg, Liebrich, Scaglione, & Ahmad, 2008), showing the
evolution of this adoption over the period 2008-2012. The set of criteria used in (Schegg, et al., 2008) is
adopted and complemented in light of the technological progress that occurred during the period previously
mentioned. A total of 4700 tourism websites in Europe have been analysed by primarily looking at the
general use of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies. The authors conclude that while for some techniques the
take-off phase is finished, for other new techniques, such as RDF, the tourism sector is still at the very
beginning of the adoption process. The level of infiltration of Web 2.0 technologies in the tourism domain
is the theme of several studies such as (Ayeh, Leung, Au, & Law, 2012) for the Hong Kong hospitality
industry, or (Stankov, Lazić, & Dragićević, 2010) and (Shao, Rodríguez, & Gretzel, 2012) for destination
marketing organizations (DMOs).
(Dippelreiter et al., 2008) evaluates online tourism communities in the context of the tourist life cycle: pretrip, on-site, and after-trip phase with respect to Web technologies. Online tourism communities including
Lonely Planet, Travelpod, Virtual Tourist, Travelistic, WikiTravel, Yahoo Trip Planner, Bergfex, and Cool
Austria are being investigated to understand if and how they use Web1.0 (i.e. Forum, Email, Newsletter,
Chat, Mailinglist) and Web2.0 (i.e. Wiki, Blog, Tagging, RSS, Podcast, Pictures, Videos, Mashup/Map)
technologies. The study shows that while the classic communication utilities (Web 1.0) are still in use, the
new communication utilities (Web 2.0) are already integrated into the development process of online
communities where each community offers two or more of these technologies. While a few new
technologies have been adopted, some upgrades are required, especially concerning the use of mobile
services during the on-trip phase, in additional to the need for the implementation of additional security
features and the adoption of interactive geographic maps.
(O'Conner, 2011) looks at the online presence of hotel chains, investigating how well their websites are
adapted to take the linguistic, culture and social differences of local markets into account. Their analysis
shows that most of the hotel chains website lack true internalization support, especially when it comes to
e-commerce. Although many of them provide content in languages other than English, they fail to support
purchase process to facilitate transactions for international clients.
(Athey, 2011) investigates how Portuguese touristic service providers use the Web for marketing. The study
shows that more than 80% of the Portuguese touristic service providers use Web technologies. The
distribution inside the group of those using such technologies varies depending on the location, type of
property, and star rating of the property. The higher the star rating, the more likely it is that the touristic
service provider has a web site. However, online reservation with immediate confirmation (a functionality
which is acknowledged as being important), is supported by less than half of those with an online presence.
(Scharl, Wöber & Bauer, 2003) automatically extracted content from 328 hotel websites in the Germanspeaking alpine region, and benchmarked them in order to analyze their effectiveness. Several
characteristics were measured concerning speed, layout, languages, and navigation, among other website
aspects, obtaining the key factors for online success in terms of the level of awareness and number of
inquiries and bookings. Their findings were combined with measures obtained by questionnaires sent to
hoteliers. Interestingly, they concluded that small and medium-sized businesses in particular benefit from
technological adoption, obtaining better online booking ratios than large hotels. IT offers opportunities and
threats to small hoteliers, but with an efficient online presence, including rich and precise textual
information and interactivity, a higher awareness, user satisfaction, and bookability can be reached.
(Zafiropoulos & Vrana, 2006) also evaluated hotel websites in terms of a framework that accounts for the
dimensions of information about facilities, guest contact, reservation/price, surroundings, website
management and company profile. They applied this framework to evaluate Greek hotel websites, using
the top 25 international hotel websites to provide a benchmark used to compare with the Greek hotels. They
found that the overall information provision by Greek hotel websites is only half of the amount provided
by the top 25 hotel brands. The conclusion is that local hoteliers regard websites as advertising tools rather
than as a means for doing business online. Therefore, in order to prevent the loss of potential business
opportunities, Greek hoteliers need to adopt new technologies and trends for e-business, changing their
attitudes towards online presence.
(Essawy, 2006) investigates which usability problems are hindering customers in pursuing online
transactions via hotel websites. Interface, information and service quality are three usability indicators
measured on the website which can be significantly improved. The author postulated that a "trigger points"
and a "must haves" approach is the best way to help hotel websites to foster relationships with online leisure
customers. The trigger points are as follows: simple layout of maps, legibility of text, simplicity of checking
availability, customized information and accuracy of search boxes. The minimum requirements are
composed of the following: availability of external links to local points of interest, obvious pathways to
different types of leisure breaks, complete information about in-room facilities and clarity of pricing,
avoidance of third party reservation systems, and availability of proactive services.
(Morrison et al., 1999) evaluates the effectiveness of small Scottish hotel websites as marketing tools and
provides a series of recommendations to improve their effectiveness. The websites were evaluated based
on technical, marketing, internal and customer critical success factors. The study shows that small hotels
are not using the Web effectively and have not yet realized the advantages of the internet in marketing. As
a consequence, the gap between these and much larger touristic service providers is widening. The authors
also propose a set of recommendations on how to fill this gap, by using internationalization, differentiation
(by spreading positive word-of-mouth such as third-party endorsements in the form of press reviews and
guidebook extracts), as well as through testimony, interconnectivity, distribution and by embracing new
Other studies such as (Grüter, Schneider, & Myrach, 2013) focus more on analysing the multimedia aspects
of the hotels’ online presence and the potential benefits of using these multimedia applications. Using the
Swiss hotel business as an example, the study shows that while pictures appear on nearly every website,
the use of videos and three-dimensional (3D) presentation formats is much less common. They stress that
advances in multimedia formats such as videos and 3D presentations on hotel websites could have a positive
impact on brand awareness, image and confidence in the hotel on the part of the customer.
The work presented in this paper builds on the results of our previous study (Stavrakantonakis, Toma,
Fensel & Fensel, 2014). While in our previous work the focus was on analysing the usage of Web
technologies by touristic service providers, namely hotels and hotels chains in Austria, the current work
extend the analysis in two main directions: (1) we consider additional criteria such as the usage of mobile
channels and the support for direct e-Commerce / direct booking and (2) we investigate not only hotels and
hotels chains but also destination sites, review and booking channels.
Despite a large volume of studies available in the literature, none of them provide an extensive analysis of
uptake of Web technologies in the tourism domain. Our analysis is different from the previous mentioned
related studies in various ways. First, in our analysis we comparatively analyse the use of technologies and
channels by touristic service providers on the one hand and intermediaries e.g. booking channels on the
other hand, while related studies do not focus on the comparative aspects. Second, our analysis is performed
by considering a large set of criteria that are very relevant for online marketing and sales. The related studies
mentioned above use a different set of criteria, often more restricted and focused on the use of particular
technologies (e.g. related to the visual online presence of touristic sites). Third, our analysis includes
thousands of touristic service providers as well as intermediaries while related studies consider a more
reduced number of touristic service providers.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the methodology used to perform the
analysis. It introduces first the criteria used in our analysis, which are essential technologies for an efficient
and effective online presence, then presents the groups of stakeholders that are analysed and finally
describes how the measurements were performed. Section 3 contains the actual analysis of the online
presence of various stakeholders, including hotels, hotel chains, destinations as well as review and booking
channels. Finally, Section 4 summaries our findings, comparatively discusses the results and concludes the
2 Methodology
The methodology section describes the research workflow that was followed in order to bring insight and
draw conclusions regarding the competence of the hotel websites in comparison to the rest of the
stakeholders in terms of marketing for bookings sales. Our approach is defined within the following four
subsections: 2.1 What we measure, 2.2 Where to measure, 2.3 How to measure, 2.4 List of Channels. We
begin with a discussion of the technologies and concepts that should be taken into consideration. We then
move to the selection of the dataset that should be evaluated against the criteria that are established in the
first subsection. After that we explain how the evaluation of the dataset took place. Finally we analyse a set
o communication channels which are relevant for the tourism service.
2.1 What we measure
This section describes the technologies that are essential for the effective online presence of hotels and are
classified into five main categories, namely Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Mobile platforms and e-commerce
(booking). Web 1.0 refers to the basic technologies that should be adopted by websites; Web 2.0 refers to
the means of the Social Web and the various channels of User Generated Content (UGC); Web 3.0 refers
to the Semantic Web technologies that are relevant to the websites and the dissemination efforts; the Mobile
platforms category refers to the exploitation of mobility by business entities; and in e-commerce we
measure the facility of making bookings through the websites. The abovementioned categories are studied
in detail within the following sub-sections and consist of the criteria that we evaluate in our study.
Web 1.0
This subsection focuses on concepts and technologies that are denoted as Web 1.0 but are still important
for the online presence of the business entities. The term Web 1.0 mostly refers to the first stage in the
history of the World Wide Web, where users could mostly visit websites and consume information posted
on them. It was not feasible to contribute to the content and new content could not be added without a cost.
In this respect, we refer in our study to Web 1.0 as the main enabler for an entity to be present online. The
rest of the section describes the technologies that we consider to be in the scope of Web 1.0 and will serve
as our criteria later. The basic means presented below include the Google Sitelinks, the Sitemap for search
engines (not the human-friendly version), and Content Management Systems as the main way to publish
information on a website in an organized and dynamic way. Finally, we will look at whether or not HTML
errors exist within a website.
Google Sitelinks. Google’s crawlers analyse the structure of the websites in order to find the most
interesting pages and provide shortcuts to them when the parent website appears in the search results. As
shown in the figure below, a few sub-topics of the main website are presented to the user as the Google
Search has identified that according to the user’s query, those topics could be relevant. However, the display
of those links is not guaranteed.
Figure 1 Google Sitelinks (in the red rectangular) for the query: “Swarovski” The following example, in the figure below shows that the same webpage is presented in the result set
without the Site links, as Google’s algorithm did not find them relevant. The query was “crystal jewellery”.
Figure 2 Search result for the query: “crystal jewellery” The creation of Google Sitelinks in the datacenters of Google is mainly automatically driven as mentioned
by the search engine5. The crawler is mainly consuming the anchor text and the “alt” text of them in order
to produce the Sitelinks. This information should be compact, descriptive and not to repeat in the website
in order to be distinguishable. Although the creating of Sitelinks is automatic, Google gives the opportunity
to a website owner to specify that some created Sitelinks are not relevant by demoting those6. However, it
is not guaranteed that Google’s algorithm will take those indications into consideration when generating
the search results.
Sitemaps. “Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites
that are available for crawling” as shown in (Google Y. M., 2008). Therefore, a sitemap would be the
explicit “contract” with a search engine when it comes to what to be indexed and the structure of the content
on the website. A joint effort by the major search engines has established a protocol that should be followed
by web development agencies in order to create websites with sitemaps useful for the search engines,
meaning adequately expressive and informative. A Sitemap should be generated as an XML file. The basic
rules mentioned in (Google Y. M., 2008) consist of:
https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/47334 https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ 8
Begin with an opening <urlset> tag and end with a closing </urlset> tag.
Specify the namespace (protocol standard) within the <urlset> tag.
Include a <url> entry for each URL, as a parent XML tag.
Include a <loc> child entry for each <url> parent tag.
Furthermore, “the location of a Sitemap file determines the set of URLs that can be included in that Sitemap.
A Sitemap file located at http://example.com/catalog/sitemap.xml can include any URLs starting with
http://example.com/catalog/ but cannot include URLs starting with http://example.com/images/.”
An example is the sitemap created for the Google.com website (http://www.google.com/sitemap.xml),
which is show in the figure below.
Figure 3 Google.com Sitemap The HTML Sitemap that we are accustomed to finding on various websites is a user-friendly way to present
the content of a large website and help the users navigate themselves among the pages, as shown in Figure
4 in the case of TripAdvisor. On the other hand, the XML Sitemap assists the search engines to find the
content on a website and prioritize it.
Figure 4 TripAdvisor HTML Sitemap The Sitemaps protocol enables you to let search engines know what content you would like indexed, and
not what content or paths to exclude from indexing. For that purpose, a website developer should make use
of other means, e.g. the robots.txt file.
Content Management System (CMS). A CMS is a web-based application that allows the publication,
editing and modification of content from a user-friendly central interface. The interface looks like a usual
text editor application in the text editing process, and the hierarchy of the content is presented in a treestructured manner. There are many solutions on the Web, both free and commercial. Obviously, all the
CMSs provide some common features for the users, while trying to reserve their own place in the market
by offering special functionality not supported by the other systems. For example, WordPress is a wellknown CMS for bloggers as it specializes in the functionality that is needed in a blog (e.g. comments
handling, etc.).
Figure 5 Text editor of WordPress 7 Drupal and TYPO3 are CMSs targeting a wide spectrum of users, while providing what they believe to be
the best common functionality. Furthermore, a feature that we would like to stress in this whitepaper is the
support of Semantic Web Technologies and Semantic Annotations (i.e. in brief: metadata about the
information presented on a webpage). These terms will be explained later in subsection 2.1.3, where we
discuss the benefit of including Semantic Annotations on webpages and ways of doing it.
HTML errors. An important step in order to materialize the benefits of the Web is the conformance with
the W3C standards in order to ensure the correct rendering of the website at the Web browsers of the users.
The W3C office has released its own validation service with which anyone can check how the website
performs against the criteria and the guidelines of W3C8.
Figure 6. Markup validation of the www.sti‐insbruck.at Summarizing the abovementioned criteria in the sphere of Web 1.0, our study focuses on the usage and
exploitation of Google Sitelinks, Sitemaps and Content Management Systems by evaluating the existence
of the first two and the type of CMS used by the websites to manage their content.
http://make.wordpress.org/support/user‐manual/content/editors/visual‐editor/ Available at: http://validator.w3.org 10
The following table presents the criteria that derive from this subsection and will be used in the evaluation
Table 1 Web 1.0 Criteria Number What 1.1 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website 1.2 Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) 1.3 Website is built on top of a CMS 1.4 No HTML errors 1.5 Number of HTML errors Obviously, this is only a small sample out of many criteria you can choose to evaluate a Web presence of
a touristic service provider. Given the fact that there are already many comparative studies on the web
presence of them, we decided to focus on a small amount of indicators that may indicate the overall
professional approach towards the web presence. However, it is not just about having a web site as a
dissemination channel but as a means to interact with customer and allow them to engage with the provided
service. Features to allow customer to customize the presentation of the content, to start to communicate
with the service provider and with other customers forming a community are essential features of an
effective internet presence. It turned out that such features are extremely hard to measure automatically and
even manual evaluation turned out to be rather challenging. Defining objective criteria where different
human evaluators not vary significantly based on their subjective bias is a rather non-trivial tasks.
Meanwhile, many of these aspects may actually be provided to Web 2.0 means. Therefore, we tried to cover
these important aspects by analyzing the Web 2.0 presence of touristic service providers.
Web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 is given to the second generation of the World Wide Web and refers to a dynamic web
that allow users to interact, communicate, collaborate and share information with other users online9. In
contrast to the traditional WWW or Web 1.0, users are not limited to view content, but they can also
generate it (e.g. reviews, photo sharing activities, etc.). The Web 2.0 blurs the distinction between content
consumers and content providers and also between service consumers and service providers and moves
from media for individuals towards media for communities. The Web 2.0 goes one step beyond the static
HTML pages and provides an organized web application and oriented web that includes interactive web
sites, news feeds, widgets, blogs, microblogs, social network sites, wikis, sharing sites and review sites
among others. Interactive and bi-directional Web sites
The level of interaction with Web 1.0 pages used to be limited only to the elements offered by HTML, such
as links to related pages, forms, static styling and layouts. The communication was mostly unilateral,
resulting in a read-only experience where the information flow only consisted of publication and
dissemination in one direction.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 11
In turn, interactive Web sites can dynamically adapt the information shown according to the user
preferences. Technologies such as AJAX have further enabled this highly dynamic communication between
users and Web sites. AJAX allows Web browsers to asynchronously access servers, using XML and
Javascript, in order to provide the user with a seamless interaction with the Web site. Furthermore, with the
advent of technologies like Flash and more recently HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript, more complex and
interactive designs can be applied to Web site authoring. In these interactive Web sites, users can interact
not only using plain text links but with every element on the screen, such as images, videos, animated 2D
and 3D elements, and scrolling backgrounds, among others.
Figure 7 Interactive web site showing Melbourne's touristic attractions (http://remotecontroltourist.com/) By using these dynamic elements, a single Web page can provide a plethora of different information that is
presented dynamically as the user navigates through the same page, in contrast to Web 1.0 static sites where
the user had to navigate through different linked pages, offering a slower and more cumbersome user
experience. Interactive web sites usually integrate services from other sources to offer added value services
and improved user experience, using very attractive and impacting visual designs.
Originally, Sir Tim had envisioned the Web as a bidirectional communication channel10. Web sites should
not only be publication channels passively consumed by others. Instead, readers should be able to modify
the content of a page and though this establish a bi-directional communication channel with the orginal
publisher and other readers. More recent web sites implement some elements of this vision. At these sites,
users can interact not only with publishers, but between other users of the Web in a variety of ways,
providing comments, ratings, and posts with their own content that contributes to the enrichment of the
whole communication process. Therefore, users of interactive Web sites are no longer passive information
consumers, but they can also produce meaningful content and contribute to the whole community. This
results in an unparalleled level of engagement between content providers and consumers that drives the
current Web towards a social Web, the so-called Web 2.0 which will be discussed later.
Berners‐Lee, T., Fischetti, M., & Foreword By‐Dertouzos, M. L. (2000). Weaving the Web: The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor. HarperInformation. 12
The following criteria will be used for evaluation purposes in the next phase:
Table 2 Interactive Web sites criteria Number What 2.1.1 Website uses Javascript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content 2.1.2 Website uses Flash or Silverlight technologies to interactively display content 2.1.3 Website uses HTML version 2.1.4 CSS3 compliance: no errors 2.1.5 Number of CSS3 errors In the first version of our study we tried to define much more and much more interesting criteria for the
evaluation process. Examples are:
Users can customize displayed information on the Website.
Users can provide ratings about the content of the Website.
Users can publish their own content in terms of comments about the original content of the Website.
Users can share (re-publish) content into third party Websites or services.
Website allows users to directly communicate between each other.
Users can contribute their own original content to be published in the Website.
However we realized two obstacles for these criteria. They are extremely hard to be evaluated through
automated approach and their precise formulation and evaluation leaves a significant amount of space of
interpretation, i.e., it is very hard to achieve objevtive and error-free measurements of them. Therefore, we
decided to drop them based on the following assumptions:
Many of them are covered by earlier studies on web presence
It turned out that each of them are difficult to measure in an automatic fashion
Each of them leave space for subjective interpretation which makes it hard to achieve objective and
comparable results.
We asumme that many of these features are meanwhile implemented to scial web technologies and
we decided to measure them there.
Obviously, an enriched empirical study may choose to also trying to measnire these features. News feeds
News feeds is a data format employed for providing users with frequently updated content. Users can
subscribe to a web feed that is provided/syndicated by content distributors. Several web feeds can be
provided as a collection, in which case they are known as an aggregation provided by an aggregator. For
online marketing, news feeds are very important. They are regularly crawled by search engines and social
media monitoring tools. Ranking of the website can be improved if its news feed is regularly updated, as
this shows liveliness of the website. There are several types of news feeds, the best- known being RSS and
Atom feeds.
RSS. RSS11 is a set of different XML-based formats for information dissemination. The abbreviation itself
is ambiguous. During its evolution it has been redefined multiple times. The current prevalent standard RSS
2.0 is translated as “Really Simple Syndication”. Not only the abbreviation, but also the underlying
technical standard has changed over time. Nevertheless, the goal remained the same: to provide the user
with a structured, ordered list of the contents available on a Web page. RSS is pull-based, which means that
the publisher only exposes a so called RSS feed and it is up to the user to pull or extract the newly available
content (this approach is opposed to a push-based method where the publisher actively pushes information
to interested parties, as in the case of email newsletters). Most modern Web browsers can subscribe to RSSfeeds.
Atom. Atom12 feed was developed as an alternative to RSS feed. Actually, Atom is used for two related
Web standards, namely Atom Syndication Format and Atom Publishing Protocol. The former is an XML
language used for web feeds, while the latter is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating
web resources. For news feeds, the Atom Syndication Format is important. Atom Syndication Format
describes two types of documents: Atom Feed Document and Atom Entry Document. An Atom Feed
Document is a representation of an Atom feed including metadata about a feed, and some or all of the
entities associated with it.
RSS has the widest acceptance and it is the default feed for a lot of CMSs (e.g. WordPress). However, Atom
is richer in terms of features than RSS by offering the possibility to have various types of content (e.g. wellformed XHTML markup, etc.). RSS 2.0 does not permit well-formed XML markup, which reduces the
ability to reuse the content.
The following table presents the criteria that derive from this subsection and will be used in the evaluation
Table 3 News feed criteria Number What 2.2.1 Website includes an Atom or RSS feed Widgets
Widgets are small applications with limited functionality that can be embedded into a Web site. They are
usually run on the client side, implemented using dynamic features of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Flash.
Using widgets, Web sites can integrate functionality and information provided by third parties. For instance,
a hotel Web site can integrate a booking widget from another company to provide booking mechanisms to
its clients. Another example could be a touristic information site about a region that offers weather
information using a widget provided by a third party company specializing in weather forecasts.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_(standard) 14
Figure 8 Example of a weather widget embedded on a Web site There are thousands of widgets available on the web that provide specialized functionality to Web sites,
such as interactive maps, event count-downs, auction-tickers, flight information, weather forecasts, and
social media sharing, among others. As a matter of fact, many interactive Web sites (see section
rely on Web widgets to offer a richer user experience. Because of the proliferation of widgets around the
Web, there are some efforts, led by the W3C, to standardize these ubiquitous elements13.
In order to evaluate the use of widgets in the next phase we will use the following criteria:
Table 4 Widgets criteria Number What 2.3.1 Website integrates Google Maps Blogs
According to Wikipedia, “a blog (a truncation of the expression web log) is a discussion or informational
site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in
reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of
a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject. More recently "multiauthor blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally
edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, interest groups and similar
institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging"
systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into societal newstreams.”14
Blogs are implemented and supported using various platforms. For example, WordPress and LiveJournal
have large user audiences. Also, some social networks, e.g. QZone, allow explicitly sharing of blogs.
http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/WidgetSpecs Wikipedia entry about blogs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog ‐ accessed on December 4, 2013. 15
Technically, blog entries can be exported via an RSS API. As in the case of other channels, there may be
format restrictions of the respective social network. For example restrictions concerning blog entries
(maximal number of characters), images (maximal size, supported formats like jpg, png, etc.), videos (size
of videos and supported formats like wmv, divx, etc.) and audio (maximal size and supported formats,
different kinds of audio like music or voice recordings). Sometimes it is also important to adjust maximal
sizes and supported formats to different kinds of possible memberships offered by the respective social
Table 5 Blog criteria Number What 2.4.1 Blog is supported as a dissemination channel 2.4.2 Regularity of postings (during last month)15 2.4.3 Blog with images in posts 2.4.4 Blog with videos in posts A more detailed study such also try to focus on the impact of such a blog by criteria such as the numbe of
subscribers. Microblogs
Micro-blogs provide a blog service with the limitation of size in the content that can be posted: 140
characters for short sentences, individual images or links. These short messages bear the names of microposts (Lohmann, Burch, & Schmauder, 2012) and their themes can range from personal messages, thematic
ones (such as science announcements, movie facts, etc.), to advertisements and sales (Ostrow, 2009).
Micro-blogs are simple, quick and concrete. While writing a blog entrance implies the dedication of time,
micro-blogging allows fast communication. Indeed, they are commonly used for live broadcasts such as
sport events. The main advantage of micro-blogging lies in its immediacy – users do not need to be at their
computer to participate. Micro-blogs can be accessed through the mobile in a fast way, thus they can be
managed at any time from every place.
Users post messages to the application website via the web or text message. The message or “tweet” is then
forwarded to their network of friends and followers (contacts which have subscribed to the user). In
addition, micro-blogs create the ability to manage access permissions to the micro-blog. The most notable
and relevant to touristic businesses micro-blogging services is Twitter.
Twitter (http://twitter.com) is an online social network and microblogging service that allows users to send
and read “tweets”16. Launched in 2006, Twitter is possibly the most known example of micro-blogging
with more than 230 million monthly active users17. Registered users can post and read messages with up to
140 characters, known as “tweets” and unregistered users can only read them. More than 500 million tweets
are sent per day.
Total number of posts divided by sample population. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter 17
Information available at: https://about.twitter.com/company 16
Figure 9 The Hilton hotels chain on Twitter A hotel could materialize twitter not only for promoting rooms and services but also for welcoming
customers to the hotel. Furthermore, it could keep those guests informed about any news or events that take
place during their stay. In the case of Hilton hotels, shown in Figure 9, more than 29.000 tweets have been
sent from their official main account (@HiltonHotels) and they have more than 110.000 users following
Regarding micro-blogs, the assessment was focused on the evaluation of Twitter usage. The following
features were evaluated:
Table 6 Microblog criteria Number What 2.5.1 A link to the associated Twitter is included in their websites 2.5.2 Twitter share button is included in their websites 2.5.3 Twitter follow button is included in their websites 2.5.4 Number of Twitter followers18 19 A more detailed study should also evaluate the impact of the use of this channel by measuring the:
Number of followers
Number of tweets posted.
Number of tweets per day posted
Number of re-tweets
Total number of followers divided by sample population. Disclaimer: We assume that the Twitter, Facebook and Google+ links found on the websites of the businesses refer to their official accounts. In case of more than one links, we aggregate the results (e.g. a hotel website could link to two Facebook pages to target two different groups). 17 Social Networks
Social Networks are social structures that group individuals, entities, or organizations who share common
interests or goals, or social relationships. Nowadays, the Internet offers a wide range of powerful services
for building such communities online. Online social networks offer web-based services that provide a
means for users to interact over the Internet and share activities, ideas and common interests. Examples of
such networks include Facebook, MySpace, and Google+. These social networks allow the representation
of each user by means of a personal profile and offer different means of interacting with other users. In
some instances, any service that allows the creation of an online community is included in the category of
social network, such as online virtual worlds (e.g. Linden Lab’s Second Life or Activision-Blizzard’s
World of Warcraft ), online discussion groups (e.g. Google Groups , Yahoo Groups, etc.), or internet
forums. However, whether these services belong to the category of social networks is debatable.
Regarding hotels, the most relevant social networks are Facebook and Google+:
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/): launched in 2004, it has more than 727 million daily active users20
the most popular social network worldwide.
Google+ (https://plus.google.com/): launched in 2011, it has around 250 million21 users.
Figure 10 The Hilton hotels chain (http://www3.hilton.com/en/index.html) Social Networks are used in the tourism sector to keep in touch with travellers that have already consumed
the touristic services of the business stakeholders but also with potential travellers that are interested in
planning a trip to the related destinations. Social networks are perceived as friendly providers of information
to the users. In this respect, hotels should be aware of the benefits that Social Networks bring, and be able
to materialize the added value by properly using them.
Regarding social networks, the assessment was focused on the evaluation of Facebook and Google + usage.
The following features were evaluated:
Table 7 Social Networks criteria Number What 2.6.1 A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites 2.6.2 Facebook like button is embed in their websites 20
Information taken from: http://newsroom.fb.com/content/default.aspx?NewsAreaId=22. Information taken from: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/27/google‐has‐250‐million‐users‐more‐mobile‐
than‐desktop. 18
2.6.3 Number of Facebook page likes22 23 2.6.4 A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites 2.6.5 Google+ like button is included in their websites 2.6.6 Number of Google +124 23 A more detailed study should also consider actual generated traffic in these channels such as:the number of
friends, the number of photos available, the mean number of post per day , and the mean number of likes
per post. Sharing sites
The Internet was originally designed to share information on research and development in scientific and
military fields around the world (Howe, 2012). At that time, the focus was on the sharing of raw data but
nowadays mainly text, image, sound and video files are shared.
In our studies we have found that videos are an excellent method of presenting a company or a hotel to a
wide audience in a highly interactive way. A video hosting service allows users to upload and share video
content or also to embed the content on a website. Users can upload videos using the hosting service’s
website, mobile or desktop applications or APIs. Web-based services that allow the sharing of video files
and are relevant to the hotels include:
YouTube (http://www.youtube.com): 790 million visitors per month. Users can upload, view and share
videos. Videos can be watched without the need to register an account.
Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/): 8 million registered users and 65 million unique visitors25. Video-sharing
website that allows the upload, viewing and sharing of videos.
Hotels could benefit by sharing videos about their premises and events while also embedding those in their
Figure 11 The Accor hotels chain on YouTube 22
Total number of facebook page likes divided by sample population. Disclaimer: We assume that the Twitter, Facebook and Google+ links found on the websites of the businesses refer to their official accounts. In case of more than one links, we aggregate the results (e.g. a hotel website could link to two Facebook pages to target two different groups). 24
Total number of Google +1 divided by sample population. 25
Information available at: http://venturebeat.com/2012/01/24/vimeo‐new‐design/#s:vimeo‐old‐1. 23
Another file format that can be used to improve the website experience is image file. Photos are mostly
used by hotels to share high-quality photos from events and places. Web-based services that allow the
hosting of image files include:
Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/): it has 51 million registered users26; users require an account to post and
comment on pictures, but the viewing the images hosted in usually free (provided that the user posting does
not have a restricted account).
Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/): it has 10.4 million registered users27 and enables a pin board-style photo
sharing that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections. Posting and commenting
requires either a Pinterest account or a Facebook one, however viewing is public. Pinterest could be used
by hotels to organize online entities (text, photos, links, etc.) about a relevant topic (e.g. a special event or
festival close to the hotel) or places and points of interest.
Instagram (http://instagram.com/): 150 million active users and 16 billion photos shared while 55 million
photos are uploaded every day according to the official statistics provided by the company28. Mostly used
by individuals to share experiences at real time.
Figure 12 The Hilton hotels chain on Instagram Sharing platforms provide a richer experience to the end user by supporting the website with high-quality
visual content that creates expectations for the potential traveler. Therefore, it is very important not only to
have a well-developed website but also the appropriate visual content (photos and videos) demonstrating
the experience of using the specific touristic services sold through the website.
Regarding sharing sites, we have evaluated the following features:
Table 8 Sharing Sites criteria Number What 2.7.1 A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the websites 2.7.2 A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the websites 2.7.3 A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the websites 2.7.4 A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the websites 2.7.5 A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the websites 26
Information available at: http://advertising.yahoo.com/article/flickr.html. Information available at: http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/11/pinterest‐stats/. 28
Information available at: http://instagram.com/press/ 27
20 Review sites
Review sites where guests publish their experiences are considered to have a very important impact on the
conversion rates of lookers to bookers. The real travellers’ experiences affect potential travellers of mostly
similar categories (e.g. a business traveller is more likely to affect another business traveller) in both
positive and negative ways. Furthermore, the appearance of links or badges related to the hotel’s page on
those websites adds the feeling of transparency to the potential guest.
TripAdvisor (http://www.tripadvisor.com): TripAdvisor has more than 260 million unique monthly
visitors, and over 125 million reviews and opinions covering more than 3.1 million accommodations,
restaurants and attractions29.
HolidayCheck (http://www.holidaycheck.com): founded in 1999; each month 20 - 30 million people visit
HolidayCheck websites30.
Figure 13 The ibis Innsbruck hotel using the TripAdvisor widget Furthermore, the appearance of links or badges related to the hotel page on its website adds the feeling of
transparency to the potential guest, like in the case presented in Figure 13. In this respect, a few approaches
exist that assist the hoteliers to develop their online reputation by aggregating data from various review
sources (like TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck, etc.).
Customer Alliance (http://www.customer-alliance.com/en/): founded in 2009; “Customer Alliance is a
berlin located company offering smart cloud based solutions for hotels” as advertised in their official
website. Customer Alliance generates a “dynamic-certificate”31 for each hotel, which could be used in the
website of the hotel. An example of the Customer Alliance aggregation page is presented in Figure 15.
Hotelnavigator (http://www.hotelnavigator.eu/): Hotelnavigator aggregates reviews from various review
channels and generates a certificate seal like the one presented in Figure 14, from which a potential customer
can check the quality of the hotel in a transparent way.
Figure 14 Hotelnavigator widget
Information available at: http://www.tripadvisor.com/PressCenter‐c6‐About_Us.html Information available at: http://www.holidaycheck.com/aboutus.php 31
Example: http://www.customer‐alliance.com/hotel‐reviews‐Radisson_Blu_Hotel_Cottbus‐iano224772ph.html 30
Figure 15 Customer Alliance dynamic certificate for a specific hotel TrustYou (http://www.trustyou.com): TrustYou is a reputation management tool for hotels, which
aggregates reviews from various sources (e.g. Facebook, TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck, Google +, etc.) and
provides to the hotels a performance score and analysis of the results. TrustYou was founded in 2008, and
counts more than 12.000 clients in 60 countries according to the official figures presented on their website.
Figure 16 TrustYou certificate on myswitzerland.com destination site The following table presents the criteria that derive from this subsection and will be used in the evaluation
Table 9 Review sites criteria Number What 2.8.1 Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link 2.8.2 Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link 2.8.3 Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link 2.8.4 Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link 2.8.5 Website includes a TrustYou widget or link 22 Further Channels
More channels that are relevant for the tourism serive providers are listed in Section 2.4.
Web 3.0
The main search engines, including Bing, Google, Yahoo!, announced on June 2nd in 2011 a joint effort to
create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages (Google, 2011); the
famous schema.org. In brief, this could be interpreted as the beginning of a new era where the search
engines communicate in a common language for expressing metadata about the content that is presented on
the web to the web developers and stakeholders,. Therefore, by using these schemas (or as it is mainly
known in the Semantic Web community: vocabularies) a website could benefit by being understandable by
the search engines more than ever before.
However, the contribution of the Semantic Web (Web 3.0) technologies to the meta-information that is
hidden in the markup of the websites is not limited to this initiative. Thus, this section aims to summarise
the methods that are available to give meaning to the online content and also to formulate the criteria to be
checked through the evaluation of the hotel websites.
The section is divided into two main parts, namely a) formats and b) vocabularies. Then we conclude with
a summary of evaluation criteria derived from these sections. Formats
Formats refers to a system (i.e. formal language, technology) allowing the manipulation of structured data
and presentation of it in a more meaningful way. The degree of formats’ specification may vary from one
format to another while some formats reside on top of low-level formats. Formats could impose additional
restrictions on the structure of data to ensure interoperability between the technologies. Most of the formats
are available as open formats and are not restricted on their usage.
According to (Fensel, et al., 2012) whitepaper, the formats could be grouped into the following categories:
Formats for schemas. This group of formats describes vocabularies’ structures in a formal way.
The most common examples include Resource Description Framework (RDF), RDF Schema
(RDFs), Web Ontology Language (OWL), Web Ontology Language 2 (OWL2), SPARQL Protocol
and RDF Query Language and Rule Interchange Format (RIF).
The figure below illustrates an evolution timeline of common Semantic Web.
Figure 17 Semantic Technology Timeline 23
Formats for data inclusion in documents. This category of formats allows embedding machineprocessable semantics into data and includes the following: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
format, Resource Description Framework in Attributes (RDFa), Resource Description Framework
in Attributes Lite (RDFa-Lite), Microformats, Microdata, JavaScript Object Notation for Linked
Data (JSON-LD).
Formats for direct data publishing. This type of formats facilitates publication of structured data
on the Web and incorporates the following formats: Linked Data, Open Data and Linked Open
Data formats. These formats stand on top of other formats (i.e. formats for schemas) enriched with
publication principles to provide interoperability between technologies.
In the context of online presence of various touristic service providers it is worth examining the formats for
direct data publishing in detail.
HTML Metadata. The basic type of semantics that appear in the HTML markup is the HTML metadata.
In brief, metadata could be described as data about data. In the HTML documents metadata is provided
with the <meta> tag; this information will not appear on the website, but will be accessible by the machines
(i.e. including web agents, browsers, etc.). The main usage of HTML meta tags include the definition of
keywords, description of the web document and author of the document.
Microformats. Microformats (abbreviated as μF) are conventions used to describe a specific type of
information on a web page (e.g. people, organizations, locations, etc.). In general, microformats overload
the class attribute in the HTML tags to assign descriptive names to entities. They can be realised as format
and vocabulary combined. The second version of microformats add prefixes to the terms in order to
understand which class names are used by microformats (e.g. u-photo is used to annotate the URL of a
An example of microformats is presented in the figure below, as shown at the official website of the
<div class="hreview">
<span><span class="rating">5</span> out of 5 stars</span>
<h4 class="summary">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4>
<span class="reviewer vcard">Reviewer: <span class="fn">Tantek</span> <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="2005-04-18">April 18, 2005</abbr></span>
<div class="description item vcard"><p>
<span class="fn org">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little
creperies in <span class="adr"><span class="locality">San Francisco</span></span>.
Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window
seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had
many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.
<p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p>
<p>Food eaten: <span>Florentine crepe</span></p>
Figure 18 Microformats example
Information available at: http://microformats.org/wiki/hReview 24
Microformats were designed with a humans-first attitude33, as they do not require the learning and
introduction of new attributes in the HTML. The main drawback of microformats is the use of the class
attribute of the HTML mark-up which is also used by the Cascade Style Sheets (CSS). Therefore, it could
be easy to mix the styling annotations with the semantics.
RDFa. RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes) provides a set of mark-up attributes to
augment Web page content with semantic annotations. RDFa are based on attributes by re-using HTML
tags and defining namespaces in the XHTML to assign types and names to entities and properties. None of
the attributes introduced or used by RDFa have any effect on the rendering of the web pages.
In the example of Figure 19, the RDFa format adds some new HTML attributes (e.g. property) and makes
use of the namespaces (i.e. xmlns:dc in the example) in order to specify the vocabulary which will be used
to annotate the content and the scope of it. In this particular example, the vocabulary is the well-known
Dublin Core34.
<div xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
<span property="dc:title">Wikinomics</span>
<span property="dc:creator">Don Tapscott</span>
<span property="dc:date">2006-10-01</span>
Figure 19 RDFa example (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDFa)
Microdata. Microdata specification is similar to microformats, but introduces new HTML tag attributes
(i.e. itemscope, itemprop, itemtype, etc.) that can host terms from any vocabulary. It is supported by
schema.org and is part of the HTML 5 specification. In comparison to the aforementioned formats, we
could say it combines ease of use, effectiveness and flexibility, all of which make it a great option for
semantic annotations.
<div itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Review">
<span itemprop="reviewRating">5</span> stars <b>"<span itemprop="name">A masterpiece of literature</span>" </b>
by <span itemprop="author">John Doe</span>,
Written on <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2006-05-04">May 4, 2006
<span itemprop="reviewBody">I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential
challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.</span>
Figure 20 Microdata example
Microdata is mainly promoted by the schema.org initiative. However, the format is completely decoupled
from the vocabulary. As shown in the figure above, the format adds a few HTML attributes which are used
to specify the vocabulary that is used in order to describe the content and also specify the scope of it within
the web document. These attributes can be used in span HTML tags in order to avoid affecting the structure
Information available at: http://microformats.org/#why Information available at: http://dublincore.org/ 25
of the rendered page or even in meta tags when the information could be included within the content
JSON-LD. JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) provides a set of tokens (i.e. @context,
@id, @type, etc.) used to map JSON with RDF models35. Due to significant usage of JSON as an XML
alternative in Web programming environment, JSON-LD aims to allow easy and efficient transformation
of JSON objects into Linked Data and ensure further usage by various Linked Data technologies.
"name": "http://schema.org/name",
"image": {
"@id": "http://schema.org/image",
"@type": "@id"
"homepage": {
"@id": "http://schema.org/url",
"@type": "@id"
"name": "Manu Sporny",
"homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/",
"image": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png"
Figure 21 JSON‐LD example (from http://www.w3.org/TR/json‐ld/)
In the example of the figure above, a particular person is described using schema.org vocabulary. JSON
properties such as name, image and homepage are mapped to schema.org concepts, while @id type ensures
that the properties are IRIs. Vocabularies
On the Semantic Web, vocabularies are the various terms and relationships among them that are used to
describe a specific domain or context. The Semantic Web community tends to call ontologies more complex
collection of terms and relationships. From a conceptual point of view, there is no special difference
between vocabularies and ontologies. Gruber (1993) defines an ontology as a “formal, explicit specification
of a shared conceptualization”, where the key words in the definition signify (Uschold & Gruninger, 2004):
Conceptualization: refers to an abstract model of how people think about things;
Explicit specification: refers to the concepts and relationships in the abstract model – which
have explicit names (terms) and definitions (specification of the meaning of the concept or
Formal refers to the fact that the meaning specification is encoded in a language whose formal
properties are understood (in order to remove ambiguity prevalent in natural language);
Shared – generally refers to be used and reused across different applications and communities.
http://www.w3.org/TR/json‐ld/ 26
An ontology is used by an agent, application or other information resource to declare what term the agent
uses and what the terms mean (Uschold & Gruninger, 2004). Making this information available enables the
possibility for high fidelity semantic communication – agents can communicate, share meaning with other
agents and understand the meaning of applications, databases and other information resources. Fensel
(2003) argues that the promise of ontologies is “a shared and common understanding of a domain that can
be communicated between people and application systems”.
In general, the number of the vocabularies is increasing exponentially as people and companies face new
problems and their needs are not covered by the existing vocabularies. The Linked Open Vocabularies
(LOV) initiative intends to gather all the existing vocabularies (described in RDFS or OWL) at their
endpoint and make them available to the community via an internal search engine. The search functionality
can be used to search for terms among the vocabularies stored in their repositories. In October 2012 the
project had gathered 302 vocabularies according to a previous whitepaper (Fensel, et al., 2012), while the
current picture, shown in Figure 22, depicts 377 vocabularies, which is a growth of ca. 25%. Furthermore,
a classification of these vocabularies has been considered in order to categorize them, make the navigation
easier and add metadata on the usage of the vocabularies. In this respect, the main classes that have been
identified are related to the Data & Systems, Science, Market, Media, Where & When, City, Library and
Upper & Meta.
From the 377 vocabularies, we have selected a portion of vocabularies that are popular and broadly used
by organisations in the market and could benefit the touristic industry. These are: the Dublin Core, the
FOAF, the SIOC, the GoodRelations and Schema.org.
Dublin Core refers to a standard of semantic vocabulary defined by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative in
1995 (Dublin, Ohio), which consists of fifteen properties meant to be used to describe resources for the
purpose of discovery. The name “core” refers to the fact that its elements are broad and generic, which can
be used to describe a wide range of resources: video, images, web pages, etc. and physical resources such
as books and objects (e.g. artworks) (DCMI, 2012). The full set of Dublin Core metadata terms are provided
on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) website and are intended to be used in combination with
terms from other, compatible vocabularies in the context of application profile, in accordance with the
DCMI Abstract Model (DCMI, 2012).
FOAF (abbreviated from “friend of a friend”) is a RDF based schema to describe people and their social
network in a semantic way. The purpose of the vocabulary is to create a Web of machine-readable pages
describing people, the links between them and the things they create and do (FOAF Project, n.d.). FOAF is
defined as a dictionary of terms, where each term is either a class (the thing we talk about in FOAF) or
property (the various kinds of links and things) (Brickley & Miller, 2010). The result of a FOAF Project is
a network of documents describing a network of people. Grouped in broad categories, the main FOAF terms
are (Brickley & Miller, 2010):
Core – classes and properties that form the core of FOAF which describe the characteristics of
people and social groups that are independent of time and technology;
Social Web – terms used for describing Internet accounts, address books and other Web-based
Linked Data Utilities – “demonstration” terms that serve educational purposes, alongside a few
technical utility terms that support wider information linking efforts.
Figure 22 Illustration of the 377 Vocabularies spaces (as of November 2013)
SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) Core Ontology provides concepts and property to
describe information from online communities (such as message boards, wikis, blogs, etc.) on the Semantic
Web (Berrueta, et al., 2010). SIOC is an application of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) as the
subject of online communities has many competing requirements and a standalone format would not capture
them or would lead to the description of the requirements in a number of incompatible formats (Berrueta,
et al., 2010).
In order to achieve its goals, SIOC relies on a complete food-chain consisting of three main stages: (1)
production data, (2) finding and crawling data and (3) using data. The first step requires a vocabulary for
modelling data and applications to produce it, including exporters for existing applications, RDBMS to
RDF mapping systems and native SIOC-based applications (Breslin et al., 2009). SIOC data must be
efficiently found and queried in order to fit with the distributed nature of the Web. In order to achieve this
goal, step two efforts include applications such as Semantic Radar, a Firefox plug-in to discover RDF data,
as well as Sindice (Breslin et al., 2009). The third step involves developing applications that produce SIOC
data, as well as ones that can re-use it.
GoodRelations is a lightweight ontology for annotating offerings and other aspects of e-commerce on the
Web (Hepp, 2011) and is the only OWL DL ontology officially supported by both Google and Yahoo. The
ontology provides a standard vocabulary for expressing most commercial and functional details of ecommerce scenarios, such as eligible countries, payment and delivery options, quantity discounts, opening
hours, etc. (Hepp, 2011). The goal is to define a data structure for e-commerce that is (Hepp, 2011):
Industry neutral – can be used for consumer electronics, cars, tickets, real estate, etc.;
Valid across the different stages of the value chain – from raw materials through retail to after-sales
Syntax – neutral – should work in microdata, RDFa, RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON, or any other popular
The goals are achieved using four entities for representing e-commerce scenarios: (1) an agent (e.g. a person
or organization), (2) an object (e.g. a house, a car, etc.), (3) a promise (offer) to transfer some rights (such
as ownership, temporary usage, etc.) on the object or to provide the service for a certain compensation (e.g.
an amount of money) made by an agent, and (4) a location from which this offer is available (Hepp, 2011).
Thus, the foundation of GoodRelations is the Agent-Promise-Object Principle found across most industries.
The main classes found in GoodRelations are gr:BusinessEntity (for the agent, i.e. the company or
individual), gr:Offering ( for an offer to sell, repair, lease something, or to express interest in such an offer),
gr:ProductOrService (for the object or service), and gr:Location for a store or location from which the offer
is available.
Schema.org. Similar to the publication of semantic documents, when we want to mark up things on the
Web, we need to specify which vocabulary we are using. In this respect, the four major search engines
(Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Yandex) released the schema.org to talk about common things on the web that
are of interest to search engines, such as people, places, reviews, recipes, offers and events (Sporny &
Digital Bazaar, 2012). Schema.org is intended to help site owners and developers learn about structured
data and improve how their sites appear in major search engines, as well as provide a one stop source for
webmasters looking to add mark-up to their pages. One of the main benefits of Schema.org lies in its
simplicity. It includes schemas for a large number of concepts and domains, such as creative works (e.g.
movies, music, TV, shows), places, products, organizations, lodging businesses, etc.
Therefore, schema.org intends to be the de-facto source of vocabulary terms at the description of content
in the Web. This initiative could be understood as the “communication protocol” between search engines
and User Created Content (UGC) that is published in web pages, because, whilst crawling the web, the
search engines define via the schemata of schema.org the terms that they will recognise and treat in a
meaningful (also known as semantic) way. The impact of this specification on humanity has already started
to break through, as the search engines can better understand the search terms of the users when they are
searching for information on the Web.
Open Graph protocol. This vocabulary has been developed by Facebook and “enables any web page to
become a rich object in a social graph”, as it is mentioned in the official website. The aim of this vocabulary
is to enable any web page to have a rich representation within a social graph. Therefore the protocol defines
four main properties as required in a web page:
og:title - The title of the object as it should appear within the graph.
og:type - The type of the object, e.g., "article". Depending on the specified type, other
properties may also be required.
og:image - An image URL which should represent the object within the graph.
og:url - The canonical URL of the object that will be used as its permanent ID in the
Figure 23 Accor hotels chain use the Open Graph protocol 36 The main aim of using the og: vocabulary is to give the specific information to Facebook when the link of
the webpage appears within the platform. However, the Google Structured Data Testing Tool37 recognizes
the vocabulary as it is applied by using RDFa. Semantic Criteria
The following table presents the criteria derived from Web 3.0 subsection to be used in the evaluation
Table 10 Web 3.0 criteria Number What 3.1.0 Formats 3.1.1 Use of metatags 3.1.2 Use of microformats version 1 3.1.3 Use of microformats version 2 3.1.4 Use of microdata 3.1.5 Use of RDFa 3.2.0 Vocabularies 3.2.1 Use of FOAF 3.2.2 Use of GoodRelations 3.2.3 Use of SIOC 3.2.4 Use of Dublin Core 3.2.5 Use of Schema.org 3.2.6 Use of Open Graph protocol 36
Source is taken from: http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/home/index.shtml Information available at: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets 30
Mobile Platforms
The number of mobile users is vastly growing; over 1.2 billion people access the web from their mobile
devices38 and on average contribute about 15% of all internet traffics in 201339.
# Users (%)
Figure 24 Desktop and Mobile Users in 2013 (source: http://gs.statcounter.com/) Using the web as a platform for mobile remains challenging, mainly because of the heterogeneity of the
mobile devices which differ not only in hardware specifications, but also vary in terms of the supported
software environments. The hardware and software are also limited by, for example, the small screen, the
small amount of memory, the lack of a pointing device, the limited user interface, browser compatibility
issues, limitation of markup language, and so on.
There are two approaches to mobile web application development: web based application and mobile native
platforms application.
Web based application. The main advantage of this approach is its capability to run on multiple
platforms via a web browser. The development is fast; the developers need to deploy their
application only once and then it will be accesible by the customers from various mobile
devices. Unfortunately, this approach is highly dependent upon the browser compatibilities; the
developers cannot control the browser’s specifications and therefore the development is limited
to those specifications.
Mobile native platform application. In this approach, an application developed by using the
software framework is specified by the mobile devices. By uploading the application to the
store, the customers can download, install and use it on their devices. The main advantage of
this approach is its capability to take full advantage of all device features. Since it has been
developed on the native platform, the application can access camera, GPS, contacts list, etc.,
which are not possible in the web-based application approach. Unfortunately, each mobile
platform has specific requirements. The developers have to build a different version of the
application for each platform and therefore the deployment cannot be as fast as the web-based
application and is also more expensive.
Mobile Growth Statistics: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/infographic‐2013‐mobile‐growth‐statistics/ Global StatCounter: http://gs.statcounter.com/ 31
In this study, we would like to investigate how the existing websites suit to the mobile devices. Typically,
the development of a web-based application is primarily targetted for the desktop that has rich and powerfull
hardware and software rosources. Since the mobile devices have limited resources, the developers have to
consider and deal with those limitations.
To unify the criteria for good usability practices in delivering web content to mobile devices, in 2008 the
Mobile Web Best Practice 1.0 (MWBP 1.0)40 released a list of best practices through the W3C Mobile Web
The best practices try to fix the problems incurred by the mobile web:
Presentation issues. Since many webpages were designed for presentation on desktop size display,
accessing the webpages on a mobile device often results in a poor or inaccessible experience due
to the limited screen size. Scrolling is also significantly more expensive on a mobile device.
Input. Compared to the desktop, mobiles has very limited input devices. A mobile device could
have only a limited keypad and no pointing device. Typing something (i.e. typing an URL into a
browser) is difficult.
Bandwidth and Cost. The mobile networks are slower than the fixed data connections and have
higher latency. The data transfer on mobile networks also more expensive. A big content (i.e. large
image) requires a long retrieval times and is therefore costly.
User goals. Mobile users are more likely to be interested in having immediate and goal-directed
information. For example, the mobile users might require specific information for a journey they
are currently undertaking.
To access basic usability, efficiency and interoperability of web sites when used on mobile devices, W3C
mobileOK Basic Tests 1.042 were introduced to meet the W3C mobileOK Basic Conformance. A free
service to check the level of mobile-friendliness of web documents based on the basic test specifications is
available as W3C mobileOK Checker43.
The W3C mobileOK Basic Test service works by comparing the capabilities of a web document to a Default
Delivery Context (DDC) from the WMBP 1.0. A web document will be categorized as mobile friendly if
its capabilities match (at least) to those specifications.
Usable Screen Width
120 pixels, minimum
Markup Language Support
XHTML Basic 1.1, delivered with content type
Character Encoding
Image Format Support
Maximum Total Page Weight
20 kilobytes
256 Colors, minimum
Style Sheet Support
Style Sheet Support: CSS Level 1. In addition, CSS Level 2 @media
rule together with the handheld and all media types
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices : http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile‐bp/ W3C Mobile Web Initiative : http://www.w3.org/Mobile/ 42
W3C mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0: http://www.w3.org/TR/mobileOK‐basic10‐tests/ 43
W3C mobileOK Checker Beta release: http://validator.w3.org/mobile 41
HTTP/1.0 or more recent
No support for client side scripting
Figure 25 Default Delivery Context from Mobile Web Best Practice 1.0 For our study, we were using the W3C mobileOK Checker service to check the mobile friendliness levels
of the target websites. The checker will produce the mobile friendliness quality as a percentage (0-100) and
can be categorized into five categories (1-5) where 1 means Worst and 5 means Ready. For example, a test
on the website of the Leopold Museum, Vienna, Austria (http://www.leopoldmuseum.org) produced a
result 55% as shown at the following picture:
Figure 26 The result of mobileOK Checker Location Based Services. Despite the limitation of mobile devices as mentioned in the previous section,
the devices are equipped with location-sensing technology with the capability to acquire a new kind of data
(geo-information). The capability to position the devices on the earth allow new types of spatio-temporal
real time services called Location-Based Services (Virrantaus, 2001). In general, Location-Based Services
(LBSs) are services accessible with mobile devices through the mobile network and utilizing the ability to
make use of the location of the devices.
Reichenbacher (Reichenbacher, 2004) has idenfied five elementary mobile actions with a reference to the
geo-information. The actions (which result from user questions or desires) are: (i) locating, to know where
the user him/her-self or something else is located; questions i.e. where am I? where is an object? (ii)
navigating, to know the way to a location; questions i.e. how do I get to a place? (iii) searching, to search
for persons, objects or events; questions i.e. where is the nearest place? (iv) identifying, to know the
properties of a location; questions i.e. who is there? (v) checking, to look for events at or nearby a certain
location; questions i.e. what happens there? Using LBSs involves a set of different basic actions, for
example, searching requires various service operations such as positioning, geocoding, distance and area
calculation, finding relationships, so on.
A study in 2012 from TNS Global44 showed that LBS have topped the global league as the mobile feature
set to grow the most. Almost 19% of world’s mobile users are already using LBS, with more than 60%
aspiring to do so in the future. The study also revealed that the most popular application (46%) is navigation
with maps and GPS and about 13% of current social network users ‘checking-in’ through platform like
See: http://www.tnsglobal.com/press‐release/two‐thirds‐world%E2%80%99s‐mobile‐users‐signal‐they‐want‐be‐
found 33
Foursquare45 or Facebook Places46. LBSs are used to enrich the users social lives as shown at the following
Finding Friends
For a Deal or
Special Offer
Figure 27 LBSs Usage (source: TNS Global, http://www.tnsglobal.com/mobilelife) For the tourism industry, the LBSs can be used on many levels. During the planning of a trip, while trying
to figure out their destination, the tourists will also be interested in exploring the surrounding area, for
example, to figure out the closest hotels, restaurants, or even the other closests tourist destinations. This
information can be obtained only if each interesting place has geoinformation. Another usage is that during
the trip, the tourists could acquire the touristic information based on their current location, their preferences
and the community rating (i.e. the most popular restaurant nearby).
Various LBSs are available in social network sites such as Foursquare, Facebook Place, and Pinterest47.
The combination of the LBSs and the social networking introduces a personalized recommendation. The
service can recommend a place/venue to a user based on the user’s preference or based on his/her friends’
preferences within his/her social network.
In this study, we have two objectives to consider concerning the LBSs; (i) to identify if the tourist service
providers already adopted this technology, (ii) to identify if their presence in a location-based service could
contribute to their online presence (determined by i.e. popularity rating).
To achieve these objectives, we rely on the geographical data from Foursquare. First, the existence of
geoinformation for a provider can be determined through Foursquare because it has venues/places marking
features based on maps obtained from OpenStreeMap48. Second, Foursquare also lets the registered users
to “check-in” to the marked venues/places through their mobile devices, and this “check-in” can be used to
determine the popularity rating of a provider.
Foursquare: http://www.foursquare.com Facebook Places: https://www.facebook.com/about/location 47
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com 48
OpenStreeMap: http://www.openstreemap.org 46
Foursquare provides two ways of finding the venues near an area, through searching and exploring. In the
search method, the results will be produced based on the matching terms provided by users and will be used
to solve the first objective (does a venue exist on the geolocation map?). The explore method is intended to
find the “top” or recommended venues and will be used to determine if a venue is “top” rated/recommended
such that it could be more attractive to the users (is a venue included in the recommended venues?).
Figure 28 Search for Hotel near Innsbruck Figure 29 Explore for Hotel near Innsbruck 35
Table 11 Mobile Platfroms criteria Number What 4.1 The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker 4.2 The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the searching results for a nearby location? 4.3 The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? 2.1.5
E-Commerce – booking
For touristic service providers, being present on the multitude of channels is not the goal in and of itself,
but a necessity that has to be addressed in order to increase income. Booking is the ultimate goal of being
present online for which scalable and efficient communication means need to be delivered. As part of our
analysis we also investigate if touristic service providers are bookable online, in particular if they can be
directly bookable. Without direct bookability touristic service providers see their profits diminish due to
the high commission fees asked by booking channels. Nowadays, an increasing number of hotel rooms are
booked on-line via booking channels that are taking a significant share of hotels profits. Take for example,
the Austrian tourism market, where more than 12% of all on-line hotel room bookings are done through
booking channels such as HRS or booking.com. A portal such as HRS takes 15% of the price of the room.
Consequently, Austria spends around 101 million EURO p.a. and in Tyrol between 60 and 70 million
EURO is lost from the Tyrolean tourist industry. To overcome this problem, a solution for direct bookability
of hotels thus keeping the profit with the hoteliers, combined with multi-channel communication approach
to increase the visibility and trust in the hotel is required.
Direct bookability means being bookable directly on hotel channels without paying any commission fee to
intermediaries (e.g. booking channels). This brings a multitude of advantages for hoteliers and customers
alike. Using such solutions, the booking becomes quick and direct and customers spend less time on
performing the booking, having all the information needed directly from the source. Moreover, the hotels
do not have to give part of their profit to booking channels. There are several companies that provide direct
bookability solutions such as seekda49, feratel50 or easybooking51, all of which focus on different types of
touristic service providers. Such solutions which focus on onsite booking, usually provide additional
benefits. For example, seedka solution i.e. Dynamic Shop includes:
Integrated and safe payment function
Transparent price model i.e. Hotels pay by flat rate; there is no commission for bookings
Multi-linguality i.e. the booking interface is available in many languages and in this way, hotel
reach guests from all over the world
High level of automatization i.e Hotels are informed of incoming bookings immediately; the guest
will receive an automatic booking confirmation
https://www.seekda.com/ http://www.feratel.at/ 51
http://www.easybooking.at/ 50
Easy integration i.e. the integration of the booking interface into your website is incredibly easy;
design and color adjustments can be easily implemented by your web agency
From a technical point of view direct bookability is provided through a widget that gets integrated into the
touristic service provider’s website. This is usually implemented using technologies such as JavaScript.
The figure below shows a direct bookability widget (red border) integrated into a hotel website. Direct
bookability widgets can also be used to enable simultaneous booking of different categories. Additionaly,
it can be used to display daily rates and packages. In the booking interface a guest can view multiple variants
and can select his favorite offer without any effort. Furthermore such widgets can be used not only to book
services offered by the touristic service providers themselves, but also complementary services such as car
rentals, insurance, airport shuttles, all being offered directly on the website.
We tried to distinguish as much as possible whether this booking opportunity is a direct bookability option
or a booking solution through linking to a well-established booking channel such as booking.com, expedia,
or HRS. IN the former case, the touristic solution provider is under control of the bookings, in the latter
case the booking channel is in control of the online bookings and may charge a significant fee twowards to
tourstic service provider. Therefore, referring to a booking opportunity through a channel will always be
better than nothing but it may not be alwas the right strategy to keep the generated value with the touristic
service provider.
Figure 30 Dynamic Shop integrated in the Hotel website 37
Table 12 E‐Commerce criteria Number What 5.1 Bookability feature is available on their website 2.1.6
List of Criteria
The following table presents the criteria for Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Mobile platforms to be used
in the evaluation phase.
Table 13 Evaluation Criteria Number What 1.0 Web 1.0 1.1 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website 1.2 Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) 1.3 Website is built on top of a CMS 1.4 No HTML errors 1.5 Number of HTML errors 2.0 Web 2.0 2.1.0 Interactive Web sites 2.1.1 Website uses Javascript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content 2.1.2 Website uses Flash or Silverlight technologies to interactively display content 2.1.3 Website uses HTML version 2.1.4 CSS3 compliance: no errors 2.1.5 Number of CSS3 errors 2.2.0 News feeds 2.2.1 Website includes an Atom or RSS feed 2.3.0 Widgets 2.3.1 Website integrates Google Maps 2.4.0 Blog 2.4.1 Blog is supported as a dissemination channel 38
2.4.2 Regularity of postings (during last month)52 2.4.3 Blog with images in posts 2.4.4 Blog with videos in posts 2.5.0 Microblogs 2.5.1 A link to the associated Twitter is included in their websites 2.5.2 Twitter share button is included in their websites 2.5.3 Twitter follow button is included in their websites 2.5.4 Number of Twitter followers53 54 2.6.0 Social Networks 2.6.1 A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites 2.6.2 Facebook like button is embed in their websites 2.6.3 Number of Facebook page likes55 54 2.6.4 A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites 2.6.5 Google+ like button is included in their websites 2.6.6 Number of Google +156 54 2.7.0 Sharing Sites 2.7.1 A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the websites 2.7.2 A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the websites 2.7.3 A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the websites 2.7.4 A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the websites 2.7.5 A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the websites 2.8.0 Review sites 52
Total number of posts divided by sample population. Total number of followers divided by sample population. 54
Disclaimer: We assume that the Twitter, Facebook and Google+ links found on the websites of the businesses refer to their official accounts. In case of more than one links, we aggregate the results (e.g. a hotel website could link to two Facebook pages to target two different groups). 55
Total number of facebook page likes divided by sample population. 56
Total number of Google +1 divided by sample population. 53
2.8.1 Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link 2.8.2 Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link 2.8.3 Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link 2.8.4 Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link 2.8.5 Website includes a TrustYou widget or link 3.0 Web 3.0 3.1.0 Formats 3.1.1 Use of metatags 3.1.2 Use of microformats version 1 3.1.3 Use of microformats version 2 3.1.4 Use of microdata 3.1.5 Use of RDFa 3.2.0 Vocabularies 3.2.1 Use of FOAF 3.2.2 Use of GoodRelations 3.2.3 Use of SIOC 3.2.4 Use of Dublin Core 3.2.5 Use of Schema.org 3.2.6 Use of Open Graph protocol 4.0 Mobile Platforms 4.1 The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker 4.2 The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the searching results for a nearby location? 4.3 The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? 5.0 E‐Commerce 5.1 Bookability feature is available on their website 40
2.2 Where to measure
The abovementioned criteria are measured in six main types of websites, which are: a) 1-3 stars hotels, b)
4-5 stars hotels c) hotel chains, d) destination sites, e) review channels and f) booking channels. The reason
of this selection is to evaluate the competence of individual hotels in comparison to the rest of the
stakeholders in the space of online marketing and sales in the tourism sector from an IT perspective.
Therefore, we chose hotels from Austria and hotel chains from the same region to evaluate their web
presence. Furthermore, we looked into the various destination sites of the same region in order to identify
the extent to which Web technologies are employed. Regarding the last two clusters of websites, we focus
on the most well-known websites of those categories, like TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck, etc. and
Booking.com, and Expedia, etc., respectively.
In total we evaluated 2595 online presences: 1411 1-3 stars hotels, 1077 4-5 stars hotels, 58 hotel chains,
34 destination sites, 4 review channels and 5 booking channels. The list of evaluated hotels, hotel chains,
destination sites, review channels and booking channels can be found in Appendix I.
2.3 How to measure
The measurement of the abovementioned criteria of the various stakeholders took place in two phases.
These two phases ran in parallel as they are not interconnected. The first phase covers the evaluation of
hotel websites, which was carried out automatically by employing a Web crawler implementation.
Similarly, as we have described in (Stavrakantonakis et al., 2014): “We began by collecting data from
various sources (Google Places, TripAdvisor) about the hotels that exist in Austria. Our dataset of hotels
includes URLs, star ratings and geo-coordinates.” The sample was selected randomly, containing over 2500
hotels were selected (i.e. 2512 to be precise). 75% of the hotels selected have 3 to 5 stars. From a technical
point of view, in order to evaluate the usage of the technologies listed in section 2.1 by the hotels, we have
applied our “Web crawler in Python based on a well-known open source high-level screen scraping and
web crawling framework, i.e. Scrapy (www.scrapy.org). For the storage of the crawled data, we preferred
to use a NoSQL database, namely the MongoDB (www.mongodb.org), and store JSON objects with the
distilled information from the various pages”, as described in (Stavrakantonakis et al., 2014).
The second phase refers to the evaluation of the remaining categories, which includes a) hotel chains; b)
destination sites; c) review channels and d) booking channels. These tasks were carried out manually by
checking the corresponding websites on a Web browser or by using some online tools like the Google
Structured Data Testing tool57 and the W3C mobileOK58 validator for the Semantic Web and the mobile
criteria, respectively.
2.4 List of Channels
In this chapter we analyze a set of communication channels that are relevant for the tourism service
providers and have been discussed with the Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer. In
addition to this channels there exist many further channels, a list can be found in the Appendix II and III.
Information available at: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets Available at: http://validator.w3.org/mobile/ 41
Table 14 List of Channels No 1 Name Blog 2 Booking.com 3 Delicious 4 Facebook Short Description A blog (a truncation of the expression web log is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Booking.com is the world leader in booking accommodation online
http://www.booking.com API RSS Delicious (formerly del.icio.us) is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks https://delicious.com/ World’s largest online social networking site with over 1 billion users. Facebook has a wide variety of features. For a complete list see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face
book_features www.facebook.com Read/Write https://github.com/avos/delic
ious‐api 42
Affiliate partners API (Drupal wrapper here: https://drupal.org/project/booking_com_
api) . Read‐only, no posting possible Facebook has multiple APIs All APIs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ref
erence/apis/ Graph API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/gr
aph‐api/ Ads API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ad
s‐api/ 5 Foursquare 6 google Hotelfinder 7 google Map Foursquare is a free app that helps you and your friends make the most of where you are. When you're out and about, use Foursquare to share and save the places you visit. And, when you're looking for inspiration for what to do next, we'll give you personalized recommendations and deals based on where you, your friends, and people with your tastes have been. Whether you're setting off on a trip around the world, coordinating a night out with friends, or trying to pick out the best dish at your local restaurant, Foursquare is the perfect companion. http://www.foursquare.com Google Hotel Finder is a Google product that makes it easier to compare and book hotels that are found across the web. With Google Hotel Finder one can: ‐ Find hotels according to price, location, and user ratings ‐ Review accurate and detailed information about those hotels ‐ View location information to help decide where to stay ‐ Keep track of top choices ‐ Connect with hotels and vendors to reserve a book or ask for more information https://www.google.com/hotels/ Google Maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google, that powers many map‐based services, including the Google Maps website, Google Ride Finder, Google Transit, and maps embedded on third‐party websites via the Google Maps API.
http://maps.google.com 43
Read and write API https://developer.foursquare.com No public API available; seekda has a partnership with Google Hotel Finder and is able to feed hotel rates and availability directly to Google Hotel Finder Google Maps JavaScript API Web Services: Directions API, Distance Matrix API, Elevation API, Geocoding API, Time Zone API, Places API 8 9 google Places Google Places service is part of the Google Maps and consists the collection of businesses and points of interest that are shown on the map. The owner of a business can add or edit the entry for it by updating opening hours, address, contact information and photos. http://www.google.com/business
/placesforbusiness/ google+ Google+ is a social networking and identity service that is owned and operated by Google Inc. Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties, and that it is not simply a social networking website. It is the second‐largest social networking site in the world after Facebook. http://plus.google.com Google+ Pages (now called Google+ Business) are similar to Facebook Page www.google.com/+/business 10 google+ Pages/Busine
ss 11 Holidaycheck A classical booking platform operating worldwide. Allows searches by hotel, cruise‐ships, region, package tours. In addition Holidaycheck.com emphasizes on ratings and information provided by travelers: It maintains a database of user‐generated content, which are ratings, videos and pictures taken by users. Especially the latter one allows for interesting insights, not biased by the hotel‐owner itself. There are also forums for popular travel destinations. www.holidaycheck.de 44
The Google Places API is a service that returns information about Places. (https://developers.google.com/places/) Read‐only access via HTTP, except Moments API (limited posting of activities in user’s wall). Full R/W Pages API only to selected partners (can be requested). Snippets and plugins can be embedded in web pages to share information in Google+. (https://developers.google.com/+/) There exists a hack which simulates a user "typing in" his username and password. This method is completely insecure. For API Access you have to be whitelisted by Google. Access Form: https://developers.google.com/+/api/page
s‐signup http://developer.holidaycheck.com/. Is a read‐only API to incorporate content on one's own page. The following information can be retrieved: Recommendation rate, Overall rating, first 100 characters of each review. Access to the API is granted on a case to case basis, and in general only available for major partners from the travel industry (destinations , hotel chains). Single hotels have the possibility to reply to posts, keep track of data and submit use via a widget (https://secure.holidaycheck.com/access_l
ogin?entityType=hotel). 12 instagram 13 LinkedIn 14 Lonleyplanet 15 MySpace Instagram is an online photo‐
sharing, video‐sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. http://Instagram.com LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003 it is mainly used for professional networking http://www.linkedin.com/ Lonely Planet is the largest travel guide book publisher in the world. Lonely Planet claims that they tell the things as they are, meaning that they are not influenced by any external business interest. Over the wide range of companies, hotels, manufacturers and restaurants all over the world they recommend what is the best according to their experience. They state that they provide “trusted advice from a trusted source”. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/ MySpace is a social networking service with a strong music emphasis. In June 2012, Myspace had 25 million unique U.S. visitors. As of June 2013, Myspace was ranked 303 by total web traffic, and 223 in the United States. Myspace had a significant influence on pop culture and music and created a gaming platform that launched the successes of Zynga and Rock You, among others. The site also started the trend of creating unique URLs for companies and 45
Does exist: http://instagram.com/developer It is not possible to upload images and microblogposts at the moment. RESTful, JavaScript: http://developer.linkedin.com/apis (read and write). The API is very limited e.g. it allows only 5 posts/day. no API no API artists. http://myspace.com/ 16 Picasa 17 Pinterest 18 squidoo An image organizer and image/video viewer, plus an integrated photo/video‐sharing website. Owned by Google. Since 2013 all Picasa Web Albums were integrated into Google+ and users are automatically redirected to Google + instead (still the usage of the Picasa website is possible). http://picasa.google.com/ Pinterest is a pinboard‐style photo‐sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme‐based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Users can browse other pinboards for images, "re‐pin" images to their own pinboards, or "like" photos. www.pinterest.com Squidoo is a community website to share interests (ideas, stories, recommendations, etc). It allows their users to create pages (called lenses) with various contents and makes those lenses available on their website. The visitors then can quickly explore the collection based on topic of interest. 46
Read and Write Web Uploader API: https://developers.google.com/picasa‐
web/ Button API: https://developers.google.com/picasa/doc
s/button_api http://developers.pinterest.com/ no API 19 Tripadvisor 20 Tripwolf 21 Twitter TripAdvisor® is the world's largest only available to license partners travel site*, enabling travelers to plan and have the perfect trip. TripAdvisor offers trusted advice from real travelers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools. TripAdvisor branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, with more than 260 million unique monthly visitors**, and over 125 million reviews and opinions covering more than 3.1 million accommodations, restaurants and attractions. The sites operate in 34 countries worldwide, including China under daodao.com. TripAdvisor also includes TripAdvisor for Business, a dedicated division that provides the tourism industry access to millions of monthly TripAdvisor visitors. www.tripadvisor.com no API Tripwolf is a travel guide that aggregates information on travel destinations all across the world. The content provided ranges from youtube videos to user reviews. http://www.tripwolf.com/ Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Registered users can read and post tweets but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. http://www.twitter.com/ 47
Read/Write https://dev.twitter.com/ 22 vimeo 23 Wikipedia 24 Wikitravel Vimeo is a U.S.‐based video‐
sharing website on which users can upload, share and view videos. As of December 2011, Vimeo attracts 65 million unique visitors per month and more than 8 million registered users. As of February 2013, Vimeo accounted for 0.11% of all Internet bandwidth, following fellow video sharing site YouTube and Facebook. www.vimeo.com Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia supported by the non‐profit Wikimedia Foundation. Wikipedia's 30 million articles in 287 languages, including over 4.3 million in the English Wikipedia, are written collaboratively by volunteers around the world. Wikitravel is a web‐based collaborative travel guide project, based upon the wiki model. Articles in Wikitravel can cover any level of geographic specificity, from continents to districts of a city. Wikitravel content is broadly categorised as Destinations, Itineraries, Phrasebooks, and Travel topics. Due to the fact that Internet Brands bought the trademark and servers and later introduced advertising to the website many of the Wikitravel contributors moved to the Wikivoyage project, a Wikimedia Foundation‐hosted project in January 2013. http://wikitravel.org/ 48
http://developer.vimeo.com/ Read and write: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main
_page No API for Wikitravel. An API is available for Wikivoyage http://en.wikivoyage.org/w/api.php 25 Yelp 26 youtube Yelp, Inc. is an American company that operates a business review site and is headquartered in San Francisco. Every business owner (or manager) can setup a free account to post photos and message her customers. Yelp had an average of approximately 117 million monthly unique visitors in Q3 2013. http://www.yelp.com/ YouTube is a video‐sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005 and owned by Google since late 2006, on which users can upload, view and share videos. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user‐generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, Vevo, Hulu, and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. http://www.youtube.com/ 49
Summary of Data Provided by Yelp's API: Business name, Yelp rating, Review count, Address, Phone number, Neighborhood, Category (or categories), Best business image, 3 review excerpts of up to 200 characters, Deal info (if deal available) Full R/W support via client libraries in several programming languages, including data, streaming and analytics. (https://developers.google.com/youtube/) 3 Evaluation
In this section we evaluate the performance of the on-line presence of the various touristic service providers,
namely hotels, hotel chains, destination sites, review channels and booking channels using the methodology
and criteria defined in section 2.
3.1 Hotels
This section presents the results of our study on the hotels’ datasets. As mentioned above, the sample was
selected randomly via relevant online channels, containing over 2500 hotels (i.e. 2512 to be precise), and
the criteria evaluation ran automatically by employing a crawling mechanism. It is important to mention
that 75% of the selected hotels are 3 to 5 star hotels.
Two evaluation approaches were performed as follows:
1. Automatic evaluation. An automatic crawler and a parser were employed to detect specific
keywords for each criteria. This approach consumes the whole dataset. Various validators from
W3C were installed locally59 to avoid any harm to their servers.
2. Manual evaluation. This kind of evaluation was required mainly because the sources did not
contain the expected results (the parser cannot automatically crawl the data against certain criteria).
This relates to, for example, the determination and existence of Google Sitelinks, which are
generated automatically by the Google Search Engine. In this approach, we selected a subset of
data (95 hotel websites in total), which were chosen in proportion to their star rating in each of the
9 states of Austria. In each table, the criteria requiring manual evaluation is marked with an asterisk
Notice, the method we selected hotel web presence introduced a bias in our evaluation. Obviously we only
considered accommodation providers that have a web presence at all and a web presence our crawler was
able to find. Still, the findings we measured were not very impressive and still overestimate the actual
internet presence of touristic accommodation providers! The following tables summarize our results
regarding the performance of the crawled hotels against the Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, mobile platforms and ecommerce criteria.
Table 15 Results of the Hotels evaluation for the Web 1.0 critera Number 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 59
What Web 1.0 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website* Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors (average)60 Result 81% 0 % 37 % 9 % 22 W3C Open Source Software, http://www.w3.org/Status The number of HTML errors is not normalized, a larger HTML file might produces larger number of errors 50
# Usage
Sitemap (XML)
Web 1.0
Figure 31. Web 1.0 technologies usage As shown in Figure 31, none of the websites include an XML sitemap. With the average number of HTML
errors equal to 22, only about 9% of them are error free.
About 37% of the hotels may employ a CMS for their website. An important disclaimer should be added
to our measurement of the CMS figures. As our approach is largely automatic, we look for a specific
metadata field that is generated in the HTML code by the CMSs and is stating its’ name. Consequently,
the CMSs that we observed are only those that make use of this feature. Nevertheless, all the major CMSs
are using it. To reduce inconsistency during the detection process, additional checking mechanisms were
utilized to detect relevant features specific to the most popular CMSs. For example, Wordpress normally
uses “wp-includes” in its folder name, which allows us to make an assumption regarding the type of CMS
According to the data collected from our study, we calculated the distribution of the various CMSs in order
to identify the heterogeneity that exists in our case study. We observed 33 different CMSs where TYPO3
was the most popular, followed by Joomla!, Wordpress and Drupal as illustrated in Figure 3232.
CMS Contenido
eZ Publish
Condeon CMS
Figure 32. CMS usage 51
Concerning Web 2.0 criteria, Table 16 refers to the Web 2.0 channels that could be utilised by the hotels in
their websites. The list includes news feed technologies, microblogs, social networks, multimedia sharing
sites and review sites. The crawler checked whether or not a link to the abovementioned channels was
included on the website.
Table 16. Results of the Hotels evaluation for the Web 2.0 criteria Number 2.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 61
2.1.3 What Web 2.0 Interactive Web Sites Website uses Javascript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content Website uses Flash, Silverlight or Java technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML version (most popular) 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5.0 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6.0 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 2.7.0 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS3 errors (average)61 News Feeds Website includes an Atom or RSS feed Widgets Website integrates Google Maps Blog Blog is supported as a dissemination channel Regularity of postings (during last month) (average)* Blog with images in posts (average)* Blog with videos in posts (average)* Microblogs A link to the associated Twitter is embed in their websites Twitter share button is embed in their websites Twitter follow button is embed in their websites Number of Twitter followers* Social Networks A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites Facebook like button is embed in their websites Number of Facebook page likes* A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites Google+ like button is embed in their websites Number of Google +1* Sharing Sites A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the websites A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the websites A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the websites A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the websites A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the websites The number of CSS3 errors is not normalized, larger CSS files might produce larger errors 52
Result 85 % 14 % 43 % of XHTML 1.0 Transitional 25 % 70 9 % 1 % 7 % 1.2 80 % 40 % 8 % 1 % 0.2 % 3 34 % 16 % 22 8 % 7 % 0.1 8 % 0.2 % 3 % 1 % 0.1 % Review Sites Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link 7 % 18 % 2 % 0 % 0 % 90%
No CSS3 Errors
RSS / Atom
Google Maps
Twitter Share
Twitter Follow
Facebook Like
Google +1
Holiday Check
Customer Alliance
# Usage
2.8.0 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 Web 2.0
Figure 33. Web 2.0 technologies usage As shown in Figure 33, more than 80% of websites have been using scripts to dynamically change their
contents; less than 30% were CSS3 compliant, however only about 1% included Google Maps in their sites.
Blog usage is not so popular, only about 7% have blogs with an average posting regularity of 1.2.
The manual evaluation was performed to compute the blog posting regularity (in January 2014), Twitter
followers, Facebook likes, and number of Google+s.
From the hotels in the dataset, the most popular means of communication from the Web 2.0 was Facebook
with an occurrence of roughly 34% in our measurements. YouTube was the most popular sharing site (about
8%) followed by Flickr (about 3%). Concerning review sites, Holiday Check was the most popular,
followed by TripAdvisor with a usage of about 18% and 7 % respectively.
Regarding the use of HTML versions, about 43% of sites use XMTL 1.0 Transitional and about 18% use
HTML5 as depicted in Figure 34.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
XHTML 1.0 Strict
HTML 4.0 Transitional
HTML 4.0 Strict
HTML 4.01 Transitional
HTML 4.01 Strict
HTML 4.01 Frameset
HTML 3.2
Figure 34. HTML Versions usage Moving towards the new era of the Web 3.0, in the following table we present the criteria and the metrics
that were calculated for the related technologies. We classify the criteria into two categories; one refers to
the formats and the other to the vocabularies that can be used in a website in order to provide information
about the content of the web pages.
Table 17. Results of the Hotels evaluation for the Web 3.0 criteria Number 3.0 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2.0 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 What Web 3.0 Formats Use of metatags Use of microformats version 1 Use of microformats version 2 Use of microdata Use of RDFa Vocabularies Use of FOAF Use of GoodRelations Use of SIOC Use of Dublic Core Use of Schema.org Use of Open Graph protocol Result 98 % 3 % 0 % 3 % 1 % 1 % 0 % 1 % 1 % 2 % 6 % 54
# Usage
Web 3.0
Figure 35. Web 3.0 technologies usage Table 17 and Figure 35 depict the uptake of the various Semantic Web (Web 3.0) formats, including the
HTML metatags as the first attempt to put metadata about the content of the web pages. We did not consider
the usage of JSON-LD62 as a format to include semantic annotations on a web page, as it is a new approach.
Metatags are being used in more than 90% of the hotel websites, which was expected, as most of the
websites include at least the very simple and primitive tags, like “description” and “keywords”. For the
semantic vocabularies, the Open Graph protocol is the most popular one, however, the usage percentages
are not significant (only about 6%). A manual results overview showed that several websites employed
OGP only for metatags annotation to provide metadata about the HTML page, however failed to employ
any Web 3.0 format to annotate the content in the HTML body.
Table 18. Results of the Hotels evaluation for the mobile criteria Number 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 What Mobile Platforms The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker (average) The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the search results for a nearby location? The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? Result 5 31% 23% Table 18 provides the results of mobile uptake of hotel websites by using mobileOK validator. Afterwards,
we checked to see if the websites were visible on a public geolocation map (in our case Foursquare).
In detail, the mobileOK validator successfully categorized 40% of websites with an average quality of
friendliness of 5 out of 100. From those websites, only around 2% as medium friendly, 2% highly friendly
and approximately 31% showed no friendliness with mobile devices as shown at Figure 36.
More information available at: http://json‐ld.org/ 55
# Hotels
Mobile Friendliness Category
Figure 36. The quality of mobile friendliness The manual evaluation was performed to measure the geolocation map visibility for all hotels. For each
selected hotel, the region is determined and used in the search query. The search queries are constructed as
Geolocation Map Visibility
1. “Search all Hotel near <State Capital City>” as query for near location search
2. “Explore for Hotel near <State Capital City>” as query for top rated search
Near Location Search
Top Rated Search
Location Based Service
Figure 37. Location based services Finally, this empirical study covers the last but not least of the criterion, which is related to the ability to
make a reservation through the website. Manual evaluation was performed on this subset of the dataset. For
each site, the bookability feature is determined by evaluating whether or not a visitor is capable of booking
a room instantly, including onsite payment. We did not count the websites that only provide features for a
booking inquiry or booking request as instant booking options. These imply that the customer is not able to
see the hotel’s availability or make a confirmed reservation, and has no direct access to the current
availability of rooms.
Table 19. Results of the Hotels evaluation for the e‐commerce criterian Section 5.0 5.1 Criteria E‐Commerce Bookability feature is available on their website* Result 40 % As presented in
Table 19 about 40% of hotels offer this bookability feature and from those only 4% are handled directly by
the sites while the others by third party booking engines as shown in 38.
Not Bookable
2% 1%
Figure 38. Booking feature usage It is important to note that Figure 38 also shows the diversity of booking engines available on the market,
including well-known booking channels such as Booking.com and Tiscover.at (a member of HRS booking
3.2 Hotel chains
In this section, we evaluate the 58 websites of the hotel chains available in Austria. The list of the hotel
chains was obtained from the LookingForBooking website63 as shown in Appendix I.
For each evaluation criteria, an automatic parser sought the existence of a specific related keyword. For
example, to identify if a website has a link to a Facebook channel, the parser searched for the keyword
“facebook.com” from all URLs extracted from the source. Several validators from W3C were also
employed to check the markup validity (such as the HTML markup validity) of each website.
A few manual evaluations also required certain criteria because the HTML sources did not contain the
required results. For example, the parser cannot determine the existence of the Google sitelink for a
particular website automatically since the sitelinks are constructed in real time by the Google search engine.
Table 20 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 1.0 criteria Number 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 What Web 1.0 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors (average)64 80%
Result 71 % 2 % 19 % 2 % 62 71%
# Usage
Sitemap (XML)
No HTML Errors
Web 1.0
Figure 39 Web 1.0 technologies usage As shown in Figure 39, more than 70% of hotel chains’ websites have Google Sitelinks. The sitemaps are
presented mostly in HTML format, with only about 2% of them in XML. With an average of 62 HTML
See: http://www.lookingforbooking.co.uk/hotel‐chains/austria.aspx The number of HTML errors is not normalized, a larger HTML file might produces larger number of errors 58
errors, only about 2% are error free. Less than 20% of the websites are built on top of CMS, while the most
popular CMS is TYPO3, as shown in Figure 38.
Figure 40 CMS usage In Figure 40, only about 19% of websites are built on CMS, but it is important to note that there is a high
potential for misidentification of CMS usage. Our identification method relies mainly on the metatag
“generator” which could be left out by the website author. Some tricky methods were also employed to
decrease misidentification errors, such as identifying some well-known features from each CMS, i.e.
Wordpress normally uses “wp-includes” in its folder name.
Table 21 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 2.0 criteria Number 2.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 65
2.1.3 What Web 2.0 Interactive Web Sites Website uses JavaScript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content Website uses Flash, Silverlight or Java technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML version (most popular) 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.4.0 2.4.1 CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS3 errors (average)65 News Feeds Website includes an Atom or RSS feed Widgets Website integrates Google Maps Blog Blog is supported as a dissemination channel The number of CSS3 errors is not normalized, larger CSS files might produce larger errors 59
Result 93 % 12 % 43 % of XHTML 1.0 Transitional 7 % 118 12 % 14 % 14 % 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5.0 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6.0 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 2.7.0 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 2.8.0 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 Regularity of postings (during last month) (average) Blog with images in posts (average) Blog with videos in posts (average) Microblogs A link to the associated Twitter is embed in their websites Twitter share button is embed in their websites Twitter follow button is embed in their websites Number of Twitter followers Social Networks A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites Facebook like button is embed in their websites Number of Facebook page likes A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites Google+ like button is embed in their websites Number of Google +1 Sharing Sites A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the websites A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the websites A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the websites A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the websites A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the websites Review Sites Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link 16%
XHTML 1.0 Strict
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Figure 41 HTML Versions usage 60
1 14 % 5 % 45 % 3 % 2 % 15 k 74 % 36 % 134 k 33 % 14 % 7 k 26 % 0 % 14 % 19 % 3 % 12 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % # Usage
Figure 41 shows the usage distribution of the HTML version among the hotel chains’ websites. It is
dominated by the XHTML 1.0 Transitional version (about 43%), followed by the HTML5 version (38%).
Web 2.0
Figure 42 Web 2.0 technologies usage Figure 42 shows how the hotel chains’ websites use the Web 2.0 technologies. More than 90% use scripts
to dynamically adapt their content, while only about 12% use technologies to display content interactively.
Less than 10% of websites are fully CSS3 compliant, whilst the average number of errors is 118. More than
40% of the selected hotel chains are using Microblogs, while Facebook and Google+ are the most popular
social networks. YouTube and Pinterest are the most popular sharing sites, while the usage of review sites
is less popular.
For blogs, based on the total posting during January 2014, the average post per month is very low (only 1
post). On average, the number of Facebook likes is very high (more than 130,000), followed by the number
of twitter followers which is in the range of 15,000.
Table 22 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 3.0 criteria Number 3.0 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2.0 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 What Web 3.0 Formats Use of metatags Use of microformats version 1 Use of microformats version 2 Use of microdata Use of RDFa Vocabularies Use of FOAF Use of GoodRelations Use of SIOC Use of Dublic Core Use of Schema.org Use of Open Graph protocol Result 100 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 2 % 2 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 21 % 61
# Usage
Web 3.0
Figure 43 Web 3.0 technologies usage Figure 43 shows how the web 3.0 technologies are used by the hotel chains’ websites. All websites use the
Metatags format, 10% use the Microdata, 2% use RDFa and none of them use the Microformats. The Open
Graph Protocol and Schema.org are the most popular vocabularies, used by 21% and 10% of the websites
We also found that a website could use more than one of the vocabularies, and we encountered a few
examples of misuse of namespace prefixes. Sometimes a website declared a namespace prefix but never
used it in the content, other times a prefix is used in the content without having first declared it.
Table 23 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Mobile Platforms criteria Number 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 What Mobile Platforms The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker (average) The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the searching results for a nearby location? The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? 62
Result 14 of 100 69 % 21 % 80%
# Hotel Chains
Mobile Friendliness Category
Figure 44 The quality of mobile friendliness The W3C mobileOK checker classified the obtained results (in range 0 to 100) into 5 categories from
category 1 (not compatible for mobile devices at all) to category 5 (fully compatible for mobile devices).
As shown in Table 23, the average quality of mobile friendliness is 14 of 100, which falls into category 1.
To give a more detailed example, Figure 44 shows that more than 70% are not compatible and only about
9% have high compatibility with mobile devices.
To measure the geolocation map visibility for the hotel chains, we assumed that each hotel chain should
own a hotel in the capital city of Austria, Vienna. Therefore the search queries were constructed as follow:
1. “Search all Hotel near Vienna” as query for near location search
2. “Explore for Hotel near Vienna” as query for top rated search
Geolocation Map Visibility
Near Location Search
Top Rated Search
Location Based Service
Figure 45 Location based service usage 63
Figure 45 shows that almost 70% of the hotel chains are visible on the geolocation map, but only about
21% are included in the top rated category on the same map.
Table 24 Results of hotel chains evaluation for E‐Commerce criteria Section 5.0 5.1 Criteria E‐Commerce Bookability feature is available on their website 2%
2% 2% 2%
Result 98 % Direct
Not Bookable
Figure 46 Bookability feature usage In Figure 46, from 98% of hotels chains’ websites with the bookability feature, about 64% are directly
handled by the websites themselves, and the remainder (about 34%) are handled by third party booking
3.3 Destination sites
In this section, we evaluate the 34 websites of the tourist destination sites in Tyrol, Austria. The websites
were obtained from the list of the Tourismusverband (tourist associations) of Tyrol, Austria66 as shown at
Appendix I. From the 34 websites, four of them are using a single domain with similar presentation formats
which includes their social media. As they share the same template, we computed only one of the four
websites, leaving a total of 31 websites evaluated.
hGemByTvb 64
For each evaluation criteria, an automatic text parser sought a specific related keyword in the HTML
sources to determine the existence of the criteria. A few manual evaluations were also performed for certain
criteria, since the sources do not hold the required data. For example, Google sitelinks are only available
through the Google search engine, thus manual evaluations were necessary.
Table 25 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 1.0 criteria Number 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 What Web 1.0 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors (average)67 100%
Result 94 % 0 % 19 % 6 % 41 94%
# Usage
Sitemap (XML)
No HTML Errors
Web 1.0
Figure 47 Web 1.0 technologies usage In Figure 47, more than 90% of the destination sites’ websites already have Google Sitelinks, but none of
them have a sitemap in XML format. Only about 19% are built on top of CMS, but the potential for
misidentification is high, since our detection method relies mainly on a metatag “generator” which could
be omitted by the website author. To reduce misidentification errors, some tricky methods were also
employed, such as detecting some well-known features from each CMS, i.e. Wordpress normally uses “wpincludes” in its folder name. The average HTML errors is 41, while only 6% of the websites have no errors.
The number of HTML errors is not normalized, a larger HTML file might produces larger number of errors 65
Figure 48 CMS usage As shown in Figure 48, of the 19% of websites built on top of CMS, the TYPO3 is the most popular one.
Table 26 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 2.0 criteria Number 2.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 68
2.1.3 What Web 2.0 Interactive Web Sites Website uses JavaScript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content Website uses Flash, Silverlight or Java technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML version (most popular) 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5.0 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS3 errors (average)68 News Feeds Website includes an Atom or RSS feed Widgets Website integrates Google Maps Blog Blog is supported as a dissemination channel Regularity of postings (during last month) (average) Blog with images in posts (average) Blog with videos in posts (average) Microblogs A link to the associated Twitter is embed in their websites Twitter share button is embed in their websites Twitter follow button is embed in their websites The number of CSS3 errors is not normalized, larger CSS files might produce larger errors 66
Result 100 % 13 % 61 % of HTML5 0 % 68 13 % 3 % 19 % 0.7 19 % 10 % 42 % 3 % 0 % 2.5.4 2.6.0 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 2.7.0 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 2.8.0 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 Number of Twitter followers (average) Social Networks A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites Facebook like button is embed in their websites Number of Facebook page likes (average) A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites Google+ like button is embed in their websites Number of Google +1 (average) Sharing Sites A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the websites A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the websites A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the websites A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the websites A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the websites Review Sites Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link 315 94 % 29 % 11 k 35 % 19 % 313 71 % 0 % 26 % 10 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 39%
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Figure 49 HTML versions usage Figure 49 shows the distribution of the HTML version used by the destination sites. About 61% of websites
are supported by the HTML5 version.
# Usage
No CSS3 Errors
RSS / Atom
Google Maps
Twitter Share
Twitter Follow
Facebook Like
Google +1
Holiday Check
Customer Alliance
Web 2.0
Figure 50 Web 2.0 technologies usage For the use of Web 2.0 technologies (Figure 50), all sites are using the scripts to dynamically adapt their
content while only about 13% use interactive technologies to display their content. No site is fully CSS3
compliant, where on average the number of CSS3 errors is 68. While about 13% of the sites have
Atom/RSS feed, only 3% have integrated Google Maps.
Facebook is the most popular social network platform (by about 94%) with number of likes greater than
11,000 on average. YouTube is the most popular (about 71%) sharing site. The number of posting to blogs
during January 2014 is very low, less than 1 post per month on average.
Table 27 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Web 3.0 criteria Number 3.0 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2.0 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 What Web 3.0 Formats Use of metatags Use of microformats version 1 Use of microformats version 2 Use of microdata Use of RDFa Vocabularies Use of FOAF Use of GoodRelations Use of SIOC Use of Dublic Core Use of Schema.org Use of Open Graph protocol Result 100 % 0 % 0 % 3 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 3 % 19 % 68
# Usage
Web 3.0
Figure 51 Web 3.0 technologies usage For the Web 3.0 technologies, all websites used the metatags format, 3% incorporated Microdata and none
of the websites used any of the other formats. The Open Graph Protocol and Schema.org are the most
popular vocabularies (where one website could use more than one vocabulary), used by 19% and 3% of the
websites respectively, as illustrated in Figure 51.
We also found a few cases of misuse regarding namespace prefixes. Sometimes a website declared a
namespace prefix but never used it in the content, other times a prefix was used in the content without first
declaring it.
Table 28 Results of hotel chains evaluation for Mobile Platforms criteria Number 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 What Mobile Platforms The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker (average) The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the searching results for a nearby location? The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? 69
Result 3 of 100 13 % 13 % # Hotel Chains
Mobile Friendliness Category
Figure 52 The quality of mobile friendliness On average, the mobile friendliness of these websites based on W3C mobileOK checker is 3 out of 100,
which falls into category 1 (not mobile friendly). As the more detailed Figure 52 illustrates, most of the
destination sites (more than 90%) also fall into category 1, and only about 3% fall under the medium
category, whilst none of them qualify as 100% mobile friendly (category 5).
On Foursquare, the tourist destination sites are categorized as Outdoors, Sights, Tourist Information, Tourist
Information Center, etc. To see their visibility we use “Innsbruck” as the capital city of Tyrol as the main
keyword for to explore and search categories.
1. For near location search, we use keywords “Search Tourismusverband near Innsbruck”, “Search
Tourist Info near Innsbruck”, “Search Tourist Information near Innsbruck”, and “Search Tourist
Information Center near Innsbruck”
2. For top rated search, we use keywords “Explore Tourismusverband near Innsbruck” and “Explore
Tourist Information Center near Innsbruck”
Geolocation Map Visibility
Near Location Search
Top Rated Search
Location Based Service
Figure 53 Location based service usage 70
As shown in Figure 53, only about 13% of the sites are visible in the geolocation map for both criteria.
Table 29 Results of hotel chains evaluation for E‐Commerce criteria Section 5.0 5.1 Criteria E‐Commerce Bookability feature is available on their website 3%
Result 97 % 19%
Not Bookable
Figure 54 Bookability feature usage As shown in Table 29 and Figure 54, approximatly 97% of the tourist destination sites include a bookability
feature on their websites, while 19% handle the booking requests directly, and the remainder (about 78%)
are handled by third party booking engines. We also found that several websites use more than one of the
third party booking engines, and one website in our dataset had no bookability feature, only the option of
sending a reservation inquiry.
3.4 Review channels
In this section, the performance of online review channels is evaluated against the criteria established within
Section 2.1.6. The selected sample for analysis, including the most relevant review portals, consists of: a)
Trip Advisor, b) HolidayCheck, c) Tripwolf and d) Yelp review sites.
All the review channels in this section were customized for specific regions. By default, .com domain
versions were selected for the analysis, guided by the assumption that .com versions conventionally
represent an international English version of the online channel.
The data was collected manually by revising the respective websites, examining HTML sources, using
Robots Exclusion Protocols (robots.txt) with the help of custom online validators, and employing analytics
tools where applicable (as specified in Section 2). Regarding Social Media profiles evaluation, a manual
check of followers and likes in respective channels was conducted.
Table 30 illustrates an overview of Web 1.0 technologies for the selected review portals. As stated in Table
29, Google Sitelinks were discovered for each online review channel. In order to locate a website’s XML
schema, the robots.txt protocol was analysed. XML sitemaps were detected for TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck
and Tripwolf portals, and an HTML sitemap was found for Yelp. Determining whether or not the website
employs any CMS was not possible since all the analyzed websites use proprietary CMS solutions, and as
a result, no Meta descriptions were available in source files. Similarly, as in the case of online booking
channels, W3C Markup Validation Service detected HTML errors in each website with an average of 55
errors per website. Analogous to an online booking channel, it is worth mentioning that at the time this
study was conducted, W3C Validator utilized an experimental feature (i.e., HTML5 Conformance Checker)
in its validation service. As we considered HTML5 a crucial technology in the context of online
dissemination, HTML5 validation results are reflected in the table.
Table 30. Results of online review channels evaluation for Web 1.0 criteria
Nr. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Criteria TripAdvisor Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors 120%
Tripwolf Yelp Result Yes HolidayC
heck Yes Yes Yes 100% Yes Yes Yes 75% Unknown Unknown Unknown HTML sitemap Unknown No 116 No 2 No 39 No 63 Unkno
wn 0% 55 100%
# Usage
Sitemap (XML) No HTML Errors
Web 1.0
Figure 55. Web 1.0 technologies usage According to Table 31, the review portals employ various Web 2.0 technologies to dynamically adapt and
display the content. 75% of all review channels support HTML5 as a markup language and 100% embed
relevant third-party widgets such as Google Maps.
The most common social channels supported by online review channels include the blog and Facebook.
Interestingly, a manual check discovered that TripAdvisor, HolidayCheck and Tripwolf maintain Google+
pages, and additionally, Flickr is supported by Tripwolf and Yelp, however these abovementioned social
channels are not linked from their websites, thus, are omitted from results.
Table 31. Results of online review channels evaluation for Web 2.0 criteria 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5.0 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6.0 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 Criteria Interactive Web sites Website uses JavaScript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content Website uses Flash or Silverlight technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML version CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS errors News feeds Website includes an Atom or RSS feed Widgets Website integrates Google Maps Blog Blog is supported as a dissemination channel Regularity of postings Blog with images in posts Blog with videos in posts Microblogs A link to the associated Twitter is included in their websites Twitter share button is included in their websites Twitter follow button is included in their websites Number of Twitter followers Social Networks A link to the associated Facebook is embed in their websites Facebook like button is embed in their websites Number of Facebook page likes A link to the associated Google+ is embed in their websites TripAdvisor HolidayCheck Tripwolf Yelp Result Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% HTML 4.01 Strict No 230 HTML5 HTML5 No 169 No 111 HTML5 75% – HTML5 No 0% 99 152 Yes No Yes Yes 75% Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% 33 Yes No 7 Yes No 1 Yes No 8 Yes No 5 100% 0% Yes Yes No No 50% No Yes No Yes 50% Yes No No No 25% 1,166M 6K ‐ ‐ 293K Yes Yes Yes No 75% Yes Yes Yes No 75% 678K 266K 3K ‐ 237K No No No No 0% 73
2.6.5 2.6.6 2.7.0 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 2.8.0 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 Google+ like button is included in their websites Number of Google +1 Sharing Sites A link to the associated YouTube is embed in the web‐
sites A link to the associated Vimeo is embed in the web‐sites A link to the associated Flickr is embed in the web‐sites A link to the associated Pinterest is embed in the web‐
sites A link to the associated Instagram is embed in the web‐sites Review sites Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link No No No No 0% ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ No No No No 0% No No No No 0% No No No No 0% No No No No 0% No No No No 0% Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irreleva
nt Irreleva
nt Irreleva
nt Irreleva
nt Irreleva
nt ‐ Irrelevant Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t 25%
HTML 4.01 Strict
Figure 56. HTML version used 74
‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Figure 57 visualizes the results discussed in Table 26.
# Usage
Google +1
Facebook Like
Twitter Follow
Twitter Share
Google Maps
RSS / Atom
No CSS3 Errors
Web 2.0
Figure 57. Web 2.0 technologies usage
To identify formats and vocabularies used for content annotation, the Google Structured Testing Tool69 was
used. As stated in Table 32, the online review channels support various Web 3.0 technologies such as
metatags, microformats, microdata and RDFa. According to the conducted analysis, the most common
vocabularies used for content annotations are Schema.org and Open Graph protocol.
Table 32. Results of online review channels evaluation for Web 3.0 criteria 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2.0 3.2.1 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 69
Criteria Formats Use of metatags Use of microformats version 1 Use of microformats version 2 Use of microdata Use of RDFa Vocabularies Use of FOAF Use of GoodRelations Use of SIOC Use of Dublic Core Use of Schema.org Use of Open Graph protocol TripAdvisor HolidayCheck Tripwolf Yelp Result Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets 75
100% 100%
100% 100%
100% 100%
# Usage
Web 3.0
Figure 58. Web 3.0 technologies usage Similar to online booking channels, the degree of mobile friendliness according to W3C recommendations
is low primarily due to the large Web page size and the use of CSS elements which are not optimized for
the mobile environment.
Table 33. Results of online review channels evaluation for Mobile Platforms criteria
4.1 4.2 4.3 Criteria The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker (%) The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the searching results for a nearby location? The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? TripAdvisor 0 HolidayCheck 0 Tripwolf 0 Yelp 0 Result 0% Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t ‐ Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevan
t Irrelevan
t ‐ With regards to the bookability feature, as presented in Table 34, all review portals provide the possibility
of booking on their websites. For example, TripAdvisor integrates a booking widget, which searches
through the relevant booking channels (Booking.com, Ebookers, Hotels.com, Venere.com, Expedia and
others) and recommends the best prices to travellers. Additionally, the booking links are generated for each
booking channel allowing the end user to proceed with the booking, without leaving the TripAdvisor
website. In a similar way, HolidayCheck scans the most common booking channels and displays booking
offers to a prospective traveller, linking the offers to corresponding booking portals. The Check Rates
widget from Tripwolf allows users to compare the hotel prices between different booking channels and also
provides booking links. Yelp provides the possibility of booking selected hotels by allowing the reservation
of a room through the hotel’s website.
Table 34. Results of online review channels evaluation for E‐Commerce criteria
Nr 5.1 Criteria TripAdvisor Bookability feature is Yes available on their website HolidayCheck Yes Tripwolf Yes Yelp Yes Result 100% To conclude, analogous to online booking channels, review channels seek to maintain highly structured
websites and ensure a certain degree of social media dialogue with their customers.
3.5 Booking channels
In this section we evaluate the performance of online booking channels against the criteria established
within Section 2.1.6. The selected sample for analysis, including the most relevant online booking
platforms, consists of: a) Booking.com, b) Expedia, c) Hotels.com, d) HRS, and e) Ebookers.
All the review channels in this section were customized for specific regions. By default, .com domain
versions were selected for the analysis, guided by the assumption that .com versions conventionally
represent an international English version of the online channel.
The data was collected manually by revising the respective websites, examining HTML sources, Robots
Exclusion Protocols (robots.txt) (with the help of custom online validators), and analytics tools where
applicable, as specified in Section 2. Regarding the evaluation of Social Media profiles, a manual check of
followers and likes in respective channels was conducted.
Table 35 illustrates an overview of Web 1.0 technologies for the selected online booking portals. As stated
in Table 35, Google Sitelinks and XML/HTML sitemaps were discovered for each booking channel.
Furthermore, XML schema was detected in most of the channels, except HRS.com. In order to locate the
websites’ schema, the robots.txt protocol was analysed. Determining whether or not the website employs
any CMS was not possible since all the analyzed websites use proprietary CMS solutions, and as a result,
no meta descriptions were available in the source files. With reference to HTML errors, W3C Markup
Validation Service70 detected HTML errors in each channel with an average of 84 errors per channel. It is
worth mentioning that at the time of checking, W3C Validator utilized an experimental feature (i.e.,
HTML5 Conformance Checker) in its validation service. As we considered HTML5 as a crucial technology
in the context of online dissemination, HTML5 validation results are also reflected in the table below.
Table 35. Results of online booking channels evaluation for Web 1.0 criteria Nr Criteria 1.1 Google Sitelinks appear at the search results for the website 70
com Yes Expedia Hotels.com HRS Ebookers Result Yes Yes Yes 100% http://validator.w3.org 77
Yes 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors Yes Yes Yes HTML sitemap Yes 80% Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No 85 No 51 0% 84 No 168 No 69 No 47 120%
# Usage
Sitemap (XML)
No HTML Errors
Web 1.0
Figure 59. Web 1.0 technologies usage In Table 36, the use of Web 2.0 technologies is presented. It is important to note that in our study of Social
Media usage, with the exception of blogs, we evaluated only those social channels which are directly linked
to the channel’s Web page.
For example, Booking.com maintains Twitter, Facebook and Google + profiles and links to associated
Social Media are included on the website. A development blog71, dedicated to discussing technical issues
of the website and its extensions, was also discovered. However, we do not consider it to be a dissemination
channel in terms of online booking and, thus, omit this from the results. Furthermore, no review channel
widgets or links are integrated into the portal, since the website uses its own review system. In addition, the
channel uses HTML5 as a markup language as well as Flash and JavaScript technologies.
Concerning Web 2.0 presence of Expedia, the portal significantly exploits Social Media for online
dissemination of content such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest as well as blogs, personalized for
different regions and has RSS feed. HTML5 together with JavaScript and Flash technologies were detected.
Notably, Expedia incorporates its own review system in addition to a TripAdvisor widget.
Hotels.com exploits major online channels such as a blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube
channels. Moreover, the TripAdvisor review widget is included on the website. Hotels.com uses XHTML
http://blog.booking.com/ 78
1.0 Transitional as a markup language as well as various technologies for interactive content display and
The HRS booking portal employs various Web 2.0 technologies including RSS feeds for its blog, Social
Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube) and has an internal review system. According to W3C
Validation Service, the website employs XHTML as markup language.
Regarding Ebookers Web 2.0 presence, the website utilizes various Web means for interactive content
display, maintains public profiles at various Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google +, YouTube
as well as RSS feed. Additionally, the channel employs HTML5 as a markup language as well as Flash
and JavaScript technologies for dynamic content adaption and interactive display.
Although the table includes only those Social Media channels, the links of which are embedded into the
website, manual check revealed that the analyzed booking portals maintain more Social channels (such as
Instagram, Pinterest), but do not link them to their websites.
Table 36. Results of online booking channels evaluation for Web 2.0 criteria Criteria 2.1.0 Interactive Web sites 2.1.1 Website uses Javascript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content 2.1.2 Website uses Flash or Silverlight technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML 2.1.3 version 2.1.4 2.1.5 CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS3 errors 2.2.0 News feeds Website includes an 2.2.1 Atom or RSS feed 2.3.0 Widgets Website integrates 2.3.1 Google Maps 2.4.0 Blog Blog is supported as a 2.4.1 dissemination channel Regularity of postings 2.4.2 (during last month) 2.4.3 Blog with images in posts 2.4.4 Blog with videos in posts Booking.
com Expedia Hotels. com HRS Ebookers Result 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes HTML5 HTML5 XHTML HTML5 + RDFa 60 % – HTML5 No Forbidd
en Forbidd
en XHTML 1.0 Trans. No No No 0% 75 66 4 127 No Yes Yes 60% Yes 100% 361 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% No Yes Yes Yes Yes 80% ‐ 28 0 6 0 7 ‐ ‐ Yes Yes ‐ ‐ Yes No ‐ ‐ 40% 20% 79
2.5.0 Microblogs A link to the associated 2.5.1 Twitter is included in their websites Twitter share button is 2.5.2 included in their websites Twitter follow button is 2.5.3 included in their websites Number of Twitter 2.5.4 followers 2.6.0 Social Networks A link to the associated 2.6.1 Facebook is embed in their websites Facebook like button is 2.6.2 embed in their websites Number of Facebook 2.6.3 page likes A link to the associated 2.6.4 Google+ is embed in their websites Google+ like button is 2.6.5 included in their websites 2.6.6 Number of Google +1 2.7.0 Sharing Sites A link to the associated 2.7.1 YouTube is embed in the websites A link to the associated 2.7.2 Vimeo is embed in the websites A link to the associated 2.7.3 Flickr is embed in the websites A link to the associated 2.7.4 Pinterest is embed in the websites A link to the associated 2.7.5 Instagram is embed in the websites 2.8.0 Review sites Website includes a 2.8.1 TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a 2.8.2 Holiday Check widget or link Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% Yes No Yes Yes No 60% Yes No Yes No No 40% 37K 186K 43K 3K 1K 54K Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% No No Yes No Yes 40% 1,426M 1,923M 2,040M 427K 79K 1,179M Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% No No No No No 0% 1,740M 2,437M 546K 34K 0.4K No No Yes Yes Yes 952K 60% No No No No No 0% No No No No No 0% No Yes No No No 20% No No No No No 0% No Yes Yes No No 40% No No No No No 0% 80
2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link No No No No No 0% No No No No No 0% No No No No No 0% Figure 60 shows the distribution of HTML versions used among relevant booking channels.
HTML 4.01 Strict
Figure 60. HTML Version usage Figure 61 visualizes the results presented in Table 36.
No CSS3 Errors
RSS / Atom
Google Maps
Twitter Share
Twitter Follow
Facebook Like
Google +1
Holiday Check
Customer Alliance
# Usage
Web 2.0
Figure 61. Web 2.0 technologies usage Table 37 illustrates the results of major online booking channels evaluated for Web 3.0 criteria. To identify
formats and vocabularies used for content annotation, Google Structured Testing Tool72 was used.
According to Table 37, all the booking channels embed structured data such as metatags, and/or
microformats, microdata and/or RDFa. The most common vocabularies used for content annotation are
Open Graph protocol and Schema.org.
Table 37. Results of online booking channels evaluation for Web 3.0 criteria Criteria 3.1.0 Formats 3.1.1 Use of metatags Use of microformats version 3.1.2 1 Use of microformats version 3.1.3 2 3.1.4 Use of microdata 3.1.5 Use of RDFa 3.2.0 Vocabularies 3.2.1 Use of FOAF 3.2.3 Use of GoodRelations 3.2.4 Use of SIOC 3.2.5 Use of Dublic Core 3.2.6 Use of Schema.org 3.2.7 Use of Open Graph protocol 120%
# Usage
com Expedia Hotels.
com HRS Ebookers Result Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 100% 80% No No No No No 0% Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No 60% 60% 0% 0% 0% 0% 60% 60% 100%
60% 60%
60% 60%
Web 3.0
Figure 62. Web 3.0 technologies usage 72
http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets 82
Concerning the quality of mobile friendliness, as shown in Table 38, most of the websites revealed a low
ranking, largely due to large page size, HTML errors, and CSS Styles that are not optimized for mobile
Table 38. Results of online booking channels evaluation for Mobile Platforms criteria
The quality of mobile Denied
friendliness based on the
W3C mobileOK Checker
on Irrelevant
geolocation map (using
Is a venue visible in the
searching results for a
nearby location?
on Irrelevant
geolocation map (using
Is a venue visible in the
recommended venues?
Particularly, the W3C mobileOk checker categorizes the obtained results (with a range from 0 to 100) into
5 categories: category 1 implies full incompatibility for mobile devices while category 5 – fully compatible
for mobile devices. Figure 63 shows the distribution of booking channels’ mobile friendliness across
mobileOk checker categories.
# Booking Channels
Mobile Friendliness Category
Figure 63. The quality of mobile friendliness With respect to the bookability feature, by its nature all the portals support the bookability of hotels.
Table 39. Results of online booking channels evaluation for E‐Commerce criteria
Nr 5.1 Criteria Bookability feature is available on their website Booking.com Yes Expedia Yes Hotels.com Yes HRS Yes Ebookers Yes Result 100% To conclude, the portals exploit Social Media considerably in order to disseminate their content online.
Although news feeds are unavailable for some websites, we consider this to be a global trend and a
marketing decision to focus more on Social Media instead. It is important to note that all booking channels
ensure their content is structured and annotated using common semantic vocabularies.
4 Major findings and recommendations
In this section, we present the summary of the analysis for each evaluation category: Web 1.0, Web 2.0,
Web 3.0, Mobile Platforms and E-Commerce.
4.1 Web 1.0
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Booking Channels Web 1.0 Google Sitelinks appear in the search results for the website Website includes a Sitemap for machines (XML) Website is built on top of a CMS No HTML errors Number of HTML errors (average) Review Channels 1.0 81 % 71 % 94 % 100 % 100 % 0 % 2 % 0 % 75 % 80 % 37 % 9 % 22 19 % 2 % 62 19 % 6 % 41 100 % 0 % 55 100 % 0 % 84 Hotel Chains Criteria Hotel No. Destina‐tion Sites Table 40 Comparison of Web 1.0 technologies usage As shown in Table 40, the adoption of Web 1.0 by hotels, hotel chains and destination sites remains low,
with the exception of their visibility on Google sitelinks. Moreover, the usage of a sitemap for a machine
(XML format) is very low, almost zero. This situation could prevent a search engine (which is a machine)
from seeing the whole site.
Condeon CMS
eZ Publish
Hotel Chains
CMS Usage
Destination Sites
CMS Contenido
Figure 64 Comparison of CMS usage 85
The measurable usage of CMSs by hotels is not very high (only about 37%), and by hotel chains and
destination sites even lower (less than 20%). However, given the amount of content we assume that these
service providers actually use CMS solutions without indicating this through a meta tag. Still, many hotels
may actually use ad-hoc solutions to provide content on the web
With the variety of CMSs available and measurable, TYPO3 is the most popular, as shown in Figure 64.
4.2 Web 2.0
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 85 % 93 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 14 % 12 % 13 % 100 % 100 % 43 % 43 % 61 % 75 % 60 % 25 % 70 7 % 118 0 % 68 0 % 99 0 % 127 Booking Channels Web 2.0 Interactive Web Sites Website uses Javascript or vbScript to dynamically adapt its content Website uses Flash, Silverlight or Java technologies to interactively display content Website uses HTML version (most popular) CSS3 compliance: no errors Number of CSS3 errors (average) Review Channels 2.0 2.1.0 Hotel Chains Criteria Hotel No. Destina‐tion Sites Table 41 Comparison of Web 2.0 (interactive web sites) technologies usage 12 % 13 % 75 % Booking Channels News Feeds Website includes an Atom or RSS feed 9 % Review Channels 2.2.0 2.2.1 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 42 Comparison of Web 2.0 (news feeds) technologies usage 60 % 1 % 86
14 % 3 % 100 % Booking Channels Widgets Website integrates Google Maps Review Channels 2.3.0 2.3.1 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel Chains No. Hotel Table 43 Comparison of Web 2.0 (widgets) technologies usage 100 % 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 Booking Channels Blog Blog is supported as a dissemination channel Regularity of postings (during last month) (average) Blog with images in posts (average) Blog with videos in posts (average) Review Channels 2.4.0 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 44 Comparison of Web 2.0 (blog) technologies usage 7 % 14 % 19 % 100 % 80 % 1.2 1 0.7 5 7 80 % 40 % 14 % 5 % 19 % 10 % 100 % 0 % 40 % 20 % 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 8 % 45 % 42 % 50 % 100 % 1 % 3 % 3 % 50 % 60 % 0.2 % 2 % 0 % 25 % 40 % 3 15 k 315 293 k 54 k Twitter
Twitter Share
Twitter Follow
# Usage
Booking Channels Microblogs A link to the associated Twitter is embeded in their websites Twitter share button is embeded in their websites Twitter follow button is embeded in their websites Number of Twitter followers Review Channels 2.5.0 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 45 Comparison of Web 2.0 (microblogs) technologies usage Hotel Chains
Web 2.0 (Microblogs)
Figure 65 Comparison of Web 2.0 (microblogs) technologies usage 87
2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 Facebook
Booking Channels Social Networks A link to the associated Facebook is embeded in their websites Facebook like button is embeded in their websites Number of Facebook page likes A link to the associated Google+ is embeded in their websites Google+ like button is embeded in their websites Number of Google +1 Review Channels 2.6.0 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 46 Comparison of Web 2.0 (social networks) technologies usage 34 % 74 % 94 % 75 % 100 % 16 % 36 % 29 % 75 % 40 % 22 134 k 11 k 237 k 1,18 m 8 % 33 % 35 % 0 % 100 % 7 % 14 % 19 % 0 % 0 % 0.1 7 k 313 ‐ 952 k Facebook Like
Google +1
# Usage
Hotel Chains
Web 2.0 (Social Networks)
Figure 66 Comparison of Web 2.0 (social networks) technologies usage Aside from limitations in accessing and using internet technology, a second, quite important issue becomes
apparent. It is the so-called network or scaling effect. In order to be an important and visible hub in a social
network, one needs to establish a large community of interacting prosumers. Booking and review channels
do this very well. They establish themselves as specialized social media sites so that they are able to ignore
some of the additional social media channels. In order of magnitude, hotel chains perform lower, but not
terribly on this challenge. Touristic associations and hotels obviously cannot have such a network effect
directly since the user community of one hotel is per definition several orders of magnitude lower than the
usage community of an international booking or recommendation channel. Therefore, grouping and
aligning such touristic service providers into larger virtual networks of combined web presence is an
essential means of reaching the critical mass that enables a successful presence in social media (in reference
to demeure, the mother company of seekda).
2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 Youtube
8 % 26 % 71 % 0 % 60 % 0.2 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 3 % 14 % 26 % 0 % 0 % 1 % 19 % 10 % 0 % 20 % 0.1 % 3 % 0 % 0 % 0 % Flickr
# Usage
Booking Channels Sharing Sites A link to the associated YouTube is embeded in the websites A link to the associated Vimeo is embeded in the websites A link to the associated Flickr is embeded in the websites A link to the associated Pinterest is embeded in the websites A link to the associated Instagram is embeded in the websites Review Channels 2.7.0 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 47 Comparison of Web 2.0 (sharing sites) technologies usage Hotel Chains
Web 2.0 (Sharing Sites)
Figure 67 Comparison of Web 2.0 (sharing sites) technologies usage 89
2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 TripAdvisor
Holiday Check
Booking Channels Review Sites Website includes a TripAdvisor widget or link Website includes a Holiday Check widget or link Website includes a Customer Alliances widget or link Website includes a Hotelnavigator widget or link Website includes a TrustYou widget or link Review Channels 2.8.0 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel No. Hotel Chains Table 48 Comparison of Web 2.0 (review sites) technologies usage 7 % 12 % 0 % ‐ 40 % 18 % 0 % 0 % ‐ 0 % 2 % 0 % 0 % ‐ 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % ‐ 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % ‐ 0 % Customer Alliance
# Usage
Hotel Chains
Web 2.0 (Review Sites)
Figure 68 Comparison of Web 2.0 (review sites) technologies usage As shown from Figure 65 to Figure 68, in terms of using Web 2.0 technologies, the hotels, hotels chains
and destination sites continue to fall behind the review and booking channels except for Facebook (in social
networks) and YouTube (in sharing sites). The use of Youtube is popular among destination sites, which
could be an indication that the means of dissemination has now shifted to the multimedia channels.
XHTML 1.0 Strict
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
HTML 4.01 Strict
HTML 4.0 Transitional
HTML 4.01 Frameset
Hotel Chains Destination SitesReview Channels
HTML Versions Usage
Figure 69 Comparison of HTML Versions usage Compared with others, the support for HTML5 features by hotels remains low (only about 18%).
4.3 Web 3.0
98 % 3 % 0 % 3 % 1 % 91
100 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 2 % Booking Channels Web 3.0 Formats Use of metatags Use of microformats version 1 Use of microformats version 2 Use of microdata Use of RDFa Review Channels 3.0 3.1.0 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel Chains No. Hotels Table 49 Comparison of Web 3.0 (formats) technologies usage 100 % 0 % 0 % 3 % 0 % 100 % 100 % 0 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 80 % 0 % 60 % 60 % Metatags
Microformat 1
# Usage
Hotel Chains
Web 3.0 (Formats)
Figure 70 Comparison of Web 3.0 (formats) technologies usage 1 % 0 % 1 % 1 % 2 % 6 % 92
2 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 21 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 3 % 19 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 100 % 100 % Booking Channels Vocabularies Use of FOAF Use of GoodRelations Use of SIOC Use of Dublic Core Use of Schema.org Use of Open Graph protocol Review Channels 3.2.0 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 Destina‐tion Sites Criteria Hotel Chains No. Hotels Table 50 Comparison of Web 3.0 (vocabularies) technologies usage 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 60 % 60 % Dublin Core
Open Graph
# Usage
Hotel Chains
Web 3.0 (Vocabularies)
Figure 71 Comparison of Web 3.0 (vocabularies) technologies usage As shown in Figure 70 and Figure 71, it is clear that the adoption of Web 3.0 technologies in hotels, hotel
chains and destination sites remains low compared to the review and booking channels.
4.4 Mobile Platforms
4.1 4.2 4.3 73
Booking Channels Mobile Platforms The quality of mobile friendliness based on the W3C mobileOK Checker 5 (average)73 The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): 31 % Is a venue visible in the search results for a nearby location? The visibility on geolocation map (using Foursquare): 23 % Is a venue visible in the "top" rated or recommended venues? Review Channels 4.0 Hotel Chains Criteria Hotels No. Destina‐tion Sites Table 51 Comparison of Mobile Platforms technologies usage 14 3 0 23 69 % 13 % ‐ ‐ 21 % 13 % ‐ ‐ W3C MobileOK checker gives a percentage score between 0 and 100 for the level of mobile friendliness of each page. 93
We categorized the mobile friendliness percentage scores (0 to 100) into 5 classes, where class 1 (with
scores between 0-20) means mobile severe/not mobile friendly and class 5 (scores between 81-100) as
mobile friendly. The result of this categorization is shown in Figure 72.
1 (Not Mobile Friendly)
5 (Mobile Friendly)
Hotel Chains Destination SitesReview Channels
MobileOK Friendliness Category
Figure 72 Comparison of Mobile Friendliness As shown in Table 51 and Figure 72, the top score for mobile friendliness is only 23 of 100 for booking
channels. The hotels and destination sites received an even lower score, only 5 out of 100 and 3 out of 100
respectively. Even though 2% of hotels, 9% of hotel chains and 25% of booking channels are highly mobile
friendly (class 4, scores between 61-80), none of them is really mobile friendly.
Near Location Search
Top Rated Search
Hotel Chains
Location Based Search
Figure 73 Comparison of Visibility on a Geolocation Map 94
Destination Sites
As shown in Table 51 and Figure 73, the hotel chains have the best visibility on the geolocation map
(Foursquare), but for the top rated search, their visibility remains low.
4.5 E-Commerce
5.1 40 % 98 % 97 % Booking Channels E‐Commerce Bookability feature is available on their website Review Channels 5.0 Hotel Chains Criteria Hotels No. Destina‐tion Sites Table 52 Comparison of E‐Commerce technologies usage 100 % 100 % The use of bookability features remains low in hotels (only about 40%) compared to the other service
providers, as shown in Table 52.
Instant Booking
Through Booking Engine
Not Bookable
Hotel Chains Destination SitesReview Channels
Bookability Feature
Figure 74 Comparison of the Bookability Feature usage As shown in Figure 74, the hotel chains provide more instant bookability features (about 64%) compared
with the hotel and destination sites. The destination sites, on the other hand, provide the feature mainly
through booking engines (about 68%).
4.6 Summary
This section summarized the analysed results regarding the use of Web1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Mobile
platforms and e-Commerce technologies by various players active in the tourism industry including hotels,
hotels chains, destination sites, review channels and booking channels. In general, the adoption of all
technologies in the hotels, hotel chains and destination sites remains low compared to the review and
booking channels. Review and booking channels use these technologies nearly perfectly. In contrast, most
touristic service providers nearly fail completely at them, either by not using them at all or using them only
minimally and mostly inappropriately. The slow technology take-up by hotels, hotel chains, and destination
sites is hindered by the technical (e.g. difficult integration process due to the use of heterogeneous CMSs
within the sector, partial lack of best practices) and educational factors (e.g. knowledge about new
technologies and an understanding of their advantages). Therefore, the visibility and bookability can be
improved by being present in numerous dissemination channels. Offering an approach and a set of tools to
enable such dissemination is a clear added value to the hotels, especially to the small and medium sized
ones, which cannot afford to develop their own dissemination infrastructure or to outsource the
dissemination task to a larger, dedicated partner.
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APPENDIX I: List of evaluated online presences:
1-3 star hotels
No Name Number of Stars 1 \Der Ronacherfels\" ‐ Waterfront Hotel" 2 4‐Lander Hotel Deutschmann 3 3 5 Elements Hotel 3 4 Academia 2 5 Accord 6 Activ‐Clubdorf 3 7 Activ‐Hotel Kirchenwirt 3 8 adeo Hotel Ansfelden 9 Adlon Hotel 3 10 Ager‐Sporthotel Tirolerhof 3 11 Aichmann Hotel Tyrol GmbH 12 Airotel‐Linimayr 3 13 Aktiv Hotel Karnia 3 14 Aktiv Sporthotel Christoph 3 15 Aktiv Sporthotel Christoph 3 16 Aktivhotel \Zur Rose\"" 17 Aktivhotel Christoffel 18 Aktivpark Güssing *** 3 19 Aldranser Hof 20 Alexander Hotel 3 21 AllYouNeed Hotel Vienna 2 3 22 Almdorf Seinerzeit 23 Almhof Appartement Hotel 3 24 Almhof Roswitha 3 25 Almhotel Hochhaderich 3.5 26 Almhotel Told 27 Almhütte & Skihütte Kohlerhaus 3 28 Almi's Berghotel 3 29 Almtalhotel 30 ALP ART HOTEL 3 31 Alpenblick 32 Alpenblick 3 33 Alpenblick Genusshotel Florian Kühne e.U. 3 34 Alpendorf Anno Dazumal 35 Alpengasthaus und Familienhotel Finkau 3 36 Alpengasthof Krische 3 99
37 Alpengasthof Lämmerhof 3 38 Alpenhaus ‐ Hotel Kesselfall 39 Alpenhaus Evianquelle 40 Alpenhof Hotel 3 41 Alpenhof Jäger 3 42 Alpenhof Kreuzberg Looshaus 3 43 Alpenhof Sattlegger & Feriensternwarte 3 44 Alpenhof‐Kristall 45 Alpenhotel 3 46 Alpenhotel Ammerwald 47 Alpenhotel Benglerwald 48 Alpenhotel Dachstein 3 49 Alpenhotel Ensmann GesmbH 3 50 Alpenhotel Ernberg 3 51 Alpenhotel Garfrescha 52 Alpenhotel Ladinig 53 Alpenhotel Lanz 3 54 Alpenhotel Laurin 3 55 Alpenhotel Rußbacherhof 3 56 Alpenhotel Seiler 57 Alpenhotel Stolz 3 58 Alpenhotel Strenge 3 59 Alpenhotel Tirolerhof 60 Alpenhotel Wurzer 3 61 Alpenhotel Zellerhof ‐ Schul u Lehrhotel 62 Alpenhotel zum See 3 63 Alpenhotel zum Wanderniki 64 Alpenrose Hotel garni ‐ Fam Markus Albrecht 65 ALPENSCHLÖSSL Hotel‐Garni 66 Alpin Garni Das Kleine Hotel 3 67 Alpina Hotel 3 68 Alpinhotel Lizumer Bergheim 69 Alte Post 3 70 Alter Telegraf Hotel 3 71 Altstadthotel Amadeus 3 72 Altstadthotel Gasthof Kramer 3 73 Altwienerhof 3 74 Am Hof 3 75 Am Johannesbrunnen 3 76 Am Schachenwald Hotel 3 77 Am Schottenpoint 3 100
78 Andi's Skihotel 79 Andreas Hofer 3 80 Annaberg Sporthotel GmbH 81 Apart Garni Almrausch 82 Apart Hotel Albarella 83 Apart Hotel Garni ‐ Lechthaler 84 Apart Hotel Garni Bergheim 85 Apart Hotel Rosmarin 3.5 86 Aparthotel Anton 87 Aparthotel Astrid 3 88 Aparthotel garni Claudia 89 Aparthotel Grattschlössl 3 90 Aparthotel Kleinwalsertal 3 91 Aparthotel Landhaus St. Joseph 92 Aparthotel Montana 93 Aparthotel Neue Post 3 94 Aparthotel Olympia 3 95 Aparthotel Sonnblick 96 Aparthotel Torri di Seefeld 97 Apart‐Hotel Versettla 3 98 Apart‐Hotel‐Cafe Auer 99 Apart‐Hotel‐Garni Acksteiner 3 100 Apartmenthaus Désirée 3 101 Apartments König 102 Appartement Pension Bergfried 103 Appartementhotel Hechenberg ‐ Ferienwohnungen 104 Appartementhotel Karawankenblick 3 105 Appartement‐Natur‐Hotel Stotterhof Inh Christof Stotter 3 106 Appartements Diagonal 107 Appartements Pfandl 108 Apparthotel Bellavista 109 Apparthotel Zirbenhof 110 Apparthotel‐Thalerhof 111 Appartmenthotel Arabella Familie 2 112 Appartmenthotel Sonnbichl 113 Arbotel 2 114 ARION Airporthotel GmbH 3 115 Arkadenhof 116 Art Hotel Vienna 3 117 Art Hotel Vienna 3 118 Arthurhaus 101
119 Astoria 3 120 Astoria 3 121 Attergauhof 3 122 Auderer Hotel 3 123 AUERNIGG GesmbH & Co KG ‐ Hotel Sonnberg 3 124 Auracher Löchl Altstadtgenusshotel & Tiroler Wirts‐ und Weinhaus 125 Austria Classic Hotel Papageno 3 126 Austria Classic Hotel Weidenhof 3 127 Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger 3 128 Austria Hotels International ‐ Hotel Alpha 3 129 austria sales ‐ Hotelinformation 130 Auwirt ‐ Zur Grünen Au 3 131 AVIA Motel 132 Babyhotels ‐ Urlaub mit Baby 133 Bachmann's 134 Badener Hof 3 135 Bad‐Ladis Hotel 136 Bärwald 3 137 BASEmontafon Sport‐ u Themenhotel 138 Bauernbräu Hotel Alt Oberndorf 139 Beauty & Sporthotel Tirolerhof, Karin Senn e.U. 140 Belagyi Elfriede ‐ Pension Kaiserhof 3 141 Belavita 3 142 Bellevue Hotel 3 143 Benediktinerhof Aigner Event KG 2 144 Bergdiamant 3 145 Berger‐Hof 3 146 Bergfex Hotel Gasthof zur Post 147 Bergheim 148 Berghof 149 Berghof Brunner 150 Berghof Fetz 3 151 Berghof Hotel, Restaurant Nesselwängle GmbH Inh Franz Leiss 152 Berghof Hotel, Restaurant Nesselwängle GmbH Inh Franz Leiss 153 Berghof Predigstuhl 3 154 Berghotel ‐ Gasthof Gstrein 3 155 Berghotel Almflüh 156 Berghotel Almrausch 3 157 Berghotel Breitmoos 158 Berghotel Hochfügen 3 159 Berghotel Holzer 102
160 Berghotel Körbersee 2 161 Berghotel Presslauer 3 162 Berghotel Sonn'Alm ‐ Stefan Stadlmayr 163 Berghotel‐Restaurant Hochzeigerhaus ‐ Familie Sailer 164 Bergland 3 165 Bergland Hotel 3 166 Bernhofer Hotel‐Pension Robert Sarina & Eveline Erhart 167 Bernstein‐Motel Marchegg 168 BEST WESTERN Hotel Drei Raben 3 169 Beta Art Hotel 3 170 Bio Hotel Grafenast 171 Bio Hotel Stillebach 3 172 Bio‐Gutshof‐Insel ® Hotel Holzerhof 173 Biohotel Florian ‐ Nichtraucherhotel 174 Biohotel Schweitzer 3 175 BioHotel Sommerau 3 176 BIO‐Landpension Monika + Kurblhof ‐ Fam Klimitsch 177 Birkenheim Hotel 178 Birkenhof ‐ Fam Gollowitsch 179 Birkenhof Hotel ‐ Garni 3 180 Bistro Hotel‐Pension 2 181 Bloberger Hof 3 182 Bräuhof Hotel‐Restaurant 3 183 Brauhotel Weitra 184 Breitfuß Hotel Kristiana KG 185 Bronte House 3 186 Brugger's Genießerhotel Lanersbacher Hof 3 187 Buchinger Garni Gästehaus 3 188 Bundessport u Freizeitzentrum Kitzsteinhorn 189 Burg Kreuzen Betriebs GmbH 3 190 Burg Oberranna 191 Burg Plankenstein 3 192 Burghotel Alpenglühn 3 193 Burghotel Lockenhaus 3 194 Burtschahof 3 195 C+M+B‐Hotel ex Hotel Neuwirt 3 196 Cafe Anna 197 Cafe‐Pension Fam W Perner 198 CAMELLIA Hotel ‐ Sepp Schwarzbauer 3 199 Capri‐Hotel 3 200 CenterCourt 3 103
201 Centro Appartements N & S Flasch 202 Charlotte 3.5 203 CHECK IN Cafe‐Hotel 204 Check In Hotel 3 205 Chesa Lavadina 206 Christophorus Hotel Garni Appartements 207 City ‐ Hotel Goldene Krone 3 208 City Apartments 209 City Hotel 3 210 City Hotel Zum Domplatz 3 211 Cityhotel Ratheiser 3 212 Cleverhotel 213 College Garden Hotel 3 214 COM.INN Hotel Güssing 3 215 Cordial Appartements 216 Creativ Hotel Simonhof 217 Crystal Sportiv 3 218 Cryston Hotel 3 219 CUBE NASSFELD 220 Da Marco 221 DALL‐A‐ROSA Residence Hotel ‐ Daniela Dallarosa 3 222 Daneu Hotel GmbH 3 223 Danubius Hotel‐Restaurant 3 224 Danzer Hotel‐Gasthof 3 225 Das Beck 3 226 Das Bergkristall 3 227 Das Bergkristall 3 228 Das Goldberg GmbH & Co KG 3 229 Das kleine Berghotel 3 230 Das kleine Hotel Ortner 2 231 Das Kurhotel Bad Leonfelden 3 232 Das Platz'l 233 Das smarte Hotel garni 3 234 Der Bär 235 Der Berghof 3 236 Der Dolomitenhof 237 Der Hechl 3 238 Der Liezenerhof 3 239 Der Lindenhof 3 240 Der Reisinger am Neufelder See 241 Der Rindererhof 104
242 DER SAILER HOTEL & RESTAURANT e.U. 243 Der Sonnberghof 244 Der Sonnenberg 245 DESIGNHOTEL OBERTAUERN MANGGEI 246 Dickinger Gasthof Landesprodukte Baustoffe Transport GmbH 247 DIE SPORTILICHEN IN SÖLDEN 248 Dollinger 3 249 Dolomiten Residenz Sporthotel Sillian 250 Dolomitenhotel 3 251 Domig Sporthotel 3 252 Dorfhotel Fasching 253 Dorfhotel Fernblick 3 254 Dörner Grenzlandhof 255 Dreisonnenhof 256 Edelweiss 257 Edelweiß Hotel, Fam. Kleinhans 3 258 Egerthof ‐ Fam. Seyrling 3 259 Eisenberger Josef 260 EISNER Christian, HOTEL BERGKRISTALL 261 Engl 3 262 Enthofer ‐ Chalets/Appartments 263 Enzianhof 3 264 Erlebnis Hotel 3 265 Erlebnishof Kräuter‐Mandl Inh Alois Mandl 266 Erlebnis‐Hotel Tiroler Adler 3 267 Erlebnislandgasthof Reitherwirt & Jagdhof Hubertus 268 Erlhof2 Hauben Lokal 3 269 Euro Youth Hotel & Krone 3 270 Explorer Hotel Montafon 271 Fahrnberger 3 272 Falkensteiner Hotel & Asia Spa Leoben 273 Fam. Tritscher ‐ Hotel Kobaldhof KG 274 Familien Hotel Austria 275 Familien Hotel Krainz 3 276 Familienhotel Alpentraum 3 277 Familienhotel Bad Neunbrunnen am Waldsee ‐ Kaltenberger Gerhard 278 Familienhotel Bodner 279 Familienhotel Bruckwirt 280 Familienhotel Herbst 3 281 Familienhotel Platzer 3 282 Familienhotel Steindl 3 105
283 Familienhotel Unterreith 284 Familienhotel Wiesenheim ‐ Inh Fam Kirschner 3 285 Familienpension Linder 3 286 Feichtinger Graz Hotel 3 287 Ferienappartements Landhaus Empl 3 288 Feriendorf Maltschacher See 3 289 Feriengut Hotel Seiterhof 3 290 Ferienhaus Ahorn 291 Ferienhaus Strasswirt 3 292 Ferienhaus Voldöpperwirt ‐ Inh. Sarah Griessenböck 293 Ferienhof Unterhochstätt 3 294 Ferienhotel Angerhof Fam. Senn Hermann & Christina 3 295 Ferienhotel Bergland 3 296 Ferienhotel Frieden am Hochpillberg 297 Ferienhotel Fuchs 3 298 Ferienhotel Gappen‐Schlosshof 3 299 Ferienhotel Gasthof Post 3 300 Ferienhotel Geisler Tulfes 3 301 Ferienhotel Gewürzmühle 3 302 Ferienhotel Gut Enghagen 3 303 Ferienhotel Herzog 3 304 Ferienhotel Iris 3 305 Ferienhotel Jörglerhof 3 306 Ferienhotel Kreischberg 307 Ferienhotel Landhaus Zillertal 3 308 Ferienhotel Lenzenhof 309 Ferienhotel Lindenhof 3 310 Ferienhotel Mösererhof 3 311 Ferienhotel Neuwirt 3 312 Ferienhotel Pass Thurn GmbH 313 Ferienhotel Radnighof 3 314 Ferienhotel Schönruh 3.5 315 Ferienpark Waldpension Putz 316 Ferienwohnungen Buchauer 317 Finkenbergerhof Besitzer Eberl Thomas‐Stefan 318 First Mountain Betriebs GmbH 3 319 Fließerhof 320 Föhrenhof 321 Forchtensteinerhof 322 Formarin ‐ Hotel Restaurant 323 Fortuna Hotel 106
324 Fraganterwirt 3 325 Frühstückspension Winter 3 326 Furtners \Lebensfreude\" Hotel" 327 GAESTEHAUS BERGLAND‐Garni 3 328 GAFRINGWIRT Landhotel 3 329 Gailbergerhof Fam Pirker 330 Gailtaler Hof 331 Galtürerhof 3 332 Ganselmaier Motel GmbH 333 Garni Hotel Fohnsdorf 334 Gartenhotel 2 335 Gartenhotel Altmannsdorf 3 336 Gartenhotel Glanzing 3 337 Gartenhotel Kerschbaumer 3 338 Gästehaus Buchenhof ‐ Fam Mitterberger 339 Gästehaus Ehweiner GmbH 340 Gästehaus Erzherzog Eugen 341 Gästehaus Gudrun ‐ Hotel Garni 3 342 Gästehaus Karin 343 Gästehaus Rübezahl 344 Gästehaus Zechner 345 Gasthaus Hahn‐Buam‐Hof Ausflugsgastronomie u Freizeitzentrum Fassldorf ‐ Märchenschlössel 346 Gasthaus Kirchenwirt 347 Gasthaus Moserwirt 3 348 Gasthaus Sturpen 349 Gasthaus Zum Schwarzen Adler 3 350 Gasthof ‐ Hotel Stimmersee 351 Gasthof ‐ Hotel z goldenen Krone 3 352 Gasthof ‐ Zum letzten Groschen 353 Gasthof Brunnenwirt 3 354 Gasthof Eiserne Hand 3 355 Gasthof Grünholz Johann u. Gerlinde Schwaiger 3 356 Gasthof Hirschen 3 357 Gasthof Hotel Fürchterlich 358 Gasthof Hotel Murblick 359 Gasthof Hotel Post 3 360 Gasthof Hotel Post KG 3 361 Gasthof Hotel Schermer 3 362 Gasthof Hotel Zum goldenen Stern Graf Erwin 3 363 Gasthof Kirchenwirt ‐ Fam Schmeisser 3 364 Gasthof Kuchler‐Wirt 2 107
365 Gasthof Lindenhof Friedrich Kirner jun. 366 Gasthof Neubauer 367 Gasthof Norishütte 368 Gasthof Oberer Gesslbauer 369 Gasthof Pension Reisenberger Eveline & Hermann 3 370 Gasthof Rössle Egger KG 3 371 Gasthof Schweizerhaus 3 372 Gasthof Stranachwirt 3 373 Gasthof Taferne 3 374 Gasthof Tennis Gsöls 3 375 Gasthof Thurner 3 376 Gasthof Tiroler Hof ‐ Inh Friedrich Fahringer 3 377 Gasthof und Pension Schützenwirt ‐ Fam Klotz 378 Gasthof Wilder Mann 3 379 Gasthof z Silbertaler 380 Gasthof zur Post 381 Gasthof‐Hotel Moser 382 Gasthof‐Hotel Passhöhe 3 383 Gasthof‐Hotel Sonne 3 384 Gasthof‐Hotel Weißes Kreuz 3 385 Gay Hotel Haus Romeo Men Only 386 Gebetsroither Strandhotel 387 Gebetsroither Strandhotel 388 Gesund & Fit Hotel Post‐Örglwirt 3 389 Gesundheits‐ und Vitalhotel Post 3 390 Glocknerkeller 391 Goldener Adler Wattens, Tirol 3 392 Goldener Fisch Hotel‐Gasthof 3 393 Goldener Löwe 3 394 Goldener Ochs 3 395 Goldenes Kreuz 3 396 Goldenes Kreuz 3 397 Golf & Familienhotel Alpenblick 3 398 Golf‐ & Skipension Krug ‐ Sportivhotel 3 399 Golfblick Hotel Garni 3 400 Golfhotel Berghof 3 401 Golfhotel Montana 3 402 Gourmet‐Hotel Grünwald 403 Graf 3 404 Granat Schlössl 3 405 Grand Prix Hotel 108
406 Gratkorn Hotel 3 407 Greenrooms 3 408 GRISCHUNA‐Hotel‐Restaurant, Fam. Sattler 3 409 Grizzly Sport & Familien Resort GmbH 410 Grüner Baum 411 Grüner Baum 3 412 Grütter Luxury Apartments 413 Guniwirt Erlebnispension 3 414 Gut Drasing ‐ Zucht und Sport an einem Ort 415 Gut Kramerhof 416 Guter Hirte 3 417 H2O Hotel Therme Resort 3 418 Habicht 3 419 Hacienda Mexicana 3 420 Haimingerhof 421 Hans und Hildegard Gruber ‐ Hotel Garni Appartment Central 422 HappyHostel 423 Harkamp GmbH 2 424 Harkamp GmbH 2 425 Harlander Heinrich KG 3 426 Harml's Aparthotel Fam Harml 3 427 Harry's Home ‐ Das unmögliche Hotel 3 428 Hartinger Peter J. ‐ Villa Clar 429 Haunsperger Hof Hotel 3 430 Haus Alpensee 431 Haus am Fang 432 Haus Bartberg Hotel Exclusives Tagungszentrum 433 Haus der Begegnung Evangelisches Erholungsheim 434 Haus Franziskus 3 435 Haus Hinterbräu 436 Haus Isabella 437 Haus Leithner 438 Haus Parseierblick 3 439 Haus Patteriol 3 440 Haus Semmering 3 441 Haus Thomas 3 442 Haus Tirol 3 443 Haus Vindobona Hotel Garni 444 Haus Wartenberg 2 445 Haydn Hotel 3 446 Heimgartl 3 109
447 Helenenstüberl 448 Helga 3 449 Herdlicka Tauernhaus, Hotel‐ u LiftgesmbH 3 450 Hervicushof 451 Herzog KG Hotel Hörlgut ‐ Postalm 3 452 Hirschenhof 453 Hirschmugl A + M 454 Hochmoos 3 455 Hochwartalm 456 Hoferhaus Hotel‐Pension 3 457 Hohes Licht Wöhr GmbH 3 458 Hornspitz 3 459 Hostel Margareten 460 Hotel‐ 3 461 Hotel ‐ Apartments Lasseerhof 462 HOTEL ‐ GASTHOF G. Martinek 2 463 Hotel ‐ Gasthof Goldenes Schiff 3 464 Hotel ‐ Landhaus Birgit 3 465 Hotel ‐ Pension Huter 466 Hotel ‐ Pension Sonnhof 3 467 Hotel ‐ Pension Waldschenke ‐ Sommerrodelbahn 3 468 Hotel ‐ Restaurant \Am Rathausplatz\"" 3 469 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Gosauerhof 3 470 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Grünwalderhof 3 471 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Langholzfelderhof Fam. Kirchmayr 2 472 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Lindwurm 3 473 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Matauschek KG 2 474 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Mitterer ‐ Wimreiter GmbH 3 475 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Neuhold 3 476 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Sieglhub 477 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Soleo 3 478 Hotel ‐ Restaurant TirolerHof Krug Evelyn 3 479 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Weisses Rössl 3 480 Hotel & Fitness Castello Franz Kreuzer 481 Hotel & Fitness Castello Franz Kreuzer 482 Hotel & Gästehaus Fels Inh Paquita Fels 3 483 Hotel & Konditorei Simon 3 484 HOTEL & RESTAURANT EDER ‐ Inh Hansjörg Eder 485 Hotel & Wellness Liebminger 3 486 Hotel \Der Hoferwirt\"" 3 487 Hotel 12 110
488 Hotel 3 Mohren 3 489 Hotel 4 Jahreszeiten Fam Schönberger 3 490 Hotel 4 Jahreszeiten Fam Schönberger 3 491 HOTEL 4 YOU(ng) 492 Hotel Adam 3 493 Hotel Adler 3 494 Hotel Adler 3 495 Hotel al Parco 496 Hotel AL Torrente 3 497 Hotel Alhartinger Hof 3 498 Hotel Allegro 3 499 Hotel Almrausch 3 500 Hotel Alp Larain ‐ Canal Gastronomiebetriebs‐Ges.m.b.H. 501 Hotel Alpenblick 502 Hotel Alpenblick 3 503 Hotel Alpenblick 3 504 Hotel AlpenBlick ‐ Familie Michaela & Kurt Raml 3 505 Hotel Alpenhof 506 Hotel Alpenhof 507 Hotel Alpenhof 3 508 Hotel Alpenhof 3 509 Hotel Alpeniglu 510 Hotel Alpenrose 511 Hotel Alpenrose 512 Hotel Alpenrose 513 Hotel Alpenrose 3 514 Hotel Alpenrose 3 515 Hotel Alpenstern Heuberg 3 516 Hotel Alpetta 517 Hotel Alphof 3 518 Hotel Alpin Kreischberg 3 519 Hotel Alpin Murau 3 520 Hotel Alpina 521 Hotel Alpina 3 522 Hotel Alpina 3 523 Hotel Alpina 3 524 Hotel Alpina u Cafe Max 3 525 Hotel Alpinum 526 Hotel Alpin‐Vital 527 Hotel Alte Post 528 Hotel Alte Post 3 111
529 Hotel Altenburg 3 530 Hotel Altmünsterhof 3 531 Hotel Altpradl 3 532 Hotel Am Brillantengrund 3 533 Hotel am Grünbachplatz 534 Hotel Am Holand 3 535 Hotel Am Limes 536 Hotel am Park ‐ BVN Bavaria Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH 537 Hotel am Reiterkogel 3 538 Hotel am See 539 Hotel am See 3 540 Hotel Am Steinberg 541 Hotel Amerika ‐ Holzer am See 542 Hotel Amira 3 543 Hotel Andre 544 Hotel Andrea 3 545 Hotel Angelika 3 546 Hotel Angelika 3 547 Hotel Appartementhaus Andrea 548 Hotel Ariell 3 549 Hotel Arlberghöhe Inh Christoph Klimmer & Co 3 550 Hotel Arnika 3 551 Hotel Arpi 3 552 Hotel Artner 553 Hotel Aschauer Hof 3 554 Hotel Aster's 3 555 Hotel Auerhahn 3 556 Hotel Aurach ‐ Kühr KG 557 Hotel Aurikel Corso 558 Hotel Austria 559 Hotel Austria 3 560 Hotel Austria 3 561 Hotel Austria 3 562 Hotel Auwirt 563 Hotel Bajazzo 3 564 Hotel Bär 3 565 Hotel Bären 566 Hotel Bärenbachhof 567 Hotel Bärolina 3 568 HOTEL BASUR 569 Hotel Baumann 3 112
570 Hotel Bayrischer Hof GmbH 571 Hotel Bayrischer Hof GmbH 572 Hotel Bechlwirt 3 573 Hotel Bel Ami 574 Hotel Bellevue 575 Hotel Bellevue 3 576 Hotel Bergblick 577 Hotel Bergfried 3 578 Hotel Bergfrieden 3 579 Hotel Bergheim 3 580 Hotel Berghof 581 Hotel Berghof 1 582 Hotel Berghof 3 583 Hotel Berghof 3 584 HOTEL BERGHOF & Goaßhitt´n 585 Hotel Berghof Tauplitzalm 3 586 Hotel Bergkranz 3 587 Hotel Bergkristall Wildalpen 588 Hotel Bergland 3 589 Hotel Bergwelt 3 590 Hotel Bergwelt 3 591 Hotel Bernhard am See 592 Hotel Biedermeier Hof 3 593 Hotel Birkenhof 594 Hotel Birkenhof 3 595 Hotel Blitz 596 Hotel Blümchen 597 Hotel Bodensee 3 598 Hotel Breitenlee 599 Hotel Briem 3 600 Hotel Brückenwirt 3 601 Hotel Brugger 3 602 Hotel Brunella 3 603 Hotel Brunnenhof 3 604 Hotel Bruno 3 605 Hotel Büchel 3 606 Hotel Burg Bernstein 607 Hotel Burgenländerhof 3 608 Hotel Buschenreiter 609 Hotel Cafe‐Restaurant J & I Geier 610 Hotel Caldor 113
611 Hotel Central 3 612 Hotel Central 3 613 Hotel Charlotte 614 Hotel Christina 3 615 Hotel Concordia 3 616 Hotel CRISTALLAGO 3 617 Hotel Czerwenka 3 618 Hotel Deininger 619 Hotel Diana 620 Hotel Diana 3 621 Hotel Diana 3 622 Hotel Die Sonne 3 623 Hotel Doktorschlößl 624 Hotel Donauhof 3.5 625 Hotel Donauhof 3.5 626 Hotel Donauwalzer 3 627 Hotel Drei Hasen 3 628 Hotel Dreiländer 629 Hotel Dreiländerblick 630 Hotel Drescher 3.5 631 Hotel Druschhof 3 632 HOTEL EBERLWIRT 633 Hotel Edelweiß 634 Hotel Edelweiß 635 Hotel Edelweiß 3 636 Hotel Edelweiss 3 637 Hotel Edelweiss 3 638 Hotel EDEN PARK 3 639 Hotel Eder Michaela 640 Hotel Eggerbrau 3 641 Hotel Ehrenbachhöhe 642 Hotel Ehrwalderhof 3 643 Hotel Eichenhof 644 Hotel ELAN Holiday Arrangements 645 Hotel ELDU Familie Duch 646 Hotel Elisabeth 647 Hotel Engel 3 648 Hotel Englhof 649 Hotel Ennstalerhof 3 650 Hotel Ennstalerhof 3 651 Hotel Enzian 3 114
652 Hotel Erlenstegen ‐ BVN Bavaria Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH 653 Hotel Erzherzog Johann 3 654 Hotel Eschenhof 3 655 Hotel Europa 3.5 656 Hotel Excelsior 657 Hotel Fabrik 3 658 Hotel Fatlar 3 659 Hotel Feneberg 3 660 Hotel Ferienwelt Kristall 661 Hotel Fernsicht 3 662 Hotel Fischer 3 663 Hotel Fischgasthof Jerolitsch 3 664 Hotel Fleidingerhof 665 Hotel Flexen 3 666 Hotel Florianihof ‐ Trinkl GmbH 667 Hotel Frau Holle 668 Hotel Friesacherhof 669 Hotel Friesacherhof 670 Hotel Fuchsenstube 3 671 Hotel Fürst 3 672 Hotel Fürstenhof 3 673 Hotel Gabriel 3 674 Hotel Gallitzinberg 3 675 Hotel Gann 676 Hotel Ganslhof 3 677 Hotel Gappmaier 678 Hotel Garberwirt 3 679 Hotel Garni 3 680 Hotel Garni ‐ Appartements Fuksas 3 681 Hotel Garni ‐ Haus Birnbacher 682 Hotel Garni Almhof 3 683 Hotel Garni Alpenherz 684 Hotel Garni Alpenjuwel 685 Hotel Garni Alpin Life 3.5 686 Hotel Garni Andreas 687 Hotel Garni Anni 3 688 HOTEL GARNI ANNOTTE/ROPPATSCH‐HAUS Inh. Ottilie Gallin 689 Hotel Garni Anzengruber 3 690 Hotel Garni Bayrischerhof 691 Hotel Garni Belmonte 692 Hotel Garni Berghof 115
693 Hotel Garni Binta 3 694 Hotel Garni Central ‐ Inh Birgit Herrnegger 695 Hotel Garni Dietrich 696 Hotel Garni Ehrenreich 697 Hotel Garni Erler 3 698 Hotel Garni ESPLANADE 699 Hotel Garni ESPLANADE 700 Hotel Garni Evido 3 701 Hotel Garni Feuerstein 702 Hotel Garni Frommes 703 Hotel Garni Glockenstuhl 3 704 Hotel Garni Glück Auf 3 705 Hotel Garni Golfais 706 Hotel Garni Hubertus 3 707 Hotel garni Inh Erika Schweiger 708 HOTEL GARNI Jammernegg 709 Hotel Garni Kardona Hermann u Ilse Jehle 3 710 Hotel Garni Keim Inh Keim Andreas 3 711 Hotel Garni Klocker 712 Hotel garni Kristall 713 Hotel garni Krößbacherhof 714 Hotel Garni Larcherhof 715 Hotel Garni Lederer's Living 716 Hotel Garni Matschöl 3 717 Hotel Garni Maximilian 3 718 HOTEL GARNI MONTANA 3 719 Hotel Garni Montfort 720 Hotel Garni Mossmer 3.5 721 Hotel Garni Philipp 722 Hotel Garni Postschlössl 3 723 Hotel Garni Pramstraller 3 724 Hotel Garni Schindler 3 725 Hotel Garni Schwarzer Adler 3 726 Hotel Garni Sohler 3 727 Hotel Garni Sonne 3 728 Hotel Garni Sonnenheim 3 729 Hotel Garni Tannenhof 730 Hotel Garni Tanzer 3 731 Hotel Garni Tinabella 732 Hotel garni Traube 733 Hotel Garni Tyola 3 116
734 Hotel Garni Venier 735 Hotel Garni Villa Konstanze 3 736 Hotel Garni Vogt 3 737 Hotel Garni Wallner 3 738 Hotel Garni Walter Oberreiter 3 739 Hotel Garni Weinberghof & Weingut Lagler 740 hotel garnie gletschertor 741 Hotel Gästehaus Kendler 3 742 Hotel Gasthaus zur Post 3 743 Hotel Gasthof ‐ Ferienwohnungen zum Goldenen Löwen 3 744 Hotel Gasthof ‐ Thaneller 2 745 Hotel Gasthof Abelhof 3 746 Hotel Gasthof Brüggler 3 747 Hotel Gasthof Herzog 748 Hotel Gasthof Hirschen 3 749 Hotel Gasthof Hirschenwirt 3 750 Hotel Gasthof Kreuz 3 751 Hotel Gasthof Löwen Nofels 3 752 Hotel Gasthof Mostwastl GmbH 753 Hotel Gasthof Niederreiter 754 Hotel Gasthof Post 3 755 Hotel Gasthof Weererwirt 3 756 Hotel Gasthof Weinlandhof 757 Hotel Gasthof Weiss 758 Hotel Gasthof Weissensee 3 759 Hotel Gasthof Zugspitze 3 760 Hotel GEIGER Pension 3 761 Hotel Gell 3 762 Hotel Gemma 3 763 Hotel Germann 764 Hotel Gisela 765 Hotel Glasererhaus 766 Hotel Gletscherblick 3 767 Hotel Gletscherblick 3 768 Hotel Gletscherblick 3 769 Hotel Glocknerhof 3 770 Hotel Goldene Krone 3 771 Hotel Goldener Adler 3 772 Hotel Goldener Hirsch 3 773 Hotel Goldener Stern 3 774 Hotel Goldenes Lamm 3 117
775 Hotel Golingen 3 776 Hotel Grafenwirt 3 777 Hotel Grazerhof 3 778 Hotel Gretl 3 779 Hotel Grieserhof 3 780 Hotel Grössingbräu 3 781 Hotel Gsallbach 3 782 Hotel Gundolf 3 783 Hotel Gungau 784 Hotel Gurgltaler Hof 3 785 Hotel Haas ‐ Familie Akyazi 786 Hotel Haberl s.r.l. unipersonale 787 Hotel Habhof 788 Hotel Hafnerwirt 3 789 Hotel Hahn 3 790 Hotel Hahn 3 791 Hotel Harfenwirt 792 Hotel Harrida 793 Hotel Hartweger 3 794 Hotel Haus Am See 3 795 Hotel Heigenhauser 3 796 Hotel Helga 3 797 Hotel Herold 3 798 Hotel Herrenhaus 799 Hotel Herzblut Knapp OG 800 Hotel Herzog Friedrich 3 801 Hotel Himmelreich 802 Hotel Hinteregger 3 803 Hotel Hinterglemm 3 804 Hotel Hoch Tirol 3 805 Hotel Hochfilzner Hof 806 Hotel Hochkogelhaus 807 Hotel Hochkönig 3 808 Hotel Hochkönig Perner Hochkönig KG 3 809 Hotel Hochland 3 810 Hotel Hochschneeberg 811 Hotel Hoffinger 3 812 Hotel Hofmann 2 813 Hotel Hohe Tauern 3 814 Hotel Hohenstauffen 3 815 Hotel Hohnecker 3 118
816 Hotel Hollern 3 817 Hotel Holzinger 3 818 Hotel Holzmeister 819 Hotel Hotpiz 820 Hotel Huberhof 3 821 Hotel Hubertus 822 Hotel Hubertus 3 823 Hotel Hubertushof 824 Hotel Hubertushof 825 Hotel Hubertushof 826 Hotel Hubertushof 3 827 Hotel Hubertushof 3 828 Hotel Hulatsch 3 829 Hotel ILGA 830 Hotel im Dorf 831 Hotel im Schloßpark GmbH 832 Hotel Innviertlerhof 833 Hotel Iris 834 Hotel Iselsbergerhof 835 Hotel Jagdgut Wachtelhof 836 Hotel Jagdschloss Kühtai 837 Hotel Jägerhof 838 Hotel Jägerhof 839 Hotel Josefa 3 840 Hotel Jungbrunn Das Alpine Lifestyle Hotel 841 Hotel Kaiser 842 Hotel Kaiser Franz Josef 843 Hotel Kaiser Franz Josef 3 844 Hotel Kaiser Karl 3 845 Hotel Kaiservilla 3 846 Hotel Kanz 3 847 Hotel Karlwirt 848 Hotel Kärnten 3 849 Hotel Karntnerhof 3 850 Hotel Kärntnerhof 851 Hotel Kärntnerhof 3 852 Hotel Kärntnerhof 3 853 Hotel Karolinenhof 3 854 Hotel Karwendel Egger OG 3 855 Hotel Kaserer 2 856 Hotel Katharinenhof 3 119
857 Hotel Kellerhof 3 858 Hotel Kern Buam 3 859 Hotel Kindler 3 860 Hotel Kirchdach 861 Hotel Kirchenwirt 3 862 Hotel Kirchenwirt 3 863 Hotel Kitzbühler Alpen 3 864 Hotel Kitzwegers Guter Hirte 3 865 Hotel Klein 3 866 Hotel Kleinmünchen 2 867 Hotel Klimt 3 868 Hotel Klingler 3 869 Hotel Klinglhuber Klinglhuber Franz GesmbH 3 870 Hotel Kloepferkeller 3 871 Hotel KOGLER Alpenblick 3 872 Hotel Kolbeck 2 873 Hotel Kolbitsch 3 874 Hotel Kollar‐Göbl 875 Hotel Kolping 3 876 Hotel Komperdell 877 Hotel Kornock 878 Hotel Kössler 3 879 Hotel Krallinger 880 Hotel Krausler 881 Hotel Kreuz 882 Hotel Kristall 3 883 Hotel Kröller 884 Hotel Krone 3 885 Hotel Krone 3 886 Hotel Krone ‐ Familie Stadler 887 Hotel Kurpark Garni 3 888 Hotel La Caravella 889 Hotel LAMMÉE 890 Hotel Lammertalerhof KG 3 891 Hotel Lampenhäusl GmbH & Co KG 892 Hotel Landgasthof Herbst 3 893 Hotel Landhaus Carla 894 Hotel Landhaus Paradies 3 895 Hotel Landhaus Savisalo 896 Hotel Landsitz PICHLSCHLOSS 3 897 Hotel Lang 3 120
898 Hotel Lanthalerhof 899 Hotel Lärchenhof 900 Hotel Lärchenhof 3 901 Hotel Lavendel 3 902 Hotel Lech ‐ Alpensport GmbH 903 Hotel Leitner 904 Hotel Lenau Fam. Schneider KG 905 Hotel Linde 906 Hotel Linde 3 907 Hotel Lindenhof 908 Hotel Lindner ‐ Vöcklabruckerhof 3 909 Hotel Lisa Garni 910 Hotel Lischana 911 Hotel Lohmann 912 Hotel Luggi 3 913 Hotel Lukanz 3 914 Hotel Lungau ‐ Marlene Gonschorowski 3 915 Hotel Maiensee 3.5 916 Hotel Manfred 3 917 Hotel Marc Aurel 3 918 Hotel Maria Theresia 3 919 Hotel Mariandl BetriebsgesmbH 3 920 Hotel Marienhof 921 Hotel Marko 922 Hotel Marthe 3 923 Hotel Martini 924 Hotel Mate Dependance 3 925 Hotel Mathiesn 3 926 Hotel Mauracher Hof ‐ Gruber KG 3 927 Hotel Maximilian 3 928 Hotel Medrazerhof 3 929 Hotel Metropol 3 930 Hotel Michael J u H Kutscha 931 Hotel Mittagskogel 3 932 Hotel Moawirt 3 933 Hotel Möderle 3 934 Hotel Monika 3 935 Hotel Mörbischerhof 3 936 Hotel Moritz 937 Hotel Moser 3 938 Hotel Moser ‐ Ihr Hotel mit Herz 121
939 Hotel Mosser 940 Hotel Mozart 3 941 Hotel Mozart 3 942 Hotel Mozart BetriebsgesmbH 943 Hotel Mühlviertlerhof 3 944 Hotel Müllner 945 Hotel Müllner Restaurant Cafe 946 Hotel Munde 3 947 Hotel Nagglerhof 3 948 Hotel Nassereinerhof 3 949 Hotel Nationalpark GmbH 950 Hotel Neue Burg 951 Hotel Neue Post 3 952 Hotel Neuwirt 3 953 Hotel Neuwirt 3 954 Hotel Nova 955 Hotel Nova 3 956 Hotel Oase 3 957 Hotel Obermayr 958 Hotel Odeon 1 959 Hotel Olympia 960 Hotel Olympia 3 961 Hotel Olympia & Herbs 3 962 Hotel Orange Wings Krems 3 963 Hotel Ortnerhof 3 964 Hotel Ossiacher See 965 Hotel Oswald 3 966 Hotel Ötscherhof 967 Hotel Pacher 3 968 Hotel Pachernighof 969 Hotel Palfengut 970 Hotel Pannonia & St Florian 3 971 Hotel Panorama 972 Hotel Panorama 3 973 Hotel Panoramahof Ziegler 974 Hotel Pariente 3 975 Hotel Pension ‐ Der Acherkogel 3 976 Hotel Pension Bellevue 977 Hotel Pension Jutta Müller KG 3 978 Hotel Pension Löwen 979 Hotel Pension Mühlbacherhof Fam. Bürgler 3 122
980 Hotel Pension Museum 3 981 Hotel Pension Schwaiger 982 Hotel Pension Schweizerhof 3 983 Hotel Pension Strolz 3 984 Hotel Pension Tannenhof 2 985 Hotel Pension Theresia 986 Hotel Pension Villa Dorothy 3 987 Hotel Pension Wagnermigl 3 988 Hotel Perfler 3 989 Hotel Persal 3 990 Hotel Peter 3 991 Hotel Pichler' s Sporthotel 3 992 Hotel Pinzgauer Höhe Inh Obermoser Manfred 3 993 Hotel Plainbrücke 3 994 Hotel Post 995 Hotel Post 996 Hotel Post 3 997 Hotel Post 3 998 Hotel Post 3 999 Hotel Post 3 1000 Hotel Post 3 1001 Hotel Post 3 1002 Hotel Post ‐ Fam Rogl 3 1003 Hotel Post Fusch 1004 Hotel Post Lettner KG 1005 Hotel Posthof 3 1006 Hotel Ramada Innsbruck Tivoli 3 1007 Hotel Rauscher 3 1008 Hotel Regina 1009 Hotel Regina 3 1010 Hotel Reisslerhof 1011 Hotel Reitherhof 1012 Hotel Reitzentrum Hausruckhof 3 1013 Hotel Reschenhof 3 1014 Hotel Reschenhof 3 1015 Hotel Restaurant Börsenhof‐Hornung 3 1016 Hotel Restaurant Fichtenhof 1017 Hotel Restaurant Gruber 3 1018 Hotel Restaurant Haring 3 1019 Hotel Restaurant Kreuz 1020 Hotel Restaurant Laabnerhof 123
1021 Hotel Restaurant Ottenstein 3 1022 Hotel Restaurant Rader 1023 Hotel Restaurant Römerhof 3 1024 Hotel Restaurant Schwaiger 3 1025 Hotel Restaurant Seebichl 3 1026 Hotel Restaurant Seehang 3 1027 Hotel Restaurant Tenne 1028 Hotel Restaurant Thadeushof 3 1029 Hotel Restaurant Weißseehaus 1030 Hotel Rogen 3 1031 Hotel Rösch 3 1032 Hotel Rose 3 1033 Hotel Rosengarten 1034 Hotel Rosenheim 1035 Hotel Rosenheim 3 1036 Hotel Rosentalerhof 3 1037 Hotel Rosmann 2 1038 Hotel Rosner 3 1039 Hotel Rotspitz 3 1040 Hotel Rustler 2 1041 Hotel Rutar Lido 3 1042 Hotel Sailer 3 1043 Hotel Sailer 3 1044 Hotel Salzburger Hof 3 1045 Hotel Sananda‐Farm 3 1046 Hotel Saphir 1047 Hotel Savoy 3 1048 Hotel Schachner 3 1049 Hotel Schachtnerhof 3 1050 Hotel Schilcherland‐Hof Winzerhaus Sierling Eins 1051 Hotel Schillerhof 2 1052 Hotel Schloss Ernegg ‐ Steinakirchen am Forst 1053 Hotel Schloß Leonstain 1054 Hotel Schloss Schönau 1055 Hotel Schlossvilla Miralago 1056 Hotel Schneeweiss 3 1057 Hotel Schneider‐Gössl 1058 Hotel Schönauer Hof 3 1059 Hotel Schönblick 3 1060 Hotel Schöne Aussicht 3 1061 Hotel Schönegg 3 124
1062 Hotel Schwaiger 3 1063 Hotel Schwanen 1064 Hotel Schwarzer Adler 1065 Hotel Schwarzer Adler 3 1066 Hotel Schweizerhof 1067 Hotel Seeblick e.U. 1068 Hotel Seehof 3 1069 Hotel Seelacherhof 3 1070 Hotel Seerose 3 1071 Hotel Seespitze 1072 Hotel Seewirt 1073 Hotel Seewirt ‐ Lanz Hermann 1074 Hotel Select GmbH Golf & Sporthotel 1075 Hotel Seltenriegel 3 1076 Hotel Senn 3 1077 Hotel Sifkovits 3 1078 Hotel Silberhof 3 1079 Hotel Silvretta 1080 Hotel Silvretta 1081 Hotel Silvretta 3 1082 Hotel Silzer Hof 3 1083 Hotel Sissi 1084 Hotel Solaria 3 1085 Hotel Solemare 1086 Hotel Sonnbichl 1087 Hotel Sonnblick 3 1088 Hotel Sonnblick 3 1089 Hotel Sonne 1090 Hotel Sonne 3 1091 Hotel Sonne 3 1092 Hotel Sonne 3 1093 Hotel Sonnegg 3 1094 Hotel Sonnengrund 1095 Hotel Sonnenheim 3 1096 Hotel Sonnenhof 1097 HOTEL SONNENHOF 1098 Hotel Sonnenhof 3 1099 Hotel Sonnenhof 3 1100 Hotel Sonnenhof 3 1101 Hotel Sonnwend 1102 Hotel Sonnwendhof 3 125
1103 Hotel Sophienalpe 3 1104 Hotel Sport Aktiv ‐ Kanduth Lorenz und Anita 1105 Hotel Sportalm 3 1106 Hotel Sportalm Westendorf 3 1107 Hotel Sporthof 3 1108 Hotel Sporthof Austria 3 1109 Hotel s'Schatzkastl 3 1110 Hotel St Hubertus KG 1111 Hotel St. Nikolaus 3 1112 Hotel Stadt Melk Stallberger GesmbH & Co KG 1113 Hotel Stadt Salzburg 3 1114 Hotel Stadt Wien 3 1115 Hotel Stadthalle Inh Ing F Johannes 1116 Hotel Stadtkrug Lucian GesmbH & Co KG 1117 Hotel Standlhof 3 1118 Hotel Stasta 3 1119 Hotel Steirerrast 1120 Hotel Stern 3 1121 Hotel Stockerwirt 3 1122 Hotel Strasser 3 1123 Hotel Stubnerhof 1124 Hotel Südtirol 1125 Hotel Sun Valley 3 1126 Hotel Tannenhof 3 1127 Hotel Tauplitzerhof 3 1128 Hotel Taxacher 3 1129 Hotel Thaler 3 1130 Hotel Thomalwirt 1131 Hotel Thomashöhe 1132 Hotel Tirolerhof 3 1133 Hotel Tirolerhof 3 1134 Hotel Tirolerhof 3 1135 Hotel Toni 3 1136 Hotel Torrener Hof 3 1137 Hotel Trattlerhof 1138 Hotel Traube 1139 Hotel Traublingerhof 3 1140 Hotel Trinserhof 3 1141 Hotel Truyenhof 1142 Hotel TÜRLWAND 3 1143 Hotel Turnersee 126
1144 Hotel Turnerwirt 3 1145 Hotel Tyrol 3 1146 Hotel Tyrol 3 1147 Hotel Tyrol 3 1148 Hotel Universo 3 1149 Hotel Ursprung GmbH 1150 Hotel Valisera 1151 Hotel Valley Rose Gasthof 2 1152 Hotel Valschena 3 1153 Hotel Vent 1154 Hotel Vergeiner 3 1155 Hotel Vicedom 3 1156 Hotel Victoria 1157 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Josef Brunäcker e.U. 1158 Hotel Viktor 1159 Hotel Viktoria 1160 Hotel Viktoria 3 1161 Hotel Villa Christina 1162 Hotel Villa Hiss 1163 Hotel Villa Riva 3 1164 Hotel Villa Valuga 1165 Hotel Vina del Mar Pineta 1166 Hotel VITAL 3 1167 Hotel Vösenhuber 1168 Hotel Vötterl 3 1169 Hotel Wagner 3 1170 Hotel Waldruhe 1171 Hotel Walkner 3 1172 Hotel Walliserstube 1173 Hotel Wasserpalast 3 1174 Hotel Wechselberger 3 1175 Hotel Weiler 3 1176 Hotel Weismann 3 1177 Hotel Weiss 3 1178 Hotel Weißes Lamm 3 1179 Hotel Weisz 3 1180 Hotel Wenger Alpenhof 3 1181 Hotel Westermayer 3 1182 Hotel Wetterstein 1183 Hotel Wiesenhof 1184 Hotel Wildanger 127
1185 Hotel Winter 3 1186 Hotel Wolfgang Eberhard 1187 Hotel z Goldenen Löwen 3 1188 Hotel Zach 3 1189 Hotel Zachs 1190 Hotel Zauberblick 3 1191 Hotel Zentral 3 1192 Hotel Zerres 3 1193 Hotel Zierlinger 3 1194 Hotel Zimba 3 1195 Hotel zum Hirschen 3 1196 Hotel Zum Hirschen 3 1197 Hotel Zum Kirchenwirt 3 1198 Hotel Zum Lamm 3 1199 Hotel Zum Pinzger 3 1200 Hotel Zum Weissen Stein 3 1201 Hotel zur Post 3 1202 Hotel zur Post 3 1203 Hotel/Restaurant Zum Lammwirt 1204 Hotel‐Albergo‐Ristorante Al Gallo Forcello 3 1205 Hotel‐Apart Alpenschlössl 1206 Hotel‐Apart Alpenschlössl 1207 Hotel‐Cafe Hochhaus ‐ Havanna Bar 1208 Hotel‐Feriengut Buasen 1209 Hotel‐garni Alplig 2 1210 Hotel‐Garni Auriga 1211 Hotel‐garni Belvedere 3 1212 Hotel‐Garni Bernina 3 1213 Hotel‐garni Birkhahn 1214 Hotel‐Garni Edy 1215 Hotel‐Garni Elfriede 1216 Hotel‐Garni Landhaus Dampf 3 1217 Hotel‐Garni Landhaus Kleine Fluchten 3 1218 Hotel‐garni Lasalt 3 1219 Hotel‐garni Magdalena 1220 Hotel‐garni Maximilian 1221 Hotel‐Garni OGRIS am See 1222 Hotel‐Garni Sonnen‐Alp 1223 Hotel‐Garni Stabauer 3 1224 Hotel‐Garni Versail 3 1225 Hotel‐Garni Via Claudia 128
1226 Hotel‐garni Villa Knauer 1227 Hotel‐Gasthof Loibl 2 1228 Hotel‐Gasthof Napoleonwirt 1229 Hotel‐Gasthof zur Agnes 1230 Hotel‐Landhaus Johannes 1231 Hotel‐Landhaus Schnöller 3 1232 Hotel‐Landhaus Sonnblick 3 1233 Hotel‐Pension ‐ Strohmer 3 1234 Hotel‐Pension Alois Egger 3 1235 Hotel‐Pension Alpina 1236 Hotel‐Pension Astra 2 1237 Hotel‐Pension Backenstein 1238 Hotel‐Pension Bergzeit 1239 Hotel‐Pension Columbia 3 1240 Hotel‐Pension Fantur 1241 Hotel‐Pension Georgshof 3 1242 Hotel‐Pension Haid 3 1243 Hotel‐Pension Herold 3 1244 Hotel‐Pension Höhenstrasse ‐ Fam Gangemi 1245 Hotel‐Pension Karlbauer 1246 Hotel‐Pension Kärntnerhof 1247 Hotel‐Pension Leiner 3 1248 Hotel‐Pension Leitgebhof 3 1249 Hotel‐Pension Lipeter & Bergheimat 3 1250 Hotel‐Pension Marmotta 3 1251 Hotel‐Pension Martin 3 1252 Hotel‐Pension Menthof 3 1253 Hotel‐Pension Moser 3 1254 Hotel‐Pension Ober‐Lechtalerhof 1255 Hotel‐Pension Schattberg Inh Fam Hofmann 1256 Hotel‐Pension Schwaighofen 1257 Hotel‐Pension Schwanberghof 3 1258 Hotel‐Pension Sommerer 1259 Hotel‐Pension Sonnenuhr 1260 Hotel‐Pension Sonnleitn 1261 Hotel‐Pension Sternen 3 1262 Hotel‐Pension Waldhof 3 1263 Hotel‐Pension Waldhof 3 1264 Hotel‐Pension Wild 2 1265 Hotel‐Pension Wilma 3 1266 Hotel‐Restarant Haas 3 129
1267 Hotelrestaurant ‐ Karl Riepl 3 1268 Hotel‐Restaurant Alphof 1269 Hotel‐Restaurant Alpina 3 1270 Hotel‐Restaurant Annerlhof 1271 Hotel‐Restaurant Batzenhäusl 1272 Hotel‐Restaurant Canisiusbrünnl 1273 Hotel‐Restaurant Christophorus 1274 Hotel‐Restaurant Fischer 1275 Hotel‐Restaurant Fischerwirt 3 1276 Hotel‐Restaurant Forellenhof 3 1277 Hotel‐Restaurant Hauserwirt Familie Wagner 3 1278 Hotel‐Restaurant Hotwagner 1279 Hotel‐Restaurant Hudelist 3 1280 Hotel‐Restaurant Jägerheim 3 1281 Hotel‐Restaurant Jägerhof 1282 Hotel‐Restaurant Kastell 3 1283 Hotel‐Restaurant Kufsteinerhof 1284 Hotel‐Restaurant Marienhof 3 1285 Hotel‐Restaurant Metzgerwirt 1286 Hotel‐Restaurant Römerhof 3 1287 Hotel‐Restaurant Rosengarten 1288 Hotel‐Restaurant Salzburgerhof 3 1289 Hotel‐Restaurant Sänger Blondel 1290 Hotel‐Restaurant SB Fanningberghof 1291 Hotel‐Restaurant Schneeberger GmbH 3 1292 Hotel‐Restaurant Schwartz 3 1293 Hotel‐Restaurant Siegfried 3 1294 Hotel‐Restaurant Sonnhof 3 1295 Hotel‐Restaurant Spiegel 3 1296 Hotel‐Restaurant Stockinger 3 1297 Hotel‐Restaurant Sulzerhof 1298 Hotel‐Restaurant Tyrol 3 1299 Hotel‐Restaurant Urisee 3 1300 Hotel‐Restaurant Wachauerhof 3 1301 Hotel‐Restaurant Weissenwolff 1302 Hotel‐Restaurant Winterbach 1303 Hubertushof 3 1304 Hüttenwirt Lederer Anna Hotel/Gasthof 2 1305 Ibis Styles Wien President 3.5 1306 Idhof Hotel‐garni 1307 InterMontana Hotel garni 3 130
1308 Jugend Sporthotel Ennstalerhof 1309 Jugendhotel Aicher GmbH 1310 Kallenbach Hans Peter 1311 Kofler Harald 3 1312 Komfortzimmer Puster Anni & Ludwig 1313 Kopriva Johannes GesmbH 1314 Kraner's Alpenhof 1315 Kremsmünstererhof Hotel 3 1316 Kurhaus Schider 3 1317 Kurhotel Goethehof 1318 Kurparkhotel 3 1319 Kur‐Sporthotel Winkler 1320 Landgasthof Gritschacher 1321 Landgasthof Hotel Römerhof 3 1322 Landgasthof Reinberger 3 1323 Landgasthof Sepplwirt ‐ Fam Blumrich 1324 Landhaus Drachenstein 3 1325 Landhaus Gabriel 1326 Landhaus Kügler‐Eppich GesbR 3 1327 Landhaus Kumbichl 1328 Landhaus Taxach 1329 Landhofmühle 3 1330 Landhotel Agathawirt 3 1331 Landhotel Alpenhof 3 1332 Landhotel Denggerhof 1333 Land‐Hotel Gut Edelweiss 1334 Landhotel Kanzler GesmbH 3 1335 Landhotel Marienhof 3 1336 Landhotel Stofflerwirt 3 1337 LFI Hotel ‐ Landwirtschaftskammer Gästehaus GmbH 1338 Marangun Hotel 3 1339 Märchenhotel Waldpension Nebelstein 3 1340 MARTINIHOF 2 1341 Mayrbräu 1342 MIC‐Marbach Hotelbetriebs GmbH 3 1343 Moser's Hotel 3 1344 Motel Auleitner ‐ Bed & Breakfast 1345 Motel Maria 3 1346 Osterbauer Hans 3 1347 Panorama Hotel 3 1348 Panoramahotel Sonnhalde 3 131
1349 Panoramapension Teichwirt 3 1350 Parkhotel 3.5 1351 Parkhotel Krems 3 1352 Parkhotel Neubauer 3 1353 Patscher Hof 1354 PAUL'S HOTEL 1355 Pension Alt‐Strassgang 3 1356 Pension Gruber 1357 Pension Oberschneider 1358 Pension Schönbrunn 3 1359 Pension Wegscheider 1360 Pension‐Garni Finkenberg 1361 PERLA s.n.c. di ZANON GIULIO & C Albergo PERLA 1362 Piz Hotel 3 1363 Poysdorfer Hof Diele‐Hotel‐Cafeteria 1364 Präbichlerhof 3 1365 Radhotel Schischek 3 1366 Reichmann Cafe Restaurant 3 1367 Reselehof ‐ Inh Marie + Gunnar Munthe 1368 Riegersburgerhof 3 1369 Schetteregger Hof 1370 Schloss Kapfenstein 3 1371 Seehotel Grüner Baum 3 1372 Seehotel Schlick 3 1373 Seehotel Weyregg 2.5 1374 Seepark Weiden Verwaltungs‐ u BetriebsgesmbH 3 1375 Seminarhotel Lembacherhof 3 1376 Seminarhotel Springer Schlößl 3 1377 Silbertal Hotel 3 1378 Silent Hotel Hubertus 3 1379 Silent Hotel Hubertus 3 1380 Sonnenhof 3 1381 Spitzer Apparthotel 3 1382 Sporthotel Mirnock 3 1383 Sporthotel Pechtl 3 1384 SPORTUNION pro.motion Sportservice GesmbH 3 1385 Stanys ‐ Das Apartmenthotel 3 1386 Stiftshof Neuberg 1387 Stöcklwirt 3 1388 Strandhotel Entner 1389 Strandhotel Leopold 3 132
1390 THURNHER'S ALPENHOF 1391 Trofana Tyrol ‐ Wirtshaus und Erlebnisdorf 1392 Universitätszentrum Obergurgl 1393 VAL BLU Resort Hotel SPA & Sports 3 1394 Villa Loretta, Hotel E Stadler 1395 Villa Mellon 3 1396 VILLA SONNWEND ‐ National Park Lodge 3 1397 Villa Verdin Inh Mangini & Helml KG 1398 VITALHOTEL & Bergresidenz Mühle Gesmbh 3 1399 Vital‐Hotel Styria 1400 Waldgasthof Panorama 1401 Waldhotel Schlatterberg 1402 Waldpension ‐ Mück Barbara 3 1403 Wanderhotel Erika 3 1404 Warmingerhof 3 1405 Wegscheidhof Inh Fam Steinhauer 3 1406 WEINHOTEL KIRCHENWIRT DANIEL OSWALD 3 1407 WEINHOTEL WACHAU 3 1408 WEINHOTEL WACHAU 3 1409 Weinwirtshaus 3 1410 Wilhelminenhof Hotel Restaurant 1411 Zum Dorfwirt Verwöhnhotel 4-5 star hotels
No Hotel Number of Stars 1 \urlaubs‐oase\" ‐ das Resort für Ihre Ferien" 4 2 AcH Schloss hotel Oth ‐ Baden bei Wien 4 3 Achentalerhof 4 4 ACTIVE by Leitner`s Style Hotel & Spa 4 5 Active Hotel Alpen 4 6 ADLER Damüls, Hotel Gasthof 4 7 Adventure Camp 4 8 Aenea Designhotel 5 9 AH Alpengarten Hotel GmbH 4 10 Airport Boutiquehotel hein 4 11 Airporthotel Salzburg 4 12 Aktiv ‐ Hotel Moserhof \Ferien & Mehr...\"" 4 13 Aktiv & Family Alpina 4 14 Aktiv & Spa Hotel Alpenrose 4 15 Aktiv & Spa Hotel Alpenrose 4 133
16 Aktiv‐ & Wellnesshotel Bergfried 4 17 Aktiv‐ & Wellnesshotel Stubaierhof 4 18 Aktiv Panoramahotel Daniel 4 19 Aktiv und Wellnesshotel Haidachhof 4 20 Aktivhotel Donnerhof 4 21 AKTIVHOTEL GASPINGERHOF 4 22 Aktivhotel Karla 4 23 Aktivhotel Rohrmooserhof 4 24 Aktivhotel Schwarzer Adler 4 25 Aktivhotel Weißer Hirsch 4 26 Aktiv‐und Wohlfühlhotel Kirchner 4 27 Alber Hotel Post GmbH 4 28 Albona Hotel 4 29 ALFA hotel 4 30 ALL IN RED, THERMENHOTEL LUTZMANNSBURG 4 31 All Inklusiv Hotel Belmont**** 4 32 All Inklusiv Hotel Belmont**** 4 33 Alla Lenz Hotel 4 34 Alma Boutique Hotel Vienna 4 35 Alm‐Ferienclub SILBERTAL 4 36 Almfrieden Hotel GesmbH 4 37 Almhof Tophotel Nauders 4 38 Almhof Tophotel Nauders 4 39 Almwellness Hotel Pierer 4 40 Alparella Vital Resort 4 41 Alpen Adria Hotel 4 42 Alpen Comfort Hotel Central 4 43 Alpen Hotel Post 4 44 ALPEN KARAWANSERAI Time Design Hotel 4 45 Alpen Sport Resort Rote Wand 4 46 Alpen Villa Rieder 4 47 Alpenaussicht 4 48 Alpenbad Hotel Hohenhaus 4 49 AlpenChalet ‐ Robert Möschl 4 50 Alpendorf, Hotel 4 51 Alpenhof Wellness‐Sporthotel Fam. Pesendorfer 4 52 Alpenhotel 4 53 Alpenhotel Alber 4 54 Alpenhotel Enzian 4 55 Alpenhotel Erzherzog Johann 4 56 Alpenhotel Fernau 4 134
57 Alpenhotel Gösing 4 58 Alpenhotel Heimspitze 4 59 Alpenhotel Hubertus Sölden 4 60 Alpenhotel Kindl 4 61 Alpenhotel Kitzbühel 4 62 Alpenhotel Knappenhof 4 63 Alpenhotel Kramerwirt 4 64 Alpenhotel Mittagspitze 4 65 Alpenhotel Perner 4 66 Alpenhotel Plattner 4 67 Alpenhotel Römerhof 4 68 Alpenhotel Schwaigerhof 4 69 Alpenhotel Schwendbergerhof 4 70 Alpenhotel Speckbacherhof 4 71 Alpenhotel St Christoph 4 72 Alpenhotel Talhof 4 73 Alpenhotel Tirolerhof 4 74 Alpenhotel Tirolerhof 4 75 Alpenhotel Waldfrieden 4 76 Alpenhotel Waldfrieden 4 77 Alpenjuwel Jäger 4 78 Alpenland 4 79 Alpenland Maria Alm 4 80 Alpenresidenz Ballunspitze 4 81 Alpenresidenz Hotel Happy Austria 4 82 Alpenresidenz Mooshaus ‐ Fam Gerber 4 83 Alpenresidenz Trisanna 4 84 Alpenresidenz Viktoria 4 85 Alpenresort Fluchthorn 4 86 Alpenresort Schwarz 4.5 87 Alpenrose 4 88 Alpenrose 4 89 Alpenrose ‐ Hotel ‐ Apartments 4 90 Alpenruh Hotel 4 91 Alpensporthotel Grandau 4 92 Alpenstern 4 93 Alpenstern 4 94 Alpen‐Wellness‐Hotel Gasteigerhof 4 95 Alphof Sölden 4 96 Alphotel 4 97 Alphotel Garni Salner 4 135
98 Alpin ‐ Das Sporthotel 4 99 Alpin Juwel 4 100 Alpin Life Gebhard 4 101 Alpin Sonnenresidenz 4 102 Alpina 4 103 Alpina Kur‐ u. Sporthotel 4 104 Alpine Well&Fit Hotel Eagles Astoria 4 105 Alpines Lifestyle Hotel Tannenhof 4 106 Alpinhotel Jesacherhof**** ‐ Gourmet & Spa 4 107 Alpin‐Hotel Schrofenblick 4 108 AlpinLodges Kühtai 4 109 Alpinparadies Hotel Feriengut Ellmauhof Betriebs GmbH & CO KG 4 110 Alte Post 4 111 Alte Post Hallenbad, Wellnesshotel 4 112 Altstadt Hotel Mosser 4 113 Altstadt Vienna 4 114 Am Dom 4 115 Am Opernring 4 116 Am Römerweg 4 117 Am Sachsengang Hotel 4 118 Am Schubertring 4 119 Amade Hotel Staufer 4 120 Ambiente Hotel Brückenwirt 4 121 Ambio ‐ eine Abteilung der BT‐Group Center Marketing GmbH 4 122 An der Wien 5 123 ANDREAS HOFER FAMILIEN WELLNESS HOTEL 4 124 Angelika 4 125 Apart Hotel Sonnhof 4 126 Apartement & Hotel Einwaller 4 127 Aparthotel Adler 4 128 Apart‐Hotel Alpenhof 4 129 Aparthotel Arabella 4 130 Aparthotel Bergland 4 131 Aparthotel Ferienalm Schladming 4 132 Aparthotel Garni Asterhof ‐ Steinberger 4 133 Aparthotel Hirschenau 4 134 Aparthotel Hutter 4 135 Aparthotel Jagdhof 4 136 Apart‐Hotel Sonnleit'n 4 137 Aparthotel Stadler 4 138 Aparthotel Strass 4 136
139 Aparthotel Wohlfühl Ferien‐Heim 4 140 Apartmenthotel Central 4 141 Appartement Alpenland 4 142 Appartement Hotel Seeland 4 143 Appartement‐Hotel an der Riemergasse 4 144 Appartementhotel Johannes 4 145 Apparthotel Bergkristall 4 146 Apparthotel Ederfeld 4 147 Apparthotel Garni Sonnenhof 4 148 Apparthotel Montana 4 149 Apparthotel Schrotteralm & Almschlössl Fam Karin u Alois Huber 4 150 Apparthotel Sonne 4 151 Apparthotel Tom Sojer 4 152 Apparthotel Veronika 4 153 Arena City Hotel 4 154 Arenberg‐Haus 4 155 Arian Hotel‐Pension 4 156 Arkadenhof 4 157 Arlberg Hospiz Hotel 5 158 Arlberghaus 4 159 Arlmont 5 160 Art & Relax Hotel Bergwelt 4 161 Artis 4 162 ARTIS Hotel Semmering 4 163 Aschaber Hotels Birgitta Aschaber 4 164 ASI LODGE 4 165 Asia Resort Linsberg 4 166 Astoria Relax & Spa ‐ Hotel 5 167 Atrigon 4 168 Auenhof 4 169 Augarten Hotel 4 170 Auriga Hotel 4 171 Aurora‐Hotel 4 172 Austria Classic Hotel Aichinger 4 173 Austria Classic Hotel Heiligkreuz 4 174 Austria Hotels Betriebs GesmbH Hotel Burgenland 4 175 Aviano ‐ my secret home Pension Aviano 4 176 Avita ****s 4 177 A‐VITA VIKTORIA 4 178 AVIVA****s make friends 4 179 Ayurveda & Spa Resort Sonnhof 4 137
180 Babenbergerhof 4 181 Babymio ‐ Familienhotel in den Kitzbüheler Alpen 4 182 Bachgasslhof 4 183 Bad Blumauerhof, Hotel 4 184 Baeckerbrunnen Hotel Restaurant 4 185 Balance 4 186 Ballonfahren u Ballonhotel Thaller 4 187 Banyan 4 188 Bärenhof ‐ Gesundheitszentrum Johannesbad 4 189 Barock‐Landhof Inh Burkhardt 4 190 BARRY MEMLE Seehotel Seeappartements 4 191 Bauernhof Hotel Oberschwarzach 4 192 Bauernhof‐Hotel Oberkarteis 4 193 Beauty & Wellnesshotel Alte Post 4 194 Bella Vienna 4 195 Bellevue am See Hotel‐Restaurant 4 196 Bellevue am Walchsee 4 197 Bellevue Family‐Relax‐Hotel 4 198 BERGERGUT****s ‐ \Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?\"" 4 199 Berger's Sporthotel Saalbach ‐ Fam. Berger‐Brandl 4 200 Berghof 4 201 Berghof Verwöhnhotel 4 202 Berghotel Hinterstoder 4 203 Berghotel Tirol 4 204 Berghotel Tulbingerkogel 4 205 Bergidyll Alpenhof 4 206 Bergland Hotel Sölden 4 207 Bergwirt Hotel 4 208 BEST WESTERN HOTEL DAS TIGRA 4 209 BEST WESTERN Hotel Hoher Freschen 4 210 BEST WESTERN Hotel Imlauer 4 211 BEST WESTERN Hotel Ploberger 4 212 BEST WESTERN Hotel Römerhof 4 213 BEST WESTERN Hotel Stern 4 214 BEST WESTERN Landhotel Wachau 4 215 BEST WESTERN PLUS Parkhotel Brunauer 4 216 BEST WESTERN PREMIER Hotel Kaiserhof Wien 4 217 BEST WESTERN PREMIER Hotel Weißes Kreuz 4 218 Biedermeier Schlössl Lerchenhof 4 219 Bio Hotel ramsauhof 4 220 Bio Landhotel Reiterhof 4 138
221 Bio Thermen Hotel Wilfinger 4 222 Bio‐Gesundheitshotel Hammerhof 4 223 Bio‐Landhotel und Biobauer feistererhof 4 224 Biopension Hotel Garni Alpenheim 4 225 Bischof 4 226 Bogner Hof 4 227 Bokan 4 228 Boltzmann 4 229 Böswarth Seminarhotel Lengbachhof 4 230 BOUTIQUE HOTEL HAUSER 4 231 Brandstätter Fam. Gastronomiebetriebe GmbH & Co KG 4 232 Breitlehenalm 4 233 Brennerei & Wohlfühlhotel Lagler 4 234 Bristol 5 235 Brunnenhof ‐ Brunnenstub'n Familie Wolfram 4 236 Burg Landsberg BetriebsgmbH 4 237 Business‐ & Holidayhotel Steiner 4 238 Businesshotel Kramsacher Hof 4 239 Business‐Seminarhotel Rokohof 4 240 Cafe Hotel Garni Thermenoase 4 241 Carinthia 4 242 Carinthia Velden Hotel 4 243 Carlton Salzburg 4 244 Carlton Salzburg 4 245 Central Spa Hotel Sölden 5 246 Cervosa Hotel 5 247 Chalet ‐ Hotel Senger 4 248 Christoph Familienhotel 4 249 City Hotel City Karin Strickner GmbH 4 250 City Hotel Mödling 4 251 City Hotel Stockerau 4 252 Club Hotel Edelweiss 4 253 Clubhotel Aldiana Mühlbach 4 254 Clubhotel Sonnalp 4 255 Cordial Familien & Vital Hotel Achenkirch 4 256 Cortisen Seehotel 4 257 Corvinus Hotel 4 258 DAMÜLSER HOF ‐ WELLNESSHOTEL Familie KLAUSER 4 259 Daniel Graz 4 260 Das Bio‐Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof 4 261 Das Kronthaler 4 139
262 Das Schloss an der Eisenstrasse 4 263 Das Seiwald 4 264 Das Sonnenleben 4 265 Das Urbisgut 4 266 Das‐Schmidt Privathotel 4 267 Daxer 4 268 Delta Hotel Vienna 4 269 Der Abtenauer 4 270 der daberer. das biohotel 4 271 Der Kaiserhof 4 272 Der Kleinwalsertaler Rosenhof 4 273 Der Lärchenhof 4 274 Der Marienhof 4 275 DER UNTERSCHWARZACHHOF Jacky + Tony Hasenauer 4 276 Dermuth Klagenfurt 4 277 Design‐Hotel‐Restaurant Römerhof 4 278 Die Post 4 279 Dietrichsteinerhof 4 280 DO & CO Hotel 5 281 Dom Hotel 4 282 Domizil Pension 4 283 Donau Rad Hotel Restaurant Wachauerhof 4 284 DRAUHOF Fam. Schneider 4 285 Eckhard Johannes Landhotel 4 286 Eichingerbauer Landhotel 4 287 Erlebnishotel Schmiedboden 4 288 Erlenhof B&B 4 289 Erzherzog Johann Hotel BetriebsgesmbH 4 290 EurothermenResort Bad Ischl ‐ Hotel Royal 4 291 F X Mayr Gesundheitshotel Spanberger 4 292 Fairmotel 4 293 Falkensteiner Hotel Am Schottenfeld 4 294 Familien & Sporthotel Höhlenstein & Restaurant Kaskessel 4 295 Familien & Wohlfühlhotel Elisabeth 4 296 Familien Erlebnis Hotel Post 4 297 Familien‐ und Seehotel Hoffmann 4 298 Familien‐ und Wellnesshotel Hanneshof 4 299 Familien‐ und Wohlfühlhotel Forsthofgut 4 300 Familienerlebnishotel Hinteregger 4 301 Familienferiendorf Moserhof 4 302 Familienhotel Adler 4 140
303 Familienhotel Berghof 4 304 Familienhotel Die Seitenalm 4 305 Familienhotel Furgler 4 306 Familienhotel Jägeralpe 4 307 Familienhotel Klausen 4 308 Familienhotel Kreuzwirt 4 309 Familienhotel Post 4 310 Familienhotel Seerose ‐ Pölzl GmbH 4 311 Familienhotel Seetal 4 312 Familienhotel Sonngastein 4 313 Familien‐Landhotel Mörisch 4 314 Familien‐Wohlfühlhotel‐Martinerhof 4 315 Familotel Hopfgarten 4 316 Familotel Lengauer Hof 4 317 Familyhotel Seiblishof 4 318 Ferienansitz Gasteiger Jagdschlössl 4 319 Ferienappartements Landhof 4 320 Ferienhotel \Neue Post\"" 4 321 Ferienhotel Aussicht 4 322 Ferienhotel Fernblick 4 323 Ferienhotel Hoppet 4 324 Ferienhotel Kitz Spitz 4 325 Ferienhotel Knollhof 4 326 Ferienhotel Kolmhof 4 327 Ferienhotel Krainz 4 328 Ferienhotel Platzlhof 4 329 Ferienhotel Sonnenhof 4 330 Ferienhotel Wörthersee 4 331 Ferienhotels Sonne 4 332 Flachauerhof Hotel 4 333 Flair Hotel Nikolasch 4 334 Fleming's Deluxe 5 335 Four Points by Sheraton Panoramahaus Dornbirn 4 336 Freisitz Roith ‐ Schlosshotel 4 337 Freizeittempel Hotel 4 338 Fremdenverkehrsbetriebe Ges.m.b.H. & Co OHG 4 339 Friesacher 4 340 Furtherwirt 4 341 Gams Genießer und Kuschelhotel 4 342 Garni Pra Monte 4 343 Garten Hotel Ochensberger 4 141
344 Gartenauer 4 345 Gartenhotel & Weingut Pfeffel 4 346 Gartenhotel Gleichenbergerhof ‐ Villa Gleichenberg 4 347 Gartenhotel Kristall 4 348 Gartenhotel Stefanie Fam Witzmann KG 4 349 Gästehaus KLEINDIENST 4 350 Gasthaus zur Schanz 4 351 Gasthof ‐ Hotel Zur Post 4 352 Gasthof Kasino 4 353 Gasthof Klugbauer 4 354 Gasthof Krönele GesmbH 4 355 Gasthof Landhaus Schiffle 4 356 Gasthof Traube 4 357 Gasthof‐Hotel Libellenbräu‐Waschka 4 358 Geigers Lifehotel 4 359 Geisler's Hotel Restaurant**** Rinn/Innsbruck 4 360 Genießerhotel Die Forelle 4 361 Genießerhotel Liebnitzmühle 4 362 Genießerhotel Oberhofer 4 363 Genuss Hotel Metzgerwirt 4 364 Genusshotel Riegersburg 4 365 Germania 4 366 Gesundheitshotel Klosterberg 4 367 Gesundheitsresort ****s Lebensquell 4 368 Gesundheitsresort KÖNIGSBERG Bad Schönau 4 369 Gesundheitszentrum Hotel St. Georg 4 370 Gleiss Vienna Pension 4 371 Gletscherblick 4 372 Gmachl 5 373 Gmachl Romantik Restaurant Hotel 4 374 Goldener Brunnen 4 375 Golf Resort Haugschlag 4 376 Golf‐ u Sporthotel Moarhof 4 377 GoritschniGGs 4 378 Gotthard‐Zeit 4 379 Gourmethotel Deuring Schlössle 4 380 Grand Hotel Europa 5 381 Grand Hotel Lienz 5 382 Grand Hotel Sauerhof 4 383 Grand Hotel Wien 5 384 Grand Hotel Zell Am See 4 142
385 Grand Tirolia Golf & Ski Resort 5 386 Grandhotel NiederATischer Hof 4 387 Greif Familie Pineker 4 388 Grieshof Hotel 4 389 Grossarler Hof 4 390 Gut Brandlhof 4 391 Gut Raunerhof 4 392 Gut Weissenhof 4 393 Gut Wenghof ‐ Family Resort Werfenweng 4 394 H28 Errichtung‐ und BetriebsgmbH & Co KG 4 395 Haidenhof 4 396 Haldenhof 4 397 HANNER 4 398 Harisch Hotel Weisses Rössl 5 399 Harmonie Hotel am See 4 400 Harmony's ‐ Hotel Kirchheimerhof 4 401 Harry's Hotel Home GmbH 4 402 Hartenfels 4 403 Hasenauer 4 404 Häuserl im Wald Seminar‐ u Landhotel Inh Fam Langanger 4 405 Hecher 4 406 Heidi Hotel Falkertsee 4 407 Heiltherme Quellenhotel & Spa Bad Waltersdorf 4 408 Herzoghof 4 409 Himmelreich 4 410 Himmlhof 4 411 Hocheder 4 412 HÖCKNER PLAZA HOTEL 4 413 Holiday Inn Villach 4 414 Hotel ‐ Gasthof Hirschen 4 415 Hotel ‐ Gasthof zum Rössle 4 416 Hotel ‐ Restaurant Konradin 4 417 Hotel & Cafe Feinschmeck 4 418 Hotel & Chalet Bellevue 4 419 Hotel & Gourmetwirtshaus Kirchenwirt seit 1326 4 420 Hotel & Resort Defereggental Superior 4 421 Hotel & Restaurant Iris Porsche 5 422 Hotel & Spa Der Steirerhof 5 423 Hotel & Tennis Riederhof 4 424 Hotel \der Thalerhof\"" 4 425 Hotel \Zum Ritter\"" 4 143
426 Hotel 3 SONNEN 4 427 Hotel Adler 4 428 Hotel Alexander 4 429 Hotel Alexanderhof 4 430 Hotel Almhof 4 431 Hotel Almhof 4 432 Hotel Almrausch 4 433 Hotel Almrösl 4 434 Hotel Alpenfriede 4 435 Hotel Alpengasthof‐Landhotel Hauserbauer 4 436 Hotel Alpenhof 4 437 Hotel Alpenhof 4 438 Hotel Alpenhof 4 439 Hotel Alpenkrone 4 440 Hotel Alpenland 4 441 Hotel Alpenland 4 442 Hotel Alpenland 4 443 Hotel Alpenland 4 444 Hotel Alpenrose 4 445 Hotel Alpenroyal 4 446 Hotel Alpen‐Royal 4 447 Hotel Alpenschlössl 4 448 Hotel Alpenstüble 4 449 Hotel Alphof 4 450 Hotel Alphof 4 451 Hotel Alpin 4 452 Hotel Alpina 4 453 Hotel ALPINA 4 454 Hotel Alte Post 4 455 Hotel Alte Post 4 456 Hotel Alte Schmiede 4 457 Hotel Altmann 4 458 Hotel Andrea 4 459 Hotel Andrea 4 460 Hotel Angela GesmbH 4 461 Hotel Angerer Alm 4 462 Hotel Angerwirt 4 463 Hotel Anita Garni 4 464 Hotel Annelies 4 465 Hotel Antonius 4 466 Hotel Antonius 4 144
467 Hotel Antony 4 468 Hotel Appartementhaus Enzian 4 469 Hotel Arabell 4 470 Hotel Aragia 4 471 Hotel Arlberg 4 472 Hotel Arlberg 5 473 Hotel Arlenburg 4 474 Hotel Arzlerhof 4 475 Hotel Astoria 4 476 Hotel Astoria 4 477 Hotel Astoria 4 478 Hotel Astoria 4 479 Hotel Auenhof 4 480 Hotel Auenhof 4 481 Hotel Aurelio 5 482 Hotel Austria 4 483 Hotel Austria 4 484 HOTEL BARBARAHOF FAM. ECKART 4 485 Hotel Beethoven Wien 4 486 Hotel Berggasthof Winterbauer Johann Eschbacher e.U. 4 487 Hotel Berghof 4 488 HOTEL BERGHOF Burger GmbH 4 489 Hotel Bergland 4 490 Hotel Bergland 4 491 Hotel Bergland A & B Hotelbetriebs GmbH 4 492 Hotel Binggl 4 493 Hotel Binggl 4 494 Hotel Birkenhöhe 4 495 Hotel Bischofmütze 4 496 Hotel Bismarck 4 497 Hotel Blattlhof 4 498 Hotel Brigitte 4 499 Hotel Brückenwirt 4 500 Hotel Central 4 501 Hotel Central 4 502 Hotel Christina 4 503 Hotel Das Moser 4 504 Hotel Dax 4 505 Hotel Der Seehof 4 506 Hotel DIE BARBARA / Appartements ZUR BARBARA 4 507 Hotel Die Forelle 4 145
508 Hotel Dolomitengolf 4 509 Hotel Donauschlinge 4 510 Hotel Dornauhof 4 511 Hotel Dr. Otto Murr 4 512 Hotel Edelweiss 4 513 Hotel Edelweiss 4 514 Hotel Edelweiss 4 515 Hotel Edelweiss & Gurgl 4 516 Hotel Edelweiss Wagrain 4 517 Hotel Edenlehen 4 518 Hotel Elisabeth 4 519 Hotel Elisabeth 4 520 Hotel Elisabeth 4 521 Hotel Enzian 4 522 Hotel Erzberg 4 523 Hotel EUROPÄISCHER HOF 5 524 Hotel Faakersee 4 525 Hotel Felsenhof 4 526 Hotel Felsenhof 4 527 Hotel Ferner's Rosenhof 4 528 Hotel Fischer am See 4 529 Hotel Flattacher Hof 4 530 Hotel Forer 4 531 Hotel Freunde der Natur 4 532 Hotel Furian 4 533 Hotel Gabriela 4 534 Hotel Gamsleiten 4 535 Hotel Garni ‐ Ferienhof 4 536 HOTEL Garni ‐ Loipenhof Claudia & Erich Kowald 4 537 Hotel Garni ‐ Maria Theresia 4 538 Hotel Garni Alpendiamant 4 539 Hotel Garni Alpenhof 4 540 Hotel Garni am Dorfplatz 4 541 Hotel Garni am Sonnberg 4 542 Hotel Garni Christine 4 543 Hotel Garni Colora 4 544 Hotel Garni Daniel 4 545 Hotel Garni Granat 4 546 Hotel Garni Hubertushof 4 547 Hotel Garni Knappaboda 4 548 Hotel Garni Landhaus Säumler 4 146
549 Hotel Garni Montanara 4 550 Hotel Garni Rosanna 4 551 Hotel Garni Sallerhof 4 552 Hotel Garni Schloss St Georgen 4 553 Hotel Garni Schmid 4 554 Hotel Garni Sonne 4 555 Hotel Garni Sonnhof 4 556 Hotel Garni St. Georg 4 557 Hotel Garni Stefanie 4 558 Hotel Garni Tirol Inh Tschiderer Norbert 4 559 Hotel Garni Toscanina 4 560 Hotel Garni Weinquadrat 4 561 Hotel Garni zur Alten Sporgasse 4 562 Hotel Gartnerkofel 4 563 Hotel Gasthaus Stern 4 564 Hotel Gasthaus Wieseneck 4 565 Hotel Gasthof Langwies 4 566 Hotel Gasthof Post 4 567 Hotel Gasthof Post 5 568 Hotel Gasthof Weisser Bär 4 569 Hotel Gasthof Zur Post 4 570 Hotel Gasthof zur Post 4 571 Hotel GERMANIA 4 572 Hotel Gisela 4 573 Hotel Glemmtalerhof 4 574 Hotel Glocknerhof 4 575 Hotel Goies 4 576 Hotel Goldene Krone 4 577 Hotel Goldener Adler 4 578 Hotel Goldener Ochs 4 579 Hotel Goldener Stern 4 580 Hotel Goldenes Schiff 4 581 Hotel Greil 4 582 Hotel Grimmingblick GesmbH 4 583 Hotel Grüner Baum 4 584 Hotel Guggenberger 4 585 Hotel Guggis 4 586 Hotel Guglwald 5 587 Hotel Hahnbaum 4 588 Hotel Happy Filzmoos 4 589 Hotel Hasenwirt 4 147
590 Hotel Haus Barbara Inh. Sager Christian 4 591 Hotel Haus Barbara Inh. Sager Christian 4 592 Hotel Heffterhof 4 593 Hotel Herz Larain 4 594 Hotel Hinterwies 4 595 Hotel Hirlanda 4 596 Hotel Hochschober Fam Leeb & Klein 4 597 Hotel Hubertushof 4 598 Hotel Hubertushof 4 599 Hotel Im Park 4 600 Hotel im Wald Hammerschmiede 4 601 Hotel In Vino Veritas 4 602 Hotel Ischgl 4 603 Hotel Jagdhaus Monzabon 4 604 Hotel Jagdhof 4 605 Hotel Jäger 4 606 Hotel Jenbacher Hof 4 607 Hotel Jenewein 4 608 Hotel Jerzner Hof: Wellnesshotel in Tirol 4 609 HOTEL JOCHBERGERHOF ANNEMARIE EGGER 4 610 Hotel Johanneshof 4 611 Hotel Johanneshof 4 612 Hotel Kaiser 4 613 Hotel Kaiserblick 4 614 Hotel Kaiserhof 5 615 Hotel Kaminstube ‐ Herbert Kössler 4 616 HOTEL KARTAUSE GAMING 4 617 Hotel Katschberghof 4 618 Hotel Kavalier 4 619 Hotel Kertess 4 620 Hotel Kirchlerhof 4 621 Hotel Kitzhof 4 622 Hotel Klockerhof 4 623 Hotel Klosterbräu 5 624 Hotel Klostertaler Hof 4 625 Hotel Kogler 4 626 Hotel Kohlmayr 4 627 Hotel Kongress 4 628 Hotel König 4 629 Hotel König von Ungarn 4 630 HOTEL KÖNIGSLEITEN Fam. Obermoser Michael + Maria 4 148
631 Hotel Krainer 4 632 Hotel Kreinerhof 4 633 Hotel Krimmlerfälle 4 634 Hotel Kristall 4 635 Hotel Kristall 4 636 Hotel Kristall 4 637 Hotel Kristall 4 638 Hotel Kristberg 4 639 Hotel Kristberg 4 640 Hotel Kristiania Lech 5 641 Hotel Krone 4 642 Hotel Krone 4 643 Hotel Krone 4 644 Hotel Krone Fam Nußbaumer 4 645 Hotel KRUTZLER 4 646 Hotel Kurhotel‐Schönheitsfarm Wanzenböck 4 647 Hotel Lamark 4 648 Hotel Landhaus Marchfeld 4 649 Hotel Landhaus Panorama 4 650 Hotel Lärchenhof 4 651 Hotel Lärchenhof 4 652 Hotel Lärchenhof Natur 4 653 Hotel Larimar 4 654 Hotel Lasinga 4 655 Hotel Laterndl Hof 4 656 Hotel Latini 4 657 Hotel Laurenzhof 4 658 Hotel LAVA INN 4 659 Hotel Lebzelter 4 660 Hotel Leitner 4 661 HOTEL LEITNERBRÄU Elisabeth Marschallinger‐Uchann 4 662 Hotel Lerch 4 663 Hotel Lindner 4 664 Hotel Lisa 4 665 Hotel Lumberger Hof 4 666 Hotel Lux Alpinae 4 667 Hotel Mader 4 668 Hotel Madlochblick 4 669 Hotel Mailberger Hof 4 670 Hotel Malerhaus 4 671 Hotel Malteinerhof 4 149
672 Hotel Margarete Maultasch 4 673 Hotel Maria Theresia 4 674 Hotel Maria Theresienhof Loipersdorf 4 675 Hotel Markus Sittikus 4 676 Hotel Marten 4 677 Hotel Martha 4 678 Hotel Maximilian 4 679 Hotel Metzgerwirt 4 680 Hotel Miramonte 4 681 Hotel Mohrenwirt 4 682 Hotel Montafoner Hof 4 683 Hotel Montana 4 684 Hotel Montana 4 685 Hotel Montana 4 686 Hotel Montanara 4 687 Hotel Monte Bianco ‐ Wolf Stefan 4 688 Hotel Moscher 4 689 Hotel Moselebauer 4 690 Hotel Moserhof 4 691 Hotel Mozart 4 692 Hotel Mozart 4 693 Hotel Nagglerhof 4 694 Hotel Nesslerhof 4 695 Hotel Neue Post 4 696 HOTEL NEUE POST GmbH, Best Western 4 697 Hotel Neuwirt 4 698 Hotel Nevada 5 699 Hotel Nibelungenhof 4 700 Hotel Nockalm 4 701 Hotel Noldis 4 702 Hotel Norica 4 703 Hotel NOVOTEL WIEN CITY 4 704 Hotel Nudelbacher Wutti KG 4 705 Hotel Nussbaumhof 4 706 Hotel OASIS Loipersdorf 4 707 Hotel Oberforsthof 5 708 Hotel Olympia 4 709 Hotel Olympia 4 710 Hotel Olympia‐Relax‐Hotel Leonhard Stock 4 711 Hotel Omesberg 4 712 Hotel Pachmair 4 150
713 Hotel Palais Porcia 4 714 Hotel Panorama 4 715 Hotel Panorama 4 716 Hotel Panther 4 717 Hotel Paradies 4 718 Hotel Park Villa 4 719 Hotel Parkschlössl 4 720 Hotel Pazanella GmbH 4 721 Hotel Pehab ‐ Kirchenwirt Fam. Matthias u. Gabriele Prugger 4 722 Hotel Pension Alpenhof St. Georg 4 723 Hotel Pension Ramerhof 4 724 Hotel Pension Walzerstadt 4 725 Hotel Pertschy 4 726 Hotel Peter 4 727 Hotel Pfeifer 4 728 Hotel Pfleger 4 729 Hotel Pirchner Hof GesmbH & Co KG 4 730 Hotel Piz Buin 4 731 Hotel Plankenhof 4 732 Hotel Plattenhof 4 733 Hotel Plattenwirt 4 734 Hotel Platzer GmbH 4 735 Hotel Pongauerhof 4 736 Hotel Post 4 737 Hotel Post 4 738 Hotel Post 4 739 Hotel Post 4 740 Hotel Post 4 741 Hotel Post 4 742 Hotel Post 4 743 Hotel Postwirt 4 744 Hotel Pramstraller 4 745 Hotel Prechtlhof 4 746 Hotel Prielmayerhof 4 747 Hotel Puint 4 748 Hotel Quellenhof 4.5 749 Hotel Reitlwirt 4 750 Hotel Restaurant Landhof Irschen 4 751 Hotel Restaurant Öhlknechthof 4 752 Hotel Restaurant Pöllmann 4 753 Hotel Restaurant Rumer Hof**** 4 151
754 Hotel Restaurant Schloß Mühldorf 4 755 Hotel Restaurant Stainzerhof 4 756 Hotel Restaurant Staribacher 4 757 Hotel Restaurant Traube 4 758 Hotel Restaurant Untersberg 4 759 Hotel Restaurant Walserwirt 4 760 Hotel Restaurant zum Schwan 4 761 Hotel Ried 4 762 Hotel Riezler Hof 4 763 Hotel Rita 4 764 Hotel Robinson Club Schlanitzen Alm 4 765 Hotel Röck 4 766 Hotel Roomz Vienna by Budget Design Hotel 4 767 Hotel Rose 4 768 Hotel Rose 4 769 Hotel Rosengarten 4 770 Hotel Rosenvilla 4 771 Hotel Rösslhof 4 772 Hotel Rotlechhof 4 773 Hotel Rundeck 4 774 Hotel Rustika 4 775 Hotel Saalbacher Hof 4 776 Hotel Sacher Salzburg 5 777 Hotel Sägerhof 4 778 Hotel Sailer 4 779 Hotel Salnerhof 4 780 Hotel Salzburg 4 781 Hotel Salzburger Hof 5 782 Hotel Salzburgerhof 4 783 Hotel Sammer 4 784 Hotel San Marco 4 785 Hotel Schachner Krone und Kaiserhof 4 786 Hotel Schattauer 4 787 Hotel Scherer 4 788 Hotel Schermer 4.5 789 Hotel Schick 4 790 Hotel Schild 4 791 Hotel Schloss Seefels 5 792 Hotel Schlosshotel Post Edelfreisitz Sprengenstein 4 793 Hotel Schmelzhof 4 794 Hotel Schneider 4 152
795 Hotel Schonblick 4 796 Hotel Schönblick 4 797 Hotel Schönruh 4 798 Hotel Schütterhof 4 799 Hotel Schwarzbrunn 4 800 HOTEL SCHWARZER ADLER 4 801 Hotel Schwarzer Adler 4 802 Hotel Schwarzwand 4 803 Hotel Seefelderhof 4 804 Hotel Seehof 5 805 Hotel Seelos 4 806 Hotel Seerose 4 807 Hotel Seespitz 4 808 Hotel Seespitz 4 809 Hotel Seethurn 4 810 Hotel Seevilla 4 811 Hotel Seewirt 4 812 Hotel Seewirt & Haus Attila Andreas Karner 4 813 Hotel Serles 4 814 Hotel Sieghard 4 815 Hotel Solaria 4 816 Hotel Solstein 4 817 Hotel Sommerhaus 4 818 Hotel Sonnalm 4 819 Hotel Sonnblick 4 820 Hotel Sonnenburg 4 821 Hotel Sonnenhof 4 822 Hotel Sonnenpark 4 823 Hotel Sonnenpark 4 824 Hotel Sonnenspitze 4 825 Hotel Sonnhof 4 826 Hotel Sonnhof 4 827 Hotel s'Schloessl im Park 4 828 Hotel St Georg 4 829 Hotel St Peter de luxe 4 830 Hotel St. Virgil Salzburg 4 831 Hotel Stacklerhof 4 832 Hotel Stefan 4 833 Hotel Stefanie 4 834 Hotel Steiger GmbH 4 835 Hotel Stein 4 153
836 Hotel Steinbock 4 837 Hotel Steiner 4 838 Hotel Steinschaler Hof 4 839 Hotel Stenitzer 4 840 Hotel Stern 4 841 Hotel Stolz 4 842 Hotel Streklhof 4 843 Hotel Stubaier Hof Gmbh 4 844 Hotel SURSILVA 4 845 Hotel Tauernhof 4 846 Hotel Taurerwirt Vital‐ u Wanderhotel 4 847 Hotel Tennerhof 5 848 Hotel Theresia 4 849 Hotel Thermenhof Paierl 4 850 Hotel Tia Monte 4 851 Hotel Tirol 4 852 Hotel Toalstock 4 853 Hotel TOPAZZ 5 854 Hotel Triest 4 855 Hotel Tschirgantblick 4 856 Hotel Tuxertal 4.5 857 Hotel Tyrol 4 858 Hotel Tyrol 4 859 Hotel Tyrol 4 860 Hotel Tyrol 4 861 Hotel Tyrol 4 862 Hotel Tyrolerhof 4 863 Hotel Tyrolis 4 864 Hotel Übergossene Alm 4 865 Hotel Ulli 4 866 HOTEL UNTERBRUNN Gästehaus & Apartments 4 867 Hotel Valülla 4 868 Hotel Venetblick 4 869 Hotel Verwall 4 870 HOTEL VERWALL 4 871 Hotel Via Salina 4 872 Hotel Viehhauser 4 873 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten 4 874 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten 4 875 Hotel Villa Rainer 4 876 HOTEL Villla Flora 4 154
877 Hotel Vista Allegra 4 878 Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof 4 879 Hotel Vitalquelle Gauenstein 4 880 Hotel Völserhof 4 881 Hotel Waidmannsheil 4 882 Hotel Waldfriede 4 883 Hotel Waldheim 4 884 Hotel Waldheimathof 4 885 Hotel Waldhof 4 886 Hotel Walliserhof 4 887 Hotel Walserberg 4 888 Hotel Wandl 4 889 Hotel Weber 4 890 Hotel Weinlandhof 4 891 Hotel Weisses Kreuz 4 892 Hotel Wiesler 5 893 Hotel Wilder Mann 4 894 Hotel Wilhelmshof 4 895 Hotel Winzer 4 896 Hotel Wolf 4 897 Hotel Zauchenseehof 4 898 Hotel Zentral 4 899 Hotel zu den 5 Lärchen 4 900 Hotel Zum Brauhaus GmbH 4 901 Hotel Zum DOM 4 902 Hotel Zum Goldener Hirsch 4 903 Hotel Zum Hirschen 4 904 Hotel zur Post 4 905 Hotel‐Cafe‐Restaurant Troschana 4 906 Hotel‐Frühstückspension Goldener Engel 4 907 Hotel‐Garni Erika 4 908 Hotel‐Gasthof PURNER 4 909 Hotel‐Gasthof Seiwald 4 910 Hotel‐Pension Edelweiss 4 911 Hotel‐Pension Schneider 4 912 Hotel‐Pension Seehof Fam Heinz Schratt 4 913 Hotel‐Pension St Leonhard 4 914 Hotel‐Restaurant Adler 4 915 Hotel‐Restaurant Brauner Hirsch 4 916 Hotel‐Restaurant Hubertus Hof 4 917 Hotel‐Restaurant Karl u Rudolf Obauer 4 155
918 Hotel‐Restaurant Salzburger Stubn 4 919 Hotel‐Restaurant Seewirt 4 920 Hotel‐Restaurant Sportalm 4 921 HOTEL‐RESTAURANT STEIRERLAND ‐ Inh. Fam. Stelzer 4 922 Huber's Boutique Hotel 4 923 IFA Alpenhof Wildental 4 924 Impuls Hotel Tirol 4 925 Inntaler Hof 4 926 Inselhotel Faaker See 4 927 Interalpen Hotel Tyrol 5 928 InterCityHotel 4 929 Jagdhof Relais & Chateaux SPA‐Hotel 5 930 Kaiser von AT ‐ Historik‐ u Thermalhotel 4 931 Kaysers Tirol Resort 4 932 Kielhuberhof ‐ Alexander Tritscher 4 933 Kinderhotel Appelhof 4 934 Kinderhotel Felben‐Scharler GmbH&CoKG 4 935 Kinderhotel Ramsi Erlebniswelt 4 936 Kinderhotel SEMI GmbH 4 937 Kinderhotel St. Zeno 4 938 KIWANO Asia Restaurant & Hotel 4 939 Klammer's Kärnten 4 940 Kleines Hotel Kärnten 4 941 Kneipp‐Kurhaus Marienkron 4 942 Kulinarik & Genießerhotel Alpin 4 943 Kunst & Kultur Seminarhotel 4 944 Kurhotel Leonardo GmbH 4 945 La Pura Women's Health Resort 4 946 Landgraf Hotel & Loft 4 947 Landgraf Hotel & Loft 4 948 Landhaus Amadeus 4 949 Landhaus Ramsau 4 950 Landhotel Älpili 4 951 Landhotel Das Traunsee 4.5 952 Landhotel Gut Sonnberghof 4 953 Landhotel Lindenhof 4 954 Landhotel Lindenhof 4 955 Landhotel Rosentaler Hof 4 956 Landhotel Schützenhof 4 957 Landhotel Untermüllnergut 4 958 Landsitz Römerhof 4 156
959 Life & Spa Hotel Stefanie 4 960 LOISIUM Wine & Spa Resort Langenlois 4 961 Marco Polo Alpina Familien‐ & Sporthotel 4 962 MAVIDA Balance Hotel & Spa 4 963 Mayrhofer Ges.m.b.H. 4 964 MILDERER HOF 4 965 Moorheilbad Harbach Hotelbetrieb GmbH & Co KG 4 966 Mountain Resort Feuerberg 4 967 Naturhotel Taleu 4 968 Naturhotel Waldklause 4 969 Naturresort Senningerhof 4 970 NH Wien 4 971 Palais‐Hotel Erzherzog Johann 4 972 Pannonia Tower 4 973 Panoramahof Loipersdorf 4 974 Park Hotel Styria 4 975 Park Inn Uno City, Wien 4 976 Parkhotel Hall 4 977 Parkhotel Igls ‐ Gesundheit im Zentrum, Gesundheitszentrum Igls GmbH 4 978 Parkhotel Matrei ‐ Familie Obojes 4 979 Parkhotel Tristachersee GmbH 4 980 Pension Planai Blick‐Ruf KG 4 981 Pichlmayrgut 4 982 Posthotel 4 983 Posthotel Kassl 4 984 Posthotel Rössle 4 985 Puchas Plus garni **** 4 986 Rathaus Wein & Design 4 987 Reiters Allegria **** 4 988 Reiters Supreme ***** 5 989 Renaissancehotel Raffelsberger Hof 4 990 RETTER Seminar Hotel Restaurant 4 991 Revita Hotel Kocher 4 992 Rickatschwende Gesundheitszentrum 4 993 Robinson Austria Clubhotel GmbH ‐ Robinson Club Ampflwang 4 994 Romantik‐ & Genusshotel Wastlwirt 4 995 Romantik Hotel Das Schiff 4 996 Romantik Hotel Neuwirt 4 997 Romantik Hotel Spielmann 4 998 Romantik Hotel Traube 4 999 Romantik Parkhotel 4 157
1000 Romantikhotel Im Weißen Rössl 4 1001 ROMANTIKHOTEL KRONE 5 1002 Scalaria 4 1003 Schlank Schlemmer Hotel Kürschner 4 1004 Schloss Fuschl Resort 5 1005 Schlosshotel Dörflinger 4 1006 Schlosshotel Iglhauser 4 1007 Schlosshotel Romantica 4 1008 Schlosshotel Rosenegg 4 1009 Schlosshotel Seewirt GmbH 4 1010 Schlössl ‐ Hotel ‐ Kindl 4 1011 Schwärzler Hotel Neutor 4 1012 Seehaus Jamek 4 1013 Seehotel Dr Jilly 4 1014 Seehotel Herlinde 4 1015 Seehotel Porcia 4 1016 Seehotel Ressmann 4 1017 Seeschlössl Velden 4 1018 Seminar‐Park‐Hotel Hirschwang 4 1019 Seminar‐Park‐Hotel Hirschwang 4 1020 Sheraton Fuschlsee ‐ Salzburg Hotel Jagdhof 4 1021 Singer Sporthotel & SPA 4 1022 Sonne Lifestyle Resort 4 1023 Sonnelino Baby‐ u Kinderhotel 4 1024 Sonnenhof 4 1025 Sport & Vital Hotel Seppl 4 1026 Sport‐ und Seminarhotel Hollabrunn 4 1027 Sport Vital Hotel Central 4 1028 Sporthotel Enzian 4 1029 Sporthotel Glockenhof 4 1030 Sporthotel Kirchler 4 1031 Sporthotel Krone 4 1032 Sporthotel Matschner 4 1033 Sporthotel Neustift 4 1034 Sporthotel Royer 4 1035 Sporthotel Schönruh 4 1036 Sporthotel St. Anton 4 1037 Sporthotel Steffisalp 4 1038 Sportiv‐Hotel Mittagskogel 4 1039 Stadthotel Schärding 4 1040 Stadt‐Hotel Styria HotelbetriebsgesmbH 4 158
1041 Starlight Suite Hotel Wien Salzgries 4 1042 Steinhauser Eva‐Maria Erholungshotel Kaltenhauser 4 1043 Sternen Hotel 4 1044 Strandhotel Faak 4 1045 Strandhotel Prüller 4 1046 Talhof 4 1047 The Hotel ‐ himmlisch wohlfühlen 4 1048 The Penz Hotel 4 1049 The Ring ‐ Vienna's Casual Luxury Hotel 5 1050 Thermal Badhotel Kirchler 4 1051 Thermalhotel Leitner 4 1052 Thermen‐ & Vitalhotel ****S Bad Tatzmannsdorf 4 1053 Thermen‐ & Vitalhotel Superior Bad Tatzmannsdorf 4 1054 Thermenhof ‐ Loipersdorf 4 Sterne Hotel Pension 4 1055 Thermenhotel Emmaquelle 4 1056 Thermenhotel Radkersburger Hof 4 1057 Thermenhotel Ronacher 5 1058 Thermenhotel Vier Jahreszeiten 4 1059 Thermenhotel Vier Jahreszeiten, Therme Loipersdorf 4 1060 Tourotel Mariahilf 4 1061 Villa Angela 4 1062 Villa Solitude 4 1063 Vital Center Felbermayer 4 1064 Vitalhotel Glocknerhof 4 1065 Vitalhotel Saliter Hof 4 1066 Waldschloss 4 1067 Waldschloss 4 1068 Wander‐Vitalhotel Steirerhof 4 1069 Weinhof Kappel Familie Kappel 4 1070 Weinresidenz Sonnleitner 4 1071 Wellness‐ & Familienhotel Alpenrose 4 1072 Wellnesshotel Schönruh 4 1073 Werzer's Hotel Resort Portschach 4 1074 Winzerhof Hödl 4 1075 Winzerhotel Vöhringer 4 1076 Wörthersee‐Residenz Gatternig 4 1077 Zentral‐Sporthotel Kasper 4 159
Hotel chains:
Source http://www.lookingforbooking.co.uk/hotel-chains/austria.asp
No Name 1 A&O Hotels and Hostels Link http://www.aohostels.com/
2 Accor Hotels http://www.accorhotels.com/
3 Achat Hotels http://www.achat‐hotels.com/
4 Advena https://www.advenahotels.com/
5 Akzent Hotels http://www.akzent.de/
6 Amedia http://amediahotels.com/
7 Arcotel http://www.arcotelhotels.com/
8 Austria Trend Hotels http://www.austria‐trend.at/
9 Best Western http://www.bestwestern.com/
10 Courtyard http://www.marriott.com/courtyard/
11 CPH Hotels http://cph‐hotels.com/
12 Crowne Plaza http://www.crowneplaza.com/
13 DeltaHotels https://www.deltahotels.com/
14 Derag Hotels https://www.deraghotels.de/
15 Dorint http://www.dorint.com/
16 Eurostars Hotels http://www.eurostarshotels.com/
17 Falkensteiner http://www.falkensteiner.com/
18 Flair http://www.flairhotel.com/
19 Flemings http://www.flemings‐hotels.com/
20 Four Points by Starwood http://www.starwoodhotels.com/fourpoints/
21 Golden Tulip http://www.goldentulip.com/
22 Greenline http://www.greenline‐hotels.de/
23 Hilton http://www.hilton.com/
24 Holiday Inn http://www.holidayinn.com/
25 Ibis http://www.ibis.com/
26 Ibis Budget Hotels http://ibisbudgethotel.ibis.com/
27 Ibis Styles http://ibisstyleshotel.ibis.com/
28 Intercity Hotel http://en.intercityhotel.com/
29 InterContinental http://www.ihg.com/intercontinental/
30 JJW Hotels & Resorts http://www.jjwhotels.com/
31 K+K Hotels http://www.kkhotels.com/
32 Kempinski http://www.kempinski.com/
33 Kyriad Prestige Hotels http://www.kyriad.com/
34 Le Meridien http://www.starwoodhotels.com/lemeridien/
35 Lindner http://www.lindner.de/
36 Luxury by Starwood http://www.starwoodhotels.com/luxury/
37 Marriott Hotels http://www.marriot.com/
38 Mercure http://www.mercure.com/
39 Mercure http://www.mercure.com/
40 Mgallery http://www.mgallery.com/
41 Minotel http://www.minotel.com/
42 Motel One http://www.motel‐one.com/
43 Novotel http://www.novotel.com/
44 Park Inn http://www.parkinn.com/
45 Penta Hotels http://www.pentahotels.com/
46 Radisson Blu http://www.radissonblu.com/
47 Reails du Silence http://www.relaisdusilence.com/
48 Relais & Chateux http://www.relaischateaux.com/
49 Renaissance http://renaissance‐hotels.marriott.com/
50 Ritz Carlton http://www.ritzcarlton.com/
51 Romantik Hotel http://www.romantikhotels.com/
52 Sheraton by Starwood http://www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton/
53 Sofitel http://www.sofitel.com/
54 Star In Hotels http://starinnhotels.com/
55 Steifenberger http://en.steigenberger.com/
56 Suit Novotel http://www.suitenovotel.com/
57 Swiss Quality Hotels http://www.swissqualityhotels.com/
58 VCH Hotels http://www.vch.de/
Destination sites:
1 TVB Achensee http://www.achensee.info 2 TVB Tiroler Oberland http://www.tiroleroberland.at 3 TVB Wilder Kaiser http://www.wilderkaiser.info 4 TVB Zell‐Gerlos, Zillertal Arena http://www.zillertalarena.com 5 TVB Tannheimer Tal http://www.tannheimertal.com 6 TVB Wipptal http://www.wipptal.at 7 TVB Wildschönau http://www.wildschoenau.com 8 TVB Tux ‐ Finkenberg http://www.tux.at 9 TVB Tirol West http://www.tirolwest.at 10 TVB Tiroler Zugspitz Arena http://www.zugspitzarena.com 11 TVB St.Anton am Arlberg http://www.stantonamarlberg.com 12 TVB Stubai Tirol http://www.stubai.at 13 TVB Silberregion Karwendel http://www.silberregion‐karwendel.com 14 TVB Serfaus‐Fiss‐Ladis http://www.serfaus‐fiss‐ladis.at 15 TVB Seefeld http://www.seefeld.com 16 TVB Region Hall ‐ Wattens http://www.hall‐wattens.at 161
17 TVB Pitztal http://www.pitztal.com 18 TVB Paznaun ‐ Ischgl http://www.paznaun‐ischgl.com 19 TVB Ötztal Tourismus http://www.oetztal.com 20 TVB Pillerseetal (*) http://www.pillerseetal.at 21 TVB Osttirol http://www.osttirol.com 22 TVB Lechtal http://www.Lechtal.at 23 TVB Naturparkregion Reutte http://www.reutte.com 24 TVB Mayrhofen http://www.mayrhofen.at 25 TVB Kitzbühel Tourismus http://www.kitzbuehel.com 26 TVB Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer http://www.innsbruck.info 27 TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen ‐ St.Johann i.T. (*) http://www.kitzalps.cc 28 TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen ‐ Brixental (*) http://www.kitzbuehel‐alpen.com 29 TVB Imst Tourismus http://www.imst.at 30 TVB Kaiserwinkl http://www.kaiserwinkl.com 31 TVB Ferienregion Hohe Salve (*) http://www.hohe‐salve.com 32 TVB Ferienland Kufstein http://www.kufstein.com 33 TVB Erste Ferienregion im Zillertal http://www.best‐of‐zillertal.at 34 TVB Alpbachtal und Tiroler Seenland http://www.alpbachtal.at (*) have a single web domain, same presentation formats and layouts
Review channels
No Name link 1 Holiday Check http://www.holidaycheck.de/ 2 TripAdvisor http://www.tripadvisor.com/
3 Tripwolf http://www.tripwolf.com/
4 Yelp http://www.yelp.at/ Booking channels
No Name link 1 Booking.com http://www.booking.com/
2 Ebookers http://www.ebookers.at/
3 Expedia http://www.expedia.at/
4 Hotels.com http://hotels.com/
5 HRS http://www.hrs.com/
APPENDIX II: List of channels:
No Channel Link 1 Blog n/a 2 500px http://500px.com
3 App.net https://join.app.net/ 4 bitly https://bitly.com/ 5 blink(1) https://ifttt.com/blink1
6 Blogger http://www.blogger.com/ 7 Booking.com http://www.booking.com 8 Box https://www.box.com/
9 Boxcar http://boxcar.io/ 10 Boxoh Package Tracking http://www.boxoh.com/
11 Buffer http://bufferapp.com/
12 BuzzFeed http://www.buzzfeed.com/
13 Campfire https://campfirenow.com/
14 Craigslist http://www.craigslist.org
15 Date & Time https://ifttt.com/date_and_time
16 Delicious https://delicious.com/ 17 Diigo https://www.diigo.com/ 18 Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/
19 Email n/a 20 ESPN http://espn.go.com/
21 Etsy http://www.etsy.com/
22 Evernote https://evernote.com/intl/de/
23 Facebook www.facebook.com 24 Facebook Pages https://www.facebook.com/pages/
25 Feed n/a 26 Feedly http://feedly.com
27 ffffound! http://ffffound.com/
28 Flickr http://www.flickr.com/
29 Foursquare http://www.foursquare.com 30 Gmail http://mail.google.com/
31 Google Calendar https://www.google.com/calendar/
32 Google Drive https://drive.google.com/
33 Google Hangouts http://www.google.at/hangouts/
34 google Hotelfinder 35 google Map 36 google Places https://www.google.com/hotels/ http://maps.google.com http://www.google.com/business/placesforbusiness/ 163
37 google+ 38 google+ Pages/Business http://plus.google.com www.google.com/+/business 39 Holidaycheck www.holidaycheck.de 40 HootSuite https://hootsuite.com/
41 IFTTT https://hootsuite.com/
42 instagram http://Instagram.com 43 Instapaper http://www.instapaper.com/
44 IOS Contacts n/a 45 IOS Photos n/a 46 IOS Reminders n/a 47 JetSetMe http://www.jetsetme.com/
48 Last.fm http://www.lastfm.de/
49 LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/ 50 Lonleyplanet http://www.lonelyplanet.com/ 51 MySpace http://myspace.com/ 52 Phlips hue http://www.meethue.com/
53 Phone Call n/a 54 Picasa http://picasa.google.com/ 55 Pinboard https://pinboard.in/
56 Pinterest 57 Pocket www.pinterest.com http://getpocket.com/
58 Pushover https://pushover.net/
59 Readability https://www.readability.com/
60 Salesforce Chatter https://www.salesforce.com/chatter/overview/
61 SkyDrive https://skydrive.live.com/
62 SmartThings http://smartthings.com/news/ifttt/
63 SMS n/a 64 SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/
65 squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/ 66 Stocks http://finance.yahoo.com/
67 Storify http://storify.com/
68 Surfline http://www.surfline.com/
69 Svpply http://svpply.com/
70 The New York Times http://nytimes.com/
71 Tripadvisor www.tripadvisor.com 72 Tripwolf 73 tumblr 74 Twitter 75 UP by Jawbone http://www.tripwolf.com/ http://tumblr.com/
http://www.twitter.com/ https://jawbone.com/up
76 vimeo www.vimeo.com 77 Weather http://weather.yahoo.com/
78 WeMo Light Switch http://www.belkin.com/wemo/
79 WeMo Motion http://www.belkin.com/wemo/
80 WeMo Switch http://www.belkin.com/wemo/
81 Wikipedia www.wikipedia.org 82 Wikitravel http://wikitravel.org/ 83 Withings http://www.withings.com/
84 WordPress http://wordpress.org/
85 Yahoo!Fantasy Sports http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/
86 Yammer http://yammer.com/
87 Yelp http://www.yelp.com/ 88 youtube 89 Zootool http://www.youtube.com/ http://zootool.com/
APPENDIX III: Full list of channels:
Social Network Sites
No Name Link Description 1 A97abi http://www.a97abi.com/ "A97abi.com, Arabic Social Network, find your school, work, and university's friends." 2 Academia.edu http://www.academia.edu/ "Academia.edu is a free social networking website and collaboration tool aimed at academics and researchers from all fields. Launched in September 2008, it became one of the largest social networking sites for academics in 2010.[1] It has been called a "Geni‐portal for researchers".
Though the site bears a ".edu" domain, it does not qualify for this status under Educause's existing policies allowing only "U.S. postsecondary institutions that are institutionally accredited by an agency on the U.S. Department of Education's list of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies."The domain was registered in 1999 and grandfathered in.""
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academia.edu 166
3 Advogato http://www.advogato.org/ "Advogato is an online community and social networking site dedicated to free software development, and was created by Raph Levien. It describes itself as "the free software developer's advocate." Advogato was an early pioneer of blogs, formerly known as "online diaries", and one of the earliest social networking websites. Advogato combined the most recent entries from each user's diary together into a single continuous feed called the recentlog, directly inspiring the creation of the Planet aggregator somewhat later.Several high profile members of the free software and open source software movements are or have been users of the site including Richard M. Stallman, Eric Raymond, Alan Cox, Bruce Perens, and Jamie Zawinski. Because Advogato was the first website to use a robust, attack‐resistant trust metric and to release the underlying code for that trust mechanism under a free software license, it has been the basis of numerous research papers on trust metrics and social networking (see the list below for specific examples). Advogato's early adoption of an XML‐RPC interface led to its use as an example of how such interfaces could be used by web programmers.[2] Advogato is still used as a testbed for social networking and semantic web technologies. Tim Berners‐Lee, who is an Advogato user himself, included Advogato in a short list of sites that should be noted for their early adoption of the FOAF as a method of exporting user RDF URIs." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advogato 4 aero http://www.aerosocial.com/ "aero is a social network where you can meet people, make friends, share photos, chat, participate in groups, post classifieds and much more" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/aerosocial 5 Aka‐aki http://www.aka‐aki.com/ "aka‐aki brings social networking, as you know it from the internet, out on to the street. With aka‐aki on your mobile phone you can see the people who are near you. You can view their profiles (photos, mutual friends and much more) and send them aki mails (messages). aka‐aki counts how often you bump into another aka‐aki member. On the profile of another user you can see how many encounters you've already had with him or her – you will be amazed how many friends flit past without you noticing!" http://akaaki.zendesk.com/entries/159745‐
faq‐general 167
6 aNobii http://www.anobii.com "aNobii is a social networking site aimed at readers. It was acquired by HMV Group in 2010 from a private company owned by Greg Sung, based in Hong Kong. The service allows individuals to catalogue their books and rate, review and discuss them with other readers. The service is available via the aNobii website and iPhone and Android apps. The apps allow individuals to barcode scan books and read both community and expert reviews.
aNobii has readers in over 20 countries, but is most popular in Italy. On March 2, 2011 it was announced that in 2010 aNobii had been acquired by a UK startup led by HMV Group and supported by HarperCollins, Penguin and The Random House Group and that the company is working on a new version of the website with possibility to buy books and most of all ebooks.[1]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANobii 7 Armenix http://armenix.com/ "Armenix is the first Armenian microblogging service." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/armenix 8 Arto http://www.arto.com/ "On Arto you can share pictures, videos, create friendbooks, make a blog and much more. You can participate in fun quizzes, interesting threads in the forum and join thousands of groups or try some of the fun games." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/arto 9 AsianAvenue http://www.asianave.com/ "AsianAve or Asian Avenue is a social networking website targeted to the Asian American community." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AsianAvenue 10 aSmallWorld http://www.asmallworld.net/ "aSmallWorld is an on‐line social network service similar to XING, and LinkedIn. It is an exclusive (i.e. invitation‐
only) network with roughly 770,000 members…" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASmallWorld 11 Athlinks http://www.athlinks.com/ "Athlinks is a free‐of‐charge social networking website which primarily presents race results for running, swimming, cycling, mountain biking, triathlon, and adventure racing." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athlinks 168
12 Audimated.com http://www.audimated.com/ "Audimated is a social networking website for independent musicians and their fans. Audimated.com, which launched in June 2010, offers a platform in which both artists and fans can sell music and related products to make a profit." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audimated 13 Avatars United http://secondlife.com/ "Avatars United was a web community for avatars of online games and virtual worlds. It was launched in March 2008 by Sweden‐based Enemy Unknown and closed in October 2010. It is currently owned by Linden Lab." 14 Badoo http://www.badoo.com "Badoo is a multi‐lingual social networking website,... Although available in most of the world, the site is most active in Latin America, Spain, Italy and France.... Badoo ranks as the 52nd most popular site in France and the 150th globally, according to Alexa Internet.... In a peer‐
reviewed study,... it was given the lowest score for privacy among 45 social networking sites examined." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badoo 15 Bebo http://www.bebo.com "Bebo (pronounced bee‐boh) is a social networking website launched in July 2005. ...
The website's name is an acronym for Blog Early, Blog Often.[4] Users receive a personal profile page where they can post blogs, photographs, music, videos and questionnaires to which other users may answer. Additionally, users may add others as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Bebo is very similar to other social networking sites, mainly Facebook." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bebo 16 Bebo http://www.bebo.com/ "Allows users to share photos with music, and blogs, and draw on members' White Boards." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/bebo 17 BIGADDA http://www.bigadda.com "BIGADDA is a social networking website belonging to the internet and new media vertical of Reliance Entertainment, part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. It claims to be the largest and the fastest growing youth networking site in India." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIGADDA 169
18 BiggerPockets http://www.biggerpockets.com/lin
ks "BiggerPockets is a leading real estate social network and resource platform, where users can also share links to interesting articles, blogs, etc." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/biggerpockets 19 Biip.no http://www.biip.no/ "Biip.no is the third largest Internet‐based community in Norway (after Facebook and Nettby) with more than 320,000 users and profiles (as of May 5, 2008). ... Users use nicknames instead of real names. Users' profiles are visible to all other users." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biip.no 20 BlackPlanet http://www.blackplanet.com/ "BlackPlanet is an African‐American community website, or Social Network Site (SNS), and started as a place for matchmaking and job postings but also has forums for discussion on political and social issues." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackPlanet 21 Blauk http://www.blauk.com/ "Blauk.com is a microblogging website that lets users to express their thoughts to a stranger or acquaintance they see everyday at public places.[3] Blauk.com ensures that the people being talked about can read these thoughts and allows people to read what strangers think of them. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blauk 22 Blogster http://www.blogster.com "Blogster is a blogging community that features specific‐
interest blogs. Blogster maintains an online community of users who publish content, images, video and more. Blogster members can network and collaborate by creating a blog, building a personalized profile, creating friend lists, commenting on articles and interacting in an online community. Blogster is positioned on simplicity, and easy‐to‐use settings options. Compared to other blogging services, Blogster differentiates itself as having spam‐free blogs." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogster 23 Buzznet http://www.buzznet.com/ "Buzznet is a photo, journal, and video‐sharing social media network, owned by Buzz Media. Like other social networking sites, Buzznet is a platform for members to share content based on their personal interests. Unlike classic social networking sites, which focus primarily on messaging and profile pages, Buzznet members participate in communities that are created around ideas, events and interests, most predominantly music, 170
celebrities, and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzznet media." 24 Buzzzy http://buzzzy.com/
"The Buzz It button is the most powerful Google Buzz share button since it is built on the Search API from http://Buzzzy.com ‐ the first 3rd party search engine for Google Buzz." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/buzzzy 25 CafeMom http://www.cafemom.com/ "CafeMom is an ad‐supported social networking site which is specificially targeted at mothers and mothers to be. It was founded in 2006 by Andrew Shue and Michael Sanchez. Within one year of its launch, CafeMom became the most trafficked website for women (by page views) on the Internet, according to comScore" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CafeMom 26 Camyoo http://www.camyoo.com/
"Camyoo is a photo and video sharing site devoted to all the picture and video takers, lovers and critics!" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/camyoo 27 Care2 http://www.care2.com/ "Care2 is a social network website that was founded by Randy Paynter in 1998[1] to help connect activists from around the world. It has a membership of approximately 16 million people. Care2's stated mission is to help people make the world a better place by connecting them with the individuals, organizations and responsible businesses making an impact." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Care2 171
28 CaringBridge http://www.caringbridge.org/ "CaringBridge is a charitable nonprofit organization offering free personalized websites to people facing a serious medical condition or hospitalization, undergoing medical treatment and/or recovering from a significant accident, illness, injury or procedure[1]. Its functionality is similar to a blog. The service allows family members and friends to receive consistent information via a single website, and eliminates the need to place and receive numerous telephone calls. Visitors who are provided the personal Website address (or URL) and password, if required, can read updates on the patient's condition and post their own messages of support and encouragement to the family." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CaringBridge#External_links 29 Cellufun http://m.cellufun.com/ "Cellufun is a mobile social and gaming community where people meet and play social games." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellufun 30 ClassicalPlace http://www.classicalplace.com/
31 Classmates.com http://www.classmates.com/ "ClassicalPlace is the social network dedicated to classical music that allows you to share and communicate with artists around the world." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/classicalplace "Classmates.com is a social network service created in 1995 by Randy Conrads who founded Classmates Online, Inc. The social media website was originally designed to assist members in finding friends and acquaintances from kindergarten, primary school, high school, college, work and the United States military. In 2010, CEO Mark Goldston described the transition of the website "to increasingly focus on nostalgic content" such as "high school yearbooks, movie trailers, music tracks, and photographic images."[3] To this end, and to appeal more to older users, the website name was changed to Memory Lane, which included a website redesign." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classmates.com 172
32 Cloob http://www.cloob.com/ "Cloob.com is a Persian‐language social networking website, mainly popular in Iran. After the locally (and internationally) popular social networking website Orkut was blocked by the Iranian government, a series of local sites and networks, including Cloob, emerged to fill the gap. Its main page contains the title Iranian Virtual Society and states that all content is controlled in accordance with Iranian law, a policy intended to lower the risk of government censorship. It has an invite‐only registration system." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloob 33 Cndig http://www.cndig.org/
"Your Source for Social News and Networking." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/cndig 34 Communicate http://www.technerd.com/
"A great way to share new technology and ideas" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/technerd 35 CouchSurfing http://www.couchsurfing.org/ "CouchSurfing is a hospitality exchange network and website. With almost 2.8 million members in 246 countries and territories, …" 36 CozyCot http://www.cozycot.com/ "CozyCot is a social networking website for women from East Asia and Southeast Asia (especially Singapore). " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CozyCot 37 Cross.tv http://www.cross.tv/ "Cross.tv is a Christian social networking website, similar to facebook and myspace" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross.tv 38 Crunchyroll http://www.crnuchytroll.com/ "Crunchyroll is an American website and international online community focused on streaming East Asian media including anime, manga, music, electronic entertainment, and auto racing content." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crunchyroll 39 Cyworld http://www.cyworld.com.cn/ "Cyworld (Hangul: 싸이월드) is a South Korean social network service operated by SK Communications (Hangul: SK커뮤니케이션즈),[1] a subsidiary of SK Telecom (Hangul: SK텔레콤)." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyworld 173
40 DailyBooth http://www.dailybooth.com/ "DailyBooth is a photoblogging website designed for users to take a photo of themselves every day with a caption, in order to document and share their life with others, thus the slogan "your life in pictures." It is similar to social‐
networking websites such as Twitter in that you can follow other users and allow them to follow you in turn and get real‐time updates on what other people are doing. The user base is geared towards teens." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DailyBooth 41 DailyStrength http://www.dailystrength.org/ "DailyStrength is a social networking website where users provide one another with emotional support by discussing their struggles and successes with each other. The site contains online communities that deal with different medical conditions or life challenges. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DailyStrength 42 Decayenne http://www.decayenne.com/
"Decayenne is an invitation‐only on‐line social network service ... Its member pool aims at exclusivity and is composed of mostly Europeans and Americans." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decayenne 43 delicious http://www.delicious.com/ "Delicious (formerly del.icio.us, pronounced "delicious") is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious_(website) 44 deviantART http://www.devianart.com/ "deviantArt (official typeset as deviantART;[2] commonly abbreviated as dA) is an online community showcasing various forms of user‐made artwork. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeviantArt 45 Diigo http://www.diigo.com/
"Diigo is a powerful research tool and a knowledge‐
sharing community. " http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/diigo 46 Dipdive http://dipdive.com/
"Dipdive is social media network ‐ "A Lifestyle Engine for Music, Arts, Action & More". Dipdive is home to a variety of Artists, creative content and social causes. Members also share their their own creative work via blogs, pictures and media uploads." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/dipdive 174
47 Disaboom http://www.disaboom.com/ "Disaboom is a social networking website, described by founder Dr. Glen House as a premier interactive online community dedicated to improving the way individuals with disabilities or functional limitations live their lives. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaboom 48 Dol2day http://www.dol2day.de/ "dol2day is the name of a social networking platform for politically interested German speaking people. dol2day is the abbreviation for “democracy online today”. Most of the members are college and university students, pupils and younger professionals, in particular from Germany. Average age is between 20 and 30 years." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dol2day 49 DontStayIn http://www.dontstayin.com/ "DontStayIn, commonly abbreviated to DSI, is a social networking site based around clubbing. Primarily covering the UK it lists nearly 185,000 events and has over 430,000 verified members. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DontStayIn 50 Dosti http://dosti.webdunia.com/
"The revolutionary First Indian Language Portal www.webdunia.com was launched in the year 2000." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/dosti 51 douban http://www.douban.com/ "Douban.com (Chinese: 豆瓣; pinyin: Dòubàn), launched on March 6, 2005, is the largest Chinese website devoted for movies, books, and music reviews. It had about 30 million[1] registered users in 2010 and as of May 2011, it ranks the 134th most popular website worldwide and 22nd in China according to Alexa Internet." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douban 52 Douban http://www.douban.com/
53 Draugiem.lv http://www.draugiem.lv/ "Draugiem is a social networking website launched on 2004. It is currently the largest social networking website in Latvia with approx. 2.6 million registered users. Website plays important part in everyday life of internet users of Latvia and is frequently used as a tool of communication instead of e‐mail." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draugiem.lv 175
54 Draugiem.lv http://www.draugiem.lv/
"Draugiem.lv is the biggest latvian social networking site, reaching 500 000 unique users daily and 800 000 monthly" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/draugiem 55 Drimio http://www.drimio.com/ 56 EFactor http://www.efactor.com/
57 Elftown http://www.elftown.com/ 58 Embarkons http://www.embarkons.com/
59 Eons.com http://www.eons.com/ "Eons.com is a social networking site for baby boomers, launched by Monster.com founder Jeff Taylor in July 2006. The site provides games, photo and video sharing, groups, how‐to lists, interviews, links and information on health, relationships, fitness, debt, retirement and insurance" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eons.com 60 Epernicus http://www.epernicus.com/ "Epernicus is a social networking website and professional networking platform resource built by scientists for research scientists. Its main goal is to help scientist to find the right people with the right expertise at the right time." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epernicus 61 Experience Project http://www.experienceproject.co
m/ "Experience Project is a free social networking website of online communities premised on connecting people through shared life experiences. With an interactive, user‐
submitted network of personal stories, confessions, blogs, groups, photos, and videos, the company has collected almost 7 million real‐life experiences as of January 2011. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experience_Project "The EFactor is an online community designed for entrepreneurs. The EFactor community is ideal for entrepreneurs looking to increase their brand exposure, establish a network of high quality contacts & take their enterprise to the next level." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/efactor "Elftown is an Internet community or social networking site for people interested in fantasy and science fiction." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elftown "Now anytime you see an article, it is a call to action. What can you do to respond? Start an Embarkon or join someone else?s . Write your idea and then work together to change the world." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/embarkons 176
62 Exploroo http://www.exploroo.com/ "Exploroo is a free‐access social network website that is operated and privately owned by Exploroo Pty Ltd. It is an information loaded one‐stop website for everything travel related. People can add friends and send them messages, and can also add travel stories or videos and review photos and articles which are all related to travel around the Globe. Travel agents can also join and connect with travellers." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploroo 63 extraplay http://www.extraplay.com/
"extraplay is the social network that connects you with others who enjoy a similar culture, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, careers, pastimes, social life and more…" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/extraplay 64 Fabulously40 http://fabulously40.com/
65 facebook http://www.facebook.com/
66 Faceparty http://www.faceparty.com/ "Faceparty is a UK‐based social networking site allowing users to create online profiles and interact with each other using forums and messaging facilities similar to email." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faceparty 67 Faces.com http://www.faces.com/ "Profileheaven.com began around March 2002, under the first name face2meet.... profileheaven.com is a social networking website, winner of 2006 UK Website of the Year and Best Community Site, with a goal to encourage online social interaction, launched in March 2004." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faces.com "Social network for women of "age."" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/fabulously40 “Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2011[update], Facebook has more than 600 million active users.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook 177
68 Fetlife http://www.fetlife.com/ "FetLife is a social networking website that serves people interested in BDSM, fetishism and kink. It describes itself as similar to Facebook and MySpace but run by and for fetish enthusiasts. It is also private in that membership is required to view content, although since membership is free the level of privacy offered by the site is relatively minimal." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetlife 69 FilmAffinity http://www.filmaffinity.com/ "FilmAffinity is a movie recommendations website created in 2002. Popular in the Spanish‐speaking countries, it was chosen by PC Magazine one of the best entertainment sites of 2004. Registered users can rate movies, find recommended films based on their personal ratings, create any kind of movie lists and ‐in the Spanish version‐ write reviews." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FilmAffinity 70 Flaker http://www.flaker.pl/
71 FledgeWing http://www.FledgeWing.com/ "FledgeWing is an online community aimed at entrepreneurial university students launched in February 2009. Founded by two NYU Stern students in October 2007, the site currently supports 170 universities worldwide. Having no costs or advertising, the social network aims to connect aspiring student entrepreneurs with one another as well as with mentors, investors, and industry professionals." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FledgeWing 72 Focus.com http://www.focus.com/ "Focus.com is a business focused social networking platform and source of technology expertise comprising over 850,000 Members and 5,000 Business Experts Focus members can freely access expert research in diverse areas such as Information Technology, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Small Business, and Human Resources. Members also can get their business questions answered by experts in the community in the site’s Q & A and Virtual Summit sections " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus.com 178
73 Folkdirect http://www.folkdirect.com/ "folkdirect is a social network website that started in June 2010 as a beta version in English and now fully released. It was founded by music producer Joe Wakeford and a team of programmer" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folkdirect.com 74 Formspring http://www.formspring.me/
"Formspring gives millions of people a new way to learn more about each other by sharing their responses to everything from questions about their hobbies to opinions on interesting articles." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/formspring 75 Foursquare http://www.foursquare.com/ "foursquare is a location‐based social networking website based on software for mobile devices. The service is available to users with GPS‐enabled mobile devices such as smartphones. Users "check‐in" at venues using a mobile website, text messaging or a device‐specific application by running the application and selecting from a list of venues that the application locates nearby." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foursquare_(service) 76 FriendFeed http://friendfeed.com/
"FriendFeed is a real‐time feed aggregator that consolidates the updates from social media and social networking websites, social bookmarking websites, blogs and micro‐blogging updates, as well as any other type of RSS/ Atom feed." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/friendfeed 77 Friends Reunited http://www.friendsreunited.com/ "Friends Reunited is a portfolio of social networking websites based upon the themes of reunion with research (separate site Genes Reunited ), dating and job‐hunting." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_Reunited 78 Friendster "...discontinued user social network accounts in May 2011." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendster 79 Friendster http://www.friendster.com/
"Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendships and the discovery of new people through friends. Search for old friends and classmates, stay in better touch with friends, share photos and videos, and so much more!" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/friendster 179
80 Frühstückstreff http://www.fruehstueckstreff.de/ "Frühstückstreff (German: "breakfast meeting") is an international, multi‐lingual breakfast club initiative located in over 50 cities in Europe and Australia." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%BChst%C3%Bcckstr
eff 81 Fubar http://www.fubar.com/ "fubar is a social network launched in Summer‐Early Fall 2005 as the first "online bar"." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fubar_(social_networking_
site) 82 Gaia Online http://www.gaiaonline.com/ "Gaia Online is an English‐language, anime‐themed social networking and forums‐based website." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_Online 83 GamerDNA http://www.gamerdna.com/ "gamerDNA Inc. is a social media company for computer and video game players…" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GamerDNA 84 Gather.com http://home.gather.com/ "Gather or Gather.com is a social networking website designed to encourage interaction by discussion of various social, political and cultural topics. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gather.com 85 Gays.com http://www.gays.com/ "Gays.com (not to be confused with Gay.com) is an LGBT social networking website established by the Hong Kong‐
based Gays.com Ltd" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gays.com 86 Geni.com http://www.geni.com/ "Geni is a genealogy and social networking website." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geni.com 87 GlobalGrind http://globalgrind.com/
88 Gogoyoko http://www.gogoyoko.com/ "Globalgrind.com is a digital media company that promotes the broadest and deepest array of content of interest to the hip hop community from the most authoritative sources across the web. The platform features exclusive blogs, video, music, news, gossip and politics, which users can submit, vote and comment on, and syndicate using Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/globalgrind "gogoyoko.com is an online music store and social networking music website where artists can sell directly to their fans." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gogoyoko 180
89 Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/ "Goodreads is a privately run "social cataloging" website started in December 2006 by Otis Chandler, a software engineer and entrepreneur. The website permits individuals to sign up and register books to create their library catalogs and reading lists." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodreads 90 Goodwizz http://www.goodwizz.com/ "Goodwizz is a social network service website based in France. Users have an option to use their Facebook credentials to signup and log on to Goodwizz." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodwizz 91 Google +1 92 Google Buzz http://www.google.com/buzz "Google Buzz is a social networking and messaging tool from Google that is integrated into the company's web‐
based email program, Gmail. Users can share links, photos, videos, status messages and comments organized in "conversations" and visible in the user's inbox." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Buzz 93 Google Buzz http://www.google.com/buzz
"Go beyond status messages. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/googlebuzz 94 Google+ https://plus.google.com/ "Google+ is a social networking service operated by Google Inc.. ... Google+ will be built as a layer that not only integrates different Google social services, such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, but also introduces many new features including Circles, Hangouts, Sparks and Huddles.[3] Google+ will also be available as a desktop application and as an application on Android and iOS. It has been said that this is Google's biggest attempt to rival the social network Facebook[4], which had over half a billion users in 2010.[5]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%2B 181
95 GovLoop http://www.nextgengovt.com/ "GovLoop is an online social network for people in and around government. The community, which is built on Ning technology, was originally aimed at federal, state and local government employees in the United States, but has since grown to include students, government contractors, employees of governments outside the United States and individuals interested in government service. GovLoop hosts personal profile pages, discussion groups and forums, blogs, photographs, videos, slide presentations, a wiki and two weekly podcasts." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GovLoop 96 Grono.net http://www.grono.net/ "Grono.net is a large social networking website in Poland. Apart from many discussion forums it allows to share photos, find cultural events in particular cities, sell property and find work. Although the site itself remains free, there are a number of additional features for paying subscribers, such as the ability to moderate your own forums, take part in competitions, upload more photos and remove on‐site advertisements. It requires an invitation from one of the members to register. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grono.net 97 Grono.net http://grono.net/
"One of the biggest Polish social networking websites allowing people to share their interests and passions." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/grono 98 Habbo http://www.habbo.com/ "Habbo (previously known as Habbo Hotel) is a social networking site aimed at teenagers. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habbo 99 hi5 http://www.hi5.com/ "hi5 is a social networking website based in San Francisco, California." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi5_(website) 10 Hospitality Club 0 http://www.HospitalityClub.org/ "The Hospitality Club is an international, Internet‐based hospitality service of appr. 647,000 members in 226 countries Its members use the website HospitalityClub.org to coordinate accommodation and other services, such as guiding or regaling travelers. Hospitality Club is currently the second largest such hospitality network." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospitality_Club 182
10 Hotlist 1 http://www.hotlist.com/ "Hotlist is a geo‐social networking aggregator that enables people to see where their friends are, where they've been, and where they will be. Hotlist is the only Location‐
based service that emphasizes future plans, in addition to providing real‐time check‐in informatioHotlist is a geo‐
social networking aggregator that enables people to see where their friends are, where they've been, and where they will be. Hotlist is the only Location‐based service that emphasizes future plans, in addition to providing real‐
time check‐in informatio." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotlist 10 HR.com 2 http://www.hr.com/
"HR.com is the largest social networking site dedicated to the human resources professionals" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HR.com 10 Hub Culture 3 http://www.hubculture.com/ "Hub Culture is a social network service that operates the global digital currency Ven, and according to its website, is "the first to merge online and physical world environments."" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hub_Culture 10 Hyves 4 http://www.hyves.nl/ "Hyves is the most popular social networking site in the Netherlands with mainly Dutch visitors and members …" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyves 10 Hyves 5 http://www.hyves.net/
"Dutch social networking http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/hyves 10 Ibibo 6 http://www.ibibo.com/ "Ibibo which stands for iBuild, iBond, is an Indian social networking site. It is an umbrella site that offers a variety of applications under its social network." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibibo 10 Identi.ca 7 http://www.identi.ca/
"identi.ca is an open source social networking and micro‐
blogging service. Based on StatusNet, a micro‐blogging software package built on the OpenMicroBlogging specification, Identi.ca allows users to send text updates (known as "notices") up to 140 characters long. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identi.ca 10 ihavegot 8 http://www.ihavegot.com/
site" "Add everything you have got. Find who has the same thing as you. Share your Photos, Videos, Links, Ideas, Questions, Problems, Date and etc ... Explore brands, send your feedback and become a fan. Find and Add your friends." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/ihavegot 183
10 Indaba Music 9 http://www.indabamusic.com/ "Indaba Music is a web‐based company that provides a music collaboration environment for musicians: “a place to build a profile, promote their tunes and collaborate with other musicians” as well as enter opportunities like remixing and songwriting contests with popular artists." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indaba_Music 11 InterNations 0 http://www.internations.org/
"InterNations.org is an international social network service, launched as a Web 2.0 website in its Beta version on September 11, 2007 and designed with expatriates in mind. Through this online platform people living and working abroad, their partners and others with a strong interest in international relations and international business can interact through forums, newsgroups, a private messaging service and various common features of online networks." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterNations 11 iOrbix 1 http://iorbix.com/
11 IRC‐Galleria 2 http://www.irc‐galleria.net/ "IRC‐Galleria (Finnish for "IRC gallery") is the largest social networking website in Finland" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC‐Galleria 11 iSociety 3 http://isociety.be/
"iSociety.be: all the news and activities of your communities in one place with respect for your privacy!" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/isociety 11 italki.com 4 http://www.italki.com/
11 Itsmy 5 http://mobile.itsmy.com/ "iOrbix is a Social Network where you find friends, share videos, make your business, discuss on forums, plan parties and play games." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/iorbix "italki is an online destination for language learning, comprising a social network and marketplace. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italki.com "itsmy is a pure mobile social gaming network which combines open mobile games and mobile communication between gamers. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itsmy 184
11 iWiW 6 http://www.iwiw.hu/ "iWiW (abbreviation for International Who is Who) is a Hungarian social networking web service ... Every user can provide personal information such as the place they live in, date of birth, schools and universities they attended, workplaces, interests and pets. One can find friends by a search tool or looking through one's acquaintances' acquaintances." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iwiw 11 iWiW 7 http://www.iwiw.hu/
"The favourite hungarian social networking site." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/iwiw 11 Jaiku 8 http://www.jaiku.com/ "Jaiku is a social networking, micro‐blogging and lifestreaming service comparable to Twitter." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaiku 11 Jappy Ticker 9 http://www.jappy.de/
"Jappy.de is a german social network" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/jappy 12 kaioo 0 http://www.kaioo.com/ "kaioo is a non‐profit social network website that started in November 2007 as a beta version in English and German. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaioo 12 Kaixin Repaste 1 http://www.kaixin001.com/
12 Kaixin001 2 http://www.kaixin001.com/ "Kaixin001 (Chinese: 开心网; pinyin: Kāixīnwǎng; aka
"Happy Net") is a social networking website launched in March , 2008." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaixin001 12 Kipup 3 http://kipup.com/
"Allow Kipup users share information from pages on your website by integrating Kipup Publisher. Kipup Publisher is a smart and easy way to share links by either BroadCasting them to all your listeners in your network or pasting a link in your diary." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/kipup 12 Kiwibox 4 http://www.kiwibox.com/ "The biggest Social Network service website in China" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/kaixin "Kiwibox.com is a social network as well as an online magazine that is owned by Kiwibox.com Inc (KIWB BB:KIWB.OB), founded in 1999" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwibox 185
12 Lafango 5 http://www.lafango.com/ "Lafango is a social media website that allows users to create profiles, upload and share unlimited media (audio, video, images, and text), communicate in user created communities, compete in contests, create free electronic press kits, and blog." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafango 12 LaiBhaari 6 http://www.laibhaari.com/ "Lai Bhaari. Com (Marathi: लई भारी.कॉम) (launched 21 November 2010) लई भारी.कॉम is the first Marathi social networking site" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaiBhaari 12 Last.fm 7 http://www.last.fm/ "Last.fm is a music website, founded in the United Kingdom in 2002. It has claimed over 40 million active users based in more than 190 countries." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last.fm 12 LibraryThing 8 http://www.librarything.com/ "LibraryThing is a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing book catalogs and various types of book metadata. It is used by individuals, authors, libraries and publishers." LibraryThing 12 Lifeknot 9 http://www.lifeknot.com/ "LifeKnot is a social networking website with a focus on shared interests and hobbies." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifeknot 13 LinkedIn 0 http://www.linkedin.com/ "LinkedIn is a business‐related social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003,[3] it is mainly used for professional networking" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linkedin 13 LinkedIn 1 http://linkedin.com/
"LinkedIn is a business‐oriented social networking site that connects experienced professionals around the world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/linkedin 186
13 LinkExpats 2 http://www.linkexpats.com/ "LinkExpats.com is a niche social networking website for expatriates launched in October 2007 . It was created with a simple motto in mind: "Linking expats all over the world". Contrarily to some people's misconception (the website is for expats only), LinkExpats serves “expatriates, foreigners, international students, exchange visitors and travelers” [1], and also locals. It was created to allow the international community to interact with each other in any city in the world. Contrarily to major social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, LinkExpats' users cannot befriend each other in the internal section of the website, but they are allowed to contact each other, create ads, participate in the forum discussions and create different events for the users." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LinkExpats 13 Listography 3 http://www.listography.com/ "Listography is a book and personal web application which allows users to create and share lists. Through list‐making, users can shape an autobiography and create references for themselves and others. Some common types of lists are: favorites, wishlists, to do lists, catalogues, memories, and photo lists. Users are sometimes called listographers and their collection of lists are referred to as listographies. Listography is a trademarked name." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listography 13 LiveJournal 4 http://www.livejournal.com/ "LiveJournal (LJ) is a virtual community where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary. LiveJournal is also the name of the free and open source server software that was designed to run the LiveJournal virtual community." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveJournal 13 Livemocha 5 http://www.Livemocha.com/ "Livemocha is an online language learning community claiming more than 8.5 million members from 195 countries. Livemocha offers free basic language courses in 38 languages and more advanced courses ‐‐ called "Active Courses" ‐‐ in five languages including English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livemocha 187
13 LockerBlogger 6 http://www.lockerblogger.com/
13 LunarStorm 7 http://www.lunarstorm.de/ "LunarStorm, in Swedish often shortened to Lunar, is a commercial, advertisement financed Swedish social networking website for teenagers" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LunarStorm 13 Mail.ru 8 http://my.mail.ru/
"The largest Internet company in the Russian segment of the network and a leading player on the number of monthly unique visitors" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/mymailru 13 Makeoutclub 9 http://www.makeoutclub.com/ "MakeOutClub, launched by web designer Gibby Miller in late 1999, is considered to be the first widely used and popular Social Networking website." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makeoutclub 14 Mawindo 0 http://www.mawindo.com/
"Mawindo is a social networking website for speakers of the swahili language. It provides several tools for sharing photos, videos, files, bookmarking web pages and more." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/mawindo 14 MEETin 1 http://www.meetin.org/ "MEETin.org , or the MEETin group, is a web‐based social community dedicated to providing a casual social environment for people without charging membership fees, or otherwise profiting from events. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEETin 14 Meettheboss 2 http://www.meettheboss.tv/ "Meet The Boss TV (stylized as MeetTheBoss.tv) is an IPTV business channel for executives around the world. Covering eight channels, including Leadership, Sales, Innovation, Technology, Marketing, Strategy, Human Capital and Governance, the channel features a mixture of one‐on‐one interviews with Fortune 500 CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs, talking‐heads programs and a Meet The Ninja leadership training portal." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meettheboss 188
"LockerBlogger is a Sports Social Media Company That Connects Athletes and Fans" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/lockerblogger 14 Meetup.com 3 http://www.meetup.com/ "Meetup is an online social networking portal that facilitates offline group meetings in various localities around the world. Meetup allows members to find and join groups unified by a common interest, such as politics, books, games, movies, health, pets, careers or hobbies. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meetup.com 14 meinVZ 4 http://www.meinvz.net/
"meinVZ is a social networking platform based in Berlin, Germany." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/meinvz 14 Mekusharim 5 http://mekusharim.walla.co.il/
14 Mixi 6 http://www.mixi.jp/ "mixi, Inc. (ミクシィ Mikushī, TYO: 2121) is one of several social networking websites in Japan." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixi 14 mobikade 7 http://www.mkade.com/ "mobikade is a free mobile social networking service aiming to bring Japanese mobile SNS sites to Europe, starting off in the UK. It differentiates from other social networking sites by the fact that it is an exclusively mobile based community and accessible only through the mobile phone." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobikade 14 MocoSpace 8 http://www.Mocospace.com/ "MocoSpace is a social network specifically designed for use on a mobile device, also known as a mobile social network.[1] The features of the site are similar to other social networking sites. Features include mobile chat, instant messaging, photo and video sharing, as well as forums." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MocoSpace 14 MOG 9 http://www.mog.com/ "MOG is a paid subscription online music service and blog network, where users can listen to, read about, and discover music. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOG_(online_music) 15 Moikrug 0 http://moikrug.ru/
"MoiKrug ‐ a professional networking, recruitment and employment service." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/moikrug 189
"Mekusharim ("Connected" in Hebrew) is Israel's leading local social network. In addition, Mekusharim also includes a user‐generated magazine, discussion forums, polls and various other applications." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/mekusharim 15 MouthShut.com 1 http://www.mouthshut.com/ "MouthShut.com is a highly popular user‐generated content and consumer review website on the Internet. At the core of MouthShut lies a global Web 2.0 social media platform. Any visitor can become a member (for free) and then can influence or be influenced by others. By writing reviews, sharing photos and diaries, members create buzz about brands and products, in turn influencing consumer decisions." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MouthShut.com 15 Mubi (website) 2 http://www.mubi.com/ "MUBI (formerly The Auteurs) is an online film website that integrates elements of social networking with video streaming." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mubi_(website) 15 Multiply 3 http://www.multiply.com/ "Multiply is a social networking service with an emphasis on allowing users to share media – such as photos, videos and blog entries – with their "real‐world" network." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiply_(website) 15 Multiply 4 http://multiply.com/
"Users can create, share and discuss blogs, photos, videos and music with others as well as post reviews of movies and books, or share a calendar of events." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/multiply 15 Muxlim 5 http://www.muxlim.com/ "Muxlim is primarily known as a social networking website for Muslims that is focused on lifestyle aspects of the community. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muxlim 15 My Opera 6 http://www.my.opera.com "My Opera is the support community for the Opera web browser. More than 7,500 new members join per day, and the site has more than 5 million members. In addition to being a support site for the Opera browser, My Opera is a social networking site, featured with blogs, photo albums, and more." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Opera 15 MyAnimeList 7 http://www.myanimelist.net/ "MyAnimeList, often abbreviated as MAL, is a social networking website. The site provides its users with a list‐
like system to organize anime and manga." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyAnimeList 190
15 MyHeritage 8 http://www.myheritage.com/ "MyHeritage is a family‐oriented social network service and genealogy website. It allows members to create their own family websites, share pictures and videos, organize family events, create family trees, and search for ancestors." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyHeritage 15 MyLife 9 http://www.mylife.com/ "MyLife (formerly Reunion.com) is a social network service founded in 2002 by Jeffrey Tinsley after meeting his wife at their high school reunion. ... The website claims to help members find and keep in touch with friends, relatives and lost loves." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyLife 16 Myspace 0 http://www.myspace.com/ "MySpace, is a social networking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myspace 16 Myspace 1 http://www.myspace.com/
"My Space is a social networking website with an interactive, user‐submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music, and videos for teenagers and adults internationally." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/myspace 16 myYearbook 2 http://www.myyearbook.com/ "myYearbook is a social networking website, headquartered in New Hope, PA, United States. Members can make new friends by creating profiles, interacting through chatter, a real‐time stream, sending virtual gifts, and playing games. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyYearbook 16 Nasza klasa 3 http://www.nk.pl/
"Nasza‐klasa.pl, now nk.pl (nasza klasa ‐ pl. our class) is a large Polish social networking service, bringing together students and alumni. ... Nasza‐klasa is a website similar in concept to the American Classmates, allowing its users to register from particular schools and graduation years. The users are able to keep and maintain a personal page containing information such as their name, age, photos, interests and the history of schools and classes attended. Nasza‐klasa doesn't require an invitation to join, however registration is necessary to browse the service. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasza_Klasa 16 Nasza‐klasa 4 http://www.nasza‐klasa.pl/
website." 16 NETLOG 5 http://www.netlog.com/ "Netlog (formerly known as Facebox and Bingbox) is a Belgian social networking website specifically targeted at the European youth demographic.
... On Netlog, members can create their own web page, extend their social network, publish their music playlists, share videos, post blogs and join groups."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netlog 16 NetLog 6 http://www.netlog.com/
"over 40 million users across 25 different languages, one of the top 100 most used in the world" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/netlog 16 Nettby 7 http://www.nettby.no/ "Nettby.no (Norwegian: Web City) is the second largest Internet‐based community in Norway (after Facebook) with more than 980,000 users and profiles (as of January 3, 2009). " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nettby 16 Nexopia 8 http://www.nexopia.com/ "Nexopia.com is a popular Canadian social networking website based in downtown Edmonton, created by Timo Ewalds. It was designed as a general interactive site for people aged 14 and up, but the age limit recently was lowered to 13.[1] Users are able to create and design their own profiles, friends list, blogs, galleries, articles, and forums. Interaction is accomplished through an internal personal messaging system, and public user comments on profiles, blogs or through threads and posts on the forums." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nexopia 16 NGO Post 9 http://www.ngopost.org/ "NGO Post is a non‐profit organization based in India and the US that allows citizen journalism in social work field by providing an online forum for people to share and discuss various social‐welfare ideas. Everyday, worldwide, non‐
profit organizations work hard on solving problems in their area without knowledge of how other groups are addressing similar issues elsewhere. This lack of information results in re‐inventing the wheel, wasting time, manpower and monetary resources globally." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGO_Post 17 Ning 0 http://www.ning.com/ "Ning is an online platform for people to create their own social networks, launched in October 2005." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ning_(website) 192
17 Odnoklassniki 1 http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/ "Odnoklassniki (Одноклассники in Russian, Classmates) is a social network service for classmates and old friends reunion popular in Russia and other former Soviet Republics. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odnoklassniki 17 Odnoklassniki 2 http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/
"Odnoklassniki (Одноклассники in Russian, Classmates) is a social network service for classmates and old friends reunion popular in Russia and other former Soviet Republics. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odnoklassniki 17 OneClimate 3 http://www.oneclimate.net/ "OneClimate is a nonprofit internet climate news, social activism and social networking site, and part of internet portal uk.OneWorld.net." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OneClimate 17 OneWorldTV 4 http://tv.oneworld.net/ "OneWorldTV is a nonprofit internet video sharing and social networking site aiming to Climate Change, Human Rights, Social Justice Sustainable Development etc. OneWorldTV is part of OneWorld.net an international network of centres." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OneWorldTV 17 Open Diary 5 http://www.opendiary.com/ "Open Diary (often abbreviated as "OD") is an online diary community, an early example of social networking software. It was founded on October 20, 1998 by Bruce Ableson, known on the Open Diary website by the title of his diary, The DiaryMaster. Ableson has described Open Diary as "the first web site that brought online diary writers together into a community."" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Diary 17 Orkut 6 http://www.orkut.com/ "Orkut is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google Inc. The service is designed to help users meet new and old friends and maintain existing relationships ... Although Orkut is less popular in the United States than competitors Facebook and MySpace, it is one of the most visited websites in India and Brazil." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orkut 17 orkut 7 http://www.orkut.com/
"Orkut is an online community designed to make your social life more active and stimulating." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/orkut 193
17 Osmosus 8 http://www.osmosus.com/
"Osmosus is the global online community for people, business & non‐profits dedicated to the environment & sustainability. Establish your free GreenSpace micro‐
website. Connect, communicate & unite on the journey to making Social Energy for a Green Planet." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/osmosus 17 OUTeverywhere 9 http://www.outeverywhere.com/ "OUTeverywhere (also known simply as OUT and formerly OUTintheUK) is a website providing an online lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, chiefly in the UK, although it has members worldwide. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OUTeverywhere 18 pafnet.de 0 http://www.pafnet.de/
"German Social Network" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/pafnetde 18 Partyflock 1 http://partyflock.nl/ "Partyflock is a Dutch virtual community for people interested in house music and other electronic dance music. Since 2001, Partyflock has evolved into the biggest online community for the dance scene in the Netherlands, with over 400 thousand members and 500 million page views a month" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partyflock 18 Passportstamp 2 http://www.passportstamp.com/ "Passportstamp.com is a social networking website for travelers to record their overseas visits and to record their locations as they travel round the world." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passportstamp 18 PatientsLikeMe 3 http://www.patientslikeme.com/ "PatientsLikeMe is a data‐driven social networking health site that enables its members to share condition, treatment, and symptom information in order to monitor their health over time and learn from real‐world outcomes. Members are able to find and connect with patients like them, gain social support, and learn first‐
hand about ways to cope and manage. PatientsLikeMe aims to help patients answer the question: "Given my status, what is the best outcome I can hope to achieve, and how do I get there?"" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PatientsLikeMe 18 Ping.fm 4 http://ping.fm/
"Ping.fm is a free social networking and micro‐blogging web service that enables users to post to multiple social networks simultaneously." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/pingfm 194
18 Pingsta 5 http://www.pingsta.com/ "Pingsta is an intellectual collaboration platform exclusively for Internet engineers" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingsta 18 Planypus 6 http://planyp.us/
"Planypus is a wiki for your social life. The easiest way to share plans with your friends!" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/planypus 18 Plaxo 7 http://www.plaxo.com/ "Plaxo is an online address book and social networking service founded by Sean Parker, Minh Nguyen, and two Stanford engineering students, Todd Masonis and Cameron Ring. Plaxo, based in Sunnyvale, California, is a subsidiary of cable television company Comcast." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaxo 18 Plaxo 8 http://www.plaxo.com/
"Plaxo is an online address book and social networking service." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/plaxo 18 Playahead 9 Offline since March 1, 2010 19 Playlist.com 0 http://www.playlist.com/ "Playlist, Inc. operates the playlist.com website (formerly Project Playlist) and is a company that provides widgets for MySpace, myYearbook and Facebook." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playlist.com 19 Plurk 1 http://www.plurk.com/ "Plurk is a free social networking and micro‐blogging service that allows users to send updates (otherwise known as plurks) through short messages or links, which can be up to 140 text characters in length." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plurk 19 Plurk 2 http://www.plurk.com/
"Plurk is a social journal for your life. Share your life easily with friends, family and fans." 19 Present.ly 3 http://www.presently.com/ "Presently is a microblogging service launched in 2008 and given a Webware 100 Editors' Choice award in 2009 by CNET." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present.ly 19 Qapacity 4 http://www.qapacity.com/ "Qapacity is a business‐oriented social networking site and a business directory founded in March 2008 and launched in February 2009. Users are given a set of tools to promote their business online, to keep their clients and business partners up‐to‐date with their work and to reach new clients." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qapacity 195
19 Quechup 5 http://www.quechup.com/ "Quechup is a social networking website that came to prominence in 2007 when it used automatic email invitations for viral marketing to all the e‐mail addresses in its members address books. This was described as a "spam campaign" and raised a great deal of criticism." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quechup 19 Qzone 6 http://qzone.qq.com/ "Qzone (Chinese: QQ空间) is a social networking website, which was created by Tencent in 2005. It permits users to write blogs, keep diaries, send photos, and listen to music. Users can set their Qzone background and select accessories based on their preferences so that every Qzone is customized to the individual member's taste. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qzone 19 Qzone 7 http://www.qzone.com/
19 Raptr 8 http://www.raptr.com/ "Raptr is a social networking website and instant messenger, targeted towards video game players. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raptr 19 Ravelry 9 http://www.ravelry.com/ "Ravelry is a free social networking website, beta‐
launched in May 2007. It functions as an organizational tool for a variety of fiber arts including knitting, crocheting, spinning, and weaving." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravelry 20 Rediff MyPage 0 http://mypage.rediff.com/
20 Renren 1 http://renren.com/ "Qzone (Chinese: QQ空间) is a social networking website, which was created by Tencent in 2005. It permits users to write blogs, keep diaries, send photos, and listen to music. Users can set their Qzone background and select accessories based on their preferences so that every Qzone is customized to the individual member's taste. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qzone "Rediff MyPage helps you keep in touch with friends and favorite pages." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/rediff "The Renren Network (Chinese: 人人网; literally "everyone network"), formerly known as Xiaonei Network (Chinese: 校内网; literally "on‐campus network") is a Chinese social networking site that is very similar to Facebook" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renren 196
20 ResearchGate 2 http://researchgate.net/ "ResearchGate is a free social networking site and collaboration tool aimed at scientific researchers from all disciplines of science. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ResearchGate 20 ReverbNation.com 3 http://www.reverbnation.com/ "ReverbNation.com is a web site, launched in 2006, that focuses on the independent music industry. It aims to provide a central site for musicians, producers, and venues to collaborate and communicate." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReverbNation.com 20 Ryze 4 http://www.ryze.com/ "Ryze.com is a free social networking website designed to link business professionals, particularly new entrepreneurs. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryze 20 Sapo 5 http://www.sapo.pt "SAPO (Portuguese for toad), Servidor de Apontadores Portugueses, is a brand and subsidiary company of the Portugal Telecom Group. It is a Portuguese internet service provider that started as a search engine when founded in 1995." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAPO_(company) 20 ScienceStage 6 http://sciencestage.com/ "ScienceStage is a global, science‐oriented multimedia portal that specializes in online video streaming, which is used to support communication between scientists, scholars, researchers in industry, and professionals. It is also used by academics and students as a virtual educational tool." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ScienceStage 20 Scispace.net 7 http://scispace.net/ "Scispace, originally known as Scispace.net is a non‐
commercial, non‐profit and free‐to‐use social network service designed specifically for collaborating researchers." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scispace.net 20 Sekoman 8 http://www.sekoman.lv/
20 Select2Gether 9 http://www.select2gether.com/
"Sekoman.lv is a place where your friends can keep track of their activities every day, every hour." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/sekoman 197
"Social Shopping ‐ Find, share & review clothing fashions and styles online with Select2gether, the next generation of social network shopping ‐ collective shopping." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/select2gether 21 ShareTheMusic 0 http://www.sharethemusic.com/ "ShareTheMusic is an Internet platform for legal and free music sharing, owned by Desh, ltd." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShareTheMusic 21 Shelfari 1 http://www.shelfari.com/ "Shelfari is a social cataloging website for books. Shelfari users build virtual bookshelves of the titles they own or have read, and can rate, review, tag, and discuss their books. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelfari 21 Sina Weibo 2 http://t.sina.com.cn/
"Sina Weibo" has been launched recently in China and HK, it is something like Twitter, but an advanced and informative version in China, more than hundred million users already." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/sinaweibo 21 Skyrock 3 http://skyrock.com/ "Skyrock.com is a social networking site offering its members a free web space where they can create a blog, add a profile, and exchange messages with other registered members. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyrock 21 Social_Life_(websit
4 e) http://www.sociallife.com.br/ "Sociallife is an on‐line social network service similar to aSmallWorld, and LinkedIn. It is an exclusive (i.e. invitation‐only) network with roughly 770,000 members…" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Life_(website) 21 SocialVibe 5 http://www.socialvibe.com/ "SocialVibe is a social networking website with over 1,750,000 members founded by Joe Marchese, Brandon Mills and David Levy, that aims to reward publishers of social media content through mechanisms such as donations to their charity of choice. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SocialVibe 21 SodaHead 6 http://www.sodahead.com/
"A place to ask questions, voice opinions and find friends" http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/sodahead 21 Sonico 7 http://www.sonico.com/ "Sonico is a free‐access social networking website oriented toward a Latin American audience." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonico.com 21 Sonico.com 8 http://www.sonico.com/ "Sonico is a free‐access social networking website oriented toward a Latin American audience." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonico.com 198
21 sportpost 9 http://www.sportpost.com/
"Fans from all over the world are joining in, united by the common language of sport. You decide how you watch, create and share your content. If you have a point of view Sportpost gives you the platform to make yourself heard." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/sportpost 22 Spread.ly 0 http://spreadly.com/
22 Stickam 1 http://www.stickam.com/ "Stickam is a website devoted to live‐streaming video, featuring both professional and user‐generated content. The site launched in 2005. Stickam features user‐
submitted pictures, audio, video, and most prominently, live streaming video chat. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stickam 22 studiVZ 2 http://www.studivz.net/
"studiVZ.net is a german social network that enables students to exchange information." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/studivz 22 StumbleUpon 3 http://www.stumbleupon.com/ "StumbleUpon is a discovery engine (a form of web search engine) that finds and recommends web content to its users. Its features allow users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos that are personalized to their tastes and interests using peer‐sourcing and social‐
networking principles." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StumbleUpon 22 Stylehive 4 http://www.stylehive.com/
"Stylehive is a community of style leaders, bloggers and shoppers, into fashion, beauty, design, home, technology and travel." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/stylehive 22 Svejo 5 http://svejo.net/
"Bulgarian social news website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/svejo 22 Tagged 6 http://www.tagged.com/ "Find cool new articles, products or people on the web and use the Yiid button to share what you have found with your friends." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/yiid "Tagged is a social networking site based in San Francisco, California, United States, founded in 2004. The website suggests new people for members to meet based on shared interests. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagged 199
22 Talkbiznow 7 http://www.talkbiznow.com/ "Talkbiznow is a comprehensive interactive business networking site for business professionals and the business‐to‐business. By displaying how each member is connected to any other member, it visualises the small‐
world phenomenon." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talkbiznow 22 Taltopia 8 http://www.taltopia.com/ "Taltopia is an online artistic community which connects aspiring artists with fans and talent industry professionals." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taltopia 22 Taringa! 9 http://www.taringa.net/ "Taringa! is a virtual community from Argentina created in 2004 ... In Taringa!, users can share all kinds of topics through posts. This site is a Web 2.0 website." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taringa! 23 TeachStreet 0 http://www.teachstreet.com/ "TeachStreet, Inc. is a web site providing information to students on local and online classes and teachers including pricing information, location, and teacher background and training. It also provides online business management tools for teachers and schools. The site is free to students and includes student reviews and teacher recommendations." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeachStreet 23 TermWiki 1 http://www.termwiki.com/ "TermWiki.com (pronounced /ˈtərmˌwiː.ki/) is a major social learning network that allows users to learn, discover, share and store personal terms and glossaries in 1200 domains 100+ languages." 23 TravBuddy.com 2 http://www.travbuddy.com/ "Travbuddy.com is a social networking website specializing in connecting travellers. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TravBuddy.com 23 Travellerspoint 3 http://www.travellerspoint.com/ "Travellerspoint is a social networking site for people who want to learn from or share experiences with other travellers. Members of the site participate through forums, blogs, photo galleries and a wiki travel guide." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travellerspoint 23 tribe.net 4 http://www.tribe.net/ "tribe.net (often shortened to "tribe") is a website that hosts an online community of friends, similar to other social networking sites. The site name is always spelled in all lower case." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribe.net 200
23 Trombi.com 5 http://www.trombi.com/ "Trombi.com is a social networking website created in 2000 by André Pitié who founded Trombi SARL. This website helps members find, connect and keep in touch with friends from kindergarten, primary school, high school, college in France. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trombi.com 23 Tuenti 6 http://www.tuenti.com/about/ "Tuenti is a Spain‐based, invitation‐only private social networking website that has been referred to as the "Spanish Facebook."... The site is targeted at the Spanish audience, and is currently accessible only to those who have been invited.
Tuenti features many tools common to social‐networking sites. It allows users to set up a profile, upload photos, link videos and connect with friends, recently a chat application has been added. Many other utilities, such as the ability to create events, are also offered. Unlike similar social networking sites which feature banner advertisements, Tuenti has opted out of these traditional forms of "noisy" and obstructive advertising." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuenti 23 Tuenti 7 http://www.tuenti.com/about/ "Tuenti is a Spain‐based, invitation‐only private social networking website that has been referred to as the "Spanish Facebook."... The site is targeted at the Spanish audience, and is currently accessible only to those who have been invited.Tuenti features many tools common to social‐networking sites. It allows users to set up a profile, upload photos, link videos and connect with friends, recently a chat application has been added. Many other utilities, such as the ability to create events, are also offered. Unlike similar social networking sites which feature banner advertisements, Tuenti has opted out of these traditional forms of "noisy" and obstructive advertising." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuenti 23 Tumblr 8 http://www.tumblr.com/ "Tumblr, sometimes styled as tumblr., is a microblogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog, a short‐form blog. Users can follow other users, or choose to make their tumblelog private. The service emphasizes ease of use" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumblr 201
23 Urlaubswerk 9 http://www.urlaubswerk.de/
24 Vampirefreaks.com 0 http://www.vampirefreaks.com/ "VampireFreaks.com is an online community for the Gothic–industrial subcultures. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampirefreaks.com 24 Viadeo 1 http://www.viadeo.com/ "Viadeo is a Web 2.0 professional social network with over 35 million members worldwide in 2010, and a membership base that was growing by more than one million per month in 2009. Members include business owners, entrepreneurs and managers from a diverse range of enterprises." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viadeo 24 Viadeo 2 http://www.viadeo.com/
"Viadeo is a Web 2.0 professional social network with over 35 million members worldwide in 2010, and a membership base that was growing by more than one million per month in 2009. Members include business owners, entrepreneurs and managers from a diverse range of enterprises." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viadeo 24 Virb 3 http://www.virb.com/ "Virb is a social networking website launched on Friday, March 9, 2007 by Unborn Media, Inc., and acquired by Media Temple in June 2008. Users receive a personal profile page where they can post blogs, photographs and videos. Additionally, users may add others as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virb 24 Virb 4 http://www.virb.com/ "Virb is a social networking website launched on Friday, March 9, 2007 by Unborn Media, Inc., and acquired by Media Temple in June 2008. Users receive a personal profile page where they can post blogs, photographs and videos. Additionally, users may add others as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virb 202
24 Vkontakte 5 http://www.vk.com/ "VKontakte (Russian: ВКонтакте, internationally branded VK[2]) is a Russian social network service popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. VK offers a striking similarity in design and functionality to its US rival Facebook, and as such has been described as a "Facebook clone."" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vkontakte 24 Vkontakte 6 http://vkontakte.ru/
"VKontakte.ru is the most popular social network service in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/vk 24 vKruguDruzei 7 http://vkrugudruzei.ru/
24 Vznet 8 http://www.studentvz.net/ http://www.schuelervz.net/ http://www.meinvz.net/ VZ Netzwerke Ltd. is a German based company for webbased social networks. Currently there are three different networks: StudVZ ‐ for students, SchülerVZ ‐ for pupils and MeinVZ ‐ for no special targed group. 24 Wakoopa 9 http://social.wakoopa.com/ "Wakoopa is a social networking site that monitors the software applications its members use." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakoopa 25 Wattpad 0 http://www.wattpad.com/ "Often called “YouTube for ebooks”, Wattpad is an e‐book community where undiscovered and published writers can publish and share their works. Wattpad also is a reading application that can be accessed using a mobile phone or a computer" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wattpad 25 WAYN 1 http://www.wayn.com/ "WAYN (an acronym for Where Are You Now?) is a social networking website with a goal to unite travellers from around the world." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAYN_(website) 25 WebBiographies 2 http://www.webbiographies.com/ "WebBiographies is a social network service with an emphasis on genealogy, biography and memoir writing, family trees, and online privacy." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebBiographies "vKrurguDruzei.ru is one of the oldest Russian‐language social network service for classmates and friends, popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries. The website allows you to keep a friendship, to get to know new friends, learn more about the people that they meet, upload an unlimited number of photos, exchange audio and video content." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/vkrugudruzei 203
25 WeeWorld 3 http://www.weeworld.com/ "WeeWorld is an avatar‐based computer game, as well as a virtual world for 13+ year‐olds. Users sign up for free accounts and design a WeeMee, which is an animated avatar that can be integrated onto WeeWorld partner sites and services like AOL, Microsoft and Skype, as well as all major social network and blogging sites. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeeWorld 25 WeOurFamily 4 http://www.weourfamily.com/ "WeOurFamily is a privacy‐oriented social networking website launched on June 9, 2009. The website takes a different approach to social networking by requiring users to explicitly share content with other users, instead of implicitly assuming that content should be available to anyone by default" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeOurFamily 25 weRead 5 http://weread.com/ "weRead, formerly iRead, is an online community of book enthusiasts. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeRead 25 Wer‐kennt‐wen 6 http://www.wer‐kennt‐wen.de/ "Wer‐kennt‐wen (English: Who‐knows‐whom) is a popular German social networking site. It has been compared to Myspace by TechCrunch." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wer‐kennt‐wen 25 Windows 7 Spaces Live http://spaces.live.com/ "Windows Live Spaces was Microsoft's blogging and social networking platform." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Live_Spaces 25 WiserEarth 8 http://www.wiserearth.org/ "WiserEarth.org is a user‐generated online community space for the social and environmental movement, tracking the work of non‐profits around the world " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiserEarth 25 WriteAPrisoner.co
9 m http://www.writeaprisoner.com/ "WriteAPrisoner.com is an online Florida, (USA), based business whose stated goal is to reduce recidivism through a variety of methods that include 1) positive correspondence with pen‐pals on the outside, 2) educational opportunities, 3) job placement avenues, 4) comprehensive resource guides on a variety of related issues, and 5) scholarships for children impacted by crime." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WriteAPrisoner.com 26 Xanga 0 http://www.xanga.com/ "Xanga (pronounced /ˈzæŋə/) is a website that hosts weblogs, photoblogs, and social networking profiles. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanga 204
26 Xing 1 http://www.xing.com/ "XING ... is a social software platform for enabling a small‐
world network for professionals. The company claims that it is used by people from over 200 countries. ... By displaying how each member is connected to any other member, it visualizes the small‐world phenomenon. The platform offers personal profiles, groups, discussion forums, event coordination, and other common social community features. Basic membership is free. But many core functions, like searching for people with specific qualifications or messaging people to whom one is not already connected, can only be accessed by the premium members. Premium membership comes at a monthly fee of 5 €" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XING 26 XING 2 http://www.xing.com/ "XING ... is a social software platform for enabling a small‐
world network for professionals. The company claims that it is used by people from over 200 countries. ... By displaying how each member is connected to any other member, it visualizes the small‐world phenomenon. The platform offers personal profiles, groups, discussion forums, event coordination, and other common social community features. Basic membership is free. But many core functions, like searching for people with specific qualifications or messaging people to whom one is not already connected, can only be accessed by the premium members. Premium membership comes at a monthly fee of 5 €" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XING 26 Xt3 3 http://www.xt3.com/ "Xt3.com is a Catholic social online network established for the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xt3 205
26 Yammer 4 http://www.yammer.com/ "Yammer is an enterprise social network service that was launched in September 2008. Unlike Twitter, which is used for broadcasting messages to the public, Yammer is used for private communication within organizations or between organizational members and pre‐designated groups, making it an example of enterprise social software. Yammer originally launched as an enterprise microblogging service and has evolved to become a fully‐
fledged enterprise social network." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yammer 26 Yardbarker 5 http://www.yardbarker.com/
"Yardbarker is a sports site where everyone's an insider! Sports fans, bloggers, and professional athletes all hang out in the Yard to read and discuss sports articles, view the latest sports photos and videos, and debate and interact with each other." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/yardbarker 26 Yelp, Inc. 6 http://www.yelp.com/ "Yelp, Inc. is a company that operates yelp.com, a social networking, user review, and local search web site. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yelp,_Inc. 26 Yuuby 7 http://www.yuuby.com/
26 ZingMe 8 http://me.zing.vn/
26 Zoo.gr 9 http://www.zoo.gr/ "Zoo.gr is a social networking and online games website, which is placed among the top 10 most visited sites in Greece (among people who have the Alexa toolbar installed on their browser), and is the largest Greek social networking site." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo.gr 27 Zooppa 0 http://zooppa.com/ "Zooppa is a global social network for creative talent that partners with companies to launch user‐generated advertising campaigns. Inspired by the principles of crowdsourcing, Zooppa’s website hosts brand sponsored advertising competitions." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooppa "Yuuby is a social network. You can meet friends, share photos, links, comments and more." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/yuuby "Zing Me is the largest social network in Vietnam. Zing Me is a product of VNG Corporation." http://www.addthis.com/services/detail/zingme 206