Christmas Tree - Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association
Christmas Tree - Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association
Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association Christmas Tree 2014 Buy-Sell Directory Christmas Tree Growers • Wholesalers • Retailers • Nurseries • Truckers Christmas Tree Buyer’s Guide Hedlund Christmas Trees, Elma, Washington won the 2013 Grand Champion with a noble fir. Welcome Tree Buyers! Sellers Nurseries About The Cover Ed and Cindy Hedlund along with their son, Thomas and Sara Fries, Hedlund Christmas Trees, Elma, Washington won the 2013 Grand Champion with a noble fir. 5 6 24 25 36 7 Buyers 30 32 Truckers 35 Seller Locator Maps PNWCTA Tree Fair & Trade Show September 5 & 6, 2014 Membership in the Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association has its Advantages Dates To Remember Index of Advertisers PNWCTA OFFICERS View the Buy-Sell Directory online at President – Bruce Wiseman Vice-President/Oregon – Mark Schmidlin Vice- President/Washington – John Tillman Secretary/Treasurer – Jan Hupp Executive Director – Bryan Ostlund DIRECTORY STAFF Publisher: Bryan Ostlund P.O. Box 3366 Salem, Oregon 97302 Tel: (503) 364-2942 Advertising Manager: Kari Puffer Tel: (503) 364-2942 FAX: (503) 581-6819 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 3366, Salem, Oregon 97302 Telephone: (503) 364-2942 • FAX: (503) 581-6819 The Buy-Sell Directory is an annual publication of the Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association designed to facilitate contact between grower members and tree buyers. All data compiled herein was supplied to the Association by individuals or farms on standard forms prepared by the Association. Inclusion of such grower-supplied information does not constitute a warranty nor does it imply obligation on the part of the Association for either the accuracy of the information supplied or the reliability of those listed. Publishers of the directory assume no responsibility for accuracy or validity of claims in advertising. BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 3 Seller Locator Maps BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 5 SELLER M = Thousand ABC Tree Farms Jerry Klima Jr. Farm: Rainier, OR 2464 El Camino Real, Ste. 934 Santa Clara, CA 95051 40 acres, est. 1984 Randy and Jenny Allen Allen’s Tree Farm 19101 S. Redland Road Oregon City, OR 97045 85 acres, est. 1975 Alpine Christmas Trees Chris L. Maretich 2312 Wible Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93304 SELLERS TT = Table Tops 800-733-8733 503-916-1754/O FAX 503-916-1776 Area 8 503-631-7997/O Area 8 661-832-2870 661-303-7883 (cell) FAX 661-832-1304 Area 9 Alpine Farms, L.L.C. 360-674-2540/O Greg, Jill and April Reid 360-509-8857 7124 State Hwy 3 SW Space #1 (cell) Bremerton, WA 98312 FAX 360-674-2549 37 acres, est. 1975 Area 4 Al’s Hidden Valley Tree Farm 541-935-6521/H Al Wilson 541-913-9956 P.O. Box 162 (cell) Elmira, OR 97437 FAX 541-935-6521 30 acres, est. 1973 Area 9 B.T.N. of Oregon 503-363-5858 Ben, Tyler, Nathan Stone 503-931-2929 7544 Jordan St. SE (cell) Salem, OR 97317 FAX 503-363-0574 est. 1958 Area 9 C.W. Baggenstos Farms 503-648-8011 Charles Baggenstos 503-201-5559 2824 S.E. Maple FAX 971-244-9449 Hillsboro, OR 97123 25 acres, est. 1996 Area 8 Bambi’s Christmas Tree 503-873-6774 Land/Nursery FAX 503-873-4916 Wayne Strauch 15008 Winters Hill Silverton, OR 97381 est. 1981 Area 9 Danielle Barriga 805-570-1994 11120 NW Moores Valley Rd 503-662-3794 Yamhill, OR 97148 3 acres, est. 2005 Area 8 Bays Farm 503-324-0261 Randy Bays 14550 N.W. Bays Dr. Banks, OR 97106 40 acres, est. 1963 Area 8 Beal Christmas Tree Farm 530-661-1761 Don & Jo Ann Beal 530-383-5223 402 Paula Way Woodland, CA 95695 30 acres, est. 2012 Area 11 Bear Canyon Tree Farm 360-985-0460 Barbara Burres/Jason Stajduhar 360-880-4965 133 Burton-Burres Rd. (cell) P.O. Box 154 FAX 360-985-0681 Cinebar, WA 98533-0154 180 acres, est. 1949 Area 5 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann Fraser Turkish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 200 9-12’ 15M Up to 13’ 5M 4M 10M 10M 2M 5-7’ Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 1M 1M 1M 2M wreaths garland evergreens Davis tree stands 200 10-16’ 20M 20M 5M 500 4M noble 1M 40M 1M 5-8’ Serbian spruce 5M 5M 8M 25M California Silvertip 1.5M 2M 245 2,915 noble 950 500 5M 50M 2M 3M 500 5M BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 7 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Tom Beck Beck’s Christmas Trees 16700 S. Gerber Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 FAX 35 acres, est. 1980 Dusty and Janette Belcher Silent Night Christmas Tree Farm P.O. Box 297 FAX Mossyrock, WA 98564 30 acres, est. 1985 503-631-7947/H 503-706-0797 (cell) 503-639-0784 Area 8 360-983-3350/O 360-983-3152/H 360-983-3728 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann 1M 1M 3M 2M 5M 4M 1M Fraser Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands Area 5 Keepability Brochures Available The PNWCTA has produced three excellent brochures to promote better sales and consumer satisfaction through education. 1 “Fresh Trees: The key to satisfied customers and repeat sales.” This brochure is directed toward wholesale and retail lot operators selling in warm climates. Digital copy (pdf) available upon request at no charge. 2 “Fresh Handsome Trees: The key to satisfied customers and repeat sales.” This brochure is directed toward wholesale and retail lot operators selling in cold climates. Digital copy (pdf) available upon request at no charge. 3 “For a Fresh Fragrant Tree.” This brochure is directed toward retail customers. It will help your customers care for their family tree after it leaves the U-cut farm or lot. Minimum order 100. 4.5¢ each – packaged in bundles of 100. (+S&H) or digital copy (pdf) available upon request at no charge. For more information or to place an order, contact the PNWCTA office at 503.364.2942 8 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops RW Beyer Enterprises, Inc. Roger Beyer 39486 S. Cooper Road FAX Molalla, OR 97038 40 acres, est. 1965 Bishop & Mathews II/ Christmas Tree House Andy Tingirides & Janelle Clark FAX 14 Autumn Hill Lane Laguna Hills, CA 92653 est. 1969 Brooks Tree Farm Dave and Kathy LeCompte FAX 9785 Portland Road N.E. Salem, OR 97305 est. 1980 Buchanan Brothers’ Trees Dennis Buchanan 11408 NE 2nd Place FAX P.O. Box 40069 Bellevue, WA 98004 Burton’s Christmas Trees Howard & Kay Burton Farm: Morton, WA FAX 1420 Fifth Ave., Suite 425 Seattle, WA 98101 40 acres, est. 2003 Bystrom and Sandberg Trees 38589 S. Blair Road Molalla, OR 97038 FAX 80 acres, est. 1980 Michael Cocco Cocco Tree Farm 787 Hillcrest Dr. FAX Redwood City, CA 94062 est. 1984 Deep Creek Tree Farms Cory and Darcy Miller 20601 SE Tara Lara Lane FAX Eagle Creek, OR 97022 30 acres, est. 1980 DeShaw Tree Farm Steve DeShaw FAX 18480 Calinda Drive NE Silverton, OR 97381 20 acres, est. 1970 Donlon Tree Farms Jon Donlon FAX P.O. Box 629 Oakridge, OR 97463-0629 90 acres, est. 1986 Drakes Crossing Nursery Barbara Hupp FAX 19774 Grade Road SE Silverton, OR 97381 300 acres, est. 1967 503-519-5285 503-585-1157 503-585-1292 Area 8 303-885-6552/O 303-885-6096 949-600-5731 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver 2.5M 5M Yes Yes Grand Nordmann Yes Area 9 425-462-1326 425-454-0894 425-462-9468 1M Area 4 206-300-5824 206-343-3000 206-343-3013 10M 2M 20M 20M 20M Area 8 650-368-3133/H 503-631-4560/O 650-368-3187 Area 8 503-637-6404/H 503-784-5785/O 503-637-3890 Area 8 503-873-3272 503-982-3308 Area 8 541-782-2674 541-782-4641 Area 9 503-873-4932/O 503-873-4933 5M 2M 5M Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 1M Yes Area 9 503-393-6300/O 503-393-0827 Area 5 503-829-8558/H 503-829-9617/H 503-829-8558 Fraser Yes wreaths garland 5M wreaths garland boughs natural noble 2M 3M 1M 4M 5M 5-12’ noble 25M 2M 100M lbs noble boughs 5M wreaths garland swags Area 8 BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 9 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Elk Valley Tree Farm Doug & Gwyn Kingery 4200 Harlan Rd. Eddyville, OR 97343 40 acres, est. 2003 541-875-4040 Emerald Christmas Tree Company 11643 NE 8th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 FAX 200 acres, est. 1951 Eola Christmas Trees Jane Orlowski 4805 Eola Dr. NW Salem, OR 97304 20 acres, est. 1995 Catherine Fastabend 47600 SW Fluke Drive Gaston, OR 97119 30 acres, est. 2004 Foxridge Tree Farm Bert Kraemer/Karl Kraemer 2960 NW Hill Rd. N FAX McMinnville, OR 97128 40 acres, est. 1983 425-455-9400/O 800-FAT-TREE/O 425-455-9912 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand 500 1M TT 4M noble 2M 150M 75M 30M 5.5M 5.5M noble Nordmann Fraser Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands Area 9 Area 4 503-991-6402 503-585-6647 Area 9 503-985-1141 Area 9 503-435-1171/H 503-835-9606/H 503-472-4154 14,650 noble 20M 5M 1.5M 3,710 1M Area 8 Seller locater maps can be found on page 5. *Visit www.kirkco for product information and retail suggestions! s! 10 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION 500 blue spruce NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Matt Furrow Furrow Farm 25877 NW West Union Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97124 Richard & Daphne Green Crossties 17675 SW Farmington Rd. FAX PMB 334 Beaverton, OR 97007 30 acres, est. 2003 Greenbriar Ag Mgt. Inc. Bill Brawley 15923 Spenner Rd. FAX Stayton, OR 97383 est. 1988 Guerrero Christmas Trees Angel Guerrero 2419 SW Barbara St. FAX McMinnville, OR 97128 40 acres, est. 1993 Hansen Tree Farm Jeff and Gayla Hansen 38973 S. Sawtell Road P.O. Box 711 Molalla, OR 97038 94 acres, est. 1993 Hedlund Christmas Trees Ed & Cindy Hedlund W 980 Schafer Park Rd. Elma, WA 98541 35 acres, est. 1980 Douglas 503-647-5288 Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann 3M 200 1M Area 8 503-628-3551 503-780-3378 503-628-3551 1M 2M noble 800 Area 8 503-932-2323 (cell) 503-769-2632 100M 70M 10M 10M Area 9 971-241-2318 503-435-8607 503-857-0843 30M 30M 3M 10M Area 8 503-519-2851 503-829-9129 5M 15M 5M 5M noble 10-15’ 1M Area 8 360-482-3987/H 360-470-0121 (cell) 360-482-3987 Fraser Turkish 500 Other tree species, wreaths and garlands greens noble boughs TT Area 3 Seedling Nursery Since 1974 We bring experience with owners that care about their product and customers. Approximately 10 million seedlings in annual production 1 container site (plugs), 2 bareroot/transplant sites (p+1, 1+1) Contract growing and spec seedlings for forestry and Christmas tree production Let US GroW YoUr SeedLiNGS david Gerdes Mike Gerdes ForeSterS l NUrSerYMaN l SeedSMaN 12 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION SUMMER MEETING & FARM TOUR JUNE 20 & 21, 2014 Holiday Inn Portland South Wilsonville, Oregon NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Heritage Plantations Roderick S. McNeil P.O. Box 267 FAX Banks, OR 97106 150 acres, est. 1972 Hiatt Christmas Trees P.O. Box 128 Sublimity, OR 97385 10 acres, est. 2001 Hillside Tree Farm L.L.C. Delbert Tilgner & Howard Classen 15710 Salt Creek Road Dallas, OR 97338 65 acres, est. 1970 Holiday Specialtrees Jim Schaefer 36252 S. Kropf Road FAX Woodburn, OR 97071 2,200 acres, est. 1977 Holiday Tree Farms, Inc. David, Steven, John Schudel 800 NW Cornell Ave. FAX Corvallis, OR 97330 7,000 acres, est. 1955 Hopper Bros. Dennis and Douglas Hopper FAX 33285 S. Barlow Road Woodburn, OR 97071 97 acres, est. 1974 Hunter Christmas Trees LLC Jim, Curt and Greg Hunter P.O. Box 2049 Shelton, WA 98584 FAX 300+ acres, est. 1948 Jackson Hill Tree Farm Ted Painter & Dave Capri 3859 Yaquina Bay Rd. FAX Newport, OR 97365 George Jones Jones Forest Products P.O. Box 368 FAX Grants Pass, OR 97528 12 acres, est. 1987 K.L.M. Tree Farm Mark and Luanne Steelhammer 16725 Marlu Lane SW FAX Rochester, WA 98579 200 acres, est. 1979 Ralph T. Kind Sr. R & D’s Christmas Trees P.O. Box 203 North Plains, OR 97133 20 acres, est. 1975 Kintigh’s Mountain Home Ranch Mark & Dan Kintigh FAX 38839 E. Cedar Flat Road Springfield, OR 97478 128 acres, est. 1956 503-357-5080 503-333-6358 503-357-5080 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand 3M 10M 4M Area 8 503-551-2598 Nordmann 10M 500 Area 9 503-634-2246/O 800-470-7048/O 503-634-2661 75M 250M 10M 75M Area 9 541-753-3236/O 800-BUY-DOUG/O 541-757-8028 50M 50M 20M 20M Area 9 503-651-2493/O 503-651-3766 25M 20M Area 3 541-265-5422 541-270-2094 541-265-6908 Area 9 541-476-7999 541-218-2664 541-476-7999 Area 10 360-273-7216 800-775-8733 360-273-9939 Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 2M noble Area 9 503-623-5985/H 503-623-3714/H Area 9 360-426-1558/O 360-490-4216 (cell) 360-426-6633 Fraser 5M 20M 5M 2M Yes Yes Yes 1M 1M Silvertip TT-20’ 5M 30M Area 4 503-647-2652/H 971-246-2230 (cell) 2M Area 8 541-746-1842/O 541-746-1842 Yes 2M 3M living trees white fir 20-80’ 3M 5M 1M Area 9 BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 13 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops John Knapp 503-668-5461/H Knapp Farms 503-819-4037 Skyline Christmas Trees P.O. Box 1360 Sandy, OR 97055 80 acres, est. 1980 Area 8 Lewis River Ranch LLC 360-887-3099 P.O. Box 908 FAX 360-887-3114 Ridgefield, WA 98642 30 acres, est. 2001 Area 5 Pat and Betty Malone 541-929-2289/O Sunrise Tree Farm FAX 541-929-2132 24048 Maxfield Creek Road Philomath, OR 97370 90 acres, est. 1976 Area 9 Mast-Roth Farms 503-651-3757 5555 S. Sconce Rd. 503-266-4477 Hubbard, OR 97032 FAX 503-651-1183 100 acres Area 9 Richard McCallum 360-269-0348 Logan Hill Tree Farm 360-748-3621 P.O. Box 599 FAX 360-748-8823 Chehalis, WA 98532 40 acres, est. 2002 Area 5 McKenzie Farms 503-631-7368 P.O. Box 1620 800-999-1786 Estacada, OR 97023 FAX 503-631-8794 400 acres, est. 1990 Area 8 Sandy Meseck 949-276-4590 Mr. Snowman Christmas Trees 503-932-1234 65 Camino Lienzo (cell) San Clemente, CA 92673 est. 1977 Area 11 Molalla Tree Farms 503-319-8375 Greg Smith FAX 503-263-6949 P.O. Box 140 Molalla, OR 97038 35 acres, est. 1990 Area 8 Mt. Hood Tree Farm 541-265-5422/O Ted & Troy Painter 541-270-1032 Dean Archibold (cell) 3859 Yaquina Bay Rd. FAX 541-265-6908 Newport, OR 97365 100 acres Area 9 Pat & Melissa Murphy 360-748-0758/H Mistletoe Tree Farms 360-740-5372/O 268-30 Stearns Rd. FAX 360-740-5372 Chehalis/Adna, WA 98532 100 acres, est. 1995 Area 5 Pete & Cathy Murphy 360-978-4018/H Murphy Tree Farm 360-324-9609 205 Burchett Road Onalaska, WA 98570 40 acres, est. 1983 Area 5 Natives Northwest 360-978-4611 Chris Aldrich 360-561-8586 190 Aldrich Rd. FAX 360-357-6299 Mossyrock, WA 98564 68 acres, est. 1975 Area 5 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand 8M 1M Nordmann 10M 8M 10M 5M 1M 3M 10M 10M 5M 1M 9M 25M 100M 100M 50M 4M 12M 1.5M 2M 6M 2M Yes Yes Yes Yes 5M 5M 1M 1M 500 5-7’ 2M 5-8’ 2M 5-8’ 2M 5-8’ 7M Fraser Turkish 2M wreaths 2M 3M wreaths 200 garland 5M 2M Seller locater maps can be found on page 5. 14 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION Other tree species, wreaths and garlands wreaths NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Noble Mountain Tree Farm Robert Schaefer, Manager FAX 5115 Bethel Heights Rd NW Salem, OR 97304 5,000 acres, est. 1976 Noble Valley Farm Carl Powers & Luann Graydon FAX 25 Sickman Ford Road Oakville, WA 98568 Norlain Acres L.L.C. Bob and Dee Werfelman 20000 S.W. Hillsboro Hwy. Newberg, OR 97132 FAX 40 acres, est. 1987 Northern Lights Wreath Company, LLC Mark Hettervig FAX 2000 SE Hanna Harvester Dr. Milwaukie, OR 97222 Old Peak Tree Farm Steven Kearsley 23875 Old Peak Rd. FAX P.O. Box 215 Philomath, OR 97370 30 acres, est. 1985 Oregon Tree Farms, Ltd. John L. Foster P.O. Box 537 Estacada, OR 97023 35 acres, est. 1983 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver 503-364-2383/O 503-364-2906 28M noble Area 9 360-273-3516/H 360-273-3516 2M 503-628-0212/H 503-502-8539 (cell) 503-628-6206 2.5M 4.5M Grand Nordmann 7M 18M Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 5M 1.5M 1M Area 9 503-637-6388 503-806-1918 503-905-0415 large noble 14-65’ Area 8 541-929-5358/O 541-602-1492 541-929-2206 Area 9 503-630-7333/O 503-880-2144 Fraser 3M 500 11-18’ 1M 11-20’ Area 8 16 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION 2M 200 9-16’ Colorado spruce 8-15’ NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Pacific Timberland Mgmt. 360-507-2795 Craig French (cell) 10240 Coachman Lane SE 360-754-1235/H Olympia, WA 98501 FAX 360-754-8733 40 acres, est. 1988 Area 4 Ronald and Dorothy Palmer 360-983-3400/H Windy Knoll Tree Farm 360-983-3267/O 131 Windy Knoll Drive FAX 360-983-3267 Mossyrock, WA 98564 100 acres, est. 1979 Area 5 Jon Pronzini Christmas Tree Farms 503-587-9543 Jon and Carla Pronzini 707-778-3871 925 Lakeville Street #238 FAX 503-587-9539 Petaluma, CA 94952 FAX 707-778-3892 est. 1975 Area 9 Raintree Farm 503-630-5468/O Gary & Cragin Low FAX 503-630-5469 24750 S Century Rd. Estacada, OR 97023 400 acres, est. 1975 Area 8 Ramsby Tree Farm 503-843-3149/O 16460 SW Oldsville Road 503-472-9657/H McMinnville, OR 97128 FAX 503-843-3149 40 acres, est. 1956 Area 8 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver 3M noble Grand Nordmann 2M 2M 15M 10-15’ 1M 30M 15M Yes Yes noble 5M Fraser Other tree species, wreaths and garlands Turkish 3M cedar boughs Yes 3M Seller locater maps can be found on page 5. BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 21 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Jerry Reid HRD Tree Farm NE 911 Mission Creek Rd. Belfair, WA 98528 190 acres, est. 1981 Dan Rickel Rickel’s Tree Farm 29501 S.E. Shorgorick Road P.O. Box 598 Estacada, OR 97023 90 acres, est. 1973 Schmidlin Farms Mark & Daryl Schmidlin P.O. Box 192 Banks, OR 97106 60 acres, est. 1959 Kenneth and JoAnn Scholz Snowshoe Evergreen, Inc. 13921 McCutcheon Road Orting, WA 98360 500 acres, est. 1972 Derek & Niki Schumacher P.O. Box 336 Sublimity, OR 97385 18 acres, est. 2008 360-377-0046 360-275-2038 FAX 360-479-0833 Area 3 503-630-4349/H 503-572-6089 (cell) FAX 503-630-7542 Area 8 503-314-8484 (cell) Area 8 253-848-3492/O FAX 253-840-9323 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann Fraser Turkish 2M 4M 4.5M 500 500 200 3M 4M 2M 3M 1M 10M 3M 1M TT 2M 10M Area 4 503-931-3165 503-949-3065 FAX 503-767-7333 Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 3M 2M 22M 5-8’ noble Area 9 Sunrise Tree Farm Pat & Betty Malone 24048 Maxfield Creek Road Philomath, Oregon 97370 (541) 929-2289 (800) 786-2289 Protecting the watershed n Minimum tillage, mulching n Stream bank enhancement n Ground cover award by Soil & Water Conservation Integrated Pest Management n Biological & mechanical – 1st choice. Douglas n Noble n Nordmann 22 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION Family Farm Since 1975 Certified Sustainable NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Silver Bells Tree Farm Charlie and Sally Grogan FAX 3869 Victor Point Road Silverton, OR 97381 200 acres, est. 1971 Sky Ranch Tree Farm R.T. Kind 24800 NW Sky Ranch Rd. North Plains, OR 97133 Skyhill Farms 22093 S. Ridge Road Oregon City, OR 97045 85 acres, est. 1969 Skyline Tree Farm Linda Provance & Brian Glagola P.O. Box 4609 FAX Salem, OR 97302-4609 7 acres South Christmas Tree Farm, LLC Don, Troy and Jennifer South FAX 15871 NW Dairy Creek Road North Plains, OR 97133 90 acres, est. 1968 Douglas 503-873-2036/O 503-873-2035 Area 9 503-647-5020/H 503-647-5020 Grand Nordmann 50M Area 9 503-799-9324 503-647-2560 Area 8 503-631-3340/H 503-821-9264 (cell) Area 8 503-569-4677 503-399-8203 503-371-0880 Noble Shasta Red Silver Fraser Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 20M 3M 200 11-12’ 800 12’ 200 2M 50 5M noble 2M Area 8 SUMMER MEETING Pumpkins All Sizes • Excellent Color Large Stems Organic or Conventional & FARM TOUR Specializing in production contracts for JUNE 20 & 21, 2014 Wilsonville, Oregon Pumpkin retail lots 33285 S. Barlow Rd. • Woodburn, OR 97071 503-651-2493 • Fax: 503-651-3766 Email: Cut & living christmas Trees (See Listing This Directory) BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 23 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops St. Nick’s Christmas Trees, LLC 503-709-7762 George & Paula Diamond 503-781-4764 Farm: Oregon City, OR FAX 503-697-1066 18380 River Edge Ln. Lake Oswego, OR 97034-5123 20 acres, est. 1981 Area 9 Sunnyview Christmas Tree Farm 503-378-1723/O Harold Schipporeit FAX 503-378-7102 4455 - 27th Avenue S.E. Salem, OR 97302 35 acres, est. 1979 Area 9 Jan Thornagle 503-623-3604/H Monmouth View Tree Farm 2970 Ballard Road Dallas, OR 97338 11 acres, est. 1983 Area 9 Timbergrove Farms, LLC 503-632-3588 Irv & Joan Wettlaufer 20891 S. Olson Rd. Beavercreek, OR 97004 40 acres, est. 1998 Area 8 Tom’s Tree Farm 925-284-5173 Sue Renno Christmas Trees 3320 Moraga Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 36 acres, est. 1982 Area 9 Terry Ulven 503-363-6763/O Christmas Trees-R-Us 714-801-2216 6634 Fruitland Road NE Salem, OR 97301 38 acres, est. 1989 Area 9 Bill & Susan Underwood 503-648-3738/H Underwood Farms FAX 503-747-5299 4025 SE Brookwood Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97123 30 acres, est. 2002 Area 8 Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann Fraser Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 15M noble 500 3M tall noble 200 2M 2M 25M 3M 15M 2M 2M 4M 7M 2M Crossties Tree Farm Newberg, Oregon Our Farm sells premium Noble & Grand Firs. Please let us know how we can best serve your needs. • Owners: Richard & Daphne Green • Phone & Fax: (503) 628-3551 • Email: • Web: 26 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION Become a Member of the Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association P.O. Box 3366 • Salem, OR 97302 503.364.2942 • FAX 503.581.6819 NUMBER OF TREES FOR SALE BY SPECIES Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand 360-748-4150/H 1M 1M Area 5 253-279-5293 2M 900 SELLER M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Van Dyke Trees David Van Dyke 557 Brown Road E. Chehalis, WA 98532 30 acres, est. 1972 Wes Wasson Progressive Crop Protection Skookum View Nobles 695 W Satsop Rd. Montesano, WA 98563 50 acres West Valley Tree Farms Derald and Melvena Hostetler 7585 Sawtell Rd. Sheridan, OR 97378-9546 37 acres, est. 1978 Jeff & Birdie Wiemken Majestyk Mountain Christmas Trees 554 - Sixth Street #13 Washougal, WA 98671 FAX 88 acres, est. 1976 WindSong Christmas Trees Mike & Linda McWhirter 25570 S.W. LaBrousse Rd. Sherwood, OR 97140 14 acres, est. 1985 Zurbrugg Farms Roy & Eugene Zurbrugg FAX 16865 NW Germantown Rd. Portland, OR 97231 40 acres, est. 1985 Douglas Nordmann Area 3 503-876-3443 503-559-0967 (cell) Area 8 360-281-3932 (cell) 360-835-0886/O 360-835-3418 Fraser Turkish Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 1M 500 12-14’ Area 5 503-625-5830 100 15-30’ 10M 7-12’ noble 200+ 8-11’ noble Area 9 503-645-8458 503-466-0854 50+ 10-12’ 50+ 8-10’ 2M Area 8 Welcome Tree Buyers! Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association’s Tree Fair & Trade Show September 5 & 6, 2014 Red Lion Hotel on the River – Jantzen Beach • Portland, Oregon For more information write or call: Interested in exhibiting in the trade show? Write or call: Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association Post Office 3366, Salem, Oregon 97302 (503) 364-2942, FAX: (503) 581-6819 PNWCTA Trade Show Manager Kari PUFFER P.O. Box 3366, Salem, Oregon 97302 (503) 364-2942, FAX: (503) 581-6819 28 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION BUYERS NUMBER OF TREES TO BE PURCHASED BY SPECIES buyerS Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann 805-565-3730/H 805-966-6668 (lot) 805-565-3730 544 3,961 13 568 Battaglia Ranch Paul Battaglia P.O. Box 270 San Martin, CA 95046 408-683-4730/O 408-221-6274 FAX 408-683-4955 5M 5M 1M 1M 1M Buchanan Brothers’ Trees Dennis Buchanan P.O. Box 40069 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-462-1326 425-454-0894 FAX 425-462-9468 100 1.5M Cascade Marketing Services Roy Weis 14470 Berry Creek Road McMinnville, OR 97128 503-474-1926 FAX 503-474-1922 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M Emerald Christmas Tree Company 425-455-9400/O 11643 NE 8th St. 800-FAT-TREE/O Bellevue, WA 98005 FAX 425-455-9912 75M 75M 25M Emerald Forest Christmas Trees 415-595-1478 Cyril A. Hackett 415-566-8984 770 Stanyan St. FAX 415-386-9293 San Francisco, CA 94117 500 2M 500 500 Family Christmas Tree Farm Richard E. Gass 1855 Rancho Janet Alpine, CA 91901 Yes Yes Yes Yes 200 1.2M M = Thousand TT = Table Tops Anthony’s Christmas Trees and Wreaths Inc. Anthony Dal Bello 510 Alston Road FAX Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Dino G. Forristall 2669 Box Canyon Dr. Pinole, CA 94564 619-448-5331 510-508-8029/H 916-452-0231 FAX 916-452-0245 Peter Gaughen Peter Gaughen Co. P.O. Box 86633 San Diego, CA 92138 619-443-4578/O Yes plantation & natural Up to 18’ Yes Silvertip white noble Up to 20’ Michael Gutzman Kringles’ Korner Christmas Trees 465 Kenwood Ct. - Suite A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 FAX 707-544-4297/O 707-974-2225 (cell) 707-544-7061 Yes Yes 30 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION Fraser Turkish 121 Other tree species, wreaths and garlands wreaths garland large nobles Silvertip wreaths garland Yes Yes 300 Yes Yes Up to 18’ Truckload Quantities Yes Yes Yes Up to 18’ Yes Yes Balsam, Canaan King Boris Scotch pine TT Living trees wreaths/garland greens/cones wreaths garland NUMBER OF TREES TO BE PURCHASED BY SPECIES buyerS Douglas Noble Shasta Red Silver Grand Nordmann 2M 2M 2M 1M J.G. Brands Christmas Tree Sales 516-795-1054 Joe Grande FAX 516-795-1306 P.O. Box 030463 Elmont, NY 11003 Yes Yes noble Yes The Kirk Company Gary Snyder P.O. Box 547 Beavercreek, OR 97004 503-632-7829 FAX 503-632-7021 50M 200M 15M 15M Pat and Betty Malone Sunrise Tree Farm 24048 Maxfield Creek Road Philomath, OR 97370 Mr. Greentrees Lyra Marble P.O. Box 1036 Beverly Hills, CA 90213 541-929-2289/O FAX 541-929-2132 1M 4M 1M 1M Yes 9-20’ noble Yes Yes Yes Yes M = Thousand Hopper Bros. Dennis and Douglas Hopper 33285 S. Barlow Road Woodburn, OR 97071 TT = Table Tops 503-651-2493/O FAX 503-651-3766 310-276-9827/O Harry Noonan Noonan Christmas Trees P.O. Box 10727 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-548-7522 949-610-5586 Yes Fraser Turkish 3M Yes 15M 5M Balsam Yes Nordmann garland Yes Yes Yes Northern Lights Wreath 503-637-6388 Company, LLC 503-806-1918 Mark Hettervig FAX 503-905-0415 2000 SE Hanna Harvester Dr Milwaukie, OR 97222 Ramsby Tree Farm 16460 SW Oldsville Road McMinnville, OR 97128 wreaths garland greens noble boughs juniper incense cedar red cedar 503-843-3149/O 503-472-9657/H FAX 503-843-3149 2M 500 1M 2M Daryll T. Smith 503-362-5124/H Holiday Hills Christmas Trees FAX 503-362-6435 3634 Halifax Sq. SE Salem, OR 97302-4714 3M 8M 2M Robert Stanley 25350 Cypress Ave Hayward, CA 94544 5M 3M 1M 510-502-6619 FAX 510-657-8485 Other tree species, wreaths and garlands 1M BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 31 NURSERIES BARE ROOT STOCK NURSERY M = Thousand BARE ROOT STOCK Species Available Contract M Trees? Grow for Public Sale Bare Root Stock Transplant Aldrich Berry Farm & Nursery Inc. 190 Aldrich Rd. Mossyrock, WA 98564 360-983-3138 Christmas tree species, misc. ornamental conifers for landscape, reforestation. Potential specialty Christmas trees. Yes Yes Yes Brooks Tree Farm 9785 Portland Rd. NE Salem, OR 97305 503-393-6300 FAX 503-393-0827 Noble fir, Douglas-fir, Grand fir, Nordmann fir, Turkish fir, Fraser fir, Balsam fir, Colorado spruce, Scotch pine, Also nursery stock. Yes Yes P-1, P-2, 2-1 Drakes Crossing Nursery Barbara Hupp 19774 Grade Road SE Silverton, OR 97381 503-873-4932 FAX 503-873-4933 Noble fir, Douglas-fir, Scotch pine, Grand fir, Balsam fir, Concolor fir, Nordmann fir, Fraser fir, Miscellaneous varieties. Yes Yes Yes Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Nordmann fir, Grand fir, White fir, Corkbark fir, California red fir Yes Yes Yes Lava Nursery Inc. P.O. Box 370 Parkdale, OR 97041 541-352-7303 Kenneth Scholz Snowshoe Evergreen, Inc. 13921 McCutcheon Road Orting, WA 98360 253-848-3492 FAX 253-840-9323 Douglas-fir, Grand, Nordmann, Noble fir, Fraser Fir, all Spruces, Hemlock, Cedar Yes Yes Bare root and plug transplants P+1+1, P+1-1/2 P-2, 1-1, 2-1 Silvaseed Company P.O. Box 118 Roy, WA 98580 253-843-2246 FAX 253-843-2239 Noble fir, Shasta fir, Grand fir, Fraser fir, White fir, Douglas-fir, Pacific Silver, Nordmann, PNWCTA Elite Noble fir and others Yes Yes Yes Silver Mountain Nursery 4672 Drift Creek Rd. S.E. Sublimity, OR 97385 Nursery 503-769-7133 Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Grand fir, Fraser fir, Canaan fir, Nordmann Yes Yes Large transplants 2+1, P+1, P+2, 1+2, 2+2, 1+1 Weyerhaeuser Company Rochester, WA Turner, OR 800-732-4769 Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Grand fir,Fraser fir Yes 10M Minimum Yes 5M Minimum 1+1, 1+2, P +1, P +2 Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Grand fir, Western red cedar, Western Hemlock, Ponderosa pine, Nordmann Yes Yes Yes 1+1, P+1 2+1, P+2 Willamette Seedling Nursery 23625 S. Mulino Rd. P.O. Box 728 Canby, OR 97013 503-263-6850 FAX 503-263-3872 32 PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS TREE ASSOCIATION CONTAINERIZED STOCK M = Thousand Species Available Contract M Trees? Grow for Public Sale Transplants Containerized Stock Brooks Tree Farm 9785 Portland Rd. NE Salem, OR 97305 Kintigh’s Mountain Home Ranch 38865 E. Cedar Flat Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 503-393-6300 503-393-0827 Noble fir, Douglas-fir, Grand fir, Nordmann fir, Turkish fir, Fraser fir, Balsam fir, Colorado spruce, Scotch pine, Incense Cedar; Also Nursery Stock Yes Yes P-1, P-2, 2-1 Also plugs band pots #1 & #2 541-746-1842 FAX 541-746-1842 Genetically Improved Douglas-fir (SC & S-10) Grand fir (SC), Incense cedar (SC), Noble fir (SC) Turkish fir (SC), Zone 12 Ponderosa pine (SC) SC = Super cells; S-10 = Styro 105 Yes 10 M Minimum Yes No 541-352-7303 Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Nordmann fir, Grand fir, White fir, Corkbark fir, California red fir Yes No 253-843-2246 FAX 253-843-2239 Noble fir, Shasta fir, Grand fir, Fraser fir, White fir, Douglas-fir, Pacific silver fir, PNWCTA Elite Noble fir and others Yes Yes Yes Douglas-fir, Fraser fir, Noble fir, Balsam fir, Grand fir Yes 5M Minimum Yes 5M Minimum Plug to Plug Plug to Plug +1 2 yr plugs 1 yr plugs Lava Nursery Inc. P.O. Box 370 Parkdale, OR 97041 Silvaseed Company P.O. Box 118 Roy, WA 98580 Weyerhaeuser Company 800-732-4769 Rochester, WA Turner, OR TREE SEED Species Available Source Noble fir Majestyk Mountain Tree Farms Seed Orchard TREE SEED Majestyk Mountain Christmas Trees Cell 360-281-3932 Office 360-835-0886 Silver Star - Cascade Range, Washington Jeff Wiemken 554 – Sixth Street #13 Washougal, WA 98671 Silvaseed Company P.O. Box 118 Roy, WA 98580 253-843-2246 FAX 253-843-2239 Fir: Douglas, Noble, Grand, Vancouver Is./Powell River, Riley/Fanno, Fraser, Balsam, Shasta, White, Clearwater/Sears Creek, Roan Mountain, Nova Scotia, Corkbark, Nordmann, Canaan, Hobson Horn, Frijsenborg , Cibola, Blue Spruce, Scotch Pine Apache, AZ, Ambrolauri/Tlugi, Russia and others as well as others. BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 33 TRUCKERS Type of Truck No. of Units Limit of Hauls 360-336-1500 866-778-8730 FAX 360-336-1583 Vans Reefers Flats Rail 24,500 9,500 7,400 Unlimited 48 States Canada Mexico Year Round ASAP 800-950-1010 503-665-1700 503-665-2406 Reefers Vans Unlimited 48 States Year Round ASAP TRUCKERS Harmon Transport David Harmon 725 Main St., Suite C Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Northland Express Transport 816 NW Frontage Rd., Suite L Troutdale, OR 97060 Dates Available Required Lead Time SUMMER MEETING & FARM TOUR JUNE 20 & 21, 2014 Wilsonville, Oregon BUY-SELL DIRECTORY 35