Level control and measurement—float type Battery


Level control and measurement—float type Battery
Level control and measurement—float type
Battery powered audible high level alarm
Use with ECEFast CUSTOM float level
switches type S1 and S4 made to specifica on with threaded or flanged connec on
Ba ery powered weather resistant enclosure
Ba ery condi on LED and high alarm LED
TEST bu on for func on check [start light and siren]
MUTE bu on to deac vate siren
High alarm remains ac ve un l level drops.
The ECEFast Spillmaster was designed for overflow protec on during tank filling
opera ons. It provides an alarm light for high level and a loud siren. When the siren is ac vated, it con nues un l the
mute bu on is pressed.
It is intended to be mounted close the where the operator is controlling the tank fill dispenser or pump, and it can then be
muted readily as soon as the fill process is stopped. The box itself can be mounted directly on the float level probe, or remotely, in order to sa sfy this requirement. The Spillmaster box cannot be mounted in a Zoned hazardous area.
Contact us:
Australia Freecall: 1 800 811 818
Email: sales@ecefast.com.au