May 2012
May 2012
La Hacienda: The John L. Jerome Collection Family Residence designed by Frederick Sterner with Furnishings by Gustav Stickley ca. 1902 Auction of May 20, 2012, 10:00am at the John Toomey Gallery, Oak Park, Illinois Text by Thomas K. Maher Catalog collaboration by John Toomey, Don Treadway, and Associates Auction conducted by the John Toomey Gallery of Oak Park, Illinois and the Treadway Gallery of Cincinnati, Ohio La Hacienda: The John L. Jerome Collection Galleries Treadway Gallery, Inc. 2029 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 (513) 321-6742 Fax: (513) 871-7722 e-mail: John Toomey Gallery, Inc. 818 North Boulevard Oak Park, IL 60301 (708) 383-5234 Fax: (708) 383-4828 e-mail: Arts & Crafts Department John Toomey 708-383-5234 Don Treadway 513-321-6742 Fine Arts Department Joe Stanfield Lucy Toomey 708-383-5234 708-383-5234 Auctioneers Jennifur Condon • Kevin Mannella • Lucy Toomey Accounting Anne Dickinson 708-383-5234 Directions Absentee and Phone Bidding Lucy Toomey 708-383-5234 Shipping Information Colleen Trimarco 708-383-5234 Shipping/Staff Kevin Mannella • Marty Uribe Bob Yuro • Joe Mannella 708-383-5234 Photography The auction is being held at 818 North Boulevard (not to be confused with North Avenue) in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. By automobile from the East; take I-90/94 to 290 West Eisenhower X-way to Exit 21B, Harlem go north (right) to North Boulevard, take a right to 818 North Boulevard. By automobile from the South; take I-57 or I-55 to I-294 (Tri-State Tollway) continue north until you come to I-290 (Eisenhower x-way) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Avenue, go north (left) approximately 10 blocks under viaduct to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. Tom Vogel 513-321-6742 Catalog Design • Layout • Production Carrie White • Dave Warren 513-321-6742 Advertising • Website Development Kate Wilkins • Dave Warren 513-321-6742 By automobile from the West; take I-80 or the East-West Tollway to I-290 (Eisenhower x-way) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Avenue, go north (left) to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. • By automobile from the North; take I-90 East to I-294 South, to I-290 (Eisenhower x-way) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Ave., go north (left) to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. Classic Color, Broadview, Illinois Printing and binding Treadway Gallery Internet Check our site on the World Wide Web for the latest information: Catalog price - $50.U.S. $70.Foreign Photos: All Rights Reserved ©2012 Treadway Gallery CONTENTS Cover La Hacienda in winter ca. 1905, photograph by Irene Jerome Hood 1. Contents John L. Jerome at Buffalo Park, ca. 1902, photograph by Irene Jerome Hood 2. Preface Thomas K. Maher 3. Introduction John Toomey 4-10. The Commission, the Clients, the Furnishings and Decorative Arts, the Jerome-Hart family, and the Architect, Frederick Sterner, Gustav Stickley and the United Crafts 11-59. The Jerome Estate Collection of Decorative Arts Furniture by Gustav Stickley Decorative Arts The Jerome Estate Book Collection End Cover: An example of the ca. 1902 Gustav Stickley decal used to sign the furniture 1 PREFACE I wish to thank the descendants of John L. and Lucy Jerome-Richard and Jane Hart and James and Barbara Hart-for the opportunity to catalog and research their family estate in Buffalo Park, Colorado. While researching and writing about Gustav Stickley’s early work, I have seen period photographs of private residences, camps and homes furnished with designs from his firm. They appear in contemporary books on interior decoration and design and in monthly periodicals. The Hart family and John Toomey provided me with an opportunity to view, live in and research an important Arts and Crafts residence designed by a prominent American architect. La Hacienda has been maintained by family members since it was built and furnished in 1902. An auction such as this, of an original collection from its original site, is rare. From 1972 to 2012, there have been only five important sales of Gustav Stickley furniture owned by the original family or estate: • On January 24, 1979, Richard W. Oliver auctioned off the contents of a former Maine governor, a sale that set records for a number of Stickley designs. • In 1982, the estate of Louise Stickley (wife of Leopold Stickley) was sold in Fayetteville, New York. • Peter Wiles (grandson of Gustav Stickley) consigned fifteen pieces of furniture for sale at Christie’s December 10, 1988 auction. These pieces were from Gustav Stickley’s Craftsman Farms home and came to be owned by the Wiles family after Gustav Stickley moved in with them. The Stickley provenance, combined with important early designs in original finish, resulted in record prices. The most important example of Stickley furniture owned by Wiles was Gustav Stickley’s own wardrobe. That piece was sold privately by Wiles to Charles and Jane Kaufmann and subsequently was sold by John Toomey and Don Treadway at the Kaufmann Collection Sale in 1996. • On October 9, 1999, Duane Merrill Auctions sold the contents of Allenwood, the summer home of George Marshall Allen, heir to the Old Crow whiskey distillery, where he constructed a lodge with ten service buildings. The lodge had beamed ceilings and green-stained pine woodwork. The furnishings consisted of early 1901-1902 Gustav Stickley furniture. Record prices were set once again. • On March 10, 2007, Craftsman Auctions sold the remaining contents of Vancroft, a large estate in Wellsburg, West Virginia. The estate had been converted to a rest home and some of the early Stickley designs had been removed or sold prior to the auction. Despite condition issues (due to restored finishes), many of the 1901-1902 Stickley designs brought record prices. The sale of the La Hacienda furniture will become the sixth important sale of Gustav Stickley furnishings over the last forty years. John Toomey, Don Treadway and the Hart family understand the need for a record that not only describes the decorative arts in the estate but also provides the historical context of the people who contracted for the residence and decorated it with William Morris wallpapers, Gustav Stickley furniture, Caproni plaster friezes, books and American Indian art. Cataloging this fine collection creates an historical reference, and during this process, it became apparent that some of the furnishings are the finest examples known. Thomas K. Maher Grosse Pointe, Michigan 2 The home was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 20, 1973. INTRODUCTION I first became aware of La Hacienda in late 2007 when I received a packet in the mail from the Hart family containing photographs of objects for possible consignment. As I began reviewing these photos, I quickly realized that this wasn’t the usual group of pictures that come through our door. This was the collection that keeps us searching. I have been involved in the sale of several important acquired collections, but this was the first that had been completely assembled in 1902 and remained virtually intact. It was surprising that this treasure had remained unknown to most of us. I was anxious to make a trip to Colorado, but the Harts were still struggling with the difficult decision to sell their family’s prized possessions. My first trip to picturesque La Hacienda was in July of 2008, when I walked into this time capsule. The architect-designed home still included its 1902 William Morris wallpaper and, more importantly, the majority of the Gustav Stickley furniture from his most important period in untouched original finish. Although “rare” is an overused term in our industry, that is exactly what this was – truly rare. I learned about the importance of the family and its role in the history of Colorado and learned about the architect chosen to build the estate. I left Buffalo Creek with an understanding of the sensitivity of the situation and the family’s reluctance to disperse the collection. It seemed important that a visual record of what I had seen be created. There were several years of discussions, resulting in decisions to be made. In July 2011, the terms of the documenting and disposition of the collection were finalized and I went back to La Hacienda, at which time we removed the collection for transfer to our auction house in Oak Park, Illinois. It was an emotional day for the family, at the end of which the Harts asked me to sign the La Hacienda guest book. I realized that I was the last entry in the guest book and one of the last who would see La Hacienda as it had stood since 1902. I want to thank the Hart family for their integrity, generosity and hospitality. They continue the traditions of the great American family that is discussed in this book. I also want to thank Tom Maher for his friendship and invaluable assistance in cataloging this collection. His extensive knowledge and expertise, as well as his understanding of the importance of such a project were integral to creating this catalog, which is a tribute to both the Jerome-Hart family and Tom Maher. John Toomey Northeast view of La Hacienda. Platte River at La Hacienda. 3 THE COMMISSION: LA HACIENDA, BUFFALO PARK, COLORADO In 1880, the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad arrived to provide access to shipments from the Buffalo Park (a/k/a Buffalo Creek) lumber mills and by 1889 Buffalo Park was being promoted as the largest summer resort on the Platte River. Buffalo Park was considered the prime resort area for residents of Denver, including John L. Jerome, who enjoyed vacationing there. In 1899, his family spent the summer there and he discovered his “Spanish Estates” (the term he used for the property on Christmas Hill that he purchased and later called La Hacienda). John L. Jerome and his wife, Lucy, commissioned Denver architect Frederick Sterner to create a summer compound on the site for their family. The commission included a main residence, a stable with hayloft, carriage and tack rooms and stalls for seven horses, a guest house, a “doll’s house” (for the maids), a “lodge” for the full-time caretaker and an ice house. The 4,379-square-foot home was situated on a hill overlooking Bishop and Cathedral Peaks and included seven bedrooms and four baths. The property, originally platted to include more than its current acreage, is now situated on 30 acres that includes 1/3 mile of Platte River frontage with fishing rights. In 1902, John L. Jerome, his son-in-law Richard H. Hart (husband of his daughter Elizabeth) and brother-in-law Thomas Hood (husband of his sister, accomplished artist and photographer Irene Jerome Hood) created the Buffalo Park Association to protect the acreage and residence and provide proper stewardship for future generations of their family. The charter for the Buffalo Park Association provides an insight into the personality of John L. Jerome: “Be it further known that the business of the Buffalo Park Association is intended to be made subordinate to the recreation and refreshment of its stockholders, and their friends, and its chief purpose shall be the encouragement of such diversions and occupations as the following: Sitting in the Sun. Sitting in the Shade. Angling for Trout. Riding Broncos. The noble game of Bridge. Ping-Pong. Sitting around the Bon-Fire. Playing the Banjo. Singing. Wading in the Brook. Sleeping in the Hammock. Making Love. Eating green Apples. Star-Gazing. Playing Truant. Knitting in the Sun. Drinking High-balls. Climbing Mountains. Telling fish Stories. Building castles in Spain. Hunting the Snark. Fender Fishing. Going to bed after Midnight. Rising Betimes. Reading detective Stories. Wearing old Shoes. Making mud Pies. Gathering wild Flowers. Taking Photographs. Going Swimming. Four o’clock Tea. Hunting Indians, bears, and chipmunks. Skating on the Pond. Sketching. Dancing in the Barn. Doing what you Please. “The association will strive for the suppression of: Telephones, Tickers, Nerves, Creditors, Banks, Newspapers, Dressmakers, Teachers and all Improvement Societies. “It will seek to promote idleness; will contribute to the comfort of tramps, and afford facilities for siestas, dissipation and the companionship of old books and old friends.” La Hacienda was completed in July 1902 and the first entries in the guest book are dated July 13, 1902. William T. Jerome, a cousin of John L. Jerome who served as District Attorney in New York and was known for courageously standing up to Tammany Hall, had the honor of being the first entry in the book. 4 La Hacienda ca. 1905. Bishop Rock and Cathedral Peak can be seen in the background. Photograph by Irene Jerome Hood. THE CLIENTS: JOHN L. JEROME AND LUCY JEROME John L. Jerome was born in Clinton, New York on July 6, 1854. His second cousin, William Jerome, was a District Attorney of New York. Another cousin, Jennie Jerome (1854-1921), married Lord Randolph Churchill in 1874 and was the mother of Winston Churchill. John L. Jerome graduated from Hamilton College in Clinton, New York and moved to Central City, Colorado in August 1873. He was principal of the high school there before moving to Denver in 1875, where he was admitted to the bar in 1876 and married Lucy Wright Sweetland of Cazenovia, New York. John L. Jerome was Denver City Attorney from 1880-1881 and subsequently went into private practice before forming a partnership in 1892 with J.C. Osgood, a client who had hired him in 1884 to provide legal work for the Colorado Fuel Company. John and Lucy Jerome ca. 1900. John L. Jerome And The Colorado Fuel And Iron Company J.C. Osgood and A.H. Danforth organized the Colorado Fuel Company, its major asset consisting of an anthracite coal mine and located in Pueblo, Colorado, which was considered the “Pittsburgh of the West” due to its steel operations. On October 21, 1892, the Colorado Fuel Company merged with the Colorado Coal and Iron Company. J.C. Osgood became president, and Henry Wolcott, Paul Morton and Julian A. Kebler became vice presidents of the resulting Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (“CFI”). John L. Jerome was elected to the Board of Directors along with another friend, Alfred C. Kass (see New York Times, “Colorado Fuel and Iron Company,” October 22, 1892). CFI was a pioneer in creating programs for the assistance of workers, including establishment of a sociological department and free kindergartens for children of employees. The company employed 15,000 men and never reduced wages during economic downturns. In 1898, the company went public and, by 1902, rival business interests began attempts to take over CFI. Company president J.C. Osgood enlisted the financial assistance of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and George Gould to prevent takeover of the company. Rockefeller and Gould began to exert a great deal of influence over day-to-day operations, and J.C. Osgood, because of his reduced role and influence, turned over the company to the two men in the spring of 1903. On August 4, 1903, John L. Jerome was relieved of his duties as vice president and Julian A. Kebler also was relieved of his duties at about the same time (See New York Times, “Colorado Fuel and Iron - New Controlling Interest Takes Charge, Promised Innovations,” August 5, 1903). John L. Jerome also owned the Overland Cotton Mill Company in Denver and devoted his efforts to the management of that business. Alfred C. Kass, one of CFI’s founding partners, died from consumption shortly after the company was taken over by Rockefeller and Gould. Five months later, on November 21, 1903, Julian A. Kebler collapsed and died from a stroke and, on November 22, 1903, John L. Jerome, who was only 48 years old, was found dead in his bed at La Hacienda. An obituary appeared in the November 23, 1903 issue of the New York Times: JOHN L. JEROME DEAD. “John L. Jerome, one of the five men who built up the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company was found dead at his country home at Buffalo Park this morning. The coroner has determined that death was due to an overdose of an opiate taken accidentally, and there probably will be no inquest. Death seems to have followed the men who lost control of the Fuel and Iron Company since the change a few months ago. A.C. Kass, J.E. Kebler and Mr. Jerome have died, Mr. Kebler only two days ago. Colonel D. C. Beman, Secretary of the Company is ill almost to the point of death and Mr. Osgood is traveling, hoping to regain his shattered health. Thus have the five founders of the company and the men who held its highest executive offices been stricken all within the few months that have elapsed since they gave up their financial battle with Eastern men.” Herbert N. Casson, a Canadian journalist and author, in his 1907 book, The Romance of Steel, A.S. Barnes and Company, New York 1907, described the events leading to the takeover of CFI. Referring to Osgood and his ill-fated partnership with Rockefeller and Gould, he wrote: “As a Westerner would say, he whistled for the grizzly and the grizzly came.” 5 THE FURNISHINGS AND DECORATIVE ARTS AT LA HACIENDA John L. and Lucy Jerome chose William Morris wallpaper that still exists throughout the residence. Included in the residence is a book collection, Indian blankets and artifacts. Caproni plaster sculptural reliefs were installed over four fireplaces, and the Jeromes furnished the home with Gustav Stickley furniture ca. 1901-1902. Family lore recounts the arrival of the furniture by train from Auburn, New York in large packing crates. An enormous bonfire was made from the oak packing crates after the furniture was removed and installed in the home. Early Stickley honeycomb pattern druggets were used in the bedrooms of the residence and can be seen in period photographs. The home was wired for electricity but for nearly a decade wall candle holders were used until the area received electricity. The Jeromes’ taste in decorating was influenced by their extensive travels. Family albums contain travel photographs from the Pacific Northwest, as well as from the 1892-1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago and the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, among others. Their Denver residence was decorated in Japanese-style décor (a photograph of the Ho-o-den at the Columbian Exposition also appears in one of the family albums) and La Hacienda includes Indian artifacts collected during visits to the Pacific Northwest. In 1901, Gustav Stickley introduced his arts and crafts furniture designs to the general public at the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition. John L. Jerome and his wife purchased Stickley ca. 1901 designs identical to those they saw exhibited at the exposition. The Jeromes purchased the furniture from G. W. Richardson & Son, a furniture store in Auburn, New York that was one of the first retail stores to sell Gustav Stickley furniture. Included in the Buffalo Park Association archives is a copy of a letter from John L. Jerome to G.W. Richardson & Son dated June 4, 1902 requesting additional Stickley furniture: “Will you please add the following furniture to my previous orders, to be shipped at your convenience: Eastwood book cabinet, No. 525. This is for the library, and I would like the doors lined with silk or denim of some color which will go well with the red paper on the walls. The object of this is that the contents may not be exposed. Am also particular to have a good lock on the doors. Also for the living room, Smoker’s cabinet, No. 522. For the vestibule, mirror No. 608, green stained oak, also 1 rocker, No. 2635 green stained oak, rush seat. Also 2 No. 20 willow chairs, from Sterling Bros., stained forest green.” (Reference MSS#1266, Box/. carton E-Buffalo Park, ff# BPA- Box-2-3-4), Copyright, Colorado Historical Society. Interior photograph of La Hacienda. 6 LA HACIENDA AND THE HART FAMILY 1902-2012 Irene Jerome Hood, sister of John L. Jerome, deserves special recognition for her role in preserving a visual record of La Hacienda, the family and its environs. Irene married Thomas L. Hood in 1887 and they lived in Oak Park, Illinois in a residence they called “Red Top.” Irene attended the Academy of Design in Chicago and, in 1892, she and her husband moved to Denver to be closer to her brother and his children. Irene painted watercolors at La Hacienda of the interior of the residence and the surrounding area and took photographs of the home, the Jerome children, wildflowers and the surrounding mountains. One of her favorite subjects was John L. Jerome’s daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth Jerome married attorney and law professor Richard H. Hart, and they and their children spent summers with Irene Jerome Hood at La Hacienda until Irene’s death in 1945. Stephen Hart (1908-1993), the son of Richard and Elizabeth Jerome Hart and grandson of John L. Jerome, attended Yale, Harvard and Oxford and received his law degree in 1933 from the University of Denver. In 1937, he married Lorna Rogers (deceased 1987) and they had three children, Richard H. Hart, James G.R. Hart and Georgina Hart. Stephen Hart served in the Colorado House of Representatives for two years and in the Colorado State Senate from 1939-1943. In 1947, Stephen Hart formed the law firm of Holland & Hart, where he remained until 1983. During his retirement in 1983-1993, he worked to preserve Colorado history as a board member of the Colorado Historical Society. He donated Irene Jerome Hood’s sketches and photographs of La Hacienda and Buffalo Park to the Colorado Historical Society following her death (for more information on Irene Jerome Hood, see Georgianna Contiguglia, “Genteel Artist: Irene Jerome Hood Captures Images of Her Life and Family,” Colorado Heritage: The Journal of the Colorado Historical Society, 1982, Issue 1, pp. 79-102). We are fortunate to have been able to include some of these images, as well as images from family photo albums, in this book. La Hacienda has remained practically unchanged in form and content since 1902, still representative of the international, literary and artistic aspirations of the first generation of Western pioneers to become influential. Richard, James and Georgina Hart inherited La Hacienda after the death of their parents. As great-grandchildren of John L. and Lucy Jerome they have maintained the residence with the original furnishings, Indian artifacts, decorative arts, and books. The decision to sell the residence and its contents comes at a time when maintaining and protecting their family home and its important contents in a fragile wilderness environment has become increasingly difficult. Since 1996, three major fires destroyed areas of Buffalo Park. In May of 1996, an escaped campfire resulted in the Buffalo Creek fire that destroyed 11,875 acres. In June of 2000, a discarded cigarette started the Hill Meadow fire that burned 10,800 acres, eleven private residences and one commercial property. The third and largest fire was the Hayman fire that began on June 8, 2002, which began near Lake George and destroyed 139,000 acres. The fire risk to the residence and the potential destruction of the important furnishings and decorative arts has caused the Hart family to decide to sell this historic residence and its contents. Irene and Thomas Hood's 1905 home, designed by Frederick Sterner. A Western elevation photograph of La Hacienda shows Jerome children at play. Irene Jerome Hood ca. 1903. 7 THE ARCHITECT: FREDERICK STERNER IN COLORADO (1882-1906) Frederick J. Sterner, the architect of La Hacienda, was born in London in 1862. He followed his German-born father, Julius, to the United States in about 1878. Julius Sterner ran a wholesale liquor business in Chicago and had another talented son named Albert Sterner (1863-1946), who was a prominent painter and illustrator. By 1885, Albert Sterner had established a studio in New York and began working for magazines such as Harper’s, Scribner’s, Century, and Collier’s. Frederick Sterner appears in Chicago directories in the 1880's as a draftsman for the architect Frank E. Edbrooke. In 1879, Horace Tabor commissioned Edbrooke to design the Tabor Block Building (1880) and the Tabor Grand Opera House (1881) in Denver. Edbrooke moved to Denver in 1881 to oversee construction of his designs and quickly became the town's most notable architect. Significant structures in Denver designed by Edbrooke include: the Brown Palace Hotel, the Navarre, the Masonic Temple, the Oxford Hotel, Central Presbyterian Church, the Barrington Hotel, and Temple Emmanuel. Frederick Sterner worked in Denver on the Tabor Block and Grand Opera projects as a draftsman for Edbrooke and, by 1883, had established an independent practice. Sterner’s most important commissions in Denver were the Sykes-Nicholson-Moore House (1897), the Denver Club (1889) and the Denver Athletic Club (1899). In 1901, Sterner designed Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, Colorado for William Jackson Palmer, founder of the Colorado Coal and Iron Company that merged with J.C. Osgood’s Colorado Fuel Company in 1892 (becoming Colorado Fuel and Iron Company – “CFI”). Sterner also designed the Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs in 1901 and was commissioned by CFI for a number of buildings in Pueblo Colorado, including the Minnequa Steel Works Office Building (1901), the Associated Dispensary (1902), the company store and other buildings in company towns in Colorado. John L. Jerome, who served on the board of CFI, was familiar with Sterner’s work in Denver and for the Colorado Coal and Iron Company. In 1901, John L. Jerome asked Frederick Sterner to design a residence and a number of support buildings for a summer estate (La Hacienda) in Buffalo Park, Colorado. In 1905, John L. Jerome’s sister Irene and her husband Thomas Hood, who vacationed at La Hacienda, commissioned Frederick J. Sterner to design and build a home for them on the Jerome property in Buffalo Park. Sterner’s caption for the La Hacienda blueprints. In 1906, Frederick Sterner moved to New York and began working on New York City projects, shuttling back and forth between Denver and New York. In 1913, he completed the designs for the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia and also renovated brownstones in New York and created Tudor designs on Long Island before retiring and moving to London with his sister in 1924, where he died in 1931. Frederick Sterner architectural rendering of La Hacienda, 1902. 8 Gustav Stickley’s exhibit at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. The Craftsman, November 1901. Gustav Stickley exhibited settle no. 173 (top photo), a gong (top photo), a china cabinet (top photo) chair model no. 2592, library/table desk model no. 404 and footstool model no. 229 at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Reference photograph, The Craftsman, November, 1901. John and Lucy Jerome attended the exposition and purchased examples of these designs for their new home in Buffalo Park, Colorado. 9 GUSTAV STICKLEY AND THE UNITED CRAFTS 1901-1902 Gustav Stickley (1857-1942) is the most familiar name that comes to mind when people discuss Arts and Crafts furniture. Gustav Stickley began making furniture in 1898 and his new furniture line appeared in the American Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer and other trade journals on August 10, 1898. His brother, Leopold Stickley, served as foreman of his operation at this time. Gustav Stickley exhibited his designs for the first time at the Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition in January 1899. An article in the June 17, 1899 issue of American Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer commented on his trade show exhibit and described a line of mahogany Morris chairs with carved designs. In 1900, Gustav Stickley began experimenting with Arts and Crafts furniture designs. He created plain furniture with clean lines made of oak, ash and mahogany and exhibited these designs. George Clingman, who ran Tobey Furniture Company of Chicago, one of the largest furniture companies in the Midwest, signed a contract with Gustav Stickley in 1900 to produce his new furniture designs. Clingman called the line “The New Furniture”. Tobey Furniture Company produced two catalogs of Gustav Stickley furniture designs before Stickley abandoned this arrangement and moved to Syracuse, New York in 1901. In Syracuse, Stickley rented the Crouse Stables for his workshop and issued his first catalog in 1901. It was nearly identical to the Tobey version of late 1900 and was called “New Furniture from the Workshop of Gustave Stickley”. He exhibited his furniture designs at the 1901 Buffalo Pan-American Exposition in a joint exhibit with the Grueby Pottery Company. He published a second furniture catalog in June 1901 called “Chips from the Workshop of Gustav Stickley.” Gustav Stickley worked with Irene Sargent in Syracuse and, in October 1901, began publishing “The Craftsman” magazine. By January 1902, he had published a third catalog entitled “Things Wrought by the United Crafts”, a catalog of suggested room interiors with Craftsman furniture, and in May 1902, Gustav Stickley published a series of retail photographic plates of his designs. All of the furniture designs from La Hacienda can be found in the 1901 Chips catalog and the 1902 retail plates. The 1901-1902 early furniture designs of Gustav Stickley are considered his finest work. All of the La Hacienda designs fall into this time period and are exceptional examples of his furniture. Settle model no. 173, (a/k/a Crib settle) 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. 10 1. A 1902 Gustav Stickley “crib” settle, Model No. 173, canted form with thirteen vertical slats at back and five under each arm, original rope foundation and fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 71"w x 34"d x 38 ¼"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 173, p. 74. Estimate: $15,000.00-$20,000.00 11 Detail of the original laced cushions. This daybed retains its original dark brown finish, and the original leather-covered cushion and one pillow are still intact. The pillow and cushion show normal wear but there are no separations or tears in the cushion. Early (ca. 1901-1903) Stickley cushions were hand laced and consisted of two separate hides joined at the middle of the cushion by a leather cord threaded through the hides. Lounge (a/k/a daybed), Model No. 191, 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. 12 2. A 1902 Gustav Stickley lounge (daybed), Model No. 191, five vertical slats at each side supported by thru-tenon construction, original leather cushion and pillow over original rope foundation, a portion of the lacing has been replaced, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 81"l x 31"w x 29.5"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 191, p. 79. Estimate: $5,000.00-$7,000.00 13 Stickley modified the clock face between 1902 and 1904. This is the May 1902 version with a sunburst decoration in the four corners of the clock face. Later variations had a second hand added to the face and a horizontal mullion added to the front glass panel. Gustav Stickley illustrated an April 1902 article in The Craftsman with a design for a hallway that included hall clock Model No. 3. Example of this hall clock in the May 1902 issue of The Craftsman. 14 3. A 1902 Gustav Stickley hall clock, Model No. 3, beveled top over an original brass and copper face with sunburst patterns at corners over a single door with glass pane and original hardware, original pendulum and weights, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 21.5"w x 13.5"d x 71.5"h. References: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 3, p. 95. Thomas K. Maher, The Kaufmann Collection, Treadway Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio and John Toomey Gallery, Oak Park, Illinois, 1996, p. 14-15, paneled window version with a circular cutout ca. 1903. Kevin Tucker, Gustav Stickley and the American Arts and Crafts Movement, Dallas Museum of Art, Yale University Press, 2010, ca. 1904 example from the Robert Kaplan Collection. Sweep second hand version. Christie’s Important American Arts and Architectural Designs, New York, June 10, 1989, p. 31 (Arthur Sagendorph Collection), late 1902 version with a horizontal mullion in the door and a wood panel cutout face with a second hand. Estimate: $20,000.00-$30,000.00 15 Morris chair, Model No. 2342, 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. The living room at La Hacienda, Buffalo Creek, Colorado, ca. 1904. Artist and photographer Irene Jerome Hood was a frequent visitor to La Hacienda and took a number of photographs of the home. The No. 2342 Morris chair can be seen on the left in this photograph. This example remained in its original location in the residence from 1902 to 2011. The living room plaster frieze is shown in its original location. 16 4. A 1902 Gustav Stickley Morris Chair, Model No. 2342, flat-arm form with five vertical slats under each arm, original faceted pegs and original seat foundation covered in green muslin, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 31"w x 36.5"d x 40"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 2342, p. 91. Estimate: $8,000.00 -$10,000.00 17 Chair design No. 2590 was illustrated in The Craftsman, October 1901. 5. A 1902 Gustav Stickley armchair, Model No. 2590, fixed-back form with four horizontal slats at back and hip rails at sides, original seat frame covered in green muslin, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 32"w x 33"d x 38.5"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 2590, p. 92. Estimate: $3,000.00-$5,000.00 6. A 1902 Gustav Stickley footstool, Model No. 729, arched rails supported by thrutenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal, replaced leather seat. Dimensions: 20.5"w x 16.5"d x 16"h. 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. Reference: 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates in The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, p. 93. Estimate: $1,500.00-$2,000.00 18 7. A 1901 Gustav Stickley footstool, Model No. 728, original rush seat above arched rails, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 18.5"w x 18.5"d x 16"h. Stool No. 728 was illustrated in the 1901 Chips from the Workshops of United Crafts catalog. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York. 1987, Model No. 728, p. 40. Estimate: $4,000.00-$6,000.00 8. A 1901 Gustav Stickley “monk” footstool, Model No. 302, original leather upholstery, with a notched foot, signed with red decal, original finish. Dimensions: 12.5"w x 12.5"d x 15"h. 9. A 1901 Gustav Stickley “monk” footstool, Model No. 302, recovered, with a notched foot, signed with red decal, original finish. Dimensions: 12.5"w x 12.5"d x 15"h. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 The earliest versions of these footstools had a notched leg as shown in the version illustrated above. By 1904, Stickley had modified the design into a simple flared leg. 19 9A. 1902 Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, set of chairs, four-rung ladderback form over original leather drop-in seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 18"w x 16.5"d x 37.5"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 1297, p. 113. Estimate: $3,000.00-$5,000.00 10. A 1902 Gustav Stickley dining table, cut-corner top on a cross-stretcher base, key and tenon construction, eight original 10.25" leaves, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 60"w x 60"d x 29.5"h; table opens to 11' 10" when fully extended. Estimate: $15,000.00-$20,000.00 This table was designed in round, square and rectangular versions with tenon and keyed legs from 1901 to 1902. It first appeared in “Stickley’s Things Wrought by the United Crafts” catalog, January 1902. By 1903, the stretchers were flared and the table was joined by flush tenons rather than exposed tenons and keys. Three of the four known square versions were designed for summer lodges: • • • 20 Vancroft (1901), the summer estate of Joseph Vandergrift, Alden and Harlow Architects. The contents were sold in 2007 at Craftsman Auctions. Allenwood (1901), South Burlington, Vermont, the summer estate of George Marshall Allen. The contents were sold at auction by Duane Merrill on October 9, 1999. La Hacienda (1902), the summer estate of John and Lucy Jerome, Buffalo Creek, Colorado. For an illustration of the round version with tenoned and keyed stretchers, see Christie’s Important American Arts and Architectural Designs, New York, June 10, 1989, p. 34 (54" round version with six 12" leaves). The dining room at La Hacienda. 21 Gustav Stickley experimented with gothic-influenced Arts and Crafts furniture in late 1901 and early 1902. In March 1902, an article entitled “The Gothic Revival” appeared in The Craftsman. The server on the following page is a rare example from this period. The arched panels, flared inset mullions, cut-out shelf and tapered leg designs were eliminated by late 1902 and did not appear again in his furniture. By the middle of 1902, Stickley’s firm had modified this design. The sides became solid oak panels, the arches and stepped rails were eliminated and the plate rail was modified into a simple wood panel. In June of 1902, Stickley illustrated the end page of The Craftsman issue with his joiners compass signature beneath a gothic arch. Details of gothic arch panel and flared mullion on the front of the server. 22 11. A 1901 Gustav Stickley server, Gothic-influenced two-drawer form, original star hardware, beveled top and a curved-front lower shelf supported by thru-tenon construction on a notched foot, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 42"w x 20"d x 39"h. Reference: Christie’s Important American Arts and Architectural Designs, New York, June 6, 1992, p. 21, for an identical example of this form. Estimate: $15,000.00-$20,000.00 23 Model No. 902, illustrated in Chips from the Workshops of the United Crafts, ca.1901, and also found in The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, p. 85. Detail of the corbel supports. 24 12. A 1902 Gustav Stickley china closet, trapezoidal form, single door with nine panes of glass and mitered mullions over two chamfered board doors with butterfly joint construction, corbel supports at top with cutout details, original hardware, fine original dark finish, signed with red decal, one cracked pane of glass. Dimensions: 37.5"w x 15.5"d x 64"h. References: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 902, p. 56. David Cathers, Furniture of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, Revised Edition, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1996, p. 114. Christie’s Important American Arts and Architectural Designs, New York, December 10, 1988, p. 53, for a singledoor example of the revised design. Estimate: $30,000.00-$40,000.00 This design was made for a limited time from 1901 to 1902. By late 1902, Stickley had modified the form. The pierced corbels were eliminated and the lower doors were simple veneered panels rather than mullioned boards with butterfly joints. 25 Stickley illustrated the dinner gong shown above in the January 1902 issue of The Craftsman. Marshall Field & Company in Chicago was an early distributor of Gustav Stickley furniture. The 1904 photograph above shows an exhibition room from the store with a Gustav Stickley gong. 26 13. A 1902 Gustav Stickley gong, five-footed base supporting tapered posts, arched crossbar, original hammered copper gong, original striker with restoration and rewrapped leather, worn original finish, signed with remnant of red decal. Dimensions: 24"w x 10"d x 36"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, p. 62. Estimate: $4,000.00-$6,000.00 27 Ladder-back dining chair, Model No. 1297, 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. 14. 1902 Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, set of ten, four-rung ladderback form over original leather drop-in seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 18"w x 16.5"d x 37.5"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 1297, p. 113. 28 Estimate: $10,000.00-$15,000.00 15. A 1902 Gustav Stickley armchair, Model No. 1297A, four rung ladderback form, original rush seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal, some breaks to rush. Dimensions: 23"w x 20"d x 40"h. 16. A 1902 Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, four-rung ladderback form, original rush seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 18"w x 16"d x 37"h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 1297A, p. 113. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 1297, p. 113. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 29 Wardrobe, Model No. 624, 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. 30 17. A 1902 Gustav Stickley wardrobe, Model No. 624, beveled top above a paneled door with early iron escutcheon, single drawer with faceted wood knobs, paneled sides with flush tenon construction, interior includes six half pullout drawers and five full drawers, fine original finish, signed with original decal. Dimensions: 35"w x 22"d x 72"h. Reference: A. Patricia Bartinique, Gustav Stickley and His Craft, Craftsman Farms Foundation, Parsippany, New Jersey, 1992, p. 102. Estimate: $30,000.00-$40,000.00 31 Illustration of smoker’s cabinet in the November 1901 issue of The Craftsman. Smoker’s Cabinet, 1901 United Crafts Retail Plates. 32 18. A 1902 Gustav Stickley smoker’s cabinet, Model No. 522, single door, chamfered board panels, heavy thru-tenon construction, interior contains single drawer with faceted wood knob and open divided compartments, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 17”w x 15”d x 27”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 522, p. 92. Estimate: $8,000.00-$10,000.00 33 Charles Greene attended the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. He selected a leather-top inverted tapering leg table and Model 729 and 302 footstools identical to the versions purchased by John and Lucy Jerome. They can been in the this photograph of the living room of his design for James Culbertson, Pasadena, California ca. 1902. Detail of the leather. 34 19. A 1901 Gustav Stickley library table, a variation of Model No. 454, fine original leather top, inverted tapering legs, thrutenon construction, two drawers with original iron hardware and a central blind drawer, fine original finish, original tacks, unsigned. Dimensions: 54.5 ”w x 33”d x 29”h. Estimate: $40,000.00-$60,000.00 Gustav Stickley created a 1901 furniture line with inverted tapering legs. These examples of furniture are extremely rare and were made for less than a year. The designs include a narrow and wide-arm version of the bow-arm Morris chair, dining chairs in arm and side versions and rectangular and round library tables with leather or wood tops. Additionally, 1901 desks and library tables included an early version of Stickley hardware – a narrow wrought iron pull affixed with screws. Examples of this type of pull are rare and changed when Stickley developed his own in-house metalworking shop. 35 In December 1902, The Craftsman published an article entitled “A Visit to the Home of Mr. Stickley.” The article was illustrated with sketches of the interior of Gustav Stickley’s Syracuse, New York residence, including one of the den with a large cut-corner wood-top library table. Detail of the iron star hardware. 36 20. A 1902 Gustav Stickley library table, Model No. 404, massive form with cut-corner top over two drawers with original iron star hardware, inverted “V” apron and stretchers at sides, heavy corbel construction and thru-tenon supports, fine original finish, signed. Dimensions: 60”w x 36”d x 29.5”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, NY, 1987, Model No. 404, p. 28. Estimate: $40,000.00-$60,000.00 Stickley briefly experimented with cut-corner designs on a number of his furniture pieces. He eventually reduced the number down to less than a dozen cut-corner forms that remained in production through the end of his manufacturing in 1915. The only catalog illustration of this table can be found in the “Chips from the Workshop of Gustav Stickley” catalog of 1901. It was listed at $50.00 for the wood-top version and $75.00 for the table with a leather top. 37 An illustration of the leather-top version of this desk appeared in the November 1901 issue of The Craftsman. 21. A 1902 Gustav Stickley desk, uncataloged model, letter rack at back over worn original leather top and original tacks, two drawers with original brass strap hardware above a lower shelf supported by double key and tenon construction, chamfered board sides with thru-tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 36.5”w x 20.5”d x 34”h. Reference: The Collected Works of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1981, p. 29. Estimate: $2,000.00-$3,000.00 There are two versions of this desk at La Hacienda. One example is in a dark green finish with a wood top and was lightly used in an upstairs bedroom. The other has a lighter brown-orange finish and was heavily used in the living room area. It has an original leather top that is stained and badly worn. 38 22. A 1902 Gustav Stickley desk, uncataloged model, letter rack at back over wood top, two drawers with original brass strap hardware above a lower shelf supported by double key and tenon construction, chamfered board sides with thru-tenon construction, fine original green finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 36”w x 20”d x 34”h. Estimate: $3,000.00-$5,000.00 Gustav Stickley patented some of his furniture designs. On September 3, 1901, he was granted a patent for this desk design. (Reference: David Cathers, Furniture of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, Revised Edition, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1996, p. 18). 39 Detail of original leather slung seat. Morris chair, Model No. 2341, 1902 United Crafts Retail Plates. 40 23. A 1902 Gustav Stickley Morris chair, Model No. 2341, flat-arm form with original leather seat and back cushions on an original leather slung seat, two vertical slats and corbel supports under each arm, original tacks, signed with red decal, fine original finish. Dimensions: 29.5”w x 33.5”d x 37”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No.2341, p. 41. Estimate: $15,000.00-$18,000.00 There are over two dozen examples of this chair known. Several have the original leather slung seat either intact or worn through at the front rail. A few retain portions of the original cushions. This example retains a dark original finish, the cushions have minimal wear and there are no separations or tears. 41 Stickley advertised the chalet desk in a green finish in this illustration from the November 1901 issue of The Craftsman shown above. An interior view of the original leather and rush basket. 42 24. A 1902 Gustav Stickley chalet desk, paneled drop-front form supported by slab sides with key and tenon construction, with chamfered board back, complete interior with original leather writing surface, rare original woven basket, fine original green finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 24”w x 16”d x 46”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 505, p. 27. Estimate: $4,000.00-$6,000.00 The earliest version of the “chalet” desk had small cutouts in the back panel of the desk (see A. Patricia Bartinique, “Gustav Stickley and His Craft,” Craftsman Farms Foundation, Parsippany, New Jersey, 1992, p. 23 for an illustration of the prototype of this desk owned by William and Patsy Porter). The matching “chalet” chair had similar cutouts and had tapered legs. That version appears in the early 1901 Tobey Furniture catalog. By late 1901, the pierced designs had been eliminated. 43 25. A 1902 Gustav Stickley book cabinet, Model No. 514, inverted “V” rail above three shelves with fine original leather facing and tacks, supported by paneled sides, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 15”w x 14.5”d x 35.5”h. Reference: 1901 Chips from the Workshops of United Crafts in The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, p. 42. Estimate: $6,000.00-$8,000.00 44 Chips from the Workshops of United Crafts. 26. A 1902 Gustav Stickley hall mirror, Model No. 608, peaked top over a rectangular mirror, four original iron hooks, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 36”w x 7”d x 26”h. Reference: 1901 Chips from the Workshops of United Crafts found in The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, p. 38. Estimate: $3,000.00-$5,000.00 This mirror was ordered for the vestibule of the residence on June 24, 1902 from G. W. Richardson & Son of Auburn, New York. G.W. Richardson & Son was one of the first furniture stores to offer the work of Gustav Stickley. 45 27. A 1902 Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 24.5”dia. x 28”h. Estimate: $5,000.00-$7,000.00 28. A 1902 Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, some roughness and staining to top, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 24.5”dia. x 28”h. Estimate: $3,000.00-$5,000.00 A bedroom (ca. 1904) at La Hacienda is illustrated above. A Model No. 436 table is in the foreground. La Hacienda had some of the earliest honeycomb-patterned Stickley drugget rugs. A portion of one of the rugs can be seen in the above photograph. None of them survive. 46 29. A 1902 Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 24.5”dia. x 28”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, NY, 1987, Model No. 436, p. 50. Estimate: $5,000.00-$7,000.00 This form was first shown in Chips from the Workshops of United Crafts. A ca. 1904 photograph of an upstairs bedroom at La Hacienda (upper right) shows a Sterling Brothers wicker chair and one of the four Model No. 436 tables purchased by John and Lucy Jerome (one example was badly cut down and is not in this sale). Photograph by Irene Jerome Hood. 47 Irene Jerome Hood painted this watercolor of the dining room in 1902. This 2011 dining room photograph shows how little the original room settings had been altered since 1902. 48 30. A 1902 Gustav Stickley sideboard, Model No. 967, massive form with two half drawers and one full drawer above two cabinet doors, original iron star and strap hardware, paneled sides supported by flush thru-tenon construction, fine original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 60”w x 24.5”d x 44”h. References: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York. 1987, Model No. 967, p. 111. See Gustav Stickley and the American Arts and Crafts Movement, Kevin Tucker of the Dallas Museum of Art, Yale University Press, 2010, p.125, for an illustration of a dark brown version of this sideboard owned by William and Patsy Porter. Estimate: $30,000.00-$40,000.00 Many of the pieces of Stickley furniture in La Hacienda were finished in a green stain that Stickley used ca. 1901 to 1902. The green color was fugitive and washed out to a honey color when the furniture was exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The interior drawers and rear panels of the pieces still exhibit most of the original green color. 49 Gustav Stickley published this illustration in the June 1902 issue of The Craftsman. On June 4, 1902, John Jerome wrote to the G. W. Richardson Company of Auburn and Buffalo, New York. He previously had ordered Stickley designs that appeared in Stickley’s earlier catalogs. He added the sewing rocker and bookcase that are illustrated in the above photograph. The bookcase was removed from La Hacienda at an unknown date and is not part of this sale. 31. A 1902 Gustav Stickley Thornden sewing rocker, Model No. 2635, two wide horizontal slats at back above a fine original rush seat, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 18”w x 25”d 31”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 2635, p. 65. 50 Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 32. A 1902 Gustav Stickley plant stand, Model No. 41, square top above a notched apron, lower vertical stretcher supported by key and tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal, holes to top. Dimensions: 14”w x14”d x 28”h. Reference: The Early Work of Gustav Stickley, Turn of the Century Editions, New York, 1987, Model No. 41, p. 93. Estimate: $2,500.00-$4,000.00 33. The early Gustav Stickley mirror and cabinet shown at left appears to have been designed as one piece of furniture. It may have served as a shaving mirror stand for John Jerome. The mirror was cut off from the cabinet and used in a second floor bathroom. The five-drawer cabinet was used in the first floor hallway. Both examples retain their original green finish and the mirror is signed with a large red decal. We elected not to reunite the two pieces of furniture but instead offer them as found in the estate. Dimensions: mirror, 16”w x 20”h; chest of five drawers, 20”w x 15”d x 32”h. Estimate: $2,000.00-$3,000.00 34. A 1902 Gustav Stickley library table, Model No. 441, cut down, circular top above a stacked trumpeted crossstretcher base with central faceted peg supported by thrutenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal. Dimensions: 36”dia. x 25”h. Estimate: $800.00-$1,000.00 51 PIERO CAPRONI PLASTER FRIEZES AND DECORATIVE ART Pietro Paulo Caproni (1862–1928) was the founder and co-owner of Piero Caproni & Brother, Boston, Massachusetts. He toured European museums in the late 1890s and made casts of classical figures and friezes. He and his brother Emilio Caproni manufactured plaster reproductions of classical and contemporary statues for art schools, major universities and museums in the United States. Like Stickley, Caproni advertised his work through magazines. Frank Lloyd Wright purchased examples of Caproni’s classical plaster friezes for his own residence in Oak Park and for clients. Darwin Martin installed a full-sized example of the Winged Victory of Samothrace statue in his conservatory. 35. Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster frieze, ca. 1901, after Luca della Robbia's "Cantoria" from the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence, signed with metal hallmark and numbered 8359, 37.5"w x 40"h, some minor edge chips. This frieze was used in the living room of La Hacienda. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 52 Caproni casts can be identified by a metal hallmark imbedded into the base of the cast. Early casts have brass hallmarks bearing "PP CAPRONI & BROTHER PLASTIC ARTS, BOSTON, MA”. 36. Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster sculptures, pair, ca. 1901-1902, depicting classical runners, signed with metal hallmark, each: 10"w x 4"d x 11"h, some chips and damage. Estimate: $500.00-$700.00 37. A Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster frieze, ca. 1901, classical scene, unsigned, 50"w x 28.5"h, some cracks. This frieze was installed in a guest bedroom at La Hacienda. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 Period Stickley interiors had Caproni plasters. This 1904 Stickley interior had two installed over the sideboard. 53 38. Franz Skarbina (German, 1849-1910) "Das Königliche Schloss zu Berlin (The Royal Palace in Berlin)," 1901, color lithograph, 28.5" x 40.25", published by R. Voigtländer, Leipzig, framed. Estimate: $1,000.00-$2,000.00 39. Handel lamp, nine-sided slag glass shade with brick and landscape overlay design, on a bronze base, break to one glass panel, shade signed, 22”w x 26”h, very good condition. Estimate: $5,000.00-$7,000.00 54 40. Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (French, 1864-1901), "La Revue Blanche (The White Review)," 1895, lithographed poster, 49" x 35.75", published by G. Charpentier and E. Fasqualle for La Revue Blanche, printed by Edward Ancourt, Paris, framed. This poster depicts Madame Misia Natanson, also known as La Belle Misia, on the cover of La Revue Blanche, a literary and artistic journal published in Paris. Estimate: $15,000.00-$20,000.00 55 41. A Hopi Kachina doll, cottonwood with hand painted decoration ca. 1890. Dimensions: 6.5"w x 7.5"l. Estimate: $4,000.00-$6,000.00 The Hopi People live in Northeastern Arizona. Kachina dolls are made by the Hopi tribe and represent living and dead beings. This is an early version of a Kachina carved from cottonwood and painted with colors derived from plants and clay. This version was collected by John and Lucy Jerome about 1895 and remained with the family when La Hacienda was designed and built in 1901-1902. 42. A Red Mesa rug ca. 1900, very good condition with minor repairs. Dimensions: 53"w x 79"l. Estimate: $3,500.00-$4,500.00 Red Mesa Outline The Red Mesa Outline evolved from the Eyedazzler weavings of the Transitional Period (1863-1890), and is sometimes associated with Teec Nos POs weavings due to their physical proximity, though their origins and styles are different. Red Mesa outline rugs feature serrated diamonds outlined in multiple colors for a dizzying effect. Many of these weavings have a very nice border treatment. 56 These two bookplates can be found in the majority of the Hart estate book collection. The bookplate on the left was designed by Irene Jerome Hood. John Jerome and Lucy Jerome each signed the books in their collection on page 125. 43. William Morris and A.J. Wyatt, The Tale of Beowulf, 1985, Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, an edition of 300 printed on Perch paper, original limp vellum binding with silk ties and gilt lettering to spine, "Note to Reader" slip, as well as handwritten slip stating "William Morris and A.J. Wyatt, Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press." "Note to Reader: In this translation of Beowulf, the final ed, where the e is not elided by the printer, is intended to be pronounced in every case." Estimate: $5,000.00-$7,000.00 57 44. The work of Robert Louis Stevenson, a group of eighteen books, including: Across the Plains, Memories and Portraits, Prince Otto, St. Ives, Treasure Island, Familiar Studies of Men and Books, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, A Child's Garden of Verses, Travels with a Donkey, The Silverado Squatters, Underwoods, Kidnapped, The Amateur Emigrant, David Balfour, A Foot Note to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa, The Master of Ballantrae, Edinburgh, and Weir of Hermis Ton. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 45. A grouping of books relating to Ornithology, including: Edwyn Sandys and others, Upland Game Birds, Neltje Blanchan, Birds that Hunt and are Hunted, Edward A. Samuels, Our Northern and Eastern Birds, F. Schuyler Mathews, Field Book of Wild Birds and Their Music, Fannie Hardy Eckstorm, The Woodpeckers, Neltje Blanchan, Bird Neighbors, Ed. William Kerr Higley, Birds and Nature In Natural Colors (eight volumes), Herbert K. Job, Among the Waterfowl, Fannie Hardy Eckstrom, The Bird Book, J. Lewis Bonhote, Birds of Britain, and Elliot Coues, Key to North American Birds. Estimate: $200.00-$300.00 46. The work of Henry James, Jr., a group of three books, including: The American, The Portrait of a Lady, and Daisy Miller & An International Episode. Estimate: $300.00-$500.00 47. Ludovic Halevy, The Abbe Constantin, 1888, Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly. Estimate: $300.00-$500.00 48. Interior Decoration and Architecture books, group of three, including: Mrs. H. R. Haweis, The Art of Decoration, Gardens Old & New: The Country House & Its Garden Environment, and Clarence Cook, The House Beautiful. Estimate: $100.00-$200.00 49. The work of Washington Irving, a group of seven books, including: The Works of Washington Irving, Vol. 1 and 2, and Life of George Washington, Vol. 1-5. Estimate: $200.00-$300.00 50. Art books, a group of three, including: Robert Herrick, Selections from the Poetry of Robert Herrick with Drawings by Edwin A. Abbey, Mario Uchard, My Uncle Barbassou, and Edward Fitzgerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Estimate: $200.00-$300.00 51. Miscellaneous Literature and Reference books, group of seven, including: Richard Harding Davis, In the Fog, Rudyard Kipling, Departmental Ditties, Barrack-Room Ballads and Other Verses, Frank R. Stockton, The Lady, or the Tiger, Rand McNally & Co.'s Enlarged Business Atlas and Shippers' Guide, International Boundary Commission, Joint Report upon the Survey and Demarcation of the International Boundary between the United States and Canada, Philip Gilbert Hamerton, Human Intercourse, and The Rev. H. Martyn Hart, The World of the Sea. Estimate: $400.00-$600.00 52. A group of works by Ernest SetonThompson & Grace Gallantin SetonThompson, including: Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson, A Woman Tenderfoot, Ernest SetonThompson, Monarch the Big Bear, The Biography of a Grizzly, Lives of the Hunted, The Trail of the Sandhill Stag, Wild Animals I Have Known, and Pictures of Wild Animals. Estimate: $1,000.00-$1,500.00 53. The work of Mark Twain, a group of nine books, including: The Innocents Abroad, The Prince and the Pauper, A Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Library of Humor, Punch, Brothers, Punch!, Following the Equator, Merry Tales, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and The Stolen White Elephant. 58 Estimate: $1,500.00-$2,500.00 54. A grouping of Children’s books, including: Henry B. Beston, The Firelight Fairy Book, Illus. L. Leslie Brooke, Johnny Crow's Garden, Celia Thaxter, Poems for Children, Joel Chandler Harris, Little Mr. Thimblefinger, Beatrice F. Cresswell, The Royal Progress of King Pepito, Kate Douglas Wiggin, The Diary of a Goose Girl, Daisy Ashford, The Young Visiters, Ottilie A. Liljencrantz, The Ward of King Canute, Randolph Caldecott, The Panjandrum Picture Book, Walter Crane, A Romance of the Three R's, Queen Summer or the Lily & the Rose and Legends for Lionel, Kate Greenway, Book of Games, Jane and Ann Taylor, Little Ann and Other Poems, M. Arnaud, One Day in a Baby's Life, T. Pym, Pictures from the Poets, J. G. Sowerby and Thos. Crane, At Home, Fred E. Weatherly, Through the Meadows, T. Baldrich, The Story of a Cat, Oliver Herford, A Child's Primer of Natural History, Juliana Horatia Ewing, A Week Spent in a Glass Pond by the Great Water Beetle, Frederick J. Waugh, The Clan of Munes, A Child's Book of Stories, Randolph Caldecott, Some of Aesop's Fables with Modern Instances and The Hey Diddle Diddle Picture Book, and Owen Wister, The Dragon of Wantley: His Rise, His Voracity & His Downfall. Estimate: $200.00-$300.00 55. A grouping of books relating to the Colorado and Rocky Mountain Natural History, Botany, and Wildlife, including: Clarence King, Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, Julia Ellen Rogers, Tree Guide: Trees East of the Rockies, Chester A. Reed, Western Bird Guide: Birds of the Rockies and West to the Pacific, Charles Francis Saunders, The Western Flower Guide: Wild Flowers of the Rockies and West to the Pacific, Chester A. Reed, Bird Guide: Part 2 Land Birds East of the Rockies, Florence Merriam Bailey, Handbook of the Birds of the Western United States, Enos A. Mills, The Grizzly and The Rocky Mountain Wonderland, Edward Royal Warren, S.B., The Small Mammals of Colorado, W. W. Cooke, The Birds of Colorado (three editions) and Further Notes on the Birds of Colorado, W. H. Bergtold, The Birds of Denver: An Annotated List, M. B. Williams, The Heart of the Rockies, George W. Kelly, Rocky Mountain Horticulture is Different, Ruth E. Ashton, Plants of Rocky Mountain National Park, Edith S. Clements, Flowers of Mountain and Plain, Ronald J. Taylor, Rocky Mountain Wildflowers, Ed. Robert M. Ormes, Guide to the Colorado Mountains, Text-Book of Western Botany, P. A. Rydberg, Flora of Colorado, Leander, Keyser, Birds of the Rockies, Richard Kauffman, A portfolio of fifteen color prints from Gentle Wilderness: The Sierra Nevada, Julia W. Henshaw, Mountain Wild Flowers of America, City Forester's Office, What Tree is This?: How Leaves Tell Their Names, Mountain Wild Flowers of Colorado, Harold and Rhoda Roberts, Some Common Colorado Wild Flowers, Robert E. More, Colorado Evergreens and Burton O. Longyear, Evergreens of Colorado and Some Colorado Mushrooms. Estimate: $400.00-$600.00 56. A grouping of books relating to History and Historical Biographies, including: Seymour Van Santvoord, The House of Caesar, John Lothrop Motley, D.C.L., History of the United Netherlands (four volumes), The Rise of the Dutch Republic (three volumes) and The Life and Death of John of Barneveld (two volumes), Ed. William Carew Hazlitt, Essays of Montaigne (two volumes), Allan Fea, King Monmouth and The Flight of the King, Spencer Walpole, The Life of Lord John Russell (two volumes), Edgar Sheppard, M.A., Memorials of St. James's Palace (two volumes), E. B. Washburne, Recollections of a Minister to France 1869-1877 (two volumes), and John S. C. Abbott, The History of Napoleon Bonaparte (two volumes). Estimate: $200.00-$300.00 57. A grouping of books relating to Botany, Forestry and Gardening, including: James Lane Allen, The Blue-Grass Region of Kentucky, William T. Hornaday, Wild Life Conservation, G. Frederick Schwartz, Forest Trees and Forest Scenery, John Muir, A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf, The Evergreen: A Northern Seasonal, parts I and II, Elizabeth Marie Dunham, How to Know the Mosses, Joseph Le Conte, A Compend of Geology, Alice Morse Earle, Sun-Dials and Roses of Yesterday, F. Schuyler Mathews, Field Book of American Wild Flowers, Field Book of American Trees and Shrubs and Familiar Trees and Their Leaves, Charles G. D. Roberts, The Heart of the Ancient Wood, Clifton Johnson, Among English Hedgerows, Rev. Hilderic Friend, Flowers and Flower Lore, Rev. H. N. Hutchinson, Extinct Monsters, William Lyman Underwood, Wild Brother: Strangest of True Stories from the North Woods, Montague Free, All About House Plants, Dallas Lore Sharp, Where Rolls the Oregon, Bayard Taylor, Views Afoot or Europe Seen with a Knapsack & Staff, Elizabeth S. Tucker, Leaves from Juliana Horatia Ewing's "Canada Home," John Muir, Travels in Alaska, Charles Dudley Warner, Back-Log Studies and My Summer in a Garden, John Bickerdyke, Days of My Life, E. J. Wallis, Royal Botanic Gardens, John Nisbet, Our Forests and Woodlands, George A. B. Dewar, Wild Life in Hampshire Highlands, Dallas Lore Sharp, Wild Life Near Home, Josephine Diebitsch-Peary, My Arctic Journal: A Year Among Ice-Fields and Eskimos, T. Rice Holmes, A History of The Indian Mutiny, William J. Long, School of the Woods, Viscountess Wolseley, In a College Garden, Alphonse Karr and The Rev. J. G. Wood, A Tour Round My Garden, Frederick Schwatka, Nimrod in the North, A. Heaton Cooper and A. R. Hope Moncrieff, Isle of Wight, Samuel Scoville Jr., Everyday Adventures, John D. Sedding, Garden-Craft: Old and New, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Poems of Cabin and Field, William Davenport Hulbert, Forest Neighbors, Asa Gray, Gray's School and Field Book of Botany, W. H. Hudson, The Book of a Naturalist, Charles H. Peck, University of the State of New York Annual Report of the State Botanist, Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life of the Bee, M. Walter Pesman, Meet the Natives, W.W. Robbins and Breeze Boyack, The Identification and Control of Colorado Weeds, Dr. W. G. Farlow, Some Edible and Poisonous Fungi, S. Reynolds Hole, Our Gardens, and J. H. Fabre, Social Life in the Insect World. 58. A grouping of books relating to Fishing and Hunting, including: Stonehenge, The Dog: In Health and Disease, John Burroughs, Squirrels and other Fur-Bearers, Henry P. Wells, Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle, Charles F. Orvis and A. Nelson Cheney, Fishing with the Fly, William Henry Burt, A Field Guide to Mammals, Lord Walsingham and Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey, Shooting: Moor & Marsh and Shooting: Field & Covert, H. CholmondeleyPennell, Fishing: Salmon and Trout and Fishing: Pike and Other Coarse Fish, Edward Hamilton, Fly-Fishing: Salmon, Trout & Grayling, J. Otho Paget, Hunting, Sir Edward Grey, Fly Fishing, James A. Henshall, Book of the Black Bass, Ed. Edward Jesse, Esq., The Complete Angler or The Contemplative Man's Recreation of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, David Webster, The Angler and The Loop-Rod, Frank Sherman Peer, Cross Country with Horse and Hound, J. Turner-Turner, The Giant Fish of Florida, Mary Rogers Miller, The Brook Book, George A. B. Dewar, The Book of the Dry Fly, Alfred M. Mayer, Sport With Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters, and H. E. Anthony, M.A., Field Book of North American Mammals. Estimate: $750.00-$1,500.00 Estimate: $600.00-$800.00 59 TERMS OF SALE: Cash or check with positive I.D. Auctioneer determines the highest bidder and resolves any disputes. All purchases are subject to state tax unless buyer has proof of exemption or merchandise will be shipped out of state, other than Ohio, no exceptions. Buyers premium is 22%, if bidding by phone or absentee directly through the Gallery, if bidding via internet buyers premium is 25%. Forms of payment accepted; Check, Money Order, Bank Wire, Amex, Visa or MasterCard, please note; there is an additional 2.5% added to your premium if paying by credit card. If you are a resident of Illinois or Ohio, OR are picking up your purchase at our gallery, you must pay sales tax unless you have a valid tax ID number. Jurisdiction: Buyer agrees that the state and federal courts in Hamilton County, Ohio or Cook County, Illinois shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising out of the Buyer’s purchase of items from Treadway/Toomey Galleries, and that service of process in any such proceeding shall be effective if mailed to Buyer at the Buyer’s address supplied to Treadway/Toomey Galleries. Late Payments/Default Rates and Fees: If any payment is not paid when due or within 10 days thereafter, or if Buyer defaults in its dealings with Treadway/Toomey Galleries or breaches Buyer’s obligations, Buyer agrees to pay to Treadway/Toomey Galleries all damages and attorneys fees and expenses, together with interest at the highest rate allowed by law or 21 percent per annum. Treadway/Toomey Galleries may impose, and purchaser agrees to pay a monthly storage charge of 1.5 percent of the purchase price as well as a monthly interest charge of 1.5 percent for any lot or item not paid for or removed by purchaser within 10 days of the sale. Treadway/Toomey Galleries shall have no liability for any damage to property left on its premises after the date of sale. In addition, Treadway/Toomey Galleries may charge such damages, costs and expenses to any credit card that Buyer has identified to Treadway/Toomey Galleries and Buyer hereby authorizes Treadway/Toomey Galleries to do so. Delivery to any location other than auction site carries a transportation charge. ••• Please read our guarantee carefully ••• OUR GUARANTEE: We guarantee the authenticity of every item that we sell for 30 days after the auction, except those lots listed as: “in the style of ”, “attributed to”, “the school of ”, “in the manner of ”, or “after”. We are not responsible for errors or omissions in the catalog, or in written or oral condition reports. All measurements are approximate. We make every effort to accurately describe our merchandise, but in the event that errors occur, we cannot be held responsible. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to be well-informed before bidding. We sell clocks, lamps, and all electrical items only for their decorative value. They are not represented to be in working order, but they may be. Bidding in our auctions indicates that you accept these terms and any announced the day of the sale. Shipping costs are non refundable. If you have any questions regarding the condition, we would be happy to provide an opinion of the condition, but all works are sold as viewed. If a work is in obvious need of repair, or has obvious imperfections, we will attempt to note it in the description. If a painting is excessively dirty, we will attempt to note it in the description; however, we do not feel that the normal darkening of varnish over years is problematic, and it will not be noted in the description. If you would like for us to give our opinion regarding whether or not a work needs to be cleaned, please contact us. We believe it is important for you to know the condition of a work before you bid on it. We strongly recommend that you personally inspect potential purchases before the sale, or have your representative inspect it on your behalf. If this is not possible, we urge you to call us for a detailed verbal or written condition report. This report is not a professional conservator's evaluation, but is given to the best of our opinion. Ceramics offered in this sale are free of repairs, chips or cracks post production unless noted in the description of each lot. Our term “mint” refers to the object being in the same condition that it was in when originally produced. Sizes are approximate. Crazing, surface scratches, firing lines, bubbles, glaze crawls, stilt marks, firing flaws and base flakes will be noted if we feel that they are objectionable. Many of these flaws may have occurred when made. Most ceramics can be crazed, we generally will not mention it. Many producers have ground the bottom of their vases causing minute chips or flakes. Unless we feel that they are objectionable, they will not be mentioned. Grueby and other makers of carved pots or those with high relief will often have flakes on edges of the leaves or points in high relief, we will only mention anything we feel objectionable and will still consider these pieces to be mint. Clewell is copper-clad and patinated; this patina occasionally has small flakes, we mention any we feel is significant. Some framed tiles or plaques may have chips which are hidden by their frames. We will not be responsible for their disclosure unless we feel it is significant. Some pieces will be dirty or stained, this will usually not be mentioned. In any case, if you are particular about minor flaws, you should examine pieces in person or have our staff answer any questions. Please ask questions before you buy. Furniture has its original hardware and wood unless otherwise noted. Finishes and marks are carefully described. Some original finishes have minor restoration such as added color or a recoating. We will describe to the best of our ability, but it is the buyers responsibility to obtain an in depth description. The wood is oak, unless otherwise stated, and the dimensions are approximate. The furniture is old and over the years has acquired a few dents, drink rings, separations, burns, chips and assorted flaws. We will only mention those that we feel are objectionable. When we describe a piece of furniture as being in “excellent condition”, it generally implies that the finish is original and the structure is in fine shape. A piece that has been totally or partially refinished and is in good structural shape will generally be described as being in “very good condition”. A piece that needs to be refinished or that has a less than stable structural state (i.e. needs gluing, redoweling, etc.) may be generally described as being in “good condition”. The majority of this furniture is ready to be put in the home. Carpets, Rugs and textiles will be described on their overall condition. A piece that is without holes or major wear, but needing minor side or end repair will be described as in excellent condition. Pieces containing reweaves, re-piling or other professional repairs will be described as in very good condition. Pieces with wear or flaws and possibly needing repair will be described as in good condition. Certain pieces are rare in any condition and may be described as good condition regardless of appearance. Lamps will be described based on patina and condition of glass. Leaded lamps may have cracked segments, most will. Some parts may have been replaced through the years, and we will mention it if we feel objectionable. Shades with mica may contain minor flaking or burn spots that will be mentioned if we feel objectionable. Metalwork will be described based on patina and the condition of the object. Dents, scratches, wear and assorted flaws will be mentioned if we feel that they are objectionable. A piece with original patina, free of major dents or scratches usually will be described as in “excellent condition”. Art Glass will sometimes contain air bubbles, surface scratches, lines in the making and chips to the pontil. We will mention anything that we feel to be objectionable. Some glass may be ground at the factory causing minor chips or flakes. We will mention anything we feel to be excessive. Discoloration on the interior is usually present when originally produced and will not be noted unless we feel it is excessive. Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Bronzes. We guarantee objects to be an authentic work by the artist listed. Any and all information listed in the catalog that is not printed in bold type is given to the best of our knowledge, is merely our opinion, and is not guaranteed to be correct or authentic. We make every effort to insure that all artwork is authentic and is represented accurately. If the authenticity of a purchased object is contested, it must be made known to us within 30 days of the sale. 1) A written letter from a noted authority presented to us, declaring the object to be executed by someone other than the artist listed. 2) This authority has no vested interest in the artist's work or the estate of the artist. 3) The object is returned to us in the same condition in which it was purchased. The purchase price will be refunded only; there will be no compensation for damages, loss of profit, professional fees, transportation or any other costs. CONDITION REPORTS: It is the buyer’s sole responsibility to be knowledgeable about the condition of the property before bidding. We are open for preview the week prior to every auction, or by appointment. We encourage you to visit and inspect all lots at this time. If you cannot personally examine items, we encourage you to call, e-mail or fax us your condition report requests prior to the sale. Our staff will give you our opinion of condition, answer any questions, and send photos if necessary. This information is solely our opinion and is not to be relied on as representations or statements of fact. It is the buyer’s responsibility to be aware of all conditions, addendums, and corrections before the sale. Condition Reports for the auction are obtainable by contacting the John Toomey Gallery at 708-383-5234, they would be happy to assist you with detailed reports and photographs. Also, all secondary condition reports are listed on our website at the top of each online catalog page. There is a button that says "Condition Reports" that when clicked on, serves as a link to a lot numbered list of reports. Finally, we do our best to place a condition report with every lot listed on Artfact. PREVIEW: We will have a preview of the items offered in this sale, at the John Toomey Gallery, 818 North Blvd. in Oak Park, on the following dates: Saturday, May 12, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sunday, May 13, 2012 CLOSED, Monday, May 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 16 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday, May 19, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Also open by appointment when available. We're glad to offer an advance preview, usually for six weeks prior to sale date on most of the items in this sale to benefit those traveling through Chicago or for those who may find it inconvenient to preview at our normal times. Call for an appointment if you wish to arrange special viewing or evening viewing and we will try to accommodate you; contact John Toomey or Anne Dickinson at (708) 383-5234 in Oak Park. We extend this courtesy to all our clients but request an advance phone call to make arrangements. ESTIMATES: Our price estimates are purely that, an estimate, reflecting the range in which the price may fall. This should give buyers an idea of what they should bid in order to have a good chance of being successful. In some cases the price range may be wider than others, due to the uniqueness of the individual piece. A few items have reserves. We implement them to offer items that may not have been available without them. You will find that few of the pieces offered have reserves. In most instances, the reserves will be less than the low estimate. ABSENTEE BIDS/PHONE BIDS: If you can't attend our sale, it is quite easy to get involved. You can bid over the phone during the sale or leave bids which will be executed by one of our representatives in the audience. When leaving a bid the only disadvantage you have is that you can't advance your bid as you might if you were there in person. Your bids are executed as though you are there in person. We get you into the bidding at the first opportunity to insure your chance of being successful at the lowest price. Because of this, the lot may sell for your highest left bid, but not to you because you were "in" at the previous bid. We respectfully ask that you refrain from calling during the auction to set up phone or leave absentee bids, as we use these lines to make calls to pre-arranged phone bidders. Advance arrangements are crucial to insure your bids will be handled without problems. Note: Please try to send in absentee bids and/or arrangements for phone bidding to us as early as possible. We have a limited number of phone lines available, and they do fill up very quickly, so make arrangements early to insure yourself a line. We cannot guarantee you will get a line if you make arrangements later than 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the Friday prior to the sale. Also, please remember we prefer to avoid phone bidding on items estimated under $500. Be sure absentee bids are given in the correct increments (see chart below). Keep in mind, when tie absentee bids come in, we will honor the first one received. However, absentee bids have an equal chance of being successful as do telephone or in-person bids and in no way take precedence. Again, please mail, fax or phone in absentee bids prior to 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the Friday prior to the sale, as we cannot guarantee execution after this time. If you mail your bids in, to avoid confusion, please do not also fax them (and vice versa). If you wish to confirm that your bids were received, please phone us. If you phone in to make additions to left bids, be sure you mention that you've already left bids. Call Janet Rogers in Cincinnati with any questions concerning absentee bids or phone bidding. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT CALL FOR RESULTS OF SALE THE MONDAY AFTER THE AUCTION. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST YOU AFTER ALL INFORMATION HAS BEEN CHECKED FOR ACCURACY. AUCTION INCREMENTS: We use the following increment multiples at our auctions. When leaving absentee bids, please make sure your bids fall within the proper increments. This is crucial to the success of your bids. If your bid is out of increment, we will drop it down to the closest increment. 0-500 500-1000 1,000-3,000 $25. increment $50. increment $100. increment 3,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000+ $250. increment $500. increment $1000 increment or auctioneer's discretion DELIVERY: We use the safest and most economical methods that we are aware of to deliver purchases. You can obtain estimates for shipping prior to the auction by providing us with a full shipping address and lot(s) you are interested in purchasing. Domestic shipping quote requests must be received three business days prior to the sale; international quote requests must be received five business days prior to the sale. A single piece of furniture shipped within the US will range from $200-600 before insurance; a piece of pottery or glass of average size costs $35-60 before insurance; an average sized framed painting will range from $55-95 before insurance. All furniture delivery quotes are for delivery to a first floor or elevator building. Oversized items can cost significantly more to ship. All items are shipped fully insured, unless the buyer sends a signed waiver. If you have questions about the shipping or delivery cost of any item please inquire. The buyer is free to make his or her own shipping arrangements. Treadway/Toomey Galleries are not responsible for items that are damaged in any way by shippers. If a problem arises, all claims must be settled between the buyer and the shipper. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We are seeking fine quality consignments for our auctions. We will match or beat anyone's consignment rate for better items. Check with us before going elsewhere; you will be glad you did. We are not limited to our geographic area and can easily arrange shipment of any item. Call or write for a proposal. We are very interested in buying a single piece or any entire collection. Please call us if you have anything to consign or sell. 1 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 2 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om Treadway • Toomey Galleries La Hacienda: The John L. Jerome Collection and 20th Century Art and Design May 20th, 2012 John L. Jerome Collection Session One 10:00 a.m. Arts & Crafts/Art Nouveau Session Two Immediately following the conclusion of Session One. American and European Paintings, Prints and Works on Paper Session Three Immediately following the conclusion of Session Two. 1950s/Modern Session Four Immediately following the conclusion of Session Three. Preview Dates: Saturday, May 12, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, May 13, 2012 CLOSED Monday, May 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 18, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 19, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Also open by appointment when available at John Toomey Gallery 818 North Blvd • Oak Park, Illinois 60301 (708) 383-5234 IL Lic. #444000195, #441001663, #441001222 OH Lic. #2007000142 A PRESENTATION BY TREADWAY GALLERY, INC. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO I N A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H J O H N T O O M E Y G A L L E R Y , INC. O F O A K P A R K , I L L I N O I S 3 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om The following list of lots is from Session One, La Hacienda: The John L. Jerome Collection. The complete listing for this session is available for viewing on our website. The separate hardbound catalog for this session can be purchased online or by telephone. 513-321-6742 or 708-383-5234 4 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1. Gustav Stickley “crib” settle, Model No. 173, canted form with thirteen vertical slats at back and five under each arm, original rope foundation and fine original finish, signed with red decal, 71"w x 34"d x 38.25"h 15,000-20,000 2. Gustav Stickley lounge (daybed), Model No. 191, five vertical slats at each side supported by thru-tenon construction, original leather cushion and pillow over original rope foundation, a portion of the lacing has been replaced, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 81”l x 31”w x 29.5”h 5000-7000 3. Gustav Stickley hall clock, Model No. 3, beveled top over an original brass and copper face with sunburst patterns at corners over a single door with glass pane and original hardware, original pendulum and weights, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 21.5”w x 13.5”d x 71.5”h 20,000-30,000 4. Gustav Stickley Morris Chair, Model No. 2342, flat-arm form with five vertical slats under each arm, original faceted pegs and original seat foundation covered in green muslin, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 31”w x 36.5”d x 40”h 8000-10,000 5. Gustav Stickley armchair, Model No. 2590, fixed-back form with four horizontal slats at back and hip rails at sides, original seat frame covered in green muslin, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 32”w x 33”d x 38.5”h 3000-5000 6. Gustav Stickley footstool, Model No. 729, arched rails supported by thrutenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal, replaced leather seat, 20.5”w x 16.5”d x 16”h 1500-2000 7. Gustav Stickley footstool, Model No. 728, original rush seat above arched rails, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 18.5”w x 18.5”d x 16”h 4000-6000 8. Gustav Stickley “monk” footstool, Model No. 302, original leather upholstery, with a notched foot, signed with red decal, original finish, 12.5”w x 12.5”d x 15”h 1000-1500 19. Gustav Stickley library table, a variation of Model No. 454, fine original leather top, inverted tapering legs, thru-tenon construction, two drawers with original iron hardware and a central blind drawer, fine original finish, original tacks, unsigned, 54.5 ”w x 33”d x 29”h 40,000-60,000 20. Gustav Stickley library table, Model No. 404, massive form with cutcorner top over two drawers with original iron star hardware, inverted “V” apron and stretchers at sides, heavy corbel construction and thru-tenon supports, fine original finish, signed, 60”w x 36”d x 29.5”h 40,000-60,000 21. Gustav Stickley desk, uncataloged model, letter rack at back over worn original leather top and original tacks, two drawers with original brass strap hardware above a lower shelf supported by double key and tenon construction, chamfered board sides with thru-tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal, 36.5”w x 20.5”d x 34”h 2000-3000 22. Gustav Stickley desk, uncataloged model, letter rack at back over wood top, two drawers with original brass strap hardware above a lower shelf supported by double key and tenon construction, chamfered board sides with thru-tenon construction, fine original green finish, signed with red decal, 36”w x 20”d x 34”h 3000-5000 23. Gustav Stickley Morris chair, Model No. 2341, flat-arm form with original leather seat and back cushions on an original leather slung seat, two vertical slats and corbel supports under each arm, original tacks, signed with red decal, fine original finish, 29.5”w x 33.5”d x 37”h 15,000-18,000 9. Gustav Stickley “monk” footstool, Model No. 302, recovered, with a notched foot, signed with red decal, original finish, 12.5”w x 12.5”d x 15”h 1000-1500 24. Gustav Stickley chalet desk, paneled drop-front form supported by slab sides with key and tenon construction, with chamfered board back, complete interior with original leather writing surface, rare original woven basket, fine original green finish, signed with red decal, 24”w x 16”d x 46”h 4000-6000 9A. Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, set of chairs, four-rung ladderback form over original leather drop-in seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal, 18”w x 16.5”d x 37.5”h 3000-5000 25. Gustav Stickley book cabinet, Model No. 514, inverted “V” rail above three shelves with fine original leather facing and tacks, supported by paneled sides, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 15”w x 14.5”d x 35.5”h 6000-8000 10. Gustav Stickley dining table, cut-corner top on a cross-stretcher base, key and tenon construction, eight original 10.25” leaves, original finish, signed with red decal, 60”w x 60”d x 29.5”h; table opens to 11’ 10” when fully extended 15,000-20,000 26. Gustav Stickley hall mirror, Model No. 608, peaked top over a rectangular mirror, four original iron hooks, original finish, signed with red decal, 36”w x 7”d x 26”h 3000-5000 11. Gustav Stickley server, Gothic-influenced two-drawer form, original star hardware, beveled top and a curved-front lower shelf supported by thru-tenon construction on a notched foot, signed with red decal, 42”w x 20”d x 39”h 15,000-20,000 27. Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal, 24.5”dia. x 28”h 5000-7000 12. Gustav Stickley china closet, trapezoidal form, single door with nine panes of glass and mitered mullions over two chamfered board doors with butterfly joint construction, corbel supports at top with cutout details, original hardware, fine original dark finish, signed with red decal, one cracked pane of glass, 37.5”w x 15.5”d x 64”h 30,000-40,000 28. Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, some roughness and staining to top, signed with red decal, 24.5”dia. x 28”h 3000-5000 13. Gustav Stickley gong, five-footed base supporting tapered posts, arched crossbar, original hammered copper gong, original striker with restoration and rewrapped leather, worn original finish, signed with remnant of red decal, 24”w x 10”d x 36”h 4000-6000 14. Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, set of ten, four-rung ladderback form over original leather drop-in seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal, 18”w x 16.5”d x 37.5”h 10,000-15,000 15. Gustav Stickley armchair, Model No. 1297A, four rung ladderback form, original rush seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal, some breaks to rush, 23”w x 20”d x 40”h 1000-1500 16. Gustav Stickley chair, Model No. 1297, four-rung ladderback form, original rush seat, notched seat rail, original finish, signed with red decal, 18”w x 16”d x 37”h 1000-1500 17. Gustav Stickley wardrobe, Model No. 624, beveled top above a paneled door with early iron escutcheon, single drawer with faceted wood knobs, paneled sides with flush tenon construction, interior includes six half pullout drawers and five full drawers, fine original finish, signed with original decal. 35”w x 22”d x 72”h. 30,000-40,000 5 18. Gustav Stickley smoker’s cabinet, Model No. 522, single door, chamfered board panels, heavy thru-tenon construction, interior contains single drawer with faceted wood knob and open divided compartments, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 17”w x 15”d x 27”h 8000-10,000 29. Gustav Stickley table, Model No. 436, circular top above a stacked and trumpeted cross-stretcher base with a central faceted peg, supported by double thru-tenon construction, original green finish, signed with red decal, 24.5”dia. x 28”h 5000-7000 30. Gustav Stickley sideboard, Model No. 967, massive form with two half drawers and one full drawer above two cabinet doors, original iron star and strap hardware, paneled sides supported by flush thru-tenon construction, fine original finish, signed with red decal, 60”w x 24.5”d x 44”h 30,000-40,000 31. Gustav Stickley Thornden sewing rocker, Model No. 2635, two wide horizontal slats at back above a fine original rush seat, original finish, signed with red decal, 18”w x 25”d 31”h 1000-1500 32. Gustav Stickley plant stand, Model No. 41, square top above a notched apron, lower vertical stretcher supported by key and tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal, holes to top, 14”w x14”d x 28”h 2500-4000 33. Gustav Stickley mirror and cabinet, appears to have been designed as one piece of furniture. It may have served as a shaving mirror stand for John Jerome. The mirror was cut off from the cabinet and used in a second floor bathroom. The five-drawer cabinet was used in the first floor hallway. Both examples retain their original green finish and the mirror is signed with a large red decal. We elected not to reunite the two pieces of furniture but instead offer them as found in the estate, mirror: 16”w x 20”h; chest of five drawers: 20”w x 15”d x 32”h 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 34. Gustav Stickley library table, Model No. 441, cut down, circular top above a stacked trumpeted cross-stretcher base with central faceted peg supported by thrutenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal, 36”dia. x 25”h 800-1000 35. Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster frieze, ca. 1901, after Luca della Robbia’s “Cantoria” from the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence, signed with metal hallmark and numbered 8359, 37.5”w x 40”h, some minor edge chips. This frieze was used in the living room of La Hacienda 1000-1500 36. Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster sculptures, pair, ca. 1901-1902, depicting classical runners, signed with metal hallmark, each: 10”w x 4”d x 11”h, some chips and damage 500-700 37. Pietro Paulo Caproni plaster frieze, ca. 1901, classical scene, unsigned, 50”w x 28.5”h, some cracks. This frieze was installed in a guest bedroom at La Hacienda 1000-1500 38. Franz Skarbina (German, 1849-1910) “Das Königliche Schloss zu Berlin (The Royal Palace in Berlin),” 1901, color lithograph, 28.5” x 40.25”, published by R. Voigtländer, Leipzig, framed 1000-2000 39. Handel lamp, nine-sided slag glass shade with brick and landscape overlay design, on a bronze base, break to one glass panel, shade signed, 22”w x 26”h, very good condition 5000-7000 40. Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (French, 1864-1901), “La Revue Blanche (The White Review),” 1895, lithographed poster, 49” x 35.75”, published by G. Charpentier and E. Fasqualle for La Revue Blanche, printed by Edward Ancourt, Paris, framed 15,000-20,000 41. Hopi Kachina doll, cottonwood with hand painted decoration ca. 1890, 6.5”w x 7.5”l 4000-6000 42. Red Mesa rug ca. 1900, very good condition with minor repairs, 53”w x 79”l 3500-4500 43. William Morris and A.J. Wyatt, The Tale of Beowulf, 1985, Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, an edition of 300 printed on Perch paper, original limp vellum binding with silk ties and gilt lettering to spine, “Note to Reader” slip, as well as hand-written slip stating “William Morris and A.J. Wyatt, Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press.” 5000-7000 44. The work of Robert Louis Stevenson, a group of eighteen books 1000-1500 45. A grouping of books relating to Ornithology, including 200-300 46. The work of Henry James, Jr., a group of three books 300-500 47. Ludovic Halevy, The Abbe Constantin, 1888, Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly 300-500 48. Interior Decoration and Architecture books, group of three 100-200 49. The work of Washington Irving, a group of seven books 200-300 50. Art books, a group of three 200-300 51. Miscellaneous Literature and Reference books, group of seven 400-600 52. A group of works by Ernest Seton-Thompson & Grace Gallantin SetonThompson, including 1000-1500 53. The work of Mark Twain, a group of nine books 1500-2500 54. A grouping of Children’s books 200-300 55. A grouping of books relating to the Colorado and Rocky Mountain Natural History, Botany, and Wildlife 400-600 56. A grouping of books relating to History and Historical Biographies 200-300 57. A grouping of books relating to Botany, Forestry and Gardening 600-800 58. A grouping of books relating to Fishing and Hunting 750-1500 6 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om Arts & Crafts/Art Nouveau Session Two immediately following session one 59. 60. 7 Good Gustave Baumann (German/American, 1881-1971) “April,” c. 1936, color woodblock print with silver leaf, pencil signed, titled and numbered, edition 22 of 120, 14” x 13”, laid to board, original frame 7000-9000 Gustav Stickley serving tray, #347, in hammered copper with repoussé design to edges, signed, minor touch up to original patina, 21”dia, very good condition 3000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 61. Early Gustav Stickley bookcase, #542, good double-door form with eight panes of glass per door, mitered mullions with original round copper pulls, good original finish, signed with early red decal, 36”w x 13”d x 56.5”h, very good condition 8000-10,000 62. 8 Gustav Stickley daybed, knock-down large custom form with seven vertical slats at each end, supported by thru-tenon and peg construction, signed with large red decal, original finish, recovered cushions, with Dianne Ayres coverlet, 44”w x 84”l x 33.5”h, very good condition 5500-6500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 63. 64. 65. 9 Beautiful Rookwood vase, shouldered shape covered in a Porcelain glaze with a nicely painted Japanese inspired landscape, superbly done by Arthur Conant in 1909, #2306, 3.5"w x 7"h, uncrazed and extremely fine 1500-2000 Exceptional Rookwood vase, large broad form in a Porcelain glaze with colorfully painted daffodils, executed by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1944, #6869, 5.5”w x 9”h, uncrazed, exceedingly colorful piece with an elaborate decoration 1500-2000 Rare Rookwood vase, large bulbous form covered in a Blue Tinted glaze with a mythological hunting scene, executed by Arthur Conant in 1919, #1122B, 5.5”w x 8.5”h, uncrazed, a very unusual subject matter rarely seen in Rookwood 1500-2000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 9 66. Good Marblehead vase, stylized floral design in brown and green on a tan ground, artist signed HT, impressed mark, 3.5”w x 4.5”h 2000-3000 67. 69. 10 10 68. Marblehead vase, tapered shape with stylized tree designs covered in a multitoned gray matte glaze, impressed mark, artist initials HT, 4”w x 7”h, restoration, hairline; with a Marblehead vase, (not shown), unusual bulbous shape covered in a blue matte glaze, impressed mark, 4.5”w x 3”h, restoration 1000-2000 Good Marblehead vase, large gently tapered form covered in a powder blue matte glaze with a stylized wisteria design, unmarked, 5.5”w x 7”h 3500-4500 Gustav Stickley armchair, #386, dramatic high-back form with spindles at back and sides and corbel supports under each arm, original sling seat holds a recovered leather cushion, original finish, signed with red decal, 27.5”w x 25”d x 50”h, very good condition 3000-4000 70. Unusual Gustav Stickley ladies’ desk, #724, Japanese-influenced paneled drop-front form with original hardware, complete interior, key-hole escutcheon missing, unsigned, cleaned original finish, 32”w x 12”d x 46”h, very good condition 3500-4500 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 11 71. Good Rookwood vase, matte glaze decorated with a stylized lily design, painted by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1944, #6866, 4”w x 9”h 900-1200 72. Exceptional Rookwood tile, landscape pattern covered in a good matte glaze, 18”sq, overall: 25”sq, framed, an unusually nice architectural tile 2500-3500 73. Nice Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze, with a finely painted floral design, executed by Margaret McDonald in 1912, #2018, 3.25”w x 7”h 450-550 74. Exquisite Rookwood vase, shouldered shape, in a Vellum glaze with an exceptional painting of a blossoming vine, executed by Ed Diers in 1924, #1369F, 3.25”w x 6.25”h, uncrazed and beautifully decorated 500-700 75. Rookwood vase, large form, with a geometric design, covered in a beautiful and unusual purple matte glaze, 1924, #2421, 6”w x 10”h, uncrazed 300-400 76. Unusual Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze, landscape with windmill, nicely painted by Ed Diers in 1912, #1667, 4.5”w x 11”h, well done 1200-1700 77. Nice Rookwood vase, shouldered shape, in a Vellum glaze, beautifully painted landscape, by Fred Rothenbusch in 1919, #1369D, 5”w x 9.25”h 1200-1700 78. E.T. Hurley drawing, "Park Scene with Figures and Cars," pastel on paper, signed, dated, framed, 10" x 8" 500-700 79. Good Rookwood vase, tapered shape, covered in a Vellum glaze, finely painted landscape, with pink interior, executed by Fred Rothenbusch in 1930, #2544, 4”w x 8”h, uncrazed and beautifully done 1200-1700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 80. L & JG Stickley trestle table, #593, from the Onondaga Shops, rectangular top above a lower shelf supported by double key and tenon construction on a shoe-foot base, retouched original finish, unsigned, 48”w x 30”d x 29”h, very good condition 1200-1500 81. Gustav Stickley library table, #675, rectangular top above two drawers with original iron hardware, lower stretcher supported by double key and tenon construction, signed with red decal, refinished, some stains to top, 48”w x 29.5”d x 30”h, very good condition 900-1200 82. L & JG Stickley armchairs, pair, #352, three horizontal slats at back above a worn original leather seat, original finish, signed with Handcraft decal, 25”w x 21”d x 37”h, very good condition 700-900 83. Good Gustav Stickley side chairs, pair, #354 ½, “V” back form with five vertical slats above an original hard leather seat with original tacks, original finish, branded signature, partial paper label to one, 19”w x 17.5”d x 36”h, very good condition 1000-1500 84. 12 Gustav Stickley chest of drawers, #627, two half drawers over four full drawers with original oval iron pulls, chamfered board sides supported by thru-tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal, minor stains and restoration, 40”w x 22”d x 54”h, very good condition 5500-7500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 86. 85. Fine Rookwood vase, Porcelain glaze with a well painted floral design, executed by Harriet Wilcox in 1919, #1121C, 4.5”w x 9.5”h, ground X, uncrazed and nice 700-900 87. 13 Unusual Rookwood Pottery retailer’s sign, textured glass pane with applied black and gold foil graphic, 4”w x 17”l 250-350 89. Good Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a with a beautifully painted floral design, executed by Lenore Asbury in 1909, #556B, 6”w x 14”h, very unusual design, nice example of American Art Nouveau ceramics 1500-2500 92. Unusual Rookwood vase, Green Vellum glaze, beautifully painted landscape by Lorinda Epply in 1911, #1656E, 3”w x 7.25”h 600-800 93. 90. Good Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a beautifully painted landscape, executed by E.T. Hurley in 1912, #904D, 3.5”w x 9”h, one of Hurley's favorite color combinations 1000-1500 91. Fine and flawless Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a beautifully detailed painting of wisteria, done by Ed Diers in 1923, #839B, 3.5”w x 9.5”h, uncrazed and very well executed 1000-1500 Kenton Hills vase, large bulbous shape covered in a deep red glaze with gold and silver crystalline highlights, marked, #100, 6.5”w x 6.75”h 250-350 Fine Rookwood vase, bulbous shape covered in an Iris glaze, with an Asian inspired cherry blossom design with incised borders, executed by L.N. Lincoln in 1906, #11220, 5”w x 4.5”h 700-900 Good Rookwood vase, bulbous shape, in an Iris glaze, with nicely painted crocus, executed by Laura Lindeman in 1904, 3.25”w x 5”h 500-700 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 88. 94. Rookwood vase decorated by Sally Coyne in 1915, Vellum glaze, with an underwater scene showing three sea horses, #1656E, 3"w x 7.5"h 550-750 95. Rookwood vase, shouldered shape, in a Vellum glaze, nicely painted cherry blossom design by E.T. Hurley in 1911, #1663D, 4.5”w x 9”h 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 13 96. 14 Arts & Crafts side table, single drawer with original hardware above a lower shelf on a shoe-foot base, original finish to base, top refinished, some roughness to top, 34”w x 21”d x 29.5”h, very good condition 300-400 98. Shop of the Crafters side chairs, pair, #320, inlaid stylized floral design at back over original leatherette seats, original finish, veneer repair to top edge, unsigned, 18.5”w x 22”d x 43.5”h, very good condition 900-1200 100. Good Gustav Stickley book rack, #74, “V” trough over a lower shelf supported by slab sides with cut-outs and double key and tenon construction, fine original black finish, signed with red decal, 32”w x 10”d x 31”h, very good condition 2500-3500 97. L & JG Stickley rocker, #451, six vertical slats at back and under each arm with corbel supports at sides, recovered original spring cushion, original finish, signed “The Work of…” 28.5”w x 30”d x 37”h, very good condition 1000-1500 99. Charles Stickley rocker, #1910, wide form with horizontal slats at back and vertical slats under each arm, supported by thru-tenon construction, nicely recovered leather seat and back cushions, signed, retouch to original finish, 31.5”w x 38”d x 31.5”h, very good condition 1200-1500 101. Stickley Brothers rocker, #641, flat-arm form with five vertical slats at back, thru-tenon construction, recovered leather seat and back cushions, original finish, signed with partial paper label, 34”w x 37”d x 34”h, very good condition 900-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 102. 103. 15 Rare Tiffany Studios table lamp, enameled bronze canister base with three arms that support a leaded yellow mottled glass shade with a green leaf and vine pattern, base with impressed SG136, shade signed Tiffany Studios, New York, overall: 14”w x 17”h 10,000-15,000 Rare Teco vase, large four buttress form covered in a beautiful green matte glaze with excellent charcoal highlights, impressed marks, shape #223, 8"w x 14"h 6000-8000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 104. Important Teco umbrella stand, #100A, designed by W.D. Gates, monumental form with four broad-strap handles under a good green matte glaze, impressed marks, 12”w x 21”h 12,000-17,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 15 105. Arts & Crafts playing card case, English, c. 1905, by Cambray, hammered copper with an enameled element on lid, marked, 4.75”w x 1”h 500-700 108. Liberty & Co. bowl, two handles, hammered pewter with a clover design, blue and green enameling to interior, marked Solkets, #0287, 11.5”w x 2”h 250-350 106. 109. 111. 16 16 107. Jennings Brothers candelabras, pair, American, c. 1915, after a Liberty & Co. Archibald Knox design, silver plate twinbranch forms, marked, #2726, 9.5”w x 11.5”h 1500-2500 110. Liberty & Co., Tudric jewel box, England, c. 1920, pewter, enamel panel on lid with irises, marked Solkets, #01260, 7.5”w x 2.5”h 900-1200 Noel Collett dish, French, c. 1928, large form in copper, signed, marked, 12.5”w x 1.5”h 150-250 Art Nouveau tile frieze, England, c. 1900, portrait of a woman composed of four colorful tiles, framed, each tile: 6”sq, overall: 7.5”w x 25.5”l 700-900 Liberty & Co. hot water pot, England, c. 1905, pewter with wicker wrapped handle, designed by Archibald Knox, Tudric range, marked, #0280, 5”w x 8”h 350-550 112. Liberty & Co. vase, three-handled form in Tudric pewter, stylized repoussé designs, marked, #0226, 5”w x 7.5”h 250-350 113. Liberty & Co. Tudric vase, England, c. 1905, pewter, designed by Archibald Knox, marked, #0227, 5”w x 9.5”h 600-800 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 114. 115. Weller Eocean vase, tapered shape with a portrait of a dog, artist signed, marked, 5”w x 8”h 800-1100 118. 17 Rare and important Rozane Woodland vase, monumental form with an incised and painted portrait of a woman, in the style of Alphonse Mucha, marked, 8”w x 18”h, a large and exceptional example of Rozane 10,000-15,000 116. Unusual Weller Hudson pictorial vase, bulbous shape with a courtship scene, marked, 4.5”w x 10.25”h, rare and nicely painted decoration 1500-2500 117. Rozane vase, monumental size in a brown glaze with a nicely painted St. Bernard, executed and signed by F. Steele, marked, #931, 9”w x 17”h 1000-2000 Rare Weller Hudson pictorial vase, large round and shouldered shape with a nicely detailed seascape with ships at sea, probably decorated by Mae Timberlake, 8.5”w x 9.5”h, an unusually nice example of Weller 3500-4500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 119. Arts & Crafts blanket chest, lift-top form with strap hardware and original brass handles, paneled sides, fine original finish, slight warp to top, 43”w x 21.5”d x 18.5”h, very good condition 600-800 121. 122. 18 120. Arts & Crafts table, in the style of Rose Valley, possibly by Biltmore Industries, gothic revival form with carved floral designs above a lower stretcher supported slab sides with key and tenon construction, overall roughness and keys missing at top, worn original finish, 51.5”w x 25”d x 30”h, very good condition 1000-1500 Exceptional Handel hanging fixture, leaded glass shade with intricate cherry tree design, original chain and ceiling cap, 25”dia x 14”h, excellent condition, beautifully detailed and expertly crafted 5000-7000 Rare Gustav Stickley settle #206, desirable graceful form with tapered posts and slatted canted sides, replaced cushion supported by a rope foundation, some retouch to original finish, signed with red decal, breaks to rope foundation, 61”w x 28.5”d x 40”h, very good condition 7000-9000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 123. 19 Interesting and early Rookwood vase, Iris glaze with finely painted grasses, executed by Olga Reed in 1896, #732C, 3.5”w x 7”h, ground X 1000-1500 126. Rookwood vase, shouldered shape in a matte glaze with a colorful stylized design, done by Delia Workum in 1928, #1926, 3.5”w x 6.5”h 300-400 129. Unusual Rookwood vase, bulbous shape, with painted blue leaves against a mottled cream and brown background, executed by Ruben Menzel in 1952, S for special piece, 5”w x 6.5”h 300-400 124. Rookwood vase, Green Vellum glaze, finely painted scene with cranes in flight and bamboo trees, executed by Lenore Asbury in 1912, #1920, 4.5”w x 9.5”h 1200-1700 127. Fine E.T. Hurley etching, "Flower Market in Winter", 1921/1929, 9" x 10.75", nicely framed, good image 300-400 130. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Nice Rookwood vase, large doublehandled form in a bisque finish, beautiful and elaborate decoration executed by Matt Daly in 1888, #339B, impressed marks, 8"w x 13"h, excellent piece of early Rookwood 1200-1700 125. Good Rookwood vase, bulbous shape, in pink with a nicely painted cherry blossom design, executed by E.T. Hurley in 1934, S for special piece, painted #5951, 3.5”w x 6.5”h, uncrazed 450-650 128. Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze, beautifully painted landscape by Ed Diers in 1921, #913D, 4.75”w x 8.25”h, restoration 500-700 131. Fine Rookwood vase, bulbous shape with a nice blue morning glory design, painted by E.T. Hurley in 1942, #6822, 4”w x 5”h, uncrazed and very clean 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 19 132. 20 133. Gustav Stickley china cabinet, #820, single door with twelve panes of glass and original hardware, signed with red decal and remnant of paper label, original finish, 36”w x 15”d x 62.5”h, very good condition 3000-4000 134. Gustav Stickley china cabinet, single door with original copper hardware, thru-tenon construction at sides, good original finish, signed with red decal and paper label, 35.5”w x 13”d x 58”h, very good condition 4000-5000 Early Gustav Stickley bookcase, #532, divided open-form with slab sides supported by double thru-tenon construction, some wear and retouch to original finish, signed with early red decal, 35.5”w x 12”d x 56”h, very good condition 4000-6000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 135. Excellent Van Briggle vase, c. 1903, large round shape with heavily carved poppies covered with a nice red, green and blue matte glaze, 8.5"w x 9"h, great glaze, exceptional definition 6000-8000 136. 137. 138. 21 Beautiful Van Briggle vase, c. 1907-12, raised floral design covered with a nice blue and green suspended matte glaze, 4.5"w x 11.5"h, the glaze is quite attractive with the dark clay body 2000-2500 Fine and early Van Briggle vase, c. 1903, large double gourd form with two whiplash handles, deeply carved organic design under a good red matte glaze, 9.5"w x 7"h 3000-4000 Large and fine Van Briggle vase, c. 1903, beautiful broad and tapered form with large sculpted leaves and pods, the exceptional definition on this vessel is covered in a deep maroon matte, shape #239, incised 1903, III, 2.5"w x 9"h, excellent example of early Van Briggle 5000-7000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 21 22 22 139. Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with several white crocus buds, decorated by Ed Diers in 1906, #900D, 3.5"w x 8"h 500-700 140. Rookwood vase, raised organic design under a pink and green matte glaze, designed by Sallie Toohey, 1912, # 1722, 5"w x 8.5"h 300-400 141. Rookwood vase, high glaze, spider wort design decorated by Kataro Shirayamadani, 1924 #913F, 3.5"w x 5.5"h, ground X 500-700 142. Rookwood vase, shouldered form in a matte glaze, stylized floral design created by Jens Jensen in 1930, #1781, 5"w x 6"h 450-650 143. Rookwood vase, decorated by Charles Todd in 1934, covered in a grey to blue matte Ombroso glaze, signed, #604D, 5.5"w x 7.5"h 500-700 144. Rookwood vase, buttress design with a blue and green vellum glaze, made 1932, #2380, 5"w x 6"h 200-300 145. Unusual Rookwood vase, painted by Margaret Helen McDonald, decorated in 1917, vellum glaze with trailing flowers, vines and four butterflies, #926D, 3.5"w x 8"h 600-800 146. Rookwood vase, beautiful porcelain glaze, blue and pink flowers on a trailing vine, unusual geometric band at shoulder, decorated by Lorinda Epply in 1920, 5"w x 8.5"h 600-800 147. Exquisite Rookwood vase, early bisque glaze with a colorful rose design, painted by Emma Foertmeyer in 1891, #533C, 4.5"w x 8.5"h, great example with finely painted designs 800-1000 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 148. Exceptional Roycroft writing desk, #092, drop-front above three drawers with original hammered copper hardware, paneled sides, complete interior with letter racks, signed with Orb, fine original finish, 36”w x 18”d x 53”h, excellent condition 12,000-15,000 149. 23 Roycroft dresser, #0108, adjustable beveled glass mirror at back above two half drawers and two full drawers with original copper hardware, signed with Roycroft script signature, original finish, 45”w x 26”d x 58”h, very good condition 6500-8500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 150. Nice Clewell bowl, copper-clad pottery, original patina, marked, #3-8, 6.5”w x 3.5”h 300-400 151. 154. 153. Dedham Pottery vase, bulbous shape under a beautiful thick gray and green drip glaze with red highlights, marked, artist signed, 5”w x 6”h, hairlines 500-1000 156. Marblehead vase, large tapered form covered with a blue matte glaze, marked, 5”w x 8.5”h, unusually large 400-500 159. 24 Tropico Potteries tile, c. 1920, stylized white flowers and green leaves on a turquoise background, framed, marked, tile: 3”sq, overall: 6”sq 100-150 152. North Dakota School of Mines vase, painted tribal designs in brown, red and tan, signed Halverson, dated 1-20-1941, marked, 5”w x 3.5”h 350-450 Grueby tile, carved and painted landscape under a matte glaze, impressed mark, 4" square 300-500 157. Nice Van Briggle vase, c. 1920s, double handled shape with molded vertical leaves covered in a dark blue matte glaze, incised marks, 7”w x 13.25”h 350-550 155. North Dakota School of Mines vase, titled “Duck Hunter,” carved hunting scene covered in a green and brown matte glaze, artist initials, marked, 4”w x 6.5”h 900-1200 158. Rare Denver Pottery vase, shouldered form in a blue matte glaze with painted white trees, marked, 4.5”w x 6”h 300-500 Good Arequipa vase, raised organic squeeze bag design in brown at top, classic hand-thrown swollen form, all covered in a nice purple matte glaze, painted mark, #9T, 4"w x 7"h 5000-7000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 160. Rare Teco vase, designed by Fritz Albert, good green matte glaze with charcoal highlights, impressed marks, shape #196, 4.5"w x 13"h 2500-3500 161. 162. 25 Large Teco vase, designed by W.B. Mundie, covered with a very good green matte glaze with charcoal highlights, impressed marks, shape #288, 7.5"w x 8"h 4000-6000 Teco vase in a shouldered form designed by W.J. Dodd, leaflike forms on exterior covered in a good green matte glaze with charcoal highlights, 4.25"w x 11.5"h, one of the best Teco glazes you will find 5000-7000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 25 163. Rare Parke Edwards sewing cabinet, lift-compartments at top with original hand wrought iron hardware above two drawers, carved shield and linenfold panels to front and back, and carved trefoil details at sides and legs, 20.5”w x 19”d x 31.5”h, original finish, very good condition 5000-7000 Parke Edwards (1892-1975) was an important Arts and Crafts artist from the Philadelphia School who studied with Samuel Yellin and Howard Freemont Stratton. Provenance: Phillips June 27, 1987 (Collection of Robert Edwards) lot 207 165. 164. Good Jarvie candlesticks, pair, early Art Nouveau form in bronze, original patina, replaced bobeches, unmarked, 6”w x 14”h 3000-5000 167. 26 Good Merrimac jardiniere, large ribbed form covered in a nice green matte glaze, marked, 12.5”w x 8”h 800-1100 166. Roycroft candlesticks, pair, hammered copper, original patinas, impressed mark to each, 4”w x 14”h 2000-3000 Rare Limbert table, uncataloged bold form with a circular top and arched side rails with heavy corbel supports above a lower stretcher with thru-tenon construction, original finish to base, top refinished, branded signature, 40”dia x 29”h, very good condition 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 169. 168. Batchelder tile, rectangular form with three dancing cupids on a green background held in an Art & Crafts frame, signed and numbered 16937, tile: 11.5”w x 7.5”h, overall: 19”w x 15”h 500-700 Van Briggle vase, c. post-1920, Lorelei, large form under a purple and blue matte glaze, incised marks, 4.5”w x 11.5”h 400-600 171. 170. 172. 175. 27 Van Briggle vase, probably c. 1906, molded leaf design under a mottled green matte glaze, 4.5”w x 3.5”h, excellent matte glaze 350-450 Rookwood bowl, low form with a geometric design covered in a green and brown matte glaze, executed by an unidentified artist in 1901, #365Z, 5.5”w x 1.5”h, ground X, great Arts & Crafts design under a wonderful matte glaze 150-250 173. Van Briggle vase, c. 1907-1912, carved stylized tulip design under a blue and green matte glaze, incised marks, #751, 4.5”w x 12”h, nice definition with a good matte glaze 1000-1500 174. Marblehead bowl, small form covered with a pink matte glaze and blue interior, mark covered with glaze, 3.5”w x 1.75”h 150-250 Rare Van Briggle tile, probably c. 1901-1907, retail sign covered in a green matte glaze with blue lettering, held in an Arts & Crafts oak frame, tile: 11.5”w x 5.75”h, overall: 17”w x 10.5”h 1000-2000 Marblehead vase, cylindrical form covered with a mottled gray matte glaze, marked, 4”w x 4.25”h, nice glaze 300-400 176. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Grueby vase, bulbous shape with carved leaves and buds, covered in a green matte glaze, original paper labels, 5”w x 7”h, restoration to rim, glaze chip restoration 600-800 177. Marblehead vase, broad form covered with a mottled green matte glaze, marked, 5”w x 4”h, probably an early example, unusual form, good glaze 350-450 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 27 178. 179. 182. 28 28 Good Newcomb College vase, broad shouldered form with a well carved and painted floral design, nicely executed by Henrietta Bailey, impressed marks, OU20, 66, original label, 7.5"w x 4.5"h 1700-2200 Good Newcomb College vase, nicely sculpted and painted design executed by Sadie Irvine, impressed marks, PZ46, 36, 5"w x 5"h, unusually nice color 1200-1700 Newcomb College vase, carved and painted unusual organic design, probably executed by Corinne Chalaron, signed indistinctly, #NH4, 5”w x 9”h, restoration 900-1200 181. 180. Newcomb College covered vessel, top with flower and finial, bottom with a ribbed design, all covered in a good matte glaze, executed by Sadie Irvine, impressed marks, PP73, 304, 3.5"w x 3"h 800-1100 183. Newcomb College bowl, carved and painted jonquil design, executed by Anna Frances Simpson, #LH8, 7.5”w x 4.5”h 1500-2500 184. Newcomb College vase, sculpted and painted design with raised ribs, covered in a nice matte glaze, executed by Sadie Irvine, impressed marks, PE84, 186, 5.5"w x 4.5"h 1000-1500 Clewell vase, copper clad pottery, flaring footed form, with it's original patina, minor flaking at foot, signed and incised 426-25, 3.5"w x 8.5"h 350-450 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 29 185. Rare L & JG Stickley cellarette #505, from the Onondaga Shops, overhanging top above a single drawer and door with butterfly joint construction, original copper hardware, interior with shelf and bottle racks, signed with partial decal, original finish, 28”w x 13”d x 33”h, a beautiful and useful form in excellent condition 5000-7000 Reference: Innovation and Derivation the Contributions of L & JG Stickley to the Arts and Crafts Movement, by Donald Davidoff and Stephen Gray p. 90 186. Good Gustav Stickley bookcase, #700, Harvey Ellis-influenced architectural form, single door with divided and leaded glass panes above an arched rail and thru-tenon construction, signed with red decal, fine original finish, 35.5”w x 14”d x 58”h, excellent condition 8000-10,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 187. Fine Van Briggle vase, c. 1903, nicely carved example with a fine green to blue matte glaze, impressed marks, 2.75"w x 3.5"h 1000-1500 188. 189. 190. 30 Roycroft vase, unusual form in hammered copper, new patina, marked, 4.5”w x 9”h 300-400 Early Van Briggle vase, 1903, carved floral design with four open handles at top covered in a nice red matte glaze with light green highlights, incised marks, 4.5"w x 5"h 2000-3000 Good Marblehead bowl, low form in a tan matte glaze with a holly design, impressed mark, original paper label, museum numbers, 7.5”w x 2”h, an unusual form with four colors 2000-3000 191. Kalo necklace, geometric linked forms in sterling silver, marked, #49, 20”l 500-700 192. Clewell vase, copper-clad pottery, large footed form, good original patina, marked, #366, 8”w x 15”h 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 193. 197. 31 Good Newcomb College vase, carved and painted scene with moss-laden oak trees and moon, executed by Sadie Irvine, #RW67, original paper label, 3.5”w x 8”h, good definition, excellent color 3700-4200 195. 194. Chelsea Keramic vase, bulbous shape covered in an ox blood glaze, marked, 3”w x 4.25”h, an unusual shape with an exceptional glaze 500-700 Fine and early Newcomb College charger, large round shape with white lilies and green leaves against a blue background, the flowers with deeply carved minute details, covered in a high glaze, executed by Henrietta Bailey, #BK10, partial paper label, similar example shown on cover of History of American Ceramics, by Levin, 13”dia x 1.75”d, circa 1905 5500-7500 196. Good Newcomb College candlesticks, pair, finely carved and painted flowers, done by Anna Frances Simpson, #OL77 and OL78, 4.5”w x 7.5”h 2500-3500 198. Fine Newcomb College vase, intricately carved and painted landscape with mossladen trees and a pink sky, executed by Anna Frances Simpson, #JN96, 4”w x 4.25”h, nice definition 2200-2700 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 199. Chelsea Keramic vase, bulbous form covered in a mottled ox blood glaze, unmarked, 3”w x 5.5”h, a very nice glaze 500-700 Charles Volkmar bud vase, bulbous bottom with a long slender neck, covered in a green matte glaze, marked V., 3”w x 6”h 200-300 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 31 201. 200. 208. 32 203. Weller Fru Russet vase, organic design covered in a great maroon matte glaze with green highlights, marked, 6”w x 8.5”h, beautiful matte glaze 500-700 202. 204. Unusual Weller Sicard plate, cherry blossom design, colorful metallic glaze, marked, 6.25”dia 400-600 Weller Sicard vase, threesided with a stylized floral design, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, signed, 3”w x 5.5”h 300-400 Weller Jap Birdimal vase, designed by Frederick Rhead, unusual shape form with a squeeze bag design of a geisha, marked, artist initials, #181, 4.75”w x 12”h 1000-1500 205. 209. Owens Utopian vase, large bulbous form in a brown glaze, nicely painted kitten face, marked, artist signed, 8”w x 11.5”h, beautifully decorated 2500-3500 Very rare Rozane Azurean vase, double handled pillow shape with a painted landscape, artist initials Anthony Dunlavy, marked, #882, 11”w x 9”h 1200-1700 Fraunfelter vase, bulbous shape with dutch scenes in blue against a pink and white ground, overall luster, marked, 4”w x 6”h 500-700 206. 210. Weller Aurelian vase, large cylindrical shape with a finely painted portrait of a man, executed and signed by Fouts, marked, 5”w x 17.5”h, drilled hole in bottom 500-700 Weller Besline vase, designed by Lessell, double handled shape covered in an orange luster glaze with leaf and berry designs, #8, 5”w x 6.5”h 200-300 207. Weller LaSa vase, detailed landscape design, colorful metallic glaze, marked, 3.5”w x 7.5”h 350-450 211. Weller Sicard vase, large twisting Weller Louwelsa vase, shape, stylized floral designs under large cylindrical form in a colorful metallic glaze, signed, a brown glaze, painted #23, 5”w x 11.5”h 800-1100 portrait of a cavalier, signed M. Rauchfuss, marked, #547, 6”w x 20”h, w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om restoration 500-700 212. 213. 33 Very nice Overbeck vase, interesting tapering shape with an unusual carved organic design, all covered in a good brown matte glaze, marked, 3"w x 5.5"h 6000-8000 Good Gustav Stickley desk, #706, inlaid panel drop front with an organic design in copper, pewter and fruit woods, drop-front encloses a complete interior over a lower shelf, fine original finish, an exceptional example of this important form, signed with red decal, 30”w x 11.5”d x 44”h, very good condition 20,000-30,000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 33 214. Good Gustav Stickley tea table, similar to #648, circular top above an arched cross-stretcher base with thru-tenon construction, signed with red decal, original black finish to base, color added to top, 30”dia x 26”h, very good condition 3000-4000 216. 217. 34 215. Good Gustav Stickley lamp table, #644, circular top above a notched cross-stretcher base with central peg supported by thru-tenon construction, original finish, signed with red decal and paper label, 30”dia x 29”h, very good condition 2000-3000 L & JG Stickley server, #741, three drawers with original hardware above a lower shelf, original finish, back professionally replaced, some roughness to top, 44”w x 18”d x 40”h, very good condition 1200-1500 Good L & JG Stickley rocker, #499, bent-arm form with slatted sides and corbel supports above original leather cushions, original finish, signed with Handcraft decal, a beautiful form in fine original condition, 31”w x 36”d x 42”h, very good condition 2500-3500 218. Good L & JG Stickley rocker, #499, bent-arm form with slatted sides and corbel supports above original leather cushions, original finish, signed with Handcraft decal, a beautiful form in fine original condition, 31”w x 36”d x 42”h, very good condition 2500-3500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 35 220. Rookwood vase, large shouldered form with a floral design covered with a matte glaze, executed by Sallie Coyne in 1927, #2785, 13.5"h 800-1100 221. Rookwood vase, unusual example with large raised leaves, covered in a purple and green matte glaze, designed by William McDonald, #2482, made 1935, impressed marks, 4.5"w x 11.25" 400-600 222. Unusual Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a painted dragonfly design, executed by Lenore Asbury in 1908, #1357E, 3.25”w x 7.25”h 500-700 Nice Rookwood vase, unusual form in a Vellum glaze, nicely painted Arts & Crafts rose designs by Alice Craven in 1917, #949D, 3.5”w x 9.5”h 500-700 225. Rookwood vase, decorated by Olga Reed, Iris glaze with a clover design, 1902, #932E, 3"w x 7"h 300-500 226. Rookwood vase, shouldered shape, in a Vellum glaze, nicely painted cherry blossom design by E.T. Hurley in 1911, #1663D, 4.5”w x 9”h 500-700 219. Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a finely detailed Venetian harbor scene, painted by Carl Schmidt in 1926, #356E, 3.5”w x 6.5”h, uncrazed and typically well painted 1500-2000 223. 224. Rookwood vase, unusual shape in a Vellum glaze, beautifully painted meadow landscape, executed by Fred Rothenbusch in 1920, #1652D, 5"w x 9.5"h 1200-1700 227. Unusual and nice Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a finely detailed landscape, painted by E.T. Hurley in 1941, #951D, 4”w x 9.25”h, uncrazed and handsome 1200-1700 228. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a finely detailed landscape design, painted by Ed Diers, 4”w x 9.75”h, ground X, chip to rim, drilled hole in base 250-350 229. Excellent Rookwood vase, tapered shape in a Vellum glaze, nicely detailed river landscape, painted by Sallie Coyne in 1922, #904E, 3.5"w x 7.5"h 1200-1700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 35 36 36 230. Weller Cloudburst vase, designed Lessell, double handled shape, blue luster glaze with crackle design, unmarked, 7.5”w x 5.5”h 300-500 231. Weller Eocean, Late Line bud vase, painted berry design, unmarked, 2.25”w x 6”h; with Weller Sicard vase, colorful metallic glaze with a stylized peacock feather design, marked, 3”w x 8.5”h, hairlines, restoration 300-500 232. Weller Blue Louwelsa handled vessel, low form with painted pansies, marked, #519, 5.5"w x 3"h 250-350 233. Weller Lamar vase, red luster glaze with a silver-colored landscape, unmarked, 4”w x 8.5”h 400-600 234. LoyNel vase, brown glaze with a painted colorful pansy design, unmarked, 5.5”w x 12”h; with a Weller Louwellsa handled vessel, brown glaze with a nicely painted wild rose design, signed MH, marked, #601, 5.5”w x 10.5”h 200-300 235. Weller Louwellsa vase, large tapered shape in a brown glaze, painted portrait of a hooded figure, signed Dunlavy, marked, #571, 5.5”w x 11.5”h 500-700 236. Weller Louwellsa vase, tapered shape in a brown glaze with a portrait of a dog, signed L. Blake, marked with X, 5”w x 11.5”h 500-700 237. Weller Louwelsa vase, brown glaze with a nicely detailed Native American portrait, painted by Levi Burgess, impressed mark, 7"w x 13”h, minute flakes to rim, stilt chips to base 1000-2000 238. Rozane vase, slender shape in a brown glaze with a painted carnation design, marked, artist signed, #835, 3”w x 10.75”h 100-200 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 239. Fine Rookwood vase, Black Iris glaze with a nicely painted poppy design, executed by Sara Sax in 1904, #925CC, 4.5”w x 8.5”h, ground X, good glaze, a very nice example with great contrast 5000-7000 240. 243. 37 Fine Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a nicely detailed landscape, painted by Fred Rothenbusch in 1930, #892C, 4.5”w x 9”h, uncrazed and beautifully fired 1500-2500 241. Excellent Rookwood vase, good Iris glaze with a nicely painted iris design, executed by Carl Schmidt in 1905, #907F, 3”w x 7”h 2000-3000 242. Rare Rookwood vase, porcelain glaze, finely painted landscape, by Fred Rothenbusch in 1928, #317B, 5”w x 10”h, uncrazed and exceedingly unusual 2500-3500 Exceptional Rookwood vase, cylindrical shape in an Iris glaze, beautifully painted birds in flight, executed by Albert Valentien in 1905, #952C, 4"w x 10.5"h, uncrazed and very fine 5000-7000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 244. Early Gustav Stickley Bungalow rocker, variation on #2555, in mahogany, hump-back above a recovered leather back and seat over a cloud-lift rail, enhanced original finish, unsigned, 28”w x 24”d x 38”h, very good condition 800-1000 246. Gustav Stickley Bungalow chair, #1289, hump-back above trumpeted vertical slats, recovered leather seat over a cloud-lift rail, refinished, unsigned, 18.5”w x 17.5”d x 38”h, very good condition 500-700 247. Early Gustav Stickley Bungalow armchair, variation on #2556, in mahogany, hump-back above a recovered leather back and seat over a cloud-lift rail, enhanced original finish, unsigned, 28”w x 30”d x 38.5”h, very good condition 800-1000 Arts & Crafts child’s screen, low form with heart cut-outs at each side, original finish, each panel: 13.5”w x 32”h, very good condition 300-400 249. 38 245. 248. Gustav Stickley armchair, #310 ½, three horizontal slats at back over a worn original leather seat, corbel supports at sides, original finish, signed with red decal and paper label, 25”w x 22”d x 32.5”h, very good condition 300-500 Gustav Stickley child’s rocker, #343, three horizontal slats at back over an original leather seat, original finish, signed with red decal, 17.5”w x 20”d x 25”h, very good condition 300-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 250. 251. 252. 39 Gustav Stickley sideboard, #814, plate rail at back above a series of drawers and doors with original iron and strap hardware, variation with thru-tenon construction, original ooze leather to top drawer, original finish, signed with red decal, minor repair to door, 66”w x 24”d x 48”h, very good condition 5500-7500 Important and rare Pewabic vase, unusual gourd form with six lobes underneath a tapered neck covered in a unique yellow to gold metallic glaze with light green highlights, early incised signature, 6.5"w x 10.5"h, a great example 5000-7000 Good L & JG Stickley settle, #222, dramatic slatted-form with tapered posts, recovered leather cushion, good original finish, three back cushions included, signed with Handcraft decal, 76.5”w x 30.5”d x 39”h, very good condition 6000-8000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 39 253. 257. Dedham Pottery vessel, round shape with a blue and white design of rabbits, marked, 5.5”w x 4.5”h, missing lid 250-350 254. Fulper vase, double handled form covered in a black glaze with crystalline highlights, marked, 6.5”w x 5”h 200-300 256. Niloak Missionware vase, miniature with swirl design, marked Rock Mtn., 1.5”w x 2.5”h, made as a party favor; with a Niloak Missionware jug, attribution, colorful swirl design, unmarked, 5”w x 7”h 600-800 Catalina Pottery vase, classic flaring shape covered in a red flambé glaze, marked, 5”w x 8.5”h 250-350 258. 260. 40 Rare Clewell vase, copper-clad pottery, unusual double handled shape, marked, #474, 3.5”w x 6.5”h 400-600 255. North Dakota School of Mines vase, bulbous form with incised vertical leaves covered in a green and tan matt glaze, marked, #34, 5”w x 3.5”h 300-400 259. Niloak Missionware vase, large form with a multicolored swirl design, marked, 5”w x 10.25”h 250-350 Teco handled vessel, ribbed shape under a good green matte glaze with charcoal highlights, impressed marks, 4”w x 3.75”h 200-300 261. Good Newcomb College vase, tapered shape with a carved and painted floral design, executed by Sadie Irvine, #OJ96, 5.5”w x 8.5”h 1500-2000 262. Van Briggle vase, 1917, raised twisting leaf design under a blue and green matte glaze, incised marks, 3”w x 7”h 250-350 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 263. 264. 266. 41 Nice Pewabic vase, hand-thrown bulbous shape covered in a multi-toned green metallic glaze, marked, 6.5”w x 5”h, very good glaze 1000-1500 Good Arequipa vase, c. 1913, shouldered shape covered in a mottled and textured green matte glaze, marked, #1128, 4”w x 8”h, very nice example 1000-1500 Nice Pewabic vase, large shouldered form covered in a silver and pink metallic glaze, good overall iridescence, marked, 6.5”w x 12”h 1200-1700 265. Newcomb College vase, small round form covered with a high glaze, impressed marks, initials KR, 4"w x 2.75"h 250-350 267. Good Pewabic bowl, small form covered in a colorful metallic glaze, marked, 3”w x 1.5”h, excellent glaze 250-350 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 268. Good Pewabic vase, bulbous shape, covered in a beautiful metallic glaze with overall iridescence, marked, 6”w x 10”h 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 41 269. 270. Rookwood vase, bulbous shape, nicely painted floral design, executed by Fred Rothenbusch in 1900, #867, 4”w x 6”h, restoration 100-200 42 274. Rookwood vase, Standard glaze with a detailed clover design, painted by Katharine Hickman in 1896, #763C, 3.5”w x 6.5”h 250-350 Large Rookwood handled vessel with stopper, Standard glaze with a cherry design, nicely painted by Sara Sax in 1899, #512A, 6”w x 11”h 700-900 275. 276. 277. Rookwood handled vessel, Standard glaze with well executed portrait titled after Franz Hal, done by Grace Young in 1897, #837, 5.5”w x 5”h 400-600 Rookwood vase, double handled shape in a Standard glaze, nicely painted water lily design, executed by Mary Nourse in 1900, #604C, 6.5”w x 9”h, ground X 500-700 273. 272. 271. Rookwood handled vessel, Standard glaze with a well executed portrait of a man, painted by M.A. Daly in 1896, #587C, 5”w x 4.75”h 400-600 Unusual Rookwood handled vessel, Standard glaze with a nicely painted design of corn, executed by Caroline Steinle in 1902, #512C, elaborate Sterling silver stopper with a repoussé corn design, impressed hallmarks, overall: 5”w x 8.5”h 500-700 Early Wheatley vase, c. 1880, large form with nicely painted flowering branches, marked, 7”w x 12”h 500-700 Big and beautiful Rookwood vase, large tapered shape, in a Standard glaze, wonderfully detailed chrysanthemum 278. decoration, painted by M.A. Daly in 1902, #907C, 5.4”w x 14”h 1500-2000 279. Rookwood covered vessel, standard glaze decoration of buckeyes, executed by Sally Toohey, produced 1895, #729, 5.5"h X 4.5"w 400 -600 Early Rookwood vase, Tiger Eye glaze with finely painted chrysanthemums, executed by Albert Valentien in 1884, #30B, 4.5”w x 12”h 1200-1700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 281. 280. Roycroft tall pedestal, #080, important dramatic design with five shelves supported by slab sides and carved Orb and oak leaf, double key and tenon construction, monogrammed initials “WHW” carved at front, original finish, some chips to feet, 22"w x 18"d x 64"h, very good condition 9000-12,000 282. 43 Roycroft vase, hand hammered copper with applied nickel decoration, original patina, 3"w x 6"h 700-900 The Art Crafts Shop desk set, 6 pieces, enamel design on copper, all with original patina, some minor losses to enamel 9”w x 5.5’h 500-700 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 283. Good Roycroft Ali Baba bench, #046, desirable slab sided form supporting a wide split log top, lower stretcher with key and tenon construction, this is the rarer version of the Ali Baba bench with the wide top and slab sides, signed with Orb, original finish, some repair to bark, 42”w x 15.5”d x 19”h, very good condition 9000-12,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 43 284. 44 Lakeside Craft Shops wastebasket, slatted form with two handles, original finish, unsigned, 12”w x 12”d x 16”h very good condition 100-200 285. Harold L. Doolittle (American, 1883-1974) “From the Canyons Rim,” etching, pencil signed and titled, 9” x 12”, unframed 700-900 Exhibited: California Design 1910, and illustrated in accompanying book by Timothy J. Andersen, Eudorah M. Moore, Robert W. Winter, page 35 Provenance: Annette T. Handy Trust Private Collector 287. Handel table lamp, reverse-painted acidetched shade with landscape pattern, shade and base signed, 18”dia x 23.5”h, very good condition 4500-5500 290. Heintz vase, sterling on bronze, applied floral design, original patina, impressed mark, #3807, impressed R.H. Macy & Co., 5”w x 10”h 400-600 288. 291. 286. Good Limbert waste paper box, #255, slab sides with cut-outs at top, original finish, branded signature, 11”w x 11”d x 18”h, very good condition 1000-1500 Jarvie chamber stick, flaring form, in brass, bobeche missing, signed, 6”w x 6”h 250-350 289. Pairpoint lamp, floral motif with a reversepainted shade on a pedestal base with two sockets, base signed, 16”w x 20.5”h, very good condition 1200-1700 William Dorsey (American, b. 1942) “Landscape,” oil on canvas, signed lower right, 30” x 40”, framed 1000-1500 292. Heintz vase, attribution, sterling on bronze, cylindrical shape with an applied windmill design, original patina, unmarked, 5”w x 12”h 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 293. 294. 45 Good Merrimac vase, large hand-thrown form covered in a brown matte glaze with a textured green and yellow drip, marked, 9"w x 10"h, a large example with a great glaze 3000-4000 Unusual Charles Rohlfs armchairs, set of eight, shaped posts support a canted back with a stylized “S” cut-out, probably a family monogram, saddle seat supported by thru-peg construction, carved signature and dated 1903, good original finish, rarely does a large set of Rohlfs chairs come to market, 27”w x 21”d x 39”h, very good condition 7000-9000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 45 295. Rare Weller Marengo Ware vase, designed by Lessell, stylized landscape design in colorful metallic glazes, partial original paper label, 3.5”w x 8.25”h 400-600 296. Rare Camark Pottery vase, Castle Series, fan shape in a white glaze with a hand-painted castle scene in red, marked, 7.5”w x 10.5”h 300-500 300. 46 46 299. Exceptional and rare Swastika Keramos vase, large form in colorful metallic glazes with a painted landscape featuring a peacock, marked, design attributed to Lessell, 7”w x 13”h 1000-2000 302. 303. Swastika Keramos vase, double handled shape with a copper-colored glaze and stylized floral design in red and green, 4.5”w x 12”h 300-500 297. Rare Camark Pottery wall pocket, stylized landscape in a silver glaze outlined in gold, signed Lessell, 4”w x 8”l, minor chips and glaze flakes 700-1000 298. Weller LaSa vase, tapered shape with a landscape design, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, unmarked, 3.5”w x 6”h, exceptional example with very few glaze issues 350-450 Fraunfelter candlestick, stylized landscape in a silver glaze against an ivory ground, 5”w x 8”h; with a Fraunfelter bowl, covered in an opalescent glaze with a green metallic stylized landscape, both signed Lessell, 9”w x 3”h 350-550 Camark Pottery lamp base, tropical landscape design covered in colorful metallic glazes, signed Lessell, 5.75”w x 13.75”h, very nicely painted 600-800 301. 304. Camark Pottery vase, attribution, large bulbous shape covered in a black high glaze with a metallic design of a buck in a landscape, signed Lessell, 7”w x 13”h, a great example 2000-3000 Weller LaSa vase, cylindrical 305. Extremely rare Camark form with flared rim and Pottery vase, shouldered base, colorful metallic glaze form covered in an with an etched landscape experimental mottled green design, marked, 3.5”w x and black glaze, marked, 7.75”h 300-400 x 12”h w w w . tr e4”w ad w ay g a l1000-1500 l ery .c om 306. 307. 47 Good Limbert bookcase, #360, single door with organic cut-out design and open shelf above a glass panel divided by a vertical mullion, original pull, original finish, ghost of a paper label to back, a desirable form that rarely comes to market, 25”w x 12”d x 58”h, very good condition 7500-9500 Limbert Morris chair, flat-arm form with arched rail and curved rear legs, some retouch to original finish, branded signature, 28.5”w x 38.5”d x 36”h, very good condition 1200-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 47 308. Arts & Crafts inkwell, handled form in brass with tooled designs, colorful central enameled element, unmarked, includes glass insert, 7”w x 4.5”h 200-300 309. 312. 48 48 310. Unusual Lebolt dish, handled form in hammered sterling silver, three cut glass sections, applied monogram “K”, marked, #491, 8.5”w x 6.5”h 250-350 Roycroft vase, smaller version of the "American Beauty," hammered copper, good original patina, marked, 3.5”w x 7”h 500-700 Fulper vase, attribution, small tapered shape covered in a beautiful green crystalline glaze, marked B, 1.75”w x 3.75”h 250-350 311. Van Briggle vase, c. post 1920, three Native American faces, under a brown and green matte glaze, incised marks, 5”w x 11”h 300-500 313. Fulper vase, c. 1915, double handled shape covered in a green leopard skin glaze, marked, shown in the Panama Pacific Exposition, 4.5”w x 11.25”h, very nice glaze 500-700 314. Fulper jardiniere, monumental form covered in a multi-toned brown and gray flambé glaze with blue crystalline highlights, marked, 12”w x 12”h, restoration to rim 500-700 316. Fulper bowl, broad form with an unusual raised design of fish, covered in a green red and tan flambé with a green crystalline center, marked, 11.25”w x 3”h, restored chip to lip 300-400 315. Large Fulper vase, monumental form covered in a Flemington Green glaze, marked, partial original paper label, 8.5”w x 17”h 1000-2000 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 318. 317. Gustav Stickley Morris chair, #336, early bow-arm form with hip rail and corbel supports at sides, recovered leather seat and back cushions, refinished, some restoration to arm, replaced pegs and rope foundation, 31.5”w x 37.5”d x 38.5”h, very good condition 3500-4500 319. 49 Early Gustav Stickley Morris chair, #2432, flat-arm form with five vertical slats supported by corbels and thru-tenon construction, nicely recovered leather seat and back cushions, original finish, recoated finish to arms, signed with early box mark, original chamfered pegs, 31.5”w x 38”d x 39”h, very good condition 5500-6500 Good Gustav Stickley Morris chair, #369, drop-arm form with five vertical slats and corbel supports, thru-tenon construction, recovered leather seat and back cushions, signed with red decal, 33”w x 38”d x 39”h, a nice example of this desirable form, very good condition 7500-9500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 320. Limbert settle, #570, three-quarter drop-arm form with slatted back and thru-tenon construction, refinished, replaced cushions, branded signature, 80”w x 31.5”d x 30”h, very good condition 2500-3500 322. Arts & Crafts costumer, single post with long corbel supports, recoated original finish, 22”w x 22”d x 76”h, very good condition 200-300 324. Early Limbert magazine stand, #217, unusual form with a single shelf and cut-out slab sides above a cut-out design at base, refinished, unsigned, 12”w x 11.5”d x 38”h, very good condition 1200-1500 Limbert daybed, #850, curved headrest with recovered leather cushions, original finish, branded signature and numbered, 30”w x 79”l x 25”h, very good condition 800-1000 323. 50 321. Arts & Crafts period swing, in woven wicker, missing chains and seat cushion, 85”w x 31”d x 27”h, very good condition 700-900 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 51 325. Small Teco vase, designed by W. Gates, four buttress shape with a good green matte glaze, impressed marks, 2.5"w x 6.25"h 1000-1500 326. Teco wall pocket, designed by F.R. Fuller, raised floral design under a good green matte glaze, impressed marks, 10"w x 7"h 500-700 327. Teco vase, designed by Fritz Albert, handled form covered with a green matte glaze, impressed marks, 5"w x 9.25"h 1000-1500 328. Teco vase, two handles designed by W. Gates, covered with a green matte glaze, impressed mark, 6"w x 8"h 1500-2500 329. Good Teco vase, #197, design attributed to Fritz Albert, unusual form under a good green matte glaze with nice charcoal highlights, impressed marks, 7.5”w x 10.5”h 2000-3000 330. Large Teco vase, probably designed by W. Gates, bulbous shape with flared rim, covered in a green matte glaze, impressed marks, 9.25"w x 9.25"h 500-700 331. Teco vase designed by W. Gates, hand thrown form with swollen bottom under a good green matte glaze, impressed marks, 3.75"w x 3.75"h 300-500 332. Teco handled vessel, ribbed shape with an applied monogram and date on front, under a good green matte glaze, impressed marks, 6”w x 6.5”h, restoration to rim 500-700 333. Teco vase, tapered form with a green matte glaze, impressed marks, 3.5"w x 5.5"h 250-350 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 51 334. Newcomb College vase, hand thrown form 335. with a drip glaze, made by Jules Gabry, impressed marks, 4.5"w x 5"h 500-700 337. Walley vase, bulbous shape covered in a multi-toned blue drip glaze, marked, 3.5”w x 3.5”h 300-400 338. 340. 341. 52 52 Heintz vase, sterling on bronze, applied design with birds and branches, original patina, impressed mark, #3681C, impressed R.H. Macy & Co., 4.5”w x 12.25”h 400-600 336. English Arts & Crafts mirror, c. 1905, rectangular beveled glass mirror held in a copper repoussé frame, 19.5”w x 25”h, very good condition 1000-1500 Newcomb College vase, hand-thrown shape covered in a green matte glaze, signed JM, 4.5”w x 3.5”h 250-350 339. George Ohr vase, bulbous shape with a crimped rim, covered in a multi-tone brown glaze, marked, 4.5”w x 3”h 700-900 343. Heintz vase, sterling on bronze, applied iris design, original patina, impressed mark, #2627B, 5”w x 12”h 600-800 George Ohr vase, unusual form with a crimped rim, covered in a mottled brown and green matte glaze, signed, 3”w x 3.5”h, minor flaws to base 900-1200 Arts & Crafts chamber sticks, pair, leaf shape in copper with tooled designs, 6”w x 2”h; with a Copper plate, (not shown), unusual face design, 5.75”dia, original patinas, all unmarked 200-300 342. Heintz humidor, sterling on bronze, applied griffin design, original patina, impressed mark, #2581, 5”w x 8”h 500-700 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 53 345. Rookwood vase, covered in a standard glaze, nicely painted portrait of Chief White Buffalo of the Arapahoe tribe, decorated by E.T. Hurley, #614D, impressed marks, 4.25"w x 8.25"h 2500-3500 346. Early and rare Rookwood handled vessel, panoramic design with painted bar room scenes depicting characters interacting, executed by Edward Cranch in 1886, #286, 6”w x 8.5”h 1500-2000 344. Rookwood handled vessel, early Limoges style with delicately painted cherry blossoms, executed by Sallie Toohey in 1888, #40C, 4”w x 6.5”h, delicate and finely executed artwork 300-500 347. Unusual Rookwood covered vessel, a very early Standard glaze with a painted floral design and molded lid, executed by Anna Marie Bookprinter in 1891, #240G, 7”w x 9”h 300-400 348. Rookwood vase, Standard glaze with finely painted leaves, done by Rose Fechheimer in 1900, #670C, 7”w x 9”h, nice artwork with a good glaze 350-450 349. Good Rookwood vase, Standard glaze with a nicely painted cherry blossom design, applied silver overlay, executed by Sadie Markland in 1894, #566, 4.5”w x 7”h 1000-1500 350. Rookwood vase, Standard glaze with a finely painted floral design, by L.N. Lincoln in 1905, #605E, 3.5”w x 5”h 250-350 351. Fine Rookwood vase, large example, in a Standard glaze, beautifully painted orange poppies, executed by M.A. Daly in 1902, #904C, 4.5”w x 12”h 1000-1500 352. Unique Rookwood handled vessel, large form, in a Standard glaze, with an exquisitely painted portrait of a geisha, executed by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1891, #496A, hand signed on base, 5”w x 13”h 1500-2500 353. Exceptional Rookwood ewer, big version in a Standard glaze with several prancing geese, decorated by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1891, #469A, 8.5”w x 12.5”h 2000-3000 354. Early Rookwood vase, experimental Limoges glaze with painted and incised crabs and vegetation, finely executed by Albert Valentien in 1884, #30B, 4.5”w x 12”h, firing imperfection 800-1100 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 355. 54 Good Stickley Brothers bookcase, three-door form with leaded slag-glass panes at top above divided panels and original copper pulls, paneled sides, fine original finish, unsigned, 59”w x 12”d x 60”h, very good condition 4500-5500 356. Arts & Crafts period tile-top table, fifteen tiles at top on a twisted and curled wrought iron base, 22”w x 13.5”d x 19”h, very good condition 300-400 357. Old Hickory style magazine holder, woven willow with handle at top, 20”w x 14”d x 20”h, very good condition 100-200 358. Arts & Crafts andirons, in twisted and curled wrought iron with connecting chain, each: 11”w x 29”d x 28.5”h, very good condition 300-500 359. Stickley Brothers drink table, #2615, circular copper top above a wide notched arched apron on a tapered leg, some cleaning to original copper top, worn recoated original finish, unsigned, 17”dia x 28”h, very good condition 800-1000 360. Stickley Brothers library table, hexagonal top above six tapered legs with thru-tenon construction, refinished, unsigned, 46.5”w x 40”d x 30”h, very good condition 600-800 361. Arts and Crafts drink table similar to Stickley Brothers #2615, in maple, circular copper top above a wide inverted “V” apron on a tapered leg, refinished, some cleaning to original copper top, 18”dia x 28”h, very good condition 300-500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 363. 362. Robert Thompson or Mouseman ashtray, attribution, carved wood with a mouse figural, original finish, faint and illegible writing on bottom, 4”w x 2”h 150-200 364. Arts & Crafts box, rectangular form in oak, hinged lid, original finish, unmarked, 11”w x 7”h 100-200 366. 365. 369. 55 Liberty & Company mirror, c. 1905, oval copper mirror with inset enamel plaques, original label, 25”w x 20.5”h, very good condition 2000-3000 367. William Hutton Art Nouveau photo frame, London, 1905, silver, wood and enamel, marked, 7”w x 8”h, wood refinished 1500-2000 368. Liberty & Co. jardiniere, Tudric pewter form with two handles and feet, stylized repoussé designs, marked, original patina, #0229, 13”w x 6”h 1000-1500 Rare Liberty & Co. Tudric biscuit barrel, England, c. 1905, pewter, designed by Archibald Knox, marked, #0193, 4.5”w x 4.5”h 1200-1700 English Arts & Crafts jardiniere, four-sided form in copper with repousse ship designs and enameled escutcheons, unmarked, 12.5”w x 10.5”h 500-700 WMF Arts & Crafts candlesticks, pair, German, c. 1905, silver plate and wood, marked, 4.5”w x 8.5”h 300-400 371. 370. George H. Trautmann lamp base, in hammered copper with a three-socket fixture, signed, needs wiring, 7.5”dia x 19”h, very good condition 700-900 AE Jones Arts & Crafts candlesticks, pair, attribution, English, c. 1920, silver plate with hammered surface and raised designs, 3.75”w x 7.5”h 350-450 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 55 372. 373. Hartford Faience tile panel, #112, c. 1910, incised owl motif flanking a landscape scene, all covered in a seven color matte glaze, unusual technique imitating a leaded glass window by the use of metallic glaze on the incised lines, unframed, a similar tile is shown in "Stickley Style-Arts and Crafts Homes in the Craftsman Tradition," by David Cathers and Alexander Vertikoff, p. 108, 35.75"w x 9.25"h 8000-10,000 Arts & Clay Co. lamp, in hammered and riveted copper with a mica base on a single-socket trumpeted base, 17”dia x 19.5”h, very good condition 1500-2500 376. 56 374. Shop of the Crafters cellarette, #255, marquetry inlaid design with monk motif, escutcheon missing, complete interior, some retouch to original finish, minor looseness, unsigned, 15”w x 15”d x 46”h, very good condition 400-600 375. Arts & Clay Co. lamp, large form in hammered copper supporting a flaring mica-lined shade, original patina, signed CMW, overall: 21.5”w x 19”h 1500-2500 Arts and Crafts bed, double-size with arched and paneled head and footboards, reversetapered legs, original finish, 58.5”w x 78”l x 56”h, very good condition 1200-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 377. Exquisite Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with an exceptionally painted blue iris, executed by Carl Schmidt in 1925, #2544, 4"w x 8"h, uncrazed, flawless, beautiful 2000-3000 380. Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with a colorful cascading floral design, painted by Lenore Asbury in 1928, #356D, 4.5”w x 8.5”h, finely decorated with a wide array of colors, uncrazed and flawless 1200-1700 379. Fine Rookwood vase, Vellum glaze with nicely painted white carnations on a blue background, executed by Ed Diers in 1926, #2544, 4”w x 8”h, uncrazed and beautifully decorated by one of Rookwood’s best artists 1500-2000 Important Rookwood plaque, fine Vellum glaze with a finely painted Venetian scene titled “On the Riva,” beautifully executed by Ed Diers, framed, plaque: 15”w x 9”h, overall: 20.5”w x 15”h, uncrazed and absolutely breathtaking 10,000-15,000 381. 57 378. Rookwood vase, large flaring shape with a Vellum glaze, unusual decoration of birds flying through palm trees, executed by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1909, #1663C, 5.5"w x 11"h 3000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 382. Beautiful Rookwood vase, Iris glaze with a finely painted decoration of irises, nicely executed by Sallie Coyne in 1910, #907DD, 4”w x 10”h, a very good example of Rookwood's Iris glaze 2500-3500 384. 383. Fine Rookwood vase, beautiful Vellum glaze with five nicely painted black swans, decorated in 1915 by Carl Schmidt, #932E, 3.5"w x 8"h, another example of Schmidt's superb painting 3500-4500 385. 58 Rookwood vase, black opal glaze with seven carved and painted birds, decorated in 1925 by Sara Sax, 7"w x 4.75"h 1000-1500 Exceptional Rookwood vase, large tapered shape in an Iris glaze, beautifully painted scene featuring several swans, beautifully painted by Kataro Shirayamadani in 1898, #1295, 7”w x 13”h 8000-11,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 386. 389. Unusual Marblehead vase, shouldered shape, covered in a purple matte glaze, marked, 3.5”w x 5”h 350-450 388. 387. Marblehead vase, large round shape, covered in a pink matte glaze, marked, partial paper label, 6.5”w x 5”h 500-700 392. 391. Wheatley Pottery vase, bulbous shape with carved leaves and buds covered in a green matte glaze, marked, 6”w x 4.25”h, nicely executed good example of Wheatley's Arts & Crafts pottery 300-400 395. 394. 59 Beautiful Grueby vase, large round shape with a bottle neck, covered in a suspended yellow matte glaze, marked, 8”w x 9.5”h, great form, great glaze 2500-3500 Good Marblehead vase, bulbous shape, covered in a brown matte glaze, marked, 4”w x 5”h 300-400 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Unusual Norse vase, large broad shape with big leaves, covered in a bronze to black matte glaze with green highlights, marked, #21, 8"w x 7"h, very nice 800-1100 Good Grueby vase, unusual form covered in a mottled green matte glaze, artist initials EW, marked, 6.25”w x 4.5”h, very nice glaze 800-1100 Nice Marblehead vase, cylindrical shape, covered in a brown matte glaze, marked, 4”w x 4”h 350-450 390. Pauline Pottery vase, carved and painted floral design on a squat round form, impressed marks, 5"w x 2"h 500-700 393. Norse bowl, footed shape with incised designs covered in a metallic glaze, marked, #61, 7.5”w x 5.5”h 300-400 396. Marblehead vase, tapered shape, covered in a blue matte glaze, marked, paper label, 2.5”w x 3.5”h 250-350 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 59 397. 398. 401. Rookwood vase, geometric design, tobacco brown matte glaze, 2.75”w x 6”h 100-200 Rare and important Cowan sculpture, stylized head on a square column base, covered in a black matte glaze, marked, 3.5”w x 14”h 3500-4500 400. Moorcroft vase, small shouldered form with a colorful orchid design, signed, 2.5”w x 3.5”h 200-300 404. 405. Moorcroft bottles with stoppers, pair, c. 1950, bulbous shape, spring flower design, signed, marked, 4”w x 6”h 500-700 407. 60 399. Good Rookwood vase, raised daffodil designs under a tan matte glaze, 1920, #2476, 3.5”w x 8.25”h 200-300 Rookwood bookend, one, nude female kneeling, covered in a white hi-glaze, designed by Louise Abel, 1930, #6159, 4.25”w x 7”h, uncrazed 250-350 402. Decorative Vernon Kilns charger, designed by Rockwell Kent, titled Salamina, signed, marked, fitted with metal ring for hanging, 14”dia 200-300 Rookwood vase, blue matte glaze with brown 406. highlights, 1923, #1089D, 5”w x 3.5”h, ground X; with a Rookwood vase, raised design of rooks, under a green aventurine glaze, 1924, #2705, 3.5”w x 7”h, exceptional glaze 500-700 403. Royal Doulton Noke vase, tapered shape in a sung glaze with abstract designs, executed by F. Allen, marked, #2040, 4”w x 7.5”h 400-600 Rookwood bookends, pair, Dutch boy and girl, designed by Sallie Toohey, 1929, #6022, 4.25”w x 6”h 350-450 Art Pottery bookends, Art Deco design of a man and woman, covered in a white high glaze, unmarked, 5”w x 5”h; with a Lenox vase, footed shape, covered in a yellow glaze, designed in honor of New York World’s Fair, Ovington’s, New York, #3041, 3.5”w x 5”h 200-300 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 408. Frank Lloyd Wright desk, designed for the Richard C. Smith House, Jefferson, Wisconsin, 1951, cypress, triangular form on angled legs and three drawers with original brass handles, restored finish, 58”w x 50”d x 26”h, very good condition 4000-6000 409. Frank Lloyd Wright cabinet, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, three drawers with recessed handles and Taliesin design at edges, worn original finish, some staining to top and chips to edges, signed with red decal and script signature, 21.5”w x 20”d x 28”h, very good condition 700-900 Provenance: Domino’s Center for Architecture & Design, Christie’s June 1994 410. Frank Lloyd Wright cabinet, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, three drawers with recessed handles and Taliesin design at edges, worn original finish, some staining to top and chips to edges, signed with red decal and script signature, 21.5”w x 20”d x 28”h, very good condition 700-900 411. 412. 61 Frank Lloyd Wright chair from the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, c. 1922, "Peacock chair", hexagonal shaped construction with Chevron motif relates directly to the design of the hotel, upholstered originally by the hotel in a beige oil cloth fabric, worn original finish, this iconic chair was used in several public rooms throughout the Imperial Hotel, overall roughness, some restoration, painted hotel inventory number on bottom, 15.5"w x 16.5"d x 38"h, very good condition 7000-9000 Luxfer prism window, 100 prisms held together with leaded glass, twenty Frank Lloyd Wright designed-prisms make up the central border, one signed Luxfer, glass: 39.5”w x 40”h, very good condition 500-700 413. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Luxfer prism window, 100 prisms held together with leaded glass, twenty Frank Lloyd Wright designed-prisms make up the central border, glass: 39.75”w x 40.5”h, very good condition 500-700 414. Luxfer prism window, 100 prisms held together with leaded glass, twenty Frank Lloyd Wright designed-prisms make up the central border, one signed Luxfer, glass: 37.5”w x 40.25”h, very good condition 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 61 415. 62 Frank Lloyd Wright side table, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, paneled top above a single drawer with recessed handle above open storage, Taliesin design at edges, good original finish, signed with red monogram and script signature, 26”w x 29”d x 23”h, very good condition 800-1000 417. Frank Lloyd Wright mirror, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, rectangular form with Taliesin design at edges, original finish, unsigned, numbered 2000, 47”w x 35”h, very good condition 500-700 419. Frank Lloyd Wright side table, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, paneled top above a single drawer with recessed handle above open storage, Taliesin design at edges, good original finish, signed with red monogram and script signature, 26”w x 29”d x 23”h, very good condition 800-1000 416. Frank Lloyd Wright chest of drawers, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, series of ten drawers with recessed handles, Taliesin design at edges, original finish, script signature, 65.5”w x 20”d x 33”h, very good condition 1200-1500 418. Louis Sullivan back plates, group of three, one with handle, two from the Chicago Stock Exchange Building, 1893, 10.5” x 3.5”, one from the Union Trust Building, Saint Louis, 1893, 13.5” x 3.5”, very good condition 1000-1500 420. Frank Lloyd Wright desk, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, rectangular top with Taliesin design at edges above a series of drawers with recessed handles, signed with red monogram, original finish, 52”w x 20”d x 28”h, very good condition 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 421. Frank Lloyd Wright sectional sofa, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, two pieces with Taliesin design at base, nicely reupholstered in Schumacher fabric, Imperial Crystals pattern, four matching throw pillows included, original finish, unsigned, each piece: 64"w x 31"d x 30.5"h, very good condition 2000-3000 422. Frank Lloyd Wright headboards, pair, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, twin-size with Taliesin design at edges, original finish, signed with script signature, 40”w x 38.5”h, excellent condition 700-900 423. 63 Frank Lloyd Wright headboard, manufactured by Heritage Henredon, king-size with Taliesin design at edges, original finish, signed with script signature, 79”w x 39”h, very good condition 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 424. Unique Art Glass & Metal Company table lamp, attribution, floral leaded glass shade on a pedestal base, unsigned, original patina, 17”dia x 23.5”h, very good condition 1200-1700 425. 426. 428. 64 Handel lamp, leaded glass shade with red flowers and multicolored green leaves, supported by a bronzed metal pedestal base with a leaf design on the foot, signed Handel, 16”w x 20”h, very good condition 1500-2500 Chinese Art Deco rug, c. 1930, floral design with birds and urn, minor wear, 109” x 136”, very good condition 800-1200 Kalo ring, 14k gold with a 427. central citrine stone, marked, small size, .75”l 400-600 429. Kalo brooch, hand wrought sterling silver with floral and leaf designs, marked, #234, 2.75”w 100-200 Turkoman rug, semi-antique, stylized floral design on a red field, minor wear, 86” x 148”, very good condition 2000-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 431. 430. Julius Dresser vase, double handled shape with an organic design, covered in a rust-colored matte glaze, marked, #775, 5.5”w x 8.5”h 300-500 434. 65 433. Ceramika Wilenska vase, Poland, large form with a dark blue glaze with painted orange designs, marked, 6”w x 13.5”h, minor chip to base 300-400 436. Wiener Kunstmacher Keramik Werkstatte vase, unusual multi-sided shape with an organic twisting top, covered in a mottled red, gray and tan glaze, marked, #964, 5.5”w x 7”h 500-700 437. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Pierrefonds vase, organic shape covered in a tan and brown glaze with green crystalline highlights, applied metal roses design, marked, 2”w x 4.5”h; with a Pierrefonds vase, bulbous shape covered in a green and brown glaze with crystalline highlights, marked, 3”w x 3.5”h, typically nice glazes 300-400 432. Sevres vase, tapered shape covered in a mottled brown glaze with green highlights, applied copper overlay with leaf and flower designs, marked, 4”w x 9”h, restored 250-350 435. Sevres vase, attribution, large form with a lobed rim, covered in an ox blood glaze, unmarked, 4”w x 18”h, restoration 250-350 438. Rambervillers vase, designed by Rene Jeandelle, unusual form with a pond scene featuring a female profile, covered in an iridescent green glaze, marked, artist signed, 5”w x 8.5”h 500-700 Anon vase, attribution, organic form with two handles, signed indistinctly, 3.5”w x 7.25”h 300-500 Pennier Brothers floor vase, shouldered shape with raised ball design at top, covered in a mottled brown and tan matte glaze, marked, 7”w x 23”h 900-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 65 440. 439. Zsolnay vase, organic shape with red leaves at bottom, covered in an eosin glaze, marked, 3.5”w x 4.5”h 400-600 442. 441. 443. Pierre Adrien Graillon sculpture, 19th century, intricately carved clay figure with a walking stick and hat, signed, 4.25”w x 12”h 250-350 446. Edouard Colonna sculpture, attribution, c. 1900, standing figure in carved wood with ivory face, hands and feet, unsigned, 2”w x 8.25”h, minor chip 250-350 Massier vase, attribution, unusual shape with four handles covered in a blue and green metallic glaze, unmarked, 4”w x 7”h 300-400 Art Pottery tile, organic design, covered in a multi-toned brown glaze, framed, overall: 7.25”sq; with an Art Pottery tile, (not shown), organic design, covered in a greenishbrown glaze, framed, overall: 7.25”sq 200-300 444. 66 P. Ipson sculpture, bust of Dante covered in a mottled green matte glaze, marked, #733, 9”w x 7”h, restoration 300-400 Barye plaque, rectangular plaster form with a lion in high relief covered in an ivory matte glaze, signed, 15.75”l x 7.5”hl; with a Minton 445. Hollins & Co. tile, (not shown), trellised branches with a large central flower, covered in a iridescent green glaze, marked, framed, tile: 6”sq, overall: 6.75”sq 600-800 447. Wilhelm Schiller Egyptian Revival vases, two, colorful carved and painted designs, both marked WS&S, Co., #718 and 719, largest is: 6.5”w x 15”h, both repaired 500-700 448. Sevres sculpture, executed by Alphonse Cordonnier, head of Dante covered in a mottled brown glaze, artist signed, impressed mark, mounted on a marble base, 8.5”w x 16.5”h 3000-5000 Paul Maximilien Landowski sculpture, c. 1928, plaster, model for the Virgin and Child monument, Paris, covered in a tan matte glaze, signed, 3”w x 11”h, restoration 300-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 449. Amphora planter, large form with a sculpted female figure seated on lily pads gazing at a frog, executed and signed by Edouard Stellmacher, marked, #765, 12.5”w x 13”h, several areas of restoration 900-1200 450. Alfred-Louis-Achille Daguet box, hammered and tooled copper with a fish design to lid, signed, original patina, 12”w x 2”h, boxes similar to those pictured here can be found in Exotica, by Jason Jacques, p. 78-95 2000-3000 451. Alfred-Louis-Achille Daguet box, hammered and tooled copper with a stylized floral design to lid, signed, original patina, 12”w x 2”h 2000-3000 453. 452. 67 Unusual Kayserzinn candelabras, pair, pewter with a repoussé bat motif, original patina, marked, #4506, removable bobeches, 10.5”w x 12”h 5000-7000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Alfred-Louis-Achille Daguet box, hammered and tooled copper with a ship design and applied jewels to lid, signed, original patina, 8.5”w x 4.5”h 1200-1700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 67 454. Heliosine vase, organic shape with an applied beetle, under a blue and green glaze, unmarked, 4”w x 5”h, very unusual example with a typically nice glaze 400-500 455. Wilhelm Schiller vase, unusual form covered in a red and green glaze, applied gilt metal mount with stylized flowers and clover, marked, #14058B, 5.5”w x 10.5”h 400-500 456. Rorstrand vase, porcelain form with an unusual jellyfish design, artist signed, marked, #21, 3.5”w x 7”h, uncrazed 600-800 457. Bigot vase, organic shape with raised stylized leaves, covered in a green, tan and brown crystalline glaze, marked, 5.5”w x 10”h, excellent matte glaze on a very nice shape 600-800 458. Amphora vase, probably designed by Eduard Stellmacher, large form in a brown glaze with water plants design in green and red, marked, #3437, 7”w x 15.5”h, hairlines 500-700 459. Heliosine vase, made by Royal Bereuth organic shape with four handles, covered in a purple, blue and tan glaze, numbered 7031, 6.5”w x 10”h 500-700 460. Denbac vase, large form in a blue glaze with a black drip, applied lobster figures at bottom, signed, 7”w x 8.5”h 350-450 462. Villeroy & Boch vase, large shouldered form covered with a mottled brown, tan and gray glaze with crystalline highlights, marked, #316, 8”w x 11”h; with an Art Pottery vase, (not shown), double handled shape covered in a cream and brown glaze, marked WH, #162/16, 3.5”w x 6.5”h 250-350 461. 68 Pannier Brothers vase, large and attractive form with a bulbous bottom and long neck, covered with a good brown, orange and gray crystalline glaze, signed, #2-241, 7”w x 17”h 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 463. 464. Loetz Asträa vase, attribution, bulbous shape in gold glass with a ruffled rim, unmarked, 3.5”w x 4.5”h 250-350 465. 466. 69 Bohemian vase, unusual shape in green glass with an applied sterling silver floral decoration, marked ‘Sterling’, 3”w x 7.5”h 300-400 Loetz Chine vase, glass with a polished pewter mount, Austrian, c. 1910, 4”w x 11”h 800-1100 468. 467. 469. Loetz Candia Papillon vase, attribution, unusual shape with three ball-feet in gold glass with overall iridescence, unmarked, 5”w x 5.5”h 350-450 Loetz Cobalt Papillon vase, attribution, dimpled form in blue glass with yellow iridescence, unmarked, 4”w x 9.5”h 500-700 Loetz Phänomen Genre vase, attribution, bulbous shape with a long neck and ruffled rim in gold glass, overall iridescence, unmarked, 4”w x 10”h 1000-1500 Amphora vase, unusual shape, four gold handles with carved designs, covered in a green matte glaze, marked Austria, #1098, 7.5”w x 6.5”h; with an Amphora vase, bulbous shape with a pinched bottom and gold top with tooled designs, covered in a blue matte glaze, marked Austria, #1177, 5”w x 7”h 300-400 470. Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 Loetz Phänomen Genre vase, attribution, geometric shape in gold glass with a colorful iridescent pulled design, unmarked, 6”w x 4.5”h 350-450 471. Good Poschinger vase, Austria, c. 1905, Art Nouveau design, in colored satin glass with an applied silver overlay decoration, unmarked, 3”w x 8.5”h, unusual silver overlay 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 69 472. Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Upper Austrian Farmhouse,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed; with a Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Roses Under Trees,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, (not shown), signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed 1000-1500 475. 476. 70 474. 473. Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese, 1797-1858) “A Wild Duck Swimming Beneath SnowLaden Reeds,” c. 1830, woodblock print, 15” x 6.75”, stamped, unframed 2000-4000 Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Portrait of Marie Hennenberg,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed; with a Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Portrait of Sonja Knips,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, (not shown), signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed 1000-1500 Georg Jensen candlesticks and compote, three pieces, sterling silver with grape designs, all marked, #263, compote: 7”w x 7”h, each candlestick: 3”w x 6”h 6000-8000 Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Pond,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed; with a Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “The Swamp,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, (not shown), signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed 1000-1500 477. Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Untitled Portrait,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed; with a Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Portrait of Frau G. Eissler von Terramere,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, (not shown), signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed 1000-1500 478. Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “The High Poplar,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed; with a Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918) “Fruit Trees,” collotype from the first edition portfolio, (not shown), signed with signet, 18.75” x 18”, unframed 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 479. 482. 71 Dalpayrat vase, miniature form covered with a white, red and green glaze, unmarked, 1.25"w x 2"h 150-250 480. Amphora Edda vase, probably designed by Fritz Eichmann, organic shape covered in a blue, brown and cream drip glaze, marked, #3622, 6.5”w x 9”h, this vase is pictured in House of Amphora, by Richard Scott, p. 169 1000-1500 481. Amphora Allegory of Austria-Hungary vase, designed by Nikolaus Kannhäuser, finely detailed portrait with a golden sun and applied colorful jewels, marked, #0664, 4.5”w x 7”h 1000-1500 Fine Raoul Larche lamp, manufactured by Siot Decauville Foundry, Paris, sculpted bronze figure of a woman in flowing garments, good original gilt finish, signed, 10”w x 17”h 10,000-15,000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 71 484. 483. Steuben vase, stylized jack-in-thepulpit form in gold Aurene glass, brilliant iridescence and veining, signed aurene, #152, 4”w x 5.25”h, wonderful iridescence, very unusual form 1000-1500 486. 487. 490. 72 Tiffany Studios lamp base, harp form with five ball feet in bronze, original patina with enhancement, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #419, 9.5”w x 13”h 700-900 L.C. Tiffany vase, organic shape with protrusions, in gold favrile glass, overall iridescence, signed L.C.T, #D1059, 3”w x 2.5”h 350-450 L.C.Tiffany Favrile vase, flaring ruffled top in blue favrile glass, signed L.C. Tiffany Favrile, #1529-2734, 4.5"h x 6"w 800-1000 485. L.C. Tiffany vase, bulbous and footed shape in favrile glass with blue and green iridescence, signed L.C. Tiffany-Favrile, #6715E, 4.5”w x 6.5”h 650-850 Tiffany Studios box, bronze in the American Indian pattern, original patina, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #1192, 5.75”w x 2”h 200-300 489. 488. 491. Tiffany Furnaces tray, bronze with original patina and enamel, signed Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces, Inc., #306, 4”w; with a Tiffany & Co. clock, round shape with hinged lid, in gold plate, marked, #200570, 2.5”w x 1.5”h 200-300 Tiffany Furnaces lamp base, bronze with an original gold doré patina, enameled geometric designs, signed Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces, Inc., #369, 5”w x 14.5”h 800-1100 492. Tiffany Studios lamp base, harp form with five ball feet in bronze, good original patina, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #419, 9.5"w x 13"h 800-1100 Loetz vase, attribution, green iridescent glass with an applied silver overlay, unmarked, 4"w x 2.5"h 350-450 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 493. 494. 73 Fine L.C. Tiffany vase, floriform in blue favrile glass with beautiful overall iridescence, signed L.C. Tiffany Inc.-Favrile, #1525-969N, partial foil label, 3”w x 11.5”h 1500-2000 Exceptional L.C. Tiffany vase, large and unusual jack-in-the-pulpit form, gold favrile glass with exceptional iridescence and veining, inscribed with Presented to Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, by Tiffany Furnaces, signed L.C. Tiffany-Favrile, #9987B, 9”w x 18.5”h 7000-9000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 73 XXX 495. 496. L.C. Tiffany glasses, set of 6, gold favrile glass, with pulled design and faceted stem, overall iridescence, all signed L.C.T., #615, each: 2.5”w x 4.5”h 1000-2000 497. 498. 74 Rare L.C. Tiffany shade, bulbous form in frosted favrile glass with pulled green feather design, #o2640, 4”w x 5.5”h 1000-1500 Good Tiffany Studios candlestick, bronze with an original patina, original blown-out green glass at top, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #2186, 6”w x 15”h 1500-2500 499. 501. L.C. Tiffany cordial glasses, set of six, gold favrile glass with overall iridescence and enameled monogram, one signed L.C.T., some marked either C73O, C717 or C74O, each: 2"w x 3.5"h 1000-2000 Tiffany Studios candlestick, bronze with an original patina, original blown-out green glass at top, removable bobeche, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, 6”w x 18”h 1250-1750 500. Good Tiffany Studios candlestick, bronze with an original patina, original blown-out green glass at top, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #2186, 6”w x 15”h 1500-2500 503. Tiffany Studios candlestick, bronze with an original patina, original blown-out green glass at top, removable bobeche, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #1213, 6”w x 17”h 1250-1750 Tiffany Studios letter rack, bronze in the Zodiac pattern, original gold doré patina, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #1030, 12”w x 8”h 200-300 502. Fine Tiffany Studios candlestick, unusual and interesting footed form, bronze with an original patina, original blown-out green glass at top, removable bobeche, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #1200, 5.5”w x 14.75”h 2500-3500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 504. 75 505. Amphora vase, designed by Eduard Stellmacher, large form with a sculpted pheasant and organic designs, covered in a green and brown matte glaze, marked, #4274, 10”w x 16”h 1000-1500 506. Good Amphora vase, c. 1910-1911, designed by Paul Dachsel, large tapering form with a carved stylized pine tree design, marked Terex, #2037, 8”w x 11.25”h 2500-3500 508. Amphora vase, designed by Eduard Stellmacher, large form with a pierced trefoil design covered in a green matte glaze with blue highlights, marked, #2019, 6.5”w x 8”h, very nice blue to green matte glaze 500-700 509. Amphora vase, cylindrical shape with stylized organic designs covered with a textured green and red matte glaze, marked, #3737, 4”w x 7”h 400-600 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 507. 510. Nice Amphora vase, designed by Paul Dachsel, bulbous shape with stylized trees, marked Terex, #2028, 5.5”w x 6”h 1000-1500 Amphora Gres Bijou Dornenkrone vase, large tapered shape with raised stylized floral designs covered in colorful glazes, marked, #3256, 6”w x 14”h 800-1100 Exceptional Amphora vase, designed by Paul Dachsel, large bulbous form with stylized tree motif, marked, #113, 6.5”w x 13”h, great glaze 4000-6000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 75 511. 514. 516. 76 Gallé vase, unusual shape with a carved cameo floral design in orange, cameo signature, 2.5”w x 6”h 500-700 512. Large and nice Daum vase, footed shape in mottled frosted, yellow and orange glass with a detailed cameo landscape in purple, cameo signature, 7”w x 9.5”h, extremely unusual color combination, hammered surface around top 3500-4500 Charder vase, large footed form in mottled frosted and blue glass with a cameo cut butterfly design in orange and blue, cameo signature, 6.5”w x 12.5”h 800-1100 Good Daum vase, slender shape with a wonderfully executed cameo landscape in deep red on a mottled yellow-orange ground, signed, 2.25”w x 9.25”h 1000-1500 517. Monumental Daum vase, mottled frosted and yellow glass, exceptional cameo decoration of cock’s comb in deep shades of red and orange, cameo signature, 6”w x 21.5”h 2500-3500 513. Gallé vase, frosted ground with a delicate cameo design of purple flowers, cameo signature, 1.5”w x 4.25”h 250-350 515. Charder vase, unusual double handled shape with cameo cut butterflies/moths in red and blue against a mottled yellow and green ground, cameo signature, “candy cane” mark on foot, 5.5”w x 11”h 800-1100 518. Nice Gallé vase, classic shape with a nicely detailed cameo landscape in multiple shades of green and brown against a mauve to frosted background, signed, 3.5”w x 11.75”h 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 519. 77 Beautiful Thomas Webb & Sons vase, rich amber-colored glass with a finely detailed white cameo scene revealing a woman holding a basket, marked, signed by George Woodall, 4”w x 8.5”h, exquisite artwork 25,000-35,000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 520. Fine Gallé vase, swollen shape with cameo carved yellow flowers with green leaves, against a yellow background, cameo signature, 4.5”w x 9.5”h 2000-3000 521. Early Gallé vase, unusual leaf shape in amber glass, signed Cristalleríe Emile Gallé Nancy, 6.5”w x 8.5”h 700-900 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 77 522. Tiffany Studios frame, bronze in the grapevine pattern with a beaded edge, over green and white glass, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #947, original patina, 8”w x 9.5”h 1500-2000 525. Tiffany Studios frame, bronze with pine needle pattern over caramel glass, original gold doré patina, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #941, 6”w x 4”h 500-700 524. Tiffany Studios frame, bronze, in the pine needle pattern over green glass, original patina, signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #948, 6”w x 7.25”h 1200-1700 Good Tiffany Studios candlestick, bronze base with a Queen Anne's Lace design, original patina, unusual fluted shade with a pulled yellow feather design, shade numbered o3684, base marked 5, S1453, 8”w x 19”h 3250-4250 526. 78 523. Fine L.C. Tiffany vase, floriform with a ruffled rim and a pulled green feather design, signed L.C.T., #5055B, 4.5”w x 12”h 4500-5500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 527. 529. Gallé vase, bulbous shape, cameo landscape in green and brown on a pink and frosted background, cameo signature, 4”w x 5”h 800-1100 Good Zsolnay vase, design attributed to Lajos Mack, c. 1900, large form with foaming wave designs, covered in a yellow eosin glaze with multicolored highlights, marked, #6760, 7.5”w x 18.5”h 4000-6000 530. 79 528. Gallé vase, unusual shape with cameo cut red bleeding hearts, on a yellow and frosted ground, cameo oriental signature, 4.5”w x 8”h 1200-1700 Exceptional Zsolnay vase, large bulbous form with six twisted organic handles, covered in a red and green eosin glaze, marked, #6204, 7”w x 9”h 8000-11,000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 79 531. Fine Quezal vase, nice flaring shape in iridescent glass, applied silver overlay with a nicely detailed iris decoration, marked, #3, 3”w x 5”h, a beautifully decorated example 1000-1500 533. Unusually nice Steuben vase, jack in the pulpit shape in gold aurene glass, colorful iridescence, signed by Carder, marked, #130, 4.5”w x 9.5”h, exceptional 1500-2500 American stained glass window, a leaded, stained and painted glass interior window, having a central flowered urn, flanked by two birds, possibly by Tiffany Studios, glass: 26"h x 23.5"w, overall: 30.5"h x 27"w 2500-4000 534. 80 532. Fine Steuben vase, bulbous bottom teardrop shape in gold aurene glass, pulled and millefiori designs in white and green, marked, #574 1/2, 3”w x 6”h, exquisite vase with an unusual decoration 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 535. 536. 81 Good Tiffany Studios lamp, unusual bronze base with three arms holding favrile glass tulip shaped shades, base signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #309, shades signed L.C.T., good original patina, overall: 10”w x 17”h, shades are nicely matched, base with an excellent patina 8000-11,000 Fine Tiffany Studios lamp, bronze base supporting a leaded turtle-back shade, base signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #533, shade signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #1434, original patina, overall: 16”w x 22.5”h 15,000-20,000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 81 82 82 537. Frederic Danton vase, unusual shape covered in an iridescent metallic glaze, with insect and leaf designs, marked, 5.5”w x 9.5”h 500-700 538. 539. 540. Clement Massier vase, bulbous shape with stylized floral designs, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, overall iridescence, signed, marked, 3.5”w x 3.5”h 300-500 542. Clement Massier vase, ribbed shape 543. with a flaring base, stylized corn designs, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, overall iridescence, signed, marked, 4.75”w x 7.75”h, chips to rim 300-400 Clement Massier vase, three-handled shape in a colorful metallic glaze with impressed leaves, signed, marked, 5"w x 10"h, restoration 500-700 Clement Massier vase, bulbous shouldered 541. shape, organic designs, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, overall iridescence, signed, marked, 6”w x 6”h 1000-1500 Amphora vase, female portrait with poppy design, signed, 5.5"h x 5.5"w 400-600 544. Clement Massier vase, double gourd shape with indentations, interlocking circle designs, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, overall iridescence, signed, marked, 3.5”w x 3.5”h 300-500 Clement Massier vase, large double gourd shape, intricate floral designs, covered in a colorful metallic glaze, overall iridescence, signed, marked, 5”w x 9”h, restored chip to rim 600-800 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 545. 547. 83 Fine Gallé vase, large pillow shape with a beautiful cameo design of light blue fuchsia and green leaves on a frosted and yellow ground, cameo signature, 8”w x 8”h, nice combination of colors on an unusual shape, nicely detailed 3000-4000 Fine Gallé vase, large bulbous shape in frosted and yellow glass, nicely detailed cameo design of cascading leaves and buds in multiple shades of red, cameo signature, 5.5”w x 8”h 2500-3500 546. 548. Fine Gallé vase, round shape in frosted and yellow glass with a cameo design of fuchsia in multiple bold shades of red, cameo signature, 5”w x 4.5”h, wonderful color combination 1500-2000 Good Gallé vase, soufflé shape featuring a finely executed cameo design of red roses on a yellow and frosted ground, cameo signature, 7.5”w x 8.5”h 3000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 549. 550. 551. 84 L.C. Tiffany bowl, flaring ribbed form in blue favrile glass, signed L.C.T. Favrile, 7"w 600-800 Good Tiffany Studios table lamp, bronze canister base with four legs, holding a leaded glass shade in a apple blossom pattern, shade signed Tiffany Studios, New York, good original patina to bronze, overall: 16”w x 23”h 25,000-35,000 Unusually nice L.C. Tiffany glasses, set of 10, gold favrile glass with pulled design and faceted stem, overall iridescence, all signed L.C.T., #615, each: 2.5”w x 4.5”h 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 552. 553. 85 Large and impressive Tiffany Studios table lamp, footed bronze base with an exceptional original patina, supporting a leaded mottled green glass shade in the leaf and vine pattern, base signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #531, shade signed Tiffany Studios, New York, #498, overall: 20.5”w x 28”h 15,000-20,000 Fine Tiffany Studios grape trellis ornamental windows, pair, c. 1905, rendered in lead and copper foil techniques, the grape clusters plated to enhance depth of color, overall: 24”h x 36”w, glass: 19”h x 32”w. Originally installed in a private residence in Flushing, Queens, New York. 30,000-40,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 86 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om Fine American and European Paintings, Prints and Works on Paper Session Three immediately following Session Two 554. 555. 87 After Lord Frederic Leighton (British, 1830-1896) “Wedded,” c. 1900, oil on panel, 22.25” x 11.75”, unsigned, framed 1000-2000 Everett Clark Bray (American, 20th century) “23rd Psalm,” c. 1930, oils on board, set of six panels, each: 32.5” x 18.5”, signed lower right, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 556. 559. 88 557. Charles S. Graham (American, 1852-1911) “Ships,” c. 1900, watercolor, 9” x 12”, signed lower left, framed 600-800 558. Gabor Jaszay (Hungarian, 19th century) “The Enchanter,” c. 1900, oil on canvas, 23” x 31”, signed lower right, framed 700-900 560. Adam Emory Albright (American, 1862-1957) “Lady in Garden,” 1898, ink on paper, 13.5” x 20.25”, signed and dated lower left, framed 700-900 Edith Field (American, 20th century) “Boy with Horn,” c. 1900, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 12”h, signed, produced by Roman Bronze Works, New York 800-1200 José Juliana Albert (Spanish, 1844-1890) “Old Peasant Woman,” c. 1890, watercolor, 16” x 12”, signed lower right, Alexander Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 561. 562. Enrique Serra y Auque (Spanish, 18591918) “Seated Woman,” 1895, mixed media, 4” x 2.25”, signed and dated upper right, framed 800-1200 565. 89 Granville Perkins (American, 1830-1895) “Fishermen and Lighthouse,” 1890, oil on canvas board, 27.5” x 47.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 3000-5000 563. Artist Unknown (European, 19th century) “Portrait of a Man,” c. 1850, oil on canvas, 4.5”diameter, signed indistinctly on verso, framed 800-1200 564. Frank Duveneck (American, 1848-1919) “Model Seated with Cloaked Legs,” c. 1900, pencil drawing, 9” x 5.75”, unsigned, Spanierman Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1000-2000 Oliver Dennett Grover (American, 1861-1927) “Rialto Bridge,” c. 1902, oil on canvas, 34.5” x 45”, signed and dated indistinctly lower right, framed 3000-5000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 566. Jean Carries (French, 1855-1894) “Death Mask,” c. 1880, stoneware sculpture, 9.5”h, unsigned 4000-6000 568. 569. 90 567. Jean Carries, (French, 1855-1894) “Bébé,” c. 1880, terra cotta sculpture, 6.5”h, unsigned 1000-1500 William Trost Richards (American, 1833-1905) “The Bell Bouy,” 1888, watercolor, 11.25” x 20.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 3000-5000 Joseph von Krahl (German, 19th century) “Old Man Singing,” c. 1900, oil on canvas, 10.25” x 4.5”, signed lower right, framed 2000-3000 570. Stanhope Forbes (British, 1857-1947) “Portrait,” 1881, oil on canvas, 43.5” x 31.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 571. Honoré Daumier (French, 1808-1879) “Bust,” c. 1950, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 5”h, signed 2000-3000 573. 91 572. Honoré Daumier (French, 1808-1879) “Jean-Auguste Chevandier de Valdrome,” c. 1850, plaster sculpture, 8.5”h, signed 2000-4000 Charles Malfroy (French, 1862-1951) “Seascape,” 1900, oil on canvas, 28.75” x 45.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 6000-8000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 574. 575. Francis William van Vreeland (American, 1879-1954) “Interior Scene,” c. 1920, watercolor, 23” x 19”, signed lower left, framed 400-600 578. 92 John Califano (Italian, 1875-1930) “Street Scene,” c. 1900, oil on canvas, 18.25” x 23”, signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 576. Károly Ferenczy (Hungarian, 18621917) “Woman at Desk,” c. 1915, oil on canvas, 18.25” x 22.5”, signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 577. James Henry Moser (American, 18541913) “Samuel Washington,” 1885, graphite drawing, 4.25” x 3.25”, signed with monogram, titled and dated, framed 300-500 Thomas Creswick (British, 1811-1869) “Landscape,” c. 1867, oil on canvas, 20” x 26”, signed lower left and dated indistinctly, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 579. 580. Artist Unknown (20th century) “Fjord Scene,” c. 1930, oil on canvas, 30” x 40”, signed indistinctly lower left, unframed 700-900 582. 93 Charles P. Appel (American, 1857-1928) “Landscape,” 1926, oil on canvas, 17.5” x 39.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 4000-6000 581. Lester Joseph Chaney (American, b. 1907) “Pounding Surf and Rocks,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 24” x 32”, signed lower right, titled on stretcher, framed 800-1200 Reuven Rubin (Israeli, 1893-1974) “Arab Threshing Wheat,” 1937, ink on paper, 16.25” x 19.5”, signed and dated lower right with annotation “Rubin 1937 Nazareth,” titled on Dalzell Hatfield Galleries (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 3000-5000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 583. Marie Elsa Blanke (American, 18791961) “Au Sable River,” c. 1950, watercolor, 14” x 10.5”, signed lower right, framed 400-600 586. 587. 94 584. Marie Elsa Blanke (American, 18791961) “Landscape with Houses,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 18” x 21.75”, signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 585. Arrah Lee Gaul (American, 1883-1980) "Landscape," c. 1930, oil on canvas board, 20" x 16", signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 Percy Gray (American, 1869 - 1952) “Sea and Rocks,” c. 1930, watercolor, 6.75” x 9”, signed lower left, framed 5000-7000 Arthur Wesley Dow (American, 1857-1922) “Flower Market,” 1917, watercolor, 6.25” x 7.25”, signed and dated lower left, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 588. Ada Walter Shulz (American, 1870-1928) "Summer Home," c. 1920, oil on board, 21.5" x 25.5", unsigned, with accompanying letter of authentication, framed 6000-8000 589. 95 Cullen Yates (American, 1866-1945) “Landscape,” c. 1930, oil on canvas, 30” x 39.5”, signed lower right, framed 8000-10,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 96 590. Rupert Scott Lovejoy (American, 1885-1975) “Landscape,” c. 1960, oil on board, 9.75” x 13”, signed lower right, framed 600-800 592. Edward R. Sitzman (American, 1874-1949) “Camp Fire,” c. 1930, watercolor, 13.5” x 19.25”, signed lower right, framed 300-500 595. Daniel Kotz (American, 1848-1933) “Landscape,” c. 1900, pastel, 12” x 15.5”, unsigned, framed 400-600 593. 591. Gianni Cilfone (American, 1908-1990) “Gloucester,” c. 1975, oil on canvas board, 15.75” x 19.5”, signed lower left, framed 600-800 Henry Leon Roecker (American, 18651941) “Landscape,” c. 1930, pastel, 16.25” x 18.25”, signed lower right, framed 150-250 596. 594. Robert Fletcher Gilder (American, 18561940) “Landscape,” 1912, oil on canvas board, 11.5” x 15.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 200-400 Dorothy Visju Anderson (American, 1874-1960) “Landscape,” c. 1930, oil on board, 21” x 29”, signed lower right, framed 400-600 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 97 597. Marvin Cone (American, 1891-1964) “Poplars,” c. 1940, oil on board, 12.75” x 14.25”, signed lower right, framed 15,000-20,000 Literature: This painting will be included as no. 1920.046 in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of the artist's work being compiled by Joseph Czestochowski and published by International Arts. w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 598. After Frederick William MacMonnies (American, 1863-1937) “Bacchante,” c. 1940, composite sculpture, good original patina, 20”h, unsigned 2000-4000 600. 599. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Portrait of Abe Shank,” c. 1930, oil on canvas, 23” x 19.5”, signed lower left, framed 2000-3000 602. 98 Willem van den Berg (Dutch, 1886-1970) “The Potato Diggers,” c. 1940, oil on board, 11.5” x 11.5”, signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 601. Emil James Bisttram (American, 18951976) “Nude,” c. 1930, graphite on paper, 17” x 12”, unsigned, unframed 800-1200 E. Piron (French, 20th century) “Pan,” c. 1930, bronze sculpture, minor wear to original patina, 10.5”h, signed, held on a marble base 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 603. 604. Jens Jakob Bregno (Danish, 1877-1946) “Nude,” c. 1940, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 10”h, signed 1500-2500 607. 99 Joseph Stella (American, 1877-1946) “Studies,” c. 1920, two pencil drawings, largest: 6.75” x 4.5”, each signed lower right, Rabin-Krueger Gallery (Newark, New Jersey) estate stamp on verso of one, framed 2000-3000 605. Joseph Christian Leyendecker (American, 1874-1951) “Seated Man,” c. 1930, watercolor, 17.5” x 13.25”, signed lower left, framed 2000-4000 606. Carl Gruppe (American, 20th century) “Nude,” c. 1930, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 10”h, signed, produced by Roman Bronze Works 800-1200 Hans Weber Fürer (Austrian, 1882-1941) “Figure Studies,” c. 1923, pair of mixed media drawings, 8.5” x 6.5”, both signed, one dated, framed 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 100 608. F. Joseph Drouot (French, 20th century) “Figure,” c. 1930, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 11”h, signed, held on a wood base 800-1200 609. Otto Eugene Hake (American, 18761960) “Portrait of a Woman,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 20” x 16”, signed lower left, framed 600-800 610. After Elie Nadelman (American, 18851946) “Head,” c. 1920, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 7”h, held on a marble base 3000-5000 611. William Dodge Stevens (American, b. 1870) “Show Girl,” c. 1925, oil on canvas, 24” x 19”, signed lower right, framed 500-700 612. Abraham Walkowitz (American, 1878-1965) “Isadora Duncan,” c. 1915, watercolor, 11.5” x 7.5”, pencil signed lower left, framed 400-600 613. Artist Unknown (French, 20th century) “Lady with Umbrella,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 24” x 18”, unsigned, framed 400-600 614. Terence Romaine von Duren (American, 1907-1968) “Untitled,” 1934, watercolor, 14.5” x 19.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 500-700 615. Marc Sterling (Russian, 1898-1976) “Reclining Nude,” c. 1930, ink wash, 9.5” x 12.25”, signed lower left, unframed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 616. 618. 101 Joseph Raphael (American, 1869-1950) “Johanna (Portrait of the Artist’s Wife),” c. 1920, oil on canvas, 16.5” x 14.5”, signed lower left, framed 7000-9000 Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Portrait of a Girl,” 1936, oil on board, 17” x 10.75”, signed and dated lower right, framed 800-1200 617. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) "Seated Nude," c. 1960, terra cotta sculpture, 18”w x 15.5"h, signed indistinctly 500-700 619. Michel Adlen (Ukrainian, 1898-1980) “Une Fereme en Ile-de France,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 13.5” x 18”, signed lower right, titled on verso, unframed 500-700 620. Rolland Harve Golden (American, b. 1931) “Bass Player,” 1965, watercolor, 25.25” x 19.5”, signed and dated lower right, Vincent Price Collection label on verso, framed 700-900 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 621. 624. 102 622. Leon Louie Dolice (German/American, 1892-1960), "New York Harbor Scene," pastel on paper, 17.5" x 19", overall 18.5" x 25.5" signed, framed 500-700 623. Leon Louie Dolice (German/American, 1892-1960), "New York Scene," pastel on paper, 18.75" x 11.75", overall 25.5" x 18.75" signed, framed 500-700 625. Leon Louie Dolice (German/American, 1892-1960), "New York Harbor Scene," pastel on paper, 11.75" x 18.75", overall 18.5" x 25.5" signed, framed 500-700 Hughie Lee-Smith (American, 1915-1999) “Untitled,” 1945, ink drawing, 8” x 10.5”, signed and dated lower right, unframed 500-700 André Couchet (French, 20th century) “Cottage,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 8.75” x 10.5”, signed lower left, framed 300-500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 626. Jane Peterson (American, 1876-1955) “An Old Court Yard, Rothenburg,” c. 1930, mixed media on paper, 17” x 11.25”, signed lower left, inscribed on verso, framed 3000-5000 627. 103 Pauline Palmer (American, 1867-1938) “Italian City Scene,” c. 1930, oil on canvas, 24” x 36”, signed lower left, unframed 3000-5000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 628. Norman Henry Yeckley (American, 1914-1994) “Southwest Landscapes,” c. 1970, pair of oils on canvas board, 7.75” x 9.5”, both signed, framed 500-700 630. Seweryn Szrejer (Polish, 1899-1947) “Still Life,” 1938, oil on canvas, 28” x 35.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 1000-2000 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov 632. 104 631. 629. Carlo Wostry (Italian/American, 18651943) “Chief,” c. 1925, pastel, 18.75” x 17.5”, signed lower left, framed 700-900 Dolly Hellweg (American, 20th century) “Tiffany Bowl,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 28” x 30.25”, signed lower right, titled on The All-Illinois Society of the Fine Arts Incorporated label on verso, framed 500-700 Richard Hayley Lever (American, 1876-1958) “Still Life,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 17.5” x 23”, signed lower right, framed 2500-3500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 633. 634. Henri Farré (American, 1871-1934) “Still Life,” 1923, oil on canvas, 19” x 25.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 Henk Bos (Dutch, 1901-1979) “Still Life,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 17.75” x 19.75”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 635. Stera Barchan (20th century) “Still Life,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 36” x 28.5”, signed lower right, unframed 800-1200 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov 637. 105 636. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Still Life,” c. 1930, oil on canvas, 15.5” x 23”, unsigned, framed 300-500 Literature: "Mane-Katz," by Noa Tarshish Enrique Monis Mora (Spanish, 1914-1984) “Floral Still Life,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 14” x 10.5”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 638. David Murginski (Israeli, 20th century) “Still Life,” c. 1960, oil on masonite, 32.5” x 23.5”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 w wRami . tr e ad w ay g athe l l ery om Provenance: Collection of Uriwand Nehostan, Art.cMuseum in Ashdot Yaacov 639. 642. 644. 106 640. Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917) “La Ronde,” 1883-1884, etching, 5.5” x 6.5”, unsigned, unframed 300-500 641. William Samuel Schwartz (American/Russian, 1896–1977) “Lithograph #26,” 1929, lithograph, 7” x 11.5”, unsigned, framed 200-400 643. Reginald Marsh (American, 1898-1954) “Café du Dome,” 1928, lithograph, 8.5” x 12”, pencil signed lower right, inscribed “To Adolph Dehn, From R.M.,” edition of 30, Arnold Klein Gallery (Royal Oak, Michigan) label on verso, framed 700-900 645. George Elbert Burr (American, 1859-1939) “The Land of Mystery – The Desert,” c. 1930, etching, 6.75” x 9.5”, pencil signed lower left, R.S. Johnson Fine Art (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 400-600 Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (British, 1872-1898) “The Yellow Book,” c. 1890, color lithograph, 25.5” x 10.25”, unsigned, Phyllis Lucas Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1000-2000 Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French, 1841-1919) “Louis Valtat,” c. 1904, lithograph, 11.75” x 9.5”, unsigned, framed 1000-2000 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French, 1864-1901) “Acrobat on Stage,” c. 1890, color lithograph, 13.75” x 9.5”, unsigned, numbered in pencil lower left, edition of 200, framed 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 646. 647. 107 After Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917) “Le Reveil de Adonis (L'ombre) La Resurrection,” c. 1950, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 33”w x 18”h, signed and numbered, edition of 9, Pietrasanta foundry mark 9000-11,000 Edouard Manet (French, 1832-1883) “Olympia,” c. 1867, woodcut, 5.25” x 7.25”, unsigned, unframed 300-500 648. Edouard Manet (French, 1832-1883) “La Convalescente,” 1876-1880, etching, 5” x 4”, unsigned, unframed 500-700 649. Edouard Manet (French, 1832-1883) “Olympia,” 1867, etching, 3.5” x 7”, unsigned, unframed 800-1000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 650. Käthe Kollwitz (German, 1867-1945) “Mutterglück (Eltern mit Kind),” 1931, lithograph, 8.5” x 12”, signed in plate, framed 1000-2000 652. 654. 108 Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917) “Danse,” 1936, etching, 10.25” x 7.5”, unsigned, pencil numbered, edition of 305, framed 800-1200 653. Thomas Hart Benton (American, 1889-1975) “White Calf,” 1945, lithograph, 9.75” x 12.5”, pencil signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 651. Käthe Kollwitz (German, 1867-1945) “Selbstbildnis,” 1934, lithograph, 8” x 7.25”, unsigned, unframed 400-600 Thomas Moran (American, 1837-1926) “The Half Dome, View from Half Point” and “Interior of a California Forest,” 1887-1888, pair of etchings, 11.75” x 8”, unsigned, unframed 700-900 655. Ralph M. Pearson (American, 1883-1958) “Cypress Grove Monterey,” 1922, etching, 5.5” x 9.75”, pencil signed lower right, titled lower left, framed 300-500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 656. 109 The Collector’s Guild Limited, group of six prints, including works by Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso (two works), Georges Braque, Salvador Dali and Joan Miró, largest: 14” x 20”, framed 800-1200 657. Hiroshi Yoshida (Japanese, 1876-1950) "Suzukawa," 1935, color woodblock, 11" x 15.75", signed and titled in pencil, framed 400-600 659. Adriaan Lubbers (Dutch, 1892-1954) “Untitled,” 1952, etching, 15.5” x 11.75”, pencil signed and dated lower right, unframed 800-1200 660. 658. William Henry Clapp (American, 1879-1954) “My Studio,” 1918, color lithograph, 8” x 9.75”, pencil signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 Mariana Yampolsky (American, 19252002) “Nuclear Explosion,” c. 1960, lithograph, 9” x 9”, pencil signed lower right, framed 300-500 661. Adriaan Lubbers (Dutch, 1892-1954) “Central Park,” 1930, lithograph, 10.25” x 12”, pencil signed, titled and dated in margin, edition of 50, unframed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 662. 663. 110 Tamara de Lempicka (Polish, 1898-1980) “Adam and Eve,” c. 1990, serigraph, 45” x 28.5”, stamped lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 25, framed 2000-3000 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) “Herring Gull, Plate CCXCI” c. 1836, engraving with etching, aquatint and hand-coloring, 34.5” x 23.5”, unsigned, printed by Robert Havell, framed 3000-5000 664. After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) “Great American Cock Male (Wild Turkey),” c. 1900, lithograph, 17” x 11.5”, framed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 665. 667. Kiyoshi Saito (Japanese, 1907-1997) “Buddha Asyura Nara,” 1959, color woodcut, 17.25” x 23.5”, titled, dated and numbered in margin, signed in plate, edition of 100, framed 400-600 Louis Icart (French, 1888-1950) “Musetta,” 1927, etching with drypoint, 20” x 13.25”, pencil signed lower right, framed 1000-1500 670. 111 668. 666. Fernand Léger (French, 1881-1955) “Untitled” c. 1940, color lithograph, 16.75” x 12.25”, stamped lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 180, International Galleries (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 600-800 Louis Icart (French, 1888-1950) “Spanish Dancer,” 1929, drypoint, 20.75” x 13.25”, pencil signed lower right, edition of 500, framed 1000-1500 669. Louis Icart (French, 1888-1950) “Rogers and Gallet,” c. 1930, vintage poster, 13” x 9”, signed in plate, framed 800-1200 Louis Icart (French, 1888-1950) “Desdin de Femme,” “Footsie” and “Orgy,” 1945-1947, group of three etchings, largest: 10” x 6.5”, each pencil signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 671. 672. Juan Luis Lopez (20th century) “Untitled,” c. 1960, oil on masonite, 11.25” x 23”, signed upper right, framed 500-700 675. 112 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Nudes,” 1968, conte crayon, 25” x 18.75”, signed and dated lower left, framed 3000-5000 673. Raul Milian (Cuban, 1914-1986) “Untitled,” 1956, mixed media, 14” x 9.25”, signed and dated lower right, framed 800-1200 674. Aurelio Pescina (Mexican, 1938-1990) “Landscape,” c. 1970, oil on canvas, 19” x 23”, signed lower right, framed 600-800 Jorge Luis Cuevas (Mexican, 20th century) “Seated Woman,” 1983, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 5.25”h, signed and dated, held on a marble base 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 676. Alfredo Ramos Martínez (Mexican, 1871-1946) “Untitled (Basket Vendor),” c. 1938 conte crayon and tempera on newsprint, 20.25” x 16”, signed lower left, framed 10,000-15,000 We are grateful to María Ramos Martínez Bolster, Margarita Nieto and Louis Stern for their assistance in confirming the authenticity of this work. 113 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 677. Molli Chwat (Polish, 1888-1979) “The Village,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 14.75” x 23.5”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov 679. 680. 114 678. Morris Davidson (American, 1898-1979) “Interior with Skylight,” c. 1940, oil on board, 16.5” x 25.5”,unsigned, framed 800-1200 William Meyerowitz (American, 1887-1981) “Figures in Landscape,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 19” x 32.5”, signed lower right, framed 3000-5000 Ralph M. Rosenborg (American, 1913-1992) “Glow of Night: An American Landscape,” 1964, oil on canvas, 24” x 36”, signed and dated lower left, titled on period label on verso, Property of New School University label on verso, framed 1000-2000 681. Ralph M. Rosenborg (American, 19131992) “Study for Growing Forms,” 1959, watercolor, 6.5” x 10.75”, signed and dated lower left, titled on Raydon Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 500-700 682. John Ferren (American, 1905-1970) “Untitled,” 1933, mixed media, 7” x 9”, signed and dated lower right, signed and dated on verso, framed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 683. Robert Kipniss (American, b. 1931) “Secluded Shed,” c. 1970, oil on canvas, 24” x 18”, signed lower right, titled on Merrill Chase (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 1500-2500 685. 115 684. Robert Kipniss (American, b. 1931) “Afternoon Shadows,” c. 1970, oil on canvas, 36” x 34”, signed lower right, titled on Merrill Chase (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 3000-5000 Mordechai Levanon (Israeli, 1901-1968) “Landscape,” c. 1940, oil on paper on canvas, 27.25” x 19”, signed lower left, framed 4000-6000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 686. 689. 116 687. Jimmy Ernst (American/German, 1920-1984) “Untitled,” c. 1960, gouache, 4” x 9”, signed lower right, framed 2000-3000 688. Maurice Freedman (American, 1904-1984) “Hunter in Snow,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 18.5” x 31”, signed lower left, framed 1000-2000 690. Irma Rene Koen (American, 1893-1974) "Harbor Scene," c. 1950, oil on canvas, 16.25" x 20.25", signed lower right, framed 1500-2500 Richard Mayhew (American, b. 1924) “Study of a Tree, #73,” 1962, ink on paper, 12.5” x 9.5”, signed lower right, labels on verso from Dayton’s Gallery 12 (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Lyman Allyn Museum, Portland Art Museum, Paul Magriel Collection, Phoenix Art Museum, University of Texas Art Museum, and Denenberg Fine Arts (San Francisco, California), framed 1500-2500 Eduard Buk Ulreich (American, 1889-1962) “Untitled,” c. 1950, watercolor, 9” x 6.75”, unsigned, framed 700-900 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 691. Ernest Fiene (American, 1894-1965) “Mural Study,” 1958, oil on board, 8.5” x 31”, signed and dated lower left, Midtown Galleries (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1500-2500 692. 693. 117 In the style of Thomas Hart Benton (American, 1889-1975) “Fishermen,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 17.5” x 23.5”, unsigned, framed 2000-4000 Ralph Rapien (American, 20th century) “Barn and Silo in Naperville" and "Winter Landscape,” c. 1975, group of two watercolors, largest: 14.5” x 19”, signed lower right, one dated, framed 400-600 694. Yitzhak Frenkel-Frenel (Ukrainian, 1899-1981) “Vibrant Pastoral,” c. 1970, watercolor, 19.5” x 25.25”, signed lower right, framed 200-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 695. 696. Leonard Nelson (American, 1912-1993) “Untitled (Musicians),” 1942, oil on canvas, 12” x 16”, signed and dated lower right, framed 2500-3500 698. 118 William Zorach (American, 1887-1966) “Untitled (Female Figure),” c. 1950, stone sculpture, 11.5”h, signed, held on a wood base 5000-7000 697. Henry Varnum Poor (American, 1888-1970)) “Seated Man,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 24” x 26.5”, signed on stretcher, framed 2000-3000 George Segal (American, 1924-2000) “Sleeping Woman,” 1970, plaster, 16”w x 6.5”h, signed, titled and numbered on label, edition of 125 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 699. 700. 119 Gertrude Abercrombie (American, 1909 - 1977) “Sunset,” 1954, oil on board, 7.75” x 9.25, signed and dated lower right, framed 5000-7000 Gertrude Abercrombie (American, 1909 - 1977) “Title Unknown,” 1950, oil on board, 7.75” x 9.25, signed and dated lower left, framed 8000-10,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 701. 703. 120 Adolf Arthur Dehn (American, 18951968) “Women with Birds,” 1953, oil on board, 15.5” x 11.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 800-1200 Karl Priebe, (American, 1914-1976) “The Lady,” 1944, gouache, 15.5” x 11.5”, signed and dated lower left, titled on verso, Perls Galleries Incorporated (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1000-2000 706. 704. 702. Adolf Arthur Dehn (American, 18951968) “Up in the Sky,” 1951, oil on board, 29.75” x 21.5”, signed and dated lower left, titled on verso, framed 1000-2000 Margaret Keane (American, b. 1927) “Girl with Cat,” c. 1970, oil on canvas, 27.75” x 9.75”, signed lower right, framed 1000-2000 705. Oliffe Richmond (Australian, 1919-1977) “Striding Man I,” 1962, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 19”h 4000-6000 Muraina Oyelami (Nigerian, b. 1940) “Virgin,” 1970, acrylic on artist board, 24.75” x 17.5”, signed and dated lower right, titled lower left, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 707. 709. 710. 121 Joseph Casalane (American, 20th century) “Street Cleaners,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 20” x 24”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 708. Janoska (Hungarian, 20th century) “Madonna,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 33.5” x 27.5”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 711. Gregorio Prestopino (American, 1907-1984) “Standing Woman,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 18” x 22”, signed lower left, framed 1000-2000 Richard Anuszkiewicz (American, 1930) “Old Door,” 1953, watercolor, 20” x 14”, signed and dated lower right, unframed 1000-2000 Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “City Skyline,” c. 1970, oil on board, 19.25” x 23.25”, signed W. O’Farrell lower right, framed 1000-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 712. 715. Vivian Wall (American, 20th century) “Bust,” c. 1970, terra cotta sculpture, 7”h, signed 600-800 Artist Unknown (20th century) “Fish,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 31” x 23”, unsigned, framed 300-500 718. 122 713. Edgar Stoëbel (French, 1909-2001) “Motherhood,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 36” x 28”, signed lower left, framed 500-700 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov 716. Emil Armin (American, 1883-1971) “Mexican Gulf Bathing,” 1966, watercolor, 13.5” x 10.5”, signed, titled and dated lower right, framed 500-700 714. Harold Persico Paris (American, 19251979) “Dying Prince,” 1954, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 9”h, signed, held on a wood base 400-600 717. Graciela Rodo Boulanger (American, b. 1935) “Musicians,” c. 1980, oil on canvas, 10” x 8”, signed lower right, framed 500-700 Herb Kawainui Kane (American, b. 1928) “Ben Franklin,” 1968, oil on canvas, 60” x 96”, signed and dated lower left, unframed 4000-6000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 123 719. Marc Chagall (French/Russian, 1887-1985) “Page from Donation Marc et Valentina,” 1967, ink on paper, 12.25” x 9”, signed and dated lower right, framed 4000-6000 721. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Industrial Scene,” c. 1960, oil on board, 23.5” x 35.25”, signed indistinctly lower right, framed 1000-2000 720. Rudolph Weisenborn (American, 1881-1974) “The Sculptor,” 1941, oil on canvas, 38” x 26”, signed and dated lower left, titled on period label on verso, framed 3000-5000 722. Samuel Sinaï (French, b. 1915) “Corner in Paris,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 39” x 25”, signed lower right, framed 1000-1500 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov 724. Fred Stonehouse (American, b. 1960) “Untitled, (Small Snake),” 1992, oil on board, 3.75” x 10.75”, unsigned, framed 800-1200 Provenance: Carl Hammer Gallery, Chicago, Illinois Private Collector 725. 723. Lowell Ellsworth Smith (American, 1924-2008) “Street Scene,” 1953, oil on canvas, 12” x 16”, signed and dated lower right, framed 1000-2000 John Evans (American, b. 1945) “Landscape,” 1980, oil on canvas, 23.5” x 29”, signed and dated lower right, framed 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 726. Lucy Carter Eliot (American, 1913-2010) “Factory – Conglomeration,” c. 1970, oil on canvas, 35” x 55”, signed lower left, titled on period label on verso, framed 700-900 728. 729. 124 727. Lucy Carter Eliot (American, 1913-2010) “The Friendly Store,” c. 1980, oil on canvas, 27” x 49”, signed lower edge, titled on period label on verso, framed 700-900 Krishna Reddy (American, b. 1925) “Demonstrators,” c. 1960, color intaglio, 13.25” x 17.25”, pencil signed, titled and numbered, edition of 10, framed 2000-3000 Regis de Bouvier de Cachard (French/ American, b. 1929) “City Scene,” 1962, oil on canvas, 40” x 29.5”, signed and dated upper right, International Galleries (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 800-1200 730. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Still Life with Yellow Teapot,” c. 1940, oil on canvas, 16” x 20”, signed Dietz on verso, framed 300-500 731. Alexandre Berlant (20th century) “Still Life with Oranges,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 24” x 19.75”, signed lower right, unframed 200-400 Provenance: Collection of Uri and Rami Nehostan, the Art Museum in Ashdot Yaacov w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 732. 734. 736. 737. 125 Paul Kauvar Smith (American, 1893-1973) “Still Life,” c. 1970, oil on masonite, 18.75” x 12.5”, signed on verso, framed 400-600 733. Bruno Zupan (American, b. 1939) “Trojan Horse,” 1966, oil on canvas, 28” x 34”, signed upper right, dated upper left, framed 600-800 735. Henry Lawrence Faulkner (American, 1924-1981) “Still Life,” c. 1960, oil on masonite, 11.5” x 16”, signed lower left, framed 2500-3500 738. George Westfall Reynolds (American, 1887-1966) “Daisies,” c. 1960, oil on canvas board, 19.5” x 23.25”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 Paul Kauvar Smith (American, 1893-1973) “Mining Town,” c. 1960, oil on canvas board, 19.5” x 23.25”, signed on verso, framed 600-800 Paul Kauvar Smith (American, 1893-1973) “Denver Mansion,” c. 1950, oil on canvas on board, 14.25” x 18.5”, signed lower right, unframed 500-700 Paul Kauvar Smith (American, 1893-1973) “Untitled,” c. 1950, oil on artist board, 23.5” x 17.5”, signed lower left, framed 200-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 739. 740. 741. 126 Léopold Survage (Russian, 1879-1968) “Woman and Bird,” c. 1930, watercolor, 16” x 11”, signed lower left, framed 1500-2000 John Sennhauser (American, 1907-1978) “Untitled,” 1937, watercolor, 11” x 14.25”, signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 Henri Robert Bresil (Haitian, 1952-1999) “Flamingoes in Landscape,” c. 1980, oil on canvas, 19.5” x 23.5”, signed lower left, framed 500-700 742. Henri Robert Bresil (Haitian, 1952-1999) “Flamingoes in Landscape,” c. 1980, oil on canvas, 19.5” x 23.5”, signed lower left, framed 500-700 743. Henri Robert Bresil (Haitian, 1952-1999) “Flamingoes in Landscape,” c. 1980, oil on canvas, 19.5” x 23.5”, signed lower right, framed 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 744. 745. Alfred Gwynne Morang (American, 1901-1958) “Abstraction,” 1944, oil on board, 18” x 14”, signed and dated lower right, Peyton Wright Gallery (Santa Fe, New Mexico) label on verso, framed 6000-8000 W. Glen Davis (American, 20th century) “Blues in the Night,” 1946, oil on canvas, 24” x 20”, signed and dated lower left, signed lower right, label on verso from the Art Institute of Chicago “58th Annual American Exhibition, Paintings and Sculpture, 1947,” framed 400-600 748. 127 746. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Boat,” c. 1950, oil on canvas, 36” x 9”, signed indistinctly lower left, framed 300-500 747. Artist Unknown (American, 20th century) “Untitled,” c. 1960, oil on board, 11.25” x 9.25”, signed indistinctly lower left, framed 300-500 Dorothy Dehner (American, 1901-1994) “Untitled,” 1948, gouache, 13” x 17”, signed and dated lower right, framed 3000-5000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 749. Karl Herman Baumann (American, 1911-1984) “Untitled (Hills and Trees),” 1941, watercolor, 10.5” x 14.5”, signed and dated lower left, estate stamped on verso, titled on Maxwell Galleries (San Francisco, California) and George Kevsky Gallery (San Francisco, California) labels on verso, framed 400-600 751. 752. 128 750. Karl Gasslander (American, 1905-1997) “Abstract,” 1933, watercolor, 10” x 7.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 300-500 Boris Lovet-Lorski (American, 1894-1973) “Untitled,” c. 1950, group of three mixed medias on paper, largest: 16” x 11”, each signed, unframed 800-1200 Karl Herman Baumann (American, 1911-1984) “Nocturne,” 1959, oil on artist board, 14.5” x 18.5”, signed and dated lower right, unframed 700-900 753. Carl Schwartz (American, b. 1935) “Seated Woman,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 29.5” x 39”, signed lower left, framed 400-600 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 754. Benjamin G. Benno (American, 1901-1980) “Lovers,” 1937, oil on canvas, 25.25” x 19.5”, signed and dated lower left, signed on verso, framed 5000-7000 755. 129 Benjamin G. Benno (American, 1901-1980) “Untitled,” 1933, watercolor, 11.75” x 15.5”, signed and dated lower left, framed 3000-5000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 756. Rudolph Weisenborn (American, 1881-1974) “Flite,” 1955, oil on masonite, 36.5” x 23”, signed and dated lower left, framed 3000-5000 757. Frederick I. Kann (American, 1884-1965) “Untitled,” 1956, oil on board, 16.5” x 11.5”, signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 758. Charles Green Shaw (American, 1892-1974) “Shape of Tension,” 1960, oil on canvas board, 9” x 12”, signed lower right, signed and dated on verso, titled on Albert Landry Galleries (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1500-2500 759. Carl Robert Holty (American, 1900-1973) “The Park,” 1956, oil on canvas, 14.5” x 22.5”, unsigned, Clare Walker Fine Art (Brooklyn, New York) label on verso, framed 2000-4000 760. 130 Howard Daum (American, 1918-1988) “Untitled,” c. 1960, oil on canvas on board, 3.5” x 16.75”, signed on verso, framed 1000-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 761. Rolph Scarlett (American, 1891-1984) “Untitled,” 1953, gouache, 8.25” x 10.75”, signed and dated lower right, framed 800-1200 762. 131 Medard P. Klein (American, 1905-2002) “Abstract,” c. 1960, oil on board, 12.75” x 21.5”, unsigned, framed 1500-2500 766. Medard P. Klein (American, 1905-2002) “A Volonte,” c. 1960, collage, 16.5” x 12.5”, signed lower left, titled on Temple University Libraries (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) label on verso, framed 700-900 Rolph Scarlett (American, 1891-1984) “Untitled,” c. 1950, gouache, 9.5” x 12.5”, signed lower left, framed 800-1200 764. 765. 763. Rolph Scarlett (American, 1891-1984) “Untitled,” c. 1950, gouache, 8.5” x 11”, signed lower right, framed 800-1200 Rolph Scarlett (American, 1891-1984) “Untitled,” c. 1950, watercolor and ink, 11.25” x 17.25”, signed lower right, framed 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 767. 132 Jimmy Ernst (American/German, 1920-1984) “Untitled,” 1954, acrylic on paper, 14.5” x 21”, signed and dated lower right, framed 3000-5000 768. John William Kennedy (American, 1903-1996) "Abstract," 1951, oil on board, 18" x 30", signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 770. Eugene Bennett (American, 1921-2010) “Mill Ends,” 1959, oil on artist board, 15.75” x 19.75”, signed and dated lower right, titled on period label on verso, framed 800-1200 771. 769. Charles Green Shaw (American, 1892-1974) “Growth,” c. 1960, oil on canvas board, 8” x 10”, signed lower left, framed 1000-2000 Leon Wall (American, 1916-1980) “Reflections in a Golden Eye,” 1958, oil on canvas, 49.5” x 42”, signed and dated lower right, titled on label on verso, framed 700-900 772. Leon Wall (American, 1916-1980) “Hessians at Trenton,” 1960, oil on canvas, 42” x 68”, signed and dated lower right, titled on Betty Parsons Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, unframed 800-1200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 773. 133 Yannis Gaitis (Greek, 1923-1984) “Je Te Regarde Toujours avec les Yeux des mes Petits Bonhommes,” 1966, oil on canvas, 45.25” x 35”, signed lower right, signed, titled and dated on verso, framed 20,000-30,000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 774. 775. 777. 134 Karl Herman Baumann (American, 1911-1984) “Still Life,” 1951, oil on canvas board, 14.75” x 18.75”, signed and dated lower right, framed 2000-4000 Claire Falkenstein (American, 1908-1998) “Drawing I,” 1951, ink and crayon on panel, 10.25” x 8”, signed and dated lower left, titled on Dusanne Gallery (Seattle, Washington) label on verso, framed 1000-2000 Kenneth Shopen (American, 1902-1967) “Arabesque,” c. 1950, watercolor, 19.75” x 25”, signed upper right, titled on R. H. Love Galleries (Chicago, Illinois) label on verso, framed 300-500 778. 776. Bert Pumphrey (American, 1916-2000) “Untitled,” c. 1960, oil on board, 9.5” x 7.5”, signed lower right, framed 300-500 Copeland Charles Burg (American, 18951961) “Untitled,” c. 1950, gouache, 3.5” x 5.5”, signed lower right, framed 200-400 779. Eve Garrison (American, 1908-2003) “Abstract,” c. 1960, oil on board, 36” x 48”, signed upper left, framed 300-500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 780. 783. 135 Willard Grayson Smythe (American, 19061995) “Abstract Forms,” c. 1970, gouache, 14.25” x 10”, signed lower right, framed 400-600 781. Willard Grayson Smythe (American, 19061995) “Female Figure,” c. 1970, gouache, 11” x 7.75”, signed lower right, framed 400-600 782. Paul Jenkins (American, b. 1923) “Phenomenon: Cleopatra's Eye,” c. 1975, watercolor, 30” x 41”, signed lower right, framed 5000-7000 Provenance: Private Collection, Morrisville, North Carolina Private Collection, Indianapolis, Indiana Editions Ltd Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana Alyda Powell (American, 20th century) “Untitled,” c. 1960, oil on canvas, 15.5” x 19.5”, signed lower right, framed 200-400 784. David Crissy Packard (American, 19281968) “Untitled,” 1964, bronze sculpture, good original patina, 10”l, signed, dated and numbered, edition of five 400-600 785. Phillip Jewell Hampton (American, b. 1922) “Blue Dogs on Red and White,” 1963, mixed media on canvas board, 19” x 39”, signed and dated lower right, framed 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 786. 789. 136 787. Richard Hull (American, b. 1955) “All But Gone,” 1980, oil on canvas, 24” x 28”, signed, titled and dated on verso, framed 1000-2000 788. Mel Fowler (Italian/American, 1921-1987) “Untitled,” c. 1970, acrylic on canvas, 20.75” x 33.5”, signed lower left, framed 500-700 790. Joseph Meierhans (American/Swiss, 1890-1981) “Untitled,” 1949, casein on paper, 10.5” x 13.5”, signed lower right, Snyder Fine Art (New York, New York) label on verso, framed 1000-2000 Hap Tivey (American, 20th century) “Navajo Bridge Diptych,” 1979, acrylic on canvas with plastic cover in two panels, each panel: 50.25” x 38”, signed and titled on verso, dated on Margo Leavin Gallery (Los Angeles, California) label on verso, framed 2000-4000 Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) “Campbell’s Tomato Soup,” c. 1970, ink on paper, 10.75” x 775”, signed lower right, framed 2000-4000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 791. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian, b. 1923) “Souvenir,” 1986, oil on canvas, 16” x 12.25”, signed and dated lower right, titled on verso, unframed 400-600 793. 794. 137 792. Joseph Meierhans (American/Swiss, 1890-1981) “Untitled,” c. 1970, mixed media on board, 23.25” x 19.25”, signed lower right, framed 500-700 Winston Roeth (American, b. 1945) “Au Sable,” 1984, egg tempera on canvas, 44” x 44”, signed, titled and dated on verso, framed 3000-5000 Joseph Meierhans (American/Swiss, 1890-1981) “Untitled,” c. 1970, mixed media on board, 19.25” x 23.25”, signed lower right, framed 500-700 795. W. Dean Gillette (American, 1930-2008) “Untitled,” 1976, acrylic on paper, 24” x 26”, signed and dated lower right, framed 200-400 796. George D. Green (American, b. 1943) “A Place in France,” 1984, mixed media, 22.5” x 29.5”, signed and dated lower right, titled on Louis K. Meisel Gallery (New York, New York) label on verso, framed w w w300-500 . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 797. Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-1989) “Plange, Virgo, Accincta,” from Biblia Sacra, 1969, color lithograph, 19” x 13.75”, pencil signed and stamped on verso by Bruce Hochman, framed 400-600 801. Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-1989) “Omnes de Saba Venient,” from Biblia Sacra, 1969, color lithograph, 13.25” x 19”, pencil signed and stamped on verso by Bruce Hochman, framed 400-600 Rolf Nesch (German, 1893-1975) “Kvinne,” 1968, metal print, 9.25” x 7.25”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 25, unframed 1000-2000 804. 138 798. 802. 799. Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-1989) “Noli Me Tangere,” from Biblia Sacra, 1969, color lithograph, 19” x 13.75”, pencil signed and stamped on verso by Bruce Hochman, framed 400-600 Marc Chagall (French/Russian, 1887-1985) “Four Seasons, Chicago,” 1974, lithograph, 35” x 23.5”, unsigned, framed 1000-1500 803. 800. Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-1989) “Licet Tributum Dare Caesari,” from Biblia Sacra, 1969, color lithograph, 18” x 14”, pencil signed and stamped on verso by Bruce Hochman, framed 400-600 Joan Miró (Spanish, 1893-1983) “Lithograph II,” 1975, color lithograph, 12” x 9”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition LXXX, framed 1000-2000 Steven Sorman (American, 1948) “What This Is,” 1980, set of four color etchings with aquatint, each: 8.75” x 6.75”, pencil signed, titled, numbered and dated, edition of 28, framed 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 139 805. Roger Brown (American, 1941-1997) “The Jim and Tammy Show,” 1987, lithograph, 21.75” x 32”, signed and dated lower right, edition AP, inscribed “For Margaret and Billy” lower left, framed 400-600 808. André Masson (French, 1896-1987) “Erotique,” c. 1960, lithograph, 13.5” x 19.25”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 125, framed 300-500 809. Pat Hammerman (American, 20th century) “Aspects,” 1981, screenprint, 16” x 20.75”, pencil signed, titled, numbered and dated, edition AP, framed 400-600 810. André Masson (French, 1896-1987) “Untitled Composition,” c. 1970, color lithograph, 26.5” x 20.75”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 130, unframed 400-600 812. Peggy Smith (American, 20th century) “Game of Marbles,” c. 1960, lithograph, 14.75” x 8.5”, pencil signed lower left, unframed 200-400 811. 806. Jacques Villon (French, 1875-1963) “Figures and Eagle,” c. 1940, color lithograph, 15.75” x 11.5”, signed in ink lower left, framed 200-400 Victor Vasarely (French/ Hungarian, 1906-1997) “Or Var,” c. 1980, screenprint, 35.5” x 27”, pencil signed lower right, edition of 250, framed 600-800 807. Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) “Dove,” 1952, lithograph, 19.75” x 25.25”, signed and dated in plate, framed 700-900 813. Will Barnet (American, b. 1911) “Silent Seasons - Summer,” c. 1975, color lithograph, 28.75” x 22”, signed, titled and numbered in margin, edition of 200, framed 200-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 814. 815. Henry Miller (American, 1891-1980) “A Vous Cher Ami,” “The Joker,” “Marseilles,” “Anais” and “Amour,” c. 1970, group of five serigraphs, largest: 20.5” x 17.5”, each stamped lower right, pencil numbered lower left, edition of 200, unframed 800-1200 Karel Appel (Dutch, 1921-2006) “I am an Animal,” 1971, color lithograph, 23” x 33.5”, pencil signed and dated lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 100, titled label on verso, framed 800-1200 817. 818. 140 816. Francoise Deberdt (French, 1934) “Untitled,” c. 1980, etching, 9.75” x 19.25”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 75, framed 200-400 Larry Rivers (American, 1923-2002) “Diana Raised II,” 1970-1971, lithograph, 17.75” x 23.5”, pencil signed, dated and numbered lower right, edition of 36, unframed 400-600 Roy Lichtenstein (American, 1923-1997) "As I Opened Fire," 1966, triptych of offset color lithographs, each measures: 25" x 20.5", unsigned, published by Stedelijk Museum, unframed 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 819. Vito Acconci (American, b. 1940) “Three Flags for 1 Space and 6 Regions,” 1979-1981, photoetchings with aquatint in six panels, each sheet: 30.5” x 23.25”, overall: 70.5” x 62.5”, pencil initialed, titled, numbered and dated on lower right panel, edition of 25, printed by Nancy Anello, published by Crown Point Press, framed 12,000-18,000 820. 821. 141 Wolf Kahn (American, b. 1927) "Barn and Forsythia III," 2003, screenprint, 27.75” x 38”, signed and dated lower right, edition of 108, unframed 1500-2500 Robert Longo (American, b. 1953) "Wave," 2003, lithograph and silkscreen, 15.5" x 40", pencil signed, dated and numbered, edition of 108, unframed 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 823. 822. James Browning “Jamie” Wyeth (American, b. 1946) “Portrait of Lady,” 1975, group of three lithographs, largest: 12.25” x 22”, two pencil signed, edition of 354, unframed 300-500 824. Robert Natkin (American, 1930-2010) “Untitled,” 1979, screenprint, 27” x 36”, pencil signed, numbered and dated, edition of 75, unframed 200-400 827. 142 825. Karel Appel (Dutch, 1921-2006) “Face,” c. 1980, color lithograph, 28” x 20.5”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 100, framed 500-700 Ron Pokrasso (American, b. 1951) “Landscape 1985 #1,” “Landscape 1985 #2” and “Landscape 1985 #3,” 1986, group of three etchings, 34” x 23.25”, pencil signed, titled, numbered and dated, edition of 20, framed 800-1200 826. René Carcan (Belgian, 1925-1993) “Untitled,” c. 1980, etching, 19.5” x 23”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 95, framed 300-500 Christo and Jeanne-Claude (American, b. 1935) “Running Fence, Sonoma and Marin Counties, California,” 1972-1976, color off-set lithograph, 25” x 39”, signed in marker upper left, unframed 800-1200 828. Marcel Janco (Israeli, 18951984) “Still Life,” c. 1965, plaster print on burlap, 29” x 21”, signed lower right, framed 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 143 829. Yugi Hiratsuka (Japanese, b. 1955) “Contortionist,” 1998, etching with chine colle, 23.75” x 36”, pencil signed, titled, numbered and dated in margin, edition of 30, unframed 700-900 830. Yugi Hiratsuka (Japanese, b. 1955) “Mime,” 1998, etching with chine colle, 17.5” x 23.5”, pencil signed, titled, numbered and dated in margin, edition of 35, framed 500-700 831. Zao Wou-Ki (Chinese, b. 1921) “LXIV,” 1965, lithograph, 15” x 23”, pencil signed and dated lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 125, framed 1000-2000 832. Yozo Hamaguchi (Japanese, 1909-2000) “Three Butterflies,” 1985-1991, mezzotint, 4.75” x 4.5”, pencil signed lower right, unframed 700-900 833. Keiko Nelson Tsu (Japanese/American, b. 1948) “My Garden,” 1980, monoprint, 17.5” x 35.5”, pencil signed, titled and dated, framed 800-1200 834. Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (French/ Japanese, 1886-1968) “Seated Girl with a Cat,” c. 1950, color lithograph, 14.75” x 12.75”, pencil signed and numbered, edition of 250, framed 200-400 835. Pang Tseng Ying (Chinese/American, 1916-1997) “Untitled,” c. 1990, lithograph, 17.5” x 34.5”, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, edition of 300, framed 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 144 836. Matthew Monahan (American, b. 1972) “Excerpts from Book One (New City),” 2002, carbon on rice paper, 38” x 71”, unsigned, titled on Anton Kern Gallery label on verso, framed 12,000-15,000 Provenance: Anton Kern Gallery, New York, New York Private Collector 837. Michael Bauer (German, b. 1973) “Control Mama,” 2006, oil on canvas, 82.5” x 74.75”, signed, titled and dated on verso, unframed 15,000-20,000 Provenance: HOTEL, London, England Private Collector 838. Matthew Monahan (American, b. 1972) “Excerpts from Book One (Robot),” 2002, carbon on rice paper, 38” x 71”, unsigned, titled on Anton Kern Gallery label on verso, framed 12,000-15,000 Provenance: Anton Kern Gallery, New York, New York Private Collector w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 145 839. Chris Ofili (British, b. 1968) “Charmant Seven,” 2005-2006, oil and acrylic on canvas, 20” x 15.75”, signed, titled and dated on verso, Contemporary Fine Arts label on verso, framed 50,000-70,000 Provenance: Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, Germany Private Collector 840. Clare Rojas (American, b. 1976) “Untitled Red Room,” 2006, gouache and latex on wood panel, 12” x 13.5”, unsigned, titled and dated on Lizabeth Oliveria Gallery label on verso, unframed 5000-7000 Provenance: Lizabeth Oliveria Gallery, Los Angeles, California Private Collector 841. Angelina Gualdoni (American, b. 1977) “The Slow Continuum that Proceeds in Your Absence (For Colin),” 2005, acrylic and oil on canvas, 28” x 34”, signed, titled and dated on verso, label on verso from Kavi Gupta Gallery, unframed 7000-9000 Provenance: Kavi Gupta Gallery, Chicago, Illinois Private Collector w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 146 842. Muntean & Rosenblum Markus Muntean (Austrian, b. 1962) and Adi Rosenblum (Israeli, b. 1962) “Sometimes When One’s in a Bad Situation, Life Seems Over and You’re Just Waiting for the Time to be Used Up,” 2001, oil on canvas, 45.25” x 45.25”, signed and dated on verso, label on verso from Sommer Contemporary Art, unframed 12,000-18,000 Provenance: Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel Private Collector 843. Lucy McKenzie (Scottish, b. 1977) “Untitled (Portrait),” c. 2000, twosided graphite drawing on paper, 16.25” x 23.25”, unsigned, Timothy Taylor Gallery label on verso, framed 4000-6000 Provenance: Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, England Private Collector 844. Chantal Joffe (British, b. 1969) “Reclining Woman on Yellow,” 2004, oil on board, 120” x 48”, unsigned, unframed 25,000-35,000 Provenance: Victoria Miro Gallery, London Private Collector w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1950s Modern/Art Deco Session Four immediately following session three 845. Natzler bowl, folded shape covered in a blue and brown reduction glaze, signed, 8.75”w x 3.5”h 2000-3000 847. 848. 147 846. Natzler bowl, flared shape covered in a red and orange matte glaze, signed, #K117, 8”w x 2.5”h 1500-2500 Natzler vase, cylindrical shape with indented lip covered in a copper luster crystalline glaze, signed, 3.5”w x 6.5”h 2500-3500 Natzler bowl, broad shape covered in a rose mariposa reduction glaze with fissures, signed, #K981, 6.5”w x 3.5”h 2000-3000 Details / Phone bids call: (708) 383-5234 or (513) 321-6742 849. Natzler bowl, footed shape covered in a Dawn glaze with crystalline highlights, signed, #O231, 6”w x 3”h 1500-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 147 148 148 850. Vivika and Otto Heino vase, very large bulbous shape covered in a gray glaze with a blue and black design, signed, 10”w x 11”h 700-900 851. 853. Rose Cabat Feelie vase, bulbous shape under a green and brown matte glaze, signed Cabat, X2, 64, 3”w x 4”h, good glaze 350-450 855. Harrison McIntosh bowl, low form covered in a multi-toned gray and brown glaze with a bursting swirl design, signed, paper label, 5.5”w x 1.5”h 300-400 856. 858. Robert Turner vase, bulbous shape covered in a multi-toned brown matte glaze with white highlights, signed, 7"w x 6"h 400-600 859. Vivika and Otto Heino vase, bulbous shape covered in a gray glaze with a brown spotted design, signed, 6.5”w x 5”h 200-300 852. Good Claude Conover vase, large foursided form with interlocking rings design, marked, 12”h 1200-1700 854. Toshiko Takaezu vase, bulbous shape covered in a rust and tan glaze with painted designs in brown, signed, 6”w x 5.5”h 800-1100 Rare Claude Conover sculpture, large cat with cutout eyes, signed, 14.5”h 1000-2000 857. Harrison McIntosh bowl, covered in a multi-toned brown glaze with linear and circular designs, signed, paper label, 5.75”w x 1.75”h 300-400 Rose Cabat Feelie vase, flattened bulbous shape under a green and brown matte glaze, signed, 3.5”w x 2.25”h, nice glaze 350-450 860. Ken Ferguson vase, ribbed shape covered with a green, yellow and brown glaze, signed, 6"w x 5.5"h 300-500 w w ww. tr w ewad . trweay adgwaal y l ery ga l.c l ery om.c om 861. 863. 149 Akio Takamori ceramic bust sculpture, nude form depicting a mother and child, hand-painted, signed “Akio” on body, 17”w x 7”d x 26”h, mint condition 6000-8000 Clyde Burt ceramic wall sculpture, stoneware composition covered in white, gray and textured brown glaze, incised signature "C. Burt" at lower left, in the original wood frame, framed size: 26.5”w x 30”h, excellent original condition 1000-1500 862. Clyde Burt charger, 1960s, stoneware with light green glaze, handpainted decoration, signed with incised “CB”, paper label, 13.5”h, mint condition 400-600 864. Clyde Burt vase, stoneware with gray matte glaze and ivory linear designs, signed with incised “CB”, 8.75”h, mint condition 700-900 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 866. George Nelson jewelry chest, by Herman Miller, recent production, six drawers with the original pulls, original finish, white laminate top, signed with Nelson/Herman Miller tag, 30"w x 13"d x 6"h, excellent condition 1000-1500 867. 865. George Nelson wall-mounted fire tools, by Howard Miller, brush, shovel, and poker, ash handles, black enameled mounting plate, original finish, 10”w x 27”h, very good original condition 600-800 868. Charles & Ray Eames ESU 200, second series, by Herman Miller, 1950s, open cube with birch top and bottom and one blue panel, original finish, two glides missing, 24”w x 16.75”d x 20.5”h, very good original condition 900-1200 870. 150 869. Sori Yanagi butterfly stool, rosewood, brass hardware, original finish, stamped “Sori Yanagi”, 16.75”w x 12”d x 15"h, small chip to one bottom corner, very good original condition 400-600 Charles & Ray Eames ESU 200, second series, by Herman Miller, 1950s, three birch doors with the original handles, yellow, blue and black panel, overhanging birch top, original finish, 47”w x 16”d x 26.5”h, very good condition 900-1200 George Nelson X-leg dining table, by Herman Miller, rectangular walnut top over brushed steel legs with angled top supports, original finish, 60”w x 30”d x 28.75”h, some wear to top, very good original condition 800-1000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 871. 151 Charles & Ray Eames radios, two, by Emerson, wood cases made by Evans, c.1946, model #578A (at left) and 678A (at right), mahogany and walnut veneers, original Bakelite knobs, brass and glass, 9.25”w x 5.75”d x 6.5”h, 11”w x 5.25”d x 6.5”h, example at right is refinished, both signed, cases in excellent condition 1000-1500 872. Charles & Ray Eames radios, two, by Zenith, wood cases made by Evans, c.1946, model 8H034 (at left) and 6D030 (at right), walnut veneer, original knobs, brass and upholstery, 14.5”w x 7”d x 8.75”h, and 13.5”w x 6”d x 7.75”h, example at right has a loose knob, both refinished, both signed, cases in excellent condition 1000-1500 874. Charles & Ray Eames high-back Soft Pad lounge chairs, pair, by Herman Miller, five-point bases, aluminum armrests, original black leather upholstery, tilt and swivel, 26"w x 31.5"d x 37.5"h, very clean examples in excellent original condition 1200-1500 Between 1946-1952 many radio companies contracted with the Evans Plywood Division of Evans Products to manufacture radio cabinets. The original designs for these cabinets originated from the radio companies. Evans in turn sent these designs to the Eames Office to be adapted and redesigned to fit their tooling and production capabilities. 873. Charles & Ray Eames shell chairs, pair, by Herman Miller, Parchment fiberglass seats over zinc legs, nylon glides, original finish, 18.5”w x 21.5”d x 31.25”h, excellent original condition 100-200 875. Charles & Ray Eames RAR (rocking chair), by Herman Miller, 1960s, gray fiberglass shell with original black vinyl upholstery over a black wire base and birch runners, 24.5"w x 26"d x 26.5"h, splits to upholstery seams, good condition 400-600 876. George Nelson seating unit, by Herman Miller, black iron frame, two removable seats, one table with white laminate top, replaced mohair upholstery, overall: 73”w x 28”d x 29”h, table is 24”w x 24”d x 13”h, very good condition 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 877. Charles & Ray Eames Hang-It-All, by Tigrett Enterprises, USA, 1950s, lacquered wood balls, white enameled steel frame, original finish to all parts, 20”w x 6”d x 14.5”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 879. Alexander Girard “Crosses” Environmental Enrichment panel, 1972, for Herman Miller, screen-print on linen of geometric forms, printed signature and date, image size: 23" x 63"h, good original condition 300-500 882. 152 880. 878. Herman Miller catalog, 1964, designed by George Nelson & Co., Inc., comprehensive reference that includes wood samples, fiberglass shell samples and Alexander Girard fabric samples, also includes a “Herman Miller Inc. Specifications” booklet, 11.25”w x 2.75”d x 11.5”h, excellent original condition 200-300 Alexander Girard “Miller Stripe” men’s jacket/sport coat, 1976, tailor-made in London for a team of Herman Miller architects, one of five known to exist, approximate size 38-40, tailor’s label sewn to inner lining, excellent original condition 500-700 881. Alexander Girard “Mexidot” fabric, 1970s, for Herman Miller, white, pink and gold cotton, illustrated in the Schiffer Girard book, edges are bound, 67" x 50", very good original condition 400-600 Charles & Ray Eames shell chairs, four, by Herman Miller, Greige fiberglass seats over zinc legs, nylon glides, original finish, one signed with a paper Herman Miller label, 18.5”w x 21.5”d x 31.25”h, excellent original condition 400-600 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 883. Alexander Girard “Palace” Environmental Enrichment panel, 1972, for Herman Miller, screen-print on cotton, printed signature and date, image size: 40" x 40", good original condition 600-800 884. Alexander Girard “Old Sun” Environmental Enrichment panel, 1972, for Herman Miller, screen-print on cotton, printed signature and date, image size: 49" x 52", good original condition 600-800 885. Alexander Girard “Stars” Environmental Enrichment panel, 1972, for Herman Miller, screen-print on cotton, printed signature and date, image size: 50" x 67.5", good original condition 300-500 886. Alexander Girard “Four Leaf Clover” Environmental Enrichment panel, 1972, for Herman Miller, screen-print on linen, printed signature and date, 53" x 63", good original condition 600-800 887. 153 Charles & Ray Eames vintage Sofa Compact, by Herman Miller, original Alexander Girard "Jacob’s Coat" cotton/wool upholstery, back folds, 72"w x 28"d x 35"h, light wear, very good original condition 1500-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 888. Henry Dreyfuss thermos, by The American Thermos Bottle Co., model 1549, ivory colored enameled metal, with original removable glass lid, marked on bottom, 5.75"h, very good original condition 300-400 891. Walter Dorwin Teague “Lens” bowl, by Steuben, USA, c.1932, stepped form in green glass, 13.75”dia x 4”h, small chip to edge, very good original condition 1000-1500 893. 154 889. International Silver cocktail shaker, stainless form with enameled decoration, red bakelite cap and black bakelite base, original finish, signed with “Meridien B. Co.” and “International Silver Co. 366, Patented Jan. 11, 1927”, 13.5”h, crack to base, very good original condition 300-400 Eugene Schoen “Deco Chair”, armchair, Art Deco form, fluted mahogany platform base and feet, reupholstered in mohair fabric, original finish, 29.5”w x 32”d x 32.5”h, very good condition 1000-1500 890. Bauhaus style tea pot, possibly by Cowan, modern form in white glazed ceramic with black lid, unsigned, 7.25"w x 6"h, mint condition 400-600 892. Lurelle Guild cocktail shaker, model no. 5840, by International Silver Company, USA, c. 1934, silver-plated and red lacquered metal, 15.75"h, impressed "Lurelle Guild" signature and "International Giftware 5840," also stamped “LACQUERED”, an uncommon version with the original red lacquered finish, very good original condition 2000-2500 894. Frederick Weinberg andirons, pair, USA, 1950s, gilt metal and iron, rearing horses, original finish, 11.5”w x 16.5”d x 17”h, very good original condition 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 895. Abel Faidy designs for the Board of Trade Flower Shop, Chicago, four framed photographs probably taken by Hedrich Blessing, each marked “Board of Trade Flower Shop” and signed “Original Design by Abel Faidy”, framed, framed size: 11” x 14.5”, very good original condition 300-400 897. 896. Paul Frankl coffee table, by Johnson Furniture Co., biomorphic cork top over four flared mahogany legs, refinished, signed with stenciled mark “5005-190”, 47.50”w x 35.5”d x 15”h, very good condition 2500-3000 898. 155 Art Deco floor lamps, pair, 1920s, alabaster bases support brass and iron standards, each topped with an internally-lit, mica-lined hexagonal lamp flanked by two candle style lights, bronze decoration of a nude, original finish, original mica, 12.25”w x 9.5”d x 67.5”h, excellent original condition 4000-5000 Eliel Saarinen dining table and chairs, by Johnson, birch, large table with replaced top, eight chairs with replaced fine brown wool upholstery, refinished, very good condition, table: 96”w x 44”d x 29.25”h, chairs: 23”w x 21”d x 29”h, not shown: original worn and stained table top with two leaves is included, along with two chairs that are entirely lacking in upholstery, all in fair to poor condition 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 899. 900. Robert Mallet-Stevens box, for Maison Desny, Paris, c. 1928, nickel-plated brass, three lift-top compartments, one drawer with wood handle, stamped “Desny Paris Made in France Depose” under the drawer, 8.75”w x 8”d x 4”h, very good condition 25,000-30,000 Brett-Livingstone Strong (Australian, b. 1953), "World Friendship Monument" sculpture, number 28/500, USA, c.1991, marble base supports five twisting bronze sheaves of wheat representing five populated continents, hand-blown glass globe to top produced by Lundberg Studios, stamped marks "US 28/500 BLS 91", 12.25"dia x 17"h, excellent condition 3500-4500 902. 156 901. Art Deco wrought iron table, scroll work and leaf details, original finish with white accents, replaced glass top, 29.5”dia x 24”h, excellent condition 300-500 Eileen Gray Transat chairs, pair, maker unknown, black lacquered wood frames, nickel-plated metal fittings, channeled black leather upholstery, unsigned, probably recent production, 22.5"w x 42.5"d x 31"h, very good condition 2000-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 903. 157 Tommi Parzinger table lamps, pair, by Lightolier, USA, c. 1950, silver-plated brass, aluminum, 8.5”w x 6.25”d x 19”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 904. RK Parker table mirror, rotating mirrored base supports an upper mirror backed with a woman holding a wing-like fan, brass and bronze, stamped “Erté” and “1985 RK Parker AP 12/23”, 27”w x 12”d x 15”h, excellent original condition 1200-1500 906. Art Deco Revival center table, 1970s, black marble top with white veining over a gilt wrought iron base, original finish, 39.5”dia x 32.5”h, excellent original condition 2000-3000 905. 1930s aluminum gates, pair, solid aluminum, original finish, each is 29.5”w x 3.5”d x 80”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 907. 1960s wall light, cast iron base with pewter finish supports solid acrylic rods, lower support bracket with scrollwork, original finish, stamped mark “T. Elsley”, 30”w x 7.5”d x 51”h, very good original condition 1200-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 909. 908. 910. Jean-Louis Domecq Model 1200 work lamp, by Jieldé, Lyon, France, weighted steel base supports an arm with three adjustment points, swiveling shade, original finish, signed with Jieldé metal tag, as shown: 27”w x 26”h, very good original condition 400-600 Charlotte Perriand & Jean Prouvé wall shelf, by Ateliers Jean Prouvé, France, 1950s, oak top and bottom, black enameled metal supports, one plastic sliding door, wood portions refinished, two mounting brackets to back, unsigned, 72”w x 11.25”d x 9.5”h, excellent condition 4000-6000 912. 911. 158 French wall shelf, in the manner of Jean Prouvé, triangular laminated plywood top with the original light green plastic laminate surface, black enameled metal support, original finish, signed with paper label marked “Shipped by E.D.E.T. Montreuil Made in France”, 35.5”w x 15.5”d x 8.75”h, very good original condition 500-700 Charlotte Perriand wardrobe cabinet, France, finished back covered in pine wood, one pine sliding door, lighted interior consists of a removable cube with three black bins, two vertically divided compartments, rod for hanging garments, original finish, 58”w x 21”d x 68”h, very good original condition 1500-2000 Pierre Chareau sconces, pair, France, recent production, each with two alabaster plates, original finish, unsigned, 14.5”w x 10”d x 16”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 913. Serge Mouille “Flamme” sconces, pair, (three views shown), Ateliers Serge Mouille, France, 1960s, aluminum forms with original black and white enameled finish, three views shown, 12”w x 15”h, very good original condition 6000-8000 914. 915. Roger Capron small coffee table, France, ceramic tile top with a geometric composition in red, orange and white, wrought iron trim and legs, original finish, signed “R. Capron” in the surface of the top, 32”w x 16”d x 12”h, excellent original condition 1600-1800 917. 916. 159 Jean Royère tables, attribution, two, France, 1950s, taller table with three legs and a v-shaped stretcher terminating in ring supports, smaller table with original thick inset slate top over four legs, repainted gold finish, large: 23.5”w x 9.5”d x 27.5”h, small: 19.5”w x 9.5”d x 22”h, good condition 5000-7000 French armchairs, pair, black vinyl seats with sculptural armrests with cutouts, upholstered in tan vinyl, wrought iron legs, original finish, unsigned, 22.25”w x 21”d x 32”h, good original condition 600-800 George Nakashima New chair, walnut frame with slab seat, carved hickory spindles, original finish, signed with client’s name (“Mallet”), 24.75”w x 25”d x 38.5”h, excellent condition 1500-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 160 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 161 918. Ico & Luisa Parisi architectural and interior renderings for the Floyd J. Kops residence, Milwaukee, WI, created in Italy in 1953, includes 7 colorful gouaches with the architect’s overlay with notes, 39 blueprints, and correspondence from Parisi’s studio including a price list for 33 items of furniture, rugs, and lamps to furnish the dining room, living room and office, all stamped “Architetto Ico Parisi & Luisa Parisi Como Tel. 3658 Via A. Diaz N.8”, includes original mailing envelope, one gouache is water damaged, otherwise all items are in very good original condition 10,000-15,000 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Kops met architect Ico Parisi in Lake Como, Italy, in the summer of 1952. They commissioned him to design a home for them. Despite the extensive design work, the home was never built. Together, these works comprise the design for a house as well as its contents, including furniture, rugs and lighting. In a letter dated July 1, 1953, Parisi wrote to Kops: “The whole planning involved considerable work for me as your final drawings departed in several instances from the original ones; on the former drawings I had planned the whole decoration. I trust I have correctly interpreted the drawings in question as their preparation is entirely different from our usual practice.” w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 919. San Polo table, Italy, biomorphic ceramic top with hand-painted decoration of a village, six brass prongs support a glass top, four tapered legs with brass caps, singed “San Polo Made in Italy” on bottom, 29”dia x 17”h, very good original condition 700-900 922. 162 920. Pietro Chiesa side table, by Fontana Arte, attribution, Italy, central ball support over three tapered legs, wood carrying handle to top, original finish, stamped “Made in Italy”, 18”dia X 24”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 921. Aldo Tura occasional table, square wood top covered in the original goatskin, ebonized base with three brass legs, original finish, 20”w x 20”d x 16.5”h, very good original condition 400-600 Gio Ponti coffee table, by Singer, original travertine marble top, walnut base with sculptural tapered legs, original finish, 60”w x 17.5”d x 15.5”h, wear to finish of legs, otherwise very good original condition 2500-3500 923. Giovanni (Nino) Zoncada sofa, Italy, 1950s, designed for an Italian passenger ship, angled form over brass and black enameled metal legs, reupholstered in tan mohair fabric, 72"w x 30"d x 31"h, excellent condition 1000-1500 Architect Nino Zoncada collaborated with Gio Ponti in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He designed or contributed to almost every major transatlantic Italian liner of the 1950s and 1960s. w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 163 924. Ettore Sottsass “Murmansk” centerpiece, by Memphis, Italy, 1982, sterling silver, round top and base connected by zigzag supports, includes the original crate, base and inset plate stamped with "MEMPHIS MILANO" and "925", all pieces also stamped “1622 MI” with a star mark, 14.5”dia x 11”h, excellent condition 15,000-18,000 The Murmansk centerpiece was offered in solid sterling silver and silver plate. This example is the sterling silver version. 925. Marco Zanuso lounge chairs, pair, Italy, upholstered seats with curved armrests, original red bouclé upholstery over black painted wood legs, unsigned, 28”w x 28”d x 34”h, very good condition 1000-1500 926. Guglielmo Ulrich occasional table, 1940s, Italy, round mahogany top over four tapered legs, light wood criss-crossing slats to top, refinished, unsigned, 27”dia X 19”h, some separation on joints, reglued, wobbly, good condition 1000-1500 927. Fontana Arte library ladder, Italy, brass frame with four 3/4” glass steps, unsigned, 20”w x 20”d x 46.25”h, excellent condition 1000-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 928. Georg Jensen cooking pots, Denmark, copper, two sauté pans, small sauce pan, small Dutch oven with lid, one large lid does not fit any of the pans, six pieces total, original finish, pots signed with stamped marks George Jensen Designs Denmark, large pan: 10.5” dia x 19.75”long, good original condition 300-400 929. Poul Henningsen PH-5 hanging lamp, by Louis Poulsen, Denmark, white enameled metal with red and purple interior, includes a ceiling cap, with original packing box, 20"dia, excellent condition 300-400 930. Georg Jensen stainless flatware, Denmark, eight demi-tassle spoons, eights soup spoons, twelve dinner knives, eight salad forks, eight teaspoons, twelve dinner forks 8”, pickle fork, two large serving spoons 8.25”, one large serving fork, like-new, stamped “Georg Jensen Stainless Denmark”, excellent original condition 500-700 931. Borge Mogensen secretary cabinet, oak, Denmark, drop-front over three drawers, interior contains two small drawers and dividers, key included, original finish, signed with Soborg Mobler label and stamped Made in Denmark, 39.5”w x 19”d x 46.5”h, very good original condition 700-900 932. Poul Kjaerholm PK 22 chair, by E. Kold Christensen, steel frame, replaced black leather upholstery, original finish, signed with E. Kold Christensen stamp, 25”w x 26.5”d x 28”h, leather sags, otherwise very good condition 500-700 933. Ib Kofod-Larsen Elisabeth chair, by Christensen & Larsen, teak frame with upholstered suspended seat, original finish, signed with “Made in Germany” label, 29.75”w x 30”d x 28”h, very good original condition 1500-2000 934. 164 Preben Fabricius & Jorgen Kastholm lounge chairs, pair, by Bo-EX, Denmark, c. 1970, polished steel frames with removable cushions, reupholstered in thick black Spinneybeck “Ducale Velour” grain-sueded leather, 30”w x 30”d x 28”h, excellent condition 3500-4500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 935. 936. 937. 165 Extra-Large Poul Henningsen Pendant hanging light, by Louis Poulsen, Denmark, 1920s, model 8/6, bronze fittings, enameled brass and copper shades with the original dark green finish, 34”dia x 16”h, in good working condition, very good original condition 8000-12,000 Vintage Herbert Krenchel "Krenit" bowls, set of 33 pieces, Denmark, 32 bowls with salad servers, large green bowl: 15"dia, salad servers: 11.5", six 10" bowls, eleven 5" bowls, five 6.25" saucers, three 6.5" bowls, two medium height 10" bowls, one low 10" bowl, two 3.5" bowls, one 5" deep saucer, one 10" white bowl has a shiny black exterior, 13 are signed with "Krenit Denmark", very good original condition 3000-3500 Grete Jalk armchair, by Poul Jeppesen, rosewood, carved arms, sculptural backrest, rear legs pass through holes in the armrests, original black leather upholstery, original finish, signed with Poul Jeppesen stamp and Danish Control stamp, 25”w x 22”d x 32”h, very good original condition 500-700 938. Jens Quistgaard desk, by Lovig, Denmark, rosewood, hinged gallery top folds flat as needed, four drawers, original finish, signed with Lovig stamp and dated 1971, 64”w x 28.75”d x 34”h, very good original condition 2000-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 939. Roman Frak handmade bulldog rings, two, his and hers, heavy sterling silver forms, each with colorful stone eyes, each stamped “Sterling” with designer’s hallmark, total weight is 1.575 ounces, approximate sizes 10.25 and 6.5, very good original condition 800-1000 941. 166 940. Art Deco style man’s ring, neoclassical double gladiator, carved black and white onyx over carnelian, white gold band with yellow gold and rose gold accents, size 10.5, stamped “10k” and “Hand Wrought”, setting is .5”w x 11/16”h, very good condition 200-300 Roman Frak handmade bulldog link bracelet, sterling, heavy form with eight bulldog faces with colorful stone eyes, stamped “Roman Frak 2001 Sterling” with designer’s initials on clasp, 8 3/8” long, very good original condition 1500-2000 942. Varsano pomegranate sculpture, sterling silver with armature, to scale, stamped “Varsano 925”, 4”dia x 4”h, excellent condition 500-700 943. Hector Aguilar Fertility bracelet, handmade, .940 sterling, Taxco, Mexico, 1940s, original chain clasp, approx. 7.25” long, pre-Eagle stamped marks “HA Taxco 940” with bell stamp, 4.055 ounces, excellent condition 800-1000 944. Hector Aguilar Fertility necklace, Taxco, Mexico, 1940s, handmade form of graduated links that lay beautifully on the neck, original clasp, stamped “HA 940 Taxco” with bell, 3.30 ounces, as shown: 6”w x 6.5”h, 16.5”long, very good original condition 2500-3500 945. Vintage Ralph Lauren sterling silver curb chain, USA, extra-heavy form from the 1970s, toggle closure, stamped “Ralph Lauren Saddlers Est. 1967” and “925”, 6.43 ounces, 16” long, very good original condition 1200-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 946. Cartier hinged cuff bracelet, Italy, 1940s, sterling and tortoise, three curved sections, screw closure, stamped “Cartier Made in Italy” and “925 Prev. 356 A.F.”, links are 1”w, bracelet is 7” long, very good original condition 3000-4000 947. Antonio Pineda earrings, pair, Mexico, sterling with amethyst quartz drops, screw backs, stamped marks, .75"w x 2"h, excellent original condition 300-400 949. Midcentury candlesticks, pair, maker unknown, large forms in hammered nickel, applied geometric designs of red, white and blue stones, unmarked, removable bobeches, 5.5"w x 15.5"h, very good condition 300-500 950. Impressive Emerald cocktail ring, Italy, 14k white gold with a large gem amethyst, dramatic gallery of white gold grid work under stone, stamped “Italy 14k”, approximate size is 7, stone is .5” x .75”, very good original condition 1500-2000 952. 167 948. Midcentury cuff bracelet, 1960s, 14k gold and sterling silver, hand made, hammered surface, etched signature “14k Sterling Hobson”, 2.5”w x 1.25”d x 2”h, very good original condition 400-600 951. Tiffany & Co. sterling silver and onyx bracelet, Italy, 2002, three articulated rows of squares, some onyx, some polished sterling and some sterling with slightly textured finish, tongue closure with two safety mechanisms, marked “C. 2002 Tiffany & Co. 925 Italy”, authenticity guaranteed, original box, blue felt bag, receipts and Tiffany paperwork included, 1&3/8”wide, 7.25” long, total weight is 5.02 ounces, scratches, very good condition 1200-1500 Auguste Klein Aesthetic movement sculpture, Paris, probably executed in the late 1800s, brass and bronze dragon holding a red marble bowl, bowl features a shield and crest at front, stamped on base “Auguste Klein Paris”, 12”w x 7”d x 13”h, very good original condition 1200-1500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 953. 955. 14k gold ring, 1960s-70s, square form with a hammered surface, stamped “14k”, ½”w, approximate size is 6, 12.0 grams, comfortable, very good original condition 200-300 954. 956. 958. Cameo cuff links, 18k gold, horse cameo over carnelian, left facing and right facing, signed with “18k” and “jbd”, .5”w x .75”h, nicely executed, very good original condition 1500-2000 1950s 18k gold ladies ring, asymmetrical form with a half-moon-shaped malachite disc set vertically in an 18k gold band, undulating rows of channel-set diamonds to each side of the stone, stamped “18k”, approximate size is 4.75, setting is 1”w, very good original condition 1500-2000 961. 168 10k gold and carnelian man’s ring, neoclassic carnelian stone featuring a helmeted and armored Mars with Venus at his side, stamped “10k”, approximate size is 11, setting is 1 1/8” x 7/8”, very good original condition 400-600 957. Art Deco cuff links, gold with etched designs and small cabochon sapphires, stamped “LE314”, each is .5”w x 5/8”h x 1”long, very good original condition 700-900 960. 959. Kinetic 18k gold man’s Poker ring, 1940s-50s, rectangular setting with two inset pivoting playing card elements with red and black enamel, 20.2 grams, approximate size is 9.5, setting is .75”w, stamped “18k”, very good original condition 2000-3000 Vintage Monkey pin, 14k gold, inset sapphire eyes, three-dimensional form with all-over carving to body that simulates fur, stamped “14k”, 1.25”w x 1.75”h, very good original condition 1200-1500 1950s 14k gold ring, prong-set ruby cabochon with inset diamond-shaped ruby on each side of setting, approximate size is 6.5, total weight with stones is 6.8 grams, ruby is approximately 2.33 ct., stamped “585", excellent condition 500-700 Fine Tuxedo set, 5 pieces, 14k gold and amethyst, cuff links and three buttons, all with fine gumdrop style amethyst stones, stamped “14”, cuff links: 5/8”w x 1.75”long, buttons: .5”w x 1.25”long, not scratched, excellent condition 2000-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 962. 169 Tiffany & Co. ladies 18k yellow gold and diamond necklace, France, bark textured graduated links of 18k yellow gold, 37 evenly spaced brilliant-cut diamonds set in four-prong platinum heads, diamonds are .06ct to 0.17ct estimated weight each, and are VVS clarity, F-G color, total estimated diamond weight is 4.25ct., tongue-style clasp with hidden safety, marked “4184C FRANCE Tiffany”, 17” long, 7-10.30mm wide, very good original condition 9000-12,000 963. Ronald Pearson 14k gold pin, abstract form with four points, stamped “Pearson 14k”, 12.0 grams, 3”w, very good original condition 300-500 964. 1950s Italian ring and earring set, 18k gold, onyx and pavé diamonds, Italy, ring is approximate size 4.75, earrings are 1”h x .25”w, stamped “Italy 18k”, very good original condition 1500-2000 965. Vintage cuff links, pair, gold and reverse-painted glass, each with the face of a one-hair brush painted fox behind clear glass, unsigned, .5w x 1.25”long, excellent original condition 1500-2000 966. 1940s-50s Celestial Burst pin, gold, three-dimensional gold rods around a large central freshwater pearl, prong-set brilliant cut diamonds and rubies, hinged ring to back for use as a pendant, unmarked, 1.5”dia, excellent condition 1500-2000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 967. Parigi & Prina bar, attribution, Italy, molded white plastic top, tubular metal base, castors, top with bottle inserts and ice bucket with lid to center, removable trays, original finish, unsigned, 36.5”w x 20.25”d x 33”h, some yellowing, good original condition 400-600 969. Verner Panton "Relaxer 2" rocking chair, by Rosenthal, c.1974, crescent-shaped stained beech wood frame with slatted wood supports, channeled upholstered cushion, refinished, 25"w x 39"d x 31"h, very good condition 900-1200 971. 170 968. Shiro Kuramata “Apple Honey” chairs, pair, by UMS-Pastoe, Japan, c. 1986, square seats with black vinyl upholstery, enameled steel legs, tubular chromed steel backrests, original finish, 18.75”w x 20”d x 28.75”h, excellent condition 700-900 970. Philippe Starck “Lola Herzburg” freestanding sink/washbasin, by Rapsel, Italy, chromed brass and stainless steel, two removable soap holder trays, basin is 20”dia x 35”h, very good original condition 500-700 Pierre Paulin Ribbon chair and ottoman, by Artifort, the Netherlands, original rust-colored wool upholstery over a foam-covered metal frame on a black lacquered base, each with Artifort label, 40"w x 30"d x 27"h, ottoman: 29"w x 19"d x 16"h, wear to fabric, good original condition 2000-3000 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 972. 1980s stools, pair, heavy polished metal rocket ship bases with three legs, original red ultrasuede upholstery, unsigned, 16”dia X 17.5”h, very good original condition 400-600 973. Paolo Soleri posters, set of 16, in the original carton with the accompanying booklet, created for the 1970 Paolo Soleri Retrospective at Corcoran Gallery, box: 10”w x 10”d x 10.5”h, each poster is 9”h x 44”w, some fading, very good original condition 200-300 974. Memphis Style table lamp, designer unknown, black, white and red enameled metal, removable top diffuser, textured glass shade, original finish, unsigned, 10.5”dia x 11.25”h, very good original condition 300-500 975. Studio 65 “Marilyn” sofa, by Gufram, Italy, 1980s, original stretchy red fabric over polyurethane foam, unsigned, 83”w x 32”d x 33”h, losses and stains to fabric, losses and stains to fabric, otherwise good original condition, 1000-1500 976. 171 Design Institute of America dining table, metal frame with bronze-colored finish supports eight glass disks and a large elevated center shelf, glass connects to base via small screws and has polished metal disks at center, original finish, unsigned, 90.5”w x 48.5”d x 29.5”h, center: 37.5”h, excellent original condition 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 977. Pierre Cardin table lamp, France, attribution, square base of polished and black enameled metal, cloth shade with banded metal trim, original finish, signed with “Made in France” label, base: 5.25”w x 5.25”d x 10”h, shade is 17”w x 17”d x 16.25”h, light wear to shade, base is in excellent condition 400-600 980. Grosfeld House console, pedestal wood base with the original red leather covering to the top with stamped gold trim, original finish, 31.75”w x 15”d x 30.5”h, excellent condition 800-1000 Lorin Jackson china cabinet, for Grosfeld House, USA, 1940s, curved front, bleached mahogany, lighted upper cabinet with two doors with vertical acrylic rods, four glass shelves, mirrored back wall, two lower doors with large acrylic medallion door pulls, original finish, key included, 42”w x 18.5”d x 78”h, excellent condition 1000-1500 979. 1970s occasional table, designer unknown, birch, square form with four legs featuring a draped fabric carved design, original finish, unsigned, 27.25”w x 27.25”d x 22.5”h, very good original condition 200-300 981. 172 978. Philip & Kelvin LaVerne “Creation of Man” coffee table, rectangular bronze top with cut corners and acid-etched decoration, two fluted platform bases, original finish, signed in the surface of the top, 65”w x 23.5”d x 18”h, excellent original condition 3500-4500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 982. 985. 173 Tommaso Barbi floor lamp, Italy, 1970s, a large brass leaf shade is supported by a brass floor ring, original finish, signed with Made in Italy label, 17"w x 18"d x 66.75"h, leaf is 17"w, very good original condition 900-1200 Philip and Kelvin LaVerne "Chan" coffee table, 1960s, pewter, bronze and enamel top with acid-etched and carved Asian motif faceted platform base, signed in surface of top, Philip LaVerne Galleries paper label, also includes a detailed description of the Chan era on LaVerne letterhead, 47"dia x 17.5"h, excellent original condition 3500-4500 983. Alessandro Pianon “Pulcini” bird sculpture, for Vistosi, Murano, Italy, 1960s, dark green glass with red murrines, copper feet, applied glass eyes, 4”w x 4.25”d x 8.25”h, broken weld to foot, glass is in mint condition 3000-4000 984. Karl Springer small console or occasional table, by Karl Springer Ltd., New York, original goatskin over wood, original finish, signed with round leather Karl Springer Ltd. label, 30”w x 15”d x 21.5”h, excellent original condition 2000-3000 986. Large 1950s wall sconce, in the style of Fontana Arte, brass, curved fronds support three lights with glass ring bobeches, unsigned, original finish, 15”w x 11”d x 21”h, very good original condition 300-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 987. Eero Saarinen Womb chair, by Knoll, light green wool upholstery over chromed steel frame, 38"w x 34"d x 36"h, very good condition 900-1200 989. 990. 174 Norman Cherner armchairs, pair, by Plycraft, 1964, upholstered seat and backrest, bentwood arms, plywood seats, original finish, signed with Plycraft label to one, 27”w x 24”d x 31”h, small tear to one seat, good original condition 1000-1500 Florence Knoll cabinet, by Knoll, teak, one door, five small drawers, two file drawers, polished steel base, original finish, 74.25”w x 18”d x 25.75”h, one very tiny chip to edge of top, otherwise excellent original condition 3500-4500 Eero Saarinen stools, four, by Knoll, aluminum bases with the original fused white plastic finish, seats swivel, original dark brown wool upholstery, original finish, 15”dia X 15.5”h, wear to upholstery, good original condition 500-700 992. 988. 991. Kurt Versen wall lamp, by Kurt Versen Inc., 1940s, original dark red enameled steel form with adjustable aluminum shade, adjustable neck, shade is 14”dia, 31”long, good original condition 200-300 Marcel Breuer coffee table and end tables, two, by Gavina, white laminate tops, tubular chrome bases, original finish, coffee table: 53.5”w x 18.75”d x 13.5”h, end tables: 18.75”w x 17.75”d x 18”h, each end table with a Gavina label, very good original condition 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 993. Lewis Butler for Knoll Associates coffee table, 1950s, rectangular top composed of one black laminate square and one white laminate square, black iron frame, original finish, signed with Knoll Associates label, 48”w x 24.5”d x 16”h, excellent original condition 300-500 996. 995. Laurel floor lamp, 1960s, brushed chrome frame with adjustable height post, unsigned, height adjusts from 46" to 64", original shade, excellent original condition 400-600 998. 175 994. Walter Von Nessen floor lamp, brushed steel, adjustable standard with curved stem supports an adjustable shade that rotates and can be positioned as a downlight or as an uplight, original bakelite handle, three sockets, cloth shade, stamped "Nessen Studios" on base, 48"h, very good original condition 800-1000 Harry Bertoia dining chairs, set of six, by Knoll, white coated wire construction, original tan vinyl seat pads, 21"w x 20"d x 29.5"h, glides missing, otherwise excellent original condition 800-1000 997. Hansen floor lamp, polished metal, original finial, no shade, base stamped “Hansen Lamps New York”, 15”w x 48”h, good original condition 400-500 Florence Knoll lounge chairs, pair, by Knoll Associates, tufted seats and backrests, polished steel bases, original tan leather upholstery with glazed finish, each signed with Knoll Associates label, 32”w x 31.5”d x 30”h, some wear to leather, otherwise very good original condition 2000-2500 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 999. Modernist sculpture, figural form in cast bronze over a marble base, signed illegibly and numbered 1/24, appears to read “Lopez”, 5”w x 5”d x 29.75”h, excellent original condition 400-600 1000. Brutalist sculpture, steel, 1950s-60s, two figures over a triangular wood base, appears to be signed “Engeles”, 12”w x 12”d x 37”h, excellent condition 500-700 1001. Isabel Simon sculpture, attribution, 1950s, “Winged Ascension” bronze form of winged figures, travertine marble base, signed with illegible marks to the bronze base, 6”w x 6”d x 31”h, chips to marble 400-600 1002. John Widdicomb console, in the style of Mastercraft, low form with black lacquered cabinet with chamfered top and three shallow drawers over solid cast brass legs, original drawer pulls, signed with John Widdicomb label, includes original catalog tear sheet, 62.5”w x 17.5”d x 23.5”h, very good original condition 400-600 1003. French floor lamp, 1940s, maker unknown, standard is composed of four vertical supports alternating between brass and steel, black paper shade, European plug, heavy and well made, original finish, unsigned, base: 54”h, with shade: 68”h, good original condition 400-600 1004. Large Italian dining table, maker unknown, rectangular form of brass and polished metal, square brass details, brass supports, glass rests on four brass pegs and is slightly elevated above the base, 5/8” thick top (no chips), original finish, 72”w x 42”d x 29”h, very good original condition 800-1000 176 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1005. Belgian light fixture, geometric brass structure supports twelve lights with dark metallic housings, brass support rod and ceiling cap, original finish, signed with “Fabricant” S.A. Boulanger Belgique” paper label, 25"w x 25"d x 30"h, very good original condition 600-800 1006. Style of Paul Evans occasional table, small round form with black laminate top and textured resin base with bronze finish, unsigned, 33.5”w x 29”d x 17.75”h, very good original condition 400-500 1007. 1970s ottomans, three, irregularly shaped geometric forms entirely upholstered in cream-colored upholstery, unsigned, 22”w x 20”d x 17”h, 18”w x 16”d x 17”h, and 16”w x 16”d x 17”h, very good condition 200-300 1008. Evans Style Brutalist Sculpture, 1972, painted iron, dated and signed illegibly on base, 30.5”w x 80.5”h, some wear to base, very good condition 800-1000 1009. 1970s cube chairs, pair, even-arm forms with bronze-finished metal bases, cream-colored quilted upholstery, 36”w x 36”d x 31”h, reupholstered, unsigned, very good condition 600-800 177 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1010. Los Castillo charger, Taxco, Mexico, copper with sterling silver inlay, abstract bird design, stamped “Los Castillo Taxco Metales Castillo handwrought”, 12.5”w, needs polishing, excellent condition 300-400 1011. Alfredo Burlini sculpture, “Family Unity”, two-part bronze form over a black Lucite base, sculpture signed "Alfredo Burlini 1977" and numbered 1/10, label under base indicated title, 6.25”w x 6”d x 17.5”h, excellent condition 300-400 1013. Danish coffee set, sterling silver, wood handles, pot with hinged lid, signed “925 Sterling HGY Made in Denmark” on each, pot: 7.75”w x 8.25”h, sugar: 6”w x 3.5”h, very good original condition 800-1000 1015. Just Andersen candlesticks, pair, Denmark, bronze, Denmark, marked "JUST B1476", 9.25"w x 5.5"h, very good original condition 600-800 1017. Ruth Duckworth tea bowl vase, porcelain with green drip glaze, incised “R” to bottom, 4.5”dia x 3”h, crazing, mint condition 300-400 178 1012. Modernist sculpture maquette, artist unknown, 1950s, in the style of Jean Arp, plaster with applied verdigris patina, acrylic base, 9.5”w x 5”d x 10.5”h, very good condition 200-300 1014. Kristian Vedel bird figure, oak, with two rosewood bird figures, maker unknown, each composed of two pieces so that the head can be positioned as desired, original finish, oak bird is 4.75”h, rosewood birds are 4.5”h, excellent condition 400-500 1016. Rorstrand ceramics, two, small Gunnar Nylund dish, blue-green glaze with vertical incised lines, marked “Sweden GN ASH”, 3.5”dia x 2”h, with a Carl-Harry Stalhane dish, cream-colored glaze, glaze miss to rim, marked “Sweden CHS”, 7.75”w x 5.5”d, each marked “Rorstrand”, mint condition 200-300 1018. Peter Ipsen vase, Denmark, multi-hued brown glaze, applied copper design to rim, marked “P. Ipsen 402 Kobenhavn Enaret”, 4.5”dia x 4.75”h, mint condition 200-300 1019. Eugene Deutch vase, 1951, textured ceramic covered in a blue and brown glaze, signed “E. Deutch 1951” on bottom, 6”dia X 5.75”h, mint condition 300-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1020. Rare Russel Wright “Theme Formal” china, by Yamato China Co., Ltd., Japan, 1965, white porcelain, set consists of coffee pot with lid, 2 covered casseroles, open vegetable dish, 2 covered sugar dishes, 7 dinner plates, 3 salad plates, 5 bread & butter plates, 8 cups, 11 saucers and one small bowl, tiny nick to one covered casserole, signed on bottom, coffee pot: 11”h, dinner plate: 10.5”dia, overall excellent original condition 3000-4000 This set of china was featured in the exhibition “Russel Wright: Living with Good Design”, which traveled to four US cities in 2007-2008. Examples of Theme Formal are included in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection. 1021. Bunni Sovetski wood sculpture, hand-carved, original finish, signed on base “Bunni”, 17.75”h, very good original condition 100-200 1023. Max Fleischer sculpture, bronze, wood base, signed “Fleischer”, 10.5”w x 4”d x 6.75”h, excellent condition 200-300 1022. Pal Kepenyes sculpture, metal figure over a wood base, open to torso reveals a red painted heart, inscribed signature on back of torso “Pal Kepenyes”, 12”h, very good original condition 500-700 1025. Dennis Jones sculpture, “Opposed Tension,” c.1990, geometric stainless steel form over a black laminated base, can be removed from base, study for a larger work executed for the Tucson Museum of Art, 14.5”w x 10.25”d x 50”h, base only: 38”h 1000-1500 1024. Maitland Smith lidded box, tesselated stone over wood with solid brass trim, hinged top, interior is wood-lined, original finish, 19.25”w x 8”d x 7”h, excellent original condition 400-600 179 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1026. Vasa (Velizar Mehich, b. 1933) Pyramid sculpture, blue acrylic, etched signature “#1058 Vasa 1977”, 15”w x 10.25”h, very good original condition 100-200 1029. Ercole Barovier vase, for Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy, attribution, 1950s, translucent blue glass with swag prunts, unsigned, 7.25”dia x 10”h, tiny chip to bottom edge, scratches to bottom, very good original condition 2000-2500 1027. Venini obelisks, pair, attributed, solid blue bases supporting solid clear cones with internal orange spirals, 11"h, mint condition 300-500 1030. Raymond Loewy “Confetti” china, by Continental China, Germany, set of 77 pieces, includes 18 dinner plates, 18 salad plates, 18 bread plates, 14 saucers (no cups), teapot with lid, creamer, 13” platter, 15” platter, large serving bowl, 2 soup bowls, 2 deep bowls with shaped rim (shown far right), all signed, a few are marked “Johann Haviland Bavaria Germany”, very good original condition 300-400 1031. Midcentury sculpture, colorful glass elements in yellow, orange and red suspended on metal wires, rectangular wood base, original finish, unsigned, 14.5”w x 6.5”d x 19.5”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 180 1028. Edvin Ohrstrom for Orrefors "Ariel" bowl, alternating pattern of clear air-trap and burgundy striped glass, clear foot, c.1952, signed "Orrefors E. Ohrstrom", 6"dia x 2.5"h, mint condition 300-400 1032. Loredano Rosin sculpture, large solid acrylic form in the shape of a faceted stone, rests on a rectangular acrylic base, signed “Loredano Rosin” on lower edge of sculpture, 13”w x 6”d x 17”h, excellent condition 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1033. Alfredo Barbini glass toucan sculpture, 1969, translucent tinted glass, signed “A.Barbini 1969”, 7”w x 14”h, bottom not entirely flat, mint condition 200-300 181 1034. Marc Bellaire “Mardi Gras” sculptures, three, hand-painted glazed ceramic forms with gold trim, two dancers on a metal stand (removable), one seated figure, all signed “Bellaire”, dancers: 12”w x 30”h, seated figure:9.5”w x 15.5”d x 10”h, one extra metal stand included, small chip to foot of one dancer, otherwise excellent condition 600-800 1035. C. Jeré kinetic sculpture, 1967, a dark green wood base, metal rods support brass and colorful plastic elements, signed, 4”w x 3.5”d x 23.25”h, excellent condition 600-800 1036. Large Marc Bellaire display items, two, hand-painted ceramic, small disk with prominent text: “Original Ceramic Artware by Marc Bellaire” with a Mardi Gras figure, large platter divided into four quadrants: Aztec Mood, Dragon Flies, Mardi Gras and Meadowlark, unsigned, disk: 8”dia, platter: 16.5”dia, chip to edge of large platter 200-300 1037. Large Marc Bellaire “Mardi Gras” platter, with a smaller plate, handpainted ceramic, each signed “Marc Bellaire”, large seated figure plate also marked with a paper Exhibition label, seated figure: 16.5”dia, smaller plate with black background has a more matte finish and is 12.5”dia, three tiny nicks to edge of large platter 200-300 1038. Murano glass vase, Italy, large form in red glass with gold leaf inclusions and large controlled bubbles, black glass base and applied rim also with gold inclusions, signed Murano and numbered “11-6-2000”, 8”dia X 18”h, mint condition 500-700 1040. Barovier & Toso vase, cylindrical form in clear glass with red and opalescent white swags, 12”h x 8”dia, very good condition 200-300 1039. Franco Moretti vase, bulbous form in iridescent clear glass with heavy inclusions of gold foil and applied flower forms in red, yellow blue green and black, c.1930, etched signature, 13.25”h, mint condition 400-600 1041. Venini “fili applicati” vase, designed by Napoleone Martinuzzi, translucent deep green conical body with applied vertical canes of red, 11.5”h, mint condition 300-400 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1042. Sonneman floor lamp, polished cantilevered tubular chrome form over a disc base, 25.5”w x 45”h, excellent condition 300-400 1043. Vladimir Kagan floor lamp, USA, three aluminum tubes of varying heights, matte black interior, 48"h, very good original condition 400-600 1045. Vladimir Kagan coffee table, attribution, USA, sculptural walnut base with three legs and three supports, irregularly shaped glass top, original finish, glass is not symmetric and may have been altered, 58.5"w x 33.5"d x 16"h, very good condition 1000-1500 1044. 1960s floor lamp, black iron ring base in the style of Ben Seibel, adjustable shade with black enameled and polished aluminum original finish, unsigned, 50”h, very good original condition 200-300 1046. Tobia Scarpa “Pigreco” chairs, pair, by Gavina, rosewood, made in Italy, curved backrest, original finish, signed with Stendig labels, 21.75”w x 17”d x 24”h, very good original condition 400-600 1047. Johnson Furniture Co. cabinet, walnut, four doors with geometric pattern to front, eight drawers behind each pair of doors, original finish, signed with John Stuart medallion, 76”w x 19”d x 32”h, excellent condition 700-900 182 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1048. Lightolier “Sputnik” light fixture, 1970s, twelve polished chrome arms with the original smoked glass globe shades, matching chrome ceiling cap (not shown), signed with Lightolier label, 23”w x 20”h, very good original condition 400-600 1049. Alfred Burlini sculpture, 1979, polished metal over a black lucite base, signed “2/10 Alfredo Burlini 1979”, overall: 22.25”h, excellent original condition 400-600 1051. Milo Baughman coffee table, polished chrome base, round top over four legs, inset glass top, 49”dia X 15”h, very good original condition 700-900 1050. Paul Evans table lamps, pair, attribution, burled wood and chrome, original finish, unsigned, base only: 5”w x 5”d x 10.75”h, no shades, very good original condition 500-700 1052. Karl Springer style tessellated fossil stone coffee table, possibly by Maitland Smith, square top with inlaid brass detail, original finish, unsigned, 40"sq x 15"h, excellent original condition 000-000 1053. Vladimir Kagan Capricorn lounge chairs, pair, wire frames, original vinyl upholstered pads, original finish, 22”w x 36”d x 38”h, fading to pads, wear to finish, very good original condition 1200-1500 1054. Afra and Tobia Scarpa “Bastiano" chairs, pair, by Knoll in Italy and imported by Stendig, rosewood frames with fabric-covered loose cushions, lightly cleaned original finish, marked with Stendig label, 35.5”w x 30”d x 27”h, some fading, very good condition 400-600 183 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1055. Arne Jacobsen Ant chairs and tables, by Fritz Hansen, Denmark, rosewood, round table top cover over four metal legs, four three-legged chairs, original finish, chairs signed with Fritz Hansen stamp, table : 47"dia x 27"h, chairs: 18"w x 20"d x 30"h, some wear, good original condition 2000-2500 1056. Alvar Aalto chairs, pair, black seats, bentwood birch frames, original finish, unsigned, 24”w x 28”d x 28”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 1057. Bruno Mathsson lounge chair, beech frame, replaced straps, original finish, signed with EDV-Wilberg Mobelfabrik Moelv label, 22.5”w x 26.5”d x 32.5”h, good condition 200-300 1058. Danish cabinet, by Jydsk Mobelindustri, Denmark, teak, four central drawers flanked by sliding doors, cutout pulls, back is finished, original finish, signed, 71”w x 18.5”d x 27.5”h, very good original condition 1000-1500 184 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1059. Extra-large Poul Henningsen style PH lamp, maker unknown, white enameled metal, 48”dia x 20”h, to top of rod: 42”h, some bends, very good condition 500-700 1060. Extra-large Poul Henningsen style PH lamp, maker unknown, white enameled metal, 48”dia x 20”h, to top of rod: 42”h, some bends, very good condition 500-700 1061. Charles & Ray Eames DCM dining chair, by Herman Miller, 1950s, molded ash plywood seat and back on black metal frame, early glides, all original shock mounts, original finish, 19.5"w x 20.5"d x 29"h, wear to finish of legs and wood, good condition 100-200 1062. Charles & Ray Eames DCM dining chair, by Herman Miller, 1950s, ebonized molded ash plywood seat and back on metal frame, original feet missing, original finish, all original shock mounts, 19.5"w x 20.5"d x 29.5"h, rust to frame, wear to finish, overall good condition 100-200 1063. Komfort tables, three, Denmark, rosewood, coffee table and pair of end tables, notched glass tops fit on four posts with small pegs, original finish, one signed with “Komfort Made in Denmark”, coffee: 47”w x 19.5”d x 16.25”h, end: 19.5”w x 19.5”d x 15.25”h, excellent original condition 400-600 1064. Riis-Antonsen rosewood chest, Denmark, lift-top with compartments over one double drawer and three single drawers, original finish, signed with branded mark, 23"w x 19"d x 48"h, excellent original condition 600-800 185 1065. Danish dresser, 1960s, teak, six drawers with cutout pulls, tapered legs, refinished, unsigned, 30.5”w x 16”d x 43.5”h, very good condition 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1066. Edward Wormley lounge chairs, pair, by Dunbar, mahogany legs, brass tacktrim, original orange vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 29”w x 31”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, some missing tacks, good original condition 600-800 1068. Edward Wormley coffee table, by Dunbar, mahogany, round top over four legs with brass feet, original finish, signed with rectangular brass tag, 38”dia X 16.5”h, stains to top, good condition 200-300 Not Pictured: 1067. Edward Wormley lounge chairs, pair, by Dunbar, mahogany legs, brass tack trim, original orange vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 29”w x 31”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, some missing tacks, good original condition 600-800 1069. Edward Wormley loveseat, by Dunbar, sculptural mahogany legs, original turquoise vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 50”w x 32”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, some missing tacks, good original condition 800-1200 1070. Edward Wormley loveseat, by Dunbar, sculptural mahogany legs, original turquoise vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 50”w x 32”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, some missing tacks, good original condition 800-1200 1071. Edward Wormley sofa, by Dunbar, large curved form with tufted seat cushions and down-filled back cushions, six mahogany legs, original off-white upholstery, signed with Dunbar fabric in decking, 97.5"w x 36"d x 29"h, wear to fabric, otherwise very good original condition 1500-2000 1072. Large Edward Wormley sofa, by Dunbar, sculptural mahogany legs, original turquoise vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 93”w x 31”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, good original condition 1200-1500 186 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1073. Early Edward Wormley occasional table, by Dunbar, 1940s, oval top with raised lip to sides, legs are carved to resemble bamboo, original finish, signed with early brass tag, stamped “3227”, 29.5”w x 21.5”d x 22.5”h, wear to finish, some looseness, good original condition 300-500 1075. Dunbar pedestal, rosewood, 1974, oak trim to top, one spring-loaded door with concealed hinge, dated, two shelves to interior, original finish, signed with Dunbar paper showroom sample label, 15”w x 15”d x 42”h, very good original condition 300-400 1074. Edward Wormley coffee table, by Dunbar, large rectangular top over one shelf, brass stretchers, top is rosewood-patterned laminate, frame is mahogany, original finish, signed with rectangular brass tag and paper label, 48”w x 28”d x 22”h, very good original condition 400-600 1076. Edward Wormley lounge chairs, pair, by Dunbar, mahogany legs, brass tack trim, original dark blue-green vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 29”w x 31”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, some missing tacks, good original condition 600-800 1077. Large Edward Wormley sofa, by Dunbar, sculptural mahogany legs, original turquoise vinyl upholstery, original finish, signed with Dunbar fabric in the cushion decking, 93”w x 31”d x 30”h, wear to vinyl, good original condition 1200-1500 187 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1078. Edward Wormley upholstered bench, by Dunbar, mahogany frame with brass spacers, original light blue vinyl upholstery, original finish, 65”w x 18”d x 14.5”h, very good original condition 700-900 1079. Edward Wormley wedge table, by Dunbar, trapezoidal top with wood grain laminate surface, mahogany frame, original finish, signed with green metal Dunbar tag, 20.5”w x 23.75”d x 22.5”h, excellent original condition 700-900 1080. Edward Wormley cabinet, by Dunbar, mahogany, No. 4566, six drawers, five drawers with angled fronts, original light finish, 42"w x 19"d x 33"h, very good original condition 600-800 1081. Small Edward Wormley bench, by Dunbar, mahogany frame with brass spacers, original light blue vinyl upholstery, original finish, 33”w x 18.5”d x 15”h, very good original condition 400-500 1082. Edward Wormley upholstered bench, by Dunbar, mahogany frame with brass spacers, original light blue vinyl upholstery, original finish, 65”w x 18”d x 14.5”h, very good original condition 700-900 1083. Edward Wormley Janus Collection chairs, pair, by Dunbar, mahogany, original upholstery, original finish, each signed with rectangular brass tag, 27.25”w x 27”d x 29.5”h, upholstery shows age, very good original condition 1200-1500 188 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1084. Edward Wormley ottoman, by Dunbar, from the Janus Collection, mahogany frame, white cotton upholstery with fringe, original finish, signed with brass metal tag, 18”dia x 16”h, very good condition 600-800 1085. Edward Wormley magazine tree, by Dunbar, birch trunk and limbs with sap walnut shelves, original finish, signed with green metal Dunbar tag and stamped “Dunbar for Modern”, 28"w x 16"d x 25"h, top refinished, one cracked shelf, overall very good condition 1500-2000 1086. Edward Wormley "Sheaf of Wheat" occasional table, by Dunbar, round travertine top supported by laminated ash plywood base, original finish, signed with green metal tag, marble stamped “Made in Italy Carrara” 27"dia x 25"h, good original condition 1200-1500 1087. Edward Wormley game table, by Dunbar, square putty-colored formica top with star-shaped cutouts that reveal natural wood, bleached mahogany base, original finish, signed with rectangular brass tag and label, 32”w x 32”d x 28.5”h, wear to finish, good original condition 800-1000 1088. Edward Wormley Janus Collection armchairs, pair, mahogany frames with the original green wool upholstery, original finish, one signed with rectangular brass tag, 27.25”w x 27”d x 29.5”h, wear to tips of arms, otherwise very good condition 1200-1500 189 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1089. Hans Wegner chairs, oak, set of four, by Fritz Hansen, curved backrest, three legs, original black leather upholstery, original finish, signed with Fritz Hansen and Poul Dinesen stamps, 23.5”w x 19”d x 29”h, wear to leather, good original condition 900-1200 1090. Arne Vodder occasional table, rosewood, green masonite shelf and top, top has three round cutouts, original finish, unsigned, 24.5”w x 24.5”d x 18”h, very good original condition 300-500 1091. Kurt Ostervig bookcase, Denmark, four adjustable shelves, teak and beech, refinished, signed with Int’l Designer Group metal tag, 41”w x 16”d x 70.5”h, very good condition 300-400 1092. Arne Vodder lounge chair and ottoman, by Povl Dinesen, rosewood, chair reclines, ottoman adjusts, removable headrest cushion, original black leather upholstery, original finish, unsigned, chair: 31”w x 32”d x 41”h, ottoman: 23”w x 19”d x 15.5”h, very good original condition 1200-1500 1093. Westnofa cabinet, rosewood, eight drawers, made in Norway, platform base, back is finished, original finish, signed with Westnofa label, 71.5”w x 18”d x 28”h, excellent condition 800-1000 190 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1095. Ib Kofod-Larsen lounge chairs, pair, by Selig, stained plywood frames with rounded shape and spindle backs, replaced woven silk upholstery, refinished, unsigned, 33.5”w x 28”d x 32”h, excellent condition 600-800 1094. Erik Buck barstools, pair, by Oddense Maskinsnedkeri A-S, made in Denmark, 1960s, teak frames with rosewood footrests, seats upholstered in original black vinyl, both signed, original finish, 15.5"w x 17.5"d x 29.5"h, excellent original condition 700-900 1096. Danish turned wood table lamps, pair, teak, each with a slightly different base, cloth drum shades, original finish, unsigned, as shown: 32.5”h, bases: 22”h, very good original condition 300-400 1097. Danish desk, rosewood, seven drawers to one side, one with lock, locking drop-front and open storage to the other side, no key, original finish, unsigned, 55”w x 29.25”d x 29”h, light wear, very good original condition 400-500 1098. 1960s sideboard, possibly Scandinavian, four center drawers flanked by two doors, one shelf behind each door, original sculptural carved wood pulls, tapered legs, unsigned, refinished, 72”w x 18.5”d x 30”h, excellent condition 700-900 191 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1099. Mario Tempestini rocker and side table, by Salterini, wrought iron, original black finish, rocker: 22.75”w x 30.5”d x 27”h, side table: 25.5”w x 18”d x 17”h, excellent original condition 300-500 1100. Mario Tempestini loveseat, by Salterini, wrought iron, original black finish, 42”w x 22”d x 28.5”h, excellent original condition 300-500 1101. Mario Tempestini table and four chairs, by Salterini, wrought iron, original black finish, table: 36.5”dia x 24”h, chairs: 22.75”w x 24”d x 27.5”h, excellent original condition 800-1000 1102. Mario Tempestini loveseat, by Salterini, wrought iron, original black finish, 42”w x 22”d x 28.5”h, excellent original condition 300-500 1103. Arthur Umanoff “Mayan” patio set by Shaver-Howard, table with glass top, four chairs with sun decoration to backrest, wrought iron frames, black vinyl seat pads, original upholstery, original finish, table: 42”dia x 29.5”h, armchair: 19.75”w x 22”d x 34.5”h, side chair: 18”w x 17.5”d x 36.25”h, very good original condition 600-800 192 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1104. Russell Woodard rocking chair, wire frame and runners with white finish, original finish, 27”w x 28”d x 28.5”h, excellent condition 300-400 1105. Richard Schultz Leisure Line chaise lounge, two, by Knoll, white coated aluminum frame on two wheels supports brown and white mesh seat, adjustable back, 25.5"w x 74"d x 26.5"h, wear and staining to mesh, rubber trim missing from one wheel, overall good condition 500-600 1106. Richard Schultz Leisure Line dining/lounge chairs, four, white and brown vinyl and mesh seats in cast aluminum frames with white coated finish, 26"w x 28"d x 26"h, wear to finish, discoloration to fabric, good condition 600-800 1107. Russel Woodard outdoor dining set, table and 8 chairs, 1950s, octagonal faux slate top with hole at center for umbrella over a painted metal base, 8 wire mesh chairs, table: 59.5”dia x 26”h, chairs: 19.25”w x 24”d x 33”h, original finish, very good condition 800-1000 193 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1108. T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings coffee table, by Widdicomb, elliptical top over tapered legs with block detail, walnut, contrasting grain to edge, stamped “Sherry 2/56 3350” and signed with “Widdicomb designed by Robsjohn-Gibbings” label, 50”w x 25.5”d x 16”h, refinished, excellent condition 600-800 1109. T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings desk and chair, by Widdicomb, mahogany, “Sherry” finish, seven drawers with rounded birch trim, chair with upholstered seat and back and rounded armrests, original finish, signed with partial label, chair: 21”w x 22.5”d x 32”h, desk: 48”w x 24.5”d x 31.25”h, very good original condition 400-600 194 1110. 1960s teardrop mirror, brass and glass, ring to top for hanging, original finish, 13.5”w x 33”h, excellent condition 300-500 1111. T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings cabinets, pair, by Widdicomb, mahogany, “Sherry” finish, each with three drawers, slab sides, original finish, each signed with cloth Gibbings/Widdicomb label, 34.5”w x 21.5”d x 30.5”h, very good original condition 400-600 1112. T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings dresser, mahogany, “Sherry” finish, five drawers, by Widdicomb, original finish, signed with partial cloth label, 34.5”w x 21.5”d x 48.5”h, very good original condition 200-300 1113. Large T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings mirror, by Widdicomb, walnut frame, 1956, “Sherry” finish, original finish, signed with Widdicomb Furniture Company paper label, 33.25”w x 2”d x 57.25”h, excellent original condition 100-200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1114. 1960s hanging light, glass and brass-plated metal, suspended twists and discs in both materials, matching glass ceiling cap, original finish, unsigned, 24”dia x 22”h, very good original condition 900-1200 1116. T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings folding table, attribution, bleached mahogany with decorative veneer pattern, top folds open to double the size of the surface area, original finish, unsigned, closed: 36”w x 36”d x 29.5”h, open: 72”w, very good original condition 500-700 1115. Victor Salmones bronze sculpture, Mexico, number three from an edition of ten, on a brushed lucite base, stamped marks "V. Salmones 3/10 e43", 13.25"w x 11"h, excellent condition 800-1000 1117. Harvey Probber coffee table, attribution, round top composed of travertine veneer set in pie-shaped wedges over a plaster structure, mahogany base with arched detail, original finish, unsigned, 42”dia x 15.5”h, small chips to edge, very good original condition 400-600 1118. T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings lounge chair and ottoman, by Widdicomb, rounded frames in bleached walnut, spindle back, original light blue tufted upholstery, original finish, chair: 26”w x 32”d x 31”h, ottoman: 27”w x 27”d x 17.5”h, very good original condition 2000-3000 195 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1119. Paul McCobb dining chairs, four, by Calvin, mahogany frames, original tan leather woven seats and backrests, original finish, unsigned, armchair: 22.5”w x 23.5”d x 35.5”h, very good original condition 600-800 1120. Paul McCobb sofa, by Custom Craft, trim form with classic 1950s styling, tapered wood legs, original upholstery, signed with Custom Craft label, 76”w x 32”d x 30”h, wear and stains to fabric, good condition 600-800 1121. Paul McCobb Connoisseur Collection dining chairs, six, mahogany wood frames with caned backrests, original black leather upholstery, original finish, signed with Connoisseur Collection/H. Sacks & Sons labels, 16.5”w x 21”d x 34.5”h, excellent condition 800-1000 196 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1122. Large Murano glass lamps, pair, opaque white glass forms, gilt wood bases, original finish, glass portion: 23”h, base: 27”h, overall: 41”h, no chips, excellent original condition 600-800 1123. Russel Wright cabinet, by Conant Ball, six drawers, maple, original finish, signed with branded mark in drawer, 58.25”w x 20”d x 32”h, light wear to finish, very good original condition 300-500 1124. Paul McCobb sofa, by Custom Craft, trim form with classic 1950s styling, tapered wood legs, original blue upholstery, signed with Custom Craft label, 76”w x 32”d x 30”h, some hardening to foam, very good original condition 600-800 1125. Style of C. Jeré tree sculpture, dandelion form with brass finish, wood base, unsigned 26”w x 51”h, excellent condition 400-600 197 1126. Paul McCobb Planner Group cabinet and bench by Winchendon, four-drawer cabinet, original aluminum ring pulls, bench with four tapered legs, original finish, 60”w x 19”d x 26”h, light wear to finish, very good original condition 400-600 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1128. 1950s coffee table, designer unknown, round black laminate top with notches to allow for the four leg posts, sculptural wood frame with cross-stretchers, original finish, unsigned, 40”dia X 13.75”h, very good original condition 200-300 1127. Jens Risom armless sofa, by Jens Risom Design Inc., striped upholstery, walnut frame with exposed supports to back, signed with Jens Risom label, 73”w x 30”d x 31h”, very good original condition 1500-2000 1129. 1950s rattan bar, carved form covered in vertical bamboo rods, wood top and base, brass foot rail, back side consists of sliding doors, drawers and a pull-out work surface, one drawer lined with zinc, original finish, unsigned, 70”w x 24”d x 42.75”h, very good original condition 500-700 1131. Jens Risom sofa/daybed, by Jens Risom Designs, Inc., walnut, seat slides forward, original upholstery to seat cushion and backrest, original finish, unsigned, 82.5”w x 36”d x 30”h, open: 44”d, some wear to upholstery, otherwise very good original condition 600-800 198 1130. Large C. Jeré tree sculpture, large form with philodendron style leaves, bronze finish, painted wood base, signed “C. Jeré 70”, 26”w x 72”h, very good original condition 500-700 1132. John Follis Architectural Pottery planter, USA, stoneware bisque form with removable ring to top and original cross-shaped wooden stand, 22"dia x 12.25"h very good original condition 500-700 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 1133. John Keal tables, pair, by Brown-Saltman, walnut frames with inset copper panels with enameled decoration of a flowering branch, original finish, each signed with Brown-Saltman label, 18”w x 18”d x 15”h, wear and water stains to wood, inserts are in very good original condition 150-200 1134. Martz table lamp, by Marshall Studios, ceramic with incised designs and yellow-green glaze, signed “Martz” and has Marshall Studios label, as shown: 36”h, base only: 21”h, mint condition 200-300 1135. Midcentury sculpture, artist unknown, folded metal form with copper finish, appears as candy wrappers, original finish, unsigned, 23”w x 23”d x 40.5”h, very good original condition 400-600 1136. Jens Risom dining table, by Jens Risom Designs, Inc., walnut, square top with rounded corners, exposed stretchers, one 15.75" leaf, 48"sq x 29.5"h, very good original condition 300-500 1137. Jens Risom occasional or console table, walnut, by Jens Risom Designs, Inc., original finish, 36”w x 19”d x 26”h, excellent condition 200-300 199 1138. Jens Risom lounge chairs, pair, walnut frames, upholstered seats, original upholstery, original finish, 30”w x 30”d x 32”h, excellent original condition 600-800 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 200 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 20th Century Art & Design Galleries Treadway Gallery, Inc. 2029 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 (513) 321-6742 Fax: (513) 871-7722 e-mail: John Toomey Gallery, Inc. 818 North Boulevard Oak Park, IL 60301 (708) 383-5234 Fax: (708) 383-4828 e-mail: Arts & Crafts Department John Toomey 708-383-5234 Don Treadway 513-321-6742 Fine Arts Department Joe Stanfield Lucy Toomey 708-383-5234 708-383-5234 Modern Design Department Lisanne Dickson 708-383-5234 Auctioneers Jennifur Condon • Kevin Mannella • Lucy Toomey Directions Accounting Anne Dickinson 708-383-5234 Absentee & Phone Bidding Lucy Toomey 708-383-5234 Shipping Information Colleen Trimarco 708-383-5234 The auction is being held at 818 North Boulevard (not to be confused with North Avenue) in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. By automobile from the East; take I-90/94 to 290 West Eisenhower X-way to Exit 21B, Harlem go north (right) to North Boulevard, take a right to 818 North Boulevard. By automobile from the South; take I-57 or I-55 to I-294 (Tri-State Tollway) continue north until you come to I-290 (Eisenhower xway) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Avenue, go north (left) approximately 10 blocks under viaduct to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. By automobile from the West; take I-80 or the East-West Tollway to I-290 (Eisenhower x-way) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Avenue, go north (left) to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. By automobile from the North; take I-90 East to I-294 South, to I-290 (Eisenhower x-way) go east on I-290 to Exit 21B, Harlem Ave., go north (left) to North Boulevard, take right to 818 North Boulevard. Shipping/Staff Kevin Mannella • Marty Uribe Bob Yuro • Joe Mannella 708-383-5234 Photography Tom Vogel 513-321-6742 Catalog Design • Layout • Production Carrie White • Kate Wilkins • Dave Warren 513-321-6742 Advertising & Website Development Dave Warren 513-321-6742 Treadway Gallery Internet Check our site on the World Wide Web for the latest information: Catalog price - $35.U.S., $45. Foreign Photos: All Rights Reserved ©2012 Treadway Gallery 201 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om TERMS OF SALE: Cash or check with positive I.D. Auctioneer determines the highest bidder and resolves any disputes. All purchases are subject to state tax unless buyer has proof of exemption or merchandise will be shipped out of state, other than Ohio, no exceptions. Buyers premium is 22%, if bidding by phone or absentee directly through the Gallery, if bidding via internet buyers premium is 25%. 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Late Payments/Default Rates and Fees: If any payment is not paid when due or within 10 days thereafter, or if Buyer defaults in its dealings with Treadway/ Toomey Galleries or breaches Buyer’s obligations, Buyer agrees to pay to Treadway/Toomey Galleries all damages and attorneys fees and expenses, together with interest at the highest rate allowed by law or 21 percent per annum. Treadway/Toomey Galleries may impose, and purchaser agrees to pay a monthly storage charge of 1.5 percent of the purchase price as well as a monthly interest charge of 1.5 percent for any lot or item not paid for or removed by purchaser within 10 days of the sale. Treadway/Toomey Galleries shall have no liability for any damage to property left on its premises after the date of sale. In addition, Treadway/Toomey Galleries may charge such damages, costs and expenses to any credit card that Buyer has identified to Treadway/Toomey Galleries and Buyer hereby authorizes Treadway/Toomey Galleries to do so. Delivery to any location other than auction site carries a transportation charge. ••• Please read our guarantee carefully ••• OUR GUARANTEE: We guarantee the authenticity of every item that we sell for 30 days after the auction, except those lots listed as: “in the style of”, “attributed to”, “the school of”, “in the manner of”, or “after”. We are not responsible for errors or omissions in the catalog, or in written or oral condition reports. All measurements are approximate. We make every effort to accurately describe our merchandise, but in the event that errors occur, we cannot be held responsible. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to be well-informed before bidding. We sell clocks, lamps, and all electrical items only for their decorative value. They are not represented to be in working order, but they may be. Bidding in our auctions indicates that you accept these terms and any announced the day of the sale. Shipping costs are non refundable. Ceramics offered in this sale are free of repairs, chips or cracks post production unless noted in the description of each lot. Our term “mint” refers to the object being in the same condition that it was in when originally produced. Sizes are approximate. Crazing, surface scratches, firing lines, bubbles, glaze crawls, stilt marks, firing flaws and base flakes will be noted if we feel that they are objectionable. Many of these flaws may have occurred when made. Most ceramics can be crazed, we generally will not mention it. Many producers have ground the bottom of their vases causing minute chips or flakes. Unless we feel that they are objectionable, they will not be mentioned. Grueby and other makers of carved pots or those with high relief will often have flakes on edges of the leaves or points in high relief, we will only mention anything we feel objectionable and will still consider these pieces to be mint. Clewell is copper-clad and patinated; this patina occasionally has small flakes, we mention any we feel is significant. Some framed tiles or plaques may have chips which are hidden by their frames. We will not be responsible for their disclosure unless we feel it is significant. Some pieces will be dirty or stained, this will usually not be mentioned. In any case, if you are particular about minor flaws, you should examine pieces in person or have our staff answer any questions. Please ask questions before you buy. Furniture has its original hardware and wood unless otherwise noted. Finishes and marks are carefully described. Some original finishes have minor restoration such as added color or a recoating. We will describe to the best of our ability, but it is the buyers responsibility to obtain an in depth description. The wood is oak, unless otherwise stated, and the dimensions are approximate. The furniture is old and over the years has acquired a few dents, drink rings, separations, burns, chips and assorted flaws. We will only mention those that we feel are objectionable. When we describe a piece of furniture as being in “excellent condition”, it generally implies that the finish is original and the structure is in fine shape. A piece that has been totally or partially refinished and is in good structural shape will generally be described as being in “very good condition”. A piece that needs to be refinished or that has a less than stable structural state (i.e. needs gluing, redoweling, etc.) may be generally described as being in “good condition”. The majority of this furniture is ready to be put in the home. Carpets, Rugs and textiles will be described on their overall condition. A piece that is without holes or major wear, but needing minor side or end repair will be described as in excellent condition. Pieces containing reweaves, re-piling or other professional repairs will be described as in very good condition. Pieces with wear or flaws and possibly needing repair will be described as in good condition. Certain pieces are rare in any condition and may be described as good condition regardless of appearance. Lamps will be described based on patina and condition of glass. Leaded lamps may have cracked segments, most will. Some parts may have been replaced through the years, and we will mention it if we feel objectionable. Shades with mica may contain minor flaking or burn spots that will be mentioned if we feel objectionable. Metalwork will be described based on patina and the condition of the object. Dents, scratches, wear and assorted flaws will be mentioned if we feel that they are objectionable. A piece with original patina, free of major dents or scratches usually will be described as in “excellent condition”. Art Glass will sometimes contain air bubbles, surface scratches, lines in the making and chips to the pontil. We will mention anything that we feel to be objectionable. Some glass may be ground at the factory causing minor chips or flakes. We will mention anything we feel to be excessive. Discoloration on the interior is usually present when originally produced and will not be noted unless we feel it is excessive. Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Bronzes. We guarantee objects to be an authentic work by the artist listed. Any and all information listed in the catalog that is not printed in bold type is given to the best of our knowledge, is merely our opinion, and is not guaranteed to be correct or authentic. We make every effort to insure that all artwork is authentic and is represented accurately. If the authenticity of a purchased object is contested, it must be made known to us within 30 days of the sale. 1) A written letter from a noted authority presented to us, declaring the object to be executed by someone other than the artist listed. 2) This authority has no vested interest in the artist's work or the estate of the artist. 3) The object is returned to us in the same condition in which it was purchased. The purchase price will be refunded only; there will be no compensation for damages, loss of profit, professional fees, transportation or any other costs. If you have any questions regarding the condition, we would be happy to provide an opinion of the condition, but all works are sold as viewed. If a work is in obvious need of repair, or has obvious imperfections, we will attempt to note it in the description. If a painting is excessively dirty, we will attempt to note it in the description; however, we do not feel that the normal darkening of varnish over years is problematic, and it will not be noted in the description. If you would like for us to give our opinion regarding whether or not a work needs to be cleaned, please contact us. We believe it is important for you to know the condition of a work before you bid on it. We strongly recommend that you personally inspect potential purchases before the sale, or have your representative inspect it on your behalf. If this is not possible, we urge you to call us for a detailed verbal or written condition report. This report is not a professional conservator's evaluation, but is given to the best of our opinion. 202 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om CONDITION REPORTS: It is the buyer’s sole responsibility to be knowledgeable about the condition of the property before bidding. We are open for preview the week prior to every auction, or by appointment. We encourage you to visit and inspect all lots at this time. If you cannot personally examine items, we encourage you to call, e-mail or fax us your condition report requests prior to the sale. Our staff will give you our opinion of condition, answer any questions, and send photos if necessary. This information is solely our opinion and is not to be relied on as representations or statements of fact. It is the buyer’s responsibility to be aware of all conditions, addendums, and corrections before the sale. Condition Reports for the auction are obtainable by contacting the John Toomey Gallery at 708-383-5234, they would be happy to assist you with detailed reports and photographs. Also, all secondary condition reports are listed on our website at the top of each online catalog page. There is a button that says "Condition Reports" that when clicked on, serves as a link to a lot numbered list of reports. Finally, we do our best to place a condition report with every lot listed on Artfact. PREVIEW: We will have a preview of the items offered in this sale, at the John Toomey Gallery, 818 North Blvd. in Oak Park, on the following dates: Saturday, May 12, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sunday, May 13, 2012 CLOSED, Monday, May 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 16 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday, May 19, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Also open by appointment when available. We're glad to offer an advance preview, usually for six weeks prior to sale date on most of the items in this sale to benefit those traveling through Chicago or for those who may find it inconvenient to preview at our normal times. Call for an appointment if you wish to arrange special viewing or evening viewing and we will try to accommodate you; contact John Toomey or Anne Dickinson at (708) 3835234 in Oak Park. We extend this courtesy to all our clients but request an advance phone call to make arrangements. ESTIMATES: Our price estimates are purely that, an estimate, reflecting the range in which the price may fall. This should give buyers an idea of what they should bid in order to have a good chance of being successful. In some cases the price range may be wider than others, due to the uniqueness of the individual piece. A few items have reserves. We implement them to offer items that may not have been available without them. You will find that few of the pieces offered have reserves. In most instances, the reserves will be less than the low estimate. ABSENTEE BIDS/PHONE BIDS: If you can't attend our sale, it is quite easy to get involved. You can bid over the phone during the sale or leave bids which will be executed by one of our representatives in the audience. When leaving a bid the only disadvantage you have is that you can't advance your bid as you might if you were there in person. Your bids are executed as though you are there in person. We get you into the bidding at the first opportunity to insure your chance of being successful at the lowest price. Because of this, the lot may sell for your highest left bid, but not to you because you were "in" at the previous bid. We respectfully ask that you refrain from calling during the auction to set up phone or leave absentee bids, as we use these lines to make calls to pre-arranged phone bidders. Advance arrangements are crucial to insure your bids will be handled without problems. Note: Please try to send in absentee bids and/or arrangements for phone bidding to us as early as possible. We have a limited number of phone lines available, and they do fill up very quickly, so make arrangements early to insure yourself a line. We cannot guarantee you will get a line if you make arrangements later than 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the Friday prior to the sale. Also, please remember we prefer to avoid phone bidding on items estimated under $500. Be sure absentee bids are given in the correct increments (see chart below). Keep in mind, when tie absentee bids come in, we will honor the first one received. However, absentee bids have an equal chance of being successful as do telephone or in-person bids and in no way take precedence. Again, please mail, fax or phone in absentee bids prior to 5:00 p.m. (EST) on the Friday prior to the sale, as we cannot guarantee execution after this time. If you mail your bids in, to avoid confusion, please do not also fax them (and vice versa). If you wish to confirm that your bids were received, please phone us. If you phone in to make additions to left bids, be sure you mention that you've already left bids. Call Janet Rogers in Cincinnati with any questions concerning absentee bids or phone bidding. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT CALL FOR RESULTS OF SALE THE MONDAY AFTER THE AUCTION. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST YOU AFTER ALL INFORMATION HAS BEEN CHECKED FOR ACCURACY. AUCTION INCREMENTS: We use the following increment multiples at our auctions. When leaving absentee bids, please make sure your bids fall within the proper increments. This is crucial to the success of your bids. If your bid is out of increment, we will drop it down to the closest increment. 0-500 500-1000 1,000-3,000 $25. increment $50. increment $100. increment 3,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000+ $250. increment $500. increment $1000 increment or auctioneer's discretion DELIVERY: We use the safest and most economical methods that we are aware of to deliver purchases. You can obtain estimates for shipping prior to the auction by providing us with a full shipping address and lot(s) you are interested in purchasing. Domestic shipping quote requests must be received three business days prior to the sale; international quote requests must be received five business days prior to the sale. A single piece of furniture shipped within the US will range from $200-600 before insurance; a piece of pottery or glass of average size costs $35-60 before insurance; an average sized framed painting will range from $55-95 before insurance. All furniture delivery quotes are for delivery to a first floor or elevator building. Oversized items can cost significantly more to ship. All items are shipped fully insured, unless the buyer sends a signed waiver. If you have questions about the shipping or delivery cost of any item please inquire. The buyer is free to make his or her own shipping arrangements. Treadway/ Toomey Galleries are not responsible for items that are damaged in any way by shippers. If a problem arises, all claims must be settled between the buyer and the shipper. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We are seeking fine quality consignments for our auctions. We will match or beat anyone's consignment rate for better items. Check with us before going elsewhere; you will be glad you did. We are not limited to our geographic area and can easily arrange shipment of any item. Call or write for a proposal. We are very interested in buying a single piece or any entire collection. Please call us if you have anything to consign or sell. 203 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om INDEX 10k gold - 954 14k gold - 953 1930s - 905 1940s-50s - 966 1950s - 958, 960, 964, 986, 1128, 1129 1960s - 907, 1044, 1098, 1110, 1114 1970s - 979, 1007, 1009 1980s - 972 Aalto, Alvar - 1056 Abercrombie, Gertrude - 699, 700 Acconci, Vito - 819 Adlen, Michel - 619 AE Jones - 371 Aguilar, Hector - 943, 944 Albert, José Juliana - 559 Albright, Adam Emory - 560 Alfred-Louis-Achille Daguet - 450, 451, 453 American stained glass window - 533 Amphora - 449, 458, 467, 480, 481, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 543 Andersen, Just - 1015 Anderson, Dorothy Visju - 596 Anon - 434 Anuszkiewicz, Richard - 709 Appel, Charles P. - 579 Appel, Karel - 815, 825 Arequipa - 159, 264 Armin, Emil - 716 Art Deco - 897, 901, 906, 940, 957 Art Glass & Metal Company - 424 Art Nouveau - 109 Art Pottery - 407, 442, 462 Arte, Fontana - 927 Artist Unknown - 563, 580, 599, 613, 617, 618, 636, 710, 715, 721, 730, 746, 747 Arts & Clay Co. - 373, 375 Arts & Crafts - 96, 105, 119, 120, 247, 308, 321, 323, 340, 356, 358, 361, 362, 376 Audubon, John James, After - 663, 664 Barbi, Tommaso - 982 Barbini, Alfredo - 1033 Barchan, Stera - 635 Barnet, Will - 813 Barovier & Toso - 1040 Barovier, Ercole - 1029 Barye - 444 Batchelder - 169 Bauer, Michael - 837 Baughman, Milo - 1051 Bauhaus style - 890 Baumann, Gustave - 59 Baumann, Karl Herman - 749, 752, 774 Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent - 639 Belgian - 1005 Bellaire, Marc - 1034, 1036, 1037 Bennett, Eugene - 770 Benno, Benjamin G. - 754, 755 Benton, Thomas Hart - 654 Benton, Thomas Hart, In the style of - 692 Berlant, Alexandre - 731 Bertoia, Harry - 996 Bigot - 457 Bisttram, Emil James - 601 Blanke, Marie Elsa - 583, 584 Bohemian - 465 Books - 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Bos, Henk - 634 Boulanger, Graciela Rodo - 717 Bray, Everett Clark - 555 Bregno, Jens Jakob - 604 Bresil, Henri Robert - 741, 742, 743 Breuer, Marcel - 992 Brown, Roger - 805 Brutalist - 1000 Buck, Erik - 1094 Burg, Copeland Charles - 778 Burlini, Alfredo - 1011, 1049 Burr, George Elbert - 645 Burt, Clyde - 862, 863, 864 Butler, Lewis - 993 Cabat, Rose - 853, 859 Califano, John - 574 Camark Pottery - 296, 297, 301, 303, 305 Cameo - 956 Capron, Roger - 915 Carcan, René - 823 Cardin, Pierre - 978 Carries, Jean - 566, 567 Cartier - 946 Casalane, Joseph - 707 Catalina Pottery - 257 Ceramika Wilenska - 433 Chagall, Marc - 719, 802 Chaney, Lester Joseph - 581 Charder - 514, 515 204 May 20, 2012 Chareau, Pierre - 912 Chelsea Keramic - 195, 197 Cherner, Norman - 988 Chiesa, Pietro - 920 Chinese Art Deco - 425 Christo and Jeanne-Claude - 826 Chwat, Molli - 677 Cilfone, Gianni -591 Clapp, William Henry - 658 Clewell - 150, 184, 192, 260 Collett, Noel - 110 Cone, Marvin - 597 Conover, Claude - 852, 856 Couchet, André - 624 Cowan - 398 Creswick, Thomas - 578 Cuevas, Jorge Luis - 675 Dalí, Salvador - 797, 798, 799, 800 Dalpayrat - 479 Danish - 1013, 1058, 1065, 1096, 1097 Danton, Frederic - 537 Daum - 512, 516, 517 Daum, Howard - 760 Daumier, Honoré - 571, 572 Davidson, Morris - 678 Davis, W. Glen - 745 de Cachard, Regis de Bouvier - 729 de Lempicka, Tamara - 662 de Toulouse Lautrec, Henri - 40, 644 Deberdt, Francoise - 816 Dedham Pottery - 153, 253 Degas, Edgar - 652 Dehn, Adolf Arthur - 701, 702 Dehner, Dorothy - 748 Denbac - 460 Denver Pottery - 158 Design Institute of America - 976 Deutch, Eugene - 1019 Dolice, Leon Louie - 622, 623, 625 Domecq, Jean-Louis - 908 Doolittle, Harold L. - 285 Dorsey, William - 291 Dow, Arthur Wesley - 587 Dresser, Julius - 430 Dreyfuss, Henry - 888 Drouot, F. Joseph - 608 Duckworth, Ruth - 1017 Duffaut, Préfète - 791 Dunbar - 1075 Duveneck, Frank - 564 Hurley, E.T. - 78, 127 Eames, Charles & Ray - , 868, 869, 871, 872,873, 874, 875, 877, 882, 887, 1061, 1062 Edouard Colonna - 446 Eliot, Lucy Carter - 726, 727 Emerald - 950 English Arts & Crafts - 335, 368 Ernst, Jimmy - 687, 767 Evans Style Brutalist - 1008 Evans, John - 725 Evans, Paul - 1050 Evans, Paul, Style of -1006 Fabricius, Preben & Jorgen Kastholm - 934 Faidy, Abel - 895 Falkenstein, Claire - 775 Farré, Henri - 633 Faulkner, Henry Lawrence - 735 Ferenczy, Károly - 576 Ferguson, Ken - 860 Ferren, John - 682 Field, Edith - 556 Fiene, Ernest - 691 Fleischer, Max - 1023 Follis, John - 1132 Forbes, Stanhope - 570 Foujita, Léonard Tsuguharu - 834 Fowler, Mel - 788 Frak, Roman - 939, 941 Frankl, Paul - 896 Fraunfelter - 205, 300 Freedman, Maurice - 688 French - 909, 917, 1003 Frenkel-Frenel, Yitzhak - 694 Fulper - 254, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 Fürer, Hans Weber - 607 Gaitis, Yannis - 773 Gallé - 511, 513, 518, 521, 527, 528, 545, 546, 547, 548, 520 Garrison, Eve - 779 Gasslander, Karl - 750 Gaul, Arrah Lee - 585 Gilder, Robert Fletcher - 594 Gillette, W. Dean - 795 Girard, Alexander - 879, 880, 881, 883, 884, 885, 886 Golden, Rolland Harve - 620 Graham, Charles S. - 557 Graillon, Pierre Adrien - 443 Gray, Eileen - 902 Gray, Percy - 586 Green, George D. - 796 Grosfeld House - 980 Grover, Oliver Dennett - 565 Grueby - 154, 176, 387, 395 Gruppe, Carl - 606 Gualdoni, Angelina - 841 Hake, Otto Eugene - 609 Hamaguchi, Yozo - 832 Hammerman, Pat - 809 Hampton, Phillip Jewell - 785 Handel - 39, 121, 287, 428 Hansen - 997 Hartford Faience - 372 Heino, Vivika and Otto - 850, 851 Heintz - 290, 292, 341, 342, 343 Heliosine - 454, 459 Hellweg, Dolly - 631 Henningsen, Poul - 929, 935, 1059, 1060 Hiratsuka, Yugi - 829, 830 Hiroshige, Utagawa - 473 Holty, Carl Robert - 759 Hopi Kachina - 41 Hull, Richard - 787 Hutton, William - 365 Icart, Louis - 667, 668, 669, 670 International Silver - 889 Ipsen, Peter - 1018 Italian - 1004 Jackson, Lorin - 977 Jacobsen, Arne - 1055 Jalk, Grete - 937 Janco, Marcel - 828 Janoska - 708 Jarvie - 164, 288 Jaszay, Gabor - 558 Jenkins, Paul - 782 Jennings Brothers - 106 Jensen, Georg - 475, 928, 930 Jeré, C. - 1035, 1130 Jeré, C., Style of - 1125 Joffe, Chantal - 844 Johnson Furniture Co. - 1047 Jones, Dennis - 1025 Kagan, Vladimir - 1043, 1045, 1053 Kahn, Wolf - 820 Kalo - 191, 426, 427 Kane, Herb Kawainui - 718 Kann, Frederick I. - 757 Kayserzinn - 452 Keal, John - 1133 Keane, Margaret - 704 Kennedy, John William - 768 Kenton Hills - 87 Kepenyes, Pal - 1022 Kinetic - 955 Kipniss, Robert - 683, 684 Kjaerholm, Poul - 932 Klein, Auguste - 952 Klein, Medard P. - 763, 766 Klimt, Gustav - 472, 474, 476, 477, 478 Knoll, Florence - 989, 998 Koen, Irma Rene - 690 Kofod-Larsen, Ib - 933, 1095 Kollwitz, Käthe - 650, 651 Komfort - 1063 Kotz, Daniel - 595 Kuramata, Shiro - 968 Lakeside Craft Shops - 284 Landowski, Paul Maximilien - 448 Larche, Raoul - 482 Laurel - 995 LaVerne, Philip & Kelvin - 981, 985 Lebolt - 310 Lee-Smith, Hughie - 621 Léger, Fernand - 666 Leighton, Lord Frederic, After - 554 Lenox - 407 Levanon, Mordechai -685 Lever, Richard Hayley - 632 Leyendecker, Joseph Christian - 605 Liberty & Co. - 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 364, 366, 367 Lichtenstein, Roy - 818 Lightolier - 1048 Limbert - 167, 286, 306, 307, 320, 322, 324 Loetz - 463, 464, 466, 468, 469, 470, 492 Loewy, Raymond - 1030 Longo, Robert - 821 Lopez, Juan Luis - 672 Los Castillo - 1010 Louis Sullivan - 418 Lovejoy, Rupert Scott - 590 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om INDEX Lovet-Lorski, Boris - 751 LoyNel - 234 Lubbers, Adriaan - 659, 661 Lurelle Guild - 892 Luxfer - 412, 413, 414 MacMonnies, Frederick William, After - 598 Malfroy, Charles - 573 Mallet-Stevens, Robert - 899 Manet, Edouard - 647, 648, 649 Marblehead - 66, 67, 68, 156, 174, 175, 177, 189, 386, 388, 389, 394, 396 Marsh, Reginald - 643 Martínez, Alfredo Ramos - 676 Martz - 1134 Massier - 441 Massier, Clement - 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544 Masson, André - 808, 810 Mathsson, Bruno - 1057 Mayhew, Richard - 686 McCobb, Paul - 1119, 1120, 1121, 1124, 1126 McIntosh, Harrison - 855, 857 McKenzie, Lucy - 843 Meierhans, Joseph - 790, 792, 794 Memphis Style - 974 Merrimac - 165, 293 Meyerowitz, William - 679 Midcentury - 948, 949, 1031, 1135 Milian, Raul - 673 Miller, Henry - 814 Miller, Herman - 878 Minton Hollins & Co. - 444 Miró, Joan - 803 Modernist - 999, 1012 Mogensen, Borge - 931 Monahan, Matthew - 836, 838 Moorcroft - 400, 404 Mora, Enrique Monis - 637 Moran, Thomas - 653 Morang, Alfred Gwynne - 744 Moretti, Franco - 1039 Moser, James Henry - 577 Mouille, Serge - 913 Muntean & Rosenblum - 842 Murano - 1038, 1122 Murginski, David - 638 Nadelman, Elie, After - 610 Nakashima, George - 916 Natkin, Robert - 824 Natzler - 845, 846, 847, 848, 849 Nelson, George - 865, 866, 870, 876 Nelson, Leonard - 696 Nesch, Rolf - 801 Newcomb College - 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 193, 194, 196, 198, 261, 265, 334, 336 Niloak Missionware - 256, 259 Norse - 392, 393 North Dakota School of Mines - 152, 155, 255 Ofili, Chris - 839 Ohr, George - 338, 339 Ohrstrom, Edvin - 1028 Old Hickory style - 357 Ostervig, Kurt - 1091 Overbeck - 212 Owens Utopian - 203 Oyelami, Muraina - 705 P. Ipson - 440 Packard, David Crissy - 784 Pairpoint - 289 Palmer, Pauline - 627 Pannier Brothers - 437, 461 Panton, Verner - 969 Parigi & Prina - 967 Paris, Harold Persico - 714 Parisi, Ico & Luisa - 918 Parke Edwards - 163 Parzinger, Tommi - 903 Paulin, Pierre - 971 Pauline Pottery - 390 Pearson, Ralph M. - 655 Pearson, Ronald - 963 Perkins, Granville - 561 Perriand, Charlotte - 911 Perriand, Charlotte & Jean Prouvé - 910 Pescina, Aurelio - 674 Peterson, Jane - 626 Pewabic - 251, 263, 266, 267, 268 Pianon, Alessandro - 983 Picasso, Pablo - 807 Pierrefonds - 431 Pietro Paulo Caproni - 35, 36, 37 Pineda, Antonio - 947 Piron, E. - 602 Pokrasso, Ron - 827 Ponti, Gio - 922 Poor, Henry Varnum - 697 Poschinger - 471 205 May 20, 2012 Powell, Alyda - 783 Prestopino, Gregorio - 711 Priebe, Karl - 703 Probber, Harvey - 1117 Pumphrey, Bert - 776 Quezal - 531 Quistgaard, Jens - 938 Rambervillers - 438 Raphael, Joseph - 616 Rapien, Ralph - 693 Red Mesa - 42 Reddy, Krishna - 728 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste - 642 Reynolds, George Westfall - 738 Richards, William Trost - 568 Richmond, Oliffe - 706 Riis-Antonsen - 1064 Risom, Jens - 1127, 1131, 1136, 1137, 1138 Rivers, Larry - 817 RK Parker - 904 Robsjohn-Gibbings, T.H. - 1108, 1109, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1118 Rodin, Auguste - 640 Rodin, Auguste, After - 646 Roecker, Henry Leon - 593 Roeth, Winston - 793 Rohlfs, Charles - 294 Rojas, Clare - 840 Rookwood - 63, 64, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 172, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 397, 399, 401, 405, 406 Rorstrand - 456, 1016 Rosenborg, Ralph M. - 680, 681 Rosin, Loredano - 1032 Royal Doulton - 403 Roycroft - 148, 149, 166, 190, 280, 281, 283, 309 Royère, Jean - 914 Rozane - 114, 117, 202, 238 Rubin, Reuven - 582 Saarinen, Eero - 987, 990 Saarinen, Eliel - 898 Saito, Kiyoshi - 665 Salmones, Victor - 1115 San Polo - 919 Scarlett, Rolph - 761, 762, 764, 765 Scarpa, Afra and Tobia - 1046, 1054 Schoen, Eugene - 893 Schultz, Richard - 1105, 1106 Schwartz, Carl - 753 Schwartz, William Samuel - 641 Segal, George - 698 Sennhauser, John - 740 Serra y Auque, Enrique - 562 Sevres - 432, 435, 445 Shaw, Charles Green - 758, 769 Shop of the Crafters - 98, 374 Shopen, Kenneth - 777 Shulz, Ada Walter - 588 Simon, Isabel - 1001 Sinaï, Samuel - 722 Sitzman, Edward R. - 592 Skarbina, Franz - 38 Smith, Lowell Ellsworth - 723 Smith, Maitland - 1024 Smith, Paul Kauvar - 732, 734, 736, 737 Smith, Peggy - 812 Smythe, Willard Grayson - 780, 781 Soleri, Paolo - 973 Sonneman - 1042 Sorman, Steven - 804 Sottsass, Ettore - 924 Sovetski, Bunni - 1021 Springer, Karl - 984, 1052 Starck, Philippe - 970 Stella, Joseph - 603 Sterling, Marc - 615 Steuben - 483, 532, 534 Stevens, William Dodge - 611 Stickley Brothers - 101, 355, 359, 360 Stickley, Charles - 99 Stickley, Gustav - 1 thru 34, 60, 61, 62, 69, 70, 81, 83, 84, 100, 122, 132, 133, 186, 214, 215, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 317, 318, 319 Stickley, L & JG - 80, 82, 97, 185, 216, 217, 218, 252 Stoëbel, Edgar - 713 Stonehouse, Fred - 724 Strong, Brett-Livingstone - 900 Studio 65 - 975 Survage, Léopold - 739 Swastika Keramos - 299, 302 Szrejer, Seweryn - 630 Takaezu, Toshiko - 854 Takamori, Akio - 861 Teague, Walter Dorwin - 891 Teco - 103, 104, 160, 161, 162, 258, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333 Tempestini, Mario - 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102 The Art Crafts Shop - 282 The Collector’s Guild Limited - 656 Thompson, Robert - 363 Tiffany & Co. - 488, 951, 962 Tiffany Furnaces - 488, 491 Tiffany Studios - 102, 486, 487, 489, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 522, 523, 524, 525, 535, 536, 550, 552, 553 Tiffany, L.C. - 484, 485, 490, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 526, 549, 551 Tivey, Hap - 786 Trautmann, George H. - 370 Tropico Potteries - 151 Tsu, Keiko Nelson - 833 Tura, Aldo - 921 Turkoman - 429 Turner, Robert - 858 Tuxedo set - 961 Ulreich, Eduard Buk - 689 Ulrich, Guglielmo - 926 Umanoff, Arthur - 1103 Van Briggle - 135, 136, 137, 138, 157, 168, 170, 171, 173, 187, 188, 262, 311 van den Berg, Willem - 600 van Vreeland, Francis William - 575 Varsano - 942 Vasa - 1026 Vasarely, Victor - 811 Vedel, Kristian - 1014 Venini - 1027, 1041 Vernon Kilns - 402 Versen, Kurt - 991 Villeroy & Boch - 462 Villon, Jacques - 806 Vintage - 936, 945, 959, 965 Vodder, Arne - 1090, 1092 Volkmar, Charles - 199 von Duren, Terence Romaine - 614 von Krahl, Joseph - 569 Von Nessen, Walter - 994 Walkowitz, Abraham - 612 Wall, Leon - 771, 772 Wall, Vivian - 712 Walley - 337 Warhol, Andy - 789 Webb, Thomas & Sons - 519 Wegner, Hans - 1089 Weinberg, Frederick - 894 Weisenborn, Rudolph - 720 Weisenborn, Rudolph - 756 Weller - 115, 116, 118, 200, 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 295, 298, 304 Westnofa - 1093 Wheatley Pottery - 276, 391 Widdicomb, John - 1002 Wiener Kunstmacher Keramik Werkstatte - 436 Wilhelm Schiller - 447, 455 WMF - 369 Woodard, Russell - 1104, 1107 Wormley, Edward - 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088 Wostry, Carlo - 629 Wou-Ki, Zao - 831 Wright, Frank Lloyd - 408, 409, 410, 411, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423 Wright, Russel - 1020, 1123 Wyeth, James Browning “Jamie” - 822 Yampolsky, Mariana - 660 Yanagi, Sori - 867 Yates, Cullen - 589 Yeckley, Norman Henry - 628 Ying, Pang Tseng - 835 Yoshida, Hiroshi - 657 Zanuso, Marco - 925 Zoncada, Giovanni (Nino) - 923 Zorach, William - 695 Zsolnay - 439, 529, 530 Zuniga, Francisco - 671 Zupan, Bruno - 733 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 206 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 207 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 208 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 209 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om 210 w w w . tr e ad w ay g a l l ery .c om
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