Issue 55 -


Issue 55 -
leature $t0ri0$: Ulhat'$ In lt l0r
ilelnn ilash0s lor llasho$nnr
ltound Iile Brancfiessuns
President's Report
TFIE festive season has once again visited and I trust that all
had an enjoyable time with family and friends. I wish all
members, wives, families and friends a heaithy and prosperous NewYear. It is at this time of year when we reflect on the
past on ponder on the future. You will read in this newsletter
items relating to health issues. It is important that we consider our health and make the effort to ensure that we will be
able to continue our lives comfortably. I have recently undergone several check-ups, not because there was any problem,
but to ensure that I can continue the lifestyle that I enjoy'
Please be aware of health issues and make sure that you take
the time for regular check-uPs.
The year past has been a wonderful period for our
Association. Starting with the inaugural Brisbane March
in February, AnzacDay celebrations, the announcement of
the National Service Medal, 50 year celebrations through-
out the State, Remembrance Day Services, Medal
Application sign-on days and the Christmas celebrations
and the numerous social activities.
The Queensland Association continues to grow very
quickly. 249 new members processed at the January 2002
meeting. Renewals have been coming very well and I
thank the executives at many Branches for their dedicated
efforts on membership. The financial position of the
Association is very solid. This has been helped by the
unselfishness of Branch members who have helped out at
every opportunlty.
have expressed their
management teams
approval of both the State and
by this overwhelming show of support and I must thank
the many members who have being giving of their total
commitment to getting the work done' The medal sign-on
has created an additional workload but several members
have put in and helped get the work done. Well done.
It is pleasing that many members
am looking forward to receiving my medal and I am
I am' Wear
sure that most of our members are as excited as
March but
wish all other celebrations throughout
Queensland every success.
A member of our executive inquired if any Nasho lost
their house in the recent NSW bushfires' Fortunately
they have not heard of any Nasho losing possessions in
these fires. Our thoughts go out to those who have suffered from these fires but our thanks and praise must go
to those who helped fight those fires. Please support
your local brigade.
Involvement, be it in fighting fires, being a State or
Branch Executive or just turning up for a social occasion
brings rewards. I ask all members and their wives to GET
INVOLVED and make this a great year.
Colin Bell. President
Padrets Corner
We need assistance in this area. Colin
Cooke is continuing on in this position until we are able to flllthe posi-
tion. Extra business interests has
placed pressure on Colin in continuing on in this role' Contact Colin Bell
0417 287 490 (3285 4232 alh) or
Colin Cooke 5537 5824 alh.
AFTER all the Nasho activities in 2001, this year might
appear to be shaping up a little QUIETER. However, one
never knows!
My Nasho Calendar has some "bookings" abeady, viz
the annual Nasho, ANZAC and Remembrance Days; the
Kingaroy Reunion; and the Dedication of the Caboolture
Branch Memorial in August. I must try to attend more
Brisbane East Branch meetings, too.
So, to all members, a happy and meaningful2002.
(Isaiah 30 v15)
Merchandise With 25 branches
and an increased
membershiP our State Merchandise
LestWe Forget...
Officer requires assistantance. It
involves visiting the State Office on
one day a week to assemble orders
and mail them out. Contact Ken
Johnson 3395 2041 a/h or Len
Matthews 3205 8614
Office Assistants With the increased interest in membership we need further assistance
at our office. Answering telephones,
laminating membershiP cards and
general office assistance. Contact
John Brosnan 3254 2455 (3359
8909 a/h)
State Management
Colin Beli
Mark B Cash
Len Matthews
Colin Cooke (Acting)
Welfare Officer:
John Lofthouse
Merchandise lvlanager:
Newsletter Editor:
Gordon Tong
Office Manager:
John Brosnan
Media Officer:
Allen Callaghan
Committee Members:
Brian Ward
Southern Cross and a cog, representing the co-oper-
3285 4232
3889 1993 Fax
4694 0039 A/H
0407 774 775
ation between the Australian Defence force and the
Australian community.
The medal's ribbon colours include white, green
and light blue - representing the then colours of the
Navy, Army and Air Force - yellow and dark blue
which were Australia's national colours of the time
and an outer ochre strip signifying the soil of Australia.
3205 8674
3205 7I49 Fax
Official NSAA
5537 5824 A/H
5572 8848 P/F
3395 2O4I AIH
3284 8527 A/H
3284 8557 Fax
3359 8909
3396 3369
Alex Garlin
Ray Lower
Kevin Bloxsom
Colin Cooke
3424 6450
5571' 0745
5447 6697
4922 8105
5537 5824 AIH
3254 2455
Nigel Sutton
3886 656r
Membership Enquires:
Display Officer:
The Anniversary of National Service 1951-1972
Medal features an emblem representing the Navy,
Army and Air Force below the Federation Star,
surrounded by the words "Anniversary of National
Service 1951-1972". The reverse side features the
3409 7404
Dr Noel Wallis
B.D. MTh. DTh. 3409 2406Fax
John Burgess
Qld State Fresident RSL
Head Office:
42 Oxlade Drive, New Farm, QLD 4005
Phone: 3254 2455 Fax: 3358 6366
9:30am to 2:00pm
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
All Correspondence to:
P.O. Box 944
New Farm, Qld 4005
Beret Badge
Coffee Mugs
$ 9.00
Lapel Badges
Nasho Port
Nasho Necktie
Pocket Patch
$ e.oo
Polo Shirt
$s t.oo
Chambray Shirt
(Long & Short Sleeve)
Wall Plaques
Stubby Holders
Wacol Stubby
$ 3.oo
Wacol Videos
Number Plate Covers
Silver Hat/Beret Badge
50 Year Videos
Plus postage and Handling
National Servicemen's
RSL Sub Branch
National Senricements Sub Branch
3341 8910
3341 8905 Fax
Theo Morrow
Welfare Officer
Owen Williams
3901 6500
3273 4297
The material contained in this publication is in the nature of general comment only, and neither purports, nor is intended, to be advice on any
particular matter. Readers should not act or rely upon any matter or information contained or implied by this publication, without taking appropriate professional advice which relates specifically to their particular circumstances. The publishers and authors expressly disclaim all and
iny tiiUltity to any person whether an Association member or not, who acts or fails to act as a consequence of reliance upon the whole or part
of the pubiication. Views expressed in any Editorial may not necessarily be those views held by the Management Committee.
was enjoyed
THE outing to Hervey Bay during October
by all. lt was u u"'v""1u*:9
South Burnett' Sunshine Coast'
;:"il ",,."Ji"g ir6m
East and
[riJu"""'il"tirt, grisban" South' Brisbane
n"J"fiit". Several NuJot
;;;; j& with the tourers tourers to turn up atthe 5local
ual. It was pleastng lor the
the local Nashos
RSL on Saturday morning to support
Touring Club
i*,tt"ii raffle at the Rsl bluU' newspaper and
from this
tt ttt" local
serveral new member
the HerveY BaY Branch
at the Pointvernon Caravan Park and
recommend this to any
and the security
is very tidy, the urn""L'i"t u'" u"ry clean
April Sth to
Just phone
your booking for
direct to the Caravan Park anJ make
cabins are alwavs
relax in a
but iust outside of Tenterfield' Rest andDam'
on the e-dge
pleasant bushland ,",ting
gg6 t and enioyable company' Day
is great. Hire boats
g"liWin"ties' Giraween ani Bald Rock National
trips to the Granite
February 23 to-March 3'
Parks.Apple a Cr"p"l"'iival time'is
' Phone 6Z ent 5266 'Brian &
Glenlyon Dam Tourist
and Cabins
O"UUi. Dare. Powered/Unpowered Sites
are provided
Details of events
To coincide witn fingaroy 2002 reunion'
in another article.
Caravan. Park - Phone 4 | 62 | 808
to lTth
August lst to l2th
June 7th
Basic Cabins'Tent Sites'
Powered/unPowered Siies' Ensuite or
General Outing.
the next issue.
Coincide with the
Mackoy Region
it lvvs
2OO3 tvrsL^qr
"-", To
Eorly August
on3285 4237
"^^' on 5443 9976 ot Colin Bell
please phone Norm Spencer
For any enquiries
T" n""noTouring
ProPosed Galendar for 2OO2:
Februory f 5th to 25th GlenlYon Dam
of the Touring Club is frle
club enioying life
The Atomic Test Program RePort
THE Inquiry being hetd in Canberra for the Atomic
Test Participants is now into its first 6 months of meetings which ended for the year on the 26th November
2001. The next meeting will be late February 2002-
At the morning tea break, I
was chatting with the
Chairman of the Inquiry, M. Bill Maxwell and I mentioned
that there was a rumour floating around that this inquiry
could take 5 years to conclude. His response was that it
will go as long as it takes to get a result. He also mentioned
that DVA currently have 11 other inquiries on the go at this
present time. He mentioned them all. Update Korean War,
the Malaysian Conflict, update on theVietnamWar, for the
Navy on contaminated water on board our ships, the Fl11
Descal-Reseal Fuel Tanks, the Gulf War, The Atomic Test
Program, the others I can't remember.
I now have checked out the entire national membership
Servicemen's Association, looking for
National Servicemen involved in these tests. To this date
we have 7 Queensland RAAF National Servicemen listed
on the Nominal Roll, 1 Queensland Navy Nasho, 4 NSW
Navy Nashos and 4 Victorian Navy Nashos all confirmed
on the DVA Nominal Roll that were participants in these
tests. Now I know there are hundreds more Navy Nashos
that were involved in these tests. If you should know of
any ex-service persons living or deceased, the Atomic
Association or myself would like to know. Ring Teny
Toon, National Secretary of the Atomic Association on
of the National
3355 9308.
An Inquiry in 1983 called the Donovan Report, identified that there were 1173 RAAF Personnel working at
Amberley, but it is not likely that all of these people were
working on contaminated aircraft. But the strangest thing
I wonder
if Mr Donovan knows where they are and of course that's
what got me interested in all this in the first place. I was
has happened the documents have gone missing.
acting on a rumour at a reunion at Amberley 6 or 7 years
ago about contaminated aircraft that were supposed to be
at Amberley in 1952.I then wrote to RAAF Records in
told that all work related records
were only kept for 7 years then destroyed. I have since
found out that this was not quite true.
Queanbeyan and was
The DVA Nominal Roll contains 16,716 names of ADF
members and civilians. Now I know you will find this hard
to believe, but every person entering the site at Maralinga
had to sign on a Register. You could not have people wandering all over a test site where they were about to detonate some of the largest Atomic Bombs ever produced, so
tight security was imperative. Yes, you guessed it, those
records are also missing. Is there someone that goes
around collecting Atomic Test Reports or does this happen
all the time? Are you missing any records? If this was not
a serious matter, it would he hilarious.
Some good news from the last Atomic Forum meeting
in Canberra. DVA have agreed thal a pafiicipant of these
tests, suffering from Nuclear Radioactivity or other contaminants can now apply through the Military
Compensation Rehabilitation Scheme. But wait for it.
There is a form you have to fill out first and that form
can be sent to you, if you ring, for the cost of a local call
1300 550 461. The call will automatically connect you to
the nearest MCRS offrce. Once your approval is gained
you can then be treated.
Ray Spring
National Servicemen's Day Celebrations
Phone 3342 8910
- Brisbane
Assembly Point: Park bounded by Queen, George and Adelaide Streets and North Quay
Assembly Time: 0900 hours for Step off at 1030 hours
Salute Taken bv: The Governor General, Dr Peter Hollingsworth
Refreshments and lunch at the Irish Club, Elizabeth Street, Bribane
Bistro menu and drinks at club prices (room for 800 people)
Train Times
0glg hrs
0816 hrs
0809 hrs
0810 hrs
Ferny Grove 0g33
Times are only indicative
- please check with Queensland
'ra II E II E A R'r t
THE tripte bypass operation I had cost an estimated
$65,000 in surgeons, operating theatre costs, complex
equipment to keep me alive during the procedure and
dedicated post-operative care at Brisbane's excellent
Prince Charles Hospital.
Imagine my surprise to find that the best aids for my
recovery cost $20 - for a two-metre length of knotted rope,
a pillow and one bottle of Isocol rubbing alcohol.
I couldn't believe it when the nurse tied the rope to the
end of the bed and handed me the free end. However, as all
by-pass patients know, it's the key to your independence as
your breastbone, that literally has been cut in half, begins
You use the rope to haul yourself up in bed or to turn
over, accompanied by a chorus of groans and muffled
oaths as you find how much you rely on your breastbone
for leverage.
The pillow is to cuddle, to prop you up as you try to lie
on your side or when you are being driven in the car to
keep the seat belt away from your chest.
The Isocol is to get rid of the sticky backing of what
looks like a huge transparent piece of sticky tape they put
over your very neat wound running from your neck to your
Whatever the discomfort and pain, it passes, unlike the
angina, fatigue and shortness of breath I had that
inevitably would have culminated in a heart attack.
The surgeons had repaired my heart giving me a new
lease of life. My mother died in 1953 when I was 13
because there was no way then to replace her heart valves
damaged by rheumatic fever when she was a girl.
An angiogram - in which a catheter is inserted into the
heart via the femoral artery in the groin and dye pumped
in - showed that of the three veins that feed the heart muscle, one was completely blocked, one had a307o blockage
with an 807o blockage in a side branch and one was seriously narrowed.
In the operation, the surgeons took one of the two arteries in my right arm (I am left-handed), the two mafirmary
arteries in the chest and part of a vein from my leg to insert
loops around the blockages to restore the blood flow'
My heart is fine and I am walking 2k;rn a day, but like
any broken bone or major wound, the breastbone and
stitches take about two months to heal.
Anyone who's had a major operation knows the first week
is the worst.
When I woke up, I found an intensive care nurse sitting
at the end of the bed day and night. I had tubes down my
throat, a drip in the side of my neck, another in my arm,
drainage tubes out of my chest, two fine wires leading to a
pacemaker, a catheter in my bladder and my chest was
wired up to an electro-cardiograph.
Although I felt panicky at first about the tubes down
my throat,
made myself feel calm and as the nurse
"" #'.i:-",1'f,1tHi#3:":*#""
promised, these came out once I was wide-awake and my
breathing was stable.
The next day, still wearing most of the equipment, I
was gotten out of bed to sit on a chair and then for a short
walk. Who would credit that only the previous day my
heart had been stopped while surgeons worked on it?
The worst part was trying to sleep which was almost
impossible due to all the equipment and the pain. Sleep
deprivation and the after-effects of the anaesthetic are very
fatiguing and often lead to hallucinations or, in my case,
with an obsessive dream that would pick up like a serial
when I finally fell into an exhausted doze. You are connected to a special painkiller administered through your
drip and controlled by a button you push at will. The doctors and nurses are critical of heroes who think they can
get through without it.
On the third day, blessed relief as most of the equipment
was taken off or pulled out. It was extremely unpleasant but
the expert nurses are kind, quick and effrcient.
The worst part in fact was getting the sticky tape off
and even though I had had a complete body shave and was
as bare as the day I was born, the hair had started to
regrow. Women who wax for beauty deserve a medal.
About the fourth night my heart-rate suddenly zoomed
to 200 beats a minute but sister reassured me this was common and the doctor prescribed two tablets that brought it
back to normal.
Then came the vampires and drill sergeants.
The vampires needed daily blood tests and although
very efficient, my veins got a thorough workout. The physiotherapists came in assorted sizes and sexes but were as
heartless as our Nasho PT instructors in making us get out
of bed, walk and to do exercises. We groused, but it was
to still be vertical and every
step was an
Six weeks on, I feel fine; my breastbone is healing well
I'm regaining condition.
I have detailed my experience for those who may need
heart surgery to make two main points:
1. It's not an operation to be taken lightly, but the care
I received from the Prince Charles Hospital was
wonderful and the procedure today is almost routine
with a very high recovery rate
2. Best of all is to try to ensure you don't need the
operation at all.
The causes of heart disease are smoking, obesity, eating fatty foods and not exercising.
Anyone still smoking at our age is a fool.
Fatty foods line the inside of the arteries until they
become blocked, leading to angina pain and eventually a
hearl attack. There are low-fat alternatives available in
meats, dairy products and other foods.
Overweight is easily cured by walking at a moderate
pace 20 minutes a day.
We used to hate our PT instructors, but they are preferable to surgeons any day.
THIS is a question that fre-
by Roy Spring
prospective member and the answer
is a difficult
one. It may not mean that the prospective member is
looking for a monitory gain, but in a more meaningful way as to how it can help him. We should
take more time in explaining what's in it for him, to
make him feel more comfortable and to retain him
as a member of the National
There were other questions fired from the floor
with no positive response. But there was one question about hearing impairments from 303 Rifle
shooting and his answer was that we were all given
a hearing test when we were discharged.
Now my records show I enteredAmberley on the
10th March 1952. I was transferred to the RAAF
Reserve on 2nd September 1952 and finally discharged 30th June 1960.
Traditionally Australians like to help one another. Not only in floods or fires or droughts, but generally when the chips are down they will help those
in need and within the ex-service community tradition seems to be more outstanding. Amongst individuals and one of those outstanding individuals
was John Seymour, who passed away late last year.
John never ever complained about the amount of
work that he had to do. He would go to the Nasho
office religiously every Wednesday to bring the
Nasho membership up to date and what he could not
do on that day, he would simply take it home and
finish it at home.
John will be sadly missed by his family and his
Nasho mates. Goodbye old mate.
Lest We Forget
For many years I have written reports in Nasho
News and those reports were just general information on what has happened or what is about to happen within the Nasho Association. Also over the last
five years, keeping you up to date with what's happening within the Nasho RSL Sub Branch and in
more recent times with the formation of the Nasho
Branch of the RAAF Association.
Now if you could take some time to write me a
letter, I have some questions that maybe you can
answer and I will try to explain as we go along.
The point I am making is that I had no medical
check or hearing test on the Znd September 1952. I
was discharged 8 years later and only got this information 41 years later. Also when we had rifle shoot-
ing we were not issued with any earplugs or earmuffs and as my mustering was an Engine Fitter 2F,,
Nashos frequently got flights on Lincolns and there
were 3 requirements as I recall. One was to have
permission from your Sergeant or the boss of the
section, two was to have permission from the
Skipper of the flight and three was you had to have
a parachute, but no ear muffs or radio head sets or
protection was issued.
Because I have worked all my life in the building
industry, there would be no way in the world that I
could claim on a hearing disability caused by my
Nasho training but you many be different. What I
would like to know -
1. Do you suffer from a hearing impairment?
2. Do you believe that your National Service
activities could have contributed to your hearing impairment?
3. Do you recall having
4. Did you have
a medical test when you were
formally discharged or finished your CMF
About 4 years ago, the Caboolture Branch of the
Nasho Association invited a speaker from the
Military Compensation Board to give us a talk on
what, if any, entitlements National Servicemen
might have. There seems to be very little to no benefits for us although he did say that if you had
received an injury or an illness while serving your
time as a National Serviceman and you may be still
suffering or partially disabled through the injury or
illness, you would be entitled to claim on the
M.C.R.S. scheme.
a hearing test and
how was that applied?
5. Have you been in an industry where
hearing could have been impaired?
I would like to know your thoughts on these matif you are interested. I certainly am. So drop me
a line to Post Office Box 100, Underwood, Qld
4119. Bearing in mind, this may lead to nothing at
all but who knows, there are other things that have
happened that we believed were never possible. I
believe everything is worth following up.
2nd,3rd and 4th August 2002
The NASHO State Conference
Reunion/Get together
will be held at Caboolture on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of August
and will commence on the Friday with a lawn bowls
competition (for the bowlers) starting at 1000 hrs.
Branches are asked to form teams of four. Entry fee of
$12.00 per head. This includes green fees and morning
teas. Lunch break at 1230 hrs - start again at 1330 hrs to
finish at 1525 hrs for presentation and refreshments. The
competition will be run on our behalf by and at the
Caboolture Memorial Bowls Club in King St, near the
water tower. It is an inter-branch competition and if a
Branch is unable to field a complete team of 4 then let
us know and we will assist. So don't miss out. Lunch
will be available for wives, partners and non-players for
$7.00 per head. Our contact for bowls is Noel McEwan
-phone 07 5496 6739.
For the golfers: A 9-hole competition is organised at
Pine Rivers Golf Club at $20.00 per head, 1000 hrs or
earlier start to be run by that club for either of these
competitions we require registration by 31st May 2002.
Use the enclosed registration form and send together
with the fees to the Secretary, Alex Nunn, PO Box 674,
Caboolture Qld 4510.
Registration for the Conference starts at 1500 hrs
at the RSL Club. Friday night meet and greet will be
held at the Caboolture Memorial hall in King St starting
at 1800 hrs. Hot finger food will be supplied and drinks
are to be paid at discounted prices.
Saturday 3rd August: Registrations and meetings at
the RSL Club from 0830 hrs. All business sessions will be
at the Club. AM and PM smokos will be available at no
cost. Lunch will be available at the Club Bistro at moder-
ate prices. The Banksia Room on the first floor will be
ours for the day and when business is over at approx 1600
hrs the Club will put on finger food and the bar will
open.(Liquid refreshments at your own expense). During
the day a bus trip will be organised for our partners and
anyone not attending the business sessions. The cost of
the bus trip will be$7.00 per head and will include afternoon tea. Saturday night 1830 hrs a Dinner Dance and
entertainment will be held at the Morayfield Hall.
Entrance fee $22.00 per head which will include a three
course meal and entertainment (pay for drinks). Buses
will be available from motels etc to the hall and return.
Sunday 4th August: Bus
trip to the Nashos
Memorial Park at Wamuran. A march is organised and
our monument will be dedicated and a service held. We
are asking the army (13 FD regt) from Caboolture to put
on a demonstration of their field guns. Then a barbecue
lunch in the park with the necessary drinks and good
Nasho fellowship and we can think about heading for
home after a fantastic weekend. Please complete your
registration forms and send money as soon as you can as
time is running out fast. Members are asked to attend to
their own accommodation. A list is provided. Any
queries to the Secretary or Joe Petersen on 3888 2994 or
fax 5484 7323.
Joe Petersen - Convener 2002 State Conference
Recommended Accomodation
(Special Rates
Caboolture Motel, 4 Lower King Street, Caboolture
(5 min walk to RSL). Phone/fax 07 5495 2888.
Silvershores Caravan Park, Bribie Island Rd, Sandstone
Point. Phone 07 5491 5566. Fax 07 5429 5678.
Australian Ueterans and
Defence Service Gouncil
The Australian Veterans and Defence Service Council is a
national body based in Sydney with the Queensland office
located at Suite 503, 5th Floor, 184 - 2I0 Queen Street
Mall, Brisbane. The National Servicemen's Association of
Aust (Qld) Inc are members. Meetings are held on the 3rd
Thursday of each month starting at 10am at DVA, Eagle
Street, Brisbane. This Council is for Associations only and
not individual membership. I am Vice President of the
Council and both Barry Jack and myself represent the
National Servicemen's Association or Aust (Qld) Inc at the
meetings. One of their prime roles is as a watch dog on the
media reports that are issued to the veteran community by
DVA to make sure that there will be no adjustments to the
veteran community that will down grade their benefits.
They also look after the veteran community that don't have
any DVA benefits, like you and me and take our claims
through the Military Compensation Rehabilitation
Scheme. 2001 was a very busy year for AVAD members
and I look forward to the challenses in 2002.
Ray Spring
rnHE first of the new Australian National Service EARLIER ASSEMBLY TIME
|- Medals will be presented during the National The assembly time for the march has been brought forService Day parade and service in Brisbane on ward to 9 a.m. and the parade will step off at 10:30 a.m.
They will be received by the next of kin of National
Servicemen killed on active service.
Of them, 184 were killed inVietnam and the other three
in Malaya and Borneo.
The Association suggested that it would be appropriate
that the first medals go to those who died for Australia and
similar ceremonies will be held around the nation
The Governor-General, Dr. Peter Hollingworth, will
present the medals during the commemorative service at
Anzac Square.
The service, to be conducted by the head of
follow the annual National Service Day march in
Salvation Army in Queensland, Major James Condon,
The assembly point is the park bounded by Queen,
George and Adelaide Streets and North Quay.
A fleet of jeeps will convey infirrn Nashos.
This year, the parade will be broken into companies
and there will be three bands - our own National
Servicemen's Memorial Pipes and Drums, led by Dales
Whyte; the SalvationArmy City Temple Band and the City
of Brisbane Caledonian Pipe Band.
The presence of the Salvation Army at the march and
service is the Association's thanks for the care and support
Nashos, like all other servicemen and women, received
from the Salvos.
Cadets will provide a guard of honour at King George
will assist as ushers and flag raisers
Brisbane North Branch is the host for this
Square and
Dr. Hollingworth, who did his National Service in the
RAAF, will take the salute at King George Square as the
parade and fleet of historic vehicles moves along Adelaide
The Irish Club in Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
venue for refreshments and lunch.
THE National Servicemen's Association was conceived
I in Toowoomba during 1987 with a few friends enjoy-
Queensland Association was changed to ensure that only
Australian National Servicemen could vote on matter
ing a social drink. They discovered that they all had been
conscripted for National Service and with that, the special
bond that links Nashos together was recognised.
have been placed before general meeting
was during these initial meetings that this small
group of men realised that several of the undertakings that
were given to them at the time of their enlistment had
never been fulfilled. When they approached other ex-service associations about matters relating to National
Servicemen they were found that these organisations had
little sympathy for them.
They realised that for National Servicemen to have any
hope of recognition they must band together as a collective
body to have any hope of having these problems resolved.
They believed that people need to speak and lobby on
behalf of National Servicemen and that the only people
with the passion and knowledge to do this were Nashos. In
The Association started to grow with many members
from all over Queensland with the initial discussions on a
National Body occurring during 1994. During our growth
several overseas National Servicemen together with other
ex-servicemen joined the Association. It was realised during 1996 that we were beginning to lost the principal of
Nashos representing Nashos and the constitution of the
be the
affecting the Association. On several occasions motions
of the
Association to alter this requirement and each time these
motions have been defeated convincingly. The members
believe that only . . .
Unfortunately it is not the same in all of the other State
Associations where they allow voting rights to non-nashos
including other ex-servicemen, women and cadets and
Is it right that these people can vote on the colour of the
Queensland pocket patch or how and where the
Association Logo may be used?
Motions have been placed on the agenda for the next
meeting of the National Association. These motions have
been reproduced in this newsletter for your information.
They will be discussed and voted on at the March General
Meeting of the Queensland Association and it will be the
Queensland member's wishes that will effect the future of
the Association. For those members who will be unable to
attend the meeting in March, proxy voting forms have
been included with this newsletter. Please complete them
and return them to have your say.
Colin Bell (President)
TIIE Brisbane East and Bayside Branch
has had a very busy
News. Activities
4th November,
which was attended by twenty-seven members with four
Matters discussed were the finalisation of arrangements
for the Remembrance Day activities, including the Poppy
and Badge stalls at our four designated locations. Once again
despite some minor set backs our overall efforts improved
the balance of our welfare account substantially.
our members participated
Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Norman Park Memorial,
and following the service, joined in the social activity of the
luncheon at the Norman Park Services Bowls Club.
Those Branch members attending the Remembrance
Day Service also joined in the short street march to the
Memorial. Our designated flag bearer Evan "Fire Ant"
Edwards, ably led our contingent. It is rumored that several
members were overhead to say that, as Evan had done such
a fine job in acquiring our Australian Flag and as he is the
only member conversant with the protocol associated in flying the flag, he should have the flag bearers job for life.
Our next event was the Nasho Medal registration day on
the 28th November. To commence with, we express our
thanks to the Redlands RSL Services Club for allowing us to
to process the applications.
Secondly for the numerous courlesies extended by the Clubs
ofhce staff, in assisting members, by copying their service
records. Their assistance was greatly appreciated.
For the record we processed in excess of two hundred and
fifty-medal application on the day and hopefully, time will
show us, that we succeeded in picking up around fifty new
use their meeting rooms
members on the day.
Our final event of the year was our Christmas Luncheon.
This was held at the Redlands RSL with some thirty-one
members, accompanied by twenty-two of their partners,
joined in a most excellent Christrnas Lunch prepared by the
Club's resident Chef and his most pleasant team of helpers. A
grcat day was had by all, and President Bill finished of our fust
year's activities by reminding members that our next meeting
will be held at 10 am on the 3rd February atthe Redlands RSL
Club. He then thanked all members for their support over these
fust formative months and passed on the compliments of the
season and best wishes to all for the coming year.
Geoff Marshall Phone 3821 7330
Next meeting will be held. at 70 am on the
3rd February at the Redlands RSL Club
SATURDAY, Sth December, was the Signing Day in
Toowoomba for Nashos applying for the 'Anniversary of
National Service 195I-1972 Medal". We had an excellent
roll up at the RSL hall followed by numerous enquires
from Nashos who for some reason could not be there on
that Saturday.
The local media - in particular radio stations 4QS
(ABC), 4GR and 4WI?AK - publicised the sign-on day.
When all forms are in we expect close to 500. Many
Nashos indicated their interest in joining the Association.
So, in effect, the new medal will bring more Nashos
together as our Association numbers increase.
To all Nashos out there we have available the popular
C.D. and Cassette of "NASHO'S MEMORIES" sung by
Ron Werth. Plenty of your favourite tunes such as "Lilli
Marlene", "The Nashos of Australia', "Roll Out the
Barrel' and many more. Costs are $15 for the CD and $10
for the Cassette - contact Ron Werth, 8 Kenneth Street,
Toowoomba 4350, or, phone 07 4638 1365.
This year's Christmas party was a huge success as
members travelled by coach to the Caloundra RSL
Services Club for the day on Sunday, 9th December. The
meal was very enjoyable along with the usual comforts of
the Club. Plenty of enjoyment on the coach also with Ron
Werth (and guitar) singing carols, a few raffles and some
jokes along the way.
We have some keen lawn bowlers in our branch who will
most likely join the newly formed Toowoomba Branch RSL
Bowls Club, including some interest from "never played
bowls before" blokes, like myself. Together with Warwick
members we will be visiting the Dalby Branch on the 17th
February for the annual "Bowls on the Downs" day, to which
all Nasho, wives and friends are welcome. Names to Terry
McGovern 4634 2918 as soon as possible.
The interest in the rifle shooting at Millmerran is continuing with fierce competition between members. Ring
Les Robinson 4635 9625 for more information.
Another year has come and gone (they go faster each
year) and it is time to say thanks to the hard working members who put in hours of their time keeping our Branch
going - too many to mention at once. So, this month we
say thanks to Les Robinson. As Treasurer he has the usual
heavy workload, along with the marketing of raffle tickets,
badges and poppies etc., but is always available when
workers are required. Thanks Les.
Our next General Meeting is on Tuesday night 8th
January at the Toowoomba RSL. 'oCounter Tea" at 6:00pm,
meeting at 7:00pm, Guest Speaker is Perry Miller, Police
Liaison Officer.
Toowoomba and District Branch wish all Nashos a
Happy New Year.
Kev Brvant @ublicitv Officer)
National servicemen's Day celebrations
Assembly Point:
Assembly Time:
Salute Taken by:
Address giuen by:
Outside new Post Office, East Street
1000 hrs for 1030 hrs step off
Commander 42nd Battalion, Col Phelen
Margaret Strelow, Mayor of Rockhampton
A NEW BRANCH of the Association has been formed
Paul Thompson (Phone 4978 4541)
Vice President: Ted Salmon (Phone 4979 IZ59)
Paul Howkins (Phone 4975 6473)
Graham Fenton (Phone 4912 1606)
Next Meeting: 1700 hours Monday,
2002 at Gladstone RSL
ITa,srro Gln rist-n
THE weather was unkind but over 100 turned up for the
Christmas Party held at 7th Brigade Park, Chermside on
Sunday 16th December. Although it had been raining
throughout the night, fortunately it held off for the celebrafions.
The area provided
- Rockhampton
in the park by the Brisbane City
Council was very suitable for the occasion. Members,
wives and families from as far afield as the Gold Coast,
Redland Bay, Kingaroy, Sunshine Coast, Redcliffe,
a,,s; p a,,r,t;sz
Rockhampton and Brisbane turned up to enjoy the day.
The barbecue meal supplied was enjoyed by ail with many
backing up for seconds.
Santa Claus arrived and excited many of the people
with his cheerful smile and lollies. The raffle had over
forty prizes so many members went home as winners.
Thank you to the Brisbane City Council for their grant
towards the cost of providing this function.
WHAT a fantastic year 200I has been for the Bundaberg
NASHO'S. We have had well-attended Meetings, BBQ's,
Bowls Days, and our Charity Golf Day which raised
money to aid our local Renal Unit at the Base Hospital.
Our 50th Anniversary Celebrations brought members
from SouthAustralia, NSW and Queensland together for 3
days of fellowship. We made new friends over the 3 days
and nights which included Meet and Greet, a Bus Tour of
the district, a Street March, Dinner, and a Farewell BBQ
Thanks to all those who ioined us to make it such a greal
We have reached 142 in Membership with an average
attending regular meetings and 40-50 at our
BBQ's and our Christmas Breakup having 60 in atten-
of 25-30
dance. We have had representatives participate in all
Memorial Days and Reunions with Kindred Bodies from
the RSL.
full Calendar planned. We
will have a BBQ in January, a Charity Golf Day in
February and a Bowls Day in March just to get the year
2002 is looking good with a
under way with our Social Director Des again planning an
entertaining year for all.
The down side of the year was the sad loss of our past
Chairman Geoff Brear who passed away in December,
after a hard fight with his illness. We are going to miss a
great gentleman, who is now resting free from pain. Rest
peacefully Geoff.
Bundaberg NASHO'S after attending Remembrance Day Service
OUR new Branch, formed on 25th November 2001,
has already held our first official function with the
medal sign-on day combined with a meeting on
Sunday 9th December. We were overwhelmed by the
With three members witnessing the forms, pens were
nearly in meltdown mode. Over sixteen Nashos have
joined the Association following this meeting with many
others expected to join.
We will assemble at the Bay Street bus terminal on
February 10th at 0730 hours to travel to the big march in
March 3rd has been tentatively booked as our trip up
the TWeed. Please mark your calendar.
Mike Kelly (Secretary) phone 55241793
We thank these members for their
At the last Annual General Meeting of the
National Servicemen's Association of Aust
(Qld) Inc the following members were made
Life Members of the Association.
untiring and dedicated efforts to National
Tlvo of our supporters were also rewarded with Honourary Membership
A116115 Kevin Sullivan Toowoomba
4220344 John Murdoch Bundaberg
11722686 Nigel
Sylvia Handke Gold Coast
Noela Brosnan Chermside
11723595 Warren Cockburn Kingaroy
11705949 Len
Congratulations and thank you
Colin Bell. Presi.dent
Gold Coast
THE festive season has been and gone. I hope that everyone had a Happy New Year. This time of year it is great to
be celebrating with families and friends, enjoying a small
bottle of amber fluid and reminiscing about the year that
has just passed.
ed that the Vietnam Vets be invited to
join us on this
The application forms for the issue of the National
Service Medal was received overwhelemly by Members
and Non Members of the Association and it is hoped that
all financial members receive their medal before non
members. It has been interesting to see just who were
Members and WONS enjoyed a Christmas get together
on Sunday 9th December in Rotary Park where a challenge was thrown out with Tourist Bowls and Italian
Bowls between the men and the Wons. Somehow I think
the Wons might have just won on the day as a small
amount of amber was being consumed by the members. A
great time was had by all who attended. The culmination
of the day being a Barbecue Dinner.
The Social bowls afternoon, which was organised for
Sunday 25th November was cancelled due to inclement
weather, however another date is being sought as soon as
the Management of the Bowls Club advises. It is suggest-
Nashos and I am sure that these non-members will be contacted somewhere along the line requesting them to join.
Quite a few have already shown interest.
The executive of our Branch extends an invitation to
other Branches to visit the Stanthorpe Branch where
tours of our famous wineries, overnight accommodation
and feasting can be arranged. Please contact our
Secretary, Dave Townsend on 4681 I45I if your Branch
wishes to visit.
D Fossey (President) Phone 4681 1601
Our Christmas activity for 2001 was a visit to Caloundra
RSL Ctub. Their coach driver, John collected 49 of us and
took us to Caloundra via Brisbane, where a Turkey
Christmas Dinner, entertainments, a few drinkies, and a
flutter on the pokies and keno were enjoyed.
President, Lester Cater was pleased to welcome Bill
Kirby, President of the Sunshine Coast Branch and some
of his members who had dinner with us. Bill presented our
executive and committee with Certificates of Recognition
for Volunteers through the International Year of the
Volunteer, 2001. Thanks Bill for your attendance and presentations.
well, with 78 applications being processed, which represents 807o of our membership and32 non-members.
We are now preparing to
celebrate National
Servicemen's Day 2002 with a Mixed Triples Bowls Day,
to be held on Sunday 17th February 2002. An invitation is
given to all Nashos, wives and friends to attend "Bowls on
the Downs". Activities commence at North Dalby Bowls
Club at 1130 hours with a Barbecue, lots of trophies and
raffles. Enquires to Ivan on46622629.
Sick Parade. Keith Waddell is progressing well. He
now gets "Leave of Absence" from hospital to allow the
staff to recover.
Our sign-on day for the Medal Applications went off
Ivan Hails (Secretary) Phone 4662 2629
THE year 2001 finished on a quiet note after ahectic year,
in which the local branch hosted the 50 year Reunion in
July. We look forward to a good year in 2002 with a new
social Sub Committee to look after the social side of our
activities. This year we are striving to return the branch to
what it was before the advent of the 50 year planning with
accent more on social, than business, meetings.
Our final event for 2001 was the Christmas Party, held
at the Gold Coast International Hotel on December 9th.
very enjoyable evening was had by all that attended, great
food, great service, great company, surroundings very
nice, and good value.
Medal sign-on days were pretty hectic, with both the
Saturday and Sunday busy, with up to four JP's signing
applications forms in the Southport RSL Club. We ser-
viced a large number of Nashos, with non-members out
numbering members. It will be interesting to see how
many new members we obtain from the weekend, and also
how many new RSL members we managed to sign up.
Around 200 application forms were handed out over the
two days.
One most disappointing thing that occurred was that
the Cumrmbin-Palm Beach RSL which initially granted
us permission to have a sign-on day at their Club, (and
accepted the fee for the use of the room) informed us on
the day before the sign-on day that we were an unsuitable
activity for their club and cancelled our booking. We apologise to any and all Nashos that turned up and were disappointed by this action.
Len Cuttler (Secretary) Phone 5539 9127
SOME of our members travelled to the Clarence River for
a quick camp/fishing trip before Christmas. They have
found a great camping spot, so another trip will be held
early in2002.
The Christmas Dinner at the Coffs Ex Services Club
topped off a great year. The meal was excellent and the
venue was up to the Club's usual high standard. We were
entertained by member Gerry Hunter and his Sunnyside
Band, member Ed Parmenter and his wife Margaret and
new member Bob Hannaford who surprised everyone by
playing tunes on a saw.
As was arranged by the National Association the Coffs
Harbour RSL Sub Branch held the main medal signing
day. A BBQ was held in conjunction with the sign on day
and was well patronised by the large number of members
acquaintances were
and non-members alike. Many
renewed and many Nashos appreciated the efforts to
ensure that everyone was afforded the opportunity of
applying for their medal.
A big thank you must go to all those involved in the
running of the State Branch Office during this period. The
willing workers are giving of their time at Christmas to
handle the volume of membership renewals, new member
applications, enquiries and the medal applications.
During the Christmas break it is hard to keep in touch
with members but we still hope to have members travelling
to Glenlyon Dam to join the Nasho Touring Club during
Eric Duroux (Secretary) Phone 02 6652 2531
CABOOLTURE Branch ended the year 2001 with a great
Christmas barbecue at our National Servicemen's
Memorial Park at Wamuran. It was here that we had the
papers delivered for our medal application. The next week
was sheer exhaustion to get all the papers out and returned,
but with the help of a number of our members this was
achieved in a week and a half.
Our Christmas raffle at Woodford on 17th December
was another great success with the help of our SWONS'
The December meeting was well attended with 4 new
members present. Our meetings have changed to the third
Monday of each month commencing at 7:00pm at the
Caboolture Bowls Club at APEX Park.
Several of our members travelled to Eidsvold to check
out the silkstone that will be used in our Memorial in the
We have almost everything ready for the Annual State
Conference on 2nd, 3rd and 4th August 2002 and details
appear elsewhere in this newsletter.
The Caboolture SWONS are busy fundraising with
monthly dances and we are conducting raffles at the
Caboolture RSL Club every second Thursday. These have
been very successful.
Membership of the Branch continues to grow mostly
due to the Medal and the good camaraderie at our
We are gearing up for the big March in Brisbane on
February 10th.
Nasho Park at Wamuran.
the best wishes for the New Year'
Bill Newton (President) Phone 5496 7846
THE Ipswich and west Moreton branch is ready for
our AGM will be on the gth August this year at the
er great year and we will be trying to make it bigger and RSL
Services club in Downs Street North lpswich and
better than the last.
we starr the New year with a service ar our memorial LXXffi1r;,"1?ffffi:t"lr?J#sh to do so (-Contact rhe
in Ipswich on the 10th February at 0700hrs and then we
we will ilso hold our annual garagesale at one of our
proceed to Brisbane by train from Ipswich for the member's
residences in November. (This raises f-unds for
Nasho March. For those interested in iraveling from the branch and
the members.)
Ipswich to Brisbane by train on Sunday 10th Fe-bruary. our annual
ur"ut"p *iu be held on the gth December
The train departs Ipswich at 0810hrs and arrives in starting at 1200hrs
und *. welcome you to come along to
Brisbane at 0901hrs (check the rail time table for times meet
and greet (contact the secretary if you wish to attend
between stations to Brisbane)
tf you -wish io utt"nd our meetings throughout the year
we will also have some members attending. various please contact the secretary for
details as we vary our locaschools in the Ipswich & West Moreton arca at their Anzac
iions to suit the members.
services prior to AnzacDay'
CONTACT THE SECRETARY FoR ANy INFORour flags and Banner will be on show at_our display in MATION REGARDING
the annual Boonah Show on
May this yeai fiom THE IpswICH VEST MORETON BRANCH
0700hrs to 1600hrs (Further info
can be obtain;d by con- 041g196g5g.
tacting the secretary'
- - again been invited to attend the $55.00
Our branch has once
inc post & GST.Vietnam Veterans Day at Goodna on the l gth August this year.
phnne o4l
(Secretarv) phone
Bryan Bennett (Secretary)
I r)6 g5g
04lgR 196
THE Executives
the Cairns,
and Tableland
Branches have formed into a Zone. To idea is to meet
every three months at Little Mulgrave Hotel to share and
help each other and to learn from our mistakes. We help
each other in organising Re-Unions and plannirg rp
ing events, Social Activities etc.
Currently Bowls Day is being organised by John
Anderson at Innisfail to celebrate the first birthday of our
three branches.
The next meeting of the Zone Executive
the 14th April.
be held on
Boyd McQueen (president Tablelands Branch)
Congratulations to the SMC on their fine effort and hard
work to provide Nashos and supporters with a great day
out at the Christmas party on 16th Decembei.
Unfortunately inclement weather evidently scared quite a
f9w off,and an expected attendance of 2il0 plus became
about 100. However, the day was highly successful and
enjoyable to all. The Redcliffe boys did the cooking on the
day with big efforts by George Thomas, Nev Ziith and
Kev Dennis. Thanks guys!
On a sadder note, another loss inside of three months.
NoeI Battersby succumbed to cancet on Sundav. 16th
December. His big wish was to live to receive his ,.i.{asho"
mgda_I. Noel actually attended rhe application signing
in a
wheelchair, but could not last oui the waiting pJriod.
Around 30 Nashos and supporters formed a guard of
A Social Bowls Day will be held at Eventide Greens at
12:30 pm on Friday 22nd February (flat shoes a must
but non-bowlers welcome with bowls supplied). Ring
George Hints on 3284 7935 and book
are limited.
On 17th March members will gather at Bribie Island for a
Thip on the Ferryman and a BBe lunch follows. Contact
Elaine Jones on 3889 4151 to book and arrange paymenr.
We're looking for a good affendance on this t ip ' "
Forty-five new members have joined the Branch in
December and the number of phone calls to the Secretary
revealed there are heaps of Nashos too complacent to bL
part of this great Association. Come on members. . . work
on them harder.
honour at the Church and Graveside. We thank the
Memorial Pipes and Drums for providing piper Gray to
play at both services and John Mason of itre nSl foitte
We meet on the fourth (not necessary last) Wednesday
Leo urges all members to come along and be more active
Coming Events:
BYO Breakfast at Jamieson park, Scarborough on Sunday
17th February from 7am. Come along and support this
social get together. More info Bill Lindsay 3gg9 4556.
Tlevor Fitzgerald (Secretary) phone 3294g2g4
poppy service.
of each month. 7:30pm at the Redclifie RSL.
in your Branch
Next Meetins:
Wednesday 26th February 2002
Redcliffe RSL Ctub
sign-on day
December was very busy with the medal
Leigtr and
the our christmas Dinner. we presente?
durlng our
caroline Turnbull with plaques
Chrisrmas Dinner. The iriterion
ful to our Association and
thanks to the propnetors. Leigh i, u meriber
pipes and Drums in
Nationar Servicemens
We went down to support Gladstone
*ittt-itt"lt ttutt
be holding a march and service
February 10th wg
National Servicemen's Day' It is expected that
we wilr have members of the Light Horse Association'
of the
Veterans Association' Cadets and members
Ex-National Servicemens Association
uirioiiul vehicles will support our
tr"n 1"" carrier. After-the march
Criterion for a Meet and Greet'
wiu be hetd at rhe criterion Hotet on
next meeting
25th Febriary commencing at 1900 hours'
w" nua
present at rhis
colin Bell who was
some questions for him and
of our concerns.
has helped clear up
Wilf Sichter, Secretary (phone
4928 9654)
work Martin'
is a priceless piece of Memorabilia' Good
lust,q Future dates to remember. February 10th' NASHO
Membership has lncreas"Cty over Z}.members
all piyfrnAnCH in Brisbane. The branch is running!
2001. Our Social o"tin!r--" Leing well
picking up all down the Coast' Cost $12'50
i-- cooroy"*'"-.,r.ll-gy
who attend stating tro*--o"h ttr"i*" being
January 30th to Kevin Ruane
park fo[ow- p".'p"tro".
our November outing was at cotton Tree
Director) 54416138'
ing the Remembran;6"t Service ut tft" fufuioochydore
Lots of
a good turnout
February 13th. First Night Meeti"g.{ol 2002'
RSL. Although the weathei was threatening
things to discuss. A good rollup would.
was had by all.
is witli the ladies regarding the
page of the vrui?r topl" ior discuss-ion
Marrin Kennedy brought with him the fronr
group within the Branch' Roll up
u"iu'ui?uy tt ut pynatron of a radies
London Newspaper that was printed 91 the
your say'
around to all pre- ladies and have
the Armistice was signed. He showed it
what ever
furniture from an
Wishing everyone a successful yeat 20o2 in
sent to read. His ,orr'*u5, moving some
you attempi to do.
oiJ tr"*" in North Queensland during
November 11th and
Ray Lower (Media officer) Phone ss47 66er
p"p* ttO"-eath. He framed it and gave it to his father'
branch has
at Cottontree
Sunshine Coast Members enioying an outing
THE Year 2001 saw this Branch achieve our long held
wish to erect in our city two Plaques dedicated to those
who did National Service both within and outside
Australia. The first plaque was made from black granite
and is in recognition of all who did service between 1951
and 1912. The second plaque is cast bronze, mounted
below the granite one, and remembers all National
Servicemen who served, were wounded or were killed in
action in Vietnam. These two plaques are located within
the special area set aside by the City Council in ANZAC
Park for Service Memorials. We are very proud to have
been granted permission to erect our plaques in this area.
During the 50th Anniversary Celebrations, some members attended the Gold Coast functions whilst others
joined in with the Bundaberg Branch activities. The
Maryborough Branch also held a Memorial Service before
going up to Bundaberg to participate in their march.
Unfortunately, social functions were too few in 2001
and we hope to rectify this in the coming year. Our Annual
Dinner was held in December at the Doon Villa Bowls
Club and proved to be very enjoyable. Next Christmas we
hope to provide an even better function, but the support of
more members will be needed if this is to be achieved.
Don't forget our Meetings are held on the first Tuesday
of each month except January, at the Maryborough RSL,
All members and anyone thinking of joining are encouraged to attend.
commencing at 7.30pm (1930Hrs).
The Year 2002 is the 30th Anniversary of the flnish of
National Service in Australia so lets all pull together and
help make it another big one. It's up to you. Best wishes
for a very happy and healthy New Year to everyone.
Next Meeting
Maryborough RSL
- Tuesday Sth February
- 7:30pm
Grahame Pomroy (Hon Secretary) Phone 4122 2224
Plaques erected in Maryborough in Memory of National Servicemen
THE South Burnett Branch on 2nd December 2001
attended the Passing Out Parade of the South Burnett
Regional Cadet Unit, where President Warren Cockburn
presented to Cadet Troy Shield the Karl Sperling
Memorial Shield.
This cadet was selected as the first winner of this
Shield for his service to the Cadet Unit. Two members of
the SMC, President Col Bell and Ray Lower and their
wives attended also. We were huppy to see this, as it is
the first time any SMC members have attended the area
since we formed the Branch. We thank them both for
We had a very good response to the signing of the
medal applications, even though our local paper did not
print the press release, although "The Letter to the Editor"
bought the desired response.
South Burnett 2002 (formerly The Monto Reunion)
5th to 7th April 2002
We have almost finished the planning of the coming
reunion and Members and Branches will have received the
Registration Forms by now. We ask that any wishing to go
on the short bus trip around the area inform us as soon as
possible so that a bus can be arranged. For those arriving
on Friday, please indicated whether you will be attending
the Bush Tucker night on Friday night. There will be an
early bird cut off date, with the selected ticket holder
receiving his or her money back.
Accommodation is available at Kingaroy Hotel Motel,
The Holiday Motel, the Oasis Motel, the Pioneer Motel, the
Bourke & Wills Motel or the Kingaroy Caravan & Cabins.
Warren Cockburn (President) Phone 0418 192 821
THE Mackay Branch has experienced a steady increase in
new members in 2001.
Our last function for the year was our Xmas Dinner'
Little and Bruce Devlin for arranging the
excellent venue at the refurbished Shamrock Hotel. Our
gun fisherman, Frosty Mclean donated two good sized
Grunter, plus all of the goodies for the main raffle.
Thanks to Bob
Vic Camilleri took them home. He also won the other
raffle, so Vic don't complain about the night.
We are forming a much closer liason with the Mackay
RSL since we have had representation on the committee.
A suggestion was made that we lead this year's ANZAC
Day parade. So come on boys we need your support.
special thank you to
Lt Col Brian Cutriss (Ret) for
arranging the use of the local welfare offrce for the medal
sign up day. Nashos came out in force and we processed
270 applications. Thanks for your help.
We are now meeting monthly, second Thursday ar1730
hours at the Mackay RSL. Several members are bringing
along their partners and are staying on for dinner
following the meetings. This is creating excellent fellowship.
We will be hosting the State Conference in mid July
2003 and are in the process of organising venues for the
various events associated with the State Conference.
Next Meeting: 14th February, 1730 hrs, Mackay RSL
-- AllWekome
Graham Jenkinson (Secretary) Phone 4952 26t5
of the National
Service Medal
Application, a press release in the local paper advised that
a sign-on would be held at the Townsville RSL Club on
Saturday 8 December. It was anticipated that there would
be a steady flow of our own members and a ring around by
Committee Members informed them of time and place.
An out of town member was nominated and was sent a
form and list of those in their town with instructions when
to send them back with a reply aid envelope enclosed.
Many thanks to the Townsville RSL Club for the use of
their premises and facilities.
Friday 14 December, a Christmas Dinner was held at
the Town & Country Club when 90 members, wives, girlfriends and their guests sat down to a very well presented
meal. Ben. Hobson, our resident troubadour again had the
guest's feet tapping and their voices warbling. Thanks you,
Ben for sharing your talent with us.
Well, Saturday dawned in Townsville and at 1000hrs
the flow/flood started.We thought there would be a steady
clientele until 1500hrs, and a few of us as JP's & Com.
Decs agreed to witness the signatures of the applicants.
Little did we know that at 1450hrs the last one would go
out the door, leaving some tired blokes.For the day there
were about 240 who signed, 130 of our members and
many ex-Nashos from both eras.
The December Meeting attracted a record number to
date. A few joined on the night, and others who had never
been before met up with old mates from yore. It was decided to donate to those organisations who had assisted us
with our October 50th Celebrations by a cash contribution
to help them in their endeavours.
Some had never heard of the Association, and others
came just to apply for the Medal. We gained about a dozen
new members from the exercise.It was a good effort by
those who assisted and we felt we had given a service to
the Nashos no matter from what year they were called to
mates about the Nashos and the Association. Membership
Officer Kevin Whelan , Phone (07) 4775 1618 would love
to hear from you or your mates.
To those of you Townsville Members who read this edition, make yourself into a membership officer and tell your
John McCann (SecretarY)
Phone 4779 6927
NOT a lot to report at this time of the year. The final
meeting - come Bar B Que was very well attended.
Perhaps the sign up for the forthcoming medal was a draw
card. We have also had a number of non member enquiries
regarding the medal.
We are still trying to have a plaque regarding National
Service placed
Memorial Lane but so far without
It is estimate that it will cost around $1000.
Our next meeting is on the 10th February at 1400
hours at the RSL. The meetings are the second Sunday
of the second month, usually at the RSL at Zpm.
PatBagnell (SecretarY)
Phone 54823687
11.30 a.m., including a display of ArmJ
V.tti"i"t, Jeeps and a Weapon Carrie! Army Motorcycle
unJ SiO" Car, army Memoiabilia and Wartime Souvenirs'
ffop"foffy we will-see the three Cadet Groups engage in
iri'S"iui"" Drill Display
Shield or TroPhY.
A local Parachuting/Skydiving Club has also been
invited to do a Skydiviig demonstration and this should
prove very sPectacular.
Refreshments will be available for sale in the
Bar/Figtree area, which is all under
range of Nasho Merchandise
"r" ""rru
BadgJs, Shirts, Caps, Number Plate Frames'
Stubby Coolers, Key Rings, Belt Buckles etc'
SUNDAY, February 10th is a Red Letter Day
Cairns & District Branch of the National Servicemen's
Assoc. (Qld.) Inc.
The Cairns & District Branch only formed in March
last year, and now has a membership of some 55
Why is February l}th, 2002, a Red I etter Day
rnlgtrtastt It is a day
ouiAustralia celebrate their National Day with Marches'
a chance
Parades and Reunions. It gives all former Nashos
i"'g"t together again andielive
byinost-during their training
Air force.
The Cairns & District Branch is no exception to the
a Parade
rule and come Feb. 10th this year will be holding
tn" Esplanade to the Cenotaph'
have been invited to participate:- H'M'A'S' Cairns'
;;"6t gn.
Far North Qld. Regiment' The Air Force
.^- . Jcia"ton, Air Force Cadets, Naval Cadets'
Cadets, National Servicemen's Assoc'
Cairns, Innisfail, Tully, Babinda, Townsville'
Tablelands - Atherton & Mareeba' Vietnam Veteran's
Assoc. Ambulance Service, Fire Service' Red Cross'
Salvation Army, Scouts Assoc' Girl Guides Assoc'
should be a very enjoyable and interesting
are invited
Ouy unJuff fbrmer Nashos, theii wives/partners
All in all, it
join in.
The Weekend activities will begin on Saturday
eu*ing, the 9th February, 2002 with.a "Meet & Greet"
functioi at the Cairns R.S.t-. Cocktails, Beer' Wine and
Spirits will all be available, as will a comprehensive
of Finger Food delicacies.
Speeches of welcome will be kept to a minimum'
,"giirutiont of all interested Nashos will be
Aiy visiting Nashos from South or Interstate are most
*"i"o-" to-attend either the Meet & Greet' the March or
Reunion, or go the whole hog and attend the lot'
Music for the March and Reunion will be provided by
the Cairns Brass Band and St' Andrews Pipe Band'
Foilowing the usual Wreath Laying Ceremony and
Dedication, idd."tt by Brig. George Mansford and Assist'
Police Commission"i enitt Roberts, the reading of
Ode to the Fallen, playing
will complete the ."t"-ony, before breaking off for the
Reunion ielebrations at Parramatta Park Showgrounds'
There will be a varied Program of Events commencing
A chance to catch up with your old mates' have a drink
or three and discuss thl "Good old Days" of the 50's
For further information contact:
(Hon Secretary)
Phone/Fax 4036'1294
- ^PhonelFax 4055 5485
the new Atherton Shire Tourist Information
in and
Centre, so if you are passing through Atherton call
we can help you to ihe beit spots around
in the
iablelands,^there have been a fiw Nashos through
to help
"GOOD Day and a Happy New Year to all" from the
Tableland Branch.
Our last meeting was spent at THE BECK MUSEUM'
which is an Aviation and Military Collection about four
kilometres north of Mareeba' It is really a trip down memWe
;tl;t;, well worth a visit when on the Tablelands'
then went to lunch at the Mareeba
together to finish the daY off.
last six weeks.
We meet again in February, we are all looking forwar{
to the Cairns- Re-Union and March on the 9th&10th
February to celebrate National Servicemen's Day'
Two of our members and their wives have volunteered
Boyd McQueen (President) Phone 4091'7335
xutiotral servicemen's DayCairns
Saturday 9th February - Meet & Greet - 1900 hours All Nashos, wives and friends welcome - $10'00 per head
Sunday L0th FebruarY
AstemUty Time:
Anzac Park, Cairns
0900 hours for Step
- Book
- cairns
with B' Lovelock phone 4053 6752
1000 hours*^^
+^ E*io Dmr nhnnc
- Names to Ernie Roy phone 4055
"T.:l hours
sno*grorrnd _1130
PUBLICT$ION No. P.P. 444963400003
P.O. BOX 944 NEW
f.Wrtlq' 'T& ri*l'itrud
t.i\o {":t,r}}a'{.p
,/di T{{15
/\,:1tl t'f.\')
Specisl Honour Boqrd
fdr the releqse of the
t{stionql Serwice ffiedol
Presenled in your service with
Corps or Unit bodges.
Orders being lsken now!
Postaf Address: PO. Box 195 Lawnton oLD +501
Phone 07 32OS 8674 r Fax 07 3205 7149
ABN 36 +83 7+8