Keeping CAUghlin RAnCh
Keeping CAUghlin RAnCh
Fall 2008 Landscaping Update Keeping Caughlin Ranch “Green” Safety and Security What You Can Do The Strategic PLan An Update It’s that time of year to FALL INTO FITNESS again! Anytime Fitness is Caughlin Ranch’s brand new, state of the art, 24-hour key-access fitness club! We have: • Treadmills • Elliptical Cross-Trainers • Upright and Recumbent Bikes • Free Weights • Cable Jungle • Circuit Training Machines • Cable HDTV • Shower Facilities • Great Personal Training EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET IN SHAPE AND STAY IN SHAPE IS RIGHT HERE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! Three clubs in Reno since 2004! FALL SPECIAL FALL INTO FITNESS $0 Enrollment & 1st month free. OFFER EXPIRES 11/10/08 4784 Caughlin Parkway, Suite 401 Reno, NV 89519 (At the Scolari’s Shopping Center) Enrollment Hours: Monday–Friday, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Or call 622-8034 for an appointment Stop Worrying. Start Living. The Official Magazine of the Homeowners Association Vol. 1, Issue 2 Board of Directors President William Magrath Vice President Jeannie Cassinelli Secretary Millie Burke Treasurer Gail Sande Directors Grant Sims, Michael Ginsburg, Christopher Simon General Manager Mike Trudell Contact Information Invest your money in something safe, secure, and insured. FLEXIBLE: We work with you and your life. REWARDING: We appreciate and reward loyal relationships. UNIQUE: We’re proud to be a credit union and member-owned. SAFE: We ensure the safety of your money by insuring our shares up to $500,000. Caughlin Ranch HomeOwners Association 1100 Caughlin Crossing, Suite 60 Reno, Nevada 89519 Phone (775) 746-1499 Fax (775) 746-8649 E-mail Office Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Publication Produced By Custom Publishing Division of Northern Nevada Business Weekly Publisher Pete Copeland Editor Lisa Ericson Managing editor John Seelmeyer Design & design Production Sayuri Yamane 775.333.4228 Assistant Graphic designer Sunny Rae Roberts Design concept We’re with you for life. Your saving federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. NCUA National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency ironhorse branch 551 E. Prater Way • Sparks northwest branch 9600 S. McCarran Blvd. • Reno main branch 9770 S. Virginia St. • Reno sparks crossing branch 295 Los Altos Pkwy., Ste. 105 • Sparks *Member shares are federally insured by NCUA/NCUSIF and privately insured by ESI. Please speak to a member service representative for details. Membership open to those who live or work in Washoe County. Must maintain a minimum $25 in Essential Share for life of account; this is your share of ownership in the credit union. Rick Allen, Rick Allen Design Advertising SAles Chris Dondero Jennifer Evers Rich Hoskins Tim McGrath Circulation Manager Candice Lindsey Business Manager Inga Smith CaughlinRancher | Fall 2008 President’s Corner It’s that time of year again. Your Board has been very busy the past couple of months following up the strategic planning process by holding the second planning session, holding two budget workshops to review the proposed budget for 2009, hosting a meeting with local law enforcement and elected officials at the request of Caughlin Ranch residents who have voiced concerns about security, and approving the ballot and procedures to be used in the upcoming election of four members of your Board of Directors. Although the budget process is a valuable tool for the Board to review the operations of the Association, it is also a fiduciary responsibility to consider the current and future needs of the Association. In light of those needs, the Board determines the amount of assessments necessary to carry out the day-to-day operations of the Association and provide the necessary reserve funds in conformance with Nevada state law and the Association’s Reserve Studies. This process can be extremely difficult because of the necessary balance between the Board’s desire to keep assessments as low as possible and the responsibility Ballots for the election of Caughlin Ranch Board Members have been sent out. Don’t forget to return yours by Nov. 3rd. In this Issue 8President’s Corner.............................5 8Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2008.............................5 8Keeping Caughlin Green..................6 8Keeping Caughlin Ranch Safe.........9 8The Status of the Strategy...............12 8School Notes and Calendar....................................14 to maintain and operate the common areas and improvements thereon, and provide for the administrative duty to enforce the provisions of the CC&Rs. The Board is extremely happy to announce that there will not be any assessment increase for 2009. Your Board takes its budget and other financial responsibilities very seriously. In light of the current economic conditions, we have also taken actions to protect your Association’s assets. We recently took official action at a Board meeting to move reserve funds from the single federally insured financial institution holding multiple reserve account funds, and moving those reserve funds to a number of federally insured financial institutions to ensure that all of the Association’s reserve funds are protected by the FDIC. Although the process was very time consuming for CRHA staff and officers of the Board, we thought it was extremely important to take these actions to protect the financial assets of the Association. Your Board is very proud of the successes of this year. The Board members and CRHA staff have accomplished a number of objectives outlined in the strategic plan, and Bill Magrath, President have set new objectives, tasks and accountabilities for the next 6 months and 2009. You can read all about some of these objectives and accomplishments in this issue. We address some of the concerns that have been voiced by the residents including security issues and landscape/maintenance projects. Also in this issue is a follow-up on the strategic plan outlined in the last issue of the Caughlin Rancher. Your Board and CRHA staff have been extremely happy to serve you this year. Hopefully you will agree that the progressive actions of the Board have improved the services to the members of the Association and protected the property values of this community. - Bill Magrath Meeting dates and Deadlines for 2008 November 3 - Deadline for Receipt of Ballots at Grant Thornton 5 p.m. November 7 - Homeowners’ Meeting & Ballot Count @ Grant Thornton’s Office- 1 p.m. ** November 13 - Annual Members’ Meeting, 7 p.m. * (verify proxies @ 5:30 p.m.) November 17 - Quarterly Board Meeting, 6 p.m. * * The meetings will be held at the Caughlin Ranch Elementary School, 4885 Village Green Parkway. ** The ballot count will be conducted at Grant Thornton, at 100 West Liberty Street, Suite 770, Reno. On the Cover: Fall Scene at Caughlin Ranch, Photo by Amy Sah NOTICE: NRS 116.31083 provides that each Notice of a Meeting of the Executive Board of the Caughlin Ranch Homeowners Association (“Association”) must state the time and place of the meeting and include a copy of the Agenda for the meeting or the date on which and the locations where copies of the agenda may be conveniently obtained by the units’ owners. Agendas are available at the Office of the Association, 1100 Caughlin Crossing, Ste. 60, Reno, NV 90519, ten (10) calendar days before the scheduled meeting. YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED OF THE RIGHTS OF A UNIT’S OWNER TO: (a) Have a copy of the minutes or a summary of the minutes of the meeting provided to the unit’s owner upon request, and, if required by the executive board upon payment to the association of the cost of providing the copy to the unit’s owners. (b) Speak to the association or executive board, unless the executive board is meeting in executive session. Fall 2008 | CaughlinRancher Photos by Lisa Ericson Keeping Caughlin A new rock wall overlooks a pond across from Caughlin Club where turf was pulled out and replaced with mulch to allow for more efficient water use (above). caughlin ranch encompasses 2,300 acres, stretching from the foothills of the sierra nevada Mountains to the truckee river. the Master Plan is designed to offer a unique balance between the man-made and natural environments, and it’s a never-ending task. crHa landscape supervisor randy lisenby recently updated the board regarding 2008 projects and improvements. according to lisenby three of the four water conservation projects have been completed. Five hundred seventy native plant seedlings were planted turf was removed and replaced with 320 shrubs in in the lower alum creek channel. t Westpoint and another section of turf was removed in an area across from the caughlin club and replaced with a beautiful variety of native plants (photo above). rock walls are also being constructed and a picnic table will be positioned in the area allowing nature lovers to leisurely enjoy the pond. in addition, 140 small Jeffery Pines, 82 six to ten foot high Caughlinrancher | Fall 2008 they have completed their natural life cycle. Pansies and violas are planted in the fall and spring because they can withstand freezing temperatures. those flowers are then removed each summer and replaced with vinca and other flowering annuals because they actually thrive in the withering heat of summer. The landscape crew works on a new picnic area next to the pond (shown on opposite page). evergreen trees, various shrubs and bushes including sagebrush have been planted to further enhance our beautiful development. every year the landscape crew plants flowers at entrances into neighborhoods where irrigation is available. summer’s vibrant vinca have just been replaced with a richlycolored display of violas. Homeowners quite often ask why perfectly healthy, beautiful flowers are being removed and replaced. the simple answer is that annual flowers have a life cycle and must be replanted after board and association members have expressed appreciation for a crew’s hard work for the the crHa ongoing cleanup of common areas ffor defensible space. areas adjacent to caughlin Parkway had become overgrown with large native brush in the proximity of the upper bridge and the crew quickly responded to remove the overgrowth. lisenby has scheduled one more defensible space clean-up ffor the entire ranch and reported that the last day for the seasonal crew will Continued on page Fall 2008 | Caughlinrancher Every year the landscape crew plants flowers at entrances into neighborhoods where irrigation is available. Continued from page be October 24. The winter crew will consist of five men plus Lisenby until the first of April 2009. Each year the Board of Directors reviews the operating needs of the Association and proposes a budget to the membership to determine the annual assessments for each member. The Board takes into consideration that 70% of the expenses of the Association are for the maintenance, upkeep and improvements of the Association’s common areas. They are constantly working to identify areas within the Caughlin Ranch to reduce these costs, especially irrigation which continues to be the highest line item. The Board approved $16,720 for water conservation projects in 2008 and is proposing to spend $9,575 in 2009 on a variety of projects to meet this goal. The Board also looks to input from the Caughlin Ranch Landscape Review Committee for alternative proposals and suggestions regarding the current landscape maintenance program and to explore ways to improve water conservation. If you would like to volunteer your time to be a part of this committee, simply contact the CRHA staff for an application. The common areas have looked exceptionally good this year. Lisenby and the members of the Caughlin Ranch landscape crew deserve a huge “thank you” for a job well done. õ CR Woodworks home ca b i n e t ry • kitchens • home offices • theatre rooms • Visit Us at HGC Direct or Our Online Showroom 775.359.2929 CaughlinRancher | Fall 2008 nv. license no. 47246 Caughlin Rancher 10-8 Keeping Caughlin Ranch Safe Summer is the time for fun, sun and apparently, destructive pranks. The incidents of vandalism experienced in Caughlin Ranch increase with the season and this past summer was no exception. Between August 2007 and August 2008, a total of 136 acts of vandalism have been reported ranging from egging incidents and destruction of property to vehicle break-ins and home burglaries. Several homeowners from the Mayberry Meadows subdivision attended the August 4, 2008 CRHA Board Meeting to express their concerns and asked if the Board members would use their collective influence to bring these problems to the attention of the City of Reno and Washoe County. In response, the Board sent personal letters to Reno Councilman Dan Gustin, Commissioner Jim Galloway, Washoe County Sheriff Michael Haley and City of Reno Chief of Police Michael Poehlman inviting them, among others, to attend the September 22, 2008 Board of Director’s Meeting. As far as Caughlin Ranch residents are concerned, there is no jurisdictional boundary for law enforcement - the Reno Police Department and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office work together. Sheriff Haley told the group that the latest vandalism term is “smash and run” and these are crimes that are often committed by minors that are “very likely the children of Caughlin Ranch homeowners.” He asked that we consider three things: 1) Do we know what is happening in our own community? 2) Are we calling when we see something suspicious? 3) Do we know where our kids go when they go out? Sheriff Haley added, “We can only do so much; we are here to do our job, but you are the eyes and ears of the community. Please assist us in assisting you.” Reno Chief of Police Michael Poehlman agreed and added that statistically, there is approximately one officer per 1,000 people. Chief Poehlman added, “It’s an honor to serve the community and keep citizens safe, but we need community involvement.” What should you do if you need to report a crime or witness suspicious activity? Write down the details immediately, even if you don’t report it right away. You may be able to provide the crucial details needed to catch the criminals. Many homeowners Continued on page 10 10/13/08 11:08 AM Page 1 Thinking of Buying or Selling in the Ranch? Talk to a Real “neighborhood specialist” Talk to the professional who has lived and worked in Caughlin Ranch for over 20 years; who has in the past and present, devoted her time and energy to serve on the Caughlin Ranch Homeowners Board of Directors, and who acted as the catalyst for the Hawken Fire Recovery efforts in 2007 and 2008. Call me... Jeannie Cassinelli CRS, GRI Dickson Realty (775) 742-2846 121 Homes Sold in Caughlin Ranch & Juniper Hills “A Monopoly on the Finest Cleaning” Drycleaning, Shirt Laundry, Alterations, Leather/Fur, Wedding Gowns, Shoe Shine & Repair, Bedding, Area Rugs… Your One Stop Shop! (775) 829-9996 4786 Caughlin Pkwy., Suite 307 In the Scolari’s Shopping Center TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE FALL SAVINGS! 25% OFF ALL HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Bedding, pillows, comforters, drapes, etc. $5 OFF Bring in this coupon on your next visit for $5 off your cleaning bill. Exp. 11/30/08 Exp. 11/30/08 Offer not valid with any other offers. Offer not valid with any other offers. Fall 2008 | CaughlinRancher Continued from page call the Association’s office to report an incident. The CRHA staff response is to inform the homeowners that they must file a police report. This not only provides a detailed record but also helps local law enforcement keep statistics on the types of crimes occurring in specific areas and the time of day the incidents occur. Leads from the Secret Witness program recently led Reno Police to arrest two individuals and cleared 90 of the reported 136 Caughlin Ranch area crimes which represented $40,000 in damages. officials all Law agreed that Neighbor- hood Watch groups are invaluable. They are shown to deter criminal activity, reduce fear, create a greater sense of security, build bonds with neighbors, stimulate awareness and reduce the risk of becoming a victim. The programs are designed to show you and your neighbors how you can protect one another and make local law enforcement agencies more effective in the fight against crime. If you’re interested in forming your own neighborhood watch group, contact the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office or Officer Donna Robinson, Community Affairs Division of the City of Reno Police Department at 334-2362 for more information. And there are other ways to get involved in our beautiful community. County Commissioner Washoe Jim Galloway encouraged Juniper Trails residents to participate in the Citizen Advisory Board meetings held on the second Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at Roy Gomm Elementary School. He offered to place Caughlin Ranch on the next agenda. Reno City Councilman Dan Gustin suggested that residents who live in the City of Reno attend the Ward One Neighborhood Advisory Board meetings at 6:00 p.m. held on the second Tuesday of every month at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. He stated that he would add Caughlin Ranch to the next agenda. Both Mayor Bob Cashell and Councilman Pierre Hascheff extended their appreciation for the invitation, but due to prior commitments, they were unable to attend the Board meeting. Mayor Cashell and Councilman Hascheff have always been supporters of Caughlin Ranch and their continued support of this community is greatly appreciated. õ No Initiation Fee Special! * 9 Year-Round Tennis Courts 25 Meter Swimming Pool Q Cardio Equipment w/Cable TV Q Cybex/Free Motion Strength Equipment Q Indoor Basketball Gym Q Group Fitness Classes ONE TIME GUEST PASS** Name: _________________ Phone #: _________________ E-mail: _________________ **First time users only. Must be over 18 yrs old. Expires 11/21/2008 10 CaughlinRancher | Fall 2008 Pilates Reformers Certified Personal Trainers Q Racquetball Q Pre-School and Childcare Center Q Before and After-School Program Q Café and Bar Q Q Q Q Please take advantage of this One Time Offer Special Expires 11/21/2008 *Certain restrictions apply. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 4100 Caughlin Pkwy, Reno, NV. 89519 (755) 747-6006 IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS Good communication with neighbors is a great deterrent. Get to know your neighbors. Look out for each other and call police if anything looks suspicious. Police don’t know what is normal for your neighborhood, but you do! Our sense of security and comfort can be taken away. Let’s keep Caughlin Ranch peaceful and serene. Remember you are the eyes and ears of this community, we can all help by communicating with local law enforcement. n RENO POLICE DEPARTMENT Call 911 when a crime is in progress Phone: (775) 334-COPS This is the non-emergency phone number to report a crime or suspicious behavior. n SHERIFF’S OFFICE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Phone: (775) 861-3899 Deputy Jim Kocijanski, Crime Prevention Officer Cell Phone: (775) 771-7010 Email: Website: n SECRET WITNESS Phone: (775) 322-4900 See a Crime. Call the Line. Remain Anonymous! n CITY OF RENO – RENO DIRECT Phone: (775) 334-2099 or 334-INFO (4636) Hours: 6 a.m.–6 p.m./Monday through Friday Email: Website: Reno Direct is the City of Reno call center, designed to improve communications between you and your city government. Contacting Reno Direct will ensure that your suggestion, problem, request or issue will get routed to the appropriate department. This website will also allow you to submit a complaint about traffic issues in your neighborhood or business district. Via an online form, one can report issues such as chronic speeding and speeding in school zones, as well as request radar trailers. NV LIC #60155 All the advantages of a major custom kitchen remodeling project in FIVE DAYS or less for HALF THE COST. THE OR GREE IGINAL NK REMO ITCHEN DEL SOUTHWEST RENO DOUBLE DIAMOND KING’S ROW QUICK, CLEAN, CONVENIENT AND HASSLE FREE FREE DECORATIVE CABINET HARDWARE with any cabinet refacing job. Expires 12/5/08 $100 OFF just for visiting our showroom 705 TRADEMARK DR. #104, RENO, 89521 | (775) 626-1771 | Fall 2008 | CaughlinRancher 11 Caughlin Ranch fall photos by Amy Sah. sTraTegic Plan uPdaTe the caughlin ranch board of directors held a meeting in March to develop a strategic Plan for the Homeowners association that would define the focus and utilization of the association’s resources. as part of the process, the caughlin ranch board solicited comments from association members and hired Management consultant robert rowland to facilitate the planning session. the three primary objectives of the 2008 strategic Plan were determined to be improved communication, developing clear directions and a staff and the priorities for the crHa 12 Caughlinrancher | Fall 2008 development of a plan as concise as possible. the crHa board met again in september to continue the strategy planning process that had been initiated. robert rowland assisted in assessing the progress of the board and staff and the group proudly concluded that a great deal had been accomplished in the past six months. specific areas of the plan that were addressed at the second planning session were the 2009 draft budget, a General Manager’s goals crHa and objectives, direction regarding the publication of a quarterly newsletter, direction for the landscape review committee and a six-month outline for task planning and accountabilities. rowland also reviewed the board’s Goals and emphasized that the following are items which do not change: RESPONSIVENESS TO THE COMMUNITY one of the board’s objectives has been met by bringing back the quarterly newsletter, the Caughlin Rancher, as a communication tool with the association’s members. another objective was requiring that the crHa a staff adhere to a more rigid set of criteria for the board’s minutes in that they must be made available more quickly and produced more concisely. the general manager was required to hire an assistant manager within 90 days of the first planning session. this was accomplished with the hiring of carol Hunter in June. in addition, over the past year alone, the board has created seven new committees and has implemented many of their recommendations. The Board also requested that the process whereby phone calls to the CRHA office from homeowners regarding concerns are handled and communicated to the Board is improved. Linda Jussen, Katrina Rehkop and CRHA staff members have been working with the general manager and assistant manager to improve the situation. RESPONSIBLE FISCAL MANAGEMENT The Board has been very diligent over the past months to provide extra protection of the financial resources of the Association and to take steps to ensure that all of the Association’s funds have been moved into FDIC insured accounts. The Board has been very diligent in monitoring the Association’s 2008 budget and attempted to keep all line items within the budgeted amounts. The proposed 2009 budget does not include an increase in assessments. STRONG ENFORCEMENT OF THE CC&Rs The Board has encouraged that CRHA staff implement the strong enforcement of the CC&Rs. Assistant Manager Carol Hunter, in conjunction with efforts from the entire administrative staff of the Association, has sent out hundreds of “friendly reminders” to ensure that the standards of the Caughlin Ranch community are maintained. In a number of cases, the CC&R enforcement efforts have required CRHA staff to send out certified letters and schedule fine hearings. Although a number of homeowners were surprised by the level of enforcement, most Caughlin Ranch members appreciate that the objective of the CC&Rs and the enforcement actions are to maintain the value of the homes and properties, and they support the increased enforcement. õ Fresh Mexican Food * Fish Tacos * Take Out This year, give your family the gift of an estate plan. Q Assure that goals and decisions about your property and family are met during lifetime and at death Q Make your own end of life health care decisions Q Provide for your children Q Plan for incapacity SARAH K. FLORES LAW OFFICES OF SARAH FLORES (775) 626-6717 | Are you worried about LOSING YOUR LIFE SAVINGS? John Sullivan pulled his clients out of stocks in October 2007. Now is the time for a second opinion on protecting your assets. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. JOHN SULLIVAN (775) 831-9012 STEVE SWAN (775) 232-7644 • Experience 3892 Mayberry Dr., Reno, NV 89519 M AY B E R R Y L A N D I N G (775) 787-8226 • Integrity • Local Protecting local clients’ assets for 26 years Fall 2008 | CaughlinRancher 13 School Notes And Calendar Caughlin Ranch Elementary School once again had a successful turnout for the 2nd annual Jog-a-thon on September 26th, 2008. The event, which is the PFA’s major fundraiser for the year, grossed $38,000. Everyone is very proud of the children at CRES who worked so hard to achieve this goal. The children had a wonderful time and enjoyed getting exercise while making money for their school. The PFA will use the money to fund things like PE, technology, and other great programs. Thank you to all of the participants and their families for another great school year. 8 Caughlin Ranch Elementary (775) 689-2600 Important Dates 8Tuesday, Nov. 4: Election Day and Institute Day. No school. 8Friday, Nov. 7 – Friday, Nov. 14: Early release days (elementary schools). 8Tuesday, Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day. No school. 8Wednesday, Nov. 26: Early release day (elementary schools). 8Thursday, Nov. 27 – Friday, Nov. 28: Thanksgiving. No school. 8 Roy Gomm Elementary (775) 333-5000 8 Swope Middle School 8Monday, Dec. 22 – Friday, Jan. 2: Winter break. (775) 333-5330 8Monday, Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No school. 8Friday, Jan. 23: Early release (elementary schools). For more information about your school, call it directly or visit their respective Web sites (see information at right). 8 Reno High School (775) 333-5050 Caughlin Ranch Storage Mini-Warehouse, RV, Boat and Wine Storage Reno’s premier wine storage facility Security for your wine collection Q Digital camera records all entries and exits Q Q Triple Our wine cave includes 243 storage units which ar e climate controlled at : 57 Degree s 70% Hum idity A modern approach to lifestyle dressing for the classical designer woman 15 % O Underground storage for your antiques, art, fine furniture and valuables. Climate and Humidity controlled. 4495 Pinehaven Road, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 286-8777 On-site managers: Bob & Lonae Ryan Visit our web site or call for prices: 14 CaughlinRancher | Fall 2008 FF 21 W MERCINTER HAND ISE years of timeless fashion 3882 Mayberry Dr., Ste. 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DECEMBER SPECIAL NOVEMBER SPECIAL $20.00 OFF* Ferrari Carano Fume Blanc Any Purchase of $100 or More $10.00 Bottle* Good through November 1–30, 2008 with this coupon. *No other discounts apply. Good through December 1–31, 2008 with this coupon. *No other discounts apply. WHISPERING VINE WINE WHISPERING VINE WINE & COFFEE 3886 Mayberry Dr. Unit D, Reno | 775-787-WINE (9463) Mon.–Fri. : 11 am - 8 pm • Sat. : 10 am - 8 pm Sun. : 11 am - 5 pm 7665 Towne Square Way, Reno | 775-746-VINO (8466) Mon.–Thu. : 2 pm - 10 pm • Fri. : 12 am - 11 pm Sat. : 11 am - 11 pm • Sun. : Noon - 8 pm The Art of American Craftsmanship EXCLUSIVE OFFER Bring this ad in to our store for an Extra discount on any new purchase. Limited time offer. See store for details. RENO • 1350 Neil Way • 828-1121 The Official Magazine of the Homeowners Association 1100 Caughlin Crossing, Suite 60 Reno, Nevada 89519
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