swiss army knives 2015
swiss army knives 2015
SWISS ARMY KNIVES 2015 MAKERS OF THE ORIGINAL SWISS ARMY KNIFE I VICTORINOX.COM SWISS ARMY KNIVES 2015 Ibach-Schwyz, 03 / 2015 VICTORINOX 1884 - 2014 130 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND LIVED SWISS TRADITION The little red pocket knife, with cross and shield Today, the full range of Victorinox knives is com- emblem on the handle is an instantly recognizable prised of over 1,100 models. This year marks the first symbol of our company. In a most unique way, it time that the range is presented in two, separate conveys excellence in Swiss craftsmanship, and catalogs: «Swiss Army Knives» and «Household and also the impressive expertise of more than 2,000 Professional Knives». We are pleased to offer this employees worldwide. updated and streamlined assortment, with our best, and perhaps future classics. The principles by which we do business, are as relevant today as they were in 1897 when our company founder, Karl Elsener, developed the «Original Victorinox Swiss Army Knife»: functionality, innovation, iconic design and uncompromising quality. Our commitment to these principles over the past 130 years has allowed us to develop products that are not only extraordinary in design and quality, but also in Carl Elsener their ability to serve as reliable companions on life’s CEO Victorinox adventures, both great and small. INFORMATION 06 - 11 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 12 - 23 58 mm Classic Range 14 65 mm Classic and NailClip Range 20 SWISSTOOLS 80 - 89 SwissTool Spirit 82 SwissTool 86 74 mm Elegant Pocket Knives 22 SWISS CARDS 24 - 27 Classic 26 Lite 26 Nailcare 27 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES SPORTS BikeTool 92 GolfTool 92 Outdoor Knives 94 28 - 57 84 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Small Models 30 85 mm Evolution Range 34 GARDEN ACCESSORIES 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives 60 111 mm Pocket Knives 66 96 - 103 Pruning Knives 98 Floral Knives 99 Budding Knives 100 Horticulture, Forestry and Agriculture 102 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 42 93 mm Pioneer Range 56 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 90 - 95 58 - 79 104 - 119 Pouches 106 Metal Chains 114 Knife Sharpeners 116 Flashlight and Ballpoint Pen Sets 117 Accessories 118 130 mm RangerGrip Range 72 130 mm Hunter Pro Range 79 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL REPLACEMENT PARTS SERVICE SWISS MADE 122 - 127 128 - 131 132 - 133 134 (Overview: Scale colors and sizes on the back cover page) 4 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I TABLE OF CONTENTS Artikelnummer 9.2101.1 5 INFORMATION INFORMATION CATALOG NOTES ITEM NUMBER STRUCTURE The product section of the catalog is divided into main categories and, where appropriate, into sub-categories. These are noted at the top left of the page as well as on the side register. Scale colors and types Pocket knives are classically produced with red cellidor scales featuring the Victorinox emblem. Other colors or types of scales are denoted after the 5 th-digit of the item number: 0.6223 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6203 CLASSIC 1. blade 7 functions 2. nail file with S 7 611160 000453 10 3. – nail cleaner 4. scissors S 7 611160 004635 10 7. toothpick = camouƃage 0.6223.3 = black 0.7133.T3 = black transparent 0.6203.840 = edelweiss Product information* 0.6223.4 = green 0.6203.T5 = pink transparent Item number, product name, 0.6223.7 = white 0.6226.T7 = silver transparent 0.6223.8 = yellow 0.6421.63 = walnut Product variations (Two-component scales) (Alox) EAN code, packaging type, 0.6203.T5 6. tweezers 0.6223.94 0.7240.T21 = ice-blue translucent Color swatch, item number, 5. key ring = red transparent 0.6223.T2 = blue transparent functions 0.6203 0.6223.T 0.6223.2 = blue Category, sub-category 58 mm Classic Range = red sales unit, with comment if 0.6540.16 = Alox polished 0.9523.C applicable 0.6221.26 = Alox ribbed 0.9563.MWC4 = green/black Pouch-Icon Selection of compatible pouches in = red/black 2.4913.C8 = yellow/black 0.8331.MC9 = orange/black the «Accessoies» category. Please also see our most common scale colors in the overview on the back cover page. 1, 2, 6 * The product information (particularly the item number) relates to the product illustrated. Structure within the item number The 5 th-digit of the item number denotes: 1.3600. = without ring, tweezers and toothpick 1.3601. = with ring 1.3602. = with tweezers and toothpick «NEW» ICON 1.3603. = with ring, tweezers and toothpick 1.3604. = 3. + mini screwdriver 1.3605. = 4. + pressurized ballpoint pen Products launched in 2014 and 2015 as well as standard items not previously included in the catalog are labeled with the «New» Icon. Abbreviations before the item number 0.7240.T SWISSCARD NAILCARE 1. glass nail file 13 functions 2. scissors NEW A.6140 = replacement parts C.7100.T = replacement scales and knife cases 3. tweezers The «New» icon 4. toothpick appears below the product 5. pressurized ballpoint pen information or next to the 6. stainless steel pin EAN code 7. ruler (cm) 8. ruler (inches) 9. magnifying glass (...) Abbreviations after the item number 0.3705.AVT 0.6223.B1 0.9523.C 1.3601.J14 3.0223.L 0.6223.L1501 = = = = = = Traveller-functions blister two-component scales anniversary edition with leather pouch limited edition 0.8413.M3 3.0227.N 0.6223.T 0.8321.MWC 1.6795.XLT = = = = = one-handed blade for military, Ƃre service, paramedics, police with nylon pouch transparent or translucent scales wavy edge extra large for collectors A numbering code for Swiss Army Knives is available. 6 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I INFORMATION 7 INFORMATION INFORMATION PACKAGING MATERIALS There are two types of packaging for pocket knives: Standard packaging and blister packaging. SCALE MATERIALS Cellidor (CP) Cellidor is an organic, thermoplastic cellulose ester that incorporates a high proportion of the renewable natural material cellulose. Unlike traditional plastics, it is only partially dependent on fossil fuels. Components made of Cellidor exhibit an exceptional high-gloss Ƃnish with a perfect depth effect. To improve abrasion and scratch-resistance, scales printed with a special promotional motif are treated with a protective coating. Max. usable temperature 65 °C. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is an amorphous thermoplastic. ABS plastics exhibit excellent toughness, notched impact strength, impact strength, ƃexural rigidity and surface hardness. Max. usable temperature 80 °C. Classic, NailClip, Elegant Pocket Knives, SwissCards, Evolution, EvoGrip, OfƂ cer’s Knives S 1 Polyamide (PA) Nylon is a term commonly used primarily in the U.S. to describe polyamides (PA). Polyamides are suitable for use in pocket knife scales because they exhibit better mechanical abrasion resistance. This also has beneƂts from a production perspective. Compared to high-gloss and smooth Cellidor components, they have a more structured surface . Max. usable temperature 90 °C. Robust models, Multi-Tools, RangerGrip Aluminium (Alox) Alox scales are punched from aluminum, embossed and then anodised in a subsequent process stage. The Eloxal process uses anodic oxidation to create a protective layer. This layer of oxide is hard and protects the scales from damage and corrosion, up to a certain degree. Pioneer Walnut Wood is a natural, renewable resource. The walnut used by Victorinox comes from Swiss forests and is in full compliance with EU Regulation No. 995/2010 (the EU Timber Regulation). The wood of the walnut tree is very solid, tough and strong. NailClip Wood, EvoWood, RangerWood B 1 Standard packaging (S) The following options apply to standard packaging: Folded box, slide gift box and loose products. Blister (B) Blister packed products are denoted with «B1» at the end of the item number. ICON S 6 Packaging variation The letter in the icon (above) refers to the type of packaging Steel Components All pocket knife components (excluding rivets) are made from martensitic stainless steel. Making a blade that offers optimum functionality and durability requires the right steel alloy. The steel must ensure excellent edge retention and sufƂcient resistance to rust, but should also be ƃexible so that it does not break during use. S 6 Sales unit (quantity) The number in the icon (below) refers to the content of an item. Please avoid ordering other sales units if possible. The following steel alloys are used for Swiss Army Knives: Material no. for Abbreviation C Cr Mo V DIN (%) (%) (%) (%) 0.50 - 0.80 Ű 0 .15 1.4110 blade X 55 Cr Mo14 0.48 - 0.60 13.0 - 15.0 1.4021 spring X 20 Cr13 0.16 - 0.25 12.0 - 14.0 1.4031 tools X 39Cr 13 0.36 - 0.42 12.5 - 14.5 S Standard packaging (S) Swisscard Nailcare, SwissCard Classic and Lite All Victorinox alloys are in accordance with Regulation (EG) no. 1935/2004 for products that come into contact with food. 8 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I INFORMATION 9 INFORMATION INFORMATION FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS 1.6795 SWISSCHAMP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 33 functions 14 5 9 4 3 29 24 17 16 18 /19 25 28 26 27 8 6 1 10 large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw fish scaler with – hook disgorger – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw fine screwdriver chisel pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver magnifying glass pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver 9a 9b 9c 10 11a 11b 12 13 14a 14b 14c 14d 15a 15b 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 30 15 31 21 23 7 22 11 32 12 33 2 20 1a 1b 1c 2 3a 22 23 24 25 26 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 27 28a 28b 29a 29b 5 6 7a 7b 8 30 31 32a 32b 33 10 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I INFORMATION 11 SMALL POCKET KNIVES SMALL POCKET KNIVES 58 MM CLASSIC RANGE 65 MM CLASSIC AND NAILCLIP RANGE 74 MM ELEGANT POCKET KNIVES Our smallest models are practical, light and discreet – whether in your pocket or attached to your keys – making them the perfect companion for day-to-day life. These high-quality pocket knives are built for years of use, with specially alloyed and hardened blades that ensure the stainless steel tool edges retain their sharpness and are always ready to use. Thanks to a range of attractive designs and a wide variety of carefully chosen tool combinations, there’s a friend for life for everyone among the small Victorinox pocket knives. 13 SMALL POCKET KNIVES ESCORT 6 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. blade nail file with – screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6223 0.6123 CLASSIC 7 functions S 7 611160 002242 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6223 0.6223.B1 S 7 611160 000774 10 B 7 611160 013507 10 0.6223.T 0.6223.TB1 S B 7 611160 013675 10 7 611160 032553 10 0.6223.2 0.6223.2B1 S 7 611160 000781 10 1, 4 B 7 611160 014337 10 0.6223.T2 0.6223.T2B1 S 0.6163 RALLY 9 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. blade nail file with – screwdriver bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring tweezers toothpicker B 7 611160 013705 10 0.6163 7 611160 020253 10 0.6223.3 S 7 611160 009869 10 1, 2, 6 0.6223.3B1 S 7 611160 000798 10 B 7 611160 014344 10 0.6223.4 S 7 611160 000804 10 0.6223.7 0.6223.7B1 S 7 611160 000835 10 1, 6 B 7 611160 014566 10 0.6223.8 0.6203 CLASSIC 7 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6203 0.6203.T5 S 7 611160 004635 10 S 7 611160 004925 10 1, 2, 6 CLASSIC ALOX 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors key ring B 7 611160 014245 10 B 7 611160 014573 10 0.6223.94 0.6223.94B1 S 7 611160 004949 10 0.6203.T5B1 0.6203.840 0.6221.26 S 7 611160 000842 10 0.6203.B1 S 7 611160 000453 10 0.6223.8B1 B 7 611160 014696 10 0.6203.840B1 B 7 611160 014436 10 B 7 611160 013514 10 NEW 0.6223.841 S 7 611160 040169 10 0.6223.842 NEW S 7 611160 043702 10 0.6221.26 S 7 611160 012777 10 1, 2, 4 14 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SMALL POCKET KNIVES I 58 mm Classic Range 15 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6123 58 mm Classic Range SMALL POCKET KNIVES SIGNATURE 7 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors key ring tweezers or toothpick pressurized ballpoint pen 0.6225.B1 0.6225 S 7 611160 002259 12 0.6363 RAMBLER 10 functions B 7 611160 014467 10 0.6225.TB1 0.6225.T S 7 611160 013309 12 B 7 611160 014252 10 0.6225.T2B1 0.6225.T2 S 7 611160 013316 12 B 7 611160 014474 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. blade scissors nail file with – screwdriver bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6363 S 7 611160 009784 10 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6225 58 mm Classic Range 2, 6 1, 2, 6 0.6365 0.6226 SIGNATURE LITE 7 functions MANAGER 10 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors key ring LED pressurized ballpoint pen 0.6226.B1 0.6226 S 7 611160 012340 12 B 7 611160 014429 10 0.6226.TB1 0.6226.T S 7 611160 013330 12 0.6226.T2 B 7 611160 014269 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. blade scissors nail file with – screwdriver bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring tweezers or toothpick pressurized ballpoint pen 0.6226.T2B1 S 7 611160 013347 12 B 7 611160 014412 10 0.6365 S 7 611160 012876 12 0.6365.T S 7 611160 013385 12 0.6365.T2 S 7 611160 013392 12 2, 6 0.6226.T7 S 7 611160 007377 12 0.6366 MIDNITE MANAGER 10 functions 1, 2, 3, 6 0.6228 SWISS LITE 7 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors key ring tweezers or toothpick LED 0.6228 S 7 611160 011312 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. blade scissors nail file with – screwdriver bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring LED pressurized ballpoint pen 0.6228.T S 7 611160 013354 12 0.6228.T2 S 7 611160 013361 12 1, 2, 3, 6 0.6366 S 7 611160 012364 12 0.6366.T S 7 611160 013415 12 0.6366.T2 S 7 611160 013422 12 2, 3, 6 0.6203.87 CLASSIC WITH GOLD INGOT 1 GR 6 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors tweezers key ring in luxury box 0.6203.87 7 611160 010827 S 6 1, 2, 6 subject to price changes 16 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SMALL POCKET KNIVES I 58 mm Classic Range 17 SMALL POCKET KNIVES MINI CHAMP 17 functions 0.6386 MIDNITE MINI CHAMP 17 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. blade scissors nail file with – nail cleaner cuticle pusher screwdriver with – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) emergency blade (letter opener) orange peeler with – scraper bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring tweezers or toothpick pressurized ballpoint pen blade scissors nail file with – nail cleaner cuticle pusher screwdriver with – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) emergency blade (letter opener) orange peeler with – scraper bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper key ring LED pressurized ballpoint pen 4.6366.TG16 0.6385 S 7 611160 009913 12 MIDNITE MANAGER@WORK 11 functions NEW 2, 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. blade scissors nail file with – screwdriver bottle opener with – magnetic Phillips screwdriver – wire stripper memory key ring LED pressurized ballpoint pen subject to price changes only while stocks last memory 16 GB 4.6366.TG16 7 611160 051219 S 6 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6385 58 mm Classic Range memory 32 GB 4.6366.TG32 7 611160 051226 S 6 7, 8, 9 0.6386 7 611160 012357 S 6 2, 3 4.6125.TG16B VICTORINOX@WORK 8 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. blade nail file with – screwdriver scissors memory key ring tweezers pressurized ballpoint pen memory 16 GB 4.6125.TG16B B 7 611160 044020 10 memory 32 GB 4.6125.TG32B B 7 611160 047243 10 subject to price changes only while stocks last 18 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SMALL POCKET KNIVES I 58 mm Classic Range 2, 3 19 SMALL POCKET KNIVES EXECUTIVE 81 7 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6423 0.6453 0.6423.B1 S 7 611160 044327 15 NAILCLIP 582 4 functions B 7 611160 045843 10 NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. nail clipper key ring tweezers toothpick EVOWOOD 81 5 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors key ring 0.6421.63 0.6463 0.6421.63B1 S 7 611160 044310 15 NAILCLIP 580 8 functions B NEW 7 611160 045836 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors nail clipper key ring tweezers toothpick S 7 611160 044334 12 B 7 611160 045850 10 0.6461.63 Blister (B1) 0.6463 0.6463.B1 S 7 611160 044358 12 0.6463.T B 7 611160 045874 10 0.6463.TB1 S 7 611160 044365 12 B 7 611160 045881 10 7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9 B 1 0.6453.B1 7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9 0.6421.63 0.6453 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6423 65 mm Classic and NailClip Range NAILCLIP WOOD 580 6 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors nail clipper key ring 0.6461.63 0.6461.63B1 S 7 611160 044341 12 B 7 611160 045867 10 7, 8, 9 20 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SMALL POCKET KNIVES I 65 mm Classic and NailClip Range 21 SMALL POCKET KNIVES AMBASSADOR 7 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6503 7 611160 001221 S 6 SMALL POCKET KNIVES 0.6503 74 mm Elegant Pocket Knives 7, 8 0.6540.16 MONEY CLIP 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors money clip 0.6540.16 7 611160 013965 S 6 7, 8 0.6580.16 CIGAR CUTTER 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors cigar cutter 0.6580.16 7 611160 002327 S 6 7, 8 0.6603 EXECUTIVE 10 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. large blade small blade nail file with – nail cleaner scissors orange peeler with – screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 0.6603 7 611160 001443 S 6 0.6603.3 7 611160 001450 S 6 7, 11 22 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SMALL POCKET KNIVES I 74 mm Elegant Pocket Knives 23 SWISSCARDS SWISSCARDS CLASSIC LITE NAILCARE It’s time to meet the SwissCard Classic, Lite and Nailcare series. Packed with useful tools, a SwissCard is the same size as a credit card, just a little thicker – and no matter how much you use it, there’s no risk of going overdrawn! It also fits perfectly into the card slots in regular wallets and billfolds so you can take it with you wherever you go. And if you prefer to carry your SwissCard in your purse or jacket, we also offer a range of pouches in practical imitation leather or especially elegant genuine leather. 25 0.7100.T Classic, Lite and Nailcare SWISSCARD CLASSIC 10 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. letter opener (blade) scissors tweezers toothpick pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin ruler (cm) ruler (inches) nail file with – screwdriver 0.7100.T S 7 611160 013590 10 0.7122.T2 S 7 611160 013583 10 0.7133.T3 S 7 611160 013637 10 0.7240.T 0.7100.TB1 B 7 611160 013668 10 0.7122.T2B1 B 7 611160 013644 10 0.7133.T3B1 B 7 611160 014115 10 13 0.7300.T SWISSCARD LITE 13 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. letter opener (blade) scissors tweezers pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin ruler (cm) ruler (inches) magnifying glass screwdriver 3 mm screwdriver 5 mm Phillips screwdriver 00 – 0 Phillips screwdriver 1 – 2 LED 0.7300.T S 7 611160 014870 10 0.7322.T2 S 7 611160 014887 10 0.7333.T3 S 7 611160 014894 10 SWISSCARD NAILCARE 13 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. glass nail file scissors tweezers toothpick pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin ruler (cm) ruler (inches) magnifying glass screwdriver 3 mm screwdriver 5 mm Phillips screwdriver 00 – 0 Phillips screwdriver 1 – 2 0.7240.T S 7 611160 050595 10 0.7240.T21 S 7 611160 050601 10 0.7240.T3 S 7 611160 050618 10 13 SWISSCARDS SWISSCARDS 0.7300.TB1 B 7 611160 015037 10 0.7322.T2B1 B 7 611160 014993 10 0.7333.T3B1 B 7 611160 015020 10 13 B 1 26 Blister (B1) SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SWISSCARDS I Classic, Lite and Nailcare 27 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 84 MM ORIGINAL SWISS ARMY KNIVES, SMALL MODELS 85 MM EVOLUTION RANGE MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 91 MM ORIGINAL SWISS ARMY KNIVES, LARGE MODELS 93 MM PIONEER RANGE Victorinox founder Karl Elsener patented his elegant, lightweight and exceptionally versatile «Officer’s and Sports Knife» on July 12, 1897. Along with the «Swiss Soldier’s Knife», produced since 1890, these two tools laid the foundation for the current Victorinox range. Today, the iconic Officer’s Knife is now exhibited in museums all over the world, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art and the International Design Museum in Munich, Germany. The Original Swiss Army Knife has become an established classic – synonymous with creativity, functionality and of course unparalleled Swiss quality. 29 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 0.2363.T MY FIRST VICTORINOX 8 functions 84 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Small Models 1. large blade, rounded tip combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 6. key ring 7. tweezers 8. toothpick 0.2303 with red neck strap BANTAM 8 functions 0.2363.T S 7 611160 015365 10 with red neck strap 0.2363.T2 S 7 611160 015372 10 with purple neck strap 0.2363.T5 1. large blade combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 6. key ring 7. tweezers 8. toothpick NEW 0.2303 S 7 611160 009777 10 0.2303.B1 B 7 611160 014214 10 14, 16 S 0.2373.T MY FIRST VICTORINOX 9 functions 1. large blade, rounded tip combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 6. key ring 7. tweezers 8. toothpick 9. wood saw 0.2300.26 BANTAM ALOX 5 functions 14, 16 0.2300.26 S 7 611160 012852 10 with red neck strap 0.2373.T S 7 611160 015358 10 14, 16 with red neck strap 0.2373.T2 S 7 611160 015389 10 with purple neck strap 0.2373.T5 0.2503 RECRUIT 10 functions NEW S content: metal chain 4.1815 red neck strap 4.1879 purple neck strap 4.1879.503 1. large blade combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 7 611160 047595 10 14, 16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. large blade small blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper key ring tweezers toothpick 0.2503 S 7 611160 002235 10 0.2503.B1 B 7 611160 014184 10 14, 16 0.2601.26 CADET ALOX 9 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. large blade nail file with – nail cleaner can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper key ring 0.2601.26 S 7 611160 012869 10 14, 16 30 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 84 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Small Models 31 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES content: metal chain 4.1815 red neck strap 4.1879 purple neck strap 4.1879.503 7 611160 047588 10 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 0.3303 WAITER 9 functions 84 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Small Models 1. large blade combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 6. corkscrew 7. key ring 8. tweezers 9. toothpick 0.3303 S 7 611160 000064 10 0.3303.B1 0.3803 SPORTSMAN 13 functions B 7 611160 014207 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. large blade nail file with – nail cleaner corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 0.3803.B1 0.3803 S 7 611160 000231 10 B 7 611160 014719 10 without key ring 0.3802 S 7 611160 000200 10 14, 16 14, 16 0.6901 EXCELSIOR 3 functions TOURIST 12 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 0.3603 0.6901 S 7 611160 011039 10 Alox S 7 611160 000163 10 0.6901.16 S 7 611160 001634 10 only large blade MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 0.3603 1. large blade 2. small blade 3. key ring 0.6910 S 7 611160 011053 10 15 0.7830.11 14, 16 0.4603 TINKER SMALL 12 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. large blade small blade Phillips scrwewdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick BAKER’S KNIFE 1. baker’s blade with wavy edge 1 function 0.7830.11 S 7 611160 001672 12 0.4603 S 7 611160 000279 10 15 0.6990.16 WATCHMAKER 60 1 function 1. watch case opener 0.6990.16 S 7 611160 044433 12 14, 16 32 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 84 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Small Models 33 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 2.3603.SE EVOLUTION S101 12 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 85 mm Evolution Range with and without Spring Lock System lock blade small blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.3813.SE 2.3603.SE EVOLUTION S13 14 functions S 7 611160 044655 10 NEW 2.3603.SC S 7 611160 044648 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lock blade nail file with – nail cleaner can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.3813.SE S 7 611160 044709 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 EVOWOOD 10 11 functions NEW 2.3901.63 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. blade nail file with – nail cleaner can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper corkscrew reamer, punch key ring 2.3801.63 S 7 611160 044662 10 EVOWOOD 14 12 functions 2.3801.63B1 NEW B 7 611160 046000 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper corkscrew reamer, punch key ring 2.3901.63 2.3901.63B1 S 7 611160 044730 10 B 7 611160 046017 10 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 2.3801.63 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2.3803.E EVOLUTION 10 13 functions NEW 2.3903.E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. blade nail file with – nail cleaner can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.3803.E S 7 611160 044686 10 2.3803.ET S 7 611160 044693 10 2.3803.C S 7 611160 044679 10 EVOLUTION 14 14 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.3903.E S 7 611160 044754 10 2.3903.ET S 7 611160 044761 10 2.3903.C 2.3903.CB1 S 7 611160 044747 10 B 7 611160 046024 10 with lock blade 2.3903.SE S 7 611160 044778 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 34 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 85 mm Evolution Range 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 35 2.3911.63 EVOWOOD 17 13 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 85 mm Evolution Range with and without Spring Lock System blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw corkscrew reamer, punch key ring 2.3911.63 2.3953.SE 2.3911.63B1 S 7 611160 044785 10 EVOLUTION S52 20 functions B 7 611160 046031 10 NEW 16, 17, 18, 19 2.3913.E EVOLUTION 17 15 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. lock blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw pliers with – shifting opening – wire crimper inside-outside – wire cutters – nut wrench corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick JUNIOR 03 15 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. lock blade, rounded tip nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick S 2.4213.SKE 7 611160 044808 10 JUNIOR 09 8 functions with lock blade NEW 2.3913.SE S 7 611160 044815 10 with lock blade with lock blade 2.3913.SC 2.3913.SCB1 S 7 611160 044792 10 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 85 mm Evolution Range 16, 20, 22 1. lock blade, rounded tip 2. nail file with 3. – nail cleaner 4. wood saw 5. Phillips screwdriver 6. key ring 7. tweezers 8. toothpick 2.4213.SKE S 7 611160 044846 10 B 7 611160 046048 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2.3913.SKE 2.4603.SE 2.3913.SKEB1 S 7 611160 044822 10 16, 17, 18, 19 36 S 7 611160 044839 10 2.3913.E 16, 17, 18, 19 2.3913.SKE 2.3953.SE MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES B 7 611160 046055 10 EVOLUTION S111 12 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade small blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper Phillips screwdriver reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.4603.SE S 7 611160 044853 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 37 2.4803.E EVOLUTION 11 13 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 85 mm Evolution Range with and without Spring Lock System blade nail file with – nail cleaner can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper Phillips screwdriver reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.5013.E 2.4803.E EVOLUTION 23 17 functions S NEW 7 611160 044877 10 2.4803.C S 7 611160 044860 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2.4903.E EVOLUTION 16 14 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper Phillips screwdriver reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick EVOLUTION 18 15 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw Phillips screwdriver reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw magnifying glass with – precision screwdriver corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.5013.E S 7 611160 044952 10 16, 20, 22 2.4903.E S 7 611160 044891 10 2.5221.S63 EVOWOOD S557 19 functions with lock blade 2.4903.SE NEW S 7 611160 044907 10 2.4903.C 2.4903.CB1 S 7 611160 044884 10 B 7 611160 046062 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2.4913.E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 2.4913.E S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. lock blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire cutter Phillips screwdriver pliers with – shifting opening – wire crimper inside-outside – wire cutters – nut wrench universal wrench M3, M4, M5 corkscrew reamer, punch key ring 2.5221.S63 2.5221.S63B1 S 7 611160 044969 10 7 611160 046109 B 6 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 16, 20, 22 7 611160 044938 10 2.4913.C 2.4913.CB1 S 7 611160 044914 10 2.4913.C8 B 7 611160 046079 10 2.4913.C8B1 S 7 611160 044921 10 B 7 611160 046086 10 with lock blade with lock blade 2.4913.SC8 2.4913.SC8B1 S 7 611160 044945 10 B 7 611160 046093 10 16, 17, 18, 19 38 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 85 mm Evolution Range 39 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 2.5223.SE EVOLUTION S557 21 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 85 mm Evolution Range with and without Spring Lock System lock blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opnener with – small screwdiver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire cutter Phillips screwdriver pliers with – shifting opening – wire crimper inside-outside – wire cutters – nut wrench universal wrench M3, M4, M5 corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.5393.SE 2.5223.SE 32 functions S 7 611160 044983 10 2.5223.SC EVOLUTION S54 NEW 2.5223.SCB1 S 7 611160 044976 10 7 611160 046116 B 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. lock blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw Phillips screwdriver metal saw with – metal file magnifying glass with – precision screwdriver pliers with – shifting opening – wire crimper, inside-outside – wire cutters – nut wrench integrated rotating compass with 2.5393.SE 7 611160 045010 S 6 2.5393.SC 7 611160 045003 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. S 6 – sight line – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) universal wrench M3, M4, M5 fish scaler with – hook disgorger corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 16, 20, 22 23 EVOLUTION 28 23 functions NEW 2.5703.E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw Phillips screwdriver metal saw with – metal file magnifying glass with – precision screwdriver universal wrench M3, M4, M5 fish scaler with – hook disgorger corkscrew reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick CIGAR 36 8 functions 2.5383.E NEW S 7 611160 044990 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. blade nail file with – nail cleaner cigar cutter corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 2.5703.E S MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 2.5383.E 7 611160 045027 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2.5713.E CIGAR 79 15 functions NEW 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. blade nail file with – nail cleaner serrated edge scissors can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire cutter cigar cutter cork screw reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 2.5713.E S 7 611160 045034 10 16, 17, 18, 19 40 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 85 mm Evolution Range 41 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 1.3405 COMPACT 15 functions 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 1. large blade combination tool: 2. – bottle opener 3. – can opener 4. – screwdriver 5. – wire stripper 6. corkscrew 7. scissors 8. multipurpose hook with 9. – nail file 10. key ring 11. tweezers 12. toothpick 13. pressurized ballpoint pen 14. stainless steel pin 15. mini screwdriver 1.7804.T 1.3405 SPARTAN LITE 15 functions S 7 611160 100016 10 1.3405.3 7 611160 100023 S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick Phillips screwdriver mini screwdriver LED 1.7804.T S 7 611160 106605 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26 16, 17, 18, 19, 30 1.3603 SPARTAN 12 functions 13 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 1.3603 1.3603.B1 S 7 611160 100092 10 B 7 611160 105899 10 1.3603.T 1.3603.TB1 S 7 611160 105943 10 B 7 611160 106216 10 1.3603.T2 1.3603.T2B1 S 7 611160 105950 10 B 7 611160 106186 10 1.3603.3 S B 1.3613 S 7 611160 100146 10 1.3613.B1 B 7 611160 105905 10 with hot stamping «Camping» 1.3613.71 S 7 611160 100177 10 1.3613.71B1 B 7 611160 106285 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 7 611160 106261 10 1.3653.72 S 1.3603.T7 1.3603.T7B1 S 7 611160 015471 10 1.3603.94 S 7 611160 104250 10 ANGLER 19 functions 7 611160 100115 10 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw NEW 1.3603.7 16, 17, 18, 19, 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1.3603.3B1 7 611160 100108 10 42 CAMPER B 7 611160 031549 10 1.3603.94B1 B 7 611160 105875 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick fish scaler with – hook disgorger – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool 1.3653.72 S 7 611160 104908 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 43 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 1.3613 1.3703 CLIMBER 14 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook 1.3703 1.7915.T 1.3703.B1 S 7 611160 100207 10 HUNTSMAN LITE 21 functions B 7 611160 105882 10 1.3703.T 1.3703.TB1 S 7 611160 105998 10 B 7 611160 106223 10 1.3703.T2 1.3703.T2B1 S 7 611160 105981 10 B 7 611160 106193 10 1.3703.3 1.3703.3B1 S 7 611160 100214 10 B 7 611160 106292 10 NEW 1.3703.7 S 7 611160 100221 10 1.3703.T7 NEW 1.3703.T7B1 S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw 1.8726 1.3713 1.3713.B1 S 7 611160 100276 10 B 7 611160 106179 10 1.3713.T 1.3713.TB1 S 7 611160 105967 10 B 7 611160 106230 10 1.3713.T2 1.3713.T2B1 S 7 611160 105974 10 B 7 611160 106209 10 NEW 1.3713.3 7 611160 106612 S 6 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 TRAVELLER-SET 26 functions 15 functions 1.7915.T 7 611160 042989 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26 HUNTSMAN large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw fine screwdriver pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver Phillips screwdriver LED B 7 611160 015457 10 1.3713 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. S 7 611160 100283 10 NEW 1.3713.3B1 B 7 611160 106308 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw pressurized ballpoint pen mini screwdriver stainless steel pin 1.8726 7 611160 104243 S 6 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES NEW 1.3713.7 S 7 611160 100306 10 1.3713.T7 S 611160 015310 10 1.3713.94 S 7 611160 104267 10 1.3713.94B1 B included in pouch: 19. liquid compass 20. spirit level 21. thermometer (°C) 22. thermometer (°F) 23. magnifying glass 24. ruler (cm) 25. ruler (inches) 26. flashlight Maglite 7 611160 106315 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 44 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 45 1.3743 MOUNTAINEER 18 functions 1.3763 RANGER 21 functions 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw chisel nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw fine screwdriver 1.3773 1.3743 HANDYMAN 24 functions S 7 611160 100344 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 1.3763 S 7 611160 100368 10 1.3763.B1 7 611160 027498 B 6 1.4603 TINKER 12 functions with hot printing «Camping» 1.3763.71 S 7 611160 100375 10 large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw chisel nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw fine screwdriver pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 1.3773 S 7 611160 100382 10 16, 20, 22, 24, 28, 29 1.4603 S 7 611160 100399 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 30 16, 20, 22, 24, 28, 29, 32 1.4613 HIKER 13 functions B 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES Blister (B1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw 1.4613 S 7 611160 100412 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 46 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 47 1.4703 SUPER TINKER 14 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook 1.4733.72 1.4703 FISHERMAN 18 functions S 7 611160 100443 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 1.4713 FIELDMASTER 15 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw 1.4713 S 1.6703 EXPLORER 16 functions 7 611160 100450 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 1.4723 DELUXE TINKER 17 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool 1.4723 S 7 611160 101129 10 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 27 48 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 1.6705 EXPLORER 19 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. large blade small blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook fish scaler with – hook disgorger – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook Phillips screwdriver magnifying glass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook Phillips screwdriver magnifying glass pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver 1.4733.72 S 7 611160 100467 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 1.6703 1.6703.B1 S 7 611160 100542 10 B 7 611160 106360 10 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 1.6705 S 7 611160 106483 10 1.6705.3 S 7 611160 008367 10 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27 49 1.6795 SWISS CHAMP 33 functions 1.6795.XLT SWISS CHAMP XLT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook wood saw fish scaler with – hook disgorger – ruler (cm) – ruler (inches) nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw fine screwdriver chisel pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver magnifying glass pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver functions 1 – 33 like 1.6795 1.6795 7 611160 100634 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50 pharmaceutical spatula pruning blade electrician‘s blade with – wire scraper bit wrench with – 5 mm female Hex drive for D-SUB conectors – female Hex drive 4mm for the bits – bit Phillips 0 (Pozidrive) – bit Phillips 1 (Pozidrive) bit case with – bit slotted 4 mm – bit Phillips 2 – bit Hex 4 mm – bit Torx 8 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 S 6 7 611160 106117 SWISS CHAMP XAVT 7 611160 106957 B 4 50. bit case and 51. bit wrench with 52. – female Hex drive 5 mm for D-SUB connectors 53. – female Hex drive 4mm for the bits 54. bit slotted 3x1 55. bit slotted 4x1 56. bit Torx 6 57. bit Torx 8 58. bit Hex 1,2 59. bit Hex 1,5 60. bit Hex 2 61. bit Hex 2,5 62. large blade with wavy edge 63. LED 64. magnifying glass 65. multipurpose hook with – nail file 66. reamer, punch combination tool: 67. – bottle opener 68. – can opener S 6 1.6795.T2 7 611160 106964 S 6 1.6795.3 7 611160 100641 S 6 1.6794.T7 7 611160 029362 S 6 without pressurized ballpoint pen and stainless steel pin with branded Victorinox logo 1.6794.69 7 611160 105035 functions 1 – 49 like 1.6795.XLT 1.6795.XAVT 81 functions 1.6795.T S 6 1.8802 DUO-GIFTBOX 7 611160 000170 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. S 1 – screwdriver – wire stripper watch opener fine screwdriver digital clock (12h / 24h) – alarm – countdown – timer – altimeter (m) – altimeter (feet) – barometer – thermometer (°C) – thermometer (°F) Includes User‘s Guide and description of all 81 functions in Englisch, German, French and Spanish. 31 with 1.6795 and 0.6223 1.8802 7 611160 100665 20, 23, 24, 28, 29 S 6 1.6795.XLT 49 functions 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 1.6795.XAVT 1.6795.LB1 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 7 611160 105868 S 1 Includes User‘s Guide and description of all 49 functions in English, German, French and Spanish. 1.8810 SOS-SET functions 1 – 33 like 1.6795 1.8810 47 functions 25 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 34. sharpening stone 35. retractable pencil 36. writing paper, knottying guide and int. distress signals 37. 3 plasters 38. sewing thread 39. 2 sewing needles 40. 5 matches 41. 5 safety pins 42. nylon string 7 611160 100696 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. S 6 signal mirror liquid compass spirit level ruler (cm) ruler (inches) in leather pouch 51 1.7605.T CYBERTOOL S 27 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1.7725.T CYBERTOOL M 32 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 52 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick bit wrench with – female Hex drive 5 mm for D-SUB connectors – female Hex drive 4mm for the bits – bit Phillips 0 (Pozidrive) – bit Phillips 1 (Pozidrive) bit case with – bit slotted 4 mm – bit Phillips 2 – bit Hex 4 mm – bit Torx 8 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick bit wrench with – female Hex drive 5 mm for D-SUB connectors – female Hex drive 4mm for the bits – bit Phillips 0 (Pozidrive) – bit Phillips 1 (Pozidrive) bit case with – bit slotted 4 mm – bit Phillips 2 – bit Hex 4 mm – bit Torx 8 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver 1.7775.T 1.7605.T CYBERTOOL L 39 functions S 7 611160 105820 12 25. pressurized ballpoint pen 26. stainless steel pin 27. mini screwdriver 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick bit wrench with – female Hex drive 5 mm for D-SUB connectors – female Hex drive 4mm for the bits – bit Phillips 0 (Pozidrive) – bit Phillips 1 (Pozidrive) bit case with – bit slotted 4 mm – bit Phillips 2 – bit Hex 4 mm – bit Torx 8 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin 1.7775.T 7 611160 105936 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. S 6 mini screwdriver pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool scissors multipurpose hook wood saw nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw fine screwdriver chisel MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 1.7725.T 7 611160 105813 S 6 1.7725.T2 7 611160 106032 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. S 6 1.7925.T CYBERTOOL LITE functions 1 – 32 like 1.7725.T 1.7925.T 34 functions 33. magnifying glass 34. LED 7 611160 106636 S 6 pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool scissors multipurpose hook 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 53 1.3705.AVT TRAVELLER 27 functions 1.7905.AVT TRAVELLER LITE 29 functions 54 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook with – nail file pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver digital watch (12h / 24h) – alarm – countdown – timer – altimeter (m) – altimeter (feet) – barometer – thermometer (°C) – thermometer (°F) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook with – nail file pressurized ballpoint pen pin, inox mini screwdriver digital watch (12h / 24h) – alarm – countdown – timer – altimeter (m) – altimeter (feet) – barometer – thermometer (°C) – thermometer (°F) Phillips screwdriver LED 1.8741.AVT 1.3705.AVT 7 611160 106940 S 6 EXPEDITION KIT 44 functions large blade small blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick scissors multipurpose hook with – nail file pressurized ballpoint pen stainless steel pin mini screwdriver digital watch (12h / 24h) – alarm – countdown 1.8741.AVT 7 611160 001283 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. S 6 – timer – altimeter (m) – altimeter (feet) – barometer – thermometer (°C) – thermometer (°F) Phillips screwdriver LED wood saw nail file with – metal file – nail cleaner – metal saw chisel fine screwdriver included in pouch: 37. liquid compass 38. spirit level 39. thermometer (°C) 40. thermometer (°F) 41. magnifying glass 42. ruler (cm) 43. ruler (inches) 44. sharpening stone 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26 1.7905.AVT 7 611160 106971 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. S 6 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES Display Functions Traveller Digital Watch Altimeter 24h or 12h am/pm m or ft Thermometer Barometer Alarm 24h Countdown Timer °C or °F 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 29 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 91 mm Original Swiss Army Knives, Large Models 55 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 0.8000.26 POCKET KNIFE ALOX 93 mm Pioneer Range 1. large blade 0.8000.26 S 7 611160 013859 10 1 function 0.8150.26 0.8000.26B1 POCKET KNIFE ALOX 7 functions B 7 611160 027429 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. large blade reamer, punch pruning blade bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper wood saw 0.8150.26 S 7 611160 013781 10 without wood saw 0.8140.26 S 7 611160 013798 10 16, 19, 20 POCKET KNIFE ALOX 1. large blade 2. pruning blade 2 functions 0.8060.26 0.8201.26 PIONEER 8 functions S 7 611160 013828 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. large blade reamer, punch can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper key ring 16, 19, 20 0.8120.26 ELECTRICIAN 7 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. large blade reamer, punch electrician‘s blade with – wire scraper bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper 0.8120.26 S 7 611160 013811 10 16, 17, 18, 19 56 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES I 93 mm Pioneer Range 0.8201.26 S 7 611160 012838 10 0.8201.26B1 B 7 611160 014801 10 MEDIUM POCKET KNIVES 0.8060.26 16, 17, 18, 19 16, 17, 18, 19 0.8241.26 FARMER 9 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. large blade reamer, punch can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper wood saw key ring 0.8241.26 S 7 611160 013774 10 16, 17, 18, 19 57 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 111 MM STURDY POCKET KNIVES 111 MM POCKET KNIVES 130 MM RANGERGRIP RANGE 130 MM HUNTER PRO RANGE If you’re looking for that little bit extra, our large pocket knives should be your first port of call. Produced with exceptional attention to safety, functionality and robustness, all the models in this range incorporate design features that make them safer to use – above all, the reliable locking mechanism for the sharp main blade. The thickness of the individual tools and the rivet joints also make the knives even more stable, while the ergonomically designed nylon scales make sure you always have a firm hold on your knife. All these features make our large pocket knives the ideal choice when it comes to more demanding tasks. No wonder they’ve become an integral part of a soldier’s kit in so many armies around the world. Fire rescue workers, police officers and medics also put their trust in uncompromising Swiss quality in their crucial but challenging work. Our lockable pocket tools also prove their worth on a daily basis when out hunting. 59 LARGE POCKET KNIVES SENTINEL ONE HAND 3 functions 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. corkscrew 3. key ring 0.8353.3 0.8321.MWC 7 611160 030221 NOMAD 11 functions S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver lockable bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8353.3 7 611160 012135 without tweezers and toothpick without tweezers and toothpick 0.8351.C 0.8351.CB1 7 611160 025005 32, 33, 34, 39 0.8331.MC9 HUNTER XS 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade for one hand corkscrew large gutting blade, lockable key ring lanyard 0.8353.MW3 NOMAD ONE HAND 11 functios S 6 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. corkscrew 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. lockable bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. tweezers 11. toothpick 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 0.8341.MC9 HUNTER XT 6 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. lock blade for one hand corkscrew large gutting blade, lockable wood saw key ring lanyard 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 60 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET TOOLS I 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives B 7 611160 027443 10 S 6 0.8353.MW3 7 611160 030283 S 6 without tweezers and toothpick 0.8351.MWC 7 611160 030276 S 6 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 0.8363.3 0.8341.MC9 7 611160 038166 S 6 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 0.8331.MC9 7 611160 038142 S 6 FORESTER 12 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver lockable bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring wood saw tweezers toothpick LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8321.MWC 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives with Liner Lock System 0.8363.3 7 611160 012128 S 6 without tweezers and toothpick 0.8361.C 7 611160 024985 S 6 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 61 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8361.MWC FORESTER ONE HAND 10 functions 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives with Liner Lock System 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. corkscrew 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. lockable bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. wood saw 0.8361.MWC 7 611160 024992 0.8413.M3 0.8361.MWCB1 S 6 SENTINEL ONE HAND 4 functions B 7 611160 027597 10 1. 2. 3. 4. lock blade for one hand key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8413.M3 7 611160 007223 S 6 with lock blade for one hand and 2/3 wavy edge 0.8413.MW3 7 611160 012166 S 6 32, 33, 34 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 0.8416.3 0.8371.MWC DUAL PRO 10 functions SENTINEL CLIP 5 functions 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. corkscrew 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. lockable bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. seatbelt cutter for one hand, lockable 0.8371.MWC 7 611160 024961 S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade clip key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8416.3 7 611160 017086 S 6 with lock blade for one hand with lock blade for one hand and 2/3 wavy edge 0.8416.M3 0.8416.MW3 7 611160 017062 S 6 7 611160 017079 S 6 32, 33, 34 0.8453.3 0.8413.3 SENTINEL 4 functions 11 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. lock blade key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8413.3 7 611160 007186 32, 33, 34 62 CENTURION SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives 0.8413.3B1 S 6 B 7 611160 027375 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver lockable bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick LARGE POCKET KNIVES 34, 36, 37, 38, 42 0.8453.3 7 611160 012074 S 6 32, 33, 34, 36, 39 63 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8461.MWCH SWISS SOLDIER’S KNIFE 08 10 functions 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives with Liner Lock System 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. Phillips screwdriver 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. lockable bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. wood saw 0.8461.MWCH 7 611160 017055 0.8493.3 0.8461.MWCHB1 S 6 LOCKSMITH 14 functions B 7 611160 019714 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lock blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver lockable bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw metal saw with – metal file 0.8493.3 7 611160 012180 S 6 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 TRAILMASTER 12 functions 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver lockable bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw 0.8463.3 7 611160 012104 S 6 0.8623.MWN RESCUETOOL 14 functions 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 0.8463.MW3 TRAILMASTER ONE HAND 12 functions 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. Phillips screwdriver 3. window breaker 4. lockable bottle opener with 5. – screwdriver / crate opener 6. – wire stripper 7. reamer, punch 8. seatbelt cutter 9. key ring 10. tweezers 11. toothpick 12. disc saw for shatterproof glass 13. luminescent handles 14. lanyard 0.8623.MWN 7 611160 003539 S 6 with lock blade 0.8623.N 7 611160 002808 S 6 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8463.3 in nylon pouch 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. Phillips screwdriver 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. lockable bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. tweezers 11. toothpick 12. wood saw 0.8463.MW3 7 611160 014320 S 6 43 A.8590 WINDOW BREAKER A.8590 replacement part 7 611160 003409 A.8591 DISC SAW FOR SHATTERPROOF GLASS S 1 A.8591 replacement part 7 611160 003416 S 1 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 64 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 111 mm Sturdy Pocket Knives 65 LARGE POCKET KNIVES ALPINEER 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8863 0.8823 7 611160 002006 RUCKSACK 12 functions S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw 32, 33, 34, 35 0.8833.W CHEESE KNIFE 6 functions 1. lock blade with 3/4 wavy edge 2. cheese blade 3. corkscrew 4. key ring 5. tweezers 6. toothpick 0.8873 HUNTER 12 functions S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade corkscrew wood saw gutting blade combination tool: – bottle opener – can opener – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 0.8853 PICKNICKER 11 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick 0.8853 7 611160 002013 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 111 mm Pocket Knives S 6 S 6 0.8873 7 611160 002037 S 6 0.8873.4 7 611160 006868 S 6 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 0.8853.B1 B 7 611160 014283 10 0.8883 EQUESTRIAN 12 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 66 7 611160 002020 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 0.8833.W 7 611160 042354 0.8863 lock blade corkscrew wood saw hoof cleaner combination tool: – bottle opener – can opener – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8823 111 mm Pocket Knives with Slider Lock System 0.8883 7 611160 006905 S 6 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 67 LARGE POCKET KNIVES COWBOY 5 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade Phillips screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9033 0.8923 7 611160 002044 ATLAS 16 functions S 6 32, 33, 34, 35 0.8953 ADVENTURER 11 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade Phillips screwdriver can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick OUTRIDER 14 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw scissors long and fine Phillips screwdriver lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver 0.9033 7 611160 009791 S 6 NEW 0.9033.3 7 611160 012227 S 6 0.8953 7 611160 002051 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 S 6 0.9043 HERCULES 18 functions 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 0.9023 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 0.9023 7 611160 009036 0.9023.3 7 611160 012234 15. 16. 17. 18. 0.9023.B1 S 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. B 7 611160 012814 10 lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw scissors long and fine Phillips screwdriver pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver 0.9043 7 611160 009883 S 6 NEW 0.9043.3 7 611160 012210 S 6 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.8923 111 mm Pocket Knives with Slider Lock System 34, 40, 41, 42, 45 0.9023.3B1 S 6 B 7 611160 014726 10 B 1 Blister (B1) 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 68 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 111 mm Pocket Knives 69 LARGE POCKET KNIVES WORKCHAMP 21 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 0.9064.XL WORKCHAMP XL 31 functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 70 lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw scissors long and fine Phillips screwdriver metal saw with – metal file pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver mini screwdriver lock blade corkscrew can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver – wire stripper reamer, punch key ring tweezers toothpick wood saw scissors long and fine Phillips screwdriver metal saw with – metal file pliers with – wire cutters – wire crimping tool Phillips screwdriver mini screwdriver seatbelt cutter hoof cleaner pike blade shackle opener with – marlin spike combination tool: – bottle opener – can opener – screwdriver – wire stripper fine screwdriver SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 111 mm Pocket Knives 0.9093.2W 0.9064 7 611160 012388 7 611160 012197 17 functions S 6 NEW 0.9064.3 S 6 SKIPPER 1. lock blade with 3/4 wavy edge 2. corkscrew 3. can opener with 4. – small screwdriver 5. bottle opener with 6. – screwdriver 7. – wire stripper 8. reamer, punch 9. key ring 10. tweezers 11. toothpick 12. shackle opener with 13. – marlin spike 14. pliers with 15. – wire cutters 16. – wire crimping tool 17. Phillips screwdriver 0.9093.2W 7 611160 011909 S 6 with orange cord in plastic pouch 0.9093.2WS 7 611160 011251 S 6 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 34, 41, 42, 45 0.9064.XL 7 611160 012463 S 6 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9064 111 mm Pocket Knives with Slider Lock System 44 71 LARGE POCKET KNIVES RANGERGRIP 52 5 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9553.MC 0.9523.C RANGERGRIP 61 11 functions S 7 611160 044440 10 NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade for one hand can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 45 0.9523.MC RANGERGRIP 63 5 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade for one hand corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick RANGERGRIP 68 11 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. lock blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9561.63 0.9523.MC RANGERWOOD 55 10 functions S 7 611160 044457 10 72 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 130 mm RangerGrip Range 0.9553.MC4 S 7 611160 044488 10 NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. lock blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw reamer, punch corkscrew key ring 0.9561.63 0.9561.63B1 S 7 611160 044495 10 B 7 611160 045959 10 45 0.9563.C 0.9553.C S 7 611160 044464 10 45 S 7 611160 044471 10 45 45 0.9553.C 0.9553.MC RANGERGRIP 55 12 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9563.C 0.9563.CB1 S 7 611160 044501 10 B 7 611160 045966 10 45 73 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9523.C 130 mm RangerGrip Range with Liner Lock System LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9563.MC RANGERGRIP 79 12 functions NEW 130 mm RangerGrip Range with Liner Lock System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade for one hand can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9583.MC 0.9563.MC S RANGERGRIP 57 HUNTER 13 functions 7 611160 044518 10 NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. lock blade for one hand can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw gutting blade, non wavy edge reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9583.MC 0.9583.MCB1 S 7 611160 044549 10 B 7 611160 045973 10 45 45 12 functions NEW 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. can opener with 3. – small screwdriver 4. bottle opener with 5. – screwdriver, lockable 6. – wire stripper 7. wood saw 8. reamer, punch 9. corkscrew 10. key ring 11. tweezers 12. toothpick 0.9563.MWC4 S 0.9623.C RANGERGRIP 53 5 functions 7 611160 044525 10 NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lock blade Phillips screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 45 0.9563.WC RANGERGRIP 155 12 functions NEW 1. lock blade with 2/3 wavy edge 2. can opener with 3. – small screwdriver 4. bottle opener with 5. – screwdriver, lockable 6. – wire stripper 7. wood saw 8. reamer, punch 9. corkscrew 10. key ring 11. tweezers 12. toothpick 74 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 130 mm RangerGrip Range S 7 611160 044556 10 45 0.9663.C 0.9563.WC S 7 611160 044532 10 45 0.9623.C RANGERGRIP 56 12 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw reamer, punch Phillips srcewdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9663.C 0.9663.CB1 S 7 611160 044563 10 B 7 611160 045980 10 45 75 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9563.MWC4 RANGERGRIP 179 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9663.MC RANGERGRIP 78 12 functions NEW 130 mm RangerGrip Range with Liner Lock System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lock blade for one hand can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw reamer, punch Phillips screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9713.C 0.9663.MC RANGERGRIP 71 GARDENER 7 functions S 7 611160 044570 10 NEW 1. lock blade 2. wood saw 3. heavy-duty scissors with lever 4. corkscrew 5. key ring 6. tweezers 7. toothpick 0.9713.C S 7 611160 044600 10 45 12 functions NEW 1. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge 2. can opener with 3. – small screwdriver 4. bottle opener with 5. – screwdriver, lockable 6. – wire stripper 7. wood saw 8. reamer, punch 9. Phillips screwdriver 10. key ring 11. tweezers 12. toothpick 0.9663.MWC4 S 7 611160 044587 10 0.9723.C RANGERGRIP 58 HUNTER 13 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. lock blade for one hand can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper wood saw gutting blade reamer, punch Phillips screwdriver key ring tweezers toothpick RANGERGRIP 74 14 functions NEW 45 0.9683.MC 45, 46 0.9683.MC S 7 611160 044594 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lock blade can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper needle nose pliers with – wire cutter – nut wrench reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9723.C 0.9723.CB1 S 7 611160 044617 10 7 611160 047571 B 6 45, 46 45 76 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 130 mm RangerGrip Range 77 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9663.MWC4 RANGERGRIP 178 LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9728.WC RANGERGRIP 174 HANDYMAN 17 functions NEW LARGE POCKET KNIVES 130 mm RangerGrip Range with Liner Lock System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper needle nose pliers with – wire cutter – nut wrench bit slot for – bit Phillips 3 – bit slotted 0,6 x 4,5 mm reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick 0.9410.3 HUNTER PRO 1 function 130 mm Hunter Pro Range with Spring Lock System 1. lock blade for one hand in nylon pouch 0.9410.3 7 611160 042422 0.9410.3B1 S 6 in nylon pouch NEW 0.9410.9 7 611160 048646 7 611160 042439 S 6 B 6 NEW 0.9410.9B1 7 611160 048653 B 6 in nylon pouch 45 0.9728.WC 7 611160 044624 22 functions NEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 46 lock blade for one hand with 2/3 wavy edge can opener with – small screwdriver bottle opener with – screwdriver, lockable – wire stripper needle nose pliers with – wire cutter – nut wrench shackle opener with – marlin spike – ruler (cm/inch) – ruler (cm/inch) – sewing eye bit slot for – bit Phillips 3 – bit slotted 0,6 x 4,5 mm reamer, punch corkscrew key ring tweezers toothpick LARGE POCKET KNIVES 0.9798.MWC8 RANGERGRIP BOATSMAN S 6 in nylon pouch 0.9798.MWC8 7 611160 044631 78 S 6 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I LARGE POCKET KNIVES I 130 mm RangerGrip Range I 130 mm Hunter Pro Range 46 79 SWISS TOOLS SWISSTOOL SPIRIT SWISSTOOL Ask anyone who’s ever gotten out of a sticky situation thanks to a multi-tool of this kind, or anyone who has come to appreciate their precision, versatility and stability in day-to-day life – they wouldn’t be without them. These are the most robust tools currently available in the Victorinox range – the exceptionally powerful SwissTool, and its younger and slightly handier brother, SwissTool Spirit. With strong, ergonomically designed handles made of finely polished, easy-care stainless steel, these solidly built all-rounders are exceptionally satisfying to use. All the tools can be accessed from the outside so you can find the right tool without having to open out the handle arms. All blades lock in position when folded out to ensure maximum safety and assist with demanding manual tasks. The locking back spring mechanism is exceptionally secure, but also easy to SWISSTOOLS unlock when necessary. 81 SWISSTOOLS 3.0223 SwissTool Spirit with Liner Lock System (105 mm, 205 g) SWISSTOOL SPIRIT 26 functions 1. needle-nosed pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. can opener with 6. – screwdriver 3 mm 7. bottle opener with 8. – screwdriver 6 mm 9. – crate opener 10. – wire bender 11. Spirit blade with 3/4 wavy edge 12. large blade 13. metal saw with 14. – metal file 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. wood saw reamer, punch with – multipurpose hook Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 chisel and scraper with – wire stripper and scraper – cable cover longitudinal cutter – cable cover crossways cutter coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release 3.0227 SWISSTOOL SPIRIT XC 26 functions in leather pouch 3.0223.L 7 611160 000347 32, 33 3.0224 SWISSTOOL SPIRIT X 26 functions 1. needle-nosed pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. can opener with 6. – screwdriver 3 mm 7. bottle opener with 8. – screwdriver 6 mm 9. – crate opener 10. – wire bender 11. large blade 12. scissors 13. metal saw with 14. – metal file 23. 24. 25. 26. coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release in leather pouch in leather pouch 3.0227.L 3.0227.LB1 7 611160 305756 7 611160 305916 in nylon pouch 3.0227.N 3.0227.NB1 7 611160 305763 3.0227 wood saw reamer, punch with – multipurpose hook Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 chisel and scraper with – wire stripper and scraper – cable cover longitudinal cutter – cable cover crossways cutter coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release 3.0238.L SWISSTOOL SPIRIT XC PLUS functions 1 – 26 like 3.0227 37 functions 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. B 6 S 6 in nylon pouch without packaging 32, 33 7 611160 004338 3.0227.L1 3.0223 S 1 S 6 in leather pouch with rotating clip without packaging 7 611160 308818 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. S 6 1. needle-nosed pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. can opener with 6. – screwdriver 3 mm 7. bottle opener with 8. – screwdriver 6 mm 9. – crate opener 10. – wire bender 11. Spirit blade with 3/4 wavy edge 12. scissors 13. metal saw with 14. – metal file 15. wood saw 16. reamer, punch with 17. – multipurpose hook 18. Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 19. chisel and scraper with 20. – wire stripper and scraper 21. – cable cover longitudinal cutter 22. – cable cover crossways cutter 7 611160 305831 S 6 7 611160 004314 S 6 S 1 in leather pouch 3.0238.L bit wrench bit case with – bit Hex 3 – bit Hex 4 – bit Phillips 0 – bit Phillips 3 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 space for additional bits mini screwdriver corkscrew 7 611160 305770 S 6 in nylon pouch 3.0238.N 7 611160 305787 S 6 in leather pouch 3.0224.L S 6 SWISSTOOLS 7 611160 012159 without packaging 3.0224 32, 33 82 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SWISSTOOLS I SwissTool Spirit 7 611160 019929 S 1 47 83 SWISSTOOLS 3.0239.L SwissTool Spirit with Liner Lock System (105 mm, 205 g) SWISSTOOL SPIRIT XC PLUS RATCHET functions 1 – 26 like 3.0227 38 functions 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. in leather pouch 3.0239.L ratchet (30 Nm) bit case with – bit Hex 3 – bit Hex 4 – bit Phillips 0 – bit Phillips 3 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 space for additional bits mini screwdriver corkscrew extension bar 7 611160 305794 S 6 in nylon pouch 3.0239.N 7 611160 305800 S 6 Additional tools and bits within the replacement parts SWISSTOOLS 47 scale 1:1 84 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SWISSTOOLS I SwissTool Spirit 85 SWISSTOOLS 3.0323 SwissTool with Liner Lock System (115 mm, 286 g) SWISSTOOL 28 functions 1. pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. screwdriver 7,5 mm with 6. – strong crate opener 7. can opener with 8. – screwdriver 3 mm 9. bottle opener with 10. – screwdriver 5 mm 11. – wire bender 12. large blade 13. large blade with wavy edge 14. metal saw with 15. – metal file 16. wood saw 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. reamer, punch Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 chisel and scraper with – wire stripper – wire scraper wire crimping tool (electric) ruler (220 mm) ruler (9 inches) coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release SWISSTOOL RS 27 functions 1. pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. screwdriver 7,5 mm with 6. – strong crate opener 7. can opener with 8. – screwdriver 3 mm 9. bottle opener with 10. – screwdriver 5 mm 11. – wire bender 12. large blade 13. scissors 14. seatbelt cutter 28 functions 3.0323.L 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 chisel and scraper with – wire stripper – wire scraper wire crimping tool (electric) ruler (220 mm) ruler (9 inches) coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release in leather pouch in leather pouch 3.0327.L 3.0327.LB1 7 611160 301789 in nylon pouch 3.0323.N 3.0327.N S 6 7 611160 301772 without packaging without packaging 3.0323 3.0327 7 611160 007148 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. S 6 1. pliers with 2. – wire cutter for thin and soft wire up to 40 HRC 3. – hard wire cutter 4. screwdriver 2 mm 5. screwdriver 7,5 mm with 6. – strong crate opener 7. can opener with 8. – screwdriver 3 mm 9. bottle opener with 10. – screwdriver 5 mm 11. – wire bender 12. large blade 13. scissors 14. metal saw with 15. – metal file 16. wood saw 17. reamer, punch in nylon pouch 7 611160 301147 3.0326 SWISSTOOL X in leather pouch 7 611160 301154 37, 38, 48 3.0327 S 1 wood saw reamer, punch Phillips screwdriver 1 / 2 chisel and scraper with – wire stripper – wire scraper wire crimping tool (electric) ruler (220 mm) ruler (9 inches) coupling for corkscrew and lanyard hole leaf spring with spring for all tools lock release 37, 38, 48 3.0338.L SWISSTOOL X PLUS functions 1 – 28 like 3.0227 39 functions 7 611160 007162 S 6 7 611160 302083 B 6 S 6 S 1 in leather pouch 3.0338.L 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. bit wrench bit case with – bit Hex 3 – bit Hex 4 – bit Phillips 0 – bit Phillips 3 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 space for additional bits mini screwdriver corkscrew 7 611160 302007 S 6 in nylon pouch 3.0338.N 7 611160 006592 S 6 in nylon pouch 3.0326.N S 6 SWISSTOOLS 7 611160 301765 without packaging 3.0326 37, 38, 48 86 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SWISSTOOLS I SwissTool 7 611160 007155 S 1 49 87 SWISSTOOLS 3.0339.L SwissTool with Liner Lock System (115 mm, 286 g) SWISSTOOL X PLUS RATCHET functions 1 – 28 like 3.0227 40 functions 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. in leather pouch 3.0339.L ratchet (30 Nm) bit case with – bit Hex 3 – bit Hex 4 – bit Phillips 0 – bit Phillips 3 – bit Torx 10 – bit Torx 15 space for additional bits mini screwdriver corkscrew extension bar 7 611160 006608 S 6 in nylon pouch 3.0339.N 7 611160 006615 S 6 Additional tools and bits within the replacement parts SWISSTOOLS 49 scale 1:1 88 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SWISSTOOLS I SwissTool 89 SPORTS SPORTS BIKETOOL GOLFTOOL OUTDOOR KNIVES Whether your passion is for golfing, cycle tours or outdoor adventures, a little extra help always comes in handy. Fortunately, Victorinox has just the tools you need – with the specially designed GolfTool, the versatile BikeTool and sturdy Outdoor knives to choose from, you’re sure to reach your goals even more effectively. 91 4.1329 Bike- and GolfTool BIKETOOL 13 functions 0.7052.T GOLFTOOL 10 functions SPORTS SPORTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. bit case bit wrench with – Hex 5 (Inbus) adapter magnetic bit slottet 3 bit Phillips 2 bit Torx 25 bit Hex 2 (Inbus) bit Hex 2.5 (Inbus) bit Hex 3 (Inbus) bit Hex 4 (Inbus) bit Hex 6 (Inbus) tire lifter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. repair tool ballmarker tee punch with – groove cleaner – bottle opener – nail file blade tweezers toothpick scissors 4.1329 B 7 611160 041999 10 0.7052.T S 7 611160 014733 12 0.7052.T2 S 7 611160 014740 12 0.7052.3 S 7 611160 014757 12 12 A.7090 BALLMARKER A.7090 replacement part 7 611160 301857 ballmarker 92 groove cleaner SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SPORTS I Bike- and GolfTool tee punch S 1 repair tool 93 4.2242 Outdoor Knives OUTDOOR KNIFE stainless, blade length 12 cm with leather sheath 4.2243 OUTDOOR KNIFE stainless, blade length 16 cm with plastic sheath 4.2244 OUTDOOR KNIFE stainless, blade length 16 cm with leather sheath 4.2252 OUTDOOR KNIFE S blade length 9,5 cm handles made of olive wood with leather sheath and User’s Guide 94 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I SPORTS I Outdoor Knives SPORTS SPORTS 4.2253 4.2242 7 611160 402998 OUTDOOR KNIFE blade length 12 cm handles made of olive wood with leather sheath and User’s Guide S 1 4.2253 7 611160 415967 S 1 4.2243 7 611160 402035 S 1 4.2460 BARBECUE FORK length closed 14,7 cm length extended 65,4 cm 4.2460 S 7 611160 001290 10 4.2244 7 611160 402981 S 1 4.2252 7 611160 030023 S 1 95 GARDEN GARDEN PRUNING KNIVES FLORAL KNIVES BUDDING KNIVES HORTICULTURE, FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURE When it comes to growing, grafting and looking after fruit trees and ornamental plants, there are no hightech shortcuts that can match a sharp, top-quality tool. After all, success largely depends on making precise and expertly executed cuts – that’s the only way to minimize damage to the plants. It’s no surprise then that Victorinox knives have been the top choice for professionals in garden centers and tree nurseries all over the world for decades. 97 GARDEN 1.9200 GARDEN Pruning Knives PRUNING KNIFE curved blade, 65 mm hardwood handle, 110 mm 3.9050 1.9200 7 611160 100917 Floral Knives FLORAL KNIFE S 6 straight blade, 55 mm nylon handle, 100 mm 3.9050 S 7 611160 300133 10 3.9050.B1 B 7 611160 026545 10 3.9050.22B1 B 3.9050.25B1 B 7 611160 026477 10 3.9050.47B1 1.9300 PRUNING KNIFE curved blade, 68 mm hardwood handle, 110 mm B 1.9300 7 611160 100924 7 611160 026484 10 S 6 3.9050.53B1 B with ring 7 611160 026491 10 3.9051 S 7 611160 300249 10 1.9603 PRUNING KNIFE 3.9060 curved blade, 70 mm nylon handle, 120 mm 7 611160 100955 1.9703 PRUNING KNIFE 98 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I GARDEN I Pruning Knives l Floral Knives FLOWER AND GRAPE GATHERER stainless, hardwood handle 1.9703 7 611160 100979 curved blade, 51 mm nylon blade, 100 mm S 6 6.5009 curved blade, 74 mm nylon handle, 120 mm PRUNING KNIFE 1.9603 S 6 3.9060 S 7 611160 300140 10 3.9060.B1 B 7 611160 026569 10 6.5009 B 7 611160 600240 10 99 GARDEN 7 611160 026460 10 GARDEN 3.9010 Budding Knives BUDDING KNIFE pointed tip, 50 mm nylon handle, 100 mm 3.9110 3.9010 S 6 pointed tip, 50 mm brass bark lifter nylon handle, 100 mm 3.9110 7 611160 300157 S 6 GARDEN 7 611160 300089 BUDDING KNIFE 3.9020 3.9040 3.9045 100 BUDDING KNIFE BUDDING KNIFE BUDDING KNIFE straight blade with bark lifter, 56 mm nylon handle, 100 mm pointed tip with bark lifter, 45 mm nylon handle, 100 mm pointed tip with bark lifter, 45 mm straight blade, 55 mm nylon handle, 100 mm SWISS ARMY KNIVES I GARDEN I Budding Knives 3.9020 3.9116 3.9020.B1 S 7 611160 300096 10 B BUDDING- AND GARDEN KNIFE 7 611160 027276 10 pointed tip, 50 mm curved blade, 51 mm brass bark lifter nylon handle, 100 mm 3.9116 7 611160 300188 S 6 3.9040 7 611160 300119 S 6 3.9140 BUDDING KNIFE pointed tip with bark lifter, 45 mm brass bark lifter nylon handle, 100 mm 3.9140 S 7 611160 300195 10 3.9045 7 611160 300126 S 6 101 GARDEN 6.5300 Horticulture, Forestry and Agriculture FOREST SHEARS GARDEN length 90 cm 6.5300 Replacement Parts part of shear-blade, 1 hole part of shear-blade, 2 holes wood handle (70 cm) with collar screw bolt fastening nut fastening hook with screw reinforcement piece and bolt with thread 6.5900 GOUGE DOUBLE FOR FARRIERS 7 611160 600264 S 1 6.5301 6.5302 6.5303 6.5305 6.5306 6.5307 6.5308 6.5900 S 7 611160 600301 10 6.6208 HOOF AND CLAW KNIFE 6.6208 single edge 7 611160 600332 6.6308 HOOF AND CLAW KNIFE 6.6308 double edge 7 611160 600356 6.6408 HOOF AND CLAW KNIFE 7 611160 600370 HOOF SCRAPING BLADE SWISS ARMY KNIVES I GARDEN I Horticulture, Forestry and Agriculture S 6 6.6700 7 611160 600400 102 S 6 6.6408 double edge 6.6700 S 6 S 6 103 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES POUCHES METAL CHAINS KNIFE SHARPENERS FLASHLIGHT AND BALLPOINT PEN SETS ACCESSORIES The perfect accessory adds that all-important finishing touch to any Victorinox knife. That’s why, for every product in the range, there’s also a pouch that can keep it safe in your pocket or close to hand on your belt. So what will it be – imitation leather, real leather or nylon? Black, brown, red, green or a fluorescent color? Do you prefer a belt loop or a handy clip? The choice is yours! With a range of stainless steel curb chains, snap-hooks, belt-hangers and colorful lanyards also available to add some extra character, you’ll always have easy access to your Victorinox tool and never have to risk losing it. Last but not least are the Victorinox knife sharpeners – a real must for all true knife enthusiasts, with ceramic and diamond filing surfaces to get any blade back into perfect shape. 105 ACCESSORIES 1 4.0661 Pouches 5 LEATHER POUCH 4.0518.XL with loop, red lined flap LEATHER BELT POUCH 9 4.0664 with hook-and-loop fastener 13 LEATHER POUCH 4.0873.L with loop, red lined flap SWISSCARD POUCH with business and credit card compartment leather 4.0661 7 611160 401441 4.0518.XL S 1 7 611160 405227 4.0664 S 1 7 611160 401465 4.0873.L S 1 7 611160 405272 S 1 leather imitation 4.0873.V 7 611160 405265 4.0662 6 LEATHER POUCH 4.0531 with loop, red lined flap 3 4.0515 10 4.0532 with hook-and-loop fastener S 1 LEATHER HANG CASE 7 611160 402646 7 4.0466 S 1 7 611160 406217 11 LEATHER POUCH 4.0666 4.0466 4.0462 7 611160 400765 S 1 8 LEATHER POUCH 4.0665 with loop, red lined flap 4.0636 S 1 7 611160 401434 15 LEATHER POUCH 4.0669 S 1 7 611160 401489 12 LEATHER POUCH 4.0853 S 1 LEATHER POUCH with loop, red lined flap 4.0669 S 1 GOLFTOOL LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener, rotating belt clip and pencil 7 611160 400758 LEATHER POUCH 4.0666 with loop, red lined flap 4.0462 4.0636 with loop, red lined flap 4.0515 4 14 4.0532 with hook-and-loop fastener and hole for LED 7 611160 406484 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0531 4.0662 7 611160 401458 LEATHER BELT POUCH ACCESSORIES 2 S 1 7 611160 401502 16 4.0480.1 S 1 LEATHER IMITATION BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener NEW 4.0665 S 1 7 611160 401472 S 1 4.0853 7 611160 413116 4.0480.1 S 1 7 611160 041890 S 1 4.0480.3 7 611160 041906 106 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Pouches S 1 107 ACCESSORIES 17 4.0520.1 Pouches LEATHER BELT POUCH 19 22 4.0535 with push-button LEATHER BELT POUCH 26 4.0737 with hook-and-loop fastener LEATHER POUCH with loop, red lined flap leather 4.0520.1 7 611160 400840 4.0543 S 1 7 611160 004239 4.0535 S 1 7 611160 403599 4.0737 S 1 7 611160 401526 S 1 4.0520.1B1 7 611160 416230 18 4.0520.3 B 1 LEATHER BELT POUCH 20 4.0545.3 with hook-and-loop fastener 23 BELT POUCH 4.0481.1 with hook-and-loop fastener LEATHER IMITATION BELT POUCH 27 4.0738 LEATHER POUCH with loop, red lined flap ACCESSORIES with hook-and-loop fastener NEW 4.0520.3 7 611160 400857 4.0481.1 4.0545.3 S 1 7 611160 405302 4.0520.3B1 7 611160 414137 4.0738 nylon, with flashlight space S 1 7 611160 041913 with rotating belt clip 4.0520.31 24 leather 4.0521.1 S 1 S 1 4.0521.3 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 7 611160 400871 S 1 7 611160 400888 S 1 7 611160 416223 21 with hook-and-loop fastener nylon, with flashlight pocket 4.0533 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0521.XL 7 611160 403469 S 1 7 611160 416162 with rotating belt clip with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0521.31 7 611160 406422 4.0521.XL 7 611160 405234 S 1 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Pouches S 1 with side pockets for flashlight and sharpening stone 4.0521.32 7 611160 400895 108 B 1 LEATHER BELT POUCH 4.0533 4.0543.3 S 1 25 B 1 S 1 4.0521.3B1 4.0521.1B1 BELT POUCH 7 611160 405296 28 4.0521.3 4.0520.32 4.0543.3 LEATHER BELT POUCH 4.0521.1 with side pockets for flashlight and sharpening stone 19 S 1 with push button 4.0545 7 611160 004246 7 611160 400864 S 1 4.0481.3 B 1 7 611160 041920 7 611160 406408 7 611160 401533 S 1 S 1 109 ACCESSORIES 29 4.0740 Pouches 33 LEATHER POUCH 4.0822.L with loop, red lined flap LEATHER BELT POUCH 4.0740 7 611160 401540 36 4.0547.3 with hook-and-loop fastener 7 611160 415912 4.0823.N with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0822.L S 1 38 BELT POUCH NYLON-BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0823.N nylon, with flashlight space 4.0547.3 S 1 7 611160 405319 7 611160 404510 S 1 S 1 with rotating belt clip 4.0823.N1 7 611160 008336 4.0736 LEATHER POUCH and rotating belt clip with loop, red lined flap 4.0822.L1 7 611160 416049 4.0736 7 611160 401519 39 4.0537 S 1 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener leather 4.0547 7 611160 004253 S 1 S 1 4.0537 7 611160 403476 34 31 4.0482.1 NEW with hook-and-loop fastener 37 4.0523.3 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0482.1 4.0521.XAVT 7 611160 003447 7 611160 041951 S 1 S 1 S 1 NYLON BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 35 4.0822.4 S 1 4.0523.3B1 nylon, with flashlight space 4.0548.3 S 1 B 1 LEATHER IMITATION BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener with rotating belt clip 4.0822.4 4.0822.N 7 611160 415929 BELT POUCH 7 611160 405326 4.0523.31 S 1 4.0548.3 with hook-and-loop fastener 7 611160 414168 4.0822.N 40 4.0523.3 7 611160 400918 4.0482.3 7 611160 041968 32 S 1 LEATHER IMITATION BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0521.XAVT LEATHER BELT POUCH ACCESSORIES 30 S 1 7 611160 018724 S 1 7 611160 412980 leather S 1 4.0548 7 611160 004260 S 1 with side pockets for flashlight and sharpening stone 4.0523.32 7 611160 400925 110 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Pouches S 1 111 41 4.0524.3 Pouches LEATHER BELT POUCH 43 4.0851 with hook-and-loop fastener NYLON BELT POUCH 4.0524.3 7 611160 406088 46 4.0504.3 with hook-and-loop fastener 7 611160 002686 S 1 with spring catch 4.0504.3 7 611160 030092 S 1 S 1 B 1 4.0524.XL 49 LEATHER BELT POUCH 4.0833.L BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener with rotating belt clip 4.0524.31 47 S 1 4.0832.L leather, BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0524.XL 7 611160 405241 S 1 4.0833.L 7 611160 404640 S 1 leather with side pockets for flashlight and sharpening stone 4.0832.L 4.0524.32 7 611160 406132 LEATHER BELT POUCH 4.0823.L2 7 611160 048158 44 7 611160 412997 4.0823.L2 NEW 4.0524.3B1 7 611160 416179 48 with hook-and-loop fastener and bitcase 4.0851 S 1 NYLON BELT POUCH ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 7 611160 415943 S 1 S 1 leather, with spring catch 4.0833.L2 42 4.0538 LEATHER BELT POUCH with hook-and-loop fastener 45 4.0837.4 LEATHER IMITATION BELT POUCH 7 611160 030085 S 1 with hook-and-loop fastener nylon NEW 4.0538 7 611160 403605 4.0832.N S 1 4.0837.4 7 611160 042330 S 1 7 611160 415936 S 1 nylon, with hook-and-loop fastener 4.0833.N 7 611160 404527 112 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Pouches S 1 113 4.1813 Metal Chains and Accessories METAL CHAIN, 40 CM polished, Ø 1,2 mm, chromeplated snap-hook and snap-ring METAL CHAIN, 38 CM 4.1814 round, Ø 1,8 mm, nickelplated 2 large snap-hooks METAL CHAIN, 40 CM 4.1815 round, Ø 1,5 mm, nickelplated 2 snap-hooks length 80 cm 4.1813 4.1853 leather black, 7 cm snap-hook and split-ring S 7 611160 401663 10 4.1814 4.1858 S 7 611160 401687 10 BELT-HANGER «Multiclip» S 7 611160 401670 10 4.1815 BELT-HANGER 4.1859 METAL CHAIN, 40 CM round, Ø 1,5 mm, nickelplated 4.1820 KEY CHAIN round, chromeplated S 1 4.1858 S 7 611160 402974 10 «Multiclip» with metal chain 4.1859 4.1815.80 4.1831 7 611160 401823 BELT-HANGER S 7 611160 406392 10 S 7 611160 406156 10 4.1831 4.1853 4.1860 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES BELT-HANGER «Multiclip» with long and short metal chain S 7 611160 401786 10 4.1820 S 7 611160 401724 10 4.1860 4.1854 CHAIN-COMBINATION with 4.1831 metal chain 40 cm, 4.1840 split-ring, 4.1835 coupling, 4.1845 snap-hook S 7 611160 416247 12 4.1854 S 7 611160 403629 10 4.1824 LANYARD 4.1824 length 65 mm S 7 611160 002655 10 4.1835 COUPLING Ø 25 mm, nickelplated 2 split-rings 4.1835 4.1824.1 S 7 611160 401793 10 S 7 611160 038180 10 4.1824.9 4.1840 SPLIT-RING Ø 30 mm, nickelplated Ø 26 mm, nickelplated SNAP-HOOK nickelplated 114 7 611160 038173 10 S 7 611160 401809 10 4.1840.26 S 7 611160 406385 10 4.1845 S 4.1840 4.1845 S 7 611160 401816 10 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Metal Chains and Accessories 4.1879 NECK STRAP 4.1879 S 7 611160 415639 10 4.1879.503 NEW S 7 611160 047960 10 115 ACCESSORIES 4.1888 Knife Sharpener and Accessories BUTTON-PIN «Victorinox-emblem» ACCESSORIES 4.4014 4.1888 Flashlight and Ballpoint Pen Sets POCKET TOOL AND FLASHLIGHT SET Maglite flashlight Solitaire LED, length 8 cm and 0.6223.3 S 7 611160 404404 10 4.1888.3 4.4014 S 7 611160 005069 10 S 7 611160 042392 12 COMPASS with magnifying glass, ruler and thermometer 4.3301 MULTI-TOOL OIL small bottle à 5 ml 4.0568.44 B 7 611160 401298 10 4.4024 POCKET TOOL AND FLASHLIGHT SET Mini-Maglite flashlight AAA, length 12,5 cm and 0.6223.3 4.4024 4.3301 S 7 611160 042408 12 B 7 611160 414410 12 replacement battery AAA 4.3611.3 SEWING-SET with knife 0.6203 in black pouch 4.4010.1 7 611160 402431 4.3611.3 S 7 611160 402370 10 4.4353.1U ACCESSORIES 4.0568.44 S 1 BALLPOINT ES1 PEN blue lead NEW 4.4353.1U 7 611160 051189 4.0567.32 SHARPENING STONE 4.4353.3U 4.0567.32 83,5 x 12 mm 7 611160 401113 4.3311 KNIFE SHARPENER S 1 7 611160 051196 S 1 4.4353.7U 7 611160 051202 4.3311 diamant coated S 1 S 1 B 7 611160 404022 10 4.4353.12 BALLPOINT ES1 PEN SET 12 PIECES blue lead 4.3323 DUAL-KNIFE SHARPENER NEW 4.3323 4.4353.12 B 7 611160 705129 10 7 611160 050946 7.8714 KNIFE SHARPENER SMALL «SHARPY» S 1 7.8714 B 7 611160 019745 10 replacement blades (1 pair) 7 611160 025135 116 blue lead replacement 7.8714.03 S 1 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES I Knife Sharpener and Accessories I Flashlight and Ballpoint Pen Sets 4.4359.2 7 611160 051585 S 1 117 ACCESSORIES 9.6954.0 LEATHER COLLECTORS AND PRESENTATION BRIEFCASE empty 9.6954.0 7 611160 041975 S 1 ACCESSORIES NEW 4.0289. .. GIFT BOX empty for Classic 58 mm 4.0289.4 7 611160 051714 for Swiss Army Knives 91 mm up to 5 layers 4.0289.1 7 611160 043887 for Swiss Army Knives 91 mm as of 6 layers SWISS ARMY KNIVES I ACCESSORIES S 1 4.0289.3 7 611160 051707 118 S 1 4.0289.2 7 611160 043894 for lock blade knives 111 mm up to 4 layers S 1 S 1 119 SWISS CHAMP FUNCTIONALITY IS PART OF OUR FAMILY DIVEMASTER SPECTRA EXPLORER JACKET FRAGRANCE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 9.6016. .. Leaflets SPECIAL MODELS 9.7017. .. PROFESSIONAL KNIVES for hotels, restaurants and catering open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm English German French Spanish Chinese 9.6018. .. open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm 9.6016.1 9.6016.2 9.6016.3 9.6016.4 9.6016.6 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces English German French Spanish 9.7018. .. STANDARD MODELS 9.7017.1 9.7017.2 9.7017.3 9.7017.4 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 9.7018.1 9.7018.2 9.7018.3 9.7018.4 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 9.7020.1 9.7020.2 9.7020.3 9.7020.4 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 9.7021.1 9.7021.2 9.7021.3 9.7021.4 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces PROFESSIONAL KNIVES for food processing open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm English German French Spanish Chinese 9.6026. .. open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm 9.6018.1 9.6018.2 9.6018.3 9.6018.4 9.6018.6 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces English German French Spanish 9.7020. .. GARDEN TOOLS GRAND MAÎTRE English German French Spanish 9.7015. .. PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Forged by master craftsmen open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm open 300 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm 9.6026.1 9.6026.2 9.6026.3 9.6026.4 English German French Spanish 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 9.7021. .. SWISS CLASSIC CERAMIC LINE Quality household knives open 300 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm English German French Spanish 9.7016. .. 9.7015.1 9.7015.2 9.7015.3 9.7015.4 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces STANDARD MODELS Quality household knives PRICE GUIDE open 600 x 210 mm folded 100 x 210 mm English German French Spanish 122 English German French Spanish 9.7016.1 9.7016.2 9.7016.3 9.7016.4 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL I Leaƃets 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces The prices correspond to Victorinox’s cost prices. For the items marked with • we charge half of our cost price. For the items marked with •• we charge the full price. For all other articles which are not specially marked, Victorinox pays 75% of the cost price and the distributor 25%. (free of charge for retailers) 123 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 9.5200. .. CRAFTING WITH THE POCKETKNIFE 9.6071. .. POSTCARDS 26 carving ideas with instructions Victorinox-Factory Products The Helper Mythen The Helper Hardcover by Felix Immler German French 9.5202. .. 9.5200.2•• 9.5200.3•• EN EN EN EN DE 9.6071.01• 9.6071.02• 9.6071.03• 9.6071.04• 9.6071.05• CRAFTING WITH THE POCKETKNIFE A pocketbook for on the go Paperback with 15 carving instructions by Felix Immler English German French USER’S GUIDE TO «SWISSCHAMP» PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 9.6027 9.5202.1•• 9.5202.2•• 9.5202.3•• Introduction to the use of all features in eight languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Russian) 40 x 100 mm 9.6036. .. 9.6027 THE KNIFE AND IT’S HISTORY 100 years Victorinox 9.6070 210 x 300 mm English German French ADVERTISING STICKER SwissChamp 9.6070 9.6036.1• 9.6036.2• 9.6036.3• 9.6091. .. DECK OF CARDS 36 cards 9.6037. .. COMPANION FOR LIFE deck of cards, Swiss-German deck of cards, French True stories from around the world English German French Spanish 124 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 9.6091.2 9.6091.3 9.6037.1 9.6037.2 9.6037.3 9.6037.4 125 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL CARRIER BAGS 9.6082.22 polyethylen, printed on both sides small large 9.6079 220 x 300 mm 350 x 460 mm T-SHIRT anthracite with embroidered Victorinox logo 9.6073.XS• 9.6074• size S size M size L size XL size XXL 9.2101. .. UMBRELLA 9.6082.22S• 9.6082.22M• 9.6082.22L• 9.6082.22XL• 9.6082.22XXL• SWISS ARMY KNIVES Catalog 2015 blue, with printed Victorinox logo Ø 120 cm NEW English, without prices German, without prices French, without prices Spanish, without prices German, RRP CHF French, RRP CHF 9.6079• 9.2101.1 9.2101.2 9.2101.3 9.2101.4 9.2331.2 9.2331.3 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 9.6073/4 SWISS ARMY KNIVES 2015 M A K ERS OF T HE ORIGIN A L S WIS S A RM Y K NIFE I VICTORINOX.COM 9.6085.22 9.2102. .. BASEBALL CAP Catalog 2015 with embroidered Victorinox logo size adjustable blue black HOUSEHOLD AND PROFESSIONAL KNIVES NEW 9.6085.22• 9.6085.32• English, without prices German, without prices French, without prices Spanish, without prices German, RRP CHF French, RRP CHF 9.2102.1 9.2102.2 9.2102.3 9.2102.4 9.2332.2 9.2332.3 HOUSEHOLD AND PROFESSIONAL KNIVES 2015 MAKERS OF THE ORIGINAL SWISS ARMY KNIFE I VICTORINOX.COM 126 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 127 REPLACEMENT PARTS Item No. SU Units in 4.0571 Replacement Parts Pocket Knives 4.0570 1 replacement parts case, plexiglass, empty (250 x 170 x 46 mm) 7 611160 401335 Item No. SU Units in 4.0571 A.7680.62 1 – bit Hex 2 mm / bit Hex 2,5 mm (Inbus) A.7680.64* 1 2 bit Hex 4 mm / bit Torx 8 4.0567.42 1 – compass, spirit level and ruler (in Kit 1.8741.AVT, 1.8810 and 1.8726) 7 611160 306173 7 611160 301697 7 611160 403643 * Standard contents 1 A.3640 1 10 key ring for «Swiss Army Officers Knives» (SAOK), Multi-Tools (MT), Evolution and RangerGrip A.6140 1 10 key ring for Classic models 58 mm, 65 mm und 74 mm replacement parts case, with standard contents 7 611160 401342 7 611160 301611 A.3641 1 100 toothpick large, for SAOK and MT, Evolution and RangerGrip A.6141 1 100 small toothpick for Classic models 58 mm, 65 mm and 74 mm A.3642 1 50 tweezers large, for SAOK and MT front handle, Evolution und RangerGrip A.3742 1 5 short tweezers for SAOK reverse handle A.6142 1 50 small tweezers for Classic models 58 mm, 65 mm and 74 mm A.3643 1 20 mini screwdriver for SAOK and MT with corkscrew A.3644 1 5 pressurized ballpoint pen for 1.36.. – 1.77.. A.6144.0 1 10 short pressurized ballpoint pen with head for Classic 0.62 .. A.3645 1 5 stainless steel pin A.3647 1 2 battery 377 / 1,5 V, for watch A.3747 1 2 battery CR 1225, 3 V lithium, for Traveller and LED SAOK A.6347 1 1 battery 389-SR1130W, 1,55 V for Classic-models LED models with new turnable cover 4.4010.1 1 – battery AAA 1,5 V für MAGLITE-Solitaire und AAA A.3649.T A.3949.2 1 1 – – battery cover for SAK with LED for Print for LED 7 611160 009890 A.6149 1 2 6 battery cover red for Classic 2 x A.6149.T red transparent, 2 x .T2 blue transparent, 2 x .T7 silvertech 7 611160 021694 A.7680.14* 1 2 bit slotted 4 mm / bit Phillips 2 A.7680.20* 1 2 bit Phillips 0 / bit Phillips 1 (or Pozidrive) A.7680.34 1 – bit Torx 6 / bit Torx 8 A.7680.35* 1 2 bit Torx 10 / bit Torx 15 A.7680.60 1 – bit Hex 1,2 mm / bit Hex 1,5 mm (Inbus) 128 SWISS ARMY KNIVES I REPLACEMENT PARTS Units in 9.6100 7 611160 301635 9.6100 toolbox to replace scissors springs with instructions in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian 1 7 611160 016621 7 611160 301017 7 611160 301437 7 611160 301567 7 611160 302151 7 611160 301420 7 611160 300775 A.3757 10 scissors springs for 1.36.. old models A.3757.A 30 scissors springs for 1.36.. new models A.6257 30 scissors springs for Classic 0.62.. – 0.63.. A.6557 10 scissors springs for 0.65.. – 0.66.. old models A.6557.A 20 scissors springs for 0.65.. – 0.66.. new, and 0.70, 0.71 7 611160 300782 4.0580 1 small replacement parts case, empty, (170 x 130 mm) 7 611160 301468 4.0581 1 small replacement parts case 40 toothpicks A.3641 2 ballpoint pen A.3644 5 tweezers A.3742 10 key rings A.3640 4 ballpoint pen A.6444 10 mini screwdriver A.3643 7 611160 301444 7 611160 301031 7 611160 301963 10 tweezers A.3642 40 toothpicks A.6141 6 ballpoint pen A.6144.0 10 tweezers A.6142 10 key rings A.6140 3 each scissors springs A.3757 and A.6257 7 611160 401373 7 611160 401380 REPLACEMENT PARTS 4.0571 7 611160 005007 Replacement Parts SOS-Set 7 611160 402431 7 611160 051738 7 611160 301666 7 611160 301673 4.0567.32 4.0567.33 4.0567.34 1 1 1 4.0567.38 4.0567.39 4.0567.40 4.0567.41 4.0567.66 1 1 1 1 1 sharpening stone 83.5 x 12 mm pressure pencil, 92 x 5 mm ø plastic case with writing paper, address, knot-tying guide and international distress signals, 3 bandage strips, sewing thread (black and white), 2 sewing needles and threader case with 5 matches safety pins, stainless, 51 x 10 mm nylon string, length 1 m signal mirror, one side, 87 x 32 mm hull with 10 spare leads for pressure pencil 4.0567.33 7 611160 306197 Replacement Parts ES1 Pen 7 611160 301680 7 611160 306180 4.4359.2 1 lead ES1 Pen, blue 7 611160 051585 129 REPLACEMENT PARTS SU Item No. 3.0305 1 extension bar 3.0306 1 ratchet, with bit case and 6 bits 3.0312.0* 1 bit Phillips 0 3.0312.3* 1 bit Phillips 3 3.0313.10* 1 bit Torx 10 7 611160 305947 3.0313.15* 1 bit Torx 15 7 611160 305930 3.0313.20 1 bit Torx 20 7 611160 305923 3.0313.25 1 bit Torx 25 7 611160 050571 3.0314.1 1 bit Robertson 1 7 611160 050564 3.0314.2 1 bit Robertson 2 7 611160 050557 3.0316.2 1 bit Hex 2 7 611160 301444 3.0316.25 1 bit Hex 2,5 7 611160 301437 3.0316.3* 1 bit Hex 3 7 611160 301420 3.0316.3Z 1 bit Hex 3/32 7 611160 048899 3.0316.4* 1 bit Hex 4 7 611160 016737 3.0316.4Z 1 bit Hex 1/8 7 611160 051677 3.0316.5 1 bit Hex 5 7 611160 016744 3.0316.6 1 bit Hex 6 7 611160 301413 A.3643 1 mini screwdriver 7 611160 301871 B.1013 1 corkscrew Replacement Parts SwissCards C.7100.T 1 C.7122.T2 1 C.7133.T3 1 case SwissCard Classic, black transparent C.7300.T 1 case SwissCard Lite, red transparent C.7322.T2 1 case SwissCard Lite, blue transparent C.7333.T3 1 case SwissCard Lite, black transparent C.7240.T 1 case SwissCard Nailcare, red transparent C.7240.T21 1 case SwissCard Nailcare, ice-blue translucent C.7240.T3 1 case SwissCard Nailcare, black translucent A.3645 1 stainless steel pin A.6141 1 toothpick A.6142 1 tweezers A.7242 1 tweezers short, SwissCard Nailcare A.6335 1 nail file / screwdriver A.7232 1 glass nail file SwissCard Nailcare A.6427 1 scissors A.6444 1 pressurized ballpoint pen A.6510.T 1 letter opener, red transparent A.6510.T2 1 letter opener, blue transparent A.6510.T3 1 letter opener, black transparent A.7235 50 Quattro screwdriver A.6247 1 battery Cr 1025, 3 V for SwissCard Lite case SwissCard Classic, red transparent case SwissCard Classic, blue transparent 7 611160 301925 7 611160 301932 7 611160 301949 7 611160 301888 7 611160 301864 7 611160 301628 130 1 bit wrench 3.0302 1 bit case 3.0303 1 bit wrench, bit case and 6 bits 3.0304 1 ratchet (30 Nm) SWISS ARMY KNIVES I REPLACEMENT PARTS 7 611160 301185 7 611160 301192 7 611160 301208 7 611160 305817 7 611160 308658 7 611160 305824 7 611160 301215 7 611160 301222 7 611160 301239 7 611160 301246 7 611160 301253 7 611160 301260 7 611160 301277 7 611160 301284 7 611160 301291 7 611160 301307 7 611160 301314 7 611160 301741 7 611160 301321 7 611160 301758 7 611160 301338 7 611160 301345 7 611160 300775 7 611160 302182 * Standard contents 7 611160 301895 Replacement Parts SwissTools 3.0301 SU REPLACEMENT PARTS Item No. Skai Leather Imitation Pouches 4.0336 4.0362 4.0363 4.0364 4.0365 4.0366 4.0369 4.0370 4.0378 4.0387 4.0436 4.0438 4.0440 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 small Swiss Army Knives, 1–2 layers for pocket knives 0.61.. – 0.63.., 1 layer for pocket knives 0.63.., 2–3 layers for pocket knives 0.64../0.65.., Alox, steel for pocket knives 0.64../0.65.., Cellidor for pocket knives 0.66.. for pocket knives 0.69.., Alox for pocket knives 0.69.., Cellidor for baker’s knife 0.78.. for ranges 0.87.. bis 0.89.. large Swiss Army Knives, 2 layers large Swiss Army Knives, 3 – 4 layers large Swiss Army Knives, 5 – 7 layers 131 SERVICE Cleaning and Care SERVICE Warranty-, Repairs- and Services SWISS ARMY KNIVES For dirty and sticky blades, we recommend opening and closing the blades several times in warm water until they move freely. Allow to dry completely. Add a drop of oil between the blades and the tool casing or springs as well as other friction surfaces. Mutli-tools should never be cleaned in a dishwasher. We recommend: Multi-Tool Oil (item number 4.3301) Key features: - odorless and tasteless - high resistance to aging - protection against wear and corrosion - NSF certiƂed and food compatible HOUSEHOLD AND PROFESSIONAL KNIVES Victorinox recommends rinsing knives under running water directly after use. Salt or acidic leftovers can lead to spotting if the knife is left uncleaned over longer periods of time. Knives that are dishwasher safe are marked with the corresponding icon within the catalog. Blister (B) A service charge may apply for repairs and services that are not covered by the warranty. Victorinox AG guarantees all knives and tools to be of Ƃrst class stainless steel and also guarantees a life time against any defects in material and workmanship (save for electronic components 2 years). Our standard warranty repair includes replacement of parts that are broken, bent or suffer from general wear and tear. All other parts will be polished. Damage caused by normal wear and tear, misuse or abuse are not covered by this guarantee. If there are tool parts of sentimental value, that you do not want replaced or if you wish for a part or parts to be returned, please state this in written form. If you are from Switzerland, please contact your local retailer or send us your tool, well packed, directly to our repair department: If you are from Germany, Austria, Belgium or Luxemburg, please contact your local dealer or send us your tool, well packed, directly to our repair department: VICTORINOX AG Auslieferungslager Reparatur-Abteilung Alfred-Nobel-Strasse 5 DE-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen If you are NOT from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium or Luxemburg, please contact a local Victorinox representative or local dealer. They will be glad to assist you and possible mail delivery fees to and from Switzerland, are included in the warranty. VICTORINOX AG Reparatur-Abteilung Schmiedgasse 57 CH-6438 Ibach-Schwyz SERVICE B 1 VICTORINOX WARRANTY 132 133 SWISS MADE Swiss Made stamp on the tang of the large blade To use the Swiss Made label, at least 60% of production cost must be attributed to operations carried out in Switzerland. Pocket knives made by Victorinox are produced in Ibach-Schwyz and Delémont and are thus «Swiss Made». 134 SCALE COLORS 130 MM 115 MM 111 MM 105 MM 91 MM 85 MM 84 MM 74 MM 65 MM 58 MM SIZING CHART 130 115 111 105 91 85 84 74 65 58 0 Switzerland III.15 Victorinox AG Schmiedgasse 57 CH-6438 Ibach-Schwyz, Switzerland T+41 41 81 81 211 F+41 41 81 81 511 Printed in Switzerland © Victorinox 2015 We protect our Intellectual Property Rights. We reserve our rights for technical modiƂcations. SWISS ARMY KNIVES CUTLERY WATCHES TRAVEL GEAR APPAREL FRAGRANCES I VICTORINOX.COM
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