Conference programme
Conference programme 10TH EDITION February 5th & 6th Paris Espace Champerret Conference programme wednesday 5th february THURSDAY 6th FEBRUARY ME1 z Cosmétiques et maquillage : point des innovations packaging, perspectives / Cosmetics and makeup: current status of packaging innovations, prospects JE1 & JE2 z Les emballages secondaires : point des avancées récentes / Secondary packaging: recent advances Chair: Hervé BOUIX, Senior Vice President Corporate Packaging Innovation • THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES Inc., USA With: PVL Beauté • Groupe Pochet • PolyOne Colors & Additives Europe • SAF • Foboha • Cinq’Pats • Capsum • EMS-Grivory • Gabriel-Chemie Deutschland GmbH • The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. ME2 z Pour une lecture plus facile des brevets : workshop / Reading patents made easy: workshop Chair: Benoît LEJEUNE • CHANEL PARFUMS BEAUTE, Responsable Brevets Packaging, Mandataire agréé auprès de l’Office Européen des Brevets, Inscrit sur la Liste Spéciale de l’INPI spécialité brevets With: Albéa • Bernard Julhiet Group ME3 z Parfums : innovations packaging et perspectives / Perfumes: packaging innovations, prospects Chair: Michel DUPUIS, Directeur Général Achats et Développement Packaging & Pascale MARCINIAK-DAVOULT, Directrice Recherche et Innovation Packaging • CHANEL With: Gerresheimer • FEVE • Bormioli Luigi • Stölzle-Flaconnage Ltd • SGD • DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers ME4 z Innovation, open-innovation, achats : quelle stratégie ? / Innovation, open-innovation, purchases: what kind of strategy? Chair: Stéphane DALLA LIBERA, Senior Partner • KEA-PARTNERS, France With: Danone Group • Henkel Corporation • L’Oréal For a complete list of our 2014 exhibitors see page 14 10th edition 2014 Exhibition Chair: Pierre DUCASTIN, Directeur Innovation Packaging • L’ORÉAL Olivier de LATAULADE, Finishing Techniques & Printing Expertise, Glass Expertise z L’ORÉAL JE1 z Les étiquettes et notices / Labels and inserts With: Konica-Minolta Sensing • NewColor • Reflex • Groupe Autajon • Avery Dennison • Faubel & Co. Nachfolger GmbH JE2 z Les calages, étuis et coffrets / Fillers-sleaves, folding boxes, presenting boxes With: Metsä Board • Carl Edelmann GmbH • Leonhard Kurz Stiftung Co. KG • CD Cartondruck GmbH • PO Group • PR Service Graphique JE3 z L’environnement et le développement durable « emballage » au quotidien / The environment and sustainable development Packaging in every day life Bruno GARNIER, Expert emballage qualité et développement durable • CARREFOUR, France JE4 z PCD Awards Ceremony Presidents : Alain BÉTHUNE, Expert Packaging & Michel DUPUIS, Directeur Général Achats et Développement Packaging • CHANEL Conférence d’ouverture / Keynote lecture Francis CHAUVEAU, Directeur Général Adjoint en charge des Affaires Industrielles • HERMÈS International, France This 10th edition will bring together some 3.400 brand experts and packagers from around 60 countries, who will meet over 200 exhibitors, leaders, material suppliers (glass, paper, cardboard, textiles, plastics, metals), converters and injectors; suppliers of assembly products and technologies; TTS, decoration, finishing, accessories; BOV, valves, pumps, dispensing technologies and applicators; products and technologies; custom packers. Sustainability remains the main theme of the conference and exhibition, taking into account packaging for emerging economies. PCD2013 was a great success; all the attendees stressed the relaxed setting, the user-friendly scale of the exhibition and the high standard of discussions among experts, which foster the emergence of new projects and innovation for a global cosmetics market due to double in volume in the next 10 years. Holding PCD at the same time as Aerosol & Dispensing Forum was particularly appreciated by brands, which are major users of aerosol, BOV and dispensing technologies. HOW INNOVATIONS IN PACKAGING & DISPENSING SYSTEMS ENHANCE PERFUME & COSMETICS BRANDS 1 “ Organiser ensemble ADF & PCD est une excellente initiative. Un très grand nombre de sociétés sont représentées. Les conférences sont riches en enseignements, ce qui nous aide à innover ! From my point of view, this is a great evolution to combine ADF & PCD. The best point is that we have a concentration of many companies, this is very good. To get new knowledge thanks to the conferences, it helps us to create new innovations! Peter Lamboy z Kao Corporation Sommaire summary z Conferences Day 1 3 z Conferences Day 2 8 z PCD Awards Ceremony 13 z Exposition / Exhibition 14 z Inscription / Registration 32 “ C’est une très bonne idée de combiner ADF & PCD, c’est le rendez-vous de l’excellence. Nous y rencontrons les décisionnaires, je suis très content, l’innovation est notre avenir ! It is a very good idea to combine ADF & PCD, a hub of excellence. We meet the decisionmakers there; I am very pleased, innovation is our future! Nicolas Lemaître-Voreaux z Rieke Packaging Annonceurs advertisers z Bottlemate 18 z Cosmetic Design Europe 17 z ECS France 21 z Emballages Magazine 29 z Fabregas 21 z Heinz Plastics 23 z Italia Imballagio 10 z News Packaging 27 z Pinard Emballages 25 z WPOL OFFICIAL PACKAGING PRESS PARTNER 7 “ Cette édition a été excellente, avec encore plus de visiteurs, de stands, d’innovations pertinentes, de nouvelles idées. Ce fut passionnant. Je viens depuis pas mal d’années, et c’est vraiment un des meilleurs salons ! La session sur le packaging de luxe était une nouveauté cette année; j’ai été impressionné de voir les avancées technologiques, les nouveaux matériaux, les nouvelles présentations sur le packaging secondaire. Pour être durable, il faut choisir le bon matériau, la bonne technologie, la bonne dimension, de façon à satisfaire les demandes des clients. This edition was very good with a lot more visitors, displays, relevant innovations, new ideas; it was really exciting for me, I have been coming here for a few years now; this is really one of the best shows! Something new that we had this year was a session on luxury display packaging and I was impressed to see technological advances, new materials, new presentations on this type of secondary packaging. It is compatible with sustainability by choosing the right material, the right technology, the right size to fit the needs of consumers. Osnat Lustig z Coty Europe Beauty partners THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE FOR THE I N T E R N AT I O N A L A E R O S O L I N D U S T RY 2 “ Cette édition était exceptionnelle, j’en sors ravie, des conférences de qualité, pointues au niveau technique avec un vrai débat autour de nouvelles technologies et la présence de nouveaux acteurs. Les Awards ont montré de belles innovations techniques, des équipes motivées ; ici nous sommes tous autour du produit, c’est ce qui nous anime et nous passionne. Nous avons encore beaucoup de chemin à faire et de belles choses à construire ! This edition was exceptional; I am more than pleased with the top quality, state-of-the-art presentations, with a real discussion on new technologies, and the presence of new players. The Awards highlighted excellent technical innovations and motivated teams; here, we all focus on the product, that is what motivates and captivates us. We still have quite a way to go and beautiful things to build! Pascale Marciniak-Davoult z Chanel “ PCD est un salon à taille humaine qui nous permet en deux jours de rencontrer les principaux interlocuteurs du secteur. PCD is a user-friendly show that enables us to meet the main players in the area in the space of just two days. Denis Maurin z HCT Packaging “ PCD est un contexte privilégié pour rencontrer nos clients et pour leur présenter nos produits. Nous avons eu des contacts très intéressants avec des sociétés étrangères, ce qui nous laisse espérer des développements pour notre société. Nous reviendrons l’année prochaine ! PCD is a privileged context to meet our clients and show them our products. We made very interesting contacts with foreign companies, which bodes well for our future. We will be back next year! Bernard Pouchoux z Martinenq Conference programme 8:45 Ouverture de l’exposition / Opening of the exhibition SESSION 1 09:15 – 11:15 ME1 z Cosmétiques et maquillage : point des innovations packaging, perspectives / Cosmetics and make-up: current status of packaging innovations, prospects Chair: Hervé BOUIX Senior Vice President Corporate Packaging Innovation THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES Inc., USA ME1.1 z Les transferts de technologies : perspectives / Technology transfers: prospects Jean-Stanislas ORLOWSKI Président-Fondateur PVL Beauté, France Définitions Les applications les plus surprenantes Les sources d’inspiration pour le marché de la beauté • Automobile, électronique, lunetterie, aérospatiale, aéronautique, agro-alimentaire, etc. • Les nouvelles technologies : nanotechnologie, internet, robotisation, transformation • Les nouveaux matériaux : composites, polymers, liquidmetal, etc. Les conditions de la réussite : organigramme, diffusion de l’info, implication, etc. Perspectives Definitions The most surprising applications The sources of inspiration for the beauty market • Automotive industry, electronics, glasses, aerospace, aeronautics, food, etc. • New technologies: nanotechnology, internet, robotisation, processing • New materials: composites, polymers, liquid metal, etc. The conditions for success: organisational chart, dissemination of information, commitment, etc. Prospects Jean-Stanislas studied at Paris IX Dauphine University. In 1992, he founded Orkidee, specialised in gold jewelry, in 2000, Jackel France, specialised in luxury packaging, and in 2012, PVL Beauté, specialised in plastic injection for the Beauty sector. wednesday 5th february Day 1 ME1.2 z Packaging de luxe et sensorialité / Luxury Packaging and sensoriality Groupe POCHET, France ME1.4 z Moules à rotation verticale et injection : état de l’art / Injection and vertical rotational molding: state of the art Bruno RISS Président SAF, France ME1.3 z La différentiation par la couleur / Make color your differentiator Sandrine REBOUX Market Manager Personal Care & Cosmetics POLYONE COLORS & ADDITIVES EUROPE « Pour être irremplaçable, il faut être différent ». Dans le marché concurrentiel d’aujourd’hui, cette citation avant-gardiste de Coco Chanel est sans aucun doute toujours l’une des préoccupations principales des marques. Quels moyens peut-on utiliser aujourd’hui pour se différentier ? Comment maximiser au mieux le premier contact avec le consommateur, comment le stimuler mais aussi le séduire ? Comment augmenter la reconnaissance de la marque ? Bien utilisées, couleurs et textures peuvent créer une émotion qui contribuera à rendre une expérience d’achat unique. Mises en valeur par la lumière ou le matériau, les couleurs permettent aussi de briser les codes, d’élargir une gamme ou de redynamiser une image. InVisiOSM le nouveau service d’expertise en Design & Couleurs de PolyOne partage avec vous son analyse depuis la naissance et la création d’une couleur jusqu’au rendu sur pièces finies et les emballages. “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”. In today’s competitive market, this avant-gardist quote from Coco Chanel is without doubt still very true. How can a brand be differentiated from others when everything looks the same? How can you make the most of a first contact with a consumer, how to strike a chord and seduce him? How can you increase brand recognition at the point of sale? Colors and textures can help. Well used, they will trigger an emotion that will contribute to creating a unique experience. Enhanced with light or by the materials, colors will allow you to change the conventional, extend a range of products or keep a brand alive. InVisiOSM, the new service in color and design powered by PolyOne, will share with you its color expertise from the creation of a color formulation until the final rendering on parts and packaging. Sandrine earned an engineering degree in plastics & rubbers processing from La Sorbonne in Paris. She began her career in R&D developing color formulations before moving into Key Account Management and Marketing positions. Sandrine has worked in the masterbatch industry for more than 10 years. Rainer ARMBRUSTER General Manager FOBOHA, Germany ME1.5 z Une innovation dispensing pour une nouvelle forme galénique / A dispensing innovation for a new dosage form Jean-Louis MATHIEZ Président CINQ’PATS, France Sébastien BARDON Président et co-fondateur CAPSUM, France For some twenty years, Jean-Louis has built up experience in the creation of innovative packaging for perfumes and cosmetics with Revlon, followed by Bourjois and Chanel, L’Oréal and Coty. Jean-Louis founded CinqPats in 2006 to provide “Packaging Innovation” support to enterprises in the sector. Sébastien passed a physics thesis with the Collège de France at the Pierre Gilles laboratory in Gennes. He obtained an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2006 and has managed major international industrial innovation projects for the SaintGobain group. ME1.6 z Nouvelles solutions sur mesure grâce aux technologies laser de pointe / New individualized solutions by advanced laser technologies Roland TREUTLEIN Manager Market Development Packaging EMS-GRIVORY, France Ulf TRABERT Key Account & Unit Manager Cosmetics Brand Packaging GABRIEL-CHEMIE Deutschland GmbH, Germany Les consommateurs recherchent des produits avec lesquels ils peuvent s’identifier. Éveiller les sens constitue une des clés du succès. La décoration laser sur les flacons en plastique crée un effet de surprise optique et tactile, favorisant les ventes. L’individualisation et Simultaneous translation French / English – English / French 3 la personnalisation des cosmétiques grâce au marquage laser, avec un choix infini de designs et d’images, augmente la valeur du packaging. Le marquage laser s’adapte à toutes les surfaces : douces, rugueuses, étagées ou courbes ; il résiste à l’usure et à la lumière et présente une excellente tenue chimique. Il est très souple ; la sécurité du produit est renforcée par un étiquetage durable et infalsifiable. Et, il existe bien d’autres avantages qui seront détaillés tout au long de cette présentation. Dans la deuxième partie de la présentation, l’orateur expliquera pourquoi les nylons amorphes sont plus qu’une alternative au verre. Une analyse détaillée des aspects techniques, sécuritaires, environnementaux et de design sera faite. Les conditionnements en polyamide amorphe d’EMS-Chemie, notamment, permettent d’exploiter toutes les possibilités de la décoration laser. Plusieurs échantillons seront présentés. The presentation address consumer needs and demands finding certain new identification with their products. Inspiring human senses are the success factor of tomorrow. Laser decoration on plastic bottles address optical and tactile surprise gaining more success at the POS. Individualization and personalization on personal cosmetic products by laser marking using any design or even any picture will increase the value of those packagings. The laser marking as such is suitable for soft, rough, tiered or curved surfaces; is wear-, chemical-, and light-resistant, has a high flexibility, product safety is ensured by lasting and forgery-proof labelling and many other advantages which will be presented in this presentation. Moreover in the second part of the speech the reasons why amorphous nylons are more than an alternative to glass will be discussed to. A detailed view regarding technical, design, safety and environmental aspects will be given. Especially packagings made of amorphous polyamide from EMSChemie shows a high affinity using all laser decoration possibilities; various samples will be presented. Ulf is Key Account & Unit Manager for Cosmetics Brand Packaging developing markets worldwide in regards of the entire GabrielChemie Group. His longtime marketing experience working for an international chemical concern in Germany, in several functions developing consumer markets in Europe, Latin America and Asia, still inspires him for global perspectives. Therefor his recent concern involved responsibility was Team Leader Market Development Manager Asia. Roland is Manager Market Development Packaging and responsible for all activities within the cosmetic and medical packaging market for EMS-Grivory. Prior to this he worked for Hueck Folien and EMS Grivory R&D where he gained in depth-knowledge and experience in the development of converted films and technical polymers. He possesses an engineering degree in plastics processing. 4 ME1.7 z Conférence de clôture / Closing lecture “Green Prestige Packaging” Daria MYERS Senior Vice President Global Innovation and Sustainability THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES Inc., USA Daria, oversees global innovation initiatives and the implementation of environmental sustainability and social responsibility efforts throughout the Company’s brands, global affiliates, facilities, and corporate departments. A proven innovation leader with more than 30 years experience, Daria was co-founder and Global President of Origins, where she led the launch of the Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins and Origins Organic collections. A summa cum laude graduate of Hunter College in New York, Daria holds a B.A. Degree in French and Italian Literature. She has developed programs to raise funds for programs including Project Sunshine, where she sits as a Director of the board and the Integrative Therapies Program for Children with Cancer, in the Division of Pediatrics Oncology at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Daria is on the board of the Dr. Weill Foundation. 11:15 – 11:45 Pause, visite de l’exposition / Break, visit of the exhibition SESSION 2 11:45 – 12:30 ME2 z Pour une lecture plus facile des brevets : workshop / Reading patents made easy: workshop Chair: Benoît LEJEUNE • CHANEL PARFUMS BEAUTE, Responsable Brevets Packaging, Mandataire agréé auprès de l’Office Européen des Brevets, Inscrit sur la Liste Spéciale de l’INPI spécialité brevets • Comment lire vite et bien un brevet, quand on n’est pas un spécialiste ? • Comment traduire les revendications des brevets sous une forme accessible à tous, avec l’arbre des moyens ? L’atelier se déroulera sous la forme d’un exercice pratique. Il sera animé par plusieurs praticiens expérimentés. Le nombre de places étant limité, merci de vous inscrire rapidement à cet atelier « » • How can a non-specialist quickly and effectively read a patent? • How can patent claims be depicted in a readily understandable way, with a “means” tree? This workshop will take the form of a practical exercise. It will be moderated by several experienced practitioners. As the number of places is limited, please register quickly for the workshop “” Animateurs : Bernard CLERGET Intellectuel Property & Innovation Manager, ALBEA, France Bernard graduated from the IEEPI in Strasbourg in “Intellectual Property Management Strategies”. Since 2005, he has been in charge of Intellectual Property, currently for the “Dispensing” activity of Albéa, and previously for Rexam Personal Care, which he joined in 1998. Prior to that, he spent 10 years with Givenchy in Beauvais, where he worked as packaging development engineer. He has developed perfume, make-up and cosmetics ranges, and in particular, innovative protective packaging for pharmaceutical products. Yann De KERMADEC In charge of innovation Bernard JULHIET Group, France Yann is an ICAM engineer with a DESS in Intellectual Property law. Specialising in innovation, he intervenes in companies to boost innovation, intellectual property and the sharing of knowledge. He wrote “Innovating thanks to patents – A revolution triggered by the Internet” INSEP Editions, 1999 – 2001, “Innovating is eveyone’s business”, INSEP Editions, 2003 – 2009, “Intellectual property in the service of innovation”, NATHAN, 2005 - 2009 (with Pierre Breese), “SME: think intellectual property!”, DGCIS, 2010 (with Pierre Breese). 12:30 – 14:00 Déjeuner, visite de l’exposition / Lunch, visit of the exhibition Fabrice RIVET Director - Environment, Health and Safety - FEVE (European Container Glass Federation), Belgium Dr Winfried WILLENBORG Batch and furnace manager moulded global - GERRESHEIMER Moulded Glass, Germany ME3.3 z INSIDE® : Revêtement pour la décoration interne des flacons en verre / INSIDE®: Coating for internal glass bottles decoration Simone BARATTA R&D Manager BORMIOLI LUIGI, Italy Frédéric MONTALI Marketing Manager BORMIOLI LUIGI, Italy SESSION 3 14:00 – 15:30 ME3 z Parfums : innovations packaging et perspectives / Perfumes: packaging innovations, prospects Michel DUPUIS Directeur Général Achats et Développement Packaging CHANEL Pascale MARCINIAK-DAVOULT Directrice Recherche et Innovation Packaging CHANEL ME3.1 z L’environnement et le développement durable au quotidien / The environment and sustainable development on a daily basis ME3.2 z Le verre recyclé : point des avancées récentes / Recycled glass: development of recent advances Nicolas BALENA Sales director molded glass cosmetic GERRESHEIMER, Germany Bormioli Luigi a développé et industrialisé un nouveau revêtement pour la décoration des flacons en verre. L’effet décoratif et esthétique met en valeur la forme du flacon. Un grand nombre de couleurs sont possibles, ainsi que de multiples effets, dont une couverture complète, une semi-transparence, une gradation avec différentes couleurs. Le revêtement s’applique à l’intérieur du flacon et résiste de façon durable au contact des produits à base d’alcool. En outre, Inside® peut être utilisé avec toutes les autres techniques traditionnelles de décoration sur verre, comme la sérigraphie, la tampographie, le marquage à chaud, etc. Bormioli Luigi has developed and industrialized a new coating for glass containers decoration. The aesthetical decorative effect magnifies the glass distribution, a wide range of colours can be used and several effects can be achieved such as: complete covering, semi transparency, gradation with different colours. The coating is applied internally into the bottle and guarantees a durable contact with alcoholbased products. Inside® is compatible with all traditional glass decoration techniques such as screen/pad printing, hot foil stamping etc. that can be applied in addition. Simone holds a Master in Chemistry; in Bormioli Luigi since 2001 and grown up in the glass technology area, he is in charge since 2009 of the R&D department. Strongly involved in the technical innovation process in the fields of glass, coatings, decoration and new initiatives. Frédéric holds a Master in Physics; in Bormioli Luigi since 2006, he has worked with customers on product quality and technical development in the perfumery market. Since 2013 in charge of the Marketing department of the glass container division. Strongly involved in the innovation process on the customers’ side. ME3.4 z L’art du verre, design, finitions, décoration : état des avancées récentes / Glass art, status of recent advances: design, finishing, decoration Léandre LASFARGUES NPD Manager STÖLZLE-FLACONNAGE Ltd, UK Les verriers ne sont plus des simples vendeurs de verre mais des fournisseurs de produits finis, décorés au moyen des techniques les plus modernes. Les techniques de décoration comprennent la métallisation, les encres et vernis UV, le transfert et l’impression numérique, des techniques d’avenir. Tendances : il n’y aura pas de grandes évolutions dans la transformation du verre, et le marché des cosmétiques ne s’y attend pas d’ailleurs. Ce qu’attend le marché sont des effets visuels attractifs, et le meilleur moyen d’y parvenir en est la décoration ! To explain that glassmakers are not anymore glass sellers, but finished goods sellers including modern techniques of decoration. Decoration techniques focus on metallization, UV curing inks and lacquers, transfers and digital printing which are the techniques of the very close future. Trends: no great evolution will appear on the way glass is transformed and this is not what cosmetic market is expecting. This market is waiting for appealing visual effects and the best way to answer is to use decoration! Léandre was born in Paris in 1970. His career started in 1996 as production manager for L’Oréal in Chile. In 1998 he become Quality and Development Manager for the same plant and was transferred to France in 2002 as Packaging engineer. In 2007 he changed to packaging research and finished his 15 year career in L’Oréal as packaging expert especially in glass, cardboard, plastic and decoration on any kind of material. In early 2011 he become NPD Manager at Gerresheimer Belgium, and, since October 2012 NPD manager for Stoelzle Flaconnage (GB). ME3.5 z Décoration du verre : repousser les limites ! / Decoration on Glass: beyond bounderies Anne LEMAIRE Decoration Development Manager SGD, France Gaëlle VERJUS Responsable Marketing International Parfumerie et Cosmétiques SGD, France Lors de cette présentation, Anne et Gaëlle exposeront toutes les nouvelles technologies de décoration que SGD met à la disposition de ses clients. Simultaneous translation French / English – English / French 5 During this presentation, Anne and Gaëlle will describe all the new decoration technologies available to clients at SGD. Anne joined SGD in 1995. She has acquired considerable expertise in all the Perfumes and Cosmetics glass packaging finishing processes. In conjunction with the marketing department, she chooses finishing innovations for the SGD Group and orchestrates their industrialisation. Gaëlle joined SGD in 2011 after 11 years in operational marketing with Bourjois (Chanel), the make-up brand. injection of Surlyn® for cosmetic applications with DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers. 15:30 – 16:15 Pause, visite de l’exposition / Break, visit of the exhibition ME4.2 z Les achats durables : cas pratiques / Sustainable purchases: practical cases ME3.6 z Illusion ou réalité : nouveaux effets décoratifs sublimés grâce au Surlyn® / Illusion or reality: new sublimated decorative effects with Surlyn® Sébastien TINDILLIERE Technical Representative DUPONT PACKAGING & INDUSTRIAL POLYMERS, Switzerland Cette conférence présentera de nouveaux et uniques effets décoratifs dans les capots de parfum obtenus par un procédé d’encapsulation grâce au Surlyn®. Objets, images, éléments décoratifs, etc. sont ainsi en suspension dans un bouchon transparent pour des effets optiques très surprenants. Ces décorations surmoulées sont fidèlement reproduites dans les bouchons moulés en Surlyn®, qui permet de conserver la finesse des détails et d’éviter toute déformation. Le décor est ainsi préservé et sublimé. Plusieurs exemples de capots de parfums seront présentés, ainsi que de nouveaux développements afin de répondre aux demandes d’innovation de nos clients du secteur du luxe. Parmi les innovations visuelles, l’encapsulation de dentelles et de textiles. This presentation will describe new, unique decorative effects on perfume caps obtained with an encapsulation process thanks to Surlyn®. Objects, images, decorative features… are thus suspended in a transparent stopper to create very surprising optical effects. This overmolded decoration is faithfully reproduced in molded Surlyn® stoppers, thereby retaining the most refined details and avoiding deformation. The decoration is thus preserved and sublimated. Several examples of perfume caps will be presented together with new developments designed to meet the demand for innovation among our luxury sector clients. The encapsulation of laces and textiles is one of the visual innovations. Sébastien graduated with a technical degree in mechanics. He has 8 years’ experience with DuPont De Nemours in various departments involving plastic materials and elastomers. For the past 4 years, he has been in charge of technical support for the plastic 6 relating to innovation, development cycle, sourcing, economies, etc.) in addition to the transformation of supplier relationships. He is regularly involved in cosmetics, business and industry. He is currently Senior Partner with Kea&Partner. SESSION 4 16:15 – 17:30 ME4 z Innovation, open-innova- tion, achats : quelle stratégie ? / Innovation, open-innovation, purchases: what kind of strategy? Chair: Stéphane DALLA LIBERA Senior Partner KEA-PARTNERS, France ME4.1 z Achats : création de valeur et actifs immatériels / Purchasing: value creation and intangible assets Stéphane has 20 years’ professional experience, including 6 with the Purchases Department in France and abroad. He works regularly on purchasing performance challenges in terms of ramping up purchasing departments and their positioning as business partners of the various lines of activity (on matters Eric SCHEID SSD Director Category Fruits&Flavors DANONE GROUP, France Les achats et le sourcing de l’innovation, pour être durables, doivent répondre aux fameux 3 « P » : • Profit : évidement, si pas profitable, pas durable, mais le challenge est la durée (Profitable immédiatement ? Return on Investment ? Sur combien de temps ?) • People : durable sur toute la chaîne de valeurs et pour tous les intervenants (Engagement responsable de l’entreprise, notamment dans le cadre de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, maitriser les risques fournisseurs, etc.) • Planet : inno eco-responsable Cette présentation sera illustrée d’exemples Danone : double projet économique et sociétal de l’entreprise, exemples concret de projets. To be sustainable, purchasing and the sourcing of innovation must meet the famous 3 “Ps”: • Profit: obviously, if something is not profitable, it cannot be sustainable, but the challenge is the time horizon (Immediately profitable? Return on investment? Over what period of time?) • People: sustainable over the entire value chain and for all those involved (responsible corporate commitment, particularly within the framework of corporate social responsibility, controlling supplier risks, etc.) • Planet: environmentally responsible innovation Points will be illustrated using examples from Danone (two-fold corporate societal and economic project, concrete example of a project). Eric graduated as an engineer from ESIEC (Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Emballage et Conditionnement, Reims) and holds a Masters in Company Management. He began his career at Schwarzkopf & Henkel in Germany as a cosmetics packaging development engineer and then worked as director of packaging purchases, raw materials and indirect purchases for the 3 divisions of the Henkel group. He is currently purchasing director for fruits and raw materials for the diary product division of Danone. In the course of his work, he has managed many sourcing projects around the world. ME4.3 z Le sourcing de l’innovation / The sourcing of innovation Michel BARROCAS Director, Purchasing HENKEL CORPORATION, USA • Les achats et l’innovation • Sourcing et relations achats, développeurs • Les achats, évolution des techniques, crowdsourcing, SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), etc. • Purchasing and innovation • Sourcing and relationships between purchasing and developers • Purchases, evolving techniques, crowdsourcing, SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), etc. Michel graduated as an engineer from ESIEC (Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Emballage et Conditionnement, Reims) and holds a Masters in Company Management. He began his career with Reckitt Benckiser in England as a packaging technician before joining Henkel in Germany as a cosmetics packaging development engineer. After a 2-year mission in the United States, he returned to Germany as head of the secondary packaging development group. He then moved to packaging purchases for the 3 divisions of the Henkel group. He is currently raw materials purchasing director for the consumer products branch in North America. ME4.4 z Innovation, Open innovation : stratégie et contrats / Innovation, Open Innovation: strategy and contracts Anne ALCOLOUMBRE Open Innovation Packaging Director L’ORÉAL, France Elsa RICHARD Purchasing Director, Innovation and Supplier Partnership L’ORÉAL, France Anne has an MA in Biochemistry/Biophysics and a Master’s degree in Industrial Purchases (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Bordeaux). She spent some fifteen years with BEIERSDORF (Nivéa), where she first worked as packaging Development-Purchaser and then as Director of Purchases and supplier Partnerships. She joined L’Oréal in 2007 as Director Purchases Innovation and supplier Partnerships. Since 2009, she has worked as Director Packaging Open Innovation Director in the Operations Division. Elsa holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Purchases (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Bordeaux); she has spent the last twenty years with L’Oréal, as Purchasing Manager for one of the Group’s big plants, and then Purchases Coordination and Value Analysis Manager for the Mass Market Division, fol- lowed by the Luxury Products Division. In 2007, she joined the Packaging Department to create the “Product & Packaging Intelligence” function. For the past 4 years, she has been Supplier Partnerships & Innovation Purchases Director. échanges entre les participants / Discussions with attendees 17:30 – 18:00 Visite de l’exposition / Visit of the exhibition Conference programme 8:45 Ouverture de l’exposition / Opening of the exhibition SESSION 1 09:15 – 10:45 JE1 z Les emballages secondaires : point des avancées récentes • Les étiquettes et notices / Secondary packaging: recent advances • Labels and inserts Chair: Pierre DUCASTIN Directeur Innovation Packaging L’ORÉAL Olivier de LATAULADE Finishing Techniques & Printing Expertise, Glass Expertise L’ORÉAL JE1.1 z Introduction « Emballages secondaires, étiquettes, personnalisation et prise en compte de l’environnement » / Introduction “Secondary packaging, labels, customisation and taking the environment into account” JE1.2 z Colorimétrie : la cohérence de la formule au pack / Colorimetry: consistency from formulation to pack Vincent COMMES Directeur KONICA-MINOLTA SENSING, France Philippe SPAY Ingénieur Conseil NEWCOLOR, France Technologie couleur : • Décrire et définir la couleur • Caractériser la couleur comme une grandeur et par sa composition • Gérer la qualité couleur, contrôler et formuler les couleurs à effets L’apparence de la couleur : 8 THURSDAY 6 th FEBRUARY Day 2 • Définir l’apparence et intégrer dans la sensation colorée perçue par l’observateur : l’environnement, la lumière, le brillant et la texture des produits colorés L’imagerie couleur : • Nouvelles technologies de traitement numérique et de simulation de la couleur • L’utilisation de la couleur et la gestion de l’apparence dans le packaging et l’impression Conception de la couleur : • Les nouveaux outils et systèmes d’aide à la création de la couleur Innovation dans la couleur : • Nouveaux matériaux colorés ou à effets spéciaux Gestion de la couleur : • La solution Colibri Gateway Color Technology: • Describe and define color •C haracterise color on a scale and in light of its composition • Manage color quality, control and formulate colors with effects Color Appearance: • Define the appearance and incorporate in the colored sensation perceived by the observer : the environment, light, gloss and texture of the colored products Color Imaging: • New technologies for color digital processing and simulation • The use of color and management of appearance in packaging and printing Color design: • New tools and color creation support systems Color Innovation: • New colored or special effects materials Color Management: • The Colibri Gateway solution Vincent worked as Commercial and Marketing Director for Northern Europe at Xerox, Director of Gretag-Macbeth and then ran XRite when the two companies were merged. After a few years in Finance and Investment Banking, he joined Konica Minolta in January 2012 to run its SENSING subsidiary, which has specialised for over 30 years in the design and marketing of light and color control software and equipment for industry. Vincent Commes’ strategy is above all to provide his clients with expertise by putting them in touch with his network of independent experts. Philippe worked as an expert in coloring materials (with Christian Dior Perfumes), as an expert in color measurement (with Datacolor), and then as a Consultant Engineer in Color Management (with 3C). 20 years later, NewColor came into being and Philippe Spay and his partner Nicolas Martin placed their skills in the service of color control. JE1.3 z L’avenir du numérique / The Future of Digital Will PARKER Member of the senior management team REFLEX, UK • Durabilité : les principaux défis et opportunités pour les Marques dans la création de packaging respectueux de l’environnement, avec un bon rapport coût/efficacité, et qui interpellent les clients. • L’avenir du numérique : les 10 années à venir seront la « décennie du numérique » dans le domaine du packaging. Les nouvelles technologies créent des opportunités de design et d’engagement des clients sur un niveau nettement plus personnel et ciblé, notamment grâce à l’impact de la personnalisation en ligne (Campagne Share a Coke). • Parfums et Cosmétiques : les technologies d’avenir pour les étiquettes actives (Heineken Ignite), les nouveaux revêtements (nano), les innovations en matière de mise sur le marché et de protection des produits, les technologies anti-contrefaçon pour protéger les marques. • Sustainability: the key challenges and opportunities facing brand owners in creating environmentally aware, customer engaging, cost effective packaging. • The Future of Digital: how the next 10 years will be the “decade of digital” for the packaging arena. The new technologies offering opportunities in design and ways to engage with the customer on a far more personal and focussed level. Specifically showing the impact of on line personalisation (Share a Coke Campaign). • Perfume and Cosmetics: the horizon technologies for active labels (Heineken Ignite), new coatings (nano) offering innovation in product release or protection and anti counterfeit technologies to protect brands. Will is the preeminent British packaging man. Having held management roles in many of the largest label and flexible packaging converters in Britain, including The Reflex Group, which is one of the most environmentally aware and active companies in Europe. Will’s current role is leading The Greenhouse Studios, a packaging design, artwork adaptation & reprographics agency with nine sites from Newcastle to just south of Birmingham. At Reflex, Will had a key role in securing the World first purchase of the Landa Nano press and is well versed on the subject of Landa Nanography. During Will’s career, he has served as both Technical Director and Operations Manager at Labelsco, a company with a legacy of technical excellence and award winning labels for perfume, cosmetics & beauty customers. JE1.4 z La trajectoire de l’étiquette / The history of labels Gil FERRARI Directeur Technique Groupe AUTAJON, France L’étiquette est aujourd’hui un élément omniprésent dans notre environnement tant professionnel que particulier. Tous les secteurs d’activité ont effectivement recours à l’utilisation d’étiquettes dont la première apparition se perd dans la nuit des temps. Cet objet banal de notre quotidien a connu des évolutions majeures aussi bien dans ses procédés de fabrication que dans les matériaux employés à sa construction et les fonctionnalités proposées. Cependant, l’étiquette doit faire face à des défis et enjeux de très grande importance dont certains et notamment celui de l’Environnement se posent dès à présent avec acuité. Labels are now omnipresent in both our professional and personal environment. All sectors of activity use labels, which first appeared way back in time. This common object in our daily lives has undergone major changes both in terms of manufacturing processes, the materials used and functionalities proposed. However, labels face extremely important challenges, some of which, in particular the environment, are acute. JE1.5 z Thin is in! Benoît JOURDE Business Development Manager Home & Personal Care, Label and Packaging Materials - Europe AVERY DENNISON Les films minces auto-adhésifs : • Réduisent le coût total • Présentent des avantages en terme de durabilité • Améliorent l’attractivité sur le rayon • Sont disponibles dans le monde entier Thin Self Adhesive Films that deliver: • Reduced Total Applied Cost • Sustainability benefits • Improved shelf Appeal • Global availability Benoît has a Masters degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France. He began his career with Avery Dennison as project manager in 1995. Since 2010, he has been working as Business Development Manager Home & Personal Care Europe. JE1.6 z Etiquettes & notices : des solutions créatives / Labels & inserts: creative solutions Petra Maria CONZE Business Development Manager FAUBEL & Co. NACHFOLGER GmbH, Germany Les nouvelles contraintes réglementaires, les informations consommateurs toujours plus transparentes ainsi que la protection de santé vont générer une augmentation significative des informations à imprimer sur les produits cosmétiques. Dans un même temps, les producteurs de cosmétiques tentent de se distinguer, en rajoutant des informations sur leurs produits (donc sur l’étiquette), en intégrant des effets publicitaires sur les points de vente (échantillons intégrées, design attirant) mais aussi grâce à des actions marketing (concours ou marketing interactif) renforçant la fidélisation du client. Comment répondre à ces exigences avec un espace produit aussi limité ? Quelles sont les attentes du consommateur sur la lisibilité par exemple ? Quelles sont les contraintes réglementaires à respecter en créant l’emballage ? Comment peut-on intégrer ces exigences dans la production en utilisant, si possible, des machines déjà existantes (étiqueteuses, tunnel de rétractation) afin de limiter ou même éviter des investissements importants et des modifications des processus de fabrication. Quel que soit la quantité de texte à intégrer sur les surfaces, petites ou atypiques des emballages, nous voudrions vous démontrer les multiples possibilités créatives ainsi que le potentiel inédit des étiquettes spéciales, en considérant également les aspects de sécurité produits (témoins d’ouverture et d’inviolabilité). New regulatory constraints, ever more transparent consumer information and health protection issues will create a significant increase in the amount of information to print on cosmetics. At the same time, cosmetics manufacturers are trying to be different, by adding information on their products (and therefore on the label), by including advertising at POS (attractive design, add-on samples) and also through marketing activities (e.g. competitions or interactive marketing), thereby boosting customer loyalty. How can these demands be met with such a small product space? What are consumer expectations in terms of readability, for example? How can these demands be included in production, using, if possible, existing machines (e.g. labelling machines, shrink tunnel) in order to limit or even avoid major investments and changes in manufacturing processes. Whatever the amount of text to be included on the small or atypical surfaces of product packaging, we would like to show you the many creative possibilities and the unique potential of special labels, while also considering product safety issues (tamperproof features). Petra has been Business Development Manager at Faubel & Co. Nachfolger GmbH Melsungen, Germany, since 2011. Working from Versailles, she has greatly contributed to the development of the Western European region. Before joining Faubel, she worked for over 15 years for the Constantia group in various positions in the sales sector in Germany and France. She also contributed to the development of “made to measure” flexible packaging, according to specific customer requirements, in the dairy, confectionery and pharmaceutical/cosmetics sectors. 10:45 – 11:30 Pause, visite de l’exposition / Break, visit of the exhbition Simultaneous translation French / English – English / French 9 SESSION 2 11:30 – 12:45 JE2 z Les emballages secondaires : point des avancées récentes • Les calages, étuis et coffrets / Secondary packaging: recent advances • Fillers-sleaves, folding boxes, presenting boxes Chair : Pierre DUCASTIN Directeur Innovation Packaging L’ORÉAL Olivier de LATAULADE Finishing Techniques & Printing Expertise, Glass Expertise L’ORÉAL JE2.1 z Intégrer la durabilité dans la conception des emballages / Embedding sustainability in packaging design Christophe BAUDRY Directeur Commercial International Beauty care & Healthcare METSÄ BOARD Jarkko TUOMINEN VP, Business Development METSÄ BOARD, Finland • Performances et caractéristiques du carton pour les parfums et cosmétiques • Aspects économiques et durabilité dans la chaîne de valeur •C omment matérialiser les opportunités • Performances and characteristics of carton for perfume and cosmetic • Economic and sustainability aspects in the value chain • How to materialize the opportunities Christophe is the International Commercial Director Beautycare and Healthcare for Metsä Board, Paperboard. Metsä Board is the leading producer of folding boxboard in Europe, the world’s leading producer of coated kraftliners and a significant supplier of paper. Our safe, ecological and lightweight products have a small carbon footprint and they feature excellent performance and printing properties. Our objective is to support the long-term success of our business partners and increase wellbeing with our products and operations while minimising our environmental impacts. We focus on renewing our product concepts and increasing the efficiency of our production units. In renewing our product concepts, the aim is to offer increasingly diversified products, improve the availability of our products and shorten delivery times. Sales for 2012 were EUR 2.1 billion. Jarkko (M.Sc.) studied paper technology at Helsinki University of Technology and has been working in paper and packaging related industry for over 20 years. Before joining Metsä Board, Jarkko has held several top management positions in management consulting as well as in paper and packaging industry in Ahlstrom, Sihl, Pöyry and Walki. JE2.2 zLes étuis en carton compact: sortir des sentiers battus! / Folding Boxes Board, think out of the box! Helmut SIEBER Head of Technical Design Center Carl EDELMANN GmbH, Germany Nous avons l’habitude de voir des étuis pliables carrés… mais depuis quelques années, nous pouvons les penser et les concevoir autrement. Les sensations produites, l’aspect sur les rayons, peuvent être modifiés de façon significative. Nous pouvons même ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités… Les plieuses-colleuses ont progressé, et peuvent fabriquer ces nouveaux types d’étui. Il en est de même pour les machines dans les usines de remplissage de nos clients. Edelmann va en expliquer : • Les nouvelles conceptions de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur des étuis, • Les solutions « systèmes », etc. We are used to seeing square folding boxes… but since recent years we are able to think different and to design different. The feelings, the renderings of the product on the shelves could significally change… We can add new functionality on the boxes… The folding or glueing machines at printers have made some progress and are able to realized these type of boxes. It is the same for the machine at filling plants of our customers. Edelmann will be describing how it is possible in at least 2 points: • Folding carton new designs outside, inside • System solutions, etc. JE2.3 z Le transfert de film à froid feuille à feuille : une brillante évolution / Sheet-fed cold film transfer: an outstanding evolution Stéphane ROYERE Head of Business Division Industrial Products - LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung Co. KG, Fürth, Germany Encore récemment, le transfert de film à froid restait une technique de décoration assez inconnue et plutôt exotique, en phase de développement. Depuis peu, cette technique d’ennoblissement, de parachèvement, a fait une avancée majeure. Dans le domaine de l’impression offset feuille à feuille, beaucoup de machines récentes sont équipées de modules pour le transfert de film à froid. Dans un contexte où le besoin de ce type de film augmente au même rythme que les besoins d’ennoblissement, pour le secteur de l’emballage, KURZ vous présente 4 bonnes raisons du succès de ce procédé de décoration : • La demande du marché • Une technique éprouvée • Les avantages économiques • Les possibilités de designs diversifiés Until recently, cold film transfer was a relatively unknown, rather exotic decoration technique in the process of being developed. Not long ago, a major advance was made with this sophisticated finishing technique. In sheet-fed offset printing, many recent machines are equipped with modules for cold film transfer. In a context where the need for this type of film is increasing at the same pace as the need for finishing in the packaging sector, Kurz will be spelling out 4 good reasons for the success of this decoration process: • Market demand • A proven technique • Economic advantages • The possibility of diversified designs Stéphane holds a French Masters Degree in Applied Foreign Languages with an option in Business and Commerce in addition to a British BA in International Business Administration. He began his career marketing glass decals for the glass and porcelain industry as commercial director France and key accounts manager Europe. He joined Leonhard Kurz in Germany and the world of hot stamping in 2000 as European subsidiaries manager. In August 2013, he became manager of the graphic and TTF division for the Kurz group. Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG, is a leading manufacturer of hot- and coldstamping foils and of Diffractive Optically Variable Security Devices (DOVID’s). JE2.4 z Des solutions uniques pour promouvoir le succès des marques : haute qualité et valeur ajoutée de l’impression et du parachèvement pour des emballages exceptionnels / Unique Packaging Solutions to promote brand success: High-quality and value-added printing and finishing effects to create exceptional packaging “ L’intérêt de PCD c’est que le thème de l’innovation permet de prendre le temps de parler de sujets techniques avec nos clients. Les visiteurs découvrent des faisabilités et se projettent sur des projets qu’ils peuvent avoir en cours. PCD est une excellente plateforme pour présenter ses innovations ! PCD is so worthwhile because the theme of innovation enables us to take the time to talk about technical subjects with our clients. Visitors discover what is feasible and discuss projects they may have underway. PCD is an excellent platform to present innovations! Frédéric Cieutat z Model Group Steffen SCHNIZER Managing Director CD CARTONDRUCK GmbH, Germany JE2.5 z Imprimer votre parfum / Print your fragrance Benoît FRASSAINT Président PO Group, France Petra ROTH Président PR SERVICE GRAPHIQUE, France Having worked for two years in color separation and printing in Singapore, Petra decided to create her own company in 1989 in Paris; from color separation she moved to fine art productions for the high end packaging industry, mainly for the perfume/cosmetic sector. She constructed warehouse with attached offices near Chartres to offer full service to her customers, and a warm work environment for her team. SESSION 3 12:45 – 13:00 JE3 z L’environnement et le déve- loppement durable « emballage » au quotidien / The environment and sustainable development Packaging in every day life Bruno GARNIER Expert emballage qualité et développement durable CARREFOUR, France 13:00 – 14:15 Déjeuner, visite de l’exposition / Lunch, visit of the exhibition Simultaneous translation French / English – English / French 11 HD High Definition Powder MAKE UP FOR EVER Maquillage - Teint Make-up complexion 8 lauréats Awards 8 Awards laurEats Colour & Go Génifique Yeux Light-Pearl ESSENCE Maquillage – Ongles Make-up – Nail polish Le Volume CHANEL Maquillage – Yeux Make-up - Eyes Neogenic VICHY Capillaire Haircare LANCÔME Soin Skincare La Vie est Belle LANCÔME Parfum Femme Woman perfume 10 mentions spéciales 10 special distinctions Touche Eclat Collector 20 ans Luna Rossa YVES SAINT-LAURENT Maquillage – Teint, Mention Sérigraphie Make-up Complexion, Silkscreen printing distinction PRADA Parfum Homme Man perfume 3 Dot Liner J’adore L’absolu DIOR Parfum Edition Limitée Perfume limited edition Le Rouge Ecrin Réversible Tube Lipikar Bonne Mère Capsule 1000 ml Woman Nina Fantasy Jasmin Noir CLARINS & TOKIWA Maquillage – Yeux Make up - Eyes LA ROCHE POSAY Soin Skincare DONNA KARAN Parfum Femme, Mention Qualité du capot Woman Perfume, Special distinction for quality of caps 12 GIVENCHY Maquillage – Lèvres Make up - Lips L’OCCITANE Hygiène, Mention Environnementale SkinCare, Environmental distinction NINA RICCI Parfum Edition Limitée Perfume Limited Edition AGNES B & JACKEL Maquillage – Palette Make up - Palette INOA Capillaire, Mention technique pour sa capsule Haircare, Special distinction for capsule’s technique BVLGARI Coffrets Presentation box PCD AWARDS 2014 CEREMONY 14:15 - 15:30 Chair : Alain BÉTHUNE, Expert Packaging & Michel DUPUIS, Directeur Général Achats et Développement Packaging, CHANEL Le lancement d’un nouveau parfum, de produits cosmétiques ou de maquillages, fait largement appel à l’innovation packaging. Il est le contact direct avec l’acheteur, c’est un composant essentiel du succès ! The launching of new perfumes, cosmetics and make-up is closely bound up with packaging innovation. Packaging is in direct contact with the buyer, a key factor of success! Les présentations techniques des Responsables packaging des marques distinguées d’un PCD Award présentent une synthèse de l’intelligence, des compétences, de la créativité, des technologies et savoir-faire, des collaborations avec les fournisseurs, des « astuces » qui sont mises en œuvre pour répondre aux sollicitations des Marketing tout en respectant les contraintes de délais, de qualité, de stratégie développement durable et bien entendu de budget ! Chaque année, cette cérémonie des PCD Awards est un moment fort. The technical presentations made by the packaging managers of brands singled out for a PCD Award will give an overview of the intelligence, skills, creativity, technologies and knowhow, collaboration with suppliers and “tricks of the trade” used to meet marketing requirements while respecting deadlines, quality constraints, sustainable development strategy and, of course, the budget! Every year, the PCD Awards ceremony is a special moment. CONFÉRENCE D’OUVERTURE / KEYNOTE lecture Francis CHAUVEAU, Directeur Général Adjoint en charge des Affaires Industrielles, HERMÈS International, France • L’environnement à tous les stades de la conception à la fin de vie des produits • La pérennisation des métiers • L’importance de soutenir les PME Françaises • The environment at all stages, from product design to end-of-life • Securing the future of our fields of activity • The importance of supporting French SMEs Francis holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes and an MBA from Chicago University. He began his career with Valeo (Suze Plant Director) followed by Carnaud Métalbox, Managing Director of Kerplas, AMS Europe, Astra Plastique and Zeller France. He has been working with Hermès International for some 10 years, where he is deputy Managing Director in charge of Industrial Affairs. 15:30 - 17:30 Visite de l’exposition / Visit of the exhibition Participants à la réunion du Jury / Jury meeting attendees z Noëlle BATICLE, Rédactrice Beauté z Alain BETHUNE, Expert Packaging z Mirabelle BELLOIR, Emballages Magazine z Hervé BOUIX, The Estée Lauder Inc. z Caroline DELACOUR, WPOL z Evelyne DREYFUS, Journaliste Beauté z Pierre DUCASTIN, L’Oréal z Michel DUPUIS, Chanel z Bruno GARNIER, Carrefour z Xavier LEBOUCHER, Puig z Véronique LIABEUF, Enjoy z Osnat LUSTIG, Coty z Pascale MARCINIAK DAVOULT, Chanel z Jean-Louis MATHIEZ, Cinq. Pats z Daniel SACLIER, Guerlain Plan de sol BAR MEETING AREA CONFERENCE ROOM A H25 H23 H21 I20 I18 I16 I14 I12 I10 H19 H17 H15 H13 H11 H09 H32 H30 H28 H26 H24 H22 H20 H18 H16 H14 H12 H10 G31 G29 G27 G25 G23 G21 G19 G17 G15 G13 G11 G09 G32 G30 G28 G26 G24 G22 G20 G18 G16 G14 G12 G10 F31 F29 F27 F25 F23 F21 F19 F17 F15 F13 F11 F09 H07 F32 F30 F28 F26 F24 F22 F20 F18 F16 F14 F12 F10 E31 E29 E27 E25 E23 E21 E19 E17 E15 E13 E11 E09 E33 E35 F33 G34 H29 CONFERENCE ROOM B E32 E30 E28 E26 E24 E22 E20 E18 E16 E14 E12 E10 E08 D31 D29 D27 D25 D23 D21 D19 D17 D15 D13 D11 D09 D07 D05 D32 D30 D28 D26 D24 D22 D20 D18 D16 D14 D12 D10 D08 D06 C31 C29 C27 C25 C23 C21 C19 C17 C15 C13 C11 C09 C07 C05 C32 C30 C28 C26 C24 C22 C20 C18 C16 C14 C12 C10 C08 C06 B31 B29 B27 B25 B23 B21 B19 B17 B15 B13 B11 B09 B07 B05 B32 B30 B28 B26 B24 B22 B20 B18 B16 C14 B12 C10 B08 B06 B04 B02 A31 A29 A27 A25 A23 A21 A19 A17 A15 A13 A11 A09 A07 A05 A03 A01 A32 A30 A28 A26 A24 A20 A18 A12 A10 A08 A06 A04 A02 012 PRESS A00 BAR C04 A34 COLOR MANAGEMENT HUB A22 A16 A14 008 006 009 007 B01 004 002 005 003 010 011 Plan indicatif non contractuel / Non contractual map B03 ENT RAN CE 001 Exhibitors LIst 10TH EDITION 8TH EDITION A2C – ESATEC F20 ACPG13 AIROPACK A14 ALLIORA (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 ANOMATIC CORPORATION F23 APE ETIQUETTES D22 API LAMINATES C13 APTAR BEAUTY + HOME F22 ARJOWIGGINS CREATIVE PAPERS D16 ARJOWIGGINS SECURITY D14 ATLANTIC ZEISER B20 ATT ADVANCED TRACK & TRACE B02 AVERY DENNISON E19 AWANTYSA12 AXILONE (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 BAKANLAR MEDYA D07 BARALAN E08 14 BIOPLAN (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 BORMIOLI LUIGI C10 BORMIOLI ROCCO Verreries de Masnières A06 BORMIOLI ROCCO Plastics Business Unit A06 BOTTLEMATE A20 BW CONFIDENTIAL EC CD CARTONDRUCK H11 CHESAPEAKE A01 CEP C14 CHONG WOO H14 CLAS C17 COFATECH E18 COLLCAP PACKAGING B19 COMACTIVE G11 CONSEIL NATIONAL DE L’EMBALLAGE EC CORADIN B09 CORPACK G14 COSTER B21 COSTET DECORATION F09 COVERPLA B03 CPI EUROPE H18 CTL PACKAGING B11 DASSAULT SYSTEMES EC DB TECHNIQUE D10 DIETER BAKIC I18 DIGITAL PACKAGING F21 DS SMITH PACKAGING CONSUMER A21 DUPONT DE NEMOURS G18 ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING B08 EDELMANN GROUPI20 ELECO-PRODUITS/EFD, HÖNLE GROUP C23 EMS GRIVORY C24 EMIRATES PRINTING PRESS E20 ESEPAC A34 ESSEL PROPACK EUROPEB25 EUROVETROCAP D06 FABREGAS PACKAGING A04 FAUBEL B01 G.PIVAUDRAN C05 GABRIEL CHEMIE C24 GEPACK H20 GERREISHEIMER F11 GIFLOR B14 GRAINDORGE A05 GRAPHOCOLOR D13 GROUPE SIMONIN B12 HEINZ GLAS H17 HEINZ PLASTICS HOLDINGD18 HERMANN KOCHA09 ILEOS C12 INCA PACKAGING C19 IPACK F18 KARL KNAUER H10 KONICA MINOLTA SENSING EUROPE B.V A34 KURZ GROUP G16 LA FACTORY D08 LAMEPLAST D12 LECA GRAPHICS B13 LES PARFUMABLES C15 LA FRANCAISE DES PLASTIQUES D21 LINHARDT G24 LOUVRETTE GmbH 008 LUMSON I14 M&H PLASTICS 004 MARTINENQ IMPRIMEURS F19 MARVON 002 MASSILLY E22 MBF PLASTIQUES E14 MEGA AIRLESS G09 METALBALL C07 METAPACK A13 METSÄ BOARD E13 MINIMAGE H16 MINO GAILLARD E17 MODEL KRAMP D09 MOLPACK A17 MULTITUBES B06 MWV C18 NEOPAC THE TUBE D15 OEKA BEAUTY A11 ORIOL & FONTANEL / SANTEX GROUP F13 PACKETIS (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 PAPILLON RIBBON & BOW G15 PINARD EMBALLAGES F15 POCHET DU COURVAL E10 POLYONE B05 PR SERVICE GRAPHIQUE A15 PRINTING INTERNATIONALB17 PROMENS E16 PRP CREATION G17 PULVOREX D17 PVL BEAUTE G22 QUADPACK H15 QUALIPAC (GROUPE POCHET) E10 REFLEX LABELSE31 RIEKE DISPENSING F17 RISSMANN A02 RR PLASTIQUES E17 RHIEM GROUP A10 RPC BEAUTE C04 RYTHM / DELTASACS E09 SAF I16 SAFAC B10 SEGEDE INDUSTRIE A07 SERAM EUROPE C09 SERIBASE D21 SERIPLAST G10 SEUFERT D11 SGD E15 SHB PACKAGING A03 SINCOPLAS E11 SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL D19 SOCIETE DE MARQUAGE INDUSTRIELF14 SOPAC MEDICAL B16 SOVERPLAST C08 STOELZLE OBERGLASSD25 STORA ENSO B18 STYROLUTION H09 TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIESA30 TECHNICAPS C11 TECHNIPLAST H13 TESEM D05 TEXEN SERVICES D20 VAN GENECHTEN H07 VELOX C16 VERRERIES BROSSE I10 VIEDOC EC VIVA PACKAGING G20 VPI B07 WAUTERS & FILS C06 WEENER PLASTIC C21 WINTER & CO H19 XEIKON INTERNATIONALB26 YONWOO EUROPE H15 and more coming... Exhibitors LIst 8TH EDITION AEROSOL EUROPE G26 ALUCAN ENTEC E29 AMCOR FLEXIBLES C26 APPE G34 APTAR BEAUTY + HOME F22 ARDAGH GROUP C31 ARNEST GROUPEC AVON ENGINEERED RUBBERF27 BALL – AEROCAN B29 CASCADE TECHNOLOGIES G30 CENTREPHARMA / P&B GROUP B27 CFA H32 CHENGTIAN RUBBER PRODUCTS E32 CLAYTON CORPORATION H28 COLEP G21 COSMED E24 COSTER B21 CRISAN PLAST A27 CROWN PACKAGING EUROPEA22 ELYSEE COSMETIQUES D24 ENVASES GROUP / EMASA E25 EUSCHER GmbH F25 FAREVAE28 FAVARON B28 FRIKE GROUP G27 GFV VERSCHLUSSTECHNIK D28 GLOBUS GmbHG31 GRACE G25 HINTERKOPF E26 HUTCHINSON H26 IGEPAK F29 INTERCAN C30 INVENTEC F26 LEADING EDGE LABELS & PACKAGING C32 LINDAL C25 MAJESTY DISPENSING SYSTEMS Co. Ltd C28 MALL + HERLAN H30 MASSILLY / GRUMETAL E22 MASTERCOIL SPRING D29 MWV C18 NUSSBAUM C27 ONE ASIA NETWORK H21 PACKSYS GLOBAL A29 PAMASOL E33 PLASTICUM GROUP C22 PPG SALES & SERVICES E27 PRECISION G23 REFLEX LABELS E31 SARTEN G29 SCHULER GROUP A23 SETE A25 SIMSEK AMBALAJ D27 SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL D19 SPRAY TECHNOLOGY & MARKETING EC SPRIMAG E30 STAEHLEH25 SUMMIT PACKAGING SYSTEMS D30 TECHNOPACK C29 TEKNI-PLEX H23 TEMA G28 THOMAS GROUP D32 TIGER COATINGS B32 TOYO AEROSOL INDUSTRY A31 TUBEX D23 UKRAINIAN AEROSOLS LLC F30 VALSPAR E21 WIPF B31 ZENIT DESIGN D31 and more coming... Liste des exposants au 18 octobre 2013 / Exhibitors list on October 18th 2013 15 Exhibitors profiles A2C – ESATEC F20 A2C folds pre-packaged perfume, cream or make-up samples on advertising inserts for the press or POS for the cosmetics industry. Innovation, Quality and Service are the strong points of A2C. Innovation thanks to Esatec dedicated to the development of reliable tools or machinery to automate original creations. Quality in compliance with the high specifications of the market. Service: flexibility (over 25 machines available around the clock throughout the year). / ANOMATIC CORPORATION F23 For more than 45 years, Anomatic has served as a well-diversified manufacturer of anodized aluminum packaging to the Health & Beauty, Personal Care, Medical Device, Spirits and Consumer Electronics industries worldwide. Today, Anomatic is a partner supplier to some of the world’s largest companies. With state of the art facilities in Ohio, Connecticut and Suzhou, China offering expertise in product design, prototyping, metal stamping, anodizing, decorating and assembly. For more information on the company, please visit: ACPG13 ACP is a leader in custom packaging on the cosmetics market. We fill all types of products in different packagings: sample sachets, thermoformed doses, stickpacks, doypacks, jars, tubes and bottles. Our strong point is first and foremost our great flexibility, both in terms of production capacity and technicity. We also have a very demanding quality system, which is in line with the good manufacturing practices. ARJOWIGGINS SECURITY D14 Arjowiggins Security develops unitary authentication technologies such as Signoptic™, our production-line solution that is revolutionizing security for brands worldwide. By using the innate material properties of each object to build a unique digital fingerprint, Signoptic™ offers authentication and traceability opportunities that protect products and consumers from counterfeiting and parallel markets with no additives or product markings. ATLANTIC ZEISER B20 Manufacturer and printer of adhesive labels in FLEXO UV–OFFSET UV– LETTERPRESS–SILK SCREEN PRINTING– DIGITAL PRINTING; acknowledged experience of over 40 years – Turnover 16 million € (12 % for export). Expert in BOOKLETS: a Twin Label with 3, 5 or 7 printed pages that can be opened and closed (more space to communicate). Atlantic Zeiser is a leading technology innovator for variable data coding, late stage customization and serialization of printing products. Its headquarters are located in Germany, and it has 11 subsidiaries in addition to some 50 sales and service outlets worldwide. Atlantic Zeiser offers a large inkjet & complete solution portfolio, including proprietary AZ ink technology and software solutions (BLS, BRAND TRACKER, Adobe PDF). APE ETIQUETTES D22 AIROPACK A14 Airopack® is a revolutionary technology to dispense fluids or other medium to high viscosity materials, using a patented pressure control device. This system replaces traditional aerosol products used with conventional metal cans and chemical propellants. ALLIORA (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 API LAMINATES C13 In an increasingly fast moving, multi message retail environment, impact is everything. With API you can lift your brand above the noise, invite your customers to touch and create packaging that is iconic, exciting and unique. API foils, laminates and holographics can enhance and protect your products and help to get that “shelf-standout” for your brand. There is more to API than you expect. To highlight your products… Alliora, subsidiary of Ileos Group, offers you creativity through high quality and challenging technical solutions in paperboard, PET and polypropylene folding cartons and set up boxes. Alliora supplies the top international companies and is involved in numerous product launches in the fragrance, cosmetics as well as wine and spirits industries. Technical expertise and innovation combined with flexibility are strengths Alliora uses to highlight your products. Aptar Beauty + Home is part of the Aptargroup family of companies, along with Aptar Food + Beverage and Aptar Pharma. We create innovative dispensing systems for fragrance, cosmetic, personal care and household product marketers. With a wide range of dispensing solutions and broad geographic presence, we help our customers stay ahead of the ever-changing demands of consumers around the globe. APTAR BEAUTY + HOME F22 ARJOWIGGINS CREATIVE PAPERSD16 ATT ADVANCED TRACK & TRACE Advanced Track & Trace is a global leader and technology provider in brand protection, traceability and authentication. Our know-how in implementation of authentication, secure track and trace on production and assembly lines has made us a key expert company awarded as a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum of Davos and partner of the biggest companies in the world. All the components and the materials of a product (case, cap, container, label, insert, etc.) can be authenticated and traced without changing the existing processes. ATT is currently tracking and tracing billions of products worldwide in every sector. AVERY DENNISON E19 Avery Dennison (NYSE:AVY) is a global leader in labeling and packaging materials and solutions. The company’s applications and technologies are an integral part of products used in every major market and industry. With operations in more than 50 countries and 30,000 employees worldwide, Avery Dennison serves customers with insights and innovations that help make brands more inspiring and the world more intelligent. Headquartered in Pasadena, California, the company reported sales from continuing operations of $6 billion in 2012. 16 B02 AWANTYS A12 Awantys Group - developing and producing exclusive packaging components for the international perfume industry – Luxury product approach through French Sales organization supported by technical Know-How “Made in Germany” and sourcing in Eastern Europe – Innovation Awywhite® based on high quality porcelain and Awystone® based on excellent marble and granite for Luxury Packaging. AXILONE (GROUPE ILEOS) C12 From an idea to its launch… Axilone, subsidiary of Ileos Group, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of lipsticks, caps, jars and closures for the fragrance, cosmetics and skincare industries. Axilone offers global and innovative packaging solutions in plastic injection, metal stamping and products combining both materials. Located in Europe (France and Spain), the USA and China, and provided with a tool engineering workshop, Axilone serves your projects from an idea up to its launch. BAKANLAR MEDYA D07 Paper bags, Printed Carrier Bags, Gift Bags & pouches, Gift Boxes, Promotional Bags, Envelope, Folding Boxes, Cosmetic Packaging, Printed Tissue Paper, Sticker, Label. Bakanlar Medya, located in Istanbul, is one of the leading exclusive paper bag & box manufacturer in Turkey. Bakanlar Medya is the supplier matching your creativity and sustainability expectations! We have an experienced design & graphic team for your ideas. We design, produce and deliver to all destinations you wish. We make partnership with best worldwide logistic companies. We do have also innovative green solutions for the projects with FSC certificated & ecological materials. BARALAN E08 C12 For your projects to be unique… Bioplan, subsidiary of Ileos Group, provides high quality sampling products and services – from packaging design, printing, filling to co-packing. Always looking for innovations, Bioplan offers a wide and unlimited range of products: sachets, thermoforms, tottles, brovits, tubes and vials, roll-on, sprays, cosmetic samples, jars, flowpacks, envelops, retail packs… Located in Europe, in North and South America and in China, Bioplan puts at your service its creativity and technical expertise in samples, unit doses and fullfilling for your projects to be unique… BORMIOLI LUIGI Since 1962, Baralan Group has been a point of reference in the cosmetic packaging world. The commercial offers, consisting of glass and plastic containers with their accessories, is focused on skin care, colour cosmetics and fragrances. The production and decoration is performed using the latest technologies. BIOPLAN (GROUPE ILEOS) C10 Bormioli Luigi is a leading actor in the industrial market of glass containers for premium class perfumery and spirits packaging. It also plays as a renowned brand for tableware products, targeted both to consumers and professional users. Its leadership is based on brilliant and acknowledged performances achieved in terms of refined shaping. A continuous attention paid to process and product innovation and a global quality oriented approach to the business explain the consolidated reputation of the company. BORMIOLI ROCCO Verreries de Masnières A06 BOTTLEMATE A20 The Verreries de Masnières (VDM), Perfumery & Cosmetics Business Unit of the group, which develops and produces since two centuries glass bottles and jars for most of the luxury brands. VDM is recognized as one of the leaders in the high-end glass market, a success made possible through its glassmaking know-how, its wide range of decorations, and a constant search for innovation. Bottlemate (Taiwan) Inc., professional packaging manu facturing supplier, develops and produces since thirty-four years cosmetics bottles and jars for lots of brands of cosmetics and take care series product. Our research department makes the new revolution on Airless pouch bottles, with a lower price and best quality and also can customize what you need. Bottlemate (Taiwan) Inc. is one of the leaders in the high qualityend plastic container market. BORMIOLI ROCCO Plastics Business Unit A06 The Plastics Business Unit is dedicated to the cosmetics and pharmacy sectors, with ranges of products conceived, designed and produced in-house to meet the specific needs of the customers. The Plastics Division pays the greatest attention to sustainable development and the defense of the environment. Recyclable materials, bioplastics and biodegradable plastics bear witness to Bormioli Rocco’s green commitment. BW CONFIDENTIAL EC BW Confidential, the international trade publication for the cosmetics and fragrance industry, is the key source of news, analysis and commentary for retail buyers, distributors, brand directors, packaging and ingredient suppliers. BW Confidential consists of an electronic publication emailed to executives every two weeks and a print magazine, published four times a year. In each issue, our team of specialist journalists brings you in-depth country and regional reports, sector analysis, distribution trends and interviews with the industry’s key players. CD CARTONDRUCK H11 CD Cartondruck GmbH, member of the U.S Group Multi Packaging Solutions, is a leading global player in the field of high quality folding box. The customers of Cartondruck headquartered in Obersulm (Germany) are amongst the most reputed in the fragrance and cosmetic branch as well as in the confectionery, luxury and spirits industry. CARTONDRUCK offers innovative and individual packaging solutions, combined with numerous ground-breaking printing and finishing processes, but also an experienced customized packaging service. CHESAPEAKE A01 Chesapeake is a leading international supplier of consumer packaging. Our philosophy is to offer customers a global service with local capability. The business focused on service, quality and innovation, supplies paperboard products to the healthcare and premium consumer goods markets. A global operation with a local touch, Chesapeake has over 20 strategically located manufacturing facilities in the US, Europe and Asia. CEP C14 CEP is specialized in plastic packaging dedicated to Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals Industries. Leader of the injected molded PE tubes and manufacturer of extruded tubes, CEP offers a complete range of tubes from diameter 16 to diameter 56. As a specialist in injection molded pieces, CEP also offers a complete range of lids, dispensers and caps. In term of decoration, CEP offers a wide range of on-line decoration machines (offset, silkscreen tampography, hot stamping, labeling). Focused on innovation and cost effective solutions, CEP develops a strong competence in robotics for assembly and decoration. CHONG WOO H14 Chong Woo Co., Ltd is a global supplier of sprays, dispensing devices, caps and airless systems. The primary markets served by Chong Woo are personal care and cosmetic. Also, we are offering turn-key services including packaging design, mold development and production of sprays, dispensing devices, and various containers in own facilities. Please drop by our booth and refresh your ideas. CLAS C17 Clas is the only familial group offering a complete range of coatings mainly on plastic parts and an unlimited choice of colors shiny or mat by electroplating process, vacuum metalli zation, lacquering, painting and laser etching. Our know-how is dedicated to the greatest brands: L’Oréal, Guerlain, Bulgari, Dior, Chanel, Shiseido, Hennessy, Armani, etc. COFATECH E18 B19 Collcap supplies premium color cosmetics, fragrance and skincare primary packaging. A global sourcing network allows them to provide a range of glass and plastic products unparalleled in the industry, alongside extensive printing and decoration techniques. A dedicated design service is aided by the latest 3D printing technology. Collcap is the exclusive European distributor of Samhwa Plastic Co. COMACTIVE Coverpla.pdf 1 04/11/13 10:58 G11 Comactive designs and develops tailor-made holographic displays for luxury brands (fragrances, cosmetics, spirits, horology, jewels etc.). Once integrated in our displays, COSTET DECORATION F09 Costet Decoration SAS was founded in 1928 and is specialized in glass decoration with numerous technics such as silk screening, pad printing, hot stamping, 4 colors process, lacquering, acid etching. Its expertise is focused on the perfume and cosmetics markets and we can propose a complete solution including the full service with stock and specific bottles and jars. CONSEIL NATIONAL DE L’EMBALLAGE EC C M J CM The French Packaging Council (CNE), a non-profit organization founded in 1997, is an exchange platform and a forum for dialogue between the various players of the packaging industry: packaging materials manufacturers, packaging manufacturers (converters), producers of consumer goods, distributors, approved collection and recovery systems and operators, local authorities as well as consumer and environmental organizations. COVERPLA B03 MJ CJ CMJ N For over 65 years, Coverpla has been manufacturing and distributing primary packaging components for perfumery and cosmetics. With hundreds of different in-stock bottles and caps, in combination with our injection molding, pump assembly and decorating facilities, we provide a full service and bring unique packages to market. Coverpla one company, endless possibilities. packaging parfumerie cosmétique CPI EUROPE CORADIN B09 Coradin S.A.S. is a company specialized in the development and production of injected pieces for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries. The product range of Coradin is composed of Distribution Systems, Reconstitution Systems, Caps and Closures, Spatulas and Accessories. Coradin develops and produces specific and exclusive technical pieces. CORPACK G14 Corpack designs and develops aesthetically adapted solutions for color, skin-care and fragrance packaging. We offer to take over the complete coordination from conception to production and delivery of the finished product. We thereby are able to create an exclusively designed package as well as offer a standard solution. COLLCAP PACKAGING your products are surrounded in an interactive, highly innovative and eye-catching communication. We are able to work with any product, having any shape and size. Whether you want to integrate our technology in your product packaging, to modernize your points of sale advertising or to have an impactful event-based communication, then we have a customized solution to offer. COSTER B21 Coster Designs and manufactures 1 inch and 20 mm valves, bag on valves, spray caps and standard and customized actuators, spray and dispensing pumps, perfumery pumps, aerosol filling machines in 6 highly automated factories in Italy (Trento), ISO certified, 1 factory for machinery division (Milan) and 9 subsidiaries worldwide distributed. Coster has implemented an ISO 8 Clean Room dedicated to pharmaceutical components, where are manufactured under the supervision of highly skilled personnel. With its wide range of products, its R&D team, its customer service (Laboratory), Coster is a key supplier of main multinational and local companies, especially in the cosmetic area. H18 CPI Europe (European subsidiary of CPI International) is one of the premiere innovative cosmetic packaging industries. We propose to our clients, known as the most famous cosmetic brands, innovative patented applicators particularly for Lip Gloss, Mascara and Nail Enamel. We also develop and manufacture specific and standard packaging in our own factories. CTL PACKAGING B11 CTL TH Packaging stands for quality, service and innovation. PA C K A G I N G We are manufacturers with total mastery of our own coloring agents and hues. This is a unique know-how. We have been awarded by the European Prize for eco-design. Innovation 2012-13: Dositube diam 40 & 50 spray and lotion. At PCD 2014 we launched Dositube Deluxe, the ultimate prestige airless tube solutions in collaboration with Aptar. Logo CTLTH_ok.indd 1 18/3/10 13:34:26 DASSAULT SYSTEMES EC DB TECHNIQUE D10 Created from the meeting between light and label, DB 2L imagined the lighting label: “Label Lumineux®” and developed this concept clustered with Altyor. From this year, the range of “Label Lumineux®” products includes rechargeable lighting labels, lighting caps, lighting glass and bottle base as well as a new make-up case called “Screen up®” including a tactile touch screen. 19 DIETER BAKIC I18 EDELMANN GROUP I20 The Dieter Bakic Group provides highly innovative premium packaging solutions for the cosmetic industry. We are specialized in stock packaging lines and see design as primary component in brand development. Our services range from custom structural and graphic design to completely integrated stock packaging solutions (including pumps and airless solutions). Whether a new launch on the market or an established premium brand; mass marketer or selective marketing – all solutions offered by Dieter Bakic Enterprises are tailored to the specific needs and help our customers to differentiate themselves at the point of purchase. The Edelmann Group is a leading provider of highquality folding cartons, leaflets and innovative packaging solutions for the beauty care, health care and sophisticated premium markets, specialized in cosmetic, fragrance and haircoloration. Edelmann is a family owned company, founded in 1913, based in Heidenheim – Germany, with a turnover of 233 M€. In 2013, 1 900 staff members and 13 international production sites (Germany – France – Poland – Mexico – China – India). The Group generated more than 45 % of the turnover at its international locations. Worldwide the company produced 5 billion items of packaging and leaflets. DIGITAL PACKAGING F21 DS SMITH PACKAGING COnSUMERA21 DS Smith Packaging Consumer offers solutions with high added value and sustainable tailored to the needs of luxury markets (perfumery, cosmetics, wines and spirits). Discover on our wide range of packaging such as liners, cases, boxes, cushioning, SRP, etc. and many opportunities for media: compact and corrugated cardboard, printing technology (offset, flexo, digital, screen printing) and finishes (varnish, lamination, hot stamping, embossing, painting slice, etc.). DUPONT DE NEMOURS G18 Dupont Cosmetic Solutions brings the “Miracles of Science” to the world of beauty packaging. Its comprehensive range of materials, technologies and know-how allows cosmetic brands, packaging designers and packaging suppliers to bring their inspirations to life. To take a closer look at the wide range of solutions Dupont offers to the industry please visit: ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING B08 Bonding Assembling Solution. One supplier to meet your requests. “High quality performance and visual aesthetic“. Eleco is the French subsidiary of the German Company Panacol AG-Hönle group. Aeronautic, Medical, Automotive application has increased our bonding skills since 30 years. Excellence, aging, easy using … are our main concerns... We offer you a complete solution: Bonding Solution! UV Curing Solution! Dispensing Solution! Your main goal = Styling and resistance bonding … please follow our UV Solution, transparent, fast curing, high strength … with UV Glue Vitralit® and Hönle® UV Equipment. Moreover all our adhesive range like cyanoacrylate Cyanolit®, Penloc® acrylic, could also offer a bonding alternative. C24 EMS-Grivory is the manufacturer with the broadest range of polyamides worldwide. These resins for use in injection-molding and extrusion processes are sold worldwide under the trade names Grivory®, Grilamid® and Grilon®. Polyamides from EMS-Grivory are used in the market segments automotive, industrial and consumer goods, electronics, telecommunication, optics, medical technology and packaging. ECS France Magnet Engineering is the expert in the field of permanent magnets (Hard ferrite, NdFeB, SmCo, AlNiCo, Bonded magnets) and of magnetic subassemblies. The range includes also flexible magnetic products: extruded products, isotropic and anisotropic sheets. Owing its expertise, our company can provide its customers the assistance adapted to the elaboration of their projects. Emirates Printing Press is a member company of Oasis Investment Group. We are printers of luxury packaging and produce cartons for luxury perfumes & frozen food industry. We also produce rigid box packaging for perfumes and confectionery. In addition to the above we offer our expertise on tobacco packaging. For more information please visit our website: 20 EMIRATES PRINTING PRESS ESEPAC, a school that develops talents to launch your products on the market! In collaboration with well-established cosmetic companies, ESEPAC prepares its students for careers in the packaging industry. Our sandwich courses have been created in close collaboration with cosmetic firms and are designed to reproduce as closely as possible challenges & situations faced in the work environment. Boosted by professional equipment and “live” projects directly overseen by cosmetic firms, 96% of students join the industry 4 months after graduation. ESSEL PROPACK EUROPE ELECO-PRODUITS/EFD, HÖNLE GROUP C23 EMS GRIVORY ESEPACA34 E20 B25 Essel Propack Group, which is the largest worldwide manufacturer of laminate tubes, is a leading European producer of tubes for various markets: cosmetics, oral-care, pharmaceuticals, food, household and general industry. Essel Propack are the specialists you have been looking for when it comes to laminate and / or plastic flexible tubes as universal packing media. By offering perfectly tailored packing solution Essel Propack provides the best possible answer to your product’s need true to the motto: Enhance Your Brand! EUROVETROCAP D06 Eurovetrocap is a leading company in the field of cosmetic and pharmaceutical packaging offering a wide variety of standard products and decoration facilities to enable customers to personalize their own packs. Our main aim is to provide customers with their requested quantities in the shortest time possible, with very low minimum quantities available at competitive prices and offering very high quality. FABREGAS PACKAGING A04 Fabregas Packaging produces setup laminated boxes and coffrets since 2007 based on the experience that made its predecessor under a different name since 1849. During 2007, the new company is constituted and moved to the new premises, where all technological and logistical resources to satisfy the market are installed. FAUBEL B01 The purpose of labeling in cosmetic products is to attract attention in the first place, provide instructions for use and indicate the information required by law. Faubel labels can do far more than that. Specializing in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, Faubel creates labels that are highly userfriendly and always functional. GIFLOR B14 Sustainable and unique design patented closures applied on innovative solutions at top interesting quotations. Find these benefits in our “Eco Low Profile” and Bi-Injected “Just Colors” Closures Lines, suitable for standard necks and customized bottles too! Soon available also for flexible tubes! G.PIVAUDRAN C05 Since 1948, G. Pivaudran is the leading company for deep drawing, anodization, decoration and assembly of aluminum parts for the perfume and cosmetics industry. Combining know-how and innovation, associating quality and service, ensuring clarity and confidentiality, these are the challenges that our teams rise to on a daily basis in order to meet your requirements regarding your projects. GABRIEL CHEMIE C24 Gabriel-Chemie Group specia lises in the development and production of additives and colouring for the refining of plastics. Established in 1950, Gabriel-Chemie Group is one of Europe’s leading masterbatch producers today. The independent, privately-owned group has its headquarters in Gumpoldskirchen/Austria and further production sites in Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Russia. GEPACK H20 Gepack is a Portuguese polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging manufacturer working in three main business areas: pharma and food supplements, cosmetics, and food and beverages. Production capacity of 160 million bottles/ year (20 production lines). Clean room ISO6/ FDA1000. ISO 9001:2008 certified and DMF assigned Nr. 23955 – Type III (FDA compliance). GERREISHEIMER F11 Gerresheimer is a leading global partner for the pharma, healthcare and cosmetic industries. Our special glass and plastic products contribute to health and wellbeing. Our innovative glass range for perfume and cosmetics offers the opportunity for brilliant market platforms and perfect convenience coupled with optimum protection for our customers’ products. GRAINDORGE A05 Graindorge is one of Europe’s leading electroplating company for the cosmetic and fragrance industry. Created in 1928 by L. Graindorge, the company is now managed by Serge Brigot since 1991. The basis of production is the electroplating of plastic parts (ABS, PP, ABS/ PC, DELRIN) and metals (Zamak, Brass). Chrome, white bronze, gun-metal, gold, matte or high gloss for each finish is our daily production. Concerned with sustainability, Graindorge proposes chromium pieces from trivalent chromium eco-aware. Over the years, we have established a solid customer base, and we are regular subcontractors to a wide range of companies both in France and abroad. GRAPHOCOLOR B12 Groupe Simonin is a subcontractor, specialized in the manufacturing of: springs, wire working, stamping and bending (weight, etc.), plastic injection parts (Components & Packaging), overmoulding, dual-injection, decoration (hot marking, pad printing, etc.), electronics, and assembly of complete functions. Groupe Simonin has a R&D department. Groupe Simonin develops in partnership with his customers parts and complete solutions. Groupe Simonin has production sites in France and Morocco. Certified ISO 14001. HEINZ PLASTICS HOLDING D18 As Heinz Glas, Heinz Plastics is a division of the Heinz Group. With 6 production units in Europe, Heinz Plastics is a leader for cosmetic packaging offering all types of production processes (IM IBM ISBM EBM Co-EBM up to 6 layers) and a wide range of decoration possibilities, such as silk screen printing, hot stamping, lacquering and metallization. Heinz Plastics specializes in customized products, but also have a wide range of standard bottles. A09 Hermann Koch is your professional partner when it comes to plastic packaging. We are specialized in solutions for the cosmetic industry. Our product portfolio includes jars, sticks, rollons, dispensers and bottles with caps. You are looking for an individual solution? Our tailormade plastic products are manufactured completely in-house by our experience in terms of tool design and product development. ILEOS C12 Ileos is an international packaging group specialized in the Beauty and healthcare markets. Ileos is present in Europe, America and Asia. Ileos Group is organized into 3 divisions: Axilone: The metallo-plastic division (fragrance, cosmetics) Bioplan: The sampling, filling and full service division (fragrance, cosmetics) Alliora / Packetis: The graphic division (fragrance, cosmetics, health, spirits) INCA PACKAGING C19 Inca Packaging is specialized in the production of aluminium and plastic packaging for skin care, fragrances and cosmetics products. Strong in its expertise in shaping the aluminium and in its in-depth knowledge of thermoplastic materials, Inca is the best partner for the client who wants to develop a customized packaging. The company is provided with several decoration technologies to customized aluminium, plastic and glass containers. 22 H17 Heinz Glas Group is a major worldwide glass maker for the luxury perfumery and cosmetics market. Heinz factories are located in Germany, in Poland, in Peru and in China. Our major markets are covered by dedicated sales offices, located in each country (USA, France, Spain, UK, Italy, Germany, Russia and Poland...). Heinz Glas France, located in Vélizy, focus his skills on sales and project management. We develop and provide bottles and jars for all French brands. HERMANN KOCH D13 The colour company Graphocolor is unquestionably today’s leader in anodised-aluminium components. A supplier to the perfume, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, the company retains its edge through technical competence and a capacity for innovation. Graphocolor offers an unrivalled choice of colours and finishes which add the final touch to your product. Keen to play its role as a responsible world citizen, the company devotes a large portion of its investment to environmental protection, in which it continues to launch innovative solutions. GROUPE SIMONIN HEINZ GLAS IPACK F18 Established in 2000, Ipack creates, produces and assembles packaging for the fragrance and cosmetics market. We specialize in innovation and unique product development covered by with several patents. Ipack supplies specific caps and spray caps but also offers standards products including jars and twists’ caps with mechanism. Recently we developed plastic magnets. KARL KNAUER H10 The core competence of Karl Knauer KG is innovative packaging, advertising media and gift packaging made of cardboard, corrugated cardboard and paper. The company is one of the leading suppliers in this sector and combines a wide range of knowledge and a high level of specialization. The customers in the brand-name product and service sectors throughout Europe profit both from our varied skills as well as from our high manufacturing depth. As a result Karl Knauer KG develops individual complete solutions in the packaging and sales promotion sectors enabling the customers and their products to make a strong impact at the POS. KONICA MINOLTA SENSING EuROPE B.V A34 KURZ GROUP G16 The Kurz Group, the recognized global leader in hot stamping technology, represents over 100 years of experience in hot stamping. Kurz manufactures and distributes a comprehensive product range for the surface finishing, decorating and counterfeit proofing sectors. A complete range of stamping machines and tools rounds off its product offering. LA FACTORY D08 Founded in June 2007, La Factory has been growing steadily, proficiently meeting all the demands in the field of perfumery component development. Our core business is the manufacturing of specific Perfume projects in primary packaging: from glassware to caps we operate as well as in Asia and in Europe. Our field’s expertise is plastic injection through our proper sites (France and Romania), metal stamping, metal injection, accessories (with close partners in Asia), etc. Due to these extensive manufacturing solutions, La Factory is in position to fulfill major part of customer needs in components development. LAMEPLAST D12 A large group, more than thirty eight years’ experience, millions of containers produced and filled for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Hundreds of clients acquired around the world through innovative ideas, efficient and customised service. Lameplast Group brings together the skills of several companies specialised in the production and filling of single-dose and multidose containers. Thanks to the ISO 13485 certification the company offers an exclusive service for manufacturing, filling and packaging of cosmetics and medical devices in liquids, creams and gels, using the same production criteria used in the pharmaceutical domain. Our exclusive services: full service, innovative and dedicated packaging, products development, regulatory assistance, private label, technologies and supporting know-how for releasing different types of product with low quantity or without use of preservatives. LECA GRAPHICS B13 Leca Graphics is the folding box division of Lantero group. Since 1966, Leca specialized in high value added sector acquiring a “know-how” expertise which distinguishes us from our competitors. Leca´s leadership is based upon values like flexibility, customer service, punctuality and a rigorous quality control. As a result of intense work in the field of innovation, we are presenting a set of developments in the packaging world. LES PARFUMABLES C15 The Olfactory Ceramic produced by Les Parfumables® France, offers a unique range of testing and sampling tools, promotional gifts and ceramic blotters. Since 1990, Les Parfumables® design and produce Scented Ceramics in a large productive capacity. Four patented innovations improve the customer’s experience in a business context. LA FRANCAISE DES PLASTIQUES D21 La Française Des Plastiques has specialized in the transformation of plastics by blow extrusion and plastic injection for more than 40 years. LFP is a resolutely forward-looking company, in the forefront of new technology and ready to take up the challenges of the future. The people, the tools and the will, combined with a credibility demonstrated by the most demanding certifications, are the assets that enable us to meet all your expectations. LINHARDT G24 Linhardt is a leading European manufacturer of collapsible aluminium tubes, monobloc aerosol cans, plastic and laminated tubes as well as other primary packaging. The family owned company is certificated according to ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 15378 and offers innovative, market specific and customized packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical, personal care and food industry as well as for other industries. LOUVRETTE I14 008 E14 Lumson Group is the leading Italian company in the cosmetic packaging industry. Lumson designs, develops, manufactures and customizes complete standard packaging collections for the cosmetic and personal care market. A 360° service for a “ready to fill” packaging fully decorated. L4Belle provides Standards or “Tailor Made” primary packaging solutions for the Color Cosmetics market. Both companies of the Lumson Group share the same main values and determination to become close and reliable partners for customers. Mega Airless Dispensers develops, manufactures and markets innovative Airless Dispensers for cosmetic and personal care and healthcare industries. The unique patented double valve construction consistently delivers precise and repeatable dosage. Manufacturing facilities in Germany and the US are equipped with stateof-the-art production, processes, materials, and equipment. M&H PLASTICS 004 M&H Plastics is one of the leading suppliers of plastic packaging, and has set the benchmarks in design and manufacturing for plastic bottles, jars, closures and flexible tubes. For more information on M&H Plastics, please visit the website, call team on +44 (0) 1502 715518 or email MARTINENQ IMPRIMEURS F19 Historically working with luxury and cosmetics industry, Martinenq offers more than traditional leaflets, brochures, inserts or foldouts. We have launched a full package product of sample cards, printed on site, folded on a machine dedicated to the automatic gluing of sample bags. A new cutting machine has been added to develop this business and embossing. 2013 has seen the start of a hybrid printing machine (traditional and UV): KBA Rapida 106 6 colors. MARVON 002 Marvon is a flexible and dynamic specialist in galvanic chromium plating. Over 40 years of experience, continuous focus on quality and the continuous renewal of the plants to be, today, one of the market leaders in Europe providing excellent taylor-made treatments, all rigorously made in Italy. The high quality standards of its processes and products are also recognized by the quality certificate ISO 9001: 2008 and the environmental certificate: ISO 14001: 2004. MASSILLY E22 Massilly is a French European group established in 1911 and operating in metal packaging. 1300 people in 25 companies across the world. Two entities of the group will be present at PCD & Aerosol & Dispensing Forum: Grumetal and My Box By Massilly. Grumental is specialized in manufacturing tinplate aerosol cans. My Box By Massilly produces tin boxes/coffrets for the brands promotion. 24 MBF PLASTIQUES Specialized for more than 40 years in custom plastic packaging, such as fragrances caps, spray through caps, jars, mascaras, MBF is a complete partner providing creativity, quality manufacturing and worldwide services. MBF supplies primary packaging to major beauty companies including L’Oréal, Shiseido, Coty, Puig, LMVH, Chanel, Bulgari, Limited Brands, Estée Lauder, Clarins etc. For exactly 50 years, Louvrette design & packaging has focused on developing and producing high quality plastic packaging for the cosmetic and beauty industry. As a system provider we offer a complete solution with our range of standard and custom jars, airless dispensers and bottles as well as technical and creative project support. Our products are exclusively developed and manufactured in Germany – Innovation Made in Germany. LUMSON MEGA AIRLESS G09 METALBALL C07 Manufacturer and distributor of chrome steel, stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and glass ball. Our inspection lab is able to check ball batches for diameter, roundness, roughness, l’Oréal test, magnetic test, etc. METAPACK A13 Metapack SAS is one of the leading manufacturers of high quality packaging “made in China”. We design and produce metal components for fragrance packaging and promotional items for cosmetics and spirits industries. Our range of expertise: zamac, brass, aluminium, steel, stainless steel, plastic, leather, plating, anodizing, e-coating, lacquering. Type of products: caps, collars, jackets, refillable pursers, compacts, stainless steel bottles, ornaments for caps bottles. METSÄ BOARD E13 Metsä Board is Europe’s leading producer of fresh forest fibre cartonboards, the world’s leading manufacturer of coated white-top kraftliners, and a major paper supplier. At PCD 2014 Metsä Board will present its new liner – Modo Northern Light – and will also show its lightweighting folding boxboard range, highlighting the improvements to its grades Carta Elega and Avanta Prima. The boards on show at PCD will also include Carta Integra and Carta Solida folding boxboards, as well as the Chromolux cast-coated board range that is especially recommended for applications requiring high gloss. All Metsä Board boards are lightweighted and made of fibres grown in sustainably managed forests and are of known origin. Metsä Board is headquartered in Finland. In 2012, the company’s sales totalled EUR 2.1 billion, and it has approximately 3,400 employees. Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. MINIMAGE H16 The company Minimage is specialized in cosmetics/perfume manufactured projects for little packaging. We offer a large range of standard products between 1.5 and 20 ml with closures/applicators like roll-on for perfume samples, essential oil, etc. Established in 1997, Minimage is specialized in packaging development in cosmetics/perfume field, especially in perfume samples, essential oil for aromatherapy and closures/applicators like roll-on. These specific closures are patentprotected. We offer a large range of standard products but we also are listening to specific customer’s requests. MINO GAILLARD E17 MODEL KRAMP D09 Model Kramp, which belongs to Model Group, is 100% dedicated to the production of high quality paperboard folding cartons, for fragrance and cosmetic industry…for more than a century. Its brand new plant located in Frankfurt, with unequalled integrated energy saving and recovery systems, reaches state-of-the-art low ecological foot-print. Its modern equipment and experienced dedicated team allow Model Kramp to fulfill very demanding requirements in terms of Quality & Service, and regularly provides innovative applications for printing-finishing, or also for grey market coding and other security devices. MOLPACK A17 If you are looking for a proximity partner, reliable and reactive, for your next launches, do not hesitate to contact Molpack: the specialist in jars “made in Spain” for Cosmetics! Our team is at your disposal to help you and propose you a large range of products and a high level of service and quality. MULTITUBES B06 Multitubes is a dynamic, growing company, providing high quality, appealing and innovative tube packaging solutions to the food, personal care and industrial packaging markets. Since our foundation in 1999, Multitubes b.v. has rapidly expanded from a small company to having a comprehensive production site manufacturing tubes. We supply tubes for all types of personal care products and cosmetics. Our diverse decoration techniques compose of a huge range of graphics with unlimited colours resulting in eye catching packaging that will get your products noticed. High speed production and flexibility in lead times means Multitubes can offer an all-round reliable service. Please call us to discuss your requirements and we can tell you all about the advantages of packaging your product in our tubes! Think tubes, think Multitubes! MWV C18 MeadWestVaco Corporation (MWV) is the leading supplier of fragrance, body care, skin care, cosmetics and hair care dispensing solutions with high quality sprayers, pumps and dispensing closures. MWV combines its own unique approach of product design through consumer insights and client partnership to deliver packaging solutions to well-known beauty brands around the world. NEOPAC THE TUBE D15 The privately owned Swiss tube manufacturer Hoffmann Neopac AG is a worldwide supplier of Polyfoil® tubes for the premium beauty market. The company produces highly decorated tubes with excellent barrier properties to protect your valuable fillings. With an attractive appearance the tubes give the best possible brand presence plus a wide variety of application systems for ease of use. The latest application systems and more innovations will be shown at PCD 2014. The entire Hoffmann Neopac team is looking forward to meeting you at stand D15. Let us inspire you! OEKA BEAUTY A11 Oekabeauty offers innovative mascara, lip gloss and lipstick packaging - and more than 60 years of experience in mass production for the colour cosmetics industry covering a wide range from luxury market to mass market products. From the idea, prototyping and construction up to production, decoration and assembly - with Oekabeauty you will get it all from one source. Oekabeauty works in close cooperation with fillers to offer perfectly matching combinations between applicator and bulk for mascara and lip gloss. Next to this, our internal panel tests bring together your own bulk with one of our best applicators! PACKETIS (GROUPE ILEOS) Packetis, recognized as the first French leading manufacturer for healthcare packaging, manu factures folding boxes, wedging systems, leaflets and labels. Packetis aims to provide a global and optimized offer for a better customer satisfaction. PAPILLON RIBBON & BOW PINARD EMBALLAGES 26 F15 Pinard Emballages is recognized for its quality, its creativity and its knowhow in the extrusion and the injection blow molding for the perfumery and the cosmetic areas. Created in 1959, the family company counts now 90 people on 3 different sites (2 plants and a logistic platform). A large range of bottles from 3 to 1000ml is proposed with the possibility to get high quality finishes such as silk-screen printing, varnish and hot stamping and different kinds of closures. 60% of its activity is realized with specific packaging developed with its R&D department. POCHET DU COURVAL E10 PR SERVICE GRAPHIQUE A15 Producing excellence with our partner suppliers in China … PR Service Graphique will celebrate 25 years of exciting productions in 2014. All along, we are now known to produce the high end of packaging, those coffrets which are a real challenge to produce, but not limiting ourselves in packaging, we produce Christmas cards, encarts, paper flowers, fans, garlands, etc. All made and shaped of paper... And sometimes objects like the wonderful snowball. A partnership with PO Group of Dreux allows us today to produce items in China which are perfumed with your fragrance in a new method we will be happy share with you during the PCD, our first production was seen in Vogue magazine of October 2013 – More to come! PRINTING INTERNATIONAL B17 Printing International positions itself as a genuine partner for the cosmetic industry. Our R&D lab makes your most complex and innovative developments for decoration become reality. We supply industrial pad printing solutions that are adjusted to your specific product decoration innovations on glass, plastics, ceramics and metals, using organic, UV and thermo inks. PROMENS E16 Promens is a European leader in designing, developing and manufacturing plastic packaging for the Beauty and Personal Care markets. Promens offers standard packaging and also develops custom solutions. Current trends are pushing brands to the limit to eliminate preservatives making formulas more and more fragile. Promens has been monitoring this trend and made airless packaging one of its strengths and develops always more protective and safe packaging with one focus: protect the formula. POLYONE F13 Oriol & Fontanel (Santex Group) is the specialist for luxe product and packaging embellishment. We produce bows, tassels and ribbons in any size and material. We produce woven and printed ribbons for luxe market such as perfume, cosmetics, jewelry, champagne, garments, food, etc. Our qualities are satin double face, gros grain, cotton, organza, taffetas, offset, all over print, raised print, numeric printing, tap printing, perfumed ribbons “Memory Paper Scent”, textile stickers, etc. G15 Papillon Ribbon & Bow is a global leading creative solutions provider of textile ornaments. We design, weave, print, produce and realize projects for major groups in the fragrance, cosmetics, spirits and intimate apparel industry including: LVMH, L’Oréal, Chantelle, Aubade, etc. We bring the required expertise for the world of luxury packaging wherein a unique brand experience is essential. ORIOL & FONTANEL / SANTEX GROUP C12 B05 PolyOne Corporation is a global leader offering a comprehensive array of specialized polymer materials, tailored services and end-to-end solutions. We understand that your success depends on being first to market with innovative, value-creating materials and services. Our materials help solve the application and business needs of molders and processors. PRP CREATION G17 Innovative leader in prestige and premium plastic packaging for cosmetic and beauty: bottles, tubes, jars and caps. We are a provider of full service solution in diverse technologies and materials. With customized decoration and other added value features. PULVOREX D17 PVL BEAUTE G22 REFLEX LABELS E31 PVL Beauté is specialized in packaging development, industrialization and projects management in Beauty. PVL Beauté has a large field of expertise, from plastic injection and decoration to more complex projects involving various materials and processes. Our cutting-edge technologies allow us to accompany cosmetic brands in the realization of their ideas. PVL Beauté, technology devoted to beauty. Reflex supply packaging from 7 UK sites. One of the largest companies of its kind in the UK, and with an international customer-base, Reflex serves a broad range of customer sectors. Products include self-adhesive labels, linerless labels, R.O.S.O, shrink sleeves & flexible packaging. Reflex is ‘the sustainable packaging company’, seeing sustainability as financial, environmental and ethical. QUADPACK H15 RIEKE DISPENSING F17 Quadpack is a specialist developer of standard and bespoke packaging solutions to the beauty industry. Established in 2003, we have grown from a small company into a global, independent packaging group, servicing the leading prestige, masstige and mass market brands. Our products are used for skin care, make-up, OTC/cosmeceuticals, hair care, nail care and sun protection. Being the expert in dispensing system scan provide you with a wide range of pump: lotion pump, spray pump, foamers, triggers, airless systems. You have a project, we have the solution. Rissmann is a manufacturer of individual packaging, exclusive paper bags, luxury gift boxes, high-quality POS packaging and decoration programs, excellent equipped production sites in Germany, Europe and Asia as well as worldwide sales, logistic and stock services. QUALIPAC (GROUPE POCHET) E10 RISSMANN A02 RR PLASTIQUES E17 RHIEM GROUP A10 Rhiem is an owner-run production and service company with partners in North America, Asia and Europe. Its registered office is in Voerde, Germany. Established in 1958 as a printing firm, today the company has grown into a global service provider and consists of the following business divisions: Packaging & Print, E-Commerce and Services & Logistics. For more detailed information, visit www. RPC BEAUTE C04 RPC Bramlage-Wiko, including RPC Beauté is specialized in injection molding of plastic components and their assembly to final products and offers a wide range of decoration technologies. We create modern and practical solutions for stick deodorants, roll-on deodorants, jars and dispensing systems for the personal care, fragrance caps, lipsticks, mascaras, lip glosses and compacts to the beauty markets. As part of the RPC Group, Europe’s leading manufacturer of rigid plastic packaging. We have access to a variety of comprehensive skills and a diverse range of specialist plastic businesses. With 56 locations, we are here to support you anywhere and at any time. RYTHM / DELTASACS E09 More than an innovation, Multilens is a packaging revolution. Rythm, a subsidiary of the Pigé Group, is a French manufacturer, and the only European company to have exclusive rights to the 3D Multilens technology. Boxes, folding boxes, gift packs, labels – there are endless Multilens applications on the cosmetics markets. / SAF I16 A plastic injection specialist since 1981, is a French family company who has developed a complete know-how, ranging from part design to creation, from mass production to finishing and assembly. Among jars, perfume caps, collars, bi-material lids, flip top closures, we excel in complex multi parts projects requiring a global and encompassing approach. SAF is also well known for its will and ability to innovate, the main innovative fields of the last months being the Surlyn ® 3D overmolding, the laser assembly of transparent plastic parts, the mono-sandwich injection and new decoration processes. Strongly represented in the cosmetics and perfumery fields, our creation are references for all industries seeking innovative shapes and highperformance solutions. We invite you to discover our leader products and innovations on stand I16. SAFAC B10 Safac, a small family-run business located in Issy-lesMoulineaux since 1953 and specializing in thermoplastic injection, has been able to grow and meet the requirements of the professionals in the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic industries, thanks to its dynamism. By using innovative and quality products, prestigious national and international companies are trusting Safac to manufacture their caps and capsules. SEGEDE INDUSTRIE A07 Design engineering, decoration, finished products, manufacturing. Conception and industrialisation study, production in China and in France of packaging accessories and components in metal and plastic. Polishing, electro plating, anodizing, metallization, coating, silk screen printing, hot stamping, resin. Zinc alloy, aluminium, brass, plastic, wood. SERAM EUROPE Seram creates and manufactures decoration and personalization accessories. It is an expert in differentiation for the perfumes and cosmetics markets. Our strong points are: • Creation and innovation: we have a team of 3 stylists in addition to a “product development” team, which oversees the smooth implementation of the industrialization process and full compliance with our client’s specifications. • An international logistics organization to accompany our client’s manufacturing programmes, reduce production times and foster optimal pro-activeness. Our main clients: P&G, Coty, L’Oréal, LVMH, Bvlgari, etc. In 2013, making Annick Goutal accessories was a wonderful challenge! 2014 will focus on perfumed items. SERIBASE D21 Séribase is the combination of electronic and screen printing. Founding member of the AFELIM which is born of the will power of laboratories, industrial companies and public institutes to organize the French printed electronics sector. We are at the beginning of a new industry and we will take a dominant position by proving our specificity, our innovation capacity in our French favorable ecosystem. We propose to you our know-how to highlight your projects. In 2013 there will be more to see: feel free to come and meet us. SERIPLAST G10 The company Seriplast is a French supplier of plastic packaging for Beauty, Healthcare, Pharma and Parapharmaceutical markets. We propose a large range of airless and atmospheric packaging, breakable ampoule and new innovations like COBRA and SLIDE ON or selective range PREMIA. Moreover, Seriplast offers decoration operation in subcontracting in silk-screening, hot stamping and offset. SEUFERT D11 Seufert Transparente Verpackungen GmbH develops and produces innovative transparent folding boxes, transparent sleeves and die cut parts (PET, PP, PVC or PVC). Seufert manages the complete production process, including manufacture of the PET material, design, screen and offset litho printing. True to the company slogan “Packed with inspiration” creative design and inventive ideas characterize the transparent packaging solutions from Seufert. 28 C09 SGD E15 SGD is the world leader in the production of glass bottles for the fragrance and cosmetics industries. We are widely recognized for our technical know-how and strong innovation abilities on glass manufacturing and decoration. To support our clients in their regional or worldwide development, we offer a large geographical coverage thanks to 10 plants established on key markets from the USA to Brazil, Europe to China. SHB PACKAGING A03 It’s now 20 years since SHB GmbH first started as a family owned business supplying packaging solutions from a single source. As your partner, we make every effort to offer you a plastic packaging combination tailored to your own requirements, with the help of innovative projects and solutions. Do you need exclusive packaging for your product? Do you have special requirements or a particular design in mind? We’ll turn these into reality for you. SINCOPLAS E11 Sincoplas is a company that specializes in luxury plastic packaging for the perfumery, cosmetics and alcoholic beverage industries. Our core know-how is Injection Molding and, to keep offering better solutions to our clients, we just invested in an innovative metallization process. Come and join us stand E11 where we will be pleased to introduce you to this innovation and discuss with you how we can best tailor our offer to your needs. SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL D19 Sleever International is the world specialist of shrink sleeve decoration in the perfume and cosmetic markets with ranges of targeted products and tailor made solutions: Decorating solutions for advanced shapes, new pallet of colors, new surface effects and late differentiation… Discover the Solution Sleever Aerosol. SOCIETE DE MARQUAGE industrielF14 The Paris based company Société de Marquage Industriel (SMI) is the French subsidiary of the Kirsten Group Of Companies. The main activity is the development and production of custom-made quality labels for the decoration of all kinds of luxury products. Metal nameplates, transcript A.T. Fine metal, seals and swing-tags and resin-coated labels are produced in many different materials, technologies and finishes for the decoration of i.e. fragrances, cosmetic items, spirits, champagne, watches and their related packaging. Contact: Sophie Truille-Baurens: stb.smi@ SOPAC MEDICAL B16 Sopac is specialized in pharmaceutical and cosmetics packaging. Dropper systems dropac, powder dispensing systems digimix-digipac, spatulas, caps, roll on, applicators. SOVERPLAST C08 Manufacturer of tubing glass vials and bottles, sampling vials for perfume, roll-on system, spray bottles and droppers, we produce vials in various sizes from 0.60ml up to 80ml. We make various colors and decoration on glass: metallization, lacquering, frosting and printing. All accessories for closures packaging and filling. STOELZLE OBERGLASS D25 Stölzle Glass Group is one of the leading inter national producers of glass containers for the Prestige & Beauty as well as Healthcare & Consumer markets. Besides Stölzle supplies upmarket Tableware settings to restaurants and hotel industries. Stölzle Glass Group with its headquarters in Austria consists of four European production sites and two decoration factories. The Group is expert in both custom design and standard glass containers and offers state-of-the-art decoration technology including hot foil blocking and multicolour spraying. Also available is a wide range of closures, making STO a one-stop-shop. STORA ENSO B18 Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the paper, biomaterials, wood products and packaging industry. We offer fibrebased packaging materials and innovative packaging solutions for consumer goods and industrial applications. We always rethink the old and expand to the new to offer our customers innovative solutions based on renewable materials. Cosmetics and luxury packaging is one of our drive segments. STYROLUTION H09 Styrolution is the leading global producer of Styrene based Speciality Polymers. It´s broad portfolio of transparent and opaque product Specialities allows for customized, innovative and cost effective cosmetic solutions. TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES A30 Taghleef Industries is one of the largest manufacturers of BoPP, CPP and BoPLA films in the world. TI offers a wide range of bi-axially oriented polypropylene packaging films suitable for applications as diverse as food packaging, labelling, adhesive tapes and other applications. TI supplies also a new range of bio-based, compostable and biodegradable BoPLA packaging films branded NATIVIA™. TECHNICAPS C11 VELOX C16 This is the story of the “Bakelite” applied to the Fragrance, Cosmetics and Pharmacy Industry. Our company which since its inception has focused on its raw material with constancy, determination and passion. Thanks to the virtues of this exceptional material (thermoset resins are a biosourced origin at 32% and a renewable origin at 70%) Technicaps is a perfect partner for your future projects. Velox is a European leader in the Marketing and supply of specialty raw materials for the plastics industry. We offer an extensive specialty product range and specific market know-how with 20 offices and 180 experienced staff all over Europe. With 20 years’ experience in the cosmetic field, we are very well positioned to support our customers in all aspects of their projects – from detailed technical consultancy to carefully targeted product marketing. TECHNIPLAST H13 Techniplast is a 25 years company reputed for its innovative concepts for perfumes, air freshener & cosmetics markets. Specific developments: engineering & production (17 injection machines). Standard products: Refiltech. Taps and valves developed for the secure filling of perfume bottles. Contact: Loïc Bouet – - +336 71 61 88 05 TESEM D05 Tesem produces aluminium luxury packaging for perfume and cosmetic industries. Tesem’s manufacturing processes include deep drawing, design, mould construction, anodizing, decorations, engravings and assembly. Founded in 1985, the company is considered a solid point of reference in the manufacture of aluminium parts thanks to its solid industrial know-how and expertise in shaping metal. TEXEN SERVICES D20 The Texen group has 1000 employees within over 9 industrial sites (7 in France, 1 in the USA and 1 in Mexico). The Texen teams provide real expertise in injection and injection blow molding of resins, to serve the cosmetic, perfume, hygiene, health and liquors industries. Texen: the solution for your custom molding projects. VAN GENECHTEN PACKAGINGH07 Van Genechten Packaging is a leading company in the high quality folding cartons industry. Its Premium Division is dedicated to Beauty & Premium drinks customers. Innovation leadership has always been a strong pillar of our success strategy. Breaking boundaries, creating totally new experience levels between a brand, its product and its consumer is what fuels our passion. 30 VERRERIES BROSSE I10 VIEDOCEC Viedoc is a consulting firm specialized in competitive & technical intelligence with a staff of engineers with industrial and consulting experience. In addition to client consulting and comprehensive economic & technical analyses, Viedoc provides with RSSIntelligence a new type of collaborative intelligence system that collects data from visible and invisible web, forums, blogs, databases, etc. Leading products: the manufacture of folding cartons in the field of luxury packaging intended for perfumes, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and spirits. Design, offset printing, UV varnish, laminating, hot stamping, coding, embossing, pasting, and cutting and gluing. Some references • “Bleu de Chanel” by Chanel • “Gentleman” by Givenchy • “Idylle” by Guerlain • “Cordon Bleu” by Martell • “One Million” and “Lady Million” by Paco Rabanne EENER PLASTIC C21 Weener develops and manufactures innovative plastic packaging for a variety of markets & customer groups. The basis has always been a company policy that is technology-oriented while putting the customer first. A worldwide network of 25 companies owned plants, partners and joint ventures and 1.500 employees form the basis of the corporate group. Weener offers customized and standard plastic packaging solutions. WINTER & CO H19 Viva is a new global tube manufacturer with GMP and ISO certified manufacturing facilities in North-America (Canada), Europe (Poland), China and Hong Kong. In 2011, we launched the worldwide patented Viva injection-molded tube with inmold label, offering a great variety of printing effects on 100% tube surface with offset, flexographic, silkscreen and cold foil. Our injection-molded tubes are eco-friendly and reduce carbon footprint. Winter & Company is synonymous worldwide with innovative covering materials like Skivertex®, Pellaq®, Corvon®, Nabuka®, Napura®, Quinel®, Wibalin® and Wintan® used in many applications, such as book coverings, packaging, stationery, retail displays, leather goods, etc. The Winter Group is: 150 employees, offices in Europe, Asia, USA and well-known local distributors and agents, in other countries, thereby guaranteeing worldwide distribution. VIVA PACKAGING VPI G20 B07 VPI, a subsidiary of Faiveley Plasturgie Group, combines the qualities of a flexible and adaptable structure with the power of an ambitious industrial group. Specialized in injecting and decorating aesthetical plastic parts for the perfumes, cosmetics and spirit market, VPI offers closure, sticks, boxes, dispenser solutions which associate innovation with functionality. WAUTERS & FILS C06 Wauters & Fils, Villebon sur Yvette (91141), and B’Pack – Couches (71490), both specialize in luxury cardboard packaging. For small, medium-sized, and large production runs as well as events-based items, they will provide you with support with designing and developing all your projects. XEIKON INTERNATIONAL B26 A pioneer in digital printing, Xeikon designs, develops, and delivers high-end digital color printing systems covering the entire spectrum of professional printing applications. Its systems are composed of advanced web-fed presses using led array dry toner electrophotography, cutting-edge workflow software, and peripherals. Xeikon solutions stand out by their exceptional combination of print quality, speed, reliability, print formats, and flexibility. What is more, Xeikon systems as well as prints are particularly eco-friendly, turning digital printing into a sustainable and profitable business. YONWOO EUROPE H15 “ PCD est un salon très intéressant, l’un des plus importants pour nous en tant que fournisseur. Nous avons rencontrés beaucoup de visiteurs français mais aussi des américains et des allemands ! Nous serons présents l’année prochaine pour montrer nos innovations ! PCD is a very interesting show, one of the most important for us as suppliers. We met not only French, but also American and German attendees, in large numbers! We will be back next year to showcase our innovations! Franck Bierkandt z Oeka Beauty “ PCD atteint sa maturité avec plus de 170 exposants, une très bonne qualité des présentations concises et axées sur l’innovation. Nous sommes certains d’apprendre de nouvelles choses en venant sur PCD. C’est vraiment un bel événement ! PCD is coming of age, with over 170 exhibitors and a very high standard of concise presentations focused on innovation. We are sure to learn a lot at PCD. It is truly a wonderful event! Hervé Bouix z The Estée Lauder Companies “ Il y avait beaucoup de monde, avec une bonne cohérence entre les deux salons ADF et PCD, que j’apprécie beaucoup car ils sont très complémentaires. C’est l’occasion de poursuivre les développements et les idées lancées avec nos partenaires. J’ai suivi la session sur les aérosols en matière plastique, d’ici quelques années ils auront leur place sur le marché. There were a lot of people, and tremendous cross-fertilisation between ADF and PCD, which I greatly appreciate as they are very complementary. It is an opportunity to pursue developments and ideas launched with our partners. I attended the session on plastic aerosols; in a few years’ time, they will have their place on the market. Vincent Cazelles z Pierre Fabre Notes Ce document a été réalisé par Oriex Communication. Les textes et informations ont été fournis par les exposants et intervenants sous leurs seules responsabilités. Les informations contenues dans ce document ont un but purement informatif, sans valeur contractuelle. Il n’engage ni Oriex Communication, ni les intervenants, ni les exposants. Oriex Communication, PCD et toutes les marques ou produits cités sont la propriété de leurs dépositaires respectifs. PCD est un congrès-exposition conçu et organisé par Oriex Communication. “EC” = En cours © Oriex Communication - Novembre 2013 L’organisateur se réserve le droit de reporter la manifestation, de modifier le lieu de son déroulement ou le contenu de son programme si des circonstances indépendantes de sa volonté l’y obligent. J’autorise l’organisateur à reproduire et à exploiter les informations relatives à mes réponses. Elles sont facultatives et pourront être exploitées par les organisateurs, partenaires et exposants. En application de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, pour tout droit d’accès et rectification : ORIEX Communication, 25 rue André Joineau, 93310 Le Pré Saint Gervais, France. This document has been produced by Oriex Communication. The text and information have been supplied by the exhibitors and speakers under their sole responsibility. The data contained in this document is for information only and has no contractual value. Neither Oriex Communication nor the speakers and exhibitors may be held liable. Oriex Communication, PCD and all the brands or products mentioned are the sole property of their respective owners/agents. PCD organisation and conception is handled by the Company Oriex Communication. “EC” = In Progress © Oriex Communication - November 2013 The organizers reserve the right to postpone the event, or to change the venue or the programme should circumstances beyond their control arise. I authorize the organizers to print and use information about my answers. They are optional and may be used by the organizers, sponsors and exhibitors. In compliance with the laws of France, viz. Act 78-17 dated 6 January 1978, I may request access or a correction of my personal data to: ORIEX Communication, 25 rue André Joineau, 93310 Le Pré Saint Gervais, France. 31 February 5th & 6th Paris Espace Champerret 10TH EDITION Louise-Michel i Ca ot e Ru al or er l’y s Place de de Cha la Porte mperr et Av en u M eS al té la p rm ha é ne Rue C Tour harles nem ire mperret s de Cha de la Porte Rue Catulle Parking Champerret 1 460 places en Avenue de an Je M e re st Oe 3 Bd de Porte de Champerret Free registration online to visit the exhibition (registration on site is paying). Print your badge and avoid waiting in line by registering on using guest code: ZP0210 The PCD2014 badge also gives you access to the Aerosol & Dispensing Forum 2014 exhibition. Espace Champerret - 6 rue Jean Oestreicher - 75017 Paris Subway line 3 - Porte de Champerret OPENING HOURS 8:45 am to 6:00 pm - Wednesday 5th February & Thursday 6th February “ Les perspectives à dix et quinze ans nous permettent de constater que le chiffre d’affaires global du secteur cosmétique pourrait doubler. L’innovation aura un rôle important à jouer ! PCD, c’est un congrès-exposition avec des conférences basées sur l’innovation, ce qui attire beaucoup de monde. C’est un salon très professionnel qui permet de traiter des dossiers opérationnels. C’est une vraie réussite, il faut continuer sur cette dynamique ! Prospects in ten to fifteen years indicate that the global turnover of the cosmetics sector may double. Innovation will have an important part to play! PCD is a congress-exhibition that features presentations based on innovation, which attract large numbers of people. It is a highly professional show, a venue for dealing with operational issues. It is a resounding success, with tremendous momentum! Keep it up! Pierre Ducastin z L’Oréal “ PCD est mon salon préféré, il nous permet de montrer tout le dynamisme de notre tissu industriel français au regard de toute la créativité que l’on voit sur ce salon ! Au niveau des Awards, nous avons récompensé des produits techniques dans des domaines très différents tels que le capillaire, le parfum, le maquillage mais aussi le massmarket avec de petits produits innovants. Innover au service des consommateurs en apportant du confort est le seul moyen de se différencier. Sortir de la crise passe par l’innovation ! PCD is my favorite show; it highlights the dynamic nature of our French industrial fabric, showcasing our creativity! In terms of Awards, we rewarded technical products in very different fields, like hair products, perfume, make-up and the mass market, with small, innovative products. Innovating to enhance customer comfort and convenience is the only means of standing out on the market. Innovation is the way out of the crisis! Michel Dupuis z Chanel “ Ce salon est encore plus attrayant grâce aux synergies entre ADF & PCD. C’est un énorme avantage ! Nous avons eu de très bons contacts avec d’actuels clients comme des clients potentiels. Sincèrement je ne m’attendais pas à faire des rencontres d’une telle qualité. Je serai de retour l’année prochaine ! This show is even more attractive, with synergies between ADF and PCD. This is a big benefit! We had very good contacts with current and potential new customers. I did not expect such high quality contacts. I will be back next year! Hanns Eckhardt z Linhardt “ Nous avons présenté une communication sur les aérosols en matière plastique, avec pour objectif de booster leur développement et faire évoluer une législation très exigeante. Sur PCD, nous venons capter des idées, croiser des univers pour faire naître l’innovation. C’est un salon très réussi, très bien ciblé, on ne perd pas de temps. A 9h00 le jour de l’ouverture, il y avait déjà beaucoup de monde sur notre stand ! We gave a presentation on plastic aerosols to boost their development and promote changes in very demanding legislation. At PCD, we gather ideas, cross-link different areas to give rise to innovation. It is a highly successful, well targeted congressexhibition. You waste no time. At 9 a.m., on the opening day, there were already large numbers of people at our booth! Isabelle Orhan z Promens Information : + 33 1 48 91 89 89, 25 rue André Joineau, 93310 Le Pré St Gervais, France Document édité sur du papier recyclé par un imprimeur « Imprim’Vert » / Document, published on recycled paper by an « Imprim’Vert » certified printer ot Bo ich Ru Inscrivez-vous en ligne gratuitement pour visiter l’exposition (l’inscription sur place est payante). Pour éviter les files d’attente à l’accueil, imprimez votre badge en vous rendant sur : avec le code : ZP0210 Le badge PCD2014 vous donne également accès à l’exposition Aerosol & Dispensing Forum 2014. Bo e ug Pe al pt ha er e d m ar m ev So ul la e d d ar ev ul ap n to an eC Ru Espace Champerret ue riq he ip r Pé uC D re ua e Ru ibe b Ga is ou eL e Ru ern Vi ed Ru Sq rt es qu c Ja er lP rie rn el ich eM is ou eL Ru e Ru 3 Levallois Perret 10th edition 2014