September 2nd First Day Of School


September 2nd First Day Of School
English Way Preschool Newsletter
School Daze
August 2013
Volume 1, Issue 1
We need this stuff !
September 2nd First Day Of School
Finally the first day of
school will be here on
Monday September 2nd
cold. But there has been
a lot of water play and
we have been doing our
topic all about ‘Water’.
Summer camp has been
loads of fun with all the
kids getting to know
each other.
We have been discussing
what we use water for,
where it comes from and
how things float and
sink. We got the chance
to make junk models and
the children were really
creative with what they
wanted to build. They
used lots of different
skills and tape!
We have had a lot of
time to play with our
friends and do some art
projects, but playing has
been the number one
We did not spend much
time in the sprinklers as
it has been overcast and
 Glue sticks
be getting ready for the
start of the school year. It
will be an interesting
transition for the children as we begin to start
our schedule.
Let the learning begin!
Now as Summer Camp
comes to a close we will
 Crayons
 Markers
 White board markers
 Paint– all kinds
 Collage materials
 Beads/feathers etc.
 Stickers
 Construction paper
 Sketch paper
 Tissues/toilet wipes
 Hand sanitizer
 Wet wipes
 Gently used toys
Goodbye Keilana and
Graduates, Audrey, Mason and Keilana.
Good luck as you venture out into Kindergarten and begin to explore a whole new
world of learning.
We are coming to the end
of the year and we are going to say goodbye to
Keilana and Leyelle.
Keilana is off to Kindergarten in August and Leyelle will be starting a new school in
It has been so much fun having these girls around, fairies
have never been so real! New beginnings are always great
and I know that these two girls will do great wherever they
go. Good Luck Leyelle and Keilana.
Oh! What fun we have at school!
Guinea News
Congratulations to Barbie who is going
to be a Mommy. According to our
small critter expert Stormy, she is expecting about 3 babies. Whoopee!
Homework Day
Homework will be going out on Thursday and Friday. Homework will focus
on the skills that we are learning in
class and give the children a chance to
practice what they have learned.
Homework should be a laid back fun
time for you and your child.
The New School Year
The new school year is fast approaching
and our school is just about full. We are
going to have two classes The Starlights
Neva, Cindra, Cassidy and Kenzi, and
The Sunbeams Austin, Tyler, Shea,
Tristyn and Jaime.
The curriculum will vary for each class
as the children are at different levels
with their development, but there will
be plenty of opportunities for some
The first days and weeks of school will
focus on following rules and schedules
and how to get on with our friends.
English Way Preschool
1617 Stewart Street
Oceanside CA 92054