CD CD CD - Tuba Records
CD CD CD - Tuba Records
NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 ZANUSSI FIVE GHOST DANCE Moserobie MMPCD 071 CD 7320470128169 Nytt album fra den kritikerroste norske jazz-favoritten PER ZANUSSI og hans kvintett! Dette er bandets tredje album, og Z5 leverer sterkt personlig musikk med en tung besetning, bestående av 3 saksofoner, bass og trommer. Frontmann PER ZANUSSI har skrevet all musikken, som kan beskrives som filmatisk, uttrykksfull og mektig jazz! Z5, som også inkluderer ROLF-ERIK NYSTRØM, JØRGEN MATHISEN, EIRIK HEGDAL og GARD NILSSEN i rekkene, gjør en rekke konserter land og strand i løpet av april og mai. LALI PUNA OUR INVENTIONS Morr Music MM 098 CD 0880918009827 Mer enn fem år har gått siden utgivelsen av Faking the Books (MM 044), Lali Punas tredje album, men bandets innvirkning på klimaet i elektronisk rock er fortsatt følbar. Sammen med søstergruppen The Notwist, har kvartetten hjulpet til med å kartlegge det musikalske landskapet for moderne, eksperimentell popmusikk, og på Our Inventions finner vi et Lali Puna som fortsetter å flytte grenser. “Morr Music didn’t invent indie-infused electro-pop, but the German label put an indelible stamp on it over the last decade. Three of its definitive bands-- the Notwist, Tied & Tickled Trio, and Lali Puna-- share members, not to mention a knack for emotive electro-acoustic melodies. But each band has its own angle. The Notwist go for the broadest appeal, and tend to hit big or mildly miss. T&T is the most obscure, in both style and profile. Lali Puna is the most polished and consistent. Their music is reserved, in a way that seems old-fashioned: more like Stereolab in the 1990s than the demonstrative electro-pop of today.” PITCHFORK MESHELL NDEGEOCELLO DEVIL’S HALO Downtown DWT 70112 CD 0602527349541 Devil’s Halo, MESHELL NDEGEOCHELLOs åttende album, er innspilt uten “studiofusk”, med fokus på musikalitet, energi og bandfeeling. Inspirasjonene strekker seg fra HUMAN LEAGUE via WU-TANG CLAN til YES, og anmeldere har i tillegg nevnt RADIOHEAD, THE PRETENDERS, JONI MITCHELL, DAVID BOWIE og ISAAC HAYES. Det varierende uttrykket er mildest talt inspirerende, så denne kommer til å bli sittende fast i en del cd-spillere denne våren! Gjestemusikere er LISA GERMANO og OREN BLOEDOW (CHOCOLATE GENIUS). 9/10 POPMATTERS 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC A- THE ONION AV CLUB Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 I NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 PEGGY SUE FOSSILS AND OTHER PHANTOMS Wichita WEBB 245CD CD 5055036262453 PEGGY SUE er en ung indierock-trio, som opprinnelig kommer fra Brighton, men nå er basert I London. Etter hard turnévirksomhet fikk de albumkontrakt med Wichita, og dette albumet er innspilt i New York og Brighton med produsenter som JOHN ASKEW (DODOS), ALEX NEWPORT (AT THE DRIVE-IN), STEVE ANSELL (BLOOD RED SHOES) og BEN MUMFORD (MUMFORD & SONS). Fossils and Other Phantoms veiver mellom taggete garage-blues, skitten lo-fi og deilig rock med passe jypling-punkete attitude, men stadig med folk-undertoner, takket være et ofte semi-akustisk lydbilde og underliggende trekkspill. Et flott album, som fans av PJ HARVEY, COCO ROSIE, JENNY LEWIS og CAT POWER gjør klokt i å sjekke ut! 5/6 SPIRIT 4/5 THE GUARDIAN 4/5 ROCK FEEDBACK 7/10 DROWNED IN SOUND 7/10 SUBBA-CULTCHA 7/10 THE MUSIC FIX RAFTER ANIMAL FEELINGS Asthmatic Kitty AKR 069 CD 0656605606927 Rafters nye langspiller, Animal Feelings, er en pop-eksplosjon i Technicolor hvor det høres ut som om Nintendo-komponisten Koji Kondo har vært på band camp med Cody Chesnutt, Justin Timberlake, og Tom Tom Club. Rafters historie og påvirkninger, hans drømmer og ambisjoner, og hans kjærlighet til kjærlighet, kommer alle sammen som en søt, morsom, høyttalerblåsende, ridetur inn i kjernen av pop og R’N’B. Rafter vil fortelle deg at Animal Feelings, hans fjerde LP for Astmathic Kitty er ”a marriage record, a lust record, a death and sex record.”, en idépakket piknik av filosofier og frykt, av bekreftelser og spørsmål. Som alltid, er platen et personlig stykke musikk og Rafter har mye å fortelle deg. Velger du å lytte er du inne på dansegulvet, alternativet er å bli stående utenfor klubben, mens den matte lyden av beats høres dempet og daff gjennom veggene. ELIN RUTH SIGVARDSSON COOKATOO FRIENDS Divers Avenue Music / Headstomp DAMCDD 01 2CD 7320470128169 Dette er ELIN RUTH SIGVARDSSONs fjerde album, men det første som får norsk release. De siste ukene har låta Love vært å høre bl.a. i TV-reklame for Møteplassen på norsk TV. Musikken har blitt sammenlignet med bl.a. MARIT BERGMAN, REGINA SPEKTOR, ALISON KRAUSS og BOB DYLAN, og vi føyer gjerne til ANE BRUN, som Elin deler management med, og som også er med som duettpartner på låta F Off. Første opplag inneholder en 6-spors bonus-EP med akustiske versjoner av hennes mest populære låter fra de 3 førte platene. Konsert på Mono 14. april! DR. DOG SHAME, SHAME Anti EPIT 70542 CD 8714092705423 Philadelphia-bandet DR. DOG har på sitt fjerde album fanget dynamikken og magien som kjennetegner bandet live. De har de siste årene turnert med bl.a. WILCO, RACONTEURS, THE STROKES og BLACK KEYS. Albumet er produsert av ROB SCHNAPF (BECK, ELLIOT SMITH), og bør treffe fans av f.ex. SHINS, THE BAND, BEACH BOYS og FLAMING LIPS. “Simply put, Shame, Shame is perfect from start to finish, and even if this band isn’t around for the next decades to come, their music sure will be.“ 4.5/5 CONSEQUENCE OF SOUND 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC 4/5 MOJO 4/5 Q 4/5 AMERICAN SONGWRITER B+ THE ONION AV CLUB Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 II NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR EVIL POWER Southern Lord Limited Editions LORD 444.4 0808720444421 CD Chicagos tyngste band tilbake med sitt fjerde album. Tungt som Kraken og inspirert av både metal og punk, holder LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR fanen høyt for metallens røtter og band som CELTIC FROST, SLAYER og MOTÖRHEAD. Full metal mastring av SCOTT HULL (PIG DESTROYER). “If we ever sent out a tape into space for the aliens to find and understand what metal is all about, the handsdown choice for the complete and perfect description would have to be Lair Of The Minotaur.” TERRORIZER SIGHTINGS CITY OF STRAW Brah / Jagjaguwar JAGBR 017 CD 0656605421728 Bradford Cox fra Deerhunter skal etter sigende ha startet bandet sitt etter å ha hørt SIGHTINGS opptre på radio, og folk som THURSTON MOORE og ANDREW WK har også uttalt seg meget fordelaktig om Brooklyn-trioen. City of Straw, deres fjerde album, er spilt inn i ONEIDAs studio The Ocropolis, Shahin Motia (Ex-Models,Oneida) og Kid Millions (Oneida) bidrar. “what appears to be utterly claustrophobic, abstract chaos reveals itself as a rich collection of layered compositions that -- when topped with guitarist Mark Morgan’s vocals -- can even approach the outer realms of pop.” 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC SOLUTION .45 FOR AEONS PAST AFM AFMCD 294-2 0884860019927 CD Svenskene i SOULTION .45 leverer en time med meget oppegående melodisk dødmetall. Ikke minst bidrar tidligere SCAR SYMMETRY-vokalist CHRISTIAN ÄLVESTAM til å løfte dette albumet til uante høyder. Gjesteopptredener av MIKAEL STANNE (DARK TRANQUILLITY), som også har skrevet alle tekstene, og MIKKO HARKIN (ex-SONATA ARCTICA). BLACK BREATH HEAVY BREATHING Southern Lord LORD 114 0808720011425 CD Debutalbum fra Seattles BLACK BREATH. En rå og kompromissløs blanding av sinna hardcore og blytung metal. Nei, folkens, det betyr ikke metalcore, dette er gutter som har fått DISCHARGE, POISON IDEA, CELTIC FROST og BATHORY til frokost. Produsert av KURT BALLOU (CONVERGE). 5/5 BIG CHEESE 8/10 METAL HAMMER Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 III NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 LUDICRA THE TENANT Profound Lore PFL 056CD 0880270314928 CD Svartmetallbandet LUDICRA har tidligere utgitt to album på rock/punk-labelen Alternative Tentacles, men har nå havnet under vingene til Profound Lore. De var tidlig med på å sette black metal fra Bay Area på kartet, og nå står de endelig foran et gjennombrudd med et strålende album som garantert vil gi dem fortjent oppmerksomhet. CHILD ABUSE CUT AND RUN Lovepump United LPU 030 CD 0656605583020 Strengt bandnavn, men jaggu er ikke musikken til CHILD ABUSE langt strengere enn navnet skulle tilsi. Vi har sakset følgende anmeldelse av deres forrige plate fra bandets egen Myspace: ”Child Abuse my beige ass, this is listener abuse. Of all the records I’ve ever listened to or reviewed, none caused me the actual physical pain and discomfort I experienced while enduring this assault. Unlistenable and downright migraine inducing, I cannot in any way recommend this to anyone other than professional torturers who seek to add a new form of torment to their inhuman bag of tricks. Seriously, this is the aural equivalent of a root canal.” Piercingmetal Du er herved advart. NECROMANDUS OREXIS OF DEATH & LIVE Rise Above Relics RARCD 005 CD 0803341321854 Oppdaget og produsert av ingen ringere enn TONY IOMMI (BLACK SABBATH), som også var bandets manager. NECROMANDUS var på vei mot store ting, og albumet Orexis Of Death skulle ut på rimelig kjente Vertigo i 1973, men så skjedde ikke. Det vi har her er en remastret versjon av et album som nå har kultstatus og som nå inkluderer en liveinnspilling fra Blackpool Casino. Fantastisk fete saker. BIG BALL HOTTER THAN HELL AFM AFMCD 321-2 0884860020329 CD Du liker AC/DC sa du? Og digger hermegåsene i AIRBOURNE også? Da kommer du garantert til å elske dette. Hotter Than Hell kunne like gjerne vært et album med 13 AC/DC-låter du ikke har fra før. Rent bortsett fra at BIG BALL har utgangspunkt i Stuttgart da. Men hva gjør vel det så lenge de låter som et fett rockeband fra Australia. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 IV NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 CDEP BENNI HEMM HEMM RETALIATE Kimi KR 016 5694110024466 5-spors EP fra Islandske BENNI HEMM HEMM som siden sist har relokert innspillingsprosessen fra SIGUR RÓS’ studio til sitt nye soverom i Edinburgh. Språket er også justert siden sist og Benni Hemm Hemm synger her, for første gang, utelukkende på engelsk. Også tilgjenglig: Kajak (MM 074/MM 074LP), Murta St. Calunga (KR 005/KR 005LP). REVOLTING COCKS GOT COCK? 13th Planet THP 016 CD 4046661186826 Nytt album fra REVOLTING COCKS, ledet av AL JOURGENSEN (MINISTRY). Dansevennlig, futuristisk og mørk industriell moro. Selvfølgelig produsert av herr JOURGENSEN selv. SOCIAL SIBERIA WATERWORKS Panic & Action PANICCD 06 CD 7320470124512 SOCIAL SIBERIA er soloprosjektet til JOAKIM JENSEN, som ellers er å finne i punkbandet CHEMICAL VOCATION. Det dreier seg om følsom pop med emo-tendenser, inspirert av bl.a. JIMMY EAT WORLD, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL og ANNA TERNHEIM. Jepp! ZEENA PARKINS BETWEEN THE WHILES Table of the Elements TOE 110 CD 0600401110126 Den elektriske harpens JIMI HENDRIX, ZEENA PARKINS, er tilbake. Parkins har tidligere jobbet med folk som Sonic Youth, Yoko Ono og Bjork, Between the Whiles er hennes nye album. “Zeena Parkins is my favorite living harpist... kucks of sonic gristle that she pulls from it are dandy as jack. A truely ginchy exploration of forgotten string potential.” SPIN LALI PUNA OUR INVENTIONS Morr Music MM 098LP 0880918009810 LP LALI PUNA også på vinyl. RAFTER ANIMAL FEELINGS Asthmatic Kitty AKR 069LP 0656605606910 LP Popeksentrikeren RAFTER også på vinyl. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 V NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 NECROMANDUS OREXIS OF DEATH & LIVE Rise Above Relics RARLP 005 2LP 0803341321861 Vinylutgaven av Orexis Of Death & Live er en lekker sak i dobbel gatefold, limitert til 1000 ex. Kommer i lager ca. 19. april. GRAND MAGUS GRAND MAGUS Rise Above RISELP 69 2LP 0803341318533 Da er endelig debutalbumet til de svenske metallmesterne i GRAND MAGUS tilgjengelig på vinyl for første gang. Dobbel sådan, remastret, og ikke minst inkludert to eksklusive bonuslåter. MIMICKING BIRDS MIMICKING BIRDS Glacial Pace GP 006LP 0656605480114 LP Isaac Brock-produserte MIMICKING BIRDS også på vinyl, 180 gram. SIGHTINGS CITY OF STRAW Brah / Jagjaguwar JAGBR 017LP 0656605421711 LP SIGHTINGS også på vinyl. JOHN WIESE CIRCLE SNARE Post Present Medium PPM 031LP LP 0656605693118 Soloprosjekt fra SUNN O)))-medlemmet JOHN WIESE spilt inn under turné i Europa og Skandinavia i 2008. Limitert til 500 eksemplarer. SOUNDGARDEN HUNTED DOWN / NOTHING TO SAY Sub Pop SP 012A 7” 0098787001273 Okei da. Etter stor etterspørsel setter vi opp denne singlen. I sin tid var det SOUNDGARDENs første single (i juni 1987), og den ble senere inkludert på Screaming Life. Gjennomsiktig orange vinyl. Ekstremt limitert, ikke i lager, spesialbestilling. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 VI NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 19. APRIL THE APPLES IN STEREO TRAVELLERS IN SPACE AND TIME Yep Roc YEP 2201 / YEP 2201LP CD/LP 0634457221222 / 0634457221215 Tracklist 1. The Code 2. Dream About the Future 3. Hey Elevator 4. Strange Solar System 5. Dance Floor 6. C.P.U. 7. No One in the World 8. Dignified Dignitary 9. No Vacation 10. Told You Once 11. It’s All Right 12. Next Year at About the Same Time 13. Floating in Space 14. Nobody But You 15. Wings Away 16. Time Pilot “I wanted to make a futuristic pop record, to reach out to the kids of the future. It is what I imagine their more highly-evolved pop might sound like: shiny soul music with robots and humans singing together. We are sending a pop music message through time.” So says The Apples in stereo / Elephant 6 collective mastermind Robert Schneider. The Apples’ new album and seventh studio effort, Travellers in Space and Time is the follow-up to their critically acclaimed hit album New Magnetic Wonder and their second release in association with Elijah Wood’s Simian Records. Travellers finds the studio-obsessed indie rockers continuing the hook-heavy pop mastery they achieved on New Magnetic Wonder, an album that spawned performances on Conan O’Brien and Stephen Colbert, along with numerous commercial placements (Pepsi, Samsung, New Balance) and even a performance of hit single “Energy” by the contestants of American Idol. Well over a year in the making, the new material recasts the Apples’ signature pop sounds in chrome-plated futurism, all while adding a dance-driven vibe channeling ELO, Barry Gibb, Wild Honey-era Beach Boys and Off The Wall-era Michael Jackson. FORHÅND 19. APRIL JOHN GRANT THE QUEEN OF DENMARK Bella Union BELLACD 235 CD 0602527338583 Everyone has a favorite band or singer they reckon is subject to criminal neglect. That John Grant’s effortlessly rich, expansive baritone, couched in typically heartbreaking, lush melody, hasn’t found a wider audience indeed drives his fans to consider a crime. But no longer. Because Grant’s first solo album, following three undervalued studio albums (and one similar covers compilation) fronting The Czars, is so undeniably great that the world will surely listen. It’s a record of gravitas and grace, of FM melody magic laced with raw emotional bleeding. It asks why relationships are roulette and love is hell in a last-ditch attempt at self-improvement and atonement after a decade of alcohol and cocaine dependency. It’s not overstating the case to say – as John has himself in a recent issue of MOJO - that he’s contemplated suicide. And yet there is redemption in its exquisite grooves. And on top, to further the album’s brilliance, Grant’s backing band on the album are Denton, Texas’ mightiest – MIDLAKE - contributing their most empathic ‘70s-style soft-rock know-how. Put simply, Queen Of Denmark is the record Grant’s been waiting his whole life to make. Queen Of Denmark was recorded in Denton in two fourmonth stints – July-October 2008 and May-July 2009 - in the studio downtime while Midlake were painstakingly recording their own album (The Courage Of Others). Every Midlake member chipped in but Paul Alexander and guitarist Eric Pulido, who co-produced the album with John, are on every track alongside drummer McKenzie Smith. John reserves special mention for Paul’s basslines. “They were outrageous, off the fuckin’ hook. Some evenings, we couldn’t stop smiling and laughing because I was so excited about his work.” The whole Denton experience, he adds, “was really uplifting. It was emotional and painful too but Midlake believed in me and told me, ‘people need to hear you, and we’re going to make it happen.” Queen Of Denmark moves through simple piano settings (the lovestruck ballad ‘Caramel’ and the intriguing Scott Joplin-meets-Beatles ragtime of ‘Silver Platter’), via an infusion of period-perfect synths (the rockier ‘Sigourney’, a sultry ‘It’s Easier’) that epitomise the lonely mood. There’s flute from Midlake frontman Tim Smith on the dreamiest cut (and there is stiff competition) ‘Marz’, and velvet strings (‘Dreams’, which imagines Scott Walker influenced by Patsy Cline, and the darker drama ‘Leopard’). There are allusions to higher beings (‘Outer Space’) and to human weaknesses (‘JC’). There is pure longing regret in the opening ‘TC And Honeybear’ and bitterly sarcastic, amped-up anger in the magnificent title track finale. Pain, hope, fear, regret, anger, self-flagellation and self-discovery - Queen of Denmark has it all. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 VII NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 ASIA OMEGA Frontiers FRCD 455 FORHÅND 19. APRIL CD 8024391045527 ASIA, rock’s first important super-group of the 80s - featuring members from Yes, Emerson Lake & Palmer, King Crimson and The Buggles – will release Omega, its highly anticipated new album of original material. The record is due in the spring of 2010 on Frontiers Records. Geoffrey Downes, Steve Howe, Carl Palmer and John Wetton, the four original Asia members, reunited in 2006, twenty-three years after all four had last played together. The much publicised reunion resulted in highly successful world tours, a double live LP and DVD (entitled Fantasia: Live In Tokyo) and an acclaimed studio album Phoenix in 2008 which debuted at number 73 in the Billboard charts in the USA and entered the top 100 in several European countries. The reunion came to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the band, but morphed itself into an ongoing endeavour. In 2008, they returned with the first new studio album, Phoenix, which had been strongly influenced by the fusion of talents and heritages that the band excited the music world with back in 1982. Omega shows a new renaissance for this amazing group of musicians, which seem to live up to a joie-de-vivre that stands the test of time. Begun during the summer 2009, the writing and recording sessions of Omega, immediately showed inspiration and good feelings. “We were looking to create something different with Omega,” says keyboardist Geoff Downes. “Of course, the sound of the 4 band members of Asia will always have a certain hallmark when we play together. That’s a given. But we approached the song writing with a mind to getting a degree of variety into these compositions. Hence, you will hear areas of textures where arguably we have never gone before.” Adds lead vocalist/bassist/guitarist John Wetton: “Asia is an English prog-rock band with a pop edge, always has been, and hopefully always will be. Accessible, melodic, anthemic songs with great playing, luxuriating in a bed of lush orchestration, with lyrics that strike a sympathetic chord in even the most cynical heart. There you have it, Omega is a themed album in Asia’s fine tradition, without the millstone of a concept.” As with the most popular of ASIA releases, the cover art specifically designed for the project by acclaimed artist Roger Dean. The concept of the title (Omega), and the ‘Year of the Tiger’ referencing of the cover art underline the fact that this is real Asia. John Wetton explains: “The title ‘Omega’, as any fan of the band will tell you, is ‘very Asia’ (as is the album, by the way). It no more means ‘final’ than ‘Alpha’ means ‘the first’ (which it wasn’t). It’s a great sounding/looking word, and a bookend to ‘Alpha’. In many ways, musically and conceptually, the two albums share commonality.” FORHÅND 19. APRIL CARIBOU SWIM City Slang SLANG 733419 CD 0602527334196 Tracklist Odessa Sun Kaili Found Out Bowls Leave House Hannibal Lalibela Jamelia Et av vårens mest etterspurte album! If you think you know Caribou, think again. Dan Snaith’s new album, Swim is the sound of the musical glass ceiling being blown away. If there is a link to previous album Andorra, it would be in the ravishing explosions of sound pulsing through album closer ‘Niobe’. A continuum of sorts leads us to 2010, but that finale gives mere hints as to the future Caribou. From the opening effervescent gambol of ‘Odessa’ to the glorious odyssey of ‘Jamelia’, it’s crystal clear that Caribou has made a massive leap forwards, upwards and sideways. Dan’s latest recording sees him getting busy in the basement with some expertly constructed, rave-tinged sounds that sing with soul. But that’s not all. As a songwriter of considerable standing, Dan has not subsumed his uniquely recognisable touch in an orgy of technical bliss – although, there is plenty of euphoria in the musical alchemy on offer. From Dan’s perspective, he says, “The most important thing for me with this record was finding my own sonic vocabulary. That’s why I’m proud of this record.” Swim is full of brightly textured, rapturous gems that gleam with astonishing production – and then wrenches at your heart with soulful, thoughtful reveries on the passing of time, family history and the breakdown of relationships. “There are songs about growing old in a relationship, about divorce and loneliness in old age but the lyrics are generally pretty abstract sketches of what’s going on in the situation in my head.” Ready for the new Caribou future? Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 VIII NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 19. APRIL DIVERSE ARTISTER NICK DRAKE’S JUKEBOX Chrome Dreams CDCD 5036 0823564614724 CD One of contemporary musics true originals, the inimitable songs of Nick Drake are often difficult to imagine having been influenced by anyone but himself. But as with all true musical giants, Drakes compositions and style were informed by a diverse range of musicians, songwriters and performers who came before. From the sublime finger-picking and glorious tunes of the wholly under-rated Bert Jansch to the country blues styles of Big Bill Broonzy and Reverend Gary Davis - via Donovan, The Yardbirds and Miles Davis, he listened to all of them and many others besides. The inspiration these mavericks provided motivated the often manically depressed Nick Drake into writing , recording and, on the very rare occasion, performing some of the most beautiful music ever written albeit, tragically, the process would contribute in no small way to his untimely death at the age of just 26. This compilation traces the roots of Nick Drakes astonishing music and features all of the above mentioned artists and many others with 24 superb and moving tracks in all. 24 tracks which now can be appreciated all together on this collection ,enabling the appreciation of where this mysterious and legendary figure found much of his musical muse and hopefully, for a man often tortured by his own existence, at least a little comfort. TRACKLIST 1 St James Infirmary Louis Armstrong (Primrose) 3:23 2 Heart Full Of Soul The Yardbirds (Gouldman) 2:21 3 Parchman Farm Bukka White (White) 2:40 4 Gallows Tree Odetta (Trad, Arr Gordon) 2:51 5 Blue In Green Miles Davis (Davis) 5:33 6 Careless Love Josh White (Trad, Arr Handy, Williams, Koenig) 3:19 7 Betty and Dupree Brownie McGhee (Trad, Arr McGhee) 4:00 8 Chega de Saudade Jo Gilberto (Jobim, De Moraes) 1:55 9 Summertime Billie Holiday (Gershwin, Heyward) 2:55 10 If You Leave Me Pretty Mama Dave Van Ronk (Trad) 3:07 11 Black Mountain Blues Dave Van Ronk (Johnson) 4:02 12 Little Woman Your So Sweet Blind Boy Fuller (Allen) 2:46 13 Cocaine Blues Ramblin Jack Elliott (Tard, Arr Davis) 2:11 14 Samson and Delilah Reverend Gary Davis (Tard, Arr Davis) 4:05 15 Guinevere Donovan (Leitch) 2:55 16 Girl From The North Country Bob Dylan 3:13 17 Gypsy Davey Woody Guthrie (Trad) 2:51 18 Black Girl Pete Seeger (Ledbetter) 2:31 19 I Aint Marching Anymore Phil Ochs (Ochs) 2:48 20 I Wish I Was a Mole In The Ground Bascom Lamar Lunsford (Trad, Lunsford) 3:21 21 Blackwaterside Bert Jansch (Trad, Arr Jansch) 4:44 22 Wedding Dress Pentangle (Trad, Arr Jansch, Renbourn, McShee, Thompson, Cox) 2:24 23 When Do I Get To Be Called a Man Big Bill Broonzy (Broonzy) 3:19 24 Hellhound On My Trail Robert Johnson (Johnson) 2:38 FORHÅND 26. APRIL THE RADIO DEPT. CLINGING TO A SCHEME Labrador LAB 105 CD 733223300105 Tracklist 1. Domestic Scene 2. Heaven’s On Fire 3. This Time Around 4. Never Follow Suit 5. A Token Of Gratitude 6. The Video Dept. 7. Memory Loss 8. David 9. Four Months In The Shade 10. You Stopped Making Sense The long wait is finally over! The Radio Department’s ”Clining to a scheme” is without doubt this year’s most eagerly anticipated Swedish indie pop album. It’s been four long years, but a simple press on Play and you’ll know it’s been worth every second. “Clinging to a scheme” combines the best components from their previous albums “Lesser matters” and “Pet grief” with soul guitars, P-funk, cut/paste-beats and 70’s futuristic orchestra. Breathtaking! The Radio Dept. arrived with their album “Lesser matters” in 2003 which is commonly referred to as the most important Swedish indie pop album of the 21st century. It was embraced by press and fans all over the world. They had no less than two “Single of the week” in the NME and it, not surprisingly, ended up Top10 on the NME’s “Album of the year”-list. In 2006 Sophia Coppola chose to feature three of their songs in the film Marie Antoinette that further helped them to achieve worldwide recognition and the same year the chart-topping and critically acclaimed album “Pet grief” was released. In the end of 2009 “Lesser matters” came to be one out two Swedish albums to appear on NMEs Greatest Albums of the Decade-list. “This album is a miniature classic - here’s hoping indie snobbery doesn’t condemn it to the mists of time (The Top 100 Greatest Albums of the Decade)” NME The Radio Department’s releases have been referred to as The perfect mix between Saint Etienne and early The Jesus and Mary Chain and The best songs Pet Shop Boys never wrote and the album you’d hoped My Bloody Valentine did after ”Loveless”. And perhaps both comparisons makes sense. In a way. But the truth is that Sweden’s No. 1 alternative pop geniuses only sound like one band - themselves. The band will do a handful of gig in May this year and a longer tour is expected in the fall of 2010. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 IX NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 26. APRIL Avi Buffalo Avi Buffalo Sub Pop SPCD 865 / SP 865 CD/LP 0098787086522 / 0098787086515 Tracklist 1. Truth Sets In 2. What’s In It For? 3. Coaxed 4. Five Little Sluts 5. Jessica 6. Summer Cum 7. One Last 8. Can’t I Know? 9. Remember Last Time 10. Where’s Your Dirty Mind Avi Buffalo is the adopted name of Avigdor Zahner-Isenberg, an 18 year-old singer/ songwriter and guitarist from Long Beach, CA. Avi Buffalo is also the name of the band he formed with friends and like-minded collaborators Sheridan Riley (drums), Arin Fazio (the old man at nearly 21 on bass) and Rebecca Coleman (keyboards and vocals). It (Avi Buffalo) is also the name of his/their debut full-length album, which we are just ridiculously puffed-up about releasing on April 27, 2010. By the time you read this, they will pretty much all be out of high school. They’ve toured with Beach House, Final Fantasy, opened for Vampire Weekend and found fans at KCRW and Steve Lamacq at the BBC. That’s where they are now: about to follow their first ten songs into the outside world, about to celebrate a 21st birthday and about to settle into something that they could do for the rest of their lives. Note! The version of “What’s In It For?” to be found on the album is the same as the one found on the “What’s In It For?” 7” single that we released back in December. The version of “Jessica” on the album is altogether different from the version that is the b-side of that same single. FORHÅND 26. APRIL JESSE MALIN & THE ST. MARKS SOCIAL LOVE IT TO LIFE SideOneDummy SD 1415 / SD 1415-1 CD/LP 0603967141528 / 0603967141511 Tracklist Burning The Bowery All The Way From Moscow Disco Ghetto The Archer St. Marks Sunset Lowlife In A Highrise Burn The Bridge Revelations Black Boombox Lonely At Heart After three critically acclaimed solo records, dozens of world tours and TV appearances, Jesse Malin found himself back in New York City questioning his next move. From his days fronting seminal hardcore trio Heart Attack and glam punks D Generation, then seven years on the road as a solo artist, Malin had cultivated a devout fan base. He’d shared stages with everyone from The White Stripes to Counting Crows, The Hold Steady to Lucinda Williams, but felt like he was losing the plot. Malin contemplated going back to school, becoming a standup comedian or a Las Vegas wedding DJ, and even started work on a documentary film about DC hardcore Rastafarians The Bad Brains. For over a year he didn’t play or record. When asked by a Hollywood screenwriter to pen songs for a film about author J.D. Salinger, Malin — a fan of Catcher in the Rye and other Salinger works — traveled to Cornish, NH hoping to speak to the famous recluse. In typical punk-rock fashion, instead of getting the interview, Malin landed at the local precinct for trespassing and was released only after the cops watched his video duet with Bruce Springsteen for “Broken Radio” on YouTube and were convinced he was just a writer doing research. Though he never met Salinger (who passed away this past January), Malin made the most of the experience by writing “The Archer” and “Lonely at Heart”—two songs that would make him want to work again and become the basis for his new album. Over the summer of 2009, in the basement of Avenue A watering hole Hi-Fi, the songs came forth. Malin, with impresario Don DiLego, drummer Randy Schrager, guitarist Matt Hogan, and bassist/DJ Tommy USA, worked with his newly formed band to bash out an album’s worth of gritty anthems, and The St. Marks Social was born. A solid band, but one with an open door to Malin’s community of musician friends - longtime partner in crime Ryan Adams, pop singer Mandy Moore, fellow label mate Brian Fallon, and former bandmates from D Generation Howie Pyro and Danny Sage - the Social is a group effort to keep the P.M.A. Says Malin, “To me, rock ‘n’ roll is an exorcism that begins every night when the sun goes down, the music starts playing, and the spirits start flowing. It helps to say things in public over dirty microphones. It’s a way to spit out the poison.” When Jesse met producer Ted Hutt (Lucero, Flogging Molly, The Gaslight Anthem) one drunken night at a local bar, their talk of making a record fast, loose, and raw, was the beginning of Hutt’s quest to create a record that would encompass Malin’s roots and evolution—from hardcore thrasher to punk/folk singer-songwriter. The album’s basic tracks were laid in three days at Greenpoint, Brooklyn’s Mission Studios, and the rest at Sonic Youth’s Think Tank Studios in Hoboken, NJ. Filled with the characters Malin does best—messengers and misanthropes, hipsters and hypocrites—and as always, his constant themes of redemption, nightlife, heartbreak, and survival, LOVE IT TO LIFE—a sentiment taken from a ticket stub Joe Strummer autographed for Jesse—was built with desperate optimism that shouts in gang vocals that no matter how bad it gets, you’re never alone. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 X NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 26. APRIL MANTRIC THE DESCENT Prosthetic 10081CD 0656191008129 CD Prosthetic Records is proud to unveil the debut album ‘The Descent’ from Norway’s MANTRIC. Formed in 2007 in Oslo, Norway from the ashes of metal visionaries, EXTOL, MANTRIC takes this pioneering songwriting approach to new, epic heights. Tracklist 1. Asylum 2013 2. Tower Of Silence 3. Symptoms 4. The Invasion 5. Spear Of Heaven 6. Cognitive Cocaine 7. Alihorn 8. Choice 9. Exorcism - In A Treacherous Kiss 10. Water Through Fire 11. Dark Passenger 12. Uro Fusing a unique, distinctly Scandinavian take on rich, challenging metal and modern punk with a powerful progressive edge, MANTRIC recorded “The Descent” in Norway, with studio guru Tue Madsen handling mixing and mastering duties. Prosthetic Records quickly recognized that something rather special was developing and are now very happy to have MANTRIC as part of their diverse roster. MANTRIC are the first worldwide signing of a European band to Prosthetic Records and vocalist and guitarist Ole Sveen commented, “Our first album using the Mantric-name does to our ears deserve to get out to lovers of hard music all over the world, and Prosthetic makes this possible. Our music embraces creativity and originality outside the limits of narrow genres, so it suits us fine to deal with a label that also values this. This is a release that is both accessible and original, catchy and complex at the same time, and we can’t wait to get it out!”. MANTRIC will showcase “The Descent” with a selection of gigs across Norway around the release date before embarking on UK, European and North American tours to support the album throughout 2010. “The Descent” is truly urgent music - just as great, challenging heavy music should be. Enjoy. FORHÅND 26. APRIL TESLA LIVE IN EUROPE 2009 Frontiers FRCD 457 CD 8024391045725 Tracklist 1. Forever More 2. I Wanna Live 3. Modern Day Cowboy 4. Heaven’s Trail 5. What a Shame 6. Shine Away 7. Love Song 8. What You Give 9. The Way It Is 10. Breakin’ Free 11. Hang Tough 12. So What! 13. Signs 14. Lil’ Suzie 15. Into the Now. After 25 years, 12 albums, over 2,500 shows, over 16 million albums sold worldwide, Tesla is stronger than ever, on the heels of the release of one of the band’s most successful studio releases to date Forever More. Continuing the momentum, Tesla: Jeff Keith (vocals), Frank Hannon (guitars), Brian Wheat (bass), Troy Luccketta (drums) and Dave Rude (guitar) have toured Europe after the successful release of their latest studio opus Forever More on Frontiers Records. As a testament to a very creative and productive chapter in the history of the band, Tesla release what can be considered their first “proper” and “electric” live album recorded at various locations during the European shows in the summer of 2009. Alive In Europe! is filled with sweltering live songs including all the band’s classics such as “Modern Day Cowboy”, “Signs”, “What You Give”, “Little Suzi” and songs from the latest release such as the single “I Wanna Live”, the album title track and more. A sincere and truly live sounding album which closes a chapter in the band’s history and shows a vibrant band ready for the next step. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 XI NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 3. MAI BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE FORGIVENESS ROCK RECORD City Slang SLANG 736447 0602527364476 CD Broken Social Scene will be releasing their new album on May 3rd, 2010 on City Slang / Cooperative Music. Produced by Tortoise’s John McEntire at Soma Studios in Chicago, with additional recording at Giant Studio and The Schvitz Studio in Toronto, the new album is the follow up to their acclaimed self-titled sophomore record, released in 2005. The new record was written and arranged by the Canadian collective’s current line-up: Founders Kevin Drew (guitars/vocals) and Brendan Canning (bass/vocals) Justin Peroff (drums) Charles Spearin (guitars), Andrew Whiteman (guitars) and Sam Goldberg (guitars) Lisa Lobsinger. (vocals). The album features guest turns by BSS alumni: Leslie Feist, Amy Millan and Evan Cranley of Stars, Emily Haines and Jimmy Shaw of Metric, Jason Collett, Ohad Benchetrit, John Crossingham, Marty Kinack, Leon Kingstone, Julie Penner. The record also includes contributions by The Sea and Cake’s Sam Prekop, John McEntire, Sebastian Grainger, and The Weakerthans’ Jason Tait. With their new album, the first Broken Social Scene record following the acclaimed Broken Social Scene Presents… series (which saw Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning each stretching their wings with incredible solo outings), Broken Social Scene decided it was time to try something new. As a core six-piece who had spent most of 2007 and 2008 on the road, Drew, Canning, Spearin, Whiteman, Goldberg and Peroff spent early 2009 working on new material in Toronto. The pairing down of the band’s massive personnel list for the first time proved extremely fruitful; they created spacious songs written as a band by a band, resulting in more cohesive, melody-driven compositions than previous BSS output. They then decamped to Chicago, recording outside of Toronto for the first time, which allowed them to fully immerse themselves in the recording process. In producer John McEntire – a musical hero for many of the band’s members – they found a fresh perspective on their own sound; this continued to fuel the creative process, resulting in nearly 30 songs written in and out of the studio, a number of which were put together as the first new Broken Social Scene record in five years. The new record is, like all Broken Social Scene albums, a record driven by love. FORHÅND 3. MAI MIKE PATTON MONDO CANE Ipecac IPC 119 CD 0689230011927 1. Il Cielo In Una Stanza 2. Che Notte! 3. Ore D’Amore 4. Deep Down 5. Quello Che Conta 6. Urlo Negro 7. Scalinatella 8. L’Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 9. 20 KM Al Giorno 10. Ti Offro Da Bere 11. Senza Fine MIKE PATTON (FAITH NO MORE, PEEPING TOM, TOMAHAWK) unveils Mondo Cane, his Italian language rock-meets-orchestra hybrid. Recorded at a series of European performances including an outdoor concert in a Northern Italian piazza, this album features traditional Italian pop songs as well as a rendition of ENNIO MORRICONE’s Deep Down. PATTON worked with a 30- piece orchestra and choir to create the uniquely new Mondo Cane sound. PATTON’s body of work continues to evolve and grow with a wide range of bands and solo projects including Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Fantomas, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom and most recently as a film composer and voice actor. Featuring the Italian jazz and classical superstar Roy Paci (collaborator with Zu, The Ex) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 XII NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 3. MAI BOOKA SHADE MORE! Get Physical/Cooperative KMCD 001 CD 0602527356389 Tracklist 1/ Havanna Sex Dwarf 2/ Donut (interpretation) 3/ Regenerate 4/ The Door 5/ Teenage Spaceman 6/ Divine (feat. Yello) 7/ Scaramanga 8/ L.A. tely 9/ Bad Love (feat. Chelonis R. Jones) 10/ No Difference 11/ This Is Not The Time Booka Shade will release their fourth artist album More! this May in a joint venture between Get Physical Music and Cooperative Music. Regarded by many as the best live electronic act in the world, Booka Shade have enjoyed a meteoric rise since establishing themselves with their breakthrough album ‘Memento’ in 2005. Worldwide club hits such as ‘Body Language’, ‘In The White Rooms’ and ‘Charlotte’ followed, as well as their second album ‘Movements’, which is regarded as one of the last decade’s classic electronic albums. 5 years on and with the release of their fourth LP, the duo prove they are still hungry for More! “The album is called More!. More refined production, more multi-layered atmospheres, more emotion.” Explains Arno Kammermeier (one half of Booka Shade), “We wanted this album to be more energetic with strong grooves and of course the typical Booka Shade melodies and atmospheres that we love. The album takes you through every stage of the night out; the excitement before you go out, the party, the late, late night, a bit of paranoia.... and then the sunny morning of a new day.” Across the album, Arno, and the other half of Booka Shade, Walter Merziger delve deeper than ever before, delivering what has to be their most dynamic and accomplished album to date, which is saying something for Booka Shade! For the first time on any of their albums they’ve collaborated with guest vocalists, sharing the limelight with electronic pioneers Yello and Get Physical favourite Chelonis R. Jones. “We’re so excited about 2010 and taking the new album on the road. We’ve been working on these songs in the studio for the last 18 months and now is the time to hear them loud!” Arno continues, “The world tour will start in February with us headlining the Future Music Festival in Australia, followed by club shows in key cities throughout Europe and a short trip to the U.S. to introduce the album Stateside. I can safely say we have a big summer of festivals in front of us too!”. Indeed they do, with the full live schedule to be announced very soon, including (for the first time ever) a fully live UK tour, taking in all the major cities across the country (see below for a preview of confirmed dates). Until then, please log on to Booka Shade’s website to download Regenerate, one of the stand-out tracks from the album that will not only delight fans but also give the world a clear sign of what’s to come with More! FORHÅND 18. MAI AUDRA MAE THE HAPPIEST LAMB SideOneDummy SD 1416 / SD 1416-1 CD/LP 0603967141627 / 06039671415610 Tracklist The Happiest Lamb Millionaire The River Snakebite My Lonely Worry The Fable Lightning In A Bottle Sullivan’s Letter Bandida Smoke Little Sparrow Since arriving in Los Angeles, AUDRA MAE has landed a publishing deal with Warner Chappell, a TV placement singing BOB DYLAN’s Forever Young on the FX series Sons of Anarchy, a record deal with SideOneDummy Records, and in late 2009, co-wrote Who I Was Born to Be, the only original track on SUSAN BOYLE’s chart-topping, 9 million-selling I Dreamed a Dream album. It has turned out to be a dream come true for the 25-year-old singer-songwriter from Oklahoma. Growing up, show business was in AUDRA MAE’s blood. She is the great grand niece of the late JUDY GARLAND and her grandmother turned her on to country and folk artists like PATSY CLINE, DOLLY PARTON and WOODY GUTHRIE, while her grandfather introduced her to jazz. AUDRA MAE is a natural without a doubt. The Happiest Lamb, produced by TED HUTT (THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM) spotlights MAE’s incredible voice and her songs are timeless affairs augmented with minimal accompaniment, including acoustic guitar, piano, mandolin and sometimes mournful accordions. AUDRA will be on the road supporting The Happiest Lamb for the remainder of 2010. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 XIII NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 18. MAI THE BLACK KEYS BROTHERS V2/Cooperative VVR 737197/VVR 737199 CD/LP 0602527371979/0602527371993 Tracklist 1. “Everlasting Lightˇ 2. “Next Girlˇ 3. “Tighten Upˇ 4. “Howlin’ For Youˇ 5. “She’s Long Goneˇ 6. “Black Mudˇ 7. “The Only Oneˇ 8. “Too Afraid To Love Youˇ 9. “Ten Cent Pistolˇ 10. “Sinister Kidˇ 11. “The Go Getterˇ 12. “I’m Not The Oneˇ 13. “Unknown Brotherˇ 14. “Never Gonna Give You Upˇ 15. “These Daysˇ THE BLACK KEYS release their sixth full-length album, entitled “BROTHERSˇ, on 17th May on V2 / Cooperative Music… Recorded at Alabama’s legendary Muscle Shoals Sound with additional sessions at Auerbach’s Easy Eye Sound System in Akron and the Bunker in Brooklyn, the album sees production duties handled by The Black Keys, along with shared duties between the band, Mark Neill, and their old friend Danger Mouse, who lends his skilled hands to a new track. Tchad Blake brings his sonic excellence into the fold to handle mixing duties… Muscle Shoals has produced iconic recordings from The Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin, and Wilson Pickett, among many others… Carney admits Brothers is the album they’ve always wanted to make and taps into their creative force as a duo. “Dan and I grew up a lot as individuals and musicians prior to making this album. Our relationship was tested in many ways but at the end of the day, we’re brothers, and I think these songs reflect that.ˇ The ghosts of Muscle Shoals inhabit Brothers’ 15 tracks. Of the album, Auerbach says, “We like spooky sounds… like Alice Coltrane, where a dark groove is laid down. That’s the headspace we tried to get into for this record.ˇ The album includes the Danger Mouseproduced song “Tighten Upˇ and a cover of the Jerry Butler classic “Never Gonna Give You Up.ˇ Its been an remarkable couple of years for THE BLACK KEYS… Their last album, 2008’s “Attack & Releaseˇ, was by far their most successful to date, and the year culminated with them playing a sell-out show at Brixton Academy in London… Early 09 saw Black Keys singer/guitarist DAN AUERBACH venture out on his own with a critically-acclaimed solo album, “Keep It Hidˇ, that covered a variety of musical styles from psychedelia and soul via gospel and bluegrass. Late 2009 saw the Keys spread their wings further with their celebrated BLAKROC project, an exhilarating collaboration between themselves and a star-studded line-up of influential hip-hop artists that included Mos Def, Q-Tip, RZA, Raekwon, ODB, Pharoahe Monch, Jim Jones, Nicole Wray, NOE and Billy Danze (M.O.P). FORHÅND 18. MAI HARVEY MILK A SMALL TURN OF HUMAN KINDNESS Hydra Head HH 666206 CD 0634457525627 Tracklist 1. * 2. I Just Want To Go Home 3. I Am Sick of All This Too 4. I Know This Is No Place For You 5. I Alone Got Up and Left 6. I Know This Is All My Fault 7. I Did Not Call Out Harvey Milk’s “A Small Turn of Human Kindness,” is the difference between watching a movie like Irreversible vs. watching a movie like Independence Day. Both good films, however the first stimulates a foreign mixture of emotions that require you to sleep it off, whereas the latter concludes with you feeling comfortable with the fact that you’re a lazy, wasteful, culturally sequestered American who has sat through this fucking movie way too many times in his/her life! So, I think you get the idea, “A Small Turn of Human Kindness,” is as dense and as heavy temperamentally as it is musically. The seven songs so subtly bleed together that the listener has no choice, but to view the entire album as a linear orchestration with a singular ebb and flow. A rising and falling action, refined to hell and back. And so, all of these things lead me to believe that any and all true Harvey Milk fans will eventually argue this record as the band’s finest work. Or at least the vinyl version will become the quintessential mantle-piece for a generation of suburban children slumming it in the inner city you know who you are! BIO: Harvey Milk is a sludge/noise rock outfit formed in the early 1990’s from savannah, Georgia. Harvey Milk disbanded around 1997. Due to increased popularity while the group was no longer active, the band reformed (around 2008). Hydra Head released the bands first new record after the hiatus, “Life the Best Game in Town....” “A Small Turn of Human Kindness” is title of the first track on the band’s first proper release... and their seventh proper full-length release Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 XIV NYHETER UKE 15 - 2010 FORHÅND 18. MAI THE SADIES DARKER CIRCLES Yep Roc YEP 2197 / YEP 2197LP 0634457219724 / 0634457219717 CD/LP Darker Circles is the follow-up to The Sadies’ acclaimed last album Country Club (with John Doe) and sees guitarist brothers Dallas and Travis Good, drummer Mike Belitsky and bassist Sean Dean again pair with legendary Jayhawk and sought-after producer Gary Louris. Tracklist Furthering the focused songwriting and recording aspirations reached on New Seasons, The Sadies bring their signature blend of country, psychedelic, rock and surf into rifle-scope focus on Darker Circles, further underscoring their reputations as musicians’ musicians. Always at the top of the list when discussing musical chops and live intensity, The Sadies are now more intent than ever on making their mark as songwriters. In one turn as heavy as a sledge, and on the other flitting across melodies with the ease of so many sparrows, The Sadies prove once again that denying them now is simply prolonging your conversion. So go on, pull up that screeching wooden chair that bows with your weight. Slide it up next to the turntable and drop the needle, The Sadies are a sure thing….tomorrow isn’t. 1. Another Year Again 2. Cut Corners 3. Another Day Again 4. Tell Her What I Said 5. The Quiet One 6. Postcards 7. Whispering Circles 8. Idle Tomorrows 9. Choosing to Fly 10. Violet and Jeffrey Lee 11. Ten More Songs FORHÅND 25. MAI MASTERPLAN TIME TO BE KING AFM AFMCD 234-9 / AFMCD 234-2 / AFMLP 234-1 CD/LP 0884860022125 / 0884860022026 / 0884860020015 Ltd. Digi / Jewel Case / Ltd. Vinyl LP Tracklist: Fiddle Of Time Blow Your Winds Far From The End Of The World Time To Be King Lonely Winds Of War The Dark Road The Sun Is In Your Hands The Black One Blue Europa Under The Moon Bonus track on ltd. Edition: Kisses From You The kings of the European Melodic Power Metal scene return with their outstanding new studio album!!! Available as standard CD, ltd. digipak & ltd. vinyl Ltd. digi pak (8-pages) comes with different cover artwork and special golden foil print of the artwork´s elements With iconic Norwegian powerhouse (and original Masterplan) singer Jorn Lande back on vocals! High-class song material and amazing vocal performance “Time To Be King” stylistically continues where the enormously successful debut album (2003) left off Prior to the album, an EP single called “Far From The End Of The World” will be released on March 19th “Time To Be King” was produced by Roland Grapow mixed and mastered by the experienced Mikka Karmilla at Finnvox studios, Helsinki Masterplan were founded by Metal icons Roland Grapow and Uli Kusch (both ex-Helloween) and master singer Jorn Lande in 2002, to releases their debut in 2003 Singer Jorn Lande is THE singer of today´s Hard Rock & Metal scene, with his unmistakable style & unmatched expression MASTERPLAN 2010 is a forged unit of highly-acclaimed international first-class musicians MASTERPLAN received the “European border breakers award” for best-selling debut album of a German band in 2003 MASTERPLAN have toured with Saxon, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray and played the biggest festivals, like Wacken Open Air & Bang Your Head Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 XV SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 14 - 2010 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL 1349 Absu All That Remains Anaal Nathrakh Aura Noir Avantasia Barren Earth Benea Reach Bigelf Blood Tsunami Burzum Clutch <code> Converge Darkthrone Devil’s Blood Doro Dødheimsgard El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Fear Factory Galar Gates Of Slumber Ghost Of A Thousand Ihsahn Illusion Suite Insomnium Isis Jon Oliva’s Pain Jorn Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Krallice Kylesa Madder Mortem Masterplan Melvins Mistur My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Obituary Opeth Orcustus Pantheon I Pelican Sabaton She Said Destroy Shrinebuilder Sunn O))) Susperia Svölk Taake Theatre Of Tragedy Thundra U.D.O. Ulver W.A.SP. Windir Wolves In The Throne... Zeromancer ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST Revelations Of The Black Flame Absu (Special Edition) Overcome In The Constellation Of The… Hades Rise The Metal Opera Pt 1&2 Curse Of The Red River Alleviat Cheat The Gallows Grand Feast For Vultures Belus Strange Cousins From The West Resplendent Grotesque Axe To Fall Dark Thrones & Black Flags The Time Of No Time Evermore Fear No Evil Supervillain Outcast Heat Witchcult Today Live Inferno Box Ruun Mechanize Til Alle Heimsens Endar Hymns Of Blood And Thunder New Hopes, New Demonstrations After Final Hour Across The Dark Wavering Radiant Festival Dukebox Night Is The New Day Armada Hundre År Gammal Dimensional Bleedthrough Static Tensions Eight Ways MK II Nude With Boots Attende Bring Me Victory EP Assassins Given To The Rising Darkest Day Still Life - Special Edition Orcustus Worlds I Create What We All Come To Need The Art Of War This City Speaks In Tongues Shrinebuilder Monoliths & Dimensions Attitude Svölk Taake Forever Is The World Ignored By Fear Dominator Shadows Of The Sun Babylon Valfar, Ein Windir Black Cascade The Death Of Romance CANDLE 284CD CANDLE301CDSE 10067 CD CANDLE 285CD CDVILEF173 AFMCD 150-9 CDVILEF 279 TABU028 PAGE 008CD CANDLE 249CD BYE 001CD WM 009CD TABU 027 EPIT 70352 CDVILEF 237X VAN 029CDB AFMCD 233-9 FOGCD037 BLNCD 014 RISECD100 CANDLE 272BOX TABU022 AFMCD 307-9 KAR 055 RISECD 119 EPIT 70152 CANDLE288CDSE LMP 0908109 CANDLE256CDSE CORE 078 AFMCD 288-9 AMFCD 211-2 CDVILEF 271X TABU019 TABU029 PFL 052CD 10071 CD CDVILEF 246 AFMCD 148-2 IPC105 MIR 001 CDVILES 270 CANDLE217CD NR050 CANDLE232CDSE CDVILED 183X LORD 102 CANDLE 228CD LORD 110 BLOD055CD TABU 030 NR 070 SUNN 100 CANDLE 277CD SVOLK 01 KAR 043 AFMCD 212-9 EP 024 AFMCD 258-9 TRICK041CD DEMCD 165 TABU006 LORD 103 TRI 385 Airbag Antony & the Johnsons Balkan Beat Box Band Of Horses Beach House Besnard Lakes Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Blakroc Brun Ane Built To Spill Cassidy,Eva Chesnutt Vic Diverse Artister Dropkick Murphys Dum Dum Girls Eels Felice Brothers Fever Ray First Aid Kit Fleet Foxes Flight Of The Conchords Flooging Molly Fuck Buttons Grand Island Happy Birthday Hayseed Dixie Hägglund Anne Lene Henry Joe [ingenting] Iron & Wine Japandroids Karijord Rebekka Knife Low Anthem Magnolia Electric Co. Mariachi El Bronx McRae Tom Midlake Monzano Moto Boy Mumford & Sons Oberst Conor Ocean Colour Scene Of Montreal Okkervil River Olsen Egil Phoenix Port O’Brien Prodigy Retribution Gospel Choir Regan Fionn Richmond Fontaine Rubik Skambankt Spoon Staff Benda Bilili Swell Season Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orc. Tingsek Ungdomskulen Veirs Laura Volcano Choir Wainwright Martha Identity KAR 046 Antony & the Johnsons SC104 Black Eyed Blue Boy CRAW 55 Cease To Begin SPCD745 Teen Dream BELLACD 225 Are The Roaring Night JAG 126 Beat The Devil’s Tattoo VVR 733267 Blakroc VVR 725582 Live At Stockholm Concert Hall DEMCDDVD 01 There Is No Enemy ATPRCD 37 Somewhere G210190 At The Cut CST 60 Oslo 2 STACD 013 Live On Landsdowne, Boston, MA COOKCD 518 I Will Be SPCD 840 End Times VVR 728642 Yonder Is The Clock TL 39 Fever Ray Deluxe Edition RABID 039X The Big Black And The Blue WEBB 222CD Fleet Foxes/Sun Giant BELLA2CD 167 I Told You I Was Freaky SPCD 800 Live At The Greek Theatre SD 1413 Tarot Sport ATPRCD 35 Songs From Ôstra Knoll 1:22 SAL 001CD Happy Birthday SPCD 850 Killer Grass COOKCD 515 Bird Cherry Grove SWA 001CD Blood From Stars EPIT 70262 Tomhet, Idel Tomhet LAB 123 Around The Well SPCD 808 Post-Nothing PRC 184-2 The Noble Art Of Letting… LFRCD 01 Tomorrow In A Year RABID 044 Oh My God, Charlie Darwin BELLACD 202 Josephine SC 185 El Bronx WEBB 219CD The Alphabet Of Hurricanes COOKCD 514 The Courage Of Others BELLACD 224 By This Time Last Year… STACD 014 Lost In The Call SIWIHW 020 Sigh No More VVR 720037 Outer South WEBB 212CD Saturday COOKCD 511 Skeletal Lamping PRC 160 The Stand Ins JAG 124 Nothing Like The Love I Have For UIREC 006 You VVR 721723 Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix DeluxeSLANG 714172 Threadbare HOSPCD 001S Invaders Must Die Special Edition SPCD 856 2 HVNLP 75CD The Shadow Of An Empire DECOR 016CD We Used To Think The Freeway… FS 130 Dada Bandits DOG 008 Hardt Regn EPIT 70502 Transference CRAW 51 Trés Trés Fort EPIT 70522 Strict Joy CST 63X Kollaps Tradixionales WOIOCD 001 Restless Soul US 002 Bisexual BELLACD 220 July Flame JAG 156 Unmap VVR 723066 Sans Fusils, Ni Souliers, A Paris EPIT 70532 ARTIST TITTEL DVD TITTEL Full Fathom Five Clutch A Savage Symphony Destruction Live At Wacken Open Air 2006 Emperor Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Enslaved FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 Farewell to The Kings Of Rock Gluecifer Clearing The Eye Isis Never Surrender Jackson Michael Live In America Jorn Live Kaada/Patton Adios…Putas Madres Ministry The Misanthrope Nocturno Culto The Roundhouse Tapes Opeth The Voice of Melodic Metal - Live Rock Rob If All Goes Wrong Smashing Pumpkins Live - In The Still Of The Night Whitesnake Sognametal-A Windir DVD Windir BEST.NR WM 002DVD AFMDCS 232-7 CANDLE 231DVD TABU014 IPC102DVD MIG 011 IPC80DVD SGDVD 028 FRDVD 020 IPC96DVD THPDVD 012 DVDVILE7 DVDVILE 11 AFMDCS 252-7 CHS 10036 CHS10033 TABU011 Converge Darkthrone Do Make Say Think Eagles Of Death Metal Fear Factory Flight Of The Conchords Grand Island Isis Lewis Jerry Lee Nirvana Retribution Gospel Choir Rumble In Rhodos Shrinebuilder Sunn O))) Thee Silver Mt. Zion... Waits Tom W.A.S.P. TITTEL VINYL Axe To Fall Circle The Wagons The Other Truths Heart On + 7” Mechanize I Told You I Was Freaky Songs From Ôstra Knoll 1:22 Wavering Radiant Live At The Star Club... Bleach - 20th Anniversary 2 Intentions Shrinebuilder Monoliths & Dimensions Kollaps Tradixionales Glitter & Doom - Live Babylon Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 BEST.NR BEST.NR DWI 98 VILELP 276 CST 62LP IPC 111LP AFMLP 307-1 SP 800 SAL 001LP CORE 078DBLLP BAF 18006 SP 834 SP 856 BLNLP 012 NR 070V SUNN 100LP CST 63LP EPIT 70531 DEMLP 165 DCLXVI