Gold Wing Road Riders Assoc - Black Rose Wings PA-V


Gold Wing Road Riders Assoc - Black Rose Wings PA-V
Gold Wing Road Riders Assoc.
Black Rose Wings, Chapter PA-V
Hanover, PA – Web site: WWW.GWRRAPAV.ORG
Northeast Region
November 2009
Vol. 13, No. 11
National/Region/District Staff
GWRRA Executive Director
Melissa Eason (800) 843-9460 (
NE Region Director
Lorraine & Earl Knight (401) 723-5959 (
Region Trainer
Patty & Don Hoffman (814) 798-2213 (
Rider Educator
Keith & Elaine Price (716) 625-9577 (
PA District Staff
Tom & Renee Wasluck (570) 474-1014 (
Ass’t. Directors
Larry & Linda Dice, SE PA A, B, C, K, V, Y (717) 369-5131
Dana & Danise Hartle, NW PA I, O, D, N, G, Q (814) 938-7136
Jim & Diane Heffelfinger, SW PA E, S, T, U, W, P (814) 943-1392
Al & Val Aumack, NE PA H, R, M, L, X (610) 381-4092
Newsletter Editor
Pat & Walt Cole (814) 726-2673 (
John & Bonnie McClun (717) 733-1870 (
Membership Enhancement Coordinator
Mort & Ruth Smith (610) 264-5049 (
Rider Educator
John Steele (717) 259-9266 (
Treasurer/Goodie Coordinator
Bob & Marcy Gabriele (215) 547-3417 (
COY Coordinators
Steve & Carol Daley (814) 438-2401 (
District COY
Miguel & Gracy Lebron
Ambassador of Good Will
Joella Borsz (717) 872-6658
Motorist Awareness Division (MAD) Coord
Tom Bridgen & Marie Wasluck (570) 823-0149 (
Traveling Plaque & Poker Hand Coordinator
George & Sharon Elder (570) 322-1878 (
Chapter Directors:
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Doug & Cyndy Motter (717) 486-8592
Jerry & Cindy Warren (717) 630-8900
Asst. Chapter Directors:
Senior Road Captain:
Dennis & Kathy Brillhart (717) 266-4829
Mike & Shirley Prince (717) 495-5400
Bob Baker (717) 292-0488
Chapter Educator:
John Steele (717) 259-9266
Chapter Couple of the Year:
Ken and Phyllis Richardson (717) 755-8655
Bob & Nancy Beard (717) 235-5623
MED/Advertising Coordinator:
Brenda Milberry (717) 633-7515
Newsletter Editor/Asst. MED:
Kathy Brillhart (717) 266-4829
MAD Coordinator:
Barry & Rhonda Blyler (717) 334-6702
Couple of the Year Coordinators:
Mike & Shirley Prince (717) 495-5400
Event Coordinator:
Pauline Thomas (717) 633-9586
Technical Coordinators:
Gary Savage (717) 757-7062
Claude Gladfelter (717) 229-2812 (Trikes)
Sunshine Coordinator:
Billie Savage (717) 757-7062
Phone Tree Coordinator:
Pauline Thomas, Hanover Area (717) 633-9586
Billie Savage, York Area (717) 757-7062
Mark & Sue Hirschhorn (717) 792-4675
Woody & Joanne Woodfill (717) 632-0648
Ice Cream Coordinator:
George Marrero (717) 495-2864
Ride Coordinator:
Camping Coordinator:
Mac & Barb Slothour (717) 259-7485
Larry & Dee Craig
Check with Chapter Director or Assistant Director should there be an unannounced change
Corner of Routes 30 and 94 (717) 624-7778
Breakfast at 8:00 am - Gathering 9:30 am - Ride 10:30 am (Weather Permitting)
Doug & Cyndy Motter
Hello Family: Well one month and counting. Cyndy and I are looking forward to being just
members very soon. For the last 5 years we have been involved with the Chapters staff in one
way shape or form. Now it’s time to bring in the new and see where it leads us. I have the
greatest faith that this chapter is going to improve even more than it has. The new leadership is
going to do a great job and take us as a Chapter to new sites and places we have not been
before. The journey will be fun and exciting for all.
We are looking forward to the holidays. As you properly know by now, we are in the process of buying the home we are
living in now. So you can see my time is going to be limited to a big honey do list for the changes Cyndy has in store to
do to the house. We have already been looking at making some changes in the near future. So the time I may have or
think I may have is going, going, and gone. Oh well, I can only wait and see what comes out of this.
John Steele, Chapter Educator
Ride Safe and Enjoy
Fall has arrived and, eventually the weather will start to turn cooler. It is time to start thinking about getting your cold
weather gear out or making plans to put the bike away for the winter season. For some of us, the only thing that keeps us
off of our bikes is ice or snow. Make sure that you dress for the weather to prevent hypothermia. If you plan to put the
bike in hibernation, ensure that you have properly prepared it for the long winter’s sleep.
Denny and Kathy Brillhart
Hello everyone. Well the year is gradually coming to an end and the Holidays are upon us. The riding season is all but
over for most of us. We would just like to remind everyone that if you do ride, make sure you dress warmly and be careful
on the roads with all the falling leaves.
We’ve had quite an exciting year, but then, don’t we always. Looking back on all the rides, the weekend trips, preparing
for the PA District Rally, and then that wonderful picnic, how can we not have had fun? So with this in mind, we like to
thank everyone who helped plan or lead rides or helped out on all the different committees or events throughout the year.
You should all give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. We’re sure looking forward to next year! We know it
will be just as enjoyable as this year and hopefully even better.
Veterans Day is Wednesday, November 11. Please take the time to remember our Vets. We’d also like to mention that
all Veterans and Active Military eat free at Applebees on Veterans Day. Simply show proof of Military Service.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! See you all at the Christmas Banquet.
GWRRA PA-V November 2009
Exp. Sept. 2010
Mike and Shirley Prince
Hello Everyone. We can hardly believe that the riding season
is almost over for the year, and a new year is upon us. Our
article was a little short last month, so we want to say a few
The Vermont trip was absolutely wonderful; the ride to meet
Del-A; and then head to the Gray Ghost Inn was a nice sunny
day. We were welcome with open arms from the owners and
Woody. It was a great place to relax, socialize, and play some
games and also ride some beautiful scenic routes. Our one
ride led us to a really cool ice cream stop. This was the best
ice cream I have ever eaten. Ok George, can we put this on
the ride schedule?
This year’s picnic was a great success,
thanks to Barry & Rhonda and the
Committee for doing a great job. We
also can’t forget Bruce & Deb for
having our chapter at their home for a
Bonfire and Mountain Pies. Now, I
must admit I’ve never heard of
Mountain Pies, so since Doug told
Jerry to make me one, I had no choice
then to eat it. YUMMY. The last
couple of months Bruce & Deb have
opened up their home to make Vicki
and for chapter get togethers. We all
should give them a BIG THANK YOU.
Upcoming Events
December 5 - Saturday - Christmas Banquet at Cross Keys
Motor Inn
February 6, 2010 - Saturday - Ride Planning Meeting 1:00 –
4:00 PM. Location to be determined.
February 20, 2010 – Saturday - Maryland H - 13th Annual
Spaghetti Dinner & Bingo. Doors open at 4:30, Dinner at 5:00
and Bingo at 6:00. Dinner cost will be $10.00 a person in
advance or $12.00 at the door. Reservations are encouraged
by February 13, 2010. See Flyer for registration form & details
or visit their web site at
Barry & Rhonda Blyler
The riding season came to an end sooner than
we wanted with the rain we had for the month of
October. I was really looking forward to the Raystown Lake
Ride that actually was cancelled 2 times due to rain. Well I
guess we need to look forward to the off season. Put on the
thinking caps so we can keep busy with Meet & Eat nights or
maybe a day trip somewhere to see something exciting. Of
course we also look forward to the Holiday's & the New Year.
Where is your favorite place to have
Dinner, Lunch, Ice Cream, Places to
Ride, things to think about for 2010?
It’s all about riding and having fun.
“Every Member Matters”
Happy Holiday, Ride Safe
and interesting, so new rides are always welcome. If you think
you might want to lead a ride but are not sure what is required
or how to do it, then let me know. Jerry and I can help you
plan and organize the ride and instruct you on the procedure
for leading. Or if you prefer someone else in the chapter can
lead the ride for you.
Well last month I mentioned Helmet use. An article in the front
page of The Evening Sun on Oct. 21 caught my attention
quickly. "Motorcycle Deaths Near Double In The Past Year"
The article had the following:
1. Nine of the 14 crashes were the motorcyclist fault
Mac Slothour
The 2009 riding season is now behind us and in
the Chapter V history book.
The schedule
included several new rides and also the favorite rides our
chapter likes to do each year. We had a good variety to
choose from as was proven by the outstanding participation in
all the chapter rides. We had 21 chapter rides with an average
of 10 bikes per ride. A big Thank You goes out to everyone
that led a ride or provided information for a ride. You people
did a great job!
There were only two rides cancelled due to bad weather, these
were Barry & Rhonda’s ride to Delgrosso Amusement Park
and Claude & Linda’s ride to Raystown Lake. These rides can
be put on the schedule next year if there is interest to do so.
When Jerry and I organized the schedule this year there were
a few rides removed so the schedule wasn’t crowded. Two of
them were my rides, the West Virginia Ride and the PA Twisty
Road Ride. I had led these rides previously so I felt it
necessary to remove them so someone else could lead a ride.
I want to thank Ken & Phyllis, who also removed two of their
rides so someone else could put their ride on the schedule.
Again, if there is interest in these rides they can be put on the
2010 schedule.
It’s now time to look forward and start planning for the 2010riding season. Think about what rides you would like to have
on the schedule. We need to keep our selection of rides fresh
2. Four of the fatal crashes involved two deaths
3. Speed was a factor in six crashes
4. Alcohol was a factor in three crashes
5. Nine of those killed were wearing helmets, eight wore none,
one could not be determined
This was an all time county high. This is really something to
think about. I looked back upon my own riding. I have to say
that Safety is a priority to me. I am pleased to see our Chapter
every time we ride setting an example to anyone that we ride
Safe! I am looking for new ideas to promote "Motorcycle
Awareness" for 2010.
A couple months ago I announced at one of our gatherings that
we are in need of someone to take over the newsletter for me.
Since Denny and I will soon be taking over as the Chapter
Directors, I feel that my time should be given to that.
Please, it’s not really too hard of a job and I would be more
than happy to sit down with you to help you get started and
show you the ropes. So please, I’m asking you to step up and
volunteer to be our next newsletter editor.
If you have any questions or concerns, please get with me at
the gathering, or give me a call at 717-266-4829.
Kathy Brillhart
November 9
A-Mark & Sue
Veterans Day
B-Don Moul
B-Ed Warren
B-Lisa Weaver
A-Dick &
Dolores France
December 1
B-Gary Savage
B-Larry Sinman
A-Larry &
Bridget Sinman
A-Mac & Barb
Anniversaries on November 26:
Doug & Cyndy Motter
Tony & Hilde Craig
Jim & Peggy Diffenderfer
When was the last time, if ever, you thought about how much
weight/load you have on your motorcycle? Let’s take a
moment and think about it. You have the bike itself, then all
those essential and goodie things stuffed in the saddle bags.
You know the first aid kit, tool kit, cleaning spray, gloves,
Chaps, etc.
the call button, a woman responded can I help you. I asked,
"Can we get our rig weighed?" The woman said, "Yes, please
pull unto the scale", and I said, "we’re on the scale." We’re on
a motorcycle with a trailer, long story short, we got weighed
and went inside to pay and get the results.
WOW!!!! Come to the next gather to find out how much is
riding on our tires.
What about the accessories, light, chrome, luggage rack, flag
poles, GPS? You get the idea. Next add the Rider & Co-Rider
with the helmets & riding gear.
Now, what if you’re pulling a trailer with the added weight of the
hitch and the tongue weight of the trailer on the bike? On our
recent trip to Key West, I couldn’t help thinking of this, trying to
guess in my mind how much we weighed.
Every time we stopped at a shop and picked up another “got to
have item”, well in the trailer it went with all the other stuff.
Again that thought of how much does our whole rig weigh? It
kept eating at me during our return ride home. After eating
lunch at a truck stop along interstate 95, we saw they had a
scale, so we headed over to the scale to see if they could
weigh us. So after pulling on the scale, I got off and pushed
Mike & Shirley Prince ACD, PAV
PA-V - Nov. 2009
Exp. 2/2010
By Billie Savage
It was a rainy, miserable night AND George & Bonnie had
forgotten our dinner date. OOPS! Thank Heavens I emailed
earlier that day about the time or they would not have come.
Think about our good Rio Grande Beef Dinner they might have
missed.....complete with mashed potatoes, peas, applesauce,
corn muffins and apple dumplings for dessert!
George Marrero and Bonnie Abney came to our condo for
dinner and conversation. Gary & I learned more about
George's life as well as his new friend, Bonnie. She is a very
lovely lady who is so friendly and easy to talk to. I felt as if I
had known her for a long time. She is originally from Abington,
PA and most recently migrated to our area from a 15 year stay
in Kentucky. Bonnie loves the outdoors having lived on farms
most of her life. There were apple, peach & pear orchards as
well as Christmas tree farms. Bonnie has 4 children - 3 sons
and 1 daughter. Without going into great detail, she told me
she has lived a painful, difficult life with divorces and
heartache. She was "done" with men and wasn't looking for
another relationship, however, SHE MET GEORGE!!!!!
Their story begins with a trip to Kentucky where George
traveled with the Lanks and Hirschhorns. They took a route on
back roads enjoying the countryside and staying off the
highways. They spotted a Cracker Barrel and stopped to pick
up some souvenirs from the area. Even though Sue didn't like
the restaurant, they decided to get some breakfast. They were
seated way in the back and had this bubbly waitress. Striking
up a conversation with her they discovered she had a mother
in York. She was told they were looking for a girlfriend for
George but she had to like motorcycles. Katie assured them
her mother liked motorcycles, so names & numbers were
exchanged. When George returned home, Bonnie called him.
I understand they were on the phone for hours & hours and
agreed to meet for coffee & dessert at the Lyndon Diner on
Rt.30. The rest is history!!!!!
George's life story is a sad one in the beginning but is one of
hope, resilience and profound faith. He was born on
Manhattan Island and moved to Philadelphia. His father was
away in the Merchant Marines while he suffered abuse at the
hands of a stepmother....the "Wicked Stepmother Syndrome".
At age nine George left home and was on his own for a month
selling newspapers and pretzels. When his father came home,
he had the police find him. He was sent to St. Gabriel's Hall
which was a Reform School. Determining that he didn't belong
there, he was transferred to St. Francis Prep School where he
graduated at age 17. Sadly his father never visited or
attended his graduation. Having nowhere to go now that
school was finished, the Brothers at St. Francis located his
mother (who George didn't know). With a small suitcase in
hand he went to his mother's house, rang the bell and said,
"I'm your son." Unbelievably, she turned him away as she had
no room for him. She did, however, call her brother who took
him in. A year later, George joined the Army for a 3 year
enlistment. He was a door gunner on helicopters during the
Viet Nam War. His third year in the Service was spent in
In 1971 he returned to New Jersey where he began working in
the prison system. George went to school to become a
Correctional Officer and worked in that field for @4 years.
George held the record for sustaining the most assaults from
the inmates. He never abused his power by beating the
prisoners, rather trying only to subdue them. He moved on to
a position as a tester for Honeywell. One evening on his way
home going through Spring Grove on his 1200 Wing, George
was hit broadside. He had brain injuries that kept him home
for 6 months. After much therapy, George still suffers a severe
memory loss and is classified as semi-functional. He told me
he carries a notebook with him at all times to write everything
down to help him remember. Music is his love and the one
thing in his life he can remember and do well.
Living at home with George in Dover is his little Pug dog,
Princess and his 2 cats, Buster & Ally, all of whom he rescued
from the shelter. His daughter & her children also reside with
him. George is a Founding Member of not only Chapter V but
also MD - K in Eldersburg (now in Westminster).
I have to say I have a deeper understanding of who George
REALLY is now. He opened up to us and reached into the
depths of his soul and bared all. It is said that we are the
compilation of our life's trials & tribulations. Life can make or
break a person. I believe all the tragic moments in George's
life have made him the man he is today. He's compassionate
and will help you if you need him. He loves his family dearly
and receives each new day as a gift. I have a new
appreciation for this man I thought I knew and liked!!
So, when you see George & Bonnie, go over and say "Hello".
You will readily see what I'm talking about.......two of the nicest,
friendliest people you'll ever know!!!
By Rhonda Blyler
Where can I start? As everyone already knows Barry has a
Cochlear Implant. He has been working on a way to use his
processor under a helmet so he can communicate. I know
when I am on the seat behind him we have developed our own
'Sign Language' to keep him from getting lost.
As a Co Rider, riding behind Barry has been exciting &
enjoyable. We have been to a lot of places and have seen a
lot of different things. Our Vacation in 2008 led us to Ohiopyle
White Water Rapids as well as Falling Water, the house built
by Frank Lloyd Wright. We were on our return ride back to the
motel on Monday on Interstate 70. Of course I was the back
seat driver & tried my best to let Barry know that the exit we
needed was coming up on the right. Well, I must say, I did not
do my job as he went right past the exit. We ended up on a toll
road that we paid fifty cents to get off. He looked at me and
said, "Where are we now?" Well, we ended up taking a tour of
Greensburg before finally finding our way back to the motel.
Over the past few years we have now developed our own form
of sign language while riding. As a back seat driver I have to
be able to communicate with Barry. Some of our members
have caught on, especially the one for ice cream. I am sure
that people who pass us on the Wing are probably saying,
"What are those people doing?"
One thing that I have learned as a back seat driver is that I
have to be an extra set of eyes and ears for Barry.
PA-V - Nov. 2009
Exp. 12/09
Billie Savage
Ken & Phyllis Richardson are the proud
grandparents of a new baby girl, Aubree Teagan
Semlow, born September 30th weighing in at 6 lb. 13 oz.
Aubree is the daughter of Phyllis' son, Dr. Rick Semlow and his
wife Carrie and she is their first child. CONGRATS! (Doesn't
she have the prettiest name?)
Don Moul's mother passed away October 13. We extend our
sincerest sympathies to Don and his family. Let's keep them in
our prayers.
George Marrero has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Doctors are encouraged with the early detection and feel with
the treatment it will be eradicated. That is good news!! Let's
keep our dear friend in our prayers.
Bev Baker's recent mammogram revealed a cancerous mass.
At this month's newsletter deadline her surgery has yet to be
dated. Bev's condition is in the early stages and will be taken
care of right away. Her prognosis is excellent and she
is confident the cancer will be removed and rendered
nonexistent. Let's pray for a successful surgery and speedy
Larry Sinman had hand surgery October 26. He suffers severe
arthritis in the thumb joints of both hands. His surgery is called
Excision Arthroplasty which relocates a tendon in the joint. His
right hand will be the first correction. Recovery is 5-6 weeks.
(Bridget sent this update and I thought I'd include it.)
Larry is home now, recuperating, having stayed overnight at
the hospital. He is being pampered by me but amazingly, he
has the ability to use his left hand for important things…
snacking, remotes. He has to keep his hand elevated and
bandaging must stay on for 10 days. He HATES being on the
meds because they affect his sleep and appetite.
Check out the advertisement for the Chapter
shirts and other items available for sale; patches,
flags, pins and all kinds of GWRRA items.
back of the shirts. Just the Front GWRRA Hanover V Patch
and your name embroidered on the right side. Sorry for the
Please feel free to call me or email with any questions.
E-mail: Phone: (717) 792-4675
Ride Safe. See you at the November Gathering
Sue Hirshhorn
The Maryland District Rally, Winter Thing, will be held from
January 7th through the 9th in Ocean City, MD. There are a few
couples currently planning on going. If you think you would be
interested in getting away for a few days, let us know. For
more information on the Rally go to: We will need to know
who all would like to go, so that we can make hotel
arrangements and get our registration forms sent in.
Also, MD H will be hosting their annual Spaghetti Dinner &
Bingo on Saturday, February 20, 2010 (snow date is Feb 27).
The cost is $10 in advance or $12 at the door. Bingo
packages are purchased separately at the door. Door open at
4:30, dinner at 5:00 and bingo at 6:00.
Denny and I are planning on attending both events. Everyone
is welcome to join us. Let us know and we can make
arrangements to carpool down together.
Denny & Kathy Brillhart
2003 GL1800 Gold Wing - Titanium color / 38,000 miles
Traxxion front and back, All balls bearings, Corbin seat, Lower
cow lights, Honda CB
List of Kuryakyn accessory:
Trunk and Saddlebag lights
Intake vents
Shark grills
Chrome frame covers
Chrome battery covers
Brake pedal
Ergo 11 with cruise boards
Ergo foot pegs
ISO Grips
Throttle Boss
Eye Brows
Kisan path blazer headlight modulator
Luggage rack Honda spoiler (Whale Tail)
Air scoop
Chrome dash insert
Chrome vents
Front fender trim
Bear claw on turn signal lights
Front fender extension
Chrome rotor covers
Ring of fire (3 colors)
Clutch and break levers
H bar riser kit
Pass floorboard side covers
Back fender trim
Mirror turn signal lights
Turn down exhaust tips
Pass armrest
Chrome tag bracket
Speaker grills
JM speakers upgrade
(front) Added speakers (rear)
Baker air wings (upper and lower) Valve cover lights
Tulsa windshield with vent
Kennedy hook up for 2610 or 2720 GPS
At 30,000 miles complete the following:
Replaced brake and clutch fluid, new Bridge Stone tires, plugs
and air filter, brake pads (front and rear), AMZ oil every 5000
miles and filter. Bike is in excellent condition, stored in garage
(covered) . Pictures available upon request. Bike located in
Maryland. Price: $13,800 or OBO any question, call 443-3091204
PA-V - Nov. 2009
Exp. 2/2010
Breaking News from National…
Chapter Contest
What can we do to increase excitement and, at the same time
create, friendly competition among Chapters during our offseason? A Chapter Recruiting Contest! There are three ways
to win. Please see the rules below.
Former Member Recruitment
The Chapter that brings back the most FORMER MEMBERS
of GWRRA by December 15, 2009, will receive:
• Their Chapter Charter fee will be paid for 2010.
• Each Member of the winning Chapter will receive a $10
discount on their Wing Ding registration.
If your Chapter is the winning Chapter and you have already
registered for Wing Ding, you will be issued either a $10 refund
or a $10 credit on Official Products or the purchase of tickets at
Wing Ding.
A Former Member is considered a Member who is expired for
30 days or more. Both types of memberships, the Family
memberships or Individual memberships, count as one
recruitment credit.
New Member Recruitment
The Chapter that brings in the most NEW MEMBERS by
December 15, 2009, will receive:
• Their Chapter Charter fee will be paid for 2010.
• Each Member of the winning Chapter will receive $10 off
Wing Ding registration.
New Member Year-long Recruitment
The Chapter that has recruited the most NEW MEMBERS by
November 1, 2010, will receive:
• Their Chapter Charter fee will be paid for 2011.
• Each Chapter Member will receive 50% off their Wing Ding
registration for Wing Ding 2011.
• The winning Chapter will receive the traveling trophy cup with
engraved Chapter name plate for one year.
We are currently looking for host chapters for All Chapters
West and East. If your chapter is willing to help out and host
the event, please let us or your Assistant District Director know
as soon as possible.
The 2010 Keystone State Rally will be held in Johnstown.
The dates are August 26, 27, 28. The theme will be
announced shortly. Pennsylvania will be hosting the Region
Couple of the Year selection.
Pennsylvania will be implementing a new chapter visitation
program in November. Stay tuned for more information on
A few years back, when we were still relatively new to
GWRRA, we were asked to be the Chapter Couple. When we
asked what the responsibilities were, we were told, all we had
to do was sell 50/50 tickets. Selling the tickets was a good
thing, because we were able to talk to everyone and learn
more about the members in our home chapter and more about
this organization. As the year went on, we discovered the
Couple of the Year was much more than being the ticket
sellers! It was an honor to be to be chosen to be our chapter’s
ambassadors wherever we went. It was fun! We met so many
warm and friendly people, many of which have become good
friends to us. Every chapter has at least one couple that has
contributed to the chapter and should be honored by being
chosen to be the Chapter Couple. We ask that every chapter
take a look at your membership and select a deserving couple
to represent you. We are sure you won’t have to look far!
Next month, we will be reintroducing the Chapter of the Year
Program. This past year at Wing Ding, we were impressed
with the enthusiasm shown by the chapters that represented
their region. Pennsylvania is full of great chapters and great
people. We could give the other states in this Region a run for
their money! It would be wonderful to see Pennsylvania
represent the region in 2010. Information about this program is
on the website. It really is simple, you need to fill out the
necessary paperwork, attach your ride schedule and send it to
us. We, along with your assistant are always available should
you have any questions or need any help.
Look for changes on the district website. The links for the end
of the year financial paperwork and changes of officer’s
paperwork have been added. There will be a few more
changes in the coming months.
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Pennsylvania District Directors
We sat down to write the article for this
newsletter and stared at the keyboard for along
time. Yes, we had notes, we knew what we basically wanted
to write, but all we could think was “this is it”-- The start of a
new chapter for us, and all of you. We have some pretty big
shoes to fill. We thank Chuck and Evelyn for everything they
have done for the Pennsylvania District. Through the years,
they have become great friends.
We enjoyed working with Gordon and Pat, Jake and Cheryl,
Dana and Danise, and the rest of the staff. We appreciate the
time they gave us to help with the games. The events wouldn’t
have been so successful without everyone’s help.
We joined GWRRA in 1997. Our home chapter is Chapter H.
We were involved in many positions with the chapter as well as
a Rally Events Coordinator and NE Assistant District Directors.
Our motto has always been, “don’t expect someone else to do
the job, if you aren’t willing yourself.” Please, find out what
needs to be done in your chapter and volunteer a little of your
Maryland District is sponsoring a fundraiser for all the chapters
in Region B, the District, and the Region. They are putting
together a quilt, made of squares made by members of each
state in the region. Donna Strouse, Chapter H, has made a
square to represent Pennsylvania. The chances are $1.00
each. The chapter keeps $.50 from each ticket, the district
gets $.25 and the region gets $.25. If everyone in your chapter
purchases one ticket, it would be an easy, inexpensive
fundraiser for your chapter. The chapters might want to
consider purchasing a few tickets also. If they should win, the
chapter could then in turn use it any way you choose. The
Region needs our help with this. Their share of the proceeds
will help with education throughout Region B. Thank you to the
chapters that have already responded. All ticket returns are
due to us no later than December 1.
November 11th is Veterans Day. A Veteran is a soldier who
has served his/her country. Thirty-five countries fought in
World War I. They fought for five years, from 1914 to 1918.
The United States fought in the war from 1917 to 1918. Finally
the countries stopped fighting.
The leaders signed an
armistice. They signed the armistice on the eleventh hour of
the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The armistice meant
that the war was over. Americans were very happy to hear
about the armistice. No more soldiers would die in the war.
The soldiers could come home. People went out into the
streets and laughed and danced. They blew horns and
whistles and rang bells. They sang songs. They thought that
there would never be another war. President Wilson made
November 11th a holiday to remember the end of the war. The
holiday was called Armistice Day. At eleven o'clock in the
morning, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing.
People were completely silent for one minute. This minute was
to remember all the soldiers who have died in wars. The body
of an unknown soldier was brought to America from the
cemetery in France. His body was buried in a tomb at
Arlington National Cemetery. It was called the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier. The US was in three more wars: World War
II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The name of the
holiday was changed to Veterans Day. The bodies of three
more unknown soldiers were brought to the cemetery. On
Veterans Day, there are special services at the Tomb of the
Americans remember and honor all the veterans.
GWRRA PA-V November 2009
Exp. Jan. 2010
Memories of Vermont