AREC Newsletter Dec 2011
AREC Newsletter Dec 2011
Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada AREC Newsletter Asociatia Inginerilor Romani din Canada <<December, 2011>> Volume 1, Number 10 Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada and its executive team are grateful to all the members, participants, sponsors and partners for their support in 2011! We are looking forward to greater success in 2012! Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna si la cumpana dintre ani, echipa AREC va multumeste pentru sprijinul acordat in anul care a trecut si va doreste implinirea tuturor dorintelor personale si profesionale in noul an 2012. Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani!! Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Season's Greetings! Stiati ca? Sa fii membru AREC costa mai putin de 11¢ pe zi! Annual membership fee: $40. ($20 are given back to members at DinnerGala). Stronger chances to improve your career from ordinary to outstanding: Priceless! In acest numar: 1. 2011 la ora bilantului 2. Gala Dinner AREC 2011: Discursurile organizatorilor si invitatilor 3. Gala Dinner AREC 2011: Un succes apreciat de toti invitatii 4. Programul de Mentoring Intercultural la finalul primei sesiuni 5. Seminarii AREC: - Project Management Presentation - Vizita la Sandvik Coromant Canada - How to Get Hired – An Employer’s Perspective - AREC-SOC – Pregatirea examenului de Law & Ethics PEO 6. Ziua Nationala a Romaniei sarbatorita la Toronto 7. Acordul de Securitate Sociala Canada – Romania 8. Ce urmeaza? Evenimente pe agenda AREC Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) este o organizatie non profit, a carei activitate se bazeaza pe voluntariat. Obiectivul nostru principal este sa promovam networking-ul intre inginerii romani, sa-i ajutam in angajarea pe pozitii in domeniul ingineriei, si sa-i asistam la inscrierea pentru obtinerea licentei PEO. 1. 2011 la ora bilantului AREC organizeaza seminarii PEO, intalniri cu VIP romani si cu agentii de Head Hunting, Cross Training seminars, Gala AREC, BBQs, etc. La fine de an, AREC face bilantul. 2011 a fost un an care ne-a depasit asteptarile, dar care, in acelasi timp, a ridicat stacheta si ne obliga sa fim si mai buni in 2012. In 2011, AREC a organizat 11 activitati a caror tematica actuala a reusit sa atraga peste 500 de participanti. In 2011, AREC a devenit parte a unui amplu program de mentoring, oferind, astfel, ajutor inginerilor nou veniti in integrarea pe piata muncii din Canada. In 2011, AREC a inceput comunicarea in Social Media, urmand, astfel, tendintele actuale in comunicarea profesioanala. Stati in contact cu noi prin grupul AREC pe LinkedIn, AREC pe Facebook, sau la @ARECstiri on Twitter. In 2011, AREC a incheiat noi programe de parteneriat si sponsorizare, care ne-au ajutat isa oferim servicii mai bune membrilor nostri. In 2011, Gala Dinner AREC a inregistrat un succes fara precedent, cu 220 de participanti si aprecieri unanime pentru organizare. Membrii AREC au intrarea gratuita la toate evenimentele indiferent de care filiala apartin. Succesul nostru vi se datoreaza in totalitate. Va multumim si va promitem ca 2012 va fi cel putin la fel de bun. Avem deja proiecte: seminarii tehnice, intalniri cu oameni de succes, continuarea programului de mentoring si, alaturi de toate acestea, consolidarea pozitiei AREC ca organizatie profesionala si comunitara. Membrii AREC primesc rate preferentiale la asigurari si imprumuturi bancare. Va multumim ca ne-ati fost alaturi si va dorim un an nou plin de realizari! TD Insurance Meloche Monnex OUR VISION Prin toate actiunile pe care le organizam la AREC incercam sa stabilim o platforma care sa ajute la creearea contactelor intre studenti, ingineri, industrie si societate, si ne propunem sa ajutam la intelegerea diferentelor culturale si sa ajutam la dezvoltarea aptitudinilor personale si profesionale. "Ca orice asociatie profesionala, AREC ofera o platforma de discutii, intalniri si conexiuni intre membrii ei. Am participat la cele mai multe dintre sesiunile si prezentarile oferite, precum si la evenimentele sociale organizate sub egida ei si pot sa spun ca ceea ce ma atrage sunt urmatoarele; caracterul oamenilor care sunt implicati in organizare, seriozitatea cu care sunt tratate evenimentele asociatiei, interesul pe care-l manifesta participantii, calitatea prezentarilor si utilitatea informatiilor, faptul ca organizatia isi mentine orientarea apolitica si este consecventa cu mandatul initial, respectul pe care asociatia l-a castigat in randul oficialitatilor locale si reprezentantii Consulatului Romanesc, dorinta de a contribui societatii in care traim si fidelitatea fata de mediul profesional in care ne desfasuram activitatea, generozitatea oamenilor care isi dedica o parte din timpul lor in folosul comunitatii, sentimentul sincer de apartenenta la un grup professional cu care ma identific si pe care-l reprezint cu mandrie, nevoia de comunicare si dorinta de a mentine contactul cu oameni avand aspiratii si preocupari asemanatoare, gandul ca suntem interdependenti si ca legaturile stranse ne confera incredere si optimism." - Dorin Radu, Corporate Managing Director, Nelson Industrial Inc. De la membrii AREC primim diferite oferte de joburi/pozitii disponibile, pe care le facem cunoscute membrilor AREC, publicandule la Job openings 2. Gala Dinner AREC 2011: Discursurile organizatorilor si ale invitatilor Discursul sustinut de Daniel Cheoreanu, presedinte AREC Pentru cei care vor sa aplice pentru licenta PEO, AREC organizeaza seminarii la care invita prezentatori cu experienta in procesul de inscriere . Dear Members and Friends of AREC, Deasemea membrii AREC care sunt deja licentiati ca P.Eng. (Professional Engineer) isi pot impartasi experienta legata de acest process. When people ask me why I dedicate my time to AREC on the first place...there are three reasons: 1.Because of the People 2.Because of the People... and 3.Because of the People And I am very serious about this! Any organization is just as good as its people. Over the years I have been meeting numerous Romanian engineers through AREC, a great „brain" treasure, with different professional backgrounds, working in different hierarchic levels, and with different interests. But all of them have one thing in common: They are very fine people! And I truly believe in the fact that Together we Are Stronger. Together we can help each other to succeed in our careers, to build a better name for ourselves and our community in Canada, and individually to become better human beings. I am looking in this room, where I know most of the people personally. You became my friends and my family here in Canada, since we all left a piece of that in Romania. In building this organization I had a lot of help from all of you and I would like to acknowledge each one of you, because you are great for the way you supported the organization whether by volunteering, by sponsoring, by spreading out the word about it, or just by being here tonight – and we know that for some of you either at the beging of your life here struggle and is not easy to add this dinner gala to the Budget. While we try to keep costs as down as Viziteaza AREC Community Contact President Daniel Cheoreanu (647) 247-9753 Vice-President Emil Caraghin (905) 853-8482 Secretary Constantin Tigleanu Treasurer Miki Peres (416) 738-6186 Social Media Coordinator Sorin Alb Director of Marketing Beatrice Kohlenberg Mentoring Program Coordinator Antonia Protopopescu Past-President George Oprea, P.Eng. possible, we want to keep this event at a high level as high as we all want to be regarded as engineers and professionals. Without you this great evening would be not possible, and this evening is for you so… Give yourselves a round of applause! AREC has more than 350 paying members in 2011 and with over 1000 supporters on our mailing lists it is growing daily! We successfully opened the first chapter in South Ontario and this was possible only with the help received from a local group of enthusiastic engineers. Please join me and applaud the Executive team of AREC-SOC present here tonight. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our executive members, past executive members and other volunteers, for all the great efforts they put in. First of all I mention: Mr. George Oprea, P.Eng., the Past President, for taking AREC through a successful course to where we are today and Mr. Corneliu Chisu, P.Eng., founder member of AREC who is always ready to help and support our association. Our new Executive Team elected for the 2011/2012 mandate is ready to serve your needs by putting together programs for educational and networking purposes. For the people that are for the first time here and are not familiar with AREC’s program I would like to mention only a few of the successful activities that we organize. We have activities specific for engineers like “How to become a PEO”. However, because many of the engineers chose to develop their careers in other areas, we organized activities for general interest, like: developing project management skills and get certified as Project Manager, opening a new business, meetings with recruiting companies. We also started a Mentoring Program, and if you know engineers less than three years in Canada, please guide them to contact us. They won’t be sorry! For the Upcoming events please check the Gala programme printed for each of you. Also in the Gala programme please acknowledge and use the services of our sponsors. We do have vigorous and sometimes uncommon dreams, but we always have a clear vision of where we want to take our Association in the future to come. So, what is this message for? To THANK YOU for making it happen! To THANK YOU for your effort and your support to move AREC forward! To THANK our sponsors for their generous support! Please continue to support us by attending our events and becoming members. Feel free to contact me or any of our executives and let us know what you would like us to improve. This is Your AREC. Get Involved! Thank you! Fragmente din prezentarea sustinuta de Eugene Iacob, Director Procurement Strategie Hatch The Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada’s mission and objectives are: To promote the common interests of engineers educated in Romania and living now in Canada To promote fellowship, including recreational and social activities, among members and other associations To assist individuals of Romanian background who want to become Professional Engineers in Ontario To encourage experienced professionals to act as mentors to new immigrants and to assist in enhancing their education and personal development AREC is committed to enhancing the reputation and standing of the engineers of Romanian origin in Canada. I would like to show my appreciation to the Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada for being an excellent representative of Romanians in Canada and promoting Romania overseas. In general the successful Romanian people in Canada have few common elements. They came in Canada with a strong background (education and culture); they are very hard workers; they are fast learning; they make a contribution to Canadian social, political and economic activities; they did not forget their roots and they have a patriotic approach about Romania. They continue to share the Romanian Culture, language and ancestry and they are proud and thankful to Canada for the opportunity presented. Key characteristics of the Romanian engineers in Canada are: Honesty - Display sincerity, integrity, and openness in all actions. Competent – The actions are based on reason and moral principles Forward-looking - Set goals and have a vision of the future. Inspiring - Display confidence in all that they do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, they inspire others to reach for new heights. Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments. Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others. Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress. Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make good decisions at the right time. Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Certificatul de Apreciere inmanat AREC de catre Corneliu Chisu, MP With all the excitement of starting your new life in Canada, Scotiabank is helping you to start right financially. The Scotiabank StartRight Program is a comprehensive financial package designed specifically for landed immigrants who have been in Canada up to three years. The Scotiabank StartRight Program includes: StartRight Auto Loan Program No-fee Powerchequing® Account for 12 months1 Scotiabank VISA Credit Card Free Small Safety Deposit Box for 1 year5 Money Master® Savings Account Scotia Power Savings Account™ “We embrace and reach out to multicultural communities across Canada by offering them services that recognize their unique needs, in many cases in their language of choice. For example, our StartRight Program for Newcomers continues to be a huge success, with customized solutions and resources designed especially for permanent residents, international students and foreign workers.” - Ahmad Dajani, Vice-President, Multicultural Banking 3. Gala Dinner AREC 2011: Un succes apreciat de toti invitatii “Va multumim pentru o seara minunata!” Acestea au fost cuvintele rostite de toti invitatii prezenti la cea de a sasea editie a Galei Dinner AREC. The Ten Qualities of Highly Successful Internationally Experienced Professionals The First Quality: They are Future-Focused They let go of who they used to be or what they used to do. They levergae their past in search of their future. They know they must reinvent themselves in their adopted country. They know what they want and they’re detemined to get it. Iata cateva dintre reactiile celor prezenti: "Vreau sa va felicit pentru evenimentul de vineri seara. A fost foarte bine organizat si ne-am simtit foarte bine." Mirela "Va multumesc inca o data pentru seara minunata organizata de AREC impreuna cu sponsorii dumneavostra, ne-am simtit minunat iar organizarea a fost exemplara." Romeo "Felicitari si multumiri pentru o seara deosebita si frumoasa!!" Lia "Multumesc inca o data pentru invitatia la gala - totul a fost la superlativ!" Felicia The Second Quality: They are Optimistic They always expect the best outcome out of every situation. Even when they don’t get what they want, they don’t regard it as a failure. They recover quickly from setbacks and mistakes. They never see a situation as permanent. They see the world as supportive. "I had a great time and it was nice to meeting new people and people from last year. Food was amazing!!! Love Romanian food." Binne "A fost prima data cind am fost la Gala Arec si recunosc ca mi-a placut si ne-am simtit foarte bine cu totii. Felicitari pt organizare. Imi pare rau ca nu am stiut de AREC cind am venit in Canada. Poate ca multe lucruri ar fi fost altfel acum." Nicole "Cel mai bine organizat eveniment al comunitatii de pina acum. Felicitari, nu m-am inselat deloc cu AREC!" Liviu "Multe felicitari organizatorilor; fiind prima oara la acest eveniment am fost placut impresionat de atmosfera, de partenerii de discutie, de meniu si in general de tot ce am vazut. Multumesc de invitatie." Cristian The participants appreciated the tasty food and the super-delicious cakes provided by Europa Deli & Bakery and CARPATI Euro Delicatessen (Torturi Diplomat). The beautiful floral arrangements provided by Monaco Flowers complemented the select environment at Riviera Parque and were taken home by the person who left last from each table. 4. Programul de mentorat AREC-JVS: Concluzii la finalul primei sesiuni The Third Quality: They are Proud of Their Differences They understand the power of perspective. They call themselves out. They relish their diversity. They demonstrate their innovation and creativity. They see things from an alternate point of view. The Fourth Quality: They are the Best at What They Do They are highly skilled. They know their strength and they play from it. They also constantly upgrade their skills. They love to learn and grow. They are the standards of excellence. Lansat in martie 2011 ca program pilot si continuat in aceasta toamna cu prima sesiune oficiala, programul de mentorat deschis inginerilor nouveniti a ajuns la vremea primelor concluzii. Programul este coordonat de JVS, o agentie non-profit reputabila in Toronto, sub umbrela TRIEC (Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council). Alte patru organizatii profesionale de imigranti fac parte din acest program. Pentru AREC, organizarea si coordonarea primei sesiuni a programului a constituit o provocare, dar si o oportunitate. Provocarile au venit din noutatea acestui tip de program pentru membrii AREC si din cerintele care trebuiau indeplinite de catre participanti. Mihai Pomana, participant in calitate de mentee, are o diploma in Electrical Engineering si Computer Science obtinuta la Brasov. "Inainte de a ma inrola in acest proiect, sustinut de AREC cu sprijinul JVS, aveam atatea necunoscute cu privire la meseria de inginer in Canada. Acum, dupa numai cateva luni, pot sa spun ca este cel mai bun proiect. Nu numai ca se primesc sfaturi competente, dar workshop-urile si seminariile sunt bine structurate, volumul de informatii utile este de neimaginat". Din prima clipa cind au fost prezentati unul altuia, mentorul sau, Ioan, care are deja o cariera de success in Canada, a identificat potentialul lui Mihai, ca si directiile unde inca mai avea nevoie de ghidare si ajutor. Cei doi au participat la o sesiune de orientare, in care li s-a prezentat programul pregatit de JVS si AREC. Au urmat trei intilniri in care Mihai si Ioan au avut ocazia sa studieze impreuna pasii pe care Mihai urmeaza sa-i faca pentru a-si gasi un job in concordanta cu calificarile si experienta lui. “Pot sa spun ca numai dupa cateva luni ma simt mult mai motivat si mai increzator ca voi gasi job-ul si cariera mult dorita pe pamant canadian", spune Mihai. 5. Seminarii AREC Project Management Presentation – September 11, 2011 George Jucan, PMP, Consultant/Trainer/Speaker in Project Management The Fifth Quality: Like to Work Hard They They do whatever it takes to succeed. And they do it willingly. They have a capacity for work that would exhaust others. They never give up. And they never feel sorry for themselves. The Sixth Quality: They Are Change-Masters They don’t just accept their new environment, they embrace it. They learn everything they can about the system and what’s required to succeed. Then they constantly adapt, even faster than their local counterparts. George Jucan is well known in the project management community as a successful IT project management consultant, captivating speaker at public events, motivating trainer and author of high-impact project management articles. George has over 20 years of technical and management experience in complex environments, both in public and private sector. He provides consulting services in methodology definition and capability assessment, business reengineering and organizational restructuring, projects audit and recovery, as well as hands-on management of projects. Many of his projects won provincial and national awards and/or were profiled in specialty magazines. Project Management Institute (PMI) uses three dimensions to define what is considered a "competent project manager": knowledge, performance and personal competencies. While a project manager's knowledge can be demonstrated by obtaining the PMP or equivalent certification, assessing the performance and personal competencies is much more difficult. PMI addresses this gap with the Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMCDF), now at the Second Edition. It includes not only a clear definition of competencies required of project managers, but also examples of evidence to demonstrate them as well as a process to assess and improve individual competency level. This presentation demonstrated how PMCDF can be used by any Project Manager to improve their own capabilities, and apply them within an organizational context to increase the likelihood for project success. The goal was to assist the participants in understanding required competencies and how to assess them, learning how to improve their competencies in project management and adjusting the framework to organization particularities. Visit to Sandvik Coromant Canada – November 14, 2011 The Seventh Quality: They are Courageous Sandvik, a Swedish Company, is one of the major cutting tools manufacturers in the world. They believe in themselves. They take on big challenges. They operate with confidence. They are not intimidated by others. They may feel the fear, but they don’t let it stop them. The Eighth Quality: They are Excellent Communicators They get their message across – even though they may not always speak perfect English. They are fully involved in the conversation. They listen. They demonstrate their commitment. They show their enthusiasm. They engage the people around them. At Sandvik Canada's sales office in Mississauga participants had the opportunity to hear about what happens when a cutting tool cuts a material on a machine tool and how cutting tools have evolved over the years to gain a longer life, to cut faster and deeper. They had also the opportunity to see samples of tungsten carbide cutting-tools and see a demonstration of metal being machined. How to Get Hired – An Employer’s Perspective Kelk Corp - Site Visit & Tour - November 29, 2011 The Ninth Quality: They are Natural Networkers They constantly reach out to others. They identify the influencers and they contact them - over and over again. They love people and it shows. They attend the meetings and they make the calls. They know what to say and they say what they know. The Tenth Quality: They are Generous They are committed to the IEP community. They’ve succeeded because of others, that’s why they want to help others succeed. Thay understand that all success is a function of reciprocation. They give to get. Excerpt from Mike Lipkin’s workbook "The Ten Qualities of Highly Succesful Internationally Experienced Professionals workbook". George Kelk Corporation partnered with TRIEC's Professional Immigrant Network (PINs) initiative to offer an information session and company tour for nine internationally trained engineers from three networks: the Canadian Colombian Professional Association (CCPA), the Canadian Network of Iraqi Engineers and Architects (CNIEA) and the Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC). AREC holds all their member meetings at KELK and has done so for years hosted an information session for immigrant engineers. Peter Kelk, president of George Kelk Corporation, talked about how to get hired, how his company hires and how to be sure immigrants get the right job. He also shared his knowledge of hiring practices in the sector. This was a great opportunity to hear directly from an employer what they are looking for in candidates and to learn how to target the job search in a more efficient way. AREC-SOC – PREGATIREA EXAMENULUI DE LAW & ETHICS December 10, 2011 Actiunea AREC-SOC a suscitat un interes major in randurile inginerilor romani din Canada, atat a celor din zona Kitchener - Waterloo, cat si a celor din GTA. Suntem convinsi ca aspectele dezbatute si prezentate profesional prin amabilitatea d-lui Ramadoss Srinivasan P. Eng. - PPE Prep., Seminar Facilitator, acreditat PEO, au clarificat si vor clarifica si pe viitor unele aspecte inca neconturate pentru procesul de obtinere a licentei PEO (in cazul de fata, examenul de Law & Ethics). 6. Ziua Nationala a Romaniei sarbatorita la Toronto Romanian Flag Raising Ceremony - Parliament of Ontario Speech delivered by Dr. Valentin Naumescu, Consul general of Romania Honourable members of the Legislative Assembly, Very reverend fathers, Dear colleagues and co-nationals, Every year, rain or shine, the National Day of Romania brings us the touching opportunity for symbolic ceremonies as well as for brief reflections on our history and identity. Far away from the native country, we are generously hosted on the 1st of December by the Parliament of Ontario to celebrate the Day of the Great Union of 1918. In fact, that was the moment when the long dreamed project of a Romanian united nation-state, initiated with the first unification of 1859 was finally fulfilled. In the aftermath of the World War I, immediately after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, the successor of the Habsburg Empire in Central Europe, the Romanian representatives gathered at Alba Iulia decided the unification of the province of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. A historical truth of national unity throughout the three Romanian provinces 2 was thus reclaimed, giving birth to what was sometimes called “the Greater Romania”. 93 years later, a completely changed world finds Romania as a member state of the European Union and also as a steady ally of Canada within NATO. In a historical self-evident continuity, the Romanian national project reaffirms in fact the same set of fundamental values, ideals and aspirations for a safe and decent life. These values are now made possible by the contemporary system of institutions that was built in the postwar era within the Western economic, military and political order. "The image of a country, of a nation or community is always given by its expertise. I believe that top professional achievements, competitive specialists and solid expertise means good national reputation! That's why I would like to congratulate once again the Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada for being an excellent agent of Romanian modern culture and also a reliable partner of the Consulate General of Romania in Toronto in its endeavor to promote the interests and image of the local Romanian community" - Dr. Valentin Naumescu, Consul General of Romania in Toronto Dear friends, Today we proudly see the Romanian flag in front of the prestigious Parliament of Ontario. This might be a clear and powerful message coming from two democracies working together in multiple partnerships, international organizations and alliances but also the identity message of more than 100,000 Romanians who found their destiny in the generous and lovely province of Ontario. For them and for this warm friendship the Romanian flag is raised and will be fluttering today in Queen’s Park. Concluding my message, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to the distinguished (current and former) MPPs who joined us today for this honouring ceremony. Thank you Canada, thank you Ontario! La multi ani, Romania! The National Club, Toronto Speech delivered by Daniel Cheoreanu, President AREC Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, It is a great honour and privilege for me to address this assembly with this occasion, on the celebration of the National Day of Romania. I know that each one of us did not forget for one second where our roots are. Even if we are thousands of kilometres away from our former home, the National Day of Romania is an exceptional occasion to celebrate together the country where we were born and grew up, and the mother language we speak. For all the good and the bad in our lives, home signifies a meaning thatresonates love, faith and hope. As one of the founders and current president of the Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC), I was invited to speak tonight representing our Association. In a few words I would like to tell you how "Care a fost motivul pentru care v-ati alaturat AREC? R: Networking (foarte important dat fiind faptul ca hotarisem sa merg exclusiv pe varianta contractelor), dorinta de a ma alatura colegilor de breasla si de a invata lucruri noi de la cei cu mult mai multa experienta canadiana decit mine. Ce rol a avut AREC in evolutia dvs. profesionala? R: Cursurile/seminariile organizate m-au ajutat sa inteleg mai bine rolul si pozitia inginerilor in cadrul companiilor si societatii canadiene, mi-a largit orizontul professional. Ce va determina sa participati in continuare la actiunile AREC? R: Discutiile deosebit de interesante care se stirnesc la fiecare intilnire a membrilor, pt. pregatirea in vedera obtinerii licentei de PEO si pt. a veni in ajutorul celor care sint la inceput de drum sau la un moment de rascruce profesional." - Radu Papara this association started - and the roles it represents in the Romanian community, here in Canada. In 2003, a small number of engineers began meeting on a monthly basis in order to create a network where engineers educated in Romania could be brought together. The purpose was: to help each other succeed in our careers, by understanding cultural differences, building a better name for ourselves and our community in Canada, where we were welcomed with open arms. Today AREC has more than 350 paying members, growing daily! AREC is a network of people; a platform for contacts between students, engineers, industry and society. The network gives support to students and engineers, opening borders and minds. Our goal is to make positive changes in our lives, and support each other in those changes. Over the years I have met numerous Romanian engineers through AREC, a great “brain" treasure, with different professional backgrounds, working in different hierarchic levels, and with different interests. I want to say that all of them have one thing in common: they are very fine people! And I truly believe that Together We Are Stronger. AREC represents thousands of Romanian engineers in Canada, promotes their contributions to the success of Canadian economy, and establishes relationship with other technical and professional organizations. AREC is committed to enhancing the reputation and standing of the engineers of Romanian origin in Canada. Through these events we would like to show the world that we can work together in order to achieve common goals and promote our shared culture in a positive way, wherever we find ourselves. La multi ani, romani din Canada si de pretutindeni! Happy birthday Romania! Thank you! 7. Acord de Securitate Sociala intre Romania si Canada Acordul în domeniul securităţii sociale între România şi Canada a intrat în vigoare la 1 noiembrie 2011. Odată cu intrarea în vigoare a Acordului, foştii asiguraţi ai sistemului public de pensii din România, rezidenţi pe teritoriul canadian, pot să se adreseze Service Canada în vederea depunerii dosarului pentru acordarea unor drepturi de pensie din România. Astfel, foştii asiguraţi români pot beneficia de drepturi de pensie conform normelor legislaţiei române şi legislaţiei canadiene. Programele canadiene de pensii incluse în acest Acord sunt Canada Pension Plan şi pensia federală de bătrâneţe (Old Age Security). Pentru persoanele rezidente în provincia Québec, Acordul se aplică doar în ceea ce priveşte pensia federală de bătrâneţe (Old Age Security), restul beneficiilor făcând obiectul unui document juridic separat, aflat în curs de ratificare. Informaţii despre modul de aplicare a Acordului pot fi găsite pe siteul Service Canada: (Infosheet on the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and Romania). De asemenea, formularele pentru constituirea dosarelor în vederea obţinerii drepturilor de pensie pot fi accesate la adresa: st&group=IBF&dept=sc<=e (formularele: CAN/RO 204, CAN/RO 202, CAN/RO 124, CAN/RO 203). Pentru informaţii suplimentare, agenţia Service Canada poate fi contactată la adresa de internet: sau telefonic la numerele 1 800 454-8731 sau 1 800 255-4786 (TTY) (din Canada sau Statele Unite) şi la +1-613-957-1954 (din alte ţări), prin fax: +1-613-9528901 sau prin poştă la adresa International Operations, Service Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0L4, CANADA. Textul complet al Acordului Administrativ pentru aplicarea Acordului în domeniul securităţii sociale dintre România şi Canada: ARARI-DE-GUVERN/HG204-2011.pdf 8. Ce urmeaza? Evenimente pe agenda AREC Primele activitati in noul an vor fi: Lean Six Sigma presentation - with Mr. Liviu Ibanescu, Master Black Belt - Senior Consultant, Lean Six Sigma Canada, AREC-VIP Romanian meeting - with Mr. George Babut, Manager Network Architecture at Rogers Wireless Partnership, Toronto, Wireless Network Strategy, Architecture and Industry Standards Networking workshop - with Mr. Richard Ayuen, General Manager Guillevin International (BIO) Pentru detalii vizitati AREC Upcoming events VOLUNTEER WITH AREC! AREC values its volunteers, their time and their efforts. We believe the most important reason to volunteer for AREC is that it is one of the best ways you can give back to our Romanian Engineering Community. We believe that a strong professional community is essential not only to our well being but also to everyone around us, and it is critical that each of us get interested and GET INVOLVED. AREC multumeste tuturor sponsorilor si partenerilor pentru sustinerea acordata si pentru buna colaborare de pana acum. Fara acest sprijin, activitatile noastre nu ar fi posibiile. Visit website: KELK - George Kelk Corporation Contact: Aurel Lonian, (416) 982-8682 "Daca esti roman si inginer si vrei sa faci parte dintr-o organizatie serioasa unde sa fii apreciat, daca doresti sa-ti largesti aria de cunostinte prin participarea la diferite seminarii ca cele oferite de AREC si vrei sa ai un network solid si serios atunci aceasta organizatie este pentru tine. Cu cat suntem mai multi, cu atat suntem mai puternici si putem ajunge sa fim apreciati de societatea Canadiana la adevarata noastra valoare." - Milan Todorov, Senior Technical Sales Representative Contact: Radu Soimu, B. Eng, Recruitment Specialist CARGO ROMANIA-Colete si repatrieri catre Romania si Republica Moldova Contact: Cristiana Petris, Nutritionist/CNP, (647) 284-7992 Contact: (905) 508-1475! Ricoh Canada Constantin Olos, Product Specialist Manager Tel: (905) 795-5677 Mobil: (416) 629-0802 ATP Law Office Angi Panzaru, LLM, JD, LLB - Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public of the Law Society of Upper Canada & Bucharest Bar 317 Adelaide Str. W, Suite 1001 |Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1P9 Ph.: (416) 640-4023 (416) 573-0011 | * For AREC members, the first 1/2 hour of consultation is free! Visit website: "Networking-ul este cel mai important lucru pentru un proaspat imigrant. Tocmai de aceea, AREC ii pune alaturi pe nou-veniti si pe inginerii care au depasit deja hopurile primilor pasi in Canada: primii au sansa sa se prezinte si sa vorbeasca despre ceea ce stiu si ce ar vrea sa faca, ultimii isi ofera experienta si expertiza din Canada cu speranta ca ele vor fi de folos celor care au nevoie de indrumare." - George Oprea, P.Eng. Hatch has project and career opportunities within professional and technical teams on some of the largest Mining and Metals, Energy and Infrastructure projects and facilities in the world. Visit our Global Career Centre to search career opportunities at Hatch or to submit your resume. This is Your AREC. Get Involved! Together We Are Stronger! AREC Team: Adrian Petris Alex Dragomirescu, Ph.D. Claudiu Preda Claudiu Rotaru Costel Grozavu Dacian Tunaru Dana Mateescu Gabriel Barbu Magda Ionescu Marius Bordeiasu, P.Eng. Milan Todorov Mirela Caraiman Simona Stanciu, P.Eng. Susana Toma, P.Eng. Stelian Moldovan Vali Eftime Vlad Razesu Vizitati pentru a Subscribe la buletinul de stiri cu activitatile AREC. Doriti sa deveniti membri AREC pentru a va bucura de avantajele membrilor AREC? AREC a incheiat o serie de parteneriate menite sa-i ajute pe cei abia sositi in Canada sa obtina rate mai bune la asigurari auto si imobile (TD Insurance Meloche Monnex) si imprumuturi bancare. Numai cine n-a intrat vreodata intr-o banca (exista asa ceva?) nu intelege cat de important este sa nu ai de platit un sfert de salariu pe asigurari sau sa convingi un ofiter de credit sa-ti aprobe un imprumut. Vizitati Group benefits Why should I become an AREC member? De ce sa ‘networking’ la AREC? Devenind membru AREC aveti acces la Job openings si alte resurse; Pentru a raspunde mai effectiv dorintelor membrilor si suporterilor AREC am deschis diferite subgrupuri pe AREC LinkedIn group pentru a facilita discutii pe diferite teme de interes, schimbari de idei si stiri: Southern Ontario AREC Chapter Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph-Cambridge AREC Chapter. Admission Guide to PEO Licence "What and How" for every step in the PEO application process. Transitions Are you in transition right now? Find targeted support, community, counsel, information & discussions to assist your journey. Ofera celorlalti membri ceva de valoare, impartaseste din experientele tale ca ei sa doreasca sa te cunoasca si sa fie motivati sa ia legatura cu tine. Secretul succesului in aceasta platforma este implicarea TA! Pentru sugestii in legatura cu acest newsletter va rugam sa o contactati pe Beatrice Kohlenberg la Apply for membership here: Cum pot deveni membru AREC. Thank you for your continued support of the Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada > If you no longer wish to receive AREC newsletter please email us.