Summer 2014 - Palm Beach Day Academy


Summer 2014 - Palm Beach Day Academy
PBDA;s China Partnership - Article & photos, page 11
Pa l m B e a c h D ay Ac a d e m y
The Brid ge
Summer 2014
February - June
Palm Beach
Day Academy
The Bridge
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, Head of School
Mrs. Marisa Schnirman, Head of Upper School
Mrs. Donna Tobey, Head of Lower School
Mr. William Coyle, Director of Finance and Operations
Mrs. Meghan Albanese, Director of Admission Mrs. Dorothea Cvelbar, Associate Admission Director
Mr. Richard Tummon, Director of Communications
Ms. Kathleen B. Emmett ‘89, Director of Development
Ms. Paula Martin, Associate Director of Development
Mr. Paul Cicio, Athletic Director
June 2014
Board of Trustees - 2013-14
Mr. Scott Johnson ‘79, President
Mrs. Lourdes Fanjul, Vice President
Mrs. Stephanie Carden ‘79, Secretary
Mr. William Matthews ‘67, Treasurer
Mr. Michael Ainslie
Mr. John Cohlan
Mrs. Gita Costa
Mrs. Frances Fisher
Mrs. Jill Glazer
Mr. Kevin Lamb
Mrs. Donna Lloyd-George
Mr. Matt Lorentzen
Mr. James McCann
Mr. Christopher Orthwein
Mrs. Stacy Palagye
Mrs. Sue Patterson
Mr. Joseph Sambuco
Mr. Matthew Smith
Mr. Paul Leone
Mrs. Anne Metzger
Mr. Ambrose Monell
Ex Officio
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, Head of School
Mrs. Sandy Singer, President Parent School Council
Parent School Council - 2013-14
Mrs. Sandy Singer, President
Mrs. Mina Patel, Vice President, Upper Campus
Mrs. Andrea Kosoy, Vice President, Lower Campus
Mrs. Jennifer Wilson, Secretary
Mrs. Sofia Maduro-Vollmer, Program Coordinator
Mrs. Christie Gannon, Primary Representative
Mrs. Amy Middleton, K-3 Representative
Mrs. Lee Zoller, 4-9 Representative
Mrs. Lourdes Fanjul, Board Liaison
Mrs. Stephanie Carden ‘79, Board Liaison
Mrs. Sarah Evans, Lower Campus Faculty Rep.
Mrs. Megan Quinty, Upper Campus Faculty Rep.
Mr. Robert Norberg, Past President
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, Head of School
Palm Beach Day Academy
Lower Campus
1901 South Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 832-8815
The Bridge is published by Palm Beach Day
Academy to inform its community of the
activities of the school, its students, faculty
and parents. We invite your suggestions,
reactions and comments regarding The
Upper Campus
241 Seaview Avenue
Palm Beach, FL 33480
(561) 655-1188
Reflections................................................................................................................. page 2
Alumni Events 2014................................................................................................. page 3
Honors - 3rd Trimester & Year-End....................................................................... page 4
Field Day 2014.......................................................................................................... page 5
Spring Awards.......................................................................................................... page 6
Commencement....................................................................................................... page 7 - 9
Bye Bye Birdie........................................................................................................... page 10
Performing Arts........................................................................................................ page 11
National Certification.............................................................................................. page 11
February to June....................................................................................................... page 12
China Partnership.................................................................................................... page 13
Field Day Photos...................................................................................................... page 14
Great Expectations Campaign................................................................................ page 15
Alumni Spotlight -Jacqueline Strasser Higgins................................................... page 16
Alumni Notes........................................................................................................... page 17 - 21
Photography Credits:
Erika Handley
Tracy Kramm ’80
Richard Tummon
The Bridge
20141 1
Are Markers Everything?
ur national accrediting
organization, the National
Association of Independent Schools
(NAIS), provides what they refer to as
“markers” to help schools assess their overall
health as an institution. As we close the
school year, we are meeting and surpassing all
of those markers. Our enrollment was strong
this year, our attrition rate was extremely low,
once again 98% of our students got into one of
their top choice secondary schools including
the most competitive schools locally as well as
the top New England Boarding Schools. Our
endowment in growing, and we have reduced
our debt..
In addition to the external markers set by
NAIS, we have finished a year-long study
assessing our strengths and opportunities for
the next five years in the areas of curriculum,
development, finance, facilities, governance,
marketing, and technology. While we were
developing our long term Strategic Plan, we
were acting short term with a 100% of our
parents participating in the Annual Fund, and
the opening of our Smith Family Theater in
the Matthews Performing Arts Center. We
now have a strong Alumni Committee that
brought back the traditions of the Pet Show,
introduced an alumni Tug-O-War at Field
Day, and hosted book signings in Palm Beach
and New York City of a book about PBDA,
Intended Schools of
the Class of 2014
Anderson Bishop
St. Andrew’s School
Prescott Butler
Phillips Exeter Academy
Jack Farris
Deerfield Academy
Remington Howell
Oxbridge Academy
Jing Huang
St. Andrew’s School
Rong Yang Li
The Benjamin School
Quinn Reid
Cardinal Newman High School
Atticus Stonestrom
Phillips Exeter Academy
The Bridge
Traditions and Change in Paradise.
At the classroom level, we have added
many enhancements including Project Based
Learning, our STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math) room and STEAM
(adding art) room to engage our students
in engineering, coding, and other exciting
projects in math and science. We’ve also
added two new Museum Partnerships, and
increased the use of Primary Resources under
the leadership of two teachers selected to
attend a workshop at the Library of Congress.
Our faculty continues to lead ColLAborate
South Florida, present at various conferences,
and several teachers are completing their
Masters, giving us a faculty with 81% of our
teachers having graduate degrees.
We have a great deal to be proud of at Palm
Beach Day Academy and we wouldn’t be able
to do all we do without everyone working
together on behalf of our students. All of this
gives us a lot to celebrate and invokes a great
deal of gratitude on my part.
However, as our graduates walk down the
aisle this time of year, I can’t help but ask
myself if all of our markers that the outside
world deems important have come together
to provide each one of our students with what
they need to have a successful and meaningful
secondary schooling, college experience, and,
above all, meaningful life.
I’ve no doubt that they are leaving us with
a strong academic foundation in the subject
areas, good public speaking skills, and an
understanding of the importance of giving.
They’ve been involved in many forms of the
arts to the level they want to pursue. We
get extremely positive feedback about our
students from their secondary schools in all
of these areas. The more nebulous question
that runs through my mind is whether they
are taking with them the character traits of
our Lead With Honor Program. Once again
we hear how respectful and empathetic our
students are and the fact that they take their
responsibilities very seriously at the secondary
As we look at the school year, what is even
harder to measure is the quality we added
this year, i.e. “grit”. Many of the faculty
and parents at PBDA have read Paul Tough’s
book, How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and
the Hidden Power of Character. We’ve focused
on the question of how we develop grit in
our students. The “big idea,” which seems
simple, is to let children experience the normal
obstacles in life without jumping in and
resolving them for them, but, at the same time,
being there for them with support to help them
solve problems. This is similar to what we say
about PBDA. We set the bar high and give
them the support to reach the bar.
But in working with students and parents in
the quest to develop ‘grit’, it is so much more
complex because each child has a different
set of needs and responds differently to his
or her surroundings. Teachers work closely
with our students and are able to find what the
psychologist Vygotsky referred to as the zone
of proximal development. By this he meant “the
distance between the actual developmental
level as determined by independent problem
solving and the level of potential development
as determined through problem solving under
adult guidance, or in collaboration with more
capable peers.”
Once in this zone, our teachers are readily
available to assist our students in working
through whatever problem they have been
handed. Then the complexity begins because
we are dealing with the intricacies of human
nature. Along with being challenged to ones
zone of proximal development comes a certain
amount of stress. Are we able to read the
amount of stress our students are under and
how much is too much? And the other part is
whether our students have the skills to seek the
resources they need to collaborate on problems
when they become larger than something they
can do alone. Have we taught our students
the skills of how and when to ask for help. All
of this can only be accomplished as parents,
teachers, and students work together around
these issues.
At the end of the ceremony, as the students
are walking out, I am celebrating their
accomplishments, sad to see them leave us,
and hopeful that they will have the courage to
face the obstacles they’ll inevitably meet and
hark back to how they sought out the resources
at PBDA.
Intended Schools of the Class of 2015
Abdul Alshehri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Undecided
Kay Baker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Benjamin School
Claire Barber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pine School
Garrett Barber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pine School
Sedley Benitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffield Academy
Jackie Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Lilly Carden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillips Exeter Academy
Talia Chachkes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Jackson Cohlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deerfield Academy
Claire Dunkel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Lulu Fanjul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deerfield Academy
Sam Fernsell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Chloe Garton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hill School
Alexander George. . . . . . . . . . . Cardinal Newman High School
Ryan Goldfarb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Alexis Gorfine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Andrew’s School
Adeliza Grace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deefield Academy
Jackson Hanson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Josef Huanigg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Seaton Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Andrew’s School
Kevin Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Valan Kaye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Harrison Koeppel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Blair Lalor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tabor Academy
Jonas Levine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Lucia Levine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Robet Linck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Jack Litten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Max Malasky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Jack McCluskey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Benjamin School
Hannah Moross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Christopher Ochstein. . . . . . . . Cardinal Newman High School
India Patel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Andrew’s School
Hanna Rizzolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Braedon Rupp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Andrew’s School
Luca Saffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Jack Silverman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saint Andrew’s School
Olivia Stewart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Jaclyn Swindle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Sean Swindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Sophia Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Lindsay Toll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Noah Whall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxbridge Academy
Isaac Wiggins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palm Beach Day Academy
Oliver Zenou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Andrew’s School
Alumni Events 2014
Pet Show
Pet owners and their four legged friends gathered on the East Field
on Saturday, February 22nd to compete for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
ribbons in eleven categories. Alumni judges reviewed the pets as
they paraded with their owners before making their final decisions.
Watch for the announcement of the 2015 Alumni Pet show when,
our Best in Show recipient, Aiden Conde, will pass on the trophy
to the new winner.
Palm Beach Book Signing
Paul and Joanie ‘68 Van der Grift hosted an enchanted evening in
their home for the introduction of Tradition and Change in Paradise:
The Story of Palm Beach Day Academy. Approximately 200 alumni,
parents and friends attended.
83rd Annual
Walter H. Butler Field Day
Approximately 100 alumni gathered to march in the traditional
opening ceremonies of the Walter H. Butler Field Day followed by
an alumni tug-of-war. The Flamingos took the win and Pelicans
vowed to come back with a vengeance next year. Please join your
team on May 2, 2015.
New York Book Signing
On May 14, approximately 70 alumni living in the Tri-State area
were welcomed for a book signing at the home of Celerie Kemble
’88. Along with Celerie, co-hosts of the event were Emilia Fanjul
Pfiefler ‘90, Candice Koch Postel ‘90, Nicole Robinson Menges ‘88
and Alexis Robinson Waller ‘81.
Watch for details about a 2015 event in the Big Apple!
iPhone & iPad Users
PBDA has a mobile-friendly page
for our Weekly Updates and other
important information, including
the athletic schedule.
Adding the page’s icon to your home screen will keep this
information at your fingertips.
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Tap “Add,” and the icon will appear on your home screen.
Desktop and Laptop users should simply bookmark the “Mobile Updates” page.
Calling all Alumni!
ur Alumni Committee exists to develop activities and
events to bring fellow Bulldogs together. If you are
interested in serving on this committee, please contact
Cindy DeSilva at (561) 655-1188, ext. 129 or
Help us stay in better touch. Please update your contact information
by visiting our website at
2014 3 3
The Bridge
3rd Trimester
Ones in Consideration
3rd Trimester Honors 2014
High Honors
6th Grade
Nicholas Lorentzen William de Melo
Hailey Pflaumer
Grayson Costa
Adin McAuliffe
Annabel Dewing
Sarah Shapiro
Logan Emmer
Ally McGivney
Kristen Frederick
Hailey Smallwood
Zane Ice
Katherine Panagoulias Taylor Frederick
Sydney Torres
Robbie Jackson, III
Beauregard Pearl
Daniela Garcia
Abigail Wandoff
Patton Janssen
Harrison Schram Nathanial Gramentine Christopher Williams
Lily Kino
7th Grade
Landyn Hutto
Elizabeth Williams
Jonah Kotzen
Francesca Alfano
Kasen Jones
Natalie Zoller
David Lloyd George
Alexandre Barr
Camilla McCranels
8th Grade
Sophia Lloyd George Mia Butterworth
Perry Middleton
Garrett Barber
James McKenna
Jeffrey Ehrlich
6th Grade
Bryanna Valle
Carter Nicoletti
Emily Elhilow
Aidan Burt
Samantha Webster
Jesse Principe
Dylan Green
Mercedes Delclaux
8th Grade
Harrison Riedesel
Henry Horgan
Zachary Ehrlich
Claire Barber
Adelaide Riedesel
Johan Kramm
Gray Foster
Jackie Brown
Allison Sanchez Gustavo Maduro-Vollmer Claire Dunkel
Gonzalo Gil
Stephanie Reyes
Lev Hallowell
Lulu Fanjul
Michael Schaefer
Sebastian Rupp
Griffin Johnson
Adeliza Grace
Liam Storkerson
Kaitlyn Straub
Katherine Justice
Valan Kaye
7th Grade
Erin Tague
Erika Luter
Jack Litten
Mayah Bernstein
Ariana Biondi-Copeland
Alexander Bylin
Isabel Carden
Alessia Degraeve
Martina Gil
Miranda Green
Jordan Haft
5th Grade Honors
Robert Hancock
Jesse Litten
Nina Horgan Ricardo Maduro-Vollmer
Alexander Kino
Elias Manchester
Sydney Kosoy
Caroline McCann
India Lalor
Jacob Ochstein
Alexander Levin
Isabella Pargiolas
Lilly Carden
Talia Chachkes
Jackson Cohlan
Ryan Goldfarb
Alexis Gorfine
Blair Lalor
Robert Linck
India Patel
9th Grade
Jack Farris
Atticus Stonestrom
Max Malasky
Jack McCluskey
Sophia Terry
Noah Whall
Oliver Zenou
9th Grade
Anderson Bishop
Prescott Butler
Sally Huang
Stan Li
Nina Passler
Maya Patel
Michelle Pfeifer
Drake Rydberg
Mariel Silpe
Avery Steinbeck
Harrison Stewart
Oscar Storkerson
Lauren Susick
Elisha Thornton
Lillian Wytrzes
William Wytrzes
Chloe Zenou
Year End - 2013-2014
High Honors
6th Grade
Nicholas Lorentzen
William de Melo
Hailey Pflaumer
Talia Chachkes
Grayson Costa
Adin McAuliffe
Annabel Dewing
Sarah Shapiro
Jackson Cohlan
Logan Emmer
Ally McGivney
Kristen Frederick
Hailey Smallwood
Alexis Gorfine
Zane Ice
Katherine Panagoulias Taylor Frederick
Abigail Wandoff
Robert Linck
Robbie Jackson, III Harrison Schram
Daniela Garcia
Christopher Williams
India Patel
Patton Janssen
7th Grade
Nathanial Gramentine Elizabeth Williams
9th Grade
Jonah Kotzen
Francesca Alfano
Camilla McCranels
Natalie Zoller
Jack Farris
David Lloyd George Mia Butterworth
Perry Middleton
8th Grade
Atticus Stonestrom
Sophia Lloyd George
Lilly Carden
6th Grade
Aidan Burt
Zachary Ehrlich
Katherine Justice
Lily Kino
James McKenna
Carter Nicoletti
Harrison Riedesel
Adelaide Riedesel
Kasen Jones
Johan Kramm
Sebastian Rupp
Kaitlyn Straub
Erin Tague
Sydney Torres
8th Grade
Garrett Barber
Claire Barber
Allison Sanchez
Michael Schaefer
Liam Storkerson
7th Grade
Alexandre Barr
Jeffrey Ehrlich
Emily Elhilow
Dylan Green
Landyn Hutto
Jackie Brown
Claire Dunkel
Lulu Fanjul
Adeliza Grace
Valan Kaye
Blair Lalor
Jack Litten
Max Malasky
Jack McCluskey
Sophia Terry
Noah Whall
Oliver Zenou
9th Grade
Prescott Butler
Sally Huang
Stan Li
5th Grade Honors
Harrison Stewart
Mayah Bernstein
Caroline McCann Oscar Storkerson
India Lalor
Ariana Biondi-Copeland Jordan Haft
Jacob Ochstein
Alexander Levin
Robert Hancock
Lauren Susick
Isabel Carden
Isabella Pargiolas Elisha Thornton
Jesse Litten
Nina Horgan
Alessia Degraeve
Nina Passler
Alexander Kino Ricardo Maduro-Vollmer
Lillian Wytrzes
Martina Gil
Drake Rydberg
Elias Manchester
Sydney Kosoy
Chloe Zenou
Miranda Green
rd rimester
4th Grade
Max Sandstrom
Shane Knopp
Sara Abdo
Lauren Schram
Ally McGivney
Johan Kramm
Caroline McCann
Lily Arp
Grace Singer
James McKenna
Gustavo Maduro-Vollmer
Jacob Ochstein
Spencer Bernstein
Margot Smith
Katherine Panagoulias
Camilla McCranels
Isabella Pargiolas
Whitney Brown
McKenna Steinbeck
Beauregard Pearl
Perry Middleton
Nina Passler
Bridget Burt
Liana Stoll
Lucas Precoda
Hailey Pflaumer
Mariel Silpe
Parker Costa
Lauren Straub
Jesse Principe
Stephanie Reyes
Avery Steinbeck
Avery Emmer
JT Tague
Harrison Riedesel
Sebastian Rupp
Oscar Storkerson
Sofia Halpern
Teddy Tarone
Adelaide Riedesel
Elena Scheffler
Lauren Susick
Taylor Handley
Whitney Torres
Allison Sanchez
River Schnirman
Elisha Thornton
Iris Hedley
Lolagrace Torres
Michael Schaefer
Sarah Shapiro
Lillian Wytrzes
Jensyn Kretschmar
Adrianna Tucciarone
Harrison Schram
Hailey Smallwood
Chloe Zenou
Frankie LaBow
Alexa Tucciarone
Liam Storkerson
Quinn Steinbeck
6th Grade
Carter Levine
Peyvie Wexler
Danielle Weitzman
Kaitlyn Straub
Grayson Costa
Elizabeth Lloyd George
Alysia Wilson
7th Grade
Erin Tague
Mercedes Delclaux
Charlie Lorentzen
5th Grade
Priska Abedi
Sydney Torres
Zachary Ehrlich
Stephanie Lucchesi
Mayah Bernstein
Francesca Alfano
Allegra Treves
Logan Emmer
Colin McGivney
Ariana Biondi-Copeland
Alexandre Barr
Bryanna Valle
Lilly Fernsell
Blake Menin
Isabel Carden
Mia Butterworth
Abigail Wandoff
Gray Foster
Luke Miller
Martina Gil
Noah Dabill
Samantha Webster
Gonzalo Gil
Isabelle Moross
Miranda Green
William de Melo
Christopher Williams
Lev Hallowell
Finley Murray
Jordan Haft
Annabel Dewing
Elizabeth Williams
Zane Ice
Ava Neary
Nina Horgan
Jeffrey Ehrlich
Natalie Zoller
Robbie Jackson, III
Madison Oatley
Alexander Kino
Ryan Ehrlich
8th Grade
Patton Janssen
Seray Ozgenc
Sydney Kosoy
Emily Elhilow
Kay Baker
Griffin Johnson
Regan Pompeo
J.R. LaBow
Kristen Frederick
Garrett Barber
Katherine Justice
Amelia Pottash
India Lalor
Taylor Frederick
Claire Barber
Lily Kino
James Precoda
Alexander Levin
Daniela Garcia
Sedley Benitz
Jonah Kotzen
Alastair Precoda
Jesse Litten
Nathanial Gramentine
Jackie Brown
David Lloyd George
Daniella Russo
Elias Manchester
Quinn Griffin
Lilly Carden
Sophia Lloyd George
Henry Horgan
Talia Chachkes
Natasha Lomnitz
Landyn Hutto
Jackson Cohlan
Nicholas Lorentzen
Kasen Jones
Claire Dunkel
Erika Luter
The Bridge
Adin McAuliffe
Lulu Fanjul
Sammy Fernsell
Chloe Garton
Alexander George
Ryan Goldfarb
Alexis Gorfine
Adeliza Grace
Seaton Johnson
Valan Kaye
Blair Lalor
Jonas Levine
Robert Linck
Jack Litten
Max Malasky
Jack McCluskey
Hannah Moross
India Patel
Hanna Rizzolo
Braedon Rupp
Luca Saffer
Olivia Stewart
Jaclyn Swindle
Sophia Terry
Noah Whall
Oliver Zenou
9th Grade
Anderson Bishop
Prescott Butler
Jack Farris
Sally Huang
Stan Li
Quinn Reid
Atticus Stonestrom
4th Grade
Nina Horgan
Hailey Pflaumer
Sara Abdo
Caroline McCann
Elena Scheffler
Lily Arp
Jacob Ochstein
Sarah Shapiro
Spencer Bernstein
Maya Patel
Hailey Smallwood
Bridget Burt
Lauren Susick
Allegra Treves
Parker Costa
Chloe Zenou
Abigail Wandoff
Avery Emmer
6th Grade
Christopher Williams
Taylor Handley
Mercedes Delclaux
Natalie Zoller
Jensyn Kretschmar
Zachary Ehrlich
8th Grade
Frankie LaBow
Lilly Fernsell
Kay Baker
Carter Levine
Robbie Jackson, III
Garrett Barber
Elizabeth Lloyd George
Patton Janssen
Claire Barber
Charlie Lorentzen
Lily Kino
Lilly Carden
Stephanie Lucchesi
Sophia Lloyd George
Talia Chachkes
Blake Menin
Natasha Lomnitz
Lulu Fanjul
Isabelle Moross
Nicholas Lorentzen
Chloe Garton
Ava Neary
Erika Luter
Alexis Gorfine
Seray Ozgenc
Ally McGivney
Valan Kaye
Dhru Patel
James McKenna
Blair Lalor
Amelia Pottash
Katherine Panagoulias
Hannah Moross
James Precoda
Adelaide Riedesel
India Patel
Daniella Russo
Allison Sanchez
Noah Whall
Lauren Schram
7th Grade
9th Grade
Grace Singer
Mia Butterworth
Anderson Bishop
Lauren Straub
Kristen Frederick
Jack Farris
Whitney Torres
Taylor Frederick
Sally Huang
Alysia Wilson
Daniela Garcia
Stan Li
5th Grade
Quinn Griffin
Quinn Reid
Isabel Carden
Landyn Hutto
Atticus Stonestrom
2013 - 2014 All Three Trimesters
Ones in Consideration for Others
4th Grade
Sara Abdo
Spencer Bernstein
Parker Costa
Carter Levine
Elizabeth Lloyd George
Charlie Lorentzen
Stephanie Lucchesi
Blake Menin
Isabelle Moross
Ava Neary
Amelia Pottash
James Precoda
Daniella Russo
Lauren Schram
Alysia Wilson
5th Grade
Isabel Carden
Nina Horgan
Caroline McCann
Jacob Ochstein
Lauren Susick
Chloe Zenou
6th Grade
Mercedes Delclaux
Zachary Ehrlich
Lily Kino
Sophia Lloyd George
Erika Luter
Ally McGivney
Katherine Panagoulias
Adelaide Riedesel
Allison Sanchez
7th Grade
Mia Butterworth
Kristen Frederick
Taylor Frederick
Daniela Garcia
Quinn Griffin
Landyn Hutto
Hailey Pflaumer
Elena Scheffler
Sarah Shapiro
Hailey Smallwood
Allegra Treves
Abigail Wandoff
Natalie Zoller
8th Grade
Kay Baker
Claire Barber
Lilly Carden
Talia Chachkes
Lulu Fanjul
Chloe Garton
Alexis Gorfine
Blair Lalor
Hannah Moross
India Patel
Noah Whall
9th Grade
Anderson Bishop
Jack Farris
Quinn Reid
Atticus Stonestrom
Effort Club All Year
4th Grade
Nina Passler
Hailey Pflaumer
Sara Abdo
Lauren Susick
Stephanie Reyes
Spencer Bernstein
Elisha Thornton
Elena Scheffler
Whitney Brown
Lillian Wytrzes
River Schnirman
Bridget Burt
Chloe Zenou
Sarah Shapiro
Parker Costa
Hailey Smallwood
Avery Emmer
6th Grade
Kaitlyn Straub
Sofia Halpern
Grayson Costa
Erin Tague
Taylor Handley
Mercedes Delclaux
Sydney Torres
Jensyn Kretschmar
Zachary Ehrlich
Allegra Treves
Frankie LaBow
Logan Emmer
Bryanna Valle
Carter Levine
Zane Ice
Abigail Wandoff
Elizabeth Lloyd George Robbie Jackson, III
Samantha Webster
Charlie Lorentzen
Patton Janssen
Christopher Williams
Stephanie Lucchesi
Katherine Justice
Elizabeth Williams
Blake Menin
Lily Kino
Natalie Zoller
Luke Miller
Jonah Kotzen
Isabelle Moross
David Lloyd George
8th Grade
Finley Murray
Sophia Lloyd George
Kay Baker
Ava Neary
Natasha Lomnitz
Garrett Barber
Seray Ozgenc
Nicholas Lorentzen
Claire Barber
Regan Pompeo
Erika Luter
Jackie Brown
Amelia Pottash
Adin McAuliffe
Lilly Carden
James Precoda
Ally McGivney
Talia Chachkes
Daniella Russo
Katherine Panagoulias Jackson Cohlan
Lauren Schram
Harrison Riedesel
Claire Dunkel
Grace Singer
Adelaide Riedesel
Lulu Fanjul
Margot Smith
Allison Sanchez
Chloe Garton
Liana Stoll
Michael Schaefer
Alexander George
Lauren Straub
Liam Storkerson
Alexis Gorfine
Whitney Torres
Adeliza Grace
Lolagrace Torres
7th Grade
Valan Kaye
Adrianna Tucciarone
Priska Abedi
Jonas Levine
Alexa Tucciarone
Francesca Alfano
Robert Linck
Alysia Wilson
Alexandre Barr
Jack Litten
Mia Butterworth
Max Malasky
5th Grade
William de Melo
Hannah Moross
Mayah Bernstein
Annabel Dewing
India Patel
Ariana Biondi-Copeland
Jeffrey Ehrlich
Hanna Rizzolo
Isabel Carden
Ryan Ehrlich
Braedon Rupp
Martina Gil
Kristen Frederick
Sophia Terry
Miranda Green
Taylor Frederick
Noah Whall
Jordan Haft
Daniela Garcia
Oliver Zenou
Nina Horgan
Nathanial Gramentine
Sydney Kosoy
Quinn Griffin
9th Grade
India Lalor
Landyn Hutto
Anderson Bishop
Alexander Levin
Kasen Jones
Jack Farris
Jesse Litten
Shane Knopp
Sally Huang
Caroline McCann
Johan Kramm
Stan Li
Jacob Ochstein Gustavo Maduro-Vollmer
Quinn Reid
Isabella Pargiolas
Camilla McCranels Atticus Stonestrom
More photos on page 14
83rd Walter H. Butler Field Day Individual Field Day Results - 2014
he 83rd Walter H. Butler Field Day ended in a narrow
Flamingo victory on April 26. Both teams, Pelicans
and Flamingos, had spent the last few weeks planning
their strategies and assigning athletes to their best events. As
Saturday’s competition began, the Flamingos got off to an early
lead, but by the time the two teams entered the distance and relay
events the lead had narrowed to only eight points. The Flamingos
built on that small lead but the forty points that still were to be
decided by the tugs-o-war were enough to make either team the
winner. No one besides the scorekeepers knew that, however,
but the fact was that, going into the tugs-o-war, the Pelicans were
thirty-two points behind the Flamingos and needed to win all
four tugs to win Field Day. And, that almost happened. Although
the 5th & 6th Grade Pelicans girls managed to pull the Flamingo
girls to within a few inches of the goal, the Flamingos found the
strength and determination to recover lost ground and pull the
flag over the Flamingo goal. That was the Flamingos only win in
the tug events, but it was enough to leave them two points ahead
and earn the 2014 Field Day Cup.
Field Day began with the traditional march led by Pelican
Captains Remington Howell & Sally Huang, and Flamingo
Captains Anderson Bishop & Jack Farris. The Middle School
Captains for the Pelicans were Adelaide Riedesel & Liam
Storkerson, and the Flamingo Middle School Captains were
Katherine Justice & Carter Nicoletti. In keeping with a tradition
that began on Field Day’s 75th Anniversary, more than 100
Alumni donned their team colors and led the current students
onto the field. Headmaster, Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, welcomed
all before Elizabeth Sellers offered the invocation.
Former Headmaster, Jack Thompson, was on hand to fire the
starting gun for the race for the flags to opened the competition
as Flamingos Kevin Justice and Kaye Baker ran the length of
the field ahead of Pelicans Jackson Hanson and Claire Barber.
Beginning a new tradition this year, PBDA’s Alumni Flamingo
and Pelicans enthusiastically faced off in an Alumni Tug-O-War as
the current students cheered on their teams. The Flamingos will
be remembered in PBDA history as the winners of the inaugural
Alumni Tug-O-War.
5-6 Girls 40-yard dash – Lilly Fernsell (P), Arianna Biondi-Copeland (F), Caroline McCann (P)
5-6 Boys 40-yard dash – Beauregard Pearl (F), Walker Regalbuto (F), Harrison Schram (P)
7-9 Girls 40-yard dash – Kaitlyn Straub (P), Alexis Gorfine (P), Jackie Brown (F)
7-9 Boys 40-yard dash – Ryan Ehrlich (F), Quinn Griffin (F), Taylor Frederick (P)
5-6 Girls 50-yard dash – India Lalor (F), Natasha Lomnitz (P), Lilly Wytrzes (P)
5-6 Boys 50-yard dash – Drake Rydberg (F), Harry Cramer (P), Nicholas Lorentzen (F)
7-9 Girls 50-yard dash – Claire Dunkel (P), Sophia Terry (P), Camilla McCranels(P)
7-9 Boys 50-yard dash – Stan Li (F), Sam Fernsell (P), Dylan Green (P)
5-6 Girls 100-yard dash – Grace Watts (F), Daniell Wietzman (P), Mercedes Delclaux (F)
5-6 Boys 100-yard dash – Louis Helton (P), Zachary Ehrlich (F), Patton Janssen (F)
7-9 Girls 100-yard dash – Anderson Bishop (F), Natalie Zoller (P), Priska Abedi (F)
7-9 Boys 100-yard dash – Valan Kaye (F), Noah Whall (P), Sebastian Rupp (F)
5-6 Girls standing broad jump – Jada Clay (F), Allison Sanchez (P), Natasha Lomnitz (P)
5-6 Boys standing broad jump – Borja Delclaux* (F), 2nd Carter Nicoletti (F), 2nd Ricardo Maduro-Vollmer (P)
7-9 Girls standing broad jump – Annabel Dewing* (F), Sophia Terry (P), Blair Lalor (F)
7-9 Boys standing broad jump – Quinn Steinbeck* (F), Remington Howell (P), Alexander George (P)
5-6 Girls running broad jump – Diana Crompton* (P), Erika Luter (P), India Lalor (F)
5-6 Boys running broad jump – Ben Smith (P), 2nd David Lloyd George (F), 2nd Tyler Sandstrom (F)
7-9 Girls running broad jump – Claire Barber* (P), Anderson Bishop (F), India Patel (P)
7-9 Boys running broad jump – Braedon Rupp* (F), 2nd Jackson Hanson (P), 2nd Jonas Lavine (P)
5-6 Girls softball throw – Katherine Justice (F), Adelaide Riedesel (P), Arianna Biondi-Copeland (F)
5-6 Boys football throw – James McKenna* (F), Sam Cutler (P), Michael Schaefer (F)
7-9 Girls softball throw – Elena Scheffler (F), Jade Cassaday (P), Abby Moss (F)
7-9 Boys football throw – Kevin Justice* (F), Prescott Butler (P), Jack Litten (P)
5-6 Girls 300-yard run – Not run this year.
5-6 Boys 300-yard run – Jonah Kotzen (P), Adin McAuliffe (P), Logan Emmer (F)
7-9 Girls 300-yard run – Claire Barber* (P), Lilly Carden (F), Hailey Smallwood (P)
7-9 Boys 300-yard run – Atticus Stonestrom (P), Jack McCluskey (F), Prescott Butler (P)
5-6 Girl/Boy 800-yard relay – (P) Diana Crompton*, Miranda Green, Ricardo Maduro-Vollmer, Liam Storkerson
7-9 Girl/Boy 800-yard relay – (F) Kaye Baker, Jack Farris, Blair Lalor, Braedon Rupp*
5-6 Girls 800-yard relay – (P) Nina Horgan, Lily Kino, Erika Luter, Allison Sanchez
5-6 Boys 800-yard relay – (F) Borja Delclaux*, J.R. Labow, James McKenna*, Tyler Sandstrom
7-9 Girls 800-yard relay – (F) Annabel Dewing*, Abby Moss, Lindsay Toll, Hanna Rizzolo
7-9 Boys 800-yard relay – (F) Kevin Justice*, Shane Knopp, Quinn Steinbeck*, Isaac Wiggins
*Maddock Award Winners
Maddock Awards
Earned by student athletes who placed 1st in two events - individual or relay
Claire Barber (P) placed first in the 7-9th Grade Girls Running Broad Jump / 7-9th Grade Girls 300 yd Run.
Diana Crompton (P) placed first in 5-6th Grade Girls Running Broad Jump / 5-6th Grade Boy/Girl 800yd Relay team.
Borja Delclaux (F) placed first in 5-6th Grade Boys Standing Broad Jump / 5-6th Grade Boys 800yd Relay team.
Annabel Dewing (F) placed first in the 7-9th Grade Girls Standing Broad Jump / 7-9th Grade Girls 300yd Run.
Kevin Justice (F) placed first in the 7-9th Grade Boys Football Throw / 7-9th Grade Boys 800yd Relay team.
James McKenna (F) placed first in 5-6th Grade Boys Football Throw / 5-6th Grade Boys 800yd Relay team.
Braedon Rupp (F) placed first in 7-9th Grade Running Broad Jump / 7-9th Grade Boy/Girl 800yd Relay team.
Quinn Steinbeck (F) placed first in 7-9th Grade Boys Standing Broad Jump / 7-9th Grade Boys 300yd Relay team.
20145 5
The Bridge
Upper School
n Thursday, May 29, the Upper
Campus gathered with their
parents for the presentation of the
end-of-year awards. Dr. van der Bogert
opened the ceremonies. The faculty
then made the presentation of academic
awards, (recipients listed in box to the
Athletic Director Paul Cicio praised
the student athletes and thanked their
parents for their support in each season.
He also had praise for the coaches who
provide PBDA’s students with many
opportunities to grow as athletes and
team players. Field Day Captains
Adelaide Riedesel & Liam Storkerson
(P) and Katherine Justice & Carter
Nicoletti (F) were recognized. Fifth &
Sixth Grade Maddock award winners
Diana Crompton, Borja Delclaux &
James McKenna were honored. Adeliza
Grace & Jonas Levin received the Michael
Matthews Tennis Award. Garrett Barber
received the Varsity Golf Award. For their
solid contributions, Logan Emmer, Carter
Nicoletti & Adelaide Riedesel were
presented with special Coaches’ Awards.
Sportsmanship awards went to Robbie
Jackson & Lily Kino. The Improvement
Prizes were awarded to Patton Janssen &
Danielle Weitzman. The Middle School
Excellence in Athletics Awards were
presented to Katherine Justice & Liam
Head of Upper School, Marisa
Schnirman, closed the ceremony by
acknowledging the accomplishments of
the award winners and all of PBDA’s fine
students. She expressed special thanks
to Awards Assembly Coordinator, Kelly
Sanchez, and the faculty presentors and
to all the accomplished students and their
2014 Athletic Awards
he Mother/Daughter and Father/
Son softball games, followed by
the Sports Banquets at the Sailfish
Club, mark the end of PBDA’s athletic
program. Student athletes are honored at
the banquets for their participation and
several are awarded special recognitions.
The ceremony began with the recognition
of Field Day Captains Sally Huang, Pelican,
and Anderson Bishop, Flamingo. Field Day
Maddock Award winners Claire Barber,
Diana Crompton and Annabel Dewing
were recognized. A J.V. Coach’s Award was
presented to Hanna Rizzolo for her overall contributions. Kristen Frederick was
recognized as the Most Improved J.V. player.
The Bridge
Students who ended the year with a perfect attendance record were among those honored at the Awards Assembly.
Perfect Attendance
Avery Emmer (4)
Stephanie Lucchesi (4)
Regan Pompeo (4)
Max Sandstrom (4)
JT Tague (4)
Isabel Carden (5)
Borja Delclaux (5)
Luis Delclaux (5)
Martina Gil (5)
Isabella Pargiolas (5)
Maya Patel (5)
Carson Reid (5)
Mercedes Delclaux (6)
Logan Emmer (6)
Gonzalo Gil (6)
Ally McGivney (6)
Tyler Sandstrom (6)
Alexandre Barr (7)
William de Melo (7)
Kristen Frederick (7)
Taylor Frederick (7)
Hailey Smallwood (7)
Natalie Zoller (7)
Kay Baker (8)
Ryan Goldfarb (8)
Alexis Gorfine (8)
Valan Kaye (8)
India Patel (8)
Sally Huang (9)
Stan Li (9)
1st Zane Ice (6)
2nd Katherine Panagoulias (6)
3rd Aidan Burt & Patton Janssen (6)
1st Daniela Garcia & Abigail Wandoff (7)
2nd William de Melo (7)
3rd Taylor Frederick (7)
1st Jackson Cohlan (8)
2nd Alexis Gorfine, Harrison Koeppel & Oliver Zenou (8)
3rd Max Malasky (8)
Abigail Wandoff (7)
Harrison Koeppel (8)
Issac Wiggins (8)
Atticus Stonestrom (9)
Prescott Butler (9)
Fine Arts Award
Dramatic Arts
Allison Sanchez
Gray Foster
Mathematics Association of America
Finley Murray
AMC 10 1st Atticus Stonestrom (9)
Charlie Lorentzen
AMC 8 1st Jackson Cohlan (8)
Playwriting Excellence
2nd Kristen Frederick & Harrison Koeppel (8)
Lilly Carden
3rd Alexis Gorfine, Robbie Linck & Oliver Zenou (8)
Isaac Wiggins
Algebra Award - Atticus Stonestrom
Visual Arts Excellence
Lily Kino
Reading Excellence
Mercedes Delclaux
Jordan Haft (5 Mr. Tummon)
Allison Sanchez
Alessia Degraeve & Brooke O’Donnell (5 Mrs. Kanai)
Caroline McCann
Oscar Storkerson (5 Mrs. Thompson)
Nina Passler
Lauren Susick (5 Mrs. Quinty)
Alysia Wilson
Adelaide Riedesel (6 Mrs. Cook)
Patton Janssen (6 Mrs. Cook Honors)
Harrison Schram
Liam Storkerson (6 Ms. Prior)
Harrison Riedesel
Gonzalo Gil (6 Ms. Prior)
Music Excellence
Katherine Justice (6 Ms. Prior)
Drhu Patel
Natasha Lomnitz (6 Ms. Prior)
Sara Abdo
Zane Ice (6 Mr. Greco)
Grant Kino
Isabel Carden
Science Awards
Grayson Costa
Lily Arp (4)
Jada Clay
5th Grade WordMasters
Sydney Kosoy (5)
Daniela Garcia
Jordan Haft & Elisha Thornton (Gold, Mr. Tummon)
Jacob Ochstein (5)
Sydney Torres
Mayah Bernstein (Blue, Mrs. Kanai)
National Science League Top Scores
Florida All State Elementary Honors Chorus
Maya Patel (Blue, Mrs. Thompson)
Elisha Thornton (5)
Brooke O’Donnell
Lauren Susick (Blue, Mrs. Quinty)
Beauregard Pearl (6)
Florida All State Middle School Treble Chorus
Talor Frederick (7)
Daniela Garcia
5th Grade Poetry Contest
Lilly Carden (8)
Alissia Degraeve 1st
Jack Farris (9)
World Language Award
Miranda Green 2nd
Also Recognized
Martina Gil 3rd
Robert Hancock (5)
Caroline McCann (4 Sra. del Portal)
Brooke O’Donnell (5)
Sara Abdo & Blake Menin (4 Sra. Novoa)
Math Awards (Florida Math League)
Alex Kino (5)
Iris Hedley (4 Sra. Reyes)
Andre Karlson (4 Mrs. O’Donnell)
India Lalor (5)
Harrison Stewart & Alessia Degraeve (5 Sra. Reyes)
Spencer Bernstein (4 Mrs. Colpitts)
David Lloyd George (6)
Logan Emmer (5 Sra. Reyes)
Liana Stoll (4 Ms. Diem)
Nicholas Lorentzan (6)
McKenna Steinbeck (4 Mr. Gramentine)
Grayson Costa (6)
Taylor Handley & Amelia Pottash (4 Mrs. Perolio)
Caroline McCann & Sydney Kosoy (5 Mrs. Kanai,
Daniela Garcia (7)
Martina Gil (5 Mrs. Perolio)
Hailey Pflaumer (7)
Luis Delclaux (5 Mrs. Kanai, Blue)
William de Melo (7)
Jacob Ochstein (5 Mrs. Kanai, Gold)
Quinn Griffin (7)
Maya Patel (5 Mrs. Quinty)
Kaitlyn Straub (7)
Coach’s Awards were presented to girls in
each of the five sports on their schedule.
The Varsity Volleyball Coach’s Award went
to Claire Dunkel and Samantha Webster;
Basketball to Natalie Zoller; Field Hockey to
Lilly Carden; Soccer to Abby Moss; Lacrosse
to Kaitlyn Straub and Talia Chachkes. Sophia
Terry was awarded the Varsity Improvement
plaque. Quinn Reid received the
Sportsmanhip Award. Claire Barber received
the overall Varsity Coach’s Award. Kay Baker
was the recipient of the girls’ highest athletic
honor, The Carol Rafter Award for Excellence
in Athletics. The girls’ banquet concluded with
coach Patti Griffin’s now annual and wildly
popular tradition of a slideshow re-cap of the
At the boys’ banquet, the boys’ coaches
recounted the events of each season, giving
recognition to the contributions of many team
members. Field Day Captains Jack Farris,
Flamingo, and Remington Howell, Pelican,
were recognized. Field Day Maddock Award
winners Kevin Justice, James McKenna,
Braedon Rupp and Quinn Steinbeck were
honored. Coaches Awards for individual
seasons were awarded to Kevin Justice for
Flag Football, Jackson Cohlan for Soccer,
Remington Howell for Basketball, and
Braedon Rupp & Kevin Justice for Lacrosse.
Taylor Frederick and Henry Horgan each
received a J.V. Coach’s Award. Jack Litten was
presented with the J.V. Improvement Award. A
Varsity Coach’s Award was presented to Stan
Li. The Harry and Richard Hilton Award for
Improvement in Athletics went to Jack Litten.
Jonas Levine received the John L. Thompson
Sportsmanship Award. The Jeffrey Dodge
Excellence In Athletics Award was presented
to Braedon Rupp.
6, 2014
or many of Palm Beach Day
Academy’s 8th and 9th Graders,
Commencement Day marks a
major transition in their lives. On
the morning of Commencement, June 6, 2014,
these students spent their last time together
as a group. Some have shared their entire
lives with these friends and even those who
have joined more recently feel the same bond.
They know that, even though there will be
times when parts of the group may reassemble
momentarily, there will probably never be a
time when they will all be together again.
The adults who have been with them knew
the same thing as they gathered at school for
the last time. Parents and teachers have raised
these students and know them well. Their
shared memory of hundreds of moments of
growth, frustration, triumph, embarrassment,
and success bonds them. They too, will not
all be together again. But, although sadness
was part of the day for students and adults,
excitement about the future was even stronger.
This was the day that everyone had worked
toward. Now it had arrived and all of those
shared lives - students, teachers, parents,
grandparents and friends - assembled in the
Halmos Center to honor our 8th & 9th Graders
and all that their years at PBDA represent.
After the students and faculty had marched
into the auditorium, Dr. van der Bogert opened
the ceremony with a welcome. Ninth Grader
Remington Howell gave the Invocation. Dr.
Van then called the winners of the Academic
Book Prizes to the stage (See Outstanding
Students, page 8). Book Prizes are awarded to
those students the faculty view as outstanding
in each of the offered subjects. To earn a Book
Prize, a student must have one of the highest
averages in a particular subject, and must also
have impressed the teacher with his or her
enthusiasm, interest and perseverance.
Dr. Van then honored four faculty members
for their years of service to Palm Beach Day
Academy (See box, page 9). Kelly Sanchez
was honored with the 9th annual presentation
of the Adele Shook Merck Excellence in
Teaching Award.
Presentation of the Cup Awards followed.
Palm Beach Day Academy’s Cup Awards are
indicators of the personal qualities valued
by the school. The Upper School 5th & 6th
and 7th - 9th Grade Improvement Prizes
were established by the school to recognize
Continued next page
Class of 2014
Class of 2015
The Bridge
Outstanding Students
9th Grade
Jack Farris &
Atticus Stonestrom
Pre-Calculus Atticus Stonestrom
Jack Farris
Atticus Stonestrom
Quinn Reid
Jack Farris &
Atticus Stonestrom
8th Grade
Lilly Carden &
Alexis Gorfine
Albebra II
Alexis Gorfine
Alexis Gorfine
Lilly Carden &
Alexis Gorfine
Pre-ChemistryLilly Carden &
Alexis Gorfine
Talia Chachkes
Lilly Carden &
Alexis Gorfine
French India Patel
7th Grade
Daniela Garcia
Algebra I
Daniela Garcia
Taylor Frederick
Francesca Alfano &
Kristen Frederick
Daniela Garcia &
Abigail Wandoff
Priska Abedi
Christopher Williams
6th Grade
Zane Ice
Pre-Algebra Zane Ice &
Patton Janssen
Patton Janssen
David Lloyd George
Logan Emmer &
Zane Ice
Amory L. Haskell Dramatics Award
Alexis Gorfine
Music Award
Lulu Fanjul
Carol M. Bayless Computer Award
Johan Kramm
David K. Daniels Fine Arts Award
Jing Huang
Michael F. Matthews Pi Award
Blair Lalor
Publications Award
Quinn Reid
Amory L. Haskell Cup
(Winning Field Day Captains)
Anderson Bishop & Jack Farris
The Bridge
year. The Katie Tummon ‘03 Educational
Autobiography award went to Alexis
the students who have shown the most
Gorfine. The award for Character Sketch
overall growth as students and as school
went to Jack Farris & Atticus Stonestrom.
citizens. Rong Yang Li received this year’s The 7th Grade Monologue Award was
7 - 9th Grade Improvement Prize. Jesse
presented to William de Melo and Sarah
Principe was awarded the 5th & 6th Grade Shapiro. The John L. Thompson Research
Improvement Prize.
Paper Award was earned by Atticus
The Fletcher Hunt Memorial Cup was
Stonestrom and Jack Farris.
Quinn Reid received the Alumni Award.
The Alumni Award, established by the
alumni committee in 1989, recognizes
the graduate who has consistently
demonstrated consideration for his or her
fellow students, the faculty and the school.
The Robert W. Bayless Scholar/Athlete
Award was established by the Bayless
family in memory of Robert Bayless,
Director of Athletics and Chairman of the
English Department from 1958 until his
death in 1973. The award recognizes an
outstanding student in the Upper School
for a combination of Honor Roll academics
and athletic endeavor. Jackson Cohlan
and Alexis Gorfine were the recipients of
Atticus Stonestrom was the recipient of the Holder Cup.
Atticus also received the Faculty Cup, two Essay Cup prizes the Scholar/Athlete Award this year.
and Book Prizes in English, Pre-Calculus, Spanish & History. The Faculty Cup was donated
anonymously by a parent who wished
presented to the school in Fletcher Hunt’s
to provide a high academic goal for the
memory by Colonel and Mrs. Robert F.
school’s superior students. It is awarded
Hunt, Jr. It was the
each year to the
wish of the Colonel and
Upper School
Mrs. Hunt that, for the
student with the
first year, the cup be
highest academic
awarded to the student
average for the
in the 6th Grade who
year, provided
attained the highest
the average is 90
scholastic average, and
or above. Jack
that each subsequent
Farris & Atticus
year it be awarded one
grade higher. It would
earned the Faculty
accompany Fletcher’s
Cup this year.
class through the
The 1958 Cup
school, culminating in its Jack Farris was presented with The 1958 Cup. Jack also was established by
received the Faculty Cup, two Essay Cup prizes and Book
presentation to a senior
Prizes in English, Biology, Spanish & History and the the Class of 1958
in June, 1967. After that
Davis Science/Math Award.
to be awarded to
date, it returned to the 6th
the Upper School
Grade as a permanent award. Zane Ice
student who has set an outstanding example
received the Fletcher Hunt Memorial Cup
for his or her classmates. This award
for 2014.
embodies such qualities as responsibility
The Chapin Cup is presented at
and willingness to serve, concern for
Graduation to the 5th or 6th Grader who,
others, personal integrity, and excellence in
in the opinion of the faculty, has made the
citizenship, scholarship and sportsmanship.
greatest over-all contributions to his or her Jack Farris was presented with the 1958
school and classmates. In awarding the
cup, the faculty considers the student’s
academic, athletic, service and school
spirit contributions. Sixth Grader, Patton
Janssen, was awarded the 2014 Chapin
The Essay Cup was donated to the school
by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jose in honor of
their daughter Polly, a former PBDA
student. The Cup is to encourage good
writing among the students in the Upper
School, and is awarded to the students
Quinn Reid was awarded the Alumni Award. Quinn also
who have submitted the most outstanding
received a book prize in French.
educational autobiography, research
paper and character sketch during the
Continued from previous page
Jack Farris & Atticus Stonestrom received the Faculty
Cup for achieving the highest averages of any 7th -9th
Grader. Jack and Atticus had averages above 100.
The Holder Cup was given to the school
by Mrs. Holder to perpetuate the memory
of Dan Holder and to serve as a source of
inspiration to boys and girls in the Upper
School. Dan Holder was a member of the
faculty from 1949 until his sudden death
in 1952. He stood for all that was fine
in education. The Cup is awarded “for
the student who, through his integrity,
school spirit, scholastic endeavor and
the Year. Jing Huang, Prescott Butler,
Rong Yang Li and Atticus Stonestrom
spoke on behalf of the Class of 2014.
The faculty presented each 9th Grader
for graduation individually. Jack Farris
closed the ceremony with the benediction.
Faculty, family, alumni and friends join
in saluting the winners of the graduation
awards and in saluting our Eighth and
Ninth Graders. These fine students
are the ones who uphold our school’s
traditions of excellence.
Daniel S. Holder Cup
(Overall Excellence)
Atticus Stonestrom
The 1958 Cup
(Personal Qualities)
Jack Farris
Alumni Award
Quinn Reid
Chapin Cup
(Overall Contributions by 5th or 6th Grader)
Patton Janssen
Zane Ice received the Fletcher Hunt Cup for earning the
highest average as a 6th Grader. Zane also received Book
Prizes for English, Pre-Algebra and Spanish.
Robert W. Bayless Award
(Scholar / Athlete)
Jackson Cohlan &
Alexis Gorfine
Faculty Cup
(Highest Average 7th - 9th Grade)
Jack Farris & Atticus Stonestrom
Fletcher Hunt Cup
(Highest Average 6th Grade)
6th Grader Patton Janssen was the recipient of
the Chapin Cup for her overall contributions by a
5th or 6th Grader. Patton also received book prizes in
Pre-Algebra & History
good sportsmanship, has contributed
most to the life of the school.” The Holder
Cup is considered to be Palm Beach
Day Academy’s highest award. Atticus
Stonestrom is this year’s recipient.
Zane Ice
Ninth Graders Anderson Bishop & Quinn Reid
presented the class gift of a trophy case for the atrium of
the Halmos Activities Center.
Improvement Prize
(7th - 9th Grade)
Rong Yang Li
5th & 6th Improvement Prize
(5th & 6th Grade)
Jesse Principe
7th Grade Writing Award
William de Melo & Sarah Shapiro
9th Grade Graduates Jing Huang, Prescott Butler, Rong
Yang Li and Atticus Stonestrom spoke on behalf of the
Class of 2014.
Alexis Gorfine and Jackson Cohlan received the Robert W.
Bayless Scholar Athlete Award.
Faculty member, Richard Wagener,
delighted the 8th Graders with a
personalized speech about their class before
Board of Trustees President, Scott Johnson,
presented them with their Eighth Grade
Diplomas. Graduates Anderson Bishop
& Quinn Reid presented the class gift of a
trophy case for the Halmos Center atrium.
Dr. Van asked the Kiwanis Students of the
Month to stand and then presented Atticus
Stonestrom with the honor of Student of
2014 Faculty Awards
10 years
Buckley Griffis
25 years
Jim Gramentine
35 years
Barbara Close
Wendy Crawford
Essay Cups
(Katie Tummon
8th Grade Educational Autobiography)
Alexis Gorfine
(9th Grade Character Sketch)
Jack Farris & Atticus Stonestrom
(John L. Thompson
9th Grade Research Paper)
Jack Farris & Atticus Stonestrom
William H. Davis Science/Math Award
Jack Farris
The Bridge
he Upper School Musical, “Bye
Bye Birdie” takes its place in the
history of the Matthews Center for
Performing Arts as the first musical
presented in the Smith Family Theater. The
cast and crew were up to the occasion and
wowed three packed houses in three shows
on the weekend of May 16, 17 & 18. Audience
members had to remind themselves that
the performers were middle schoolers as
one professional quality show-stopper after
another filled the theater. The Smith Family
Theater itself was part of the show as all of its
superior capabilities were on display.
At the end of the production, Mrs. Cook
announced the recipient of the White Jacket,
which is an honor given to a cast member
who has shown talent, dedication and
positive support to all involved in the show.
Jackson Cohlan received that honor for “Bye
Bye Birdie,” and it was presented by Atticus
The Bridge
Stonestrom who received the jacket at the
end of “Our Town,” this fall.
The 7th - 9th Graders who performed
included, Jackson Cohlan as Albert
Peterson, Alexis Gorfine as Rose Alvarez,
Jackson Hanson as Conrad Birdie, Lulu
Fanjul as Kim MacAfee, Robbie Linck as
Harry MacAfee, Anderson Bishop as Doris
MacAfee, Talia Chachkes as Mae Peterson,
Jack Farris as Hugo Peabody, Noah Whall
as Randolph MacAfee, Claire Barber as
Ursala Merkle, Chloe Garten as Mrs.
Merkle, Lucia Levine as Gloria Rasputin,
Atticus Stonestrom as the Mayor of Sweet
Apple, Blair Lalor as the Mayors Wife,
Oliver Zenou as Harvey Johnson, Prescott
Butler as Mr. Johnson, Remington Howell
as Charles Maude, Max Malasky as Ed
Sullivan, Harrison Koeppel as the Policeman,
Adeliza Grace as Helen, Seaton Johnson as
Nancy, Kay Baker as Alice, Claire Dunkel
as Margie, India Patel as Deborah Sue, Sally
Huang as Suzie, Jaclyn Swindle as Penelope
Ann, Sean Swindle as Freddie/Conductor,
Marissa Daly, William deMelo, Daniela Garcia,
Henry Horgan, Harrison Koeppel, Jonas
Levine, Lucia Levine, Max Malasky, Perry
Middleton, Hannah Moross, Chris Ochstein,
Stephanie Reyes, Braedon Rupp, Luca Saffer,
Jack Silverman, Allegra Treves, Lindsay Toll
& Chris Williams as Sweet Apple Townspeople
and Chris Ochstein, Hannah Moross, Jack
Silverman & Henry Horgan as Reporters. Lilly
Carden served as Stage Manager; Annabel
Dewing, Emily Elhilow, Landyn Hutto, Hailey
Pflaumer & Kaitlyn Straub were her crew.
Jan-Marie Cook was director, Annette Johnson
was musical director, Les Heilakka and Hunter
Morgan served as technical director and
assistant. The musicians were Pellin Ko on
piano; Mark Johnson, bass guitar; David Kroll,
percussion; Albert Perera, trumpet; and Renata
Guitart, violin.
Spring 2014 Performing Arts Productions
ajor spring productions by
the 3rd and 4th Grades were
staged in addition to the
Upper School Musical. Under
PBDA Earns National
Certification as a
Nature Explore Classroom
alm Beach Day Academy has
earned national certification as
a Nature Explore Classroom
from Dimensions Educational Research
Foundation and the Arbor Day Foundation.
During the 2011-2012 school year, work
began with the Bay Tree Design firm from
Berkley, CA on a plan for more effectively
using their outdoor spaces. Sharon Danks,
author of From Asphalt to Ecosystems, and
Lisa Howard, landscape architect, came for
several days in November during which
time meetings were held with students,
faculty, and parents to explain the value of
using the outdoors for learning and play.
the direction of Robyn Huff, the 3rd Grade
performed an adaptation of “Pinocchio.” The
4th Grade performed Jan Cook’s adaptation
of Harvey Oyer’s “The Last Egret.” The 6th
Grade performed the last of three plays as
part of their arts wheel, and the year finished
with musical performances at the Student
Leadership Council Talent Show and the Fine
Arts Festival.
A Design Charette was held on a Saturday
morning to gather ideas from all of the
stakeholders. As a result, a concept plan was
created that included current spaces as well
as spaces from near-future new construction.
The decision was made to go ahead with
creating an outdoor classroom in an area that
would not be affected by new construction.
During the summer of 2012, the “Natural
Exploration Zone” was created using the
northwest section of campus and its outdoor
areas. In addition, a committee was formed
to continue to explore ways to implement
plans for outdoor learning. This committee,
comprised of four faculty members, two
administrators, a parent and a board member
from the school, created the mission and
timeline for work being done and named the
project the “Educational Playscapes Project.”
The Bridge
2014 11
February June 2014
The Bridge
PBDA’s China Partnership
alm Beach Day Academy’s
China Partnership continued
over this past Spring Break as
seventeen students and teachers
traveled to Shanghai, Xi’an and Beijing and
spent time with children from the Yu Ying
School and the Living Hope Orphanage
in Beijing. Since Mrs. Kanai established
the Partnership 5 years ago, over 50 PBDA
students have had the opportunity to directly
experience friends from the other side of
the world, and many more PBDA students
have met those same children during their
visits to our school. The China Partnership
has allowed for real, mutually beneficial
relationships to grow and be maintained
between our students and distant friends – a
genuine partnership, indeed.
This year, before reaching Beijing, the China
travelers visited Shanghai and Xi’an, home of
the Terracotta Soldiers, the most significant
archeological discovery of the Twentieth
Century. Those soldiers, arrayed in silent
trenches over acres of former farmland, were
a compelling sight that held the group in awe.
This trip, as was true of the previous four,
was filled with such moments that brought
new awareness of the depth and scope of
human history and culture to our young
Save the Dates
20th Annual Walter H. Butler Golf Classic
Golf Co-Chairs
Joel Kassewitz & Matthew Smith
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Breakers Ocean Course, Palm Beach
The Feather Ball
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Breakers, Palm Beach
Feather Ball Co-Chairs
Marzia Precoda, Donna Lloyd George,
Susan Miller, & Jean Koeppel
Please contact Paula Martin at (561) 655-1188 extension 125
or for more information.
The Bridge
2014 13
2014 -15 Leadership
Board of Trustees - 2014 - 15
Mr. Scott Johnson ‘79, President
Mrs. Lourdes Fanjul, Vice President
Mrs. Stephanie Carden ‘79, Secretary
Mr. William Matthews ‘67, Treasurer
Mr. Michael Ainslie
Mr. Ben Alexander
Mr. John Cohlan
Mrs. Gita Costa
Mrs. Frances Fisher
Mr. Tim Gannon
Mrs. Jill Glazer
Mrs. Mei Sze Greene
Mr. Kevin Lamb
Mrs. Donna Lloyd-George
Mr. Matt Lorentzen
Mr. James McCann
Mr. Christopher Orthwein ‘85
Mrs. Stacy Palagye
Mrs. Sue Patterson
Mrs. Marzia Precoda
Mr. Joseph Sambuco
Mr. Matthew Smith
Mr. Paul Leone
Mrs. Anne Metzger
Mr. Ambrose Monell
Ex Officio
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, Head of School
Mrs. Sandy Singer, President Parent School Council
Parent School Council - 2014-15
Mrs. Sandy Singer, President
Mrs. Mina Patel Vice President, Upper Campus
Mrs. Andrea Kosoy, Vice President, Lower Campus
Mrs. Ruby Patterson, Secretary
Mrs. Sofia Vollmer-Maduro, Program Coordinator
Mrs. Michelle Miller, Primary Representative
Mrs. Amy Middleton, K-3 Representative
Mrs. Susanna Gil, 4-9 Representative
Mrs. Lourdes Fanjul, Board Liaison
Mrs. Stephanie Carden ‘79, Board Liaison
Mrs. Courtney Ellender, Lower Campus Faculty Rep.
Mrs. Katy Thompson, Upper Campus Faculty Rep.
Mr. Robert Norberg, Past President
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert, Head of School
Barbara Close Wins
Dwyer Award
BDA Upper Campus math teacher,
Barbara Close, was the recipient of
a William T. Dwyer Excellence in Eduction
Award for Middle School Teaching. She
was one of five finalists in that category
and one of five winners - one in each of the
five categories - at the award ceremony on
April 22nd at the Kravis Center in West
Palm Beach. The five categories include
elementary, middle, & high school, and
special programs & career education.
The award includes prize money for each
recipient and his or her school, and a
personalized plaque.
The Bridge
Walter H. Butler Field Day ‘14
Thank you to the following corporations who have generously
sponsored the school this year.
Accent Floors
Armstrong Landscape Design Group, Inc.
Barrett Welles Property Group
Benitz Building LLC
Bessemer Trust
Beyer Family
BG Strategic Advisors, LLC
Big Time Restaurant Group
Blue Ocean Capital /
Elhilow, Smith & Company
Braman Motorcars
B.R. Cohn Winery
The Breakers Palm Beach
Burman, Critton, Luttier & Coleman
CAPTRUST Financial Advisors
Carpenter’s Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Celedinas Insurance Group
Christian Angle Real Estate
Clifton Budd & DeMaria, LLP
Corcoran Group - Dana Koch ‘87
Corcoran Group - Jim McCann
Dailey Janssen Architects, P.A.
Digital Target Marketing, LLC
Duffy’s Sports Grill
DuVine Adventures
Environmental Technology Control
First Bank of the Palm Beaches
Fisher & Bendeck, P.A.
Flagler Realty & Development, Inc.
Florida Crystals Corporation
Glidden Spina + Partners
Gracie Street Interior Design
G & S Painting Company
Gunster Attorneys at Law
Hartman Windows & Doors
Hedrick Brothers Construction
Ibis Building Corporation
Ice Legal
Ira Walden & Sons, Painting &
Decorating Contractor
IT! Events & Media
John C. Cassidy Air Conditioning
Kassewitz Family
Kochman & Ziska, P.L.C.
Leeds Custom Design
Legacy Aquistions & Expedited Travel
Linda A. Gary Real Estate
Living New York Real Estate Group
Main Street News
Manchester United
Margaritaville Holdings
Meat Market
Menin Family
MP Design & Architecture, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schumacher
Navarro Lowrey Properties, Inc.
Northern Eagle Beverages, Inc. / Hager Hops
Omar S. Abdo, DDS, MS, FACP
Palm Beach Broadcasting
Palm Beach ENT
Palm Beach Media, LLC
Palm Beach Prayer Team Ministries,
Palm Beach Spine and Diagnostic
Panel Electric
Peetz Windows and Door Inc.
Pine Creek Sporting Club
Premiere Antiques
Shoes For Crews
South Florida Science Center &
Table 26
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Total Dollar
Wells Fargo Advisors - The Nicoletti
Financial Consulting Group
Whitehouse Estates, Inc.
Wittman Building Corporation
Woolems Inc. General Contractors
Take a Seat
Matthews Center
for Performing Arts!
are invited to leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Honor your family, a friend or
faculty members with a permanent nameplate on a seat in the Matthews Center for Performing
Arts. The Smith Family Theater in the Matthews Center for Performing Arts serves as the
central gathering space on Upper Campus symbolizing community, celebration and commitment to Palm Beach Day’s
public speaking program and the arts.
Reserve your place in history and Take a Seat today!
Front Row Seat
$10,000 (SOLD OUT!)
Aisle Seat$7,500
Second Row Seat
$5,000 (1 Remaining)
Third Row and Back Seat $2,500
Andy Frame Photography
A Lasting Legacy
he 1921 Society is an association of alumni, faculty, friends,
parents and grandparents who have included Palm Beach
Day Academy in their estate or financial plans. By making a
planned gift, you assist PBDA in its mission, while enjoying
the benefits of capital gains tax savings, increased income, and income
tax savings. Most importantly, a planned gift maximizes your giving
potential while ensuring your future financial security and that of your
loved ones.
There are a number of opportunities for members of the Palm Beach
Day community to join the 1921 Society and help build the school’s
endowment through tax-deductible gift arrangements. Simply let
PBDA know about your intentions by calling Kathleen Emmett, Director
of Development, at (561) 832-3308. Your membership in this special
society involves no dues or obligations. However, it does allow us
to recognize you for the plans you have made, and for your gift to
potentially inspire others. Join us today!
The Bridge
2014 15
Alumni Spotlight
Jacqueline Strasser Higgins ‘88
ackie Strasser Higgins is
has also worked at the
currently the Manager
African Development Bank,
for Global Partnerships
Technoserve, the Council
at the International
on Foreign Relations,
Finance Corporation (IFC),
and Saatchi & Saatchi
the private sector arm of the
World Bank Group based in
Jackie holds an M.I.A.
Washington, D.C. At IFC, Jackie
in finance and economic
oversees an international team
development from
responsible for structuring
Columbia University and
partnerships between IFC
a B.A. in political science
and sovereigns, foundations,
and history from Colgate
and corporations, as well as
University. She graduated
raising $700M to support IFC’s
from the Lawrenceville
Jackie Strasser
Advisory, Investment, and Asset Management School in 1991.
operations. She brings 16 years of finance and
Jackie was married on August 14, 2010 to
development experience to IFC, most recently
Neal Leigh Higgins at his family’s winery
serving as Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior
and vineyard, Three Creek Ranch, in Santa
Advisor to the President of the Overseas
Ynez, California. Neal is currently the
Private Investment Corporation (OPIC),
Director of Congressional Affairs at the
the USG’s development finance institution.
Central Intelligence Agency. He graduated
Appointed by the Obama White House, Jackie magna cum laude from Princeton University
developed OPIC’s strategic relationships
and received a law degree cum laude from
and helped manage its 250-person staff and
Harvard. He also received a master’s in law
operations. From 2009 - 2010, she also served
and diplomacy from Tufts University. They
as OPIC’s Chief Financial Officer, managing
reside in Bethesda, Maryland with their dog,
the agency’s $83M annual operating budget
and $15B portfolio of debt finance and risk
insurance project and corporate finance
What has been the highlight of your career?
transactions in more than 105 emerging
I have been fortunate to have had many
markets. During her tenure as CFO, OPIC
career highlights to date and am hopeful that
announced $2.4B in new commitments and
I will have many more in the years to come.
reported $260M in net income.
However, if I have to pick one, it would be the
Before joining OPIC, Jackie spent eight years
time I served in Baghdad. While working at
at the White House Office of Management
the White House in 2002, I was picked to be
and Budget (OMB), leading oversight of the
part of a very small team to develop plans to
budget, policy, programs, and management
help rebuild Iraq after the invasion. Since I did
of the U.S. Ex-Im Bank, OPIC, MCC, and
not agree with the decision to invade Iraq, I
various programs at the Department of
agreed to be part of this team on the condition
State and USAID. In 2004, she served as
that I could spend time in Iraq helping to
principle economic advisor to Iraq’s Interim
implement these plans for the betterment of
Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Barham Salih,
the Iraqi people. I was privileged to have had
and the Minister of Finance. During her eight
a front row seat to one of the most important
months in Baghdad, she helped develop and
periods of my generation and to be part of
implement the Iraqi national budget, the
helping the Iraqi economy transition from a
first treasury bill auctions, and a national
state-owned economy to a market-based one.
investment strategy.
Prior to OMB, Jackie worked for an internet
Did anyone or anything influence that career
trade finance company in New York,
where she designed and managed an asset
My father. Dr. Harold Scott Strasser, an
management and auction platform. She
orthopedic surgeon, was killed in a motor
vehicle accident in 1983. He died as “a
Good Samaritan” while trying to help two
individuals in an overturned van on the
shoulder of 1-95. I was only nine years old at
the time, but his values of helping others and
taking risks were ingrained in me and have
influenced almost every decision that I have
taken personally and professionally to date.
What was it like working and living Baghdad?
Thrilling, humbling, exhausting, and
hot! Traveling at 80 miles per hour against
traffic through the very crowded streets of
downtown Baghdad in an up-armored vehicle
wearing my kevlar-vest en route to the
Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi Ministry
of Finance for the first ever national treasury
bill auction; observing the Jewish High Holy
days in Sadam Hussein’s Chapel in his Royal
Palace; working 21 hour days; and escaping
the 120 degree heat by swimming in Sadam
Hussein’s pool in his Royal Palace.
Had there been a second career, what might you
have chosen?
An Alvin Ailey Dancer! Seriously, I might
have chosen to be a surgeon like my father.
While at Palm Beach Day School what teachers
and/or classes made an impression on your life?
Mr. Greco, Dotti Dixon, Mr. Laird, and Mr.
Sarko - combined, these amazing teachers in
English, art, history, and science encouraged
me at a young age to be intellectually curious
and to think and express myself creatively.
What or whom, when you think of PBDS, makes
you smile?
My friends and the hilarious (often
awkward!) experiences we shared - from the
tennis courts to Field Day (Go Pelicans!) to
the school dances.
It seems you have stayed connected with some of
your classmates from PBDS. Can you share how
that is possible when your life is so busy?
I make it a priority. My friends are my
extended family and I would not be the
person I am today without their love,
friendship, laughter, and support.
What advice, if any, do you have for future Palm
Beach Day Academy students?
Have fun! Focus on doing things that make
you happy and ones that you are passionate
about. If you do that, opportunities will
present themselves.
Meet our Class Agents - Class of 2015
oining the Class Agents for the classes of 2013 and 2014 are the agents
for the Class of 2015, Lulu Fanjul - Deerflield Academy; Jackson
Cohlan, Deerfield Academy; Alexis Gorfine, Saint Andrew’s School;
and Lilly Carden - Phillips Exeter Academy. The Class Agents will
work together to serve as a link between their classmates and Palm
Beach Day Academy.
The Bridge
Frank Quigley is 96 years young and his
memories are as clear today as they were
when he attended Palm Beach Private School.
In 1932, Frank was the first Flamingo captain
for Palm Beach Private School. When asked
about his favorite memories, he said, “twohour lunches at the Bath and Tennis Club,
playing soccer and the “social set.” Many of
his classmates had very famous names, the
Astors, Roosevelts and the Rockefellers just to
name a few.
Frank left Palm Beach Private when his
family moved to New York at the end of his
sophomore year. He attended The Browning
School to complete his high school education.
He then attended the University of Virginia
’38 and UCLA.
Frank was drafted with the Army Air Corps
in 1939 and was based at Morrison Air Base
in West Palm Beach. He flew 15 missions in
a B-24 bomber. His commander was Colonel
Jimmy Stewart who went onto acting.
Frank has enjoyed his life and his
recollections reflect that feeling. When asked
if he had any advice for our students today,
he offered the following: Live by the golden
rule, don’t be too quick to try things, and
show respect.
Richard Cowell was the first Pelican captain
at Palm Beach Private School. He left in 1938
to attend St. Paul’s School in Concord, New
Hampshire. He was in the class of 1952 at
Harvard University after spending three years
in Okinawa, Japan with the Marine Corps.
Dick started his career in water skiing in
1946. He says it has enriched his life not only
with good health, but also the opportunity to
meet people from all over the world. He is
grateful that Palm Beach Private School gave
him the opportunity to learn and reach for
things he would not have ordinarily.
In 1949, Dick represented the United States
in the first water skiing world championship
in France. He attended every world
championship thereafter as a competitor,
judge, driver, member of the board or
president of the International Water Ski Hall
of Fame.
In 1966, Dick was on the Olympic Skeleton
team in Sarajevo, Bosnia where his United
States team won the event. In 1999, Dick took
his last run after forty consecutive seasons
on the legendary “Cresta Run” in St. Moritz,
Switzerland. He was 71 years old at the time.
The apple did not fall far from the tree
when it comes to being athletic. Dick has
three children, Richard ‘89, Chris ‘91 and
Tucker. Richard went on to Bollettieri Tennis
IMG Academy to enhance his tennis career
and was then recruited by the University of
Miami where he continued playing tennis.
Chris attended Eaglebrook School and then
Lawrenceville Academy to further refine his
football skills. He went on to play cornerback
for Florida State University. Tucker is
teaching golf in Vero Beach.
Dick was born in Palm Beach and still
resides on the same street on which he grew
up. At the age of 87, you can find him water
skiing or swimming most everyday.
In 1982, Mimi
Maddock McMakin
’65 founded Kemble
Interiors, Inc., located
in Palm Beach, New
York and London,
England. She later
added the expertise
of her daughters,
Celerie Kemble
Curry ’88 and
Phoebe Kemble ’92. Mimi, Celerie and
Phoebe are a creative family trio who excel at
devising environments
and experiences that
delight and inspire
their clients.
Celerie attended
Groton School and then
Harvard University.
After college, Celerie
worked briefly in film
production before
succumbing to her
Celerie Kemble Curry
passion. Known
for her candor, humor and approachable
design advice, Celerie
published her first
monograph Celerie
Kemble: To Your Taste
in 2008, which was
followed by Black
and White: And a Bit
in Between in 2011.
Recently, Celerie
appeared in J. Crew’s
‘Real Women’ ads and
Phoebe Kemble
alongside industry
leaders in Benjamin Moore’s ‘Experts’
Phoebe attended The Lawrenceville School
during her high school years and then Brown
University. She is also a graduate of Le
Cordon Bleu. Phoebe lives in London where
she is Director and Head Chef of the culinary
and lifestyle branch of Kemble Interiors,
Kemble Kitchens. Here she provides gourmet
comfort food for events large and small and
happily shares culinary secrets from her lifelong passion for memorable meals and travel.
Lisa Greco played competitive tennis on
the United States Tennis Association (ASTA)
Junior Circuit in Florida while attending Palm
Beach Day School. She also played collegiate
tennis at Harvard University. Lisa is a former
magazine editor and counselor who is now
working on writing projects and volunteering
as a guardian ad litem, advocating for abused
and neglected children. Lisa is married to Mr.
Richard Wagener, the 6th through 9th grade
science and biology teacher at Palm Beach
Day Academy.
In December, Lisa and her father, Ralph
Greco published a novel No Tears to
Wimbledon. The book is available on Amazon.
Robin Rosenberg was a state-ranked junior
tennis player
Andover for
high school.
graduation from Princeton University where
she captained the women’s tennis team,
Robin headed to Washington, D.C. where
she worked for the Senate Subcommittee
on Juvenile Justice, Princeton’s Office of
University Affairs, and as a legislative
correspondent to Senator Bill Bradley ’61.
Robin graduated with a law degree from
Duke University’s School of Law and a M.A.
degree in public policy from Duke’s Terry
Sanford Institute of Public Policy. Her first
job out of law school was an enjoyable oneyear clerkship with Judge James Paine of the
U. S. District Court in West Palm Beach. In
1990, she returned to Washington and met
her future husband Michael McAuliffe. They
married in 1993.
Robin has been a circuit judge in Palm
Beach since 2007. On February 26, 2014,
President Barack Obama nominated Judge
Robin Rosenberg to the federal bench in the
Southern District of Florida.
Robin feels fortunate to have loved every
step of her career, a career she feels has
prepared her well for the challenges that
serving as a judge bring. When Robin is not
working, she can be found spending time
with her parents and grandmother and doing
any number of outdoor activities with her
husband and three children – Sydney ’11,
Madison ’14, and Adin ’17.
Catherine Brekus graduated from Harvard
University with a BA in history and literature
of England and America, and she holds a PhD
in American Studies from Yale University.
Catherine was named the Charles Warren
Professor of the History of Religion in
America at Harvard Divinity School. She
2014 17
The Bridge
is currently Professor in Religions in
America and the History of Christianity at
the University of Chicago Divinity School.
She also serves as an Associate Member of
the University of Chicago’s Department of
History and is affiliated with the school’s
Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality.
Her prize-winning first book, Strangers and
Pilgrims: Female Preaching in America, 17401845, established her reputation as one of
the most influential historians of American
religion in the country. Catherine’s most
recent book is Sarah Osborn’s World: The Rise of
Evangelical Christianity in Early America.
Catherine and her husband, Eric Fontheimer,
will be heading to the northeast this summer.
Adele Wilson Edwards attended Rosarian
Academy for high school. She continued her
academics at Smith College in Northampton,
Massachusetts and earned her Bachelors of
Arts in Mathematics and Computer Science
in 1986. In 2008, she graduated from the
University of Arizona with her MBA.
Adele has been married to her husband,
David since 1986. The two have four children.
David, their eldest, is working on his PhD
in Cancer Biology at Oregon Health and
Science University. Steven is working on his
PhD in Chemistry. Deirdre is a sophomore
at Arizona State University. Christianna has
plans to attend college in the fall.
Sarah Alsofrom received her Bachelor of
Arts degree, with honors, from University
of Florida, and her Juris Doctor degree from
Stetson University in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Sarah joined Hanley Foundation in 2012
as Executive Director of Development and
Community Relations. Prior to that, she
was Public Information Officer at the State
Attorney’s Office in Palm Beach County.
She was also the Director of Marketing and
Public Relations for one of the state’s oldest
law firms and Assistant News Producer and
Newsroom Office Manager at NBC’s WPTV
NewsChannel 5.
In September 2013, Sarah was selected to
participate as one of 55 new members in
Leadership Florida’s XXXII Annual Class
Meredith Bagby is a graduate of Harvard
University and Columbia Law School. She
is the founder of the American Education
Foundation, a nonprofit focused on youth
engagement in politics and is the publisher of
the Annual Report of the USA.
She has penned a half-dozen books on
politics, which include: We’ve got Issues,
Rational Exuberance and the first Annual
Report of the USA. Meredith worked as
a reporter for CNN and appeared as a
commentator on Larry King Live, NBC
Nightly News, MSNBC, and FOX, among
18 2014 Summer
The Bridge
others. She has
testified before the
Senate Finance
the Bipartisan
Commission on
Medicare, and the
President’s Committee
to Strengthen Social
Security. She was a
fellow at Harvard’s
Institute of Politics.
Meredith published No Tears to Wimbledon,
written by Ralph Greco and Lisa Greco ’74
as well as Tradition and Change in Paradise, The
Story of Palm Beach Day Academy written by
Barbara Bayless Close ‘67 and Hilary Beesch
Mendoza ‘71.
Following Palm Beach Day, Jessica Blades
Havens attended Westminster School and
went on to Dickinson College. Jessica moved
to Chevy Chase, Maryland four years ago
because of her husband’s job change. They
have a six-year-old son and twin four-yearold daughters.
Prior to the birth of her daughters, Jessica
was an Associate Broker with Houlihan
Lawrence Real Estate in Larchmont, New
York. She is now having fun being a full-time
mom and keeping in touch with many of her
classmates from Palm Beach Day.
Jessica’s sister, Abigail Blades ’92 is living
in Bethesda, Maryland which makes family
visits frequent and wonderful.
Caroline Koons Forrest attended Pomfret
School after Palm Beach Day. She then
attended The School of Art Institute of
Chicago and earned both a Bachelors degree
and Masters degree in
Architecture from Pratt
Institute in New York.
Caroline is with
MP Design and
Architecture, Inc.
in Palm Beach. In
addition to working
on numerous private
homes and area
businesses, she has had the excitement of
helping two local companies, Table 26 Palm
Beach and Surfside Diner, achieve their goals
from a design perspective.
Caroline is married to Tom Forrest and
they have three-year-old twins, Eloise and
Thomas, who are proud little flamingos
attending Palm Beach Day Academy.
Amanda Boalt graduated from Saint
Andrew’s School and then the College of
Charleston. In 2009, she founded Strong
Boalt, a line of men’s luxury swimwear.
Amanda is the granddaughter of the
legendary fashion designer Lilly Pulitzer
and is following in her
footsteps. One can find
Amanda enjoying her
favorite activities. They
include fishing, diving,
spear fishing, paddle
boarding, tennis, golf,
biking, and shooting to
name a few.
Cielle Foquet left Palm Beach Day for The
Purnell School. She
went to Rollins
College and then
transferred to Barry
University where
she received her
Bachelor’s Degree in
music and theater.
Cielle is living in
Royan, France where
she is traveling
throughout Europe
for her modeling career. This year, she was
offered a role in a new movie “Cathedral
Canyon,” a fictional account of a polygamous
sect. The movie screened at several locations
during the Palm Beach Film Festival.
After Palm Beach Day, John “Jack” Cooney
went to Cardinal Newman High School.
He graduated from Yale University and is
now an investment professional at Pacific
Coast Capital Partner, LLC. PCCP is an
integrated real estate finance and investment
management firm with offices in New York,
San Francisco and Los Angeles. Jack works
out of the New York office.
Whitmore “Whit”
Benoit attended
Cardinal Newman
High School and
Palm Beach Atlantic
University. In 2003,
Whit attended
Outward Bound Leadership School in
Seward, Alaska. He received his Masters
degree from Savannah College of Art and
Design in 2013 majoring in Interactive Design
and Game Development.
His awards and accomplishments include
Sands Arts Festival, 1st place, 2006 & 2007.
Additionally, he was on the Dean’s list in
2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008.
Whit has been working with an independent
game design company, Ascent Games, which
was founded in 2009 in Savannah, Georgia.
At this time, Whit is working on a strategy
game to be revealed in the near future. Whit
enjoys games as well as spear fishing, scuba
diving, music, travel, and photography.
Blake Hanley is a fourth-generation Palm
Beacher. He attended Cardinal Newman
High School and Palm Beach Atlantic
University. After
college, Blake
played in bands
and eventually
took a job with
Azoff Music
which provides
management services to the likes of the
Eagles, Van Halen, Christina Aguilera, and
In 2010, Blake married Emily Wickersham,
whose television credits include “The
Sopranos,” “The Bridge” and “Gossip Girl.”
Recently, she replaced Cote De Pablo on the
immensely popular series “NCIS.”
Blake is now attending Southwestern Law
School in Los Angeles, California while
working on future music releases.
Fritz Van der Grift attended Deerfield
Academy following Palm Beach Day School.
He then attended Elizabethtown College
and completed his Bachelor of Science in
Political Science
with a minor in
Spanish at Palm
Beach Atlantic
After college, he
served directly
under the state of
Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater
as his Special Assistant and was integral in
coordinating regional and state efforts on
behalf of the CFO.
As an entrepreneur at a young age, Fritz
is CEO/Founder of LivMobile, a software
development company that has built Vidi, a
mobile video search platform.
In addition, Fritz is President of Fruit of
the Son, Inc. a non-profit organization based
in West Palm Beach, Florida. His hope is to
be the catalyst in the process of providing
resources to those less fortunate, with the
ultimate goal of dramatically improving the
living conditions of an individual, family
or community. He travels primarily in Los
Alcarizzos, Dominican Republic, but has
expanded his trips to Cuba.
Fritz works for ESPN West Palm as a
Marketing Consultant and recently proposed
to Judy Haigh. They are planning an October
2014 wedding at Bethesda-by-the-Sea.
As a ‘lifer’ of Palm Beach
Day, Michael Lapidus
attended Saint Andrew’s
School. After three years,
he headed to Georgetown
University, McDonough
School of Business where
he received his Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration. He
received his Master of Arts in International
Science and Technology Policy from George
Washington University, Elliott School of
International Affairs.
While in school, Michael interned for
Representative Maria Lorts Sachs. During
that period he founded, on behalf of
Representative Sachs, the H.O.P.E. initiative
for the Palm Beach County Task Force to
aid struggling homeowners in escaping
foreclosure. At Georgetown he was the
Information Systems Director where he
oversaw all technology aspects of The
Hoya. He interned for New York City Office
of Federal Affairs (D.C.), Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, and Congressman Robert Wexler
and was staff assistant for the U.S. House of
Representatives, 19th Congressional District
of Florida.
Michael still lives in Washington and is
now employed by Space X, a private space
company that launches rockets for NASA. As
a Government Affairs Associate, he analyzes
relevant Congressional and Department of
Defense issues and reports to the Government
Affairs team.
Corbin Walker is graduated recently with
honors from Florida State University with
a major in business and finance. While
in school, he interned for the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers. He is moving to Washington,
D.C. this summer to work with his
grandfather, Ellis Parker, in their apartment
housing business.
Brendon Walker received a full scholarship
to Long Island University, half for academics
and half for Lacrosse. He is an All American
lacrosse player. Brendon has spent the last
two years interning at Hospital for Special
Surgery in New York under the guidance of
Dr. Frank Cammisa. Brendon plans to attend
medical school after graduation.
Drew Walker graduated from Cardinal
Newman in June and will attend the
University of Mississippi in September.
Both Amanda Coyle and Will Leas won the
Duff Tyler Spirit Award,
one of the highest Senior
Athletic Awards given
out by Saint Andrew’s
School. The Duff
Tyler Spirit Award is
presented to senior boy
and senior girl athletes
who have done the most
to promote a healthy
competitive spirit for our
athletic teams and events by embodying the
values that Coach Duff Tyler emphasized,
values that go beyond the athletic arena:
perseverance, selflessness, loyalty, teamwork
and honor.
Charlotte Dowell
graduated from Saint
Andrew’s School where she
had a leadership role on the
steering committee for the
International Round Square
Conference. Round Square
is a worldwide association
of more than 100 schools on
five continents sharing unique and ambitious
goals. She has been accepted to the University
of Richmond. This summer, Charlotte will
be traveling with friends and family to
California, Greece and Paris.
After Palm Beach Day Academy, Margaret
“Peggy” Kilvert graduated
from St. George’s School where
she was on the sailing team for
four years. Peggy was on the
honor roll every semester and
received various recognitions
for the National Spanish
Exam that is used to recognize
student achievement and
promote language proficiency.
This summer, she will be a Senior Sailing
Instructor on Nantucket. In September,
she will attend Dartmouth College to study
applied mathematics or engineering.
Charles Krumholz graduated as
Valedictorian with a visual
art major from Alexander
W. Dreyfoos Jr., School
of the Arts. He is also a
National AP Scholar and
is headed to Harvard
University in September.
Charlie served as president
of the Student Government
Association, president of the National Honor
Society and co-president of the Mu Alpha
Theta Honor Society. He had a weighted
grade-point average of 5.33 and was ranked
first in his class. He was a National Merit
finalist and a National Advance Placement
Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson
chose Charlie as a delegate for the 52nd
Annual United States Senate Youth Program.
He attended the program in March in
Washington, D.C. The Senate Youth
Program was created in 1962 to increase
young Americans understanding of the
interrelationships of the three branches of
government, the caliber and responsibilities of
the federally elected and appointed officials,
and the importance of democratic decisionmaking for America and the world.
Nate Low graduated from Saint Andrew’s
School and was recruited to play football for
Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. While
2014 19
The Bridge
at Saint Andrew’s,
Nate was on the honor
roll for his junior
and senior years and
played varsity football,
lacrosse and soccer.
This summer, Nate
plans to go to Europe
with other Palm Beach
Day Academy alumni.
He also plans on getting into shape for
football season at Bowdoin.
Sydney Rosenberg
McAuliffe graduated
from Alexander W.
Dreyfoos Jr., School
of the Arts and
will be attending
Duke University in
September. Sydney
was awarded a Robertson Scholarship, which
invests in young leaders who strive to make
transformational contributions to society.
There are generally 36 students selected - 18
at Duke and 18 at UNC-Chapel Hill. These
young leaders are provided with exceptional
benefits and a distinctive set of shared
Sydney is planning on climbing Mount
Kilimanjaro this summer with her Dad.
Michael Magelinski
is a graduate of
Atlantic Community
High School where he
was in the National
Honor Society,
Spanish National Honor Society, and earned
his IB diploma. In June, Michael will attend
the University of Florida.
Gregory Newcomm
graduated from Jupiter
Christian School where he
was on the varsity golf team.
He is also a wake boarder,
landing on the cover of the
Jupiter Courier. Greg has
his private pilots license and
is heading off to Auburn
University in June to major in aviation. He
hopes to sneak in a quick trip to the Bahamas
with friends prior to school.
Joshua Perry graduated
from Suncoast Community
High School in June. He
played varsity lacrosse 2009,
2010 and 2011 and varsity
wrestling 2011 and 2012.
He was also in the National
Honor Society and received
a National Merit letter of
commendation. His plans are to work this
summer and join his family on a trip to
Switzerland. In September, he will leave for
Georgia Institute of Technology, College of
The Bridge
Engineering majoring in aerospace.
Summer Pliskow attended Palm Beach
Central High School where
she was number 16 in her
class of 660 students. She
received the Principal’s
Honor Roll award 2010
through 2013 carrying a 4.52
grade point average. Summer
also received Student of
the Month, Gold and Silver
Presidential Service awards, Character Counts
award and Royal Academy of Dance award.
She also received many theatrical awards and
was very active in Community Service.
Summer plans to attend the University of
Florida and major in acting.
Scarlett Victoria
Sloane attended
Alexander W.
Dreyfoos, Jr., School
of the Arts where she
received academic
honor roll all four
years. She also received a Varsity Letterman
award in swimming. Scarlett was an active
member of the International Thespian Society
and gives a shout out to troupe 4990.
This summer, Scarlett is hoping to spend as
much time as possible at the beach. She is
planning one trip to Las Vegas with her parents
and her boyfriend, Kyle.
Lawrence “LJ” Stoll
graduated from Oxbridge
Academy of the Palm Beaches
in June and has plans to
attend Loyola University in
the fall. While at Oxbridge,
LJ was a three-sport varsity
athlete, music producer and
music teacher’s assistant.
He was also a member of the Jewish Student
Council and Key Club. This summer, LJ will
be interning with a Grammy award-winning
In December 2013, Raymond Edward “Teddy”
Kramer, IV learned he had attained the rank
of Eagle Scout, a designation he has sought
for a while. Earning the rank of Eagle is a
great honor. Fewer than four percent of the
boys who start in scouting achieve that rank.
Candidates must serve six months in a troop
leadership position; take part in a scoutmaster
conference; successfully complete an Eagle
Scout board of review and plan; and develop
and lead a service project for a religious
organization, school or community. Teddy
picked his own church for the project. He
did a steppingstone pathway Pratt Institute
in New York and landscaping work at The
Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea.
Teddy will start his sophomore year at St.
Andrew’s School in September.
Christina Murphy and Albert Anthony Pisa
were married on March 1 at St. Edward’s
Catholic Church in Palm Beach. Christina
is a graduate
of Georgetown
University and
New York School
of Interior Design.
She owns an
interior design
firm in New York
and Palm Beach.
Albert is a partner
in the New York
law firm Milbank,
Tweed, Hadley &
McCloy. The couple
honeymooned in Turks and Caicos and
Costa Rica.
Palm Beach Day School alumni in
attendance were Celerie Kemble ’88,
Caroline Keresey Price ’86, Olympia
Shields ’97, Rachel Rogers Supple ’86,
Allison Holcomb ’86, Missy Robinson
Savage ’83, Merrill Duemler Debbs ’85,
John Murphy ’92, Mark Murphy ’83 and
Norman Murphy ’81.
Robert Leidy, Jr. married Ivey Day on
March 7 at an intimate ceremony on a
stretch of beach on the North End of
Palm Beach. Ivey’s young son, Charlie,
was in attendance. Bobby’s mother, Liza
Pulitzer Calhoun ‘71 hosted a dinner for
all attendees at her home. The newlyweds
honeymooned on Little Palm Island.
On April 26, Gabriella K. de Araujo
exchange vows with Alexander L Iannacone
at the Royal Poinciana Chapel. Gabrielle
attended St. Paul’s School following Palm
Beach Day. She is a magna cum laude
graduate of Georgetown University.
Alexander is from Spring Lake, New Jersey.
Gabriella and Alexander reside in San
Alexis Cristina Posada is planning an
August wedding to Christopher Matthew
TeStrake in St. Barthelemy, West Indies.
After Palm Beach Day School, Alexis
attended Institute Le Rosey in Switzerland
and went on to George Washington
University and Instituto de Medici in
Florence, Italy.
Alexis is currently manager of the Juicy
Couture boutique on Worth Avenue.
Christopher is the managing director at
CRC/Southern Cross Underwriters in Boca
Nicholas and Frank Coniglio proudly
announce the birth of their baby brother
Andres Michael, born March 5, 8 pounds 2
ounces and 20 ½ inches long. Proud parents
are Carrisa ‘99 and Nick Coniglio.
Jan-Marie Coniglio Cook ‘95 and her
husband, Chris are thrilled to announce they
have added another
little PBDA Flamingo
to their family. Thomas
Kingsbury Cook (TK)
was born on May 21,
weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. He
joins his brother Christopher ‘22 and sisters,
Piper ‘24 and Calvitt ’26.
Nicole Robinson Menges ‘88 and her
husband, Jake welcome
Greer Robinson
Menges, born March
22 weighing 10 pounds
and 4 ounces.
In Memoriam
Richard David Weiss ‘76
August 9, 1961 – January 28, 2014
The Bridge Ceremony 2014
tudents and faculty on the Lower
Campus marked the close of the
year on June 5. Students from
Pre-Primary through Grade 3
participated in the ceremonial “walk across
the bridge” as their parents looked on. Dr. van
der Bogert welcomed families and introduced
a performance of “Let Freedom Ring” by
the Lower School Chorus. Donna Tobey,
Head of the Lower Campus, then began the
student recognition portion of the program
by speaking about the symbolism associated
with crossing the bridge. One by one, each
student set out across the bridge and on to the
next grade.
Artwork created by students in Mrs.
Ellender’s and Mrs. VanDyke’s Primary class
was acknowledged for being chosen for the
Bridge Ceremony program cover. Dr. van der
Bogert recognized teacher Buckley Griffis
for 10 years of service and then presented the
Adele Shook Merck Excellence in Teaching
Award to second grade teacher Wendy
Donna Tobey recognized the students whose
standardized test scores qualify them to test
for the Johns Hopkins University Center for
Talented Youth Program - 55% of 2nd and
3rd Graders based on testing in the Spring of
2014. Lower Campus yearbook dedication
recipient Jennifer Andreon was recognized.
The Bridge Ceremony ended with a special
tribute to the 3rd Graders - a performance of
“Count on Me” by the Lower School Chorus
accompanied by faculty members Robyn
Huff, George Yeager, and Buckley Griffis and
a slide show created by the teachers.
For the 3rd Graders, the Bridge Ceremony
serves as a symbolic passage over Royal Palm
Bridge to the Upper Campus on Seaview
Avenue in Palm Beach.
Richard who, as a child, first referred to
cystic fibrosis as “ Sixty-Five Roses” died
after a lifelong battle with the disease.
His mother, Mary, founded the Cystic
Fibrosis Foundation in Palm Beach in
1966 and the Sixty-Five Roses name
is being used by chapters around the
Besides his mother, Richard is survived
by his wife, Lisa; his brother Anthony
and sister-in-law Nancy; his father,
Harry; three nieces, Whitney and Lacey
Laken and Amelia Weiss; and a nephew,
James Kassak. He was predeceased by
his brother Arthur.
Troy Alexander Devine ‘96
November 17, 1980 - December 14, 2013
Troy was born in Toronto, Canada.
Troy and his mother settled in Palm
Beach where he attended Palm Beach
Day School and graduated from The
Benjamin School. He furthered his
education at Florida Atlantic University
and the University of Central Florida.
Troy partnered with his mother,
Olympia, at Devine Style Inc., a
marketing, public relations and special
events company.
Troy is survived by his mother, Olympia,
and his beloved Labrador, Chanel. He
is predeceased by this father, Ralph
Lawrence Devine former Consul General
for Liberia in Canada.
Palm Beach Day Academy
is a coeducational independent day school located in Palm Beach and
West Palm Beach, Florida. An enrollment of over 500 students in PreKindergarten 2 year olds to Ninth Grade is drawn from Palm Beach and
West Palm Beach and the outlying communities as far south as Manalapan,
west as Wellington and north as Jupiter.
Palm Beach Day Academy is incorporated as a non-sectarian, not-for-profit
school. It has been a member of the National Association of Independent
Schools since 1957 and is evaluated and accredited by the Florida Council
of Independent Schools and the Florida Kindergarten Council.
Nondiscrimination Policy
Palm Beach Day Academy admits students of any race, color, religious
affiliation, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs,
and activities made available to students at the school.
Palm Beach Day Academy
241 Seaview Avenue
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Challenged Today, Prepared for Tomorrow
2013 Winter
The Bridge