Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce
Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce
Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce Founded 1897 2014/2015 Business Directory The Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of over 350 small, medium and large businesses across a variety of sectors, as well as not-for-profit membership. We are an independent, membership driven organization where policy and direction are taken from a volunteer board of directors and committee structures. The Chamber works on behalf of you and your business to grow a more robust and sustainable business community within the Parry Sound area. TABLE OF CONTENTS USING THIS GUIDE We’re pleased to introduce our 2014-2015 Members Directory and Area Guide. The directory`s theme this year is: “The past, present and future of our area.” We trust that this directory will provide you with interesting information of our area as well as the businesses of our members. All of our members are listed twice within this directory. The first listing is within the sector category and you will notice a page number beside the business name which will direct to the alphabetical section in the back of the directory. Honoring the Past 3 Embracing the Present 10 Imagining the Future 52 Members Business listings 57 Published By: Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce 70 Church Street Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1Y9 T: (705) 746-4213/(800) 461-4261 info@parry Production Team: Perry Harris, CEO Sean Beasley, Membership Services Photo Credits: Over the years we have been fortunate enough to have photos shared with us. We wish to thank everyone who has contibuted to our library. All listings included are members of Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce To enquire about becoming a member contact us at (800) 461-4261. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this publication. Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which inadvertently occur. All advertisements & graphic artwork appearing in this guide are copyrighted. Any usage, reproductions or publication of these advertisements/images or graphics in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of the publisher is a copyright infringement & subject to legal actions. In an effort to ensure accurate information about accessibility we encourage you to contact our businesses directly to inquire about individual needs. p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 3 1-(705)-746-4213 Sightseeing Tours Fly and Dine to Henry’s Coffee and Ice Cream Parlour Parry Sound 1-800-786-1704 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt 3.5” x 2.5” | 3.5” Maximum Font Size: 30 pt x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Investments you need youdeserve need and Investments service you Investments you need and service you deserve Investments you need Investments you Glen MacGregor, FMA,need FCSI® and service you Glen you MacGregor,deserve FMA, FCSI®deserve and service and service you deserve 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Financial Advisor . 70 JamesFinancial Street Advisor . Parry Sound, ON Street P2A 1S5 70 James Glen705-774-9444 MacGregor, FMA, FCSI® Parry Sound, ON P2A 1S5 Glen MacGregor, FMA, FCSI® Re-discover Parry Sound! Glen MacGregor, 705-774-9444 Financial Advisor Financial AdvisorFMA, FCSI® . Financial Advisor . 70 James Street 70 James Street 70 James Street Parry Sound, ON P2A 1S5 Parry Sound, ON P2AON 1S5 Parry Sound, P2A 705-774-9444 705-774-9444 705-774-9444 . 1S5 Member –Investor Canadian Protection Investor Protection Member – Canadian FundFund Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund History of our Chamber Rich in history, the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce was originally formed as a Board of Trade under the Canadian Board of Trade Act on June 5th, 1897. The business community at that time contained the Town of Parry Sound as well as Foley and McDougall townships. Since that time, our trade name has changed to the Parry Sound and Area Chamber of Commerce and we’re now known as the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce. Our geographical area has since expanded to include the Municipalities of McKellar, Seguin, Whitestone, Archipelago and Carling. building excellence one build at a time Project after project Distler Construction has became synonymous with personal service and quality second to none. Over the past 25 years our fundamental philosophy of honesty, quality and commitment to the community remain the driving force behind what we do. For more information call us at (705) 746-5465 or visit us at 92 James St. in Parry Sound. Founding membership consisted of 44 businesses. Historic family names that are familiar to our area today such as Beatty, Logan and Taylor were all founding members. The Parry Sound North Star has also been a member from the beginning. Imagine… the past 117 years and the challenges that business owners have faced over that time: recessions, depressions, wars, government policy changes and so much more! Here we stand in 2014, a strong and vibrant Chamer. Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce 2011 BUSINESS OF THE YEAR PROUD BUILDER AND DEVELOPER OF : p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 7 1-(800)-461-4261 History Lesson The great lakes were not of great interest to the Europeans until the conclusion of the War of 1812. The lakes now acted as a border between Canada and the United States and required mapping. Commander Henry Bayfield was tasked with charting the shores of Georgian Bay. In 1820 he discovered a well-protected body of water which he named Parry Sound after the famed Arctic explorer, Sir William Edward Parry. The government also surveyed inland of the Bay hoping to create a canal in order to avoid transporting soldiers and supplies over the Great Lakes. The surveys filled in blank spots on the map allowing the colonial government their first real picture of what is now the Parry Sound District. Originally considered unusable land for anything other than Aboriginal habitat, the Parry Sound District remained untouched until the 1850s. Then, driven by the demand for timber and farmland, the colonization of the district began. The Beatty’s saw the value in the forest of untouched white pines and applied for timber rights. Soon communities began to pop up around the lumber camps. More people were drawn to the area when free land grants were introduced as a bid to create more farmland. The government thought to expand the rich farmland of southern Ontario by pushing north and clearing the lands. In order to do so they offered free land to industrious individuals that could clear their plots and produce crops within a limited time period. Settlers however, soon discovered that under the trees and between the rocks lay only a scant amount of soil. Very few settlers were lucky enough to clear land with enough soil to produce modest farms. Most turned to logging in order to survive. Arthur Hailstone once wrote “. . .that if anyone should come here with the idea that the world owes him a living without an effort on his part, he will be badly fooled, but anyone possessed of energy and ambition and wanting to obtain a place to call his own and make a success of life, even though his means are limited, he will be welcomed. . . “ These are the type of people that colonized the Parry Sound District and the philosophy that formed the district. p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 8 1(800)-461-4261 6 Designer’s Lane at Oastler Park Drive & Hunter Drive Parry Sound • Muskoka • Georgian Bay 705.746.8686 • Professional Engineers & Builders of Fine Seasonal Homes A building experience you’ll feel right at home with. Pantone 288 c Pantone 364 c Pantone 364 c (65%) Present Day Area President’s Charge Here is a very useful tool to connect buyers with sellers! HYW 69 TO SUDBURY FRENCH RIVER PICKEREL RIVER RESTOULE BYNG INLET McKELLAR O PARRY SOUND HWY 518 ORRVILLE HUMPHREY ROSSEAU HWY 141 MACTIER MOON RIVER F E TH TOWNS RATION THIRTY THOUSAND ISLANDS KILLBEAR NOBEL PO SNUG HARBOUR MUSKOKA LAKES H McKE L 10 HWY 124 GEORGIAN BAY HWY 169 HYW 400/69 TO BARRIE & TORONTO Andrew Ryeland President - Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a DUNCHURCH OF You have my pledge to continue to push our completive edge beyond the obvious. Accelerate! MAGNETAWAN RIVER POINTE AU BARIL IP In 2013 our Chamber received a formal Accreditation from The Canadian Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Committee which means we have consistent policies, represent the voice of business and have proven capability to deliver a competitive edge to our members. In 2014 we are literally running with these and the other accredited skills and consequently have deemed this as the ‘Year of Acceleration’. BAYFIELD INLET HWY 522 H Realize that those highlights represent your business’ partner, sales force and advocate. Let them know of your action. Better still like them, link them and interact with them on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps, Google +, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vine and any other marketing device that raises its flag in the coming months. Let us know if you are richer for this experiment, use hashtag #parrysoundstrong. PORT LORING BRITT R I challenge those reading this message to an experiment: Keep this directory within arm’s reach on your desk and every time you refer to it, whether exclusively or in concert with an electronic means, circle the ad or contact with a highlighter. CO All of us have embraced electronic tools in the past decade and consistently explore social interactions on mobile devices and the internet to add dimension, depth and reach to our products. The Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce is geographically located on the majestic eastern shores of Georgian Bay and is comprised of seven municipalities, that we have identified on this page. R LA The Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce boasts over 350 members covering almost every aspect of business and service that a vibrant community must have. The 2014 edition of our Members’ Directory is one of many outreach projects we employ to expand your sales and develop valuable networking connections that boost your bottom line. Note: All maps in this publication are not to scale and should be used for reference only. M U N I C I PA L I T Y O F WHITESTONE 1(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 11 1-(800)-461-4261 Enter To Win! Your chance to win a weekend for two in our area! R E S O RT COTTAGE RENTALS ON WANNA KNOW HOW? SCAN HERE ATV RIDE FOR 2 2 Night Stay • • • • • • Fully equipt private cottages Family and fishing vacations Private beach & playground Free use of canoes, sailboards & paddleboats Game room with pool table & jacuzzi tub Boat rentals (705) 746-9491 ~ (705) 746-9613 Over 30 Years in Business For information please visit us @ or call 1 705 342-9096 Gift Basket Lunch for 2 GB Country Ad2.indd 1 PEACE OF MIND 10/26/10 10:15:32 AM knowing you’ve made the right decision. Dinner for 2 Scan the QR code which will take you directly to the contest on our Facebook page! Contest value is $1000. Contest ends October 31st 2014 and the draw will take place November 15th 2014. We’ve got you covered Home • Business • Cottage • Auto Donald T. Ritchie, Insurance Broker Ltd. w w w . p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 12 1-(800)-461-4261 39 James Street, Parry Sound, ON P2A 1T6 705-746-2441 • 1-800-607-5521 Board of Directors Executive Membership Board of Directors It’s amazing to think that we’ve had over 1300 business people from the community volunteer and guide our Chamber over the past 117 years. They have worked diligently to ensure that we have a strong and viable organization but more so that the Chamber has supported and promoted commerce for our members and the economy of the area. Our 2013-2015 Board of Directors are: Andrew Ryeland, President Bear Claw Tours Wade Perkins, 1st Vice Assante Capital Management Michelle Berry, 2nd Vice Parry Sound KOA Deborah L. Jones, Treasurer D.L. Jones C.G.A. Donna Graziotto, Past President Snug Haven Resort Andrew Vitch Sunny Point Resort Janice Heidman Metroland Media Jo Bossart Red Rock ecoAdventure Kevin Whetham ReMax Alison Scarrow Cranberry Cottage B&B Sheri Cox Parry Sound Fuels Daryl McMurray Downtown Parry Sound Rep. Mayor Chris Armstrong Municipality of Whitestone Councillor Keith Saulnier Town of Parry Sound Mayor David Conn Township of Seguin Councillor Greg Andrews Township of the Archipelago Councillor, Ted Stroud McKellar Township In absencia Township of Carling Committee Members Tonia Blenkarn, Membership Vicki Lefebvre, Membership p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Desmasdon’s Boat Works Victoria Manor B&B 14 1-(800)-461-4261 We would like to recognize our 2014-2015 Executive Members. Executive membership offers added benefits and recognition. If you’re a member, and would like to highlight your business, contact us for additional information. G B O AT W O R K S G “Est. in 1946” Where Relationships Matter! RITCHIE INSURANCE p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 15 1-(800)-461-4261 No doubt about it... We in the Parry Sound Area have so much to offer our residents, cottagers and visitors! Not only are we located on the shores of the majestic Georgian Bay, (a gateway to the world), but also have hundreds of inland lakes. Match this with being located on the Canadian Shield as well as in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the beauty and natural elements make our area a jewel unlike any other. Of course it isn’t just our geographical location that makes us a must visit, it’s also the variety of dining establishments, places to stay and things to do. Our area is fortunate to have everything from small cafés to full service restaurants offering a wide variety of cuisine. We invite you to rest your head overnight, be it at a historic cottage resort, unique bed and breakfast, modern hotel/motel or a full serve resort. Don’t forget to catch a show at our world renowned performance centre which is also home to the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame. While you’re here, what better way to see our area then by plane or helicopter giving you an aerial view of the 30,000 islands and inland lakes. Or, you could board a cruise line and travel through such areas as Hole in the Wall, Spider Bay and around Parry Island. If you want to take our areas experiences in your own hands and are feeling adventurous, try cascading down white rapids, or jump on an ATV and head to the woods, where you can spin through some mud holes and grab lunch by one of our crystal clear streams. No matter how you write it, visitors have been coming to our area since the early 1800’s and most return for generations. We truly are the place to visit, be adventurous, relax and just be! p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 17 1-(800)-461-4261 Natural simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. We can help every step of the way from drilling, blasting and site work to septic systems and landscaping. 176 Louisa Street Parry Sound, ON P2A 3C1 Call Today: (705) 746-8147 24 Ferndale Drive North Barrie, ON L4N 9V4 STAIR TREADS • OVERSIZED FLAGSTONE FLOORING • BUILDING STONE Call: 705.687.8700 A community resource for local labour market information and statistics for the Parry Sound district. SERVICE: (705)722-7209 Toll Free: (877)577-7209 Office: (705)722-7060 Fax: (705)734-2965 LTD SITEWORK - LANDSCAPING - AGGREGATES Each year we conduct a local labour market planning process to determine workforce development trends and challenges. The Labour Market Group is a leader in providing awareness and valuable tools to the community that assist with workforce development and planning needs at a local level. (877) 223-8909 The Labour Market Group Check it out... Things to Experience.. Of course there are at least 20 things that you’ll want to see, do and experience. Here is a list of what we would suggest you consider • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ride the Bay, boat, jet ski, canoe ___ Walk the trails, by the water, the shore and in town ___ Visit a Park, provincial or local ___ Take in a show, entertainment plus ___ Shop, shop, shop, wide variety of shopping experiences ___ Eat, stay and enjoy, restaurants, pubs, cottages, resorts and inns ___ Motorized land travel, ATV, motocross and watch for animal life ___ Travel through “Hole in the Wall”, truly an experience ___ We didn’t say it but, skinny dip in our fresh waters, ya man ___ Catch a sunset ___ Hit the courts, tennis….. ___ Catch that elusive musky ___ Marshmallows roasting on a camp fire ___ Beverages on the dock/deck ___ Take in a festival ___ Shoot across the bay on a snowmobile ___ Ski or snowshoe on the trials ___ Visit a movie set, maybe even be an extra ___ Nap on a hot sunny day ___ Come back again and do what you missed ___ It doesn’t matter what your choice, our area has everything that you could possibly wish for to be adventurous, relax and just be, Imagine… Some of these experiences are hidden gems and as resident’s we’re sworn to secrecy. However since you’ve made the journey to our area we’ll share with you. If you need assistance in locating these “Things to Do”, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist. ASPEN VALLEY WILDLIFE SANCTUARY OTTER LAKE MARINA BEAR CLAW TOURS PARRY SOUND GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB BLACK FEATHER- THE WILDERNESS COMPANY PARRY SOUND MARINE BOOTS AND SPURS PARRY SOUND TENNIS CLUB CENTRAL HELICOPTERS PARRY SOUND WATER TAXI & FISHING CHARTER CHARLES W. STOCKEY CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS PAUL’S INLAND LAKE FISHING CHARTER CRANBERRY PRODUCTS CANADA PAYNE MARINE LTD. DEER RUN GOLF COURSE PHYLLIS DAVISON STORYTELLER DESMASDON’S BOAT WORKS RED ROCK ECOADVENTURES DIVERS NOOK ROSE POINT MARINA FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND ROSSEAU ROAD POWER SPORTS & MARINE GEORGIAN BAY AIRWAYS SAIL PARRY SOUND GEORGIAN BAY BIOSPHERE RESERVE SEGUIN VALLEY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB GEORGIAN BAY MARINA INC. SOUND BOAT WORKS LTD. GEORGIAN LANES ENTERTAINMENT SPIRIT OF THE SOUND SCHOONER COMPANY LTD. GEORGIAN NORDIC SKI CLUB TERRY JOHNSON’S HAMER BAY MARINE LTD GORDON BAY MARINE THE RIDGE AT MANITOU GOLF CLUB ISLAND QUEEN CRUISE LINES INC. TRAX GEORGIAN BAY KILLBEAR MARINA (1984) LTD. WASAUKSING MARINA NEAR NORTH RECREATION WEST PARRY SOUND DISTRICT MUSEUM ONTARIO SEA KAYAK-68 WHITE SQUALL PADDLIND CENTRE & TOWN STORE WRIGHT’S MARINA LTD. parrysoundareachamberof commerce parrysndchamber parrysoundcham b e r. c a 20 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 21 1-(800)-461-4261 Places to stay B&B Camping AHMIC LAKE RESORT & THE SWISS COUNTRY HOUSE RESTAURANT CRANBERRY COTTAGE RICHMOND LAKE PARK CRAGANMOR POINT RESORT MARINER'S REST BED & BREAKFAST TRAILSIDE CAREFREE RV RESORT CRANE LAKE RESORT & MARINA Cottages PARRY SOUND DISTRICT B&B ASSOCIATION VICTORIA MANOR BED AND BREAKFAST GLEN BURNEY LODGE CANDLE LIGHT ON THE BAY GRAND TAPPATTOO RESORT COTTAGES ON THE WEB H & H RESTAURANT & RESORT CANADA’S BEST VALUE INN & SUITES FOUR WINDS COTTAGE RESORT J.W. MARRIOTT-THE ROSSEAU MUSKOKA RESORT & SPA LOG CABIN INN GLENWOOD COTTAGES & MARINA PLEASANT COVE RESORT INC. Inns MICROTEL INN & SUITES ROCK PINE RESORT & COTTAGES SHERWOOD INN H.M. PROJECTS- KNIGHTS INN PARRY SOUND HORSESHOE LAKE CAMP & COTTAGES Hotel/Motel -FURNACES-OILTANKSO/FWATERHEATERS DILLON COVE MARINA & RESORT BEL AIR COTTAGES BAYSIDE INN • Servicing • Sales • Installations • Cleaning Resorts PARRY SOUND KOA CAMPGROUND ROCKY CREST RESORT MILL LAKE COTTAGE RESORT SNUG HAVEN RESORT COMFORT INN MOOSE LAKE LODGE & TRADING POST SUNNY POINT RESORT, COTTAGES & INN LTD. MIDTOWN HOTEL SPRINGHAVEN LODGE & SERVICES TERRAWOODS ON MUSKOKA SHORES TOWN & COUNTRY MOTEL STAR LAKE COTTAGES THE SUNDOG RESORT TRAPPER’S MOTEL WAH-WASH-KESH LODGE THE RESORT AT WHITESTONE TRAVELLERS MOTOR HOTEL Tank&Furnace(TSSA)Inspections 705-746-4430 Lights...Camera...Action!! ServingParrySound &Area Our area is becoming known as movie capital of Northern Ontario. With such films as: p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Your Corporate Destination! 22 1-(800)-461-4261 • • • Pete’s Christmas Park Walk Shelby the Dog Who Saved Christmas • • • • p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Killing Time Stage Fright Against the Wild A Very Larry Christmas 23 1-(800)-461-4261 Now that we have you hooked Places to eat Restaurants THE RED DOOR BAKERY BAY STREET CAFÉ HENRY’S FISH RESTAURANT TRAPPER’S CHOICE RESTAURANT BISTRO BY THE BAY MAURIZIOS WELLINGTON’S PUB & GRILL CROSSROADS ORR’S FINE MEATS & DELI DON CHERRY’S SPORTS GRILL RICHARDS COFFEE APPLAUSE PARTY RENTALS STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY NOW THAT’S CATERING Catering tents tables chairs linens décor dinnerware glassware games & wedding supplies • We are not a community that can’t see stars because of urban lights. We are people who can sit on our back decks in the glow of thousands of stars. • We don’t have an overabundance of international cuisine, but we can be served home-cooked meals at our favorite restaurants, where everyone knows you by name. 705 - 774 - 8641 • For more information: call: (705) 746-1287 parrysoundareachamberof commerce parrysndchamber w w w . p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 24 1-(800)-461-4261 • We don’t offer exclusive designer shopping, but our local merchants will cater to all tastes. • Our nightlife entertainment isn’t exactly urban, we tend to focus on the company your with. • There is no intricate subway system to ride, but you can ride your bike from one side of town to the other in less than half an hour. We are a tight knit community that is devoted to education, commerce and hospitality. We focus on the person rather than the perception and will do anything in our power to make you feel truly “at home.” p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 25 1-(800)-461-4261 Education/Associations CANADORE COLLEGE-59 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PARRY SOUND ADOPT-A-HOME-63 THE BUSINESS CENTRE-NIPISSING PARRY SOUND INC.-73 COMMUNITY LIVING PARRY SOUND-59 H.A.V. INC.-63 THE DISTRICT OF PARRY SOUND SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BOARD-73 CONTACT NORTH/CONTACT NORD-60 LOOKIN’ UP-66 THE LABOUR MARKET GROUP-73 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION-61 MUSKOKA/PARRY SOUND SEXUAL ASSAULT SERVICES-67 WASAUKSINK LANDS INC.-75 GED ACHIEVEMENT-62 NEAR NORTH DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD-67 GEORGIAN BAY LAND TRUST-62 PARRY SOUND AREA COMMUNITY BUISNESS & DEVELOPMENT CENTRE-68 YMCA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE PARRY SOUND-75 ROSSEAU LAKE COLLEGE-71 Resources for Business Start-up & Expansion 1-705-746-5892 * * In partnership With Boat to Restaurant McLaren 45°15’1 Island 80° 7’194.39”N .20”W (open to the public) Cottage Rentals In the heart of the 30,000 Islands Minutes by Boat from Parry Sound CRAGANMOR POINT RESORT 7 Mile Narrows, Georgian Bay, Parry Sound, Ontario Call Toll Free 1-877-333-3736 parrysndchamber p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a parrysoundareachamberof commerce 26 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 27 1-(800)-461-4261 Professional Services Professional Services Transportation/Travel Insurance-Legal BROKERLINK-58 OLDHAM LAW FIRM-68 DONALD T. RITCHIE INSURANCE BROKER LTD.-61 PARRY SOUND INSURANCE BROKERS LTD.-69 HAMMOND TRANSPORTATION-64 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR-61 PARRY SOUND AREA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT-68 GEORGIAN BAY WATER TAXI-63 THE CO-OPERATORS Security Checks CAA NORTH & EAST ONTARIO-58 Communication/Publishing PARRY SOUND-MUSKOKA DIGITAL FINGERPRINTING-75 LEGAL SHIELD- 76 Funeral Homes LOGAN’S FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL-66 MINUTEMAN PRESS-67 ACTION PAGES-57 TORRANCE FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL LTD.-73 Accounting-Finance-Investment COGECO CABLE-59 MOOSE FM RADIO 103.3-67 COMMUNITY TELECOM INC. -76 NORTH STAR/ BEACON STAR-67 I.T.S.-64 WASAUKSING COMMUNICATION REZ91-74 ASSANTE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LTD.-57 INVESTORS GROUP FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.-64 BAYSHORE FINANCIAL GROUP-58 KAWARTHA CREDIT UNION (PARRY SOUND MUSKOKA DIVISION)-65 BRUNTON- BLACKSTOCK FINANCIAL-58 KPMG-65 GEORGIAN BAY SOFTWARE-62 ERM CONSULTING-61 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CANADA-58 PAHAPILL AND ASSOCIATES, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS-68 LINKHOUSE MEDIA-66 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE-59 ROYAL BANK-71 EXPLORER’S EDGE- REGIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION-62 DEBORAH L. JONES, CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT-60 SCOTIA BANK-71 DOMINION LENDING CENTRES-76 SUNLIFE -LOIS RITCHIE-ADVISOR-72 EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS-61 TD CANADA TRUST-72 GORDON, GINGRICH, HARRIS AND FLEMMING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS-63 TERRY D. CLARK, CA-72 AUTO • HOME • • BUSINESS MCLAREN PRESS-66 Computer/Web Marketing & Sales PARRY SOUND TOURISM-69 THE BIG BRAIN-72 PLAYLAND MARKETING & EVENTS-70 VIANET -74 Private Member KATHERINE BEATTY COTTAGE/SEASONAL • SOS MEDIA CONSULTING-72 TALBOT MARKETING-72 BOAT Parry Sound Municipal Airport Shopping around for insurance? Let us do it for you. PARRY SOUND 24 William Street 705.746.9315 or 1.800.304.8690 Services available in Ontario through Canada Brokerlink (Ontario) Inc.™ BrokerLink & Design is a trademark of Canada Brokerlink Inc. used under licence. © 2014 Canada Brokerlink Inc. All rights reserved. p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 28 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 29 1-(800)-461-4261 Auto/Home Services Auto/Home Fuels & Utilities Retail Auto Repair/Parts Retail-Food-Beverage Retail JOEMAC FUELS INC.-65 BEL-AIR REPAIR-58 B. LEPAGE FISHERY-57 ARTISTS ROUND THE SOUND-57 PARRY SOUND FUELS-69 IDEAL SUPPLY - NAPA AUTO PARTS-64 CROFTERS FOOD LTD.-60 BEARLY USED BOOKS-58 PARRY SOUND POWER CORPORATION-69 LEBLANC’S O.K. TIRE & AUTO SERVICE-66 HARRY'S NO FRILLS-64 UNION GAS-74 WHEELZ ONE STOP-75 M & M MEAT SHOPS #099-66 CHRIS CARDY IMAGING-59 THE WINE CELLAR CLUB-73 CRAFT’S N’ THINGS-60 Relax with Clear Vision ns Walk-oI me! lc We BEVERLY’S-58 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE-59 CYNTHIA CRAWFORD ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES-60 DIGITAL OFFICE SOLUTIONS/XEROX-60 • Largest Selection of Designer Frames and Sunglasses in the area • Same Day Lab Service • Convenient Evening Hours • Emergency Care • Contact Lenses DUCK LAKE GENERAL STORE LTD.-61 GEORGIAN BAY CHRISTMAS & OTHER OCCASSIONS-62 GRAND & TOY/OFFICE MAX-63 HARRIS FURNITURE & ANTIQUES-64 HOME HARDWARE-64 HUCKLEBERRY’S-64 JESSICA VERGEER STUDIO-65 MARK DEGROOTE, THE GREAT ART STUDIO-66 MARTINS MITRE BOX-75 ReZ 91 CHRZ 91.3 FM NEAR NORTH BUSINESS MACHINES-67 NORTHERN HOME PRODUCTS-68 Informative Radio Rock n Blues OBDAM’S FLOWERS-68 PARDON MY GARDEN-68 Phone (705) 746-4481 PARRY SOUND ARTS & CRAFTS-68 PARRY SOUND CARPETS N COLOURS-68 Fax: (705) 746-8226 PARRY SOUND MALL-69 Email: THE HOME DEPOT -76 Visit: THE WATER DEPOT-73 TRUE NORTH MACHINE-74 WOLSELEY MECHANICAL GROUP-75 Following Liking parrysndchamber p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 30 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 31 parrysoundareachamberof commerce 1-(800)-461-4261 32 Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce Event Guide Iron, Tannin & Bacteria Removal Systems • Reverse Osmosis Systems • Water Coolers Tel: (705) 771-9582 51 Miller Street • 35 Spring April-May Annual Chamber Golf Tournament October 1st, 2014 Alan Doyle at the Stockey Centre May 23rd, Parry Sound Trax 4 Breast Cancer ATV Ride May 2-3rd (705) 746-9481 Canada’s Supertramp Experience: Crisis? What Crisis? May 24, Parry Sound Hike for Hospice May 4th Waubuno Beach (705) 746-4540 The Biosphere Walk, Run, Roll is the largest fundraiser for cottage country health care. Hosted by the West Parry Sound Health Centre Foundation (WPSHCF) the spectacular route twists along the shoreline of Georgain Bay. (705) 746-4466 Parry Sounds Beer Festival May 17th, Wabuno Beach (705) 746-4466 Do It For Life West Parry Sound Health Centre Foundation May 25, Parry Sound Dan Hill at the Stockey Centre May 9th Parry Sound (705) 746-4466 (705) 746-4540 (705) 346-2356 Photo: Thom Morrissey Early Bird sign up prize to be won! 7TH ANNUAL GEORGIAN BAY 7TH ANNUAL WALK RUN POLE 2K.5K.10K GEORGIAN BAY WALK 25, RUN2014 POLE MAY 4TH ANNUAL 4 person Scramble Location To Be Determined Celebrating 35 years! July 18th-August 10th, 2014 1-866-364-0061 BIOSPHERE WALK RUN POLE 2K.5K.10K MAY 29, 2011 Saving Lives Locally Join our cardiac patients, their families, cottagers and athletes in Parry Sound’s Big Heart Event. Help buy equipment for the West Parry Sound Health Centre, the only Emergency on the 300K highway between Barrie and Sudbury. 2K.5K.10K Save Lives Locally elite SponSoR: Route SponSoRS: MAY Do It25, For2014 Life Do It For Life Save Lives Locally Do It For Life p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 36 Register at 1.888.262.0436 705.746.4540 x3348 1-(800)-461-4261 Did you see our Facebook contest on page 12! Enter to win an unforgettable weekend! Summer june - august , weekly events Summer june - august Bands on the Bay Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts Tuesday’s June - August, Parry Sound Enjoy a free evening of music beside the bay on the Stockey Centre Patio. Moves inside in the case of poor weather. June 17 - Tia McGraff June 24 - Chest Painz July 1 - Canada Day- All day Bands July 8 - Gabe Salem July 15- Gin Lane August 12 - MT and the Toasters August 19 - Jay Aymar August 26 - Plan B from Outer Space McKellar Farm Producers Market - 100 Mile Minerva’s Mill Pond Park, HWY 124 Saturdays, Victoria Day - Thanksgiving (705) 389-2842 Friday Concerts Free concerts at the Town Dock presented by the Downtown Business Association Friday evenings, July & August Orrvile Market Orrville Saturdays, June through September (705) 732-4300 (705) 342-5856 Magnetawan Farmers Market Lions Pavilion at the Community Centre Saturdays, Mid June - Labour Day (705) 746-9601 The Stockey Centre presents an ever-evolving series of stellar concerts in their acoustically acclaimed Performance Hall. (705) 387-3947 See their website for the latest news and show times. Rosseau Market Rosseau Waterfront Fridays, July - Labour Day (877) 746-4466 Big Bike for Heart and Stroke June 2nd Parry Sound Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Charles W. Stockey Centre & Bobby Orr Hall of Fame June 28, Parry Sound (705) 732-4300 (705) 737-1020 (877) 746-4466 (705) 746-6426 Join us for a variety of activities. Including tons of family activities, bouncer castles, vendors, entertainment and so much more! Plus don’t miss the fabulous fireworks display at dusk! Celebrating 25 years! (705) 732-4300 (705) 342-5314 Summer Solstice Sale Downtown Parry Sound June 22, Parry Sound 1-(800)-461-4261 (705) 746-2101 (705) 342-9584 RACH 3-Pitch Tournament Kinsmen Park June 20- 23, Parry Sound (705) 387-3947 Canada Day Celebrations! Charles W. Stockey Centre July 1, Parry Sound Join in the 12th Annual Parry Sound Dragon Boat Festival. Whether you join in the races, cheer on your favorite team or enjoy the entertainment & vendors this festival is always making a splash! If you like old cars this is the event for you! Come out and tour through antique cars on display by the Parry Sound Cruzers Car Club. Every Tuesday (Weather permitting) 38 Dragon Boat Festival Waubuno Beach June 14, Parry Sound (877) 746-4466 Canada Day Celebrations - Magnetawan Magnetawan Public School July 1, Magnetawan Summer Sidewalk Sale June 13th- 14th Downtown Parry Sound Join in the fun and help raise funds for Cancer Research. Fish fry, silent auction, beer tent, musical entertainment & of course baseball. Cruzers Car Club Town Dock Tuesday’s May 14- September 3, Parry Sound p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a (877) 746-4466 Elvis The Moments Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts June 14, Parry Sound Annual Family Fun Night Rosseau Waterfront June 20 Pickle ball All summer long Orrville Community Centre Jimmy Rankin Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts June 5, Parry Sound Stockey Centre Concerts & Events Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts Parry Sound Summer Market Market Square Park Tuesdays, July & August (705) 746-6426 Kid zone Every Saturday Parry Sound Public Library 2-4pm Carling Farmers Market Carling Recreational Hall Saturdays, Mid June - Labour Day (877) 746-4466 Join us as we kickoff our 25th season of making “camping memories” for you.... our camper! Festivities include 25% off Pool OPEN/BBQ Weekend May 30-Jun1 & Anniversary Weekend August 22-24 (+a store’n plug deal) plus more special events all season long. (705) 746 6426 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 39 1-(800)-461-4261 Summer june - august Summer june - august Parry Sound Anglers and Hunters Gun Show Bobby Orr Community Centre August 23, Parry Sound Wasauksing First Nation Pow Wow Wasauksing Community Centre first weekend in August Canada Day Pancake Breakfast West Parry Sound District Museum July 1, Parry Sound (705) 746-5365 (705) 746-2531 Legends of Rock & Roll and Country Music Charles W. Stockey Centre/ Bobby Orr Hall of Fame July 10, Parry Sound 7th Annual MacTier Big Weekend Festival Various Locations in MacTier August 1-3, MacTier Rosseau Fall Fair August 23, Rosseau (877) 746-4466 A great opportunity to invite someone new to go fishing with you! Canadian residents can fish across Ontario license-free in any water body where fishing is allowed. Get out and try something new and spend time with friends / family as you try to reel in the biggest fish! Magnetawan Fall Fair Magnetawan Community Centre August 29-30, Seguin Georgian Bay Craft Fair James Street Parry Sound Aug. 9th Pedaling for Parkinsons July 11-13, Parry Sound www. Puck & Ball Tournament July 18-20, Seguin Bull Riding, Steer Roping, Horse Racing, Live Music and so much more! (705) 938-1321 Festival of the Sound Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts July 18 - August 10, Parry Sound (705) 732-4300 Canada’s premier summer classical music event at the Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts on the beautiful shores of Georgian Bay. (866) 364-0061 Art in the Park Market Square Park July 18-20, Parry Sound (705) 387-3947 (705) 746-6426 Dunchurch Fall Fair Community Hall & Fairgrounds August 16-17, Whitestone Come out and enjoy a fun filled day for the whole family. Get back to our farming roots with animal displays, a parade, vendors and so much more! (705) 389-2466 Shawanaga First Nation Pow Wow Shawanaga Community Centre August 15-17, Shawanaga The Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Celebrity Golf Classic Supporting the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame August 22, Parry Sound Smallmouth Bass Derby Wright’s Marina Limited July 19, Britt (705) 746-6426 Foley Fall Fair Foley Fair Grounds & Agricultural Hall August 29,30 Seguin Boots and Spurs Stampede Foley Fairgrounds August 8-10, Seguin Parry Sound Ribfest Bobby Orr Community Centre July 10-13, Parry Sound (705) 748-6324 (705) 732-4300 Downtown Car Show James Street, Parry Sound August 23 Rosseau Classic Cruise Classic Car and Antique Car Show Rosseau Waterfront & Village August 2, Parry Sound Licence Free Fishing Week Across Ontario July 5 - 13 (705) 375-1260 (877) 746-4466 (705) 383-2295 Pointe au Baril Lobsterfest Pointe au Baril Community Centre July 19, Pointe Au Baril p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 40 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 41 1-(800)-461-4261 Fall - Winter Deborah L. Jones Certified General Accountant Phone: 705-773-2404 Fax: 705-746-4007 Email: september - december Fall Jam Parry Sound October 3-4, Parry Sound The Jam Team has decided to move Canada’s Largest ATV Jamboree to October 3rd and 4th. Registration will open this Summer and a new and exciting FALL JAM will return after 10 years! 10 Cherry Street, Parry Sound, ON P2A 1K9 Parry Sound Reading Series: Nancy Richler Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts October 15, Parry Sound McKellar Fall Fair McKellar Community Centre September 6, McKellar Santa Clause Parade Town of Parry Sound End of November, Parry Sound Fly In and Drive In Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport September 6, Seguin Light Up The Park Market square Park First week of December, Parry Sound Come out and celebrate at the 10th annual Fly In and Drive In at the Parry Sound Airport. This event will offer fun for the whole family with a variety entertainment and attractions related to aircraft. (705) 378-2897 (877) 746-4540 (888) 229-7257 Due to publishing dates there are limited Fall and Winter events. However when Events are posted they can be found on our events page. Visit: or call us @ 705-746-4213 for more details! Doors Open & Trails Open Parry Sound Various Locations September 27, Parry Sound area imagine... 42 THE $ BEST PUBLIC WELCOME 6,000 YARDS YOU WILL $ $ 1-(800)-461-4261 Get MORE for your $ $ $ Support The Girls Breast Cancer Tournament September 27, Parry Sound WWW.PARRYSOUNDGOLF.COM BUSINESS OWNERS: The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train comes to our area annually with its message of holiday cheer, bright lights, and the spirit of holiday giving. Come see this brightly decorated train as it warms our hearts and lights up the town. p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a (705) 746-6426 The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train Station Gallery First week of December, Parry Sound Habitat For Humanity Cycling Event Parry Sound to Bracebridge September 28 (705) 746-2101 EVER PLAY! Join the best employee benefit plan for small business. $ (705) 389-2842 $ (877) 746-4466 #1 with Canada’s Employee Benefit Plan HELP IS HERE, WITH AFFORDABLE GROUP COVERAGE DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED BUSINESSES. Windows & Doors Sunrooms Screened Rooms Siding Shade Products Retractable Door Screens Log Structures Metal & Acrylic Roofs Docks & Dock Products Railing & Decking Hardware & Job Support Products See Specials on Website 705-746-8333 Hwy 124 just east of Hwy 400 Health & Wellness A HEALING HAND REFLEXOLOGY-57 NORTH BAY PARRY SOUND DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT-67 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY-58 COLLINS CHIROPRACTIC & HEALTH SCIENCES PARRY SOUND FAMILY HEALTH TEAM-68 DENTISTRY ON THE BAY-60 PARRY SOUND MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC-69 DRS. BISHOP, MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES OPTOMETRISTS-61 PARRY SOUND PAIN LASER & WELLNESS CENTRE-69 DR. ERIN AXT OPTOMETRY- 76 PARRY SOUND YMCA-69 G I JOHNSON CONSULTING INC-62 SHOPPERS DRUG MART-72 HOSPICE WEST PARRY SOUND-64 SISI STARTED IT -76 LANE FAMILY PHARMACY-65 THE WRIGHT CLINIC-73 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT CO.-66 TINA’S FITNESS STUDIO-73 NORBRAM GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS INC.-67 WEST PARRY SOUND HEALTH CENTRE-75 1-866-323-3305 WEST PARRY SOUND HEALTH CENTRE FOUNDATION-75 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 45 1-(800)-461-4261 Real Estate Beauty & Fashion BARNES HOLDCO INC.-75 REMAX SHERYL SHERIDAN, BROKER-70 CENTURY 21 GRANITE PROPERTIES LTD.-59 ROGER TAYLOR LAND VALUATION & DEVELOPMENT-70 COLDWELL BANKER BAYLINE REAL ESTATE-59 ROYAL LEPAGE TEAM ADVANTAGE REALTY 71 HOMELIFE - AL BOUCHER REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKERAGE-64 ROYAL LEPAGE TEAM ADVANTAGE REALTY - TEAM BOYD-71 KEVIN WHETHAM - RE/MAX PARRY SOUND-65 RE/MAX PARRY SOUND JIM MARSHALL -70 Beauty & Fashion ABOVE & BEYOND YOUR EXPECTATIONS-57 MITCH’S-67 END OF THE RAINBOW ~ CHILDREN’S CLOTHING AND TOY BOUTIQUE-61 NEWTON’S DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY-67 FLORENCE’S FINERY SHOPPE-62 NORTH OF MUSKOKA EMBROIDERY CO.-67 HIGH TIDE BOARD SHOP-64 SHEAR PERFECTION-71 JEANS UNLIMITED-65 UNIQUE REFLECTIONS ESTHETICS-74 For more Information Phone: 705-746-4720 Email: Visit: Pets & Grooming DOGGYSTYLIN’ PET GROOMING-61 PET VALU (1615047 ONTARIO INC.)-70 Publication : Parry Sound Chamber of Commerce Titre : Generic KPMG Advertising Document : 4950_KPMG_ParrySound_FY14.pdf Date de tombée : 31 mars 2014 Format : 5.125” (w) X 2.125” (h) Couleur : CMYK Tour KPMG, Bureau 1500, 600, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal (Québec) H3A 0A3 • 514-840-2100 Contact : Lise Séguin Téléphone : 705-675-8 Design : Marie-Noel R Envoyé le : 20 février GEORGIAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL-62 w w w . p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 46 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 47 1-(800)-461-4261 Construction & Renovation Construction & Renovation Trades Home Building 1ST CHOICE KITCHENS-57 ARDEE HEATING & INSTALLATIONS-57 MR ELECTIC, MUSKOKA PARRY SOUND MIDLAND-67 CEDARLAND HOMES-59 LAKEFOREST CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS-65 BAY AREA ELECTRICAL CO. LTD & PLUMBING-57 NORTHERN COMFORT SYSTEMS-68 C.E. BENNETT LTD.-58 LAKELAND CONTRACTING-65 E.A. SHIPMAN ELECTRIC LTD.-61 PLUMBTECH PLUMBING INC.-70 CHERVIN KITCHEN & BATH-59 LA ROSA CONTRACTING-65 GRAZIOTTO ELECTRIC-63 RYMAN ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING -76 COOPER’S CUSTOM CARPENTRY -76 NEIL WEST CONSTRUCTION-67 DARLINGTON CONSTRUCTION/J.B. DARLINGTON GROUP INC.-60 NORTHERN LIVING KITCHEN & BATH-68 DISTLER CONSTRUCTION LTD.-61 SCHNEIDER CUSTOM BUILDING LTD.-71 DOHERTY’S MASONRY RENOVATIONS & REPAIRS-61 TAMARACK NORTH LTD.-72 FIREPLACE AND LEISURE CENTRE-62 TERRY GARDNER CONTRACTING LTD.-72 J.C. DECKING AND RENOVATIONS INC.-64 WOODLAND CARPENTRY-75 SEW EXTREME-UPHOLSTERER -71 Architects-Engineers-Surveyors FAD ARCHITECTS-62 TULLOCH ENGINEERING-74 L.U. MAUGHAN COMPANY LIMITED ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR-65 Parry Sound Pain Laser & Wellness Centre 17 Bay St. Unit “E” Parry Sound, ON. Unique To Ontario- We Now Have The Latest “Dermalase Cosmetic IPL Laser” Low Intensity Laser Therapy(LILT) Comfort Inn Parry Sound 120 Bowes Street Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 2L7 Phone: (705) 746-6221 Email: This Health Canada approved IPL laser offers the latest in skin and cosmetic anti aging and hair removal. Clinically proven, effective and safe in helping treat: Is the treatment of choice for musculoskeletal, inflammatory conditions and many other medical conditions. The therapy is particularly useful in treatment of: • Chronic pain • Soft tissue and sports injuries • Repetitive stress injury • Rotator cuff Tendinopathy/tear • Fibromyalgia • Degenerative conditions • Arthritic conditions • Wound healing (acute & chronic) • Dermatological conditions (ulcers, herpes, zoster, eczema) • • • • • • • • • • Broken capillaries Vascular lesions Skin rejuvenation Unwanted hair removal Follicles Facial lines and wrinkles Collagen stimulation Large skin pores Pigmentation, age spots, birthmarks Skin tightening For More Information Or A Consultation Please Call 705-746-8484 Email: p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 48 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 49 1-(800)-461-4261 Suppliers/Maintenance & Storage Construction & Suppliers ACE EQUIPMENT RENTAL-57 Manufacturing Be Active, Eat Smart, and Focus on the Positive. When it’s all about feeling great, everything else will fall into place! A. BALICKI SIGNS-57 BAUWERK 3D PRINTING CONNOR INDUSTRIES-60 ADAMS BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD-57 PDS PAUL DAVIS SYSTEMS RESTORATION SPECIALISTS-69 DOCK KINGS-61 PORCH TO PIER-70 LAWRENCE AERO ENTERPRISES-66 FOWLER CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD.-62 PREMIUM DOCK & MARINE SYSTEMS-70 LE COUPE ARCTIC GLACIER66 GEORGIAN RENTALS-63 RONA BUILDING CENTRE-70 RTP MECHANICAL LIMITED-71 HALL CONSTRUCTION INC.-63 ROSS WINDOWS & DOORS-71 SEGUIN WELDING & FABRICATING LTD.-71 SILVERWOOD NORTH-72 SHAW-ALMEX INDUSTRIES LTD.-71 WEEKS CONSTRUCTION INC.-75 WIZARD SIGNS AND GRAPHICS-73 MCNABB HOME BUILDING CENTRE-66 Property Maintenance & Storage ABOUT TIME GARDENING- 76 LITTLE GARDENS LTD.-66 BFI CANADA INC. (WASTE SERVICES)-58 ORR’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE-68 PARRY SOUND STORAGE-69 CLEAN BEE CLEANING SERVICES-59 PAUL’S PROPERTY MANAGEMENT-69 COCO CAN-59 PEERLESS SECURITY-70 KROPF INDUSTRIAL INC.-65 4 Miller Street, Parry Sound Studio Number: 705-773-2774 Tina’s Cell: 705-938-0975 VINYL DESIGN SIGNS-74 COTTAGE KEEPER INC.-60 DUNN’S PARRY SOUND SELF STORAGE-61 TRAILSIDE STORAGE-74 GWS TREE SERVICE, PARRY SOUND-BARRIE-63 NOBEL FISH SALES B. LePage Fishery FRESH • FROZEN • SMOKED GEORGIAN BAY FISH Phone: (705) 342-5825 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Box 166, Nobel, Ont. P0G 1G0 50 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 51 1-(800)-461-4261 CEO’s Message The Bay Street Cafe As Andrew has mentioned, we have a very exciting year planned. From projects like “2014-Year of Acceleration” to the “Imagine…” marketing campaign and of course our new “Setting Sail” enhanced social media platform. We’ve hit the ground running. 22 Bay Street - Parry Sound “Come join us down by the Main Dock” Serving Lunch & Dinner Take Out Available Daily Specials Facilities for Parties Meetings & Special Occasions Sample our Fabulous Wine & Martini Menu During my 9 year tenure with the Chamber, I’m extremely satisfied with our progress especially with the plans set in motion for 2014. We are a relatively small Chamber, however, we’ve been on the cutting edge of so many programs it truly provides me, and I believe our members, a sense of accomplishment and pride. It has also been my pleasure to work with the volunteer Board of Directors who’s business acumen and dedication has certainly guided the Chamber operation in it’s progress. Launch your746-5205 Canoe/Kayak to Fax: (705) Phone: (705) 746-2882 Beautiful 30,000 Islands from Ice cream on the rocks ! Launch your Canoe/Kayak to Launch your Canoe/Kayak to • 6 km west on Highway 526, Beautiful 30,000 Islands from Beautiful 30,000 Islands from through Britt, With my working knowledge as a previous business operator/owner in our community for over 25 years, I know the pains and gains in taking a risk to enter the business world. It is with the utmost respect that I diligently work on behalf of our members to support their endeavors. beside Wright’s Icethe cream ocks ! Ice cream on rocks!on the r Marine 526 69 Britt Overnight • 6 km• west on parking Highway 526, through Britt, beside Wright’s Marine • 6 km west on Highway 526, through Britt, Wright’s Georgianbeside Bay – 2 km Marine Wright’s Marine 705-383-0955 To our members, I personally thank you for not only your support of our organization but in the professional and diligent way you promote and represent our area to residents and visitors alike. • Overnight parking 705-383-0955 • Overnight parking 705-383-0955 526 69 Britt p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 52 1-(800)-461-4261 Wright’s p a rMarine r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Georgian Bay – 2 km 53 1-(800)-461-4261 Branding Our Area Providing Services for: ✔ ✔ ✔ COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Always FREE DELIVERY to your home, cottage or business! 705-645-4453 The Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerces’ mandate is to promote and encourage economic development in the West Parry Sound Area through responsible partnerships and a strong membership base. The Chamber has developed this marketing campaign for this very purpose. What is the Imagine... campaign? Imagine... a marketing campaign that offers a unified purpose while maintaining the integrity of your business or organization’s core message. This campaign is geared to unite all of the current efforts by municipalities, area associations, and independent businesses by offering a single identifying concept that can tie to any existing marketing efforts. By forming a unified campaign we will grow strength in all aspects of our business community through integrated promotions. Why Imagine...?The purpose of this campaign is to appeal to all types of entities, from a construction company to a tourism business to a municipality. This single word can be used to tag any slogan, phrase, or image. As a verb, the word imagine implies action, a dream and an emotion. This single word is also easily used in both English and French language publications. The Scope of Imagine...Every business advertises somewhere, but no business can afford to advertise everywhere. Imagine multiplying your marketing dollars without any effort. That is what Imagine... is about. As each business, association and municipality associated with the West Parry Sound Area incorporates the phrase into their advertising, the recognition factor for the area will increase. Consumers will associate Imagine... with the West Parry Sound Area and will identify messages they see with the area - making base 128 NOBEL RD PARRY SOUND ONT. 1-705-751-5222 1-866-454-3748 connections in their subconscious for future reference. Target Markets and Audience Encouraging people to think about our area as somewhere they want to be is key. Whether that desire is to live here, work here, open a business here, or simply visit here, we want them thinking about the West Parry Sound Area as the place to be. Our iconic natural attributes lend our initial targets to be city-dwellers, specifically those making lifestyle choices for their family or their business. INVERTERS Imagine...What we can accomplish together! p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 54 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 55 imagine... 1-(800)-461-4261 Imagining.... the future Our focus this year will centre on Economic Development. In April we hosted our first “Economic Members Luncheon” inviting our business owners to attend. This provided them the opportunity to discuss concerns they may have and ideas on how to move our area into the future. Setting Sail The goal of this project is to encourage more business operators and associations, to take advantage of social media. The goal is to increase their sales, and more importantly their presence and that of the area. parrysndchamber p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a parrysoundareachamberof commerce 56 1-(800)-461-4261 1st Choice Kitchens Tom Hulcoop 9 Edward Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W5 Ph: (705) 746-7305 Fax: (705) 746-4397 Action Pages Paul Tricco 203, 17619, 96th Ave. Surrey, BC, V4N 4A9 Ph: (360) 848-0870 A Healing Hand Reflexology Allison Nolan 22 Cascade Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1J6 Ph: (705) 771-9155 Adams Bros. Construction Ltd. Dean Adams 80 North Road (Shop) 116 William Street (Office), Box 324 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 746-2962 Fax: (705) 746-2011 A. Balicki Signs Andy Balicki/Carrie Van Loon 12 Hare’s Road RR#1 Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 746-3355 Fax: (866) 343-3257 About Time Gardening Josh Harris 48 Church Street, Parry Sound ON, P2A 1Y5 Ph: (705) 774-3253 Assante Capital Management Ltd. Wade Perkins 97 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-2131 Fax: (705) 746-7683 B. LePage Fishery Sandy LePage 149 Nobel Road P.O. Box 166 Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-5825 Ahmic Lake Resort & The Swiss Country House Restaurant Patrick & Heidi Knotz Box 18 50 Robinson Drive Ahmic Harbour, ON, P0A 1A0 Ph: (705) 387-3853 / 866-857-7946 Fax: (705) 387-0994 Barnes HoldCo Inc. Steve Barnes RR#1, 23 Curran Trail Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-7707 Applause Party Rentals Stephanie Norrie 175 Nobel Road Nobel, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 774-8641 Bauwerk 3D Printing Martin Jenkins 23A Edward Street, Parry Sound, ON. P2A 2Y5 Ph: (705) 774-2599 Above & Beyond Your Expectations Toni Walker 51 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 774-9022 Fax: (705) 746-9390 Ardee Heating & Installations Jim Galloway PO Box 714 Parry Sound, On, P2A 2Z1 Ph: (705) 746-4430 Ace Equipment Rentals Dean Adams 116 William Street Box 324 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 746-8020 Fax: (705) 746-2011 Artists Round the Sound Jeannie De Groote 31 Worsley Lane Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-7519 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 57 Bay Area Electrical Co. Ltd. & Plumbing Tom & Lianne Piddington 86 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-5877 Fax: (705) 746-1469 Bay Street Café Michael, Ann and Theo Daleman 22 Bay Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S5 Ph: (705) 746-2882 Fax: (705) 774-9044 1-(800)-461-4261 Bayshore Financial Kevin Barks 64 Parry Sound Dr. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0B8 Ph: (705) 746-8743 Beverly’s Beverly McCormack Bell 26 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-1576 Business Development Bank of Canada Rene De Bernardi 222 McIntyre St. West North Bay, ON, P1B 2Y8 Ph: (705) 495-5702 Fax: (705) 495-5707 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Sue Shadd 36 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B4 Ph: (705) 746-9395 Fax: (705) 746-6313 Central Helicopters Inc. Scott Jacklin 97 Airport Road, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-9228 / 866-501-8150 Fax: (705) 378-9099 Coco Can Coco Brennan 189 South Shore Rd. Box 190 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 774-3971 Bayside Inn Jeff Quathamar 10 Gibson Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1W7 Ph: (705) 746-7720 BFI Canada Inc. (Waste Services) Susan Quinton 580 Eccelstone Drive Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1R2 Ph: (705) 645-4453 ex.5686 800-461-4448 Fax: (705) 645-9485 C.E. Bennett Ltd. Cathy & Ed Bennett 187 Wah-Wash-Kesh Road Dunchurch, ON, P0A 1G0 Ph: (705) 774-0763 Fax: (705) 746-7907 Canadian Tire Associate Store Don Cloutier 30 Pine Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3B8 Ph: (705) 746-2133 Fax: (705) 746-5473 Century 21 Granite Properties Ltd. Dan Payerl 51 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L4 Ph: (705) 746-2158 / 800-536-5807 Fax: (705) 746-4746 Cogeco Cable Canada LP Scott Acton 20 West St. South Huntsville, ON, P1H 1P2 Ph: (705) 789-9801 / 800-267-9000 CAA North & East Ontario Gail Madigan 1 Pine Drive, Unit 7 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3C3 Ph: (705) 746-9305 Fax: (705) 746-6198 Canadore College Peter Istvan 1 College Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A9 Ph: (705) 746-9222 Fax: (705) 746-7347 Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts & Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Cheryl Ward 2 Bay Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S3 Ph: (705) 746-4466 / 877-746-4466 Fax: (705) 746-5729 Coldwell Banker Bayline Real Estate Roger Kolbuc Hwy 69&169 PO Box 6 Mactier, ON, P0C 1H0 Ph: (705) 375-2333 Fax: (705) 375-2332 Canada Brokerlink Ontario Inc. Brock Tudhope 24 William Street Parry Sound,ON, P2A 1V1 Ph: (705) 746-9315 Fax: (705) 746-5575 Candlelight on the Bay Gordon & Grace McKay 545 Centre Rd. RR#1 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T2 Ph: (705) 389-2440 Chervin Kitchen and Bath Kevin Swart 4 Bartlett Drive RR#2 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2284 Fax: (705) 378-8000 Comfort Inn Shannon Bebamash 120 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 746-6221 Fax: (705) 746-1544 sound-canada-CN288 Cedarland Homes Ltd. Paul Lubbelinkhof 62 Parry Sound Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-2071 Fax: (705) 746-6161 Chris Cardy Imaging Chris Cardy 5 Miller Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S7 Ph: (705) 774-4928 Community Living Parry Sound Jo-Anne Demick 38 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-9330 Fax: (705) 746-6151 Bear Claw ATV Tours Andrew Ryeland 35 Shoebottom Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-9481 Bearly Used Books Melissa Thomson 45 Seguin Street, Parry Sound On, P2A 1B5 Ph: (705) 746-4731 Bel-Air Cottages Marilyn Derks 100 Shebeshekong Lake Rd South Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-9500 Bel-Air Repair Ron Derks 100 Shebeshekong Lake Rd South Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-9500 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Bistro by the Bay Patty Czarny 2 James Street, Parry Sound On, P2A 1T2 Ph: (705) 746-3712 Black Feather- The Wilderness Company Wendy Grater 250 McNaughts Rd Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-1372 Fax: (705) 746-7048 Boots and Spurs Zane Smith Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2C7 Ph: (705) 774-3512 Brunton- Blackstock Financial David Brunton 6 Waubeek St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B7 Ph: (705) 746-8522 Fax: (705) 746-4181 58 Canada’s Best Value Inn and Suites Ken Patal 48 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-1500 Fax: (705) 746-1330 Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Cancer Society North Bay, ON, P1B 2Y5 Ph: (705) 472-9072 ex.3731 / 888-208-2125 Fax: (705) 472-9084 1-(800)-461-4261 Clean Bee Cleaning Services Susan Fournier 35 Greenwood Cres. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2S5 Ph: (705) 773-2899 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 59 Community Telecom Inc. Roger Carr & Jim Brendish 6-1 Chaffy Street, Huntsville ON. P1H 1K7 Ph: (705) 789-8850 Fax: (705) 789-1274 1-(800)-461-4261 Connor Industries Bill Connor 75 Tudhope Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0C6 Ph: (705) 746-5875 Fax: (705) 746-5876 Craganmor Point Resort Natalie & Matt Overend General Delivery Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X2 Ph: (705) 746-5774 / 877-333-3736 Fax: (705) 746-4728 Cynthia Crawford Antiques & Collectibles Cynthia Crawford Box 292 6 Oak Street Rosseau, ON, P0C 1J0 Ph: (705) 732-8249 Fax: (705) 732-8249 Contact North / Contact Nord Michelle Gleeson 1 College Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A9 Ph: (855) 352-1531 Fax: (705) 746-1532 Cranberry Cottage Alison Scarrow 42 River St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2T6 Ph: (705) 774-4405 Darlington Construction/ J.B Darlington Group Inc Gord Darlington 7 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T4 Ph: (705) 746-5556 Fax: (705) 746-6168 Cooper’ s Custom Carpentry Chad Cooper 46 Great N orth Road, Parry Sound, ON. P2A 2N8 Ph: (705) 346-0565 Cranberry Products of Canada Wendy Hogarth & Murray Johnston Box 24 1074 Cranberry Road Bala, ON, P0C 1A0 Ph: (705) 762-3203 Deborah L. Jones, HBCom,CPA, CGA, Chartered Professional Accountant Deborah Jones, Hons. B. Comm, CGA 10 Cherry Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1K9 Ph: (705) 773-2404 Fax: (705) 746-4007 Deer Run Golf Course Dave Chalk RR#1, McDougall Road East Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7 Ph: (705) 746-4653 Fax: (705) 746-6919 Cottage Keeper Inc. Peter Munch 1010 Hurdville Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0B5 Ph: (705) 773-2587 Crane Lake Resort and Marina Jutta Pirie 510 Blackstone Crane Lake Rd PO Box 58, The Archipelago, ON, P2A 0B7 Ph: (705) 378-2206 Fax: (705) 378-5201 Cottages on the Web Sheila Givens 76 King William Street, Suite #3 Huntsville, ON, P1H 1E4 Ph: (705) 788-1801 Fax: (705) 788-3728 Crofters Food Ltd. Gerhard & Gabrielle Latka 7 Great North Rd. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X8 Ph: (705) 746-6301 Fax: (705) 746-2733 Desmasdon’s Boat Works Tonia Blenkarn P.O Box 70 North Shore Road Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2581 Fax: (705) 366-2716 Crafts N’ Things Hobbies & Games Tammy Federico 21 James Bay Junction Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-6107 Fax: (705) 746-6107 Crossroads Pub & Grill Richard & Julie Lalonde 2 Cardwell Road Rosseau, ON, P0C 1J0 Ph: (705) 732-4343 Digital Office Solutions / Xerox Dennis Stalkie 33 Kevin Crescent Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1A8 Ph: (705) 645-7202 / 800-387-2347 Fax: (705) 645-1743 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 60 Dentistry on the Bay Lori Lahti D.D.S. 61 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L4 Ph: (705) 746-2772 Fax: (705) 746-2916 1-(800)-461-4261 Dillon Cove Marina & Resort Marion Coutts & Sue Ostertag 1 Parker Lane RR# 1 Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-5431 Fax: (705) 342-7207 Distler Construction Ltd. Alexander Distler 92 James Street, Unit 7 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T9 Ph: (705) 746-5465 Fax: (705) 771-9330 Divers Nook Tony Agnello 55 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L4 Ph: (705) 746-9757 Fax: (705) 746-9757 Dock King’s Mathew and Brad King 17 Nobel Rd. McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 774-4011 / 877-289-3625 Fax: 877-846-7090 DoggyStylin Pet Grooming Colleen Skinner 54 Emily St Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2P5 Ph: (705) 774-5562 Doherty’s Masonry Renovations & Repair David Doherty Parry Sound, ON, Ph: (705) 746-2570 Dominion Lending Centres Larry Barnes 33 Fred Dubie Road, Nobel, ON P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 774-1185 Don Cherry’s Sports Grill Chris/Daryl Painter 72 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-7666 Donald T. Ritchie Insurance Broker Ltd Dave Ritchie 39 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-2441 Fax: (705) 746-6384 Duck Lake General Store Ltd. David & Sabine Arstad 1170 Hwy 518 Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 732-4455 Fax: (705) 732-4396 Dunn’s Parry Sound Self Storage Tim Dunn 15 William Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1V2 Ph: (705) 774-9430 Fax: (705) 746-8561 E.A. Shipman Electric Ltd Ted Shipman 119 Carruthers Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-4302 Fax: (705) 746-8019 Downtown Business Association 52 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B4 Ph: (705) 746-6426 Edward Jones Investments Glendon MacGregor 70 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S5 Ph: (705) 774-9444 / 866-774-9444 Fax: (877) 629-0723 Drs. Bishop, Marshall & Associates Optometrists Bishop Marshall & Associates Optometrists 3 Albert Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2R8 Ph: (705) 746-7849 / 877-510-3937 Fax: (705) 746-7317 End Of The Rainbow ~ Children’s Clothing and Toy Boutique Dana Rushton 33 James St. Suite 101 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-6249 Dr. Erin Axt Optometry Dr. Erin Axt 3 Church Street, Parry Sound ON. P2A 1Y2 Ph: (705) 746-1212 Fax: (705) 746-0550 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Dan Braun 80 Parry Sound Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-9733 Fax: (705) 746-9499 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 61 1-(800)-461-4261 ERM Consulting Lis McWalter PO Box 25, 38 Rockcliff Drive Nobel,ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-7562 Four Winds Cottage Resort Wanda & Mark Taylor 508 Hurdville Road McKellar, ON, P2A 0B5 Ph: (705) 389-9645 Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve Rebecca Pollock 17 George Street P.O. Box 337 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 774-0978 Georgian Bay Water Taxi Jim Badger Five Mile Bay Box 721 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2Z1 Ph: (705) 746-9068 Fax: (705) 746-9068 Explorers’ Edge - Regional Tourism Organization James Murphy 11 Taylor Rd Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1S6 Ph: (800) 835-7303 Fowler Construction Co. Ltd. Larry Fleetham 75 McDougall Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7 Ph: (705) 645-2214 Fax: (705) 645-5025 Georgian Bay Christmas & Other Occassions John Crocker 44 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-4646 or 7-HOHOHO Georgian Lanes Entertainment Inc. Chris McDonald 58 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L3 Ph: (705) 746-8384 Gordon Bay Marine Ben Hatherley 55A Hatherley Road Mactier, ON, P0C 1H0 Ph: (705) 375-2623 Fax: (705) 375-5822 H & H Restaurant & Resort Andreas Siegler 60 Kapikog Lake Road Box 179 Mactier, ON, P0C 1H0 Ph: (705) 375-5323 Fax: (705) 375-5323 FAD Architects Brenda & Matt Ryan 92 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T9 Ph: (705) 746-5272 / 888-849-6147 Fax: 1-(866)-270-0845 G I Johnson Consulting Inc. Glenda Johnson 83 Lundy’s Lane Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3R9 Ph: (905) 967-0798 Georgian Nordic Ski & Canoe Club Cec Smith Nine Mile Lake Road McDougall, ON, Ph: (705) 746-5067 Gordon, Gingrich, Harris and Flemming Chartered Accountants Glenn Gordon, Steve Gingrich, Brandy Harris & Howard Flemming 7 William Street Unit #1 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1V2 Ph: (705) 746-5828 Fax: (705) 746-9693 H.A.V. Inc. Francis Stanfield 1142 Williamsport Road Huntsville, ON, P1H 2J4 Ph: (705) 788-0443 Festival of the Sound Jennifer McGillivray P.O. Box 750 Festival Station Gallery 1 Avenue Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2Z1 Ph: (705) 746-2410 / 866-364-0061 Fax: (705) 746-5639 GED Achievement Roy Hardie 75 Oakridge Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-9111 Fax: (705) 746-7103 Georgian Rentals Bill Robinson 2 Queen Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W1 Ph: (705) 746-5243 Fax: (705) 746-6129 Grand & Toy/Office Max Janice McColeman 480 Cassells Street, P.O. Box 567 North Bay, ON, P1B 8J5 Ph: (705) 476-1000 x250 Fax: (866) 444-3169 H.M. Projects Kerrie Mutrie 75 Oakridge Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-5716 Fireplace & Leisure Centre Jay & Shelly Wallace 90 Oastler Park Drive Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-6800 Fax: (705) 746-6808 Georgian Animal Hospital Hilary Turnbull 109 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 746-9100 Glenn Burney Lodge 49 Glenn Burney Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-5943 Fax: (705) 771-9098 Grand Tappattoo Resort Amanda Jalonen 30 Tapattoo Trail Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-2210 Fax: (705) 378-4761 Habitat for Humanity Parry Sound Adopt-A-Home Hans De Vries (Chair) & Lois Dube 23 South Seguin Estates Rd. Seguin, ON, P2A 0B6 Ph: (705) 774-0994 Florence’s Finery Shoppe Diane Heal and Brenda Timmins 36 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-2741 Georgian Bay Airways Ltd. Nicole & Keith Saulnier 11A Bay Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 774-9884 / 800-786-1704 Fax: (705) 774-9026 Glenwood Cottages & Marina Marko & Evelien Schuurman Box 73 10 Glenwood Drive McKellar, ON, P0G 1C0 Ph: (705) 389-2238 Fax: (705) 389-2238 Graziotto Electric Brian Graziotto 10 Snug Haven Road Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-9071 Fax: (705) 342-9071 Hall Construction Inc. Kirby,Clayton & Wayne Hall 176 Louisa Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3C1 Ph: (705) 746-8147 Fax: (705) 746-5301 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 62 Georgian Bay Land Trust Janet Lougheed 1179 King Street West, Suite 213 Toronto, ON, M6K 3C5 Ph: (416) 440-1519 Georgian Bay Marina Inc. Jeff Beitz 99 Rose Point Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X5 Ph: (705) 746-9559 Fax: (705) 746-8715 Georgian Bay Software Daryl McMurray 42 Gibson Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1W9 Ph: (705) 746-6943 Fax: (705) 746-8356 1-(800)-461-4261 GWS Tree Service, Parry Sound Barrie George Sopher PO Box 102 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X2 Ph: (705) 746-6040 Fax: (705) 746-6040 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 63 1-(800)-461-4261 High Tide Boardshop Ryan Mercier 44 Seguin St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B4 Ph: (705) 771-9646 Fax: (705) 746-2334 Hammond Transportation Laura Makins 6 Mill Lake Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X9 Ph: (705) 746-5430 Fax: (705) 746-9603 Home Depot Moira Ritchie 100 Bowes Street, Parry Sound, ON. P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 774-7000 Harris Furniture & Antiques Dean & Colleen Harris 17 Parry Sound Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-5100 Fax: (705) 746-5446 Home Hardware Thom Atchison 31 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G3 Ph: (705) 746-9621 Fax: (705) 746-7266 Homelife - Al Boucher Real Estate Ltd. Brokerage Al Boucher - Broker of Record 70 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L3 Ph: (705) 746-7467 / 800-465-9858 Fax: (705) 746-7645 alboucher@homelifeparrysound. com Harry’s No Frills Harry Ruerink 60 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 774-9342 Fax: (705) 774-9379 Henry’s Fish Restaurant Joanne & Paul Elliott Island B321, Frying Pan Island Sans Souci, Geo Bay, ON, Ph: (705) 746-9040 Fax: (705) 746-1391 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Huckleberry’s David, Steven & Bernice Anderson 14 Bay Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S3 Ph: (705) 746-2799 Fax: (705) 746-9696 J.C. Decking and Renovations John Czarny 92 Granite Rd. P.O. Box 61 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2446 I.T.S Communications & Security Brian Pask 30 Pineridge Dr. R.R. #3 McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-4485 Jeans Unlimited Susan Sullivan 68 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-9401 Fax: (705) 746-9401 Ice Cream On The Rocks Bill & Sharon Webb P.O. Box 42 1587 Riverside Drive Britt, ON, P0G 1A0 Ph: (705) 383-0995 Jessica Vergeer Studio Jessica Vergeer 6 Swallow Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7 Ph: (705) 746-8656 Ideal Supply - Napa Auto Parts Trevor Martin 12 Seguin Street, Unit #1 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B1 Ph: (705) 746-9564 Fax: (705) 746-5023 Investors Group Financial Horseshoe Lake Camp & Cottages Services Inc. Stephen & Deborah Hargrave Barb Kerr, CFP 55 North Sandy Plains Road Parry 46 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 P2A 2L2 Ph: (705) 732-4928 Ph: (705) 746-8753 / 888-746-1500 Fax: (705) 732-4242 Fax: (705) 746-9661 Hospice West Parry Sound Jan Merli 6 Albert Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3A4 Ph: (705) 746-4540 x1416 64 Island Queen Cruise Lines Inc. Steve Anderson 9 Bay Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 746-2311 Fax: (705) 746-9696 1-(800)-461-4261 Joemac Fuels Inc. Joe McIssac Parry Sound, ON, Ph: (905) 472-0485 JW Marriott- The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa Niagara Resorts Inc. 1050 Paignton House Rd. Minnett, ON, P0B 1G0 Ph: (705) 765-1900 / 866-240-8605 Katharine Beatty Katharine Beatty Ph: (705) 746-5912 Fax: (705) 746-8404 Kawartha Credit Union (Parry Sound - Muskoka Division) Debbie McMurray - Manager 1 Church Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1Y2 Ph: (705) 746-9061 Fax: (705) 746-4898 Kropf Industrial Inc. Tim Gingrich 1 Quebec Drive Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-2453 / 888-480-3777 Fax: (705) 378-5068 L.U. Maughan Company Limited Ontario Land Surveyor & Mappers Larry Maughan 5 McMurray Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1E6 Ph: (705) 746-5805 Fax: (705) 746-7276 Kevin Whetham - Re/Max Parry Sound Muskoka Realty Ltd. Brokerage Kevin Whetham 47 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 774-4444 Fax: (866) 717-5739 LakeForest Construction & Renovations Michelle & Greg Hudolin 12 Lake Forest Drive McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 342-9604 Fax: (705) 342-9604 Killbear Marina (1984) Ltd. Wilfred Reichenbacher 31 Pengally Bay Road RR# 1 Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-5203 Lakeland Contracting Dave Garside 238 Oastler Park Drive Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-0544 Fax: (705) 378-0545 Knights Inn Parry Sound Chris Painter 72 James St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-7666 / 800-846-5644 Fax: (705) 746-9587 Lane Family Pharmacy Kim Greer 4 Pine Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3B8 Ph: (705) 746-2187 Fax: (705) 746-7695 KPMG Del Sedore 84 James St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T9 Ph: (705) 746-9346 Fax: (705) 746-1437 LaRosa Contracting Mike LaRosa Ph: (705) 774-0784 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 65 1-(800)-461-4261 Lawrence Aero Enterprises Paul Landry 10 Hanger Rd. Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-4965 Fax: (705) 378-5347 Log Cabin Inn Kathy Dalrymple 9 Little Beaver Blvd RR# 2 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 746-7122 Fax: (705) 746-8060 Maurizio’s Inc. Maurizio and Sina Mascioli 5A Great North Rd. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1X8 Ph: (705) 771-9300 LeBlanc’s O.K. Tire & Auto Service Dave LeBlanc 21 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G3 Ph: (705) 746-2922 Fax: (705) 746-2933 Logan’s Funeral Home & Chapel Hugh Logan 81 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-5855 Fax: (705) 746-5856 Lecoupe Arctic Glacier Dan & Rose Mensour 173 Rankin Lake Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2419 Fax: (705) 675-7839 Lookin Up Daniel & Nancy Kenney 690 Hurdville Road McKellar, ON, P2A 0B5 Ph: (705) 380-5393 McNabb Home Building Centre Gary McNabb 22 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B1 Ph: (705) 746-2147 Fax: (705) 746-2186 Legal Shield Tony and Lynda Gilchrist 103 Church Street, Parry Sound ON. P2A 1Z4 Ph: (705) 746-8057 M & M Meat Shops #099 Stephen & Beatrice Burford 4 Pine Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3B8 Ph: (705) 746-1200 Fax: (705) 746-7433 Medical Associates Alison Gardner 15 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T4 Ph: (705) 746-9382 Fax: (705) 746-2195 Linkhouse Media Jason Rosewell 20-A Silver Birch Court Suite 101 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A7 Ph: (705) 751-LINK / 888-366-3198 Marc De Groote (The Great Art Studio) Marc De Groote 31 Worsley Lane Carling, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-7519 Microtel Inn & Suites Patricia Stone 292 Louisa Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A1 Ph: (705) 746-2700 / 866-745-8666 Fax: (705) 746-0580 Little Gardens Ltd. Ian H. Burgess 36 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2K9 Ph: (705) 746-5311 Fax: (705) 746-1329 Mariner’s Rest Bed & Breakfast Julie & Edmund Lea 14 Belvedere Avenue Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2A1 Ph: (705) 746-9011 Mid-Town Hotel Pinal Patel 24 Gibson Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1W8 Ph: (705) 746-2171 Fax: (705) 746-6524 Martins Mitre Box Gary Martin RR#2, 17 Horseshoe Lake Road Seguin ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-0705 Fax: (705) 378-1749 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 66 McLaren Press Graphics Drew McLaren 1 Langford Dr. Box 1018 Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1V2 Ph: (705) 687-6691 / 800-465-1662 Fax: (705) 687-7627 1-(800)-461-4261 Mill Lake Cottage Resort Mike and Jayne McLean 56 Fire Route 202 McDougall, ON. P2A W9 Ph: (705) 746-5000 Municipality of McDougall 5 Barager Boulevard McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 342-5252 Fax: (705) 342-5573 Neil West Construction Neil West Box 5 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2566 Fax: (705) 366-2189 Minuteman Press Cindy Jacklin 1 Mall Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3A9 Ph: (705) 746-7828 Fax: (705) 746-7870 Municipality of Whitestone 21 Church Street Dunchurch, ON, P0A 1G0 Ph: (705) 389-2466 Fax: (705) 389-1855 Newton’s Dry Cleaners & Laundry Mac Rettie 4 River Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2T6 Ph: (705) 746-5013 Fax: (705) 746-5053 Mitch’s Clothing Mitch Sheridan 44 Seguin St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B4 Ph: (705) 746-2661 Muskoka/Parry Sound Sexual Assault Services Helen Debassige 7 William Street, Suite 5 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1V2 Ph: (705) 774-9083 Fax: (705) 774-9728 Norbram Group Insurance Benefits Inc Dean Teasdale 60 Renfrew Drive, # 340 Markham, ON, L3R 0E1 Ph: (905) 479-6711 Fax: (888) 313-5886 Moose FM Radio 103.3 Kent Matheson 60 James Street, Suite 301 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-2163 Fax: (705) 746-4292 Near North Business Machines Al and Connie Dobson 86 West Rd. Huntsville, ON, P1H 1M1 Ph: (705) 746-6540 / 800-522-3836 Fax: (705) 787-0554 North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit Caroline Parnell 70 Joseph Street, Unit 302 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-5801 Fax: (705) 746-2711 Moose Lake Lodge & Trading Post Anne & Rich Kaster Box 97, Hwy # 69 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2367 Fax: (705) 366-5655 Near North District School Board Heli Vail, Director of Education Box 3110, 963 Airport Road North Bay, ON, P1B 8H1 Ph: (705) 472-8170 Fax: (705) 472-9927 North of Muskoka Embroidery Co. Sherri Lawson 42 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-5565 Fax: (705) 746-6275 Mr. Electric, Muskoka, Parry Sound Midland Jim Shaw 6 Great North Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2N7 Ph: (705) 746-9127 Fax: (705) 774-9599 Near North Recreation (Parry Sound) Ltd. Garnet, Heather & Ben Sansall 148 Hwy # 124 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7 Ph: (705) 746-8900 Fax: (705) 746-5488 North Star / Beacon Star Janice Heidman 66 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L3 Ph: (705) 746-2104 Fax: (705) 746-8369 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 67 1-(800)-461-4261 Northern Comfort Systems James & Julie Thorogood 1 Baycrest Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A3 Ph: (705) 746-8085 Fax: (705) 746-8085 Ontario Sea Kayak Centre James Roberts Dympna Hayes 6 Harmony Lane Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0B1 Ph: (705) 751-9555 Parry Sound Area Community Business & Development Centre Inc. Bill Spinney 1A Church Street, 2nd floor Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1Y2 Ph: (705) 746-4455 Fax: (705) 746-4435 Parry Sound-Muskoka Digital Fingerprinting Bruce Ashton 34 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B1 Ph: (705) 773-9898 Fax: (705) 746-4432 Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Neil Pirie 97 Airport Road, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2897 Fax: (705) 378-5492 Parry Sound Fuels James Cox 114 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 746-5481 Fax: (705) 746-9349 Parry Sound Massage Therapy Clinic Julie Torrance RMT, CMRP 8A Ansley Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1L6 Ph: (705) 746-4660 Fax: (705) 746-4484 Parry Sound Water Taxi And Fishing Charter Curtis Payerl 11 Bay St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 774-2449 Parry Sound Arts & Crafts Elizabeth Scobie 12 Stormy Point Rd. McKellar, ON, P2A 0B5 Ph: (705) 389-3715 Parry Sound Golf & Country Club Brent Robinson 50 George Hunt Memorial Drive McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 342-5262 Fax: (705) 342-5650 Parry Sound Pain Laser and Wellness Centre Pauline Dion Brown 17 Bay St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 746-8484 Parry Sound YMCA Katie Garbett 36 Smith Crescent Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0C5 Ph: (705) 746-0511 Fax: (705) 746-1205 Northern Home Products Keith and Ardy Sherk 128 Nobel Rd. McDougall (Parry Sound), ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 751-5222 / 866-454-3748 Fax: (705) 751-5222 Northern Living Kitchen & Bath Nancy Fournier 6 Designer’s Lane Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 746-8686 Fax: (705) 746-2281 Now That’s Catering Jan Raymond / Rachel Brown 14 Bowers Bay Rd. McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-6085 Fax: (705) 746-6085 Obdam’s Flowers Jennifer Obdam 31 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B2 Ph: (705) 746-8934 Fax: (705) 746-7554 Oldham Law Firm Howard & Bonnie Oldham 88 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T9 Ph: (705) 746-8852 Fax: (705) 746-6188 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Orr’s Fine Meats & Deli Murray Orr 2 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2K6 Ph: (705) 746-0510 Orr’s Property Management Casey Orr Box 615 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X5 Ph: (705) 774-1585 casey@orrspropertymanagement. com Otter Lake Marina Joe & Sonja Cigler RR#2, 3 Lake Avenue Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2893 Parry Sound Carpets N Colours Steve Carson 73-77 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-8922 Fax: (705) 746-4711 Pahapill and Associates, Chartered Accountants Carl Pahapill 97 James St Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-2115 Fax: (705) 746-6488 Parry Sound District Bed & Breakfast Association Edmund Lea 14 Belvedere Avenue Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2A1 Ph: (705) 746-9011 Pardon My Garden Kathrin Radu-Liesenfeld 78 Church Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1Z1 Ph: (705) 746-9483 Fax: (705) 746-1447 68 Parry Sound Family Health TeamKaren Johnson 57 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-2181 Fax: (705) 746-2972 1-(800)-461-4261 Parry Sound Insurance Brokers Ltd. David A. Garagan 69A Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L5 Ph: (705) 746-2725 Fax: (705) 746-6420 Parry Sound KOA Campground Don & Michelle Berry 276 Rankin Lake Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-2721 Parry Sound Mall Donna Craig 70 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-9252 Fax: (705) 746-6588 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Parry Sound Marine Rudy Krist 51 Great North Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2N9 Ph: (705) 746-5848 Fax: (705) 746-7741 Parry Sound Power Corporation Miles Thompson 125 William Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1V9 Ph: (705) 746-5866 Fax: (705) 746-7789 Parry Sound Tourism Lois Barron-Ralph 11A Bay St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 773-8716 Paul’s Property Management & Inland Lake Fishing Charters Paul Weatherley 2 Deer Valley Lane McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-4720 Parry Sound Storage Peter Muckenheim Concession Rd 12 Hwy 69 and 141 Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2447 Fax: (705) 378-4948 Payne Marine Ltd Mark Payne PO Box 249, 59 Paynes Road Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2296 Fax: (705) 366-2768 Parry Sound Tennis Club Bruce McLean 81 Kettunen Rd. Seguin, ON, Ph: (705) 732-1528 PDS Paul Davis Systems Restoration Specialists Brent MacDonald 7 Armstrong Street Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1C1 Ph: (705) 645-9820 / 800-224-1253 Fax: (705) 645-3159 69 1-(800)-461-4261 Peerless Security Doug Spiller 544 Greer Road Utterson, ON, P0B 1M0 Ph: (705) 746-2597 Fax: (705) 385-1448 Plumbtech Plumbing Inc. Marc Benoit 24 Ferndale Dr. N. Barrie, ON, L4N 9V4 Ph: (705) 722-7209 / 877-577-7209 Fax: (705) 734-2965 Richard’s Coffee Jen Hurd 119 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L8 Ph: (705) 746-4514 Pet Valu (1615047 Ontario Inc.) Jamie & Shannon Dale 1 Pine Drive Bldg B, Unit 4 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2C3 Ph: (705) 746-7179 Fax: (705) 746-7179 Porch to Pier Peter & Patricia Cramp 41 Hwy 124 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-8333 Fax: (705) 746-7999 Richmond Lake Park (camping) Philip Weichel /Nancey Virgo Oastler Park Drive 3 Leisure Lane Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 746-2860 / 800-352-4416 Fax: (705) 774-9402 Phyllis Davison Storyteller Phyllis Davison 200 Beaconview Drive, Unit 205 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2E1 Ph: (705) 774-9681 Premium Dock & Marine Systems Rob Metcalfe 25 Pine Drive PO Box 132 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-4334 Fax: (705) 746-4995 Rock Pine Resort Cottages Bert & Phyllis McMahon 239 South Shore Road Box 58 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2550 Fax: (705) 366-2550 Playland Special Events & Marketing Tim West Box 604 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X5 Ph: (705) 746-4400 Fax: (705) 746-1404 Pleasant Cove Resort Inc. Bruce Bishop Box 44, #97 North Shore Road Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2206 Fax: (705) 366-2004 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a Re/Max Parry Sound - Jim Marshall Jim Marshall 47 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-9336 Fax: (705) 746-5172 Rocky Crest Resort Laura Murney RR# 1, Hamer Bay Road Mactier, ON, P0C 1H0 Ph: (705) 375-2240 Fax: (705) 375-2210 Re/Max -Sheryl Sheridan Sheryl Sheridan 360 Guelph St. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4B5 Ph: (905) 877-5211 / 800-834-5516 Roger Taylor Roger Taylor FR 148 Nobel Road McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 773-2539 Fax: (705) 342-5265 Red Rock ecoAdventures Josef and Anne Bossart 10 Redwood Dr. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2S4 800-569-5724 RONA Building Centre Bill & Christine Corbett 115 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L8 Ph: (705) 746-5894 Fax: (705) 746-4593 70 1-(800)-461-4261 Rose Point Marina Catherine & Guy Wakeford P.O. Box 191 4 Rose Cliff Point Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-8410 Fax: (705) 746-6366 Royal LePage Team Advantage Realty - Team Boyd Claudette & Nicole Boyd 49 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-5844 / 877-586-4913 Fax: (705) 746-4766 Seguin Valley Golf & Country Club Gail Burrows 144 Badger Rd. Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-2555 / 866-826-4080 Ross Windows & Doors Jane Ross 7 Mall Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3A9 Ph: (705) 746-2495 Fax: (705) 746-5281 RTP Mechanical Limited Todd Patterson Burnside Bridge Road 25 Turtle Bay Road McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 774-6664 Seguin Welding & Fabricating Ltd. Mitch McLean 7 Hunter Drive Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 774-9470 Fax: (705) 774-9470 Rosseau Lake College Lynda Marshall 1967 Bright Street Rosseau, ON, P0C 1J0 Ph: (705) 732-4351 / 800-265-0569 Fax: (705) 732-6319 Ryman Electric and Plumbing Peter Ryman 1 Glenrock Drive, Nobel ON. P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 774-1358 Fax: (705) 342-1209 Sew Extreme Meredith McCaffrey 17 Parry Sound Dr. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0C3 Ph: (705) 746-0085 Rosseau Road Power Sports & Marine Ltd. Bill & Jennifer Park 25 Blackstone/Cranelake Road Seguin Township, ON, P0C 1K0 Ph: (705) 378-5217 Fax: (705) 378-0797 Royal Bank 70 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-2144 Fax: (705) 746-8814 Royal LePage Team Advantage Realty Bill Kingshott 49 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-5844 / 877-586-4913 Fax: (705) 746-4766 Sail Parry Sound Inc. Larry Woolner 30 Waubuno Road P.O. Box 734 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2Z1 Ph: (705) 774-5228 Fax: (705) 746-4880 Schneider Custom Building Ltd. Larry Schneider 5 Crawford Road, PO Box 194 Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-7895 Fax: (705) 342-9758 Scotia Bank Jonathan Baxter 27 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-5821 Fax: (705) 746-1547 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 71 Shaw-Almex Industries Ltd. Mr. Tim Shaw P.O. Box 430 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 746-5884 Fax: (705) 746-9784 Shear Perfection Chris/Sandra/Tish 80 Gibson Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1X3 Ph: (705) 746-6358 Sherwood Inn Clublink Corporation 1090 Sherwood Rd Port Carling, ON, P0B 1J0 Ph: (705) 765-3131 / 800-461-4233 Fax: (705) 765-6668 1-(800)-461-4261 Shoppers Drug Mart BiQi (Becky) He 90 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 746-2932 Fax: (705) 746-7190 Spirit of the Sound Schooner Company Ltd. Greg & Sandra Aldworth 18 Stoneman Dr. Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 746-6064 Fax: (705) 746-9289 Silverwood North Tracy Ellement 5 Miller St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 888-897-2424 Springhaven Lodge & Services Garry, Karen, Dennis, Kay Scale 32 Nares Inlet Road Box 340 Pointe au Baril, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2374 / 877-828-8831 Fax: (705) 366-2706 Sisi Started It Andrea Tranter 14 Shebeshekong Road, Nobel ON. P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 774-0642 Snug Haven Resort Donna & Brian Graziotto 10 Snug Haven Road Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-9096 Fax: (705) 342-9071 SOS Media Consulting Nicole Saulnier Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1Z8 Ph: (705) 773-8716 Sound Boat Works Ltd. Gerry Shipman 73 Emily Street Box 190 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-2411 Fax: (705) 746-9496 Starbucks Coffee Company Amelia Wilkinson 294 Louisa St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A1 Ph: (705) 746-1159 Talbot Marketing Bonnie Simons 315124 ,31st Line Embro, ON, N0J 1J0 Ph: (519) 485-5739 / 800-265-2607 Fax: (519) 425-5302 Tamarack North Ltd. Chris Madden PO Box 486 Port Carling, ON, P0B 1J0 Ph: (705) 765-1364 Fax: (705) 765-1366 TD Canada Trust Angela Lytle 55 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-5846 Fax: (705) 746-6346 Terry Johnson’s Hamer Bay Marine Ltd. Terry Johnson 92 Hamer Bay Road RR# 1 Mactier, ON, P0C 1H0 Ph: (705) 375-2232 Fax: (705) 375-5034 The Big Brain Dan Connaghan 45 Forest Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2R2 Ph: (705) 746-7374 The Business Centre -Nipissing Parry Sound Inc. Carly Barnes 1 College Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 0A9 Ph: (705) 746-5892 Fax: (705) 746-4435 Star Lake Cottages Steve McCarthy 486 Star Lake Road, RR#1, Rosseau, ON. P0C 1J0 Ph: 519-925-6948 Terrawoods on Muskoka Shores Jamie & Janice Law 184 Horseshoe Lake Road Seguin, ON. P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2762 The Co-operators Kerri Rutledge 40 Gibson Street, Parry Sound, ON. P2A 1N9 Ph: (705) 746-2798/ 888-299-3881 Fax: (705) 746-1240 Sun Life Financial Lois Ritchie 9 Shebeshekong Road Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 346-1363 Terry D. Clark, CA Terry Clark 3 Miller Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S7 Ph: (705) 746-2898 Fax: (705) 746-2722 The District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board Lisa Moore 1 Beechwood Drive Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1J2 Ph: (705) 746-7777 / 800-461-4464 Terry Gardner Contracting Ltd. Terry Gardner P.O. Box 82 Pointe au Baril Station, ON, P0G 1K0 Ph: (705) 366-2977 The Labour Market Group Stacie Fiddler 101 Worthington Street, Suite 238 North Bay, ON, P1B 1G5 Ph: (705) 474-0812 Fax: (705) 474-2069 Sunny Point Resort, Cottages & Inn Ltd. Susan & Andrew Vitch 41 Sunny Point Road Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 378-2505 Fax: (705) 378-5324 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 72 1-(800)-461-4261 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a The Red Door Bakery Lori Campbell 321 Hwy 124 McDougall, ON, P2A 2W7 Ph: (705) 389-1166 Fax: (705) 389-1231 The Ridge at Manitou Golf Club Drew Rachar 160 The Inn Road McKellar, ON, P2A 0B4 Ph: (705) 389-9577 Fax: (705) 389-2687 The Sundog Retreat Mary Hosick & Ted Kowalczyk 79 Sundog Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-1609 Fax: (705) 378-1609 The Water Depot Craig Stevenson 51 Miller Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1S9 Ph: (705) 771-9582 Tina’s Fitness Studio Tina Haskim 4 Miller Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B2 Ph: (705) 773-2774 Torrance Funeral Home & Chapel Ltd. Stephen & Julie Torrance 89 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L8 Ph: (705) 746-4664 Fax: (705) 746-4484 Town & Country Motel Greg Hughes 7 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G3 Ph: (705) 746-8671 Town of Parry Sound 52 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1B4 Ph: (705) 746-2101 Fax: (705) 746-7461 The Wine Cellar Club Leonard Brown 98 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T9 Ph: (705) 746-7041 Fax: (705) 746-7041 Township of Carling 2 Carling Bay Rd West Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-5856 Fax: (705) 342-9527 The Wright Clinic Karen Johnson 57 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T6 Ph: (705) 746-2181 Township of McKellar P.O. Box 69 701 Hwy #124 McKellar, ON, P0G 1C0 Ph: (705) 389-2842 Fax: (705) 389-1244 73 1-(800)-461-4261 Vianet Will Gasteiger 128 Larch St. Sudbury, ON, P3E 5J8 Ph: (705) 222-9996 / 800-788-0363 Fax: (705) 675-0404 Township of Seguin 5 Humphrey Drive Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 732-4300 / 877-473-4846 Fax: (705) 732-6347 Travellers Hotel Mike & Meena Mohan 36 Mary Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1E4 Ph: (705) 746-9307 Fax: (705) 746-9096 Township of the Archipelago 9 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T4 Ph: (705) 746-4243 Fax: (705) 746-7301 TRAX Georgian Bay Inc. Andrew Ryeland Box 146 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-9481 Trailside Carefree Rv Resort Danny & Kathy Shay 105 Blue Lake Road Seguin, ON, P2A 0B2 Ph: (705) 378-2844 Fax: (705) 378-0134 Vinyl Design Signs True North Machine Tracey Bye Chris Plouffe 215 Nobel Road Nobel, ON, 3670 Hwy 518 West Sprucedale, ON, P0G 1G0 P0A 1Y0 Ph: (705) 342-1044 Ph: (705) 685-1498 Fax: (705) 685-1098 Trailside Storage Michelle & Greg Hudolin 23 Mud Lake Road, RR#2 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 773-2701 Tulloch Engineering Darren Walker 5 Seguin Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1A9 Ph: (705) 746-8404 Fax: (705) 746-7685 Wah-Wash-Kesh Lodge Cathy Bennett 187 Wah-Wash-Kesh Road Dunchurch, ON, P0A 1G0 Ph: (705) 746-7977 Fax: (705) 746-7907 Trapper’s Choice Restaurant Harry & Polly Nicholas 50 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-9491 Fax: (705) 746-8657 Union Gas 425 Memorial Ave Orillia, ON, L3V 5Y1 888-774-3111 Wasauksing Communications ReZ91 Vincent & Anita Chechock P.O. Box 482 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X5 Ph: (705) 746-4481 Fax: (705) 746-4481 Trapper’s Inn Harry & Polly Nicholas 50 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-9613 Fax: (705) 746-8657 Unique Reflections Esthetics Sharon Calow 7 William St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1V2 Ph: (705) 746-8373 Wasauksing Marina Chief Tabobandung 891 Oak Point Road Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 746-7212 Fax: (705) 746-7116 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 74 Victoria Manor Bed and Breakfast Vicki, Susan, Justin 43 Church St. Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1Y6 Ph: (705) 774-1125 1-(800)-461-4261 Wasausink Lands Inc. Box 238 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X3 Ph: (705) 746-7601 Fax: (705) 746-8696 Weeks Construction Inc. Darcy Weeks 2 Lake Forest Drive RR#3 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9 Ph: (705) 746-5111 Fax: (705) 342-5113 Wellington’s Pub & Grill Micheal Reeves 105 James Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T7 Ph: (705) 746-1333 Fax: (705) 746-9131 West Parry Sound Health Centre Foundation Cathy Knox 6 Albert Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3A4 Ph: (705) 746-4540 x 3348 Fax: (705) 773-4059 Wright’s Marina Limited Graham or Karrie Lacey PO Box 160, 1624 Riverside Drive Britt, ON, P0G 1A0 Ph: (705) 383-2295 / 866-383-2295 Fax: (705) 383-2243 Wheelz Auto Centre/Kal Tire Dave Nicksy 72 Bowes Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2L7 Ph: (705) 746-5896 YMCA Employment Service 60 James Street, Suite 303 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 1T5 Ph: (705) 746-8480 Fax: (705) 746-7768 White Squall Paddling Centre & Town Store Tim & Kathy Dyer 53 Carling Bay Road East Nobel, ON, P0G 1G0 Ph: (705) 342-5324 Fax: (705) 342-1975 West Parry Sound District Museum Nadine Hammond Box 337, 17 George Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X4 Ph: (705) 746-5365 Fax: (705) 746-8775 The Resort at Whitestone Jodie Deadman 406 Whitestone Lake Rd. Dunchurch, ON, P0A 1G0 Ph: (705)389-2770 / 877-430-0034 West Parry Sound Health Centre Donald Sanderson 6 Albert Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 3A4 Ph: (705) 746-9321 or (705) 746-4540 Fax: (705) 746-7364 Wizard Signs & Graphics Glen Moffat P.o Box 45 Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2X2 Ph: (705) 938-1321 Collins Chiropractic & Health Sciences Dr. Jonathan Collins Units C&D 17 Bay Street, Parry Sound, ON. P2A 1S4 Ph: (705) 746-1116 Wolseley Mechanical Group Wayne Gilbert 86 Joseph Street Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2G5 Ph: (705) 746-9391 Fax: (705) 746-7253 Woodland Carpentry Michael Ivanis 44 Dixon Rd. Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8 Ph: (705) 746-1811 Fax: (705) 378-1487 p a r r y s o u n d c h a m b e r. c a 75 1-(800)-461-4261 We Specialize in Cottage Properties Leisure Business Island to Mainland Phone: (705) 746-2725 Fax: (705) 746-6420 Toll Free: 1-800-305-7045 Entertainment • • (705) 746-2101 • (877) 746-4466 or (705) 746-4466 Parry Sound Insurance Brokers Ltd. 69A Bowes Street Parry Sound ON P2A 2L5 Providing peace of mind through innovative insurance products The hub of our community and the place for