Home | Most Holy Trinity Church


Home | Most Holy Trinity Church
Iglesia la Santisima Trinidad • Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad
• Tasi Tolu Pa’ia
April 19, 2015
Most Holy Trinity’s Mission says:
We discover and proclaim God's Love through
Worship, Prayer, Study and Good Works
Worship Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:15 pm (Vietnamese)
6 pm (English) / 7:30 pm (Spanish)
Sunday Masses
8:00 am, 9:30 am, 6:00 pm (English)
11:00 am (Spanish) / 12:30 pm (Filipino)
3:45 pm, 7:30 pm (Vietnamese)
Daily Masses
8:00 am (English)
5:30 pm (Vietnamese except Wed.)
Novena & Mass of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesday at 5:30 pm
Confessions / Confesiones
Saturday at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
or by appointment
Parish Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Saturday 10 am to 2 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am to 2:30 pm
Tuesday thru Friday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Monday: CLOSED
La Declaración Misionera de la Parroquia dice:
Descubrimos y proclamamos el amor de Dios por
medio de Alabanza, Oración, Estudio y Buenas
It is preferred that an envelopes be used at all times especially when tithing
in cash regardless of amount so we can service you better. Please include
your name and address CLEARLY on the envelopes.
Total: $ 18,265
Tithe: $1,826.50 BFP/Church Improvements
Easter Sunday $23,374.09
Salubong Mass $1,041
Triduum $13,307
Tithe: $ 2,337.41 BFP/School
This past week the priests and deacons of this parish have contributed $935
from their ministries to support the mission of Most Holy Trinity Church
Thank you for sharing God’s gifts, Just as He has shared them with you!
Church members should teach their children to tithe, explain it to
others and set good examples themselves.
(Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam)
Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, S.J. Pastor ext 114
Fr. George Wanser, S.J. ext 116
Fr. Duc Vu, S.J. ext 117
Fr. Vincent Duong, S.J. ext 123
Br. Jim Sanders, S.J. ext 100
Deacon Vicente R. Perez ext 112
Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100
Deacon Juan Aquino ext 100
Deacon Dung Tran ext 110
Sr. Maria Goretti Nguyen, L.H.C. ext 110
Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, L.H.C. ext 115
Porty Nevarez, ext 126
Welcome, New Parishioners
Please fill out a registration located at the Church entrances or on pg 6 of
bulletin. You may drop it off in the Parish Office.
¡Bienvenidos, Nuevos Parroquianos!
Favor de llenar la forma de registración localizada en las entradas de la
Iglesia o en página 6 de boletín. Dejen la en la Oficina de la Parroquia.
Catholic Cemeteries of the
Diocese of San Jose
Here to Serve You
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Los Altos 650-428-3730
Calvary Cemetery, San Jose 408-258-2940
St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Milpitas
Pre-Need Arrangements at Time of Death, contact:
Teresa Huyen Nguyen at hunguyen@dsj.org or 408-296-9895
2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-0101 • FAX: (408) 258-4131
Worship & Prayer
For staff contact or more Parish information
visit our websit: www.mht-church.org
April 19 - 26, 2015
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
20, 2015
Anwer Habbo Health
Greg Bazyblo Health
Julianna Statham Health
21, 2015
Maria Phuoc Thi Nguyen 
All w/Cancer
Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
8:00 AM:
22, 2015
Habibi Habbo Health
Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20;
Jn 6:44-51
5:30 PM:
Restic Reyes Health
Fortunata Grospe 
Perfecto Torres 
23, 2015
All w/Cancer
Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17;
Mk 16:15-20
Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28,
29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
24, 2015
Deanna Venida 
Julita Coker Health
8:00 AM:
25, 2015
McNeil Llaban 
Lee Llanos 
Isaac Ruiz Blessing
Third Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
You alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling.
— Psalm 4:9
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
19 de abril de 2015
Sólo tú, Señor, eres mi tranquilidad.
— Salmo 4:9
Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed
the wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labor and not to seek reward, Save that of knowing that I do your will. AMEN
Dear Parishioners of Most Holy
Estimados Feligreses de Santísima
I know from hearing your stories that
many of you are renters. Are you
worried about your rent going up or
being evicted? Have you ever been
threatened by your landlord because of
your immigration status or exploited
you in any way? Do adults in your
home work more than one job to pay
the rent?
He sabido escuchando sus historias que
muchos de ustedes rentan sus
viviendas. Esta usted preocupado
porque su renta subirá, o ser
desalojado? Ha sido amenazado por el
propietario por su estado migratorio o
ha sido explotado en alguna manera?
Adultos en su casa trabajan más de un
trabajo para pagar la renta?
Come and learn about your rights as a
renter and how to organize for change!
Speak with lawyers and experts who
can answer your questions.
Venga y aprenda sobre sus derechos
como persona que renta y como puede
organizarse para el cambio! Hable con
abogados y expertos quienes pueden
responder sus preguntas.
Sunday, April 26, 1:00-2:30 PM at La
Trinidad Methodist Church (370 S.
King Road). This workshop is
sponsored by the Silicon Valley
Foundation and PACT: People Acting
in Community Together.
Domingo, 26 de abril, 2015. De
1:30pm a 2:30pm en la Iglesia La
Trinidad Metodista (370 S. King Rd).
Este foro está patrocinado por
Fundación del Valle del Silicón y
PACT, Personas Actuando en
Comunidad Juntas.
Fr Bob
Padre Bob
Worship & Prayer
Good Works
Go Deeper To See God
through Daily Life
Retreat at Home.
The Lector ministry proclaims the Word of God for the assembly,
making it understandable, inspirational and alive. Lectors also raise
the community’s prayer to God by leading the Prayers of the Faithful.
This retreat is focusing on the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
according to 18 t h Annotations,
Lightworks! It is a personal retreat
without going to a retreat center. It is
running now thru the end on June 12.
During your retreat you will meet one-on- one for one hour
with Margarita Hua, who holds an M.A. in Spirituality from
SCU and a certificate in the direction of the Spiritual Exercises
from the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos. The meeting place
is at Most Holy Trinity. If you are interested, please call
Margarita 408-623-0838.
Lectors are needed weekly for all English and Filipino Masses and
are assigned on a rotating basis. Most Holy Trinity is actively
recruiting lectors. Training is required and available as needed 6
Please contact Linda Rodriguez for further information 408-712-0327
or mhtlectors@gmail.com
Provide & Protect
MHT invites you to a free Provide & Protect seminar
on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 9:15 (after the morning Mass)
in the Community Room. Rev. Samuel P. Bellino, S.J. will
provide creative ways to protect yourself and family through an
estate plan. This seminar is great for young families to select a
guardian, for Baby Boomers to update their estate plan and for
Seniors who need to be certain their medical forms are in
order. Please call MHT office at (408) 729-0101 to register.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
MARRIED COUPLES: Marriage Encounter is a positive,
simple common sense, private experience between you and
your spouse, that revitalizes marriage by helping you to see
again those loving qualities in each other that you may be
taking for granted. The next Marriage Encounter
Weekend is: May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration
is highly recommended. For more information visit our website
at: sanjosewwme.org or contact Ken & Claranne
at applications@sanjosewwme.org or 408-782-1413.
MHT Parish Festival
Save the Date: Sept 25,26 and 27
There will be a meeting on April 27 in the Parish
Office Room 24 from 7pm to 9pm for all who are
interested in joining the planning team.
For staff contact or more Parish information
visit our websit: www.mht-church.org
Good Works
Gabriel Project
Helping Pregnant
Mothers in Need
Need Help? If someone you know is
pregnant and needs emotional or
material support, please call the
Gabriel Project Helpline at (408) 214
Want to Volunteer? If this speaks
to your heart, you can volunteer to help by becoming a
mentor to a pregnant mother in need or by becoming a
parish ambassador to help get others involved. Please
contact gabrielproject@dsj.org or call (408) 620-4120
and visit www.dsj.org/social-ministry/gabriel-project
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul
Most Holy Trinity Conference
Are you in need of monetary or food assistance? We
may be able to help you. We provide assistance with
food, utilities, transportation and other expenses. Please
call(408) 930-4241 and leave a message and phone
number so we can help you. You can use the same
number to volunteer or make donations (including
cars). For cash donations, please use the SVdP envelopes
available in the church and parish office. Address checks
to the Society of St Vincent de Paul of Santa Clara
County: Most Holy Trinity Conference.
Items available for use: 2 Walkers ( Need twin mattress)
Needed during the week: Retired folks for home visits
and young men to drive the truck and unload food
¿Le necesitan ayuda alimentaria o monetaria? Podemos
ser capaces de ayudarle. Proveemos la ayuda de la
comida, utilidades, transporte y otros gastos. Por favor
llame (408) 930-4241 y deje un mensaje y su número
de teléfono para que podamos ayudarle. Puede utilizar el
mismo número para ser voluntario o hacer donaciones
(incluyendo los coches). Para donaciones de dinero, por
favor utilice los SVdP sobres disponibles en la iglesia y
oficina de la parroquia. Expida el cheque a Sociedad de
San Vicente de Paúl de Santa Clara County: Conferencia
de Santísima Trinidad. Artículos disponibles para su uso:
2 Walkers (necesita doble colchón) Durante la semana:
retirados para visitar casas y los hombres jóvenes para
conducir el camión y descargar la comida
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a Christian-based, non-profit
organization best known for building affordable housing,
empowering families through homeownership and
transforming communities through neighborhood
improvement projects.
Are you currently renting? Would you like to own your home?
Our Homeownership Program offers families beautiful new
and renovated homes for no-profit mortgages, no money down
and at affordable sales prices. Habitat currently has homes for
sale in Livermore and Martinez and are accepting applications
for our 30 home development in Fremont.
If you are a current homeowner, our newest program offers
qualified families exterior home painting for a one time fee of
Lastly, Habitat would like to encourage everyone to join their
local neighborhood association. Neighborhood associations
are an excellent way to voice concerns directly to city and
county representatives, receive updates from SJPD and find
out about various services available in your area. Groups meet
once a month, dinner is often provided and the entire family is
Feel free to contact Hannah Garza at 408-620-3413 or
hgarza@habitatebsv.org for more information on Habitat’s
services or to locate a neighborhood association near you!
Most Holy Trinity School
Every Friday Nite!
In The Trinity Center
$250 Jackpots
Doors Open at 5pm
All proceeds help families who need
financial support for tuition.
Provide & Protect
MHT is compiling a list of estate planning attorneys in
our parish. If you are a lawyer working with wills, trusts
and elder law, or know of one, please contact Sylvia
Hogan, facility manager at ext 307. We are compiling
this list for an upcoming talk on estate planning by Fr.
Sam Bellino, S.J. Thank you for your help.
For staff contact or more Parish information
visit our websit: www.mht-church.org
Most Holy Trinity Preschool
Most Holy Trinity Preschool is excited to announce the formation of
an Afternoon Preschool Program. The afternoon program is offered
from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. Each of our programs accepts children
from 3 years of age up to entry into First Grade.
Most Holy Trinity Principal’s
Letter to the Parish
At Most Holy Trinity Preschool, we help children learn about the
alphabet, numbers, pre-reading, early math & science and our
Catholic faith & traditions. Our teachers guide young children to
develop the social skills that will lead to success in Kindergarten and
Elementary School. Our goal is to encourage a lifelong love of
learning by establishing a strong foundation of basic concepts and
increasing each child's confidence in building positive relationships
with teachers and peers.
In expressing this hope, I likewise pray that each individual member of the
faithful and every Church community will undertake a fruitful Lenten
journey. I ask all of you to pray for me.
Pope Francis
Dear Parishioners of Most Holy Trinity Church,
Most Holy Trinity Preschool has a variety of program options. We
offer care Monday - Friday from 7am - 6pm. We have a full day
program from 8am to 4pm and two half day programs: from 8am to
12 noon and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. We also offer extended care
Carla Oliveira, our third grade teacher is the Curriculum Coordinator for Most
Holy Trinity School. As our Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Oliveira informs
teachers of changes in the curriculum, standards, and testing in the Diocese and
the Drexel School Initiative. She meets monthly with other Curriculum
Coordinators in the Diocese to review curriculum and materials that are under
consideration for adoption in the classroom.
The full day and morning program are currently full but we do have
space for your child in our afternoon program. Our waiting list is
always open and we are accepting applications for next school year
(August 2015 to June 2016).
We have a new phone system at the MHT School. We have the ability to
notify teachers in their classrooms using a built-in PA system in the phone.
If you are interested in learning more about Most Holy Trinity
Preschool or if you would like to schedule a tour, please call us at
In Peace,
Karen Francois
Warm wishes,
Yvette M. Sousa
Director Most Holy Trinity Preschool
2033 Nassau Dr., San Jose (just across from Parish office)
e-mail: ysousa@dsj.org<mailto:ysousa@dsj.org>
Most Holy Trinity Catholic School, is a K-8 grade school. We admit students of any race, color, and national
and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to
students at the schools. It does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic
origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic
and other school-administered programs.
Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament.
Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are NOT registered, please complete the information below and place
in the offertory basket or bring to the Parish Office.
Phone: (
Head of Household
New Parishioner
Phone Number Change
New Address
e-mail address:
Please send Offertory envelopes
Health Ministry
April 19, 2015
19 de Abril 2015
La Clase “siete pasos saludables” para su corazon, ahora
es la segunda parte! – vengan despues de misa al Trinity
“Seven Healthy Steps Class”, featuring the American
Heart Association’s “Life Simple 7 guidelines” PART 2
Al aprender y practicar consejos saludables para nuestros
corazones durante un mes, podemos aprender a hacer los
cambios de estilo de vida a largo plazo - por vida!
By learning and practicing heart healthy tips for one
month, we can learn to make long term lifestyle changes
– for life!
Los feligreses que asistan a ambos meses se calificarán
para los premios de la rifa!
Parishioners who attended BOTH months will
qualify for raffle prizes!
Being physically active can help you achieve a healthy
weight. It is also important to all other aspects of your
health. Benefits include sleeping better at night,
decreasing your chances of becoming depressed, and
helping you look good. When you are not physically
active, you are more likely to have health problems,
including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood
La actividad física puede ayudar a lograr un peso
saludable. También es importante para todos los otros
aspectos de su salud. Los beneficios incluyen dormir
mejor por la noche, disminuyendo las probabilidades de
deprimirse, y ayudar a que se vea bien. Cuando usted no
está físicamente activo, que son más propensos a tener
problemas de salud, incluyendo enfermedades cardíacas,
diabetes tipo 2 y el colesterol alto.
The amount of physical activity needed to manage body
weight depends on calorie intake and varies a lot from
person to person.
La cantidad de actividad física necesaria para controlar el
peso corporal depende de la ingesta de calorías y varía
mucho de persona a persona.
The American Heart Association recommends 30
minutes activity per day 5 times a week for adults.
La American Heart Association recomienda 30 minutos
de actividad al día 5 veces a la semana para los adultos.
For date and time see calendar on Community Room
Para fecha y horario mire el calendario en la ventana
del Community Room.
Se pide una donación $5
For More information contact/Para más
información llame a: Chris Rodriguez 408-921-0757