Special Announcement - Leeward Community Church
Special Announcement - Leeward Community Church
Special Announcement New Building and Renovation Meeting: We have been faced with space issues for years, and at long last we are finally at a point where we can move forward with a building expansion plan. All land studies have been completed, a draft plan has been developed, and because this is a major venture that affects all of you, we desire your input in the final decision making. Join us tonight for this important meeting. Approval (by vote) of members is required; however, we also seek the opinions of our regular attending non-members who consider Leeward Community Church their home church. All members and regular attenders are urged to attend this important meeting where we will share the scope, cost, and timeline for the expansion. We covet your blessing and prayers on this venture. Community Service Event: River of Life Mission Sign up on our response form to join our team in providing a meal, an inspirational message, and words of encouragement to the homeless. Clothing and toiletry donations will be received TODAY ONLY, on the designated table downstairs. Monetary donations can be offered any time with a designation "for ROL Mission" on the memo line. Lost and Found: Please check our bin for items you may have lost, forgot about, and not even realized you did. Towels, watches, electronics and clothing are among many items that may be donated to ROL or discarded if they are not claimed. Upcoming Events Today - August 31, 2014 Welcome! We are so glad that you joined us today. If this is your first time with us, we would love to personally meet you at our Welcome Center where we have a gift especially for you. Discover how our many programs for the entire family help us connect and explore faith in God. May you also find Leeward to be "A Place to Belong and Believe." Services: 7:30 am & 10:30 am AWANA Children's Program Babies (4mos.-3 yrs.) @ Worship Center Patio for 1 Service AWANA: (New Registration) 9:15 am - 12:00 pm Puggles (4 mos. - 3 yrs) @ Nursery Cubbies (Preschool) @ Nursery Sparks (K-2nd)/T&T (3rd - 6th) @ Children's Center Trek (7th - 8th Grade) @ Jr. High Classroom (9:15-10:15 am) Journey (High School) @ High School Class (9:15-10:15 am) 9:15 am - 10:15 am @ Under Tent next to Children's Center @ Worship Center @ Pastor's Office @ Right Patio facing Children's Center Wednesday, September 10th @9:30-11:00 am. Lunch at Makino Chaya @ 11:30am. Cost $11.30 with coupon. $15 without. Carpools leave church at 9:00 am. Saturday, September 13th @ 9:00 -12:00 Noon. Lunch is provided. 40 DitW (Days in the Word): Today, following the services. Fill out the enclosed form to choose your HOME group. Use it to redeem your complimentary workbook ($15.00 value) downstairs. Distributions will continue next week. This spiritual growth campaign will begin Sunday, September 14th and end Sunday, October 26th. See enclosed brochure for more details. Ministry Opportunities/Needs River of Life Mission: Wednesday, September 3rd @ 5:45 pm. See back cover of bulletin. Urgent Prayer Requests: For immediate needs or medical emergencies of close friends/family, please email Sandy at: Sandyando1@gmail.com - and call 626-6936. @ Left Patio Weekly Events Find a HOME Group Honolulu to Kapolei, evenings Joyful Singers Monday mornings at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall Women’s Prayer Tuesday's, 9:00 - 10:30 am @ Prayer Room. Young Adults Tuesday's @ 7pm (CRU @ UH Manoa) College Carpools leave Aiea @ 6:30 pm Wednesday's @ 7pm (Pearl City) Early Career Sunday's @ 3:30 pm (Waikele) Career Youth Group Senior Outing: Waiau Fire Station Cross Culture: High School & Middle School. Fridays @ 7 pm Church Information (808) 456-1340 email: info@leewardcommunitychurch.org website: www.leewardcommunitychurch.org Office Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9:00am-5:00pm; Closed: Sat/Mon/Holidays . New Beginnings: Live a Praying Life Sunday, September 7th - next week Senior Car Wash & Church Work Day: st Adult Sunday School: Identity - Young Adults Building God's Character Deepening Your Roots Ladies Strong Men in Tough Times Communion & New Sunday School Classes begin: Church Staff: Joseph Ong, Senior Pastor (ext. 3303) Warren Mitsuda, Church Administrator (ext. 3304) Priscilla Arakawa, Administrative Assistant (ext. 3301) Joni Kaneshiro, Newcomers Ministry Director (ext. 3305) Kathy Uyehara, Ministry Placement Director (ext. 3305) Abi Arakawa, Youth Ministry Director (ext. 3305) Leeward Community Church (456-1340) Sep 7 – Nov 30, 2014 Adult Sunday Bible Class New Beginnings • Walter Kaneshiro, Richey Rich, Keith Rudolph – The New Beginnings class is for anyone inquiring & exploring about God and faith as well as for new Christians to discuss Biblical answers to personal questions and needs. In addition to this class, there are smaller groups meeting “under the umbrella” during the Adult Sunday Bible Class hour that are designed to personalize Biblical answers to life’s questions. Please express your interest on the registration form in your bulletin and we’ll arrange to create a Bible based small group experience. * Bearing Fruit in God’s Family. Perspective. – A Class for Ladies • Betty Tominaga and Lynn Ishikawa – As you choose to root your life in Christ, you'll not only become stronger, but also more fruitful. By walking you through a simple, yet effective approach to explaining the Gospel to your friends and neighbors, this third book in the 2:7 SERIES will help you become a fruitful member of God's family. At the same time, you'll also learn to naturally reflect Christ's character in your everyday life. During the 40 Days in the Word, the class will have guest speakers giving their personal perspective on life as a Christian woman. This class is opened to all ladies. * The Book of Daniel • Mark Yamamura – Overwhelming circumstances makes clear that our God is in control of the destiny of mankind. When a conquering nation has need of the conquered to help rule them, we can know it is a Godappointed occasion. When the future of mankind to the very end is revealed, the secrets of life are divinely exposed for our attention, meditation, and resolve. Join the study of Daniel, a book about God’s engagement with men and revelation of His plan to complete our earthly life. These future events will take place and the description of the end times will be discussed. The Life of David • Michael Kissel, John Herman, Stan Lau – All young adults (college and early career persons) are invited to join for a look into the life of David. David was a shepherd boy, a giant killer, a king, a fugitive, an adulterer, a warrior and a poet. Moreover he was a man after God's heart. Come join us as we learn from David's amazing life. The Book of Revelation • Dr. George Rhoades, Bryan Pang and Neal Arita – Jesus reveals to us details concerning the end times over which He superintends and triumphs over Satan. Yet the political make-up of the world system will conveniently invite the most powerful and horrific dictator in human history to reign as the Anti-christ with his false trinity the beast and the false prophet. Then there are the Tribulation period of judgments, the rapture of the saints, the battle of Armageddon, the second coming of Christ, the 1000 year reign of Christ, the Great White Throne judgment, the final state of dwelling for the wicked in the lake of fire, and a new heaven and new earth for the faithful to be forever in the company of our God and His people. This will take place. Let us be prepared. *There may be a fee for materials used in the class; however, Church funds are available for individuals in need of financial assistance (consult with the class teacher). HOME GROUP LISTING BY LOCATION Location Type Day Time Leader Contact Honolulu - Aiea Aiea/PC Any Wed 7:00 Kyle & Kathy Uyehara 488-1720 Aiea-Halawa Any Thu 7:00 Fred & Debbie Heyler 484-1879 HonoMoanalua # Young Marrieds Thu 6:00 Stan & Belinda Lau 372-1222 Pearl City – Pacific Palisades Pearl City Any Tue 7:00 Richele & Kenny Thornburg 455-1053 Pearl City Women Tue 7:00 Barbara Yamamura 455-4597 PC-Church Any Wed 7:00 Susan Ayin 227-8244 PC-Palisades Any Wed 7:00 Bob Duren 216-1374 Pearl City Wed 7:00 John & Becky Herman PC-Palisades Early Career Any Wed 7:30 Luana Rittmeister 510-3260654 664-7104 Pearl City Any Wed 7:00 Mel Tanoue 551-4773 PC-Church Youth-HS Thu 7:00 Abi Arakawa 255-4444 Pearl City Any Thu 7:15 Bryan Pang/Dean Kajihiro 232-1068 PC-Church Women Thu 9:00a Betty Tominaga/Mabel Tome 454-0256 PC-Church Men Fri 8:00a Eric Mimura 455-8109 Pearl City # Any Fri 7:00 Brad Shoda 271-6526 Mililani – Mililani Mauka Mililani Any Wed 7:00 Neal Arita 729-3010 Mililani/Aiea # Any Wed 7:30 Tony & Aura Tedtaotao 348-0004 Mililani Mauka # Any Thu 7:00 Owen Yamamura 626-6936 Mililani Any Fri 7:30 Wayne & Gail Kim 623-8015 Mililani # Any Fri 7:00 Dean Miyamoto 497-0979 Mililani Any Fri 7:00 Dr. George Rhoades 703-3047454 Waipahu – Waikele – Kunia – Ewa – Kapolei Waikele Early Career Youth-JH Sun 3:30 Michael & Ingrid Kissel 341-4879 Wed 7:00 Kristie Fukuzono 292-1232 Kapolei # Any Fri 7:30 Walter & Joni Kaneshiro 674-0554 Kapolei # Any Fri 7:30 Pastor Joe & Debbie Ong 551-5032 WaikeleMcDonalds # - Childcare provided; Green = new group
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Joni Kaneshiro, Newcomers Ministry Director (ext. 3305)
Kathy Uyehara, Ministry Placement Director (ext. 3305)
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