July 1,2014 Background I Introduction Table of Contents
July 1,2014 Background I Introduction Table of Contents
Report on Implementation of Mandatory Business Recycling July 1,2014 Background I Introduction Requirements for business recycling were established in City Ordinance in 1996. Section 9-3.1 requires the owners of liquor-serving establishments to recycle glass containers and the owners of office buildings with 20,000 square feet or more to recycle office paper, newspaper and corrugated cardboard. In doing so, these facilities cannot place those recyclable materials in the same containers as those holding refuse, or in a manner which causes or is intended to cause the collection of the recyclable material with refuse. The “Chief,” referring to the Refuse Division Chief, is required to prepare and submit an annual report on the progress of the implementation of this subsection. The first report was submitted in July 1997. Subsequent reports were provided orally at Council committee hearings by request of Council. Comprehensive written reports were submitted in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 to fully apprise the City Council of the details involved in implementing this program. This current report provides much the same in program and procedural description, with updates to the list of affected businesses and the findings/observations based on recent inspections. This report is an overview of the division’s efforts to implement and maintain compliance among the affected businesses. Although not required in Ordinance, the report also includes information about the implementation of requirements stipulated in Section 9-3.5 for food waste recycling by businesses that generate large quantities of food waste, including restaurants, hotels, food courts, markets, food manufacturers and hospitals. Additionally, businesses are affected by disposal bans and restrictions on targeted materials, which are presented briefly to help round out the overall impact of recycling requirements on the commercial sector. Table of Contents Affected Business Recycling Ordinances Implementation and Enforcement Education Findings and Observations Photo Gallery Exhibits Revised Ordinances of City and County of Honolulu • Sec. 9-3.1 Mandatory Recycling By Commercial Establishments (EXHIBIT A) • Sec. 9-3.5 Mandatory Commercial Food Waste Recycling (EXHIBIT B) page 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 13 Businesses Affected By Mandatory Laws • Food Waste 348 (EXHIBIT C) • Glass 791 (EXHIBIT D) • Office PapeR 198 (EXHIBIT E) 16 25 43 Education • Food WASTE REcycling Tip Sheet (ExHIBIT F) • Glass Recycling Tip Sheet (EXHIBIT G) • Office Paper Recycling Tip Sheet (ExHIBIT H) • Website Business Recycling Page (EXHIBIT I) 49 51 53 55 — — — Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 Enforcement • Annual Compliance Forms (EXHIBIT J) • Inspection Procedures (EXHIBIT K) • Compliance Inspection Notice (ExHIBIT L) • Compliance Inspection Form (EXHIBIT M) Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 . 56 59 60 61 2 Affected Businesses Recycling of targeted materials is required by law for most businesses and government agencies. Although the City encourages recycling of as many materials as possible, it requires that the regulated materials be recycled or composted and thereby diverted from City disposal sites. The commercial sector has the greatest potential to significantly increase recycling on Oahu. Businesses that generate large volumes of recyclable materials may also have an opportunity to reduce waste disposal costs when recycling is integrated into their waste management system. Almost every large business on Oahu restaurants, bars, hotels, office buildings, shopping centers, retail stores, grocery stores, hospitals, food courts, food manufacturers and processors, golf courses, parks, tree trimmers, auto shops, appliance dealers is affected, either directly or indirectly, by the City’s recycling requirements. Some of the requirements specifically identify the types of businesses that are required to set up recycling systems for targeted materials. Bars and restaurants are required to recycle glass containers; commercial office buildings, including government buildings, are required to recycle paper; businesses that generate large amounts of food waste, including hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, food processors/manufacturers and hospitals, are required to recycle that waste. -- -- Other businesses are affected indirectly by the bans and restrictions of materials at City disposal sites. Although refuse haulers are responsible for recycling/disposal compliance, the businesses that generate the waste need to insure that their refuse is within allowable disposal limits. Large generators of cardboard, including retail operations, shopping centers, grocery stores and hospitals, are affected by the restriction on cardboard; large generators of green waste, including golf courses, hotels, condominiums and parks, are affected by the restriction on green waste. Recycling Ordinances Below is a summary of the mandatory recycling related ordinances. State and EPA laws are additionally noted where applicable. Bars and restaurants serving alcoholic beverages are required to recycle glass containers, effective July 1, 1996. Local recycling companies and collectors pickup at no charge, and some pay for HI-5 deposit glass. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-3.1) Office buildings with 20,000 square feet or more of office space are required to recycle office paper, newspaper and cardboard, effective July 1, 1996. Local recycling companies pick up for fees. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-3.1) Hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, food courts, food manufacturers/processors and hospitals meeting specific size criteria defined by ordinance are required to recycle food waste, effective January 1, 1997. Collection service is offered by local hog farmers and collectors for a fee. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-3.5) Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 3 Green waste (yard trimmings) from commercial and government generators is RESTRICTED/ BANNED from disposal. Commercial and government trucks are limited to a maximum of lO% green waste per load at H-POWER and Refuse Transfer Stations, and green waste is completely banned from disposal at the landifil. Local composting facilities accept this material for a fee and process it into soil amendment products. Generators are also encouraged to consider small-scale, do-it-yourself mulching and composting. Restrictions began in 1994; the ban became effective January 2003. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-1.7) Cardboard from commercial and government generators is RESTRICTED from disposal. Commercial and government trucks are limited to a maximum of I O% cardboard per load. Local paper recyclers pay for cardboard. Restrictions began in 1994. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-1.7) Tires, auto batteries, white goods and scrap metals are BANNED from all City disposal sites, effective 1994. State law bans auto batteries and whole tires, and requires dealers to take back old tires and auto batteries and recycle them. City-collected residential tires and batteries are delivered to a recycler. EPA bans white goods that contain freon. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-1.7) Electronic waste is BANNED from disposal, effective July 2006. Commercial and government e-waste must be processed through e-waste recycling companies. State law requiring manufacturer take-back became effective January 2010. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-17) City agencies are required to recycle newspaper, cardboard, office paper, aluminum, glass, and plastics through the government mandatory recycling program established in 1990 for all City agencies. (City Ordinance, Chapter 9-1.11) The City is required to purchase recycled paper products to support the recycled paper market. Everything from toilet tissue and paper towels to copier and computer paper is purchased with recycled content. (City Ordinance, Chapter 1-12.3) Implementation and Enforcement Mandatory recycling affecting specific types of businesses glass recycling for bars and restaurants, paper recycling for office buildings, food waste recycling for hotels, grocery stores, food manufacturers/processors, food courts and hospitals is enforced at the point of generation. The affected businesses are sent annual compliance forms along with educational information to remind them of their responsibility to recycle. The City follows up with site inspections of businesses based on failure to return compliance forms, reported non-compliance, and request for help as well as random selection. If a business is not in compliance with the City’s mandatory recycling ordinances, a Recycling Specialist will work with management to set up a recycling program or improve/correct a deficient system. -- -- The law also allows for the requirements to be suspended for any business if the cost to collect and recycle is more than the cost to collect and dispose of the targeted materials. Requests to suspend the requirements for a business are directed to the City’s Recycling Branch. Each case is evaluated individually. City Recycling Specialists meet with the business, assess the problems specific to that site and work with the business to set up recycling operations. Through this evaluation and assistance process, the City’s Specialist can determine whether recycling is feasible for the business and if the waiver provision should be applied. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 4 Recycling and collection service companies that encounter businesses that are uncooperative or uninformed report those businesses to the City’s Recycling Branch. City Recycling Specialists contact the business, clarify the requirements and offer assistance. Disposal bans and restrictions on high volume recyclable materials, including green waste, cardboard, tires, auto batteries, white goods and scrap metals, are enforced at the City’s disposal sites. Inspectors monitor trucks unloading at the landfill and H-POWER. By visual assessment, an inspector determines if a truckload is over the limit on restricted materials or contains any amount of banned materials. The offending vehicle can be denied access to City disposal facilities for up to two weeks per violation. The Chief of the Refuse Division determines the penalty and duration. The company, not the individual truck driver, is responsible for compliance of all trucks affiliated with the company. Education Outreach and education are ongoing, including the annual tip sheets mailed with the compliance forms, onsite technical assistance during inspections, technical tours, and online guidelines and resources at www opala org The City collaborates with the State’s Green Business Program to assist and recognize businesses for their Z-Z recycling efforts - The opala.org website is a central source of resources for businesses. Click on the link to Business Recycling from the home page to find guidelines for designing and implementing recycling programs, model programs, peer consultants, waste prevention strategies, recycling equipment vendors, recycling companies and collection services, and graphics and media to assist with employee education. —.——-1 th Tour de Trash, now in its 16 year, is an award-winning education program that offers a behind-the-scenes look at successful recycling programs at island businesses and recycling and waste processing operations on Oahu. Tour attendees have an opportunity to talk with business and facility managers to learn more about establishing and expanding recycling for their own operations. Tour descriptions are online at opala.org. WasteLine is a bimonthly e-newsletter which profiles successful community and business recycling programs, innovations and technologies, and provides insight into new directions in the City’s waste management and recycling programs. Businesses (and others) can stay connected bu subscribing online at opala.org. Current and archived stories by topic and date can be found on the JJ7asteLine blog. The Green Channel is an interactive television channel on Oceanic Time Warner Cable 332 and on the web at opala.org, providing 24/7 viewing. ENV’s programming is called “Opalavision,” presenting informative messages about recycling programs on Oahu in entertaining three-minute episodes. The hosts are young, local actors, who take the viewers on journeys about how refuse travels from £iiii home to the processing centers, how schools make a difference through recycling projects such as food waste composting with worms, and how businesses are sorting out their waste for recycling. — Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 5 Findings and Observations Businesses appear to be generally supportive of recycling and are in compliance with mandatoryrecycling laws. The average response rate for the 2014 compliance forms was approximately 83% for glass, 70% for office paper and 9 l% for food waste. Follow-up inspections target the non-responding businesses first, with additional sites selected at random. Businesses that do not have recycling programs are brought into compliance through the inspection process. The goal is to “catch them recycling,” not to penalize them for non-compliance. Businesses chosen for inspection are sent notices prior to the inspection to alert them that a recycling specialist will be inspecting their establishment during a specific month. Most often, if a business does not have a recycling program in place and receives an inspection notice, they will call the City’s Recycling Branch for assistance. The vast majority of inspected businesses have recycling programs in place and are in compliance with the recycling laws. If not, the recycling inspector provides the business with educational materials and resources to implement or improve the program, and offers onsite technical assistance. A follow-up inspection is scheduled for 30 days later. City recycling specialists noted the following recycling efforts with businesses during inspections conducted this past year (FY20 14): • The recycling efforts of local businesses with parent companies that are very “green’ are supported by the larger corporation which wants all locations to be environmentally friendly. Being green is good for business. • Many businesses have long-term employees who are proud of their recycling programs and keep them running efficiently. • Businesses now include in-house recycling information as part of the orientation training for new employees. • Large catering companies, restaurants and bakeries give quality edibles to Aloha Harvest, Hawaii Food Bank and churches. These nonprofits redistribute the edibles to homeless shelters and other food distribution organizations. The food distribution chain is efficiently managed, resulting in minimal amounts of actual food disposal at City waste facilities. • Many bars conduct “in house” glass recycling —where family or staff redeems the H15 glass and ADF glass for family or personal use. • Office buildings have set up single stream recycling programs where office paper, newspaper, plastics, glass and aluminum are collected in a single container and sorted at the recycling facility. City recycling specialist observed the following specific businesses that have implemented smart and sustainable practices • Waianae Store installed an onsite Ecovim machine that dehydrates food waste to produce a highly concentrated organic soil amendment. • Kapiolani Community College uses commercial vermicomposting (worms) and the Earth tub (specially designed enclosed composting vessel for commercial food waste). Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 6 • One of the larger produce companies regrinds their food waste to be able to maximize the storage of food waste in the carts and minimize pickups, which reduces the cost of the recycling program. The Ordinances requiring mandatory recycling of food waste, glass, or office paper, include a provision that allows the owner of the business to petition the Chief of the Refuse Division to suspend the requirement if recycling service for the specified material is unavailable or if the cost of recycling exceeds the cost of disposal. There have been no petitions for waivers received from businesses required to recycle glass, office paper or food waste for 2014. However, effective June 1, 2014, the City temporarily suspended the applicability of subsection 9-3.1 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu requiring liquorserving establishments to arrange and provide for the separate collection and recycling of glass containers. This suspension pertains to non-deposit glass only. Businesses are still required to recycle glass HI-5 deposit beverage containers per ROH subsection 9-3.1. On April 4, 2014 a notice was sent to all licensed glass recyclers on Oahu informing them that effective July 1, 2014, the incentive payment for non-deposit glass will be reduced to $0.045 per pound with the requirement to pay $0.005 per pound to the public (i.e. glass collectors/haulers). This payment amount is established for fiscal year 2015 (July 2014 -June 2015), and is based on the anticipated availability of funds from the State Department of Health, collected via the advanced disposal fee of $0.015 per glass container. As a result of this decrease in incentive payment, thr licensed glass recyclers on island informed the City that they would no longer accept non-deposit glass for recycling after May 31, 2014. Consequently, the City temporarily suspended the applicability of this ordinance until adequate funding is available to support the recycling of non-deposit glass. Office paper, newspaper and cardboard maintain fairly stable market values. Food waste, on the other hand, does not have a market value and requires special collection to contain and transport. Currently, local options for the majority of food waste include hog farmers, Pacific Pure Technologies, Island Commodities and Hawaiian Earth Products. Specialty organizations such as Hawaii Food Bank and Aloha Harvest handle food suitable for human consumption. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 7 Photo Gallery 2014 Food Waste Glass Office Paper Food waste in barrels at produce facility Food waste in carts at produce facility Taro peeling process for making poi Bean sprout production waste Meat scrap recycling Food waste from produce preparation at grocery store Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 Grinding food waste to save space in carts Food waste in dumpster of non-compliant business Produce preparation at processing facility 8 Photo Gallery (con’t) Recycling carts at hotel Paper recycling bins at hotel Cardboard recycling at restaurant Glass recycling at restaurant Newspaper recycling at office building Office paper recycling at office building Office paper recycling at individual desk in office building Central collection carts for office paper in office building Food waste recycling in preparation area seafood processor Food waste recycling at seafood processor Food waste pre-grinding to reduce volume at seafood processor Food waste recycling kept in cooler at seafood processor Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 9 Exh i bits Revised Ordinances of City and County of Honolulu • Sec. 9-3.1 Mandatory Recycling By Commercial Establishments • Sec. 9-3.5 Mandatory Commercial Food Waste Recycling EXHIBIT B — EXHIBIT A - Businesses Affected By Mandatory Laws • Food Waste 348 EXHIBIT C • Glass • Office Paper— 198- EXHIBIT E - — — 791 EXHIBIT D - Education • Food Waste Recycling Tip Sheet EXHIBIT F • Glass Recycling Tip Sheet EXHIBIT G • Office Paper Recycling Tip Sheet EXHIBIT H • Website Business Recycling Page EXHIBIT I - - - - Enforcement • Annual Compliance Forms • lnpection Procedures • Inspection Notice • Compliance Inspection Form — — — EXHIBIT J EXHIBIT EXHIBIT K L — ExHIBIT Report on Mandatory Business Recycling M -- Prepared July 2014 10 Exhibit A Revised Ordinances of City and County of Honolulu Chapter 9 COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE Sec. 9-3.1 Business. (a) No person shall operate or maintain a business without arranging or providing for the collection of all refuse there from. (b) Where the collection of refuse is to be made by the division, the owner or occupant of the business shall prepare and place refuse for collection in the manner set forth in Section 9-1.4. (c) The owners of liquor-serving establishments shall arrange and provide for the separate collection and recycling of glass containers and the owners of office buildings shall provide for the separate collection and recycling of office paper, newspaper and corrugated cardboard. In so doing, liquor-serving establishments and office buildings shall not place those recyclable materials in the same containers as those holding refuse, or in a manner which causes or is intended to cause the collection of the recyclable materials with refuse. For the purposes of this subsection: (1) “Liquor-serving establishment” means a business establishment that sells liquor or intoxicating liquor to be consumed on the premises of the establishment, and shall include bars, nightclubs, cabarets, taverns, and any restaurant where liquor or intoxicating liquor is sold for consumption on the premises, including restaurants within hotels and office buildings; (2) “Liquor or intoxicating liquor” means the same as is defined in HRS Section 281-1. (3) “Office building” means any building with, or group of connected buildings with an aggregate of, 20,000 square feet or more of office space, excluding common areas; provided that office space shall not include any portion of a building used for resort, retail or educational purposes. An office building, as defined in this subsection, which is occupied by city agencies, in whole or in part, shall be subject to the requirements of this subsection, except where the city agencies are already participating in a recycling program under Section 9-1.11. The owner of a liquor-serving establishment or office building may petition the chief for an exemption from the recycling requirements of this subsection in part or in full if the owner can demonstrate that the establishment or office building, as the case may be, does not generate a sufficient amount of the designated recyclable material to warrant separate collection for recycling. The owner of a liquor-serving establishment or office building may petition the chief to suspend the applicability of this subsection to the applicant if the applicant demonstrates that recycling service for the items the applicant is required to recycle is unavailable to the applicant, or that the cost of recycling the applicable recyclable materials exceeds the cost of disposing of those same items at the HPOWER facility or the city’s landfills. If the chief grants the application, the requirements of this subsection shall be suspended until such time as recycling service becomes available to the applicant, or the cost of the recycling service is less than or equal to the cost of disposal of the recyclable items at the HPOWER facility or the city’s landfills. The chief shall, from time to time, review the availability and cost of the recycling service to those persons for whom the requirements of this subsection have been suspended. For the purposes of this subsection, the “cost of the recycling service” shall include only those costs that the recycler would charge the owner of a liquor-serving establishment or office building, whichever is applicable, for picking up and disposing of the items to be recycled, and the cost of disposal of the items to be recycled at the HPOWER facility or the city’s landfills shall include the city’s tipping fee and the cost of transporting the recyclable items to either of the aforementioned disposal facilities. If the chief determines that the requirements of this subsection shall no longer be suspended with regard to a particular liquor-serving establishment or office building, the chief shall notify the owner of the establishment or building by registered mail and such owner shall be required to recycle the appropriate items in accordance with this subsection within 60 days of receipt of the notice. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling - Prepared July 2014 11 The chief may also suspend the requirements of this subsection during the period of a work stoppage or any other interruption of refuse collection service to the office buildings and liquor-serving establishments that are subject to this subsection. The chief shall prepare and submit to the council an annual report on the progress of the implementation of this subsection. The report shall be submitted on July 1st of each year; provided that the first annual report shall be submitted on July 1, 1997. (Sec. 9-3.1, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.); Am. Ord. 95-64) Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 12 Exhibit B Revised Ordinances of City and County of Honolulu Chapter 9 COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE Sec. 9-3.5 Food waste recycling. (a) The owners of the following food establishments located within the City and County of Honolulu shall: (i) arrange and provide for the separate collection of food waste and for its recycling by a recycling facility in the city; or (ii) separate food waste from all other solid waste generated by the food establishment and deliver the food waste to a recycling facility: (1) A restaurant that occupies 5,000 square feet or more of floor area and serves 400 or more prepared meals per day based on an annualized average. If a restaurant is also a catering establishment, it shall be considered a restaurant for purposes of this section. If a restaurant has on its premises a place where the primary method of service, for all mealtimes, is food and drink orders taken and served to customers at a self-service counter, that portion of the premises devoted to the taking and serving of such food and drink orders, and any dining area serving customers of such self-service counter, shall not be counted in determining the square feet of the restaurant or the number of prepared meals served by the restaurant. (2) A food court as defined in subsection (g). The company or entity that manages the shopping center or building where the food court is located shall be required to comply with the requirements of this section unless the owners of the food establishments in the food court are responsible for the disposal of their refuse, in which case the owners of those establishments shall be responsible for complying with this section. (3) A hotel with a kitchen or kitchens and one or more function rooms. For the purposes of this subdivision, a “kitchen” means that place which is not part of a restaurant and where food is prepared for hotel employees or functions on the hotel’s premises. (4) A market that occupies 18,000 square feet or more of floor area. (5) A food manufacturer or processor that occupies 5,000 square feet or more of floor area. (6) A catering establishment that is not also a restaurant or part of a restaurant and which serves or sells 400 or more prepared meals per day based on an annualized average. (7) A hospital which serves 400 or more prepared patient meals a day based on an annualized average. For the purposes of this subsection, for the first year following January 1, 1997, the annualized average number of prepared meals served or sold per day by a food establishment shall be the average number of meals prepared per day in the year prior to January 1, 1997 for food establishments that have been in existence for one year or more prior to January 1, 1997. For establishments that have not been in existence for that length of time prior to January 1, 1997, the annualized average shall be determined based on the number of prepared meals served or sold per day during the first year that the food establishment has been in existence following January 1, 1997. Except as provided above, establishments shall use the prior year’s average number of prepared meals served or sold per day in determining whether they are required to recycle their food waste in accordance with this section. [*Editors Note: “January 1, 1997” is substituted for the effective date of this ordinance.”] (b) This section shall not apply to any church or nonprofit organization except a hospital, as provided in subsection (a). Further, this section shall not apply to any food service establishment which offers as the primary method of service, for all mealtimes, food and drink orders taken at and served to the customer at a self-service counter; provided that this exemption shall not apply to food establishments in markets or establishments in a food court. (c) The requirement to recycle food waste under this section shall be applicable only to the food waste from kitchens and food preparation, handling, and manufacturing or processing areas, and from dining areas where customers are served by waiters or waitresses, or where tables or meals are cleared away by employees of the business or establishment. The requirement of this subsection shall not apply to commercial cooking oil waste or commercial FOG waste. * * * * * Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 13 Instead, the removal, transport, and disposal of such waste shall be subject to Chapter 14, Article 5A. (d) A food establishment that is required to recycle food waste under this section may combine such waste with that of other establishments, or may separately collect and recycle its own food waste. (e) All food establishments otherwise required to recycle food waste under this section shall not be required to do so if the disposal charge for disposing of food waste at a recycling facility in the city, including the cost of transporting the food waste to the facility, exceeds the tipping fee or disposal charge for disposing of waste at the H POWER facility, as provided in Section 9-4.2, plus the cost of transporting refuse to such facility. The chief shall make this determination. (f) The owner of a food establishment that is otherwise required to recycle food waste may petition the chief to suspend the applicability of this section to the applicant if the applicant demonstrates that recycling service for food waste is unavailable to the applicant. If the chief grants the application, the requirements of this section shall be suspended until such time as recycling service becomes available to the applicant. The chief shall, from time to time, review the availability of recycling service to food establishments for which the requirements of this section have been suspended. If the chief determines that recycling service is available and that the requirements of this section shall no longer be suspended with regard to a particular food establishment, the chief shall notify the owner of the establishment by registered mail and that owner shall be required to recycle food waste in accordance with this section within sixty days of receipt of the notice. The chief may also, on the chieVs own initiative, suspend the requirements of this section: (1) During the period of a work stoppage or any other interruption of recycling collection service to the food establishments that are subject to this section; or (2) Whenever the chief determines that there are inadequate recycling facilities or there is inadequate recycling capacity to dispose of the food waste being collected pursuant to this section. (g) For the purposes of this section: “Catering establishment” means the same as defined in Section 21-10.1. “Composting facility” means an establishment that conducts either major or minor composting operations, as defined in Section 21-1 0.1. “Food bank” means a facility that receives donations of food for redistribution to needy groups, individuals or families. “Food court” means an area within a building or shopping center where five or more food establishments are situated and serviced by a common dining area. “Food establishment” means a catering establishment, food court, food manufacturer or processor, hospital, hotel, market, or restaurant. “Food manufacturer or processor” includes an establishment that generates food waste and is primarily involved in the manufacture or processing of food products, including animal products, but excluding baked goods. “Food waste” means the same as that term is defined under the definition of “recyclable materials” in Section 9-1.2. “Function room” means an area within a hotel where events are held at which food is served, including but not limited to wedding receptions, business meetings, conferences, banquets and parties. “Hospital” means the same as defined in Section 21-10.1. “Hotel” means the same as defined in Section 21-10.1. “Market” includes establishments where fresh meat, fish or produce is prepared, handled and displayed for sale at retail or wholesale. “Meal” includes any food item or items served as an entree at breakfast, lunch or dinner, but excludes beverages and desserts, if the beverages or desserts are served by themselves and not part of a breakfast, lunch or dinner. “Prepared meals” means meals that have been cleaned, cooked, or otherwise prepared on the premises of the food establishment, and shall exclude prepackaged meals that are cooked or otherwise prepared elsewhere and only sold on the premises of the establishment. “Prepared meals” includes meals a portion of which have been precooked or prepared off the premises of the establishment. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 14 “Recycling facility” includes a composting facility, waste bioconversion facility, rendering facility, pig farm or other agricultural facility that uses food waste as animal feed or for other agricultural use, or any other facility that recycles food waste and is approved by the director for that purpose. “Recycling service” is a service or collection of services that includes the collection and transportation of food waste to a recycling facility by a refuse hauler or other company that collects the food waste, and the recycling or reuse of that food waste by a recycling facility, which may or may not be operated by the company that collects and transports the food waste. “Rendering facility” means an establishment that converts kitchen grease, cooking oils, meat scraps or other slaughterhouse waste, waste from meat processing plants, or any combination of the foregoing items, for use in the manufacture of such products as cosmetics, detergents, plastics, paints, tires and animal feed products. “Restaurant” means a place of business where food is served for compensation and includes the kitchen or food preparation area of that place of business, but excludes any portion of the establishment that is a bakery serving baked goods for consumption on or off the premises of the restaurant and excludes a quick-serve food service establishment which offers as the primary method of service, for all mealtimes, food and drink orders taken at and served to the customer at a self-service counter. “Waste bioconversion facility” means a facility where food and other organic waste are converted into useable byproducts. (h) The department may adopt rules in accordance with HRS Chapter 91, having the force and effect of law, for the implementation, administration and enforcement of this section. (I) Upon presentation of proper credentials, the director or the director’s duly authorized representative, may enter at reasonable times any building or premises of a food establishment and inspect the books and records of a food establishment to determine compliance with the requirements of this section; provided that such entry and inspection shall be made in such a manner as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the persons in possession of the property and the owners of the food establishment; and provided further that an order of a court authorizing such entry and inspection shall be obtained prior to entry or inspection in the event that such entry or inspection is denied or resisted by the persons in possession or owners of the food establishment. ) On January 1, 1997 and quarterly thereafter: (1) each waste bioconversion facility in the city shall report to the refuse division on: (a) how much private refuse haulers or other companies are being charged as of the end of the quarter being reported, per unit of weight or volume, for disposing of food waste at the bioconversion facility, and how much the facility is charging per unit of weight or volume, if the facility both collected and disposed of food waste from a food establishment; (b) the amount of food waste, per unit of weight or volume, that the facility recycled during the previous quarter; and (2) each refuse hauler or other company that collects and transports food waste shall report to the refuse division on how much, per unit of weight or volume, the hauler or company charged food establishments as of the end of the quarter being reported to collect and dispose of their food waste. (k) Nothing in this section shall preclude a food establishment from donating leftover or unsold food that is safe to consume to a food bank. (Added by Ord. 96-20; Am. Ord. 99-32, 02-14) [*Editorls Note: “January 1, 1997” is substituted for “the effective date of this ordinance.”] * Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 15 EXHIBIT C FOOD WASTE (348 BUSINESSES) Various business types as defined in Ordinance BUSINESSNAME STREET4t Cafe & Catering STREETNAME CITY ZIP 1132 Bishop St. Honolulu 96813 J3360 On The Rise 3660 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 p801 Alakea Street Building 100 N. Beretania St. Honolulu 96817 lAirpoll Honolulu Hotel lAla Moana center lAla Moana Hotel :3401 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 96819 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 410 Atkinson Dr. Honolulu 96814 lAlan Wong’s Restaurant 1857 S. King St. Honolulu 96826 lAloha Nursing /Rehah C:entre 45-545 Kam Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 lAloha Products Anna Millers 2829-A Mokumoa St. Honolulu 96819 98-115 Kaonohi St. Aiea 96701 lArancino Di Mare Armstrong Produce Ltd. 2552 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 802 Mapunapuna St. Honolulu 96819 jAston Waikiki Beach Hotel 2570 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 jAtlantis Seafood & Steak 2284 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Aulani 92-1185 Aliinui Dr. Kapolei 96707 2259 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 30 Aulike St. Kailua 967:34 Beijing Chinese Seafood 2301 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 jBenihana of Tokyo 2005 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 joest Western Plaza Hotel 3253 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 96819 Big City Diner 98-211 Pall Morni St. Aiea 96701 Big City Diner 1060 Auahi St., 1$4 Honolulu 96814 Big City Diner 94-BOO Ukee Street Waipahu 96797 Big City Diner Honolulu 3569 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 Big City Diner Kailua 108 Hekili St. Kailua 96734 Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant 94-030 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 Bravo Restaurant Bar 98-115 Kaonohi St. Aiea 96701 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Buzz’s Original Steak House 98-751 Kuahao Place Pearl City 96782 18uzz’s Original Steak House 413 Kawailoa Rd. Kailua 96734 Cactus Bistro 767 Kailua Rd. Kailua 96734 California Pizza Kitchen 2284 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Icalifomia Pizza Kitchen 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 California Pizza Kitchen 4211 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 California Pizza Kitchen 98-1005 Moanalua Rd. Aiea 96701 Castle Medical Center 640 Ulukahiki St. Kailua 96734 Cheeseburger Beachwalk 226 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 Cheeseburger in Paradise 2500 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 11l32 frure Bad Bistro - - Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 16 BUSINESS NAME STREET # STREET NAME CITY ZIP Cheeseburger Waikiki (Nui) 1945 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Chef Mavro Restaurant 1969 South King St. Honolulu 96826 IChelsea Catering Chili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant 129 lako Place Honolulu 96819 590 Farrington Hwy. Kapolel 96707 Chili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant 94-797 lurniaina St. Waipahu 96797 Ichili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant Ichili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant Ichili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant Ichili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant 4211 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 95-1249 Meheula Pkwy. Mililani 96789 2350 Kuhio Ave. Honolulu 96815 98-130 Pall Monii St. Aiea 96701 Chuck’s Cellar IChuck’s Steak and Seafood 150 Kaiulani Ave. Honolulu 96815 92-161 Waipahe Pt. ICapolel 96707 jchuck’s Steak House 2335 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Icostco Wholesale, #1038 lstc0 Wholesale, #120 4589 Kapolei Parkway Kapolel 96707 333 A Keahole St. Honolulu 96825 Costco Wholesale, #485 94-1231 Ka (ika Blvd. Waipahu 96797 lCostco Wholesale, #687 525 Alakawa St. Honolulu 96817 I° Otani Producer Inc 1321 Hart St. Honolulu 96817 Dave & Buster’s 1030 Auahi St. Honolulu 96814 Denny’s #2272 Kunia 94-305 Kunia Rd. Waipahu 96797 benny’s 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Dr. Kaneohe 96744 Diamond Head Market fGrill 3158 Monsarrat Ave. Honolulu 96815 Diamond Head Seafood 966 Robello lane Honolulu 96817 Dixie Grill 99-012 Kamehameha Hwy. Aiea 96701 10K Steakhouse Don Quijote Waipahu 2552 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 94-144 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 - #2296 - loon Quijote- Kaheka Don Quijote-Pearl City 801 Kaheka St. Honolulu 96814 850 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City 96782 Dos Cholos 66-250 Karnehameha Hwy. Haleiwa 96712 lOot’s Restaurant 130 Mango St. Wahiawa 96786 lou VIN 1115 Bethel St. Honolulu 96813 iouke’s Restaurant/ Bar 2335 Kalakana Ave. Honolulu 96815 Elks lodge 2933 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 lEmbassy Suites Hotel 201 Beachwalk St. Honolulu 96815 Finest Food Company, Inc. 743 Waiakarnilo Rd. Honolulu 96817 Ifoodland #1 2919 Harding Ave. Honolulu 96816 Foodland #10 823 California Ave. Wahiawa 96786 Foodland #11 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Foodland #16 91-1401 Fort Weaver Rd. Ewa Beach 96706 - - - - Report on Mandatory Business Recychng -- Prepared July 2014 17 BUSINESS NAME STREET NAME STREET # CITY ZIP FoodIand #19 95-221 Kipapa Dr. Mililani 96789 Ifoodland #2 Foodland #21 414 N. School St. Honolulu 96817 59-720 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa 96712 Foodland #31 94-1040 Waipio Uka St. Waipahu 96797 Foodland #32 55-510 Kameharneha Hwy. Laie 96762 — - - - - IFoodland #37 IFoodland #43 108 Hekili St. Kailua 96734 4850 Kapolei Pkwy. Kapolei 96707 Foodland #8 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Dr. Kaneohe 96744 Foodland #9 1089 Waimano Home Rd. Honolulu 96782 IFoodland Farms #3 frodland/Sack ‘N Save foods 820 Hind Drive, #101 Honolulu 96821 87-2070 Farrington Hwy. Nanakuli 96792 Foodland/Sack ‘N Save Foods IFoodland/Sack’N Save Foods 4561 Salt Lake Blvd. Honolulu 96818 1505 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu 96817 Foodland/Sack’N Save Foods 1460 S. Beretania St. Honolulu 96814 Forrnaggio Grill 305 Hahani St. Kailua 96734 Fresh Island Fish Co., Inc. 1135 North Nirnitz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 Fresh Topical Delights [IC 2003 Colburn St. Honolulu 96819 Frito-Lay of Hawaii 94-120 Malakeke P1 Waipahu 96797 Fukuya Delicatessen Icatering 2710 South King St. Honolulu 96826 Furusato Sushi 2420 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 IGarden & Valley Isle Seafood IGate Gourmet International 225 N. Niniitz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 110 Pohakulana Pt. Honolulu 96819 - - - - IGiovanni Pastrami Good To Grill 227 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 888 Kapahulu Ave. Honolulu 96816 Gordon Biersch Brewery 1 Aloha Tower Dr. Honolulu 96813 Gyotaku Japanese Restaurant 98-1226 Kaahumanu St. Pearl City 96782 iGyotaku Japanese Restaurant 5730 Kalanianaoie Hwy. Honolulu 96821 IGyotaku Japanese Restaurant Gyotaku Japanese Restaurant 1824 S. King St. Honolulu 96826 25 Kaneohe Bay Dr. Kailua 96734 Hale Koa Hotel 2055 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Hale Vietnam 1140 12th Ave. Honolulu 96816 Haleiwa Joe’s 46-336 Haiku Rd. Kaneohe 96744 Haleiwa Joe’s Seafood Grill 66-011 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa 96712 Halekulani Hotel 2199 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Halekulani Hotel 2199 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Halekulani Hotel 2199 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Hatekulani Hotel 2199 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 2199 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Halekulani Hotel - Orchids Report on Mandatory Business Recycling-- Prepared July 2014 I 18 BUSINESS NAME L Ham Produce & Seafood, Inc I STREET# STREET NAME CITY ZIP 918 Bannister St. Honolulu 968W IHam Produce & Seafood, Inc. IHard Rock Cafe 748 Puuhale St. Honolulu 96819 280 Beachwalk St. Honolulu 96815 Hatsuhana Restaurant 2005 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Hawaii Food Products Inc. 94-403 Ukee St. Waipahu 96197 Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki 100 Holomoana St. Honolulu 96815 Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki 100 Holornoana St. Honolulu 96815 IHawaii Princ.e Hotel Waikiki 100 Holomoana St. Honolulu 96815 Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki 100 Holornoana St. Honolulu 96815 IHawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki 100 Holomoana St. Honolulu 96815 IHawaii State Hospital 45-710 Keaahala Rd. Kaneohe 96744 IHawaiian Eateries, Inc. Hawaiian Fresh Seafood, Inc. 46-168 Malina Place Kaneohe 96744 2290 Alahao Street Honolulu 96819 IHawai ian Miso & Soy Co., Ltd. 1714 Mary Street Honolulu 96819 Henry Louis 2850 Pa’a St. Honolulu 96815 Higa Meat & Pork Market Ltd. 225 N. Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 Highway Inn 680 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96813 jHighway Supermarket 94-905 Waipahu St. Waipahu 96797 Hilton Hawaiian Village 2005 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 iHiltoll Waikiki Beach Hiroshi’s Eurasiori Tapas 2500 Kuhio Ave. Honolulu 96815 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96813 Hokele Restaurant 412 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 Honolulu Fish Company 824 Gulick Ave. Honolulu 96819 IHonolulu Museum Art Café Honolulu Warehouse Co. 900 S. Beretania St. Honolulu 96814 2850 Pa’a St. Honolulu 96819 H ooters 101 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96813 P.O. Box 30428 Honolulu 96819 Host Honolulu Joint Venture IHPC Foods Ltd., Poi 288 libby St. Honolulu 96819 HPC Foods Ltd., PPC 288 Libby St. Honolulu 96819 HPC Foods Ltd., Sprouts 288 Libby St. Honolulu 96819 Hula Grill Waikiki 2335 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Hyatt Regency Main Kitchen 2424 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Hyatt Regency Shor 2424 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Hyatt-iapengo 2424 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 I Love Country Café/Bakery 885 Queen St. Honolulu 96813 lihilani Resort & Spa 92-1001 Olani St. Kapolei 96707 Ihilani Resort & Spa 92-1001 Olani St. Kapolei 96707 thilani Resort & Spa 92-1001 Olani St. Kapolei 96707 - - Report on Mandatory Business Recyc’ing -- Prepared Ju’y 2014 19 BUSINESSNAME STREETU STREETNAME CITY ZIP Ihilani Resort & Spa 92-1001 Olani St. Kapolel 96707 lihilani Resort & Spa 92-1001 Olaru St. Kapolei 96707 IHOP 45-056 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 IHOP 1850 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 9681.5 IHOP 98-1254 Kaahumanu St. Pearl City 96782 IIHOP at Ohana Waikiki 2211 Kuhio Ave. Honolulu 96815 Iii Lupino 2233 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 llikai Bar & Grill 1777 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 International In-Flight Catering 310 Rodgers Blvd. Honolulu 96819 3447 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 Jade Dynasty Seafood 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 liames D. Swoish, Inc. P.O. Box 257 Honolulu 96803 JamisoWs by the Sea 62-540 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa 96712 2300 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 819 Moowaa St., #12 Honolulu 96817 IKabuki Restaurant-Waimalu Kaiser Medical center 98-020 Kamehameha Hwy. Aiea 96701 3288 Moanalua Rd. Honolulu 96819 Kaiwa 2222 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Kakaako Kitchen 1200 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Kapiolani Community College 4303 Diamond Head Rd. Honolulu 96816 Kapiolani Medical Center 1319 Punahou St. Honolulu 96826 Karen’s Kitchen 614 Cooke St. Honolulu 96813 IKeoni by Keo’s 150 Kaiulani Ave. Honolulu 96815 Kincaids Classic Am Dining 10O Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 IKing’s Village Shopping Center 4211 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 Koolau Catering Inc. 45-550 Kionaole Rd. Kaneohe 96744 Kuakini Medical Center 347 N. Kuakini St. Honolulu 96817 ILe Bistro 5730 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu 96821 tikelike Drive Inn, Ltd 745 Keeaumoku St. Honolulu 96814 Little Village Noodle House 1113 Smith Street Honolulu 96817 Longhi’s Restaurant 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Itove’s Bakery 911 Middle St. Honolulu 96819 Lulu’s Waikiki 2586 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Makino Chaya Aiea, Inc. 98-150 Kaonohi St. Aiea 96701 Mandalay Restaurant 1055 Alakea St. Honolulu 96813 Manson Products Inc. 1614 Kalani St. Honolulu 96817 P.O. Box 861597 Wahiawa 96786 Auahi St. Honolulu 96814 Bistro & French Pastry IJim.v IJoe Kim Kim’s Chee Inc. Buffet/ Beachcomber IMarian Harada Enterprised Marukai Market Place Report on Mandatory Business RecycHng 1020 -- Prepared July 2014 1 20 BUSINESSNAME STREET STREETNAME CITY ZIP . Marukai Wholesale Mart 2.310 Kameharneha Hwy. Honolulu 96819 Matmakea Market P1 -food Ct 1120 Maunakea St. Honolulu 96817 Mei Sum Chinese Dim Sum 1170 Nuuanu Ave. Honolulu 96817 Mitsu-Ken 1223 North School St. Honolulu 96817 Mix Plate Café 1111 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu 96817 Moe’s Southwest Grill 98-1005 Moanalua Rd. Aiea 96701 Monterey Bay Canners 98-1005 Moanalua Rd. Aiea 96701 Morimote Waikiki 1775 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 Nato Fresh 41-574 Makakalo St. Waimarialo 96795 Neiman Marcus-Mariposa 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 New Otani Kaiinana Beach 2863 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Nico’s Pier 38 1133 N. Nimtz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 Nijiya Market 1009 University Ave. Honolulu 96826 420 Waiakarnilo Rd. Honolulu 96817 Norpac Fisheries Export 1535 Colburn St. Honolulu 96817 Norpac Fisheries, Inc. 3140 Ualena St. Honolulu 96819 Ocean House Restaurant 2169 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 lodoriko 2400 Koa Ave. Honolulu 96815 Okonon1iyaki Chibo Restaurant 2201 Kalakaua Ave Honolulu 96815 jOla 57-091 Kamehameha Hwy. Kahuku 96731 Old Spaghetti Factory (The) 1050 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 I0ie Tree Café 9614 Kilauea Ave. Honolulu 96816 JOn Stage Waikiki 2201 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 lOutback Steak House 6650 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu 96825 Outback Steak House 94-810 Ukee Street Waipahu 96797 Joutback Steak House 302 Karnokila Blvd. Kapolei 96707 P.F.Chang’.s China Bistro 2201 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 9681.5 Pacific Beach Hotel 2490 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Pacific. Beach Hotel 2490 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 IPacific Beach Hotel/Catering 2490 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Pacific Supermarket 94-300 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 Paesano Ri.storante ltaliano 2752 Woodlawn Dr. Honolulu 96822 Pagoda Koi Restaurant 1525 Rycroft St. Honolulu 96814 Pall Momi Medical Center 98-1079 Moanalua Rd. Aiea 96701 Paradise Cruise, Star of Hnl 666 Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 Peariridge Center 98-1005 Moanalua Rd. Aiea 96701 Plaza Club Hawaii, Ltd. 900 Fort St. Mall Honolulu 96813 Polynesian Cultural Center 55-370 Kamehameha Hwy. Laie 96762 Food Take Out Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 1 21 BUSINESS NAME STREET U STREET NAME CITY ZIP Queen Kapiolani Hotel 150 Kapahulu Ave. Honolulu 968Th Iqueen’s Medical Center 1301 Puiichbowl St. Honolulu 96813 Red lobster 1765 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 Restaurant Row/Waterfront 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96813 Restaurant Suntory 2233 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Restaurant Yoshiya 2255 Kalakaua Ave Honolulu 96815 Roberts Regency Culinary 680 lwilei Rd., U 700 Honolulu 96817 iRomano’s Macaroni Grill 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Royal Garden Chinese 410 Atkinson Dr. Honolulu 96814 Royal Hawaiian Shopping 2201 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 !Roy’s Restaurant Hawaii Kai IRoy’s Restaurant Ko Olina 6600 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu 96825 92-1220 Aliinui Dr. Kapolei 96707 Roy’s Restaurant Waikiki 226 lewers St. Honolulu 96815 Ruby Tuesday 45-056 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 Ruby Tuesday 930 Valkenburg St. Honolulu 96818 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Ruby Tuesday Mililani 95-1249 Meheula Pkwy. Mililani 96789 Ruby Tuesday-Kapolei 4470 Kapolei Pkwy Kapolei 96707 Ruth’s Chris Steak House 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96813 IRuth’s Chris, Steak House Ryan’s Grill 226 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 1200 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 25 Kaneohe Bay Dr. Kailua 96734 Safeway Enchanted lake 1060 Keolu Dr. Kailua 96734 Isateway Hawaii Kai #215 377 Keahole St. Honolulu 96825 Kailua #1087 200 Hamakua Dr. Kailua 96734 Kaneohe #207 46-065 Kameharneha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 ISateway Kapolei #1263 590 Farrington Hwy. Kapolel 96707 sateway Manoa #204 2855 East Manoa Rd. Honolulu 96822 Isafeway Mililani #2218 94-780 B Meheula Pkwy. Mililani 96789 Isafeway Pall #203 1360 Pall Hwy. Honolulu 96813 sateway Salt lake #211 848 Ala lilikoi St. Honolulu 96818 sateway- Ewa Beach 51-1119 Keaunui Dr. Ewa Beach 96706 5afeway- Kapahulu #2747 888 Kapahulu Ave. Honolulu 96816 Isams Club 6410 1000 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City 96782 ISansei Seafood Restaurant Sarento’s Top of the Italian 2552 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 98-1277 Kaahumanu St. Aiea 96701 ISeafood Village Chinese 2420 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 9681.5 Shakey’s Pizza Parlor 94-060 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 - - - IRuby Tuesday - Ala Moana - - Aikahi U 2208 - Isatewav Isafeway - - - - - - - - Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 22 BUSINESS NAME [ STREETNAME STREETU Isheraton Princess Kailuani 120 Kaiulani Ave. Sheraton Royal Hawaiian 2259 Sheraton Waikiki CITY ZIP Honolulu 96815 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 2255 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 jShirokiya Restaurant 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Shore Bird Restaurant 2169 Kalia Rd. Honolulu 96815 Side Street Inn 1225 Hopaka St. Honolulu 96814 ISide Street Inn ISo Ono Food Products 614 Kapahulu Blvd. Honolulu 96815 3219 Ualena St. Honolulu 96820 ISorabot Restaurant 805 KeeaurnokuSt. Honolulu 96814 Isouth Shore Grill 3114 Monsarrat Ave. Honolulu 96815 Spada Bar & Grill 400 Royal Hawaiian Honolulu 96815 Stage Restaurant 1250 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 IStarwood Hotels & Resorts jStraub Clinic & Hospital 2155 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 888 S. King St. Honolulu 96813 Istuart Anderson’s Cattle Co. ISu per Foods, inc. 98-1262 Kaahurnanu St. Pearl City 96782 P.O. Box 30332 Honolulu 96820 Surfing Museum & Grill 2300 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 ITamura’s Wahiawa 440 Kilani Ave. Wahiawa 96786 Tanaka 2250 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Tanaka of Tokyo East 131 Kaiulani Ave. Honolulu 96815 Tanaka of Tokyo West 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 Tango Contemporay Café 1288 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Tanioka’s Seafood & Catering 94-903 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 jTaormina Sicilian Cuisine 227 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 IThe Cheesecake Factory 2301 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 jThe Food Company 1020 Keolu Dr. Kailua 96734 [[he Kahala Hotel & Resort 5000 Kahala Ave. Honolulu 96816 IThe Modern Honolulu 1775 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 JThe Morton’s Steakhouse 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 IThe Old Spaghetti Factory 1050 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 [[he Pineapple Room 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 jThomas Calvert & Associates 834 Pohukaina St. Honolulu 96813 [[iki’s Grill and Bar 2570 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 ITirnes Super Market 1290 S. Beretania St. Honolulu 96814 frirnes Super Market 45-934 Kameharneha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 iTimes Super Market Times Super Market 94-615 Kupuohi St. Waipahu 96797 47-388 Hui lwa St. Kaneohe 96744 Times Super Market 98-1264 Kaahumanu St. Pearl City 96782 of Tokoyo Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 - - 23 BUSINESS NAME STREETU j STREET NAME CITY ZIP jrimes Super Market Aiea 99-115 Aiea Heights Dr. Aiea 96701 (Times Super Market Kahala 1173 21st Ave. Honolulu 96816 ITimes Super Market 590 Kailua Rd. Kailua 96734 (Times Super Market Kaimuki 3221 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 ITimes Super Market ITimes Super Market Liliha 1425 liliha St. Honolulu 96817 Mcfully 1772 S. King St. Honolulu 96826 (Times Super Market Mililani 95-1249 Meheula Pkwy. Mililani 96789 Times Super Market Waipahu 94-766 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu 96797 Times Super Market. 1620 N. School St. Honolulu 96817 1910 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 (Top of Waikiki 2270 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 (Town 3435 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 ITme World Foods, Inc. 2696 Waiwai Loop Honolulu 96819 Tsukiji Fish Market 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 iTurtle Bay Resort Okada & Co., Ltd 57-091 Kamehameha Hwy. Kahuku 96731 lu. 1000 Queen St. Honolulu 96814 IVictoria Ward centers 1240 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 (Wah Kung Restaurant 1151 Mapunapuna St. Honolulu 96819 (Waialae Country Club 4997 Kahala Ave. Honolulu 96816 Waianae Store 85-863 Farrington Hwy. Waianae 96792 IWaikele Country Club IWaikiki Beach Marriott Resort 94-200 Paioa P1. Waipahu 96797 2552 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Waikiki Beach Walk 227 Lewers St. Honolulu 96815 - - - Kailua - - - - - Restaurant Waikiki Parc Hotel Nobu 2233 Helumoa Rd. Honolulu 96815 Waikiki Resort Hotel 2460 Koa Avenue Honolulu 96815 Waikiki Shopping Plaza 2270 Kalakaua St. Honolulu 96815 Wailana Coffee House 1860 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 fwaimalu Shopping Center 98-020 Kamehameha Hwy Aiea 96701 jWarabeya 2850 P&a St. Honolulu 96819 IWestin 2365 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 (Whole Foods Market 4211 Waialae Ave. Honolulu 96816 IWhole Foods Market 629 Kailua Rd. Kailua 96734 IWillows 901 Hausten St. Honolulu 96826 !Windward Mall 46-056 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 Wing Sing Seafood, Inc. 230 Libby St. Honolulu 96819 wolfgang’s Steakhouse 2301 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 Wong’s Meat Market Ltd. 1200 Sand Island Pkwy Honolulu 96819 Wong’s Produce 690 Halekauwila St. Honolulu 96813 - Moana Surfrider Report on Mandatory Business Recycling-- Prepared July 2014 24 GLASS (791 BUSINESSES) Liquor serving establishments EXHIBIT BUSINESS NAME 12TH AVE GRILL J2 RENDE VUU :2ND FLOOR CAFE 13660 ON THE RISE 39 HOTEL LLC 53 BY TUE SEA GRILL AND BAR 18 FAT FAT 8 BAR & GRILLE 9TH AVE. ROCK HOUSE [ACACL LOUNGE FAIRPORT HONOLULU HOTEL AKASAKA RESTAURANT [AKI-NO-NO LucoNis BAR & GRILL [ALA MOANA HOTEL [ALA WAI CAFE [ALAN WONG’S RESTAURANT [ALOHA LOUNGE [ALOHA TABLE [AMY’S PLACE [ANGELO PIETRO, INC. [ANNA O’BRIEN’S, INC. [ANYPLACE COCKTAIL LOUNGE [ANYTIME CAFE [ARANCINO AT TIlE KAUAL ARANCINO DI MARE [ARANCINO LLC IARMBAR SPORTS BAR AND GRILL [ARNOLDS BEACH BAR & GRILL [ART’S HIDEAWAY [ASAHI GRILL KEEAUMOKU LLC [ASSAGGIO ALA MOANA [ASSAGGIO BISTRO ITALIAN [ASSAGGIO HAWAII KAI ASSAGGIO KAPOLEI [ASSAGGIO MILILANI [ASSAGGIO, INC. [ATEANTIS SEAFOOD & STEAK AULANL A DISNEY RESORT & SPA [AUNTIE PASTO’S [AUNTIE PASTO’S L4ZTECA RESTAURANT BACCHUS WAIKIKI BAd BISTRO BACK ALLEY CAFE BAIJO’S LOUNGE Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 1120 12TH AVENUE 197 SAND ISLAND ACC RD 2555 CARTWRIGUT ROAD 3660 WAL4LAE AVENUE 39 NO. HOTEL ST. 2ND FL 53 AHUI STREET 1680 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1327 S. BERETANIA ST 3435 WAJALAE AVE 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 3401 NO. NIMITZ HWY 1646 KONA STREET 2633 SOUTH KING ST 565 KOKEA ST., BLDG. 2 410 ATKINSON DRIVE 404 KAPAHULU AVENUE 1857 S. KING STREET 3435 WAIALAE AVE 2238 LAUPLA STREET 49 N HOTEL ST 1585 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 2440 S BERETAMA ST 2065 S. KING STREET 2919 KAPIOLANI BLVD 5000 KAHALA AVENUE 2552 KALAKAUA AVE 255 BEACH WALK 99-1 15 AIEA HEIGHTS DR 339 SARATOGA ROAD 1110 BISHOP STREET 815 KEEAUMOKU ST 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD. 4346 WAL4LAE AVENUE 7192 KALANIANAOLE HWY 777 KAIfOKILA BLVD 95-1249 MEHEULA PKWY 354 ULTJNIU STREET 2284 KALAKAUA AVE 92-1185 ALU NUI DR 1099 SO. BERETANIA ST 94-6 73 KUPUOHI ST 3617 WAIALAE AVE 408 LEWERS ST 30 AULIKE STREET 920 SHERAN ST 70 KUKLTI STREET Prepared July 2014 D C1T’t HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU ALEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLLI MILILANI KA1LUA HONOLULU KAPOLEI HONOLULU WA1PAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU WAHIAWA zIp 96816 96819 96815 96816 96817 96813 96814 96814 96816 96782 96819 96814 96826 96817 9681$ 96815 96826 96816 96815 96817 96814 96826 96826 96826 96816 96815 96815 96701 96815 96813 96814 96814 96816 96825 96709 96789 96734 96815 96707 96814 96797 96816 96815 96734 96814 96786 25 BUSINESS NAME IBA-LE SANDWICHES & BAKERY [BAMBOOZE [BANZ.41 SUSHI BAR [BAR 35 [BAR SEVEN [BARBERS POINT BOWLING CENTER [BEIJING CHINESE SEAFOOD [BELLA BISTRO [BENE PESCE BENIHANA OF TOKYO [BERNINI HONOLULU [BEST WESTERN /PLAZA HOTEL [BEVY LLC [BIG CITY DINER [BIG CITY DINER [BIG CITY DINER BIG CITY DINER [BIG CITY DINER [BLT STEAK WAIKIKI LLC [BLUE RIBBON BAR & GRILL LLC [BLUE SEA LOUNGE [BOMuwnERs BAR & GRILL [BOBS SPORTS BAR [BONITA LOUNGE [BONSAI RESTAURANT & LOUNGE [Biuxiws GRILL jBRu-O RESTAURANT & BAR [BREAKERS [BRICK OVEN PIZZA [BRICK OVEN PIZZA KANEOHE [WS BAR & GRINDS [BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP CO. [BUCA DI BEPPO [BUDNAMUJIP [BmALo WILD WINGS GRILL [Bttrruo WILD WINGS GRILL [BUONA SERA RISTORANTE BUTTERFLY [BUZZ’S ORIGINAL STEAK HOUSE [BUZZ’S ORIGINAL STEAK HOUSE ‘CABANA’S POOL BAR CACHE’ LOUNGE CACTUS [CAFE ANASL4 CAFE BRONCO CASE DUCK BUTT Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- I STREET CITY 2445 CAMPUS RD HONOLULU 2070 KALAKAUA AVE HONOLULU 66-246 KAMEHAMEHA HWY HALEIWA 35 NORTH HOTEL ST HONOLULU 1344 KONA STREET HONOLULU 91-1259 SARATOGA AVE KAPOLEI 2301 KALAKAUA AVE HONOLULU 201 HAMAKUA DR KAILUA 2310 KUHIO AVE, NO. 102 HONOLULU HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE HONOLULU 1218 WAIMANU ST HONOLULU 3253 NO.NIMITZ HWY HONOLULU 661 AUAHI ST HONOLULU 94-800 UKEE ST WAIPAHU 98-211 PALl MOMI ST AIEA 1060 AUAHI STREET #4 HONOLULU 3565 NO.3 WAIALAE AVE HONOLULU 108 HEKILI ST KAILUA 223 SARATOGA RD HONOLULU 1831 SOUTH KING ST HONOLULU 1135 11TH AVE HONOLULU 201-A HAMAKUA DR KAILUA 170 HAMAKUA DR KAILUA 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY PEARL CITY 500 ALA MOANA BLVD HONOLULU 4510 SALT LAKE BLVD HONOLULU 98-115 KAONOHI ST AIEA 66-250 KAM HWY HALEIWA 889 KAMOKILA BLVD KAPOLEI 46-047 KAMEHAMEHA HWY KANE ORE 66-197D KAMEHAMEHA HWY HALEIWA 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD. HONOLULU 1030 AUAHI STREET HONOLULU 871 KAPIOLANI BLVD HONOLULU 1778 ALA MOANA BLVD. HONOLULU 1000 KAMEHAMEHA HWY PEARL crr 131 HEKILI ST STE 101 KAILUA 1346 KAPIOLANI BLVD HONOLULU 413 KAWAJLOA RD KAILUA 98-751 KUAHAO PL PEARL crii 2330 KUHIO AVE HONOLULU 1218 KONA STREET HONOLULU 767 KAILUA RD KAILUA 2227 S. BERETANIA ST HONOLULU 1549 COLBURN ST HONOLULU 901 KAWAIAUAO ST HONOLULU Prepared July 2014 ZIP 96822 96815 96712 96817 96814 96707 96815 9673$ 96815 96815 96814 96819 96813 96797 96701 9681$ 96816 9673$ 96815 96826 96816 9673$ 9673$ 96782 96813 96818 96701 96712 96707 96744 96712 9681$ 9681$ 96813 96815 96782 9673$ 9681$ 9673$ 96782 96815 9681$ 9673$ 96826 96817 9681$ I I I 26 BUSINESS NAME CAFE GANGNAM KARAOKE CAFE JULIA & LANL4KEA CATERING ICAFE MIRO CAFE SISTINA jc ATE WOEL CHOOL BONG ICAJUN KING CALIFORIA BEACH ROCK N’ SUSHI CALIFORNIA GIRLS CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN, INC. CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN, INC. ICA.LIFORMA PiZZA KITCHEN, INC. CAMELLIA BUFFET CAMELOT RESTAURANT & LOUNGE CANAL BAR 4 CANOE HUT LOUNGE CANTON SEAFOOD RESTAURANT CATTLE COMPANY STEAKHOUSE ICENTERPLATE CENTERPLATE CHA-CHA-CHA SALSARIA CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR & GRILL IdLERS STATION CHEESEBURGER BEACUWALK CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE ICHEESEBURGER WAIKIKI CHEF CHAI ICHEF MAVRO RESTAURANT CHEZ CHEZ KENZO. INC. ICHIANG MM THAI RESTAURANT CuBA-KEN ICHIKO’S TAVERN ICEILIIS GRILL & BAR CHILI’S GRILL & BAR JCHILIS GRILL & BAR CHILI’S GRILL & BAR C’HILf S GRILL & BAR CHILI’S GRILL AND BAR CHINA GARDEN RESTAURANT CHINPEI RAMEN ICHO GA JIP CHOCO HOUSE CHOI’S GARDEN KOREAN. CHOI’S LOUNGE Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 655 KEEAUMOKU ST 1040 RICHARDS ST 3446 WAIALAE AVE 1314 SOUTH KING ST 1679 MAKALOA ST 98-020 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 404 WARD AVE 550 CALIFORNIA AVE 98-1059 MOANALUA RD 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 4211 WAIALAE AVE 2283 KALAICAUA AVE 609 KAILUA RD 930 MCCULLY ST 818 SHERIDAN ST 1311 N. KING ST 2628 WAIWAI LOOP 923 KEEAUMOKU ST 98-1262 KAAHUMANU ST 99-500 SALT LAKE BLVD 777 WARD AVE 377 KEAHOLE ST 1108 KEEAUMOKU ST 746 KOHOU ST 226 LEWERS ST 2500 KALAKAUA AVE 1945 KALAKAUA AVE 1009 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1969 SOUTH KING ST 98-150 KAONOHI ST. 1451 SOUTH KING ST 2239 S. KING ST 468 ENA ROAD 930 MCCULLY ST 98-130 PALl MOMI ST 91-590 FARRINGTON HWY. 3211 WAIALAE AVE 95-1249 MEIIEULA PKY 2330 KUHIO AVENUE 94-790 LtTMIAINA ST 2299 KITHIO AVE 2080 SOUTH KING ST 825 KEEAUMOKU ST 44$ Nit STREET 1303 RYC’ROFT ST 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY Prepared July 2014 CiTY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU WAHIAWA AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILVA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AJEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA KAPOLEI HONOLULU MILILANI HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY ZIP: 96813 96813 96816 96814 96813 96701 96813 96786 96701 96813 96816 96815 96734 96826 96814 96817 96819 96814 96782 96818 96813 96825 9681$ 96817 96815 96815 96815 9681$ 96826 96701 9681$ 96826 96815 96826 96701 96707 96816 96789 96815 96797 96815 96826 96813 96815 96814 96782 27 BUSINESS NAME CROON CRUN SHAKA SHAKA CHRIsTINE’S LOUNGE ICHUCK’S CELLAR AT OUTRIGGER CHUCKS STEAK HOUSE CHuCK’S STEAK HOUSE & SEAFOOD CINDY’S PLACE ICLNNAMON’S RESTAURANT JCLUB 21 CLUB 77 CLUB 901 ICLUB 939 CLUB ACE 1UB ANGEL CLUB BEST FRIEND IcLUB BLOSSOM ICLUB BLUE STAR CLUB BOOMERANG CLUB BUSINESS CLUB CASABLANCA ICLUB CASINO CLUB CHANCE CLUB CLEOPATRA !CLUB D ICLUB DESTINY CLUB ECLIPSE ICLUB EVERGREEN ICLUB EXCEL CLUB FEMME NIT !CLUB FESTIVAL ICLUB GEISHA HOUSE CLUB GENJI JCLUB GREEN TEE ICLUB HOT ASH ICLUB JASMINE CLUB JOIN US CLUB KE KM’S LOUNGE ICLUB KOMO MAT CLUB LA VIE EN ROSE ICLUB LITTLE SAIGON ICLUB MAMBO SPORTS BAR )CLUB MERMAID CLUB NEW DAMOUR jC:LUB NEW VIP ICLUB PATTAYA CLUB RED ROSE CLUB ROCK-ZA Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- I STREET 1649 KALAKAUA AVE 98-020 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 150 KARLANI AVE 2335 KALAKAUA AVE 92-161 WAIPAHE PL 1610 KALANI ST 315 ULUNIU ST 803 KAMERAMEHA HWY 1822 REPUBLICAN ST 904 KOHOU ST 939 KEEAUMOKU ST 641 KEEAUMOKU ST 205 LEWERS ST 94-30 7 FARRINGTON HWY 94-867 WAIPAHU ST 1347 COLBURN ST 1339 NUUANU AVE 706A SHERIDAN ST 743 K WAL4KAMILO RD 1340 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 98-199 KAMEHAMERA HWY 1095 DILLINGHA1I BLVD 1320 KALANI ST. #116 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 1414 DILLINGHAM BLVD 1376 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1414 DILLINGRAM BLVD 1673 KAPIOLANI BLVD 98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 103$ KAPIOLANI BLVD 1785 S. KING STREET 1414 DILLINGHAM BLVD 593 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 706 SHERiDAN ST #B1 945 KAIIEHAMEIIA HWY 10 NORTH HOTEL ST 45-934 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 641 KEEAUMOKU ST 180 N. NL1IITZ HWY 100 NORTH BERETANL4 ST 2119 LAUULA ST. 1362 B KAPIOLANI BLVD 98-199 KA1fEHA1IEIIA HWY 708 S. QUEEN ST 1646 KONA STREET 1770 KAPIOLANI BLVD Prepared July 2014 cm LHONOLULU ZIP 96826 AIEA 96701 96815 96815 96707 96817 96734 96782 96819 96817 96813 96814 96815 96797 96797 96817 96817 96814 96817 96814 96701 96817 96817 96782 96817 96814 96817 96814 96701 96814 96826 96817 96782 96814 96782 96817 96744 96814 96817 96817 9681$ 96814 96701 96813 96814 96814 HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI HONOLULU KAILUA PEARL CiTY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPABU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU KANE ORE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU 28 BUSINESS NAME ICLUB RUBY CLUB SANDY CLUB SECRET CLUB SERJYA jCLUB SOOMI ICLUB SPLASH CLUB SPOTLITL CLUB SUNDANCE CLUB THAI ANGEL CLUB TRIPLE D CLUB WATERFALL CREATIONS IN CATERING ICREEKSIDE LOUNGE CROUCHING LION INN [DA BIG KAHUNA W4UCIKI [DA KINES SPORTS BAR [DA SMOI HOUSE BBQ [DASH GASTRO PUB AVE & BUSTER’S DEBBIE’S PLACE IDELTA SKY CLUB [DIAMOND hEAD THEATRE [Drs RAKE [DIXIE GRILL BBQ & CRAB SHACK IDORAKU WAIKIKI LLC [DORAKUJBLUE TREE CAFE DOS CHOLOS [DOTS [DOUBLETREE ALANA WAIKIKI DOWNBEAT DINER I LOUNGE [DUC’S BISTRO [DUKE’S WAIKIKI IDUVIN LLC FEASTERN PARADISE RESTAURANT EGGS ‘N THINGS EL CHARRO MEXICANO AIEA [ELEVEN 44 ELLIE’S [EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL IEWA BEACH GOLF CLUB [EXOTIC NIGHTS [FAThOY’S FAIRWAY BISTRO [FERGUSON’S IRISH PUB [FIvE 0 BAR AND LOUNGE, LLC [FIVE OCEAN [FLAMINGO PEARL CITY Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 94-839 FARRINGTON HWY 815 KEEAUMOICU ST 818 SRERThAN ST 1939 S. KING STREET 1253 MOOKAULA ST 1360 S. KING ST 847 MOOWAA STREET 703 QUEEN STREET 1429 MAKALOA ST 1362 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 727 WAIAKAMILO ROAD 874 DLLLINGHAM BLVD 153-A HAMAKUA DRIVE 51-666 KAMEHAMEBA HWY 2299 KUHIO AVENUE 545 KAAABJ STREET 441 HOBRON LANE 1018 MCCULLY STREET 1030 AUABI ST 1283 S. KING STREET 300 RODGERS BLVD 520 MAKAPUU AVENUE 1338 YOUNG STREET 99-0 16 KAMEHAMEIJA HWY 2233 KALAKAUA AVE 1009 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 66-250 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 130 MANGO ST 1956 ALA MOANA BLVD. 42 N. HOTEL STREET 1188 MAUNAKEA ST 2335 KALAKAUA AVE 1115 BETHEL ST 1403 AND 1405 S. KING ST 451 PHKOIST 99-115 AIEA HEIGHTS DR 1134 BETHEL STREET 1362 A KAPIOLANI BLVD 201 BEACH WALK 91-050 FORT WEAVER RD 909 HALEKAUWILA ST 15-050 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 729 BISHOP STREET 22OIKALAKAUA AVE 1108 KEEAUMOKU STREET 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY Prepared July 2014 crrv WAIPA.RU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA KAAAWA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HALEPeVA VAHL4WA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU EWA BEACH HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY ZIP 96797 96813 96814 96826 96817 96811 96817 96813 96814 96814 96817 96817 96734 96730 96815 96817 96815 96826 96814 96813 96819 96816 96814 96701 96815 96814 96712 96786 96815 96817 96817 96815 96813 96814 96814 96701 96813 96814 96815 96706 96814 96741 96813 96815 96811 96782 29 BUSINESS NAME rOOK VUEN SEAFOOD [FORMAGGIO GRILL IFORMAGGIO WINE BAR [FRESCO RESTAURANT [FROG HOUSE RESTAURANT LFURUSATO SUSHI FUSION WAIKIKI jFUTABA RESTAURANTJCATERING IGAKU IGAZEN BAR & GRILL IGENIUS LOUNGE IGENKI SUSHI IGENKI SUSHI IGENKI SUSHI HAWAII GERMAINES LUAU GINGER HOUSE IGINZA WON RESTAURANT IGIOVANNI PASTRAMI GLORIA BRIDAL SERVICES GOLD GATE LOUNGE IGOLDEN DUCK KAHALA CHINESE IGOMA ICifi RAMEN IGOMA TEl RAMIN IGOMA TEl RAMEN IGORDON BIERSCH BREWERY IGREEN APPLE LOUNGE IGREENS & VINES IG’S BAR & GRILL IGYOTAKU JAPANESE RESTAURANT IGYOTAKU JAPANESE RESTAURANT GYOTAKU JAPANESE RESTAURANT GYOZA NO OHSHO GYU-KAKU GYIT-KAKU IGYU-KAKU IGYUTA HALE VIETNAM RESTAURANT BALEIWA JOE’S SEAFOOD GRILL [EIALEIWA JOE’S SEAFOOD GRILL IHALEKULANI HOTEL IHALONA LOUNGE llAMA’S PLACE jUAN YANG RESTAURANT HANAJUBAN BANKS CAFE HONOLULU HAPPY DAYS CHINESE SEAFOOD Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 1960 KAPIOLANI BLVD 30$ HAHANI STREET #305 2919 KAPIOLANI BLVD 2005 KALIA ROAD 1602 KALAKAUA AVENUE 2424 KALAKAUA AVE 2260 KUillO AVE 94-235 HANAWAI CIR 1329 SOUTH KING ST 2840 KAPIOLANI BLVD 346 LEWERS STREET 820 HIND DRIVE 91-799 LUMIAINA ST 885 KAPAH1TLU AVE 91-1 19 OLAI ST. 95-1249 MEHEULA PKWY 2155 LAUULA ST 227 LEWERS ST 41-202 KALANIANAOLE HWY 16 N HOTEL ST 4230 WAIALAE AVE 631 KEEAUMOKU ST 1200 ALA MOANA BLVD 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 1 ALOHA TOWER DR 803 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 909 KAPIOLANI BLVD 94-889 E WAIPAHU ST. 5730 KALANIANAOLE HWY 1824 S. KING ST 98-1226 KAARUMANU ST 131 KAIULANI AVE 46-056 KAMEHAMEHA hWY 307 LEWERS ST, #101 1221 KAPIOLANI BLVD #105 758 KAPAHULU AVE 1140 12TH AVE 46-336 HAIKU ROAD 66-011 KAMEHAMEIIA HWY 2199 KALL4 ROAD 1350 MOOKAULA ST 99-080 KAUHALE ST 1311 N. KING ST 2005 KALIA ROAD 1038 NUUANU AVE 3553 WAJALAE AVE Prepared July 2014 f CITY HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU EWA BEACH MILILANI HONOLULU HONOLULU WALMANALO HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE HALEIWA HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU zu’ 96826 96734 96826 96815 96826 96815 96815 96797 96814 96826 9681$ 96821 96797 96816 96706 96789 96815 96815 96795 96817 96816 96814 96813 96814 96813 96782 96814 96797 96821 96826 96782 96815 96744 96815 96814 96816 96816 96714 96712 96815 96817 96701 96817 96815 96817 96816 30 BUSINESS NAME [HAPPY VALLEY PASTA & PIZZA HARBOR PUB INC:. HARBOR VILLAGE CUISINE HARD ROCK CAFE HASR BISTRO HATSUHANA RESTAURANT HAWAII CONVENTION CENTER HAWAII KAI GOLF COURSE [HAWAII PRINCE GOLF CLUB [HAWAII PRINCE HOTEL WAIKIKI [HAWAII THEATRE CENTER IHAWAD YACHT CLUB [HAWAIIAN BRIAN’S BILLIARDS [HAWAIIAN MONARCH HOTEL HAWA1TAN STEAKIIOUSE & BAR [HEE flING RESTAURANT [HEIJOUEN [HENRY LOUIS [HIBISCUS CLUB [HIDEAWAY CAFE [HIGHWAY INN AT KAKA’AKO [HIIPAKA LLC HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE [HILTON WAIKIKI BEACH RIME HINONE MIZUNONE IHNL AERIE NO. 140 IHNL LODGE NO 616 B P0 ELKS JBoAX31EI COUNTRY CLUB [IOK(TLANI WAIKIKI/HILTON [H0LOHOLO BAR & GRILL [HoME BAR & GRILL [HOME THE BRAI BREWING CO [HONEY’S AT KOOLAU [HoNOLULu CLUB HONOLULU COUNTRY CLUB [HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART HONOLULU TAVERN HONU ICAI LAM PLACE OF WELINA [ROOTERS HOST HONOLULU JT VENTURE CO [HOTEL RENEW BY ASTON !HUKILAU HONOLULU [HULA GRILL WAWWI HULA’S BAR & LEI STAND [HUSH BAR & GRILL Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 3106 MONSARRAT AVE 1765 ALA MOANA BLVD 7192 KALANL4NAOLE HWY 280 BEACH WALK 31 N. PAUAHI ST. #1A 2005 KALIA ROAD 1801 KALAKAUA AVE 8902 KALANIANAOLE HWY 91-1200 FORT WEAVER RD 100 HOLOMOANA ST 1130 BETHEL STREET 1739-C ALA MOANA BLVD 1687 KALAUOKALANI WAY 444 MU STREET 94-1211 KUNIA ROAD 449 KAPAHULU AVE 949 KAPARULU AVE 2850 PAA STREET 342 WARD AVENUE 1913 DUDOIT LANE 680 ALA MOANA BLVD 59-864 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 2005 KALL4 ROAD 2500 KUIIJO AVE 1631 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1345 S. KING ST 215 MOKAUEA ST 2933 KALAKAUA AVE 91-1001 KAIMAILE SLA2OS 2181 KALAKAUA AVENUE 2494 S. BERETANIA ST 1683 KALAKAUA AVE 901 & 905 WAIMANU ST 45-550 KIONAOLE RD 932 WARD AVED 1690 ALA PUUMALU ST 900 S BEREThNIA ST 417 NORONANI ST #C 92-101 WAIALII PLACE 1 ALOHA TOWER DR RNL INTERNATIONAL AIRPO 129 PAOAKALANI AVE 1088 BISHOP ST #LL13 2335 KALAKAUA AVE 134 KAPAHULU AVE 747 QUEEN ST Prepared July 2014 IcnYP HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU [WA BEACH HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAHIAWA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HALEIWA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU [WA BEACH HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANE OKE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU 96815 96815 96825 96815 96817 96815 96815 96825 96706 96815 96813 96815 96814 96815 96786 96815 96816 96819 96813 96815 96813 96712 96815 96815 96813 96814 96819 96815 96706 96815 96826 96826 96814 96714 96813 96818 96814 96815 96707 96813 96819 96815 96813 96815 96815 96813 31 BUSINESS NAME jHYATT PL4CE WAIKIKI BEACH RYATT REGENCY WAIKIKI IHYS STEAK HOUSE [ECmRJKI JAPANESE NABE ICHIRJM JAPANESE NABE ICHUUKI JAPANESE NABE IIGE’S RESTAURANT & 19TH PUKA jIL LUP1NO IlL MEDITLRRANEO RISTORANTE [IUKAI HOTEL IIMANAS (TEl) [IMUA LOUNGE [IN BETWEEN [INDIGO [IRISH ROSE SALOON, INC. [ISLANDS FINE BURGERS & DRINKS [IZAKAVA NARU & C BAR & GRILL LOUNGE W. MARRIOTT ifiILANI RESORT JJ. DOLAN’S JA KAL Cm RESTAURANT’ [JADE DYNASTY SEAFOOD IJAMESON’S BY THE SEA IJAPANESE RESTAURANT AKI IJAPANESE TASTE HAKKEI [JAZZ MINDS ART & CAFE [JIMMY BUFFETTS JINROKU PACIFIC JONG GA KOREAN RESTAURANT [JOSE’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT [jp LOUNGE JUST TACOS MEXICAN GRILL [JUST TACOS MEXICAN GRILL [K STYLE IKABUKL RESTAURANT ItKABUKL RESTAURANT [KAEW’S THAI VILLA LLC LKAILUA PALACE IKAILUA RACQUET CLUB IKAILUA TOWN PUB AND GRILL [KAIMUKI GRILL [KALA ENA BISTRO jKAL.4PAWAI CAFE & DELI [KAMPAI SUSHI BISTRO LOUNGE [KANEOHL YACHT CLUB KANG HODONG 678 [ 1j Report on Mandatory Business Recycng -- STREET 175 PAOAKALANI AVE 242-1 KALAKAUA AVE 2340 KUHIO AVE 46-047 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 98-150 KAONOHI ST. 510 PIIKOI ST 98-761 OIIIANA PLACE 2233 KALAKAUA AVE 1279 KING STREET 1777 ALA MOANA BLVD 2626 SO. KING ST 815-B KEEAUMOKU ST 2155 LAUULA ST 1121 NUUANU AVE. .178 ENA ROAD 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 2700 SOUTH KING ST. #D 812 A LEHUA AVE 92-1001 OLANI ST 1149 BETHEL ST 1333 YOUNG ST. 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 62-540 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 1427 MAKALOA ST. 1436 YOUNG ST 1661— 1667 KAPIOLANI BLVD 2300 KALAKAUA AVE 2427 KUHIO AVENUE 512 A PIIKOI STREET 1131 KOKO HEAD AVE 1413 DILLINGHAI4I BLVD 95-1239 MEHEULA PKWY 92-1036 OLAM ST 1245 MOOKAULA ST 600 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 98 020 L £HAMEHA HWY 1502 LILEHA STREET 115 ONEAWA ST 629 ONEAWA ST 26 HOOLAI STREET 1108 12TH AVENUE 1888 KALAKAUA AVE 750 KAILUA ROAD 2460 KOA AVENUE 44 503 KANEOHE BAY DR 1726 KAPIOLANI BLVD. . Prepared Ju’y 2014 CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE AIEA HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HALEIWA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU MILILANI KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU KAILUA KAILUA KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU ZIP 96815 96815 96815 9674$ 96701 96814 96701 96815 96814 96815 96826 96814 96815 96817 96815 96814 96826 96782 96707 96813 9681$ 96814 96712 96813 96814 96814 96815 96815 96814 96816 96817 96789 96707 96817 96814 96701 96817 96734 96734 96734 96816 96815 96734 96815 96744 96814 32 BUSINESS NAME KAPOLEI GOLF COURSE [KARAOKE RUT KATHy’S PLACE [KELLEY O’NEIL’S [KEO ENTERPRISES, INC. KEONI BY KEO’S KICKIN KAJUN RESTAURANT [KIKrS AFTER HOURS KIKUVA JAPANESE RESTAURANT [K1MOBEAN COFFEE KThIUKATSU TONKATSU [KIN CRAN SUSHI [KIN WAR CHOP SUEY [KINCAIIYS FISH, CROP & STEAK KING’S KORNER SPORTS BAR [KING’S PUB [KING’S SHABU SHABU [KIRIN RESTAURANT [KrE N KITCHEN, INC. LKO OLINA GOLF CLUB, LLC IK0BE JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE KOUN0TORI [icoKo HEAD CAFÉ [KONA BEAN CAFE KONA BREWING c;o.. LLC [KONA KAI SUSHI IZAKAYA KOOLAU BALLROOMS IKVUNGS SEAFOOD. INC. LA CUCARACRA MEXICAN BAR LA CUCINA [LA MARIANA SAILING CLUB. INC. LA TOUR CAFE LADDAS PLACE [LAST STOP LOUNGE [LE BISTRO [ii NONT”E HAWAII [LEEWARD BOWL [LEGEND SEAFOOD RESTAURANT [LEGENDS [LEGENDS IN CONCERT WAIKIKI [LEMONGRASS CAFE [LESLIE’S PLACE [LISA’S HOUSE ENTERPRISES LLC [LITTLE SEOUL II, LLC [Lo JAX ON SEASIDE [LOBBY 6 ATRIUM BAR Report on Mandatory Business Recyc1ng -- STREET 91-701 FARRINGTON hWY 909 KAPAHULU AVE 1336 DILLINGRAM BLVD 311 LEWERS ST 2040 KUHIO AVE 150 ICAIULANI AVE 1518 MAKALOA ST 1633 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1315 NO. KING STREET 150 KAIULANI AVENUE 320 LEWERS STREET 500 ALA MOANA BLVD 45-588 C KA11ERAME11A 11W 1050 ALA IOANA BLVD. 2334 S. KING STREET 444 MU STREET 1110 MCCULLY ST. 2518 S. BERETANIA ST 1010 UNIVERSITY AVE 92-1220 ALUNUI DR 1841 ALA MOANA BLVD 2626 SOUTH KING ST 113$-C; 12TH AVENUE 700 NORTH NL\IITZ HWY 7192 KALANIANAOLE HWY 3579 WAIALAE AVE 45-550 KIONAOLE RD 1269 SOUTH KING ST 2446 KOA AVE 725 KAPIOLAM BLVD. 50 SAND ISLAND ROAD 888 N. NIMITZ HWY. #101 94-866 MOLOALO ST 94-226 LEOKU ST 5730 KALANIANAOLE HWY 590 FARRINGTON HWY 850 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 100 N. BERETANTA ST 411 NARUA ST 2201 KALAKAUA AVE 83 NORTH KING ST 549 KOKEA ST. C-i 3250 UALENA ST 2600 SOUTH KING ST 2256 KITHIO AVE 300 RODGERS BLVD. Prepared Ju’y 2014 j CITY KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU WAIPARU HONOLULU KAPOLEI PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU ZIP 96707 96816 96817 96815 96815 96815 96814 96814 96817 96815 96815 96813 96744 96814 96826 96815 96826 96826 96826 96707 96815 96826 96816 96817 96825 96816 96743 96814 96815 96813 96819 96817 96797 96797 96821 96707 96782 96817 96815 96815 96817 96817 96819 96826 96815 96819 33 BUSIKESS NAME LOBSTER KING LONGRrs ALA MOA.NA ILOS CIL4PARROS. LLC Los GARCIAS RESTAURANT [LOULEN’S RESTAURANT LUCKY BELLY LUCKY HONU ILUIBUENO’S MEXICAN SEAFOOD [LUll’s WAIKIKI [LUNG FUNG [LUSH LOUNGE LZ LOUNGE [M NIGHTCLUB! THE ROW BAR IMABUHAY CAFÉ MAGIC OF POLYNESIA STREET 1380 S. KING STREET 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD. 2140 SOUTH BERETANIA ST 14 ONEAWA ST 1125 NORTH KING ST 50 NORTH HOTEL ST 1414 DILLINGHAM BLVD 66-165 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 2586 KALAKAUA AVE 572$ KALANL4NAOLE HWY 1217 HOPAKA ST 818 SHERIDAN ST 500 ALA MOANA BLVD 1049 RIVER STREET 2300 KALAKAUA AVENUE 1831 ALA MOANA BLVD, IMAGOKORO IMAGURO YA 3565 WAIALAE AVE [MAI LAN RESTAURANT 1224 KEEAUMOKU ST 333 KEAHOLE ST. NO.2B8 IMAILE’S THAI BISTRO SUNSET GRILL 87-064 FARRINGTON HWY MAfl.I MAKAUA VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 84-627 MAKAHA VALLEY RD [MAKAI HALE 92-102 WAIALII PLACE 98-150 KAONOHI ST IMAKINO CHAYA ALEX, INC. 2380 KUHIO AVENUE IMAKITTII CORPORATION 2833 EAST MANOA RD IMANOA VALLEY THEATRE [MAPLE GARDEN RESTAURANT 909 ISENBERG ST [MARIAN’S 245$ S. BERETANL4 ST [MARRIOTT’S KO OLINA BEACH CLU 92-161 WAIPAHE PL 95-1249 MEHEUIA PKWY IMARU HI [MATSUGEN 255 BEACHWALK, UNIT 2 MATTEO’S CAFE 364 SEASiDE AVENUE [MATTEO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 364 SEASIDE AVENUE [MAX’S OF MANILA 801 DILLINGHAM BLVD. [MENCHANKO-TEI RESTAURANT 903 KEEAUMOKU SI, MEXICO UNDO 600 KAILUA ROAD, [MEXICO RESTAURANT 1247 NORTH SCHOOL ST [MEZz 127 LLC 745 FORT ST [MIcHELLE’S RESTAURANT LOUNGE 641 KEEAUMOK1J ST MICHIL’S AT THE COLONY SURF 2895 KALAKAUA AVE 835 KEEAUMOK1T ST IMICITJNOKU CORPORATION [MID-PACIFIC COUNTRY CLUB 266 KAELEPULU DR [MIKAWON II 2345 KLJHIO AVENUE [MILILANI GOLF CLUB RESTAURANT 95-176 KUAUEL&NI AVE MILLION RESTAURANT 626 SHERIDAN ST MIMASUYA ITALIANO 1341 KAPIOLANI BLVD #101 MINATO SUSHI MANIA 930 HAUOLI STREET Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HALEIWA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIANAE WAJANAE KAPOLEI AJEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI MILILANI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU MILILANI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU ZIP 96814 96814 96826 96734 96817 96817 96817 96712 96815 96821 96814 9681$ 96813 96817 96815 96814 96816 96814 96825 96792 96792 96707 96701 96815 96822 96826 96826 96707 96789 96815 96815 96815 96817 96814 96734 96817 96813 9681$ 9681$ 96826 96734 96815 96789 96814 96814 96826 34 BUSINESS NAME [MISTY 1 IMOANALUA GOLF CLUB FMOANA-SURflUDER HOTEL MOJO BARBERSHOP [MO-JOE’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL [MONACO BAR [MONKEYPOD KITCHEN BY [MONTEREY BAY CANNERS [MOOSE MCGILLYCUDDY’S [MORNING BREW 7 [MORTON’SfCHICAG0-STE4KH0U5E [MR. OJISAN [MURPHY S BAR & GRILL [MW RESTAURANT INANCYtS KITCHEN [NANZAN GIRO GIRO [NASHVILLE WAIKIKI NECO [NEW CHINESE GARDEN NEW CLUB SUN [NEW EAGLE CAFE [NEW HANAGASA INN [NEW HANAHOU LOUNGE [NEW NIGORI COCKTAIL LOtThGE [NEW WON KEE SEAFOOD [NEWTOWN DRIVE iNN [Nmo’s [N0B0RU JAPANESE RESTAURANT NOBU WAIKIKI [NOCTtrA LOU) GE [NORDSTROM MARKETPLACE CAFE [0AHU COUNTRY CLUB OCEAN SPORTS RESTAURANT OCEAN SUITE WAIKIKI ODORIKO MAIKO BEKKAN OFF THE WALL RESTAURANT/BAR OHANA EAST OHANA KARAOKE 2 & BBQ OJIYA OKONOM1YAKI CHIBO [OLD KEMOO PUB OLOMANA GOLF LINKS OLOMANA GOLF LINKS ON STAGE DRINKS & GRINDS [ONOE [OSAKA RAMEN STREET 1223 KONA STREET 1250 ALA AOLANI ST 2365 KALAKAUA AVE 1157 BETHEL STREET 45-1034 KAM HWY 1689 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 92-1046 OLANI STREET 98-1005 MOANALUA RD 310 LEWERS ST. 600 KAILUA RD. SUITE 120 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 1018 KAPAHULU AVE 2 MERCHANT STREET 1538 KAPIOLANI BLVD 94-1040 W4JPIQ UKA ST #14 560 PENSACOLA ST 2330 KUHIO AVE 1960 KAPIOLANI BLVD. #107 426 ULUNIU STREET 532 CUMMINS ST 1130 MMITZ HWY #A-100 1343 RIVER STREET 1112 NUUANU AVE 535 WARD AVENUE 100 N. BERETANL4 ST 98-330 KAAHELE ST 1129 N. NIMITZ HWY 201 HAMAKUA DR 2233 HELUMOA ROAD 500 ALA MOANA BLVD 1519 KAPIOLANI BLVD 150 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2012-A SOUTH BERETANL4 ST 205 LEWERS ST. 2400 KOA AVE 98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY. 150 KAIULANI AVE 47-388 HUI tWA STREET 1718 KAPIOLANI BLVD 2201 KALAKAUA AVE 1718 WILIKINA DR 41-1801 KALANIANAOLE 11W 41-1801 KALANIANAOLE HW 802 KAPAHULU AVE 2238 LAUULA STREET 98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY Report on Mandatory Business Recycling-- Prepared July 2014 CiTY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU KAPOLEI AIEA HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAIIU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU KANEOKE HONOLULU HONOLULU WAHL4WA WADIANALO WAIMANALO HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA ZIP 96814 96819 96815 96813 96744 96814 96707 96701 96815 96734 96813 96816 96813 96815 96797 96814 96815 96826 96734 96814 96817 96817 96817 96813 96817 96701 96817 96734 96815 96813 96814 96817 96826 96815 96815 96701 96815 96744 96814 96815 96786 96795 96795 96816 96815 96701 35 BUSINESS NAME O’TOOLE’S IRISH PUB OUTBACK STEAKUOUSE [OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE IOUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB OUTRIGGER REEF P.r. CHANG’S CHINA BISTRO PACIFIC BEACH HOTEL PAESANO AT WAIMALU LLC [PAESANO RISTORANTE ITALIANO PAGODA FLOATING RESTAURANT PALAZZO RISTORANTE ITALIANO PALl LANES LLC [PANDA CUISINE [PANDORA CAFE, LLC !PANYA [PARADISE COVE LUAU [PAU HANA LOUNGE [PEARL COUNTRY CLUB [PEARL HARBOR HONOLULU BR 46 [P110777 VIETNAMESE PRO NAM VIETNAIESE PRO OLD SAIGON VIETNAMESE !PHO ONE VIETNAMESE CUISINE [PRO ONE VIETNAMESE CUISINE [PRO SAIGON INC. [PRO TRI VIETNAMESE [PRO VIET ThEN HONG LLC PIAZZETTA INC. [PINKY’S PUPU BAR & GRILL PINT AND JIGGER PIZZA BOB’S IPLATINUM LOUNGE [PLAYBAR [PoIuxAI BALLROOMS IPORKY’S SPORTS PUB & GRILL IPRIMA TRATORJA [PRINCESS KAIULANI HOTEL IPROTEA CAFE PUB JAN-KEN-PON PUEO’S RESTAURANT [QUEEN KAPIOLANI HOTEL [RAGING CRAB LLC !RAKUEN LOUNGE [RB SPORTS BAR AND GRILL - Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- f902 NUUANUSTREET AVENUE Cr11 HONOLULU 302 KAMOKILA BLVD KAPOLEI 6650 KALANIANAOLE HWY HONOLULU 1765 ALA MOANA BLVD HONOLULU 94-810 UKEE ST WAIPARU 2909 KALAKAUA AVE HONOLULU 2169 KALIA RD HONOLULU 2201 KALAKAUA AVE. HONOLULU 2490 KALAKAUA AVE HONOLULU 98-1277 KAAUUMANU ST AIEA 2752 WOODLAWN DRIVE HONOLULU 1525 RYCROFT ST HONOLULU 99-080 KAUHALE ST AIEA 120 HEKILI STREET KAILUA 641 KEEAUMOKU ST HONOLULU 1526 MAKALOA ST HONOLULU 1288 ALA MOANA BLVD HONOLULU 92-1089 ALII NUI DR KAPOLEI 746 KOHOU ST #200 HONOLULU 98-535 KAONOHI ST AIEA 891 VALKENEURGH ST. HONOLULU 1960 KAPIOLANI BLVD. HONOLULU 725 KAPIOLANI BLVD HONOLULU 2270 KUHIO AVE HONOLULU 1617 KAPIOLANI BLVD. HONOLULU 777 KAMOKILA BLVD KAPOLEI 1538 KAPIOLANI BLVDD #6 HONOLULU 1307 KALAKAUA AVE HONOLULU 2756 WOODLAWN DR HONOLULU 92-1001 OLANI ST KAPOLEI 970 N. KALAIIEO AVE. KAILUA KING #102 1936 S. ST. HONOLULU 66-165 A11ERAME11A HWY. HALEIWA 1270 N. KING ST HONOLULU 2310 KUHIO AVE HONOLULU 735 IWflEI ROAD HONOLULU 32 MALUNIU AVE KAILUA 108 HEKELI ST, SUITE 107 KAILUA 120 KAJULANI AVE HONOLULU 2045 KALAKAUA AVE. #L-3 HONOLULU 1463 S. KING ST HONOLULU 91-1111 GEIGER RD EWA BEACH 150 KAPAHULU AVENUE HONOLULU 665 KEEAUMOKU ST. HONOLULU 1153 BETHEL ST HONOLULU 2535 COYNE ST HONOLULU Prepared July 2014 ZIp 96813 96707 96825 96815 96797 96815 96815 96815 96815 96701 96822 96814 96701 96734 96814 96814 96813 96707 96817 96701 96818 96826 96813 96815 96814 96707 96813 96826 96822 96707 96734 96826 96712 96817 96815 96817 96734 96734 96815 96815 96814 96706 96815 96814 96813 96826 36 BUSINESS NAME [REAL A GASTROPUB IRED HOUSE IN HONOLULU. LLC [RED LOBSTER REPUBLIK [RE STAURANT EPIC [RESTAURANT K.AI-WA [RESTAURANT KO RESTAURANT KUNI [RESTAURANT KUNIO [RESTAURANT SUNTORY RESTAURANT WADA RESTAURANT YOSH1YA RICADO’S ITALIANO [RINGER HUT !R1NKA [RIVALS ROBATA GRILL T:SUKUNEYA STYLE [ROCK ISLAND CAFE ROKKAKU ROMANO’S MACARONI GRILL ROUND TABLE PIZZA [ROUND TABLE PIZZA ROUND TABLE PIZZA [ROYAL GARDEN CHINESE REST [ROYAL HAWAIIAN GOLF CLUB [ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL ROYAL KUNIA COUNTRY CLUB [ROY’S KO OLINA ROYS RESTAURANT [ROY’S WAIKIKI [RUBY TUESDAY [RUBY TUESDAY RUBY TUESDAY [RUBY TUESDAY [RUBY TUESDAY [RUTH ‘S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE [RUTWS CHRIS STEAK HOUSE [RYAN’s GRILL AT WAR]) CENTRE SAENG’S KAILUA THAI CUISINE SAKURA SAKURA TERRACE ISALA THAI [SALT SANDY’S PLACE SANSEI SEAFOOD & SUSHI BAR [SARA’S PLACE Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 1020 AUARI ST 835 KEEAUMOKU ST. 1765 ALA MOANA BLVD 1349 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1131 NUUANU AVENUE 226 LEWERS SI, NO. L-215 3196 WAIALAE AVENUE 94-210 LEOKANE STREET 94-799 LUML4ENA STREET 2233 KALAKAUA AVE 611 KAPAHULU AVE 2255 KALAKAUA AVE. 98-199 KAM HIGHWAY 2255 KUHIO AVE. 1500 KAPIOLANI BLVD 2211 KtTHIO AVE # 206 1432 UNIVERSITY AVE 131 KAJJJLANI AVE 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 150 KAIULANI AVE 2005 KALIA ROAD 10204 KEOLU DRIVE 410 ATKINSON DR 770 AULOA ROAD 2259 KALAKAUA AVE 94-1509 ANONUI STREET 92-1220 ALUNITI DRIVE 6600 KALANIANAOLE HWY 226 LEWERS ST, 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 95-1249 MEHEULA PKWY 930 VALKLNBUIG, UNIT 211 46-056 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 4170 ICAPOLEI PKWY 226 LEWERS STREET 500 ALA MOANA BLVD. 1200 ALA MOANA BLVD 315 HAIIAM STREET 3008 WAIALAE AVE 1230 SOUTH KING ST 1333 NUUANU AVE 3605 WAIALA.E AVE 1400 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 2552 KALAKAUA AVE. 650 KOUOU STREET Prepared July 2014 j CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPARtI WAIPAIIU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AJEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAJLUA HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU WAIPAHU KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU MILILANI HONOLULU KANEOHE KAPOLEI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU j ZIP 96814 96814 96815 96813 96817 96815 96816 96797 96797 96815 96815 96815 96701 96815 96814 96815 96822 96815 96813 96814 96815 96815 96734 96813 96734 96815 96797 96707 96825 96815 96813 96789 96818 96744 96707 96815 96813 96814 96733 96816 96814 96817 96816 96814 96815 96817 - 37 BUSINESS NAME ISARENTO’S TOP OF THE I ISEA DRAGON TABLE ISEA LIFE PARK ISEAFOOD VILLAGE CHINESE ISEASII)E BAR & GRILL SEOUL GARDEN YAKINIKU SEOUL SEOUL ISERGS MEXICAN KITCHEN NALO LL SHABV SHABU HOUSE SUAKEY’S PIZZA PARLOR SHERATON WAIKIKI HOTEL SHINSHO TEl SHIROKIVA SUOKUDO JAPANESE !SHORE BIRD ISHOWBOX HONOLULU SHUN SIAM GARDEN CATE ISTA1I SQUARE THAI CUISINE SIDE LINE SPORTS BAR & GRILL SIDE STREET INN SIDE STREET INN ON DA STRIP ISINGHA THAI RESTAURANT SMITH’S UNION BAR SNACK AOYAMA SNAPPERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL ISODEXO MANAGEMENT. INC. ISODEXO MANAGEMENT, INC. SODEXO MANAGEMENT, INC. ISORABOL SOUL DE C:UBA CAfE ISOUTH KiNG LOUNGE ISOUVALY THAI CUISINE ISPADA BAR & RESTAURANT SPEED 88 SPORTS FANADDICTS BAR & GRILL ST. LOULS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ISTAGE RESTAURANT STAR LOUNGE STAR SPORTS BAR STARLITE LOUNGE STATION BAR & LOUNGE LLC SUCK ‘EM UP BAR & LOUNGE SUGAR RAY’S BAR & LOUNGE SUSHI GINZA ONODERA SUSHI II, INC. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 1777 ALA MOANA BLVD 1491 SOUTH KING ST 41-202 KALAMANAOLE HWY 2424 KALAKAUA AVE., #102 2256 KUHIO AVENUE 1679 KAPIOLANI BLVD 815 KEEAUMOKU ST 41-865 KALANIANAOLE HWY 1221 KAPIOLANI BLVD 94-060 FARRINGTON HWY 2255 KALAKAUA AVE 1613 NUUANU AVENUE ALA MOANA SHOPPING CNT 1585 KAPIOLANI BLVD 2169 KALL ROAD 985 DILLJNGHAM BLVD 1914 :S. KING STREET 1130 NO. NIMITZ HWY 408 LEWERS ST 1007 DILLINGHAM BLVD 1221 HOPAKA STREET 614 KAPAHULU AVE 1910 ALA MOANA 19 N HOTEL ST 2065 S. KING ST 1778 ALA MOANA BLVD 1355 LOWER CAMPUS RD. 2465 CAMPUS ROAD U 01 H BASEBALL STADIUM 805 KEEAUMOICU ST 1121/1123 BETHEL ST 2065 SOUTH KING ST 803 KAMEHAIIEHA HWY 2200 KLJHIO AVE 920 SHERIDAN ST 1201 KONA ST. 925 ISENBERG ST 1250 KAPIOLANI BLVD 94-366 PUPUPAM ST 98-020 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 1344 MOOKAULA STREET 1726 KAPIOLANI BLVD 590 FARRINGTON HWY 46-148 KAHUBIPA ST 808 KAPAHULU AVE 655 KEEAUMOKU ST #109 Prepared July 2014 CiTY HONOLULU HONOLULU WALMANALO HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIMANALO HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI KANE OHE HONOLULU HONOLULU ZIP 9681$ 96814 96795 96815 96815 96814 96813 96795 96814 96797 96815 96817 96814 96814 96815 96817 96826 96817 96815 96813 96814 96816 96815 96817 96826 96815 96822 96822 96826 96814 96813 96826 96782 96815 96814 96814 96826 96813 96797 96701 96817 96814 96707 96744 96816 96814 38 I BUSINESS NAME isusni IZAKAVA SHIN KING SUSHI SAN SUSHI SASABUNE !SUSHI YUZU SWAY RESTAURANT AND BAR TACO DEL MAR TACO’S & MORE! ISUSuI TADASHI ITAIRYO TAKO NO KI TANAKA OF TOKYO CENTRAL TANAKA OF TOKYO EAST TANAKA OF TOKYO WEST TANAKA SAThIIN, INC. TANGO CONTEMPORARY CAFE TAORMINA SICILIAN CUISINE TAPA’S TENKAIPPIN THE ALLEY RESTAURANT & BAR THE BANKERS CLUB THE CHART HOUSE !THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY THE CLUB BAR lIRE CORNER CAFE & BAR THE CORNER KITCHEN !THE COUNTER THE CROWN. BAR /NIGHTCLUB THE FIX SPORTS LOUNGE THE GINZA MGHTCLUBI THE GREEK CORNER THE GROUND FLOOR RESTAURANT THE GROVE THE KAHALA HOTEL & RESORT THE KORNER ROOM LLC ITHE LOTUS HOTEL JTHE MANDALAY THE MANDARIN RESTAURANT THE MANIFEST THE MARIPOSA THE MERCURY BAR THE MILL BAR & GRILL ITHE MODERN HONOLULU THE YEW OTANI KA1MANA THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY THE PACIFIC CLUB Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- STREET 2065 SOUTH HERE TAMA ST 2700 SOUTH KING ST 1411 KAPIOLANI BLVD 1417 S KING STREET 92-1049 OLANI ST 1401 2424 KOA AVENUE 338 KAMOKILA BLVD #101 85-993 FARR1NGTON HWY 98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 514 PI[KOI STREET 355 ROYAL HAWAIIAN AVE 2250 KALAJCAUA AVE 131 KAIULANI AVENUE 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD. 888 NORTH NIMITZ HWY 1288 ALA MOANA BLVD 227 LEWERS STREET 407 SEASIDE AVENUE 617 KAPAHULU AVE 99-115 AIEA HEIGHTS DR 999 BISHOP ST. 1765 ALA MOANA BLVD 2301 KA1AKAUA AVE 825 KEEAUMOKU ST 69 NORTH KING ST 477 KAPAIIULU AVE 4211 WAL4LAE AVE. 1837 KAPIOLANI BLVD. 80 SO. PAUAHI ST 1217 HOPAKA ST 1025 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 727 RICHARDS STREET, #G 33 AULIKE ST 5000 KAUALA AVENUE 46-028 KAWA STREET 2885 KALAKAUA AVENUE 1055 ALAKEA STREET 725 KAPIOLANI BLVD 32 NORTH HOTEL ST 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD 1153 FORT STREET MALL 95-221 KIPAPA DR. #C2 1775 ALA MOANA BLVD 2863 KALAKAUA AVENUE 1050 ALA MOANA 1451 QUEEN EMMA ST Prepared July 2014 CiTY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI HONOLULU KAPOLFJ WAIANAE AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU KANEOHE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU MILILANI HONOLUlU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU ZIP 96826 96826 96814 96814 96707 96815 96707 96792 96701 96814 96815 96815 96815 96814 96817 96814 96815 96815 96815 96701 96813 96815 96815 9681$ 96817 96815 96816 96826 96813 96814 96826 96813 96734 96816 - 96744 96815 96813 96813 96817 96814 96813 96789 96815 96815 96813 96813 39 BUSINESS NAME THE PINEAPPLE ROOM [THE PLAZA CLUB [THE SHACK KAILUA [THE SHACK MILILANI [THE SHACK, HAWAII KM LLC THE SIGNATURE PRIME STEAK [THE SPOT K4RAOKE [THE TOP HAT BAR, INC. ;THE WILLOWS THE WINDWARD BAR [TLkNA SPORTS BAR CAFÉ [TEE! TOWN FTIKI’S GRILL & BAR, LLC [T1NGS PLACE [TFS SPORTS BAR & GRILL TO THAI FOR [TODAI TOKKURI-TEI [TOKONAME SUSHI RESTAURANT TOKONAME SUSHI RESTAURANT ‘TONKATSU GINZA BAIRIN [TONY ROMA’S FAMOUS FOR RIBS JONY ROMA’S, A PLACE FOR RiBS TOP OF TEE HILL [TOP OF WAIKIKI [TORITO’S MEXICAN FOOD II TOWN [TROPICS TAP HOUSE TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL [TRYST [TSUKIJI FISH MARKET TSUNAMI HAWAII [TSUNAMIWAIKIKI [TURTLE BAY RESORT [TWILIGHT BAR & GRILL IUAHI LSLAND GRILL LLC [UNCLE BO’S LLC [UNCLE’S FISHMARKET [UNDERDOGS SPORTS BAR & GRILL [UNITED AIRLINES UN1TED CLUB [UPSTAIRS [UPTOWN CAFE UTAGE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE [VEGAS III VERBANO ITALIANO RISTORANTE IVERBANO PASTARIA Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- •1 1300 ALA STREET MOANA CENTER 900 FORT STREET MALL 1051 KEOLU DRIVE 95-221 KIPAPA DRIVE 377 KEAHOLE ST 410 ATKINSON DR 1778 ALA MOANA BLVD 140 NORTH CANE ST 817 HAUSTEN ST 629 KAILUA ROAD 60 N NIMITZ HWY 2330 KALAKAUA AVE 2570 KALAKAUA AVE 94-199 LEONUI ST 600 KAPIOLANI BLVD 3571 WAIALAE AVE 1910 ALA MOAIA BLVD 449 KAPAHULU AVE 442 ULUNIU STREET 2756 WOODLAWN DR 255 BEACHWALK. UNIT #1 98-150 KAONOHI ST 1972 KALAKAUA All 3579 WAIALAE AVE 2270 KALAKAUA AVE 2919 KAP1OLANI BLVD 3435 WAIALAE AVE., #103 1019 UNIVERSITY AVE #1A 223 SARATOGA ROAD 97-719 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD. 1272 SOUTH KING ST 2260 KUHIO AVENUE 57-091 KAMEHAMEHA HWY 1400 KAPIOLANI BLVD 131 HEKILI STREET #102 559 KAPAHU U AVE PIER 38, HONOLULU HARBO 508 WAIAKAMILO ROAD 300 RODGERS BOULEVARD 2301 KUHIO AVENUE 1333 RIVER STREET 1286 KALANI ST. NO. B102 1320 KALANI ST. 1126 KOKO HEAD AVENUE 98-151 PALl MOMI ST. A-2 . Prepared July 2014 an’ HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA MIIJLANI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAHIAWA HONOLDU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPABU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KMLUA HONOLULU HONOLULU ATEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAHUKU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLUlU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA 96814 96813 96734 96789 96825 96814 96815 96786 96826 96734 96817 9681$ 96815 96797 96813 96816: 96815 96815 96734 96822 96815 96701 96815 96816 96815 96826 96816 96826 96815 96782 9681$ 9681$ 96815 96731 96814 96734 96815 96817 96817 96819 96815 96817 96817 96817 96816 96701 40 BUSINESS NAME STREET 1200 ALA MOANA BLVD VICE INFERNO HI BREW CO. 500 ALA MOANA BLVD IV1NO/BIROSHI EURASION TAPAS CAVE HONOLULU [VINTAGE 1450 ALA MOANA BLVD IVIOLETS GRILL 1210 DILLINGRAM BLVD virs HAWAIIAN STEAK HOUSE 2058 KTJUIO AVENUE [W4IIOO’S FISH TACO 940 AUAHI STREET [WJAiAL COUNTRY CLUB 4997 KARMA AVE [WAI}flE COUNTRY CLUB 94-200 PAIOA PLACE [WAIKiKI BEACH MARRIOTT RESORT 2552 KALAKAUA AVE WAWWI JOY 320 LEWERS ST [WAIKiKI PARC HOTEL 2233 BILUMOA ROAD ;WAUaKI RESORT HOTEL 2460 KOA AVE [WAIKIKI SAND VILLA HOTEL 2375 ALA VAI BLVD. [WAiKIKI YACHT CLUB 1599 ALA MOANA WAILANA COFFEE HOUSE 1860 ALA MOANA BLVD WAIPAHU LOUNGE 94-911 D FARRINGTON HWY [WANG CHU.G’S 2410 KOA AVENUE [WASABI BISTRO 250 BEACHWALK WATABE WEDDING 91-100 KA1IOANA PLACE WET N WILD HAWAII 400 FARRINGTON HWY WHISICEY DIX SALOON 99-0 16 KAMEHAMEHA HWY BUFFET [WOK MM AND BAR 1830 ALA MOANA BLVD [WOLFGANG’S STEAKHOUSE 2301 KALAKAUA AVE. [WONJIN CORPORATION 1726 KAPIOLANI BLVD 47-509 KAMEHAMEHA HWY WORLD OF ALOHA [x 0 CAFE/LOUNGE 1400 KAPIOLANI BLVD [VAKI YAM MIWA LLC 1.423 SOUTH KING STREET [VAMNIKIT DON-DAY 905 KEEAUMOKU STREET [YAKThIKU HIROSHI 339 ROYAL HAWAIIAN AVE [YAKINIKU JANG SU 98-199 KAMEHAMERA HWY [VAKINIKU KOREA HOUSE 162.5 KAPIOLANI BLVD JAJT KUHIO 407 SEASIDE AVENUE [YAKINIKU LULU RARA 915 KELAUMOKU ST JJMKU SEOUL 1521 KALAKAUA AVE [YAKITORI GLAD 766 KAPAHULU AVENUE [YANAGI SUSHI RESTAURANT 762 KAPIOLANI BLVD [YARD HOUSE 226 LEWERS ST. L-138 [YEN YEN CHINESE CUISINE 1058 KEOLU DRIVE [YOGURSTORY 815 KELAUMOKU ST [YOREI SUSHI RESTAURANT 1111 DILLINGRAM BLVD [YOSEITSUNE 110 KAPAHU U AVE YOTTEKO-YA 1960 KAPIOLANI BLVD, .1775 S. KING STREET IY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1159 KAPIOLANI BLVD [VU CHUN KOREAN RESTAURANT [VUZU ALA MOANA 410 ATKINSON DR. ZWS CAFFE 45-620 KAMEIIAMEHA HWY Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 CLTI HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU WAIPAHU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAPOLEI KAPOLEI AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANE ORE HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU AIEA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HOOLtTLU HONOLULU HONOLULU KAILUA HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU. HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU KANEOHE ZN’ 96814 96813 96813 96817 96815 96813 96816 96797 96815 96815 96815 96815 96815 96814 96815 96797 96815 96815 96707 96707 96701 96815 96815 96814 96733 96814 96814 9681$ 96815 96701 96814 96815 96814 96815 96816 96813 96815 96733 96813 96817 96815 96826 96826 96814 96814 96744 41 I BUSINESS NAME STREET 59 N. VINEYARD BLVD. 1222 SOUTH KING ST 7192 KALAMANAOLE HWY 666 N. NIMITZ HIGHWAY 806 KAMEHAMEHA HWY oo N. KAMEUAMEUA HWY 4133 WAIALAE AVE 94-1082 KA UKA BLVD ZIPPY’S IZIPPY’S ZIPPVS ZIPPY’S ZIPPY’S zippy’s ZIPPY’S KAHALA ZIPPY’S RESTAURANTS Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 CITY HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU HONOLULU PEARL CITY WAHIAWA HONOLULU WATPAIIU ZIP 96817 96814 96825 96813 96782 96786 96816 96797 42 OFFICE PAPER (198 BUSINESSES) 20,000 square feet or more of office space BUILDINGNAME STREET# EXHIBIT STREETNAME E CITY ZIP J1221 Kapiolani Blvd. Building 1221 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 (1350 South King Street Bldg. 1350 South King Street Honolulu 96814 1357 Kapiolani Building 1357 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 (1601 Kapiolani Blvd. Building 1601 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96813 i833 Kalakaua 1833 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu 96815 1770 Kapiolani Boulevard Bldg. 770 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96817 181 South Hotel Street 81 5. Hotel Street Honolulu 96813 (Airport Center 3049 Ualena Street Honolulu 96819 jAirport Financial Center 2969 Mapunapuna Place Honolulu 96846 (Airport Industrial Park 3375 Koapaka Street Honolulu 96819 lAid Moana Building 1441 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 (Ala Moana Pacific Center 1585 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Aiakea C:orporate Tower t 1100 Alakea Street Honolulu 96813 Waikiki Business Center 460 Ena Road Honolulu 96815 Alexander & Baldwin Building 822 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 (Alii Place 1099 Alakea Street Honolulu 96813 (Aloha United Way Building 200 N. Vineyard Blvd. Honolulu 96817 Arnerican Savings 98-200 Kameharneha Hwy. Honolulu 96804 American Savings Bank Bldg. 915 Fort Street Mall Honolulu 96846 (Amca1 Savings Bank Tower 1001 Bishop Street Honolulu 9681.3 (American Savings Bank/ Mililani 200 Kahelu Avenue Honolulu 96804 American Savings Bldg. /Kaneohe 45-1144 Karnehameha Hwy. Honolulu 96813 888 Milliani Street Honolulu 96814 (Aracade Building 212 Merchant St. Honolulu 9681.3 IAT&T .500 Kahelu Ave. Miltlani 96789 (Atlas Building 1150 South King St Honolulu 96814 IBank of Hawaii Main Branch Bldg. 111 5. King St. Honolulu 96846 (Bank Of Hawaii Tower 130 Merchant Street Honolulu 96846 2155 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu 96815 f8ankoh Hale-O-Kapolei 949 Kamokila Blvd. Honolulu 96846 BeIt Collins Center 1 2153 N. King St. Honolulu 96819 (Bishop Place 1132 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 Bishop Square-Pauahi Tower 1003 Bishop Street Honolulu 9681.3 (Bishop Street Tower 700 Bishop St. Honolulu 96813 IC. Brewer Building 827 Fort Street Mail Honolulu 96813 Caries Schutte Building 1000 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 Charles R. Kendall Office of Hawaii Waikiki Center Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 43 BUILDING NAME STREET# STREETNAME CITY ZIP Icancer I5tle & Cooke Aviation 1236 Lauhala St. Honolulu 96813 155 Kapalulu P1 Honolulu 96819 jCastle & Cooke Building 100 Kahelu Avenue Honolulu 96819 I5tIe Professional Center 46-001 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe 96744 Intl Pacific Bank-Operations 222 North School St Honolulu 96811 kentrai Pacific Plaza 220 South King St Honolulu 96809 Icenturt Center Icentuiv Square 1750 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96826 1188 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 City Financial Tower 201 Merchant Street Honolulu 96813 City Square Annex 1287 Kalani St. Honolulu 96817 IChiford (:enter 810 Richards Street Honolulu 96813 I0aes Pacific Center 841 Bishop Street Honolulu 9681.3 Dfs Galleria Building 330-360 Royal Hawaiian Honolulu 96815 D1gm Business Center 1425 Dilhingham Blvd. Honolulu 96813 jOillingharn Trade Center 1001 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu 96813 Dillingham Transportation Bldg. 735 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 680 Iwilei Road Honolulu 96817 lExecutive Centre 1088 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 Filipino Community Center 94-428 Mokuola St. Waipahu 96797 1164 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 Financial Plaza of Chinatown 1021 Smith Street Honolulu 96813 First Hawaiian 1580 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96847 JFirst Hawaiian Bank 2339 Kamehamtia Hwy. Honolulu 96819 fFirst Hawaiian Center 999 Bishop Street Honolulu 9681j First Insurance Center 1100 Ward Avenue Honolulu 96814 JFort Street Tower 745 Fort Street Honolulu 9681:3 Gasco BuildingfHPU Building 1060 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 IGe1t1v Pacific: Design Center 560 North Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 96817 IHarbor Court 55 Merchant Street Honolulu 96813 Harbor Square 225 Queen Street Honolulu 9681.3 IHaseko Center 820 Mililani St. Honolulu 96813 Hawaii Kai Corporate Plaza 6600 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu 96825 Kai Executive Plaza I 6700 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu 96825 IHawa Kai Towne Center 333 Keahole Street Honolulu 96825 jHawaii National Bank 45 North King St Honolulu 9681.3 IHawaii Okinawa Center 94-587 Ukee St. Waipahu 96797 Research Center !00 Office Building Fac:tors Centre Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 44 J BUILDING NAME Hawaii Research C:enter STREET U STREET NAME CITY ZIP 99-193 Aiea Height Dr. Aiea 96701 Hawaii Times Building 928 Nuuanu Avenue Honolulu 96813 !Hawaii USA Plaza lHawaiian Electric Co., Inc. 1259 AaIa St. Honolulu 96817 900 Richards Street Honolulu 96840 IHawajian Electric Co., Inc. 820 Ward Ave. Honolulu 96840 IHawaijan Life Building 1311 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96817 IHawailall Telecom Building 1177 Bishop Street Honolulu 96812 IHawaii FCU Building 1359 Aala St. Honolulu 96817 1500 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96813 1360 S Beretania St Honolulu 96814 !HMSA Center Honolulu Club Building 818 Keeaumoku St Honolulu 96814 932 Ward Ave. Honolulu 96814 lBM Building 1240 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96814 451 Atkinson Dr. Honolulu 9681.5 Ilmnpe Plaza llnterstate Building 725 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96813 1:314 South King Street Honolulu 96814 Ilsiand Insurance Center 1022 Bethel Street Honolulu 96813 Isoshima Building 1144 10th Avenue Honolulu 96819 307 Lewers Street Honolulu 96815 I ames Campbell Building 1001 Kamokila Blvd. Honolulu 9681.3 Japanese Cultural Center 2454 S Beretania St. Honolulu 96837 ioseph Paiko Medical Office Bldg. 2228 Liliha St. Honolulu 96817 1udd Building 851 Fort Street Mall Honolulu 96809 IKahala Office Tower 4211 Waialae Avenue Honolulu 96816 Kaheka Professional Center 1481 South King Street Honolulu 96814 Kailua Business Center 354 Uluniu Street Kailua 96734 lKailua Medical Arts 407 UlufliLl Street Kailua 96734 JKailua Professional Center 40 Aulike St. Kailua 96734 Kairnuki Business Plaza 3615 Harding Avenue Honolulu 96814 Kairnuki Plaza Kaiser Pet-manente Honolulu 3465 Waialae Avenue Honolulu 96814 1010 Pensacola Street Honolulu 96814 Ise1. Permanente Mapunapuna 2828 Paa Street Honolulu 96813 Kaiser Permanente Waipio 94-1480 Moaniani Street Waipahu 96797 606 Coral St. Honolulu 96813 IKakaakos Business Gateway 677 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 9681.3 IKam Schools! Kawaiahao Plaza 567 South King Street Honolulu 9681.3 IHeald College Plaza IHMA Building Watumuil Building Office Building Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 45 BUILDING NAME STREET U STREET NAME CITY ZIP Queen Street Honolulu 96814 1580 Makaloa Street Honolulu 96809 1637 Bingham St. Honolulu 96826 Kapolei Building (Bldg 2) 1001 Kamokila Blvd. Kapolei 96707 I<euu10 Building 1400 Kapiolani Blvd. Aiea 96701 IKHN1/KFvE New Media Center 420 Waiakamilo Road Honolulu 96809 King Center Building 1451 South King Street Honolulu 96814 IKuakini Medical Plaza 321 N. Kuakini St. Honolulu 96817 !Laborers’ Union 1617 Palama St. Honolulu 96817 LeiIehua Building 300 Kahelu Avenue Mililani 96789 94-321 leonui St. Waipahu 96797 Liliha Business Center 1616 Liliha St. Honolulu 96817 JUliha Medical Building 1712 Liliha St. Honolulu 96817 jLiliha Professional Building 1520 Lililia St. Honolulu 96817 Manoa Innovation Center 2800 Woodlawn Or. Honolulu 96822 IMaa Building JMauka Plaza IMcCandless Building 377 Keahole Street Honolulu 96825 800 S. Beretania St. Honolulu 96813 925 Bethel Street Honolulu 96813 Medicai Arts Building 1010 S. King Street Honolulu 96814 IMelini Building 3:33 Queen Street Honolulu 96813 IMima1 Professional Center IModel Progress Building 95-720 Lanikuhana Ave. Mililani 96789 1188 Fort Street Mall Honolulu 96813 INalu Lani Plaza 401 Kamakee Street Honolulu 96814 INational Mortgage Building 1165 Bethel Street Honolulu 96837 Newtown Square 98-1247 Kaahurnanu St Honolulu 96813 Nimitz Business Center 1130 North Nimitz Hwy. Honolulu 9681:3 Nuuanu Medical Center 1347 Nuuanu Ave. Honolulu 96817 fOcean View Center 707 Richards Street Honolulu 96813 jOceanic tIme Warner table 151 Palii St. Honolulu 96820 Oceanic Time Warner Cable 200 Akamainui St. Honolulu 96820 lOceanit Center 828 Fort Street Mall Honolulu 96813 fOhia Office Building 1149 Bethel Street Honolulu 96813 fot Kapiolani Building 600 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96813 lOne South King Street Building 33 South King Street Honolulu 96813 333 N. King Street Honolulu 96817 737 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 JKamakee Vista 1050 Ipiouui Business Plaza Kapiolani Medical Center Business Center Main fPaciflc Guardian Center Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 46 BUILDING NAME STREET It STREET NAME j CITY ZIP Pacific Guardian Tower 1440 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Pacific Gurardian Center 733 Bishop Street Honolulu 9681.3 Park Plaza 711 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 9681.3 Ij Palms Plaza 970 N. Kalaheo Ave Honolulu 96817 Pan Am Building 1600 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu 96814 Pantheon Building 1108 Fort Street Honolulu 96813 iPearl City Business Plaza 803 Kamehameha Hwy. Honolulu 96817 IPearl City Plaza IPearl Harbor Federal Credit Union 719 Kamehameha Hwy. Honolulu 96814 94-449 likee St. Waipahu 96797 IPeariridge Office Center Piikoi Building 98-211 Pali Momi Street Aiea 96701 615 Piikoi Street Honolulu 96814 IPi01e 900 Fort Street Mall Honolulu 96813 Plumbers and Fitters Union Local 1109 Bethel Street Honolulu 96814 IP1deh1t Locations Street Building 614 Kapahulu Ave Honolulu 9681.5 345 Queen Street Honolulu 96813 Queen’s Court Office 800 Bethel Street Honolulu 9681.3 IQtns Physician’s Building I 1:380 Lusitana Street Honolulu 96817 lQueens Physician’s Building II 1:329 Lusitana Street Honolulu 96817 Queens Physicians Building III 550 S. Beretania St. Honolulu 96817 IRe1t1gt0h1 College Building 1111 Bishop Street Honolulu 96813 IRM Towill Building 2024 N. King St. Honolulu 96819 Shops At Dole Cannery 650 lwilei Road Honolulu 96817 94-229 Waipahu Depot St. Honolulu 96813 IsPark Matsunaga VA Med Center 459 Patterson Rd. Honolulu 96819 :St Francis Out Patient Building 2226 Liliha St. Honolulu 96817 Standard Financial Plaza 715 South King Street Honolulu 96813 iStangenwald Building 119 Merchant Street Honolulu 96809 195.3 S Beretania St. Honolulu 9681.3 State Farm insurance 400 Kahelu Ave. Mililani 96789 frerritory Savings 98-084 Kamehameha Hwy. Aiea 96701 frhe Eight Fifty Building 850 Richards Street Honolulu 96814 IThe Islander Group 269 Paul St. Mililani 96789 .The Realtor Building 1136 .12th Ave. Honolulu 96816 The Wailana at Waikiki 1860 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu 96815 ;:Title Guaranty Building 235 Queen Street Honolulu 96809 [rropical Building 765 Arnana St. Honolulu 96815 Plaza Building Plaza Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 47 BUILDING NAME STREET # STREET NAME CITY ZIP Union Plaza .1136 Union Mall Honolulu 96813 1hh1uiersity Hawaii FCU 2019 S King St Honolulu 96826 University Square 2615 South King Honolulu 96809 frsity Building 1110 University Ave Honolulu 96809 Villa Professional Plaza 444 Hobron Iane Honolulu 96813 IWah1ava Medical Building .302 California Ave Wahiawa 96786 !Waialae Building .3660 Waialae Avenue Honolulu 96816 IWaikiki Business Plaza 2270 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 1waiki Gaileria IIC 2222 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96813 Waikiki Shopping Plaza 2250 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu 96815 2255 Kuhio Avenue Honolulu 96815 94-275 Mokuola St. Waipahu 96797 250 Ward Avenue Honolulu 96814 210 Ward Avenue Honolulu 96814 500 Ala Honolulu 96813 free Hop Plaza 111 North King St. Honolulu 96806 Young Wome&s Christian 1040 Richards St Honolulu 96813 Trade Center Iwp1 Civic Center Iward Court Plaza 1wateo1t Plaza/Restaurant Row Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Moana Blvd. Prepared July 2014 48 EXHIBIT F FOOD WASTE (FRONT) A FOOD WASTE RECYCLING Tips and Guidelines - You Can Recvde • lUsThe Law • Going Green Is Good For Business • Collection Options VegetoeaadFrWWaste — rced Egas tkadVfosbo Dery Waste Waste It’s The Law City & Coimty of Honolulu Cednoo Cliquley 9, lt,itde3.5,eqwreo Ike owers of food eelaIunmits located adloin the City gad Cowity olHmr*atu tu 1) anonqe and preside for the soparotecolledion ci load wuste and itx to rectng bya recycling fo*y in the city or 2f separate food waste train aN oIlier solid waste generated by the food eslIshment and deftest the food waste to a reqrcdeg laclity. Re CroeF Cat Tobe as coirplance astli Cay tea remode, triodoawlo, hotels. ocesy stores, food n,usrocosorre arid hoepitats meoling tefr*wáiq crthtia are reEed to recycle food waste. • Restw,ant that occupies 5,000 square teetu’ more of floor area and serves 400 or more prepared meals per day You Can’t ReccIe With Your Food Waste • Food Cowl toS buldog or shopping enter sitiote fire or more food eelhmmt are situated and senflced by a owninni delteg area • Hoat ada one or orate todrens. and hmnclion rooms • Caccary store that ocaes 18,000 square hot or more of Loot area • Food mamitadwer or procosser that ocoopes 5,000 sane loot at more of floor area • C*deq establlslanetfi that moves or sells 400 or rows prepared meals per Wood Glass day • HotaI that aeives400 or mole prepared petreni meals per day large asioastsofpape, lasdscedpmgs acne Mealsperrhyaveflanadcn an annuaflzedaverage Going Green Is Good For Business Recyrthig is not only the tow (Irs also Ike etnert tug to de. it’s good for brininess and good for Ire ensironment Recyig food wash and other gralorlale will help to extend the fife of ow landilL We all need to work together to reduce we arid promote our island’s susturdaity. I bb-321JtJ Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Wwwopalaorg Prepared July 2014 49 EXHIBIT F FOOD WASTE (BACK) Collection Options Yoean cnrkad Sady dthte reqdercar tad waste c*dtwc. Idothacflrs,aidi as pbnts, wait a the a1IecIan whit chair a tee bite ole&m cenice. The Hawaii Food Bait and Aldia liaised wi . qiwl4 lellover food at no charge. — Quality Edibles Akita hlervest Ha Food Bark, hic Meat, Seafood, Cooking IdandConinaditas Padfc Pure Technotc*s Padtc Siadecel 5374945 836-3600 Oil 682-5844 676-1010 841-2177 Produce and Food Scraps For a ounent 1st of cohesion and pig tanners contact University of Hawaii, Swite Extension Spaddel 966-7594 City & County at Handulu, Recyding SpecialIst 7683426 ha4foawaiLedu irthdnete9erhonoliiu.gov Avvig lix Itrmd*m dies nil corwira anthsemedof these busisessex. Also, this illimsthwi stay not be daichilie. Cauies i*rbig senns may uintal the CdyRecyr*iq Cite to be Ltd For more information about setting up a food waste recycling program for your business visit www.opala.org or call the City Refuse Division at 768-3200. • City and County of Honolulu Department of Environmental Services 768-3200 RfltaED 1.2014 Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 50 EXHIBITG GLAss (FRONT) GLASS RECYCLING - Tips and Guidelines You Can Recycle • Irs The Law All glass boles aid jars • Going Green Is Good For Business • What To Recycle • Collection Options You Can’t Recycle Beverage glasses Rates Owe Wai&w panes It’s The Law City & County of Honduha Glkawr, Chquteri A4c1e3.1 requires thesaniersotlquer eet*.g establidilnenls to arrange aid pnndde bz lie eepaate collection and recycling of ass a To be to corrØarice with City tow, tiquer-earang edabWinenth nuact recycle all glass ballet goneraled bore their business todurling ballet Nh hieH depodi aid non dfl. Deposit glass boles includes ala. and real beverage. - HI-S cadabters wish as beet wine cooler, Sit Non-Deposit glass boldes include al twa-beverage bathes as wet as rae. eflt, Icwtanda Going Green is Good For Business Recydiig to not only the to it to also the anal dug to do 11% good b business and good is 1w eiwironnwst Recflig oIlers an cqiatfly to reduce retwe coils. If you bow ala! your glass it a *arçsis, you pay twice- once to had laitay aid aØi todspose oft With toss waste ii w Sanpider there to an opportwdty to 3w your Isposal cost Glass acsetaito kw appronimalely 36000 tons per year of Oahut waste skeant In 2013, 21000 tons of glass was recycled utoaha Recycing glass and other rialerials ad heL to extend the ito of ow laiS Weal need to warts together to reduce waste and punote ow islands wisitideility. If you have a program you are — of and wotdd Uce to be pitlisty recogiized tot your efforts notify us aid your program may be (seNsed online ii ow WaeleLine newsletter. 768-3200 Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- www.opala.org Prepared July 2014 51 EXHIBIT G GLASS (BACK) Collection Options Cslledore and recyclIng companies n-iey oiler venous service ara’igeinent (see lid below). Also you can & ii yawed? using maintenance perscemd andler mteeranptoyees to lobe 1-11-Sand IICm-HI-5 battles to re&rnpftan ceeWs. Find the redernpbsn railers near you by gowg to wwwcpata.erg. Collection Companies Recycling Companies 808 Services AM s Recyckvg AlA Services EZ Recyders HI-S Recyders, Inc Kdaa Recycle Oalvt Crmnflty Rscyc*rg Recydç 689-6332 262-9008 230-1745 664-1504 2583285 735-1204 262-2724 395-5318 CM Recycling Canpany Depot Metal Inc 842-6640 6774989 Hanaladu Recovery Systene 842-3602 Sanwai Professlonat Svs 11.35 Recycle 853-9053 392-3443 Unify Recoveny Service 256-7266 Island Recycling, Inc (HI-S only) 682-9200 Reyodds Recydeig 487-2802 Noble Recfliq LLC. 225-2576 RRR Recydeig Services 682-5600 Recycling Companies accept Id-Sand non-id-S flob*kq din idbrrnsicn&es not conattit enthsementoh$iesebusiieases. ma, Vile kiknnainm may not be aI-iith&e. Goaia*s oUsting senres nay coded the Clyftscig OVice lobe dated For more information about setting up a glass recycling program for your business visit www.opala.org or call me City Refuse Division at 768-3200. Øsnz opaIaorg City and County of Ronohilu Deparnuentof Enutcrnmental Seivicet 768-3200 REID 1,2014 Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 52 EXHIBIT H OFFICE PAPER (FRONT) OFFICE PAPER RECYCLING You Can Recycle Colored ledger paper including: ‘(dow legal paper Color stock copier paper cad ww WItte ledger paper bidedng: Copier paper BEnder lined folderpaper Black biked tliW prints Stuptos seed ret be reeseed You Can’t Recycle Bindings: ghied, meke, epiral Blue Eted blueprints Caban paper Envelopes Labels, artheetves, lape Paper bags, plales, 0cc Paperdipe Paper towels, napkins Ptnotogrie Ritber bande Ileore - Tips and Guidelines irs The Law • Going Green Is Good For Business • What To Recycle • Collection Options ft’s The Law City & Cowity 01 honolulu Odnance, CtsapMr 9, kicte 3.1 requires the orwiers of office biflgs topeonilde Mr the seperate collection and recyc*ig of o&e paper, newspaper and cwmgatedcartoa,t Take in coerflance with Ctytew, any otitce biflng or group of connected biflge rdn an aggregate of 20,0110 equme teeter rowe of office epace are refledto rec’,de office paper, newspaper and — catoerd. Going Green Is Good For Business Recflg is not only lIre tow, it to alec the emat thing to do. lit good Mr business and good Mr the enoironment Recyckng paper olters an opportunity to reduir refuse costs by reducing the ‘retinae of waste collected and laken Mr disposal. Paper accowils Mr approximately 23% of the waeto stream on Cahu Recycrg paper and ether enatedele will help to eslend the fife of ow kedlIl. We all need to work together to rere wade to prnmle our idants sada*tt What to Recycle HiØegrade paper (white and computer) have stable markets, are generaledin larger quanfifies and command a higher price. Low-grade papere are in less demand, en dealers pay toss (and somelimee nothing) Mr them. figher vdrnnes of lIre high-grade office papers can help to defray the costs tocdecl the low-grades, and eiprniflcanfty reduce vw doealcosto. 768-3200 Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- www.opala org Prepared July 2014 53 EXHIBIT H OFFICE PAPER (BACK) Collection Options Criectrat eerwr can be proiided bye retire cnepwi’ recyctig cnepaiy or bye en coledix. A refuse bade may clb aasried rxelfpay etrucitse fo tenSe but, yost refuse aid recydable paper. hi iCier aids, Ire bader sedd cttage you km lie orlecler of bath refuse and paper, and creSt ei the cwrent market aSje on the pape Thin car redes your overall toed code, or of least provides b’eii-even arrangement A recyldeig carpany ae well as the sineS cutedor may charge you for the aillecfka react and creSt cu lie current market idea an the paper or coiled it for no diargetho pay. Recycling businesses base their charges on the sabre of paper generahid, ctrent value of the paper and fuel costs. Cbrce yost mecyding progranils underway, you ehoeld Senies casting yam toed costs with yost refuse baster, Refuse Haulers ft is best hi start with yost coarent refuse hauler itu may alen check online etheyelow pages of yaw phone book for refuse hatters. • Recycling Companies Hoddu Recovery Systems Island Recyctng f20R Recycling Hawaii 842-3502 682-9200 682-5600 • Shredding Companies Access lnktnnation Management 673-3200 Shred4t USA Inc. 841-8833 ltusg dab hrknnn thea not conditste endssanend oldness brflreases. Abo, flit s*Enrtonrnay sot be Sindcnire. Cwpaiies cCethg senses may ended the Cdyflecyc*rg afire tohe bled For more information about setting up an office paper recycling program for yorr building call the City Refuse Division at 768-3200 or visit www.opafa.org. (4 Øsnxe 0 City and County of Honoluiro flepsstmens of Environmental Services 768-3200 REVISED 1/2504 Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 54 EXHIBIT I OPALA.ORG WEB PAGE BUSINESS RECYCLING — How to Set Up a Recycling Program WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? r fli5C 11,1 Coninci Us o Servce & r).vlQrru o News O &roljc ‘tonce o Ernployrncnt Qrjocrturi1rct o ‘M) o r,:zrr’ ‘ Your goat is to develop a practical, cost-effective, recycling plan that results in a SUSTAtNASLE prcgam in your facility. KEY; TN7OLVE YOUR EMPLOYEES ND PEC°IE FROM THE RECYCLIHG TNLSTRY 1114 THE DESEGN CF YOUR °ROGRA.N FROM THE SEGINNENG. HAKE THEM YOUR PATNER5. Step Step Step Step Step Step j Ceritr,r o Medic, Library O tfesorce .ibrory O This section describes the basic steps to developing a recycling program, It is designed to give you a sense or di’eotion and a basic unde’standing of bow programs a:’e developed and put in place. 1: 2: 3; 4: 5: 6: Select a recycling coordinator Conduct a waste audit Determine which materials to collect for recycling Select your collection contractor Design your collection system Promote employee/tenant participation Lea the Recycling Action °lsn Worksheet S (click to doeenload a ODF file containing Tables and worksheets) to lay out your progam design and to evaluate the casts and benefits to your business, After you have gone through the basics in Steps 1 infonnation about; olondor & Lvonts • • • • 6, yi can find additional Office Paper Recycling Food waste Recycling Glass Recycling Condo Recycling L’njj Your recyclu-g c6ordinator will need to have good communication and organizational sdlls. Creativity, patience pesietenca, a sense of humor and good rapport ;vid’ othe- people iP your business are important character qualities. If you are the owner or manager of a small business, you will probably be the coordinator, at least in the beginning. The :cc-dinatcr will spend any :here from a couple of days to a couple of :.eekc getting your recycling program off the ground After that, l’e or she should reed no more than a few hours a month to monitor it A cocrdinators role tpcst/y inc?desr • Corductinga waste audit and determining ‘.bat to recycle Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 55 EXHIBITJ COMPLIANCE FORM — FOOD WASTE OHtkRrMafI OF B4VI1)NMS4TAL SHWICS Lfl 5.591111141, re 4C7$QDtTOI * tin t’fli ansi nr Llflkifli £ Ii iSTIL? %.J1Jfl I I 5.11 I 1%.lI¾J1_t1L, 1451 WA5& RAYm amiss otvisttt wesaa L4IdXWa, Pt, aas 0451 IDol tWA41s ala. Sat 291. IcAnsa HAWAII 51707 #0451 05S)75532a1 la (0457583434 January 21, 2014 FOOD WASTE RECYCUNG COMPLIANCE FORM 2014 Revised Ordinaiceof City L County a Hnnohdu See. 545 re_s restaurants, oce.y stores, hotels, hospitals, food courts and food mainfaclurecs and processors to recycle food waste. hi so doing, these estainhsiiiseit sh not place food waste As the sane containers as those holding rehse. City representatives conduct random inspections of businesses atfecied by this law. — BUILDING STREET ADDRESS CITY ST4TE ZIP CODE I To verify you compliance with this law, tee must obtain intornialion about your current food waste recycling program. Please coniplete the hm, induting stgnstwe by the center or general manager certifying ils accuracy, arid return by February B. 2014. Ad&ess (Wdiferent than thovfl Contact person: Thie: Phone nuntec Email: Cliect approprahoos o Business is in comphance — food waste is not put in the same container as refuse. Appnnimate quantity of food waste recycled per month: tons______ Recycling o or gallons Phone: Company: Business is not in compliance and needs assistance. Explain:__________________________________________________ 0 Business is not subject in this ordinance. Reason: Cl Restaurant that serves less than 400 meats perday or occupies less than 5,000 square feat C Market that has less than 18,000 square feet C Food marsrfaitsw or processorthat occupies less than 5000 square feet o Other— reason:________________________________________________________ It you have questions ci need assistance, contact Eileen tleLxnstetter at mhelmslettetehonolulu.cov or 768-3426. Recycling information is also available online at wwwqoalao,g If this form is not returned, an inspector will be dispatched to your establishment to verify compliance. Businesses not in compliance may be subject to fines I certify that the foregoing statements are correct to the best of my knowledge. Name Check one: (print) 0 Owner Signature Cl General Manager Date FAX to 768-3434! mail by totting form in thirds! scanernail to mheImste1tel@horroIuw.gov Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 56 EXHIBITJ COMPLIANCE FORM — GLASS DS’t5,RTM4T OF B’1VIFti)NM4TAL SEWICS CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU acatmve ‘as seuseowisce ties isesi, aes, Suit 201. I(APC*S, HAWAII 51707 Rana IBiS) 7S5-3fl0 tSr )505) 715-3434 GLASS RECYCUNG COMPUANCE FORM 2014 wisa S LAIHZV& Pt, ta* January 14,2014 Revised Onhiaice of City & Cwsirdy of llonohhs, See. fli reqiSea all Iquor-servmg eidabenk to re aid provide for Ike separato coleefion a’rd reeyeSeg of gtass coidahiea hi so doiig iqisor-seceng estalthmest sisal not pfoee sass bellies and jars a lie s contaisess — those heisling refreca City representalves condorS madsen inspections of isistisesses affectod by this law. BUILDING STREET ADDRESS CITY STATS ZIP CODE To verify your compliance with this law, we must attain information about your current gfass recycling progrn Please complete this ftm including signature by the owner or general its acairacy, and return by February The nsrity of glass bottles from you 7. manager cerlitying 2014. business may be affected by the Beverage Container Deposit Program (e.g. beer, malt beverage, wine cooler, chink msfl However, to be in compliance with the City Ordinance, you must also recycle your non-deposit glass contahars (e.g. wine, spirit, liqueur bottles). Address (Irdifferent Contact than thow) pet-sow Titfe: Phone number Email: caa qsuçflde sot o Business is in compliance — glass botaes aid jars are not put in same containers as those bdding refose. Recycling Company: O Business ia not in Phone: compliance and needs assistance. Explain: I] Business is not subject to this ordinance. Reason: If you have questions or need assistance, contact Eileen Helmstetter at niselmatetterbonolaiu.oov or 766-3426. Recycling information is also svallsble online at iwvw.opafa.org. It this form is not returned, compliance. I certify an inspector may be dispatched to your establishment to verify Businesses not in compliance are srtject to fines. that the foregoing statements are cotrect to the best of my luioWedge. Check one: Name (print) C Qew Signature Date 0 General Manager FAX to 768-34341 MAIL by folding form in thirds I EMAD,. to mbehrssfelfe4honolulagov Report on Mandatory Business Recycling - Prepared July 2014 57 EXHIBIT COMPLIANCE FORM — J OFFICE PAPER OEPARTUENT OF E?MRONMENTQSERf1CS CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU REFUSE 01VISION SAM. lOtS UUJLS4S% 5Tr, 5utTsan,#AtE, IWS 9O?57 R*Oê -S2ttt P5X ares-usa OFFICE PAPER RECYCLING Alamo, Pr, urear March 27, 2014 COMPLIANCE FORM 2014 Revised Ordinance of City & County of Honolulu, Sec. 9-3.1 reqiares all office buildings with 20,000 square feet or incas of office space to provide for the separate collection and neycing of office paper, newspaper and corrugated doing, office buildings shail not place those recycbble materials in the sanse container as those holding refuse. City representatives condoct random inspections of businesses affected by this law. BUILDING STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE To verify your compliance with this lest, we must otitsin mfomiabon about vur current office paper recycling program. Please complete this form, mduding signature by the owner or general manager certifying ifs accuracy, and return by April 18. 2014. Address (if different than above) Contact person: litle: Phone number: Email: Propeity Management Company:_________________________________________ discS affKcpnsle eec U Office building is in cortitianco — office paper, newspaper, and cardboard are not placed the same container as refuse. Approsifoate lygealiorc office paper: newspaper caidboscd: (cotse ffls mfumaca sun per raqwsg C01pea9. ceesegasani cart egaJe 157 L&) Paper Recycling Corapaisy: U Office building is not in consiance and needs asaislance U Office building is exempt due to: D less than 20.000 sq. feet 0 other___________________ If you have questions or need assistance contact Eileen l-Iebnsletter at mhelmstelierhonoluIuciov or 768-3426. Recycling information is also available online at newcpeLLort If this form is not returned, an inapector will be dispatched to your establishment to verity compliance. Businesses not in compliance may be sithject to fines. I certify that the foregoing statements are correct to the best of my knowledge. Check one: Name (print) 0 owner C Property Manager Signature Date FAX to 768-3434! mail by folding form m thli’ds I scars-email to mheIn,sIattwtronoIuIu.qov Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 58 EXHIBIT K Inspection Procedures for Mandatory Recycling Compliance Pre-inspection 1. Select businesses for inspection from mandatory recycling data bases (food waste, glass, and office). 2. Create and mail inspection notices 3. Contact businesses to schedule a day and time range 4. Create inspection schedule II. Inspection Process 1. Ask for a briefing of their recycling efforts and a tour of the facility. Explain purpose. Example: I’m here to check your compliance with the mandatory recycling laws. Your business is required to recycle glass and food waste (or other). I would like to see your recycling program. The inspection will take approximately 15 minutes. If you cannot accompany me, please have someone show me around, and I would like to speak with you again after the inspection. 2. Site inspection a. Glass 1. Check bar site(s) for separate collection 2. Check collector pickup location look inside bins 3. Check refuse dumpsters for glass 5. Ask for name of collector 6. Encourage the business to reduce the amount of contamination 7. Offer suggestions/assistance (may include collector information, peer consultant for a similar business, appropriate fact sheets, training tips) b. Food waste 1. Check kitchen for separate collection from preparation area and dining areas where meals are cleared away by employees of the business 2. Check collector pickup location 3. Check refuse dumpsters for food waste 4. Ask for name of collector 5. Offer suggestions/assistance (may include collector information, peer consultant for a similar business, appropriate fact sheets, training tips) c. Office paper 1. Check generation points for separate collection containers (e.g., photocopy machine, computer center, individual desks) 2. Check collector pickup location 3. Check refuse dumpsters for office paper 4. Ask for name of collector 5. Offer suggestions/assistance (may include collector information, peer consultant for a similar business, appropriate fact sheets, training tips) Site closure 1. Complete Mandatory Recycling Compliance Inspection form. Get name (printed), title and signature of manager or contact person. 2. Leave original of form with manager or senior person on property Post-inspection 1. Update appropriate database with information from copies of notices 2. Schedule follow-up visit, if needed (NOTE: same inspector should do follow-up.) 3. Copy of notice is scanned using Optical Character Recognition and placed in DocuShare - IV. V. Report on Mandatory Business Recycling Prepared July 2014 59 EXHIBIT L COMPLIANCE INSPECTION NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU REFUSE DIVISION 1001) UIuol4a Street, Suite 201, K2pCIei, HI 96707 PHone: (808) 768-3200 Fac (808) 768-3434 LORI M.K KAHIKINA, P.E. ACENE DIRECTOR KIRK CALOWELL MANUEL S LANUEVO, P.8., LEED AP MAYOR CHIEF IN REPLY REFER TO Business Name Business Street Address City, State, Zip Code Date INSPECTION NOTICE Your business is required to be in compliance with the following mandatory recycling law: U Revised Ordinance of City & County of Honolulu Sec. 9-3.1 requires the owners of liquor-serving establishments to arrange and provide for the separate collection and recycling of glass containers. U Revised Ordinance of City & County of Honolulu Sec. 9-3.1 requires owners of office buildings with 20,000 square feet or more of office space to provide for the separate collection and recycling of office paper, newspaper and corrugated cardboard. U Revised Ordinance of City & County of Honolulu Sec. 9-3.5 requires the owners of restaurants, food courts, hotels, markets, food manufacturers, caterers, and hospitals to arrange and provide for the separate collection of food waste. A City and County of Honolulu recycling specialist will inspect your business during one of the following months Dates — The purpose for the inspection is: U Incomplete compliance form UN0 response to compliance form U Follow-up to previous inspection U Suspected violation U Random Questions andlor need assistance with your recycling program? Glass recycling • Office paper recycling • Food waste recycling Contact: Eileen Helmstetter 768-3426 mhelmstetterhonolulu.gov . Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 60 EXHIBIT M COMPLIANCE INSPECTION FORM crrv*n OOUNTV OF HDN4IIJJLU DEPARTh1ENTO EN MOIMENtiLSEVKE$ aeu iv*y IOOD ULUOHLArF1EET,5UITh 201 KAPOLEI, HAWAII 727 P: (fiO 75&-3434 f’HDN: fSceJ- 755-2I3G - MANDATORY RECYCLING CO MP L JANC E INSPECTION lr Name: ueir1e Addre; C Type of unese; L Caterer C Store C Offioe uiIdir C Other ar C Food Ma4eoturer 0 oie’ C Rethurerit Gonto1 Person; TIlIe . Signatr.ire: ... Your business Dale: Your —- inspecied by a Cfty and County Time: business C was ri C Food Court C l4ospilal Grocery of Honolulu RacycIin Specialist. lnspactor - is: compliance vsilti mandatory recydin liflnterial d rig requirements. Name Recyced of Recychri Conipan C Glass CPaper C Food Waste Cornrrients: C - In violation of the following City and CounLy of Honolulu mandatory C Revised Ordinance of Giy and Honolulu Sec. 9-3.1 hquor.aeruln estab(lin1enLR Ic arrange tha of glass containers. County of r8cyclir reques and provide for law the ciwnrsof call ction and sparata racdinq C Revised Ordinance Cityand Countyof Honolulu Sec. 94.1 bulIdlns with 2D,QQ) faat of off lc to pro1.4d for Ihe rip raici collucflon and racclin of alt[ce paper nowpaper and corrugated cardboard of requirasawnersofotlc square or rncr C Revised Qr1innce of OILy and County rif Hnlulu Sec. 93.1 reulre the oaieiof rastura rits, ftod taurts, ho1al, markels, feed menu ctLwere, caterers, and hospitals to arrange an provide for the separele collection of food weIe. Your ress must correct thIs vFolatlon ImmedJuely. A Recycjing SpeiaIist wIlUturnto inepeol ur biiines aairi after one month LOve your cOmpliance wt[i the ordinance(s). Any peraon ioating these rIinances ma be subject to a crvl line. If you heve questions andor need assistance wilh your recydin program. call ThB-3426. 1 1-c--I 1MI Report on Mandatory Business Recycling -- Prepared July 2014 61 */ ,.. 4 —. 4* * *1 m’ 1 - Wr 3- 3- [‘4 ‘‘3-’” . . . .... . . . , ‘‘4’