April 23, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111


April 23, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe Chatter
Volume 95
Edition 12
April 23, 2010
A.P. English seniors
take Carpe Diem
to the next level
page 6
page 5
Clash of
the Titans
page 10
page 11
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Electronic devices encouraged to be registered
by Iman
Bradley / Opinion Editor
iPods and cell phones are often lost or stolen in the
Minooka community, especially in high school.
The Channahon and Minooka Police departments have
partnered with Minooka Community High school to begin
an electronic device registration program for students and
staff. It’s like when women register their purses. Students
and staff will be able to register their electronic devices
with the School Resource Officer at either campus by filling out an electronic device registration form.
“This is a great program for the students and they
should take advantage of it,” said Officer Brian Winters.
While registering, the device must be present. This registration form will collect the serial number, make, model,
color, and a brief description of the student’s electronic
device. The police and school administration will enter
all this information into a database, which will be accessible.
The police department stresses that the pre- registration
of electronic devices is not meant to replace a theft report.
This means that if the electronic device has been stolen,
and the student or teacher has registered that device, they
will still have to file a theft report. This will act as another
tool in the investigation of any stolen or missing item, and
hopefully, prevent future thefts.
Students will also undergo a brief counseling session
regarding how to prevent their belongings from getting
stolen and will receive a hand out with tips on how to
prevent theft. Registration will continue during resource
classes for the rest of the school year.
For more information on the Electronic Device Registration program, please contact the School Resource Officer at either campus.
Debit card continued from pg. 7
7. Recurring Payments
Imagine the charges aren’t going onto your card, but
instead coming right out of your bank account.
According to Yahoo Finance, another reason not to use
the debit card for recurring charges: your own memory
and math skills. If you forget to deduct that automatic
bill payment from your checkbook one month you could
either face fees or embarrassment.
8. Future Travel
There is nothing wrong with booking a travel, but it
is recommended not to. If you decide to book a travel
and don’t plan on using it for six months or more you
shouldn’t use your credit card or your debit card.
9. Gas Stations and Hotels
Most of the time it depends on the business. According
to Yahoo Finance, some gas stations and hotels will place
hold to cover customer who may leave without settling
the entire bill. It is not a big problem if you are using
credit but it can be a hassle if you decide to use your
debit card. Before you do anything ask about deposits
and holds.
10. Checkouts/ATMs That Look ‘Off’
According to MSNBC, criminals are setting up and
operating their own ATM machines hoping to steal your
personal information and later your cash. Randy Glass,
a convicted felon on probation, is trying to venture into
the ATM business because anyone can own an ATM and
set them up in delis, malls, gas stations, and make money
on each transaction. And he says concerning his past he
would not sell an ATM to a person like him because it is
not safe.
So take a good look at the machine or card reader the
next time you use an ATM. You should ask yourself:
Does the machine fit together well or does something
look off, different or like it doesn’t quite belong? Just
make sure it doesn’t look like it has been tampered with.
On the cover:
Students in Ms. Sabrina Dubik’s AP English Lit. classes were challenged to seize the day and complete the tasks on their bucket lists,
see story on page 6. Photo taken by A&E Editor Sydney Trepel
Designed by D.J. Valera
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext 264
A&E Editor
Jacqueline Kaluzny
D.J. Valera
Sydney Trepel
Aubrey Aspan
Erick Klank
Cover Design
Editorial Editor
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News Editor
School News Editor
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Journalism I
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Copy Editor
Sports Photographer
Ryan Miller
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David Tibble
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A&E Photographer
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South Photographer
Journalism I
Journalism I:
Adaure Ajiere, Elaina Bartoli, Alexa Bowen, Cody Conaway, Baylee Dibble, Nicole Eberhard, Christopher Evans, Brandon Fierke,
Ashley Groll, Elizabeth Guldenbecker, Samantha Harer, Austin
Hough, Jamie Huff, Catherine Jostes, Mallory Keck, Joseph
Koenig, Shannon Lawlor, Danielle Luttrell, Michael Naszkiewicz,
Dutch Nave, Liz Purcell, Carrie Rickmon, Paige Toepper, John
Submission Policy:
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While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC
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Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by Iman Bradley
A Round Of Applause For OKLAHOMA
Aubrey Aspan/
A&E Editor
This year’s musical was performed on
March 18 through the 20, directed by Ms.
Glenda Smith, social studies, and was a great
performance from everyone involved.
The musical took place in Indian Territory right before it became the state Oklahoma, and it is full of cowboy hats, southern accents, not to mention a whole group
of dancing cowboys, a peddler, and an old
woman named Aunt Eller.
The show began with a slow song played
by MCHS’s Pit Orchestra, who provided all
of the music for the night, and I might add
that it was great performance by them as
well. Then one of only two sophomores that
held a lead in this performance, Alex Bomberek playing Curly, came onstage singing
and talking to Aunt Eller, played by Carla
Kundert, senior, about her young niece Laurey, Shellie Papp, senior. They all continue
to talk about the up and coming Box Social
and the creepy farm hand Jud, played by se-
nior Warren Daily. As another love interest
develops as Ado Annie, played by Christina
Duris (the second sophomore to have a lead
role) and her “I Can’t Say No” attitude has
to choose between Will Parker (John Bond,
Senior) a rodeo winner, and Ali Hakim
(Marty Rahn, junior) a Persian peddler who
in truth doesn’t want to be with Annie in
the first place, but is forced into an almost
marriage by Ado Annie’s over controlling
farther Andrew Carnes played by Senior,
D.J. Valera.
As the story continues Laurey decides to
go to the dance with Jud instead of Curley
in the fear that saying no to Jud could be a
bad thing to do, and Curley ends up going
with a girl named Gertie Cummings (Jessica Paramo, senior), who I remember as the
girl with the amazingly annoying laugh.
Throughout the rest of the play there were
many fight scenes between most of the cast,
this also contained a fight between Ado Annie and Gertie, one of the most memorable
in my opinion, probably because half the
people in the audience (including myself)
let out a huge gasp, figured out that it was
a part of the play and started to applaud in
the four seconds that the fight was actually
This was a musical so there had to be a
lot of singing and dancing involved, cheoreographed by Ms. Patricia Grawley-Beeler,
guidence and I was very impressed, all of
the dancers put on a great performance and
made the show much more interesting, and
definitely added to the whole mood of the
play. The singing I thought was awesome
as well, music by Randy Benware, choir, I
was really impressed with everyone’s musical talents and how great the whole thing
was put together. Only one thing to add if
I could change one thing it would be how
long it was, or at least when it started the
play wasn’t over until 10 o’clock, but overall was worth seeing.
Finally by the end of the musical Laurey
and Curley finally announce their feelings
for each other and decide to get married,
Ado Annie ends up with Will after he gets
his fifty dollars back from Ali, who some-
how ends up married to Gertie.
In the final scene of the musical Curley
and Laurey had just been married and what
happens, Jud shows up to ruin the whole
thing. In the final fight scene, Jud pulls a
knife out, and after a short brawl, falls on
his own knife, then after a makeshift trail
Curley and Laurey are able to ride off into
the sunset.
Overall Oklahoma was a very interesting show that kept you on the edge of your
seat and laughing the entire time. I’m sure
that the entire staff put in a lot of effort to
make this production as good as it was, and
all I can say is, what are they going to do
next year to top this?
President Barack Obama: Why so Socialist?
Eric Klank/ A&E Editor
“Yes we can!” But what can we do
President Obama? Effectively move America a step closer to a new socialist government, and take away from what America
was built upon, that’s all he can really do.
On March 24, President Obama signed
the bill, giving America’s Democracy a run
for its money. President Obama’s healthcare bill fits nicely with the definition of
socialism, which is “a system of society
or group in living in which there is no private property.” Some people may think
that socialism is not bad, but in Marxist theory, socialism is the stage of transition between capitalism, which is what
America claims to be, and communism.
Now, doesn’t that sound scary? For the
last century America has done almost everything to stomp out communism, and
has always had strong negative feelings
towards it. Now, we’re essentially in the
transition stage of it? Karl Marx would be
proud. This healthcare bill is anything, but
what the founders of America would want.
Now, let’s look at what President Obama has
done so far that would be considered socialistic.
President Obama has stated several
times that he is for the redistribution of
wealth in America. A very socialistic ideal.
Obama has also stated that, “If I were designing a healthcare system from scratch,
I would probably go ahead with a singlepayer system.” (quoted August 19, 2008
from the Wall Street Journal) Single-payer
health care is where there is only one company, or the government, that can distribute health care. Fortunately, it would be
unlikely that something like that would go
through, but the fact remains, that it would
more than likely be the way Barack Obama
would like it to be due to past quotes of his.
The stimulus package, which was passed
February 17, 2009, in itself also has very
socialistic characteristics to it. The package, which costed about $787 billion, allows the government to interfere with the
economy, one of the biggest traits of a
socialistic government. About $275 billion from the package allows for job creation using federal contracts, grants and
loans, according to useconomy.about.com.
“One of the traditional methods of im-
posing statism or socialism on a people has
been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to
disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests
medical care for people who possibly can’t
afford it.” This quote from former president Ronald Reagan almost perfectly expresses what President Obama is accused
of trying to do. Reagan has even stated that
if steps towards socialism are wanted, it
would be through medicine and healthcare.
He has produced the change he promised, but I don’t think it was quite the
change most people foresaw, a change to
socialism. The “yes we can!” attitude is
nice, but a good attitude is not always going to move you in the best direction.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Story, Design and Image by Soozie Bahret
It seems like literally every time a yahoo home page is
opened or a news station is turned on, one will hear something about the Obama health care reform and blah blah
blah. In all honesty, how many people actually understand what this hot button issue is all about? In a survey
conducted of 30 MCHS students, only four could give a
legitimate description of the healthcare reform. That is
13%! We’re going to take a look at the issues between the
Democratic and Republican view on healthcare:
-Believe the private sector is always
the best way to go and people should
take care of themselves
-Want to enable more individuals to
enter “high risk pools”
-Republicans would like to at least
keep the individual rate where it is.
Republican and Democrats
- Health care reform is necessary and government
should be the one to reform the system.
-Kicking people off insurace based on pre-existing
conditions is wrong
-According to politifac.com, Republicans and Democrats agree that the Democratic plan will lower
group insurance rates (through employer) and raise
the individual insurance rates.
-Believe government is the answer to
big problems and should take care of
-Democrats would mandate that most
people get health care coverage.
-Want to find a way to provide coverage for the Americans who don’t have
health insurance
-Democrats would prefer to lower the
group rate
Obama’s Democratic Health
care plan was passed earlier this year, and
without a single vote from a Republican. But how
will this affect you?
-The bill will provided 95% of Americans with health care insurance
instead of the previous 83%
-It is supoosed to make practice of medicine more efficient and inprove
patient treatment
-In the early years, the changes will be minor: end insurance policies that
deny coverage under prexisting condition. Also dependent children under the
age of 26 would be allowed to remain on their parents’ policies if they cannot
get health insurance elsewhere.
-Beginning in 2014, more far-reaching measures will begin to take effect.
States would be required to set up new “exchanges,” or insurance
marketplaces, that would offer a variety of health care plans for
small businesses and individuals who do not get coverage
from their employers.
As for American opinion, Republicans and Democrats are at a
cat’s game. According to a poll taken by the Harrington Post
on March 17, 2010: 46% of all respondents came out in favor of
passing the bill, with 45% against it; while 9% is in between.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
School News
Designed by Taylor Roop
Taking action against school lunches
D.J. Valera /
Editor- in- Chief
MCHS students take initiative, boycott
It first started with a Facebook group,
next signs were posted throughout the
halls, then finally, a school lunch boycott
launched at both the South and Central
With students being so adamant about
not eating the school cafeteria lunches, the
first question to be asked is simple: why?
The main two reasons why the boycott
started are because of the amount of food
at the
price and
the newly
is the
installed method of payment, the debit
system with the student ID cards.
“The portions are small and that’s really
good for the health issue,” said Stefanie
Stout, senior. “The prices are insane for
what you are getting. Shouldn’t healthy
food be cheaper so people buy it more than
unhealthy food? It makes no sense.”
District business manager Todd Drafall
spoke in defense of the food quantity and
MCHS lunch lines become much shorter due to the new change in
rules. Photo by Melissa Magnus.
prices for it.
district cannot
compete with
prices at fast
food restaurants that
students are
to purchasing from,”
said Drafall
in an article
on www.suburbanchicagonews.com.
“We have
different rules
we have to
play by.”
The pay-
ment method of the debit system is the
biggest complaint for students. First only
exclusive to South Campus last year, this
form of payment slowly began to take over
Central Campus during the second semester.
Sophomore Tyler Cipriani is a student
who isn’t a fan of the debit system in place.
“It’s dumb that you can’t pay with cash,”
said Cipriani. “They’ll make more money if
they just let people pay with cash.”
As a result of the boycott, a food service
committee was to be established. This committee will be made up of representatives
from MCHS’ food service vendor Arbor
Management with staff and students from
both campuses. The committee will meet to
discuss issues and concerns regarding the
current food service program and areas for
Prom Resale, Bake Sale raise
The boat that the banquet took
place on, “The Spirit of Chicago”.
Melissa Magnus /
Features Editor
money for MCHS students
Within the past month, many classes
have been working hard putting together
fundraisers to benefit their programs.
Both, the REACH program, and Ms.
Linda Hicks’ Fashion Merchandising
classes worked extremely hard on putting
together their own fundraisers.
Within the past month, Hicks and
her students have been promoting their
Prom Resale shop, where students were
encouraged to bring in their gently used
prom and homecoming dresses to be sold
second-hand in return for some money.
“I thought that the resale prom dress
their program. Students and teachers takstore is a great idea because new dresses
ing part in the program worked extremely
can end up being extremely expensive,
hard to put
so buying
together a
“I thought that the resale prom
bake sale that
is a much
dress store is a great idea because
would raise
cheaper alternew dresses can end up being exmoney to
native,” said
junior, Lindsey tremely expensive, so buying second- support the
hand is a much cheaper alternative,”
“The bake
with the prom said junior, Lindsey Nagel.
sale was
resale shop,
amazing, the
A group of kids walk down the
food was
the boat.really good, and it was for a good cause,”
program was also working
to support
said junior Kaley Lukancic.
The REACH students baked “sweets
and treats” such as cookies, brownies, and
cupcakes, and then sold them to MCHS
students during lunch hours, and throughout the day.
Not only does the money earned from
the sale benefit the students, but actually
making the food, and dealing with the
money, benefited the students as well.
“I thought it was really cool how a lot
of my teachers let us go down to the bake
sale during classes, to support the REACH
program,” said junior Michelle Targonski.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by Melissa Magnus
AP English Students
‘Seize the Day’
Sydney Trepel / A&E Editor
Dubik came up with the idea for the
project last year during the A.P. poetry
“After reading the carpe diem poetry,
the students created a ‘bucket list.’ After
reviewing their lists, I created the project
so students could experience new aspects
of life, while following the ideas discussed
in class,” said Dubik.
While all that was required was a creative idea and a short video to document
the experience, students went above and
beyond this year. From trying foreign delicacies to skydiving, students (and Dubik herself)
pushed themselves to the
extremes to complete the
Some students, such
as senior Katie Martin,
decided to take carpe
diem as an opportunity to
push themselves in areas
of life that they normally
left untouched.
“I decided to run a 5K,
which was big for me
because I’m not really
athletically equipped,”
said Martin. “It pushed
me to do something I
wouldn’t have normally
Andrea Carlson, senior, took the opportunity
to not only seize the day
herself, but also to help a
friend and neighbor, Lori
Thompson, who has cereLiberatore poses with the shirt he made specially for
bral palsy. Carlson went
the event. Photo taken by Katie Martin
You only live once.
This isn’t a phrase that’s uncommon to
most, but what does it mean to you?
That’s what Ms. Sabrina Dubik, English, asked her senior A.P. students on the
eve of their spring breaks when she presented them with their carpe diem project.
For those that may not know, the philosophy behind carpe diem lies within a genre
of poetry—to ultimately seize the day and
accomplish something that’s outside of
your comfort zone.
to the Morris airport,
where she succeeded
in flying an airplane
with the help of a certified pilot. While she
accomplished her own
goal, she also brought
Thompson along for
the ride with her in the
“Carpe diem gave me
an opportunity to branch
out and do something
new, and incorporatNick Liberatore attempts to finish the famous Ethyl
ing Lori was an aweBurger at R Place in Morris for his project. He made it
some experience to be
3/4 of the way through. Photo taken by Katie Martin
involved in something
special she can’t do every day,” said Carlson.
experience life,” said Dubik. “Every year
Dubik didn’t leave the projects only up
they go above and beyond any expectato the students—she shocked and surprised tions I could hope for. I have seen students
her classes by
and their
taking the opfamilies
portunity to go
do the unskydiving.
“It was such
to seize
a cool experithe day for
ence. I was a
the projlot less scared
ect. I am
than I thought
so amazed
I’d be,” said
and inDubik.
spired by
All in all,
all of my
the projects
were a huge hit
Whethfor the classes,
er it be
as well as for Dubik.
something as big as flying a plane or
“Students have walked on fire, traveled
something as small as trying new foods,
to unexplored places, conquered fears,
carpe diem can happen every day. Now it’s
flown planes, and other amazing things to
your turn to spread the philosophy.
“Carpe diem gave
me an opportunity
to branch out and
do something new,”
said Carlson.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by David Tibble
What did you do over Spring Break?
By Jacki Kaluzny /Editor-In-Chief
Nick Delrose, senior
“I slept a lot. And my family
came over so I could hang out
with my new nephew Brayden.”
Nick Kettman, senior
“I watched the first four
seasons of Entourage.”
John Bond, senior
““I went to San
Antonio, Texas, with the
band for 5 days.”
Haley Musgrave,
“I went to England
and France for a
Mrs. Nancy Lehman,
“All I did was grade
papers. It was the worst
break of my life.”
Mr. Andres Torres,
“My wife and I went
backpacking in the
Ozark Mountains
and walked through a
herd of wild horses.”
Megan McMillin, senior
“I went to bonfires and a
lot of baseball games.”
Andrea Carlson,
“I played softball.”
BEWARE! 10 places to avoid using debit card
by Iman
Bradley / Opinion Editor
Most people like to spend, spend,
and spend with their debit card without
considering the dangers of buying with a
debit card. According to Yahoo Finance
here are 10 places not to use your debit
Do not use your debit card online
because it’s linked directly to a checking
account. If your card number gets hijacked
a debit card is vulnerable because it
happens to be linked to a account.
2. Big-Ticket Items
With a big-ticket item, a credit card
is safer because it offers dispute rights
if something goes wrong with the
merchandise or the purchase. With a debit
card it’s not safe.
3. Deposit Required
Someone has recently rented some
home improvement equipment at a
big-box store, and it requires a sizable
deposit. This is where you should use your
credit card instead of your debit. Yahoo
Financial says, “That way, the store has its
security deposit, and you still have access
to all of the money in your bank account.
With any luck, you’ll never actually have
to part with a dollar”.
4. Restaurants
Using your card in restaurants is not
safe because your card is out of your
sight when you pay for your check. This
gives time for waiters and waitresses to
still your credit card number if they really
wanted to. Some employees will take
more then you paid for just because they
expect you to pay the tip.
5. You’re a New Customer
If you are online buying something for
the first time wait a couple of years before
you start to use your debit card. Doing this
will give you time to see how the business
6. Buy Now, Take Delivery Later
A credit card offers dispute rights that
a debit card typically does not. So if you
don’t get your delivery or if it doesn’t
come on time it will be easier to fix your
problem if would have used a credit card.
“Debit Card” continued
on pg. 2
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by Baylee Dibble
Weather changes affecting students
Alexa Bowen/
Journalism 1
Whether it’s hot or cold, with the
weather changing on and off frequently,
you may never know what to expect.
It seems the weather changes have
been affecting our moods and the students’
ability to concentrate on schoolwork.
As stated in Ezine articles, pleasant
weather has been proven to improve
moods, memory, and broaden our cognitive
thinking skills but weather being too hot
overheats studets to the point they can’t sit
Weather is not the only factor that
contributes to students spacing out in class,
objects in the classroom, and other students
do too.
“When it’s hot outside I don’t
concentrate on school because all I want
to do is go home and go outside,” said
sophomore Kaylee Senffner.
With the current weather change and
summer coming soon kids are more
anxious to get out of school, and while
sitting in class they are thinking about what
they are going to do after school instead of
concentrating on what they are currently
doing in class.
“Feeling warm right after winter is over
is a huge mood booster, no one really wants
to sit in school when the weather is nice,”
said sophomore Callie Horvat.
“Especially with the air conditioning
being broke at the moment it makes all
matters worst, I can’t concentrate!” said
Not only is the weather outside of
school contributing to the problems, but the
weather inside the school is too.
Early in April, the air conditioning at
South has not been working which makes
all matters worse when the weather is hot
outside, and hot in the school.
This is one of the factors leading to
students being over heated in school.
Of course all kids love the hot weather
but it may be too much to get us off track
on our schoolwork.
A hot air balloon flies early in a warm spring morning over Shorewood. As temperatures continue to climb toward summer, students react differently in their studies. Photo by Shannon
Lawlor, Journalism I.
Global Warming: more than just rising temperatures?
Shannon Lawlor/
Journalism 1
For almost 30 years, India and Bangladesh have fought over the tiny island
of New Moore, formally located in the
Sunderbans. Both countries claimed the
island, but the dispute was never resolved,
according to Eturbonews.com.
Bangladesh is located in southern Asia.
It borders with India in the west, and the
Bay of Bengal in the south. The total population in Bangladesh has gone from about
54,000,000 in 1960, to around 160,000,000
in 2008.
Experts don’t know much about this issue yet, but now they believe the rising sea
levels is what has cleaned up the confrontation between the two countries. The island
is now underwater completely.
Freshman, Austin Jansen, said, “I think
global warming has a lot to do with it. It’s
mainly because temperatures are rising,
and we’ve known that glaciers in the ocean
have been melting for the past 20 to 100
years and we’ve done nothing about it.
That’s why the sea level is rising and the
island is gone.”
Could global warming be blamed for
what has happened? Scientists think that
by the year 2050, 18 percent of Bangladesh
will be underwater, and 1 million people
will need to be displaced. The disappear-
ance has been confirmed by sea patrols and
satellite imagery.
“I think his is happening because of
global warming. This wouldn’t be happening if the Earth weren’t warming. I think
it’s because of glaciers melting and CO2
emissions in the air that are creating the
greenhouse effect,” said freshman, Bree
Lohachara, another island located close
to New Moore Island, was submerged in
1996, along with another Island, Ghoramara. The locals on Lohachara were forced
to move to the mainland, along with the
few people that lived on New Moore
Another Island in Chesapeake Bay,
located next to Maryland and Virginia off
the Atlantic Ocean, sank in 1997 due to the
same rising sea levels as New Moore.
The sea level rate was three times more
than the normal sea level. Some people
believe this wasn’t because of global
warming, though, more of the sandbar that
was being pushed by a cyclone. They also
believe this could have been the moving of
tectonic plates.
Scientists believe that if the sea level
on the Bay of Bengal rises 1 meter, (3.3
feet), many more islands around the bay of
Bengal will sink, as well.
Futurama’s back from the past
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
David Tibble/Copy Editor
Sometimes dreams do come true.
In the words of Professor Farnsworth,
“Good news, everyone!” After being cancelled by Fox nearly seven years ago, Futurama, the animated sci-fi sitcom from The
Simpsons creator Matt Groening, is finally
returning with new episodes this summer.
“I’ve been watching Futurama ever since
it came out years ago,” said junior Kevin Peters. “If there are new episodes coming out
it will actually give me a reason to watch TV
in the summer.”
For those unfamiliar with the world of
Futurama, the show is about Phillip J. Fry, a
loser pizza delivery boy from New York City
who accidentally gets cryogenically frozen
on December 31, 1999. He wakes up 1,000
years in the future in New New York City.
As one can imagine, the world has changed
significantly in one thousand years.
In the future, Fry works at a delivery
company called Planet Express, run by his
descendant, the senile Professor Farnsworth.
There Fry meets an odd cast of characters
including Leela, a one-eyed mutant; Bendby
er, a robot designed to bend girders; and Dr.
Zoidberg, a lobster-like alien who knows
almost nothing about the human anatomy
(an essential requirement for the company
“I can’t wait to see all the new adventures
they’ll have,” said junior Andrew Jones.
Futurama premiered on FOX in 1999
and was acclaimed by critics and earned
many fans for its great setting and off-thewall humor, but there were not enough of
viewers to save it from being cancelled by
FOX in 2003. Futurama was cancelled in
a similar fashion as Family Guy. Fox has a
pattern of cancelling animated shows before
they have time for their audience to
grow. Both Family Guy and King of the
Hill were cancelled twice. Unfortunately,
King of the Hill was recently canceled when
it was getting record ratings so FOX could
make room for new animated shows.
Like Family Guy, Futurama was moved
to Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim after
cancellation. Just like Family Guy, Futurama was uncanceled because of great DVD
sales and strong ratings of re-runs on Adult
Designed by Eric Klank
According to ign.com, in 2006, Comedy
Central purchased Futurama from Adult
Swim. It was Comedy Central’s most expensive acquisition ever. There was a catch,
however. Futurama wasn’t really uncanceled yet. Instead four straight-to-DVD
movies were made: Bender’s Big Score, The
Beast with a Billion Backs, Bender’s Game,
and Into the Wild Green Yonder. Each of
these movies was divided into four episodes
each, which aired on Comedy Central. FOX
said that if the ratings of the re-runs and the
sales of the movies were good enough, Futurama would be uncanceled for real.
Obviously, the ratings and DVD sales
were good enough because last summer,
Comedy Central announced that a new season of Futurama would premiere on Comedy Central in mid-2010.
Everything was going well, until the unthinkable happened: the cast quit the show
because Comedy Central refused to raise
their salaries. The cast wanted a raise in
their salaries because of the show being
uncanceled. Comedy Central, being a cable
network, doesn’t have the kind of money
that FOX has, so they didn’t have the money
to raise the actors’ salaries. Comedy Central
said that they would have to replace the entire voice cast. Fortunately, shortly after this
all happened the cast and the network came
to a deal. The entire cast will return to the
show. Hopefully, a new episode Futurama
will reference these events in some way.
One big change in store for the new season of Futurama is that Fry and Leela will
finally be dating due to the two of them professing their love for each other at the end
of Into the Wild Green Yonder. This is good
because throughout the original run of Futurama, they kept playing the “Will they or
won’t they?” card with Fry and Leela. Other
new storylines include the reason why the
professor keeps Zoidberg around even
though he is a terrible doctor, and the origin
of Scruffy the janitor.
The new season of Futurama premieres
on Comedy Central on June 24. New episodes will air on Thursday nights at 9.
“It’s about time Futurama came back,”
said Michael DeBold, senior.
Slash outshined on his own album
by David Tibble/Copy Editor
For over two decades, Slash, (a.k.a.
That guy with the top hat on the cover of Guitar Hero III) has been one
of the most popular and respected
guitarists in rock. He became famous
as the lead guitarist of Guns ‘N’ Roses, one of the most popular bands of
the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. He won
fame with his signature heavy riffs
and amazing solos (for a good example, listen to “November Rain”).
He continued his success with the
popular supergroup Velvet Revolver.
After Velvet Revolver imploded, he
began work on a self-titled solo album, featuring many famous artists.
The album does have many
big names on it, but sometimes
these singers outshine Slash himself, which is not a good thing,
considering this is his album. The
first song, “Ghost” is an example
of this. “Ghost” is actually a very
good song, but as soon as Ian Astbury’s vocals come in, he becomes
the center of attention, not Slash.
The next song, “Crucify the Dead”
features Ozzy Osbourne on vocal
duties. The song’s biggest strength
is also its biggest weakness, it
sounds like an Ozzy Osbourne song.
A couple other examples of this
are “I Hold On” featuring Kid Rock
and “Nothing to Say” featuring M.
Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold.
These are also good songs but both
of these songs sound like they belong
on one of these musician’s records,
especially “Nothing to Say” because
it sounds exactly like an Avenged
Sevenfold song, right down to
Slash’s guitar playing. Avenged Sevenfold fans will like this song, but it
could have been much more original.
There are a few collaborations that work brilliantly. “By the
Sword” featuring Wolfmother frontman Andrew Stockdale is an epic
song with an equally epic riff by
Slash. Andrew Stockdale’s Robert
Plant-like vocals are a nice touch as
well. The second-best song on the
“Slash” cont. on page 13
Slash’s new album, self titled Slash in the hands of
David Tibble.
10Conan on Tour
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 21 , 2010
old show with the set
up and the band.
“I think Conan’s
hilarious,” said junior
David Tibble, “and
that he should be
legally allowed to be
funny on TV again.”
The big-haired comedian said it will
be “a night of music, comedy, hugging,
and the occasional awkward silence” on
his website teamcoco.com
Conan started his show on April 12
in Oregon and will go until mid June
finishing up in Atlanta. Tickets are
selling fast so be sure to get yours as
soon as possible at ticketmaster.com.
Designed by Aubrey Aspan
and in Chicago
Jacki Kaluzny/
We all do it every summer.We go to
all the same concerts, Dave Matthews
Band, Lil’ Wayne, Brad Paisley. It gets
a little old, right? Well, why not mix
it up a bit and do something different.
The spring rolling in has brought along
Conan O’Brien’s comedy tour along
with it.
The controversy between Conan and
The Tonight Show sparked the nation.
Jay Leno booting Conan out of his
new spot as the host, he needed to find
something new to do. He decided to
start a comedy tour called “Legally
Prohibited from Being Funny on TV.”
Conan will be doing his stand up tour in
30 cities nationwide, including Chicago
on May 19 and 20 at the Chicago
Theater. His show will be much like his
Sporting orange hair, Conan advertises
his tour. Photo from his website
Clash of the titans:
By D.J. Valera
not worth clashing for
There was fighting, there was
killing, there was some pretty
hardcore action. The 2010 remake of
the 1981 film Clash of the Titans doesn’t fail to deliver
some great action sequences; however, there seems to
have been something missing from the whole movie.
The movie entails a power struggle that causes war
pitting men against kings, and kings against gods. Clash
of the Titans follows Perseus, who was born of a god but
raised as a man, who is trying to defeat Hades, the god of
the underworld. To defeat him, he gathers up a band of
warriors and sets off on a journey while battling unholy
demons and the utmost fiercest beasts. In the end, he must
choose his own destiny, deciding whether to be a god,
king, or just a normal man.
Story-wise, the film doesn’t really help bring you in and
on the edge of your seat. The dialogue for the most part
is pretty flat, nothing too enticing about it. Unfortunately,
the actors in the film didn’t help with this too much. With
such great stars as Sam Worthington, Ralph Fiennes, and
Advertisement for Clash Of the Titans. Photo taken from
Liam Neeson, you would expect some sort of
great performance. Again, unfortunately, that
isn’t always the case. Many of the characters
felt dry and very little personality showed in
The 3-D didn’t help in making the movie
jump out at you in any way. Now, the 3-D
isn’t as distracting as it has been in some
movies, however it just doesn’t really do
much for the film in entirety. If you don’t
feel like dishing the extra three bucks, then
Overall, Clash of the Titans was good
at giving you what action films can be
made with our current technology. There
isn’t doubt about that. However, a not-so
predictable storyline, great personalities
and characters, and great performances
is what it’s lacking. Clash of the Titans
is rated PG-13.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Ryan Miller /
Copy Editor
Only one word can describe the feeling
everyone is having due to not only the
weather and longer hours, but also the
common urge that every student gets this
time of year: summer.
Teenagers enjoy summer for a variety
of reasons. It’s a common thing to like the
warmer weather, putting down the roof of
a convertible, going to the pool, and going
to destinations that remind you of those
childhood memories. But what some people
look forward to, sometimes even more than
swimming itself, is the selection of movies
that go to the big screen. This summer
looks as if it will be full of sequels and full
of highly anticipated movies. The movies
listed below are just some of the few
that stand out and will be remembered as
being released in the summer.
class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu,
Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng
puts “the karate kid” on the floor with ease.
With no friends in a strange land, Dre has
nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr.
Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a master
of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung
fu is not about punching and kicking, but
maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing
down the bullies will be the fight of his
The A-Team, June 11, - Inspired by
the 80’s television show, The A-Team
stars a variety of actors including Liam
Neeson (Hannibal Smith), Bradley Cooper
(Templeton “Faceman” Peck), Quinton
Jackson (B.A. Barracus), Sharlto Copely
(“Howling Mad” Murdock), and Patrick
Wilson (Col. Lynch). This movie is a basic
Designed by Sydney Trepel
history is steeped in myth and legend, and
has left him with one foot in the natural
world and one on the “other side.” His only
human connection is with Leila (Megan
Fox), whose life in a brothel has left her with
scars of her own. But Jonah’s past is about
to catch up with him when the U.S. military
makes him an offer he can’t refuse: in
exchange for his freedom from the warrants
on his head, he must track down and stop the
dangerous terrorist Quentin Turnbull (John
Malkovich). But Turnbull, who is gathering
an army and preparing to unleash Hell, is
also Jonah’s oldest enemy and will stop at
nothing until Jonah is dead. Based on the
legendary graphic novel, “Jonah Hex” is
an epic adventure thriller about one man’s
personal quest for redemption against the
vast canvas of the battle between good and
Amid shifting alliances and unexpected
betrayals, they must figure out whether to
be guided by truth or by trust.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, June 30In The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Bella once
again finds herself surrounded by danger as
Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious
killings and a malicious vampire continues
her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all,
she is forced to choose between her love for
Edward and her friendship with Jacob—
knowing that her decision has the potential
to ignite the ageless struggle between
vampire and werewolf. With her graduation
quickly approaching, Bella is confronted
with the most important decision of her
The Last Airbender, July 2- Based
off of the hit cartoon show aired on
Nickelodeon, M. Night Shyamalan
brings his creation to the big screen
with many cult followers praying that
it is good. Four nations tied by destiny
when the Fire Nation launches a brutal
war against the others. A century has
passed with no hope in sight to change
the path of this destruction. Caught
between combat and courage, Aang
(Noah Ringer) discovers he is the lone
Avatar with the power to manipulate
all four elements. Aang teams with
Katara (Nicola Peltz), a Waterbender, and
her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), to
restore balance to their war-torn world.
Predators, July 7- The film stars
Adrien Brody as Royce, a mercenary who
reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors
who come to realize they’ve been brought
together on an alien planet... as prey. With
the exception of a disgraced physician, they
are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries,
Yakuza, convicts, death squad members
– human “predators” that are now being
systemically hunted and eliminated by a
new breed of alien predators.
Despicable Me, July 9- In a happy
suburban neighborhood surrounded by
white picket fences with flowering rose
bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn.
Summer movie
Killers, June 4- Starring Ashton
Kutcher, who plays an undercover,
accustomed to a life of exotic European
locales, flashy sports cars and even flashier
women, and Katherine Heigl, who plays
a beautiful, fun-loving computer tech
recovering from a bad break-up. The two
meet and fall instantly in love with each
other and eventually get married. After three
years of blissful marriage, their world turns
upside down when Spencer Aims’ (Kutcher)
past comes back and tries to kill him. Now
Spencer and Jen (Heigl) are on the run for
their lives. As their suburban paradise turns
into a paranoid game of dodge-the-bullet,
they must find out who wants Spencer dead
and why, all the while trying to save their
marriage, manage his annoying in-laws,
keep up neighborly appearances…and just
plain survive.
The Karate Kid, June 11- 12-year-old
Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) could’ve been the
most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother’s
(Taraji P. Henson) latest career move has
landed him in China. Dre immediately
falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the
feeling is mutual - but cultural differences
make such a friendship impossible. Even
worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the
remake of the A-Team put in our time era.
Accused of a crime they didn’t commit,
they survive as soldiers of fortune, as they
try and find who the real culprit is.
Toy Story 3, June 18- Andy is now a
young adult, departing for college, and his
toys, including Woody and Buzz Lightyear,
are being sent to storage. Before his toys
can be put in the attic, they are accidentally
thrown away and are picked up by the
garbage men. The toys find themselves at
a local day-care center where they must
try to survive pre-school children. It is not
until later in the plot that Andy wants his
toys back. Will they be able to get back to
Jonah Hex, June 18- Jonah Hex (Josh
Brolin) is a scarred drifter and bounty hunter
of last resort, a tough and stoic gunslinger
who can track down anyone...and anything.
Having survived death, Jonah’s violent
Grown Ups, June 25- Grown Ups,
starring Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris
Rock, Rob Schneider, and David Spade,
is a comedy about five friends and former
teammates who reunite years later to honor
the passing of their childhood basketball
coach. With their wives (Salma Hayek,
Maria Bello, Maya Rudolph) and kids in
town, they spend the Fourth of July holiday
weekend together at the lake house where
they celebrated their championship years
earlier. Picking up where they left off, they
discover why growing older doesn’t mean
growing up.
Knight and Day, June 25- Tom Cruise
and Cameron Diaz star in the actioncomedy Knight and Day. Their glamorous
and sometimes deadly adventure is one
where nothing and no one – especially the
now fugitive couple – are what they seem.
continued on page 13
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by Jacki Kaluzny
On this day
in history...
1564 - William Shakespeare
is born and dies this same
day 52 years later
1900 - 1st know occurrence of
word “hillbillie”
(New York Journal)
1928 - Shirley Temple is born
1940 - The Rhythm Night Club
burns down killing 203
1954 - Filmmaker Michael
Moore is born
1961 - Comedian George Lopez
is born
1962 - 1st U.S. satellite to reach
the moon is launched
1989 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
plays his last game as a
1992 - McDonalds opens its first
resturant in China
2004 - WWII monument opens
in Wachington D.C.
sh continued from pg. 9
Peace Pipe Chatter, March 23, 2010
Kilmeister. Slash is more of a hard rock
guitarist, but this song proves that he can
do metal just fine. In fact, his solo on this
song would make Metallica’s Kirk Hammet blush.
Most of the other songs fall in the middle of the road. “Beautiful Dangerous”
with Fergie works as a bit of a guilty pleasure. “Gotten” featuring Maroon 5’s Adam
Levine is actually a very good song, but it
doesn’t sound like it belongs on this album
at all. It is the most mainstream track on
the album. Another mainstream-friendly
track I “Saint is a Sinner Too” an acoustic
song with vocals by Rocco Delucca. Slash
is no slouch on the acoustic guitar, but this
song also feels incredibly out-of-place.
“We’re All Gonna Die” featuring famous
punk rocker Iggy Pop on vocals is the closing track. The song isn’t as downbeat as
the title would suggest. In fact, it’s probably too upbeat. “Promise” featuring Chris
Cornell isn’t very memorable.
If there is one singer on this album who
should have been replaced, it would be
Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge. Unfortunately, he is the only singer that has
more than one song on the album. “Starlight” is the better of his two songs but it
still isn’t very good because it is way too
poppy. It sounds like it would have been a
hit single in 1997. The other song, “Back
Form Cali” was a last minute addition to
the album and it shows. It is an absolute
disaster. It sounds like a jam session gone
horribly wrong. IT doesn’t help that Kennedy’s vocals are very annoying. He can’t
ever seem to find what range he wants to
sing from. Worse yet, Kennedy is going to
be the singer on Slash’ solo tour (the other
singers obviously had other, better commitments). For this reason, this reviewer
will not go see it.
Ironically, the album’s best track is one
Designed by Jacki Kaluzny
that features no vocalist at all. It is an instrumental called “Watch This” featuring
Dave Grohl on drums and Guns ‘N’ Roses/
Velvet Revolver bassist Duff McKagan.
This is one of the few tracks on the album
where Slash truly unleashes his six-string
skills and Grohl’s drumming, as usual, is
awesome and excellently complements
Slash’ guitar work. “Watch This” is so
good that it makes this reviewer wonder
what this album could have been if it had
been all instrumental tracks. Slash has the
guitar chops to carry a whole album of all
instrumental tracks.
Slash’s solo album proves you can have
too much of a good thing. This album has
a serious case of ADD because it has no
distinct style. Every song is too different.
Slash and its singer wrote each song, and
this reviewer has the feeling that maybe
the singers had too much control over the
creation of the songs. After all, quite a few
of these songs sound like they belong on
an album by those musicians.
Slash should have had only one singer on
this album to give it a more coherent feel.
Just because you are famous and have a lot
of connections doesn’t mean you should use
them. Slash (or EMI) was probably more
concerned about making sure this album
sells than making a top-notch album.
Overall, Slash is a case of quantity over
quality. If you are interested in this album,
don’t get the whole thing. Just get “Watch
This,” “By the Sword,” “Doctor Alibi,” (if
you like metal) and any songs that feature
singers you like. This reviewer went into
this album not knowing what to expect (other than a recommendation from VH1 Classic’s That Metal Show), but still ended up
feeling very disappointed. It’s been a slow
downhill slide every since Slash left Guns
‘N’ Roses. Hopefully now there is nowhere
for Slash to go but up.
Summer movies continued from pg. 11
Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden
beneath this home is a vast secret hideout.
Surrounded by a small army of minions,
we discover Gru (voiced by Steve Carell),
planning the biggest heist in the history of
the world. He is going to steal the moon
in Universal’s new 3-D CGI feature,
Despicable Me. Gru delights in all things
wicked. Armed with his arsenal of shrink
rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles
for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand
in his way. Until the day he encounters the
immense will of three little orphaned girls
who look at him and see something that no
one else has ever seen: a potential Dad. The
world’s (second) greatest villain has just
met his greatest challenge: three little girls
named Margo, Edith and Agnes.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, July 16Balthazar Blake (Nicolas Cage) is a master
sorcerer in modern-day Manhattan trying
to defend the city from his arch-nemesis,
Maxim Horvath (Alfred Molina). Balthazar
can’t do it alone, so he recruits Dave Stutler
(Jay Baruchel), a seemingly average guy
who demonstrates hidden potential, as his
reluctant protégé. The sorcerer gives his
unwilling accomplice a crash course in the
art and science of magic, and together, these
unlikely partners work to stop the forces of
darkness. It’ll take all the courage Dave
can muster to survive his training, save the
city and get the girl as he becomes ‘The
Sorcerer’s Apprentice’.
Dinner for Schmucks, July 23- The
comedy Dinner for Schmucks tells the
story of Tim (Paul Rudd), an up-andcoming executive who has just received
his first invitation to the “dinner for idiots,”
a monthly event hosted by his boss that
promises bragging rights (and maybe
more) to the exec that shows up with the
biggest buffoon. Tim’s fiancée, Julie, finds
it distasteful and Tim agrees to skip the
dinner, until he bumps into Barry (Steve
Carell) – an IRS employee who devotes his
spare time to building elaborate taxidermy
mouse dioramas – and quickly realizes
he’s struck idiot gold. Tim can’t resist,
and invites Barry, whose blundering good
intentions soon sends Tim’s life into a
frenzied downward spiral and a series of
comic misadventures, threatening a major
business deal, bringing crazy stalker exgirlfriend, Darla, back into Tim’s life and
driving Julie (or so Tim thinks) into the
arms of another man.
Beastly, July 30- Kyle Kingson (Alex
Pettyfer) has it all – looks, intelligence,
wealth and opportunity – and a wicked cruel
streak. Prone to mocking and humiliating
“aggressively unattractive” classmates,
he zeroes in on Goth classmate Kendra,
inviting her to the school’s extravagant
environmental bash. Kendra accepts,
and, true to form, Kyle blows her off in a
particularly savage fashion. She retaliates
by casting a spell that physically transforms
him into everything he despises. Enraged by
his horrible and unrecognizable appearance
he confronts Kendra and learns that the only
solution to the curse is to find someone that
will love him as he is – a task he considers
impossible. Repulsed by his appearance,
Kyle’s callous father banishes him to
Brooklyn with a sympathetic housekeeper
and blind tutor. As Kyle ponders how to
overcome the curse and get his old life
back, he chances upon a drug addict in the
act of killing a threatening dealer. Seizing
the opportunity, Kyle promises the addict
freedom and safety for his daughter, Lindy
(Vanessa Hudgens) if she will consent to
live in Kyle’s Brooklyn home. Thus begins
Kyle’s journey to discover true love in
this hyper-modern retelling of the classic
“Beauty and the Beast” story.
NCAA 2010 basketball tournament
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Elliott Johnson/
Sports Editor
This year, the NCAA March Madness
tournament was spectacular in so many ways. There
were multiple bracket
wreaking games and on
top of that, even more jaw
dropping upsets. Even
though a No.1 seeded team
won the big dance this
year there were still unexpected twists and turns.
The Butler University,
an elite academics school,
showed that they weren’t just a bunch of
mathletes, but also a group of athletes who
were ready to bare the title NCAA Champions. Gordon Hayward of the Bulldogs
knew he had to step up his game and he did.
He scored 12 points, collected 8 rebounds, and had one steal on the night. He
showed serious leadership by taking the last
two shots for Butler. He didn’t make either
of them but they
were extremely
close only flies
i n
court like Gonzaga’s ownAdam Morrison did.
Teams that were not supposed to make it
past the first round shocked the world with
their wins. For example, UNI. University
of Northern Illinois upset the No.1 seeded
Kansas by
two points.
The final score was Duke 61, Butler 59.
As the blue devil bench swarmed in, Hayward held his composure to the best of his
ability. I was glad he chose not to because I
didn’t want him to end up crying on center
was the first
No.1 seed to
loose before the sweet 16 since 2004. It’s
also the 13th time that a No.1 seeded team
overall has not made it past the second
round. Three of those are from those good ol’
play announcer
two-year gap. He received a degree from
Michigan State University for telecommunications. He has a strong knowledge
of the game of hockey, and made his
professional debut in 1977 announcing
in the International Hockey League for
the Grand Rapids Owls. Foley received
the “Outstanding Achievement – Sports
Program Live Series” Emmy in 1991 and
joined Chicago greats such as Harry Carey
and Jack Brickhouse in the Chicago Sports
Hall of Fame in 2002.
Designed by Elliott Johnson
Kansas Jayhawks. From this unbelievable
win, UNI became the first MVC(Missouri
Valley Conference) team since 1962 to beat
a top ranked opponent. Just about everyone from UNI stepped up big time. Jake
Koch, Forward, scored 10
points from the bench. He also
had three rebounds. Kansas
just couldn’t finish strong. The
final score was 69 to 67 UNI.
There were other upsets. Murry State, which was
ranked No. 13, beat No. 4
Vanderbilt. The final score
was 66 to 65. Old Dominion No.11 beat Notre Dame
who was ranked No.6. The
score was 50 to 51. No.12 Cornell beat
No.5 temple with a final score of 78 to 65.
Top Five Chicago Sports Casters
by Mike Noe/
Sports Editor
There have been a lot of great sportscasters that have made their home in Chicago.
This city has always been a great sports
town with great announcers to call the
games right on our TV’s and radios. Here
is a top five list of our current talented Chicago broadcasters:
1. Steve Stone – Chicago White Sox
color commentator
This former Cy Young award-winner has
been announcing since 1983, when he
became the color commentator for the Chicago Cubs. He has this sensational ability
to predict things before they happen, and
explain the right strategy to take in a particular game situation. Some say that he
is so good at broadcasting and knowing
the game that he would make an excellent
manager or general manager some day.
2. Pat Hughes – Chicago radio play-by-
This is Pat Hughes 25th season in radio announcing, and his 13th with the Cubs. His
previous 12 seasons were spent with the
Milwaukee Brewers. He has won multiple
awards including Illinois Sportscaster of
the Year in 1996, 1999, 2006, 2007, and
2009. He also won Wisconsin Sportscaster
of the Year for three consecutive years
from 1990-1992. He knows he game of
baseball and paints a perfect picture of the
game while announcing on the radio so
the listener feels like they are watching the
game. Another one of Hughes’ skills is his
ability to utilize a very colorful Ron Santo
throughout the broadcasts, making the
game entertaining to listen to.
3. Pat Foley – Chicago Blackhawks
play-by-play announcer
Foley announced for the Chicago Blackhawks from 1981-2006 and has been
the Hawks announcer since 2008 after a
4. Jeff Joniak – Chicago Bears radio
play-by-play announcer
As an Iowa State broadcast journalist major, Joniak has become a very successful
and entertaining play-by-play announcer
for the Chicago Bears for the past 10
seasons. But before he was heard calling
the Bears touchdowns, he was heard talking about Michael Jordan’s three-pointers
from 1991-1996 as the Bulls game day
broadcast co-host. He won the Silver
Dome award for best play-by-play in 2006,
and is considered as one of the most energetic and enthusiastic voices announcing
in the NFL.
5. Eddie Olczyk – Chicago Blackhawks
T.V analyst
After a successful 16-year career in the
NHL, five of which were with the Blackhawks, Olyczk couldn’t stay away from
the game, and began to pursue a career as
an announcer. Because of his own playing days, Olczyk has vast knowledge of
the game, and is very good at breaking
down any play. He not only announces
for the Hawks, but also he will announce
games playing on versus from time to
time. From 2000-2003 Eddie-O called
games on ESPN, ESPN2, and NHL radio.
He also was one of the hockey announcers
throughout the 2010 Olympic Games.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Designed by Jacob Hoffman
Meet the Coach: Nicholas Lundin
Elliot Johnson/
Sports Editor
Mr. Nicholas Lundin is a teacher and
coach. He currently teaches Drivers Ed and
coach’s two sports: track and field and cross
country. He also coached soccer for three
years, and basketball for five years.
He grew up in LaGrange Illinois and attended Lyons Township High School. He
played just about every sport the school had
to offer which included track, cross country,
football, basketball, and baseball.
“I enjoyed my high school athletics a lot. I
had some great coaches who truly inspired
me to go into education and coaching.”
After high school, he was accepted into
Eastern Illinois University. He got the opportunity to run track and cross country
there also, but he only ran them freshman
year. The rests of the time he played intramural sports.
Now he focuses
on coaching his
athletes to the best
of his ability. He’s
always helping out,
and if need be keeping people in line.
about what he does,
and enjoys every
W h e n
asked what his favorite aspect of
coaching was, he
“Watching athletes
play multiple sports
Coach Lundin coaches cross country
three to four years in high and track at Minooka High school.
school and
find great
Whether it
be going
to multiple
IHSA State
competitions, getting
or getting
scouted by
the pros.”
He tries
his athletes
valuable lessons that
will come in handy often.
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Participate in a sport each season...especially your freshman and sophomore years. If
you find a sport that YOU think you have
a GOOD CHANCE to compete in at the
next level after your first two years in high
school, then concentrate on that sport. But
if you truly love competing and participating in sports, do it to the best of your ability
each day and it will carry over to your other
sports. Most of us only have four years to
compete, then it’s off to the real world of
work and little athletic competition.”
Corey Raynor, a sophomore, said“He’s
one of those coaches who knows what to do,
what he wants to happen and how to get it
done. He also works us hard to make us better.”
Chasing the stanley CUP
Jake Hoffman/
Sports Editor
The Chicago Blackhawks are going back
to the playoffs. They finished their regular
season with an overtime loss to the Detroit
Redwings 3-2. The Hawks finished the regular season with an overall record of 52-228. The Hawks clinched the central division
for the first time in 17 years. If the Hawks would have defeated Detroit they would have clinched the entire
West; however, they fell short to the San
Jose Sharks who will have the first seed in
the playoffs. The Hawks will be playing the
No.7 seed Nashville Predators. The Hawks
were 4 and 2 in the regular season series
against Nashville.
In order to excel in the playoffs the
Hawks are going to have excellent goal
tending. Without a good tender in between
the pipes, the Hawks will be knocked out
quite early. It is pretty safe to say that Coach
Joel Quienville will be going with the Finnish goaltender Antti Niemi.
“Antti Niemi, is pretty good… but he is
no match for Sid the Kid( Sidney Crosby of
Pitssburgh Penguins!” said Nick Gunther,
Cristobal Huet has been shaky in the last
few games; however, Huet does have more
NHL expirence. Huet has played in 48
games and has a save percentage of .895%.
While Niemi has only played in 39 games
but has a .912% save percentage.
Jonathan Toews will be a key player in
the success of the Hawks against the Predators. In the season series Toews has tallied
one goal and four assist. While Martin Erat
must be shut down by the Hawks defense
because he has torn the Hawks up the last
few games.
The Blackhawks defense has taken a hit
recently when Brian Campbell was injured
on March 14, by Alexander Ovechkin.
Dustin Byfuglien has gone from forward
to defense and has made a great transition.
The Hawks also have two great defensemen
in Duncan Keith and Brent Seabrook, who
made the powerhouse team Canada during
the Olympics this season.
“I feel great about the Hawks going into
the playoffs, definitely going to win it all!”
said Anthony Matrisciano, junior.
Bottom line is that if the Hawks play to
their potential and don’t fall asleep, because
Nashville is going to try to slow the game
down they will easily advance. I do not for
see a problem in the playoffs unless they
face Detroit or make it to the Stanley Cup
and play the Capitals.
Peace Pipe Chatter, April 23, 2010
Jake Popek, and Cameron
Coach Joe Urbelis says, “Our team is
improving with every meet.
The Boys’ Track Team is
learning what it takes to
compete at a high level.
All we can hope is that this
level will be maintained
right through the SPC Meet,
Sectional, and State Track
Top Five
Page 14
Meet the
Page 15
Page 15
Page 14
Designed by Mike Noe
Girls Soccer
Record: 2-0-2
Key Players:
Nick Liberatore leads the way during his race. Photo courtesy of Coach Nick Lundin.
Spring Sports Update
Hetfleisch, Alyssa Hemza,
Erica Jenkins, Rachel Herzberger, Sam Gewalt, Becca
Sutton, and Jill Hetfleisch
Coach Christopher Brolley says,
“Every day somebody picks
Tied for
first at Plainfield North Tiger Relays with 112 pts.
Finished first in the shuttle
hurdle relay, and set a new
school record and finished
first in the triple jump relay. Finished first in the 4x4
hundred meter relay and set
a new school record. Kiley
Saunders also broke the
school record in the 800 meter run. Won the Minooka
Invite for the second consecutive year.
Key Players: Entire
Gummerson says,
“We got off to a great start
with a victory over Plainfield South and Oswego
South. We made some great
strides indoors, but there is a
ton of work to be done to be
the best.”
The spring sports season is well under way, and many it up for our team. We have
solid team and we’re getMinooka teams have jumped out to great starts. Soft- ating
stronger everyday. Softball
ball has been playing great and looks to be a tough Conference play starts soon Record: 9-5
team on anyone’s schedule. Varsity baseball has also and we’ll have to pick it up Highlights: Lindin order to beat those tough
sey Fenner hit 2 homeruns
been playing very well, and hopes to go far in the teams.”
against Grayslake Central,
state playoffs. Both girls and boys track have had a
Andrea Carlson hit 2 homergreat season thus far, and want to bring back a pair of Boys Tennis
uns against Bradley-Bourbonnais, and Kelsey McCaconference championships. This spring sports season
Record: 0-2
rthy hit 2 homeruns against
has been one to watch and will only get more exciting
Key Players: Kyle Plainfield South.
as we continue on.
Clark, Collin Brady, Casey Key Players: The
Boys Volleyball
Record: 6-5
Participated in WWS tournament.
Key Players:
whole team.
last night, which the boys
won in two. We have a lot
of talent and potential this
year and we have been focusing on working together
as a team to accomplish the
goals we set for ourselves.”
Janel Boys Track
Grzetich says, “We Highlights: The varjust had our first home game
sity finished second in the
Plainfield South and Romeoville Invitational.
Key Players: Tim
Wright, Dan Lentz, Brian
Dorenkamper, Kevin Dorenkamper, Joe McCasey, Nick
Liberatore, Sean Coyle,
Chris Patterson, Tyler Rentfrow, James Salahuddin
Jayme Roberts, Andreas
Benavides, Matt Menozzi,
Erce, Brian Falvey, and Tyler Kretz
entire lineup.
faced heavy competition to
start the season, but our confidence has not dwindled.
We are ready battle!”
this past week, but I think
the team will be tougher because of it. We are a great
hitting, great defensive
team, and if they play like
they can, they are unstoppable.”
Coach Amy SaelCoach
Jessica ens says, “We had a
Carter says, “We rough patch of hard games
Girls Track
Record: 3-0