S-10 - Samorząd Doktorantów Politechniki Łódzkiej
S-10 - Samorząd Doktorantów Politechniki Łódzkiej
1 IV WYJAZDOWA SESJA NAUKOWA DOKTORANTÓW POLITECHNIKI ŁÓDZKIEJ Materiały konferencyjne Zbiór abstraktów Rogów, 14-16.04.2014 r. 2 Organizator: Samorząd Doktorantów Politechniki Łódzkiej Patronat: Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów Porozumienie Doktorantów Uczelni Technicznych Młodzi w Łodzi Przewodniczący Komitetu Organizacyjnego: Kępczak Norbert Członkowie Komitetu Organizacyjnego: Głąbała Daniel Graczyk Andrzej Grdulska Anna Kacprzak Sylwia Kaczmarek Agnieszka Motylski Michał Perek-Długosz Aleksandra Piersa Piotr Świerczyński Jakub Redaktor: Kaczmarek Agnieszka, Głąbała Daniel Dział Wydawnictw Naukowo-Dydaktycznych Politechniki Łódzkiej adres: ul. Wólczańska 223, 90-924 Łódź tel.:42 631-20-87 tel./fax. 42 684-07-93 e-mail: zamowienia@info.p.lodz.pl www.wydawnictwa.p.lodz.pl ISBN: 978-83-7283-605-2 Nakład: 85 egz. 3 Harmonogram konferencji Dzień pierwszy (14.04.2014) Godzina osoba 13:30-14:30 Przyjazd i zakwaterowanie Otwarcie (Prowadzący: Norbert Kępczak) 14:30-14:50 14:50-15:10 15:10-15:30 15:30-15:50 15:50-16:10 16:10-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 17:00-17:15 START/POWITANIE Przewodniczący KO - Norbert Kępczak Przewodnicząca SD PŁ - Agnieszka Kaczmarek JM Rektor Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Bielecki Prorektor ds. Edukacji Prof. dr hab. inż. Sławomir Wiak Prorektor ds. Innowacji Prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Kula Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. Kształcenia Doc. dr inż. Marek Sekieta Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. Studenckich Doc. dr inż. Bogdan Żółtowski Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów Marta Dendys Porozumienie Doktorantów Uczelni Technicznych Aleksandra Szreniawa - Sztajnert Łódzkie Porozumienie Doktorantów Hubert Gęsiarz 17:15-17:45 Przerwa kawowa 17:45-19:00 I Sesja Posterowa - Postery P-01 – P-21 (koordynator Daniel Głąbała) Od 19:30 kolacja 4 Dzień drugi (15.04.2014) Lp. Godzina Osoba 9:00-10:00 Śniadanie 10:00-14:30 Szkolenie – Violetta Post 12:00 – 12:30 Przerwa kawowa 14:30-15:30 Obiad I Sesja (Prowadzący: Andrzej Graczyk) S-01 S-02 S-03 S-04 S-05 S-06 S-07 S-08 S-09 S-10 S-11 15:30-15:40 15:40-15:50 15:50-16:00 16:00-16:10 16:10-16:20 16:20-16:30 16:30-16:40 16:40-16:50 16:50-17:00 17:00-17:10 17:10-17:20 Joanna Lasota Ewelina Sankiewicz Kamila Maj Justyna Dominiak Kamil Zieliński Emilia Pietrzak Katarzyna Bandzierz Rafał Jakubowski Bartosz Sekuła Paulina Bartos Michał Paliński 17:20-17:45 Przerwa kawowa 17:45-19:00 II Sesja Posterowa – Postery P-22 – P-43 (koordynator Michał Motylski) Od 20:00 kolacja 5 Dzień trzeci (16.04.2014) Lp. Godzina Osoba 9:00-10:00 Śniadanie II Sesja (Prowadzący: Aleksandra Perek-Długosz) S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 10:00-10:10 10:10-10:20 10:20-10:30 10:30-10:40 10:40-10:50 10:50-11:00 11:00-11:10 11:10-11:20 11:20-11:30 11:30-11:40 11:40-11:50 Oliwia Frączak Radosław Wąchała Marcin Leplawy Małgorzata Chełmicka Paulina Gilewicz Tomasz Ramięga Katarzyna Ebenryter - Olbińska Maria Bieńkowska Sylwia Kacprzak Anna Skrzyńska Katarzyna Brodowska 11:50-12:10 Przerwa kawowa III Sesja (Prowadzący: Sylwia Kacprzak) S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 12:10-12:20 12:20-12:30 12:30-12:40 12:40-12:50 12:50-13:00 13:00-13:10 13:10-13:20 13:20-13:30 13:30-13:40 13:40-13:50 Anika Lasota Agnieszka Brodowska Rafał Strzelczyk Agnieszka Krzemińska Marlena Michalak Paweł Strzelczyk Krzysztof Krystek Ewa Skorupska Jakub Świerczyński Magdalena Pokrzywa 13:50-14:00 Podsumowanie (Norbert Kępczak) 14:00-14:15 Wręczenie nagród i zakończenie IV WSNDPŁ 14:30-15:30 Obiad Do godziny 16:00 Wykwaterowanie i opuszczenie ośrodka 6 Spis streszczeń wystąpień ustnych: S-01 S-02 S-03 S-04 S-05 S-06 S-07 S-08 S-09 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 Joanna Lasota MELT-CAST EXPLOSIVES BASED ON 2,4DINITROANISOLE (DNAN)…………... 4 Ewelina Sankiewicz NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE CONTACT ISSUE CONCERNING THE TANK-GROUND BASE SYSTEM FOR ISTANCE OF THE REINFORCED CONCRETE SECONDARY SEDIMENTATION TANK ……………………………. 5 Kamila Maj NANOCRYSTALLINE FERRIC CATALYST VERSUS NICKEL-BASED CATALYST IN CRACKING OF METHANE REACTION …………………………… 6 Justyna Dominiak NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF BULLETPROOF THE TEXTILE BALLISTIC PACKAGE MADE OF PARA-ARAMID FIBERS……………. 7 Kamil Zieliński BINDING OF 3,5-DIIODOSALICYLIC ACID BY BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN (BSA) USING MICROSCALE THERMOPHORESIS AND X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY....................................................................................................... 8 Emilia Pietrzak INVESTIGATION OF THE RATE OF CREAMING IN EMULSION …………………. 9 Katarzyna Bandzierz INFLUENCE OF DICUMYL PEROXIDE ON RADIATION CROSSLINKING OF NITRILE RUBBER COMPOSITES ............................................................................. 10 Rafał Jakubowski SYNTHESIS AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF 4-METHYLIDENE-PYRAZOLIDIN3-ONES ………………………………………………………………… 11 Bartosz Sekuła THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HALOGEN-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS AND SERUM ALBUMIN ……………………………………………… 12 Paulina Bartos INVESTIGATION OF DESULFURISATION OF 2-THIOURACIL NUCLEOSIDES IN MODEL OXIDATIVE STRESS CONDITIONS …………………. 13 Michał Paliński MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF MODERNIZATION OF COMPRESSORS APPLIED FOR SODIUM GAS PRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………… 14 Oliwia Frączak NEW BIVALENT LIGANDS OF OPIOID RECEPTORS ……………………………… 15 Radosław Wąchała OBTAINING OF NANOCELLULOSE FROM LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS …… 16 7 S-14 Marcin Leplawy AN UTILIZATION OF WAVE ABSORPTION PHENOMENON IN A STANDARD WIFI NETWORKS AS A WAY TO THE OBJECT LOCALIZATION…………………………………………………………………………... 17 S-15 Małgorzata Chełmicka BIOMASS CONVERSION TOWARDS GVL USING RU CATALYSTS……………….. 18 Paulina Gilewicz COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THERMAL INSULATION OF ALUMINISED FABRICS WITH GLASS AND BASALT FIBRES …………………….. 19 Tomasz Ramięga THE APPLICATION OF FED-BATCH CULTURES TECHNIQUE FOR PRODUCTION OF CELLULOLYTIC ENZYME PREPARATION ……………………. 20 Katarzyna Ebenryter – Olbińska CONFORMATIONAL STUDIES OF 2-AZIDOURIDINE IN CRYSTAL AND IN SOLUTION ………………………………………………………………………. 21 Maria Bieńkowska MULTI-LAYER CORRUGATED BOARD ……………………………………………… 22 Sylwia Kacprzak NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF PHASES SEPARATION IN EMULSION PROCESSES WITH GAS PHASE PARTICIPATION …………………………………… 23 Anna Skrzyńska 4-SUBSTITUTED SPHINGOSINES- NEW PRECURSORS OF CERAMIDES ………. 24 Katarzyna Brodowska ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF NARINGENIN AND ITS ANALOGUES ………… 25 Anika Lasota ANALOGUES OF DELTORPHIN I AND DERMORPHIN MODIFIED WITH α,α-DISUBSTITIUTED AMINO ACIDS IN MESSAGE DOMAIN …………………….. 26 Agnieszka Brodowska MICROBIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROFILE OF OZONATED CARDAMOM (ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM L. MATON) SEEDS …………………… 27 Rafał Strzelczyk DYES DERIVATIVES OF 1-AMINOANTHRAQUINONE AS PHOTOINITIATORS FOR RADICAL POLYMERIZATION …………………………... 28 Agnieszka Krzemińska ISOTOPE EFFECTS AS A TOOL FOR RATIONAL DRUG DESIGN …………………. 29 Marlena Michalak 5-DIETHOXYPHOSPHORYLURACILS - SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATIONS……... 30 Paweł Strzelczyk THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN AVIDIN AND BIOTIN DERIVATIVES ……….… 31 Krzysztof Krystek THE ROLE OF “INTENT” IN PREDATORY PRICING CASES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION ……………………………………………………………………… 32 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 8 S-30 S-31 S-32 Ewa Skorupska APPLICATIONS OF SOLID STATE NMR IN RESEARCH OF SELECTED ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS EMBENDED IN MESOPOROUS SILICA NANOPARTICLE MATERIALS …………………………….. 33 Jakub Świerczyński THE IMPACT OF THE HYBRID METHOD OF APPLICATION OF LIQUID AND COMPRESSED AIR ON SURFACE QUALITY OBTAINED IN THE PROCESS OF GRINDING ………………………………………………………………... 34 Magdalena Pokrzywa COMPARING COOLING PROCESS INTENSITY IN THE “HOT” AND “COLD” HARDENING CHAMBER ……………………………………………….. 35 9 Spis streszczeń posterów: P-01 P-02 P-03 P-04 P-05 P-06 P-07 P-08 P-09 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 Martyna Kowal THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF HYDROLATE AND ESSENTIAL OIL OF ARTEMISIA VULGARIS L ………………………………………………………………… 37 Izabela Śmiechowicz AN ISOTOPIC EXCHANGE AS A TOOL TO UNDERSTAND THE MECHANISM OF CO OXIDATION …………………………………………………………………………. 38 Sylwia Kacprzak SIMULATION OF THE CREAMING PHENOMENA …………………………………... 39 Anna Grdulska MEASUREMENT OF FORCES AND RA PARAMETER DURING GRINDING AEROSPACE ALLOY ……………………………………………………………………. 40 Artur Mołdawa CRUSHING BEHAVIOR OF OPEN-SECTION TWCF COLUMNS ………………….. 41 Anna Maruszewska NOVEL DYES CONTAINING AZO AND AZOMETHINE BONDS AS SENSITIZERS FOR DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL …………………………………………………. 42 Artur Mazurowski THE USAGE COMMON METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISM IN ANIMAL BREEDING …………………………………………… 43 Katarzyna Koczwara DETECTION OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED PROTEINS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON PLANT RESISTANCE ………………………………………………... 44 Karina Frączak METHODS OF MEAT QUALITY EVALUATION ……………………………………... 45 Michał Ziętala FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS (FGMS) PRODUCED BY USING LASER ENGINEERED NET SHAPING (LENS) ………………………………………………… 46 Malwina Wasiewska ELECTROREDUCTION OF 3-NITRO-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-5-ONE IN WATER/NITRIC ACID SYSTEM ………………………………………………………………………..….. 47 Judyta Rećko SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SiO2@Au NANOSTRUCTURES …………………………………………………………………….. 48 Stanisław Lipiński FUNCTIONALIZATION IMPLANTS SURFACE BY LENS TECHNIQUE …………… 49 Rafał Lewczuk PREPARATION AND ENERGETIC PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE SALT OF 4,4',5,5'-TETRANITRO-2,2'-BIIMIDAZOLE ………………………………………... 50 Paulina Bogdan OAT AS A RAW MATERIAL IN BREWING …………………………………………… 51 10 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 Norbert Kępczak COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH RESULTS WITH THE LITERATURE DATA REGARDING THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERAL CASTS ………………………………………………………………………... 52 Agnieszka Brodowska THE STUDY OF CHANGES OF MICROBIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND CONTENT OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF JUNIPER (JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS L.) BERRIES AFTER OZONE DECONTAMINATION ………………….. 53 Katarzyna Brodowska A COMPARISON OF ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF EXTRACTS FROM DEFATTED AND NON-DEFATTED FLAX (LINUM USITATISSIMUM) SEEDS ……. 54 Marcin Leplawy DETECTION BY RADAR NETWORK USING WIFI 802.11 ………………………….. 55 Aleksandra Perek-Długosz PHOTOELECTROCHEMICAL MINERALIZATION OF 1-(p-TOTYL)-1 -PENTEN-3-ONE (PTP) AND BENZYLIDENEACETONE (BDA) ……………………. 56 Michał Motylski FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF THE MOTORCYCLE AREA DAMAGED AFTER FRONTAL COLLISION WITH ANOTHER OBJECT ……………………………….…. 57 Andrzej Graczyk FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF THE TRACES LEFT BY VEHICLES DURING THE ACCIDENT ……………………………………………………………………………….. 58 Katarzyna Oleśko STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SI3N4 COATINGS DEPOSITED BY RF PECVD METHOD ……………………………………………………………....... 59 Piotr Piersa POLYGENERATION SYSTEM POWERED BY A BIOMASS MICRO CHP, IN LINE WITH THE IDEAS OF SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS, THE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND SMART GRIDS …………………………… 60 Emilia Pietrzak INVESTIGATION OF THE FLOW IN THE CAPPILARY NETWORKS ……………… 61 Krzysztof Czupryn PHOTOCATALYTIC WATER GAS SHIFT REACTION AT AN AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ………………………………………………………………………….. 62 Daniel Głąbała DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION AS A PROCESS OF IMPROVING DEMULSIBILITY OIL EMULSIONS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENTS …………. 63 Agnieszka Kaczmarek NOVEL ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS WITH LIGANDS USED IN THE PHARMACOLOGY; SYNTHESIS AND SOME PROPERTIES ………………. 64 Edyta Wudarska ELECTRO-REDUCTIVE PROPERTIES OF SALICYLIC ACID, ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS CONTAINING THESE COMPOUNDS ………………………………………………….. 65 11 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 Michał Sadowski ANALYSIS THE COLORIMETRIC METHODS OF DETERMINATION CONCENTRATION OF ALUMINIUM IN SEWAGE SLUDGE FOR DAIRY INDUSTRY……………………………………………………………………………….. 66 Paulina Byczkowska SIMULATION SP RESIDUAL STRESS IN AL7075 ALLOY …………………………. 67 Piotr Zawadzki WEAR RESISTANCE OF 7075 ALUMINUM ALLOY WITH GRADIENT COATING …………………………………………………………………… 78 Marcin Kucner A NEW METHOD FOR OBTAINING THE SUGAR BEET THIN JUICE …………….. 69 Anna Grdulska INFLUENCE OF THE CUTTING FLUID ON THE GRINDING FORCES OF TITANIUM ALLOY …………………………………………………….…. 70 Marcin Dubowik POSSIBILITY OF USING NEW KIND OF WOODEN MATERIAL FOR PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY, THROUGH THE USE OF WOOD FROM FASTGROWING POPLAR ……………………………………………………………………... 71 Olga Shtyka ANALYSIS OF A PROCESS OF EMULSIONS CAPILLARY TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA …………………………………………………………………………. 72 Julita Tałaj THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF EVEN-TOED UNGULATES SERUM ALBUMINS IN NATIVE FORMS ……………………………………………………….. 73 Sylwia Kałużyńska STRUCTURAL STUDIES OF NITROBENZOHYDRAZIDE DERIVATIVES – POTENTIAL TUBERCULOSTATIC DRUGS ………………………………………….. 74 Anna Smętek FATTY ACID AND STEROL COMPOSITION IN OLEORESINS OF CARUM CARVI L …………………………………………………………………………. 75 Tadeusz Strózik ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF PORPHYRINS AND THEIR TWO-ELECTRON REDUCTION PRODUCTS. COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENT AND THEORY …….. 76 Adam Hofman PARTICLE TRANSPORT MECHANISMS INCLUDING THE FORCES ACTING ON THE PARTICLE TRANSPORT …………………………………………… 77 Aleksandra Kowalska DYES AS PROBE FOR THE DETECTION OF THIOLS ……………………………….. 78 Marta Kucner SINGULARITY OF WATER IN REFINING PROCESS ………………………………… 79 12 STRESZCZENIA WYSTĄPIEŃ USTNYCH 13 S-01 MELT-CAST EXPLOSIVES BASED ON 2,4-DINITROANISOLE (DNAN) Joanna Lasota Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Waldemar A. Trzciński Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: jlasota@wat.edu.pl Abstract: Ternary melt-castable explosive compositions designed for elaboration by pouring, containing 2,4dinitroanisole (DNAN) as a castable binder, were prepared and tested. High energetic components were: hexogene (RDX) and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) or 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethen (FOX-7), with different crystal sizes. Compositions which at the beginning seemed to have an optimal pourability were chosen to following research. The impact sensitivity of those compositions was measured. Then, for the least sensitive compositions, the dependence of their dynamic viscosity on temperature was determined. It was found that the impact sensitivity of compositions containing FOX-7 is considerably higher than the sensitivity of those with an addition of NTO, and is comparable with the impact sensitivity of some secondary explosives that are known as too sensitive to be used individually. No close dependence of the impact sensitivity on the content of crystalline fractions of NTO or FOX-7 was observed. It was noticed that 2,4-dinitroanisole is a quite good solvent of hexogene. 14 S-02 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE CONTACT ISSUE CONCERNING THE TANKGROUND BASE SYSTEM FOR ISTANCE OF THE REINFORCED CONCRETE SECONDARY SEDIMENTATION TANK Ewelina Sankiewicz Katedra Geotechniki i Dróg, Politechnika Śląska Wydział Budownictwa e-mail: Ewelina.Sankiewicz @polsl.pl Abstract: Summary. The subject of analysis is reinforced concrete tank (secondary sedimentation tank) executed in the range of extension and modernization of Płaszów II Sewage Treatment Plant in Kraków. Cooperation of the ground base with cylindrical reinforced concrete tank with circular section, localized in the ground, have been analysed considering standard functional conditions (full tank). “Tank-ground base” system (3D analyse) has been created in the Z_Soil program ver. 11.15. 15 S-03 NANOCRYSTALLINE FERRIC CATALYST VERSUS NICKEL-BASED CATALYST IN CRACKING OF METHANE REACTION PhD Student: M. Sc. Kamila Maj Supervisor: Ph.D. Ireneusz Kocemba Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz e-mail: kamila.j.maj@gmail.com Abstract: Hydrogen is regarded as one of the most promising sources of energy in the future. Furthermore, it is widely used in industry as a substrate for chemical synthesis. Currently, the most common method of hydrogen production is steam reforming. Unfortunately, the presence of carbon monoxide in the obtained gas stream causes that hydrogen is not suitable for direct use, which means that complicated separation methods must be used. Consequently, it seems natural to pay attention to a direct way of methane decomposition: CH4 ↔ C(s) + 2H2 ∆H = 75,6 kJ/mol (1) The direct products are gaseous hydrogen and carbon in the solid phase. Therefore, the selection of a proper catalyst is an important issue. According to the literature iron group metals (Ni, Co, Fe) show the highest activity in the cracking reaction of hydrocarbons. Ni-based catalysts showed the highest activity, as well as cobalt. Ferric catalysts show significant resistance to high temperatures and are relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, they have the lowest activity of the above mentioned metals. The carrier catalysts did not turn out successful; therefore, it was decided to use a nanocrystalline ferric catalyst promoted by oxides of aluminum, calcium, potassium and cobalt. The results of the research were compared with the nickel-based catalysts, commonly used in the cracking of methane reaction. Activity tests were carried out in a quartz reactor. The concentration of outlet hydrogen was determined by gas chromatography with a thermal conductivity detector. The nanocrystalline ferric catalyst showed high activity and significant resistance to carbon deposition. The reaction yield in the direction of hydrogen acquisition was 87% and maintained for several hours. 64% is the highest concentration of hydrogen for a nickel-based catalyst that was achieved. The ferric catalyst has higher activity and longer reaction time than nickel-based catalysts. It can be an alternative route of hydrogen production by cracking of methane reaction. 16 S-04 NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF BULLETPROOF THE TEXTILE BALLISTIC PACKAGE MADE OF PARA-ARAMID FIBERS PhD Student: Justyna Dominiak Supervisor: Zbigniew Stempień Institute of Architecture of Textiles Department of Clothing Technology and Textronics e-mail: dominiakjustyna@gmail.com Abstract: The aim of body armor is to ensure effective protection of human against various types of bullets. Stopping a bullet is not possible through the use of single layers of ballistic materials. Therefore, it is important to create a multi-layer systems which are defined as "soft ballistic". The simulation research of the impact bullet 9x19mm Parabellum in the ballistic package that has parameters Twaronu CT709 was carried out. The results of numerical research was verified with experimental results conducted in the Ballistic Research Laboratory at the Lodz University of Technology. In the first stage of the numerical research the deformities of bullet were analyzed. The geometric model and material model of bullet 9x19 mm Parabellum were developed. In the beginning bullet was modeled as a single structure which takes account only lead core bullet. Currently, the geometric model except for the core, also takes into account bullet jacket made of ballistic brass. After the adoption of material models were analyzed by using finite element method, the deformation of bullet during impact in non-deformable plate. The verifications model was performed based on experimental research published in the literature. In the next stage of work, verification of the simulation results was carried out with experimental research of the bullet impact in the ballistic package. The geometrical models 30x30cm layer were prepared, which allowed for the development of packages: 6 layers, 8 layers, 10 layers, 12 layers, 16 layers and 24 layers. For each of these packages were researched at a predetermined velocity of bullet 366.9 m/s (as in the experiment) residual velocity, energy dissipation, and the maximum height of the cone. 17 S-05 BINDING OF 3,5-DIIODOSALICYLIC ACID BY BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN (BSA) USING MICROSCALE THERMOPHORESIS AND X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY PhD Student: Kamil Zieliński Supervisor: Anna Bujacz, PhD Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Lodz University of Technology, Poland e-mail: kamilzielinskipl@gmail.com Abstract: Serum albumin is the most abundant protein in the mammalian blood. It is synthesized in the liver and exported to the circulatory system as a non-glycosylated protein. Albumins bind various endogenous and exogenous ligands and are used as model proteins for many biochemical, biophysical and physicochemical studies. The albumin - ligand interaction plays an important role in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs. X-ray crystallography is a powerful method allowing to visualize the three dimensional structure of proteins at the atomic level using strong and bright synchrotron radiation. This technique provides information about the binding sites, the number of bound molecules in the protein - ligand complexes. Microscale Thermophoresis (MST) is a recently developed technology, which enables measuring a wide range of biomolecular interactions under close to the native conditions. Factors that make MST more preferred in comparison to other popular techniques, such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) are low sample consumption and fast measurements. Both techniques, crystallography and MST complement each other and thus make the results more accurate. The study involves the analysis of interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 3,5diiodosalicylic acid (DIS) in complex using MST. Crystallographically, there are four DIS molecules present in the BSA-DIS complex (PDB ID: 4JK4) [1]. Interestingly, MST measurements have shown for DIS molecule three binding sites. The experiment was aimed for a qualitative evaluation of the BSA-DIS interaction. References: [1] Sekula, B., Zielinski, K., Bujacz, A. Crystallographic studies of the complexes of bovine and equine serum albumin with 3,5-diiodosalicylic acid, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013 (60), 316-324. 18 S-06 INVESTIGATION OF THE RATE OF CREAMING IN EMULSION PhD Student: Emilia Pietrzak Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Sęk prof. ndzw. PŁ Cathedral of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: emiliapietrzak89@gmail.com Abstract: Emulsions are the heterophasic systems of liquid-liquid type, wherein each of the two immiscible liquids is different from the point of view of chemical composition and physical properties. Emulsions are specific mixtures, in which one phase is dispersed in the other, in the form of small droplets. The most common example of immiscible liquids are water and oil. For this reason, in the literature, the suitable phase of emulsion systems, called with the term "water" or "oil", regardless of the actual chemical composition. There are two types of emulsion: oil-in-water (O / W), in which water constitutes the continuous phase and the organic liquid droplets of the dispersed phase and the water-in-oil emulsions (W / O), wherein the continuous phase is a organic liquid (oil) and the disperse phase is water. To form an emulsions it is also necessary substance called emulsifier, which ensures their stability. Delamination processes of the emulsion are complicated. A measure of the stability of the emulsion is the resistance to the following phenomena: cream, flocculation, coalescence. In this work have been presented a investigation of creaming process of the three types of emulsion: oil / water with gelatin as an emulsifier, diesel / water with gelatin as an emulsifier and mixtures of diesel-oil / water with gelatin as an emulsifier. Attempt was made to verify the suitability of the capillary model of the granular layer to describe the rate of this process. Capillary model assumes that the granular layer may be considered as a system of interconnected tubules of complex shape, by which followed fluid flow. 19 S-07 INFLUENCE OF DICUMYL PEROXIDE ON RADIATION CROSSLINKING OF NITRILE RUBBER COMPOSITES PhD Student: Katarzyna Bandzierz Supervisor: prof. Dariusz Bieliński Institute of Polymer & Dye Technology Faculty of Chemistry Technical University of Lodz, Poland e-mail: katarzyna.bandzierz@gmail.com Abstract: Crosslinking is a fundamental and indispensable process in polymer technology. Most commonly used method is thermal crosslinking, in which energy of activation is transferred in a form of heat. An interesting alternative for the thermal method is radiation crosslinking, which uses high-energy radiation to generate radicals in the polymer matrix. Due to the fact, that ionizing radiation affects all components of the material, proportionally to their electron participation, the additives incorporated into polymer matrix can have significant influence on radiation crosslinking. The processes induced in matter by ionizing radiation are very complicated and their mechanisms have not been entirely elucidated. Influence of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) on the radiation crosslinking process of elastomer composites was investigated. The object of study was acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) filled with fumed silica and carbon black, and with additive of DCP in amount of 1,5 phr. As reference, corresponding composites without DCP in composition were used. No influence of DCP on crosslink density was observed. Possibility to additionally thermally crosslink the rubber composites, after their prior exposure to ionizing radiation was proved, what indicated on retention of DCP crosslinking activity after the process of composites irradiation. Mechanical properties, determined in static strength tests, are reported. 20 S-08 SYNTHESIS AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF 4-METHYLIDENEPYRAZOLIDIN-3ONES PhD Student: Rafał Jakubowski Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Janecki Institute of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry e-mail: 800154@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: 4-Methylidenepyrazolidin-3-ones 1 constitute a subgroup of a larger, biologically important class of compounds - α-alkylidenelactones and lactams 2 displaying broad spectrum of activities, from cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular to antibacterial and antifungal [1]. In our laboratory for some time we have been focused on the synthesis of α-alkylidenelactones and lactams 2 as cytotoxic agents. Many compounds obtained in our laboratory, such as 4-methylideneisoxazolidinones 3 containing additional nitrogen atom in the lactone ring, turned out to be highly potent against several cancer cell lines [2]. O N R N R X = O, NR; n = 1, 2 1 O X ( )n R R O O R N R 2 R 3 In this report we present the synthesis of, so far unknown, 4-methylidenepyrazolidin-3-ones 1 containing an additional nitrogen atom in the lactam ring [3]. Target compounds were prepared from various ethyl 2acyl-2-diethoxyphosphorylacetates 4 and arylhydrazines. Intermediate substituted 1-aryl-4- diethoxyphosphoryl-1H-pyrazol-5-ols 5 were next subjected to N-methylation, followed by reduction and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination of formaldehyde to provide final 5-substituted 4- methylidenepyrazolidin-3-ones 1 in good yields. Their acitivity against several cancer cell lines was also tested. [1] A. Albrecht, Ł. Albrecht, T. Janecki, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2011, 2747–2766 [2] (a) T. Janecki, T. Wąsek, M. Różalski, U. Krajewska, K. Studzian, A. Janecka, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2006, 16, 1430-1433; (b) A. Wyrębska, K. Gach, J. Szemraj, K. Szewczyk, K., Hrabec, E., Koszuk, J., Janecki, T., Janecka, A., Chem.Biol. Drug Des., 2012, 112, 112-120 [3] J. Modranka, R. Jakubowski, T. Janecki, Synlett, 2014, 25, 105-109 21 S-09 THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HALOGEN-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS AND SERUM ALBUMIN PhD Student: Bartosz Sekuła Supervisor: Anna Bujacz, PhD. Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego 4/10, 90-924, Lodz e-mail: bartosz.s87@gmail.com Abstract: Many biologically important small molecules, hormones, drugs, etc. contain in their structures halogen atoms: chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine. These atoms, due to the relatively large van der Waals radii and unique charge distribution, arise as important factors, which actively participate in recognition of the specific binding sites in polypeptide chains. Therefore, they can be situated not only in the hydrophobic compartments of the protein where are stabilized by van der Walls forces, but they can also act as a donor in halogen bonds or acceptor in the formation of hydrogen bonds with polar residues of protein. The serum albumin, main transport protein of human plasma is one of the target protein taken under consideration during drug design process. In this heart-shaped helical protein many binding pockets can be found. These cavities are very complexed and are able to bind diverse groups of compounds which can be crystallographically proved. In Protein Data Bank there are 20 crystal structures of the serum albumin complexes with 13 different halogenated aromatic compounds: drugs, drug-like molecules and one hormone - thyroxine. Six of them contain fluorine atoms, two poses chlorine and five are iodinated. None of the ligands are substituted with bromine. This research will highlight the character of the interactions between halogen atoms and serum albumin. References: Sekula B., Zielinski K., Bujacz A. 2013. Crystallographic studies of the complexes of bovine and equine serum albumin with 3,5-diiodosalicylic acid. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 60:316-24. Parisini E., Metrangolo P., Pilati T., Resnati G., Terraneo G. 2011. Halogen bonding in halocarbonprotein complexes: a structural survey. Chem. Soc. Rev. 40(5):2267-78. 22 S-10 INVESTIGATION OF DESULFURISATION OF 2-THIOURACIL NUCLEOSIDES IN MODEL OXIDATIVE STRESS CONDITIONS PhD Student: mgr inż. Paulina Bartos Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Sochacka Institute of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz e-mail: p.bartos@o2.pl Abstract: Sulfur modified nucleosides are important, natural components of tRNA molecules, vital for their biological functions in the cell.1 Most of them are 2-thiouridines (S2U, 1), often carrying an additional side chain at the C5 carbon of the heterobase. Recently, some evidence has been reported that tRNA molecules are involved in the cellular response to various oxidative stress conditions2. Susceptible to oxidation 2-thiouridine units in tRNA may be a primary target of oxidative attack of reactive oxygen species. Herein, we present the results of desulfuration of 2-thiouridines (1 a-d) under model in vitro oxidative stress conditions. O R R NH N S O HO HO O O OH S2U(1 a-d) H 2O 2 N N O HO HO R N H + OH H2U(2 a-d) NH O O HO HO OH U(3 a-d) a) R = H b) R = OCH 3 c) R = CH 2COOCH3 d) R = CH 2NHCH3 The reactions of 2-thionucleosides (1 a-d) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used as the model conditions of oxidative stress in the cell. The reactions were carried out either in water or in buffered solutions (pH 6-8)3. The reaction progress was monitored by 1H NMR. The obtained results, showed that the proportion of the products, a product of oxidative desulfurisation (2 a-d) to the oxidation product (3 a-d) depends significantly on the pH of the reaction solution and on the influence of 5-substituent to electron density in the heterocyclic base. 1 Agris, P. F.; Vendeix, F. A. P.; Graham, W. D., J. Mol. Biol., 2007, 306, 1-13. Nawrot, B.; Sochacka, E.; Düchler, M. Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 2011, 68, 4023-4032. 1 Sochacka, E.; Bartos, P.; Kraszewska, K.; Nawrot, B., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 23, 2013, 5803-5805. 1 23 S-11 MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF MODERNIZATION OF COMPRESSORS APPLIED FOR SODIUM GAS PRODUCTION PhD Student: Michał Paliński, MSc Supervisor: Władysław Kryłłowicz, DSc, PhD, TUL Prof. Mechanical Department TUL e-mail: michal.palinski@p.lodz.pl Abstract: The presentation describes economical and technical aspects of modernization of process compressors used for production of sodium gas. The costs of modernization of old machine were compared with the pries of a new model. The document explains differences among dry and wet compression and presents the process of sodium gas production by means of Solvay’s method. The last pages of the article contain an example of modernized machine created thanks to the Instiute of Turbomachinery, at Lodz University of Technology, and Turboservice Sp. Z o.o. The main conclusions on profitability of modernization of process compressors were drawn. 24 S-12 NEW BIVALENT LIGANDS OF OPIOID RECEPTORS PhD Student: Oliwia Frączak Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Olma Institute of Organic Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź e-mail: oliwiafraczak@wp.pl Abstract: Opioids, including morphine and related synthetic compounds, are the most effective analgesic currently used. However, they cause side-effects for example they interfere with the motility of the gastrointestinal tract or cause respiratory depression. Furthermore, after using them for several weeks as painkillers, tolerance may be developed, needing to use more to obtain the same pain relief. In addition, patients may develop some degree of physical dependence. These drawbacks have prompted researchers to look for new compounds that are sufficiently potent but do not cause tolerance, addiction or the side-effects. With the discoveries of opiate receptors and the endogenous opioid peptides Met i Leu-enkephalins in the mid-1970s, a new era in neurobiology began. Numerous chemical modyfications have been carried out on endogenous opioid peptides in order to determine the structure-activity relationships of these opioid ligands and develop more potent, more selective, but nonaddictive analgesics. One of the most promising ways of developing new opioid analogs is the synthesis of compounds containing two active elements in one molecule. Among the bivalent ligands, biphalin was found to be a very effective compound, with strong analgesic activity. Biphalin is an octapeptide with a dimeric structure based on two identical pharmacophores, derived from enkephalins, joined “tail to tail” by a hydrazide bridge. Also molecules containing 4-anilidopiperidine moiety such as fentanyl (N-phenyl-N-piperidin-4-yl-propionamide) posses antinoception properties. Fentanyl analogs in combination with a fragment of enkephalins have a good penetration through the blood-brain barrier and their action last longer. The synthesis of new biphalin and fentanyl-enkephalin analogues modified with non-coded amino acids, the synthetic strategy as well as opioid activity will be presented. 25 S-13 OBTAINING OF NANOCELLULOSE FROM LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS PhD Student: Radosław Wąchała* Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Antczak * Institute of Technical Biochemistry The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science Technical University of Lodz, Poland e-mail: radoslaw.wachala@p.lodz.pl Abstract: Nanocellulose is a polymer composed of cellulose nanofibers whose functional properties are determined by the structure of nanofibrils. Natural fibers, for which at least one of dimensions is up to 100 nm, display properties of both macroscopic substances and specific features of nanomaterials. The higher surface area of nanocellulose compared to its native form results in stronger interactions with other substances, e.g. it binds various nanomolecules. Furthermore, nanocellulose matrices contain nanopores while nanocellulose suspensions or the polymer contained in nanocomposites is transparent [1,2]. Presented study aims at the development of a method of nanocellulose fabrication from plant biomass. This nanocellulose will be used to produce biodegradable plastics and components used in textiles fabrication. The cellulose nanostructures will be obtained from plant biomass by a top-down method based on physical, chemical and enzymatic (cellulases, pectinases, xylanases and ligninases) refining methods. Currently conducted experiments have been focused on selection of suitable conditions of mechanical biomass pretreatment and enzymatic degradation of lignincellulose. Fiber dimensions are controlled using optical microscope (Olympus BX-51) and CellSens software. Released nanocellulose particles content is estimated based on reducing substances determination. This study is supported by project 01.01.02-10-123/09 co-financed from funds of European Fund of Regional Development within Operation Program Innovative Economy 2007-2013. [1] S. Janardhnan , M. Sain, Isolation of cellulose microfibrils – an enzymatic approach, BioResources, 2, 2006, 176 – 188 [2] I. Siró, D. Plackett, Microfibrillated cellulose and new nanocomposite materials: a review Cellulose, 2010, 17, 459 – 494 26 S-14 AN UTILIZATION OF WAVE ABSORPTION PHENOMENON IN A STANDARD WIFI NETWORKS AS A WAY TO THE OBJECT LOCALIZATION PhD Student: mgr inż. Marcin Leplawy Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Liliana Byczkowska-Lipińska / dr inż. Michał Morawski Institute of Informatics, Technical University of Lodz e-mail: mleplawy@stud.ics.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Document describes a method for detecting moving objects using a WiFi network. Nowadays, almost every house is equipped with a wireless router. Thanks to the analysis of changes in the wireless coverage can detect the presence of movement in the area of wireless coverage. The target application of this work is to create a system detecting motion and the presence of people and objects within the wireless network. This document describes the process and results of an experiment to detect objects within the network. 27 S-15 BIOMASS CONVERSION TOWARDS GVL USING RU CATALYSTS PhD Student: Małgorzata Chełmicka Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jacek Grams, prof. PŁ, dr inż. Agnieszka Ruppert Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Łódź University of Technology, ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź e-mail: malgorzata.chelmicka@gamil.com Abstract: Biomass utilization as a renewable carbon source has potential to replace petroleum for production of chemicals and fuels. γ-Valerolactone (GVL) is one of the platform molecules derived from biomass, which can be used for high-value chemicals and biofuels synthesis [1]. GVL can be obtained by hydrolytic hydrogenation of lignocellulosic biomass. A variety of catalytic systems have been developed for the production of GVL. Ru-based catalysts were confirmed as most active [2]. These catalysts are easily deactivated, therefore their properties were modified through the use of various supports. The most promising support, due to its stability and high resistance to decoking, is zirconium oxide (IV) [2,3]. The aim of this work was development of Ru catalyst supported on various ZrO2- more stable and active in hydrolytic hydrogenation of biomass for γ–valerolactone. Reaction was carried out in two stages. In the first step through biomass hydrolysis levulinic acid (LA) was obtained, after that LA was hydrogenated to GVL. The hydrogenation of LA to GVL was conducted in the presence of Ru catalysts supported on different zirconium oxides (IV). The preparation procedure had a significant impact on the physicochemical properties of the catalyst: the highest yield of GVL (26%) was obtained for catalyst with large surface area (152 m2/g), and small crystallite size of Ru (5.9 nm ), with tetragonal phase of ZrO2. [1] S. G. Wettstein, D.M. Alonso, Y. Chonga, J.A. Dumesic, Energy Environ. Sci., 5, (2012), 8199 [2] D. M. Alonso, S. G. Wettstein, J. A. Dumesic, Green Chem., 15 (2013), 584 [3] J. P. Lange, R.Price, P. M. Ayoub, J. Louis, L. Petrus, L. Clarke, H. Gosselink, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49 (2010), 4479 –4483 Badania wykonano w ramach projektu N N209 758340 finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki 28 S-16 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THERMAL INSULATION OF ALUMINISED FABRICS WITH GLASS AND BASALT FIBRES PhD Student: Paulina Gilewicz, M.Sc., Eng. Supervisor: prof. Iwona Frydrych, D.Sc., Eng., Agnieszka Cichocka, Ph.D., Eng. Institute of Architecture of Textiles, Department of Clothing Technology and Textronics e-mail: paulina_adamczyk@o2.pl Abstract: The aim of this paper was to determine the relationship between thermal properties of aluminised basalt and glass fabrics. Research on the thermal insulation was necessary to verify a thesis about the possibility to replace glass fabrics by basalt fabrics. Replacement of glass fabrics by basalt fabrics may reduce a cost of production of clothing protecting against the heat radiation. Not only the price is in favor of fabrics made from basalt fibers, but mostly the high resistance to exposure on the high temperature. Materials destined for the protective clothing were tested on the device Alambeta Sensor Company (Czech Republic). The device enables to assess the heat flux transport through textiles in the defined conditions. Tests carried out on aluminised glass fabrics allowed determining the boundary values of the thermal insulation. These values were used as a basis for determining the possibility of replacing the aluminised glass fabrics by aluminized basalt ones. 29 S-17 THE APPLICATION OF FED-BATCH CULTURES TECHNIQUE FOR PRODUCTION OF CELLULOLYTIC ENZYME PREPARATION PhD Student: Tomasz Ramięga Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Antczak Institute of Technical Biochemistry The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, Lodz University of Technology, Poland e-mail: tomasz.ramiega@p.lodz.pl Abstract: In the biotechnology, there are three types of cultivations process due to their continuity. In Batch Cultures, all necessary medium components and the inoculum are added only at the beginning of the process and their concentrations are not controlled but are allowed to differ as the microorganisms take them up. Both types of products, intracellular and extracellular, are harvested only at the end of the process. Continuous Cultures are known as an operations in which, one or more feed streams containing the necessary nutrients are fed continuously, whilst the effluents are continuously removed. The culture volume is kept constant. This type of cultivation is the most popular in the chemical industries, however, this method, has one major flaw. The cultures were carried out by this method are more susceptible to infection. The third type of fermentation, which combines features of the two previous ones is Fed-Batch Cultures (FBC). A FBC is a semi-batch operation in which the nutrients needed for microorganism growth and product formation are fed either intermittently or continuously via one or more feed streams during the fermentation [1]. Many kinds of cellulolytic enzymes are produced by submerged cultivation (SmF) or by solid state cultivation using moistened cereals and agricultural wastes. As the microorganisms in solid state fermentation (SSF) grow under conditions closer to their natural habitats, they may be more capable of producing certain enzymes and metabolites which usually will not be produced or will be produced only with low yield in a submerged culture [2]. Based on the above properties, a method to transfer the positive properties of FBC to SSF, was investigated. The presentation will present the result of the studies on selection of the most appropriate multienzyme preparation containing cellulases applicable to releasing of nanofibers from lignocellulosic biomass. This study is supported by project 01.01.02-10-123/09 co-financed from funds of European Fund of Regional Development within Operation Program Innovative Economy 2007-2013. 1. Henry C. Lim and Hwa Sung Shin: Fed-Batch Cultures: Principles and Applications of Semi- Batch Bioreactors. Cambrige Series in Chemical Engineering. April 2013.. 2. Chahal, D.S., 1985. Solid-state fermentation with Trichoderma reesei for cellulase production. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.49, 205–210. 30 S-18 CONFORMATIONAL STUDIES OF 2-AZIDOURIDINE IN CRYSTAL AND IN SOLUTION PhD Student: Katarzyna Ebenryter - Olbińska Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Sochacka Institute of Organic Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry Lodz University of Technology e-mail: k.ebenryter@gmail.com Abstract: Base-modified nucleosides with azide group are of great interest because of their applicability in the synthesis of new nucleoside analogues using “click chemistry” methodology. 2-Azidouridine (2-azidoU), with azide group in place of the carbonyl function of canonical uridine, belongs to this group of nucleosides with interesting chemical properties. The main goal of my studies was to perform conformational analysis in crystal and in solution for 2azidoU by means of X-ray or high-resolution NMR methods, respectively. It was especially important to determine the structure of modified heterobase moiety (possibility of azide-tetrazole tautomerism), which may affect the reactivity of nucleoside. The rentgenostructural investigation of 2-azidoU crystals proved that this nucleoside crystallizes in monoclinic system and exists in tetrazole tautomeric form. Nucleoside molecule adopts C3’-endo conformation of sugar moiety, anti conformation around N-glycosidic bond and trans orientation of 4’hydroxylmethylene group. Conformational analysis of 2-azidoU in aqueous solution (1H NMR, 13C NMR, HSQC, HMBC) revealed that the major conformation of nucleoside is C3’-endo, anti, gauche (+). Spectral characteristic of 2-azidoU (NMR, IR) confirmed that also in solution this compound occurs in tetrazole form. Presented study are important for better understanding the correlation between the nucleobase modification and overall conformation of nucleoside unit. 31 S-19 MULTI-LAYER CORRUGATED BOARD PhD Student: Maria Bieńkowska Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Szewczyk, prof. PŁ The Institute of Papermaking and Printing Technical University of Lodz, Poland e-mail: maria.bienkowska@dokt.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Corrugated board is a common product used for packaging and transport. Different kinds of corrugated board enable customizing its properties for many applications. Composed of facing and fluting paper plies, this packaging material provides a protective barrier. Many different factors determine the quality of corrugated board. Since the most popular single wall corrugated board exhibits the lowest mechanical properties, multi-layer corrugated board has been developed. The aim of author’s research is to find the compromise between strength, basis weight and plies position of multi-layer corrugated board. Application of research such as ECT (Edge Crash Test), tensile, compression test and Young modulus determination in the paper plane of each of the plies of corrugated board is to determine the properties of four-ply, six-ply and other multiple-ply corrugated board. The different combination of fluting plies position and elimination of intermediate plane ply is one of the solutions to improve mechanical properties and also is part of the research. 32 S-20 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF PHASES SEPARATION IN EMULSION PROCESSES WITH GAS PHASE PARTICIPATION PhD Student: mgr inż. Sylwia Kacprzak Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Sęk Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland e-mail sylwiabuczyk@gmail.com Abstract: Emulsions are stable systems consisting of at least two phases of which one of them, usually called the internal phase, is dispersed as droplets in the other phase, called the external phase. Unlike as in suspensions (solid colloid particles) emulsions have a few standing out properties which results from a smaller difference of densities between the two phases. Such substances are present in the industry and in the natural environment and are divided into two types of emulsions: O/W (oil in water) and W/O (water in oil). Maximum stability of emulsions in something that is usually being sought. But in such domains as environmental engineering or the petrochemical industry the most important issue could be the assurance of the fastest and most accurate phase separation that is possible in regard to sewage or water purification, or dehydration of extracted petroleum. Flotation and creaming are the most basic processes concomitant in phase separation. Creaming is a process in which droplets of the dispersed phase float up to the surface of the emulsion leaving a aqueous phase behind. The behavior of a creaming emulsion may have different forms depending on the concentration, dispersibility of the droplets and intermolecular interactions. Flotation is a process used to separate the phases, especially to separate the solid phase from the liquid phase or liquid phase from the other liquid phase. Substances lighter than water – like fat – have the tendency to form a coat on the surface of the water, where it can be easily removed. In this work there are described attempts to analyze the course of the creaming and flotation processes using a computer software Ansys Fluent 14.0. Tests were conducted for a bi-phase and a tri-phase system. The first simulation was conducted for a bi-phase system with two liquids: water and petroleum, in which the solution concentration was 10%. The second simulation was conducted for a tri-phase system. The emulsion consisted of water, in which petroleum and air (3rd phase) were dispersed. The content of phases in the water solution were 10% of petroleum and 10% of air. Obtained results allowed to estimate the time needed for bi-phase and tri-phase system separation. Conducted simulations showed the phase distribution of the particular ingredients of the mixture. 33 S-21 4-SUBSTITUTED SPHINGOSINES- NEW PRECURSORS OF CERAMIDES PhD Student: Anna Skrzyńska Supervisor: Piotr Majewski Institute of Organic Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland e-mail:skrzynska_anna@wp.pl Abstract: Sphingolipids belong to the most important constituents of the membranes of eukaryotic cells. Family of this compounds play a crucial role in many essential biological process such as cell recognition, cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Moreover, recent studies reported that sphingolipid participation in many of the most common human diseases including diabetes, cancers, heart diseases or Alzheimer’s disease [1]. The basic structure of sphingolipids are ceramides which consist of long-chain sphingoid base backbone linked to fatty acid via an amide bond.Differences in acyl chain length of fatty acids or sphingoid backbone of ceramides can deeply modify their biological properties. Similar changes follow also from the substitution of sphingosine backbone in 4-position. This is a result of the close vincity of substituent into almost all functional groups of sphingosine moiety which form biologically active center of molecule. In recent years it has been interest in the synthesis biological active ceramides derivative 4-substituted sphingosines. Nikolova and Haufe studied the effect of a fluorine substituent in the 4-position of sphingosine backbone [2]. Surface/pressure isotherms and hysteresis curves ceramide and its 4-fluoro derivative showed that the presence of fluorine leads to stronger intramolecular interactions between the hydrophobic chains of neighbouring molecules. Moreover, 4-fluoroceramide exhibit to increasing stability of the monolayer at the air/water interface. It’s also known that methyl group in ceramide molecule can deeply modify its biological properties. It has been found that 4- Z- and E- sphingosines to bring morphological changes in neuronal cells and behave as a enzymatic inhibitors. [1] Morales-Serna, J. A., Laveria, J., Diaz, Y., Matheu, M. I., Castillón, S.; Org. Biomol. Chem. 2008, 6, 4502. [2] Nilokova, G. S., Haufe, G.; B. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 4, 12. 34 S-22 ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF NARINGENIN AND ITS ANALOGUES PhD Student: Katarzyna Brodowska Supervisor: prof. Elżbieta Łodyga-Chruścińska Co-authors: Agnieszka Brodowska Institute of General Food Chemistry Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences Lodz University of Technology e-mail: 800417@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: For many years, increasing attention is paid to the presence of bioactive compounds in the diet favorably affecting the human body. Biologically active substances contained in the food considerably reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases (diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease). These beneficial biological effects are also attributed to flavonoid analogues and their metal complexes. Flavonoids belong to a large group of polyphenolic phytochemicals possessing antioxidant properties, significantly as a result of direct free radical scavenging. Their antioxidant behaviour is probably related to their metal ion chelating ability using transition metals, mainly Fe(II), Fe(III) and Cu(II) which participate in reactions generating free radicals. It is believed that metal-flavonoid chelates are more effective free radical scavengers than free flavonoid ligands and successfully protect from oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to compare the antioxidant properties of naringenin, its derivatives, and complexes with copper(II) ions. According to obtained results, metal complexes with naringenin are supposed to be better radical scavengers than parent flavonoid. Likewise, copper complex with naringenin analogue with thiosemicarbazide has proved stronger antioxidant activity than free analogue. Flavonoids present various benefits to human health, attributable to their metal-binding and antioxidant activities to certain extents. Total antioxidant power is often more purposeful to estimate health favorable effects due to the cooperative action of antioxidants. 35 S-23 ANALOGUES OF DELTORPHIN I AND DERMORPHIN MODIFIED WITH α,α-DISUBSTITIUTED AMINO ACIDS IN MESSAGE DOMAIN. PhD Student: mgr inż. Anika Lasota Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Olma The affiliation of the author: Institute of Organic Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, e-mail: anika.lasota@p.lodz.pl Abstract: Deltorphin I and dermorphin are opioid heptapeptides that have been isolated from the south American frog belonging to the genus Phyllomedusa (Fig. 1). Deltorphins contain a uniquely high selectivity to δ opioid receptors whether dermorphin shows remarkably high µ selectivity [1,2]. Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Asp-Val-Val-Gly-NH2; Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Asp-Val-Val-Gly-NH2; Figure 1. Primary structures of deltorphin I and dermorphin. When injected into the brain of mice or rats deltorphins I produce analgesia, locomotor stimulation, and motivational rewarding without the development of physical dependence or respiratory depression. With a high affinity and intrinsic activity for µ opioid receptors, dermorphin shows a strong and prolonged antinociceptive effect with various injection routes. The use of peptides as drugs are limited because of their rapid biodegradation under action of proteolytic enzymes and low selectivity connected with high conformational freedom. These disadvantageous properties can be improve by synthesis of peptidomimetics, biologically active compounds with high selectivity and prolonged action. A convenient methods of conformational freedom restriction is incorporation α,α-disubstituted amino acids. In our group we develop efficient method for the synthesis of multifunctional α,α-disubstituted glycines from easily accessible α-alkylserines. Cyclization of N-protected α-alkylserines to corresponding β-lactones and then ring opening with various nucleophiles (-N3,- -N ) produced N-protected α-alkyl-β-azido(sec-amino)alanines, the building blocks suitable for direct incorporation into peptides [3]. Herein we present synthesis and biological properties of deltorphin I and dermorphin analogues modified in N-termial part (“message” domain) with (R) and (S)-α-alkyl-β-(sec-amino)alanines This work was supported by NCN, grant Preludium 2 (NCN, 2011/03/N/ST5/04701) [1] V. Erspamer, et al Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 1992, 10, 3 [2] M. Amiche,et al.. Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res. 1988, 32, 506– 511 [3] A. Olma; A. Lasota; A. Kudaj, Amino Acids. 2012, 42(6), 2525-2528 36 S-24 MICROBIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROFILE OF OZONATED CARDAMOM (ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM L. MATON) SEEDS PhD Student: Agnieszka Brodowska* Supervisor: Assoc. prof. Krzysztof Śmigielski, PhD Agnieszka Nowak Co-authors: Katarzyna Brodowska *Institute of General Food Chemistry Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences Lodz University of Technology e-mail: 800416@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Cardamom is commonly known as the “queen of spices” and the third most expensive spice, after saffron and vanilla. Cardamom comes from south India and Sri Lanka, but this plant is also cultivated in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Morocco. Today, Guatemala is one of the most important producers of this spice which is completely grown for export. Cardamom occurs in dried form, which can be the main reason for their microbiological contamination. Nevertheless, many spices, including cardamom, are grown and harvested in poor sanitary conditions and in warm and humid regions. Therefore, the main purpose of the food industry is to find an innovative decontamination technology which meets the consumers’ demand of fresh and safe products. The promising perspectives gives ozone as a decontaminating agent. The obtained results, preceded by a triple ozone decontamination at 24-hour intervals under conditions as follows: ozone concentration 160-165.0 g/m3; flow rate 0.1 L/min; time 30 min, indicate changes in the total polyphenol content, antioxidant activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power. Next to antioxidant assays, microbiological profile was determined. The study confirmed that ozone is very effective in reducing the fungal count as well as total mesophilic count. The study showed that ozone decontamination allows to obtain a microbiologically pure product with a similar composition of essential oils, but simultaneously with losses of polyphenolic compounds. 37 S-25 DYES DERIVATIVES OF 1-AMINOANTHRAQUINONE AS PHOTOINITIATORS FOR RADICAL POLYMERIZATION PhD Student: Rafał Strzelczyk Supervisor: dr hab. Radosław Podsiadły Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology The Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: rafal.p.strzelczyk@gmail.com Abstract: In recent years, due to the tremendous increase in demand for initiators that are capable of initiating radical polymerization with visible light, novel and effective photoinitiators are sought [1]. One method is a photoinduced electron transfer process, which involves the use of radiation-absorbing dye and the co-initiator, which disintegrates into radicals via electron transfer process [2,3] . The second solution is the synthesis of chromophoric systems, which contain in their structure a carbonyl group and the substituents as a hydrogen donor. These one-component systems act as initiators of the type II [4.5] . As a chromophore in these systems thioxanthone is mainly used, and the resulting structures have the absorption bands around 400 nm. Therefore, an attempt was made to develop efficient methods of synthesis of new photoinitiators capable of initiating radical polymerization under visible light raging 400 - 600 nm. O R R = -SCH2 CH2 OH, -SCH2 COOH, -SCH2 CH2 SH R O NH2 [1] J. P. Fouassier, X. Allonas, D. Burget, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2003, 47, 16. [2] B. Przyjazna, Z. Kucybała, J. Pączkowski, Polymer, 2004, 45, 2559–66. [3] J. Kabatc, J Photochem Photobiol A Chem, 2010, 214, 74-85. [4] M. Aydin, N. Arsu, Y. Yagci, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2003, 24, 718-723. [5] F. Catalina, J. M. Tercero, C. Peinado, R. Sastre, J. L. Mateo, N. S. J. Allen, Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.1989, 50, 249-258 38 S-26 ISOTOPE EFFECTS AS A TOOL FOR RATIONAL DRUG DESIGN MSc. Agnieszka Krzemińska Supervisor: Prof. Piotr Paneth Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: akrzeminska@mitr.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Isotope effects are a mechanistic phenomenon wherein isotopically substituted molecules show the different behavior in comparison to unlabelled systems. Isotope effects are providing suitable tool for investigating chemical mechanisms and also describing interactions between reactants, especially in case of enzymatic systems. Herein, we are focused on binding isotope effects, BIEs, that can be used to understand interactions between reverse transcriptase, RT, one of three HIV-1 enzymes, and their non-nucleoside inhibitors, NNRTIs. Based on obtained BIE values we are able to identify the most important interactions and rationally design new inhibitors. Additionally, we discussed kinetic isotope effects, KIEs, that can elucidate mechanism of proteolysis catalyzed by HIV-1 protease, PR. The magnitude of theoretical KIEs in comparison to experimental values allows study of the changes that occur during conversion from reactant complex to transition state, TS, as well as provide direct information of TS geometry. According to transition state analog, TSA, theory the geometry of rate-limiting transition state indicate the most favorable structure of the inhibitor. 39 S-27 5-DIETHOXYPHOSPHORYLURACILS - SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATIONS mgr inż. Marlena Michalak prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Janecki Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Organic Chemistry e-mail: michalak.m.b@gmail.com Abstract: Uracil 1 and its derivatives are a very important group of organic compounds. They occur naturally in ribonucleic acids and are used in the synthesis of active enzyme inhibitors, oligonucleotides and nucleosides. 5-Fluorouracil 2 and its derivatives, especially tegafur 3, are used in antitumor therapies. Sparsomycine 4 possesses antibacterial activity.[1] As a continuation of our interest in the synthesis of phosphorylated, orto-condensed azaheterocycles [2], in this report we present novel and efficient synthesis of 5-diethoxyphosphoryluracils 6 which were obtained from 2-diethoxyphosphorylacetamides 5 in a three-step reaction sequence. 5-Diethoxyphosphoryluracils 7 were next subject to reduction and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination to give 5-metylidene-5,6dihydroouracils 7. 1. (a) Orr, G. F.; Musso, D. L.; Kelley, J. L.; Joyner, S. S.; Davis, S. T.; Baccanari, D. P. J. Med. Chem. 1997, 40, 1179; (c) Rustum, Y. M.; Harstrick, A.; Cao, S. S.; Vanhöffer, U.; Yin, M. B.; Wilkem H.; Seeber, S. J. Clin. Oncol. 1997, 15, 389; (d) Takechi, T.; Uchida, J.; Fujioka, A.; Fukushima, M. Int. J. Onkol., 1997, 11, 104; (e).Wiley, P. F.; MacKellar, F.A. J.Org. Chem. 1976, 41, 1858. 2. (a) Kędzia, J.; Modranka, J.; Janecki, T. Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 6623; (b) Modranka, J.; Janecki, T. Tetrahedron 2011, 67, 9595. 40 S-28 THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN AVIDIN AND BIOTIN DERIVATIVES PhD Student: Paweł Strzelczyk Supervisor: Prof. Grzegorz Bujacz Institute of Technical Biochemistry Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: pavol.strzelczyk@gmail.com Abstract: Avidin is the biotin binding protein and belongs to the calycin protein structural superfamily. This protein is the object of various biochemical investigations because of its unique binding properties with biotin that is one of the strongest interactions in nature (Kd≈10-15 M). This interaction is several orders of magnitude higher than in the typical antigen-antibody antigen antibody complexes. For this reason avidin-biotin complex is extensively used in the life sciences. Various biotin derivatives were synthesized, which can be used in the form of complex with wit avidin in biotechnological and biochemical studies, but also as the carriers for drug delivery. Here, based on X-ray crystals structures deposited in Protein Data Bank, I would like to compare the avidin interactions with different biotin derivatives. Structural studies will allow to investigate the binding of ligands in the macromolecule binding pocket and describe how it is connected to the constitution of the ligand and the conformational adaptation of protein structure. This knowledge can be used in the future to develop the technology based on the studied complexes. PDB ID: 4I60 41 S-29 THE ROLE OF “INTENT” IN PREDATORY PRICING CASES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION PhD Student: Krzysztof Krzystek Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Maria Królikowska-Olczak Chair of European Economic Law e-mail: krzysztofkrzystek@gmail.com Abstract: Predatory pricing is a pricing strategy where a product or service is set at a very low price, intending to drive competitors out of the market, or create barriers to entry for potential new competitors. In the EU it has been traditionally considered a form of abuse of Art. 102 TFEU, which deals with the abuse of a dominant position. Contrary to other types of abuse of a dominant position in which the ECJ has exclusively used objective criteria, in predatory pricing cases the ECJ has also included the subjective criterion of intent. In his speech the author presents the recent developments in the jurisprudence and the approach to the inclusion of this subjective criterion. He demonstrates how intent was proven in the past cases and argues why the departure from this criterion is a necessary step forward. 42 S-30 APPLICATIONS OF SOLID STATE NMR IN RESEARCH OF SELECTED ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS EMBENDED IN MESOPOROUS SILICA NANOPARTICLE MATERIALS PhD Student: Ewa Skorupska Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Marek J. Potrzebowski Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies; Polish Academy of Sciences e-mail: ewaskor@cbmm.lodz.pl Abstract: The effectiveness of a specific therapy depends not only on pharmacological activity, but also the form of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). Significant attention has been focused on the development of more bioavailable, water soluble, new APIs with specific physicochemical properties. This goals can be accomplished by using inter alia micronization process, incorporation of APIs into Drug delivery Systems (DDS) and by forming the salts of drugs or cocrystals. In the first part of the presentation the results included method to formulate drugs/Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle (MSN) systems using Ibuprofen as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug will be shown. The applicability of NMR techniques in solid state (SSNMR) will be also described. Based on that research, the methodology, which provides important information for structure, molecular dynamics and interactions analysis of ibuprofen/MCM-41 will be shown. The second part of the talk method the formulation of cocrystals made up of two or more components in a definite stoichiometric ratio will be discussed. Cocrystals have dramatically different properties, e.g. solubility, melting point ect. In this project the benzoic acid/2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid (BA/FBA) cocrystal, obtained by grinding and melting methods was used. After precisely structural analysis this complex the accurate studies of BA/FBA embedded by melting method in MCM-41 explicit SSNMR will be shown. 43 S-31 THE IMPACT OF THE HYBRID METHOD OF APPLICATION OF LIQUID AND COMPRESSED AIR ON SURFACE QUALITY OBTAINED IN THE PROCESS OF GRINDING PhD Student: Jakub Świerczyński Supervisior: dr hab. inż. Ryszard Wójcik prof. PŁ Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering jakub.swierczynski@p.lodz.pl Abstract: The aim of this scientific research is identification of the impact of hybrid method of supply of cutting fluid with minimal oil mist consumption that allows adequate lubrication of the friction in the grinding process. At the same time the goal of this research is to identify the optimal application method of liquid by additional influence of the factor in a form of compressed cooled air (to a temperature of -5 °C) which favours the condition of the top layer. Grinding processes without the participation of working liquid carry many negative effects as increased strengths, higher temperatures and shortening of the period of durability of the blades, which in turn raises the cost of working operations. The method and effective application of minimum quantity of lubrication and machining of compressed air to a cutting zone faces a number of difficulties in the process of grinding. Among others a high speed of the grinding wheel peripheral with the likes of several meters per second and connected with that air flow can significantly reduce the effectiveness of lubrication of both the work surface grinding wheel and the surface being machined. The increase of the participation of the compressed cooled air itself causes a thermal shock to the grinding wheel. The idea to implement a hybrid method of grinding of the wheel and to cool the workpiece requires a design solution to insert both factors into the grinding area as well as the modification of the machine in order to control the order of administration of listed factors depending on the direction of the movement of the workpiece. The aim is to ensure the efficient lubrication of the grinding wheel, while ensuring cooling in order to avoid deformation of the workpiece and adverse effects of heat influences in the top layer at the same time. For the purpose of this research I have used a device producing the oil mist - Microjet, a dynamometer, a special vehicle unit registering changes of deformation and extensions and a device for measuring the surface roughness. The results of the research should contribute to wider spread of a hybrid method of application of both factors during the grinding process, and replacement of classical cooling with a low cost method ensuring a proper condition of the top layer in particular of compressive own tension without burns and tempering of the top layer. 44 S-32 COMPARING COOLING PROCESS INTENSITY IN THE “HOT” AND “COLD” HARDENING CHAMBER PhD Student: Magdalena Pokrzywa Supervisor: Prof. Piotr Kula *Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Poland e-mail address: magdalenapokrzywa@gmail.com Abstract: The scope of the doctoral dissertation includes the newest, worldwide trends in a modernizing the mass-production in mechanical engineering. Such process takes place by means of substituting the cooling phase in inhospitable environment and treatment in hardening liquids, such as oils, emulsion, salt solution, with cooling process in the high pressure gas inactive (nitrogen, helium or hydrogen) to steel charge. The following work presents the issue of heat transfer between the steel charge and gas which intensively and turbulently flows through. The issue concerned in the project requires creating the model phenomenon and its treatment (solution) with modern tools of numerical techniques of calculations. In order to do it, the application CFD was employed, the application that is used to conducting a solution of the thermal-flowing question based on FVM. Thanks to ANSYS-CFX program the application of different flow models could be applied. The conduct of the task including considered geometry admitted and boundary conditions. required to The industrial the the application of calculations, as installation for preliminary well thermo-chemical assumption as heat the initial treatment by SECO/WARWICK S.A. company was selected. The processes mentioned above probe the phenomenon of the heat flow that take place in single- and dual- chamber installation, popular in Poland and in the world scale, thermo-chemical heat treatment conducting hardening process in gases at high pressure. The work focused on the analysis and comparing of single- and dual-chamber instalation used to processing thermo-chemical with the use of engineering tools, such as CFD related programs. 45 STRESZCZENIA POSTERÓW 46 P-01 THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF HYDROLATE AND ESSENTIAL OIL OF ARTEMISIA VULGARIS L. PhD Student: Martyna Kowal Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. inż. Danuta Kalemba Institute of General Food Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, 4/10 Stefanowskiego St., 90-924 Lodz, Poland e-mail: martynamatla@onet.pl Abstract: Artemisia vulgaris L, commonly known as mugwort, is a perennial plant widespread all over Europe, Asia and North America. The aerial parts are used in traditional medicine and as a tonic for vital organs and various disorders. A. vulgaris essential oil is economically important due to its insecticidal and antimicrobial properties. The chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of mugwort growing in different parts of the world has been reported. Wide variation in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the oil has been observed that depends upon the origin, vegetation stage and plant source organ. Apart from essential oil during hydrodistillation of mugwort hydrolate can be obtained as by-product. On the contrary to mugwort oil, no reports have been found on mugwort hydrolate composition.. The aim of present study was analysis of chemical composition of essential oil and hydrolate obtained from aerial parts of mugwort in the same cycle during 40 min hydrodistillation process. Comopsition of industrial product was compared to that of essential oil isolated in laboratory by hydrodistillation using Clevenger-type apparatus. Volatile components from hydrosol were isolated by liquid-liquid extraction using diethyl ether. Qualitative and quantitative analyzes were made by GC-MS methods. The essential oil produced in industrial-conditions was composed mainly of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons: (E)-β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, and α-humulene. On the other side, vulgarone B, sabinene, and 1,8-cineole were predominant constituents of laboratory-oil. Fractions of hydrosol showed significant differences in the chemical composition, moreover majority of them contained as main compounds monoterpene alcohols:. terpinen-4-ol, borneol, and α-terpineol. 47 P-02 AN ISOTOPIC EXCHANGE AS A TOOL TO UNDERSTAND THE MECHANISM OF CO OXIDATION PhD Student: Izabela Śmiechowicz Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Ireneusz Kocemba Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry Lodz University of Technology, e-mail: 800501@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Oxidation of carbon monoxide is an important reaction in processes related to environmental protection. The purpose of this study is to define the mechanism of CO oxidation in the presence of a platinum catalyst based on semiconducting oxides such as SnO2, TiO2, containing isotope 18O in their structure. TOF-SIMS is a test method that allows an analysis of physico-chemical properties of solid surfaces. TOF-SIMS method can be successfully used to identify chemical compounds. It also allows distinguishing different isotopes of a given element. The analysis of literature sources indicates the possibility that CO oxidation over Pt/SnO2 catalyst is accomplished by oxygen present in the structure of the semiconducting oxide. Regeneration of the catalyst support in the given mechanism involving atmospheric O2 occurs. The reaction mechanism described in this way is called Mars and Van Krevelen mechanism (MvK). The subject of this study was an isotopic exchange occurring on the surface of SnO2 in this process. Preliminary studies were carried out using 1% Pt/SnO2 (18O) catalyst. The catalyst carrier (SnO2) containing 18 O isotope was obtained by combustion of metallic tin in 18 O2 atmosphere. Then, the metal phase (Pt) was deposited on the carrier by wet impregnation. In order to determine whether in the studied reaction isotopic exchange 16O → 18O occurs, a gas containing 0.5 % carbon monoxide was passed through the catalyst bed in a quartz reactor. The reaction product was absorbed in the CO2 absorbing solution of Ca(OH)2. Thus, the chemical composition of the obtained precipitate CaCO3 was analyzed by TOF -SIMS method. The collected spectra of characteristic secondary ions confirmed the presence of a heavier isotope of oxygen in the test CaCO3 samples. This result indicates the relevance of the thesis that the reaction takes place with the participation of oxygen present in the oxide semiconductor structure. 48 P-03 SIMULATION OF THE CREAMING PHENOMENA PhD Student: mgr inż. Sylwia Kacprzak Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Sęk Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland e-mail:sylwiabuczyk@gmail.com Abstract: Emulsions consist of droplets of one liquid dispersed in another, which is considered as one phase. Examples of such emulsions are: petroleum mixed with water, organic sewage, paints, glues, milk, mayonnaise, crèmes, ointments etc. Organic hydrocarbons are chemical compounds consisting only from atoms of carbon and hydrogen. All of them have a primary carbon skeleton (carbon atoms tied to each other) and hydrogen atoms that are connected to it. Hydrocarbons are the basic ingredient of petroleum, which is considered the main source of hydrocarbons in the industry. The presence of large concentrations of petroleum-based substances in the environment may lead to serious contaminations and is a direct threat for every living organism inhabiting the contaminated area. In result of physical or chemical interaction between water and petroleum-based substances emulsion is brought to existence. Mechanical, chemical and biological methods of removing the contaminations of single-phase nature were being developed for years. Unfortunately emulsification of hydrocarbon substances with water is a very common occurrence. If this happens, separation of the phases is the first thing that should be performed so the neutralization of the contamination may proceed any further – processing of the emulsive systems is not advised. This calls for a need to elaborate a method for petroleum-base substance separation from water. Creaming is one of these methods. Creaming is a process in which droplets of the dispersed phase float up to the surface of the emulsion leaving a aqueous phase behind. The behavior of a creaming emulsion may have different forms depending on the concentration, dispersibility of the droplets and intermolecular interactions. In this work there are described attempts to analyze the course of the creaming processes using a computer software Ansys Fluent 14.0. There were tests conducted for a bi-phase system with two liquids (water and petroleum), where the solution concentration was 5%. Obtained results allow to estimate the time needed for the separation of the oil phase from the water phase. Conducted simulations showed the phase distribution of the particular ingredients of the solution. 49 P-04 MEASUREMENT OF FORCES AND RA PARAMETER DURING GRINDING AEROSPACE ALLOY PhD Student: Anna Grdulska Supervisor: prof. Bogdan Kruszyński Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering Technical University of Łódź ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Łódź, Poland e-mail: anna.grdulska@p.lodz.pl Abstract: The present paper deals with the measurements of selected parameters during grinding process of aerospace industry alloy. Grinding is one of the most important methods shaping machine elements. As a result, should receive the objects with high accuracy of dimension and shape of the samples with the expected parameters describing the state of the surface layer (SL).Grinding difficult to machine materials used in the aerospace industry is an issue currently being examined by various research centers. An excellent example is the analysis of the grinding process of titanium alloys, as these materials have very poor machinability due to the tendency to adherence to abrasive materials, low thermal conductivity, high strength and compliance at elevated temperatures, which may adversely impact on the quality SL. On its shaping influenced by a number of factors, such as mechanical and thermal phenomenas, as well as the type of cutting fluid and abrasive materials. 50 P-05 CRUSHING BEHAVIOR OF OPEN-SECTION TWCF COLUMNS PhD Student: Artur Mołdawa Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Maria Kotełko Lódź University of Technology , Department of Strength of Materials,90-924 Łódź, Stefanowskiego 1/15, Poland e-mail: 800345@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: The paper is devoted to the results of experimental study into the crushing behaviour of TWCF open section columns subjected to axial impact. Steel channel and top-hat section was under investigation. The impact tests were performed on the drop hammer rig with the impact energy up to 5 kJ and impact velocity up to 10 m/s. An influence of the column initial length and impact velocity on the crushing behaviour (failure mode) was investigated. Particularly, the critical length of the transition from progressive buckling to global bending failure mode and its dependence on section dimensions and the impact velocity was under investigation Some conclusions concerning the determination of critical buckling length, applicability of the numerical models applied and an influence of the impact velocity upon the critical buckling length and final mode of failure related to the energy absorption capability of columns are derived. Preliminary validation of FE explicit model is carried out. 51 P-06 NOVEL DYES CONTAINING AZO AND AZOMETHINE BONDS AS SENSITIZERS FOR DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL PhD Student: Anna Maruszewska Supervisor: dr hab. Radosław Podsiadły Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, e-mail: maruszewska.anna@wp.pl Abstract: Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) were demonstrated for the first time by Prof Michael Grätzel and their called the “Grätzel cell” [1]. DSSCs have been attracting attention due to its low cost, easy and inexpensive methods of fabrication and good power conversion efficiency. DSSCs are a potential alternative to expensive silicon and thin film solar cell [2]. The dye is an essential component of DSSCs and its molecule is attached on TiO2 surface by anchoring group i.e. carboxyl or hydroxyl groups. The intention of this paper is to synthesize novel dyes (Fig. 1) with/without carboxyl group and to evaluate these dyes spectroscopic properties. Their adsorption effectiveness on TiO2 were also investigated. Results indicate that the dye with anchoring group shows the highest adsorption efficiency and the lowest time of loading on TiO2. H C N N R R N H N N -H -COOH Fig. 1 [1] B O’Regan and M Grätzel, Nature, 353 (1991) 737. [2] M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Kay, I. Rodici, R. Humphry-Baker, E. Muller, P. Liska, N. Vlachopoulos, M. Gratzel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 115 (1993) 6382. 52 P-07 THE USAGE COMMON METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISM IN ANIMAL BREEDING PhD Student: Artur Mazurowski Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. inż. Sławomir Mroczkowski University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Department of Genetics and General Animal Breeding e-mail:artur.mazurowski@utp.edu.pl Abstract: Genetic polymorphism in other words, the existence of different variants of genes that are the result of caused changes in the DNA sequence. These changes may occur spontaneously or may be induced by various mutagenic agents. Breeding programs based on genetic polymorphic, include the identification of genes and estimate the impact of the resulting gene mutations on productive traits of animals livestock. For the detection of genetic polymorphisms can be used, inter alia, methods: PCR, PCR - RFLP and SSCP. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is one of the most important methods of molecular biology research. It is used to reproduce specific DNA fragments but can also be used to detect polymorphisms type insertion/deletion. Procedure PCR - RFLP method is a modification of the classic PCR method by using in addition a specific restriction enzyme. RFLP polymorphisms are inherited sequence variants that appear creation or disappearance of places recognized by restriction endonucleases. SSCP method is a technique in molecular biology based on native electrophoresis of nucleic acids. This allows differentiation of fragments of the same length but different sequence. Selection assisted for genetic markers gives the possibility of forecasting traits at a young age of the animal. The selection takes into account the identification of polymorphic forms the genes in case individuals intended for pairing. In the case of improvement of the animal production traits, the most important are those genes and their metabolites, the activity disclosed in the various tissues. 53 P-08 DETECTION OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED PROTEINS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON PLANT RESISTANCE PhD Student: Katarzyna Koczwara Supervisor:dr hab. inż. Dariusz Pańka University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Department of Entomology and Molecular Phytopathology e-mail:katarzyna.koczwara1987@gmail.com Abstract: Pathogenesis-Related Proteins (PRP) are a group of plant proteins produced in response to biotic or abiotic stress, which may also be constitutively present in the cell. There have been classified 17 families of PR-proteins, which vary by the structure and function. They are small proteins, which are able to function in the cell in harmful conditions, such as different pH, high temperatures or the presence of proteolitic enzymes. Not all of their functions are already known. The great attention is being paid to their antifungal activity, as the majority of plant diseases is caused by fungal pathogens. Chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases are PR proteins with high antifungal activity. They cause significant damage to the fungi cell wall and lead to its destruction, especially when acting together. Pathogen resistant varieties of the plants constitutively have higher concentration of this proteins. Also after the infection their level is rising faster, than in susceptible plants. The enzymes of resistant plant have also been proven to release the elicitors from the fungi cell wall. Determination of the activity of PR proteins is preceded by isolation the proteins from the plant material. Their activity can be measured with use of indirect method using their substrates, with use of PCR method by detecting the mRNA sequences responsible for their synthesis or by using the antibodies specific for tested proteins. 54 P-09 METHODS OF MEAT QUALITY EVALUATION PhD Student: Karina Frątczak Supervisor: Wojciech Kapelański University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology, Department of Pig Breeding and Horses, Mazowiecka 28 Street, 85-084 Bydgoszcz e-mail: fratczak@utp.edu.pl Abstract: Due to the high consumption of pork in Poland is important to its quality, taking into account the physicochemical properties and technological usefulness. Pork meat must meet the criteria of maintaining a healthy food. Significant impact on the quality of the meat have genetic and environmental factors and interactions between them. The classification of meat quality are its physical and physicochemical properties that allow distinguishing normal meat from meat defects PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative) and DFD (Dark, Firm, Dry). Quality consists of a set of traits important for technological processing of pork as water holding capacity, acidification(pH value), content of protein, intramuscular fat and tissues involved. Water holding capacity determine the ability of absorption of the fresh meat to bind a certain amount of added water. Measurement factor of water holding capacity may be the circle of moisture squeezed from fresh meat on the paper or its electrical conductivity. A very important feature of pork is its acidification (pH) measured after 45 minutes and 48 hours after slaughter. The meat during the maturing process is acidified by lowering the pH value, while the most preferred for processing and consumption of pH 5.6-5.8. Higher than 6.0 pH value of pork generally bind with a higher water holding capacity, have a better color and taste. An important trait of meat is proteinand intramuscular fat content and their characteristics. Define the traits and criteria for evaluation of pork quality has allowed to elaborate an instrumental methods of its measurement. Apparatus method of measuring is acidification (pH), brightness of meat color, conductivity, water holding capacity and tenderness of the meat. These methods are mainly adapted fordetecting defects in the meat quality. 55 P-10 FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS (FGMS) PRODUCED BY USING LASER ENGINEERED NET SHAPING (LENS) PhD Student: mgr inż. Michał Ziętala Supervisor: Prof. dr hab.inż. Zbigniew Bojar Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies, Military University of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego Str., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: mzietala@wat.edu.pl Abstract: Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) belong to a class of advanced materials characterized by a variation in properties as the dimension varies. The overall properties of FGMs are unique and different from any of an individual material that it forms. The concept of FGMs has been proposed to develop heterogeneous materials with structure/properties that change gradually over their volume, in order to achieve required functions of the final component. This work presents an alternative approach based on a “combination” of Fe3Al intermetallics with an appropriate conventional material (steel 316L) – in the form of the heterogeneous FGM fabricated by Laser Engineering Net Shaping technique. LENS is the leading additive manufacturing technology utilizing a highpower laser together with the iron aluminide and stainless steel powders for the production of highperformance FGMs parts. The ability to fabricate heterogeneous metal-intermetallic materials with a three, different production methods of chemical composition gradient 316L/Fe3Al was demonstrated. The first FGM sample (in the cubic form) was obtained with using standard Data Matrix Code (DMC) automatically generated by software (graded structure in Z direction). Other technological variants required manual modification of DMC file. Finally two samples were manufactured with continuous and discrete chemical composition gradient in radial and Z-direction respectively. 56 P-11 ELECTROREDUCTION OF 3-NITRO-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-5-ONE IN WATER/NITRIC ACID SYSTEM PhD Student: Malwina Wasilewska, Rafał Lewczuk Supervisor: Mateusz Szala Institute of Chemistry, Military University of Technology e-mail: malwina.wasilewska@onet.eu Abstract: 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) is a modern explosive compound. This material shows reduced sensitivity to mechanical stimuli and shock initiation. In a past few years many derivatives of this substance were described in the literature. NTO is also a valuable substrate for synthesis of azo- and azoxycompounds. In this work we present results of systematic study on electroreduction of NTO in water/acid system. Experiments were carried out using standard DC power supply with 12 V voltage and 4 A effective current maximum. Graphite electrodes were used. Solid products were collected by filtration. Sensitivity to mechanical stimuli of the products was investigated. The compounds were analyzed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and thermal analysis (DTA/TG) techniques. Morphology of the crystals was evaluated with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). 57 P-12 SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SiO2@Au NANOSTRUCTURES PhD Student: Judyta Rećko1, Dominik Jamioła2 Supervisor: Piotr Nyga1 1 Institute of Optoelectronics, 2Institute of Chemistry Military University of Technology e-mail: judea@vp.pl Abstract: In recent years hybrid metallic-dielectric nanostructures are rightly receiving a great deal of attention. Such materials called „core-shell“ are the combination of a spherical silica core and metalic shell. One of the most interesting example of that structures is a combination of silica with gold (SiO2@Au) which shows unique magnetic, biological, catalytic and optical properties. That features can be modified by selection of materials and diameters of each compond. The structures exhibit so called plasmon resonance which is associated with absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the specific range. The spectral position of the resonance and the optical properties depend on the type of materials, their geometry and morphology. In this work we obtained silica-gold core-shell structures. Synthesis of SiO2@Au was a two-step process. Silica was functionalization by amino groups. Modification of silica surface was followed by applaying the gold layer. Prepared materials were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy. 58 P-13 FUNCTIONALIZATION IMPLANTS SURFACE BY LENS TECHNIQUE PhD Student: Stanisław Lipiński Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Bojar Military University of Technology e-mail: slipinski@wat.edu.pl Abstract: Selected aspects of constituting of a surface layer of implants made of Ti alloy by a Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) method, have been shown in the present paper. Proposed technology of the implants surface modification is based on the LENS MR-7 device, use in an additive manufacturing of net shape, semi-finished components or in regeneration of damaged parts. Its principles are based on a process of deposition of the powder material in the high-power laser beam area. A method of forming a surface layer of Ti alloy based implants (developed in the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies MUT) uses the phenomenon of selective deposition of spherical powders made of titanium alloy on the substrate. A proper control of working parameters at different stages of the process provides a partial melting and metallurgical joining of the powder particles to the substrate. Obtained surface modifications were analyzed in order to determine their structural and surface morphology. A Light microscopy, a scanning electron microscopy, a X-ray diffraction and a non-destructive X-Ray tomography were used during the evaluation. Results of performed technological trials have shown that the proposed method allows formation of a surface layer of titanium alloy implant. Due to topographical and morphological properties of newly formed functional surface layer, it is expected that the modification will be beneficial in terms of the mechanical anchoring of the implant in the bone tissue. 59 P-14 PREPARATION AND ENERGETIC PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE SALT OF 4,4',5,5'-TETRANITRO-2,2'-BIIMIDAZOLE PhD Student: Rafał Lewczuk, Malwina Wasilewska Supervisor: Prof. Stanisław Cudziło Institute of Chemistry, Military University of Technology e-mail: rlewczuk@wat.edu.pl Abstract: Nitro derivatives of imidazole form an interesting group of high-energy materials. One of them is 4,4’,5,5’-tetranitro-2,2’-biimidazole (TNBI) which has high detonation parameters and could be used in modern propellants or explosive compositions. Unfortunately it is very hygroscopic and can be used only in form of salt. An important feature of this material is its low sensitivity to mechanical stimuli. In a past few years a number of publications about TNBI and its salts have been released but still there are no results of complex study on detonation parameters. In this work an ethylenediamine salt of TNBI was synthesized. The structure of obtained compound was confirmed with NMR spectroscopy. Thermal properties were investigated with DTA/TG analysis. The detonation velocity of the salt was measured. 60 P-15 OAT AS A RAW MATERIAL IN BREWING PhD Student: Paulina Bogdan Supervisors: prof. dr hab Zdzisława Libudzisz, dr inż. Edyta Kordialik-Bogacka Lodz University of Technology Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology e-mail: bogdanpaulina@gmail.com Abstract: Nowadays, barley malt is the preferred brewing material. It results from its high extract content and high enzyme activities. However, people suffering from celiac disease cannot consume beer produced from barley, owing to presence of gluten. Recent studies have shown that oat in appropriate doses is tolerated by people suffering from celiac disease. In medieval times, oats were traditionally used in brewing, but then they have been forgotten. Oat beer could be attractive not only for people suffering from celiac disease, but also for healthy consumers looking for new and interesting flavours. Oat has numerous health benefits. Oat has less starch, more protein, β-glucan and fat compared to barley. However, many favourable properties of oat from nutritional point of view can induce technological problems and compromise the quality of final beer. In this study the quality parameters of wort and beer produced entirely from oat malt as well as from barley malt with a various contribution of unmalted oat (22,5 and 45%) were compared. In addition, the influence of enzyme preparations Filtrase BR and Dex-Lo CL on technological parameters of wort was assessed. Wort made from malted oat und unmalted oat exhibited a lower extract and free amino nitrogen content (FAN) as compared to barley wort. Haze and high viscosity in wort and beer from oat malt, were observed probably due to a higher content of protein and non-starch polysaccharides, such as β-gluten. The use of unmalted oat also had an influence on lowering the concentration of higher alcohols and esters both in oat and barley beer. Additionally, it reduced the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the final beer. The application of enzyme preparations had a positive effect on: the increased content of extract and FAN, a faster wort filtration due to the reduced viscosity. Our research indicated, that the addition of unmalted oats should not exceed 20% both for beer from oat and barley malt. 61 P-16 COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH RESULTS WITH THE LITERATURE DATA REGARDING THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERAL CASTS PhD Student: M.Sc. Norbert Kępczak Supervisor: PhD D.Sc. Witold Pawłowski Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering Mechanical Department, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: norbert.kepczak@dokt.p.lodz.pl Abstract: The global industry is constantly looking for new design solutions and new materials which thanks to its properties may improve the quality of manufacturing products, reduce the costs associated with the manufacturing process, increase the flexibility of this process, etc. One of such materials is mineral cast. Mineral cast (PC - polymer concrete) is a complex material composed of fine particles of inorganic aggregates such as basalt, spodumene, fly ash, river gravel, sand, chalk, etc. connected together by two-component, chemically hardened resin (usually epoxy resin). Mineral casts have much better dynamic properties than the commonly used cast iron. The logarithmic decrement of damping of mineral casts is up to 10 times higher than in case of cast iron. Unfortunately, mineral casts have poor mechanical properties. The tensile strength of mineral cast is about 10 MPa, while the compressive strength is about 100 MPa. In order to verify the mechanical properties (tensile strength, compressive strength and Young’s modulus) of the mineral cast material the study was carried out. The material which was used for tests is mineral cast material offered by EPUCRET and commercially available under the name EPUCRET 140/5. In order to carry out the research two types of samples have been performed. The first type of sample was used in tensile test whereas the second one in compressive test. Tests were carried out on ten samples. Based on the survey it can be claimed that the literature data have been confirmed in case of the mechanical properties of the mineral casts. 62 P-17 THE STUDY OF CHANGES OF MICROBIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND CONTENT OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF JUNIPER (JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS L.) BERRIES AFTER OZONE DECONTAMINATION PhD Student: Agnieszka Brodowska Supervisor: Assoc. prof. Krzysztof Śmigielski, PhD Agnieszka Nowak Co-authors: Katarzyna Brodowska Institute of General Food Chemistry Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences Lodz University of Technology e-mail: 800416@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Juniper (Juniperus communis L) berries are usually consumed as dried. Therefore, the proper microbial quality of them is needed before they go on the market. Thus, the decontamination process must be conducted to assure consumers healthy and safe products. Several decontamination methods, which have been considered in terms of their safety and effectiveness, have some limitations. That is why alternative solutions are sought. Ozone as a strong oxidizer has an numerous applications in food industry and can be used as a decontaminating agent. Research material was delivered by herbal works KAWON–HURT, Gostyń, Poland. The study included microbiological analysis, total polyphenol content (TPC), GC-MS analysis of essential oils (EOs), free radical-scavenging capacity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The obtained results, preceded by a triple ozone decontamination at 24-hour intervals under conditions as follows: ozone concentration 160-165.0 g/m3; flow rate 0.1 L/min; time 30 min, indicate changes in the total polyphenol content, antioxidant activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power. Next to antioxidant assays, microbiological profile was determined. The study confirmed that ozone is very effective in reducing the fungal count as well as total mesophilic count. The study showed that ozone decontamination allows to obtain a microbiologically pure product with a similar composition of essential oils, but simultaneously with losses of polyphenolic compounds. 63 P-18 A COMPARISON OF ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF EXTRACTS FROM DEFATTED AND NON-DEFATTED FLAX (LINUM USITATISSIMUM) SEEDS PhD Student: Katarzyna Brodowska Supervisor: prof. Elżbieta Łodyga-Chruścińska Co-authors: Agnieszka Brodowska, Rik Catthoor Institute of General Food Chemistry Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences Lodz University of Technology e-mail: 800417@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Plants are the main source of natural antioxidants. Within the plant antioxidants phenolics can be distinguished and classified as a diverse group of chemical compounds with different radical scavenging capacity. Flax seeds are an abundant source of lignans, which have antioxidant properties and significantly reduce the effects of free radicals. Flax, Linum usitatissimum, is an annual plant and member of the Linaceae family. Flax is grown for linseed oil and is mostly used as a source of fibers. Flax is rich in fats (41 %), proteins (20 %) and dietary fibre (28 %). The composition of flax can depend on growing conditions, seed processing, as well as genetics. Flax seeds with a lower protein content generally have a higher amount of oil. Seeds of flax are the richest source of alpha-linolenic acid, lignans and other nutritional components. Flax does not contain gluten and consequently can be applied in gluten-free diets. Flaxseed oil contains interesting bioactive compounds other than the fats. Next to tocopherols, vitamin E analogs, anticancer and anti-cardiovascular disease agents, the polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids exhibit therapeutic properties. Moreover, lignans, phenolic acids and flavonoids are in charge for the decreasing rate of tumor growth and the decreasing incidence of breast, prostrate, and colon cancers. The aim of this study was the comparison of the estimation of the total polyphenol content (TPC), the free radical scavenging activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in extracts from defatted and non-defatted flax seeds. The results clearly show the impact of fatty acids on the effectiveness of this research. 64 P-19 DETECTION BY RADAR NETWORK USING WIFI 802.11 PhD Student: mgr inż. Marcin Leplawy Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Liliana Byczkowska-Lipińska / dr inż. Michał Morawski Instytut Informatyki, Politechnika Łódzka e-mail: mleplawy@stud.ics.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Document describes a method for detecting objects using WiFi network radar. The experiment shows how to build a wireless network to detect objects within its range. By observing the changes in the signal strength can be observed new objects in the network. 65 P-20 PHOTOELECTROCHEMICAL MINERALIZATION OF 1-(p-TOTYL)-1-PENTEN-3-ONE (PTP) AND BENZYLIDENEACETONE (BDA) PhD Student: Aleksandra Perek - Długosz Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Rynkowski dr Adam Socha Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry The Faculty of Chemistry Lodz University of Technology e-mail: pereczek@o2.pl Abstract: Electrodeposited zinc coatings are widely used to protect steel against corrosion in various technological fields. An anticorrosive properties of zinc deposit can be ensured by adding certain organic compounds to the zinc bath. Benzylideneactone is the most commonly used brightener, which belongs to a group of α,β-unsaturated ketones. During the zinc electrodeposition, benzylideneacetone undergoes an electrochemical reactions causing the formation of various compounds, which contaminates zinc bath. Therefore, these impurities should be removed. Cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry was used to determine a reduction and oxidation potentials α,β-unsaturated ketones 1-(p-totyl)-1-penten-3-one (PTP) and benzylideneacetone (BDA). The measurements of voltammetric reduction were carried out at mercury electrode, whereas the oxidation was performed at platinum electrode. In order to theoretically confirm their oxidative-reductive susceptibility, HOMO and LUMO energies were calculated. The degradation of 1-(p-totyl)-1-penten-3-one by photoelectro-chemical method in aqueous solution of KCl has also been studied. A reactor equipped with a platinum cathode, titanium anode covered by TiO2 (70 %) / RuO2 (30 %) and UV lamp with an emission spectrum at 254 nm was used in the experiments. The maximum mineralization (80 % for PTP and 98 % for BDA) was achieved for the current intensity of 0.3 A and 120 minutes of the photoelectrochemical reaction. 66 P-21 FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF THE MOTORCYCLE AREA DAMAGED AFTER FRONTAL COLLISION WITH ANOTHER OBJECT PhD Student: mgr inż. Michal Motylski Supervisor: dr hab inż. Andrzej Szosland, prof PŁ Lodz University of Technology e-mail: michal.motylski@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of the research is to evaluate different formulas which are used to estimate the motorcycle’s pre collision speed in perpendicular motorcycle-to-car accidents based on the wheelbase reduction and shows relationship between motorcycle frontal damaged area and area of the car impact. As the area of the car impact is engaged car “hard location” accepted as non-deformable barrier (such as car pillars, car front and rear axles) and car “soft location” accepted as deformable barrier (such as doors, fenders). Those relationships are used to estimate the motorcycle’s pre-collision speed in motorcycle-to-car accidents. The evaluation used published data from group of different motorcycle crash experiments which was prepared by the research institutes. The results so far have been collected in the graphs, where it’s easier to see that the motorcycle’s pre-collision speed cannot be estimated with high accuracy. This is due to, among others, with different coefficients of stiffness of the motorcycle structure as well as the local stiffness of the vehicle at impact location. It Furthermore the results show the importance of undertaking further research in this area and how it is important to approach each case individually, with due attention to minimize the risk of errors in estimating of the impact velocity, how relevant to the knowledge of the truth about the traffic incident. Researches in this area are also the basis for the development of motorcycle passive safety systems. 67 P-22 FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF THE TRACES LEFT BY VEHICLES DURING THE ACCIDENT PhD Student: mgr inż. Andrzej Graczyk Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Szosland, prof. PŁ Lodz University of Technology e-mail: andrzej.graczyk@biegli.com Abstract: The purpose of the research is elaboration of a disclosure and ascertainment methodology of a type of traces left by vehicles on a scene of an accident. Both the correct identification of the type of traces protected on a scene of an accident and the possibility of establishing the intensification of the physical phenomenon occurring in the time when they are formed are necessary to make an unambiguous reconstruction of the accident in terms of forensic. Final result of an accident reconstruction is an expert opinion which should clearly ascertain what failed in system human-vehicle-environment. In the research were analyzed the traces of cooperation between the vehicles tyres and the asphalt surface. The stoichiometric composition of the selected asphalt surface samples was set and the spectral analysis was done. In the researched groups of the asphalt surface there were samples on which any traces of cooperation with the vehicles tyres was protected and samples on which organoleptically recognizable traces of braking were protected (note: the specimens had different coverage degree of the organoleptically evident traces). Structural analysis do not show any important differences in the chemical composition of examined asphalt surfaces. Based on conducted spectrometric test results analysis it was established that the surfaces of tested specimens are characterized by different emissivity of the reflected radiation which depends on the coverage degree of the asphalt surface sample with organoleptically evident skid marks. In the next stage of the study there are going to be examined asphalt samples on which vehicles brake in a rapid way while sensory identified traces are not protected. 68 P-23 STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SI3N4 COATINGS DEPOSITED BY RF PECVD METHOD PhD Student: Katarzyna Oleśko Supervisor: dr hab.inż. Hieronim Szymanowski , prof. PŁ Institute of Materials Science and Engineering Lodz University of Technology e-mail: katarzyna.olesko@gmail.com Abstract: Powłoki azotku krzemu Si3N4 otrzymywane w procesie chemicznego osadzania z fazy gazowej wspomaganej plazmą z częstotliwością radiową 13,56MHz (RF PECVD) są szeroko stosowane w różnych dziedzinach życia człowieka. Zarówno jako powłoki do zastosowań w astronomii, optoelektronice czy jako warstwy antyrefleksyjne w ogniwach słonecznych. Charakteryzują się one np. wysokim współczynnikiem załamania światła czy dużą gęstością. Warstwy azotku krzemu Si3N4 wytwarzane metodą RF PECVD posiadają różnorodne właściwości chemiczne jak i fizyczne, uzależnione są one od warunków osadzania powłoki czy związku chemicznego, wykorzystanego podczas procesu. Powłoka azotku krzemu w swoim składzie może zawierać zarówno zwiększoną ilość wodoru, w konsekwencji czego ma mniejszą gęstość, czy węgla, który powoduje obniżenie się współczynnika załamania światła. W pracy zostaną przedstawione wyniki badań powłok azotku krzemu Si3N4 wytworzonego metodą RF PECVD. Powłoki te zostały nałożone z krzemoorganicznych związków HMDS w atmosferze gazów roboczych (azot/amoniak). Zaprezentowana zostaną różnice właściwościach powłok od stosunku przepływu gazów roboczych (NH3/N2). Przedstawione rezultaty przedstawiają zmianę współczynnika załamania światła czy składu chemicznego w zależności od przepływu mieszaniny gazów. Oprócz badań elipsometrycznych i FTIR, zostały również wykonane badania SEM, EDS czy UV-VIS. Zaprezentowane wyniki stanowią jeden z kluczowych elementów do dalszych prac dotyczących gradientowych powłok optycznych. 69 P-24 POLYGENERATION SYSTEM POWERED BY A BIOMASS MICRO CHP, IN LINE WITH THE IDEAS OF SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS, THE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND SMART GRIDS PhD Student: Piotr Piersa Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. eng. Tadeusz Fodemski Department of Heat Technology and Refrigeration Institute of Turbomachinery The Mechanical Faculty Lodz University of Technology, Poland e-mail: piotr.piersa@p.lodz.pl Abstract: This article familiarize with the poligeneration system, in particular with a type of electricity, heat and cold production, which is powered by the biomass micro-CHP plant. The concept of the micro-CHP installation is adopted to power both the public utility buildings as well as those property complexes, which simultaneously need all listed earlier forms of energy. This sort of solution is particularly beneficial for places, where the access to the traditional sources of energy is limited or economically unfounded. For polish conditions, in the face of dictated challenges: the Increase of energy independence or efficient use of renewable energy sources, and imposed requirements, among others: reduction of carbon dioxidate emission it is a simple solution which meets the ideas of the distributed generation, the sustainable buildings and smart grids. 70 P-25 INVESTIGATION OF THE FLOW IN THE CAPPILARY NETWORKS PhD Student Emilia Pietrzak Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Sęk, prof. ndzw. PŁ Cathedral of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Lodz University of Technology e-mail:emiliapietrzak89@gmail.com Abstract: The soils are porous structures of granular nature, namely solids are having a large number of its interior space, which are filled with gas or liquid most frequently. These spaces are called pores. The granular layer may be treated as a bundle of curving capillaries with flowing fluid through them. Model of capillary network shall be considered as the ideal model of the pore structure, which is the recognition of the porous layer, where can be investigated phenomena of two-phase flow systems of the oil-water or emulsion-water. There are two opportunities for research: the real model or model based on the simulation. The purpose of model of the capillary network is to reconstruct porous medium which contains small spaces filled with fluid (e.g., gas, liquid, or a mixture of different liquids). Transport of dissolved substances in porous media filled with liquid plays an important role in many scientific and technological phenomena, among others in the transport of pollutants in the soil, nutrient transport in the bones, blood flow in the blood vessels, the movement of minerals (e.g., fertilizer) in the soil, in the techniques of secondary recovery of oil, hydrological research projects. In this work, includes the results of investigation of the efficiency of the elution process of high viscosity substances - oil using a low-viscosity substance - water. In the experiment, used such media as: silicone oil, sunflower oil and the engine oil. These studies were carried out by replacing the actual structure of the porous media systems connected in parallel capillaries. Attempted to describe the course of the processes under investigation by the equation model. 71 P-26 PHOTOCATALYTIC WATER GAS SHIFT REACTION AT AN AMBIENT TEMPERATURE PhD Student: Krzysztof Czupryn Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Ireneusz Kocemba Lodz University of Technology, Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry The Faculty of Chemistry e-mail: krzyczu@gmail.com Abstract: Water gas shift reaction is of great importance to the industry. It allows obtaining hydrogen and reducing carbon monoxide at the same time. Hydrogen obtained in this reaction can be used for further processes such as the preparation of ammonia. The water gas shift reaction proceeds according to the equation: CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2 ∆H0298 = - 40.09 kJ / mol Application of photocatalysts makes it possible to conduct this reaction without the use of high temperatures. The initiation of the reaction occurs even at room temperature. The ferrochrome catalysts can operate in the temperature range of 310oC to 450oC. The low temperature shift reaction occurs at 200oC to 250oC and the catalyst is a mixture of ZnO, CuO and Cr2O3/Al2O3. Copper metal crystallites are the active species in the catalysts. Copper catalyst is sulfur, halogen, unsaturated hydrocarbon intolerant and susceptible to thermal sintering The aim of the study was to investigate the activity of photocatalysts at an ambient temperature. The object of the study was a series of catalysts in the form of platinum deposited on a titanium dioxide carrier. Catalytic activity tests were carried out at room temperature. The reaction mixture (5% CO in argon) flowed through a vertical reactor having a diameter of 45mm with a quartz glass window. The reactor was filled with distilled water and 0.2 g of the catalyst was placed. The concentration of CO2 was measured using a FUJI analyzer IR detector. The measurement of the concentration of CO2 was carried out for 120 minutes of the catalysts exposure to UV radiation (maximum at 362 nm) and immediately followed by the 60 minute step without UV radiation. Tested platinum catalysts showed high activity. Catalytic activity was dependent on the concentration of the metallic phase and the temperature of reduction. Catalysts with a higher content of the metal phase showed improved activity. The highest catalytic activity was achieved after reduction at 500°C. 72 P-27 DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION AS A PROCESS OF IMPROVING DEMULSIBILITY OIL EMULSIONS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENTS PhD Student: Daniel Głąbała Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Jerzy Sęk, prof. nadzw. PŁ Lodz University of Technology Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering e-mail: daniel.glabala@o2.pl Abstract: Wastewater treatment is a technological process consisting in removing pollution from wasterwater and sludge, and substances dissolved in them, colloids (e.g. emulsions) and suspensions. During the industrial or municipal waste treatment by physical and chemical methods, in many cases it will encounter on pollution in the form of an emulsion. In the environment emulsions are present mostly in following states: “oil-in-water” and “water-in-oil”. Nowadays emulsions are widely used in the various branches of the industry. The fundamental place they found in cosmetical, pharmaceutical or transport sector. The majority of the mentioned industrial emulsions are considered to be “oil-in-water” type. Moreover emulsions are applied in the processes of the environmental protection, precisely within utilization of the industrial and municipal sewage treatment. The thermodynamic and electrokinetic processes are taking inside, directly affect the balance of the system and they often cause instability – demulsibility. Demulsibility process of emulsion can be the result three extending parallel or sequentially processes: flocculation, creaming and coalescence. One of the main processes used for mechanical wastewater treatment in industrial and municipal wastewater is flotation. This process foresees flotation of oil droplets that are present in the dispersed phase of emulsion as a result of their separation from the aqueous phase of emulsion. Thus flotation is defined as a process of phases division, in particular separation of the solid phase from the liquid phase or liquid phase from the liquid phase. Usually process of flotation can be intensified due to applying of additional affecting factors e.g. air bubbles. Then this process is called dissolved air flotation (DAF). This technology used micro-bubbles of 40 to 120µm, which in view of the small particle size dispersions (from 3 to 15µm) is a high probability of contact of the dispersed phase (oil) with an air bubble. It used measuring equipment that is applied for one of the widespread spectrophotometric methods – turbidimetry, because it gives opportunity to define oil concentration after process of the emulsion demulsification - an optical analyzer Turbiscan. The purpose of this research work focused on assessment and compartment of the effectiveness of tradition demulsification and demulsification stimulated by air microbubbles (Dissolved Air Flotation). Influence of various surfactant concentrations on demulsifying process was also investigated in the frame of this publication. 73 P-28 NOVEL ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS WITH LIGANDS USED IN THE PHARMACOLOGY; SYNTHESIS AND SOME PROPERTIES PhD Student: Agnieszka Kaczmarek Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Wolf Lodz University of Technology, Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry e-mail: agnieszka.kaczmarek@dokt.p.lodz.pl Abstract: The metal complexes with ligands with a potential pharmacological application, are little known and they are interesting objects to investigated. The results of previous studies suggest that desirability of deeper knowledge of these compounds, with particular emphasis on structures and uses. This paper refers synthesis and proprieties of novel compounds of metal transition with lactic (LA), nicotinic (NIC) and p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). All these ligands are used mainly in pharmacology and also in the cosmetic and food industry. Lactic acid improves liver, kidney and intestinal villi action. It prevents gastroenterolic diseases, and stimulates the organism acid-base system. PABA (vitamin B10) stimulates bacterial flora to folic acid production. It prevents also impaired fertility and provides a healthy looking skin and hair by concentrating in the cells and protects against harmful UV rays. Nicotinic acid dilates the blood vessels of the skin, heart and brain. It has an anti-atherosclerotic, bile and blood pressure level lowering. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and enhances the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. For the synthetized compound was made different physic-chemical investigations. Conductivity measurement in methanol (MeOH), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and dimethylformamide (DMF) solution permitted to qualify the type of the electrolyte, based on the literature data. Thermal decompositions of obtained compounds was examined in the dynamic oxygen atmosphere using the TG and DTG technique. The analysis of absorption spectra in the infra-red radiation gave the information about type of the metalligand binding and presence of water in complexes. The X-Ray diffraction patterns defined the degree of the crystallinity and isotype of them. 74 P-29 ELECTRO-REDUCTIVE PROPERTIES OF SALICYLIC ACID, ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS CONTAINING THESE COMPOUNDS PhD Student: Edyta Wudarska Supervisor: Prof. Ph.D. D.Sc. Jacek Rynkowski, Ph.D. Ewa Chrześcijańska Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry Department of Chemistry Technical University of Lodz e-mail: edyta.wudarska@gmail.com Abstract: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) due to their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties belongs to the most widely used medicines in the world. O-hydroxybenzoic acid (salicylic acid, SA) is the first synthetically obtained steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is used in the pharmaceutical industry, drug and cosmetic preparations (ointments, creams and gels) for skin care. Since SA had been the first time synthesized, researches for new anti-inflammatory drugs but with higher therapeutic activity have been carried out. Many NSAIDs belonging to various chemical groups, with different anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity, were developed. Active substances in NSAIDs includes also o-acetoxybenzoic acid (acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, ASA). Acetylsalicylic acid is applied in curing pain and fever decrease. Unlimited access to NSAIDs and the possibility to purchase them without a prescription, as well as access to drugs originated from unknown sources, cause a danger of their uncontrolled use in huge amounts. Application of these drugs by patients, without the knowledge of their actions and interactions between them, can result in unwanted side effects. Due to this fact, electrochemical and analytical studies of NSAIDs are very important and can be useful in estimation of their effect on human body and his health. Taking into consideration results of electroanalytical studies, electrochemical properties, especially antireductive properties of the studied compounds can be determined. Results of the investigations can be helpful for the pharmaceutical industry in development of drugs with similar therapeutic action but without harmful side effects. 75 P-30 ANALYSIS THE COLORIMETRIC METHODS OF DETERMINATION CONCENTRATION OF ALUMINIUM IN SEWAGE SLUDGE FOR DAIRY INDUSTRY PhD Student: Michał Sadowski Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Wolf Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry The Faculty of Chemistry Technical University of Lodz, Poland e-mail:800498@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: For many years the colorimetric methods were the basis for determining the concentration of aluminium in industrial wastewater. The most commonly used method in this field is based on the ability of aluminium to form colored complexes with organic compounds such as eriochrome cyanin R or aluminon. Nowadays, the development of technology has led to the marginalization of the traditional approach and focused on the analysis with the application of atomic absorption spectrometry AAS. This results from the lower accuracy of determination of aluminium and greater amount of environmental factors that interfere in the analysis. The aim of the work is to present problems which occur in the colorimetric method of the determination of a concentration of aluminium with the use of eriochrome cyanin R as a colour indicator. Additionally, the influence of pH of chemical reaction on the measured absorbance value and the range of quantification was described. The attention was drew also to the problems related to the mineralization of sewage sludge using a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids. The information about the aluminium content in the sewage is the starting point for describing the possibilities to undergo the process of coagulation in order to minimize the amount of organic residues in diary production. The process of coagulation of sewage sludge, called conditioning, is used as the first stage for chemical treatment of liquid waste, in order to its subsequent exploitation. The sewage sludge gives wide possibilities of its use including application as a manure for growing plants in areas heavily degraded and coincineration with coal. 76 P-31 SIMULATION SP RESIDUAL STRESS IN AL7075 ALLOY PhD Students: Paulina Byczkowska, Piotr Zawadzki, Mariusz Stegliński Supervisor: Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng Jacek Sawicki Technical University of Lodz e-mail: paulina.byczkowska@dokt.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Nowadays there is a tendency to reduce production costs in all areas of the industry. For this reason it is important to use computer techniques to simulate the most interesting processes. Using them allows to design elements properties in the manufacturing process and subsequent exploitation. The aim of the computer support in the shot peening process is the selection and optimization of technological parameters. This allows to control obtained stress and strain state in the treated elements. In this paper there was modeled shot peening process on aluminum samples. Shot peening is type of surface plastic treatment which main goal is to improve treated surface. As a result of the shot stream impacts compressive stresses are introduced in surface. It increase endurance properties, and above all the fatigue strength. There will be also beneficial changes in friction coefficient, erosive wear, cavitation resistance or galling resistance (fretting). The numerical model was prepared based on surface strengthening process by plastic deformation- shot peening. The main parameters affecting on the value of the stress created during this treatment are: the sample distance from the nozzle and the shot velocity and diameter. The analysis were subjected to each of the above parameters. ANSYS LS- Dyna solver was used to carry out computer modeling of fast and dynamic phenomenon. Computer simulation allowed to analyze the strain and stress distribution and the depth of it in function of shot peening process parameters. 77 P-32 WEAR RESISTANCE OF 7075 ALUMINUM ALLOY WITH GRADIENT COATING PhD Student: Piotr Zawadzki, Paulina Byczkowska Supervisor: D.Sc., Ph.D., Eng Łukasz Kaczmarek Institute of Material Science and Engineering, Łódź University of Technology, ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Łódź, e-mail: piotr.zawadzki@dokt.p.lodz.pl Abstract: This paper describes increase tribological properties of 7075 aluminum alloy by depositing a gradient coating of high adhesion to the substrate using RF PACVD method. To eliminate forming of thin Al2O3 layer with relatively poor adhesion to the aluminum substrate, gradient a-C: H/Ti layers synthesis hybrid plasma chemical RF PACVD reactor equipped with pulsed magnetron sputtering system was used. Using such configuration enables forming a thick and highly adherent diamond-like carbon layer on aluminum surface with low coefficient of friction (0,05), at a substrate temperature below 200ºC. Due to application of Ti magnetron cathode it was possible to improve the adhesion strength up to 21mN of diamond-like carbon layer to the covered substrate. Influence of deposition parameters on microhardness profile as well as adhesion and morphology were determined by nanotest and AFM, respectively. Additionally, influence of ionic volume, bond energy and chemical affinity of counter body on tribological properties of were determined. 78 P-33 A NEW METHOD FOR OBTAINING THE SUGAR BEET THIN JUICE PhD Student: Marcin Kucner Supervisor: Jan Grabka Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Institute of Chemical Technology of Food e-mail: marcin.kucner@p.lodz.pl Abstract: In the paper assesses the usefulness of coagulants and flocculants selected to purify raw sugar juice, determined the optimal dose of cleaning agent, changing the pH value and purified juice color. By the purification process using two types of raw juice: a) raw juice obtained by traditional methods. Juice was manufactured in „Sugar factory Dobrzelin (A)” in November 2009r. The juice was divided into 35 samples of approximately 1.7 liters each and then frozen at -18°C, b) raw juice extracted from sugar beet slices subjected to blanching process. Juice was manufactured in "Sugar factory Kruszwica (B)" in December 2010. The juice was divided into 10 samples of approximately 1.7 liters each and then frozen at -18°C. The results were used to identify the best clarifying agent. Have also made a more detailed analysis, which was culmination of a Patent Application No. P-399457 on 08.06.2012r.. 79 P-34 INFLUENCE OF THE CUTTING FLUID ON THE GRINDING FORCES OF TITANIUM ALLOY PhD Student: Anna Grdulska Supervisor: prof. Bogdan Kruszyńksi Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering Technical University of Łódź ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Łódź, Poland e-mail: anna.grdulska@p.lodz.pl Abstract: Abrasive machining is one of the most important methods of shaping machine elements. As a result, should receive the items with high dimensional accuracy, with the expected parameters describing the state of the surface layer (SL) [1]. Grinding difficult to machine materials used in the aerospace industry is an issue currently being examined by various research centers. An excellent example is the analysis of the grinding process, titanium alloys, as these materials have very poor machinability due to the tendency to of adhesion abrasive materials, low thermal conductivity, high strength and susceptibility at elevated temperatures, which may adversely impact on the quality of the surface layer [2 , 3,4]. On its formation influenced by a number of factors, such as mechanical and thermal phenomenas, as well as the type of cutting fluids used in the grinding wheelobject zone. There are many methods of controlling the grinding process, among which was selected: measurement of cutting force components tangential Ft and normal Fn. On the basis of preliminary tests, the impact of cooling lubricant, fed by MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication), on the force values Ft and Fn was observed. 80 P-35 POSSIBILITY OF USING NEW KIND OF WOODEN MATERIAL FOR PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY, THROUGH THE USE OF WOOD FROM FAST-GROWING POPLAR PhD Student: Marcin Dubowik Supervisor: Piotr Przybysz Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Papermaking and Printing e-mail: marcin.dubowik1989@gmail.com Abstract: The main aim of this poster is to present one of many directions leading to enlarge base of vegetal fibrous material for pulp and paper industry. Poster assesses reasons of seeking new wooden materials, prospects for the use of wood from fastgrowing poplar. Moreover, properties of pulp and paper sheets obtained from fast-growing poplar are thoroughly compared with properties of pulp and paper sheets from ordinary popular. The results show pros and cons of investigated wooden material from fast-growing trees. . 81 P-36 ANALYSIS OF A PROCESS OF EMULSIONS CAPILLARY TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA PhD Student: Olga Shtyka. Supervisor: Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Hab. Eng., Professor of LUT Jerzy Sęk Lodz Uniwersity of Technology (LUT), Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering e-mail: olgashtyka@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Penetration of oil-spill-derived emulsions into the aquatic ecosystems has become quite serious problem and poses extremely high risk to the marine and terrestrial environments due to high level of their toxicity. Correspondingly, effective and short-time recovery of the mentioned contaminants is a priority point at issues of the environment safety. The following researches were conducted to evaluate experimentally kinetics of porous media imbibition with O/W emulsions. Spontaneous imbibitions is considered to be a fluid transport into porous medium due to spontaneous suction of a fluid forced by the capillary pressure. The capillary suction is observed as a result of the wetting of porous medium by the penetrating fluid. The purpose of investigations was to describe this process and predict by means of various mathematical models commonly used in other branches of science for the estimation of the rate of occurring processes like the adsorption or efficiency of chemical reaction. Finally their adequacy was compared with the classical Lucas–Washburn equation. The peculiarity was to take into consideration and describe the kinetics of the mass changing of the imbibed emulsion during fixed period of time rather than correlation of a height parameter with time. The experimental media were oil in water (O/W) emulsions prepared by means of water mixing with kerosene oil mixing. The dispersed phase concentrations (DPC) were: 1%; 5% and 10% with the surfactant concentration of 2 %. The porous medium used in model experiments was polypropylene fiber “Polfilter”. The investigations of kinetics of the porous medium imbibition with O/W emulsions give opportunity to develop efficient recovery materials that contribute to diminishing of both short and long term negative consequences of aquatic ecosystems contamination and facilitate preservation of the pollution-sensitive components of the environment. 82 P-37 THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF EVEN-TOED UNGULATES SERUM ALBUMINS IN NATIVE FORMS PhD Student: Julita Tałaj Supervisor: Anna Bujacz, PhD Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Lodz University of Technology e-mail: julitatalaj@gmail.com Abstract: Serum albumins represent up to 60% of proteins in the blood plasma. Their high concentration, very good solubility in water and ability to bind a number of small molecules make them a universal carrier. Albumins can bind fatty acids, hormones, metabolites, drugs and toxins. Their molecular mass is approximately 67kDa. Mammalian serum albumins are three-domain helical proteins possessing 17 disulfide bridges stabilizing the structure. Each domain (I - III) consists of two subdomains (A, B) that have different affinity to the ligands. Presently, among even-toed ungulates’ serum albumins, only the crystal structure of bovine serum albumin (BSA) is known (PDB ID: 4F5T) [1]. I present new structures of ovine (OSA) (PDB ID: 4LUF) and goat (GSA) serum albumins. Sequential differences between even-toed ungulates’ albumins are relatively small. The amino acid sequences of BSA and OSA, as well, as of BSA and GSA are identical in 92%. Identity between OSA and GSA equals 98.5%. It is interesting, that even small difference between their sequences causes changes in tertiary structures, which influence on flexibility of the structures and capacity of the binding pockets. The strength of ligand binding is differentiated for individual even-toed ungulates’ serum albumins. The investigated albumins possess abilities to crystallize in number of crystallization conditions creating crystals with different morphology and space groups. Additionally, for BSA, OSA and GSA more than one crystal form was identified. Known crystallization conditions for one serum albumin can be treated as a hint to obtain crystals of the other closely related albumins. References: [1] Bujacz A.: Structures of bovine, equine and leporine serum albumin. Acta Crystallographica Section D. (2012), 68, 1278-1289. 83 P-38 STRUCTURAL STUDIES OF NITROBENZOHYDRAZIDE DERIVATIVES – POTENTIAL TUBERCULOSTATIC DRUGS PhD Student: Sylwia Kałużyńska Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Główka Wydział Chemiczny PŁ e-mail: s.kaluzynska@wp.pl Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious lungs’s disease, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially active in poor countries. This disease remains a serious problem, because of increasing resistance of the bacteria to known medicines. For this reason, searches for new tuberculostatic drugs are undertaken in many laboratories. With this goal in mind two structures: N’-(1,3-dithiolane-2-ylidene)-4-nitrobenzohydrazide and its N-methyl substituted derivative were determined by X-ray crystallography method. The first compound forms strong NH…O hydrogen bonds between the amide groups in anti conformation joining parallel molecules into chains running in [010] direction and the molecules are flat. In the crystals of the N-methylated derivative the amide group has syn conformation and the molecules are characteristically bent. Also, due to lack of acidic NH group only weak C-H…O and C-H…N intermolecular hydrogen contacts are observed. 84 P-39 FATTY ACID AND STEROL COMPOSITION IN OLEORESINS OF CARUM CARVI L. PhD Student: mgr inż. Anna Smętek Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Danuta Kalemba Institute of General Food Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, 4/10 Stefanowskiego St., 90-924 Lodz, Poland smetek.anna@gmail.com Abstract: Carum carvi L., caraway, is a plant belonging to Apiaceae family, that is widely distributed and cultivated mainly for the seeds that are very common spice. Caraway seeds are rich in essential oil and fat oil. These two oils are the main constituents of oleoresins – plant extracts that consist of volatile and nonvolatile compounds, such as lipids, sterols, waxes, pigments and resins. Oleoresins have many applications in food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products. These substances are very important for the taste, colour, texture and other important properties like antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. There are two methods for obtaining oleoresins – classical solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. Oleoresins were obtained from caraway seeds by solvent extraction in Soxhlet apparatus using hexane, acetone, and ethanol. The fatty acid composition was determined by the analysis of their methyl esters obtained by transestrification. The phytosterol content and composition was determined in the form of their trimetylsilyl ethers obtained by derivatization. All the samples were analyzed by GC-MS method. Differences in the yield of oleoresins obtained with different solvents were observed. Ethanol was the most efficient solvent, that yielded 13,3% of oleoresin, while acetone and hexane yielded 12.2% and 9.6%, respectively. The content and composition of fatty acids and sterols were similar in three oleoresins. The major constituents of fatty acids were petroselinic, linoleic, and oleic acids. The main sterol compounds found in oleoresins were β-sitosterol and cycloartenol. 85 P-40 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF F PORPHYRINS AND THEIR THE TWO-ELECTRON ELECTRON REDUCTION PRODUCTS. COMPARISON COMP OF EXPERIMENT AND THEORY PhD Student: Tadeusz Strózik Supervisor: Professor Maria Hilczer Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, The Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Poland e-mail: 800157@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: Physicochemical properties and structure of porphyrin (P) and its two-electron two electron reduced forms (phlorin, Phl and chlorin, Chl) become the subject of interest of many researchers. Porphyrins, -conjugated organic chromophores, play a fundamental role in numerous numerous biological and chemical processes. Some of them can be also applied as photosensitizers in the photodynamic therapy (PDT) and radiotherapy of cancer. The present work is a continuation of our recent studies (Rad. (Rad. Phys. Chem. Chem 91, 156-165, 2013) on radiolytic olytic reduction of aqueous solutions of the selected porphyrins. In those studies identification of the final reduction products of P was based on their reactivity to molecular oxygen (Phl, contrary to Chl, is oxidized rapidly by O2 to recover the original original P). Identification of the Phl and Chl absorption bands in the visible absorption spectrum of the reduced porphyrin solution was, hovewer, difficult to perform. To gain an insight into spectroscopic properties of the final reduction products of P, we decided deci to calculate the absorption spectra of P, Phl and Chl using the time-dependent time dependent perturbation theory approach, and compare them with respective experimental spectrum obtained by pulse radiolysis method at 77 K and at room temperature. The object of our present resent considerations is the anionic 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (p-sulfonatophenyl) sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin (TSPP). The electronic absorption spectra have been calculated at the TDDFT / B3LYP 6-31++ 6 G(d,p) level using Gaussian09 package and computational resources of the Technical Technical University of Lodz Computer Center (PLATON project) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) of the Warsaw University (grant no. G25-5). 86 P-41 PARTICLE TRANSPORT MECHANISMS INCLUDING THE FORCES ACTING ON THE PARTICLE TRANSPORT PhD Student: Adam Hofman Supervisor: prof. dr hab .inż. Marek Dziubiński dr inż. Jarosław Sowiński Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland e-mail: 800433@ 800433@edu.p.lodz.pl Abstract: The purpose of the poster is to present the mechanisms of transport - turbophoresis and turbulent diffusion and forces acting on the transport of particles from the liquid film to the wall conduit – Saffman lift force, Magnus force and gravity force. These phenomena are driving forces for mass transfer in the pipeline. The intensity of these effects, outside these forces, has many parameters: the diameter and the foundation of transported particles and eddies in turbulent flow. Calculations were performed for the iron particles and sand present in the water pipeline. 87 P-42 DYES AS PROBE FOR THE DETECTION OF THIOLS PhD Student: Aleksandra Kowalska Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Jolanta Sokołowska Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology and e-mail: al.kowalska@10g.pl Abstract: Thiols, such as cysteine, homocysteine and glutathione significantly affect many cellular function. Alterations in the levels of certain thiols are linked with many diseases, such as the slow growth of children, hair depigmentation, liver damage, skin lesions, weakness, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and other maladies. The optical detection of biothiols is an active area of research due to its simplicity, high sensitivity, fast responses and potential application for imaging in living cells. This type of detection is usually based on irreversible chemical reaction between the probe molecules and analytes [1, 2, 3]. Several N-methyl-3-formyl-2-quinolone derivatives (1-3) were synthesized and characterized by 1H-NMR spectroscopy and CI mass spectrometry. The spectroscopic properties of these dyes were examined. The behaviors of the obtained compounds at a pH of 7.4 without and in the presence of L-cysteine were also studied. The kinetic data were modeled using a pseudo-first-order equation. R H3C N O CH3 R: 1 2 N O 3 S + N IN CH3 [1] Chen X, Zhou X, Peng X, Yoon J. (2010) Fluorescent Chemical Society Reviews 39:2120. [2] Zeng X, Zhang X, Zhu B, Jia H, Li Y. (2012) Dyes and Pigments 94:10. [3] Hyman LM, Franz KJ. (2012) Coordination Chemistry Reviews 256:2333-2356. 88 P-43 SINGULARITY OF WATER IN REFINING PROCESS PhD Student: Marta Kucner Supervisor: Piotr Przybysz Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Protection, Institute of Papermaking and Printing e-mail: mk.kucner.marta@gmail.com Abstract: The poster "Singularity of water in refining process" will present importance of water in pulp refining process. Many tests were performed in order to prove the assumption about crucial role of water in fibrillation of fibers. Experimental was conducted by replacing water with alcohols during refining in standard refiner (PFI mill). Alcohols used in the study were as following: methanol ethanol propanol butanol During all the tests the same pulp has been refined in the same conditions. The only process variable was liquid that was used in the refining process. Detailed information on changes in properties of paper and range of paper application obtained by such a processing are to be presented on the poster. Moreover, conclusions and guidelines for further research have been drawn. 89 POROZUMIENIE DOKTORANTÓW UCZELNI TECHNICZNYCH Porozumienie Doktorantów Uczelni Technicznych (PDUT) to inicjatywa doktorantów uczelni technicznych polegająca na wzajemnej współpracy i wymianie doświadczeń. Głównym celem PDUT jest: • reprezentowanie zrzeszonych środowisk doktorantów 18 uczelni technicznych; • wymiana informacji i doświadczeń; • realizowanie wspólnych przedsięwzięć naukowych i kulturalnych; • podejmowanie współpracy z organizacjami doktoranckimi. PDUT działa w oparciu o nowy statut uchwalony dn. 01.12.2012 r. Zjazdy PDUT to przestrzeń do realizacji statutowych celów Porozumienia, możliwość poznania środowiska doktorantów uczelni technicznych, wymiana doświadczeń oraz wiedzy, jak również możliwość wypracowania wspólnego stanowiska w określonych tematach dotyczących doktorantów uczelni technicznych. Zjazdy odbywają się 4 razy do roku i są organizowane przez kolejne uczelnie będące członkami Porozumienia. KONTAKT: Przewodnicząca Porozumienia Doktorantów Uczelni Technicznych mgr inż. Aleksandra Szreniawa - Sztajnert e-mail: olaszreniawa-sztajnert@wp.pl strona internetowa: www.pdut.edu.pl 90 KRAJOWA REPREZENTACJA DOKTRANTÓW Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów (KRD) jest ogólnopolskim przedstawicielem i wyrazicielem woli środowiska rodowiska doktorantów. KRD ma prawo do wyra wyrażania opinii i przedstawiania wniosków w sprawach dotyczących dotycz ogółu doktorantów, w tym do opiniowania aktów normatywnych dotyczących dotycz cych doktorantów. (art. 209 ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2005r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym wy szym (Dz. Ust. Nr 164 z 2005 r., poz. 1365 z pó późn. zm.) W swojej statutowej działalności ści KRD posiada prawo do: • reprezentowania interesów oraz obronę obron praw doktorantów, • rozwijania samorządności ści doktoranckiej, • współpracy z ośrodkami rodkami wspierają wspierającymi działalność naukową doktorantów, • wspierania inicjatyw środowiska doktorantów, dokto • budowania więzi zi kulturalnych i towarzyskich, • wyrażania ania opinii i przedstawianie wniosków w sprawach dotycz dotyczących cych ogółu doktorantów, • opiniowania projektów aktów normatywnych dotyczących dotycz doktorantów, • występowania powania z propozycjami aktów prawnych do wła właściwych organów państwa. ństwa. KONTAKT: Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów ul. Koszykowa 60/62 lok. 11 00-673 Warszawa tel./fax. 22 623 83 09 e-mail: sekretariat@krd.edu.pl strona internetowa: www.krd.org.pl 91 ŁÓDZKIE POROZUMIENIE DOKTORANTÓW (ŁPD) 12 marca 2014 r. Przedstawiciele Doktorantów czterech Uczelni i jednostek naukowo – badawczych: Politechniki łódzkiej, Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz CBMiM Polskiej Akademii Nauk, podpisali statut, a tym samym zawiązali zali Łódzkie Porozumienie Doktorantów. Cele jakie stawiane są przed ŁPD: • Wspólne reprezentowanie doktorantów, pomocne w komunikowaniu się się z Krajow Krajową Reprezentacją Doktorantów, władzami samorządowymi. samorzą Następuje instytucjonalne zawiązanie ązanie si się Porozumienia oraz ukonstytuowanie się władz; • Realizacja interdyscyplinarnych projektów projek i konferencji naukowych (wee wrześniu wrześ br. planowana jest konferencja dotycząca ca depopulacji i zagrożeń zagro z tego zjawiska wynikających ących oraz metod przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku); • Wspólna realizacja projektów krajowych i międzynarodowych mi - I Letnia Szkoła Doktorantów Do (Projekt realizowany we współpracy z KRD) - Uniejów, Lipiec 2014; • Wspólne zabieganie o reprezentację i słyszalny głos łódzkiego środowiska w KRD RD; • Platforma komunikacji pomiędzy ędzy doktorantami województwa. KONTAKT: Przewodniczący cy Łódzkiego Porozumienia Doktorantów mgr inż. Hubert Gęsiarz e-mail: h.gesiarz@gmail.com 92 Program Młodzi w Łodzi powstał aby zachęcić zachę ć młodych ludzi do wiązania swojej przyszłości przyszło z Łodzią oraz budowaćć pozytywny wizerunek miasta sprzyjaj sprzyjającego rozwojowi zawodowemu. Realizatorem programu jest Biuro Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości Przedsi Przedsię i Miejsc Pracy Urzędu Miasta Łodzi, które przy współpracy z najwi Urzędu największymi łódzkimi uczelniami czelniami oraz wiodącymi wiod cymi pracodawcami realizuje inicjatywy programu, m.in. takie jak: portal praktyk i staży, y, program stypendialny, bezpłatne szkolenia czy konkurs dla młodych przedsiębiorczych. ębiorczych. W ramach programu Młodzi w Łodzi organizowanych jest wiele wydarzeń w i akcji promocyjnych, w trakcie których zachęcamy camy do udziału w naszych inicjatywach. Wymieniając Wymieniaj kilka najważniejszych: najważ Akademickie i Uniwersyteckie Targi Pracy, Salon Maturzystów, akcja „Zaplanuj z nami swoją swoj przyszłość„, Święto Łodzi, spotkania sympatyków ympatyków programu pod hasłem „Łódź „Łód napełnia energią”” w Klubie Muzycznym Elektrownia oraz „Łódź przyszłości” w Futuryście. ście. cie. Dodajmy do tego koncert łódzkich zespołów rockowych „Łódzka Fabryka Muzyki” w klubie Muzycznym Wytwórnia. Program „Młodzi w Łodzi”, mimo imo stosunkowo krótkiego okresu swego istnienia charakteryzuje się si wyjątkowo dużą rozpoznawalnością oraz sympatią wśród ród młodych ludzi. Badanie przeprowadzone w listopadzie 2012 r. na reprezentatywnej grupie łódzkichh studentów pokazuje, że prawie 77% spośród osób, które słyszały o jakiejkolwiek akcji skierowanej do młodych ludzi spontanicznie wskazuje program „Młodzi w Łodzi” jako przykład tego typu działań.. Tak wysoka rozpoznawalno rozpoznawalność programu to wynik przede wszystkim szeroko zakrojonych oraz skierowanych anych bezpośrednio do młodych ludzi kampanii promocyjno-informacyjnych. promocyjno informacyjnych. Kontakt Urząd Miasta Łodzi Biuro Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości ści i Miejsc Pracy al. Politechniki 32 93-590 Łódź tel. 042 638 47 00, 042 638 59 28 fax 042 638 44 85 e-mail: mlodziwlodzi@mlodziwlodzi.pl 93 Grupa VPT training – coaching – consulting Jesteśmy firmą szkoleniowo- coachingowo – doradczą o ugruntowanej pozycji działają ałającąą na rynku od 2006 roku w obszarze zarządzania, dzania, przywództwa, wywierania wpływu, negocjacji, motywacji i procesów HR Assessment/Development Center. Przeszkoliliśmy już kilka tysięcy ęcy cy osób, a z naszego procesu coachingowego skorzystało kilkudziesi kilkudziesięciu menedżerów średniego i wyższego szczebla zarządzania, zarz prezesów, właścicieli cicieli firm różnych bran branż oraz polityków. Współpracujemy z instytucjami naukowymi, prestiżowymi presti uczelniami wyższymi szymi takimi jak: PŁ, BKPPT, UMCS SGH, dzieląc się wiedzą w obszarze naszej specjalizacji. Violetta Post–– Life& Business Coach, Konsultant HR Właścicielka cicielka firmy szkoleniowej Grupa VPT training - coaching – consulting. W biznesie od 15 lat na różnych róż stanowiskach. Rozwijała wiedzę u światowych wiatowych mistrzów: R. Cialdini, B. Tracy, R. Dilts, F. Farrelly, R. Kiyosaki. Autorka programów i treningów, publikacji w zakresie przestępstw przest gospodarczych – perswazji, systemów ocen pracowniczych oraz licznych prelekcji prelekcji szkoleń szkole dla studentów i kadry dydaktycznej w zakresie Psychologii Zarządzania Zarządzania m.in. dla Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, Politechniki Łódzkiej, UMCS Lublin. Specjalizuje się w szkoleniach z: HR, motywacji, komunikacji, psychologii wywierania wpływu, psychomanipulacji i anty manipulacji, sprzedaży, sprzedaży, rozwoju osobistego, zmian przekonań, ń, inteligencji emocjonaln emocjonalnej oraz wystąpień publicznych. Jako Coach prowadzi sesje z najbardziej wymagającymi wymagaj klientami realizując ąc zało założone cele dla kadry kierowniczej i zespołów. zes Najważniejsze żniejsze zrealizowane projekty szkoleniowo - coachingowe: NFOŚiGW NFO Warszawa, Lipton, Politechnika Łódzka, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, WUP Warszawa i woj. mazowieckie, WUP Lublin, Eureka, BKPPT, Lepremier, Horiba ABX, Javart – główny podwykonawca Polkomtel, Po Nowe Media PR, Uniwersytet et Marii Curie - Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, roczny projekt coachingowy Kobieta przedsiębiorcza przedsiębiorcza – ogólnopolski projekt „Kobieta spełniona w biznesie” – TVP2 i wiele innych. Ekspert 2007, 2008 – SKN Psychologii Zarządzania ania Szkoły Szk Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, Członek i założyciel zało yciel Polskiej Izby Coachingu. Członek ICF. VPT otwiera nowe możliwości, ci, inspiruje, umo umożliwiając skuteczne wywoływanie pożądanych żądanych zmian, doskonalenie postaw, zachowań i umiejętności ści poprzez wyznaczanie wła własnych celów wskazując ąc drogę drog do ich osiągania. KONTAKT: Grupa VPT training coaching consulting tel.+ 48 601 841 707 e-mail: biuro@grupavpt.pl strona internetowa: www.grupavpt.pl Grupa VPT VP training – coaching – consulting 94 Dziękujemy ękujemy za uczestnictwo w konferencji Samorząd Doktorantów Politechniki Łódzkiej www.dokt.p.lodz.pl www.facebook.com/SamorzadDoktorantowPL zarzad@dokt.p.lodz.pl 95