JULY 2016 - Clive Emson Auctioneers
JULY 2016 - Clive Emson Auctioneers
AUCTION JULY 2016 DAY 1 - ESSEX AND NORTH & EAST LONDON Monday, 25th July at 11am The Chelmsford City Racecourse, Great Leighs, CM3 1PZ DAY 2 - KENT & SOUTH EAST LONDON Tuesday, 26th July at 11am The Clive Emson Conference Centre, Detling, Maidstone, ME14 3JF DAY 3 - SUSSEX & SURREY Wednesday, 27th July at 11am The Hilton Brighton Metropole, Brighton, BN1 2FU DAY 4 - WEST COUNTRY Thursday, 28th July at 11am The St Mellion International Resort, Saltash, PL12 6SD DAY 5 - HAMPSHIRE & ISLE OF WIGHT Friday, 29th July at 11am The Ageas Bowl, Southampton, SO30 3XH Our Accreditations Clive Emson Auctioneers have been selling land and property for over 25 years achieving the following accreditations along the way. Our Marketing Each Lot entered into our auctions can be accessed via a number of property websites, in addition to the vast information obtainable on our website. We are the only land and property auctioneers to publish a full colour catalogue, in its entirety, in the Estates Gazette. Our Next Five Day Auction September 2016 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Monday, 12th September Tuesday, 13th September Wednesday, 14th September Thursday, 15th September Friday, 16th September Auction entries are now invited Essex and North & East London Sussex & Surrey Kent & South East London West Country Hampshire & Isle of Wight Closing date Monday 15th August cliveemson.co.uk 0345 8500333 0387 8,),-0832&6-+,8321)863430) &6-+,832&2*9 Welcome to our July auction but you’d be forgiven for thinking that the weather is more suited to late Autumn! /)287)032(32 8,.90= Despite the clouds and the rain the auction market continues to shine and the Sussex and Surrey areas have plenty for the discerning buyer to choose from. As the County gears itself up for a somewhat delayed Summer season, and with the 50th Brighton Festival now over, there is still lots to look forward to. Our very own Emma Dean is taking part in “The Paddle 5RXQG 7KH 3LHU´ ZLWK KHU XQLTXH WDNH RQ D ÀRDWLQJ FUDIWDQGZHDUHHDJHUO\DZDLWLQJWKHRI¿FLDOODXQFKRI Brighton’s newest tourist attraction (due in July), the i360 which has now become part of the seafront skyline and is sponsored by British Airways. It is also festival season so get your wellies on and head for the Rye International Jazz Festival, “Love Supreme” at Glynde and not forgetting Brighton and Hove’s very RZQ³3ULGH)HVWLYDO´QHDURXUQHZRI¿FHLQ3UHVWRQ3DUN at the beginning of August. %9'8-32:)29)(-6)'8-327 The Hilton Brighton Metropole, King’s Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 2FU. A23 A2010 Royal Pavilion West Street West Pier )HMXMSR Hilton Brighton Metropole Richard Payne ANAVA +9-()46-')76)7)6:)7 Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller’s minimum expectation. They are not necessarily ÀJXUHVZKLFKDSURSHUW\ZLOOVHOOIRUDQGPD\FKDQJH at any time prior to Auction. 8QOHVV VWDWHG RWKHUZLVH HDFK /RW ZLOO EH RIIHUHG VXEMHFW WR D UHVHUYH D ÀJXUH EHORZ ZKLFK WKH $XFWLRQHHUFDQQRWVHOOWKH/RWGXULQJWKH$XFWLRQ :HH[SHFWWKHUHVHUYHZLOOEHVHWZLWKLQWKHJXLGH UDQJH RU QR PRUH WKDQ DERYH D VLQJOH ÀJXUH JXLGH 3OHDVH FKHFN RXU ZHEVLWH UHJXODUO\ DW FOLYHHPVRQFRXNRUFRQWDFWXVRQ LQRUGHUWRVWD\IXOO\LQIRUPHGZLWKWKHXSWRGDWH information. '32(-8-3273*7%0) A259 Palace Pier $OO/RWVDUHVROGVXEMHFWWRWKH&RPPRQ$XFWLRQ &RQGLWLRQVDQGDOO/HJDO'RFXPHQWDWLRQZKLFKDUH DYDLODEOH RQ FOLYHHPVRQFRXN WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH $GGHQGXPZKLFKZLOOEHDYDLODEOHRQWKHDXFWLRQ day. 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= King's Road As ever we have an eclectic mix of Lots throughout the Counties and we look forward to seeing you at our twice weekly block viewings and answering any queries you may have. WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= 7KH +LOWRQ %ULJKWRQ 0HWURSROH LV VLWXDWHG RQ WKH PDLQ %ULJKWRQ VHDIURQW $ EHWZHHQ WKH 3DODFH DQG:HVW 3LHUV 7KHUH LV DQ XQGHUJURXQG FDU SDUN WRWKHUHDURIWKHKRWHORU1&3FDUSDUNLQJLQ:HVW 6WUHHWDQG5HJHQW6TXDUH From left to right: Richard Payne, Emma Attrell, Sam Kinloch and James Emson. 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= +DVWLQJV KDV D EHHU DQG PXVLF IHVWLYDO RQ WKH ¿UVW ZHHNHQGLQ-XO\ZLWKD¿UHZRUNVFRQFHUWLQ(DVWERXUQH every Wednesday in July celebrating Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture. )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= ;)(2)7(%=8,.90=%1 )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= 80 81 '388%+) -22))(3* -1463:)1)28 Guide: £60-70,000 *6)),30( +6392(6)287 Guide: £10-12,000 Spring Cottage, 6 Portland Place, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1QN 37 Eversfield Place, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN37 6DB n A detached cottage situated in a popular location within close proximity of Hastings town centre, Priory Meadow Shopping Centre, seafront and mainline railway station. Currently let at £900 per annum The property, which requires modernisation and refurbishment, offers versatile living accommodation over two floors and is considered ideal for re-sale, investment or owner occupation once works have been carried out. 4XHHQ V 5RDG On the instructions of J Walters and J Beard as Joint LPA Receivers n A freehold seafront block of six flats, each sold on a 99 year lease from 1st January 2006 at a current rental of £150 per annum, doubling every 33 years. We understand the freeholder insures, manages and maintains the block recovering the cost from the leaseholders by way of a service charge. 1 3ULRU\0HDGRZ 6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= 3RUWODQG 3ODFH &DVWOH+LOO 3DVVDJH Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. n+VSYRH*PSSV Entrance hall, living room, dining room and kitchen. n1I^^ERMRI*PSSV Bathroom W.C. and separate n*MVWX*PSSV WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Two bedrooms. n3YXWMHI Front garden. n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERXTSWWIWWMSR Instructions Received From Sections 5(b) Notices under the Landlord & Tenant Act 1987 (as amended) have been served and the leaseholders have reserved their rights under the legislation. Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= n%YGXMSRIIVkW2SXI Property Contact Emma Attrell/Sam Kinloch Joint Auctioneers 40 Bank Street, London 0207 205 5767 Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Emma Attrell/Sam Kinloch Help & Advice ... You do not have to be a professional to buy or sell by public auction. If you would like help or advice on any aspect of the auction procedure then please contact us. Telephone: 01273 504232 Email: auctions@cliveemson.co.uk 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI )HMXMSR 83 *6)),30( *3967836)= ,13 Guide: £310-320,000 Guide: £20-25,000 21 Westhampnett Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7HW Currently let at £600 per annum Currently let at £25,200 per annum n A detached two storey block of six self-contained flats with parking, situated on a substantial corner plot just off the main A24 Broadwater Road, with Worthing town centre one mile to the south. n A semi-detached Licensed House in Multiple Occupation arranged as five letting rooms over four floors, with ancillary accommodation. Three of the flats are sold on 99 year leases, from 25th March 1990 with 73 years unexpired, at a current ground rental of £100 per annum each, doubling every 25 years of the term. The remaining leases are for 125 years from 25th March 2015, 10th April 2015 and 4th August 2015 each at a current ground rental of £100 per annum, also doubling every 25 years. The property, which has a gas fired heating system and a good size rear garden, is considered suitable for conversion into a single dwelling, subject to a Local Authority inspection once vacant. We understand the freeholder insures, manages and maintains the block recovering the costs from the leaseholders by way of a service charge. The house is fully let and produces £25,200 per annum. The house is situated in this central and convenient location close to the city centre and is just off the main A27 which links Chichester to all surrounding areas. /)287)032(32 8,.90= Chaleford Court, 10 Langton Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 7BY )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 82 *6)),30( +6392(6)28 -2:)781)28 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= n0S[IV+VSYRH*PSSV 1 n%YGXMSRIIVkW2SXI Section 5(b) Notices under the Landlord & Tenant Act 1987 (as amended) have been served and the leaseholders have not reserved their rights under the legislation. )HMXMSR Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI n4PERRMRK Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Chichester District Council. Tel: 01243 534734. Website: chichester.gov.uk. Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. Rooms 1 and 2. n+VSYRH*PSSV Room 3, living room, kitchen/ breakfast room and two shower rooms with W.Cs. n*MVWX*PSSV Room 4 and Room 5 with en-suite shower room/W.C. n7IGSRH*PSSV Store room (accessed via Room 5). n3YXWMHI South facing rear garden. n8IRERG] Let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy at a current rental of £2,100 per calendar month. WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= /DQJWRQ 5RDG )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= 84 8,6))7836)=1%-732)88)-2')286%003'%8-32 n Situated above the Natwest Bank this three storey maisonette has private rear access from Providence Place. London Road which is a busy thoroughfare in and out of Brighton City centre offers a good variety of high street shops, bars and other amenities. The property is also conveniently located less than half a mile from Brighton mainline railway station which offers regular services to London Victoria. Now in need of some refurbishment the property is considered ideal for owner occupation or could be let to provide a good income. n8IRYVI n+VSYRH*PSSV Rear street entrance leading to: n*MVWX*PSSV Roof terrace/patio, entrance hall, living room and kitchen. n7IGSRH*PSSV Bedroom, bathroom separate W.C. Remainder of a 125 year lease from 10th November 2003 at a current ground rental of £100 per annum. Viewing By Arrangement With and n8LMVH*PSSV 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= 41A London Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4JB Guide: £170,000 Plus Two bedrooms. 85 Guide: £185-190,000 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Kevin Gilbert n0IEWILSPH[MXL:EGERX4SWWIWWMSR 8;3&)(63317)1-()8%',)( &92+%03;-243490%603'%8-32 24 Gorringe Valley Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 9SX n A semi-detached bungalow, ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= which is now in need of some refurbishment, situated in a sought after residential area. The property is located three miles north of Eastbourne town centre and approximately one mile away from Polegate village, offering a variety of local shops and amenities. The bungalow offers front and rear gardens, offroad parking and is considered ideal for either owner occupation or investment. n%GGSQQSHEXMSR Entrance vestibule, hallway, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom with W.C. Viewing By Arrangement With n3YXWMHI Garden to front with off-road parking and rear garden. n*VIILSPH[MXL:EGERX4SWWIWWMSR 7 The Triangle, Eastbourne 01323 482700 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Emma Attrell/Sam Kinloch )HMXMSR The Beach Tavern, Sea Road, Pevensey Bay, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 6EH Guide: £350,000 Plus n A fabulous opportunity to acquire this detached public house situated in a prominent position in Pevensey Bay. Pevensey Bay is situated 7 miles west of Bexhill and 5.5 miles east of Eastbourne and is known as the landing place of William the Conqueror and his army in 1066. Pevensey Castle still stands today attracting many visitors each year. Now in need of some refurbishment and redecoration the Beach Tavern is considered ideal for owner occupation or could again be let to provide a good income. Alternatively it is considered the site could be re-developed to provide residential accommodation or may be suitable for a supermarket chain or similar commercial space, subject to all necessary consents being obtainable. Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Wealden District Council. Tel: 01323 443322. Website: wealden.gov.uk. View from the terrace. n+VSYRH*PSSV 0DULQH 5RDG 1 6HD 5RDG n3YXWMHI Patio beer garden, rear off road parking area and roof terrace with sea views. n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR Viewing By Arrangement With n*MVWX*PSSV Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. Stairs leading to private entrance, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, eaves storage and bathroom with W.C. 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Emma Attrell Using this service you can watch the bidding live for each lot and bid online after registration. You will need to register at least three days before the sale in order to bid online. Visit i-bidder.com/cliveemson, register for the auction and bid online in real time. If you would like further information on our internet/proxy bidding or telephone bidding services please contact us at least three days in advance of the sale on 01273 504232 or visit our website at cliveemson.co.uk. )HMXMSR 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= Follow the Sussex Auction & Bid Online ... WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= (DVWERXUQH 5RDG Main entrance into bar area, dining area, dance floor and additional bar area, ladies W.C, gents W.C, store room/office, store room/ office, drinks cellar/store and commercial kitchen. 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= Conveniently located close to local shops and amenities and with good road links to the A259/A27 the Beach Tavern has been previously let to provide a good income. /)287)032(32 8,.90= The pub has been in the same ownership for many years and offers off-road parking, a good size bar area with dance floor and two bedroom manager’s flat with sea views from the terrace. )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 86 49&0-',397);-8,438)28-%0 -24631-2)28437-8-32 )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= 87 Guide: £60-65,000 ()8%',)('311)6'-%0 4634)68=;-8,40%22-2+4)61-77-32 1A Reginald Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN39 3PH n A fabulous opportunity to acquire this freehold detached garage workshop with B1 light industrial use situated in Bexhill town centre a short distance from town hall square. Estimated rental figure (current use) £5,196 per annum Formerly occupied by a car mechanic the property also has planning permission for re-development into two selfcontained offices with off road parking. Once completed it is believed that each office could achieve a rental figure in the region of £5,000 per annum or may suit an owner occupier. Along with its current use it is also considered there may be future potential for residential development. Subject to all necessary consents being obtainable. Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Rother District Council. Tel: 01424 787000. Website: rother.gov.uk. n4PERRMRK Planning Permission has been granted by Rother District Council under the Ref: RR/2015/3069/P and dated 2nd February 2016 for the demolition of existing workshop and construction of offices, part two storey with each area beneath flat roofs and parapet walling. Proposed ground floor. 88 Guide: £1,000 Plus Proposed first floor. n4VSTSWIH %GGSQQSHEXMSR Entrance lobby, open plan office, kitchenette, shared W.C. Office with store cupboard. n3YXWMHI Parking for two cars and bin store. n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Emma Attrell *6)),30(4%6')073*0%2( Land Windmill View, Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8QF n An opportunity to purchase three parcels of land within a residential housing estate, all held on the same Freehold title and designated as public open space. This land is located in the Patcham area of Brighton /DGLHV 0LOH 5RDG Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, Brighton and Hove City Council. Tel: 01273 290000. Website: brighton-hove.gov.uk. ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= n*MVWX*PSSV n7MXI1IEWYVIQIRXW The three parcels combined extend to 0.38 hectares (0.93 acres). n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR 1 :LQGPLOO 9LHZ Further Information From n:MI[MRK Directly on site at any reasonable time but at the sole risk of the viewer. Care should be taken to avoid trespass en-route. 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Paul Bridgeman P P Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. 2UGQDQFH6XUYH\ © Crown Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432. Plotted Scale - 3DWFKDP )DZFHWW /DGLHV 0LOH 5RDG %ULJKWRQ (DVW 6XVVH[ 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI )HMXMSR Guide: £95,000 Plus 90 *6)),30(32) &)(6331*0%8 ;-8,+%6()2 Guide: £125-130,000 3 Burmon Court, 9 Downview Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 4QN Estimated rental value £7,500 per annum Estimated rental value £8,100 per annum n A vacant one bedroom ground floor flat with patio situated to the rear of this bay fronted semi-detached property. It has double glazing throughout, wood laminate flooring and modern fixtures and fittings. n A converted one bedroom ground floor flat with rear garden area situated to the rear of this semi-detached house. Located just off the main A259 coastal link road the property is situated on the west side close to its junction with Lyndhurst Road. Worthing town centre with its comprehensive shopping facilities is just under half a mile to the west. It is offered for sale in good decorative order with modern fixtures and fittings, fitted carpets and electric storage heaters. Situated in the popular residential location just off Grand Avenue close to the seafront and local shopping facilities. /)287)032(32 8,.90= Flat 3, 41 Madiera Avenue, Worthing, East Sussex, BN11 2AX )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 89 :%'%2832) &)(6331*0%8 ;-8,4%8-3 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= n+VSYRH*PSSV Viewing By Arrangement With 111 South Farm Road, Worthing 01903 288630 )HMXMSR Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch n+VSYRH*PSSV Private entrance, hall, living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom with W.C. Viewing By Arrangement With 80 Ham Road, Worthing 01903 201560 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI n3YXWMHI Garden to rear. n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= Living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom with W.C. n3YXWMHI West facing rear garden area with decking. n8IRYVI Remainder of a 99 year lease from 29th September 1987 at a current ground rental of £50 per annum. n0IEWILSPH[MXL:EGERX4SWWIWWMSR )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= Guide: £125,000 Plus 92 *6)),30( 4%6')073* 0%2( Guide: £1,000 Plus Flat 41, St Thomas Court, Cliffe High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2AW Land Lying to the North of Walton Road, West Molesey, Surrey, KT8 2AX n A one bedroom third floor balcony flat with panoramic views over the town located in this 20 year old Warden assisted complex. The block has a residents lounge, on-site parking, passenger lift and guest suites. n We are pleased to offer an opportunity to purchase various parcels of land designated as public open space held on the same Freehold title. Situated within a large residential housing estate this land is located off Hurst Road. Interested applicants are advised to make their own planning enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, Elmbridge Borough Council. Tel: 01372 474474. Website: elmbridge.gov.uk. The building is situated on level ground adjacent to Cliffe High Street with local shopping facilities and amenities in the immediate vicinity. Excellent road links to all surrounding areas are provided by the nearby A27 coastal link road. +XUVW 5RDG )UHHPDQ 'ULYH 1 *UDIWRQ :D\ 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= 91 32)&)( 6)8-6)1)28 *0%8-2 ')286%0 03'%8-32 :DOWRQ 5RDG Ordnance P Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. P n:MI[MRK WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Directly on site at any reasonable time, but at the sole risk of the viewer. Care should be taken to avoid trespass en-route. n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR View from the balcony. ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= n+VSYRH*PSSV Communal entrance. n8LMVH*PSSV Entrance hall, living room with balcony, kitchen, bedroom and shower room with W.C. n8IRYVI Remainder of a 99 year lease from 1st June 1991 at a current ground rental of £150 per annum. n0IEWILSPH [MXL:EGERX 4SWWIWWMSR Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Paul Bridgeman Dedicated Auction Solicitors When buying or selling at auction, speed is of the essence, with our dedicated Auction 'HSDUWPHQW FRQYH\DQFLQJ LV TXLFN HI¿FLHQW and well priced. Pick a Lot. Get a Quote. www.fosters-law.co.uk/auctionquote t:0800 294 0640 e:auction@fosters-law.co.uk 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI )HMXMSR Guide: £250,000 plus The Bungalow, The Drive, Hellingly, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4EP n Previously forming part of the Hellingly Hospital Estate, this detached Victorian bungalow is situated within a semirural area on the outskirts of the village of Hellingly. Offering convenient vehicular access to the A22 and onwards to the A27 Hellingly is located just over six miles south of Heathfield and just over ten miles north of Eastbourne. Occupying the southern end of the site the property has a substantial tarmacadam parking area along with 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of ancient woodland. n%GGSQQSHEXMSR Entrance hall with loft hatch, three office rooms, kitchen, separate W.C, store room, workshop with inspection pit, further store room and loft space extending to the full length of property. 1 7KH%XQQ\ 5XQ *URYH +LOO n3YXWMHI 7KH 'ULYH n*VIILSPH Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. 94 [MXL:EGERX 4SWWIWWMSR Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Emma Attrell 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= Mature ancient woodland and tarmacadam area to front. /)287)032(32 8,.90= Originally used as residential staff accommodation and then as office space with integral workshop, The Bungalow would be considered ideal for conversion or extension to provide a substantial house or with potential for complete re-development of part of the site, subject to all necessary consents being obtainable. Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Wealden District Council. Tel: 01323 443322. Website: wealden.gov.uk. )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 93 ()8%',)(&92+%03;7)8-2%'6)7 0%2(;-8,438)28-%0-2739+,8%*8)6:-00%+) Land Pony Farm, Findon, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 0RS Guide: £150,000 Plus WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= n A freehold plot of land with stable block and paddock. It is considered there may be future potential to create residential units on the land subject to all necessary consents being obtainable. Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Southdowns National Park Authority. Tel: 01730 814810. Website: southdowns.gov.uk. The land is approached via a private road with vehicular access from Stable Lane with Findon Village, located just off the A24 between Worthing and Ashington. n7MXI1IEWYVIQIRXW The land extends to 0.25 hectares (0.63 acres). 3RQ\ )DUP n:MI[MRK On site. Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. Licence Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. )HMXMSR n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= 1 6WDEOH /DQH )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 95 Guide: £48-52,000 *361)66)7)6:3-6%2(0%2(;-8,438)28-%0 Land Silver Hill, Hurst Green, Etchingham, East Sussex, TN19 7QD n A former pumping station within a substantial plot in an elevated position with panoramic views over the Sussex Weald. The land and building offer potential for a variety of uses, subject to all necessary consents being obtainable. It is located just off the A21 on the Bodiam Road close to its junction with Beech House Lane. /)287)032(32 8,.90= n4PERRMRK Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority, the Rother District Council. Tel: 01424 787000. Website: rother.gov.uk. n7MXI1IEWYVIQIRXW The site extends to 0.38 hectares (0.94 acres). 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= 1 View from land n:MI[MRK Interested applicants may view directly on site. n*VIILSPH[MXL:EGERX4SWWIWWMSR 0LOO %DUQ 0LOO &RWWDJH Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright (2016). All Rights Reserved. LicenceP Number LIG1016. Plans are for location purposes only. WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Joint Auctioneers 6LOYHU+LOO +XUVW*UHHQ Eagle House, Hailsham 01435 864020 Further Information From 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Emma Attrell Proof of Identity ... In compliance with Money Laundering Regulations all successful bidders are required WRSURYLGHSKRWRJUDSKLFLGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQGHYLGHQFHRIUHVLGHQF\IRUDOOQDPHGEX\HUV when signing the Sale Memorandum. In all cases buyers must present the following documents: ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= N photographic identity document such as a current passport or UK driving licence AND N an original utility bill, building society or bank statement, council tax bill, or any other form of identity document (excluding credit card statements and mobile phone bills) that has been issued within the last three months and provides evidence of residency at the correspondence address stated on the Sale Memorandum. If the bidder is acting on behalf of another party, they will be required to provide the documents detailed above for both themselves and for the named buyers for whom they act, as well as providing a valid letter of authority from the buyers authorising them to bid on their behalf. If the bidder is acting on behalf of a company, the above GRFXPHQWVZLOOVWLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRJHWKHUZLWKZULWWHQDXWKRULW\IURPWKHFRPSDQ\DQGDFRS\RIWKH&HUWLÀFDWHRI Incorporation. If you require any further advice then please contact us on 01622 608400 or by email to auctions@cliveemson.co.uk 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI )HMXMSR 27-29 South Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4UP Guide: £190-200,000 Currently let at £17,800 per annum n A fabulous Victorian property arranged over three floors plus basement comprising two lock up shops and two selfcontained flats both of which have been sold on 125 year leases. /)287)032(32 8,.90= The ground floor and basement premises are each occupied by two estate agents, one a national chain and the other an independent agent producing a combined income of £17,500 per annum. Both offices have valuable A2 use, separate entrances, glazed shop fronts and directly front onto the pavement. Situated within a desirable area known as Little Chelsea, so named for its vibrant shops and restaurants offering art, antiques, designer clothes and jewellery. Eastbourne town centre, mainline railway station and shops are all within a short distance along with Eastbourne Arndale centre which is undergoing a major extension to include a multi screened cinema complex along with several restaurants to compliment the existing shops. n7SYXL7XVIIX Open plan office with small rear store, side access and W.C. n&EWIQIRX Basement room restricted head room. with n8IRERG] Open plan office space with rear lobby and W.C. with stairs leading to: n&EWIQIRX Office. n8IRERG] Let on a commercial lease to Franky Ltd trading as Martin & Co for a term of 5 years from 24th June 2012 at a current rental of £10,500 per annum. 30 High Street, Hailsham 01323 841814 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Emma Attrell Advertise your business here GZVY### contact tracy@cliveemson.co.uk PROPERTYINVESTOR N E W S TM 8Vaa/%'%-,(+%%)) lll#egdeZgin"^ckZhidg"cZlh#Xdb )HMXMSR Further Information From 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= L]ViCDI idWjnVi 6jXi^dc4 Viewing By Arrangement With n*PEX&7SYXL 7XVIIX Sold on a long lease for a term of 125 years from 15th October 2015 at a current ground rent of £150 per annum rising in stages to £750 per annum towards the end of the term. WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Let on a commercial lease to Knights Estate Agents for a term of 3 years from 24th January 2014 at a current rental of £7,000 per annum. n7SYXL7XVIIX n*PEX%7SYXL 7XVIIX Sold on a long lease for a term of 125 years from 11th November 2015 at a current ground rent of £150 per annum rising in stages to £750 per annum towards the end of the term. 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= In the same ownership since 1988 the property has recently undergone extensive fire precaution works and is considered ideal for immediate investment. )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 96 '311)6'-%0-2:)781)28-2')286%003'%8-32 )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 97 :%'%288;3 &)(6331 1%-732)88) 98 8,6)) &)(6331*0%8 -2'-8=')286) Guide: £190-200,000 Guide: £250,000 Plus 1 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 7JG Flat 4, St James's Mansions, 16 Old Steine, Brighton, BN1 1EN n A two bedroom maisonette in need of modernisation and refurbishment occupying the first and second floors of this end-terrace period property. Currently let at £13,800 per annum n A three bedroom purpose built flat occupying the whole of the fourth floor of this detached 1930s built block. It has modern fixtures and fittings, panoramic views of the seafront and city centre. It is currently let and is centrally located in the heart of the City Centre at the corner of St James's Street and The Old Steine. 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= It is located within the popular Fiveways district of Brighton just off Ditchling Road within easy access of local shops, amenities and Brighton City centre. ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= n+VSYRH*PSSV Communal entrance. n*MVWX*PSSV Hallway, kitchen with balcony, living room, bedroom and bathroom with W.C. n7IGSRH*PSSV Bedroom. n8IRYVI Remainder of a 125 year lease from 4th December 2015 plus a share of the freehold. You can now find us on: n0IEWILSPH [MXL:EGERX 4SWWIWWMSR4PYW 7LEVISJ*VIILSPH n+VSYRH*PSSV Communal entrance. n*SYVXL*PSSV Viewing By Arrangement With Entrance hall, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, bathroom and separate W.C. n8IRYVI Remainder of a 123 year lease from 8th November 1993 at a current ground rental of £50 per annum. Viewing By Arrangement With n8IRERG] 01273 504232 Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch Let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement at a current rental of £1,150 per calendar month. 01273 504232 Property Contact James Emson/Richard Payne twitter @CliveEmson Clive Emson Land & Property Auctioneers )ROORZXVWR¿QGRXWDERXWFXUUHQWDXFWLRQQHZV/RWLQIRUPDWLRQXVHIXOOLQNVDQGPXFK PRUH 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI )HMXMSR Guide: £340-360,000 126 Clarence Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5SG n A vacant detached three/four bedroom house over two floors in this established residential area on the east side of the road close to the junction with Oakhill Road. Horsham town centre is located half a mile to the west with its comprehensive shopping facilities and amenities. The property is in need of modernisation and refurbishment and once works have been completed could be ideal for owner occupation, re-sale or let to provide a good income. /)287)032(32 8,.90= The property has part double glazing (to the rear), off street parking for several vehicles and a good sized south west facing rear garden. n+VSYRH*PSSV n3YXWMHI Front gardens with driveway and rear garden. Two bedrooms and bathroom with W.C. n3YXWMHI Rear courtyard and outside W.C. )HMXMSR n*VIILSPH[MXL :EGERX4SWWIWWMSR Viewing By Arrangement With 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Richard Payne 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= Alternatively the property would be suitable for letting or resale after all necessary works have been completed. n*MVWX*PSSV Property Contact Richard Payne/Sam Kinloch 34 Upper Gardner Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4AN With accommodation over two floors the property is now in need of complete modernisation and refurbishment and may suit an owner occupier looking for a DIY project. Entrance hall, living room, dining room, former kitchen. 01273 504232 8;3&)(63318)66%')( ,397)-2')286%003'%8-32 n A freehold mid-terraced house situated within Brighton's desirable North Laines offering easy access to local shops, restaurants, theatres and Brighton mainline railway station. n+VSYRH*PSSV Viewing By Arrangement With WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Guide: £325-350,000 n*VIILSPH [MXL:EGERX 4SWWIWWMSR 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= Entrance hall, living room, dining room/bedroom, kitchen, utility room with door to garden and separate W.C. n*MVWX*PSSV Landing with access to roof space, three bedrooms and bathroom with W.C. 100 )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= 99 :%'%28()8%',)(8,6))&)(6331 ,397)-22))(3*13()62-7%8-32 )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= /)287)032(32 8,.90= 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= 101 Guide: £625-650,000 *6)),30(1-<)(6)7-()28-%0%2('311)6'-%0 4634)68=-2')286%003'%8-32 102 Gloucester Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4AP A rare opportunity to acquire this fabulous freehold mixed residential and commercial investment situated at the heart of the North Laines. n Arranged over three floors this versatile property currently comprises four self-contained units including lower ground floor barbers, ground floor coffee shop, clothes shop and first floor flat. The property has been lovingly refurbished using a mix of reclaimed fittings to give a stunning bohemian feel. Located at the northern end of Kensington Gardens on the corner of Gloucester Road and Tidy Street (a vibrant partly pedestrianised area of the North Laines) the building is ideally positioned for passing trade and offers easy access to local shops, amenities and Brighton mainline railway station. Offered with part vacant possession the building holds strong letting potential or could be part owner occupied. n0S[IV+VSYRH*PSSV n&EVFIVW Private entrance from Tidy Street leading to open plan barbers shop and separate W.C. n8IRERG] Let at a current rental of £200 per week (£10,400 per annum). n+VSYRH*PSSV n Shop Private entrance from Tidy Street leading to open plan retail area and separate W.C. n8IRERG] Currently vacant. Previously let at £160 per week (£8,320 per annum). n Coffee Shop Private street entrance from Gloucester Road leading to open plan café area and separate W.C. n8IRERG] Currently vacant. Estimated rental £18,000 per annum. n*MVWX*PSSV*PEX n+VSYRH*PSSV Private street entrance from Tidy Street with internal door to coffee shop, leading to: n*MVWX*PSSV Open plan living room/ kitchen, bedroom, loft area (accessed via ladder) and bathroom with W.C. n8IRERG] Currently vacant. Estimated rental £12,000 per annum. Cafe interior. View from first floor flat. Viewing By Arrangement With n%YGXMSRIIV W2SXI First floor flat living room. Further tenancy details are available for inspection at the Auctioneer’s office. Tel: 01273 504232. 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI 01273 504232 Property Contact Sam Kinloch/Richard Payne )HMXMSR 'PMZI)QWSREYGXMSRGEXEPSKYIWEVIEZEMPEFPIJVSQSZIVIWXEXIEKIRG] FVERGLIWXLVSYKLSYXXLI[LSPISJ7SYXLIVR)RKPERH;IEVIIWTIGMEPP] KVEXIJYPXSXLIJSPPS[MRKEKIRXWJSVXLIMVMRZEPYEFPIEWWMWXERGIMRLSPHMRK SYVGEXEPSKYIWJSVPSGEPHMWXVMFYXMSRHYVMRKIEGLQEVOIXMRKGEQTEMKR )77)<2368,)%78032(32 8,.90= SUSSEX & SURREY LOCAL AGENTS /)287)032(32 8,.90= 7977)<7966)= 8,.90= WEST COUNTRY 8,.90= Sims Williams 'PMZI)QWSRw.YP]'EXEPSKYIw4EKI ,%147,-6)-70)3*;-+,8 8,.90= )HMXMSR SALE MEMORANDUM Lot Number Lot Address Name of the seller Name and address of the buyer The price (excluding any VAT) Deposit paid The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the lot for the price. This agreement is subject to the sale conditions so far as they apply to the lot. We acknowledge receipt of the deposit. Date Signed by the buyer Full name of signatory Signatory’s capacity Signed by us as agent for the seller The buyer’s conveyancer is The seller’s conveyancer is Name Address Name Address Contact Contact DO NOT DETACH THIS PAGE FROM THE AUCTION CONTRACT The whole catalogue including the common auction conditions, special conditions of sale and the addendum form part of the contract. Regional Offices KENT & SOUTH EAST LONDON Rocky Hill, London Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8PY Tel: 01622 608400 DX 154680 Maidstone 20 Email: kent@cliveemson.co.uk HAMPSHIRE, DORSET, WILTSHIRE & ISLE OF WIGHT Unit 14, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7FN Tel: 01489 564606 DX 45267 Park Gate Email: hampshire@cliveemson.co.uk ESSEX, NORTH & EAST LONDON First Floor, 129 New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0QT Tel: 01245 205778 DX 89713 Chelmsford 2 Email: essex@cliveemson.co.uk SUSSEX & SURREY 83 Bates Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6PF Tel: 01273 504232 DX 30252 Brighton Preston Road Email: sussex@cliveemson.co.uk DEVON, CORNWALL, SOMERSET BRISTOL & BATH West Country House, 5 Kew Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter, Devon, EX2 5AZ Tel: 01392 366555 DX 742484 Exeter 34 Email: westcountry@cliveemson.co.uk 6HOOLQJZLWKVNLOOVSHHGHI¿FLHQF\ Catalogue Number 187 | © Copyright Clive Emson is the trading name of Regional Property Services Ltd. Registered in England No. 2399687
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JUNE 2016 - Clive Emson Auctioneers
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