Home Owners Association
Home Owners Association
Home Owners Association AT CORAL CAY PLANTATION VOLUME: 2012 ISSUE: MARCH A LETTER FROM OUR HOA PRESIDENT Dear Residents: The days are flying by and we are enjoying the best of the “season”. Our community has been very active with wonderful activities. Without our volunteers many of these events would not have been possible. Please take a moment to say thank you to those people who make our lifestyle here possible. It is so gratifying, as one of those volunteers, to hear our residents compliment me and the HOA Board for the way we have conducted our recent meetings. We received many compliments after the General Meeting that was held on February 21st. Many of our residents came to us after the meeting and said it was one of the best meetings that they had attended. We are so happy that you feel that way. It takes time to prepare for a meeting and when we can make our residents happy and informed of current topics we are pleased that we have done our job well; and it makes us happy that we have taken the time from our lives to do just that. In that vein, we would like to thank several special volunteers this month. Francis Cugler, who headed up the “Big Flea” team, his wife Marie and their helpers, put in many hours to get that event organized. I know many of our residents had a great time and enjoyed the camaraderie of the day. Also, the Men’s club who woke us up with coffee and donuts and fed us at lunch time – we keep going on “dunkin”; thank you very much. Also, we give a BIG shout of thanks to Winnie Connor, our very own “bread lady”, who after 14 years is passing the torch on to someone else. Many of our residents love her visits. I am gratified to learn that several people have stepped forward to try and “fill her shoes”. Our residents never cease to amaze me with their generosity! For those HOA members who did not attend the General Meeting – we hope to see you there next time. Many topics of interest were discussed. One benefit to HOA members was announced: Ernie Reppucci, Secretary to the HOA Board has renewed his NOTARY status, and, is offering his services, free of charge, to ALL current HOA members. THANK YOU ERNIE! Lastly, let me repeat one more time – that I have made a pledge to serve ALL the members of our community in an open and proficient manner. Your HOA Board and I will continue to fight to do just that on your behalf. Respectfully serving each and every member of the great community of Coral Cay. . . Elaine Sylvia, President CORAL CAY HOA NEWSLETTER Published monthly Editor- Rachel Barra : E-mail: raesaber@comcast.net Home : Cell: Translation - Lise Faille BOARD OF DIRECTORS President- Elaine Sylvia 1st VP- Roz Track 2nd VP- Robert Sweeney 3rd VP- Anna Marie Morra 4th VP5th VP- Patsy Mitchell Secretary- Ernie Reppucci Treasurer- Debbie Colvin ORGANIZATIONS Bingo: Robert Sweeney Bocce: Ellie Cavanaugh Club 50+ Bowling- Phyllis Denigris Horseshoes- Andre Bissonnette Men’s Club - Robert Sweeney Pétanque - Pierre Arial Pinochle - Audrey Davis 954-545-2601 781-974-4160 954-972-6632 954-974-4441 954-977-2763 954-969-8079 954-971-2154 954-586-4946 954-642-2866 954-977-2763 954-975-6702 954-979-6901 954-984-9103 954-977-2763 954-933-6062 954-971-0384 COMMITTEES & REPRESENTATIVES Entertainment– F.M.O - Sal Fabio 954-935-0501 Membership We Care - Naomi Velazquez 954-366-6118 .. Business Classified Rates per Edition Full Page: $80.00 ½ Page: ¼ Page: $50.00 Business Card: Serving Coral Cay for over 10 years Residential & Commercial nd Friday of every month .2 Licensed & Insured $10.00/month Call Randy: 1-866-364-9999 Ext. 2 or 954-540-9591 Bob’s Superior Handyman Service No job too small 25 years’ experience Resident of Coral Cay “Today’s Quality is Tomorrow’s Business” Call Bob at 954-593-3682 Ruth Cooper and her extended family would like to thank the people of Coral Cay for the support shown during the passing of her husband, Norman, a longtime Coral Cay resident. You have been like family during a very trying time. Ruth Cooper & Family $35.00 $20.00 SPECIAL QUARTERLY AND ANNUAL RATES Personal Classified Ads: $3.00/3 lines (Coral Cay Residents only, please) I want to say “Thank-You” to everyone who sent a card, called to see how things were going, or offered prayers for my wife’s recuperation. Our thanks to one and all. Rose & Phil Occhiuto Golden Glove Pest Control JIU-JITSU All those interested in learning the basics of selfdefense (jiu-jitsu) please give your name to Gisèle Gravel or Gildor Pearson (both Black Belts). Free classes are held on Wednesday mornings from 910: 30 am at the Heritage Club and will go until mid-April. Tous ceux ou celles intéressés à en apprendre les techniques de bases D’auto défense (Jiu-Jitsu) Veuillez donné votre nom à Gisèle Gravel ou Gildor Pearson (tous deux ceintures noire. Les cours gratuits sont lieu le mercredi matin de 910:30 au “Héritage” et iront jusqu'à la mi-avril. Info: 954-543-8091 2 Tai Chi Practice is every Monday-Friday@ 9a.m. at the Heritage Club. Tai Chi instructions are on Thursdays @9 a.m. Please note: If there are any scheduling conflicts, we will move our practice outside. Questions? Call Jackie @ 954-973-9263 A Texas Holdem Tournament will be held Sunday, March 18th @ 1:00 pm at the Heritage Club. There are seats for 36 players. “Buy in” is 30. Total collected will be distributed to 6 winners. For more info or to sign up, contact: Marcel Gagnon: 954-260-5729 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Éirinn go brách Rachel NOUS PARLONS FRANÇAIS ASE Certified EDWARD THIBEAULT 954-971-9210 ED’S AUTO REPAIR, INC. Brakes ● Tune Ups ● General Repair SewSoon By Rena CLOTHING ALTERATIONS WHEN YOU NEED THEM Hemming – Cuffs - Jeans - Sleeves Blazers – Jackets - Buttons 954-806-1751 Cell 954-370-7759 Fax www.isewsoon.com renagadget@bellsouth.net 2936 N. STATE ROAD 7 ● MARGATE, FL 33063 .Scooters, . Power Chairs &Wheel Chairs Rentals Available Service, Parts & Accessories Upward Mobility Inc. 954-545-5588 Pompano Beach, FL 3 WE CARE Rest In Peace WE CARE would like to thank our residents for their continued donations of medical equipment and financial donations...YOU make it possible for us to reach out and help residents at some of their greatest times of need. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 6th, at 1 ..PM in the conference room at the Heritage Clubhouse. All are invited to attend; we always welcome new volunteers! No special skills are needed, just a desire to help others. Blood pressure readings will be available from 2-2:30 PM. Naomi Velazquez 954-366-6118 Sheri Poland 954-979-0575 Louis Villamagna, a twenty-two year resident of Coral Cay, passed away suddenly February 17, 2012. Services will be held in New York. “The Life of the Party” For Sale: Golf Clubs - $5.00 each or make an offer. Thelma: 954-968-9913 Home Owners Association At Coral Cay Plantation 6103 Colonial Drive Margate, FL 33063 954-971-6320 ADVANCED CLOGGING Come and join us Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Fridays at 10:00 a.m. at the Heritage if you enjoy clogging. If you want more information contact Rose Morency at 954-978- Management Office Phone Maintenance Emergencies 954-972-8530 Free Service Placement Counseling Services “Assisted Living” help and Guidance to Community Resources Gayle Celesti – 954-975-9700 954-242-7127 Broward County Waste & Recycling 2780 N. Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL Fridays and Saturdays 8am to 3pm 954-765-4999 Line Dancing Classes / Cours de Danse en Ligne @ Heritage Club For Beginners / Pour Débutants For Information Call Jean Therrien 954-933-6863 or 754-281-8656 (cell) .All are Welcome / Bienvenue à Tous 4 HORSESHOES/FERS À CHEVAL BINGO Bingo is played in the Sports Center Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. A small (6 card) package is $5 and lets you play all the regular games; a large (12 card) package is $10; early bird games are $1 per sheet. Games are usually over by 9 pm. Regular games have been paying from $15 to $50, and a recent jackpot went for $250.00! So get together with a couple of friends and come and have some fun Complimentary coffee and cake are served. Hot dogs, burgers, soda and water are sold at very reasonable prices. Hope to see you there! chouds Bob Sweeney Club 50+ Bowling Les fers à cheval du samedi matin tournent rondement puisqu’on utilise trois cours. Notre BBQ du 25 février a été un franc succès. Tous se sont bien amusé(e)s. Grand mercis à notre gérant Russ pour le don des chiens – chauds. André Bissonette “The Horseshoe Kid” 954-984-9103 FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTIES Hi Bowlers, We bowl every Friday at 8:45 am at the Brunswick Lanes down the street on Rte. 441/SR7. $7.00 includes your strings and shoes. Everyone is welcome. Phyllis Denigris, Pres. John Rosiello, V.P. Saturday morning horseshoes is in full swing, with players using three courts. Our BBQ, which was held February 25, was a great success and everyone had lots of fun. Many thanks to our manager, Russ, for providing the hot dogs. Enjoy social dancing, line dancing, and disco dancing at the Heritage Club every Friday evening at 7:30 pm except February 24th (through the end of March). You may bring refreshments. All are welcome! Danses sociales, en ligne et disco, tous les vendredis soirs, au Héritage Club à 7:30 pm (jusqu’au 30 mars). Vous pouvez apportez vos rafraichissements. Tous sont bienvenus ! Contact Jean Therrien : 954-933-6863 or 754281-8656 (cell) MEN’S CLUB The Men’s Club Super Bowl Party went pretty good. Everyone enjoyed watching the game on the big screen. We cooked the BBQ food for “The Big Flea” which was a big success. Our next event will be the Mother’s Day Breakfast. Pease watch the bulletin boards and the newsletter for further details. Respectfully submitted, The Men’s Club Le party du Super Bowl du Men’s Club a super bien été. Tous ont apprécié regarder la partie sur l’écran géant. Nous avons cuisiné sur le BBQ pour Le Marché aux Puces, lequel fut un gros succès. Notre prochain évènement sera le Déjeuner de la Fête des Mères. S’il vous plait, surveillez les tableaux d’affichage et le bulletin mensuel pour plus de détails. Respectueusement Le Men’s Club 5 6 PÉTANQUE The St-Valentine’s Day tournament was held on February 22 and 23. The winners were: Le tournoi de la St-Valentin a eu lieu le 22 et 23 février dernier. Voici les gagnants: 1st place/1ere place Captain: Renaud Larouche Diane Boucher Diane Janson Robert Proulx 2nd place/2ieme place Captain: Pierre Giguere Barb Shannon Rose Morency George Lagasse 3rd place/3ieme place Captain: Bill Manchester Irene Lotito Claire Davis Jerry DeLapp Congratulations to the winners and all the participants. Prizes will be distributed at the farewell dinner on March 17. Félicitations aux gagnants et à tous les participants. Les prix seront distribués au souper de fermeture le 17 mars. Farewell Dinner Tickets for members will be distributed at the Heritage on Monday and Tuesday March 5th and 6th between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. Considering the number of members attending, guests will be accepted at the cost of $15.00. Les dîner-danse billets pour les membres seront distribués les lundi et mardi 5 et 6 mars entre 17 :00 et 18 :00 hres. Les invités seront acceptés au coût de $15.00 dépendant du nombre de membres participants. The Tuesday league is doing well under the leadership of Paul Shannon. La Ligue hebdomadaire poursuit ses activités grâce aux efforts de Paul Shannon. The members of the Committee wish to thank all members who contributed to the success of the club during the winter season. Have a pleasant and healthy summer. Les membres du comité désirent remercier tous ceux et celles qui ont contribué au succès du club durant la dernière saison. Nous vous souhaitons un bon été et revenez en forme à l’automne. Pierre Arial, president The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. Winston Churchill 7 A MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGER I started to do home inspections, and one common violation I'm finding is residents are not cleaning the backs and sides of their homes. Don't forget you have neighbors all around you. Other things I look for are weeds in the gutters, clutter in the carport, dirty driveways, etc. We have an employee scheduled on Wednesday nights to check all common area lighting, street lights and resident's mailbox lights. If you receive a notice on your mailbox please do what you can to repair the light. If you are having a problem making the repair call the office and we can recommend someone to help you. Mailbox lights are the responsibility of the home owner, not management, unless you have the original prospectus (P1). Margate Police department will be issuing tickets for parking violations; please follow the parking rules. If you have not bought your ID bracelets yet please do so, they are available in the office. We are going to start monitoring the common areas in March to be sure that everyone that is using our beautiful facilities, are residents and their guest. Although you might not agree with everything listed above in this article, please cooperate. All we are trying to do is make Coral Cay Plantation a better place to live. Russ Gaglio, Coral Cay Community Manager Coral_Cay_Manager@equitylifestyle.com Office- (954) 972-8530 Fax: (954)972-8533 Cellular: (954)553-0330 PINOCHLE - HIGH SCORES January 30th Phil Occhiuto Audrey Davis Rose Paonessa th 745 697 696 February 6 Phil Occhiuto Gina (Joanne’s sis) Joanne Hallasinski 753 715 702 February 20th George Lagasse Ruth Cooper Phil Occhiuto 702 696 682 We play Mondays @ 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage. If you wish to play, call Audrey Davis @ 954-971-0384. SHUFFLEBOARD ANYONE? Is anyone interested in playing shuffleboard on Thursday mornings? Please call Elaine at 954-9726632 or Rose at 954-978-9478. Come and learn or teach us how to play! We plan to be at the shuffleboard courts at 10:30 on Thursday mornings. Hope to see you there. Tous ceux qui sont intéressés à jouer au shuffleboard les jeudis matins, s.v.p. contacter Elaine au 954-972-6632 ou Rose au 954-978-9478. Venez apprendre ou nous montrer à jouer! Nous serons aux terrains de shuffleboard à 10 :30am les jeudis matins. Espérons vous voir en grand nombre. 8 BOCCE The Bocce General Meeting was held on February 7th. At this meeting, President: Ellie Cavanaugh, Vice President: Pat Pinder, Secretary: Rosalie Guarda presided. L’assemblée générale du Bocce s’est tenue le 7 février. Étaient présents : Ellie Cavanaugh, présidente, Pat Pinder, vice-présidente et Rosalie Guarda, secrétaire. Our second tournament was held February 15th 16th & 17th. Winners were: Notre deuxième tournoi a eu lieu les 15, 16 et 17 février dernier. Les gagnants sont: 1st Place/1ere place Captain: Dominic Giannone Rita Mansi Richard Goneau Jean Gionet 2nd Place/2ieme place Captain: Pierre Ariel Elsie Kiechle Maurille Sequin Denise Turbide 3rd Place/3ieme place Captain: Linda Williams Bill Manchester Gigi Gagnon Guy Turbide Congratulations to all! Félicitations à tous! Thank you to the Tournament Committee, Dom Giannone, Vin Guarda, Pierre Giguere and all the volunteers who helped make this a success. A Dinner Dance followed the tournament on Saturday, February 18th at the Heritage Club. Good food, good music and a good time were had by all. The March Bocce meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th in the Heritage Club at 7:00 P.M. This will be our last meeting for the season, hope to see everyone there. Our last Bocce Tournament, “Battle of the Sexes” will be held on March 7th 8th & 9th. Sign-ups are on Monday, February 27thth & Tuesday, February 28th between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Heritage Club. The Farewell Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, March 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Heritage Club. Ticket sales are on Monday, February 27th & Tuesday, February 28th between 5:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Cost: $10.00 members; $15.00 non- members. Food will be provided by “Café Vincenzo.” Menu: Snapper Français, Fettuccini Alfredo with Chicken, Ziti and Meatballs with Red sauce, Salad, focaccia bread and dessert. Coffee, soda and water will be provided. BYOB. Music provided by the group “Now & Then” Respectfully submitted Rosalie Guarda, Recording Secretary Un gros merci au comité du tournoi : Dom Giannone, Vin Guarda, Pierre Giguère et tous les volontaires qui ont participé au succès de cette journée. Un souper dansant a clôturé le tournoi samedi, le 18 février au Heritage Club. Bon repas, bonne musique et beaucoup de plaisirs étaient de la partie. La prochaine assemblée générale du Bocce se tiendra mardi le 13 mars au Heritage Club à 7:00 p.m. Ce sera la dernière assemblée de la saison. Espérons vous y voir en grand nombre. Notre dernier tournoi de Bocce : “Bataille des sexes”, se tiendra les 7, 8 et 9 mars. Les inscriptions sont : lundi le 27 février et mardi le 28 février entre 5 :00 et 6 :00 p.m. au Heritage Club. Le souper dansant de fermeture de la saison se tiendra samedi, le 10 mars à 6:00 p.m. au Heritage Club. Billets en vente, lundi le 27 février et mardi le 28 février entre 5 :00 et 6 :00 p.m. Coût : 10,00$ membres, 15.00$ non membres. Le repas est fourni par : Café Vincenzo. Menu : Snapper Français, Fettuccini Alfredo avec poulet, Ziti et boulettes de viande dans une sauce rouge, salade, pain focaccia et dessert. Café, soda et eau seront fournis. BYOB. Musique par le groupe « Now & Then ». Respectueusement, Rosalie Guarda – secrétaire 9 10 IT’S THE CORAL CAY BANDSTAND! When: March 31st 6 – 10:00pm Where: Heritage Club House Cost: $8 members, $10 guests Ticket Sale Mon. and Tues. March 19th & 20th 5 – 6 p.m. This is a 1950s sock hop, so dig out your poodle skirt and dust off your saddle shoes! DJ John Brown will be spinning your favorite tunes from the 50s so you can dance the night away. At 6:30 p.m. The Doo Wop Diner will be serving pizza and salad. For dessert: root beer floats. It’s the good old days all over again when: Love Me Tender, Peggy Sue, Blue Suede Shoes, That’ll be the Day, Only the Lonely and Twistin’ the Night Away, was all that mattered. Travel back in time with your HOA when fun was really fun! Cool man, really cool! 11 The Oyster Author Unknown PRAY THE ROSARY MONDAYS 6:45 PM AT THE SPORTS CENTER INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING WITH LORRIE MONDAYS @ 7:30 PM AT THE SPORTS CENTER Help with Paying Bills & Balancing Checking/Savings Accounts Notary Services Available Gayle Celesti – 15 year Coral Cay Resident 954-975-9700 PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE CLEANING Truck Fleets • Mobile Homes • Houses • Awnings Jim McKee, Owner Phone: 954-763-8295 Mobile Home - $75.00 There once was an oyster Whose story I tell, Who found that some sand Had gotten into his shell. It was only a grain, But it gave him great pain, For oysters have feelings Although they're so plain. Now, did he berate The harsh workings of fate That had brought him To such a deplorable state? Did he curse at the government, Cry for election, And claim that the sea should Have given him protection? "No," he said to himself As he lay on a shell, Since I cannot remove it, I shall try to improve it. Now the years have rolled around, As the years always do, And he came to his ultimate destiny . . . Stew! And the small grain of sand That had bothered him so Was a beautiful pearl All richly aglow. Now the tale has a moral: For isn't it grand What an oyster can do With a morsel of sand? What couldn't we do If we'd only begin With some of the things That get under our skin. I would like to thank everyone for signing my birthday card with their kind wishes and for remembering me in the newsletter. Marie DelPozzo For Sale: Never used Woman’s Starter Golf Club Set; Outdoor Electric Grill & 2 Outdoor Lawn chairs. Call Irene @ 954-917-3074 For Sale: Golf Cart with new batteries Please call: 954-974- 3767 For Sale: 2004 (50K miles) Suzuki Grand Vitara. Trailer hitch & attachment for towing behind RV. 4 Door; 4 Wheel drive; AC. $6,500 negotiable. Call Andrée Brouillet 954-366-3771 To reserve a date and time at one of our common areas call Rachel at 954-545-2601 or 781-974-4160 or email: raesaber@comcast.net -Thank you 12 13 HOA Membership PLEASE JOIN YOUR HOA! Our Coral Cay Homeowner’s Association Community is depending on your support. The number of our membership directly impacts the strength we will have. There will be several matters facing our community in the near future and our strength will help determine the outcome. PLEASE JOIN YOUR HOA – THE COST OF $15.00 IS A SMALL INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OF OUR COMMUNITY. Just fill in this form and drop it off at the HOA office (southeast corner of the Heritage Club house) – there is a mail slot in the door OR call one of the HOA Board members and we will be glad to pick it up. Thank you. Elaine Sylvia – President. -----------------------------------------------------------------------NAME: (please print) ______________________________ LOT # _________________________________________________ PHONE # ______________________________________________ Cash or Check made out to HOA in $15.00 – Thank you! Restaurant Review Café Vincenzo A new restaurant opened a few months ago at the Ace Hardware Plaza on Margate Blvd: Café Vincenzo! Upon arrival, we were warmly greeted by one of the owners, Scott, who immediately found a table for 6 outside on the terrace. Our waiter knew what he was talking about and was very courteous yet friendly. We all ordered a meal from the early bird menu (before 6:00pm): for approximately $12.00 we received a nice salad with bread and olive oil mixed with a flair of balsamic vinegar, followed by your main entrée which included a glass of white or red wine. Both food and wine were very good. However the pasta could have been warmer and the red wine just a touch cooler. In summary, great place, super personnel, good atmosphere with very good food at a very reasonable price. Don’t forget, the tip is included in your bill for parties of 6 or more. Enjoy! Bon appétit! For reservations, please call 954-973-3400. Un nouveau restaurant vient tout juste d’ouvrir ses portes voilà quelques mois à peine à la plazza «Ace Hardware» sur le boulevard Margate: Café Vincenzo! À notre arrivée, un des propriétaires, Scott nous a accueillis chaleureusement en nous offrant une table pour 6 sur la terrasse. Notre serveur connaissait bien le menu, était courtois avec une certaine gentillesse. Nous avons tous commandé des mets provenant du menu «early bird» (avant 18h00): pour environ 12.00$, on nous a servi une belle salade avec pain et huile d’olive accompagnée d’un bon vinaigre balsamique; le tout fut suivi de notre plat principal qui incluait un bon verre de vin rouge ou blanc selon notre bon vouloir. La nourriture ainsi que le vin étaient très bon….cependant les pâtes auraient pu être un peu plus chaudes et le vin un peu plus frais. Pour conclure, l’endroit était très bien, le personnel super, l’atmosphère très plaisante, la nourriture très bonne et le prix des plus raisonnables. N’oubliez pas que le pourboire est inclus dans l’addition si vous êtes 6 ou plus. Amusez-vous bien et Bon appétit! Pour réservations, composez le 954-973-3400. Review provided by Jean-Guy Charrette 14 15 ONGOING CORAL CAY ACTIVITIES THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES ARE HELD MON-FRI DURING THE SEASON: (H = HERITAGE CLUB, S = SPORTS CENTER) Mermaids -- 8:30 am; Tai Chi – 9 am (Heritage); Bocce -- 1 pm; Pétanque -- 7pm THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES ARE HELD WEEKLY ON THE DAYS & TIMES LISTED BELOW: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: Pétanque-1 pm. Beginners Line Dance: 9:30 am (H); Pinochle: 6:30 pm (H); Rosary: 6:45 pm (S); Intermediate Line Dance: 7:35 pm(S) Pétanque League: 10:00 am and 1:00 pm Jiu-Jitsu 9:00-10:30am (H) Clogging 10:30 am (H) Bingo-6:30 pm (S) Bowling-8:45 am (Brunswick Lanes); Clogging- 10 am (H); “Friday Night Dances”- 7:30 pm (H) Mermaids-8:30 am; Horseshoes @ 9 am (S) ~ CORAL CAY HOA March 2012 ~ Sun 4 Mon Tue Feb 27 Feb 28 5-6pm Bocce Tix Sale (H) 5-6pm Bocce Tix Sale (H) 5 6 1-3 pm HOA Mardi 5-6pm Pétanque Tix Gras by the Pool Sale (H) (or in the HC if it rains). Rain or shine 11Start Daylight Savings 12 1 pm We Care Meeting (H) 5-6pm Pétanque Tix Sale (H) . 13 Wed 19 1 pm Texas Hold ’em Tournament (H) 5-6pm HOA Tix Sale(H) 5-6pm HOA Tix Sale(H) 20 First Day of Spring 25 26 Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 10am - Coffee With the Manager (H) 7 8:30 am Mermaids Breakfast (H) 8 6 :00pm Bocce Party (H) Bocce Tournament 14 15 16 17 6::00 pm Pétanque Farewell Dinner/Dance (H) 7 pm HOA Open Board Mtg.(H) 7 pm - Bocce Meeting(H) 18 Thu 1 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 7:30 pm HOA General Meeting (H) 27 7 pm Men’s Club Meeting (S) 6pm HOA Sock Hop (H)