
Winter 2014
2014 Winners Bitch/Best of Winners/Best of Breed
What's Inside?
Specialty Trophy Sponsors
Celebration in honor of Kay Hammel
2014 Specialty Winners and judges critiques
2014 Spring Match
2014 Corgi Faire
Christmas Party 2014
Member's ads
Advertising schedule and rates
** (Photos by Diane Quenell unless otherwise noted)
Presidents Message
Greetings to all GGPWCF members,
The end of 2014 is close at hand and once again I wanted to
thank all of our members who have worked so hard to make all of
our events successful.
We have had a very busy fall season with events almost every
weekend and the participation from club members was
outstanding. From Del Valle dog club show weekend to Dixon
dog show weekend, then on to our Herding Instinct Testing to our
Corgi Faire as the big finale.
We have several areas where help is needed. As you may be
aware, we have resumed our rescue program with Maggi Wittman
as rescue chair. However, Maggi cannot do this job alone. If you
feel like you can help in any way, please call or email Maggi or
myself. Sometimes we just need people to call people or transport
As some of you may be aware, our ways and means booth/sales
have been suspended. This was voted on by the majority of the
board and membership at the meetings. If anyone would like to
take on this job, keeping in mind that there would be guidelines
to follow that have been set forth by the Ways and Means
committee, please let myself or Deb Castelanelli know.
I would also like to remind all of our members that whether you
are at a dog show or club event or posting on Facebook, you and
not just representing yourself, you are a representative of
GGPWCF, and some also of PWCCA. So I ask that you treat others
as you would like to be treated, Show good sportsmanship at the
events that you participate in. My favorite quote is "Think once
before you act, twice before you speak and three times before
you post on Facebook!"
Looking forward to 2015
AnnMarie Buonanno
Message from the Editor
Well I hope this edition of the Corgi Tracks makes it to you well.
It’s been a long road getting this back on track but I hope this is
the first of many to come. I have enjoyed putting this together
and hope that the membership will continue to provide
information and ads to make this a successful Corgi Tracks. Corgi
Tracks will have four editions each year, deadlines as seen below.
If you have something to submit, please email me at If you see a mistake, please feel free to
contact me, as these mistakes are not intentional. Looking forward
to 2015
Laura Craig
December 1
March 1
Summer June 1
August 1
There will be no fee for submitted articles, ads and memorials will
be $15.00 for black/white and $20.00 for color, please send your
ad to Laura and your payment to Diane Quenell.
In 2014 we lost a great lady. Kay always had a smile on her face and a
helping hand. She will be truly missed by all the fancy. In honor of Kay, we
had a gathering at Tim and Tomm’s home. We all had a great time talking
about all the wonderful memories we had of Kay. We all miss you!!!!
2014 Spring Match
I want to thank the membership of GGPWCF for allowing me to
judge the spring match. I had a wonderful time and had beautiful
Corgis to choose from. The weather was perfect and the park
setting was perfect for this venue. All the dogs that were presented
to me were outstanding and I found that my decision was not easy.
Looking forward to seeing these dogs in the ring at future shows
and watch how they mature.
Laura Craig
2014 Specialty-Thursday Night Welcome Party
May 16-17, 2014
Regular Classes: Linda Roberts (Cherastayne)
Sweepstakes: Jan Sheets (Cypress)
Obedience: Cathy Dutra
Thanks to the GGPWCF for the privilege of allowing me to give my opinion of some lovely
up and coming puppies, some very special Veterans and a few altered Corgis. I am
grateful that I got to judge the specialty dedicated to my dear friend Kay Hammel. I will
treasure the tile with our logo of corgi jockeys with one having Tams on the silk. Getting to
spend time with friends, seeing Tim Mathiesen become an honorary member of PWCCA
and Sally Howe an honorary member of GGPWCF, California Chrome wins the Preakness
on the day of our show where our logo was Pems at Pimlico, and a breathtaking 6-9
puppy bitch class – What more could a girl ask for! Thanks to all of the exhibitors for
taking the time and presenting your puppies in such beautiful condition and accepting my
opinions with grace. This day will always be a treasured memory.
-Jan Sheets (Cypress)
PUPPY DOGS 6 TO 9 MONTHS (4 entered, 1 absent)
TRIAD PANORAMIC (Ch. Brynlea Willowisp I Got Rhythm x Ch. Triad Simply
Curious) Breeders: Patty Gailey and Linda Kent. Owner: Patty Gailey. Lovely black headed
tri color with good balance. Moderate in every way. Moved around the ring with ease.
Looked the youngest in the class but showed his stuff and stayed at the head of the line.
ANLEN GROUND ZERO (Ch. Wanderpond Phil Harmonic x Ch. Anlen Penny
Candy) Breeder: Elena Stangel. Owner: Lauri Johnson. Lovely sable puppy with beautiful
length and balance. Full of puppy exuberance making it difficult to see him for more
than a glance, but the promise is there.
FAERIE GLEN SOLEIL MOON GOLD (Ch. Larklain Rowdys California Gold Dust x
Faerie Glen Touch This Glamour) Breeders/Owners: Linda Munoz & Joyce Gotschall.
Different type of puppy. Red and white with a heavier head with lovely dark eye. His
front and rear just couldn’t seem to work together today. May blossom with time.
PUPPY DOGS 9 TO 12 MONTHS (3 entered, 0 absent)
BRNAYR SOLITARY MAN (Brnayr Make A Wish x Ch. Brnayr Mysticl Moment)
Breeders/Owners: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Long and low striking young
man who makes a nice profile. Easy mover around the ring. Head of correct proportion, could
be a tad more masculine. Prefer a bit more bone for size.
TIMBERSIDE HOW SWEET IT IS (Ch. Anlen Go For Broke x Trengate Timberside Lily)
Breeder/Owner: Kelly Jo Knuteson. Red and white with nice large dark eye. Headpiece could
benefit with a little refinement and shorter muzzle. Adequate mover around the ring.
Unbalanced profile, more upright than above.
BRYNMORS RIVER OF DREAMS (Ch. Greenwoods Fame and Fortune x Ch. Brynmors
Legally Blonde) Breeders/Owners: Mary Hering & Tracy Liston. Lovely dark color. Smaller in
proportion to above. Happy youngster.
12 TO 18 MONTH DOGS (1 entered, 0 absent)
CARIADH IRON BUTTERFLY (GCh. Sandfox Willie Wagtail x GCh. Cariadh Dragonfly In
Amber) Breeder: Patricia Smith. Owner: Betty Hall & Patricia Smith. Well up to size red and white
gentleman. A little on the taller side but makes a nice profile. Showy with lots of neck. Adequate
mover, rides up a bit in the rear.
15 TO 18 MONTH DOGS (1 entered, 0 absent)
Photo provided by L. Zelenski
TALLYRAND FOR GOD SO LOVED (GCh. Ciregna Thats Amore x Ch. Tallyrand Love
Never Fails) Breeders/Owners: Lois & Joseph Zelenski. Well up to size red and white masculine
young man. Ticked off all the right boxes. Lovely profile and shown to perfection. Not a hair or
foot out of place. Adequate mover. Grabbed my eye all the way to BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES.
PUPPY BITCHES 6 TO 9 MONTHS (11 entered, 1 absent) Gorgeous lineup of puppies!
Order could change on any given day.
TRIAD PANDORABLE (Ch. Brynlea Willowisp I Got Rhythm x Ch. Triad Simply
Curious) Breeders: Patty Gailey & Linda Kent. Owner: Patty Gailey. Demanded a look
when she walked in the ring. Lovely balanced outline in the lineup. Melting expression,
excellent bone all the way to tight correct feet. Lots of neck, well let down though not
overdone for her age. Gorgeous underline. Went around the ring well right to BEST OF
TIMBERSIDE FIELD OF DIAMONDS (Timberside Silver Lining x Timberside Lively
Midnight Dancer) Breeder/Owner: Kelly Jo Knuteson. Red and white with good
proportions, good bone, great topline and easy mover. Headpiece less refined. Lovely
flowing side gait earned her placement.
COVENTRY BORN THIS WAY (Ch. Rosewood Yankee Clipper x Ch. Coventry
Mademoiselle) Breeders/Owners: Steven Leyerly, Beckie Williams DVM, Bill Shelton &
Deborah Salow. Lovely red and white with good proportions in a slightly smaller frame.
Beautiful headpiece, moderate mover in all directions. A little unsettled on the day. Will
certainly have a fabulous future.
ROSEWOOD ELEISON (GCh. Martindale Black Bart x Rosewood Liason) Breeder:
Liisa Coit. Owner: Amy Caple. Red headed tri with beautiful bone down to nice feet. Nice
neck into well-proportioned body. Gave everything her owner asked of her. A little soft
going around on the day.
PUPPY BITCHES 9 TO 12 MONTHS (9 entered, 3 absent)
TRI-UMPH TOPAZ (Brookehaven Strangers in the Night x GCh. Tri-umph The
Gem of The Ocean) Breeder: Marian J. Your & Ginnie Burchardt. Owner: Marian J. Your.
Dramatic red headed tri was a stand out. Silhouette in the grass from across the ring
drew your eye in the lineup. She did not disappoint moving with ease and flying around
the ring. More white than I prefer.
ROSEWOOD KASSANDRA (GCh. Martindale Black Bart x Esprence Kala)
Breeder/Owner: Liisa Coit. Sweet red headed tri with great proportion and balance.
Pleasing head, great topline and croup. Fabulous breed type. Movement failed her on
the day.
BRYNMORS NOT SO PLAIN JANE (Ch. Greenwoods Fame and Fortune x Ch.
Brynmors Legally Blonde) Breeders/Owners: Mary Hering & Tracy Liston. Mature profile.
Could use more rear angle.
BRYNMORS ALMOST FAMOUS (Ch. Greenwoods Fame and Fortune x Ch.
Brynmors Legally Blonde) Breeders/Owners: Mary Hering & Tracy Liston. Showed well.
Beautiful color. Close going away.
12 TO 15 MONTH BITCHES (1 entered, 1 absent)
15 TO 18 MONTH BITCHES (4 entered, 0 absent)
KINION HEAVENLY (Trengate Winchester x Ch. Kinion As You Like It)
Breeders/Owners: Janet & John Summer. Rewarded for her breed type, scope and ease
of movement around the ring. Lovely turn of stifle creating that gorgeous underline.
Beautifully and quietly handled allowing her bitch to stand out on her own merit.
ALENCLAUD VICENTA (Alenclaud Cosentino x Ch. Heronsway The West Wing)
Breeders: Monica & Jorge Waisman. Owners: Bill Shelton, Steven Leyerly, Beckie
Williams DVM & Deborah Salow. Breed type and stellar presentation. Slightly tucked up
in the rear with straighter stifle and a tad longer hocks.
KINION HEAVEN ON EARTH (Trengate Winchester x Ch. Kinion As You Like It)
Breeders: Janet & John Summer. Owners: Marilyn VanVleit & Donna Newton. Red and
white with lovely neck and length. Presented to perfection. Topline on the go around let
her down on the day.
UPON TYNE IMAGINE DRAGON (GCh. Knightsbridge He’s a Right Guy x Upon
Tyne Dr Izzy Stevens) Breeders: Deneen & Amanda Cone & Laurie Giem. Owners:
Deneen & Amanda Cone. Taller, larger mold. Not the maturity and presence of those
Both Best and BOS Veteran are smashing examples of the breed and could steal the whole
show on any given day.
VETERAN DOGS 7 YEARS TO 10 YEARS (3 entered, 0 absent)
GCH. TALLYRAND HALO CHASER (Ch. Aberlee Bransby x Tallyrand Devoted To
You) Breeder: Joseph & Lois Zelenski. Owner: Betty M. Cook. Hard to believe this stylish
gentleman is 9 yrs old! His outline is superior. He is striking and commands you to look
at him. He gave his all on this hot afternoon earning BEST VETERAN IN
GCH. KNIGHTSBRIDGE HE’S A RIGHT GUY, RN (Ch. Foxlor Schafrhaus Sammy
Sosa x Belroyd Ladybird) Breeder: Robert Nesbitt & Thomas Mathiesen. Owner: Laurie
Giem. Red and white with oodles of breed type. Looking competitive. Showed like the
veteran he is.
ROSEWOOD WAVEBREAKER (Ch. Twinan Another Chance For Salvenik x Ch.
Rosewood Breeze’n By) Owner: Sarah Fitzell. Plain red and white that had a smile on his
face and was definitely enjoying the outing!
VETERAN DOGS 10 YEARS AND OLDER (3 entered, 1 absent)
CH. SUMMITHILL BIT O’ THE BUBBLY, BN CD RA (Ch. Summithill Rikki Tikki
Tavi x Ch. Marnac Southern Sprite) Breeder: Cynthia A. Pera. Owner: Elizabeth Mendoza.
Red and white gentleman. Gave everything his owner asked. Adequate mover.
CH. JADE TREE PENWAY NEW IN TOWN (Ch. Summithill Ginger Bread Man x
Ch. Jade Tree Penway Intrigue) Breeder: Janice E. Edwards & Joan Gibson Reid. Owner:
Joan Gibson Reid. Lovely red and white with good balance and angles. He didn’t seem
to be happy in the heat on the day.
VETERAN BITCHES 7 YEARS TO 10 YEARS (4 entered, 1 absent)
CH. ROSEWOOD BREEZE’N BY (Ch. Rosewood Yankee Clipper x Ch. Rosewood
Xtravagance) Breeder/Owner: Liisa Coit. At 10 she still has the look of a youngster. She
exudes breed type. She is built to last. Still looks competitive and flies around the ring.
CH. BRNAYR MOONSHADOW (Cantebriars Shadow Dance x Brnayr Autumn
Moon) Breeders/Owners: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Love this sable
bitch. Just my type and moves with ease around the ring. Wish she had a little more look
at me attitude!
CH. TROMBA’S ONCE IN A BOO MOON (Ch. Cezanne’s Red White’N Boo, NA
RN x Brnayr Autumn Moon) Breeders: Burdon Musgrave, Ann Marie Buonanno & Vicki
Lubarsky. Owners: Ellen & Lawrence Perlson. Lovely red and white girl of a larger mold
who definitely had a good time in the ring. Very nicely presented.
Altered Class Results
ALTERED DOGS (1 entered, 0 absent)
BRNAYR THEY CALLED ME PRETTY BOY (Ch. Nebriowa Zachariah x Brnayr Can
You Hear Me Now) Breeders: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Owners: Katie
ALTERED BITCHES (3 entered, 1 absent
CH. ROCNL BE MINE (Ch. Tams Monte Carlo x Ch. Trombas Do The Hokey
Pokey) Breeders: Samantha Craig & Ellen and Larry Perlson. Owner: Laura, Roc &
Samantha Craig. BEST ALTERED
DOGWILD RIGHT ON! (GCh. Knightsbridge He’s A Right Guy x Nebriowa
Ribbons And Lace, RN) Breeder/Owner: Laurie Giem
2014 Specialty Obedience Results
NOVICE A (1 entered, 0 absent, 0 qualified)
NOVICE B (3 entered, 1 absent, 0 qualified)
OPEN B (3 entered, 1 absent)
Ranger x Tammy’s Miss O’Riley) Breeder: Tammy Bracelin. Owner: Debra Dove. Score:
UTILITY A (2 entered, 0 absent, 0 qualified)
UTILITY B (1entered, 0 absent, 0 qualified)
BEGINNER NOVICE A (4 entered, 0 absent)
BRNAYR TANZANITE STAR (Ch. Nebrowa Zachariah x Ch. Brnayr Moonshadow)
Breeders: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Owners: Jim & Ann-Marie
L’Etoile. Score: 196.5
BRNAYR EMERALD STAR (Brnayr Make A Wish x Ch. Brnayr Moonshadow)
Breeders: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Owner: Ann-Marie L’Etoile.
Score: 193
HYLANE NAUGHTY OR NICE (Brookehaven Strangers In The Night x Hylane’s
Blackbird Singing) Breeder: Rebecca Lane. Owner: Kelly Edmiston. Score: 190.5
CH. CAAMORA ASTON MARTIN, HIAs HSAd (Ch. Tallyrand No Greater Love x
Ch. Caamora Paper Doll, HT) Breeders: Vicki Kirsher & Patricia Seifert. Owners: Vicki
Northway, Patricia & Dennis Seifert. Score: 183.5
BEGINNER NOVICE B (3 entered, 2 absent, 0 qualified)
RALLY NOVICE A (4 entered, 1 absent)
BRNAYR TANZANITE STAR (Ch. Nebriowa Zachariah x Ch. Brnayr Moonshadow)
Breeders: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Owners: Jim & Ann-Marie
L’Etoile. Score: 97
CH. CAAMORA GANDY DANCER, HSAs (Ch. Tallyrand No Greater Love x Ch.
Caamora Paper Doll, HT) Breeders: Patricia Seifert & Vicki Kirsher. Owners: Patrici &
Dennis Seifert. Score: 91
BRNAYR EMERALD STAR (Brnayr Make A Wish x Ch. Brnayr Moonshadow)
Breeders: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Owner: Ann-Marie L’Etoile.
Score: 87
RALLY NOVICE B (3 entered, 1 absent)
Fitch’s Little Bit) Breeder: Gerald Fitch. Owner: Sami Meyers. Score 88
CYPRESS POINT OF VIEW (Ch. Pinemeade Fool Proof x Cypress Black Pearl)
Breeder: Jan Sheets. Owner: Leila Palsak. Score: 87
ADVANCED B (1 entered, 0 absent)
TEX THE COWBOY, BN RA (Unknown) Breeder: Unknown. Owner: Jacqueline
Montgomery. Score: 90
EXCELLENT B (1 entered, 0 absent)
TEX THE COWBOY, BN RA (Unknown) Breeder: Unknown. Owner: Jacqueline
2014 Specialty Results and Judges Critiques
I was honored to be asked to judge at your Specialty. The location and
weather were beautiful and the hospitality superb. I especially appreciated
my lovely gifts and the welcome basket in our room. From an entry of 97 I
had some beautiful Pembrokes to judge. I found presentation, outlines,
toplines and profile movement to be outstanding throughout the entry,
though dead true fronts on the stack and sound action out and back were not
so prevalent. I was delighted with my top winners - all quality Pembrokes and
each, to my mind, the right size and shape. All had typical heads appropriate
for their sex and all used their correct construction to move out well and
soundly over the grass.
Linda Roberts (Cherastayne)
PUPPY DOGS 6 TO 9 MONTHS (4 entered, 2 absent)
TRIAD PANORAMIC (Ch. Brynlea Willowisp I Got Rhythm x Ch. Triad Simply
Curious) Breeders: Patty Gailey & Linda Kent. Owner: Patty Gailey. Promising black
headed tri baby, liked his size and shape with lovely neck, topline and correct bone.
Appealing head and expression. Naturally needing to come together on the move, but
sound in all directions. Sensitively handled.
ANLEN GROUND ZERO (Ch. Wanderpond Phil Harmonic x Ch. Anlen Penny
Candy) Breeder: Elena Stangel. Owner: Lauri Johnson. This rangier sable/white puppy
scored in neck and topline. Attractive head and male outlook, moving quite nicely from all
aspects. I preferred the bone and balance of the above.
PUPPY DOGS 9 TO 12 MONTHS (3 entered, 0 absent)
BRNAYR SOLITARY MAN (Brnayr Make A Wish x Ch. Brnayr Mysticl Moment)
Breeders/Owners: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Pale red/white puppy,
scoring here for his pleasing size and shape, plenty of neck and strong topline, nicely
made throughout and moving well as a result. Attractive enough in head, with correct
ear set and kind eye. Sufficient bone and nice feet.
BRYNMORS RIVER OF DREAMS (Ch. Greenwoods Fame and Fortune x Ch.
Brynmors Legally Blonde) Breeders/Owners: Mary Hering & Tracy Liston. Correctly
coated red/white puppy, gaining his place here on his well-proportioned head with
attractive expression, strong topline, and true front and neat feet. I preferred the neck
and strong rear action of the above.
TIMBERSIDE HOW SWEET IT IS (Ch. Anlen Go For Broke x Trengate Timberside
Lily) Breeder/Owner: Kelly Jo Knuteson. This red/white puppy was in super coat and
condition. I liked his neck and topline and he moved quite well away and in profile. I
preferred the front and feet of those placed above. Attentive showman.
12 TO 18 MONTH DOGS (3 entered, 0 absent)
TALLYRAND FOR GOD SO LOVED (GCh. Ciregna Thats Amore x Ch. Tallyrand
Love Never Fails) Breeders/Owners: Lois & Joseph Zelenski. Quality red and white boy,
scoring here for his superb outline with reachy neck and strong topline. Super bone and
neat feet and sound and purposeful movement, viewed from all aspects. Very attractive
head proportions and super ears. Could be a little more generous in eye, though they
are nicely colored. Close up in the challenge, I just preferred the size of the two principle
winners. He is a confident showman and is sure to do well.
NEBRIOWA SHACKLETON (Ch. Pemcader Belroyd Zodiac x Ch. Nebriowa
Vivacious) Breeders: Thomas Mathiesen & Thomas Dedini. Owners: Diane Quenell,
Thomas Mathiesen & Thomas Dedini. Smart red/white boy, more my type in terms of
size and scoring here for his attractive head with lovely eye and pigment, nice bone and
neat feet. Rather reluctant to use his ears today, and I preferred the strong rear action of
the winner.
CARIADH IRON BUTTERFLY (GCh. Sandfox Willie Wagtail x GCh. Cariadh
Dragonfly In Amber) Breeder: Patricia Smith. Owners: Betty Hall & Patricia Smith. I have
judged this red and white boy before as a raw baby. He still appeals greatly for his
beautiful head and expression, super neck and shoulders, adequate bone and neat feet.
I hoped he would level up as he matured but unfortunately today he was running up
behind. Attentive showman in lovely coat and condition.
AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS (1 entered, 0 absent)
PRINCE EDWARD V (Tamera's Crimson Rocket x Tamera's Special Order)
Breeder: Tamera Cohoon Reist. Owner: Giselle A. Perry. This red and white male was in
superb coat and condition. He had lovely bone, an alert all-male outlook and a super
temperament. He was sensitively handled and was an attentive showman.
BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS (5 entered, 1 absent)
CRYSMONT NCIS SPECIAL AGENT (Ch. Sandfox Super Nova x Ch. Crysmont
Elizabeth of Marymead) Breeders: Deborah Blais, Jerry & Sharon Pratt. Owners: Deborah
& Maurice Blais. I just loved this red and white male, not the most glamorous but full of
breed type. Super head proportions with plenty of refinement but in no way feminine.
Proper Pembroke expression. Reachy neck from well-placed shoulders, perfect front and
beautiful feet. Bone appropriate for his size, great hindquarters, correct coat and firm
condition. He filled my eye for his type, size, outline and sound movement and it was a
COVENTRY REIGN MAKER (GCh. Eden Crowns Designer Label x Ch. Coventry
Helen of Troy) Breeders: Bill Shelton, Beckie Williams, R & N Herrick & Steve Leyerly.
Owners: Bill Shelton, Beckie Williams DVM, Steven Leyerly & Deborah Salow. This red
and white boy was in beautiful coat and condition. Lovely head and eye, ears a little
high-set when alert, though they were a good size. Super neck and shoulder placement,
great bone and topline. Moved well going away and in profile. I preferred the front, feet
and movement coming on of the winner. Beautifully presented and great temperament.
Moonshadow) Breeders/Owners: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. Paler red
and white boy of pleasing overall size and shape. Scores in neck, topline and outline,
neat feet and in good coat and condition. Moved OK from all angles. I preferred the
head types and bone of the above.
FAERIE GLEN SOLEIL MOON GOLD (Ch. Larklain Rowdys California Gold Dust x
Faerie Glen Touch This Glamour) Breeders/Owners: Linda Munoz & Joyce Gotschall. Very
raw red and white baby with a lovely reach of neck and outline. Appealing head
proportions though ear set a little low. Needs time to come together on the move and
gain confidence. In lovely coat and condition.
Photo provided by Ken O’Brien
AMERICAN BRED DOGS (2 entered, 0 absent)
VERILO CAMBRIDGE (Ch. Nebriowa Cole Haan x Ch. Shanteroo April Love)
Breeders: Debra Oliver & Sheila Broderick. Owners: Debra Oliver, Sheila Broderick &
Kathleen Reding. This red headed tri boy presented a lovely overall picture. Attractive
head and expression, though could use a darker eye. Lovely neck, super strong topline
and quarters. Moved very well away and showed good ground coverage in profile. I
would prefer better feet. In hard condition and lovely coat. His topline gave him BEST
TROMBA'S WALK ON THE WILD SIDE (Ch. Tri-umph 'Taint No Saint x Tromba's
Doin The Lambeth Walk) Breeders/Owners: Ellen & Lawrence Perlson. Heavier coated
red and white male, not the outline of the above. Appealing enough in head, though
rather small in ear. Liked his bone and feet but the winner scored away and covered the
ground better. Attentive showman.
OPEN DOGS (1 entered, 0 absent)
ROSEWOOD SET SAIL (Ch. Twinan Another Chance for Salvenik x Ch. Rosewood
Breeze'n By) Breeder: Liisa Coit. Owners: Barbara Hughes & Theresa Maddox. Of course I
recognized this quality tri boy from his time in the UK and it looks like the Californian
life agrees with him. Lovely size and shape, beautiful head and expression with the best
of ears. Superb front and feet and in wonderful coat and condition. Needs to help his
handler by putting a little more in on the move but he is very sound from all aspects. A
pleasure to award him RESERVE WINNERS DOG.
PUPPY BITCHES 6 TO 9 MONTHS (11 entered, 1 absent)
COVENTRY BORN THIS WAY (Ch. Rosewood Yankee Clipper x Ch. Coventry
Mademoiselle) Breeders/Owners: Bill Shelton, Beckie Williams DVM, Steven Leyerly &
Deborah Salow. Beautiful rich red and white puppy of lovely type, size and quality.
Prettiest of heads with delightful, all-feminine expression. Stunning outline. Correctly
placed shoulders yielding reachy neck, strong topline and lovely quarters. Ideal bone
for her size, neat front and feet. Smart mover from all aspects and in correct coat and
beautiful condition. She was just my cup of tea and it was my pleasure to award her
TIMBERSIDE FIELD OF DIAMONDS (Timberside Silver Lining x Timberside Lively
Midnight Dancer) Breeder/Owner: Kelly Jo Knuteson. Sweet red and white baby, similar
in size and shape to the winner and just as feminine. Well-proportioned head, though
perhaps not quite the refinement of the winner. Neat front, feet and quarters and
another smart mover. Just preferred the extra style of the winner.
FAERIE GLEN LUNE D'OR (Ch. Larklain Rowdys California Gold Dust x Faerie
Glen Touch This Glamour) Breeders/Owners: Linda Munoz & Joyce Gotschall. Another
red and white pup, again of pleasing size and shape. Appealing head proportions, dark
eyes and feminine outlook, nice neck and shoulder and good bone and feet. She also
moved out well. I just preferred the overall type and style of the puppies above.
TRIAD PANDORABLE (Ch. Brynlea Willowisp I Got Rhythm x Ch. Triad Simply
Curious) Breeders: Patty Gailey & Linda Kent. Owner: Patty Gailey. Delightful pale sable
and white baby, not yet as together as those above. Pretty head and feminine
expression, balanced outline and neat quarters. Needs time to firm up in front and
collect herself on the move. Sympathetically handled and well presented.
PUPPY BITCHES 9 TO 12 MONTHS (9 entered, 1 absent)
ROSEWOOD KASSANDRA (GCh. Martindale Black Bart x Esprence Kala)
Breeder/Owner: Liisa Coit. I liked this quality red-headed tri puppy very much. She is
beautifully made, is an ideal size and shape and has a stunning outline. Very pretty head
proportions, generous eye with great pigmentation, super neck, shoulders and topline
and feet. Really gets over the ground in profile and goes with plenty of drive away. At
this stage she comes on a touch close, which may improve as she matures. Very
promising puppy.
x Ch. Nebriowa Veronica) Breeders: Thomas Mathiesen, Thomas Dedini & Jennifer
Snyder. Owners: Gloria Birch, Cappy Potice & Thomas Mathiesen. Pretty paler red and
white bitch puppy, lovely head and eye, neat front and feet. She moved nicely OK out
and back but couldn't match the side gait of the winner today. Great coat and condition.
FAERIE GLEN JOYS ELAINE (Ch. Larklain Rowdys California Gold Dust x Faerie
Glen Danielle) Breeders/Owners: Linda Munoz & Joyce Gotschall. This red and white girl
was similar in type to the 2nd, nice bone and feet, pleasing neck and shoulder. Moved
okay all ways. I just preferred the extra style of those above.
TRI-UMPH TOPAZ (Brookehaven Strangers in the Night x GCh. Tri-umph The
Gem of the Ocean) Breeders: Marian Johnson Your & Ginnie Burchardt. Owner: Marian
Johnson Your. This red-headed tri girl is at a rangy stage at present and needs to drop
into herself. Nice head and outlook, lovely neck, topline, quarters and coat. Smart
mover. I preferred the type of those above today.
12 TO 18 MONTH BITCHES (7 entered, 1 absent)
KINION HEAVENLY (Trengate Winchester x Ch. Kinion As You Like It)
Breeders/Owners: Janet & John Summer. This all-quality beautiful red and white girl just
stole my heart today and I loved her from top to toe. Pretty head, soft expression, ideal
balance and size, beautifully put together. Scores heavily in forehand assembly, dead
true in front with ideal bone and neat feet. Reachy neck, strong topline and quarters.
She was one of the few to really get over the grass properly, perfectly sound out and
back and carried herself so well in profile. The more I asked her to go the better she
looked. She was in stunning coat and condition. It was my pleasure to award her
ALENCLAUD VICENTA (Alenclaud Cosentino x Ch. Heronsway The West Wing)
Breeders: Monica & Jorge Waisman. Owners: Bill Shelton, Beckie Williams, Steven
Leyerly & Deborah Salow. This pretty headed red and white girl has much to like. She
has a super outline from lovely neck and strong topline, strong hindquarters. Couldn't
match the winner in front or coming on but she produced lovely action away. Wellpresented and handled.
PINEMEADE LITTLE FEATHER (GCh. Anlen Pay Day x Pinemeade B'Dazzled)
Breeder: Terry A. Hansen. Owner: Winston Thomas. This red and white girl scored for her
clean outline, correct bone, reachy neck and strong topline. She moved quite well from
all angles, well-proportioned in head though not quite so feminine in outlook as those
NEBRIOWA ROSALIE MINE (Ch. Nebriowa Tattle Tale Heart x Ch. Nebriowa Red
Stilettos) Breeders/Owners: Thomas Mathiesen & Thomas Dedini. This red headed tri
was in lovely coat and condition and presented a balanced outline. Lovely length and
firm topline. Pretty head but rather light in eye. I preferred the front and feet of those
above. Moved okay.
BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES (5 entered, 2 absent)
ROCKY L MARKERS ENCORE (Ch. Larklain Rogers Magic Marker x GCh. Rocky L
Pennies from Heaven) Breeders/Owners: L & R Halop. This red and white puppy was the
soundest in this challenging class, scoring heavily in forehand, front and feet. Attractive
head and outlook, moved okay from all aspects.
CAAMORA CINDY LOU WHO (Ch. Caamora Tally Ho Foxtrot x Triad Little Black
Dress for Caamora). Breeders/Owners: Patricia & Dennis Seifert. Red headed tri girl with
super neck and topline. Not the front or feet of the above, moved okay. Attractive head
with good earset but a much darker eye would give a softer expression. In lovely coat
and condition.
CADRMN ROCNL LUCK BE A LADY (Ch. Misty Ridge Rumblestiltskin, AXP AJP
OFP x ROCNLs Vision of Love) Breeders: Laura Craig & Renee Broden. Owners: Laura
Craig, Renee Broden & Elizabeth Lacroix. This red headed tri girl was more upright in
type than those above. She had a pleasing neck and topline, nice bone and feet. Like the
second, she would benefit from a darker eye. Attentive showgirl.
AMERICAN BRED BITCHES (4 entered, 1 absent)
NEBRIOWA VERILO CHARADE (Ch. Pemcader Belroyd Zodiac x Ch. Follywood
Deception) Breeders: Thomas Mathiesen & Thomas Dedini. Owners: Debbie Oliver &
Sheila Broderick. This lovely quality sable and white girl is right up my street. The very
prettiest of heads with the most expressive dark eyes, lovely front and well-shaped feet.
In beautiful coat and condition, and a free and active mover. I wished she had been
firmer in topline. Beautiful temperament and well-balanced throughout.
GOLDEN ROAD'S STARDUST MELODY (GCh. Tromba's Let’s Do The Time Warp
x Golden Road's Dixie Pearl) Breeders: Karen Howard, Christine Johnson & Marty
Howard. Owners: Karen Howard & Christine Johnson. This nicely sized red and white was
in lovely coat and condition and moved out quite well from all aspects. I preferred the
overall type and head properties of the above.
TROMBA'S WALKING IN RYHTHM (Ch. Tri-umph Taint No Saint x Tromba's
Doin The Lambeth Walk) Breeders/Owners: Ellen & Lawrence Perlson. Correctly coated
red and white girl, similar in type to the 2nd, though not so good in forehand assembly.
She moved quite well away and in profile and was an attentive showgirl.
OPEN BITCHES (4 entered, 0 absent)
NEBRIOWA VICTORIA (Ch. Pembury House Be Still My Heart x Ch. Nebriowa
Veronica) Breeders: Thomas Mathiesen, Thomas Dedini & Jennifer Snyder. Owners:
Thomas Mathiesen & Thomas Dedini. Lovely quality red and white bitch, super-feminine
and well balanced. Prettiest of heads with lovely kind eye, neat front and feet and strong
topline. Moved quite well from all aspects and put down in lovely coat and condition.
WILDWOOD CYPRESS SAILING ON BY (Ch. Rosewood Brigantine x Cypress
Black Pearl) Breeders: Robin Taylor & Jan Sheets. Owner: Robin Taylor. This red headed
tri bitch presented a very nice overall package. Correct for size and balance, good neck
and shoulder and moving well from all angles. Not quite so feminine in head as the
winner, though it is well proportioned. She didn't always hold her topline on the stack,
but put on a good performance for her handler.
RAINTREES JP AUTUMN SPLENDOR (Still Planet JP Tallyrand Tigger x Still
Planet JP Sweet Splendor) Breeder/Owner: Atsumi Kunishio. Top-sized red and white
girl, scoring in neck, topline, correct shoulders and good quarters. Moved very well
coming on and in profile, a touch close going away. I would prefer a more feminine
headpiece, though she does have a kind eye. Keen showgirl.
BRNAYR SHAMELESS (GCh. Tromba's Lets Do The Time Warp x Brnayr Can You
Hear Me Now) Breeders/Owners: Ann Marie Buonanno DVM & Vicki Lubarsky. This girl
was appealing enough in head though I would prefer a darker eye. Feminine in outlook
with a nice outline. Rather close in front, both on the stack and coming on. Went very
well away.
VETERAN DOGS (7 entered, 1 absent)
GCH. TALLYRAND HALO CHASER (Ch. Aberlee Bransby x Tallyrand Devoted To
You) Breeders: Joseph & Lois Zelenski. Owner: Betty M Cook. This top quality 9.5 year
old red and white boy was in stunning coat and condition. Such a handsome, wellproportioned head, the very best of shoulders, ideal front and neat feet. Really gets over
the ground and dead true out and back. Carries himself so well. I was thrilled to award
him SELECT DOG. He put up a strong challenge for Best Veteran but was rather feeling
the heat by that stage.
VETERAN BITCHES (6 entered, 2 absent)
CH. ROSEWOOD BREEZE'N BY (Ch. Rosewood Yankee Clipper x Ch. Rosewood
Xtravagance) Breeder/Owner: Liisa Coit. I loved the beautiful breed type of this 10 year
old red-headed tri girl. She is beautifully made throughout and was one of the standout
movers in the entry. Best of fronts with lovely feet. Prettiest of heads with lovely eye and
expression and super ears. She is an ideal shape and size, and is a credit to her
Delighted to award her BEST VETERAN AND AWARD OF MERIT
HERDING TITLED (1 entered, 0 absent)
CH. CAAMORA ASTON MARTIN HIAs HSAd (Ch. Tallyrand No Greater Love x
Ch. Caamora Paper Doll) Breeders: Vicki Kirsher & Patricia Seifert. Owners: Vicki
Northway, Patricia & Dennis Seifert. This strikingly marked black headed tri was in
beautiful coat and condition. Attractive head and eye, superb feet and topline, great
quarter’s used to good effect to produce efficient movement from all angles.
BEST OF BREED (24 entered, 5 absent
KINION HEAVENLY (Trengate Winchester x Ch. Kinion As You Like It) Breeders/Owners:
Janet & John Summer. This all-quality beautiful red and white girl just stole my heart
today and I loved her from top to toe. Pretty head, soft expression, ideal balance and
size, beautifully put together. Scores heavily in forehand assembly, dead true in front
with ideal bone and neat feet. Reachy neck, strong topline and quarters. She was one of
the few to really get over the grass properly, perfectly sound out and back and carried
herself so well in profile. The more I asked her to go the better she looked. She was in
stunning coat and condition. It was my pleasure to award her WINNERS BITCH, BEST
GCH. PENNYSHIRE SOLID ALIBI (Ch. Woodbine Flashy Alibi x Ch. Penny Glyn's Minnie)
Breeder: Maureen Wilkinson. Owners: Debbie & Mike Burk. Loved this all-quality red
headed tri boy. Handsome, well-proportioned, all male head with the kindest of eyes.
Ideal size and shape with correct bone, super forehand and neat feet. Strong topline
over correct ribbing. Carried himself so well on the move, all of a piece, and purposeful
and true from all aspects. He was really on his toes here and gave his handler
everything. Put down in beautiful coat and condition. It gave me great pleasure to
Tallyrand Love So Amazing (photo provided by: L.Zelenski)
Tallyrand Twinkling Of An Eye) Breeders: Lois Zelenski & Patricia Seifert. Owners: Lois &
Joseph Zelenski. I loved this intense quality red and white girl and she ran the Best Of
Breed close. Beautiful breed type and the prettiest of heads. In gorgeous coat and
condition. Perfectly sound from all angles, just not quite putting it all in on the move
today and that just made the difference in the final analysis.
Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers, Inc. extends sincere
thanks to the 2014 Show Fund Donors
Beginners Novice A--Maxine Gomez
Beginners Novice B--Tom & Sami Meyers
Novice A--Dan & Lois Landers
Novice B--Tom & Sami Meyers
Open A--Erica Hamilton, In memory of “Pip”, Jade Tree Penway Yukon, CDX HIAsd OA
Open B--Brnayr Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Utility A--Lila Lippow-- In memory of Ch. OTCH Golden Road's Jack Straw UDX PT TD RA
Utility B--Christine Johnson, In memory of Ch. Golden Road’s Love of Pearls, RN UD TD
Novice A--Kathleen Jettlund
Novice B--Debbie Ferrier, In memory of Lorelei Luck of The Irish, RN CGC
Advanced A--Chris Robinette, In loving memory of Ch. Vangard Briarwood Magnolia, TD
Advanced B--Vicki Northway, In honor of Sua Mah Drifan Tradewind, HXAsd HSAc
Excellent A--Susan Powell, In honor of Drifan Bound For Glory, RAE HSAs
Excellent B--Susan Powell, In honor of Drifan Bound For Glory, RAE HSAs
Regular Classes:
6-9 puppy dogs--Diane Quenell Photography
9-12 puppy dogs--Patricia Speer
12-18 dogs –Kingscote
Bred by Exhibitor dogs--Russell Allen & Jason Klawinski (Westmorland)
American Bred dogs--Deborah Castelanelli (In memory of Ch. Marlmont's Arabian
Nights HT)
Amateur Owner-Handler--Peter & Deanna Feliciano
Open Dogs--Marilyn Van Vleit & Donna Newton
Stud Dogs--Nancy & Glenn Monden
Veteran Dogs--Russell Allen & Jason Klawinski (Westmorland)
6-9 puppy bitches--Ellen Perlson (Tromba Corgis)
9-12 puppy bitches--Deborah Castelanelli (In memory of Ch. Marlmont's Nursery
12-18 bitches--Brnayr Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Bred By Exhibitor Bitches --Joan Gibson Reid
American Bred Bitches—Kingscote
Amateur Owner-Handler Bitches--Brnayr Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Open Bitches--Reg & Paula Paradis
Brood Bitches-- Deborah Karlson (Karlea)
Veteran Bitches--Dede Rodgers (In memory of Ch. Greenwoods Moonlight Madness)
Best of Breed---Deborah Shindle
Best of Opposite Sex--Tim Mathiesen & Tomm Dedini (Nebriowa)
Best of Winners---Glenn and Nancy Monden
Winners Dog--Terry Hansen Mitchell (Pinemeade reg.)
Winners Bitch--Laura Craig, Renee Broden & Taryn Pevy
Reserve Winners Dog--Glenn & Nancy Monden
Reserve Winners Bitch--Beckie Williams DVM, Bill Shelton & Steve Leyerly
Best Puppy--Don & Valerie Sawhill (In memory of Winston)
Best In Sweepstakes--Kim Haegely
Best of Opposite In Sweepstakes--Beckie Williams DVM, Bill Shelton & Steve Leyerly
Altered Dogs and Bitches-- Leslie Earl
General Trophy Fund Donors:
Carol Barlick-Carolee
Ann Marie Buonanno-Brnayr
Debra and Alexandra Castelanelli-Marlmont
Mary Greenwood-Greenwoods
Terry Hansen-Mitchell-Pinemeade
Joan Jensen-Martindale
Joan Maskie-Redclyffe
Debbie Oliver-Verilo
Joan Gibson Reid-Jade Tree
Dorothy Sayers-Josay
John & Kathy Shannon-Wyndfal
Kay Smith-Corgi Tales
Elizabeth Mendoza
Sheila Broderick-Verilo
Mike and Deborah Burk
Carla Cavaco-Windfall
Nancy Handgraaf-Birtwistle
Karen Howard
Deborah Karlson-Karlea
Jannet Neal-Penryn
Mary Parke-Kimmeridge
Diane Sager
Jan & Dean Sheets-Cypress
Marilyn Van Vleit-Aurora
2014 Specialty
Moments to Remember
Our Specialty was started off by the beautiful voice of Laurie.
Sweeps Judging
Then to Conformation Judging
Alex Castelanelli with Linda Roberts
Tomm with Judge Linda Roberts
Janet showing off her spectacular win!!
Once more around the ring…….
Then to finish off a nice Specialty with a wonderful banquet with friends.
Robin Taylor our 2014 Show chair and President Ann Marie Buonanno
Sweeps Judge: Jan Sheets
Conformation Judge: Linda Roberts
Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers voted to make Sally Howe an honorary
member. Sally has been a long time member of GGPWCF and has held many board
positions with in the club. Sally was surprised at our Specialty banquet when we presented
her with this honor.
Ann Marie and Sally
PWCCA President Donna Gilbert
Jan Sheets and Liisa Coit
Tim and Sally
Robin Taylor-show chair, Linda Robertsconformation judge, Ann Marie Buonanno-GG
President, Jan Sheets-Sweeps Judge
Tim and Susan and Michael Hendrickson (Kay's sister)
Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers hosted the PWCCA Spring Meeting
Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers, Inc
Dixon May Fairgrounds - Madden Hall - 655 South First St., Dixon, Calif.
CGC course at Corgi Faire
Shopping, Flea Market, Microchipping and Grooming demos!
Rescue & Senior (8+ years old)
Corgi Parades
Famous Corgi
Costume Contest!
• Fun!
• Fun!
• Fun!
ROCNL and CADRMN is coming to a show
near you!!!!
CH. CADRMN ROCNL Lucky Spot “Midge”
CH. Misty Ridge Rumblestiltskin X ROCNL Visions of Love
Bred by/Owners:
Taryn Pevy
Renee Broden –CADRMN (California Dreaming)
Laura Craig-ROCNL
And the Next Generation making their way into the ring…..
….And already a winner. ROCNL CADRMN Act
Naturally “Russell” going WD/BOW/BOS for his
first 3 point major at 6 months old under Ms.
Wendy L. Paquette
ROCNL CADRMN Tell me what you See “Rumor”
ROCNL CADRMN Act Naturally “Russell”
CADRMN ROCNL Ticket to Ride “Ziggy”
Russell, Rumor are loved and shown by Laura Craig, Ziggy is loved and shown by
Renee Broden. Bred by: Taryn Pevy, Renee Broden and Laura Craig
”Midge” shown by Renee Broden
going BOB and her son, ROCNL
CADRMN Act Naturally “Russell”
shown by Laura Craig going
WD/BOW/BOS under Mr.
Buxton for 2 points.
Would like to say thank you to the following people for helping make dreams come
true. To GGPWCF, for all the friends I have made and lessons learned, I value each
and every one of you. To Team Stone – Hannah, Sydney, Collen and especially
Shannon, you had faith in my boy, which meant the world to me. And to Sheila
Broderick and Debbie Oliver, you had faith in me and gave me Verilo Cambridge, my
first male dog, my first show dog and now my first Champion. Finally to Vernon
Jettlund, you stuck with me and helped with all the driving, dieting and training…
thank you for joining me on this wild ride. Kathleen Jettlund
This is dedicated in Loving Memory to Patrick Reding (6/1932-11/2014), you weren’t on earth to see
my dream come true but I know you were looking down from heaven the day he won, thanks Dad.
Christmas 2014 at Sharon Berry’s
Photos taken by Laura Craig